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Ic 503061 Z
Ic 503061 Z
L. V. Pisarzhevskii Institute of Physical Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of the Ukraine, Prospekt Nauki 31, Kiev
03028, Ukraine
N. S. Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninsky Prosp. 31, 119991 GSP-1
Moscow, Russian Federation
Centro de Qumica Estrutural, Complexo I, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Av. Rovisco Pais, 1049-001 Lisbon,
Research-And-Education ChemBioCenter, National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv, Chervonotkackaya str., 61, Kiev 03022,
Porous coordination polymers (PCPs) are considered as a basis
for the creation of functional materials for sorption and
separation processes,1 catalysis,2 luminescent,3 or magnetic
applications.4 Due to the unique possibility of PCPs to combine
several properties within one structure, such compounds have a
recognized potential to become multifunctional materials.1c,5
Sorption properties of PCPs are determined by their porosity
that depends on the crystal structures of such compounds and
the arrangement of structural elements. On the other hand,
XXXX American Chemical Society
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Inorganic Chemistry
Figure 1. Polypyridine building blocks (nitrogen atoms that coordinate to metal ions are shown in blue).
solvent, stoichiometry, reaction temperature, or time.6 Polynuclear building blocks in the frameworks of PCPs are usually
formed by the self-assembly of metal ions and organic ligands in
the reaction mixture,7 or via the decomposition of high
nuclearity derivatives.8 However, the number of examples of
presynthesized polynuclear complexes being used as building
blocks is much lower.913 Some success in the directed
synthesis of PCPs possessing the desired structures can only be
expected if a very similar system has already been studied.14 In
particular, the series of similar PCPs was synthesized using the
strategy of reticular synthesis.15 In contrast, the use of
polynuclear complexes as building blocks (without undergoing
rearrangement during reaction) can lead to the assembly of
porous lattices, the structure of which is predetermined to a
certain extent by the topology of such blocks and bridging
In recent years, we reported that the combination of
heterometallic trigonal blocks [Fe2NiO(Piv)6] (hereinafter
abbreviated as [Fe2Ni]) and several polypyridine ligands
resulted in coordination polymers or discrete complexes, the
topologies of which depend on the symmetry of [Fe2Ni] blocks
and the type of polypyridine spacers.911 The [Fe2NiO(Piv)6]
can be considered as a pseudotrigonal building block, since
both the FeIII and NiII atoms show the same coordination
environments and thus could not be distinguished by the X-ray
diraction analysis. The reaction of [Fe2Ni] with linear
bidentate ligands such as 4,4-bipyridine (bipy) or trans-bis(4-pyridyl)ethylene (dpe) produced 2D coordination polymers
[Fe2NiO(Piv)6(bipy)1.5]n or [Fe2NiO(Piv)6(dpe)1.5]n, respectively, which possess honeycomb structures.10,11 Each honeycomb in a 2D layer of these compounds is constructed from six
[Fe2Ni] moieties linked by six polypyridine ligands, resulting in
the interpenetrated layers. The interpenetration is possible due
to the suciently large size of the cavities in honeycombs. The
combination of the same [Fe2Ni] building block with a
pseudotrigonal planar tridentate 2,4,6-tris(4-pyridyl)pyridine
ligand (L1, Figure 1) also gave a 2D coordination polymer
[Fe2NiO(Piv)6(L1)]n3nDMSO0.84nH2O (1) with a honeycomb structure.9 In contrast to [Fe2NiO(Piv)6(bipy)1.5]n or
[Fe 2NiO(Piv) 6(dpe)1.5]n, each honeycomb in [Fe 2NiOB
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Table 1. Crystal Data and Structure Renement Details for 25
empirical formula
fw (g mol1)
temp (K)
wavelength ()
cryst size, mm3
cryst syst
Space group
a ()
b ()
c ()
V (3)
calcd density (g cm3)
abs coe (mm1)
range for data collection (deg)
refns collected
rens unique
GOF on F2
R1 ([I > 2(I)]a
wR2 [I > 2(I)]b
0.710 73
0.15 0.1 0.1
19 891
0.710 73
0.2 0.1 0.1
58 968
13 092
0.710 73
0.1 0.1 0.1
57 839
13 291
empirical formula
fw (g mol1)
temp (K)
wavelength ()
cryst size, mm3
cryst syst
space group
a ()
b ()
c ()
V (3)
calcd density (g cm3)
abs coe (mm1)
range for data collection (deg)
rens collected
rens unique
GOF on F2
R1 ([I > 2(I)]a
wR2 [I > 2(I)]b
0.12 0.08 0.01
75 894
19 292
0.20 0.15 0.1
42 413
29 160
cell measurements and powder XRD). X-ray data for 3 were collected
at 160 and 230 K. The structures were solved using SHELXS-9721 and
rened with SHELXL-9721 by full-matrix least-squares on F2. The H
atoms were treated by a riding model. Disordered solvent molecules in
compounds 3 (at 230 K), 4, and 5 could not be localized, and thus, the
corresponding electronic density was corrected by SQUEEZE.22 Table
1 contains crystal data. CCDC deposition numbers are 1040164
1040168 for 2, 3 (160 K), 3 (230 K), 4, and 5, respectively. The
channel diameters in 1, 2, and 3 were estimated from the Mercury
diagram for a probe molecule with r = 1.4 , taking into account that
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Figure 2. Scheme illustrating the formation of 16 and their structural fragments. All H atoms, t-Bu groups, and noncoordinated molecules (if any)
are omitted for clarity. In 3, planes marked by yellow or green belong to sets; planes within each set are parallel, but planes from dierent sets are
inclined ca. 85 to each other. In 4, yellow and green indicate dierent metallocycles. Structural fragments of 1 and 6 are drawn using published
the image of the channel corresponds to the centers of spheres that
touch channel wall, and a true channel is 2r wider.
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Figure 4. Visualization of voids in the crystal structure of 3 (160 K). Mercury diagram drawn for a probe molecule with r = 1.4 . Projections along
the a and b axes.
Figure 5. Topological representations of the simplied uninodal 3connected networks in 2 (a), 3 (b), 5 (c), and 6 (d) after contracting
the [Fe2Ni(3-O)(-Piv)6] units to 3-connected cluster nodes (second
simplication; for initial simplication, see Supporting Information
Figure S10). (a) 2D net with the hcb [Shubnikov hexagonal plane net
(6,3)] topology and the point symbol of (63) (view along the c axis).
(b) 2D net with the fes [Shubnikov plane net] topology and the point
symbol of (4.82). (c) 1D chain with the SP 1-periodic net (4,4)(0,2)
topology and the point symbol of (42.6). (d) 0D 1D catenated net
with the 3M8-1 topology and the point symbol of (43). Networks
shown in parts b, c, and d are along the a axis. Further details:
[Fe2Ni(3-O)(-Piv)6] cluster node is shown in the center [t-Bu
groups of -Piv are omitted for clarity; Fe (green), Ni (cyan), O (red),
C (gray)]; (ad) centroids of [Fe2Ni(3-O)(-Piv)6] cluster nodes
after simplication (green), centroids of 3-L1,3 nodes or 2-L5,6 linkers
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from a 3-oxo trimetallic hexacarboxylate cluster [M3(3-O)(RCOO)6] as a secondary building unit (SBU).26,30,33
After simplication procedure, the obtained trinodal 3,3,4connected double chain of 5 (Figure 5d and Supporting
Information Figure S10) can be topologically described by the
point symbol of (33.8.92)2(33.82.9)(33) with the (33.8.92),
(33.82.9), and (33) notations corresponding to the 4-connected
Fe1/Fe3/Ni1/Ni2, 4-connected Fe2/Fe4, and 3-connected 3O nodes, respectively. Further simplication of this topologically unique 1D network by treating the [Fe2Ni(3-O)(Piv)6] units as 3-connected cluster nodes and 2-L5 moieties as
2-connected linkers furnishes a uninodal net (Figure 5d) with a
rare SP 1-periodic net (4,4)(0,2) topology26 dened by the
point symbol of (42.6).
The underlying structure of 6 is composed of the discrete 0D
clusters that are catenated into a 1D array. The topological
analysis reveals a binodal 3,4-connected net (Figure 5c and
Supporting Information Figure S10) that features an
unreported topology26,28,30,33 described by the point symbol
of (33.82.9)3(33), wherein the (33.82.9) and (33) indices are
those of the 4-connected Fe and Ni nodes (topologically
equivalent) and 3-connected 3-O nodes, respectively. The
[Fe2Ni(3-O)(-Piv)6] blocks can be contracted to the 3connected cluster nodes which, along with the 2-connected 2L6 linkers, give rise to a further simplied uninodal net (Figure
5c) with the 3M8-1 topology and the point symbol of (43). The
present type of topology is very rare and has been reported only
in a single case.34
Thermal Stability and Sorption Properties of 2, 3, and 3.
Partial or complete desolvation of 2 has almost no inuence on
its crystal structure, as conrmed by comparison of powder
XRD patterns (Supporting Information Figure S11) and
successful X-ray structure determination of the desolvated
crystal. Only some redistribution of relative intensities of
reections was observed in the experimental patterns compared
to calculated ones. All expected reections were found on
experimental patterns.
In contrast, the powder XRD pattern of air-dried sample of 3,
prepared in DMSO (the same solvent as used for single-crystal
growth), contains wide reections which are evidence for poor
crystallinity of the bulk sample of this compound or small
particle size (Supporting Information Figure S12). While
positions of these reections correspond to the expected ones
(with some redistribution of relative intensities, as in the case of
2), some expected reections are not found. In particular, all
low-angle reections (at 2 = 5.6, 5.9, and 6.7, which
correspond to 002, 011, and 100 planes, respectively) are
absent, and there is also no reection at 2 = 18.7 (125
plane). Reections expected between 2 = 8.5 and 9.0
(planes 110, 003, 102, 111, 102, and 111) merge in the
experimental powder XRD pattern of 3.
As mentioned in the Experimental Section, the reaction
between the same reagents in DMF instead of DMSO led to
the formation of sample 3. Surprisingly, powder XRD pattern
of 3 contained more distinct and narrow reections, which t
much better to the expected powder XRD pattern (Supporting
Information Figure S12). The dominating majority of expected
reections was found (redistribution of relative intensities
Heating of samples 2 and 3 in 103 Torr vacuum, performed
for activation prior to sorption measurements, did not lead to
signicant structural changes, as evidenced by comparison of
their powder XRD patterns with X-ray diraction for
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SBET, m2 g1b
VDR, cm3 g1
u(H2), % by weight
this work
this work
this work
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Figure 8. (a) Isotherm of salicylaldehyde sorption by 2 from toluene solution and (b) time dependence of salicylaldehyde sorption by 2 from
toluene solution for c(Sal)0 = 0.039 M () or c(Sal)0 = 0.055 M (). T = 373 K.
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2-L5,6 blocks. The latter appear to play a crucial structuredriven role in dening the dimensionality and topological type
of the resulting network.
In 2, the values of pore volume found from N2 sorption and
sorption capacity regarding methanol and ethanol were close to
those expected from the X-ray crystal structure. The isotherm
of N2 sorption by 2 resembled those of type I according to
IUPAC classication, typical for microporous sorbents. The
dierence between sorption of methanol or ethanol by 2 was
only in the shape of the isotherm (which can be explained by
hostguest interaction energy), but not in the volume of pores
accessible to these alcohols. In 2, the volume of pores accessible
to N2, methanol, or ethanol was close to 0.3 cm3 g1, indicating
that the pores could be completely lled by these substrates
without any size discrimination. These ndings point out that
the crystal lattice of 2 is rigid and does not change upon
interaction with N2 and alcohols. Pores of 2 were accessible to
salicylaldehyde, but the rate of its adsorption is rather low if
compared to those of similar previously reported systems.
Nevertheless, catalytic activity of 2 in the condensation of
salicylaldehyde and malononitrile was signicantly higher than
its activity in a similar reaction involving 9-anthracenecarbaldehyde and malononitrile substrates. In addition, the dierence
between salicylaldehyde and 9-anthracenecarbaldehyde conversions catalyzed by 2 was higher than the corresponding
dierence in the reactions catalyzed by L2. This nding can be
partially explained by the sieving eect (discrimination of
aldehyde molecules by size) rather than the higher reactivity of
salicylaldehyde. Pore volumes for 3 and 3 found from N2
adsorption were much lower than the values expected from
crystallographic data, which can be explained by pore blocking.
Signicant dependency of sorption characteristics of 3 on a
samples crystallinity (estimated from the width of reections
on powder XRD patterns) was found. It can be concluded that
crystal lattice of 3 is less stable toward collapse than that of 2.
The design of novel metalorganic materials constructed
from the dierent heterometallic hexacarboxylate SBUs and
polypyridine type spacers and the investigation of their
functional properties are currently in progress.
S Supporting Information
Corresponding Authors
The present study has extended the growing family of
coordination polymers built from the trimetallic hexacarboxylate [M3(3-O)(-RCOO)6] SBUs, resulting in the synthesis
and characterization of the four new heterometallic Fe/Ni
coordination polymers 2, 3, 4, and 5. These, along with the
related derivatives 1 and 6, have been topologically classied,
revealing uninodal 3-connected underlying 2D, 1D, or 0D nets
with distinct topologies. After additional simplication, these
include the hcb (1, 2), fes (3, 4), SP 1-periodic net (4,4)(0,2)
(5), and 3M8-1 (6) topologies constructed from the cluster
[Fe2Ni(3-O)(-Piv)6] nodes and the polypyridine 3-L1,2,3,4 or
This work was partially supported by a joint grant of the
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and Russian
Foundation for Basic Research (No. 03-03-14), program of
the National Academy of Sciences Hydrogen in alternative
energetics and novel technologies. A.M.K. acknowledges the
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