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Ansys Abstract Selva

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Centrifugal blowers are used extensively for on-board naval applications have high noise
levels. The noise produced by a rotating component is mainly due to random loading force on the
blades and periodic iteration of incoming are with the blades of the rotor. The contemporary
blades in naval applications are made up of aluminum or steel and generate noise that causes
disturbance to the people working near the blower.
The present work aims at examining the choice of composites as an alternative to metal
for better vibration control. Composites, known for their superior damping characteristics are
more promising in vibration reduction compared to metals. The modeling of the blower was
done by using solid modeling software, CATIA V5 R19. The blower is meshed with a three
dimensional hex8 mesh is done using HYPERMESH 10.
It is proposed to design a blower with composite material, analyze its strength and
deformation using FEM software. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of composites and metal
blower using FEA packaged (ANSYS). Modal analysis is performed on both Aluminum and
composite blower to find out first 5 natural frequencies.

Ships and underwater vehicles like submarine and torpedoes use propeller for propulsion.
In general, propellers are used as propulsors and they are also used to develop significant thrust

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Uppal, Hyderabad | 4/13 Brodipet, Guntur | Benz Circle, Vijayawada
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2.Dynamic analysis of composite propeller of ship using FEA


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to propel the vehicle at its operational speed and RPM. The blade geometry and design are more
complex involving many controlling parameters. Propeller with conventional isotropic materials
creates more vibration and noise in its rotation. It is undesirable in stealth point of view. In
current years the increased need for light weight structural element with acoustic insulation has
led to use of fiber reinforced multi layered composite propeller. The present work is to carry out
the dynamic analysis of aluminum, composite propeller of CFRP (Carbon Fiber Reinforced
Plastics) materials.

The present thesis deals with modeling and analyzing the propeller blade of a underwater
vehicle for their strength. A propeller is a complex geometry which requires high end modeling
software. The solid model of propeller is developed in CATIA V5 R19. Tetrahedral mesh is
generated for the model using HYPER MESH. Static, Eigen and frequency responses analysis of
both aluminum and composite propeller are carried out in ANSYS. Interlaminar shear stresses
are calculated for composite propeller by varying the number of layers. The stresses obtained are
well within the limit of elastic property of the materials.


The characteristics of heat exchanger design are the procedure of specifying a design,

requirements or not. The purpose of this thesis work is how to design the oil cooler (heat
exchanger) especially for shell-and-tube heat exchanger which is the majority type of liquid-toliquid heat exchanger. General design considerations and design procedure are also illustrated in
this thesis. In design calculation, the HTRI code and Ansys software are used. Heat transfer
concepts and complex relationships involved in such exchanger are also presented. The primary

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Uppal, Hyderabad | 4/13 Brodipet, Guntur | Benz Circle, Vijayawada
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heat transfer area and pressure drops and checking whether the assumed design satisfies all


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aim of this design is to obtain a high heat transfer rate without exceeding the allowable pressure
drop. This HTRI code and computer package is highly useful to design the heat exchanger and to
compare the design. Within the project work , the thermal and pressure drop calculations are
done by using the empirical formula, as per TEMA and verified with HTRI software package
The pressure drop values on shell side and tube side at the same time, overall heat
transfer coefficient values are found out and observed that they are with a variation of 0.29%,
1.4% and 1.68% respectively and matching with the HTRI software. From the theoretical
modeling, the convection heat transfer coefficients along with the bulk temperature are found out
and imposed as boundary conditions to predict the temperature distribution in heat transfer
analysis in both the shell and tube.


Nozzles have significant role in the turbines, heat exchangers, air coolers to control the flow of
fluid and to spry the fluid in fine droplets with high velocity. Nozzle converts the pressure
energy of the fluid in to the kinetic energy. The high pressure fluid is supplied to the nozzle inlet
section as it flows across the nozzle it expands and its pressure decreases with increase in
velocity of fluid. To obtain the specified velocity of the fluid at the exit of the nozzle to suit the
application the fluid has to be supplied at the inlet at predetermined high pressure. In the process
of expansion of fluid nozzle subjected to varying pressure and velocity of fluid. Due to this

should be in the allowable limits of the material used. For this the nozzle is analyzed under
various operating conditions to obtain safer nozzle design. In the present work an attempt is
made to analysis of the nozzle of various cross sections and types using finite element analysis.

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Uppal, Hyderabad | 4/13 Brodipet, Guntur | Benz Circle, Vijayawada
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stresses are induced in the nozzle. So the nozzle is to be designed such that the induced stresses


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The nozzles are modeled in CATIA imparted HYPER MESH for quality mesh then analysis is
performed in ANSYS.



The cylinder block forms the basic framework of the engine, it houses the engine
cylinders, which serve as bearings and guides for the pistons reciprocating in them. The analysis
of the engine block is to be carried out to predict its behavior under static and dynamic loading.
The cylinder block has to withstand the stresses and deformations due to loads acting on it. The
solid model of the block is generated in CATIA V5 R19.The nth model is imported to
HYPERMESH 10 through IGES format. The quality mesh is prepared in HYPERMESH for
converged solution and the solver set as ANSYS in which loads and boundary conditions are
applied for analysis. By using different materials Aluminium , Grey cast iron, Steel ,Titanium
and Brass. The static analysis is performed to predict the deformations and stresses. The modal
analysis using lanczos algorithm to predict the natural frequencies and corresponding mode


In the present work the first stage rotor blade of a two-stage gas turbine has been analyzed for
structural, thermal using ANSYS 12, which is a powerful Finite Element Software. In the

evaluated using this software.

In the present work, the first stage rotor blade of the gas turbine has been analyzed using ANSYS
12 for the mechanical and radial elongations resulting from the tangential, axial and centrifugal
forces. The gas forces namely tangential, axial were determined by constructing velocity

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Uppal, Hyderabad | 4/13 Brodipet, Guntur | Benz Circle, Vijayawada
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process of getting the thermal stresses, the temperature distribution in the rotor blade has been


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Mobile: 9603150547
triangles at inlet and exist of rotor blades. The rotor blade was then analyzed using ANSYS 12
for the temperature distribution. For obtaining temperature distribution, the convective heat
transfer coefficients on the blade surface exposed to the gas have to feed to the software. The
convective heat transfer coefficients were calculated using the heat transfer empirical relations
taken from the heat transfer design dada book. After containing the temperature distribution, the
rotor blade was then analyzed using ANSYS 12 for the combined mechanical and thermal
stresses. The radial elongations in the blade were also evaluated.The turbine blade along with the
groove is considered for the static, thermal, modal analysis.


Marine engines are among heavy-duty machineries, which need to be taken care of in the best
way during prototype development stages. These engines are operated at very high speeds which
induce large stresses and deflections in the gears as well as in other rotating components. For the
safe functioning of the engine, these stresses and deflections have to be minimized.
In this project, static-structural analysis on a high speed helical gear used in marine engines,
have been performed. The dimensions of the model have been arrived at by
theoretical methods. The stresses generated and the deflections of the tooth have been
analyzed for different materials. Finall y the results obtained by theoretical anal ysis
and Finite Element Anal ysis are compared to check the correctness. A conclusion
has been arrived on the material which is best suited for the marine engines based on the results.

A piston is a disc which reciprocates within a cylinder. It is either moved by the fluid or it moves
the fluid which enters the cylinder. The main function of the piston of an IC engine is to receive
the impulse from the expanding gas and to transmit the energy to the crankshaft through the

Vision Solutions
Uppal, Hyderabad | 4/13 Brodipet, Guntur | Benz Circle, Vijayawada
E-Mail:[email protected], call-9603150547
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connecting rod. The piston must also disperse a large amount of heat from the combustion
chamber to the cylinder walls.

The aim of our project is to design a piston for 150cc engine using theoretical calculations for
Aluminum Alloy A360. 2D drawing is created and a 3D model of piston is designed using Catia
and analysis is done in Ansys .

Coupled field analysis (i.e) structural + thermal is done on the piston to verify the strength. The
analysis is done using two different materials Cast Iron, Aluminum Alloy A360 and Phosphor
Bronze. Comparison is done for the three materials to verify the better material for our designed


The main objective behind undertaking the project Design and Analysis of Efficient Disc Brake
Rotor is to study and evaluate the performance of disc brake under severe braking conditions
and thereby assisting in disc brake rotor design and analysis. CATIA is used for modeling and
ANSYS 12.0 is used for Analysis. In this project, an improved design of a disc brake rotor is
considered for analysis. Flange width of 10mm made of Cast Iron, Aluminum and Aluminum
composite is considered. A Steady State Thermal Analysis is performed to obtain the
Temperature Distribution. An attempt is made to improve the heat dissipation for disc brake
rotor, which yields a low temperature variation across the rotor disc and thus increase the
efficiency of a disc brake rotor.







Automotive drive Shaft is a very important components of vehicle. The overall objective of this
Project is to design and analyze a composite drive shaft for power transmission. Substituting
composite structures for conventional metallic structures has many advantages because of higher

Vision Solutions
Uppal, Hyderabad | 4/13 Brodipet, Guntur | Benz Circle, Vijayawada
E-Mail:[email protected], call-9603150547
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specific stiffness and strength of composite materials. This work deals with the replacement of
conventional two-piece steel drive shafts with a Composite material's. In this work Carbon
Epoxy is used as composite material The design parameters were optimized with the objective of
minimizing the weight of composite drive shaft. In this present work an attempt has been to
estimate the deflection, stresses, natural frequencies under subjected loads using FEA. Further
comparison carried out for both steel and composite materials and weight of the shaft is
optimized and stress intensity factor found for both Steel and composite drive shafts.


The main objective of the project is to study the effect of geometric parameters on the stiffness
of the big-end of connecting rod. In operation, the connecting rod is subjected to both gas
pressure and inertia loads, and therefore, it must be adequately strong and rigid and light in
weight as well. Four models of the connecting rod are modeled using Catia with slight variations
in their geometric parameters. A connecting rod with less stresses in big-end is chosen to prevent
the failure of the connecting rod.
Internal Combustion Engines are the ones that have withstood the test of time and the Poppet

extremely reliable, but the problem associated with this system is the high frictional loss and
large number of components. This is the motivation for the project, i.e., to develop a valve train
having lesser number of components, has reduced friction and wear, consumes least amount of
energy and at the same time is as effective as the poppet valve system from sealing point of view
and has low pumping losses. Various geometric designs of the valve train were developed and

Vision Solutions
Uppal, Hyderabad | 4/13 Brodipet, Guntur | Benz Circle, Vijayawada
E-Mail:[email protected], call-9603150547
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Vision Groups

valve system is an indispensable part of the engine. The poppet valve system is found to be


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Mobile: 9603150547
detailed study of the feasible concept was carried out. Finally a convolution based poppet valve
system, which is free from numerous mechanical elements like the camshaft, cam, pushrod,
rocker arm and rocker bearing is proposed. Finite element analysis is carried out to obtain a
bellow that gives the desired valve lift and the stress levels are within the acceptable limits. The
same is validated experimentally to some extend by fabricating the bellows and taking trials.
The objective of this present work is to estimate the deflection, stress and mode
frequency induced in the leaf spring of an army jeep design by the ordinance factory. The
emphasis in this project is on the application of computer aided analysis using finite element
concept. The component chosen for analysis is a leaf spring which is an automotive component
used to absorb vibrations induced during the motion of vehicle. It also acts as a structure to
support vertical loading due to the weight of the vehicle and payload. Under operating
conditions, the behavior of the leaf spring is complicated due to its clamping effects and interleaf
contact, hence its analysis is essential to predict the displacement, mode frequency and stresses.
The leaf spring, which we are analyzing, is a specially designed leaf spring used in military
jeeps. This spring is intended to bare heavy jerks and vibrations reduced during military
operations. A model of such jeep has been shown in this project report. In analysis part the finite
element of leaf spring is created using solid tetrahedron elements, appropriate boundary
conditions are applied, material properties are given and loads are applied as per its design, the
resultant deformation, mode frequencies and stresses obtained are reported and discussed.

The raw mill separator unit is an integral part of modern cement manufacturing
industries. The unit consists of main and auxiliary fan assemblies along with many other
accessories. The purpose of the raw mill separator is to create suction pressure and provide the

Vision Solutions
Uppal, Hyderabad | 4/13 Brodipet, Guntur | Benz Circle, Vijayawada
E-Mail:[email protected], call-9603150547
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means to separate the fine cement particles from coarse cement particles. The fine particles are
collected separately while the coarse particles are again sent back to crushing units and the cycle
goes on. The cement comprises of two main erodent in form of alumina and silica which causes
wear loss of fan blade in raw mill separator unit. Since this wear loss is non uniform in nature, it
causes the development of eccentricity in the rotating fan assemblies of separator. This rotating
un balance causes the whole structure to vibrate. The foundation and other installed units this
raw mill separator unit get thus vibrating. Therefore it becomes important to analyze the
vibration characteristics of separator unit for different cases of unbalance and to find out suitable
means to minimize the vibration. In this report, the computer aided solid model generation of the
separator fan assemblies has been done based on the drawings. The modal analysis of the fan
assembly attached with housing and supporting frame has been done using finite element
analysis software. To see the effect of unbalance on supporting structure one simplified approach
has been used and vibration response for unbalanced rotation has been analyzed. The root cause
of unbalance in separator fan assembly is non uniform wear loss of fan blade material. To control
this erosive wear loss from fan blade, one experiment has been performed to compare the wear
loss from mild steel substrate plate coated with suitable hard material. Good wear resistance
result has been found for coated material which can be used for fan blade to control the quick
wear loss.


The main objective of this project was to investigate weight and cost reduction opportunities for

detailed dynamic load analysis. Therefore, this study consists of dynamic load analysis and
stress analysis. In this project a dynamic simulation was conducted on crankshafts cast iron from
similar single cylinder four stroke engines. Finite element analysis was performed to obtain the
variation of stress magnitude at critical locations. The pressure-volume diagram was used to

Vision Solutions
Uppal, Hyderabad | 4/13 Brodipet, Guntur | Benz Circle, Vijayawada
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Vision Groups

a forged steel crankshaft. The need of load history in the FEM analysis necessitates performing a


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calculate the load boundary condition in dynamic simulation model, and other simulation inputs
were taken from the engine specification chart. The analysis was done for different engine
speeds and as a result, critical engine speed and critical region on the crankshafts were obtained.
Stress variation over the engine cycle and the effect of torsional load in the analysis were


The title entitled to our major project is STATIC AND DYNAMIC ANALYSIS OF
AIRCRAFT STIFFENED PANEL. Stiffened panel is a component in aircraft that is used to
fasten the stiffener and the skin. These are the components that carry and allocate the loads
throughout the surface of the fuselage or the wing. These panels are present in both fuselage and
wings. Stiffener or longeron or stringer is a thin metal strip that is used as a supporting member
in fuselage and wing. When we consider the issue i.e. resistance of the aircrafts skin towards the
loads applied on it, due to frailty the aircraft skin is easily deformed. In order to solve this
problem we designed a stiffened panel which can endure to deflection and stress levels.
By changing the stiffened panel sections and by changing the material of the skin, the
aircraft skin can withstand the deformation. Generally T-section stiffened panel is used but there
is a disadvantage of using T-section, it cant resist to deformation. So we designed an I-section
stiffened panel (because I-section is more resistant to deformation) in CATIA and Meshing in

Modal analysis, Static analysis, Harmonic analysis respectively and also we considered two
materials, one is aluminum and the other is carbon fiber. Aluminum is the common element used
in the design of aircraft, but Carbon fiber is recently being used in aircrafts.

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Uppal, Hyderabad | 4/13 Brodipet, Guntur | Benz Circle, Vijayawada
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Vision Groups

Hypermesh and Analysis is done in ANSYS. We considered three types of analysis in ANSYS,


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The structure of machine tool forms the vital link between the cutting tool and the work
piece. The machine tool accuracy mostly depends upon the structural design of the various
components of the machine tool. To maintain the accuracy under the influence of cutting forces
and the moving weight of machine tool elements, the structure, particularly spindle must poses
high dynamic stiffness. The spindle should be rigid enough to with stand the various forces
acting on it. Therefore, the extent to which the behavior of the various elements of a machine
tool contributed to its overall performance is by no means fully understood.
The objective of the present project work is to design the machine tool spindle (CNC
Horizontal Boring machine) for dynamic stiffness by considering the above influencing
For this purpose Finite Element Method is being implemented to analyze the spindle
behavior in CNC Horizontal Boring machine. FEM package like ANSYS 12 is used in this
FEM methods are widely used in industry for analyzing various mechanical parts. It has
also found its use in Civil Engineering (for structural analysis), Aeronautics etc., It has a broad



Vision Solutions
Uppal, Hyderabad | 4/13 Brodipet, Guntur | Benz Circle, Vijayawada
E-Mail:[email protected], call-9603150547
Web site: www.visiongroups.org

Vision Groups

spectrum of uses than they appear to be.


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A three dimensional sandwich panel, which is characterized by two thin flat sheets and a core
sandwiched between them is relatively a complex structure. After study of the previous data, the
assumptions required for analysis of orthotropic sandwich panels with corrugated core are
finalized. The analysis of orthotropic sandwich panels are complex and the number of variables
involved is high. A description is given for predicting buckling stresses of rectangular sandwich
panels with corrugated core. Mathematical formulations are made for finding elastic contants of
orthotropic sandwich panels and for their buckling co- efficients/loads. Finite element method is
used for finding the buckling stresses of rectangular sandwich panels with different types of
corrugated core.
The purpose of the present work is to determine the buckling stresses induced in
orthotropic sandwich panels with the newly developed Top hat core and compare with the
buckling stresses obtained with the earlier available types of corrugated core(Continuous
corrugated core, Top hat core, Zed core and channel core) and to summarise the benefits of top
hat core.Accordingly buckling stresses were calculated using the powerful finite element analysis
tool ANSYS .


This project aims at reduction of weight of Liquid petroleum gas(LPG). So, the finite

Reinforced Plastic (FRP) composites has been carried out. Finite element analysis of composite
cylinder subjected to internal pressure is performed. Layered shell element of a versatile FE
analysis package ANSYS (version 12.0) has been used to model the shell with FRP composites.

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Uppal, Hyderabad | 4/13 Brodipet, Guntur | Benz Circle, Vijayawada
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element analysis of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) cylinders made of Steel and Fiber


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A number of cases are considered to study the stresses and deformations due to pressure
loading inside the cylinder. First, the results of stresses and deformation for steel cylinders are
compared with the analytical solution available in literature in order to validate the model and
the software. The weight savings are also presented for steel, Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastic
(GFRP) composites and Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic (CFRP) composite LPG cylinders.
Variations of stresses and deformations throughout the cylinder made of steel, GFRP and CFRP
are studied.

A complex orthotropic mechanics of FRP composites has been studied and discussed in
brief to have some understanding of behavior of FRP composites. In addition to that an
introductory Finite Element Method has also been presented on the basis of which the cylinder
has been analyzed.


In an effort to save weight while still remaining high strength, many contemporary structural
systems are designed with lower margins of safety than predecessors. The criterion of minimum
weight design is particularly prevalent in the design of aircraft, missile, and spacecraft vehicles.
One obvious means of obtaining a high strength, minimum weight design is the use of light, thin-

I, Z, Channel and angle sections are frequently used for intricate structures in spacecrafts. Due to
low torsional rigidity thin-walled beams of open sections, the problem of torsional vibrations and
stability is of prime interest. For the last three to four decades mechanical vibrations have been
recognized as a major factor in the design. Mechanical vibrations produce increased stress,

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Uppal, Hyderabad | 4/13 Brodipet, Guntur | Benz Circle, Vijayawada
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Vision Groups

walled structural members of high strength alloys. Thin- walled beams of open sections such as


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energy loss and noise that should be considered in the design stages if these undesirable effects
are to be avoided, or to be kept minimum.
The present work particularly deals with dynamic analysis of lengthy uniform thinwalled uniform I-beams and tapered I-beams of open sections, particularly composite beams.
Fiber-reinforced plastics (FRP) have been increasingly used over the past few decades in a
variety of structures that require high ratio of stiffness and strength to weight. A
displacement-based one-dimensional finite element model is developed to predict natural
frequencies and corresponding vibration modes for a thin-walled composite beam. Numerical
results are obtained for thin-walled composite beams addressing the effects of fiber angle,
modulus ratio, height-to-thickness ratio, and boundary conditions on the vibration frequencies
and mode shapes of the composites. Using ANSYS 12, the modal and harmonic analysis are
carried out and presented in graphical form.



Analytical solution exists for relatively simple cases. Due to complicated boundary conditions
associated with the governing equations analytical approaches are used. Over the last decade or
so finite element method has been firmly established as a standard procedure for the solution of
practical fracture problems.

strength, fracture and fatigue crack growth rate has resulted in effort being expanded on the
determination of SIF.A number of techniques have been suggested for the validation of SIF from
the finite element results but adequate representation of crack tip singularity remains a common
problem to most of these method.

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Uppal, Hyderabad | 4/13 Brodipet, Guntur | Benz Circle, Vijayawada
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The usefulness of stress intensity factors (SIFs) in the analysis of the problems of residual


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The objective of the present work is to investigate the Stress Intensity Factor (SIF) for
benchmark problems for static and dynamic loading in composite plates having center, edge.
Further the analysis is extended to CT specimen, plate with 3-point bend, v-notch and double
edge notch.
In the static analysis SIFs are found for an isotropic material using singular and j-integral
approach and it is inferred that the deviation is minimal. For the orthotropic material SIF is found
out for the above specimens with Carbon UD/Epoxy, R Glass roving UD/epoxy, S 2 glass
fabric/epoxy material properties.


Composite thin cylindrical shells are most widely used structural forms in Aerospace and
Missile applications. In designing efficient and optimized shell structure, they become
increasingly sensitive to buckling. It is well known that the experimental display is mainly
attributed to geometrical imperfection like damage in the structure, or local thinning of material
In Missile and Airframe, the composite cylindrical shell structure is generally provided
with cutouts for accessing internal components during integration. The cutouts invariably reduce
the strength of the composite cylindrical shell and more specifically the buckling load. It has

cutout not only introduces stress concentration but also significantly reduce buckling load.
Results from a numerical study of the response of thin-walled compressionloaded laminated composite cylindrical shells with unreinforced and reinforced square
cutouts are presented. The results indicate that a local buckling and deformation occurs in

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been a design practice to improve strength by addition of Reinforcement around cutout. The


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the shell near the cutouts are described when subjected to compression load. Interlaminar
shear stress occurs on the near the free edge of the cutouts.

general, reinforcement around a cutout in a compression-loaded composite

cylindrical shells is shown to retard or eliminate the local buckling response, Interlaminr
shear stress near the cutout and increase the buckling load and decrease the deformation of

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Uppal, Hyderabad | 4/13 Brodipet, Guntur | Benz Circle, Vijayawada
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the shell.

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