Software Compass Directional Guidance

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Compass Directional Guidance, Inc., 14230 Interdrive East Houston, TX 77032

Office: 281-442-7484 Fax: 832-230-2145

This manual is the property of Compass Directional Guidance, Inc. This manual must remain with
the principal user of the Compass EM tool.

Copies made by anyone without the permission of Compass Directional Guidance, Inc., is an
infringement of copyright.

Field Operations Manual





















4. BOM










Field Operations Manual


















MWD Tool Pickup And Lay Down Procedures & Torque Guide



Field Operations Manual

The enclosed is a composite of materials designed for the users of MWD tools based on
the Compass Platform or systems that are compatible; including Tensor MWD (now GE)
the existing GE 3-bay system and other various compatible Tensor MWD platforms:
Mud Pulse MWD
complete with pulsers types
top mount
Hot Hole
Pressure Transmitting Tools
High amp tools
High voltage tools
Pressure Transmitting Tools
Survey Monitoring MWD
MWD accessories
Resistivity Package
Compass has incorporated material from various vendors as needed to ensure the
ability to cover different and various tool configurations.

Field Operations Manual


This manual was designed for users of MWD systems

Presented on the
Compass Directional Guidance Platform
With other various compatible Tensor MWD too

Field Operations Manual




Compass has been working on the current platform since the first Tensor tools
were being introduced back in 1996. During the earlier Tensor years the answer
to problems was to make slight modifications (tweek it). After being acquired by
several other companies and finally by General Electric; all involved did not make
any significant changes to the tool and became obvious that it became
synonymous with good enough.
In spite of obstacles compiled by the various companies; Compass has stayed
with the basic platform and built on it as well as some of our key suppliers.
Today Compass can take the basic Compass platform or other compatible
Tensor tools and customize it or make add-ons to give the customer the following
Mud Pulse MWD package that can include the following:
Directional Module
- Standard electronics
- Fully GE compatible
- Fully digital
-Hot Hole electronics
- Stepper
- Hot Hole
- Top mount
Wellbore monitoring tools
- Standard and Focused
Rotary bow spring interconnects for higher angle wells for
additional flex or for use with EM to provide needed contacts
Rotary connectors with integrated rubber fins are standard on
monitor tools but with time will be standard on all tool configuration
EM MWD package that can include the following:
-Gap subs for all hole sizes
-EM Transmitters and Receivers
-High amp
-High volt
-PEM transmitters capable of both EM or Mud pulse
-1Chapter 1 | Introduction


As can be seen the Compass platform as described above gives a

customer one of the most versatile systems on the market. This
results in the ability to optimize usage on the fleet which in turn will
lead to higher margins and minimal repairs. When repairs are needed
Compass or our key vendors will ensure quick turn around. As
needed Compass can also provide fleet maintenance and audit
programs to ensure product compatibility and reliability.

-2Chapter 1 | Introduction








15.0 lb.

3.0 bl.

Operating Temp.

-77 to +350 F.

-77 to +350 F.

End Connectors

200, 10 Pin GE

MDM-15 Pin


Gamma ray tools record naturally

occurring gamma rays in the
formations adjacent to the wellbore.
This nuclear measurement indicates
the radioactive content of the
environment, gamma ray tools are the
standard device used for the
correlation of logs in cased and open
Gamma ray tools use a super
sensitive hermetically sealed Sodium
Iodide Scintillator crystal and a
Photomultiplier for maximum log



Length (make up)


Technical Data Sheet






18,000 PSI

18,000 PSI

1.7 Counts per API

0.6 Counts per API

+/-5% to 300 F.

+/-5% to 300 F.

+/-10% to 350 F.

+/-10% to 350 F.



Survival Temp.

400 F.

400 F.

Max Heat/Cool

5 F./Minute

5 F./Minute

30 G.

30 G.

Vibration (3 axis)
50-300 Hz

30 G.

30 G.

Shock (Z-axis)

500 G., 0.5 mS

500 G., 0.5 mS

Shock (Y-axis)

1000 G., 0.5 mS

1000 G., 0.5 mS

Input Voltage
Input Current

22-30 Volts

22-30 Volts

18-14 mA.

18-14 mA.

31.5 Volts

31.5 Volts

+5V to 0V, 2(+/-0.5)

+5V to 0V, 2(+/-0.5)



Maximum Voltage
Output Signal

-3Chapter 1 | Introduction


Depth determination
Depth correlation within the well and between wells
Lithology identification
Qualitative evaluation of shaliness
Qualitative evaluation of radioactive mineral


The Gamma Ray Tool measures the naturally

occurring gamma radiation in the formations.
Most naturally occurring radiation comes from
potassium which is contained in clay
minerals. Thus the gamma ray log is useful
for distinguishing shales from non-shales.
Some gamma radiation comes from uranium
(which is most often found in formations
through which water once flowed) or thorium
(which is found in various clay minerals) and
The spectral gamma ray device differentiates
these three sources of gamma radiation
based on the energy distribution of the gamma rays striking the detector.

-4Chapter 1 | Introduction



Distinguish shales from nonshales

Estimate clay content in sands
and limestones
Correlation of real-time data with
offset logs to determine geologic
Picking casing and coring points

Potassium (40K)


Count rates are time-dependent

and are thus less accurate at
high ROPs
The drill collar absorbs gamma
rays differently than the housing
of a wireline gamma ray tool,
making exact comparisons of
wireline and MWD gamma ray logs difficult
Drill cuttings and drilling fluids with high potassium (K) content can have effects
on the MWD gamma probe.

-5Chapter 1 | Introduction







Option 1 Gamma Tool

configuration should
be run in the vertical
hole sections and
through the curves.


Option 2 Gamma Tool configuration

should be run in the through the
lower curved section and in the
lateral sections.



Magnetic Spacing is an extremely

important factor to consider when
designing the gamma tool
configuration. Check all magnetic
spacing charts to insure the proper
spacing from the motor and from
the upper drill string.



-6Chapter 1 | Introduction


Technical Data Sheet


Collar Sizes


Compass Mud Pulse Platform

89mm or 3
121mm or 4
165mm or 6
203mm or 8
Real time as well as memory
Resistivity curves with option of
gamma, inclination and ROP as


Resistivity curves are not bore hole


1 Frequency
2 Depths of investigation
Measurements up to 2000 ohms


Probe O.D.

The platform is the Compass

Mud Pulse which is fully
retrievable. This same
retrievability is available in the
Gen II resistivity package
1 7/8 Used in monels and
resistivity collar from 3.5- 9.5.
Fully retrievable sensor package


150 C. (302 F.)

Tool Power

High performance lithium



Field rebuildable collar. Ideal for

remote locations including
international operations

-7Chapter 1 | Introduction


Typical Log c/w Gamma

-8Chapter 1 | Introduction


The ability of a material to resist electrical conduction. It is the inverse of conductivity and is
measured in ohm-m. The resistivity is a property of the material, whereas the resistance also
depends on the volume measured. The two are related by a system constant, which in simple
cases is the length between the measurement electrodes divided by the area. In the general
case, the resistivity is the electric field divided by the current density and depends on the
frequency of the applied signal

A log of the resistivity of the formation, expressed in ohm-m. The resistivity can take a wide range
of values, and, therefore, for convenience is usually presented on a logarithmic scale from, for
example, 0.2 to 2000 ohm-m. The resistivity log is fundamental in formation evaluation because
hydrocarbons do not conduct electricity while all formation waters do. Therefore a large difference
exists between the resistivity of rocks filled with hydrocarbons and those filled with formation
water. Clay minerals and a few other minerals, such as pyrite, also conduct electricity, and reduce
the difference. Some measurement devices, such as induction and propagation resistivity logs,
may respond more directly to conductivity, but are presented in resistivity.

-9Chapter 1 | Introduction



Annular pressure requires the Pressure Stinger and pressure Muleshoe sleeve. The Muleshoe
sleeve is seated into the UBHO Sub and is oriented to the high side of the mud motor. Modified
set screws with a ported hole in the middle are used to tighten up the Muleshoe sleeve to the
UBHO Sub. An alternate method is to use a UBHO Sub that is ported.
When setting the Muleshoe sleeve to the high side, use solid set screws to lock the sleeve in
place first. Pick up tool string and seat the tool string in the collar. Pull the BHA up to the UBHO
Sub and replace the solid set screws with the ported set screws one at a time. This will prevent
any flow from coming back to surface if the ported set screws are used.
The Transducer is located inside the barrel above the helix end. The Pressure Stinger is screwed
on to the helix end with blue Loctite. Make sure all o-rings are installed on the Pressure Stinger outside 210 o-ring x 4, and 115 o-ring on threads. Make sure wear shoulder is not worn down. If
it is, it will not line up the ported hole on the Pressure Stinger to the ported holes on the Muleshoe
sleeve. Slide the pressure test sleeve over the Muleshoe and use the hydraulic pump to apply
Configuration of the annular pressure can be setup in the Survey Sequence or Toolface
Sequence. The variable used for annular pressure is GV1, the minimum bits that should be
used is 13. For example, GV1:13 Parity. Inc, Azm, Grav, and MagF should be added to the
Toolface Logging Sequence. The Toolface should be added to the survey sequence.
Tap test the tool and watch GV1 come up with the pressure reading.
The re-sync option Mode 4 (3 Amps) should be run for underbalanced situations. For situations
when the tool will not turn off because the well is flowing, the tool will automatically shut off after
16 minutes and look for sync again.

Annular Pressure (optional)

E.g.: GV1:13P
Mode 4 Re-Sync option
Add Inc/AZM screws prior to landing tool
Replace with ported set screws once tool is seated

Vibration Monitoring (optional)

GV6-Z axis (bit bounce)
GV7-x, y axis (pipe whirl, lateral vibration)

-10Chapter 1 | Introduction



-11Chapter 1 | Introduction




This is the most common method of data transmission used by MWD
(Measurement While Drilling) tools. Downhole a valve is operated to restrict the
flow of the drilling mud (slurry) according to the digital information to be
transmitted. This creates pressure fluctuations representing the information. The
pressure fluctuations propagate within the drilling fluid towards surface where
they are received from pressure sensors. On surface the received pressure
signals are processed by computers to reconstructs the transmitted information.
The technology is available in three varieties - positive pulse, negative pulse, and
continuous wave.
Positive Pulse
Positive Pulse tools briefly close and open the valve to restrict the mud
flow within the drill pipe. This produces an increase in pressure that can
be seen at surface. Line codes are used to represent the digital
information in form of pulses.
Negative Pulse
Negative pulse tools briefly open and close the valve to release mud from
inside the drill pipe out to the annulus. This produces a decrease in
pressure that can be seen at surface. Line codes are used to represent
the digital information in form of pulses.
Continuous Wave
Continuous wave tools gradually close and open the valve to generate
sinusoidal pressure fluctuations within the drilling fluid. Any digital
modulation scheme with a continuous phase can be used to impose the
information on a carrier signal. The most widely used; at least in high data
applications such as offshore, modulation scheme is continuous phase
When under balanced drilling is used, mud pulse telemetry can become
unusable. This is because usually in order to reduce the equivalent density of the
drilling mud a compressible gas is injected into the mud. This causes high signal
attenuation which drastically reduces the ability of the mud to transmit pulsed
data. In this case it is necessary to use methods different from mud pulse
telemetry, such as electromagnetic waves propagating through the formation or
wired drill pipe telemetry.
-1Chapter 2 | Theory of Operation


Downhole Sensor:
Compass utilizes 3 main sensor packages including GE, Microtesla and Applied
Physics these standard electronic instruments are proven in downhole survey
systems ranging from wireline steering tools to MWD systems.
The sensor package contains 3-Axis Magnetic Sensor, 3-Axis Accelerometers
and Temperature sensors capable of detecting the surrounding temperature, the
Earths Magnetic and Gravitational Fields with high resolution. The data output is
digitized and processed to determine the vector to the earths magnetic North
Pole and the vector for the earths magnetic forces dipping down at the earths
surface and below. This information and other measured parameters produce
data such as Inclination, Azimuth, and magnetic and gravity toolface values that
are transmitted to the surface via mud pulse telemetry to assist in well deviation
control. Numerous quality and tool environment data variables can also be
transmitted via mud pulse telemetry to quantify and qualify data values and tool
The MWD processor is the controller of the MWD system and commands all
functions and downhole calculations. The processor monitors the state of the
flow sense to determine when mud flow has started or stopped. The condition of
Flow or No Flow determines the function performed by the MWD downhole
system. In a No Flow situation the system ceases transmission and activates the
sensor package to measure the magnetic and gravitational forces of the Earth.
These measurements are used to calculate the values for the data transmitted to
the surface in the survey sequence. In a Flow situation, the processor
commences the data transmission process to relay the calculated data to the
surface sensors via the mud pulse telemetry created by the activation of the
MWD pulser unit.

-2Chapter 2 | Theory of Operation


Battery Pack:
Compass uses high energy Lithium Thionyl Chloride double D size batteries in a
stack of eight with a 150C (302F) temperature rating. The cells are diode
protected to prevent reverse power charges, and are protected by a 5 Amp fuse
on the power line. The battery pack will run an MWD system for over 150 hours
at a standard pulse rate with a Tensor Pulser and 80 hours with a gamma probe
added. With an upgraded Compass pulser, a battery pack will operate the MWD
system for over 450 hours and over 300 hours with an added gamma probe.
The design of the system allows for the addition of a second battery pack that will
be activated when the power of the first battery drops to a predetermined level to
then activate the power draw on the second battery. This allows the operator to
place the batteries in various positions in the MWD tool design. This option
allows the users to determine the optimum position of the directional module
determined by magnetic spacing requirements. The use of flexible finned
intermodule connectors allows multiple design options on the MWD system with
the standards being to place the pulser on the bottom (required) and the gamma
and directional module located at the optimum positions.
Compass maintains three types of pulsers in the MWD inventory. The original
and most commonly used is the GE Tensor solenoid activated pulser. In early
2005 Compass began switching over to the Compass stepper motor activated
pulser. This new design has proved to be more reliable and robust while
providing extreme energy conservation by using considerably lower battery
consumption. For extreme environments, with high concentrations of LCM,
Compass employs the APS (Advanced Product Support) pulser. This is a top
mounted direct drive rotor/stator design. This is a high energy consumption
pulser, but is able to handle the harsh environments.
The GE Tensor pulser design consists of an oil-filled pulser section and an
electronic driver section. The driver section contains a large multi-capacitor bank
that stores energy from the battery packs and is controlled by the
timing/switching circuitry to generate time pulses. This section is connected to
the oil-filled section containing a double solenoid attached via spring loaded
shafts to the servo-poppet. A pulse is generated when a pulse signal sent by the
directional module to the pulser driver, releases energy from the capacitor bank
to the solenoid assembly. The energy activates both the pull-in solenoid and
the holding solenoid.
-3Chapter 2 | Theory of Operation


This imparts a magnetic field in the pull-in solenoid that causes a piston to move
up within the housing, and pull the spring loaded shafts up to allow the steel
clapper to contact the holding solenoid. The energy to the pull-in solenoid is
stopped and the energy to the holding solenoid
holds the clapper for the required pulse length period. This maintains the
servo-poppet in the open position, allowing the creation of the pulse by the lower
end of the pulser. De-energizing the holding coil, releases the clapper from the
lower solenoid housing and causes the servo-poppet to be forced back down and
closes the servo-orifice and completes the generation of the mud pulse.
The Compass pulser is designed to drop-in place of the GE Tensor pulser and
therefore operates similar to the design. The Compass pulser also consists of
an oil-filled pulser end and an electronic driver section, similar to the GE Tensor
system. However, the
COMPASS pulser uses a stepper motor as the driver to actuate the servo-poppet
in the creation of the mud pulse. A stepper motor is designed to rotate in steps
around as energy is pulsed to it during operation. A small capacitor stores
energy to be sent to the motor in measured sequences and amounts. These
energy transmissions allow the motor to rotate precisely. The energy
transmissions are controlled by a small processor to ensure the exact timing and
amount of rotation. This control allows the mechanism to rotate the shaft
connected to the servo-poppet an exact amount to allow the servo-poppet to
open at a precise measure and allow flow through the servo-orifice. The stepper
motor is then reversed with the same precise actuation to close and complete the
pulse sequence.
The lower end of both pulsers is comprised of spring housing that contains a
main spring, and a piston cap with un-energized Poly-Pak o-rings. In the lower
end of the housing is a Ceramic wear sleeve that allows the piston cap to move
up and down. The piston cap is attached to the top of the main signal shaft. The
main signal shaft is inserted through the helix end that is used to align the MWD
tool with the scribe line of the mud motor, indicating the point of the maximum
bend on the motor. When the MWD tool is inserted into the Muleshoe sleeve, a
key and reverse helix assist to orient the tool to align with the toolface of the mud
motor and places the poppet tip on the end of the Main Signal shaft into the
carbide orifice contained in the Muleshoe sleeve.

-4Chapter 2 | Theory of Operation


In the No Flow situation, (refer to first display in figure below) the MWD tool has
the main signal poppet fully extended into the main orifice in the muleshoe sleeve
and mud infiltrates all of the areas of the lower end of the pulsers in a static
As mud flow is initiated, the mud moves around the tool, and through the main
orifice. Mud inside the spring housing (plenum) and main signal shaft is drawn
out as flow goes by. With the servo-poppet closed, the pressure in the plenum
decreases (not a vacuum). Therefore, the pressure in the plenum is less than
the pressure on the outside of the housing. The un-loaded Poly-Paks form a
partial seal, to prevent seepage of fluid into the plenum. As a result of the
differences in pressure from inside the plenum to the outside (-P), the piston
cap moves against the Main Spring to fill the volume left by the mud removed.
This results in the Signal Poppet on the end of the Main Signal shaft being
removed from the Main Orifice. This results in a full open flow situation in the
area of the Main Orifice. During this time the Servo-poppet is in the closed
position. As the flow increases, the value of P increases.

-5Chapter 2 | Theory of Operation


When the servo-poppet is actuated, in the data transmission sequence, mud is

allowed to instantly flow into the screen housing through the servo-orifice. This
results in an almost instantaneous flow of fluid to fill the plenum and flow through
the poppet orifice in the piston cap through the main signal shaft. The result of
this flow is the P is neutralized and allows the Main spring to exert a
downward force on the main signal shaft to close. Along with the extreme fluid
flow velocity and the main spring, the signal shaft forces the carbide poppet tip
into the flow passing through the signal orifice and decreases the total flow area
(TFA) of the orifice and creates a flow interference and results in a pulse or
increase in pressure. This pressure pulse migrates to the surface through the
drill pipe and is measured by the transducer in the standpipe.
The subsequent closing of the servo-poppet causes the mechanisms to reverse
their actions and move to the positions that allow uninterrupted flow through the
signal orifice.
Flow Sensors:
The GE Tensor and the Compass pulsers employ electronic flow switches. The
state of flow for the tools is determined by the state of an accelerometer. When
the accelerometer is in an unexcited state, the MWD would be in a No Flow
position, and when the accelerometer is in an excited state, the MWD would be
in a Flow On position. When the MWD tool is assembled, the processor supplies
power to the flow switch. When the MWD tool is in the No Flow condition, the
voltage through the flow switch is less than 100 millivolts. When the MWD is in a
Flow On condition, the voltage through the flow switch is 4.5 5.2 Volts. This
voltage change created by the change in the state of the accelerometer signals
the processor of the changes in the flow state. The tool will function according to
the flow or no flow state.

-6Chapter 2 | Theory of Operation


Centralizers/ Interconnect Modules:

The centralizers serve several purposes: 1) They provide wire-ways between the
modules that make up the MWD tool string. 2) The provide flex points along the
body of the MWD tool that allow the tool to bend when the drill collar bends
around short radius boreholes. 3) With the use of bow springs or flex finned
centralizer inserts, they provide centralization of the tool within the ID of the nonmagnetic drill collar. 4) The use of the centralizers also provides side-wall shock
and vibration absorption to protect the tool. These devices filter out the low
frequency vibration energy transmitted through the BHA from the action of the bit
and motor and rotational forces encountered during drilling.
Drill Collars/ UBHO:
Compass utilizes non-magnetic drill collars of different OD sizes and different ID
sizes dependent upon the size of the hole being drilled and the amount of fluid
flow required for the drilling. The size of the ID of the collar is extremely
important to prevent severe erosion of the MWD tool in the extreme fluid
velocities experienced in the hole during drilling.
The UBHO (Universal Bottom Hole Orientation) sub is connected to the lower
end of the non-magnetic drill collar and contains the muleshoe sleeve with the
signal orifice. Prior to attaching the UBHO to the collar, the muleshoe sleeve is
inserted into the UBHO and rotated to align the key with the maximum bend on
the mud motor. The muleshoe sleeve is then anchored in the UBHO with three
set screws to insure that the MWD tool aligns with the mud motor. The muleshoe
sleeve also contains the interchangeable main signal orifice. These orifices are
interchangeable to different ID sizes dependent upon the flow expected
The Compass MWD system is the most versatile MWD system in use today
when it comes to collar selection. It can be used in practically any non-magnetic
drill collar with an internal diameter in the range of 2 3/16 inches minimum to 3
inches maximum. The drill collar diameter used is directly related to the amount
in gallons-per-minute of the expected drill fluid flow. The recommended flow
velocity should not exceed 40 feet/second to prevent excessive erosion of the
tool parts in drilling fluids with normal solids content. Refer to Velocity Chart (Sec
4 P-175).

-7Chapter 2 | Theory of Operation


Surface Equipment:
Compass employs the new Bench Tree Receiver to replace the older and dated
GE Tensor SAI design. The BTRc and the BTRD (Rig-floor Display) totally
replace the older designs and incorporate an improved and faster processor to
allow improved decoding capabilities. The system interfaces with the GE Tensor
software packages for the downhole equipment and offers more advantages in
the MWD surface system design. The system still connects to any Windows
based PC and records all transmitted data and all pulse waveform and standpipe
pressure data. This accumulation of data allows for excellent data comparison
and calculation for improved troubleshooting efforts.
The surface gear allows for MWD operation to be configured to fit a company
preference and to tailor the MWD function to suit the environment of the hole
being drilled. The system links to several gamma tracking and gamma ray log
presentation software packages. The Bench Tree software also allows for MWD
memory dump data to be gathered and saved and used for gamma log
enhancement by merging the stored gamma data with the surface gathered data
to improve data density. It also allows several parameters measured by the tool
downhole to be analyzed to study tool performance and potential failures.

-8Chapter 2 | Theory of Operation


The pressure transducer detects the pressure pulses created by the MWD
downhole tool in the mud at the standpipe. The analog signal is digitized,
filtered in the DRT MPU and decoded. The data is then displayed on one
of several menu-driven screen displays.
The hookload sensor is a transducer affixed to the drilling rigs hydraulic
system. It is used to measure the hook load or weight of the drilling
assembly or drill string. The software in the MPU of the DRT allows the
operator to calibrate the sensors to match the measuring devices use on
the rig.
The depth encoder attached to the Geolograph line measures the
movement of the Kelly up and down. In coordination with the hook-load
sensor, the depth encoder allows the operator to track the drilling depth of
the well and track the addition of joints of drill pipe.
The draw-works encoder is a depth-measuring device attached to the hub
of the draw-works reel. This device operates similarly to the Depth
Encoder, and allows the operator to track the drilling depth of the well and
track the addition of joints of drill pipe as drilling progresses.

-9Chapter 2 | Theory of Operation


The heave sensor is a depth-adjusting device that measures the
movement of floating rigs caused by tides and rough seas. It
compensates the depth measurement for the movement of the rig floor.
The use of these sensors, individually or in combination with each other, allow
the operator to maintain accurate measurements on the rig site in relation to the
data being gathered by the MWD system.
All of the data gathered from the system can be stored on the PC, using the
available GE Power Systems software programs. This data can then be used to
create reports for survey calculations and formation evaluation. These reports
include survey calculations, well plots and formation log plots.
Directional Information
MWD tools are generally capable of taking directional surveys in real time. The
tool uses accelerometers and magnetometers to measure the inclination and
azimuth of the wellbore at that location, and they then transmit that information to
the surface. With a series of surveys at appropriate intervals (anywhere from
every 30ft (ie 10m) to every 500 ft), the location of the wellbore can be
MWD tools are extremely complex pieces of high- tech electronics.
By itself, this information allows operators to prove that their well does not cross
into areas that they are not authorized to drill. However, due to the cost of MWD
systems, they are not generally used on wells intended to be vertical. Instead,
the wells are surveyed after drilling through the use of Multishot Surveying Tools
lowered into the drillstring on slickline or wireline.
The primary use of real-time surveys is in Directional Drilling. For the Directional
Driller to steer the well towards a target zone, he must know where the well is
going, and what the effects of his steering efforts are.
MWD tools also generally provide toolface measurements to aid in directional
drilling using downhole mud motors with bent subs or bent housings. For more
information on the use of toolface measurements, see Directional Drilling.

-10Chapter 2 | Theory of Operation


Drilling mechanics information

MWD tools can also provide information about the conditions at the drill bit. This
may include:

Rotational speed of the drillstring

Smoothness of that rotation
Type and severity of any vibration downhole
Downhole temperature
Torque and Weight on Bit, measured near the drill bit
Mud flow volume

Use of this information can allow the operator to drill the well more efficiently, and
to ensure that the MWD tool and any other downhole tools, such as Mud Motors,
Rotary Steerable Systems, and Logging While Drilling tools, are operated within
their technical specifications to prevent tool failure. This information also is
valuable to Geologists responsible for the well information about the formation
which is being drilled.
Formation properties
Many MWD tools, either on their own, or in conjunction with separate Logging
While Drilling tools, can take measurements of formation properties. At the
surface, these measurements are assembled into a log, similar to one obtained
by wireline logging.
LWD Logging While Drilling tools are able to measure a suite of geological
characteristics including- density, porosity, resistivity, pseudo-caliper, inclination
at the drill bit (ABI), magnetic resonance and formation pressure.
The MWD tool allows these measurements to be taken and evaluated while the
well is being drilled. This makes it possible to perform Geosteering, or Directional
Drilling based on measured formation properties, rather than simply drilling into a
preset target.
Most MWD tools contain an internal Gamma Ray sensor to measure natural
Gamma Ray values. This is because these sensors are compact, inexpensive,
reliable, and can take measurements through unmodified drill collars. Other
measurements often require separate Logging While Drilling tools, which
communicate with the MWD tools downhole through internal wires.
-11Chapter 2 | Theory of Operation



Compass Tensor MWD Directional Modules are modular assemblies
used in downhole drilling applications where minimal power supply is available
while providing accurate and stable survey measurements. The assembly
contains a Single Port MPU, Triple Power Supply and a Digital Orientation
Module. The Single Port MPU is a modular micro-controller assembly based on
the Motorola MC68HC11 microprocessor implementing GE Power Systems
qMIX communications protocol (qMIX/11). The Triple Power Supply provides
regulated power for the complete assembly.
Designed for the demands of the oil and gas drilling environments, the Digital
orientation Module contains three axes of accelerometers and three axes of
magnetometers. Calibration data is provided with each unit.
Configurations are available with a downhole Recorder board and maximum
operating temperatures to 150C or 175C.
The electrical input voltage is 18 32 VDC, with an input power of <3-Watts
peak, and a serial peripheral interface (SPI) with a 12-bit A/D resolution. The
mechanical dimensions are 1.40 diameter by 55.61 in length. The module is
designed to fit inside a 1.50 O.D. pressure housing, designed to withstand
20 Klbs. The system uses 21-pin and 15-pin MDM connectors and connects with
the patented Snubber Shock assembly and Sensor End assembly.
The system is designed to withstand 1000g 0.5 msec, sine shock on all axes.
It can withstand vibrations of 5-20 Hz, 1 (double amplitude) and 20-200 Hz,
30 grms on all axes. The system is designed with two available operating
temperature ranges: a) 55C to +150C, or 55C to +175C.
The calibrated pointing accuracy is 0.10, 3 sigma for the inclination
measurement (up or down) and 0.25, 3 sigma for the azimuth measurement
Refer to the qProg/11 section of the Maintenance manual or the Operations
manual for the methods of programming the downhole and uphole processors
with the latest firmware.

-12Chapter 2 | Theory of Operation


Electrical power is supplied to the downhole probe via the lithium thionyl chloride
Battery. The Compass MWD probe draws power from one battery pack. It can
also switch to an additional battery pack when the first pack is drawn below
operating capacity. Drilling exercises requiring extended battery life (>200 hours)
can configure the system to use a stacked battery arrangement. The use of the
Gamma Ray detection module will require tandem batteries to extend power life
beyond 150 hours. The tool design only limits module arrangement to the
requirement that the pulser in the Compass MWD always be on tools downhole
The batteries may be alkaline or lithium thionyl chloride. Alkaline packs are
limited to 120 Celsius and use seventeen D-size cells. Lithium packs are rated
for 150 Celsius and 175 Celsius and use eight double-D size (DD) cells. It is
estimated that a single alkaline battery pack will operate the downhole probe for
about 100 hours, while a single lithium battery pack can last over 200 hours.
Battery pack life is totally dependant upon the pulse length, the tool configuration
(modules used) and operational modes used.
The pulser consists of an oil filled pulser section and an electronic Pulser Driver

-13Chapter 2 | Theory of Operation


The pulser oil filled section contains the solenoid module, which is
comprised of two individual solenoids; the pull-in solenoid and the holding
solenoid. When energized, the pull-in solenoid retracts a plunger that is
connected, by an assembly of rods and shafts, to the servo-poppet. The
holding solenoid energizes simultaneously as the pull-in solenoid retracts
the assembly back. The pull-in solenoid requires the largest energy
charge supplied by the capacitors in the driver, but only for
80 milliseconds. Energy is then discharged continuously to the holding
solenoid for the remainder of the pulse length. To sustain this position the
holding solenoid requires a minimal amount of current. The cessation of
current to the holding solenoid then releases the clapper that was being
held by the magnetic forces created by the holding solenoid. This
completes the pulse cycle required for data transmission. The
servo-poppet and shafts are held in the "up", or open, position by the
force applied to the Holding Coil. While energized, a clapper maintains
contact to the non-magnetic front face of the Holding Coil. The retractions
of the servo-poppet initiate mud flow through the servo-orifice and into the
pulser plenum below. This maneuver and resulting mudflow redirection
creates the mud pulse, by inserting and retracting the signal poppet in the
main orifice of the muleshoe.
The Driver contains the controller boards and EFS (electronic flow switch)
and a capacitor bank. The controller boards contain the timing/switching
circuitry and the EFS. The capacitor bank stores the power necessary to
activate the solenoids to create the pulse activation sequence. The power
to the capacitor bank is supplied by the battery packs and is controlled by
the microprocessor in the directional module.

-14Chapter 2 | Theory of Operation


The GE Power Systems Gamma Sensor employed by Compass is a highefficiency natural gamma radiation detector. The sensor uses a Scintillator, NaCl
(TI) crystal with a ruggedized photomultiplier, with a signal conditioner and power
controller in the qPACK mounting. It can be placed in any position in the tool
string above the pulser, and run with one or tandem battery packs. The choice of
power supply is dependent upon the predicted duration of the drilling run
downhole. This module is also used in the Gamma-Steering package, with the
incorporation of the Gamma-Steering directional module and the focused gamma
The Tensor MWD system uses a muleshoe sleeve unique to the MWD industry.
The muleshoe serves a double-role in the proper function of the Tensor MWD
First, the muleshoe employs a helical guide to seat the MWD tool into a specific
orientation to measure the toolface orientation with reference to the toolface of
the MWD probe. The software design also allows the operator to measure any
offset of the muleshoe to the toolface of the bottom hole assembly.
Second, the muleshoe contains the main orifice into which the pulser main signal
poppet projects to create the pressure pulse. Five different orifice sizes are used
in the 6 and 4 muleshoe sleeves: 1.28", 1.35", 1.40, 1.50 and 1.60 OD.
The 3 muleshoe sleeve has three options for orifice sizes: 1.21, 1.23 and
1.25 OD. The main orifices are easily changed on the job site to accommodate
the various flow rates that may be encountered through the course of a job.
Muleshoe subs are specially designed and cut to receive and anchor the
muleshoe sleeves. The subs are designed to match the mating threads of the
collars being used. We strongly recommend cutting the subs from a
non-magnetic material to insure adequate spacing from the magnetometers in
the MWD tool.

-15Chapter 2 | Theory of Operation


Electromagnetic telemetry (EM Tool)
EM Telemetry is a method of transmitting data from a measurement while drilling (MWD)
assembly that resides just above an oil well drill bit. The MWD assembly may contain
various measuring instruments such as a Gamma Ray Tool, Resistivity Tool, Directional
Survey Instrument, or others. EM Telemetry is capable of transmitting data up to ten
times faster than mud pulse telemetry.
These tools incorporate an electrical insulator in the drillstring. To transmit data the tool
generates an altered voltage difference between the top part (the main drillstring, above
the insulator), and the bottom part (the drill bit, and other tools located below the
insulator of the MWD tool). On surface a wire is attached to the wellhead, which makes
contact with the drillpipe at the surface. A second wire is attached to a rod driven into the
ground some distance away. The wellhead and the ground rod form the two electrodes
of a dipole antenna. The voltage difference between the two electrodes is the receiver
signal that is decoded by a computer.
An electromagnetic telemetry system for transmitting data from a downhole assembly,
which is operationally attached to a drill string, to a telemetry receiver system. The data
are typically responses of one or more sensors disposed within the downhole assembly.
A downhole transmitter induces a signal current within the drill string. The signal current
is modulated to represent the transmitted data. Induced signal current is measured
directly with the telemetry receiver system. The telemetry receiver system includes a
transformer that surrounds the path of the current, and an electromagnetic current
receiver. The transformer preferably comprises a toroid that responds directly to the
induced signal current. Output from the transformer is input to an electromagnetic
current receiver located remote from the downhole assembly and typically at the surface
of the earth. Alternately, voltage resulting from the induced signal current can be
measured with a rig voltage receiver and combined with the direct current
measurements to enhance signal to noise ratio.

EM MWD surveys are measured in a matter of seconds immediately before the next
connection, and then transmitted during connection. Thus, the directional driller can decide
which drilling parameters (such as weight-on-bit and rotary speed) to use as soon as the
bit tags bottom. Conversely, mud-pulse MWD systems transmit surveys after connections,
which increase drilling time when the driller waits to receive the directional survey before
deciding which parameters to use before drilling ahead.Dipole
Any object or system that is oppositely charged at two points or poles, such as a
magnet, a polar molecule, or an antenna element. The properties of a dipole are
determined by its dipole moment, that is, the product of one of the charges by their
separation directed along an axis through the centers of charge.

-16Chapter 2 | Theory of Operation


An electric dipole consists of two electric charges of equal magnitude but opposite
polarity, separated by a short distance (see illustration); or more generally, a localized
distribution of positive and negative electricity without net charge whose mean positions
of positive and negative charge do not coincide.
Electric dipole with moment = Qd.
An electric dipole whose moment oscillates sinusoidally radiates electromagnetic waves
and is known as a hertzian dipole; it is of interest in developing the theory of
electromagnetic radiation. For practical purposes, a half-wave dipole, consisting of two
collinear conducting rods, fed at the center, whose combined length equals half the
wavelength of the radiation to be transmitted or received, is often used as an antenna
element, either by itself or in an array, or as a feed for a reflector.
In physics, there are two kinds of dipoles (Hellnic: di(s)- = two- and pla = pivot,
An electric dipole is a separation of positive and negative charge. The simplest
example of this is a pair of electric charges of equal magnitude but opposite sign,
separated by some, usually small, distance. A permanent electric dipole is called an
A magnetic dipole is a closed circulation of electric current. A simple example of this is
a single loop of wire with some constant current flowing through it.[1][2]
Dipoles can be characterized by their dipole moment, a vector quantity. For the simple
electric dipole given above, the electric dipole moment would point from the negative
charge towards the positive charge, and have a magnitude equal to the strength of each
charge times the separation between the charges. For the current loop, the magnetic
dipole moment would point through the loop (according to the right hand grip rule), with a
magnitude equal to the current in the loop times the area of the loop.
In addition to current loops, the electron, among other fundamental particles, is said to
have a magnetic dipole moment. This is because it generates a magnetic field which is
identical to that generated by a very small current loop. However, to the best of our
knowledge, the electron's magnetic moment is not due to a current loop, but is instead
an intrinsic property of the electron. It is also possible that the electron has an electric
dipole moment, although this has not yet been observed

-17Chapter 2 | Theory of Operation


Contour plot of an electrical dipole, with equipotential surfaces indicated

A permanent magnet, such as a bar magnet, owes its magnetism to the intrinsic
magnetic dipole moment of the electron. The two ends of a bar magnet are referred to
as poles (not to be confused with monopoles), and are labeled "north" and "south." The
dipole moment of the bar magnet points from its magnetic south to its magnetic north
poleconfusingly, the "north" and "south" convention for magnetic dipoles is the
opposite of that used to describe the Earth's geographic and magnetic poles, so that the
Earth's geomagnetic north pole is the south pole of its dipole moment. (This should not
be difficult to remember; it simply means that the north pole of a bar magnet is the one
which points north if used as a compass.)

The only known mechanisms for the creation of magnetic dipoles are by current loops or
quantum-mechanical spin since the existence of magnetic monopoles has never been
experimentally demonstrated.

-18Chapter 2 | Theory of Operation


evolution of the electric field (?) of an oscillating electric dipole. The dipole is located at
(60, 60) in the graph, oscillating at 1 rad/s (~0.16 Hz) (?) in the vertical (?) direction
A physical dipole consists of two equal and opposite point charges: literally, two poles.
Its field at large distances (i.e., distances large in comparison to the separation of the
poles) depends almost entirely on the dipole moment as defined above. A point (electric)
dipole is the limit obtained by letting the separation tend to 0 while keeping the dipole
moment fixed. The field of a point dipole has a particularly simple form, and the order-1
term in the multipole expansion is precisely the point dipole field.
Although there are no known magnetic monopoles in nature, there are magnetic dipoles
in the form of the quantum-mechanical spin associated with particles such as electrons
(although the accurate description of such effects falls outside of classical
electromagnetism). A theoretical magnetic point dipole has a magnetic field of the exact
same form as the electric field of an electric point dipole. A very small current-carrying
loop is approximately a magnetic point dipole; the magnetic dipole moment of such a
loop is the product of the current flowing in the loop and the (vector) area of the loop.
Any configuration of charges or currents has a 'dipole moment', which describes the
dipole whose field is the best approximation, at large distances, to that of the given
configuration. This is simply one term in the multipole expansion; when the charge
("monopole moment") is 0 as it always is for the magnetic case, since there are no
magnetic monopoles the dipole term is the dominant one at large distances: its field
falls off in proportion to 1 / r3, as compared to 1 / r4 for the next (quadrupole) term and
higher powers of 1 / r for higher terms, or 1 / r2 for the monopole term.

-19Chapter 2 | Theory of Operation


Molecular dipoles
Many molecules have such dipole moments due to non-uniform distributions of positive
and negative charges on the various atoms. For example:

Electric dipole field lines

(positive) H-Cl (negative)
A molecule with a permanent dipole moment is called a polar molecule. A molecule is
polarized when it carries an induced dipole. The physical chemist Peter J. W. Debye
was the first scientist to study molecular dipoles extensively, and dipole moments are
consequently measured in units named debye in his honor.
With respect to molecules there are three types of dipoles:

Permanent dipoles: These occur when two atoms in a molecule have

substantially different electronegativityone atom attracts electrons more than
another becoming more negative, while the other atom becomes more positive.
See dipole-dipole attractions.
Instantaneous dipoles: These occur due to chance when electrons happen to
be more concentrated in one place than another in a molecule, creating a
temporary dipole. See instantaneous dipole.
Induced dipoles These occur when one molecule with a permanent dipole
repels another molecule's electrons, "inducing" a dipole moment in that molecule.
See induced-dipole attraction.

-20Chapter 2 | Theory of Operation


The definition of an induced dipole given in the previous sentence is too restrictive and
misleading. An induced dipole of any polarizable charge distribution (remember that a
molecule has a charge distribution) is caused by an electric field external to . This field
may, for instance, originate from an ion or polar molecule in the vicinity of or may be
macroscopic (e.g., a molecule between the plates of a charged capacitor). The size of
the induced dipole is equal to the product of the strength of the external field and the
dipole polarizability of .
Typical gas phase values of some chemical compounds in debye units:

carbon dioxide: 0
carbon monoxide: 0.112
ozone: 0.53
phosgene: 1.17
water vapor: 1.85
hydrogen cyanide: 2.98
cyanamide: 4.27
potassium bromide: 10.41

These values can be obtained from measurement of the dielectric constant. When the
symmetry of a molecule cancels out a net dipole moment, the value is set at 0. The
highest dipole moments are in the range of 10 to 11. From the dipole moment
information can be deduced about the molecular geometry of the molecule. For example
the data illustrate that carbon dioxide is a linear molecule but ozone is not.
Quantum mechanical dipole operator
Consider a collection of N particles with charges qi and position vectors . For instance,
this collection may be a molecule consisting of electrons, all with charge -e, and nuclei
with charge eZi, where Zi is the atomic number of the i th nucleus. The physical quantity
(observable) dipole has the quantum mechanical operator:

-21Chapter 2 | Theory of Operation


Atomic dipoles
A non-degenerate (S-state) atom can have only a zero permanent dipole. This fact
follows quantum mechanically from the inversion symmetry of atoms. All 3 components
of the dipole operator are antisymmetric under inversion with respect to the nucleus,

where is the dipole operator and is the inversion operator. The permanent dipole
moment of an atom in a non-degenerate state (see degenerate energy level) is given as
the expectation (average) value of the dipole operator,


is an S-state, non-degenerate, wavefunction, which is symmetric or

antisymmetric under inversion:

. Since the product of the
wavefunction (in the ket) and its complex conjugate (in the bra) is always symmetric
under inversion and its inverse,

it follows that the expectation value changes sign under inversion. We used here the fact
that , being a symmetry operator, is unitary:
and by definition the
Hermitian adjoint
may be moved from bra to ket and then becomes
. Since
the only quantity that is equal to minus itself is the zero, the expectation value vanishes,

In the case of open-shell atoms with degenerate energy levels, one could define a dipole
moment by the aid of the first-order Stark effect. This only gives a non-vanishing dipole
(by definition proportional to a non-vanishing first-order Stark shift) if some of the
wavefunctions belonging to the degenerate energies have opposite parity; i.e., have
different behavior under inversion. This is a rare occurrence, but happens for the excited
H-atom, where 2s and 2p states are "accidentally" degenerate (see this article for the
origin of this degeneracy) and have opposite parity (2s is even and 2p is odd).

-22Chapter 2 | Theory of Operation


Field from a magnetic dipole

See also: Magnet#The Two Models for Magnets: Magnetic Poles and Atomic
Currents and Magnetic Field#Physical interpretation of the H field
The far-field strength, B, of a dipole magnetic field is given by

B is the strength of the field, measured in teslas;
r is the distance from the center, measured in metres;
is the magnetic latitude (90) where = magnetic colatitude, measured in
radians or degrees from the dipole axis (Magnetic colatitude is 0 along the
dipole's axis and 90 in the plane perpendicular to its axis.);
m is the dipole moment (VADM=virtual axial dipole moment), measured in
ampere square-metres (Am2), which equals joules per tesla;
0 is the permeability of free space, measured in henries per metre.
Conversion to cylindrical coordinates is achieved using
r2 = z2 + 2

where is the perpendicular distance from the z-axis. Then,

-23Chapter 2 | Theory of Operation


Vector form
The field itself is a vector quantity:

B is the field;
r is the vector from the position of the dipole to the position where the field is
being measured;
r is the absolute value of r: the distance from the dipole;
is the unit vector parallel to r;
m is the (vector) dipole moment;
0 is the permeability of free space;
3 is the three-dimensional delta function. (
term is ignored in multipole expansion.)

= 0 except at r = (0,0,0), so this

This is exactly the field of a point dipole, exactly the dipole term in the multipole
expansion of an arbitrary field, and approximately the field of any dipole-like
configuration at large distances.
Magnetic vector potential
The vector potential A of a magnetic dipole is

with the same definitions as above.

-24Chapter 2 | Theory of Operation


Field from an electric dipole

The electrostatic potential at position due to an electric dipole at the origin is given by:

is a unit vector in the direction of ;
p is the (vector) dipole moment;
0 is the permittivity of free space.
This term appears as the second term in the multipole expansion of an arbitrary
electrostatic potential (r). If the source of (r) is a dipole, as it is assumed here, this
term is the only non-vanishing term in the multipole expansion of (r). The electric field
from a dipole can be found from the gradient of this potential:

where E is the electric field and 3 is the 3-dimensional delta function. (

= 0 except
at r = (0,0,0), so this term is ignored in multipole expansion.) Notice that this is formally
identical to the magnetic field of a point magnetic dipole; only a few names have
Torque on a dipole
Since the direction of an electric field is defined as the direction of the force on a positive
charge, electric field lines point away from a positive charge and toward a negative
When placed in an electric or magnetic field, equal but opposite forces arise on each
side of the dipole creating a torque :

for an electric dipole moment p (in coulomb-meters), or

for a magnetic dipole moment m (in ampere-square meters).

-25Chapter 2 | Theory of Operation


The resulting torque will tend to align the dipole with the applied field, which in the case
of an electric dipole, yields a potential energy of
The energy of a magnetic dipole is similarly
Dipole radiation
In addition to dipoles in electrostatics, it is also common to consider an electric or
magnetic dipole that is oscillating in time.
In particular, a harmonically oscillating electric dipole is described by a dipole moment of
the form

Far away (for


where is the angular frequency. In vacuum, this produces

), the fields approach the limiting form of a radiating spherical

which produces a total time-average radiated power P given by

-26Chapter 2 | Theory of Operation


This power is not distributed isotropically, but is rather concentrated around the
directions lying perpendicular to the dipole moment. Usually such equations are
described by spherical harmonics, but they look very different. A circular polarized dipole
is described as a superposition of two linear dipoles.
The EM tool generates voltage differences between the drillstring sections in the pattern
of very low frequency (2-12Hz) waves. The data is imposed on the waves through digital
A technique employed in telecommunications transmission systems whereby an
electromagnetic signal (the modulating signal) is encoded into one or more of the
characteristics of another signal (the carrier signal) to produce a third signal (the
modulated signal), whose properties are matched to the characteristics of the medium
over which it is to be transmitted. The encoding preserves the original modulating signal
in that it can be recovered from the modulated signal at the receiver by the process of
demodulation. The main purpose of modulation is to overcome any inherent
incompatibilities between the electromagnetic properties of the modulating signal and
those of the transmission medium. Of primary importance in this respect is the spectral
distribution of power in the modulating signal relative to the passband of the medium.
Modulation provides the means for shifting the power of the modulating signal to a part
of the frequency spectrum where the medium's transmission characteristics, such as its
attenuation, interference, and noise level, are favorable.
Two forms of modulation are generally distinguished, although they have many
properties in common: If the modulating signal's amplitude varies continuously with time,
it is said to be an analog signal and the modulation is referred to as analog. In the case
where the modulating signal may vary its amplitude only between a finite number of
values and the change may occur only at discrete moments in time, the modulating
signal is said to be a digital signal and the modulation is referred to as digital.In most
applications of modulation the carrier signal is a sine wave, which is completely
characterized by its amplitude, its frequency, and its phase relative to some point in time.
Modulating the carrier then amounts to varying one or more of these parameters in direct
proportion to the amplitude of the modulating signal. In analog modulation systems,
varying the amplitude, frequency, or phase of the carrier signal results in amplitude
modulation (AM), frequency modulation (FM), or phase modulation (PM), respectively.
Since the frequency of a sine wave expressed in radians per second equals the
derivative of its phase, frequency modulation and phase modulation are sometimes
subsumed under the general term angle modulation or exponential modulation.

-27Chapter 2 | Theory of Operation


If the modulating signal is digital, the modulation is termed amplitude-shift keying (ASK),
frequency-shift keying (FSK), or phase-shift keying (PSK), since in this case the discrete
amplitudes of the digital signal can be said to shift the parameter of the carrier signal
between a finite number of values. For a modulating signal with only two amplitudes,
binary is sometimes added before these terms.
Digital modulating signals with more than two amplitudes are sometimes encoded into
both the amplitude and phase of the carrier signal. For example, if the amplitude of the
modulating signal can vary between four different values, each such value can be
encoded as a combination of one of two amplitudes and one of two phases of the carrier
signal. Quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) is an example of such a technique.
In certain applications of modulation the carrier signal, rather than being a sine wave,
consists of a sequence of electromagnetic pulses of constant amplitude and time
duration, which occur at regular points in time. Changing one or the other of these
parameters gives rise to three modulation schemes known as pulse-position modulation
(PPM), pulse-duration modulation (PDM), and pulse-amplitude modulation (PAM), in
which the time of occurrence of a pulse relative to its nominal occurrence, the time
duration of a pulse, or its amplitude are determined by the amplitude of the modulating
This system generally offers data rates of up to 10 bits per second. In addition, many of
these tools are also capable of receiving data from the surface in the same way, while
mud pulse-based tools rely on changes in the drilling parameters, such as rotation speed
of the drillstring or the mud flow rate, to send information from the surface to downhole
tools. Making changes to the drilling parameters in order to send information to the tools
generally interrupts the drilling process, causing lost time.
Compared to mud pulse telemetry, electronic pulse telemetry is more effective in certain
specialized situation, such as underbalanced drilling or when using air as drilling fluid.
However, it generally falls short when drilling exceptionally deep wells, and the signal
can lose strength rapidly in certain types of formations, becoming undetectable at only a
few thousand feet of depth.
The transmission of electrical energy by wires, the broadcasting of radio signals, and the
phenomenon of visible light are all examples of the propagation of electromagnetic
energy. Electromagnetic energy travels in the form of a wave. Its speed of travel is
approximately 3 108 m/s (186,000 mi/s) in a vacuum and is somewhat slower than this
in liquid and solid insulators.

-28Chapter 2 | Theory of Operation


An electromagnetic wave does not penetrate far into an electrical conductor, and a wave
that is incident on the surface of a good conductor is largely reflected.
Electromagnetic waves originate from accelerated electric charges. For example, a radio
wave originates from the oscillatory acceleration of electrons in the transmitting antenna.
The light that is produced within a laser originates when electrons fall from a higher
energy level to a lower one.
The waves emitted from a source are oscillatory and are described in terms of frequency
of oscillation. The method of generating an electromagnetic wave depends on the
frequency used, as do the techniques of transmitting the energy to another location and
utilizing it when it has been received. Communication of information to a distant point is
generally accomplished through the use of electromagnetic energy as a carrier.
The illustration shows the configuration of the electric and magnetic fields about a short
vertical antenna in which flows a sinusoidal current. The picture applies either to an
antenna in free space (in which case the illustration shows only the upper half of the
fields), or to an antenna projecting above the surface of a highly conducting plane
surface. In the latter case the conducting plane represents to a first approximation the
surface of the Earth. The fields have symmetry about the axis through the antenna. For
pictorial simplicity only selected portions of the fields are shown in this illustration. The
magnetic field is circular about the antenna, is perpendicular at every point to the
direction of the electric field, and is proportional in intensity to the magnitude of the
electric field, as in a plane wave. All parts of the wave travel radially outward from the
antenna with the velocity equal to that of a plane wave in the same medium.
Often it is desired to concentrate the radiated energy into a narrow beam. This can be
done either by the addition of more antenna elements or by placing a large reflector,
generally parabolic in shape, behind the antenna. The production of a narrow beam
requires an antenna array, or alternatively a reflector, that is large in width and height
compared with a wavelength. The very narrow and concentrated beam that can be
achieved by a laser is made possible by the extremely short wavelength of the radiation
as compared with the cross-sectional dimensions of the radiating system.

-29Chapter 2 | Theory of Operation


Absolute permeability of the medium; = permittivity of the medium; = wavelength.">

Configuration of electric and magnetic fields about a short vertical antenna. E = electric
field intensity; H = magnetic field intensity; = absolute permeability of the medium; =
permittivity of the medium; = wavelength.
The ground is a reasonably good, but not perfect, conductor; hence, the actual
propagation over the surface of the Earth will show a more rapid decrease of field
strength than that for a perfect conductor. Irregularities and obstructions may interfere. In
long-range transmission the spherical shape of the Earth is important. Inhomogeneities
in the atmosphere refract the wave somewhat. For long-range transmission, the ionized
region high in the atmosphere known as the Kennelly-Heaviside layer, or ionosphere,
can act as a reflector. When an electromagnetic wave is introduced into the interior of a
hollow metallic pipe of suitably large cross-sectional dimensions, the energy is guided
along the interior of the pipe with comparatively little loss. The most common crosssectional shapes are the rectangle and the circle. The cross-sectional dimensions of the
tube must be greater than a certain fraction of the wavelength; otherwise the wave will
not propagate in the tube. For this reason hollow waveguides are commonly used only at
wavelengths of 10 cm or less (frequencies of 3000 MHz or higher). A dielectric rod can
also be used as a waveguide. a system of material boundaries in the form of a solid
dielectric rod or dielectric-filled tubular conductor capable of guiding high-frequency
electromagnetic waves, such a rod, if of insufficient cross-sectional dimensions, can
contain the electromagnetic wave by the phenomenon of total reflection at the surface.

-30Chapter 2 | Theory of Operation


Electromagnetic energy can be propagated in a simple mode along two parallel

conductors. Such a wave guiding system is termed a transmission line. Three common
forms are the coaxial cable, two-wire line, and parallel strip line. As the wave propagates
along the line, it is accompanied by currents which flow longitudinally in the conductors.
These currents can be regarded as satisfying the boundary condition for the tangential
field at the surface of the conductor. The conductors have a finite conductivity, and so
these currents cause a transformation of electrical energy into heat. The energy lost
comes from the stored energy of the wave, and so the wave, as it progresses,
diminishes in amplitude. The conductors are necessarily supported by insulators which
are imperfect and cause additional attenuation of the wave.
standing-wave detector
(electromagnetism) An electric indicating instrument used for detecting a standing
electromagnetic wave along a transmission line or in a waveguide and measuring the
resulting standing-wave ratio; it can also be used to measure the wavelength, and hence
the frequency, of the wave. Also known as standing-wave indicator; standing-wave
meter; standing-wave-ratio meter.

-31Chapter 2 | Theory of Operation


Retrievable tools vs. Fixed mounted tools

MWD tools may be semi-permanently mounted in a drill collar (only removable at
servicing facilities), or they may be self-contained and wireline retrievable.
Retrievable tools, sometimes known as Slim Tools, can be retrieved and replaced using
wireline though the drill string. This generally allows the tool to be replaced much faster
in case of failure, and it allows the tool to be recovered if the drillstring becomes stuck.
Retrievable tools must be much smaller, usually about 2 inches or less in diameter,
though their length may be 20 feet or more. The small size is necessary for the
tool to fit through the drillstring; however, it also limits the tool's capabilities. For
example, slim tools are not capable of sending data at the same rates as collar mounted
tools, and they are also more limited in their ability to communicate with and supply
electrical power to other LWD tools.
Collar-mounted tools, also known as Fat Tools, cannot generally be removed from their
drill collar at the wellsite. If the tool fails, the entire drillstring must be pulled out of the
hole to replace it. However, without the need to fit through the drillstring, the tool can be
larger and more capable.
The ability to retrieve the tool via wireline is often useful. For example, if the drillstring
becomes stuck in the hole, then retrieving the tool via wireline will save a substantial
amount of money compared to leaving it in the hole with the stuck portion of the
drillstring. However, there are some limitations on the process.
Retrieving a tool using wireline is not necessarily faster than pulling the tool out of the
hole. For example, if the tool fails at 1,500 ft (460 m) while drilling with a triple rig (able to
trip 3 joints of pipe, or about 90 ft (30 m) feet, at a time), then it would generally be faster
to pull the tool out of the hole then it would be to rig up wireline and retrieve the tool,
especially if the wireline unit must be transported to the rig.
Wireline retrievals also introduce additional risk. If the tool becomes detached from the
wireline, then it will fall back down the drillstring. This will generally cause severe
damage to the tool and the drillstring components in which it seats, and will require the
drillstring to be pulled out of the hole to replace the failed components, thus resulting in a
greater total cost then pulling out of the hole in the first place. The wireline gear might
also fail to latch onto the tool, or in the case of a severe failure, might bring only a portion
of the tool to the surface. This would require the drillstring to be pulled out of the hole to
replace the failed components, thus making the wireline operation a waste of time.

-32Chapter 2 | Theory of Operation



Measuring the potential voltage across a gap.
The EM Signal always tries to return to the opposite side of the Gap
As the EM Signal travels up the Drill Pipe it leaks off through the
surrounding formations and returns to the opposite side of the Gap
The objective is to get enough signal to the surface so that it can be
detected by the Surface Receiver.


Designed to be compatible with the positive mud pulse tool

Uses a pulse wave low frequency 1-2 Hz (more efficient on batteries)
Variable power selection
Low Voltage EM: 1, 3, 5, & 8 amps
High Voltage EM: 1, 2.5, & 4 amps
Ease of operation

-33Chapter 2 | Theory of Operation



2 -20 ohms is ideal for Low Voltage

4 -40 ohms with High Voltage
High resistance acts as Open Circuit

-34Chapter 2 | Theory of Operation



Good reception, all circuits connect.

-35Chapter 2 | Theory of Operation



Low Resistance acts as a Short Circuit

Signal is lost into low resistance mud, similar to formations, high
resistance mud (e.g. Invert) is a good insulator.

-36Chapter 2 | Theory of Operation



+ / - 6.0 alignment
Arc over currents through mud

Incorrect Alignment Degrades Signal & Wastes

Battery Life

-37Chapter 2 | Theory of Operation


Down Hole

Bow Spring Centralizers (make sure they are tight)

Contact Spring on Helix (replace after every run)


BOP cable 300 or 100m

Attached to BOP (optional attached to ground stake next to BOP)
Antenna cable 600 or 200m
Ground Stake (the deeper into the ground the better)
Clean contact points, poor contact will result in noisy signal

Surface System
The EM Down-hole Tool Strings shall be transported in kit boxes. Where possible, sensitive
equipment (computers, surface system) are to be transported in a protective environment. If safe
to do so, tools can be transported in the cab of a pickup or in a protected place (pick-up with hard
shell topper).

Down hole Tool Strings

The EM tool shall be transferred in a warm, waterproof environment. The preferred location is
either in the vehicle cab or heated truck box with topper.

All tools and barrels are to be cleaned and tagged with the appropriate information. Equipment
that is damaged or requiring service shall be red tagged and its condition relayed to the
coordinator prior to its return.

-38Chapter 2 | Theory of Operation


When a job is dispatched the operator is to review battery requirements and ensure that he has
ample supply to complete the job plus budget for failures and extended runs. Typically a kit will
be supplied with 2 sets in barrels, one of which may have low life remaining. It is expected that
operators will try to maximize battery consumption prior to rebuild. After a battery is depleted the
operator shall inform the coordinator who will decide whether or not a battery shall be rebuilt in
the field or returned to the shop. The return of a battery in rebuilt or stripped condition is deemed
the responsibility of the field hand and shall be completed when a kit is turned in. Batteries are to
be transported in accordance with UN regulations

-39Chapter 2 | Theory of Operation



For some who are used to operating other MWD systems where manual
decoding is possible, not having this option available may be a little concerning.
However, after working with the QSI system you will find that manual decoding is
not really necessary. The QSI system can normally decode even in the worst
situation with a few changes to your set-up.
To better explain how the system works the following is QSIs paper on their

QMWD Coding, Detection and Decoding Processes; A Brief Description

1. Background
A large number of different coding schemes have been used for encoding
MWD mud pulse signals. A paper by Steve Monroe (SPE 20326, 1990)
discusses the relative advantages and disadvantages of these methods,
especially with regard to their Data Rate (data bits per second), Pulse Rate
(pulses per data byte) and Signal Efficiency (data bits per pulse). The
method that QDT uses is not discussed in Steve Monroes paper but has a
name similar to one described in the paper. We call our method M-ary
coding. We have chosen this method for its reasonable combination of good
data rate and good signal efficiency, as well as some desirable characteristics
related to having to detect only a single pulse in the presence of noise.

-40Chapter 2 | Theory of Operation


2. M-ary Coding
QDTs coding method involves breaking up any data word into
combinations of 2 and 3 bit symbols, each encoded by locating a single pulse
in one-of-four or one-of-eight possible time slots. For example for the case of
an 8 bit data word encoding a value of 221 is shown below:
Word value: 221; maximum value: 255; digital value:
128 64

32 16 8
0 1 1

4 2 1
1 0 1

This encodes in M-ary as 3, 3, 5 where the first 3 comes from the symbol
containing 11, the two most significant bits of the digital word, then 3 from the
next symbol, 011, and the final 5 from the 3 bit symbol, 101. This is visually
shown as:

P P 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3

P P 2 1 0 7 6 5

P P 4 3 2 1 0

Start Of Data Word


Where the pulses are transmitted most significant first.

In the above example we have chosen to use time slots (time resolutionintervals) equal to one half the pulse width, and have allowed for a full pulse
width (two slot) pulse-interference-gap (PIG) or recovery time after each
pulse. These choices were mainly based on earlier modeling and
experimental work (Marsh, Fraser and Holt: SPE 17787, 1988). One
important feature of this method is that we have to find only the best single
pulse in a window containing four or eight possible locations for the pulse.
This feature increases the robustness of the detection process at the expense
of data rate and signal efficiency.

-41Chapter 2 | Theory of Operation


3. Synchronization of the Detection and Decoding Processes with the

Transmitted Signals.
QDT uses either a triple wide pulse or four consecutive single wide pulses
followed by three to eight single wide pulses to provide a method of
synchronizing the surface equipment to the transmitted data sequences. The
surface receiver equipment functions by looking first for one received pulse
matched to the shape of the triple wide pulse, or four consecutive single wide
pulses, followed by establishing a time base derived from the received
positions in time of the three or more single wide pulses. The receiver also
utilizes a tracking loop that removes clock drift by slowly adjusting the surface
timing based on the average location in time of the received pulses.
4. Pulse Detection
The QDT receiver uses the cascade of a simple front end analog roofing
filter, followed by a steep cut off tuneable low pass filter, followed by a
matched filter executed in software. This methodology is discussed in the
paper by Marsh, et. al. mentioned above. The matched filter has been shown
to be the optimum filter for detecting signals corrupted by additive white
Gaussian noise under a wide variety of criteria. Use of the matched filter has
proven effective in many different MWD systems over the years. QDT has
the ability to shift the tuneable filter edge during operation to help reduce the
effect of inband interference. For those cases where the noise / interference
is concentrated in the upper portion of the passband, manually lowering the
low pass cut off frequency will reduce the noise / interference faster than it
reduces the signal resulting in enhanced signal detection quality. The results
of the pulse detection process are the application in time of the centroid of
the best pulse located in the allowed time window, its amplitude and other
characteristics. In case multiple pulses are detected in the allowed symbol
window, and evaluation process is started which may enable the correct pulse
to be selected.

-42Chapter 2 | Theory of Operation


Decoding Process
After each pulse is detected, the value of the symbol corresponding to its
location is determined, and when all of the expected pulses that make up a
data word have been received, the decoded value is reported to the receiver
display and logging functions. The receiver display maintains files containing
all decoded data words, pulse data buffers (contains the characteristics of all
detected and suspected detected pulses), and pulse waveform records
(contains a stripchart vs time of the output of the matched filter process.)
5. Parity Check and Error Correction Code
Each data word and header (if used) can be encoded with parity or error
correction code symbols added to the data. The parity check will detect a
single one-slot pulse position error contained in the detected data word. The
error correction code will detect a single two-slot pulse position error, and
correct a single one-slot pulse position error. The single slot error in pulse
location is the most likely form of error source to be expected in the received
6. Other System Capabilities
The qMWD Engineers Reference Manual describes in detail many system
attributes such as the ability to detect either positive or negative pressure pulses,
the wide variety of available formats for data words and the ability to change
almost any parameter of the tool while downhole using a series of timed flow off
and on sequences. The system has been used to successfully encode and
decode several other proprietary signal formats.

-43Chapter 2 | Theory of Operation



-44Chapter 2 | Theory of Operation



-45Chapter 2 | Theory of Operation




Bench Tree Group
MWD Receiver Software

For Windows 2000 and XP

September 13, 2007
Document: 960050-3000
Manufactured by:
Bench Tree Group LLC
PO Box 1878
Georgetown, TX 78627-1878
Phone: 512-869-6900
FAX: 512-233-0968
2004-2007 Bench Tree Group LLC. All rights reserved. Information subject to change without

-1Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


Table of Contents

Installing the Software

Installed Locations
Connecting to the Receiver


Compass Window

Pulse / Pressure Window

Database Status Window

History Window

Recently Decoded Data Window

View / Change Variables Window

MWD File Window

Shock Window

Viewing Log Files

Viewing Database Survey Reports



Data Format

Generic Variables


Saved Files




Installing the Software

Starting the Program

Using the Program

-2Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software





Generic Variables


Tool Communications

Program Layout








Starting a New Roll Test

Opening a Previous Roll Test

Acquiring Roll Test Data

Viewing Test Results

Editing Test Data

Editing Test Header Information

Printing Test Results

Viewing Data Scatter Plots


-3Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


Document Overview
This document provides information on the installation and use of the software programs which
interface with the Bench Tree Receiver (BTR). This document is split up into sections each
focusing on a different software package. Each section will give an overview of the different
program components and go into detail on how to use the different parts of the program. If you
need to find any section of the document quickly, use the table of contents located on the
previous page.

-4Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


BTR Interface
Version 1.3
Installing the software
Insert the Bench Tree Group MWD Software Installation CD into the computers CD drive. The
computer must have Windows 2000 or XP operating system to run correctly. Follow the on
directions to install the software onto your hard drive. You must read and agree to the user
license before
the installation can occur. If your computer does not have a java runtime environment, you will be
prompted to install one. This is necessary for the program to run correctly. The installation will
provide a
link to the program from both the desktop and the start menu.
Installed locations
The program files will be installed in the directory C:\Program Files\Bench Tree Group\BTR
Interface\. This option is changeable during installation, but the default location is listed here for
reference. A link to the main program is installed on the desktop and in the start menu. The icon
for the
main program is ( ) and is labelled BTR Interface. To access the start menu links, click on the
button, then click on All Programs, click on Bench Tree Group and the links will be displayed to
right. If you wish to uninstall this program at any time, the uninstall link is located in the Bench
Group links directory. Uninstalling will not delete any of your saved files. Only the program files
will be
deleted during the uninstall process.
Connecting to the receiver
Using a standard Ethernet cable, connect your computer to the BTR. Turn the receiver on. Open
the program and it will connect to the receiver within a minute and begin displaying data. The
bar displayed will show you the amount of time it may take to connect to the receiver. Once a
has been established, this window will automatically close. If the progress bar is still displayed
after a
minute, check the Ethernet connections.

If you still are having problems connecting, refer to the help.html which can be accessed
from the
start menu under the Bench Tree Group folder. Once you are successfully connected, the
status bar at the bottom of the window will display information about the received data. If it
displays Receiving data, then everything is connected properly and you are ready to start
using the program. WARNING: Do not allow the computer to hibernate while this program is
running. The program cannot communicate during this state and will not record data. Please
shut down the program
before closing the lid of a laptop to ensure proper functionality.

-5Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software



Program with labelled internal windows

1. Menus
2. Directional Compass display
3. All received history from current transmission sequence
4. Recent decoded values for the current transmission sequence
5. Graphed pulses and pressure
6. Changeable receiver variables

-6Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software



The internal windows can be moved and most of them can be resized. If you do not wish to view
one of the windows currently displayed, click on the red x in the top right corner of that window. If
you wish to view one of the windows that is not displayed, go to the Window menu and click on
the name of the one you wish to view. Check marks by each name will indicate all of the windows
that are currently displayed. If you would like to move everything back to how it was when you
first started, go to the Help menu and click on Reset Window Locations. Whenever you exit the
program, the current window positions will be saved and used for the next time the program is

Compass Window
The Compass window graphically displays the values of inclination, azimuth and recent tool
faces. The inner five rings represent the recent tool faces. The most recent tool face angle value
is printed on the inside of the center ring. The outermost full ring represents the azimuth. Azimuth
is shown starting at the top of the circle and the value increases clockwise. The half ring on the
left represents inclination starting at 0 degrees on the bottom and is displayed up to 180 degrees
at the top. The recent tool face, azimuth and inclination values are displayed as a number with
the timestamp below the number in this window too.
Pump Status and Pump Timers:
On the top right of the compass window, the current pumps status is
shown with the most recent on and off timers. Each value will only display the current
pump status time and the previous time for the other pump status. The total on time
represents the total amount of time the pumps have been on since the receiver has been

Warning Flags:
On the right side of the compass window, the warning flags are shown. The names of the
flags are displayed with two circles to the left of each name. Both circles to the left of the
flag name will be empty (same color as the background) until the flag value has been
decoded. If the flag value is "True" or "On", the left circle will be filled in red. If the flag
value is "False" or "Off", the right circle will be filled in blue.

-7Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


Pulse / Pressure Window

Stretching the window vertically of the pulse and pressure graphs will increase the number of
displayed graphs to the maximum that will fit on your screen. On the bottom of this window, there
are several options to choose from. You can select to view either pulses, pressure or both
together from the radio buttons on the left. You may select to turn on single scaling for all graphs
and amplified pressure. Using the same scaling for all graphs will apply the same scale only to all
visible graphs. Viewing the amplified pressure will automatically scale displayed pressure
vertically to best fit on the graph. The red line displayed on the graph represents the low pulse
limit (LoPL). It is displayed to the same scale as the pulses and only visible while viewing the
pulses. The value of this line is displayed above the bottom graph in the window. The current
pump pressure (PmpP), average pulse amplitude (AvPA) and current synchronization status are
also displayed above the bottom graph. The top right of each graph will display the time that the
last data on that line was received. The graphs are updated from left to right. Each line will show
about 10-15 pulses. The data is updated at different rates depending on the pulse width of the
current transmission. Graphs will only display new data when the pumps are on. The graph
displaying the current data has a white background and the graphs with older data have a gray
background. After the graph line is fully displayed, the graph will be moved up and a blank graph
will be displayed for the current data. If you wish to view older data, scroll up using the scrollbar
or a mouse wheel. You may view up to 59 previous graphs. You may also set the low pulse limit
by right clicking on any of the displayed pulse graphs. This will give you a popup menu option to
either set the limit there or cancel that action.

-8Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


Database Status Window

The database status window is designed to provide the operator with a full overview of the current
database logging status. The background color of this window will be light blue if logging is
currently active and light orange if there is an issue restricting logging from occurring. There is a
row of buttons on the bottom that can be used to control certain database features. The database
menu can also be accessed by right clicking on this window. If any of the displayed fields have a
problem which may restrict the database logging from operating correctly, a warning icon will be
displayed on the left side of the text. The displayed information on the window is explained below.
Logging Enabled
The user enabled logging status. This value can be changed via the database
Database Ready
The database must exist and have a run open for this to be enabled.
Job Number
The name or number of the current job.
Run Number
The current open run number. If there is no open run, a number will not be
displayed and logging will not be allowed.
File Location
The location of the actual database on the hard drive.
Disk Used
Current size of the database and also the remaining disk space on the selected drive.
Logged Data Lists the types of data stored to the database. If nothing is being logged, a warning
flag will be displayed.

History Window
The history window will display all of the received data. It displays all of the decoded values as
well as pump status with a time stamp. This data is also stored in the History folder on your hard
drive as a .prc file. The files stored on the hard drive are stored in a sub folder for each day and
the name of the file is the date and time when the file was created.

-9Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


Recently Decoded Data Window

This window only displays the decoded values from the survey or tool face sequences that have
been decoded from the recent transmission sequence. If a newer value is received, the new
value will override the older value. These are displayed for all values received since the last
synchronization. The information is displayed in four columns. The first column displays the time
the variable value was decoded. The second column displays the variable name from the
transmission sequence. The third column shows the transmitted value. The last column shows
the quality of the pulses transmitted for that variable. The value can be between 1 and 100 with
the higher values indicated a better quality. If the quality is below a certain threshold, the data
values will be red to alert the MWD operator of a possible problem.

View / Change Variables Window

This window displays variables from the receiver with their current values. If you wish to change
any of these, fill in the box to the right of name and press Enter or click on the Change to:
button. If the value was stored correctly in the receiver, it will appear next to the variable name. If
an incorrect value was entered, you will be prompted that the value could not be stored and the
correct value range will be displayed. These values are separated into two sections. The first
section contains the basic variables which deal with the pump pressure and pulse heights. These
can be changed during transmissions without requiring a re-synchronization. The advanced
variables should be changed before synchronization to ensure the correct values are decoded.
The bottom two values will automatically restart the receiver and it will lose synchronization if they
are changed during transmission decodes. The newly added advanced variables are explained in
detail below.
Pressure Transducer Offset (Units: PSI)
The amount of PSI to subtract out from the measured transducer pressure. This is used
to remove false pressure being reported by a damaged transducer.
Low Pass Filter Length (Length)
The length of one of the receiver's noise removal filters. A longer filter will remove more
noise and produce smoother results. A shorter filter will perform better when the pulses
are on sloped pressure baseline and possibly in other situations.
Sync Amplitude Threshold (Ratio)
The minimum ratio that the shortest sync pulse amplitude over the largest pulse
amplitude must meet in order to be considered a valid sync. Increasing this number will
force the sync detection to be very strict and should only be done if the receiver is false
synchronizing on incorrect pulses.

-10Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


MWD File Window

This window will show you the contents of the currently loaded configuration file. If you wish to
view the current configuration in the receiver, press the Refresh Configuration Data. If you wish
to save a configuration file from the receiver as a file on your computer, press the Save
Configuration To File and it will allow you to choose a filename.

Shock Window

The shock window displays the received shocks per second values on a horizontal graph. The
newest values are inserted at the right side of the graph and the older values will scroll to the left.
There are two types of graphs to display: bar graph and area fill. The bar graph separates the
shocks into 6 levels of damage risk. The lowest level is a short dark green bar and as the damage
risk increases, the shock bars get taller and more red. The other option to display the data is
using an area fill graph. This will show a line graph from each previous shock value to the next
value and it will fill the underneath area with a gradient fill. As the shocks get larger, they will
show more red and when they get smaller they will become more green.

-11Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


Up to five different types of files are stored on the hard drive. The five types have the extension
.mwd, .prc, .svy, .ftr and .raw. These are all stored inside a subfolder of the History folder. If the
job name was entered, all of the data from that job will be stored in the job name folder.
Otherwise, each subfolder is labeled by the day the files started being logged. All files are named
with the date and time when they are created. The format of the name before the extension is
The file types are explained below.

This is a copy of the configuration file stored into the receiver. It is useful to verify the
configuration when reviewing the data at a future time.

This is the main history file. It stores all of the data sent from the receiver. It includes
timestamps for all of the data and it will store everything in this file while this program is
open. This file may be created for each day or every run in the preferences window.

This file will contain all of the received survey data. The data will be stored in tab
delimited columns. Each column will have a header of the data type in that column.
Should the received survey data contain different information than the previous survey, a
new line with the data headers will appear in the file. Each of the header lines will always
be preceded by an empty line. You may view this data in any text editing software or
import it into a data sheet program.

This file records the voltage reading from the pressure transducer. These files are
necessary to review any problems you may be having with the receiver, pumps or the
tool. They are separated into files each time the pumps are established as being on. You
may stop recording this from the preferences window if you uncheck the Save Pressure
Files to Disk. This file can be viewed in the Bench Tree File Grapher program.

This file contains the filtered output from the BTR in PSI units. The data is recorded at 10
Hz to represent the pressure pulses. This is most useful when analyzing the .raw files for
pump behavior and the effects on proper decoding. This file can be viewed in the Bench
Tree File Grapher program.

-12Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


Viewing Log Files

If you wish to view any of the logged data files, click on the Data Logs menu. This will give
you the option to open the History folder or directly open up one of the current logs. The history
folder will contain all of the previous data log files as well as the current data files. If you choose
the View Current Log menu option, you will be presented with the type of data log to open. The
log types are listed below with descriptions.
This log contains all of the data received by the surface receiver and also some
user controlled events.
This log only contains data sent from the tool during the survey transmission
This log contains MWD operator events from multiple programs. Changes to the
receiver and the down hole tool are stored into this file.

Viewing Database Survey Reports

The data logged into the database can be viewed using the data reports window. To access this
window, click on the "Data Logs" menu and then select "View Reports". You will now be
displayed the data from the currently open database. You can select the particular data you wish
to view using the tree on the left. There are three levels of data to choose from and they are
shown below. The most upper level is the run summary overview. The next level is the full run
survey reports and the lowest level is the daily reports.
Each of the data report types will display the current job information at the top of the window
above the other information. You can also open up a previously created database from the file
menu to view and print any of the database data from the menu.

-13Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


The preferences window may be accessed by clicking on the Settings menu and then click on the
Preferences menu item. This will open a new window showing you the current settings and what
can be configured by the user. This section will go into detail into each section of preferences.

This section allows you to modify the displayed data on the compass window. The displayed
options will not be applied until all of the settings are saved with the Save button.
Changes the colors of the displayed item listed next to the box.
Show Warning FlagsThis allows you to display or hide the possible warning values to the
right of the compass.
Dim Older Tool Faces
Selecting this will darken each of the older tool faces. As they
become older, they are also displayed darker.
Tool Face Update Order
This allows you to choose the way the new tool faces are updated
on the compass.

Data Format
This section allows you to change the displayed formatting for most of the received data.
Gravity Tool Face Display Allows you to display the number between -180 and 180,
between 180L and 180R or between 0 and 360 degrees.
Temperature Units - Select the temperature type to display: Fahrenheit/Celsius
Decimal Precision - Select the number of decimal place resolution digits to show for each data

Generic Variables
This preferences section shows the generic variable names, alternate display name and also the
decode routing. The descriptions below go into more detail for each section.
This column lists the default generic variable names. These cannot be changed, but
may be overridden using the alternate display names.

-14Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


Alt. Display
Optional name to display instead of the standard GV#. Allows for a more
descriptive name to be presented to the operator and also stored to the logged files.
Decode Routing
If a generic variable data value represents one of the standard transmitted data types, it
may be routed to the standard display windows. If no special routing is selected, the
value will be decoded, stored and shown on the decoded data/history windows only.

This section allows you to view and change miscellaneous settings.
Force IP to change to desired value
Select this to option to override the default IP to the
selected value. This is usually used when the BTR Interface's IP is in conflict with
another network card on the computer.
Show pressure transducer error window
If this option is selected, a popup window will be displayed every time a pressure
transducer error is detected.
Show missed synchronization window
If this option is selected, a warning window will be displayed if the pumps are on for 3
minutes without synchronization.

Saved Files
This section will allow you to modify what data is saved to your computers hard drive and also
how to separate the data files.
Save Pressure Files to Disk
Selecting this will record the raw and filtered pressure data to the hard drive.
Compress Data
This will compress the raw pressure data to about 10% of the original size. The
compressed data is good for storing on the hard drive but is not as good for deeper
analysis of possible transmission or detection problems.

This section allows you to turn on and off the program sounds. You are also allowed to choose
your own custom .wav files to play for a particular event. You can enable or disable all sounds by
checking the top box. You can also disable a particular sound by using the check box next to the

-15Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


Pumps On
This sound will play when the pumps go from off to on.
Sync Pulse
This sound is played when the sync pulse is received.
Pumps Off
This sound is played when the pumps go from on to off.
This sound is played when an error window is displayed.
TF Update
This sound is played every time a new tool face is received.
Missed Decode
This sound is played every time a transmitted value is not decoded properly

These options allow the user to configure the warning settings used to calculate if the received
data is within the valid expected range for your location. The nominal values and tolerance limits
are retrieved from the configuration file currently being used. You may override these values if
they were not correct for the location.
Compare received data against valid data ranges
This enables the warning flag calculation from the decoded transmission data.
Override configuration values
Selecting this will allow the user to use a custom set of tolerance limits instead of the
configuration values.
Dip Angle
Dip angle (degrees) and (+/-) tolerance
Magnetic Field
Magnetic field (gauss) and (+/-) tolerance
Gravity Field
Gravity field (gee) and (+/-) tolerance
Temperature Maximum
Maximum temperature (C or F) before warning is set
Battery Low Voltage
Lowest Battery Voltage (volts) before warning is set

-16Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


This section deals the with WITS (Wellsite Information Transfer Specification) serial output
options. The WITS data will come out of the serial port from your computer. If you dont have a
serial port located on the computer, you can purchase a USB to serial adapter to interface with
other devices.

Enable WITS Output

This will enable WITS data to be sent out the computer serial port.

Choose the serial comport from the available ports. The serial comport must be available
when the program is started for this program to recognize it.

Baud Rate
Choose the WITS serial baud rate you are using.

WITS Data Output

Check any of the data listed that you wish to send out the WITS port.

-17Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software



If you are connected to a BTR version 1.5.5 or higher, you will be able to shutdown the system
from this Windows interface program. This option is located under the File menu and it is the
selection called Shutdown BTR. The program will prompt you to verify that you are about to
shutdown the system making the receiver non-operational. Shutting the system down this way will
ensure that all system files are closed correctly.


If you have questions on how to use the program, click on the Help menu and select Help
Contents. This will display a searchable help file.
After moving and resizing the windows, you may want to reset them back to their original size at
some point. To do this select the Help menu and click on Reset Window Locations.
Clicking on the About item from the Help menu will display the current software version

-18Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software



Q: How do I view data received from the BTR?

A: This program stores all of the data received into the History sub-folder of your installed
program directory. The data is stored in folders for each day it was received in the History folder.
The folder name format is YYYY-MM-DD. The files stored in this folder are described in section 6
of this document. They are all standard ASCII text documents and can be opened in any text
editor. An easy way to access this folder is to click on the Data Logs menu and select the item
titled Open History Folder.
Q: Why wont the program connect to the receiver?

A: There are many reasons this may happen. Some of them include: improper cable connection,
receiver not powered on, firewall settings and wrong cable type. Any Windows version other than
2000 or XP will not work without manually changing your IP address. Check the troubleshooting
section below for more details.

Q: How do I send a new configuration to the receiver and tool?

A: Refer to Storing configurations to receiver/tool section in the MWD Configuration Utility
section of this document.
Q: How do I measure and calculate the Drillers Assembly Offset (DAO)?

A: Instructions are located in a separate help window located inside of this program. To access
this window, you can click on the Help menu and select the Calculate DAO menu item. This will
bring up a window with the instructions on how to measure the angle and also provide the
controls to calculate the DAO angle in degrees using the measured values.

-19Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


Problem: Program doesn't start
- Try uninstalling the program and reinstalling from the CD. If the program prompts you to install
Java, you must install it. Java is required to run this program on your computer.

Problem: Program starts, but won't connect to the receiver (Connecting to the
receiver window is
- Verify that the Ethernet cable is a compatible cable (same type provided with the product) and it
is fully plugged in at both ends.
- Verify that the receiver is on and operational (start-up screen is no longer being displayed).
- Force Windows to renew its Ethernet IP by the following steps: Go to Control Panel. Click on
Connections. Right click on Local Area Connection and click Disable. Right click on Local Area
Connection and click Enable
- Make sure that you do not have a software firewall set up to restrict program access to the
internet. The Local Area Connection must also be enabled. The BTR Interface must be given
access to communicate over the Ethernet port or it will not work.
- Allow the program to try and connect to the receiver for up to two minutes.
- If this still doesn't work, try disabling the wireless network card if it is present on your machine. If
the connection has still not been made, close the program, wait 15 seconds and then restart the
- If you are using a Windows version other than 2000 or XP, You will need to manually change
the IP address. Under the control panel, you will need to change your network properties for the
Local Area Connection. Change the TCP/IP address to with a subnet mask of Restart your machine after this and try restarting the program.
If you are still having problems with this software, feel free to contact Bench Tree Technical
Support [email protected]

-20Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


MWD Configuration Utility

Version 1.4
Installing the software
This software is packaged in the MWD Software Installation CD. It is installed after running the
automatic install from the CD. If you have any questions on the installation, refer to the installation
section in the beginning of this manual.

Starting the Program

After installing the program, you will have shortcuts to access the program from the desktop and
from within the start menu in the Bench Tree Group folder. It is recommended that you have the
BTR powered on and are connected to it with an Ethernet cable before starting the program. If
you wish to correctly communicate to the receiver from this software, the BTR must have a
firmware version of 1.5.4 or higher. Connecting to the BTR is not required if you only wish to use
the editing features of this program.

Using the Program

Upon starting the program, you will be prompted to choose a configuration file to open. Choose
the MWD configuration file you wish to use or click Cancel to use default settings. The program
will then display the configuration variable names and values on the right pane. The left pane of
the program contains links to the section titles of similar variables. Clicking on a title on the left
pane will display the related section of variables on the right pane.

Editing Variables:
You may edit any of the variables by changing the values to the right of the name. Pressing
enter after changing a value will confirm the validity of the change. If the entered value is
invalid or out of range, the program will prompt you with an error message. You will be given
the option to have the previous value automatically reloaded or you can re-enter the value
yourself. Once a variable field has been selected, information about the variable units and
valid ranges will appear on the bottom bar of the program. You will not be allowed to save a
file if it contains an invalid variable entry. This prevents anyone from loading an invalid
configuration file onto the receiver or the tool. If you need help inputting a valid Survey or
Tool Face/Logging sequence, please refer to the help section in this document entitled
Editing Sequences. After modifying a file, you can save the file by selecting the File menu
and then clicking on Save or Save As. You may also use the Control-S shortcut to save a file.
The program will always prompt you for verification before it overwrites an existing file.

-21Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


Storing Configuration to the receiver/tool:

Before uploading a configuration to the BTR or a tool, you must have the file currently
opened in this program. If you have not saved the file before uploading, you will be prompted
to save the file before the upload process can take place. You must also have the BTR
powered on and connected to the BTR with an Ethernet cable. To start the upload process,
click on the Load/Store menu and then click on the Store to item. You may select to
either store the configuration file to the tool or BTR only or to both simultaneously.

Retrieve Configuration from the receiver/tool:

After the BTR is powered on and connected to the computer via the Ethernet cable, you may
use this program to load the configuration from the BTR. First click on the Load/Store menu
and then select the Load from item. Select a hardware type and the configuration file will
be loaded into the program for you to view. You will notice the title of the program will change
to Current receiver configuration or Current tool configuration after this process is

-22Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


You may send and receive messages directly to the tool using the Tool Communications
window. To access this window, click on the Communications menu and then click on Tool. Type
in a message in the Text to Send box or select a pre-defined message from the drop down box.
You may send the message by pressing Enter or clicking on the Send button.

A record of messages/responses is shown in the large white portion of the window. Messages
sent from the MWD operator are colored green and responses from the tool are colored blue. You
may clear all the stored text in the text areas by clicking on the Clear Windows button. If you
wish to pause receiving data, click on the Pause Transmissions button. Partial list of tool
communication commands: CCod 11;CCod?

-23Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


This command must be sent before changing some values

Bat2? Requests the battery 2 status
BatV? Requests the battery voltage level
TFO? Requests the Tool Face Offset
Inct 4;Inct? Set the Inclination Threshold to 4 and requests the IncT value
SyTy? Requests the Synchronization type
HdCk? Requests the header error checking type
Bat2 Off;Bat2? Turn Battery 2 off and verify
Ver Request the firmware versions
DSNs? Request the tool serial numbers

-24Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


The section describes the basics about the variables and syntax characters for different
transmission sequences. Below is a list of the available variable names for transmitted values in
the sequences. The variables come in two main types: logical and regular. Logical variable values
can only represent On/True or Off/False. The variable names are on the left and a description is
located in parentheses next to the variable name. The variable names are not case sensitive.

Regular Variables Logical Variables

Inc (Inclination)

Bat2 (Battery 2 state - On or Off)

aTFA (Auto tool face angle)

BatW (Battery voltage warning - True or False)

gTFA (Gravity tool face angle)

GrvW (Gravity warning - True or False)

mTFA (Magnetic tool face angle)

MagW (Magnetic warning - True or False)

Azm (Azimuth)

DipW (Dip angle warning - True or False)

Grav (Gravity)

TmpW (Temperature warning - True or False)

Temp (Temperature)
BatV (Battery Voltage)
Gama (Gamma)
MagF (Magnetic Field)
DipA (Dip Angle)

Transmitted Bits:
Each regular variable requires a transmitted bit amount. This number is added
directly after the variable name and is separated by a colon :. The valid bit range is between 1
and 21 bits.
Ex: Inc:9 - This will request Inclination transmitted in 9 bits

Error Checking:
An optional error check can be added to either regular or logical variable transmissions. This can
be added to the transmission by following the bit count with a colon : and then the character P
for parity and E for ECC error checking. If desired, the whole word may be spelled out for either
parity or ecc. The words are not case sensitive.
Ex: Azm:8:P - This will send Azm in 8 bits and add an extra parity bit to the transmission
for a total of 9 bits.

-25Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


A group of variables may be transmitted for a specified number of times before the next
variables are transmitted in a sequence. Loops may be of a specific amount, between 1 and 255,
or infinitely repeat. In order to send a finite number of loops in a sequence, first type the number
of loops immediately followed by a left brace {. This will begin a finite loop. Type in all variables
names you wish to include in the loop using the standard transmission syntax and end the loop
with a right brace }.
Ex: Azm:8 5{aTFA:6 Temp:6} This will send the Azm variable and
then send the aTFA and Temp values five times.
To send an infinite loop, do not put a number in front of the left brace. Once an infinite loop is
entered, it will never be exited. Any variables put after an infinite loop will never be reached. The
entire tool face/logging sequence is an infinite loop by definition and it does not require
surrounding braces around the whole variable sequence.

-26Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


The preferences window may be accessed by clicking on the Settings menu and then clicking on
the Preferences menu item. This will open a new window showing you the current settings and
what can be configured by the user. This section will go into detail in each section of preferences.

This preferences section will show you the options that you can change for the program to alter
the startup conditions.
Load Previous Window Positions
Displays the windows in the same positions as they were when the program was closed.
Show Open File Dialog on Start-up
This will display a file chooser window for you to open a MWD file.
Default Variable Values
This deals with the values loaded in the displayed MWD file when no file is opened at
startup. You may choose to use the program defaults or use a custom file.

Generic Variables
This preferences section shows the generic variable names, alternate display name and also the
decode routing. The descriptions below go into more detail for each section.
Variable - This column lists the default generic variable names. These cannot be changed, but
may be overridden using the alternate display names.
Alt. Display - Alternate display name for the generic variables. If a name is provided here, it
will be displayed in the configuration file with this name and also appear in the BTR
Interface using this name.
Decode Routing - This option allows the user to route a decoded generic variable value to a
display window in the BTR Interface. These values may be edited in BTR Interface
and are currently not stored in the configuration file so they must be entered locally on
each machine.

-27Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


This section will contain any options which do not fit within the other listed preferences
Auto InvF=Off Before Programming Tool
This option will try to turn off the inverse flow switch on the tool before it is programmed
with a configuration file. If the inverse flow switch is left on, the tool will not be fully
Verify Each Tool Programming Response
This option forces all of the programmed values verified to be correct before any other
values may be stored to the tool.
Show Comparison Window After Programming
This option automatically begins the tool and receiver configuration comparison process
after the tool has been programmed.
Show Transmission Sequence Information
When this option is enabled, the transmission timings for each transmission sequence
are shown beneath each sequence.

Tool Communications
This section will allow you to change the settings that are used when you are using the tool
communications window.
Display Transmission Overhead
This will show you all of the characters used to communicate with the tool including the
header and handshaking characters.
Display All Received Messages Window
This will allow you to view a separate window only displaying received messages from
the tool. It will appear below the command/response window.
Auto Send CCod 11; Before All Messages
This will automatically set the capability code to all access mode allowing you to change
any tool variables without manually changing the capability code.

-28Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


Program Layout

MWD Configuration File Creator with labels

1. Menus
2. Toolbar
3. Optional Tool Type Selector
4. Shortcut Pane
5. Variable Definition Pane
6. Information and Status Bar
7. Connection Status to BTR

-29Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


Problem: Program will not load/store anything from the receiver
First check the bottom right hand corner of the program and check the status of the connection to
the BTR. If the value does not say Connected, then there is a problem with your Ethernet
connection to the BTR. Make sure the BTR is powered on and that the Ethernet cable is firmly
inserted into the computer and BTR. You may try closing the program and re-opening it if you are
still having problems.

-30Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


Version 1.1.8
Installing the software
This software is packaged in the MWD Software Installation CD. It is installed after running the
automatic install from the CD. If you have any questions on the installation, refer to the installation
section in the beginning of the manual.

Starting the Program

This program can be started from the Start Menu under the folder Bench Tree Group. Click on the
File Grapher name to begin the program. After the program loads, you may open up any of the
recorded (.btraw and .ftr) files to view them displayed on a graph of pump pressure versus time .

Using the Program

You may open up a raw file by clicking on the File menu and then click on Open. This will allow
you to select a file on your computer using a file chooser. You may also open a file by dragging it
onto this program from a Windows explorer window. Once the file is opened, the data will be
displayed in the graph section. The pump pressure is drawn in blue over a white background. The
graph shows five different pressure levels on the left scale with a horizontal line extending across
the graph. The times on the bottom axis are displayed to show the relative time the pressure data
was collected. This time may not be accurate if the filename has been changed.
If an associated filtered pulse file (.ftr) can be found with a pressure file, then they will both be
displayed together. The pressure line will be in blue and the pulses will be in black. The scale on
the left will also show both scaling in their associated colors.
Several items are located below the graph which allow you to change different aspects of the
graph. You may change most of the values by entering a new value in the field and pressing
Enter. For the compression value, you can use the slider to change its value. The variables are
described below.
High Value
Highest value of PSI displayed for that value type
Low Value
Lowest value of PSI displayed for that value type
Pressure Full Scale
The full scale of the pressure transducer used.
Amount of data to be displayed per pixel. 1:1 is uncompressed.
Start Time
The time used to determine when the recording was started.

-31Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


Pulse Width
The pulse width of the recorded pulse data (.ftr only).
You may use the scrollbar on the bottom of the window to view different parts of the data. The
oldest data will be displayed on the left side of the graph and the newest data will be displayed on
the right. You may use the right mouse button on the graph to change some of the graphing
values. The top two options let you set either of the high and low PSI limits for the pressure line to
that point on the graph. The middle options let you change the graph scaling for the pulses. The
bottom option lets you Zoom Out and will extend the both high/low PSI limits for pressure and
pulses to show more surrounding data.

Program Layout

Raw File Viewer with labelled components

1. Menus
2. Pressure axis
3. Graphed pressure and pulses
4. Time axis
5. Configurable display values
-32Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software



Version 1.0.6

Installing the software

This software is packaged in the MWD Software Installation CD. It is installed after running the
automatic install from the CD. If you have any questions on the installation, refer to the installation
section in the beginning of this manual.

Starting the program

The program icon will be installed onto the desktop after the MWD software installer is finished.
Double click the icon to begin the roll test program. The computer must be hooked up to the
receiver via an Ethernet cable and the tool must be connected to the receiver using the tool
programming cable. The receiver must be powered on for the program to connect to it. There will
be a connecting window displayed until the program is connected correctly to the receiver.

Using the program

After the program is properly connected to the receiver and tool, the user will see the tools
information displayed in the different sections of the window. The raw sensor data is displayed in
the Sensor Acquired Data and the calculated values from the raw data are displayed in the
Sensor Derived Data. The Compass Rose window will display the current azimuth, inclination
and high side (gravity tool face).

Starting a New Roll Test

You may begin a new roll test by clicking on the File menu and then clicking on New Roll Test.
This will prompt you with a window to fill out the basic roll test information for the new roll test.
This information is helpful for distinguishing between tests later on, so please enter as much data
as you can.

Opening a Previous Roll Test

If you wish to open a previously started roll test, click on the File menu and then click on the
Open Roll Test item. If you do not have any previously started roll tests with the current tool,
then you will be prompted to import the roll tests from an old roll test database. If you already
have roll test data in the database, then you will be shown a screen of all the available tests in the
database. Clicking once on
the data in the table will show you the rest of the test information in the panel on the bottom of the
window. Click on the open button to open your selected test

-33Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


Acquiring Roll Test Data

After you have opened a roll test, you will be given the option to acquire directional data from the
tool and store it into the database. You may begin the acquisition process by clicking on the Roll
Test menu and then clicking the Start Acquisition item. This will prompt you with an acquisition
options. You will first need to select the method of data acquisition. Choose Manual to let the
operator decide when to acquire the data for each data shot. The Automatic option will
automatically store the data when the tool is in the correct direction and the data has been stable
for multiple readings. Choose the Timed option to acquire data on a fixed interval. This is useful
when the user is not close to the computer. You may also choose to acquire data from any of the
following orientations: North, South, and East and Vertical. You must choose at least one of these
directions to acquire any data. It is recommended that you take full data sets for each direction at
least once. You may use the acquisition buttons Acquire and Skip to either manually acquire
data or skip the current data acquisition. There will be guidance arrows displayed on the graph
directing you to the next desired data acquisition position. Once you have aligned the tool to the
correct positions, the arrows will not be displayed and the data should be acquired when it
becomes stable. There will be a dark green rectangle in the middle of the tool face ring. This is
the marking of the user selected high side of the tool. The red tool face direction wedge is the
actual high side of the internal electronics and this is used for alignment because it provides more
accurate roll test results.

Viewing Test Results

After finishing all of the data acquisition sets, you will be prompted to view the roll test results.
The results window will show you all of the acquired data from this roll test and the variance
results for several different measurements. The data is grouped by the orientation direction in
which the data was acquired. Each section that has data will have the minimum, maximum and
variance for each column at the bottom of the table. This statistics section has a different color
background than the data. The roll test summary results are listed at the bottom of the window.
The data types being tested for calibration are listed on the left side of the results table. If the data
acquired for that data type is within range of the maximum limits, then a green check will appear
on the right side of that row. If the data is out of the acceptable range, then a red x will appear to
the right side of the table. Any data marked as Bad will not be used in the calculations for these
results. You may view the results of any previous roll test without being connected to the receiver
or the tool by clicking on the File menu of the main window and then clicking on the View
Previous Test Result. This will display the result page for that particular test.

Editing Test Data

If a roll test is currently open, you may choose to view all of test data in the edit data window.
You can view this window by clicking on the Roll Test menu and then click on the Edit Test
Data item. This will display all of the data in a table. You can mark any of these data as bad by
clicking the check box in the bad column of the table. You must click on the Ok button to save
any edits that you have made. All of the data marked as bad will not be used in the test results

-34Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


Editing Test Header Information

At any time, you may edit the currently opened roll tests header information by clicking on the
Roll Test menu and then the Edit Header Data item. This will show you the same header
dialog window that you filled out to create this roll test. Correct any data that you want to change
and then click on the Ok button to save the data.

Printing Test Results

You may print any of the test results while viewing the test results page by clicking on the File
menu and then clicking on Print. You will be given the option to choose your printer from the new
window that is displayed. You may also print the results of a currently open roll test by clicking on
the Roll Test menu in the main window and then clicking on the Print Test item. This will send the
results straight to the printer without having to view the results page.

Viewing Data Scatter Plots

While viewing the test results from a roll test, you can also show the acquired data on graphical
plots. To show the graphical plot window, select Show Scatter Plots from the File menu. This
will open a new window showing five different graphs. The top three graphs (Dip Angle, Magnetic
Field and Gravity) will have data from all three azimuth directions plotted on the same graph. The
bottom two graphs (Azimuth and Inclination) will display the data from individual azimuth
directions on each graph. Click on the tabs to change the displayed direction data.
The white areas in each graph represent the maximum valid spread of the data for each
measurement type. If the data is out of range, it will be displayed in the grey area and the
background of the graph will turn light red. The numbers on the y-axis represent the measured
value ranges for that direction type. The x-axis labels represent the tool face angle. There are
vertical markers on the graph for every 45 degree tool face segment which corresponds to the
positions the roll test data shots are taken at.

-35Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


Program Layout

Main Window

1. Menus
2. Compass Window
3. Tool Sensor Derived Data
4. Tool Sensor Acquired Data
5. Test Header Information
6. User Instructions
7. Acquisition Control Buttons
8. User Notes

-36Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software





-37Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software




-38Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


B - GE
qW32 Server
qTalk Procedures

Version 3.00 July 2003

This document is an unpublished work. Copyright 2003 (Revised) GE Power Systems.
All rights reserved. This document and all information and expressions contained herein
are the property of GE Power Systems and are provided to the recipient in confidence
on a need to know basis. Your use of this document is strictly limited to a legitimate
business purpose requiring the information contained therein. Your use of this document
constitutes acceptance of these terms.


qTalk is still an available DOS system program. It is needed to operate the
BootLoad program and load the firmware to the individual processors, 05, 09, and 20.
The same commands are still available and still apply. At the end of this section, you
will find the directions for operating the DOS version of the qTalk program. Following
is a description of the new W32 qServer system that operates via the qNIC device
attached to the qBus cable, commonly called the dongle.

-39Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


qTalk System Utilities is the program used to communicate with the various nodes
on the qTalk for Win95 version, now contained in the qW32 Server program.
To access the qW32 Server, simply place the mouse arrow on the qW32 Server Icon
located on the Task Bar and click once. The following window will appear.

The Win32 qTalk display is entirely different from the previous DOS version, and is more
versatile. By simply clicking on the qTalk button or pressing the q key the following
window will appear.

qTalk/W32 Window
qTalk/W32 is a limited version of qTalk for 32 bit windows.
qTalk contains one small, single-line window above three large, main windows.
The single-line, Message contents window allows the operator to choose messages
to send to the systems, selecting from numerous hard-coded options, or entering
mnemonics as listed at the end of this chapter. The upper large window, Received
Messages, displays all messages sent and received in a constantly scrolling fashion.
The operator can pause the scrolling by clicking the Pause button. The middle large
window, Sent Messages, records all messages sent by the PC either from the program,
QDTW32 or those issued by the operator via the Message

-40Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


Contents window.
The lower large window, Responses, records all responses from the respective
nodes that respond to queries sent from the PC. As long as the qServer is booted
these messages and responses will be saved in the scrolling fashion.

The operator can send queries or commands to particular node addresses by

selecting destination labels or destination addresses. The operator can perform most
commands with the wild card ## selection and the ____ open label.
The Pause button pauses the scrolling of messages, making inspection of previous
messages easier.
The Clear Display button clears the main message windows.
The Exit button quits qTalk/W32.
Other commands:
Logging qTalk/W32 Messages to a File
Playing Back a qTalk Log File
Changing the BAUD Rate
Checking Node Status
Node Status Window
This screen identifies all on-line nodes on the qBus and displays any warnings or
faults that each node may have. This screen is the equivalent to sending the
\____##/?\qdfr? qdwr?
However, instead of showing the fault and warning register values, this screen
displays a brief description relating to each warning or fault bit set in the registers.

-41Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


Changing the BAUD Rate

To change the baud rate, start qTalk and then hold down the <Alt> key and type the
letter b. This key combination brings up the qW32Srvr BAUD Rate dialog box.
Select one of the BAUD rates, or type your own, and click on OK.

-42Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


Clear the Status Window

Click the Clear Messages button on the main qW32Srvr dialog to clear all warning
and error messages from the Status window.

Logging qTalk/W32 Messages to a File

To start logging to disk, type <Alt-L> while running the qTalk/W32 window. The
default qTalk log file name is qW32Talk.Log. To turn logging off, type <Alt-L> again.
Care should be taken in generating a qTalk log, as these logs tend to grow large very
rapidly. Notice the Logging windowpane next to the Sent Messages display.

-43Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


Playing Back a qTalk Log File

To play back a qTalk/W32 log file, type <Alt-D> from the qTalk window and select the
desired log file. The default qTalk log file name is qW32Talk.Log. Playback sends all
logged messages to all qMWD/W32 client programs at a steady rate. Typing <Alt-D>
again turns off the playback feature.

COM Port
Access the port used to communicate with the qBus nodes by clicking on the system
menu icon (the gray and black Q icon) at the top left corner of the qW32Srvr Server
window and then selecting the menu item COM Port. You must know which COM Port is
used to communicate with qBus nodes before you make the change. In the case of
notebook or laptop computers, a PCMCIA card is generally used to communicate with
qBus nodes. Use the Win95 Device Manager to determine which port has been
assigned for this card. (Refer to Win95 documentation.) The qW32Srvr will default to
COM1 when run the first time after the initial installation of qMWDW32. If the COM Port
is changed, the new COM Port is saved in the system registry and is used each time the
qW32Srvr is run.
Note: Insure the COM Port change is required. If the system is operating
properly, do not change the COM Port unless otherwise directed.

-44Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


Manually Stopping the qW32Srvr

Clicking the STOP MWD System button causes the server to exit, or quit running.
In normal operation, the operator should not need to use this button. The server
keeps a list of running qMWD/W32 programs. When the last program exits, the
server exits as well.
qTalk DOS
qTalk System Utilities is the program used to communicate with the various network
nodes that make up the QDT MWD system. Partially enter into this program via the
qBus Monitor (Alt-7) in the qMWD_PC program. Use qTalk System Utilities to talk
directly to the MWD probe to troubleshoot the probe or any other node on the system.
Practice with this program, using the manuals provided by GE Power Systems, to
gain familiarity and master the troubleshooting process. This manual contains a list of
mnemonics with definitions to help select the proper labels to query the nodes.
Multipoint Mode
qTalk Multipoint mode allows the PC to function like a standard qMIX device on the
bus, as either the master node or a slave node. A background 'host' process handles
communications interrupts, parsing and, formatting of messages. It uses its own link
label (LnkL) and link address (LnkA) for communicating with other Multipoint nodes.
The PC keyboard and screen act either as a passive bus monitor or as an interactive,
point-to-point port (with a unique link label) for communicating with the host process.
Normal Operation and Colors During normal Multipoint operation, the qTalk display
monitors all bus activity, with incoming characters in yellow and outgoing characters in
light blue. The operating mode for qTalk is displayed, near the top-right corner of the
screen, as a light blue character indicating one of four states:
M Master Mode
S Slave Mode
I Idle Mode
C Chat Mode
Note: qTalk displays the operating mode letters in upper or lower case according to the
presence or absence of communication:
Upper Case: Currently in communication with other devices
Lower Case: Not currently in communication with other devices

-45Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


Observe that the operating mode letter changes case when you disconnected the qBus
For an active qMIX bus, the master node sends calling and polling sequences to the
slave nodes. If another node is master and polls the qTalK' link address, qTalk responds
with light blue EOT characters. If qTalk itself is master, it sends the calling and polling
sequences in blue, while any responses from the slave nodes are in yellow. In either
master or slave modes, messages going to or from the PC node are handled
automatically by qTalk.
Some PC displays may not scroll fast enough to keep up with the qMIX calling and
polling sequences at 9600 Baud. If a display lag develops, the qTalk buffer stores up to
8192 delayed characters, after which the message (break) appears in red to indicate that
a section of data has been dropped in order to catch up. Pressing either the F5-CrLf (Cr
= Carriage Return, Lf = Line Feed) or F7-Filt key combinations can reduce lag in the
The (break) message also appears when a break sequence is received on the serial
communications line. A repeated string of breaks usually indicates operation at an
incorrect baud rate. Other warning messages that appear in red indicate problems with
the printer or with a disk file. In host mode, normal interactive dialog occurs in green,
while red indicates an error response.
Host Mode
In addition to simply monitoring the Multipoint bus activity, the operator may send and
receive messages by routing them onto the bus through the qTalk "Host" mode.
In Host mode, the PC keyboard and screen are treated as a point-to-point port which
has the label 'Talk' and uses the address defined in the qMIX 'LnkA' control variable.
That is, LnkA is the number assigned to the PC using the 'Node Address' conventions
described in the Help in the qMWD_PC program. The Multipoint port on the serial bus
continues to operate as normal.
In qBus Monitor, you can enter the Host mode by pressing the F4 key. In qTALK, you
can enter the Host mode by pressing either the F4 key or the ESC key.
Once in Host mode, the communication display halts and presents a ">" prompt
character to solicit messages from the user. Communications are still present, but are
not displayed on screen. Only those nodes respond which have information relating to
the operator request. These nodes precede their responses with their source routing
Use Host mode to investigate certain aspects and conditions on the qbus. Practice using
Host mode to gain proficiency with this system. Numerous routines allow the operator to
enter command lines and interrogate the surface system and, when connected, the
downhole system. Following are a couple of methods used to call up the command line.

-46Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


Typed Displayed Purpose

Command Line - \_\ \____##/?\ Inquiry to all nodes
\05\ \____05/?\ Inquiry to node 05
Note: Target any node with its specific node address number.
Following any of these command lines, the operator can enter a label that relates to a
specific function in that particular node. Alternatively, the operator can enter a label that
relates to all nodes. If a particular node does not respond to an inquiry, that node
probably does not use that particular command or function related to that label.
To exit Host mode, press the 'F4' key or type '\M'. Once out of Host mode, the PC
returns to displaying ongoing communications.
Scrolling Previous Commands
The qTalk program allows the operator to recall up to 10 previously invoked commands.
Press the up arrow (_) to scroll backward or the down arrow (_) to scroll forward.
The operator can alter particular labels to perform troubleshooting or testing functions.
Enter the command code of 10 to alter labels. To check the capability level, enter the
label CLev after the command line, followed by a ?. To change the capability level,
follow the instructions below.
Note: Be very careful when altering labels. Do not alter labels indiscriminately.
Command Code
CCod 10 allows the operator to enter commands, change label values and switch
positions. Enter this command after the command line followed by an exclamation point
Example: >\ ##/?\CCod 10!
Note: Extreme Care must be taken when in this operating mode!
Soft Keys
The soft keys on the right side of the screen allow the operator to manipulate the
operation of qTalk. However, some of the keys need not be used for normal operation.
(Note difference of display in qTalk2 and qBus Monitor). For normal operation, the
operator needs to use only:

-47Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


F4 Host
This key stops the scrolling of the display to allow the operator to perform the desired
commands. Toggling the switch will alternate the command.
F7 Filter
This key eliminates the unanswered link addresses that are polled. Only the nodes that
are active in qMIX will be displayed.
F8 Pause
This key stops the scrolling of the data to allow the operator to view data.
Shift+F1 Exit
This allows the operator to exit the program.
Shift+F4 VChk
This command performs a system check on all of the nodes attached to the system.
Shift+F5 qDFR
This command performs a system check on all of the nodes attached to the system.
Note: SF4 and SF5 commands are the same routines performed on the system in the
Node Status screen in the qMWD_PC program.
Shift+F9 Term
This command places the system into the Terminal Mode. Only operators with extensive
training in the operation of qTalk should enter this routine.
Lists of qTalk variables and mnemonics are available in the QDT Training Manual and
the qMWD Engineer's Reference Manual Vol. 2, Appendices B2 and V. Use these labels
in the inquiry mode to gain familiarity and confidence in operating qTalk.
qTalk Terminal Mode
Use the qTalk program terminal mode only for extensive troubleshooting or for loading
the GE Power Systems software to the system. Only trained personnel should use
terminal mode or the procedures for loading the GE Power Systems software.

-48Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


The operator can easily distinguish the qTalk terminal mode display from the Multipoint
mode display. The qTalk terminal mode display is monochrome, not color, and has
unique menu options.
QTalk Terminal Mode Menus
Press the F10 key to toggle between the two available qTalk Terminal mode menus.
The two menus read as follows.
Terminal Menu 1 Terminal Menu 2
F1 Exit F1 Exit
F2 Remote F2 Remote
F3 Auto LF (Off) F3 Display (All)
F4 Echo (Off) F4 EOL Chr (Cr)
F5 Print (Off) F5 Idle!
F6 Baud (9600) F6 qMIX!
F7 Data Bits (8) F7 Chat!
F8 Stop Bits (1) F8 Errors ( )
F9 Parity (None) F9 Go to Multipoint
F10 Next Menu F10 Next Menu
QTalk Startup Menus
Following are the soft-key toggle options as displayed at startup.
The options are in parentheses. Default options are in bold type.
Startup Menu 1
F1 Exit qTalk
F2 Remote Local
F3 Auto LF (Off) (On)
F4 Echo (Off) (On)
F5 Print (Off) (On)
F6 Baud (600) (1200) (2400) (4800) (9600) (19200) (38400) (115k2)
F7 Data Bits (8) (7) (6) (5)
F8 Stop Bits (1) (2)
F9 Parity (None) (Even) (Mark) (Spce) (Odd)
F10 Toggles the Next Menu
Startup Menu 2
F1 Exit qTalk
F2 Remote Local
F3 Display (All) (I&D) (Dat) (Hex)

-49Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


F4 EOL Chr (Cr) (ETX) (EOT)

F5 Idle! stop qMix, allow node access
F6 qMIX! restart qMix after idle
F7 Chat! select a node
F8 Errors ( )
F9 Go to Multipoint re-access Multipoint program
F10 Toggles the Next Menu
WARNING: After establishing communications with a particular node, and before exiting
the qTalk program, the operator MUST reestablish qMIX communication by selecting the
qMIX softkey (F6). Otherwise, the node will be idle and may appear non-functional.
Cycling the power to the system should cold boot the system for all of the nodes and
reestablish qMIX operations. Care should be taken to know which labels were changed,
if any, and which labels should be changed back to their original values or settings.
Observe that while performing the configuration routine, the program changes only those
labels listed in the configuration. Observe the configuration routine using two PCs
connected to the SASB qBus outlets, with one PC in qTalk or qBus monitor.
Every operating company should allow one individual access to these procedures, for
the purpose of upgrading the firmware of the systems. Each operator should have at
least minimal qTalk training to enhance his troubleshooting capabilities.
Commonly Used mNemonic Labels
AcqD! Acquire Directional Steering (T/L) Data Command
AcqS! Acquire Directional Survey Data Command
AcqG! Acquire Gamma Data Command
Ax Accelerometer X axis corrected & scaled Data
Ay Accelerometer Y axis corrected & scaled Data
Az Accelerometer Z axis corrected & scaled Data
Azm Directional Sensor Azimuth Data (refer to TAzm)
Bat2 Auxiliary Battery Switch Control/State
BatD Battery Data Block
BatV Battery Voltage
BHiV Battery High Voltage Measurement
BLoV Battery Low Voltage Measurement
BThr Low Battery Voltage Threshold

-50Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


CCod Capability Code Number
DipA Dip Angle
DLC Downlink Controls Parameter Block
DLTP Downlink Time Period
DSns Directional Sensor Information Block
Gama Gamma Data Value
GamD Gamma Data Block
GamD Gamma Data Block
Grav Gravity Data
gTFA Gravity Toolface Angle
Inc Inclination Data
InvF Inverted Flow Switch
LnkA qMIXTM Link (node) Address
LnkL qMIXTM Link (node) Label
LnkM qMIXTM Link Mode (following a Reset)
Loc Job Site Location Information Block
LoPL Receiver Low Pulse Amplitude Limit (editing control)
MagD Magnetic Data Block
MagF Total Magnetic Field
MDec Magnetic Declination
Mod1 Telemetry Controls Parameter Block for Mode #1
Mod2 Telemetry Controls Parameter Block for Mode #2
Mod3 Telemetry Controls Parameter Block for Mode #3
Mod4 Telemetry Controls Parameter Block for Mode #4
ModC Main Telemetry Mode Controls Parameter Block
ModN Telemetry Mode Number at power on

-51Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


PLen Pipe Length
PlsC Pulse Controls Parameter Block
PlsW Pulse Width in effect
PmpD Pump Data Block
Pmps Pumps Status - On/Off
PmpP Pump Pressure
PmpT Pumps-On Threshold
PTO Pressure Transducer Offset correction
PW1 Pulse Width for Telemetry Mode #1
PW2 Pulse Width for Telemetry Mode #2
PW3 Pulse Width for Telemetry Mode #3
PW4 Pulse Width for Telemetry Mode #4
qDCR qMIXTM Device Control Register
qDFR qMIXTM Device Fault Register
qDSR qMIXTM Device Status Register
qDWR qMIXTM Device Warning Register
qLNM qBus Host-Mode Log Name, XXXXXXXX.QBM
qLPA qBus Host-Mode Log Path, *.QBM
qMem qMIXTM Memory I/O Function (diagnostic)
qMIX! Go To Normal qMIXTM Mode Command
qSCR qMIXTM System Control Register
qSFR qMIXTM System Fault Register
qSSR qMIXTM System Status Register
qSW qMIXTM Software Version String (refer to Ver)
ROPd Constant Distance ROP Averaging Number
ROPn Constant Time ROP Averaging Number
RTOC Receiver Toolface Offset Computation Control
RTTF Receiver Toolface Offset Computation Control

-52Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


SFlw Simulated Flow control (test & diagnostic)
Site Job Site Information Data Block
SN Processor Hardware Serial Number
SSN1 Survey Sequence Number for Telemetry Mode #1
SSN2 Survey Sequence Number for Telemetry Mode #2
SSN3 Survey Sequence Number for Telemetry Mode #3
SSN4 Survey Sequence Number for Telemetry Mode #4
SSq1 Survey Sequence Definition String #1
SSq2 Survey Sequence Definition String #2
SSq3 Survey Sequence Definition String #3
SSq4 Survey Sequence Definition String #4
StWt String Weight Threshold
SuDT Directional Survey Delay Time
SuWd Survey Word Data Block
TFO Toolface Offset
TFS Toolface display type Switch (in qDRT)
Time Date and Time Stamp (YYMMDDHHMMSS)
TLWd Toolface/Logging Word Data Block
TmpT High Temperature Threshold
TSN1 Toolface/Logging Sequence Number for Telemetry Mode #1
TSN2 Toolface/Logging Sequence Number for Telemetry Mode #2
TSN3 Toolface/Logging Sequence Number for Telemetry Mode #3
TSN4 Toolface/Logging Sequence Number for Telemetry Mode #4
TSq1 Toolface/Logging Sequence Definition String #1
TSq2 Toolface/Logging Sequence Definition String #2
TSq3 Toolface/Logging Sequence Definition String #3
TSq4 Toolface/Logging Sequence Definition String #4
TVD True Vertical Depth
TxDT Telemetry Transmit Delay Time from flow on
VChk() Non-Volatile Variable Check Function (diagnostic)
Ver() Software/Firmware Version Function (information)

-53Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


ZazD! Clear azimuth data display command (in qDRT)
Zdia! Zero the Diagnostics Data Block Command
ZGaD! Clear gamma data display command (in qDRT)
ZInD! Clear inclination display command (in qDRT)
ZMbD! Clear message box command (in qDRT)
ZReD! Clear resistivity data display command (in qDRT)
ZTFD! Clear toolface data display command (in qDRT)
Version 3.00 July 2003
qProg/11TM System Utilities
Programming M68HC11 Processors
GE Power Systems requires that a license be obtained for the installation and use of
the qProg/11TM M68HC11 Programming Utility. Licenses may be obtained from:
GE Power Systems
1840 Royston Lane
Round Rock, TEXAS
GE Power Systems reserves the right to make changes without notice, in the software
described or contained herein in order to improve design and /or performance. GE
Power Systems assumes no responsibility or liability for the use of this software and
makes no representation or warranty that this software is free from patent or copyright
"qProg/11" is a trademark of GE Power Systems.
Introduction to qProg/11
The qProg/11 program is a general-purpose utility used to program application
software/firmware into the EEProm of 68HC11 microcontroller-based processor boards.
qProg/11 adapts easily to new target hardware simply by defining the target
specifications. When qProg11 is executed to program a target, it first locates the target
specification, which defines the files, baud rates, memory configurations, and other
information required to program the target.
The standard sequence used is as follows:

-54Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


1) Load the application software/firmware from disk.

2) Download the 1st stage bootloader and receive back acknowledge character
when it begins to execute.
3) Download the 2nd stage bootloader and receive back acknowledge character
when it begins to execute.
4) Download the application software/firmware.
Variations of the above sequence are possible based on the command line used
to invoke qProg/11. For example, a page zero RAM program can be loaded into
the 68HC11 and executed using the command line options /BO, /B1, and /B2.
See the following section about the command line for more information.
Before using qProg/11 with a new processor board, the processor board must be
defined by creating a target ID and specification. See the section on configuration
for specific information.
Installation of qProg/11 Program
qProg/11 is customarily installed on a hard disk drive in the c:\BootLoad directory and
is, by default, set up to run in this directory. qProg/11 can be installed in any directory,
however certain path data and batch files may require minor modifications.
Copy the distribution files to the hard disk as follows (assuming the source disk is
inserted in drive 'b', and the destination is the c:\bootload directory):
md c:\bootload (if directory does not exist)
xcopy b: c:\bootload /v/s
If installed in a directory named in the DOS PATH statement, the program can be
executed from anywhere on the disk. If not installed in such a directory, the full path
to qProg11.exe or batch files can be used to invoke the program.
qProg/11 is designed to easily adapt to new and varied hardware. This adaptation is
accomplished through the use of an ASCII data file named qPrg11ID.dat.
qPrg11ID.dat is a standard ASCII file, which provides all the information about the
targets to be programmed. The file is divided into two sections.
The first section consists of a list of target identification data structures, each identified
by a unique target ID. The format of the structure is as follows:

-55Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


- "Target ID" 1 to 16 characters.

- Target crystal frequency (Hz): determines baud rate for 1st stage.
- "[path]1st stage bootloader program" (.s19 file).
- "[path]2nd stage bootloader program" (.s19 file) or null if 2nd stage not
- Baud rate for 2nd stage or zero.
- "[path]default program to load" (.s19 file) or null.
- Baud rate to load program or zero if same as baud for last stage.
- "Memory Specification ID for target" see format documentation to follow.
- "[path]HC11 Config. Reg. programming file" (.s19 file) or null.
- Default configuration register value for the /PC command line option.
The second section of the qPrg11ID.dat file is a list of memory specification data
structures. The memory specifications are referenced through the "Memory
Specification ID for target" field in the target identification data structure (defined above).
Multiple Targets can use the same memory specification data structure. The format of
this structure is as follows:
- "Memory specification ID for target" referenced by the target ID structure.
- Number of pages (0x01 if not a paged memory).
- Page size (in bytes)
- Low inclusive address of the memory.
- High inclusive address of the memory.
- Number of check characters or 0
- Check character type or 0 (1 for checksum)
- Address of 1st check character.
- Disable/Enable character by default (0 or 1)
- Fill character value
The qPrg11ID.dat file can be edited using any ASCII-type editor. Target IDs are modified
or new targets added by simply making modifications or additions to the
target ID and Memory specification lists. See the qPrg11ID.dat file itself for more
information on the file format, list termination, etc. The file must reside in the same
directory as the qProg11.exe file.
When defining a new target, it may be necessary to create new versions of the 1st and
2nd stage bootloaders as well as the HC11 config. register programming file. As
an aid, the following source files are provided and can be used as templates for the new
Boot11_1.asm -Example: 1st stage bootloader
BT80-2_2.asm -Example: 2nd stage bootloader
Cnfg$XX.asm -Example: HC11 Cnfg. Register programmer

-56Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


Command Line
The following command line is used to execute the qProg/11 utility:
qProg11 target_id filename.ext /s1/s2/..../sn
(i) "target_id is the target identification string and may contain up to 16
alphanumeric characters. The target ID is primarily used to define the names
of the bootloader files and the memory configuration for the target processor.
(ii) "filename.ext" identifies the source file to be transferred to the target
and may be preceded by a path designation. This file specification may be
omitted if it is specified in the target specification, or if the /BO option switch is
(iii) /s1, /s2 and /sn designate option switch settings and are only required to
change the default settings. A list of available options can be obtained directly
from qProg/11 by entering 'qProg11' by itself on the command line.
The available options are:
/2 The Port select switches. Selects the desired serial communications
port to be used.
/NC The Checksum enable and Checksum disable switches.
The Checksum enable switch is the default and indicates qProg/11
should write checksums. The type of checksum and destination
address is individually specified for each device in the target processor.
/NF The Fill and No Fill switches. When No Fill is used, only the bytes
defined by the .s19 file are programmed. The default is individually
specified for each target. Fill will cause all bytes in a memory or
memory page which are not defined in the source file to be filled with the
character specified for the target.

-57Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


/NG The Go and No Go switches. No Go is the default. When Go is used

the program will proceed automatically without operator prompts. The
processor should be in the proper mode before executing the command
line. Go is used often once the programming procedure has been
/NO The Overlay and No Overlay switches. No Overlay is the default. The
Overlay switch enables overlays. That is, qProg/11 will not generate
errors if the same address is written more than once. qProg/11
assumes that if the same address is written more than once that the
bootloader is controlling paging.
/NP The Paging enable and Paging disable switches. The Paging enable is
the default and indicates the file (filename.exe specified on the
command line) contains code which is to be written to multiple pages at
the same bus address. The file should also contain the appropriate
page control bytes. Page control bytes are defined as a single byte with
the base address of a device as its destination. The value of the byte
indicates the new page for the following bytes to be programmed.
/NV The Verify enable and Verify disable switches. The Verify enable switch
is the default and causes qProg/11 to display a verification window to
allow verification for the programming configuration. When neither the
/V nor the /NV switches are used, the /G switch automatically disables
verification (an exception to the default).
/Q The Quiet Mode switch. The switch indicates that no prompts should be
output to the display and that only one error output is possible.
/NB The No Boot switch. This prevents the program from attempting the
transfer the bootloader programs to the target processor. It is only used
when the bootloader programs have already been transferred and are
running. This switch causes qProg/11 to proceed directly to
programming the file (filename.exe) specified on the command line.
This option is typically used when programming a processor with
multiple files, and prevents the need to repeatedly reset the processor in
boot mode.

-58Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


/BO The Boot Only switch. This option is used when it is desired to load only
the bootloader. qProg/11 will terminate after the last boot stage is
loaded (after the 1st stage if the 2nd stage is not specified).
The Program Config. switch. This option is used to program the
68HC11 configuration register. The processor must be in the Bootstrap
mode (See the section entitled 'Invoking Boot Mode'). If only /PC is
typed, the default value specified for the target is programmed. If
/PC:XX is used, the hex value XX is programmed.
The 1st stage bootloader override switch. This switch causes qProg/11
to replace the default 1st stage bootloader with the file specified. the file
must be an '.s19' type file.
The 2nd stage bootloader override switch. This switch causes qProg/11
to replace the default 2nd stage bootloader with the file specified. The
file must be an '.S19' type file.
Specifies a diagnostic output file path name.
All switches allowed with the program may be entered on the command line and will
be passed to the program. Spaces are not allowed in the option switch portion of the
run string!
When qProg/11 runs, the terminal will display the following sequences:
(i) The source file is read while displaying the progress, number of lines
read, number of bytes read and number of memory pages to be
(ii) Provided the operator did not enter the Go or No Verify switches, the
operator may next verify the programming information by viewing the
status windows on each memory. At this point, entering "G", for Go,
causes the program to enter the bootloader stage.

-59Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


(iii) Provided the operator did not enter the No Boot switch, the program will
begin transferring the next 2 stages of the bootloading processes.
Provided the operator did not enter the Go switch, the program will
instruct the operator to reset the target processor and enter "C", for
Continue, when the processor has been reset. If the process fails to get
the expected response after loading the first stage bootloader, it will
stop and ask the operator for instructions (Abort, Ignore or Retry). If the
second stage fails to load or respond as expected, the program will
(iv) Once the boot loading process is complete, the program begins
transferring the contents of the source .s19 file and displays the
programming progress for each memory or memory page being
programmed. Generally, the data transfers occur at 38.4K baud and
transfer 32 data bytes per exchange in a single binary string. The
programming rate will vary depending on the types of EEPROMs being
programmed. However, typical programming rates for Atmel and Xicor
28Cxxx devices will be about 1K data bytes/second.
Invoking Boot Mode
The M68HC11 is programmed using the serial communications interface and a
multiple-stage boot loader process. The M68HC11 processor has an internal
bootloader program (68HC11 bootstrap mode) which may be invoked when reset
(power on reset or external reset) with the 68HC11 MODA and MODB inputs pulled
low. The MODA and MODB inputs are usually accessed via test points or through
lines brought out through a connector. This program loads the next stage boot loader
program (1st stage bootloader) to the 256 byte, internal, 68HC11 RAM. It, in turn,
loads the larger programming process (2nd stage bootloader) to the larger external
RAM. These programs are loaded by the "qProg/11" PC program.
Once the 2nd stage bootloader is loaded and running in RAM, there is no need to
start over by resetting the 68HC11 in bootstrap mode. Subsequent programs can be
programmed by re-executing qProg/11 using the /nb command line option. qProg/11
will then skip directly to the programming step by communicating with the 2nd stage
bootloader already loaded.

-60Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


Recovering From Problems

The following points may be helpful in the event a programming problem occurs.
(i) When qProg/11 terminates, a message is displayed indicating the
condition at the time of termination. When programming succeeds, the
message is "Programming Complete". If an error occurs, the error
message and an error number are displayed. The error number
definitions are as follows:
a. Serial communication function I/O error return codes. The error codes
from -1000 through -1099 are reserved for the "qSIO" error codes.
"qSIORx" codes start at -1000>>>>
1000 General or undefined Rx error
1001 Character time-out during Rx
1002 Receiver over run error
1003 Receiver framing error
1004 Receiver parity error
1005 Received break error
1006 Rx FIFO overflow
1007 Time-out waiting for data reply
"qSIOTx" codes start at -1030>>>>
1030 General or undefined Rx error
1031 Character time-out on data transmit
1032 Receiver over run error during Tx
1033 Receiver framing error during Tx
1034 Receiver parity error during Tx
1035 Received break error during Tx
1036 Tx FIFO underflow
"qSIO" miscellaneous codes start at -1080>>>>
1080 Error on data transfer verification
b. File I/O error return codes. The error codes from -1100 through -1199
are reserved for the "qFIO error codes.

-61Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


Open error codes start at -1100>>>>

1100 General or undefined file error
1101 DOS did not open a file for read
1102 DOS did not open a file for write
1103 DOS did not open a file for append
1104 DOS did not/could not open an existing file for
1105 /*DOS did not open a new or destroy existing file
for Read/Write
1106 /*DOS did not/could not open an existing or new
file for Read/Write
Read file error codes start at -1120>>>>
1120 /* General or undefined read error */
Write file error codes start at -1140>>>>
1140 General or undefined write error
Miscellaneous file error codes start at -1160>>>>
1160 Operator disallowed writing to an existing file
c. Terminal I/O error return codes. The error codes from -1200 through - 1299 are
reserved for the "qFIO" input error codes. The error codes from -1300 through -1399 are
reserved for the "qFIO" output error codes.
Terminal input error codes start at -1200>>>>
1200 General or undefined input error
1201 An input string exceed the max size that could
be processed
Terminal output error codes start at -1300>>>>
1300 General or undefined input error
d. Prog/11 specific error codes.
qProg/11 specific error codes start at -20001>>>>
20001 Memory allocation error
20002 Source file read error
20003 Source file record format error
20004 Source file character count error
20005 Source file character error
20006 Source file checksum error
20007 Missing memory definition error
20008 All pages full error
20009 Page boundary error
20010 Data overlay error
20011 Switch string format error

-62Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


20012 Switch type error

20013 Missing file name error
20014 File open error
20015 Run string error
20016 Data acknowledge error
20017 Bootload error
20018 Check character type error
20019 Target ID match error
20020 Operator abort
20021 Page number error
20022 Device overlap error
20023 Data in page byte error
(ii) If you forget to enter the No Boot switch when loading more than one file, the
program will stop and request operator direction. Abort the program and try again using
the /nb switch. In most cases, this will work. However, since the first stage boot loader
program is most likely transferred at a different baud rate than program files, there is no
(iii) If problems persist, please call GE Power Systems and ask for assistance from
Technical Services. Please call from nearby the PC being used to program the target
processor(s) so that we may talk you through the problem.
GE Power Systems
Bill Ryer
Customer Technical Service Tensor Systems
1840 Royston Lane
Round Rock, TEXAS
(512) 252-6188 (phone)
(512) 251-7396 (fax)
(512) 845-2892 (cell)

-63Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


qProg/11 TM
Compatibility Notice
qProg/11TM is designed to be a general purpose PC utility program for loading
programs into Motorola M68HC11 MCU-based equipment such as the qMWDTM
receiver, remote terminal and the downhole transmitter. Please note that while GE
Power Systems general practice is to test programs on several different brands and
models of computers, GE Power Systems cannot guarantee that qProg/11TM, or any
other programs, will be 100% compatible with all brands of PCs. If you have questions
concerning the compatibility of the software with a particular brand of PC, please direct
them to:
GE Power Systems
1840 Royston Lane
Round Rock, TEXAS 78664-9555
(512) 251-4131.
Quick-Start Instructions
Installing qMWD/PCTM Programs & Files
Windows 95/98 / Windows NT
For clients using the Windows 95/98 Windows NT versions of the QDT
MWD software, just insert the CD containing the software in to the CD port of the PC
and follow the highlighted prompts to properly install the programs. The qProg11
programs will be located on the C:\ drive. To operate the qProg11 programs: Windows
95 users: Boot the PC in the DOS mode using the F8 soft key to prevent Windows from
starting and go to the Prompt Only mode. Windows 98 / Windows NT users: Just Reboot
the system in the DOS mode for the features to operate. DOS 6.22
For clients still using DOS 6.22, use the following steps to load the
programs to the PC in the DOS mode using the supplied floppy disks.
1) Insert the "qMWD/PC Disk 1 of 2 Diskette" into drive A: (or B:).
2) Type: a:install a: c: <Enter>. The directory qMWD\qMWD_PC will be
created on the C: drive, if it does not already exist. The qMWD/PCTM
programs and files will load into this directory. If the directory already
exists, then a backup directory will be created to save the old programs.
3) After the files are loaded from Disk 1 of 2, the installation procedure will
prompt you to install the second of the two qMWD/PC diskettes. The

-64Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


qMWDCnfgTM and qDirK_IOTM programs and files will also be loaded

into the c:\qMWD\QmWD_PC directory (all PC programs are now normally
loaded on a single directory.
4) Run these programs through the qMWD_PC, qMWDCnfg and the
qDirK_IO batch files while in the qMWD\qMWD_PC directory. Enter these batch
files completely, as displayed, to insure that the batch file is executed correctly.
Some Menu programs activate complete utilization of the batch files.
REMEMBER, these routines cannot be activated through windows, yet.
Installing qProg/11TM
1) Insert the qProg/11 Diskette into drive A:.
2) Unless it already exists, create a c:\Bootload directory on the c: drive by typing
cd\<Enter> md bootload <Enter>.
3) Switch to the c:\Bootload directory by typing cd bootload <Enter>.
4) Copy the contents of the qProg/11 Diskette by typing: xcopy a:/v.
Installing qMWD/11TM
1) Insert the qMWD/11 Diskette into drive A:.
2) Type: a:install a: c: <Enter>. The files containing the programs for the transmitter
processor, receiver processor and the DRT processor will be stored in the directory
qMWD. These files will be needed to access required program files used by the three
processors in the QDT MWD system.
Updating Embedded qMWDTM Firmware Programs
GE Power Systems recommends that the firmware programs in all qMWD hardware,
such as receivers, displays and the down-hole tool be upgraded to versions in effect with
the qMWD V01.60a release.
Note: Only qMPTx-2R program is V01.60a. All other firmware programs are as
released with the qMWD/11 V01.60 distributions and are identified as V01.60
in their application I.D. strings.
To determine whether the qMWD equipment is loaded with the latest firmware, use
the Ver() function to identify the firmware versions using the qTalk/PC (refer to
Appendix Q in the qMWD manual). Appendix P in the qMWD Engineers
Reference Manual provides complete instructions for programming the
MC68HC11-based systems used in the qMWD hardware. The following information
presumes an understanding of those programming procedures.

-65Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


Note: The qTalk/PC and qProg/11 programs required to upgrade embedded firmware
programs will ONLY function properly when operating from the DOS-Only mode.
In Windows 95, perform the following steps to boot the DOS system without starting the
Windows system:
Note: This procedure will NOT work on Windows 98, Windows NT or Windows 2000.
1) Select Shut Down.
2) Click Restart the Computer.
3) Click Yes.
4) Wait for the beep and the Starting Windows indication.
5) Press the F8 key within 1 second from the beep.
6) Select Command Prompt Only and press the Enter key.
CAUTION: The HLOC and HLSC control parameter values are determined and set in
the qMPRx-D3 program at the factory for DRT units ordered with (and licensed for)
Depth-Tracking capability.
If upgrading from versions PRIOR to V01.40, please be sure to record these values
before proceeding with the upgrade procedure and re-enter them at the conclusion of
the procedure.
IF LOST, please contact GE Power Systems, ask for repair/maintenance, and request
the values of these parameters. Please have the unit serial number readily available.
These steps are not required for updating systems containing V01.40 or later.
Connecting the System Hardware Components
Setup the system as you normally would with the Driller's Remote Terminal (DRT)
configured to the Safe Area Supply Box (SASB) and the Survey Electronics module
configured to the Programming Cable. Connect a PC containing the correct version of
qMWD software to the qBus cable. In this situation the downhole tool (MPTx) and the
DRT with the integral qMWD receiver (MPRX) are all connected to the system and can
communicate through qTalk.
Note: If you are using a Flow Simulation Box, insure that the simulated flow control is
set to Flow Off.

-66Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


Loading Software To The qMWD Receiver (MPRx Node 05)

Switch to the C:\qMWD\qMPRx-D3 directory. The data in this file will load into the
processor used for the decoding routines in the qMWD receiver.
Run qTalk by typing qTalk2 (If the string c:\ qTalk is in your Path in the Autoexec.bat
file, it will boot automatically). Press F4 to invoke the Host Mode. Press Shift+F5 to
interrogate all nodes on the network. Be sure that at least node MPRx05, responds.
For Versions BEFORE V01.40, record the variables HLOC and HLSC. Query the
labels via qTalk and reenter the values after upgrading the software version.
Invoking the Boot! Mode for the qMWD Receiver (MPRx05)
Follow these instructions implicitly!
1) Run qTalk by typing: qTalk2. (C:\qTalk should be in the path. If it is not, go
to the qTalk directory, C:\qTalk\ and type qtalk2.)
2) Switch To Terminal Mode by pressing: Shift+F9
3) Set the Baud Rate to 9600 by pressing: F6 (Baud softkey)
4) Switch to Second Menu by pressing: F10 (Next Menu)
5) Idle the qBus by pressing: F5 (Idle!) (Press rapidly 3-4 times, minimum.)
6) Invoke the Chat Mode by pressing: F7 (Chat!)
7) At the prompt, enter the Link address by typing: 05. The node selected will
return a command prompt.
8) Invoke Boot Mode by typing: CCod 11 Boot! and pressing the <Enter> key.
If successful, then the target processor will NOT return a prompt.
9) Exit qTalk by pressing: F1.
DO NOT PRESS ANY OTHER KEYS!! Insure that you are in directory
C:\qMWD\qMPRx-D3, then proceed to the next step in these instructions.
10) Load the qMIX/11 Operating Parameters, Receiver Operating
Parameters, and the qMWD Receiver Program by typing ProgAll and
pressing the <Enter> key.
11) Turn the system power Off and then On again.
Loading Software To The qMWD Driller's Remote Terminal (DRT Node 09)
1) Switch to the C:\qMWD\qDRT-3 directory. The data in this file will load into
the processor used to display the various routines in the qMWD Driller's
Remote Terminal.
2) Run qTalk by typing: qTalk2. (C:\qTalk should b in your path).
3) Invoke the Host Mode by pressing F4.
4) Interrogate all nodes on the network by pressing Shift+F5.
Be sure that nodes MPRx05, MPTx20, and DRT 09 all respond.
Should one of these nodes not respond, check all of the connections, and
repeat this step.
5) Invoke the Boot! mode for the qMWD Display Processor (DRTx09).
6) Run qTalk by typing: qTalk2. (C:\qTalk should be in the path. If it is not, go
to the qTalk directory, C:\qTalk\ and type qtalk2.)

-67Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


7) Switch To Terminal Mode by pressing: Shift+F9

8) Set the Baud Rate to 9600 by pressing: F6 (Baud softkey)
9) Switch to Second Menu by pressing: F10 (Next Menu)
10) Idle the qBus by pressing: F5 (Idle!) (Press rapidly 3-4 times, minimum.)
11) Invoke the Chat Mode by pressing: F7 (Chat!).
12) At the prompt, enter the Link address by typing: 09. The node selected will
return a command prompt.
13) Invoke Boot Mode by typing: CCod 11 Boot! and pressing the <Enter> key.
If successful, then the target processor will NOT return a prompt.
14) Exit qTalk by pressing: F1.
DO NOT PRESS ANY OTHER KEYS!! Insure that you are in directory
C:\qMWD\qDRT-D3, then proceed to the next step in these instructions.
15) Load the qMIX/11 Operating Parameters, Receiver Operating
Parameters, and the qMWD Receiver Program by typing ProgAll and
pressing the <Enter> key.
16) Turn the system power Off and then On again.
Loading Software To The qMWD Transmitter (MPTx Node 20)
1) Switch to the C:\qMWD\qMPTx directory. The data in this file will load into
the processor used for the encoding routines in the qMWD transmitter.
2) Run qTalk by typing qTalk2 (c:\qTalk should b in your path).
3) Press F4 to invoke the Host Mode.
4) Press Shift+F5 to interrogate all nodes on the network.
Be sure that nodes MPRx05, MPTx20 and DRT 09 all respond, if they are
connected. Should one of these nodes not respond, check all of the
connections and repeat this step.
Note: You do not need all nodes to be connected to load the firmware to the
targeted node.
5) Invoke the Boot! Mode for the qMWD Transmitter (MPTx20).
6) Run qTalk. C:\qTalk should be in the path. If it is not go to the qTalk
directory, C:\qTalk\ and type qtalk2.)
7) Switch to Terminal Mode by pressing Shift+F9.
8) Set the Baud Rate to 9600 by pressing F6 (Baud softkey).
9) Switch to Second Menu by pressing F10 (Next Menu).
10) Idle the qBus by pressing F5 (Idle!). (Depress rapidly 3-4 times.)
11) Invoke the Chat Mode by pressing F7 (Chat!).
12) At the prompt type the Link address 20 and press the <Enter> key.
The node selected will return a command prompt.
13) Invoke Boot Mode by typing CCod 11 Boot! and pressing the <Enter> key.
If successful, then the target processor will NOT return a prompt.
14) Exit qTalk by pressing F1.

-68Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software



15) Verify that you are in the correct directory:
x C:\qMWD\qMPTx for the standard QPN 100080-02 module
x C:\qMWD\qMPTx-2 for the new Mark-2 QPN 100640-01 module
x C:\qMWD\qMPTx-2R for the new Mark-2 QPN 100640-02 module
with recorder memory.
For all Software Versions PRIOR to V01.30
Do NOT use the ProgAll batch file command to load these files to the downhole tool!
Doing so would reset the calibration factors to default values. Instead, continue with
the steps below.
1) Load the qMIX/11TM Operating Parameters by typing ProgqCtl, pressing the
<Enter> key and following the program instructions.
2) Select GO.
3) Select Continue.
4) Load the qMWDTM Transmitter Operating Parameters by typing
Progeep /nb, pressing the <Enter> key and following the program
Note: Be sure to type the space between Progeep and /nb.
Note: /nb means no boot.
5) Select GO.
6) Load the qMWDTM Transmitter Program by typing Prog /nb, pressing the
<Enter> key and following the program instructions.
Note: Be sure to type the space between Progeep and /nb.
7) Select GO.
8) Turn the System Power Off and then On Again
For all Software Versions V01.30 and Later
1) Load the qMIX/11 Operating Parameters, Receiver Operating
Parameters, and the qMWD Receiver Program by typing ProgAll and
pressing the <Enter> key.
2) Run qTalk by typing qTalk2.
3) Invoke the Host Mode by pressing F4.
4) Verify No Errors in qDFR and qDWR by pressing Shift+F5.
This procedure interrogates all network nodes for the qMIX register values.
All values for qDFR and qDWR should be returned as a $0000 hex value.
5) Check for Control Parameter Value Errors by pressing Shift+F4.
This procedure will cause all nodes to check for valid operating parameters
using the VChk() function (refer to Appendix I).
All nodes should return VChk(All Okay).
Note: DO NOT cycle the power or reset the processor, as the onscreen
directions in the qProg/11 program may instruct you, when using this
bootloader method!!!!

-69Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


Loading Software To The Turbine Assembly (Node 27)

1) Switch to the C:\qMWD\qTCR directory. The data in this file will load into
the processor used for the various routines in the qMWD Turbine Module.
2) Run qTalk by typing qTalk2 (c:\qTalk should b in your path).
3) Press F4 to invoke the Host Mode.
4) Press Shift+F5 to interrogate all nodes on the network.
Be sure that nodes MPRx05, MPTx20, DRT 09 and qTCR27 all respond, if
they are connected. Should one of the nodes not respond, check all of the
connections and repeat this step.
5) Invoke the Boot! Mode for the qMWD Turbine Module (qTCR27).
6) Run qTalk by typing: qTalk2. (C:\qTalk should be in the path. If it is not, go
to the qTalk directory, C:\qTalk\ and type qtalk2.)
7) Switch to Terminal Mode by pressing Shift+F9.
8) Set the Baud Rate to 9600 by pressing F6 (Baud softkey).
9) Switch to Second Menu by pressing F10 (Next Menu).
10) Idle the qBus by pressing F5 (Idle!). (Depress rapidly 3-4 times.)
11) Invoke the Chat Mode by pressing F7 (Chat!).
12) At the prompt type the Link address 27 and press the <Enter> key.
The node selected will return a command prompt.
13) Invoke Boot Mode by typing CCod 11 Boot! and pressing the <Enter> key.
If successful, then the target processor will NOT return a prompt.
14) Exit qTalk by pressing F1.
Do NOT press any other keys!!
15) Verify that you are in the correct directory: C:\qMWD\qTCR.
16) Load the qMIX/11 Operating Parameters, Receiver Operating
Parameters, and the qMWD Receiver Program by typing ProgAll and
pressing the <Enter> key.
17) Turn the system power Off and then On again.

-70Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


Tensor MWDRoll32
System Utility

Version 3.00 July 2003

This document is an unpublished work. Copyright 2003 (Revised) GE Power Systems.
All rights reserved. This document and all information and expressions contained herein
are the property of GE Power Systems and are provided to the recipient in confidence
on a need to know basis. Your use of this document is strictly limited to a legitimate
business purpose requiring the information contained therein. Your use of this document
constitutes acceptance of these terms.
MWDRoll32 is a standalone piece of software used to verify correct operation of
Measurement-While-Drilling (MWD) tools manufactured by GE Power Systems.
Using MWDRoll32 entails performing various tests, both logical and physical, prior to the
use of MWD tools. MWDRoll32 diagnostics reports from a correctly functioning tool will
fall within the guidelines for satisfactory operation, while a non-functioning or malfunctioning tool will fail to reach these guidelines. MWDRoll32 software places only
limited demands on client computer systems and does not require new or powerful
machines for its operation.

-71Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


Hardware Requirements
PC compatible computer
qNIC cable
Safe Area Power Supply (SAPS)
Tool Programming cable
Hardware Setup
1) Connect one end of the qNIC cable to an available qBus port on the SAPS.
2) Connect the other end of the qNIC cable to an available COM port on the computer.
3) Connect the tool programming cable to the SAPS and the MWD tool.
Software Requirements
Microsoft Windows 95/98 or NT 4.0
Minimum Windows Settings
Screen resolution of 640x480 pixels
Video color depth of 8 bits (256 colors)
Recommended Windows Settings
Screen resolution of 1024x768 pixels
Video color depth of 16 bits (65536 colors) or more
Whats New?
MWDRoll32 is not an upgrade from MWDRoll. It is an entirely new program.
MWDRoll32 encompasses almost all the functionality of the older MWDRoll, plus
additional features described below.
O/S platform upgrade from MS-DOS to Windows 95/98/NT
New UI presenting a graphical/alphanumerical display
MWD tool communication now handled via qW32Server application
New Remote data acquisition mode
No need to save data manually, it is all automatically saved into a database
Added header/data editing
New print previewing feature
Printed reports now present information in more comprehensive fashion
New feature allows opening, editing, and updating previous roll tests
Added help and user manual
Multilanguage support

-72Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


Main Display
The main display is the only window that gives the user information about the status
of the MWD tool. This display was designed to give the user all relevant information
about the current roll test and the MWD tool. When MWDRoll32 is started, you will notice
that the display consists of six subsections, each designed to give the user particular

The six subsections are as follows:

Guidance Rose:Designed as an alternative to the alphanumeric displays,
this display gives a graphical view of the three-dimensional orientation of
the MWD tool.
Sensor Derived Data: This display gives the user real-time critical
information that would be difficult to calculate manually.
Sensor Acquired Data:Some of the corrected sensor values of the MWD
tool are displayed in this display.
Header Information: Information about the current roll test is displayed in
this section.
Miscellaneous Notes: Any notes entered via the header information
dialogs are displayed in this section.

-73Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


User Instructions / Feedback: This constantly updated section informs

the user of MWDRoll32 status and of operations currently allowed. Manual
acquisition of data is also available via two buttons.
Guidance Rose Display
The Guidance Rose is designed to give the user a more intuitive and easy-to-read
perspective on the MWD tools orientation in space. When MWDRoll32 has
established communication with the tool, this display will be active.
When not acquiring data, the display will resemble one of these two images:

The ghosted image (left) is displayed when no tool is attached or in communication.

The colored image (right) is displayed when a tool is attached and in communication.
In the display, you will find three essential pieces of information:
A vertical semicircle on the displays left side contains two colors, yellow and green.
The intersection of the two colors indicates the tools inclination. In the picture above,
the inclination is at roughly 90. If the tool is oriented upwards, the yellow arc will span
180 to the top. If the tool is orientated downwards, the green arc will span 180 to the
bottom. Azimuth:
The blue arc in the outermost complete circle indicates the azimuth. It always starts
from the top (0) and wraps clockwise around to the current azimuth angle. In the
above picture, the azimuth is approximately 97.
High Side:
The red line in the inner circle indicates the High Side. When the tool is rotated, this
line will move and constantly display the roll angle of the MWD tool. In the above
picture, the High Side is approximately 253.
When acquiring data, the display will resemble one of these two images:

-74Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


When acquiring data, the rose displays five additional indicators.

The most prominent indicator is the green pie section, which indicates the recommended
High Side for the current data shot. During a roll test, the pie section rotates through 8
ordinal positions evenly spaced at 45 intervals. The user must align the High Side (red
line) indicator within the green pie section. The other four indicators are colored boxes
located in the lower right corner of the rose display. These four boxes give the user
feedback on recommended data acquisition positions. Box colors indicate proper (green)
or improper (red) positioning:
Top box: Stability status
Second box: Azimuth status
Third box: High Side status
Bottom box: Inclination status
The two images above show an attempted data shot in the east orientation.
The image at left shows some boxes in red, indicating that the tool is not ready to
acquire data. Though the tool is stable and the inclination is correct, the azimuth and
High Side are incorrect.
The user then rotates the tool towards the east orientation. The blue azimuth arc
rotates to indicate east and the azimuth box turns green, indicating proper azimuth
positioning for data acquisition.
Next, the user rotates the tool until the High Side lies within the green pie section.
The High Side box turns green.
The image at right shows all four boxes green, indicating favorable conditions for
acquiring data. To acquire the data, click the Acquire button.
Sensor Displays
The main display provides the user with all relevant sensor information in one window
composed of two columns:
Sensor Derived Data shows information calculated from the acquired data.

-75Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


Sensor Acquired Data display shows critical sensor values.

Sensor Derived Data:

Total Acceleration: The overall acceleration due to gravity
Total Magnetic Field: The overall magnetic field
Dip Angle: The angle between the tool and the earths surface
High Side: The angle calculated from the gravitational tool-face
Azimuth Angle: The horizontal angle of the tool
Inclination Angle: The angle with respect to vertical
Magnetic Tool-Face: The angle calculated from the magnetic tool-face
Timeout/Update: The number to the left of the slash (/) indicates the time
before communications will timeout. The number to the right of the slash
indicates the last refresh interval
Sensor Acquired Data:
Accelerometer X, Y, & Z: Displays corrected gravity values from the
accelerometer sensor of the MWD tool
Magnetometer X, Y, & Z: Displays corrected magnetic field values from
the magnetometer sensor of the MWD tool
Battery: Displays battery power, in volts
Temperature: Displays the temperature of the tool in degrees Celsius
Header Information and Miscellaneous Notes Display
The Header Information and Miscellaneous Notes displays present the user with
information pertaining to the started or opened roll test.

-76Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


Header Information Display

Located below the sensor displays, the Header Information display shows the
information entered in the Header Information dialog. Once again, this display
presents the user with all relevant header information in one window.

Miscellaneous Notes Display:

Located to the left of the header information display and below the Guidance Rose,
the Miscellaneous Notes display shows any notes entered into the Header
Information dialog.

User Instructions / Feedback Display

The bottommost display gives the user information about the current status of
MWDRoll32. At all times, the user can check this display to see what is happening
and what can be done.

The two buttons to the right, Acquire and Skip, are used when acquiring data in
Interactive mode. When in this mode, the display indicates the required orientation
and the number of data shots to perform. The user observes the Guidance Rose or
Sensor Derived Data display to determine whether a data shot can be made. If a
shot can be made, the user can click the Acquire button to save the data and proceed
to the next shot. However, the user may choose instead to click the Skip button, to
proceed to the next shot without saving data from the current shot.

-77Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


Default Mode
Until the user starts or opens a roll test, MWDRoll32 displays only current MWD
sensor data. While an experienced user might be able to determine whether the tool
has a problem simply by visual inspection of the data, roll tests allow the user to
determine the tool status with certainty and precision.
Starting a New Roll Test
Starting a new roll test involves three basic steps:
1) Click the Start New Roll Test item from the File menu.
The Header Information dialog will appear.
2) Enter all information and click the OK button.
The Roll Test Options dialog will appear.
3) Select the desired options and click the OK button.
MWDRoll32 enters into data acquisition mode. Depending on the options selected,
data will be acquired in Interactive or Remote mode. For more information on how to
acquire data, see the Acquiring Data help.
Tool Orientation
Important: follow the tool orientation instructions displayed in the User
Instructions/Feedback window. The Roll Test is designed to gather data at
prescribed positions. MWDRoll32 analyzes the data with respect to the tool being in
those positions. Data gathered out of position will skew the results and give a false
indication that the tool is out of calibration. Please follow the Roll Test instructions
explicitly so that an accurate test can be performed.

-78Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


-79Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


Opening a Completed Roll Test

Even after a roll test has been completed, MWDRoll32 allows the user to re-open it
and perform all tasks, just like in a new test. For example, if a user performs a roll
test, prints it, and later determines that some of the data is bad, he is able to re-open
the test and take more data shots. The user can also change the header and re-print
the report.
To open a previous test:
1) Click the Open Previous Roll Test... item from the File menu. The Open
Roll Test dialog appears.
Note: MWDRoll32 must contain at least one completed roll test to open
the Open Roll Test dialog.

2) Select a test by number in the Test Identifier column and click the OK
Note: When you select a test number, that tests Header Information and
Miscellaneous Notes appear. Use this information to help identify
the test you want to open.

-80Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


Editing Header Information

The Roll Test Header Information dialog opens when the user starts a new test or
re-opens a completed test and chooses to edit the Header.
To open the Roll Test Header Information dialog:
1) Open a Previous Roll Test.
2) Select the Header Information item from the Edit menu. The Roll Test
Header Information dialog appears.

Note: Always enter complete header information and descriptive notes.

This information helps you identify a test should you need to re-open it.
Note: MWDRoll32 completes the following three fields automatically:
Unique ID Number
Tool Serial Number
Start Data and Time

-81Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


Editing Test Data

Unfortunately, roll tests do not always work exactly as expected. Bad data due to
magnetic interference, human misalignment, or any other source could plague a roll
test of a perfectly good tool. This eventuality can be handled by flagging bad test
Starting the dialog:
1) Open a Previous Roll Test by clicking the Data Sets item from the Edit
menu. The Edit Roll Test data window opens, displaying a row for each
data shot. Each row lists several pieces of data under column headings.

Data Column Description Units

Shot #: The incremental number corresponding to the data shot.
Orientation: The tools orientation the data shot. (N/S/E/V/U)
Bad: A check box that allows the user to discard the data shot. (True/False)
Gx, Gy, Gz: The MWD accelerometer sensors X, Y, and Z-axis value. (G)
G Tot: The total acceleration calculated by the accelerometer values. (G)
Hx, Hy, Hz: The MWD magnetometer sensors X, Y, and Z-axis value. (Gauss)
H Tot: The total magnetic field calculated by magnetometer values. (Gauss)
Azm: The azimuth angle of the tool. ()
Inc: The inclination of the tool. ()
mTFA: The magnetic tool-face angle. ()
gTFA: The gravitational tool-face (High Side) angle. ()
DipA: The dip angle with respect to the magnetic field of the earth. ()
Removing Bad Data:
When you observe a set of bad data, place a checkmark in the Bad field of the data
set. The data set remains marked as bad until the user unmarks it. MWDRoll32 does
not delete data sets marked as bad, but does omit them from all calculations. Data
sets marked as bad remain part of the acquired data and appear on printed reports
marked as bad.

-82Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


Roll Test Options

Data acquisition can be initiated in only two ways:
Automatically - if starting a new test, MWDRoll32 guides the user through a
sequence that opens the Roll Test Options dialog (pictured below) and starts
data acquisition.
Manually - if a roll test is already open, the user may choose to start acquiring
data by selecting the Start Data Acquisition item from the File menu. The
Roll Test Options dialog (pictured below) opens.

Test Operating Mode

In the Roll Test Options dialog, the user first selects an operating mode:
Interactive mode allows the user to manually acquire data as each orientation
becomes ready. This selection may be convenient when the test is conducted
near the computer.
Remote mode allows automatic data acquisition at timed intervals. This
selection may be convenient when the test is conducted far from the computer.

-83Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


Interactive Mode Options

When selecting Interactive mode, the user must set the interactive mode options.
The default selection is manual data acquisition.
Manual Data Acquisition requires the user to click either the Acquire or Skip button
for each tool position.
Automatic Data Acquisition automatically acquires the data after allowing the user a
set interval of time to properly position the tool in each orientation.
Remote Mode Options
When selecting Remote mode, the user must set remote mode options.
Hold-Off Time: Enter the time (in seconds) the user needs to proceed to the MWD
tool location before testing actually starts.
Interval Time: Enter the time (in seconds) between each automatic data acquisition.
Note: MWDRoll32 will automatically record data at the end of each
interval whether the tool is properly positioned or not.
By default, MWDRoll32 acquires data for all four orientations unless the user chooses
to acquire data from fewer than four. For example, if, after a roll test is completed,
the data from one of the four orientations is discovered to be bad, the user is able to
re-acquire data for that one orientation only.
Starting the test:
Once all options in the Roll Test Options dialog have been set, the user may start the
test by clicking the OK button. To find out how to acquire data, see the Acquiring
Data help.
Acquiring Data
Once a roll test has been started (see Starting a New Roll Test), data acquisition
begins. The method used to acquire data depends on the users selection of
Interactive or Remote mode.

-84Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


Interactive Mode Data Acquisition

1) Position the tool in the orientation specified in the
User Instructions/Feedback display. Place the MWD tool flat (set
inclination to 90) and set the azimuth to reflect the orientation:
For North, set the azimuth to 0
For East, set the azimuth to 90
For South, set the azimuth to 180
For Vertical, the azimuth value is ignored.
2) Set High Side: refer to the Guidance Rose display and rotate the tool until
the red High Side marker is within the green pie section.
3) Click the Acquire button to record the data or click the Skip button to
discard the data. The green pie section moves to the next position.
4) Repeat the previous step for each position until the green pie section has
returned to the original position.
5) Refer to the User Instructions display for further instructions.
Remote Mode Data Acquisition
Prepare to use your watch to monitor the seconds passing as you position the tool
into each orientation. Stay within the allotted Hold-Off and Interval times.
1) Click the OK button on the Roll Test Options dialog.
2) Position the MWD tool in the first orientation.
3) Wait for the Hold-Off time to elapse and for MWDRoll32 to acquire the
data for the first orientation.
4) Rotate the tool by 45 during the interval time.
5) Wait for MWDRoll32 to acquire the data.
6) Repeat the previous two steps until MWDRoll32 has acquired data for all
Printing and Exporting Reports
Print a report for every completed roll test. MWDRoll32 saves all data but a printed
report is useful for reference.

-85Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


To view a preview of the test report, click the Print/Export Report item from the
File menu. A window containing a preview pane and print control buttons appears.

To export the report, click the envelope icon. MWDRoll32 prompts you to enter the
export format and destination.
To export to another file format, enter the path and filename for the new file.
Preview the report to verify that the data is correct.
To print, click the printer icon. A window with print options appears. Select from the
options and click OK.
To close the Print/Export window, click the X button.
The following known issues may cause problems under infrequent circumstances.

-86Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


Error Messages:
The Jet VBA file vbajet.dll or vbajet32.dll failed to initialize when called.
Try re-installing the application that returned the error.
This error is due to a problem registering the DAO file ddao350.dll.
To correct this problem:
1) Close MWDRoll32.
2) Click the Windows Start button (on the lower left corner of the screen).
3) Click the Run item.
4) Enter regsvr32 ddao350.dll.
5) Click OK.
6) Re-start Windows.
7) Re-start MWDRoll32.
Appearance Problems
MWDRoll32s main displays look discolored, odd, or indistinguishable.
This problem is probably due to bad color settings. To correct your PC color settings:
1) Close MWDRoll32.
2) Click the Windows Start button (on the lower left corner of the screen).
3) Click the Settings item.
4) Click Control Panel item. The Control Panel window opens
5) Click the Display icon. The Display Properties window opens.
6) Click the Settings tab at the top of the Display Properties window
7) Verify that the Colors field is set to at least 256 colors or 8 bit.
Ideally, it should be set to either 65536 Colors, 16 Bit, or High Color.
8) Click OK. The Display Properties window closes.
9) Close the Control Panel window.
10) Re-start Windows.
11) Re-start MWDRoll32.
MWDRoll32 does not fit within the Windows desktop and some items are not visible.
This problem is due to the resolution of the video adapter. To correct your PC screen
resolution setting:
1) Close MWDRoll32.
2) Click the Windows Start button (on the lower left corner of the screen).
3) Click the Settings item.
4) Click Control Panel item. The Control Panel window opens
5) Click the Display icon. The Display Properties window opens.
6) Click the Settings tab at the top of the Display Properties window
7) Verify that the Screen Area field is set to at least 640 x 480.
Ideally it should be set to 1024 x 768.
8) Click OK. The Display Properties window closes.
9) Close the Control Panel window.
10) Re-start Windows.
11) Re-start MWDRoll32.

-87Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


After a print, the print preview pane displays oddly.

After sending a report to the printer, MWDRoll32 does not refresh the print preview
window. To view the print preview window again:
1) Click the Close button.
2) Click the File menu.
3) Click the Print/Export Report item.
Bug Reporting
Please contact GE Power Systems if you find a recurring problem in MWDRoll32.
First, make sure you can reproduce the problem, then email the following details to:
[email protected]
Your name and email address for correspondence
Description of the recurring problem including any relevant information
Steps needed to reproduce the problem
Details of the computer system running MWDRoll32
Any additional information
Please include as many details as possible in your email.
Magnetic Declination and other Magnetic Information
The declination and other magnetic information for your geographic location can be
found on the Internet site for the National Geophysical Data Center of NOAA. The
address is
Click the heading Magnetic Declination. Enter your latitude and longitude to obtain
the declination and other information. For assistance in determining your correct
latitude and longitude, click the link on this web page to either the U.S. Gazetteer or
the Getty Thesaurus.
MWD Electronics Calibration Test (SN: 2004) (Created on 08/18/00)
Roll Test Header:
Unique Test Identifier: 254 Notes: Software Test
Operator Name: SAM Site Location: Mag2
Tool Serial Number: 2004 City: Austin
Tool Bias Multiplier: State / Province: TEXAS
Start Date and Date:
8/15/00 3:17:21

-88Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


-89Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


-90Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


Roll Test Specification Evaluation:

MWDRoll32 has determined that the MWD tool is calibrated and accurate
enough to meet GE-Tensor requirements.

-91Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


-92Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software



-93Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software



Operational Manual

KDT MWD Mud Pulse Receiver

For Window 2000, Window XP, and Vista
Revised: February 16, 2009
Manufactured By:

KeyDrill Technology LLC

831 Spring Mist CT
Sugar Land, TX 77479
Phone: 281-253-2066

The Fifth Edition

Copyright@2008 by KeyDrill Technology LLC
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or
transmitted, in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, by photocopying, recording, or otherwise,
without the prior written permission of KeyDrill Technology LLC.
Information, furnished by KeyDrill Technology LLC, is believed to be accurate and reliable; however, no
responsibility is assumed by Ke yDrill Technology LLC for its use; no for any infringements of patents or
other rights of third parties that may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise
under any patent rights of KeyDrill Technology LLC.

-94Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software



The KeyDrill Receiver (KDT Receiver) provides many special features for easy
and reliable operation.

KDT Receiver provides the best synchronization and detection abilities in

the market.


KDT Receiver can run in Plug and Play mode. This means that KDT
Receiver can run automatically without the operators help.


The KDT Receiver will save the data in the C:\PROGRAM

directory. (YYYY-MM-DD represents year, month and day).


KeyDrill Receiver will automatically load all of todays decoded data,

and display it on the KDT Receiver screen on the History and Survey
windows whenever the operator restarts KDT receiver software.


KDT Receiver software records all Pump On time on both RUN and Daily


KDT Receiver can output WITS or Gamma Output data format.

-95Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software



1. Link the pressure transducer cable and the tool program cable to the
computer box.
2. Plug the power cord into the computer box.
3. Turn on your computer, and wait until the computer is running smoothly,
e.g. complete its virus scan procedures etc.
4. Find KeyDrill App folder. All program icons are located in this folder.
It includes all the operational manuals as well.

5 Program your MWD tool. If it is an industrial standard MWD tool, you can
program it using KeyDrills KDT Tool Config software

-96Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


6 If the third partys configuration file is used, please copy the

configuration file to C:\Program Files\KeyDrill Technology LLC\KDT\
directory, and double-clicking to reopen it in KeyDrills tool configuration
(Make sure that the content of C:\Program Files\KeyDrill Technology
LLC\KDT\ConfigLoc.dat file is point to the file.) If you use KeyDrills configuration
software, all these procedures are automatically set. (Please remember to
uncheck the hide the extension from the known files types in the
following figure. It is located in the Tools menu of File Explorer so that you can
see the file extension mwd)

7 Start KDT receiver software by double clicking the icon

. If you start
the job for the first time after configuring a tool, the following window will
appear. Click Yes to continue.

-97Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


8 Select a DAQ data acquisition port (for example, COM2 for Compass
Guidances system), and a WITS output port from the following dialog.
They have to be on different ports. The Output Data Format could be a
Gamma Output or a Standard WITS.

If the same COM ports were selected for DAQ and WITS, WITS port
would be disabled.
9 The following dialog shows the tool configuration file used for KDT
receiver. The file name and location is saved in the file C:\Program
Files\KeyDrill Technology LLC\KDT\ConfigLoc.dat file.

-98Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software



Please fill up the following window. The Run # must be between 1 and

-99Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


If RUN # is 0 (Zero), it may be a new job. If so, please save or rename the
data files from the old job in C:\Program Files\KeyDrill Technology
LLC\KDT\ JobDir\ to other locations first.
Enter the correct DAO number and confirm the RUN #, Click OK button
to continue.

This is a KDT receiver window if the screen resolution is 800 by 600



If the screen resolution is larger than 800 by 600 pixels, the receiver
window will look like this:

-100Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software



1 displays the current received data with its confidence number (also
known as reliability). When the area is RED, it means that KDT
Receiver is searching for synchronization. When the receiver is
synced, its color will change to GREEN.


When KDT receiver receives survey data, a Survey Depth Input

dialog box pops up. The depth you input into the box will be saved in
the file and can be reloaded and viewed later. If you dont need it,
please check Never ask again.

-101Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software




window will display the warning message.


3 enables and disables the Automatic Pulse Threshold function.

Automatic Pulse Threshold is enabled, the receiver will run
automatically. LoPL and HiPL do not need to be set.

-102Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software



Click 4

will open the following window.

You can change some parameters in the left half to control the receiver
behavior. The right half side shows the various flags. IncT can only be
changed when you program the tools.
IncT is an indicator where Inclination Threshold is set in tool configuration
program. You cannot change it in receiver software here.
Digitize On is used to turn on the pressure waveform record function. It is
automatically turned off when your harddisk is less than 1G.
We do NOT recommend changing the Filter Level. The KDT Receiver will
automatically set it to 1. If the noise is too strong and/or the decoded data is
often incorrect, you can increase the Filter Level one by one. Do not jump
the Filter level more than 1 level at a time.

-103Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software



will open the following window.

12 is a combo box that has 3 selections: Recent Data, History Data,

and Survey Data. Recent Data displays all data since last Pump is ON,
and lists in time sequence shown
. History Data lists all history
data received since KDT receiver was turned ON or today. Survey Data
will display all Survey data received since KDT receiver was turned ON or
14 lists all current data. The new data will overwrite the old data if the
same data is received. It will display the current data with the survey data
on top, followed by Telemetry data.

-104Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software




will open the following window.


By moving the mouse to15

, and right-clicking the mouse button, the
Pulse Amplitude Scale pop-up menu will appear
The scale in left-hand side is the pressure scale. The scale in right-hand
side is the Pulse amplitude scale. The pressure scale adjusts
automatically, and the Pulse amplitude scale is adjusted manually.

-105Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software



Clicking 7 will open the following window. Select the parameters you
want for your WITS output.


Clicking 8

will open the following window.

The default will display the Pump On Time on RUN base. If you would like to
display the Pump On time in daily base, please click the Daily Button.
You can also set the New Run # here. If the run # is the same as the
old Run #, the operator can click cancel to exit this dialog box.
-106Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software



Clicking 9
will open the following window to display the tool
configuration data.


By right clicking the area 10 , the operator can select the parameters
to be displayed in KeyDrills rig floor display.

-107Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software



By right clicking the area 10 , the operator can select the parameters
to be displayed in KeyDrills rig floor display.

The data color indicates whether the data is inside the presetting range or not. If the data is in the range, it displays
in GREEN. Otherwise, it displays in RED as DipA shown above.


The Pump On time can be found in area



If you have any problem, or you have some troubles to decode, please
send your Config.mwd file with your recorded waveform files located
LLC\KDT\JobDir to [email protected]. Then please feel free to
contact KeyDrill Technical Support at [email protected] or call
-108Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software



-109Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software



Digital Drilling Data Systems

DigiDrill Data Logger and Applications

Operators Manual

-110Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


1 Introduction
The applications included in the product are separated into three functional components:
Data Logger which is responsible for acquiring data from the various tools and other
sources and logging this data into the database.
GeoLogPlot is used to retrieve logged data from the database to generate plots.
LASBuilder will also retrieve data from the database to generate LAS compatible file for
exporting to other applications.
2 Data Logger Operations
The Data Logger application is used to create a database for storage then acquire data
and log this data into the database. The Data Logger is designed as a startup wizardtype application that will walk the user through each step in the creation of the database
and the configuration of the tool and equipment used.
2.1 Equipment
The equipment supplied is used for depth tracking in conjunction with the Data Logger
application. Equipment used for depth tracking operations are:
2.1.1 Depth Tracking Box
The depth tracking box contains the following:
Depth encoder tracking and display module
Hookload sensor measurement and display module
Built-in USB to serial port adapter with 2 ports used for the above devices and 2 serial
ports on the back of the box for connecting to external equipment
Intrinsically safe barriers for the encoder and hookload sensors
The internal USB to serial port adapter is supplied with drivers that automatically assign
the 4 ports to be the last 4 ports listed when selecting a port to use in the Data Logger
The computer already has a COM1 and a COM3
The driver will add COM4, COM5, COM6 and COM7
If the depth tracking box is replaced then the driver may automatically assign 4 different
ports to the list. For instance, if the box in the example above is replaced then the driver
will remove COM4, COM5, COM6 and COM7 then assign the replacement box COM
ports to COM8, COM9, COM10 and COM11.

-111Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


Whatever the case always remember that THE LAST 4 COM PORTS ARE ASSIGNED
The last COM port assigned will ALWAYS be for the depth encoder. The second to last
COM port assigned will ALWAYS be for the hookload sensor. The other 2 COM ports
are located on the back of the depth tracing box and can be used for external equipment
communications such as WITS or for plugging into the steering tool or MWD receiver.
In the example above, COM7 will be used for the depth encoder and COM6 will be used
for the hookload sensor. COM5 and COM4 will be located on the back of the depth
tracking box.
2.1.2 Geolograph Line Encoder
The Geolograph encoder has a resolution of 25 counts per foot of block travel and is
Atex certified for hazardous area usage. The Geolograph encoder is scaled using the
Data Logger 2 step calibration procedure.
2.1.3 Drum Shaft Encoder
The drum shaft encoder is Atex certified and is adaptable to either 1 14 UNS or 5/8
18 UNF threaded shafts. The resolution of the encoder is 25 counts per revolution and is
scaled using the Data Logger 4 step calibration procedure.
2.1.4 Hookload Sensor
There are 2 hookload sensors available:
200 PSI for attaching to a pancake for deadline weight measurement
2000 PSI for attaching to the weight indicator at the drillers station
The hookload sensors are scaled using the Data Logger 2 step calibration procedure.
2.2 Setup
The Data Logger is implemented as a wizard-type startup application that simplifies the
steps required for proper operation. Once each step is completed the wizard will
automatically configure itself for the next step in the process.

-112Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


2.2.1 Job Setup

The Data Logger is responsible for creating a master database for all data logged. Every
job and track/sidetrack will have its own unique database to work from. The first step in
the startup process is to enter all the job information in the first wizard screen. Since
each database represents a unique job and track/side track the tie-in survey information
will also be included here.

Once all of the information is entered press the BROWSE button to choose a database
name. The Data Logger will prompt the user for a file name to use and will suggest a
database name using the Job Number, Track Comment and the current date and time
as illustrated in the figure below.
If the database has already been created then the input of the job information is not
necessary. Press the BROWSE button and select an existing database to open and the
information fields will be updated.

-113Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


In this example the Job Number was entered as job 1234. The Track Comment is
Track 1. The date and time this database was created is November 13, 2005. As a
suggested file name, the Data Logger concatenates this data together to provide a
unique name. The user may simply enter another name if the suggested file name is not
what they wish to use.

-114Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


2.2.2 Tool and Equipment Setup

Once the master database is selected then the wizard will proceed to the next page for
configuring the equipment setup information. There are 3 groups of information required
and will be discussed in the following sub-sections. Tool Settings

Tool Type Select from the list of available tools
Port Choose which COM port the selected tool will be using
Use Depth Encoder Check this box if you will be using the supplied depth
encoder for tracking depth then select the COM port that it will be connected to.
Check the Drum Encoder box if you will be using the supplied drum encoder.
this box unchecked if you will be using a Geolograph encoder.
Use Hookload Check this box if you are using the supplied hookload sensor
in conjunction with a depth encoder then choose the COM port that this sensor
will be connected to. This will enable the Data Logger to use an intelligent slip
in/out detection algorithm for tracking bit and hole depth. If this option is not
checked then the user must manually insert and remove the slips for proper
depth tracking.

-115Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


Enable WITS This checkbox will instruct the Data Logger to operate in one of
two modes:
If Use Depth Encoder is not checked then the Data Logger will receive
depth tracking data from the WITS system using the selected WITS Port.
(This is normally the method used fir WITS)
If the Use Depth Encoder is checked then the depth tracking is performed
by the Data Logger and depth tracking equipment then transmitted out the
selected WITS Port which can be shared by other applications or service
companies. This setup is optional for circumstances where data from the
Data Logger is wanted by others at the well site.
In both cases the data received from the tool by the Data Logger is transmitted to the
selected WITS Port for sharing with others. Survey Settings
North Reference This is used to identify what type of north reference is to be
used for surveying. This will appear as a label on the Survey Report printout.
Total Magnetic Correction The total geomagnetic correction added to
azimuth and magnetic toolface to either TRUE or GRID north.
Toolface Offset Used for steering tools, this defines the offset of the
directional sensors to the high-side of the BHA.
Survey Offset To Bit The distance of the survey sensors to the bit Gamma Settings
Background Counts The count rate of the gamma sensor without any
gamma source applied. (See below)
Hot Counts The count rate of the gamma sensor with the calibration blanket
wrapped around the tool. (See below)
API Calibrator Rate The API count rate marked on the gamma blanket used
for calibration. (See below)
Collar Attenuation Factor The calculated amount of gamma ray attenuation
that the drill collar will introduce. This factor may be calculated by pressing the
Calculate button then entering the collar O.D. and I.D. or the user may enter their
own factor manually.
Gamma Offset To Bit The distance of the gamma ray sensor to the bit.
Data Smoothing The amount of smoothing that will be used to filter the
gamma data sent from the tool.

-116Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


2.2.3 Gamma Calibration

Proper gamma sensor calibration requires that a standard-rate calibration source be
used to scale the gamma data to API units. When a new database is created the
parameters for the gamma calibration are adjusted so that there will not be any API
calibration applied to the gamma data received from the tool. If the user prefers to use a
single factor for calibration then this parameter may be entered into the Collar
Attenuation Factor. If API calibration is desired then the following steps describe the
process required:
Background Counts This is the count rate for the sensor being used and the
environment the sensor is exposed to. The background counts will differ due to
the following:
The natural gamma rays emitted from the earth at the current geographical
Gamma rays emitted by the sun
The sensitivity of the gamma sensor used
Gamma ray attenuation of the tool housing
Gamma rays emitted by drill pipe or other materials in the immediate area.
The API factor calculation will use this as a baseline count rate. Measure this reading
from the tool and record it.
Hot Counts After the background count rate is acquired then wrap the
calibration blanket around the tool and record the count rate.
API Calibrator Rate This measurement is recorded on all calibration sources
and will differ from one to another.
The API factor is then calculated using the following formula:

2.2.4 Depth Calibration

Depth tracking using the supplied equipment requires calibration. There are two types of
depth encoders supplied and each uses a different calibration method:
Geolograph Encoder which attaches to the Geolograph line inside the
Drum Encoder that is connected to the shaft of the drawworks drum

-117Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software

118516 Geolograph Encoder Calibration

To use the Geolograph encoder, check Use Depth Encoder but uncheck the Drum
Encoder. The next page of the startup wizard will display the Geolograph encoder
calibration screen.

To calibrate the Geolograph encoder:

Lower the block to the drill floor then press the Set
button and enter the block height and the counts
read on the depth encoder box in the entry form

Raise the block to its highest point then press the

Set button and enter the block height and the counts
read on the depth encoder box in the entry form
Once calibration is complete the current block height will be displayed on this screenfor

-118Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software

119516 Drum Encoder Calibration

To use the drum encoder, check Use Depth Encoder and also check the Drum
Encoder box. The next page of the startup wizard will display the drum encoder
calibration screen.

When ready to begin calibration of the drum encoder press the Begin Calibration
button to proceed. The calibration can be canceled at any of the steps following by
pressing the Cancel button.

Lower the block all the way to the drill floor and
enter the counts read on the depth tracking box

Raise the block until the end of the first layer of the
drum is reached then enter the block height and the counts
read on the encoder box

-119Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


Raise the block until the end of the next layer of the drum
is reached then enter the block height and the counts read
on the encoder box

Raise the block until the end of the next layer of the drum
is reached then enter the block height and the counts read
on the encoder box
When calibration is complete the current block height is displayed on this screen for
2.2.5 Hookload Calibration
If selected, the hookload sensor can be used to determine whether the slips or in or out
at any point in time. Without this option the user must manually insert and remove
the slips in order to track bit and hole depths. To properly use this method of
automatic slips detection the hookload weights must be calibrated.
To calibrate the hookload sensor:

-120Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


With the block hanging without any drill string weight

press the Set button and enter the weight measured on the
drill floor weight indicator and the counts read on the depth
encoder box

Lift the drill string out of the slips, press the Set button and
enter the weight measured and the counts read on the
depth encoder box

The threshold weight (the weight at which the Data

Logger assumes that the slips have been inserted) is
automatically calculated. The user can optionally override
this calculation and enter their own
Upon completion of calibration the current hookload is displayed on this screen for

-121Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


2.2.6 WITS Setup

In order to receive WITS depth data both the Use Depth Encoder and Use Hookload
check boxes should be unchecked and the Enable WITS should be checked as
illustrated below.

In the default configuration, depth tracking, and ROP / WOB is performed by the
WITS system and is received by the Data Logger.
The Data Logger application also has the ability to acquire its telemetry data from
WITS, or a tool which publishes data via the WITS protocol. By default telemetry
is not collected from WITS, but can be turned on via the Configure WITS
If the Data Logger is receiving telemetry data directly from the tool, and the
WITS system is not publishing its own telemetry data, the Data Logger will send
telemetry data back to the WITS system for distribution among all other
computers and equipment connected to the WITS system
In some cases the WITS system will use non-standard Ids for depth and ROP data. To
overcome this press the Configure WITS button and enter the Ids that the WITS
technicians provide into the configuration form.

-122Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


NOTE: These Ids will be permanently stored on the computer and should be
rechecked when changing to another WITS system.
To revert back to standard WITS Ids press the Default button next to each WITS ID.

2.3 Tool Startup and Diagnostics

The last screen of the Data Logger startup wizard displays all data acquired from the
various COM ports and functions as a diagnostics display. This screen also contains all
the various functions required for tool control, report generation and data editing.

When this screen appears the depth data from the encoder box or WITS will
automatically update. The tool, however, must be started in order to begin receiving data
by pressing the Start Tool button.

-123Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


2.3.1 Starting The Tool

Each tool has a startup procedure as defined below:
Tensor Steering Tool
Press the Start Tool button, press OK on the popup that appears then turn the tool
power on.
Applied Physics 750/850 (Net Protocol)
Press the Start Tool button, press OK on the popup that appears then turn the tool
power on.
Tensor QDT MWD Tool
Turn the tool on and let the receiver begin operation then press Start Tool and the Data
Logger will begin listening for data from the tool.
Turn the tool power on then press Start Tool and the Data Logger will begin listening
for data from the tool.
RSS Systems Steering Tool (Not yet completed)
Press the Start Tool button, press OK on the popup that appears then turn the tool
power on.
Test Tool
This is a simulated tool that will generate artificial data internally for testing and demo
purposes. It will simulate either a steering tool or MWD tool.
2.3.2 Displays
Descriptions for the data displayed on this screen are:
Block Height Sent via the WITS system or generated internally by using the depth
tracking equipment.
Bit Depth Sent via the WITS system or generated internally by using the depth
tracking equipment. Bit depth will only change if the slips are out. The Data Logger
uses this depth for data logging.When using the supplied depth tracking equipment the
display to the right of Bit Depth indicates the bit status as On Bottom or Off Bottom.
This is important when using a hookload sensor for automatic slips detection. If the bit is
On Bottom and the hookload weight falls below the Threshold Weight defined earlier
then the slips will not automatically be removed. This is to prevent errors in depth
tracking when weight stacks up on long lateral drills.
Hole Depth Sent via WITS or generated internally by using the depth tracking
ROP Sent via WITS or generated internally by using the depth tracking equipment.
This data is also logged into the database for plotting.
Hook Load Sent via WITS or generated internally using the hookload sensor. This
data is also logged into the database.

-124Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


Ref. Hkld Also known as the Off Bottom Weight, this parameter is used to
calculate the Weight On Bit (WOB) which is logged into the database. This parameter
is only used if the hookload sensor is utilized in conjunction with the depth encoder.
The Data Logger assigns this value when the slips are automatically removed due to
the hookload weight exceeding the threshold weight defined earlier. When the slips
are removed the hookload weight will be averaged for 5 seconds then assigned as the
Reference Hookload. Once drilling commences any deviation from the Reference
Hookload would be considered Weight On Bit.
WOB Sent via WITS or generated internally by using the hookload sensor and the
slips in/out detection algorithms. (See Ref. Hkld above)
Gamma Received from the tool and logged into the database.
Gamma API Calculated internally by applying the API Calibration Factor and the
Collar Attenuation Factor to the raw Gamma counts received from the tool. This data
is logged into the database for plotting.
Pressure (Not implemented yet)
Temperature Received from the tool and logged into the database for plotting.
Logging Status Displays the status of logging. If the slips are out then logging is
enabled. If the slips are in then logging is suspended and data is not written into the
Tool Data All data received from the tool.
Database File The database file currently being used for logging and surveying.
2.3.3 Functions
Descriptions for the function buttons are:
Slips Out (Enable Logging) Available only when not using the hookload sensor for
automatic slips detection. Pressing this button will enable depth tracking and data will be
logged into the database. The button will be re-labeled to Slips In (Disable Logging)
then pressing this button again will disable depth tracking and suspend logging into the
Edit Surveys Will bring up the survey editor for adding, deleting or making edits to
the surveys that have been entered into the database.
Survey Report Generates a survey report for printing or exporting to PDF.
Plot Surveys Generates horizontal and vertical plots of the survey data entered into
the database using standard minimum radius of curvature calculations.
Edit Log Allows the user to adjust the gamma data depths logged into the database.
GeoLogPlot Opens the GeoLogPlot application for plotting the data logged into the
Export LAS Opens the LASBuilder application for exporting the data logged into the
database to an industry standard LAS file.
Start Surveying Displays the main surveying screen from which all operations are
normally performed. (More on this in the next section) This diagnostics screen will not
be closed and both screens will be accessible to the user. The tool will be automatically
started if it has not been done prior to pressing this button.
Start Tool Initializes the COM port for the tool and begins communications.

-125Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


2.4 Surveying and Logging

All surveying and logging functions are performed in the Surveying screen. The
diagnostics screen will still be accessible for viewing detailed information however most
operations should take place here.

2.4.1 Surveying Screen Description

The various sections of this screen are illustrated below:

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-128Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


All functions on the last screen of the startup wizard (diagnostics screen) are available
on the Surveying screen. The illustrations below show the pull-down menu items that
reflect their diagnostics screen counterparts.

2.4.2 Editing a Survey

Before the survey editor appears a prompt will appear for backing up the database.
If the user chooses to backup the database a copy of the database will be created in a
subfolder in the C:\DigiDrill directory. The name of this folder will be the name of the
database with a .BAK extension appended on to it. The copy of the database file will be
created in this directory and the name will be the original database file name with a date
and time stamp appended to the end.
If the name of the database is entitled:
Shop Test.MDB
The name of the backup folder will be:
Shop Test.bak
And the name of the database backup in that folder would be:
Shop Test200601151258.mdb

-129Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


2.4.3 Survey Report

The survey report will appear in a viewer that is capable of either printing the viewed
data or exporting the viewed data to a PDF file.

-130Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


2.4.4 Survey Plots

The survey plot screen will initially display a Vertical Plot that the user can zoom in,
scroll and print from. Pressing the Horizontal Plot button will present a horizontal plot
that can be altered in the same method as the Vertical Plot.

The display has a toolbar in the upper-left corner of the screen that provides the user
with the following functions:

-131Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


2.4.5 Real-Time Log Display

The Real-Time log display can be adjusted without affecting database logging
operations.Using the toolbar buttons the display can be zoomed in or out and scrolled up
or down and left to right. Once the display is adjusted then right-click on the depth axis
on the left of the log then click on Tracking Enable. This enables the log to
automatically scroll keeping the most recent data in the view.

-132Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software


2.4.6 Log Depth Editor

3 GeoLogPlot
The GeoLogPlot application is used to extract logging data from the database and
MWD plots on continuous paper printers. Since this is a separate application from the
Logger all logging functions will not be affected during this operation.

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3.2 Adding A Curve To A Track

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4 LAS Builder

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-149Chapter 3 | Surface Hardware & Software





All O-rings must be made of Viton, 70 90 durometer [Shore A]. Other, softer
elastomers, such as Neoprene will deteriorate rapidly, swell, and extrude under extreme
pressures and temperatures.
Extreme care should be taken when installing O-rings, to avoid over-stretching and
cutting. Use only wooden or plastic O-ring picks to guide the O-rings over surfaces when
installing or removing O-rings. Metal picks can scratch the sealing surfaces of the O-ring
Use extreme caution when applying Loctite 243, or similar thread locking compounds.
Avoid applying liberal amounts on small threaded areas around electrical contacts.
Doing so may cause shorting problems. It is advisable to apply an adequate amount of
Loctite to a piece of paper, allow it to dry to a paste and then apply it with a wooden
GE Power Systems authorizes only approved GE Silicon SF96-100 (P/N 201253) for
use in the oil-fill section of the pulser. Silicon oil is a dimethylpolysiloxane, or a clear
(water-white) silicone liquid with a viscosity of 100 centistokes.
This silicone oil was chosen for three reasons:
1. The stable viscosity characteristics at higher temperatures are better-suited for the
use than hydrocarbon oils.
2. The clear (water-white) color allows contaminants to be more easily detected.
3. Silicone oil is environmentally safe to handle and is disposable by normal means.
Refer to MSDS sheets.
All silicone oil extracted from a used pulser should be discarded. Silicone oil is an
expendable spare part by design and should not be salvaged for reuse. This will prevent
potential failures from impurities and oil that may have gone out of spec due to extreme
temperature conditions.
Silicone oil is flammable. Refer to MSDS sheets.

-1Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


GE Power Systems only recommends 0.025 to 0.030 diameter, annealed stainless

steel lock wire for use in attaching and sealing the compensation membrane and the
bellows. The lock wire (tie-wire) is an expendable spare part and not designed for reuse.
GE Power Systems does not recommend reusing elastomers for module rebuild after
the Tensor MWD tool has been exposed to the downhole environment.
GE Power Systems recommends lubricating all threaded parts and O-rings with a light
coat of Dow Corning Compound 4. This compound is compatible with drilling fluids and
temperatures to 400F (204C).
Apply Loctite 243 (dried to a paste) and hand-tighten all screws with the proper
All pressure barrels and housings should be torqued using Petol Gearench or
Parmalee wrenches fitted with 1 7/8 jaws. Torque to a range of 65 to 100 ft-lbs. It is
advised to use Loctite 243 on the two threaded connections below the screen housing of
the pulser.

-2Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual



BOM: Battery Module (Standard)

Part Number


Product Line





Battery Housing Module

Part Number


Product Line





Battery Housing Module

Serialized Part

Non-Serialized Part







Housing, Interconnect





Intermodule End





Battery Barrel Housing





Housing, Battery Vent Plug





Thread Protector, Male





Bulkhead Retainer, Top (90 Degree)





Split Shell





Bulkhead Retainer, Bottom (45 Degree)





Snubber Assembly, Battery





Battery Vent Plug





Pigtail, Battery





AS-011 O-Ring, Viton





AS-016 O-Ring, Viton





AS-124 O-Ring, Viton





AS-127 O-Ring, Viton





AS-217 O-Ring, Viton





AS-218 O-Ring, Viton





AS-220 O-Ring, Viton





Screw, 6-32 x 1/2" SHCS, SS





Screw, 6-32 x 3/4" SHCS, SS


-3Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual





This document describes satisfactory requirements to manufacture Pulser, Oilfilled
Assembly, EFS, part number 201133 and identifies inspection points and/or support
documentation where required.
2.1 SOP-290.15.1 - Control of Nonconforming Product
2.2 GE SR QA Manual, Section 13
2.3 SOP-C-5250.3 - Qualification of Inspection and Test Personnel
2.4 SOP-2022 Pulser Oil Fill Test
2.5 SOP-2060 Pulser Lever Performance Test (Dry and Wet) Procedure
2.6 SOP-2024 Pulser Force Test Procedure
2.7 SOP-2087 Wire Prep for Solder Procedure
2.8 201002 QDT MWD Maintenance Manual
2.9 Serial Number Log

-4Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


2.10 Assembly Work Package

3.1 Assembly Drawing: An engineering drawing with product specifications and
tolerances required to fabricate a product.
3.2 EFS: Electronic Flow Switch
3.3 MSDS: Material Safety Data Sheets.
3.4 NCR: A Non-Conformance Report used to process defective materials.
3.5 PPE: Personal Protective Equipment.
3.6 Quality Control (QC) Inspection: An inspection to be completed by a Quality
Control Inspector. Results are to be documented when specified on the flow chart
or in associated documentation.
3.7 Traveler: A document contained in the Work Package that identifies the
manufacturing and inspection steps required for the fabrication, assembly and
testing of a product.
3.8 Work Package: A package that may contain the Traveler, Pick List or Bill of
Materials, relevant Assembly Drawings and other related documents needed to
fabricate a product.
4.1 It is the responsibility of the Manufacturing Manager to assign individuals to the
specified tasks with the proper level of experience and/or training to complete the
4.1.1 It is the responsibility of the operator completing each process step to
follow the requirements of the flow chart or documentation identified on
the flow chart.
4.2 It is the responsibility of the person completing each process step to identify
deficiencies as they occur in the process. Each individual is to initiate or insure
initiation of a Nonconformance Report (NCR) when a defect occurs in the product
at any point during the manufacturing process in accordance with SOP-290.15.1.
4.3 It is the responsibility of the Quality Assurance department to ensure the
Manufacturing Procedures meet the quality requirements for the product line and
to qualify all QC Inspection in Accordance with SOP-C-5250.3.

-5Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


5.1 Special attention must be paid around moving parts to prevent pinching, crushing
or cutting injuries. All tools and equipment must only be used in accordance with
the manufacturer instructions. Operators must be trained on proper operating
5.2 When soldering, care should be taken to prevent burns from the iron tip. Inspect
cord, base and stand before use. Soldering should be performed in well-ventilated
area or a fume extractor should be used. Operator must wash hands thoroughly
and clean all work surfaces well after completion. If working with lead solder the
operator must complete Lead Safety Awareness Training (EHS 470). Rubber,
latex or nitrile gloves should be worn.
5.3 All work on energized equipment, including inspection, testing and adjustment
requires the following:
5.3.1 Conductive articles of jewelry and clothing (such as watchbands,
bracelets, rings and necklaces) shall not be worn while performing
electrical work.
5.3.2 Non-conductive (no metal frame) safety glasses with side shields shall
be worn at all times when working on, inspecting or testing electrical
5.3.3 Only tools specifically designed for electrical work shall be used.
5.3.4 Power supplies, cords and switches shall be inspected for damage before
5.4 When using the wire heat stripper, care should be taken to prevent burns from the
hot tip. Inspect cord before use.
5.5 Inspect all cords for nicks or frays before use.
5.6 Whenever you work with chemicals read the MSDS and follow the PPE
6.1 Tools and Equipment and/or Equivalent
6.1.1 #60 Drill (.04)
6.1.2 201349 Slave Test Tip
6.1.3 201845 Thread Protector Slaves (x2)
6.1.4 Air Gun
6.1.5 Brass Slave Shaft

-6Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


6.1.6 Brush
6.1.7 Caliper
6.1.8 Chain Vice
6.1.9 Dental Pick
6.1.10 Feeler Gauge
6.1.11 Flat Narrow Blade Screwdriver
6.1.12 Gauge, 1/10
6.1.13 Gear Wrench
6.1.14 Hex Head Driver, 1 1/16
6.1.15 Hex Head Driver, 5/64
6.1.16 Hex Head Driver, 7/64
6.1.17 Hook Wrench
6.1.18 Hot Air Gun
6.1.19 Isopropyl alcohol
6.1.20 Multimeter
6.1.21 Needle nose Pliers
6.1.22 Nut Driver,
6.1.23 Omega Meter
6.1.24 Permanent Marker
6.1.25 Piston Cap Tool Fixture
6.1.26 Pulser Test Box
6.1.27 Pulser Test Cable Slave
6.1.28 Punch (x2)
6.1.29 Ratchet Wrench Drive
6.1.30 Rubber Mallet

-7Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


6.1.31 Ruler
6.1.32 Safety Wire Pliers
6.1.33 Screwdriver, Flat Blade
6.1.34 Screwdriver, Phillips Drive
6.1.35 Slave Plug
6.1.36 Snubber Shock Pigtail Slave
6.1.37 Solder Iron
6.1.38 Steel Stamp Set,
6.1.39 Steering Tool Gear Wrench 1
6.1.40 Strain Gauge
6.1.41 Syringe, 60cc, with Oil-fill Adapter
6.1.42 System Gauge
6.1.43 Tip Tester Fixture
6.1.44 Torque Wrench
6.1.45 Torsion Spring Clamps
6.1.46 Tweezers
6.1.47 Vacuum Pump
6.1.48 V-Block (x2)
6.1.49 Wire Cutters
6.2 Materials: refer to the bill of materials and assembly drawings.
7.1 Assemble Spring Shaft Assembly
7.1.1 Apply a few small dots of Loctite 243 to the threads of the Bellows
Shaft [part number 201142].
7.1.2 Thread the Bellows Shaft to the Spring Shaft Plug, [201115].
Hand-torque only.

-8Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


7.1.3 Using Loctite 243, thread the Spring Shaft [201141] to the Spring Shaft
Plug [201115]. Assemble carefully and avoid excessive torque to prevent damage to parts.
7.1.4 Inspect the assembly: verify it is not bent.
7.1.5 Apply a coating of Loctite 243 inside the hole for the dowel pin in the spring shaft plug.
7.1.6 Place the shaft assembly in the wire tube [201154] and install the Dowel
Pin [201144].

7.1.7 Inspect the shaft: verify that it slides freely.

Note: The Dowel Pin must not protrude outside of the wire tube. Move the shaft sideways against
the wire tube to verify that it does not cause the Dowel Pin to protrude.
7.1.8 Fasten the Position Spacer [201534] to the Flow Sensor Plug using Position Screws. See
Exhibit 7.2.
7.1.9 Install 2 new O-rings onto the Flow Sensor.
Note: Always install new, unused O-rings. Never put a used O-ring back on an assembly. If you
remove an O-ring for any reason, discard it and replace it with a new, unused O-ring.
7.1.10 Insert the Bellows Shaft into the uphole end of the Flow Sensor Plug and thread the wire
tube in place using Loctite 243.

-9Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


7.2 Install Bellows

7.3.2 Apply Loctite 243 to the end of
the screws, 8-32, SCS, .
7.3.3 Install the screws into the pulser
screen housing, at the screen mounting
holes, over the orifice.
7.3.4 Remove excess Loctite.
7.3.5 Apply silicone lubricant to the Orings on the wire tube assembly.
7.3.6 Align the dowel pin with the
pinhole inside the pulser screen
7.3.7 Install the wire tube assembly
into the pulser screen housing, until the
pin sets into position.
7.3.8 Secure the large end of the
bellows with safety wire.

-10Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


7.3.9 Verify that the wire tube

assembly, at the nose, sits evenly and
rotation, at the 3-web fingers in the
pulser screen housing.
7.3.10 Install the shim over the wire
tube and onto the wire tube plug, inside
the pulser screen housing.
7.3.11 Remove the part label and clean
the membrane support with isopropyl

7.3.12 Clean inside the membrane

support until all visible debris is
7.3.13 Inspect the membrane, PRESS,
COMPENS, for nicks or tears. If any
nicks or tears are found, replace the
membrane and inspect the
7.3.14 Clean the membrane with
isopropyl alcohol.
7.3.15 Slide the membrane over the
membrane support. Verify that the
membrane extends 1/10 past the outer
ridge of the membrane grooves
at 1 end of the support.

-11Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


7.3.16 Apply 2 drops of silicone lubricant, at opposite sides on the membrane, 90 degrees from
the release marks.
7.4 Install Safety Wires Over 1 End of Membrane
7.4.1 Coil the safety wire, .025 DIA, .302, into 1 diameter coils.
7.4.2 Verify that the top wire faces counter-clockwise and the bottom wire faces clockwise.
7.4.3 Grip the wire at the cross point with safety wire pliers.
7.4.4 Slip the coil over a cylinder of a diameter similar to the membrane support.
7.4.5 Apply 2 drops of silicone lubricant on the extended end of the membrane.
7.4.6 Slip the coiled safety wire over the extended end of the membrane and it in the inner
membrane groove, through the membrane. Verify that the membrane remains extended 1/10
past the outer ridge of the membrane grooves at this end of the support.

-12Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


7.4.7 Verify that the safety wire coils do not cross each other.
7.4.8 Pull the twister knob on the safety wire pliers until the wire creates a tight crossing at the
7.4.9 Clip the twist at 3/8 length and fold it into the groove.
7.4.10 Repeat the previous 8 steps to install safety wire in the outer membrane groove over the
7.5 Install Safety Wires Over Other End of Membrane
7.5.1 Hold the other end of the membrane support and extend the membrane past the outer
membrane groove by 1/10.
7.5.2 Repeat the previous section to engage, tighten, clip and fold a pair of safety wires into the 2
membrane grooves on this end of the support.
7.6 Install (1) O-ring, type AS-020, VITON, 75D, into each of the 4 grooves on the ends of the
membrane support.

7.7 Install Oil-fill Housing

7.7.1 Inspect all O-rings for nicks or tears. If any nicks or tears are found, replace the O-ring with
a new, unused O-ring and inspect the replacement.
7.7.2 Install (1) O-ring, type AS-006, VITON, 75D, onto the oil-fill housing plug.

-13Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


7.7.3 Apply silicone lubricant to the O-ring.

7.7.4 Inspect the oil-fill housing port for burrs or cross-threading.
7.7.5 Clean the oil-fill housing and port with blasts of air for 15 seconds.
7.7.6 Install the plug to the oil-fill housing port, to finger-tight.

7.7.7 Install (1) O-ring, type AS-127, VITON, 75D, to the inner groove, at 1 end of the oil-fill
7.7.8 Install (1) O-ring, type AS-125, VITON, 75D, to the outer groove at the same end of the oilfill housing.
7.7.9 Install (1) O-ring, type AS-127, VITON, 75D, to the inner groove, at the other end of the oilfill housing.
7.7.10 Install (1) O-ring, type AS-125, VITON, 75D, to the outer groove at the same end of the oilfill housing.
7.7.11 Apply silicone lubricant to the inner and outer O-rings at 1 end of the membrane support.

-14Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


7.7.12 Install the lubricated end of the membrane support into the down-hole end of the oil-fill
7.8 Install Mud Compensator Housing
7.8.1 Apply silicone lubricant to the entire membrane, liberally.
7.8.2 Fill the 1/10 gap with silicone lubricant at the top and bottom of the membrane, where it
extends past the outer ridge of the membrane grooves.
7.8.3 Apply silicone lubricant to the O-rings at the top and bottom of the membrane support.
7.8.4 Clean mud compensator housing with isopropyl alcohol.
7.8.5 Install (1) O-ring, type AS-125, VITON, 75D, to the bottom position on the mud compensator
7.8.6 Install (1) O-ring, type AS-125, VITON, 75D, to the top position on the mud compensator
7.8.7 Apply silicone lubricant to the small radius, inside the mud compensator housing, and to the
2 O-rings just installed.
7.8.8 Twist and push the mud compensator housing over the membrane support assembly, until
the assembly reaches the bottom of the housing.
7.8.9 Clean excess lubricant from the mud compensator housin

-15Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


7.8.10 Clean the coil housing, PLUG END, with isopropyl alcohol.
7.8.11 Install the coil housing on top of the oil-fill housing.
7.8.12 Apply a dot of Loctite 243 to the threads of each of 6 screws, type 6-32, PHL, , FLT.
7.8.13 Install the 6 screws of the way into the coil housing.
7.8.14 Tighten the 6 screws to finger-tight, in a cross pattern.
7.8.15 Verify that the coil housing sits directly on top of the oil-fill housing.
7.8.16 Tighten the 6 screws in a cross pattern, to hand-tight.

7.9 Install Pressure Bulkhead

7.9.1 Clean the oil-fill plug.
7.9.2 Clean the pressure bulkhead.
7.9.3 Install (1) O-ring, type AS-006, VITON, 70D, to oil-fill plug.
7.9.4 Apply silicone lubricant to the oil-fill plug O-ring.
7.9.5 Install the oil-fill plug into the side of the pressure bulkhead, at the down-hole end.

-16Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


7.9.6 Install (1) O-ring, type AS-127, VITON, 75D, to the inner groove at 1 end of the pressure
7.9.7 Install (1) O-ring, type AS-125, VITON, 75D, to the outer groove, at same end of the
pressure bulkhead.
7.9.8 Install (1) O-ring, type AS-127, VITON, 75D, to the inner groove, at the other end of the
pressure bulkhead.
7.9.9 Install (1) O-ring, type AS-125, VITON, 75D, to the outer groove, at the same end of the
pressure bulkhead.
7.9.10 Apply silicone lubricant inside the up-hole end of the pressure bulkhead housing, where
the M4 connector will seat.
7.9.11 Verify that the M4 connector has a 200 etched into the shoulder, indicating it is for use in
high-temperature tools.
7.9.12 Apply silicone lubricant on the area between the brass rings at the top of the M4
7.9.13 Install the M4 connector, in the down-hole end of the pressure bulkhead housing

7.9.14 Verify that the 4 slots in the pressure bulkhead assembly are not aligned with the screw
holes in the pressure bulkhead housing.

-17Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


7.9.15 Verify that the 2 oblong holes in the pressure bulkhead assembly are not aligned with the
screw holes in the pressure bulkhead housing.
7.9.16 Verify that the distance between the edge of the pressure bulkhead and the edge of the
M4 connector is from .550 to .565.

7.9.17 Apply Loctite 243 to the nose only, not to the threads, of each of 4 setscrews, type 8-32,
SET, 1/8.
7.9.18 Install the 4 setscrews of the way into the pressure bulkhead.
7.9.19 Verify that the M4 connector is centered on the pressure bulkhead housing.
7.9.20 Tighten the 4 setscrews in a cross pattern, to hand-tight.
7.10 Install Membrane Screen Housing
7.10.1 Install (1) spring, type SOLENOID RETURN, onto the spring shaft.
7.10.2 Verify that the spring slides down the shaft without resistance.
7.10.3 Install (1) short spring spacer into the spring shaft.
7.10.4 Install a second spring, type SOLENOID RETURN, into the spring shaft.
7.10.5 Install a second short spring spacer into the spring shaft.
7.10.6 Install (1) long spring spacer into the spring shaft.

-18Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


7.10.7 Verify that the long spring spacer extends 1 7/8out of the wire tube.
7.10.8 Apply silicone lubricant to the O-ring on the down-hole end of the mud compensator
7.10.9 Connect the mud compensator housing to the membrane screen housing.

7.10.10 Clean the assembly.

-19Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


7.10.11 Place the assembly in a tabletop chain vice, resting on blocks of wood, with the
membrane screen housing under the chain.
7.10.12 Connect a gear wrench to the oil-fill housing, to hold the housing in position.
7.10.13 Connect a second gear wrench to the spring housing, to tighten it into position.
7.10.14 Place the second gear wrench so the handle is below your waist, and then push the
handle down to tighten. Torque the connection to a minimum 75 lb-ft.

7.10.15 Insert a flat blade screwdriver into the membrane screen housing to engage the test tip.
Rotate the test tip so the screws are visible in 1 of the screen housing windows.

7.10.16 Tighten the screws with a 5/64 hex head driver to hand-tight.
7.10.17 Push the screwdriver against the servo-poppet. Verify that the servopoppet moves and is

-20Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


7.10.18 See the serial number log for the next serial number.
7.10.19 Pound the serial number for this tool onto the pressure bulkhead flat area with a mallet
and a steel stamp set.
Note: Verify the direction of each stamp, to avoid stamping any numerals upside-down.

7.10.20 Repeat the 2 steps above to pound the tool serial number into the other
side of the pressure bulkhead.
7.10.21 Verify that the thickness of the washer, type FLAT, #6, SS AN960, is
between .025 and .030.

7.10.22 Gently remove the following solenoid wires from the housing:

-21Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


7.10.23 Run these 3 solenoid wires along the wire way channel and insert them
back into the housing through center entry hole.
7.10.24 Remove the masking tape and clean the tube with isopropyl alcohol.
7.10.25 Apply 1 wraps of wide Kapton tape around the exit groove. Hold
the wires in their channel while applying the tape.

7.10.26 Apply 1 wraps of wide Kapton tape around the entry groove.
7.10.27 Remove the shipping nut and washer from the solenoid shaft, and
7.10.28 Apply silicone lubricant to the solenoid spring shaft washer to hold it in
position while installing the solenoid.
7.10.29 Install the lubricant side of the washer against the solenoid clapper.

7.10.30 Clean the threads of the solenoid shaft with isopropyl alcohol.
7.10.31 Apply a dot of Loctite 243 on the solenoid shaft threads.
7.10.32 Insert a narrow, flat-blade screwdriver in the plunger hole, in the
solenoid retainer.

-22Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


7.10.33 Match the solenoid wide leg to the wide slot of the coil housing socket.
Note: Be careful to hold the clapper against the solenoid until the
assembly is in place.

7.10.34 Support the weight of the solenoid and lower the solenoid shaft into the
solenoid retainer.
7.10.35 Rotate the screwdriver clockwise until you feel the solenoid shaft
threads engage.
7.10.36 Raise the solenoid assembly and insert a punch above the clapper into
the hole in the solenoid shaft.
7.10.37 At the engagement use the punch to tighten the assembly.

7.10.38 Apply a dot of Loctite 243 on the threads of the 3 coil housing screws,
type 6-32, PHL, 3/8, FLT.

-23Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


7.10.39 Install the 3 screws of the way into the coil housing socket.
7.10.40 Finish installing the screws in a cross pattern, to hand-tight.

7.10.41 Loosen the 2 mounting screws on the servo-poppet, with a turn.

7.10.42 Engage the test tip with the screwdriver.
7.10.43 Pre-set the up-hole end of the clapper gap to 1/10, with a 1/10 gauge.

7.10.44 Rotate the screwdriver counter-clockwise, until you feel the clapper grip
the gauge.
7.10.45 Slowly rotate the screwdriver counter-clockwise until the servo-poppet
screws sit squarely in the nearest window.
7.10.46 Tighten the servo-poppet screws to finger-tight.
7.10.47 Push the test tip to manually move the clapper.
7.10.48 Power-on the solder iron.
7.10.49 Measure 2 of the orange wire, cut and discard excess.
7.10.50 Bend the orange wire in half.

-24Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


7.10.51 Slide a 1 section of heat shrink tubing, 3/16 diameter, onto the
doubled-over orange wired, completely covering it.

7.10.52 Heat and shrink the tubing evenly with the hot air gun.
7.10.53 Clip the excess heat shrink tubing.
7.10.54 Remove any flakes of potting material from the top of the F4 connector.
7.10.55 Insert the solenoid wires through either window in the solenoid retainer.

7.10.56 Measure 3 of each wire, cut and discard the excess.

-25Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


7.10.57 Prepare the solenoid wires for soldering with hooked ends.

7.10.58 Group the wires into 3 bundles, according to the 3 colors.

7.10.59 Slide (1) 1 section of heat shrink tubing, 3/32 diameter, Kynar, down
the black heavy gauge wire for later use. Do not heat this tubing now.
7.10.60 Slide (1) section of heat shrink tubing, 3/32 diameter, Kynar, down
1 of the brown wires.
7.10.61 Slide (1) section of heat shrink tubing, 3/32 diameter, Kynar, down
1 of the red wires.
7.10.62 Lay the 2 light-gauge black wires parallel and connect their hooks to the
hooked end of the heavy gauge black wire.

-26Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


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7.10.63 Crimp and solder these 3 wires together.

7.10.64 Hook, crimp and solder the two brown wires together.
7.10.65 Hook, crimp and solder the two red wires together.
7.10.66 Clean the exposed wire areas.
7.10.67 Set the multimeter to measure Ohms.
7.10.68 Place the multimeter black clip on the black wires connection.
7.10.69 Place the multimeter red clip on the brown wires connection.
7.10.70 Verify that the meter reading is between 13 and 15 Ohms.
7.10.71 Write the reading on the Tensor Pulser Check List.
7.10.72 Move the multimeter red clip to the red wires.
7.10.73 Verify that the meter reading is between 500 and 600 Ohms.
7.10.74 Remove the multimeter red clip from the red wires.
7.10.75 Rub the multimeter red clip on the wire channel.
7.10.76 Verify that the meter reading is 0.0 Ohms.
7.10.77 Move the multimeter black clip to the brown wires and repeat the
previous 2 steps.
7.10.78 Move the multimeter black clip to the red wires and repeat the same 2
7.10.79 When all test points are valid, slide the heat shrink tubing over the
solder points of each wire.

-30Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


7.10.80 Heat and shrink the tubing evenly with the hot air gun.
7.10.81 Power-off the solder iron.
7.10.82 Install the wave spring, SSR-0112, on the shoulder of the solenoid
retainer, with the wires routed through the center of the spring.
Note: The wave spring has a split, so you can open it and wrap it around
the wire.

7.10.83 Start the tapered end of the ring, RET, 1.250, SPIRAL SS, in one of the
alignment pin grooves.
7.10.84 Push down on the F4 connector and insert the remainder of the spring
clip into its groove, which is located inside the uphole end of the
7.10.85 Release the F4 connector.
7.10.86 Verify that the wave spring resists, by pushing it.
7.10.87 Place the wire circles parallel to each other and twist the group of wires
2 or 3 times.

-31Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


7.10.88 Ease the wire bundle into the window with a blunt stir stick.

7.10.89 Rotate the tool to verify the wires arent sticking out of the opposite window.
7.11 Install Solenoid Housing
7.11.1 Clean the solenoid housing using a clean cloth, a long narrow shaft and the air gun.
7.11.2 Apply silicone lubricant to the O-rings on the oil-fill housing.
7.11.3 Place the tool in a vertical position with the oil-fill housing above the screen housing.
7.11.4 Twist the solenoid housing onto the oil-fill housing until they are firmly connected.
Note: At resistance, firmly tap the top of the solenoid housing, and continue to connect the
housings together.
7.11.5 Place the assembly in the tabletop chain vice, resting on blocks of wood, with the chain
over the mud compensator housing.
7.11.6 Connect a gear wrench to the solenoid, to hold it in position.
7.11.7 Connect a second gear wrench to the screen housing, to tighten it into position.
7.11.8 Place the second torque wrench so its handle is below your waist, then push the handle
down to tighten. Torque the connection to 75 lb-ft.

-32Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


7.11.9 Apply silicone lubricant to the pressure bulkhead O-rings.

7.11.10 Twist the bulkhead onto the solenoid housing to hand-tight.
7.11.11 Mark the oil-fill plug and the solenoid housing, with a permanent marker, to identify the
hand-tight alignment position.
7.12 Re-check Clapper gap with 3-turn procedure.
7.12.1 Lay the partially assembled unit on the test bench next to the Pulser
Driver Assembly [201137] with the Driver Snubber Shock Assembly
[201528] attached.
7.12.2 Plug the male, 4-pole connector assembly [201598] into the female, 4- pole connector
assembly [201599].
7.12.3 Connect the 4-pin / 6-socket connector on the driver snubber to its mate
in the female connector assembly.
7.12.4 Connect Pulser Test Unit [203100] to the other end of the driver. The
HOLD position on the Pulser Test Unit will energize the solenoid for further procedures.
Note: At this point screws should be just loose enough to allow the base
to turn on the shaft threads for position adjustment.
7.12.5 Thread the base onto the shaft until it bottoms.
7.12.6 Energize the solenoid. If necessary, use a small screwdriver to push the shaft up until the
Clapper touches the solenoid housing.
7.12.7 Unthread the assembly until the Poppet Tip bottoms out against the Servo Orifice. Then
re-thread the assembly 3 turns plus an additional, partial turn if needed, to position the screw
heads in the nearest window.
7.13 Perform Pulser Oil-fill Procedure

-33Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual



7.14 Install Helix End Assembly

7.14.1 Apply clear RTV to the orifice, CERAMIC POPPET, sidewalls.
7.14.2 Install the orifice, CERAMIC POPPET, in the up-hole end of the signal valve shaft, with
beveled end facing uphole.
7.14.3 Clean the excess clear RTV from the signal valve shaft.
7.14.4 Install O-ring, AS-127, VITON, 75D, on the bottom position of the poppet housing.
7.14.5 Install O-ring, AS-125, VITON, 75D, on the top position of the poppet housing.
7.14.6 Install O-ring, AS-221, VITON, 75D, on the bottom position of the helix end,
PULSER/HELIX END, down-hole position.

-34Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


7.14.7 Install the abrasion ring to its stop position above this O-ring.
7.14.8 Verify that the chamfer on the abrasion ring is positioned down-hole.
7.14.9 Install O-ring, AS-221, VITON, 75D, on the middle position of the helix end.
7.14.10 Install O-ring, AS-126, VITON, 75D, on the top position of the helix end.
7.14.11 Install the signal shaft into the down-hole end of the helix shaft.
7.14.12 Place the assembly in a tabletop chain vice, with the chain connected to the mid-section.

7.14.13 Rotate the tool until the slot is underneath, and the chain lies on a smooth surface.
7.14.14 Put the seal, STD, POLYPAK, in the groove on the down-hole end of the piston cap.
Make sure the installed O-ring in the polypak is facing downhole.
7.14.15 Verify that the seal is squarely seated in the groove.
7.14.16 Apply 4 dots of Loctite 243 to the Signal Shaft threads at 90-degree intervals, for both low
temp and high temp tools.
7.14.17 Install the poppet end, #1 (1.122 outer diameter), threading it into the signal shaft, at the
down-hole end, to hand-tight.
7.14.18 Repeat the 2 steps above for the up-hole end of the signal shaft and the piston cap.
7.14.19 Place the mounting fixture on the piston cap.
7.14.20 Tighten the slave screws onto the piston cap mounting holes, to fingertight.

-35Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


7.14.21 Connect a drive ratchet wrench to the poppet end, to hold it in position.
7.14.22 Set a torque wrench to 75 lb-ft.
7.14.23 Connect the torque wrench to the installation tool with the torque wrench handle below
your waist.

7.14.24 Pull the handle upward until you hear the double click.
7.14.25 Remove the O-ring from the polypak.

7.14.26 Install the wiper to the outside or uphole groove of the piston cap, with
the wiper channel facing up-hole.
7.14.27 Apply silicone lubricant to the polypak and wiper, liberally.
7.14.28 Verify that the wear sleeve, SIGNAL PISTON, slides completely and
smoothly over the main spring.

-36Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


7.14.29 Apply silicone lubricant to the inside of the wear sleeve, liberally.
7.14.30 Gently slide the wear sleeve over the wiper and the polypak.
7.14.31 Apply Loctite 620 to the outside of the wear sleeve, liberally.

7.14.32 Apply silicone lubricant to the inside of the housing, at the seat of the
wear sleeve.
7.14.33 Apply silicone lubricant to the O-rings on the helix end.

-37Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


7.14.34 Install the main spring into the housing.

7.14.35 Push and rotate the assembly into the housing until it is fully connected.
7.14.36 Place the assembly in a tabletop chain vice with the chain over the
middle section.

7.14.37 Connect a gear wrench to the poppet housing, to hold it in position.

7.14.38 Connect a steering tool gear wrench to the helix end, to tighten it into
7.14.39 With the steering tool gear wrench below your waist, push the wrench
down to tighten. Torque this connection to 75 lb-ft.
7.14.40 Push the helix end to actuate the spring in and out.
7.14.41 Release the setting on the torque wrench to minimum value.
7.15 Perform Pulser Force Test (Vacuum)
7.16 Install Ceramic Tip
7.16.1 Install the pigtail to the solenoid housing.

7.16.2 Connect the pulser test cable to the MDM connector on the pigtail.

-38Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


7.16.3 Turn the poppet screws of a turn to release the torque of the
hand-tight procedure.
7.16.4 Power-on the pulser test box.
7.16.5 Set the on-time knob to the on position, to keep the pulser in the
hold position.
7.16.6 Verify that the poppet has backed-off from the orifice.

7.16.7 Remove the 2 screws holding the servo-poppet.

7.16.8 Loosen the 2 clamp screws on the servo-poppet for a 1/8 gap at the
7.16.9 Apply a dot of Loctite 243 to each of the visible screw threads.
7.16.10 Apply a dot of Loctite 243 to the servo-poppet shaft threads.
7.16.11 Tighten the clamp screws to the end of the shaft, to finger-tight.

-39Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


7.16.12 Power-off the pulser test box.

7.16.13 Power-on the pulser test box.
7.16.14 Set the on-time knob to 1.
7.16.15 Set the off-time knob to 2.
7.16.16 Allow it to actuate for 2 minutes.
7.16.17 Verify that the tip is flush against the orifice. Rotate the tool to view the
tip from each window.

7.16.18 Verify that the shaft pulses while in alignment.

7.16.19 Power-off the pulser test box.
7.16.20 Remove excess lubricant.
7.21 Send to QC for inspection.
7.22 Send the assembly to inventory or to the next assembly. Refer to the
manufacturing flow map or procedure.
7.23 In case of conflicting instructions, give precedence to documentation in the
following order:
(1) Product Specification and Drawings and manufacturing instructions contained
on them.
(2) Manufacturing Flow Chart
(3) Manufacturing Procedures (MPs)
(4) Process Instructions, such as welding procedures (Ps, P.I.s and P.P.I.s)
(5) Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

-40Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


This procedure describes the functional testing, at room temperature, required to verify
proper function under the vacuum test conditions for the Assy, Pulser Oilfilled 175C
MWD, PN 201126.
2.1 GE RS QA Manual, Section 13
2.1 2 SOP-C-5250.3 - Qualification of Inspection and Test Personnel
2.1 3 SOP-290.15.1- Nonconformance Report (NCR) Procedure
2.1 4 Assembly Work Package
3.1 Operator or Assembler: The individual who performs a specific, or several,
manufacturing steps.
3.1 2 Documentation Point: A step in a procedure requiring the operator to record
information from an inspection, test or process to a specified location such as in a
Traveler, Work Package or database.
3.1 3 Work Package: A package that may contain the Traveler, Pick List or Bill of
Materials, relevant Assembly Drawings and other related documents needed to
fabricate a product.
3 1 4 Traveler: A document contained in the Work Package that identifies the
manufacturing and inspection steps required for the fabrication, assembly and
testing of a product.
3.1 5 Pick List: A list of piece parts required to fabricate a product. The Pick List will
not include standard commodities such as solder.
3.1 6 Bill of Materials: A list of all parts and materials required to fabricate a product.
The Bill of Materials will include standard commodities such as solder.
3.1 7 Assembly Drawing: An engineering drawing with product specifications and
tolerances required to fabricate a product.
3.1 8 NCR: A Non-Conformance Report used to process defective material.
3.1 9 In-process Inspection: An inspection completed during the manufacturing
process, often completed by the assembler. This inspection requires
documentation of the results when identified in the manufacturing procedure.

-41Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


3.1 10 Quality Control (QC) Inspection: An inspection to be completed by a Quality

Control Inspector. Results are to be documented when specified on the flow chart
or on associated documentation.
3.1 11 MSDS: Material Safety Data Sheets
3.1 12 PPE: Personal Protective Equipment
4.1 It is the responsibility of the Manufacturing Manager to assign individuals to the specified
tasks with the proper level of experience and/or training to complete the tasks.
4 1 2 It is the responsibility of the operator completing each process step to follow the
requirements of the flow chart or documentation identified on the flow chart.
4.1 3 It is the responsibility of the person completing each process step to identify deficiencies as
they occur in the process. Each individual is to initiate or insure initiation of a Nonconformance
Report (NCR) when a defect occurs in the product at any point during the manufacturing process
in accordance with SOP-290.15.1.
4.1 4 It is the responsibility of the Quality Assurance department to ensure the
Manufacturing Procedures meet the quality requirements for the product line and
to qualify all QC Inspection in Accordance with SOP-C-5250.3.
4 1 5 Where a measurement is taken for product acceptance and for the control of
quality related activities, the IM & TE (inspection, measuring, and test equipment) device shall be
subject to calibration. The Operator shall check the calibration sticker to ensure the calibration of
the device has not passed its expiration date.
5.1 Special attention must be paid around moving parts to prevent pinching, crushing
or cutting injuries. All tools and equipment must only be used in accordance with the
manufacturer instructions. Operators must be trained on proper operating instructions.
5.1 2 All work on energized equipment, including inspection, testing and adjustment requires the
5.1 3. Conductive articles of jewelry and clothing (such as watchbands, bracelets, rings and
necklaces) shall not be worn while performing electrical work.

-42Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


5 1 4 Non-conductive (no metal frame) safety glasses with side shields shall
be worn at all times when working on, inspecting or testing electrical equipments/components.
5 1 5 Only tools specifically designed for electrical work shall be used.
5 1 6 Power supplies, cords and switches shall be inspected for damage before use.
5.1 7 When using the wire heat stripper, care should be taken to prevent burns from the hot tip.
Inspect cord before use.
5.1 8 Inspect all cords for nicks or frays before use.
5.1 9 Whenever you work with chemicals read the MSDS and follow the PPE guidelines.

Oil Fill Procedure

6.1 Tools and Equipment and/or Equivalent
6.1.1 Snubber Shock Pigtail Connector
6.1.2 Vacuum Pump
6.1.3 Flat Blade Screwdriver
6.1.4 Pulser Test Box
6.1.5 System Gauge
6.1.6 Rubber Mallet
6.1.7 Permanent Marker
6.1.8 60cc Syringe with Oil Fill Adapter
6.1.9 Slave Plug
6.1.10 Table Top Chain Vice
6.1.11 Small Blocks of Wood
6.1.12 Slave Nut, Washer and O-Ring
6.1.13 Thread Protector Slaves (x2)

-43Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


6.1.14 Air Pressure Main with Hose

6.2 Materials
6.2.1 Alcohol
6.2.2 Cloth/Large Rags
7.1 Perform the Pulser Oil Fill Vacuum Test
7.1.1 Verify valve positions at the start of the test are as follows
Valve A: Closed
Valve B: Closed
Valve C: Open
Valve D: Closed
7.1.2 Connect the slave cable to the MDM connector head on the assembly.
7.1.3 Power-on the vacuum pump.
7.1.4 Open vacuum valve A.

Exhibit 1- Oil Fill Stand

-44Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


7.1.5 Partially close atmosphere valve C, 1/8 turn. This valve is open at
beginning of test.
7.1.6 After 3 seconds, power-off the vacuum pump.
7.1.7 Open the oil, SILICONE, 50CS, reserve valve D and watch the
reservoir fill until you reach the top mark.
7.1.8 Close valve D.
7.1.9 Remove the oil fill plug.
7.1.10 Connect the oil fill adapter; to the pressure bulkhead at the oil fill port.
7.1.11 Power-on the pulser test box.
7.1.12 Set the on-time knob to 1.
7.1.13 Set the off-time knob to 2.
7.1.14 Verify that valve D is closed.
7.1.15 Verify that valve A is open.
7.1.16 Power-on the vacuum pump.
7.1.17 Partially open tool valve B, 1/8 turn, to allow air in pulser to move into
the oil reservoir.
7.1.18 When the bubbles slow, completely open valve B.
7.1.19 With all connections in place, hold the tool in a vertical position and
raise it above your shoulders for 10 seconds.
7.1.20 Rotate the tool 180 degrees and raise it above your head for 10 seconds.
7.1.21 Lower the tool to table level and tap it for 1 minute with a rubber mallet.
7.1.22 Raise the tool above your shoulders for 10 seconds.
7.1.23 Rotate the tool 180 degrees and hold it above your head for 10 seconds.
7.1.24 Place the tool in its stand and verify that the MDM and oil fill
connections are in place.
7.1.25 Completely close valves A and C.
7.1.26 Power-off the vacuum pump.

-45Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


7.1.27 Verify that valve B is completely open.

7.1.28 Allow the tool to pulse, to release the air for 5 minutes. Note: if a constant stream of air
bubbles is present, refer to the lead tech for troubleshooting.
7.1.29 When the supply lines are full and no bubbles are visible, mark the
current oil level on the reservoir with a permanent marker.
7.1.30 Verify that valve C is closed.
7.1.31 Open valve A.
7.1.32 Power-on the vacuum pump for 3 seconds, then power-off the vacuum
7.1.33 See the oil volume rise 2 inches, for 30 minutes.
7.1.34 Partially open valve C to 1/8 turn; allow oil to move into the tool for 5
7.1.35 Close valve A.
7.1.36 Watch the supply line for air bubbles as you hold the tool above your
shoulders in a vertical position.
7.1.37 When no more bubbles are visible, rotate the tool 180 degrees and
return it to above your shoulders.
7.1.38 Move the tool to table level and tap it 5 to 10 times with a rubber mallet.
7.1.39 Return the tool to its stand and verify that the connections are still in
7.1.40 Allow the tool to pulse until you no longer see bubbles.
7.1.41 Close valve C.
7.1.42 Open valve A.
7.1.43 Power-on the vacuum pump until the gauge shows 28.5 inches of
7.1.44 Close valve A.
7.1.45 Power-off the vacuum pump.
7.1.46 Allow the tool to pulse until you no longer see bubbles.

-46Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


7.1.47 Fully open valve C and watch the oil drop to the first, and/or lower
7.1.48 Switch-off the on-time knob and power-off the pulser test box.
7.1.49 Disconnect the slave cable from the MDM connector.
7.1.50 Close valve B.
7.1.51 Lay the tool in the horizontal position.
7.1.52 Remove the plunger from the syringe.
7.1.53 Remove the oil fill adapter from the oil fill plughole and replace it with
the oil fill adapter on the syringe.
7.1.54 Plug the adapter on oil fill supply line.
7.1.55 Wipe excess oil off the assembly and the plug area.
7.1.56 Place the pulser in a tabletop chain vice, resting on blocks of wood, in
the horizontal position with the syringe in the vertical position.
7.1.57 Connect the chain over the solenoid housing, near the syringe.
7.1.58 Verify that the mud compensator holes are open.
7.1.59 Remove the end caps from both sides of the pressure apparatus.
7.1.60 Slide the nut, washer and o-ring past the window on the screen housing
and the mud compensator holes.
7.1.61 Slide the pressure apparatus into the nut and loosely tighten.
7.1.62 Install the o-ring, washer and nut onto the outside end of the pressure
apparatus, to hand-tight.
7.1.63 Install thread protectors to the screen housing, to hand-tight.
7.1.64 Power-on the air pressure source to 60 lbs.
7.1.65 Turn the air pressure regulator knob counter-clockwise to the off
7.1.66 Turn the air source line to the pressure apparatus plug.
7.1.67 Gradually increase the air pressure to 40 lbs by turning the air pressure regulator knob
clockwise. At 40 lbs of air pressure the level of oil in the syringe should be from 20 to 24cc. Note
the number.

-47Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


7.1.68 Verify that the oil is not discolored and there are no bubbles.
7.1.69 Release the air pressure completely, by turning the air pressure regulator
knob counter-clockwise.
7.1.70 Increase the air pressure by turning the air pressure regulator knob
clockwise, until you reach 10cc less than the number noted above.
7.1.71 Write the resulting amount of oil on line 6 of the data sheet.
7.1.72 Remove the syringe, and discard the oil in an approved container.
7.1.73 Verify that the oil in the tool is at the top of the hole.
7.1.74 Plug the oil fill.
7.1.75 Wipe the excess oil off the assembly and the plug area.
7.1.76 Remove the threaded protector.
7.1.77 Remove the air supply hose, and reduce the air pressure to zero psi.
7.1.78 Loosen the nuts on the pressure apparatus.
7.1.79 Move the assembly to the next assembly queue.
7.2 When there is a conflict of information in the instructions the order of precedence
of documentation is listed below:
(1) Product Specification and Drawings and manufacturing instructions contained
on them.
(2) Manufacturing Flow Chart
(3) Manufacturing Procedures (MPs)
(4) Process Instructions, such as welding procedures (Ps, P.I.s and P.P.I.s)
(5) Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

-48Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


8.1 Pulser Force Test Valve Positions


-49Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual




-50Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual



-51Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


BOM: Pulser Assembly (Tensor)
Part Number


Product Line





Pulser System, w/Driver

175 C

Part Number


Product Line








Pulser System, w/Driver

175 C
Driver, Pulser 175 C


Non-Serialized Part







Compensation Membrane Housing





Housing, Solenoid





Pulser Screen Housing w/Oil Fill Hole





Housing, Interconnect





Housing, Lower Oil Fill





Housing, Upper Oil Fill





Intermodule End





Housing, Pulser Driver





Thread Protector, Male





Temp Tab "B"





Temp Tab "C"





Spring Shaft Assembly w/ Plug





Bellows Shaft





Solenoid Wave Spring





Shim, Pulser





Wire Tube





Compensation Membrane Support





Short Spring Spacer


-52Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual



Non-Serialized Part








Plug, Oil Fill





Long Spring Spacer





Compensation Membrane





Pulser Screen





Bellows, High Temp





Servo Poppet Tip Assembly





Servo Orifice





Spring, Solenoid Return





Bulkhead Retainer, Top (90 Degree)





Split Shell





Flow Sensor Plug





Snubber Assembly, Pulser Driver





Solenoid Spacer





Rotary Connector, Female





Rotary Connector, Male





Retaining Ring, Solenoid





Pigtail, Pulser Driver





AS-006 O-Ring, Viton





AS-012 O-Ring, Viton





AS-020 O-Ring, Viton





AS-124 O-Ring, Viton





AS-125 O-Ring, Viton





AS-127 O-Ring, Viton





AS-217 O-Ring, Viton





AS-218 O-Ring, Viton





AS-220 O-Ring, Viton





Screw, Servo Poppet Tip





Screw, 8-32 x 5/16 Phil/Flat, SS





Screw, 6-32 x 1/2" SHCS, SS





Screw, 6-32 x 3/4" SHCS, SS


-53Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


Non-Serialized Part

Product Line






Screw, 4-40 x 1/4" SHCS, SS





Screw, 8-32 x 1/4" SHCS, SS





Screw, 8-32 x 1/8" SHCS, SS





Screw, 2-56 x 1/4" SHCS, SS





Screw, 6-32 X 3/8" Phil/Flat, SS





Screw, Set/Hole for Flow Sensor Plug





Screw, 2-56 x 1/4" Pan Head, SS


-54Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual




The following has been prepared as a guide in the event that it has been a while since the last
Pulser was serviced. This guide is not meant to be used by someone not familiar with the QDT
Prior to starting to work on a tool a Pulser Inspection report should be available and a physical
inspection of the tool should be done.
This would include:
1. Note the condition of the outer tubes noting any damage or erosion to the tool.
2. Check the compensator membrane with a ball driver to see if there is still a good oil fill.
If the membrane is hard not swollen or collapsed on the carrier.
3. Remove the screens from the screen housing and note the condition of the bellows and

4. Put the Pulser on the Pulser Test Box and check the activation of the EFS and if the
tool is pulsing.
5. Check on the job report and note the hours on the tool and any reports of a failure.
If there was a failure there should be a failure report.

Once the preliminary inspection has been completed the Pulser can be disassembled.

-55Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


Step #1
Remove the lower end of the Pulser including the Helix End and the Poppet Housing. Note any
cuttings alongside the shaft in the Poppet Housing. Note the condition of the Polypaks on the
Piston Cap. Note any wear on the Piston Cap itself and inspect the erosion sleeve for wear.

Step #2
With all of the modules in the MWD, it is imperative that the tool be disassembled from the
top end. Remove the Interconnect Housing using your Gearwrenchs. This will expose the
Bulkhead which is held in place with two socket cap screws.

Step #3
Remove the screws and set the castle effects on top of each other. This will give you the desired
space to free the 10 pin connector from the bulkhead. With the castles on top of each other, a
large ball driver can be used to apply pressure to the 10 pin connector. Make sure the pressure is
applied to the socket portion of the connector and not the pins to avoid damage to the pins. Once
removed set the Bulkhead aside and remove the Split Shells and set these aside.

-56Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


Step #4
Again using the Gearwrenches remove the Interhousing Module and set aside.

Step #5
Using the Gearwrenches break and remove the Driver Barrel and set aside. At this point the
Pulser Driver will be exposed.

Step #6
Remove the four socket cap screws holding the Pulser Driver on the Snubber Shock and
set the Driver aside. Inspect the Snubber Shock for any wear. The Snubber Shock is critical
as this is the component that protects the Pulser Driver from vibration. The molding should
be such that the brass pin does not make contact with the body of the Snubber Shock.

Step #7
Using the Gearwrench break the rest of the connections on the tool. Once this is done the
oil fill portion of the tool will be ready for disassembly. Before taking the oil fill portion of the
tool into the Tech Shop remove the Top Oil Fill plug and drain the oil. The Top Oil fill plug
consists of the housing, pigtail, female Bebro and the snubber shock.

Step #8
Remove the Solenoid Housing and again drain any remaining oil. At this point the solenoid
will be exposed. Wipe any remaining oil off of the tool and remove any loose Kapton Tape.

-57Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


Step #9
Stand the Pulser up on the bench and remove the retaining ring that is holding the Male
Bebro in place. This will free up the Male Bebro and it can be pulled loose. Be cautious that
the wires are not stretched excessively. You may have to untwist the Solenoid wires in
order to loosen the Male Bebro. Leave the Male Bebro hanging on the wires attached to the

Step #10
It will now be necessary to remove the Solenoid. Prior to doing this it will be necessary to remove
the Servo Poppet Assembly. This will allow the Solenoid Shaft to drop down and expose a hole in
the Shaft that is used to break the Solenoid Shaft free from the Spring Shaft.
Lay the Pulser down on tool stands to remove the Servo Poppet Assembly. The assembly can be
removed most easily by removing the top two screws in the Poppet Assembly. This will allow the
back shell of the Poppet Assembly to drop off. Pushing the Clapper on the Solenoid back or
inserting a screw driver will allow the Servo Poppet Assembly to be easily removed and set aside.

-58Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


Step #11
Set the Pulser in the upright position again and use a small Ball Driver in the hole in the Solenoid
Shaft to break the connection between the Solenoid Shaft and the Spring Shaft.

Step #12
Once the above connection has been broken a small bladed screwdriver can be inserted into
the center hole in the top of the Solenoid and the Solenoid Shaft unscrewed from the Spring

Step #13
With the Pulser in the upright position remove the 3 screws in the legs of the Solenoid that screw
into the Solenoid Cap. Remove the Solenoid and set is aside. Inspect the solder joints on the
wires in the top of the solenoid that attach to the Male Bebro and the wire for any flattened or
abraded areas.

Step #14
Remove the 5 screws holding the Solenoid Cap in place. The Cap should be held in place when
the last screw is removed as there are springs that will push it off. Set aside.

-59Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


Remove the 2 springs and 3 spacers from the Spring Housing and Wire Tube.

Step #15
Remove the Bottom Oil Fill Housing and set aside

-60Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


Step #16
Remove the Compensator Housing. Invert the Compensator Housing and using the brass
punch, remove the Compensator Carrier with the Membrane attached. Inspect the Membrane for
any marks or cracks. Personally I usually only replace the Membrane every second time the tool
is serviced unless the tool has been flooded or the wires are broken or badly worn.

Step #17
You should now have the Screen Housing along with the Wire Tube sticking up. Simply pulling on
the Wire Tube should enable this assembly to be removed from the Screen Housing.

Step #18
You will now have the Screen Housing by itself. The only thing left would be to remove the Servo
Orifice. There are set screws at the bottom of the lower holes that hold the Screens in place.
Once the set screws have been removed the orifice can be knocked out using the 3/8 ball driver
from the lower end. Inspect the seat for the Orifice for any erosion.

Step #19
Clean up all parts in preparation for re-assembling the Pulser.

-61Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


Step #1
Re-install the Servo Orifice (201392) and hold in place with the Set Screws inserted into the lower
holes that hold the Screens on the Screen Housing.

Step #2
Wire Tube (201154) and Spring Tube Assembly (201141, & 201542). Make sure that the
Alignment Screws (201543) are seated into the holes in the Screen Housing.

-62Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


Step #3
Install the Spacer (201163). This is normally simply dropped in place with the Screen Housing in
the upright position.

Step #4
The next part to be attached is the Compensator Housing. This includes the Carrier and the
Compensation Membrane. The Compensator Membrane is held in place by Tie Wire with two
bands with a double wrap on each end.

-63Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


Step #5
The Oil Fill Housing is attached next and is simply screwed into the Compensator Housing.

Step #6
The next step is to insert the springs and Spacers into the Wire Tube. The normal configuration is
to drop in a Short Spacer in followed by a spring, the Long Spacer, a spring and then a Short
Spacer. The last Short Spacer will be protruding from the Wire Tube.

-64Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


Step #7
The Coil Housing is next attached. This is held in place with five Phillips screws and the Coil
Housing must be held in place depressing the springs while the Phillips screws are put in place.
Loctite should be applied to the screws before they are put in place.

Step #8
The Solenoid is next attached. This is done using three Phillips Screws and again Loctite should
be applied to the screws. This is done with the Pulser in the upright position and the wide leg
must fit into the wide slot in the Coil Housing.

Step #9
With the Pulser still in the upright position the fine bladed screw driver is inserted into the center
hole in the top of the Solenoid and the Solenoid Shaft is screwed into the Spring Shaft.

Step #10
The next step would be to tighten the Solenoid Shaft to the Spring Tube. This is done using a
small Ball Driver that is inserted into the hole in the Solenoid Shaft. Tighten until you get a good
flex in the Ball Driver when it is held at the end.
Once tightened you should check for a gap between the shoulder on the Solenoid Shaft and the
Clapper. If there is a space you will hear a double click effect when the tool is pulsing. Very often
this can be reduced through the use of a Belleville Washer on top of the Spring Shaft.

-65Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


Step #11
Lay the Pulser down on a couple of tool blocks for the next couple of steps. Installing the bellows
is the next step. Install the Tie Wire on the upper end of the Bellows using Tie Wire Pliers.

Step #12
Installing the Tie Wire on the lower or small end of the Bellows is the next step. This should be
done with the Bellows Shaft retracted. The easiest way to do this is by inserting a screwdriver
between the Clapper and the Coil Housing. This should position the Bellows Shaft such that the
end of the bellows matches the shoulder on the lower end of the Bellows Shaft. Install Tie Wire
using the Tie Wire Pliers.

Step #13
The next step is to install the Servo Poppet Assembly. By backing off the two upper screws as
much as possible the Servo Poppet Assembly can normally be installed as a single unit. Once in
place remove the screwdriver between the Coil Housing and the Clapper. This will align the Servo
Poppet Assembly and hold it in place. The gap has to be set so only lightly tighten the two

-66Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


Step #14
The next step is to adjust the gap between the Servo Orifice and the Servo Poppet. The best way
to do this is to insert the appropriate size of Ball Driver (0.100 0.110) between the Clapper and
the Solenoid body and then screw the Servo Poppet Assembly down until the Ball Driver is held
tight between the Clapper and the Solenoid body.

Step #15
Once the gap has been set the screws should be tightened to maintain the setting. The next step
would be to remove each of the screws in the Servo Poppet Assembly, one at a time, put Loctite
on them, re-install them and tighten well.
At this point the connections on the Bebro should be checked using your Multimeter. Instructions
on doing this inspection or quality control check are in the next section.

Step #16
With the Pulser in the upright position, insert the Male Bebro into the top of the Solenoid. It has to
be aligned so that the slot in the housing of the Male Bebro matches the Dowel Pin. In order to
avoid damage to the wires the three wires should be pulled out of one of the holes in the side of
the Solenoid. With the wires pulled out the Bebro should seat well and the Retaining Ring can be
installed holding everything in place. There is a Split Spring that fits below the Bebro and which
holds the Bebro tight against the Retaining Ring.

-67Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


Be cautious when pulling the wires out of the holes in the side of the Solenoid to avoid pulling
them out of the Solenoid or damaging the solder connections. Once the Bebro is in place and
held there by the Retaining Ring the wires can be pushed back inside of the Solenoid.
Again check the connections to the Bebro to ensure that no damage to the solder connections
has occurred while stuffing the wires back into the Solenoid.

Step #17
The Oil Fill Housing can now be attached. Normally this will screw on without a problem. Once in
a while it will seem tight which is the result of the solenoid being a little miss-aligned. By simply
knocking the side of the Oil Fill Housing the Housing should be able to screw into the Lower Oil
Fill Plug without a problem.

Step #18
Install the Top Oil Fill Housing on the Assembly and tighten all of the connections. Again check
the connections in the assembly at the MDM. the EFS should also be checked at this point. The
instructions for doing this are in the next section.
You are now ready to do an oil fill on the assembly.

-68Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual



1. Solder, clean with alcohol then shrink wrap wires between the Male Bebro and the Solenoid
using the following as a guide.





Black (2)
Top White

Coil Common
Pulling Coil (Top/Center)
Holding Coil (Bottom/Side)
Not Used
Not Used
Not Used
Not Used

2. After soldering and assembling the Bebro to the Solenoid it is important to check for the proper
3. Use the Ohm Meter set on ohms to check the Bebro contacts as shown below.

-69Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


4. The coil readings may vary slightly.

5. Complete the assemblies of the oil fill section.
6. Prior to taking the time to do an oil fill it is recommended that the following test also be done.
This may save having to redo the oil fill if the pigtail and bulkhead happened to be bad.
7. Use the alligator jumpers along with a little tie wire to test the connections on the MDM.
8. Readings should be as below.

Electronic Flow Switch (EFS)

Once a tool has been built up prior to doing the oil fill our using an EFS Pulser driver the
activation of the switch needs to be checked. The procedure for checking the EFS is as follows:
1. Plug the Pulser Test Box into the top of the assembled Pulser. Note on the photo below we are
connecting to the driver by itself but this is accomplishing exactly the same thing.
2. Turn the main power supply switch on the Pulser Test Box to on.
3. Turn the Pulser rate switch (upper left) to off.
4. Using an ohm meter, attach the black contact to the ground line see the picture below.
5. Set the ohm meter to read volts DC.
6. A reading of 0.25 v should be observed. This means the switch is turned off.

-70Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


7. Tap on the Pulser or driver (if referring to the picture above) and the voltage reading
should change to about 5 volts. This means the switch is turning on.
8. When you stop tapping or inducing vibration the voltage reading should return to about 0.25

-71Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual



I cannot overstress the importance of the oil fill to the performance of this
MWD. The only people who have been successful with the tool are those
who have taken the time to understand the importance of the oil fill, why
its important and how it can best be done.
When this MWD came onto the market the first place it was run was in Canada with
Ryan. Canada has some of the most MWD friendly drilling conditions that exist in the
world. The holes; especially those that the tool was used in, are shallow, the muds
close to water or at least have very low solids and are not hot. The tool worked in
Canada fairly well for a number of years once the problems with tolerances and the
settings on the vacuum switch were somewhat resolved.
In areas with deeper drilling, high temperatures and high solids muds, getting the
tool to work was a hit and miss situation. The old vacuum switch got blamed for most
of the problems and with the introduction of the EFS the manufacturer thought they
had solved the problem. Unfortunately this did not turn out to be the case although at
shallower depths the failure rate did drop significantly.
However, with depth the tool continues to experience failures. These failures and
those with the Vacuum switch can almost all be attributed to a bad oil fill. Those who
have not identified the problem with the oil fill; including the manufacturer, continue
to have problems with reliability.

-72Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


The following procedure is the basics and is based on using the kit that I normally
send out with a new purchase or lease. The kit is fully assembled on a peg board to
speed up the process of getting started. This pre-assembly is done to minimize the
time from receipt of tools till you have an operating Tech Facility.
Shown below and to the right is an Oil Fill kit typical of what is shipped to the field.
Not shown are the vacuum pump and a means of pressuring the system. It should
be noted that there are operators out there doing very well without the pressure part
of the package. If set up properly a gravity feed is sufficient to get good oil fill.

-73Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual



The system shown on the bottom of the previous page is, as was mentioned, not
complete. On this page is the Oil Fill System as set up in Compass Tech Shop. On
the picture below I have indicated those items that are required in addition to the
basic kit.
Included are:
1. The vacuum pump
2. A Pulser test box complete with cables
3. A communications to go from the oil fill portion of the Pulser to the
driver. The driver used in this case can be either EFS or
Mechanical (vacuum).
4. A block of wood on which to tap the Oil Fill portion of the Pulser.
5. Ground supports or V blocks on which to rest the tool.

-74Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


Some important pointers when setting your system up in the shop or elsewhere are
as follows:
1. The sight tube that goes from the main valves to the top of the reservoir is more
important than one would first think. This tube will allow the air coming out of the
Pulser to go to the top of the reservoir without having to go through the oil. As you
will see from experience when a bottle is newly filled it can take a few hours to get
the air out of the reservoir and oil it contains. By routing the air out of the Pulser to
the top of the bottle we are minimizing the aeration of the oil.
2. The tubing that is used is called Polywire and will not collapse with vacuum. This
3/8 tubing is used throughout the system. The exception is right at the oil fill plug
where the design dictates the use of tubing. Here we usually use very heavy
walled clear tubing that again will not collapse with the vacuum. This short portion of
clear tubing also lets us more easily see the bubbles as they come out of the Pulser.
3. The height of the oil reservoir is also critical. During the oil fill process the
Technician must be able to raise the Pulser to a level equal to or above the top of
the reservoir. This process greatly facilitates removal of air from the system.
4. Ideally the height of the system or the length of the Pulser line will be such that the
Pulser can be rested in a horizontal position on ground supports of some kind.
5. The system should also be designed such that the Pulser can be stood up in a
corner; both in the upright and inverted position. If this is done it should also allow
the Technician to bounce the Pulser on the Tapping Block on the floor.
6. As mentioned a pressure system is not crucial to a good oil fill. However, I do use
air, other systems have been rigged up with a simple foot pump, others utilize a
pump and some rely on strictly gravity.

-75Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


Getting Started:
The steps involved in getting started, once the system has been set up as outlined in the
previous section are as follows:
1. With all of the valves in the closed position start up the vacuum pump. Once running
open the valve for the vacuum line going from the pump up to the top of the bottle. Your
gauge should register about 24 28 PSI of vacuum. This is dependent on your
elevation. Close the valve and shut off the pump.
1. Hopefully your system will hold the desired PSI of vacuum. If not try to locate the
leak and tighten the connection as needed. Sometimes these leaks are easier to
locate when the
system has oil in it.
3. Filling the reservoir can be accomplished with either the Pulser line or a line coming
off the bottom of the reservoir can be used. Insert either line into your oil bottle. When
the line is in the oil slowly open the appropriate valve. The valve will be dependent on
the line being used. If coming off the line in the bottom of the reservoir this would be the
valve to open. If using the Pulser line, open the valve going from this line to the bottom
of the reservoir. You should barely have to crack the valve. Regardless how careful you
are I expect that you will end up with a lot of bubbles.
4. Keep the valve open until the reservoir is about - 2/3rds full of oil. When at this level
close the valve, drain the hose in your oil bottle and recap and put the oil away.
5. Start the vacuum pump again, open the vacuum line and ensure that you have a good
vacuum. Close the valve again and shut off the pump. Observe the system for any leaks
and repair as needed. As mentioned you may get a lot of bubbles out of the reservoir for
the first half hour or more. This is a function of the aerated oil plus the surface tension of
the oil that we discussed earlier.
6. Once you have gotten the air out of the system and fixed any leaks so that the system
will hold a vacuum; without losing any vacuum for an hour or so at a minimum, you are
ready to start working on the oil fill of a Pulser. It should be noted that normally getting
the air out of the system is only needed after filling the reservoir. The first time will take a
while due to the surface tension between the oil and the reservoir.

-76Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


Performing an Oil Fill

Setting Up
1. I have found that the oil fill is more easily done using the oil fill port on the bottom of
the tool versus using the oil fill port on the top of the tool.
2. With all of the valves closed, attach the Pulser line to the lower port of the oil fill
section of the Pulser. This connection should be tightened by hand.
3. Connect the communications cable to the Pulser and the Pulser driver as is done
when checking the activation of the EFS. The picture on the next page shows the basic
configuration with the exception of the communications cable going from the Pulser
Driver to the Oil Fill portion of the Pulser.

Attach the Communications Cable here and to the top of the Pulser

4. With all of the valves closed turn on the vacuum pump, open the vacuum line and
build up a vacuum in the system. Once you have a vacuum the valve for the line to
the sight tube can be opened. Open it slowly and very little at first to get the first
bunch of air out of the system without aerating the system too much.

-77Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


5. Some people recommend keeping the vacuum on for about 15 minutes before
starting the fill. I have not found this to be that beneficial. Once the initial vacuum has
been taken, the pump can however be run on a continuous basis for the first 15
minutes while getting the first bunch of air out of the system. At this point the Pulser
would normally be on ground supports in the horizontal position. This way any oil in
the lines should be pulled into the Pulser.
6. Open the valve between the Pulser line and the bottom of the reservoir. When
opened the lines down to the Pulser on the ground stands should fill up with the air
in the line going up the sight line. This valve is shown on the picture on the bottom of
the previous page.
7. When you think there isnt really any air coming out of the Pulser pick it up and
raise it above the reservoir as shown in the picture below. You should see all kinds
of air come bubbling out. When doing this, try to hold a loop in the lines as indicated.
When the Pulser is lowered; and the air bubbles kept in the loop, this will prevent the
air from going back into the Pulser.
8. Raising and lowering the Pulser for the first 15 30 minutes should get you to the
point where it is harder to get bubbles to come out of the Pulser. During this time the
vacuum pump can be started then the valve opened to maintain a good vacuum.
The pump should not have to be run on a continuous basis if you dont have any
leaks. Do however maintain a good vacuum.

-78Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


9. If not mentioned earlier, the Pulser should be pulsing almost continuously

while trying to get the air out of the system. This together with the air being
expanded and contracted via the raising and lower of the tool helps to get
the air to move by some of the tight tolerances and out of the Pulser.
10. Normally it will get more difficult to get the air out after a few hours. There
are a number of things that can be done to encourage the air to move by
the tight tolerances. Included would be the following:
a) Stand the Pulser up in a corner while pulsing. In the picture below the Pulser is setting
on the Tapping Block. After letting it sit for a while, hopefully to let air migrate toward
the top, the Pulser can be tapped and then raised.
b) The next time I needed a break I may set it up the other way; bottom up. Do not tap
the tool on the up hole end as you may damage the snubber shock

-79Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


c) You may want to rig up a shelf to set the Pulser on when in the raised position. It
is typical for the air to start to come out just when you dont think your arms or
shoulders will allow you to hold the Pulser in the raised position a second longer.
d) As was mentioned the deeper the well that the tools will be used in the more
diligent you must be in getting all of the air out of the tool.
e) The tool can be considered done when after sitting in the upright position, being
Tapped vigorously, then raised and held in the raised position for a number of
minutes and you dont get any bubbles.
f) I did not mention earlier that once or twice during the process I will release the vacuum
and let the tool pulse in the up right or inverted position. My reasoning for this is that air
may be trapped below the compensator membrane; which is fully compressed when on
vacuum, and this may let some air migrate upward.

-80Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


g) Another thing not previously mentioned is that early in the evacuation process I
normally pressure the system up to about 30 PSI and hold it for a few seconds. This is to
ensure all of my tie wires are sealing the system and I have no holes in the diaphragm,
compensator membrane or bellows.
Finishing Up
When I cease to get any air out of the system I have another procedure for finishing off
the oil fill. Although some people do not like to have positive pressure in the system, I
personally like a little pressure.
My process is as follows:
a) When done with the oil fill I put the Pulser on the ground supports, pressure the
system up to 30 PSI again and hold it for a few seconds.
b) I then release the pressure and let it bleed back down to 0 PSI.
c) The next step is to remove the oil fill plug.
d) Within about 5 seconds of removing the plug; during which I hang up the Pulser fill
line, I like to have the plug in place. You will get a little leakage during this time.
e) The last step is to use a ball driver (dull point) and feel the tautness of the
compensator membrane. I like to be able to feel a nice spongy resistance when it is
pressed on gently.
f) Attach the driver to the oil fill section; install the pressure barrel, bulkhead, etc.
g) Perform a test of the activation on the flow switch as previously explained.
h) Mark on the outer tube the date the fill was done.
i) Complete the Maintenance Report for that particular Pulser and file by asset number.
j) Green tag the Pulser and put on the Ready rack or into the appropriate Kit.
Hopefully you have been able to stay with me through this long dialog. I think that if you
took the time to read this once and you have done a few oil fills on your own, you will
appreciate the time spent on this important aspect of servicing the tool.
If this process or your version that accomplishes the same, results in a few good runs
you will be a believer. Good Luck!!

-81Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


Compass Stepper Positive Pulser

The tool is fully retrievable and replaceable, which saves rig time by eliminating pipe
trips for directional equipment.
Compass Positive Pulser generates a sequence of pressure increment pulses in the
circulating system enabling the transmission of MWD data recorded downhole to
The Pulser Module consists of 3 main sections: Pulser Drive, and Oil Fill Section and a
helix end.
The Pulser allows mud flow to be restricted creating a pressure differential by way of a
main orifice poppet/orifice assembly. The movement of the main poppet in and out of
the orifice creates an increase in pressure. The two factors that greatly affect poppet
movement are the operation of the electrical section of the module and the fluid pressure
on the compensation membrane.

-82Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual



Temperature option up to 350F (175C)

Simple to operate under a wide range of flow rates from 35 to 1100 gal/min

Operable in lost circulation material concentrations of 50 lbm/bbl medium nut


Servo technology for faster data rates, stronger signal and superior ant jamming
capabilities for reliable data transmission in difficult drilling


3.5 To 9.5in, (larger on request)

89 to 241mm

UBHO Sub Length

40in (longer on request)


Minimum Flow Rate

35 US gals/min in water

8 l/sec

Maximum Flow Rate

1100 US gals/min in water

67 l/sec




Hydrostatic Pressure

Maximum 20,000 psi


Operating Voltage


Nominal Current





25g RMS 30-500 Hz Random, 30g 50-300 Hz Sine

Mud Sand Content

Less than 1% recommended

Lost Circulation Material

Up to 50 lb/bbl premixed Medium Nut Plug or Cedar Fiber Sub O

.HO Sub Length

-83Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual






The Pulser Module allows mud flow to be restricted creating a pressure differential by
way of a main poppet/orifice assembly. The movement of the main poppet in and out of
the orifice creates an increase in pressure. These pressure changes translate into
pressure pulses. There is a series of events that controls the movement of the main
poppet in and out of the orifice. The two factors that greatly affect poppet movement are
the operation of the electrical section of the module and the fluid pressure on the
compensation membrane.
The Pulser Module consists of 3 main sections: a Pulser Driver, an Oil Fill Section and a
helix end.

-84Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


The Pulser driver contains a capacitor bank and a control circuit. In its simplest form, a
capacitor bank is a battery that can charge and discharge quickly. The 28 volt battery in
the tool string supplies the electrical energy required to charge the capacitor bank. The
capacitor bank in turn discharges the electrical energy required to energize the stepper
motor. The second component of the Pulser driver is the control circuit. It is responsible
for the encoding of the data from the directional module and the power from the capacitor
bank and transferring it to the stepper motor. As a result, the control circuit can be
considered to have a series of logic; however, it is not a computer.
A picture of the Pulser motor driver is shown below. It is a combination of a Pulser
control board and a capacitor bank, which are placed inside a chassis carrier and
encapsulated with sylgard. One end has a 15 socket MDM, which attaches to the motor
section; the other has a 6 pin Kintech style connector.


The oil fill section contains a stepper motor. The motor is attached to a shaft that, in
turn, is connected to the servo poppet. Fixed to the shaft is the compensation
Initially, the directional module creates an electrical signal that is transmitted to the
control circuit. The control circuit sends a message to the stepper motor. The capacitor
bank then energizes the motor. The motor pulls the shaft attached to the servo poppet
The servo poppet is now in an open position. The pull force requires a large energizing
charge, supplied by the capacitors in the Pulser driver. The capacitors discharge to the
stepper motor. When the stepper motor is de-energized, the return springs drive the
shaft and servo poppet back to the closed position.

-85Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


In the following it should be noted that the single biggest difference between the
standard (Tensor style) and the latest version of the Compass Pulser is that the
disassembly of the oil fill section is done from the bottom rather than the top.
Significant changes that have been incorporated include:
1. The poppet tip on the end of the servo assembly has been a headache from day
one. This component has gone through a number of changes from the original
version. Included were:
a. The original tip was subject to erosion and if this was not a failure mode
the screw was soldered in and this would either fall out or break off.
b. We then went to a high grade carbide tip with a shoulder on the ID. We
used a 6-32 screw to attach the tip to the ball screw shaft. The head of
the screw tended to erode so we moved it further back. This helped but
then there were still issues with the screw breaking off.
a. We then went to the current design with a shrink fit carbide tip inside a
steel body. The first version used a high carbon steel that was subject to
corrosion in certain muds. Short term we went to a nickel coating that
solved most of the problems.
b. The latest batch of tips we went with a BeCu body that hopefully should
eliminate all of the problems seen in the past. We did however reduce
the body length to open up the area around the orifice.
2. On the old shaft mild steel was used. A fairly common failure mode was for
the shafts to bend at the polypac groove. On the new shaft we have
shortened the shaft and used a high grade steel as a sort of saver sub.
Typically this is a retrofit item implemented when a shaft comes in bent.
In the original tools we had a single bearing. We found that the bearing being
used could not handle the loads and was also a mode of failure. The first retrofit
was to add a second bearing. After an engineering review it was discovered that
this did not make the improvement desired. The new design goes back to a
single bearing but one that is larger and easily able to handle the loads.

-86Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


Look at tools history, checking

for earlier problems and the
tools operating hours. Also,
connect the pulser to a test box
and ensure that the FLOW
indicator light is ON. Tap
pulser for flow switch function.

Check Force.

Loosen all joints on pulser.

Remove screen housing.
Then remove the next housing,
the compensator housing.

-87Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


Remove the compression spring

from the pulser shaft.

Remove the compression spring

from the pulser shaft.

Remove the loctite from the set

screws with a punch or chisel.

-88Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


Remove the set screws.

Remove the Locking Pin.

Using the Gearwrenchs to loosen

the connection.

-89Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


Remove the Ball screw housing

and set aside.

Using the Gearwrenchs break the

Stepper Motor Housing.

Remove and set the Motor

Housing aside.

-90Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


At this point the Stepper Motor

will be exposed.

Use a small Allen wrench.

Remove the four socket cap
screws holding the bearing

Set the Ball Screw Pulser Shaft

Assembly aside.

-91Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


The gear housing


Remove the screws in the legs

of the gear housing that screw
into the stepper motor.

-92Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


The set screw in the Lock Nut

will need to be loosened using
an Allen Wrench. The screws on
the shaft nut are loosened so it
can be removed.

Use a screwdriver to gently pry

off the Cap

You can now access the gear box.

-93Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


Carefully remove the gear box.

Inspect the gear box for

damaged gears.

This is the Stepper motor.

-94Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


These pictures illustrate all the current components of a Compass Pulser.

-95Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


Replace the spacer and Drive


Ball Screw Pulser Shaft

Assembly is reinstalled next.

Attach the Housing for the

Compass Pulser Motor.

-96Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


Mount the Ball screw

housing over the Pulser shaft.

Replace the springs and spacer

by sliding them back on the
Pulser shaft.

Insert the pin and lock screw.

-97Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


Install the Servo-poppet tip.

Picture of compensator housing

and screen housing. With a
compensator and membrane

Here is a picture of
a compensator housing with the
compensator already installed.

-98Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


The entire compensator

assembly is then added to the

Followed by the screen housing.

Here the screens are installed

along with the lock screw.

Compass Stepper Pulser Upgrade

-99Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


-100Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


-101Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


Shown to the left is an earlier version of the Ball

Screw Pulser Shaft Assembly still inside the
Ball Screw Housing.

On the lower end which is shown protruding

below the Ball Screw Housing Assembly
above, remover the Spacers and springs by
simply sliding them off of the shaft

On the upper end of the Ball Screw

Assembly the set screw in the Lock
Nut will need to be loosened using an
Allen Wrench. The screws on the shaft
nut are loosened so it can be

-102Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


Once the set screw has been loosened

unscrew the lock nut with pliers while
keeping the shaft from rotating with a
wooden stick in the lugs on the
coupling. The coupling is Aluminum
and using the wooden dowel will avoid

Once the Lock Nut is off the threads,

loosen the set screw in the coupling.
Once this is done the coupling and lock
nut can be removed from the shaft. .

Remove spacer as shown.

-103Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


The Bearing Mount is the next

component you will see on top of the
assembly. Remove the four screws that
hold the bearing mount to the ball
screw housing.

Remove mount and bearing from ball

screw housing.

Knock out pin with punch and hammer.

-104Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


With the pin removed the old shaft can

be removed from Ball Screw Housing.

Shown are the parts that were removed

with the old shaft. They are laid out in
the order in which they are mounted on
the complete assembly.

Shown are the new shaft with the new

parts that are going to be needed. The
major changes are improvements to the
Ball Screw Assembly including the
Servo Poppet Tip, a stronger and
simpler bearing unit and a simpler
coupling assembly.

-105Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


We are now going to assemble the

drive assembly utilizing the new
Shown in the picture we are sliding the
Ball Screw Shaft into the Ball Screw

Align the hole in the Ball Screw

Housing with the hole in the Ball
Screw Shaft. Tap in the pin that aligns
the Pulser shaft.
You may want to use an aligning dowel
from the opposite side to keep the two
pieces aligned.

Place the thinner half of the bearing

retainer on the Ball Screw Housing and
align and insert the key into the slot in
the ball screw housing.

-106Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


Next, the Bearing is placed in the thin

half of the Bearing Mount that was
previously put on the shaft.

The thicker bearing mount is now

placed to secure the bearing in place.
The lugs will fit into the appropriate
recess on the thin bearing mount.

Now the four screws

(4-40 x 5/8) are screwed in and
tightened to hold all three pieces

-107Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


Next a spacer is placed on the shaft

prior to installing the shaft nut.

Prior to installing the shaft nut use a

little bit of Loctite and then screw the
new shaft nut onto the new Pulser

Tighten the shaft nut with some pliers

while holding the shaft with an
adjustable wrench that will fit onto the
flat on the shaft. Do not over-tighten.
Snug is good enough.

-108Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


Apply Loctite to the screw in the shaft

nut and tighten it down.

Install the new coupling on shaft while

aligning the set screw with the wrench
flat and ensuring the shaft is flush with
the coupling body as is shown.

Loctite and tighten all of the screws.

-109Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


Place new rubber bushing on the new

On the motor side the matching
coupling will have to be installed in the
same manner.

Now you can place the springs and

spacers back onto your Pulser shaft.
Note that in some cases the Pulser shaft
will be a assembled unit and much
simpler to install than has been shown
in this sequence of photos.

-110Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual



-111Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual



-112Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


BOM: Pulser Assembly (Compass)
Part Number


Product Line




Pulser System w/Driver 150 C, Compass

Serialized Part
Part Number


Product Line




BLDC Motor (OS)

Motor Driver, Compass 150 C
Pulser System w/Driver 150 C, Compass


Non-Serialized Part
Part Number


Product Line





Housing, Interconnect
Intermodule End
Ring, Anderton Internal Snap
Ring, Snap (upper)
Polypac, Small
Screen, Lrg. Pulser (Slots)
Plug, Oil Fill
Compensation Membrane
Servo Orifice
Bulkhead Retainer, Top (90 Degree)
Split Shell
Snubber Assembly, Battery
MDM Connector, 15pin (Male)
Shaft, Poppet Stub
Assembly, Pulser Shaft
Housing, Pulser Screen (OS)
Housing, Mud Compensator
Membrane Support
Housing, Compass Pulser Motor Pressure
Housing, Ball Screw
Mount, Bearing
Mount, Motor
Housing, Transition
Housing, Compass Pulser Driver Pressure
Servo Tip Assembly, Pilot (OS)
Ring, Connector Retention
Connector, Bulkhead (OS)
Gear Box (OS)
Spacer, Spring
Sleeve, Ceramic
Spacer, Bearing
Sleeve, Gearbox
Assembly, 6mm x 6mm Coupling
Bearing, Plain, Flanged
Spring, Compression, 302 SST
Clamp Nut
Retaining Ring, #81 Spiral
Pin, Anti-Rotation

-113Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual



Non-Serialized Part
Part Number


Product Line






Compression Spacer
Bearing Mount, Downhole, Pulser
AS-006 O-Ring, Viton
AS-015 O-Ring, Viton
AS-015 Back-up Ring, Viton
AS-017 O-Ring, Viton
AS-020 O-Ring, Viton
AS-124 O-Ring, Viton
AS-125 O-Ring, Viton
AS-127 O-Ring, Viton
AS-217 O-Ring, Viton
AS-218 O-Ring, Viton
AS-220 O-Ring, Viton
Screw, 8-32 x 5/16 Phil/Flat, SS
Screw, 6-32 x 1/2" SHCS, SS
Screw, 4-40 x 1/4" SHCS, SS
Screw, 6-32 X 5/16" SHCS, SS
Screw, M3 x 6, FHCS
Screw, 4-40 x 1, SHCS
Screw, 6-32 x 3/4", SHC, SST
Screw, 8-32 x 1/4, Cup Point Socket Set, Alloy Steel 3.00
Screw, M3 x 8, SHCS, SS
Screw, M3 x 12, SHCS, SS

-114Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual



Battery Maintenance
MWD Battery Housing
This section of the Manual is designed to instruct the shop technician to totally disassemble and
re-assemble the battery module. Total disassembly is required every time a battery housing is
returned to the shop from a job.
The Compass MWD field operator should be knowledgeable in performing the assembly and
disassembly of battery housings in the field to the point of being able to remove discharged
battery packs and installing new battery packs into the battery housing. In the case of high
temperature environments, the field operator must be able to perform the total break down of the
module to change the required elastomers.
Battery maintenance should normally be performed in the shop and should only be performed in
the field under special circumstances. i.e. remote location, weather or premature battery
Extreme care should be taken and all steps properly followed to prevent accidents.

-115Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual




The Battery Housing

Note: Disassembly of the battery module must always start at the uphole

-116Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


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-131Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


-132Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual



BOM: Battery Module (EM)
Non-Serialized Part








Housing, Interconnect





Intermodule End





Housing, Battery Vent Plug





Thread Protector, Male





Battery Barrel (Long)





Bulkhead Retainer, Top (90 Degree)





Split Shell





Bulkhead Retainer, Bottom (45 Degree)





Snubber Assembly, Battery





Battery Vent Plug





Pigtail, Battery





Antenna Rod





Kit, Bow Spring (EM)





AS-011 O-Ring, Viton





AS-016 O-Ring, Viton





AS-124 O-Ring, Viton





AS-127 O-Ring, Viton





AS-217 O-Ring, Viton





AS-218 O-Ring, Viton





AS-220 O-Ring, Viton





Screw, 6-32 x 1/2" SHCS, SS





Screw, 6-32 x 3/4" SHCS, SS





Screw, 4-40 x 1/4" SHCS, SS





Screw, 2-56 x 1/4" Phil/Flat


-133Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual



BOM: Battery Module (Tensor)

Part Number


Product Line





Battery Housing Module

Part Number


Product Line





Battery Housing Module

Serialized Part

Non-Serialized Part







Housing, Interconnect





Intermodule End





Battery Barrel Housing





Housing, Battery Vent Plug





Thread Protector, Male





Bulkhead Retainer, Top (90 Degree)





Split Shell





Bulkhead Retainer, Bottom (45 Degree)





Snubber Assembly, Battery





Battery Vent Plug





Pigtail, Battery





AS-011 O-Ring, Viton





AS-016 O-Ring, Viton





AS-124 O-Ring, Viton





AS-127 O-Ring, Viton





AS-217 O-Ring, Viton





AS-218 O-Ring, Viton





AS-220 O-Ring, Viton





Screw, 6-32 x 1/2" SHCS, SS





Screw, 6-32 x 3/4" SHCS, SS


-134Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual



EM Battery Configuration

The fibreglass tube should be cut to 65.5 in with regular QDT ends on both

-135Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual



-136Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual



In most cases, improper handling and storage, resulting in such problems as
overheating and short-circuiting cause damage to batteries. The common safety
practices have been outlined below; safety precautions to take with regard to all
aspects of battery storage and handling.

1. Shelf Batteries should be stored in their original shipping boxes, if possible, to keep
them isolated from each other, preventing external short circuits. Do not store
batteries loosely, and do not place batteries on metal surfaces.
2. Temperatures and Environment Batteries should be stored in a cool, dry, wellventilated area with an optimal storage temperature range of 0-25
storage is anticipated, batteries should be protected against excessive humidity. This
will prevent moisture from forming an electrical pathway between the feed-through
terminal and battery cover, which can lead to severe galvanic corrosion of the feedthrough pin, thus compromising the hermeticity of the battery.
3. Hazard Consideration Lithium battery storage areas should be clearly marked and
provided with Lith-X fire extinguishing material. Batteries might burst if subjected to
excessive heating. In case of fire, only Lith-X fire extinguisher should be used, as
water will cause exposed lithium to ignite. Signs should clearly state - WATER IS


The proposed flow of batteries throughout the facility should be thoroughly reviewed by plant
safety personnel to identify and eliminate potential sources of electrical and physical damage to
the batteries. Conditions that can short circuit, recharge, over-discharge, puncture, crush, or
overheat the batteries must be avoided, and all personnel involved in the handling should be
properly trained.

Physical dimensioning should be performed with all-plastic callipers, and no electrical
tests other than open circuit voltage checks should be performed without first
consulting the battery manufacturer. Short circuit and load tests can degrade battery
performance. If batteries are to be tested at elevated temperatures, the test
chambers must have over-temperature protection.

Note: Abuse testing should not be performed without first

consulting the battery manufacturer.

-137Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


All lithium/thionyl chloride batteries with a lithium content of greater than 0.5 grams are restricted
and they are subject to DOT (49 CFR 172.101) and International Air Transport Association (IATA)
shipping regulations. Those batteries that contain less than 0.5 grams of lithium are unrestricted,
and they can be shipped by any means (ref. U.S. DOT 173.185(I) and IATA section 4.5.A45).
Because the shipping regulations are very complex, shippers of lithium batteries are urged to
obtain copies of the 49 CFR (DOT regulations) and IATA regulations. These regulations also
explain how the paperwork is to be filled out. This brochure will not attempt to explain paperwork
because every carrier has different requirements.

The proper shipping name is LITHIUM BATTERY, 9 (UN3090), PG II. The
Regulations State that the batteries must be separated to prevent external short
circuits, and they must be packed in inner fiberboard containers (no more than
500 grams of lithium per inner container). The inner containers can then be
packed with at least one inch of non-combustible packing material (such as
vermiculite) separating each inner package in 4G fiberboard boxes, 1A2 or 1B2
steel drums, 1G fiber drums, or 4C1, 4C2, 4D, 4F wooden boxes.
Motor freight, rail freight, water, or Cargo Aircraft can ship the batteries only.
Restricted batteries cannot be carried aboard passenger-carrying aircraft. Boxes
must be labelled MISANEOUS (CLASS 9). If the batteries are to be shipped by
air, then the package has to have a CARGO AIRCRAFT ONLY label, also known
as DANGER LABEL attached. Boxes must be marked with the proper shipping
name and the UN number near the shipping labels.


IATA regulations are very similar to the DOT regulations except for paperwork
and packaging. Packaging for IATA shipments has to be performance tested
before the packages are used for shipping. These packages have to be marked
with a United Nations Marking Symbol (section 6.0 of IATA shipping regulations).

Lithium/thionyl chloride batteries must be disposed of properly in accordance with 40
CFR PARTS 261 & 262. Lithium batteries for disposal are classified as Waste Lithium
Batteries, 9, UN3090, II for shipping purposes, and they have an EPA waste disposal
code of D003 and D001.
The products of lithium/thionyl chloride battery deactivation are not toxic (nonhazardous), once neutralized. Lithium/thionyl chloride batteries should be disposed of
by an EPA permitted treatment, storage, and disposal facility. Because each state and
country has different disposal regulations, contact your local environmental agency for
instructions on how to properly manage and dispose of waste lithium batteries.

-138Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


Because of the high energy density inherent in lithium/thionyl chloride batteries,
the potential for hazardous situations does exist. Most hazards are due to
internal or external heating of a hermetically sealed battery. Overheating causes
liquid electrolyte to expand, increasing hydrostatic pressure inside the can. This
might cause the battery to burst. Further heating can cause the lithium anode to
melt, which, in turn, will react spontaneously with the electrolyte and bring about
a violent reaction of the battery.


Hazardous electrical conditions include recharging, short-circuiting, and forced discharging
(voltage reversal).
Hazardous physical conditions include external heating due to uncontrolled storage,
incineration, and physical destruction of the battery case via crushing, puncturing, and
disassembly. Excessive heating can cause violent behavior with any type of battery.
Physical destruction can result in leakage of toxic and highly corrosive electrolyte.


OSHA Safety Regulations must be followed, at all times, the OSHA regulatory
references are found in 29 CFR PART 1910. In the unlikely event of violent
battery behaviour, the area should be evacuated immediately. Unless they are
wearing personal protection devices, all workers should stay away from the area
for at least 15 minutes rather than trying to correct the situation. Burning or
fuming batteries should be left isolated until expert handling can correct the
condition. Lithium fires should never be extinguished with equipment other than
that which is designed for lithium fires (i.e., Lith-X).

In case of leakage, leaking batteries should be isolated from all personnel and
equipment. Since electrolyte can be neutralized with common baking soda, leaking
batteries should be placed in sealed plastic bags containing baking soda. The bags
should be placed in a sealed and labelled drum. Vermiculite should be used to
cushion the batteries.

Note: Personal protective equipment should always be used around leaking


-139Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual



Common personal protective equipment and material that should be available in the event
of a lithium thionyl chloride battery being involved in an incident such as a crush
puncture, or fire is as follows:

Rubber Gloves-Fisher Scientific #11-394-23A or equal

Rubber Boots-Uniroyal Steel Shank Rubber Boot or equal
Respirator-MSA 4571000 Al Front Mounted Gas Mask
Acid Gasses and Carrying Case #84494
Acid Gas Canister or equal
Lab Apron-Lab Safety Supply #R3003 or equal
Neutralization Materials-10 lbs. Industrial Grade Sodium Bicarbonate





The following paragraphs will discuss the safe handling of Lithium Thionyl Chloride (LTC)
batteries under the abnormal hazardous conditions of:
Leaking or venting batteries
Hot batteries
Exploding batteries
Lithium fires
Personnel Protective Equipment Required:
Safety Glasses, Rubber Gloves, Helmet with full face shield, Flak Jacket with gloves, Riot
Shield, Respirator with canisters for Acid Gases or full-face respirator with acid gas
Other Equipment Required:
Infrared Temperature Probe, Sodium Carbonate (Soda Lime) or Sodium Bicarbonate
(Baking Soda), Vermiculite, Fire Extinguisher containing Lith-X Graphite powder,
extended Non-conductive pliers or tongs, Thermal resistant gloves (welding gloves).

-140Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual



Leaking or vented batteries should be isolated from personnel and equipment. If possible, the
area should be vented to the outside. Prior to handling, the temperature of the batteries should
be checked with a remote-sensing device such as an infrared temperature probe. If the batteries
are at ambient temperature, they should be handled with rubber gloves or non-conductive pliers
or tongs and placed in plastic bags containing Sodium Carbonate. Spilled electrolyte should be
absorbed with Sodium Carbonate and placed in plastic bags. All bags should be placed in a
sealed and labelled drum with Vermiculite or other non-flammable cushioning material such as
sand or Sodium Carbonate to cushion the batteries. These materials should be disposed as
previously discussed under Safe Disposal in the Lithium Battery Safety Manual.


As soon as a hot battery is detected, all personnel should be evacuated from the area.
The temperature of the battery should be monitored with a remote-sensing device such as
an infrared temperature probe. The area should remain evacuated until the battery has
cooled to ambient temperature. When the battery has returned to ambient temperature, it
can be handled by an operator wearing protective equipment (face shield, flak jacket and
gloves) with non-conductive pliers or tongs. The batteries should be placed in plastic bags
containing Sodium Carbonate and then placed in labelled drums containing Vermiculite or
other non-flammable cushioning material such as sand or Sodium Carbonate. These
materials should be disposed of as previously discussed under Safe Disposal in the Lithium
Battery Safety Manual.
If liquid nitrogen is available, the battery should be placed in liquid nitrogen/or dry ice with a pair
of tongs. Once frozen, the battery must be dissected and the components neutralized in a soda
ash water bath. Unused or partially used Lithium must be set aside to hydrolyze.
If the battery is thawed and not dissected, the battery will return to its original state of being hot
(short-circuited) and may explode.
If the battery vents or explodes, it should be handled with the procedure for vented or exploding


If a battery explodes, all personnel should be evacuated from the area. The area should be
vented to the outside until the pungent odor is no longer detectable. If the expelled material is on
fire, it should be treated as described below in the procedure for a Lithium fire. After the residue
has cooled, it can be absorbed with Sodium Carbonate and placed in plastic bags. All bags
should be placed in a sealed and labelled drum with Vermiculite or other non-flammable
cushioning material such as sand or Sodium Carbonate to cushion the s. These materials should
be disposed as previously described under Safe Disposal in the Lithium Battery Safety Manual.

-141Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual



Evacuate the premises. Personnel should avoid breathing the smoke from a lithium fire, as it
may be corrosive. Trained personnel wearing self-contained breathing apparatus or a respirator
with acid gas cartridges should use Lith-X fire extinguishers to fight the fire. When the fire is
extinguished and the residue cooled, it can be absorbed with Sodium Carbonate and placed in
plastic bags. All bags should be placed in a sealed and labelled drum with Vermiculite or other
non-flammable cushioning material such as sand or Sodium Carbonate to cushion the s. These
materials should be disposed as previously described under Safe Disposal in the Lithium Battery
Safety Manual.


With proper use and handling, lithium batteries have demonstrated an extensive safety record.
The success and wide use of lithium batteries is partially because they contain more energy per
unit weight than conventional batteries. However, the same properties, which result in a high
energy density also, contribute to potential hazards if the energy is released at a fast and
uncontrolled rate. In recognition of the high-energy content of lithium systems, safety has been
incorporated into the design and manufacture of all batteries. However, abuse or mishandling of
lithium batteries can still result in hazardous conditions. The information provided here is
intended to give users some guidelines to safe handling and use of lithium batteries.

In general, the conditions that cause damage to batteries and jeopardize safety are summarized
on the label of each. These conditions include:
Short Circuit
Forced Over-discharge
Excessive heating or incineration
Crush, puncture, or disassembly
Very rough handling or high shock and vibration could result in damage.



Lithium Oxyhalide Primary Battery (MWD)

Lithium/Thionyl Chloride


Important Note: The battery container should not be opened or incinerated since the following
ingredients contained within could be harmful under some circumstances if exposed.
In case of accidental ingestion of a cell or its contents, obtain prompt medical advice.

-142Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


Lithium is included in this section due to its vigorous reaction with water forming a caustic hydroxide.
Lithium (Li)
(CAS # 7439-93-2)
Thionyl Chloride (SOCI2) (CAS # 7719-09-7)


STORAGE: Store in a cool place but prevent condensation on the batteries. Elevated temperatures
can result in shortened battery life.
FIRE: If batteries are directly involved in a fire, DO NOT USE WATER, CO2, DRY CHEMICAL OR
A Lith-X (graphite base) fire extinguisher or material is the only recommended extinguishing media
for fires involving lithium metal or batteries. If a fire is in an adjacent area, and batteries are packed in
their original containers, the fire can be fought based on fuelling material, e.g., paper, and plastic
products. Avoid fume inhalation.
DISPOSAL: DO NOT INCINERATE or subject batteries to temperatures in excess of 212F (100C).
Such abuse can result in loss of seal, leakage, and/or explosion. Dispose of in accordance with
appropriate Federal, State, and Local regulations.


MECHANICAL CONTAINMENT: Encapsulation (some potting) will not allow for expansion. Such
enclosure can result in high-pressure explosion from heating due to inadvertent charging or high
temperature environments (i.e., in excess of 100C).
SHORT-CIRCUIT: Batteries should always be packaged and transported in such a manner as to
prevent direct contact with each other. Short-circuiting will cause heat and reduce capacity.
Jewellery, such as rings and bracelets, should be removed or insulated before handling the batteries
to prevent inadvertent short-circuiting through contact with the battery terminals. Burns to the skin
may result from the heat generated by a short- circuit.
CHARGING: These batteries are not designed to be charged or recharged. To do so may cause the
batteries to leak or explode.
OTHER: If soldering or welding to the terminals or case of the battery is required, exercise proper
precautions to prevent damage to the battery which may result in loss of capacity, seal, leakage,
and/or explosion. DO NOT SOLDER to the case. Batteries should not be subjected to excessive
mechanical shock & vibration.

-143Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual



The most frequent forms of abuse can easily be identified and controlled in the workplace. All spirally,
wound batteries are internally protected against the hazards associated with short circuits. This is
accomplished by incorporating a fast acting fuse under the terminal cap. It is our experience that
inadvertent short circuits (resulting in open fuses) are the largest single cause of field failures.
Batteries with open fuses (characterized by zero voltage) should be disposed of or returned to the
manufacturer for rework. Never attempt to remove the terminal cap or replace the internal fuse.
Problems associated with shorting as well as other hazardous conditions can be greatly reduced
by observing the following guidelines:

Cover all metal work surfaces with an insulating material.

The work area should be clean and free of sharp objects that could puncture the
insulating sleeve on the battery.
Never remove the shrink-wrap from a battery pack.
All persons handling batteries should remove jewellery items such as rings, wristwatches,
pendants, etc. that could be exposed to the battery terminals.
If batteries are removed from their original packages for inspection, they should be neatly
arranged to preclude shorting.
Individual cells should be transported in plastic trays set on pushcarts. This will reduce
the chances of the batteries being dropped on the floor, causing physical damage.
All inspection tools (callipers, rulers, etc.) should be made from non-conductive materials,
or covered with a non-conductive tape.
Batteries should be inspected for physical damage. Batteries with dented cases or
terminal caps should be inspected for electrolyte leakage. If any is noted, the battery
should be disposed of in the proper manner.

-144Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


Batteries should be stored in their original containers. Store batteries in a well ventilated, cool, dry
area. Store batteries in an isolated area, away from combustible materials. Never stack heavy
objects on top of boxes containing lithium batteries to preclude crushing or puncturing the case.


All personnel handling batteries should wear appropriate protective equipment

such as safety glasses.
Do not solder wires or tabs directly to the battery. Only solder to the leads
welded to the battery by the manufacturer.
Never touch a battery case directly with a hot soldering iron. Heat sinks should
be used when soldering to the tabs, and contact with the solder tabs should be
limited to a few seconds.
Batteries should not be forced into (or out of) battery holders or housings. This
could deform the battery pack causing an internal short circuit, or fracturing the
glass to metal hermetic seal.
All ovens or environmental chambers used for testing batteries should be
equipped with an over-temperature controller to protect against excessive heat.
Do not connect batteries of different chemistries together.
Do not connect batteries of different size together.
Do not connect old and new batteries together.
Consult manufacturer before encapsulating batteries during discharge. Batteries
may exceed their maximum rated temperature if insulated.

-145Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual



1: Install break out box in both ends of battery, with all switches in the break position.
2: Set Fluke meter to read ohms and install in red plugs 1 and 2. Check for a reading of 0L (Open)
3: Move the red lead to red plug 4, then 5 and so on down to plug 10 and finally the housing.
NOTE: Voltage will be seen across plugs 1 and 3 in this attitude and hooking an ohmeter at this
point could potentially damage it.

4: Move the black lead to red plug 2 again check for a complete open.(0L)
5: Move the red lead to plug 3 and so on as in Step 3.
6: Continue moving the black lead to the right and moving the red lead to the remaining plugs and
the housing until all combinations have been covered.
7: A reading of anything but 0L (Open) indicates a leak or poor insulation and the tool should not be
run until the cause is identified and remedied.
NOTE: Poor readings are often caused by dirty connections between the tool and break out box.
Clean and re-check before tearing tool down.

-146Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual



1: Hook up break out box to both ends of battery with switches in the BREAK position
2: Check for continuity with the Fluke meter on and leads in Black plug 1 and Red plug 1.
3: A reading of less than 1.0 Ohms should be observed and an audible beep heard.
4: Move the red lead to red plug 2 and the black lead to black plug 3 again check for less than 1.0 Ohms.
5: Do not check between Red plug 3 and Black plug 2 as the battery will be seen there.
NOTE: To facilitate running 2 batteries line 2 and 3 are switched internally in the battery.

6: Continue checking between red plug 4 and black plug 4 and so on to plug 10.
NOTE: All readings should be less than 1.0 Ohms and an audible beep should be heard if using the
diode check position on the Fluke meter.
: If an Open is observed in any of these checks the tool should not be run until the cause is
identified and remedied.
: Make sure the connection between battery and break out box is clean and a good connection
is made.

-147Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual



1: Install break out box in the top of the battery, with all switches in the break position.
2: Install load resistor in red plugs 1 and 2
3: Set Fluke meter to measure DC Volts and install in black plugs 1 and 2
4: A Voltage of 28 - 29 VDC should be observed on standard batteries.
A voltage of 21-24 VDC should be observed on EM batteries.

5: Make switches 1 and 2, loading the battery (Max. 30 seconds)

6: A voltage of 25 - 26 VDC should be observed for a fully charged battery
A voltage of 21-23 should be observed for a fully charged EM battery.

7: A loaded voltage of less than 18 VDC would indicate the battery is unusable.
8: If battery has sufficient voltage proceed to BATTERY CONTINUITY AND INSULATION CHECK.

: These tests can be performed through the electronics if the tool is assembled.
: Tests can also be performed through the bottom of the battery using plugs 1 and 3.

-148Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual



1: Hook up break out box to both ends of interconnect with switches in the break position.
2: Hook Fluke meter set to Ohms in Red Plugs 1 and 2.
3: Move the red lead to plug 3, 4 and so on through 10 and finally the housing.
4: Readings of 0L (Open) should be observed.
5: Move the black lead to plug 2 and move the red lead to 3 through 10 and the housing.
6: Continue moving the the black lead to the right and moving the red lead to the remaining plugs
and housing until all combinations have been covered.

NOTE: A reading of anything but 0L (Open) would indicate possible moisture invasion or a short, the
interconnect should not be run until the cause is identified and remedied.
7: Check for continuity with the Fluke meter on and leads in Black plug 1 and Red plug 1.
8: A meter reading of less than 1.0 Ohms should be observed and an audible beep heard.

9: Continue checking between 2 - 2, and so on to 10 -10.

10: A reading other than 0 - 1 ohms without the beep would indicate an open in one of the wires.
NOTE: Poor readings could be caused by a poor connection with the break out box, clean and retest.
In certain situations an interconnect failing a continuity test could be run above the electronics.

-149Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual



1: Hook up break out box on both ends of electronics with switches in the break position.
2: Set the Fluke meter to read Ohms
2: Pay particular attention to the orientation of the leads as reversing the polarity will affect

3: Follow the instructions on the RING OUT TEST SHEET using the Black lead for the first plug
of the combination. i.e. 4-5, Black lead in Red plug 4 and Red lead in Red plug 5.
4: Record readings on a blank ring out sheet.
5: Compare readings to ring out sheet example. Resistance readings may vary slightly from the
example but Opens should be open as a variance here would indicate a leak/short.
6: If there is any extreme variances tool should not be run until the cause is determined and
NOTE: There is a protection circuit (transorbs) in the electronics to protect from over voltage a
blown diode in this circuit would be evident by showing an Open instead of 0 - 1 Ohms
during the 1-1, 2-2, 3-3 etc.,checks.

7: Perform a Roll test following instructions in the Roll Test Section.

-150Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual



Directional Module Maintenance Procedures
The Directional Module contains the Orientation Module (OM), the Data Acquisition
Assembly (DAQ), and the Electronics Strongback, which contains the Triple Power
Supply (3xPS) and the Microprocessor (MPTx).
These three units are assembled
together to make the Directional Module. The OM contains the accelerometer and
magnetometer sensor packages used to gather the required directional
measurements used to derive the survey and toolface data necessary to drill a well.
Many other forms of data can be derived from this data and from the sensors
contained within the OM.
The DAQ is an analog-to-digital converter.
It is also an
integral part of the package, and must remain mated with the matching OM package.
The Electronics Strongback contains the power supply that controls the power
throughout the probe and the microprocessor that contains all of the firmware to
operate the probe and all of the calibration data for the OM package.
These three
units operate in unison to make up the Directional Module. The integrity of the
system must be maintained to assure survey accuracy and continued quality service.
Technicians in the shop and operators in the field should regularly perform the
MWDRoll procedure (see the following pages).
The MWDRoll procedure is included

-151Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


in this manual and in the Operations Manual. The results of the MWDRoll procedure
will test the calibration integrity of the module to insure that the system is providing
accurate survey data and performance. It will also indicate whether any of the six
sensors in the module may be defective or failed. Ideally, the test should be run
before and after each run in the hole. The maintenance technician should also
maintain a file on each module and perform a roll test in the shop prior to shipping the
tool out to each job.
In addition to the MWDRoll test, all technicians should conduct a Ringout test (see
the following pages) when the system returns to the shop. This test will inform the
technician of any developing problems with the electrical integrity of the module.
case of any concerns with the data from the Ringout test, the technician can transmit
the data to GE Power Systems for analysis. Note the different Ringout tables for the
different Directional Modules in service.
Trained technicians in the shop should periodically inspect the mechanical integrity of
the Directional Module. Only disassemble the module in a clean environ
ment using
complete Electro-Static Discharge (ESD) controls. ESD controls are vital to protect
the electronics contained in the Directional Module. Please follow the enclosed
disassembly and inspection instructions.

-152Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual



Directional Module
Disassembly, Inspection and Reassembly Procedures
Note: A roll test must be performed prior to any disassembly of the Directional
Module. Repair of electronics and proper calibration of the QDT MWD orientation
module can only be properly performed at the factory. Should the unit fail to pass a
roll test, it should be returned to the factory for full servicing.

Servicing of MWD Directional Module

(following successful completion of MWDRoll test)
1.1. Removal of Electronics Assembly from Pressure Housing.
Note: When making or breaking threaded connections, use onlyPetol-Gearench,
Parmalee wrenches, or equivalent tools with
smooth gripping surfaces to grip the barrel.

1.1.1. From the UpHole end of the module, first remove the Thread Protector
(201845), then remove the Interconnect Housing (201509).
Note: The exposed connector should have 6pins/4 sockets.
1.1.2. Support the Top Bulkhead retainer (201505) and remove the two 4-40
X SCS screws (102010), which fasten it to the Intermodule End
(201514). Carefully pull and disengage the tabs and slots of the Top
bulkhead Retainer and the Intermodule End.
1.1.3. Rotate the Top Bulkhead Retainer to align the tabs of both pieces.
While supporting the Top Bulkhead Retainer with one hand, use a
wooden or plastic dowel to push the 6-pin/4-socket connector in order
to break free the O-ring seal. Use the dowel to hold the connector
while sliding the Top Bulkhead Retainer away from the assembly.
Remove both halves of the Split Shell (201506).
1.1.4. Slowly unscrew the UpHole Intermodule End from the Sensor Pressure
Housing (201725) while carefully passing the connector through the
Intermodule End. Avoid stressing the solder connections on the

-153Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


1.1.5. From the DownHole end of the module, first remove the Thread
Protector (201845), then remove the Interconnect Housing (201509).
Carefully unscrew the remaining Intermodule End from the Sensor
Pressure Housing. With the entire module lying flat, slowly slide the
Intermodule End with the electronics assembly attached, from the
Pressure Housing far enough to expose the Snubber Shock Assembly

Inspection of Directional Module

Note: ESD controls must be used when performing this inspection.
2.1. Inspect all accessible fasteners and check for tightness.
2.2. Inspect the UpHole end of the Snubber Shock Assembly and the DownHole
end of the OM, where the two ends are joined, to make sure that the ends
DO NOT rotate with respect to each other and DO NOT move lengthwise
with respect to each other.
2.3. Inspect the rubber-like compound on the snubber shock for any visible signs
of deterioration or separation from the structure. Check for any traces of
black powder residue or other foreign matter that may indicate excessive
abrasion and wear in the area of the Snubber Shock.
2.4. Check all screw connections along the assembly as it is carefully removed
from the Pressure Housing. It is very important to provide support to the
Snubber Shock as the tool is removed.
Reassembly of Directional Module
3.1. Clean and inspect all O-rings. Replace all damaged or old O-rings.
Lubricate O-rings thoroughly with DC4 (400041). Clean and inspect all
mating threads and O-ring surfaces.
3.2. Carefully slide the assembly back into the lower end of the pressure
Housing and screw together hand tight.
3.3. Carefully thread the pigtail through the UpHole Intermodule End and screw
it in place hand tight.

-154Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


Note: The castellated end with the two screw holes should be left exposed.
3.4. Match the Split Shell pair around the UpHole 6-pin connector and hold with
one hand. Line up the slot, in the UpHole end of the Top Bulkhead Retainer, with
the key on the 6-pin connector and carefully slide the retainer over the connector
into place. Insure that the connector key engages properly into the slot of the
3.5. Rotate the Top Bulkhead Retainer to align the two screw holes (and also
align the tabs with the Top Bulkhead Retainer slots and the UpHole Intermodule
End.) Secure the Top Bulkhead Retainer with two 4-40 X SCS screws
(102010) and removable Loctite 243 in paste form. (Refer to Notes on Assembly
3.6. Install the remaining Interconnect Housing and make up all connections with
the barrel wrenches to approximately 120 ft-lb. torque.
3.7. Perform the MWDRoll test procedure. Install two thread protectors with
O-rings (381611) installed and greased.
Note: If the Directional Module fails to pass the roll test, transmit the data to
GE Power Systems Tensor MWD Technical Services. GE Power
Systems personnel will review the data to determine whether the
module should be returned to the factory. Should the Directional
Module continue to fail the MWDRoll test procedure, then it must be
returned to the manufacturer for proper testing and re-calibration.

-155Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual




-156Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


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-158Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


-159Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual



BOM: Directional Module (Tensor - Compass)
Part Number


Product Line





Directional Module, Compass, 150


Serialized Part
Part Number


Product Line














Directional Module, Compass, 150

Directional Sensor, Compass, 150
Directional Sensor, Compass, 175
C Hot Hole
Directional Interface, Compass 175
C Hot Hole

Non-Serialized Part


Product Line





Housing, Interconnect





Intermodule End





Housing, Sensor





Thread Protector, Male





Temp Tab "B"





Temp Tab "C"





Bulkhead Retainer, Top (90 Degree)





Split Shell





Bulkhead Retainer, Bottom (45 Degree)





Sensor End





Pigtail, Electronics





Snubber, Electronics










AS-124 O-Ring, Viton





AS-127 O-Ring, Viton





AS-217 O-Ring, Viton

AS-218 O-Ring, Viton


-160Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual



Non-Serialized Part








AS-220 O-Ring, Viton





Screw, 6-32 x 1/2" SHCS, SS





Screw, 4-40 x 1/4" SHCS, SS





Screw, 6-32 x 3/8" SHCS, SS





Screw, 10-32 x 3/8" Fillister Brass





Shim, MDM Connector, Brass





Screw, 10-32 x 3/8" SHCS, SS





Screw, 2-56 x 1/4" Pan Head, SS


-161Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual



-162Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual



-163Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual



BOM: Interconnect Assembly, Bow Spring
Non-Serialized Part


Product Line






Threaded Rings





Thread Protector, Female





Split Shear Rings





Wired Shaft, Interconnect





Blade, Bow Spring










Interconnect, Bow Spring Assembly





Spring, Compression





Washer, Interconnect





Collar, 2-Piece Bow Spring, 4 Blade





AS-027 O-Ring, Viton





AS-213 O-Ring, Viton





AS-220 O-Ring, Viton





Roll Pin, 5/32" x 1"-420 SS Muleshoe Key


-164Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual



-165Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual



BOM: Kit, Bow Spring (EM)
Non-Serialized Part

Product Line











Interconnect Spacer





Spring, Compression





Blade, EM Bow Spring





Collar, 2-Piece Bow Spring, 4 Blade





Connector, DB9 (Female)


-166Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual




-167Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual




Side View

Cross Section View

-168Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual



-169Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual



BOM: Spearpoint Kit, Rubber Fin (Fishneck)

Non-Serialized Part


Product Line






Threaded Rings





Thread Protector, Female





Spear Point





Spearpoint Kit (Rubber Fin)





13" Rubber Fin





Split Shear Rings





AS-027 O-Ring, Viton





AS-213 O-Ring, Viton





AS-220 O-Ring, Viton





Blank Shaft


-170Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual



Pulser/MWD Probe Operational Parameters
When preparing the system for a job, the field operator must choose several hardware
and software parameters. The well environment where the system will be used
determines the choices. This document names the parameters, discusses some of the
options and leaves other options to the MWD operators discretion.
1. Hardware Parameters:
a. Drill Collar Size
b. MWD System Module Selection and Configuration
c. Signal Orifice Size Selection
d. Poppet End Size Selection
2. Software Parameters (That Affect System Operation)
a. Data Word Update Times (Pulse Durations)
b. Survey Data Selection for Transmission
c. Toolface/Logging Data Selection for Transmission
d. Downlinking Capabilities
All parameters, hardware and software, are synergistic: changing one may affect
another. Therefore, consider all settings before deploying the system into the field.

1. Hardware Parameters
a. Drill Collar Size
The well design will determine the BHA and the collars used in it. However,
the MWD operators must be extremely aware of the parameters of the well
sections that will use the MWD system. Extreme flow around the body of the
MWD probe can cause severe damage to the pressure barrels and other parts
exposed to severe turbulent flow. Therefore, it is extremely important for the
MWD operators to determine the maximum possible flow rates planned for the
well in each of the different well sections.
Refer to Figure 1 to assist in determining which I.D. would be best suited for the
flow rates selected for each hole section involved. Flow velocities of over 40
feet/second can begin rapid erosion of the BeCu pressure barrels and other
metal parts on the probe.

-171Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


FLUID Velocities in NMDC

Fluid velocities in and around the MWD tool are extremely important. The MWD
operator is required to KNOW the ID of the NMDC and what the maximum flow
for that particular size collar is allowed. The chart is calculated on the use of
water with very low solids.
Across the top of the chart is the list of collar ID sizes from 2.25 minimum ID to
4.00 maximum ID. The list of collar ID sizes coordinate with colors to match the
curve drawn on the chart. On the left side of the chart is the scale for fluid
velocities from 0 ft/second to 50 ft/second. The red line across the top indicates
a velocity of 40 ft/second. Along the bottom of the chart is the scale for gallons
per minute (GPM), from 0 GPM to 1200 GPM. Along the top of the chart, the red
line indicates 40 feet/second flow velocity. At 40 feet/ second, the critical flow
rate, water flow at that rate will begin to remove metal from the body of the MWD
tool. Add to the water, solids and sand, the velocity of the fluid will become more
hazardous to the condition of the metal.
To use the chart, select the ID size of the collar being used on the job and select
the curve that most closely relates to the size. Always select the next smaller
size ID for calculations, should the ID of the collar on the rig site not perfectly
match the size on the chart. Select the maximum flow rate expected for the job
on the bottom scale and move up the chart until the line representing the ID size
of the collar being used is intersected. Move across to the left of the chart to the
scale on the left to determine the expected fluid velocity for the job.
If the GPM selected intersects the curve above the 40 ft/second line, then
adjustments must be made in either the selected flow or the ID of the drill collar.
Example: Using a 3.0 ID collar, with an expected flow of 500 GPM. This would
result in a 37 feet/second flow velocity around the MWD tool.
Example: Using a 2.5 ID collar, with an expected flow of 450 GPM would result
in a fluid velocity in excess of 65 feet/second. This is not acceptable and a
change in the collar with a larger ID must be made, or the flow must be reduced
to a range below 300 GPM.

-172Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


-173Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


MWD System Module Selection and Configuration

Battery selection is a very important decision to be made when designing the
configuration of the tool module location. The MWD tool is designed to run either one or
two battery packs, depending upon the design of the bit run the tool will be used in.
There are numerous options to consider when designing the MWD tool to match the
conditions of the bit run. The conditions of the bit run to consider are: (the order of the
list is not relevant to the importance of each item each item must be considered for its
individual importance in relation to the bit run)
(i) Duration of the bit run.
(ii) Pulse width choice.
(iii) Sensor choice gamma sensor reduces battery duration by a factor of .
(iv) Desire to deplete used battery and switch to new battery during run.
Calculations and testing have shown that one lithium battery pack will operate the basic
MWD system (pulser, directional module, battery) for 200 hours at a 2-second pulse
width. To determine the potential of a battery pack, the operator should multiply the
pulse width by a factor of 100. The addition of the gamma module changes the factor to

-174Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


Table 1: Battery Duration Chart

-175Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual



-176Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


-177Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


Standard Tool Configuration = pulser/battery/directional module.

Gamma w/one battery = pulser/gamma/battery/directional module.
Gamma w/two batteries = Pulser/gamma/battery 1/directional module/battery 2.
Note: Other configurations are possible. Refer to Module Position Options page.
The type of service provided and the requirements of the well determine the selection of
specific MWD modules and their configuration in the probe design. Refer to Figure 2 for
a layout of the various module configurations available with the MWD.

Signal Orifice Size Selection

There are six sizes of orifices to choose from when using the 6 or the 4 muleshoe
sleeves. The sizes available are:
(i) 1.28 [201068]
(ii) 1.35 [201067]
(iii) 1.40 [201066]
(iv) 1.50 [201051]
(v) 1.55 [201059]
(vi) 1.60 [201060]
The signal orifice is placed in the lower end of the mule shoe sleeve, with the beveled
edge facing UpHole. Refer to Table 2 for references to orifice selection sizes.

Poppet End Size Selection

There are three poppet end sizes to choose from when configuring the MWD probe. The
sizes available are:
(i) 1.122 [201140]
(ii) 1.086 [201213]
(iii) 1.040 [201214]
Refer to Tables 2 and 3 for references to poppet end selection sizes. The combination of
these six orifice sizes and the three poppet tip sizes allows for numerous variations in
configurations to accommodate the various flow regimes encountered in the field.

-178Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual



Table 2: Poppet / Orifice Selection Chart for 6 and 4 Muleshoes

-179Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


Table 3: Poppet / Orifice Selection Chart for 3 Muleshoes

-180Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual



-181Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


Software Parameters (That Affect System Operation)

Data Word Update Times (Pulse Durations)
Real-time Data Word Updates are dependent upon Pulse Length and the
Number of Bits per Word. The following chart of Empirical Data indicates the
time required for Data Word updates for three different word lengths per pulse
length. The resolution of the Data Word value transmitted is dependent on the
number of bits per Word.
Observe that as the pulse width lengthens the data bits per word become
extremely important. A decision to sacrifice resolution for a faster update is
crucial, and the course of action must be determined. Obviously, a 12-bit word
is almost twice as long as a 6-bit word, but a 12-bit word is NOT twice as
accurate as a 6-bit word. For example, the resolutions for each of the different
length Toolface data words are:
(i) 12 bits = 0.1
(ii) 8 bits = 1.5
(iii) 6 bits = 5.5
The accuracy is dependent on the values of the least significant bits. This
dependency will somewhat affect the accuracy of the gTFA measurements,
but not as adversely as the time necessary to transmit the data. The decision
is up to the operator and the end user of the data. It can be concluded that the
difference in resolution and the resultant accuracy of the Toolface data word is
minimal for the decreased Toolface update time.
The resolution of Survey Data Words and Logging Data words is of utmost
importance. That is why it is so important to insure that the required number of
bits is used to transmit the Data Word.

-182Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


Table 4: MWD Data Update Chart: Data Word Transmission Times

-183Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


Survey Data Selection for Transmission

The following two pages illustrate, with empirical data obtained from Compass
Flow Simulation Test Fixture, the potential times elapsed for different types of survey
configurations and Toolface/logging configurations.

Category A configuration: Inc:12:P Azm:12:P aTFA:6:P DipA:12:P MagF:12:P

Temp:8:P BatV:8:P Grav:12:P

Category B configuration: Inc:12:P Azm:12:P aTFA:6:P

TmpW+BatW+MagW:P Toolface/Logging Sequence: aTFA:6:P XX
(XX denotes the number of repetitions before starting the string over)

Table 5: Category A: Survey Duration Comparison

-184Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


Table 6: Category B: Survey Duration Comparison

Note: The data used in these examples was compiled from a Simulated Flow Lab
Test Fixture. The times presented may vary 3.5 seconds using the same

-185Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


Table 7: O-Rings

-186Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


Poppet / Orifice Table

3 1/2 Tool String

-187Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


Poppet / Orifice Table

3 1/2 Tool String

-188Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


Poppet / Orifice Table

3 1/2 Tool String

-189Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual



-190Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual



-191Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


Deadline Hookload Sensor

-192Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


Shaft Encoder

-193Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


Standpipe Pressure Transducer

-194Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual



-195Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual



-196Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


I. GAMMA MODULE - 201950

1. Lower End
1.1. Grease O-rings and install onto Intermodule End [201514] as shown below. Tape
threads to prevent damage to O-rings.
Note: Leave protective caps (not shown) on electrical connectors to guard against
1.2. Assemble the Gamma Snubber Pigtail [201955] and Gamma Snubber Shock
[201953] as shown below. Use Loctite 243 on the MDM connector screws (2-56 x 1/4
Pan [100030]). Do not over-tighten.
Note: Make sure the pigtail wires lay flat in the wire groove on the bottom of the
1.3. Pass the 4-pin/6-socket connector through the Intermodule End as shown.
Using Loctite, attach Snubber to Intermodule End using four 6-32 x Screws [103180]
(not shown). Replace protective cap.

-197Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


Steps 1.4 - 1.7: Refer to Drawing D-201950-02

1.4. Gamma Sensor Installation:
Install three pairs Split Ring [972124] and O-rings to the selected Gamma
Sensor [384000, 384030] as shown. Attach the MDM connector on the lower end of the
Sensor to the MDM on the Snubber Shock. Fasten the Snubber Shock and Gamma
Sensor together using four 10-32 x
3/4 SHC screws [105430] and Loctite 243.
1.5. Install O-rings (2) on Gamma End [201888] as shown.
Fasten the MDM on the Pigtail, Gamma End [201954] to the Gamma End MDM as
shown, using screws (2-56 x 1/4 Pan [100030]) as shown. Fasten Gamma End to
Gamma Sensor using four 10-32 x 7/16 screws [105430] and Loctite 243.
1.6. Wrap the following areas of the assembly with Kapton tape using a 1/8
1.6.1. Snubber Shock/Gamma Sensor connection
1.6.2. Gamma Sensor/Gamma End connection including entire Gamma
1.7. Carefully slide the assembly into the Battery/Gamma Housing [201635], grease
the O-rings, and screw Intermodule End and Housing together.
1.8. Grease O-rings and install onto Bottom Bulkhead Retainer [201521] as shown
below. Grease O-rings on the pigtail 10-pin connector. Install Split Shell [201506]
halves into the recess in the Intermodule End as shown.
Align the key on the 10-pin connector with the groove in the Bulkhead
Retainer and install the retainer as shown.
Fasten the Retainer in place using (2) 4-40 x 1/4 screws [102010] (not shown) and
Loctite 243.
Note: These screws should be barely snug to allow the Bulkhead Retainer
to self-align when installing the Interconnect Housing (next step).

-198Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


1.9. Grease O-rings, thread Interconnect Housing [201509] in place as shown.

Grease O-ring and install Thread Protector [201845] (not shown) into open end of
Interconnect Housing.

-199Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


2. Upper End
2.1. Grease and install O-rings on Gamma Intermodule End [201632] as shown below.
Tape threads to prevent damage to O-rings. Grease the Orings, feed the 10-pin
connector into the Gamma Intermodule End, and thread the Intermodule End into the
Pressure Housing as shown.

2.2. Grease O-rings and install onto Top Bulkhead Retainer [201505] as shown below.
Grease O-rings on the pigtail 10-pin connector. Install Split Shell halves into the recess
in the Gamma Intermodule End as shown. Align the key on the 10-pin connector with the
groove in the Bulkhead Retainer and install the retainer as shown. Fasten the Retainer
in place using (2) 4-40 x 1/4 screws (not shown) and Loctite 243.

-200Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


Note: These screws should be barely snug to allow the Bulkhead Retainer
to self-align when installing the Interconnect Housing (next step).

-201Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


2.3. Grease O-rings, and thread Interconnect Housing in place as

Grease O-ring and install Thread Protector (not shown) into open end of
Interconnect Housing.

3. Continuity Check
Measure resistance. Do not use audible alarm. Verify continuity between connector pins
at opposite barrel ends as listed in Table 1, below.

-202Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual



BOM: Gamma Module (G.E.Tensor)
Part Number


Product Line





Gamma Module, 175 C

Part Number


Product Line





Gamma Module, 175 C

Gamma Sensor, 175 C

Serialized Part

Non-Serialized Part


Product Line





Housing, Interconnect





Intermodule End





Housing, Pulser Driver





Thread Protector, Male





Temp Tab "B"





Temp Tab "C"





Bulkhead Retainer, Top (90 Degree)





Split Shell





Bulkhead Retainer, Bottom (45 Degree)





Snubber Assembly, Battery





CBG Short Gamma Extension





Pigtail, Battery





AS-124 O-Ring, Viton





AS-127 O-Ring, Viton





AS-217 O-Ring, Viton





AS-218 O-Ring, Viton





AS-220 O-Ring, Viton





Screw, 6-32 x 1/2" SHCS, SS





Screw, 6-32 x 3/4" SHCS, SS


Product Line



Screw, 4-40 x 1/4" SHCS, SS


Non-Serialized Part


-203Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual




-204Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual



Main Cable: Drillers Remote Terminal to Safe Area Power Supply
Part Number 384022

-205Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


Extension Cable: Save Area Power Supply to Main Cable

Part Number 384023

-206Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


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-215Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual



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-217Chapter 4 | MWD Maintenance Manual


C.MWD Tool Pickup And Lay Down Procedures &
Torque Guide



Once on location, introduce yourself to the company representative as soon as practical. In
addition, notify the office once all of our company personnel have arrived, or if someone is
missing, and the contact phone numbers at the site should be given to the coordinator.

The job is expected to be set up and equipment tested as soon as possible upon

Confirm hole size to be drilled and the services required (Directional, Gamma).
Conduct a quick inventory to determine if all of the required subs and tubulars
are present.
Confirm the non-magnetic drill collar I.D. for MWD fin selection.
Unpack and proceed to conduct an inventory of MWD equipment.
Notify the Directional Driller of the services to be run (i.e., D & I or Gamma)
Review and verify the Declination, Dip angle, Magnetic fields, with the well plots


Grounding: It is ALWAYS required that all units be grounded properly.
Insure that the Safe Area Interface (SAI) is always attached to a grounding
cable firmly secured to the lug on the upper right hand portion of the box.
Also, insure that the case of the Driller's Remote Terminal (DRT), is
secured to a separate ground. Some locations run on very poor ground
circuits, and if this is the case then it may be necessary to operate from a
separate power source, such as a generator.
Intermittent Display screen on the DRT may be and is usually a result of
improper grounding. All cable connections on the system must be dry and
free from dirt and other debris. If any connections become wet or
contaminated then they must be changed out with another set. The
connections must be dried with isopropyl alcohol or solvent, then as a
precaution, packed with silicon grease dirt or contamination to enter the
connection. Caution Intermittent Display

-1Chapter 5 | Operations Manual


System Power: It is STRONGLY recommended that an Uninterruptible Power

Supply (UPS) be placed between all surface equipment and power sources. This
practice will not only allow the system to run for a limited amount of time in the
case of power outages, but it will and should supply clean conditioned power to
the system. This will protect the valuable and expensive surface components
from power fluctuations and spikes. All systems should be operated with at least
a power conditioner on line. can resume.
No Reply Received from the Processor/Transmitter. This warning indicates
that there is a communication breakdown between the PC to the DRT (MPRx
Node 05) or the DOWNhole Directional Module (MPTx Node 20).
remedy this problem the operator should:
1. Check the Device addresses
specified in the Setup Configuration
2. Check the qBUS connection between
the PC and the processors.
3. Check whether the PC or the
processors can be communicated with
another PC running the qTalk program.
4. Check to insure that the PC and
processors are communicating on the
same BAUD rate.
5. Check to insure that the processors
are in the qMIX mode as opposed to the
qChat mode.
downloaded but not stored. There may
be a hardware problem.
7. Do the component processors
possess the same software that is
running in the PC and vice versa.
-2Chapter 5 | Operations Manual



Storing Configuration w/ Flow On

In this situation you will receive a message warning you that you
must turn flow off and wait for the FEVT or the PEVT time period to
elapse. When the processors in the DRT and the Survey
Electronics are operating, they will accept some data. Please note,
some data will be transferred to the processor, but the complete
storing process cannot be completed and this will result in a partial
store and the warning. This can be hazardous to the operation of
the system and the operator should be cautious in this procedure.
When using the simulator, at times if the Invert Flow Sense is
reversed for the DOWNhole operation mode, then it must be
reversed. To overcome this problem store the configuration to the
DRT first and then to the DOWNhole tool separately. This will allow
you to fix the flow simulation switch to the OFF position for each
unit separately to put in the non-flow position.
Inactive Screens: If an operator enters into a screen and it is not
updating or is displaying only a file or no data, then check the position of
the monitoring toggle switch and check to see if the highlight on the dragdown menu is highlighted. Both positions will lock up the screen and not
allow viewing of current data or exit out of the system. In the System
Setup under the drag down Menu, there is an option allowing you to
activate a switch,that will remind the operator when a screen was
previously exited with the monitoring mode deactivated.the Basic Software
Package, it is possible to convert the system to 4800 Baud and overcome
the increased capacitance problem. For clients using the Depth Tracking
Software Package, the Baud Rate MUST REMAIN at 9600. The problems
with the cable length must be addressed some other way, I.E. by shorting
the cables to a usable length or switching to QSI manufactured cables.

-3Chapter 5 | Operations Manual

Pre-Run Tool Assembly Check List For Compass MWD
Hot Hole Directional Only
Select a level place on the ground and set out the jack stands
or V-blocks. It is important that the assembly area be level to insure that the
threads on the tool connections are not placed in a bind when they are
Standard Directional Only Configuration [Pulser, 1st Intermodule Battery, 2nd
Intermodule, Directional Module, 3rd Intermodule , Spear Point]
Job No.

MWD Run No.

MWD Operator




Record the Serial Number of the Pulser selected

Record the Serial Number of the Battery Module and Battery selected.
Attach the Intermodule Connector to the DOWNhole end of the
Battery Module. Insure that the threaded ring connection is snug,
and NOT over-torqued. (Note: 6 PINS point
UPhole and 4 PINS
point DOWNhole.)
Attach the Intermodule Connector and Battery assembly to the
Uphole end of the Pulser module. Insure that the threaded ring
connection is snug, and NOT over-torqued.
Record the serial number of the Directional Module selected.
Attach the second Intermodule Connector to the DOWNhole end of
the Directional Module. Insure that the threaded ring connection is
snug, and NOT over-torqued (Note: 6 PINS point UPhole and 4
PINS point DOWNhole)

-4Chapter 5 | Operations Manual


Attach the Intermodule Connector. and the Directional

Module to the uphole end of the Battery Module. Insure
that the threaded ring connection is snug, and NOT over-torqued.
SECURE the VENT PLUGS on the Battery Module.
Record the serial number of the Spear Point Assembly selected.
Attach the Intermod Conn to the Spear Point Assembly and place
this module to the side for attachment later. Insure that the
threaded ring connection is snug, and NOT over-torqued (Note: 6
PINS point UPhole and 4 PINS point DOWNhole)
Configure Tool for DOWNhole Operation
Attach the programming plug and cable to the uphole end of the
survey electronics and connect the cable to the SAI.
Enter the qMWDCnfg Program on the PC and select the previously
configured .MWD file from the directory and check the flow sense
and insure that it is in the 'ON' position.
STORE the .MWD configuration to the DOWNhole Tool only.
Remove the programming plug from the top of the tool. This
insures that the tool is operating on its own power.
INSPECT the tool and insure that the SERVO-POPPET is

Re-attach the programming plug/cable to the top of the Directional

-5Chapter 5 | Operations Manual

From the qMWDCnfg Program, select a previously
configured 'Filename'.MWD file containing the proper
variables to satisfy the tools DOWNhole environment
and STORE the configuration to BOTH the DOWNhole Tool and
the Driller's Remote Terminal. (In an attempt to change the
configuration of a tool that is pulsing, the system may not accept
the STORE on the first attempt, so try again by storing to BOTH
systems until the configuration is accepted.) Name of
Configuration File:
Align the key slot on the Helix in a straight up position and Zero the
Toolface Offset Angle GTFA CORR.:
Print the configuration from the PC and assign a 'FILENAME'.PRN
to the printout.
Down LOAD the configuration from the Surface Receiver and print
the configuration and assign a file name Rx.PRN to the printout.
Down LOAD the configuration from the DOWNhole Tool and print
the configuration and assign a file name Tx.PRN to the printout.
Compare the three printouts of the configuration on a light table for
any discrepancies.
Insure that the configuration stored to both the tool and the surface
receiver the same! Then continue.
Remove the programming plug from the tool and unplug the cable
from the SAI.
Attach the Spear Point Assembly with the third Intermod Conn. to
the uphole end of the Directional Module. Insure that the threaded
ring connection is snug, and NOT over-torqued (Note: 6 PINS point
UPhole and 4 PINS point DOWNhole)
The DOWNhole tool is now ready to be loaded into the collar.

-6Chapter 5 | Operations Manual


Extended Duration Gamma/Directional

Select a level place on the ground and set out the jack stands
or V-blocks. It is important that the assembly area be level to insure that the
threads on the tool connections are not placed in a bind when they are
Extended Duration Gamma/Directional Configuration [Pulser, 1st Intermodule
Conn., Gamma Module, 2nd Intermodule Conn., Directional Module, 3rd
Intermodule Conn., Battery Number TWO Module, 4th Intermodule Conn., Battery
Number ONE Module, 5th Intermodule Conn., Spear Point Assembly]
Job No.

MWD Run No.

MWD Operator





Record the Serial Number of the Pulser selected

Record the Serial Number of the Gamma Module.
Record the Serial Number of the 1st Intermodule Connector selected.
Attach the Intermod. Conn. to the DOWNhole end of the Gamma
Module. Insure that the threaded ring connection is snug, and NOT
over-torqued. (Note: 6 PINS point UPhole and 4 PINS point
Attach the Intermod Conn and Gamma Module assembly to the
Uphole end of the Pulser module. Insure that the threaded ring
connection is snug, and NOT over-torqued (Note: 6 PINS point
UPhole and 4 PINS point DOWNhole.)
Record the serial number of the Survey Electronics selected.

-7Chapter 5 | Operations Manual


Attach the second Intermodule Connector to the

DOWNhole end of the Directional Module. Insure that the threaded
ring connection is snug, and NOT over-torqued (Note: 6 PINS point
UPhole and 4 PINS point DOWNhole)
Attach the Intermod Conn. and the Directional Module to the
uphole end of the Gamma Module. Insure that the threaded ring
connection is snug, and NOT over-torqued (Note: 6 PINS point
UPhole and 4 PINS point DOWNhole)
Record the Serial Number of the Number 2 Battery Module and Battery
Attach the third Intermod. Conn. to the DOWNhole End of the
Number 2 Battery Module. Insure that the threaded ring
connection is snug, and NOT over-torqued (Note: 6 PINS point
UPhole and 4 PINS point DOWNhole)
SECURE the VENT PLUGS on the Battery Number 2 Module.
Attach the Number 2 Battery Module and 3rd Intermod. Conn. to the
Uphole end of the Survey Electronics. Insure that the threaded ring
connection is snug, and NOT over-torqued (Note: 6 PINS point UPhole
and 4 PINS point DOWNhole)
Record the Serial Number of the Number 1 Battery Module and Battery
Attach the fourth Attach the second Intermodule Connector to the
DOWNhole end of the Directional Module. Insure that the threaded
ring connection is snug, and NOT over-torqued (Note: 6 PINS point
UPhole and 4 PINS point DOWNhole)
to the DOWNhole End of the Number 1 Battery Module. Insure
that the threaded ring connection is snug, and NOT over-torqued
(Note: 6 PINS point UPhole and 4 PINS point DOWNhole)
SECURE the VENT PLUGS on the Battery Number 2 Module.

-8Chapter 5 | Operations Manual


Attach the Number 1 Battery Module and 4th Intermod.

Conn. to the Uphole end of the Number 2 Battery Module. Insure
that the threaded ring connection is snug, and NOT over-torqued
(Note: 6 PINS point UPhole and 4 PINS point DOWNhole)

Record the serial number of the Spear Point and Mode Plug Assembly
Attach the 5th Intermod Conn to the Spear Point Assembly and
place this module to the side for attachment later. Insure that the
threaded ring connection is snug, and NOT over-torqued (Note: 6
PINS point UPhole and 4 PINS point DOWNhole)
No Pulses
Look at these possible causes for no pulses at the surface during the surface

Is there power to the Driller's Remote Terminal (DRT)?


Is the Transducer connected properly to the DRT?


Are all valves open to the Transducer?


Is the mud line on the manifold clear to the transducer?


Is the 'Pumps On' threshold low enough to activate the processor, in the
DRT, to look for pulses? 'PUMPS ON'


Is the standpipe pressure accurately measured and displayed on the

DRT? (50 PSI)
Different transducers used in the industry have different settings
that may or may not activate at low pressures. The presence of
mud pressure and no pulses indicates that the tool is not creating
any pulses or they are being absorbed in the surface system or
below the tool.


Is the BHA open-ended or does it have a bit on the end?

-9Chapter 5 | Operations Manual



Is the tool seated in the mule shoe?


Is the flow adequate and is the Poppet/Orifice configuration tight enough

to create a pulse at a lower flow?


Is the Flow Switch (INVF) switch set to 'Off' for a conventional flow switch

Failure to Decode Pulse

Start pumps and wait for tool to start pulsing. After TxDT time has elapsed...
Are pulses present on DRT? (Caution to distinguish between noise and
Yes - go to step 3.
No - go to step 2.
Are pulses present on standpipe gauge and/or choke manifold?
Yes - go to step 4.
No - go to step 3.
Is the pump pressure accurately displayed on the DRT pulse wave-form
Yes - go to step 4.
No - go to step 8.
Is the processor decoding the pulsed data correctly?
Yes - tool is working properly.
No - go to step 5.
Are the High Pulse Limit and Low Pulse Limit (HiPl/LoPl) adequate to
decode the pulse data correctly?
Yes - Go to step 6.
No - Adjust the settings.
Are the DOWNhole tool and the Surface receiver configured correctly?
Yes - Go to step 7
No - Reconfigure
Are the Alert Pulse (4-1X Pulse) and the proper number of Synch pulses
sent and are they decoded by the Surface Receiver?
Yes - Go to step 8
No - Pull the tool and check the components. (refer to
Surface Check of DOWNhole Tool)
Is the transducer connected properly to the standpipe and the DRT?
Yes - Go to step 9
No - Correct the situation - Go to step 1

-10Chapter 5 | Operations Manual



Do the values in the transducer settings match the type
of transducer being used?
Yes - Go to Step 10
No - Correct the settings and retry.
Check for closed valves and plugged connections - are they open?
Yes - Change out the Transducer.
No - Open all valves to the transducer and remove
any solids blocking the standpipe connectors. - Go to
Step 1.

Pulser Troubleshooting Guide

Lower End Inspection
Condition of Signal Poppet Tip and Shaft Stop
Check these two parts for unusual damage and wear. If the poppet
is chipped severe wash and erosion will result when it run
DOWNhole. The shaft stop should be secure and not jammed with
debris or eroded severely. Always check to insure that the tip is
secure to the shaft.
Condition of Signal Poppet Shaft
The shaft should be free moving and not jammed with debris.
Check for excessive wear that would allow for excessive wobble
while in the pulsing motion. Should the Signal Poppet Shaft offer
resistance when shoved upwards into the helix end, then remove
the helix end and the shaft for inspection.
Condition of Piston Cap, Wiper, Poly-Pak and Orifice
The piston cap and wipers are subject to a tremendous amount
wear and should be checked on every trip out of the hole, for
damage and excessive wear. They can be easily changed when
the lower end is inspected. This will allow for extended use
Downhole provided the other parts of the pulser are operational.
When new wipers are installed, the area between the wipers should
be packed with a Silicon Lubricant, to prevent solids from entering
the area between the wipers and causing damage.

-11Chapter 5 | Operations Manual


Condition of Wear Sleeve

The Wear Sleeve provides a smooth surface for the
wipers to slide against and should remain free of debris. The
surface should be smooth and free of pitting
Condition of Main Spring
The Main Spring is made of steel and should endure a lifetime in
excess of 2000 pulsing hours. It is perfectly matched to account for
the forces involved in the pulser, so this should be reordered from
the manufacturer.
Condition of Pulser Helix End, O-ring and Poppet Housing
The pulser helix end is very important to the orientation of the probe
in the MWD collar. It endures extreme conditions of wear and
abuse when repeatedly retrieved and landed in the mule shoe.
This piece should be inspected every time it retrieved from
DOWNhole. The abrasion ring needs constant attention to insure
that the tool is not being subject to excess vibration DOWNhole.
This will cause excess wear on the reverse helix in the mule shoe
and the helix end of the pulser. As the abrasion ring is worn down,
many events could occur that may cause unique operational
abnormalities in the probe.
Condition of Screen Housing and Screens
Insure that the screens are intact and none are missing. Inspect for
severe wear and erosion, and replace any screens that are damaged.
Screens with oversized holes should be changed out with new or less
worn screens.

-12Chapter 5 | Operations Manual


Level of Silicone Oil

There three areas to check the oil level in-between runs.
Look at the bellows and check for any leaking in and around the
screen housing area. Push the bladder in with a BLUNT instrument
(5/16 th Hex driver) in one of the two middle holes and feel for
resistance. If the bladder feels like it collapses without any
resistance, then check the third area. The third area to check is the
oil fill plug. Removing this plug should only be done by a trained
and experienced operator.
Oil Fill Plugs
The oil fill plugs should not be removed from the pulser in the field,
unless an oil fill kit is available on location and the operator is
proficient in the oil fill procedure. Should the operator decide not to
run the pulser prior to returning to the shop, the plug can be opened
for inspection. Keep this area clean from all debris. Clean the plug
and screwdriver slot area completely prior to removal. If the pulser
is cold the oil may not appear at the surface. If the pulser is warm
or hot, then oil may well up and spill over the rim of the port
Pulser Driver Assembly
The pulser driver assembly is an electronic device. Field inspection
should be kept to the minimum of a visual inspection to look for
physical damage caused by excess vibration or fluid invasion. If
there is any doubt to the integrity of the assembly, it should be
returned to Compass. for inspection and possible repair.
Servo-poppet Actuation with Pulser Test Box
Actuation of the pulser with the Pulser Test Box will give a complete
test of the pulser's electronic and mechanical parts. However, it is
not capable of testing the flow switch. Should the pulser not
actuate, then all of the connections from the box to the pulser and
the power source should be checked.

-13Chapter 5 | Operations Manual


Battery Troubleshooting Guide

Batteries can be checked for proper operation by using the
Breakout Box (#203140) to check the unloaded voltage and continuity. By
assembling a complete tool with the breakout box in line between any of the
modules and placing the tool into the dry pulse mode, the loaded voltage can be
monitored. Note, all unloaded batteries will read maximum after they have had
time to recharge. However, after a load is placed on the system, the batteries
will display the true operating voltage. The following instructions will guide the
operator in the proper procedures to connect the system.
Battery Continuity and Unloaded Voltage Check
1. Lay the battery module flat and note the uphole and DOWNhole positions

WARNING: Insure that all of the switches on the breakout

box are in the 'Break' position. This will prevent you from
completing a circuit through the breakout box. Insert the
plug marked Down (indicates DOWNhole orientation of the
breakout box) on the box into the uphole end of the battery
module (end nearest the vent plug). Insert the plug marked
Up (indicates uphole orientation of the breakout box) on the
box into the DOWNhole end of the battery module (end
opposite the vent plug). With the voltmeter in the Ohms
(resistance) position, place the black lead into the No. 1
position and the red lead into the opposite No. 1 position,
you should observe a closed circuit (activate the audio alarm
if available). With either of the leads (not both), insert one of
the leads into the No. 2 socket and then into the No. 3 and
so on to No. 10. Each time you should observe an open
circuit (no sound). If a closed circuit is observed (heard),
then a short is present between those two lines. Next place
the lead that remained in socket No. 1 into socket No. 2 of
the same color. Place the other lead into socket No. 2 of the
opposite color. At this point you should observe an opened
circuit (no audio alarm). This is O.K. Continue to socket No.
3 with the second lead and you should observe a closed
circuit (audio alarm).

-14Chapter 5 | Operations Manual

This is O.K. Continue to check the circuits by
following the same routine to determine if any of the Bus
lines are shorted to another Bus and the housing
components. Refer to the battery pack wiring diagram
and note that Bus 2 and Bus 3 cross paths through the
length of the battery. This procedure allows for the switching
from one battery to another when the tool is using the
stacked configuration.

With the Breakout box and the tool in the same position
place the black lead of the volt meter into socket No. 01 on
the black lower row and place the red lead of the voltmeter
into socket No. 03 on the red upper row. You should read a
voltage of 29 DC ( .5 VDC). With only the black row plug
(Down) inserted, voltage can be read from the black sockets
Nos. 1 & 2. And with only the red row plug (Up) inserted, the
voltage can be read from the red sockets Nos. 1 & 3. Do
this only if you are going to do a voltage check and not a
complete continuity test.

Loaded Voltage Battery Check


To perform a loaded battery voltage, it is currently advisable

to place the Breakout Box in line with the system and
configure the tool to pulse on the ground. (Refer to Dry
Pulse Test) Monitor the battery voltage as above while the
tool is pulsing. This will give the operator an indication of the
voltage while the tool is operating with the load that the tool
will see DOWNhole. Note that these voltages are measured
at ambient temperature on the surface and that the batteries
will possible deliver a slightly higher reading after the system
is warmed up.

-15Chapter 5 | Operations Manual


The importance of tracking the operating hours of
the batteries and the on time hours cannot be stressed
enough. The easiest way to do this is to record the time
that the tool is made up and the time that the tool begins pulsing
(start of drilling time) and then the time the tool stopped ( end of
drilling time) and the time that the batteries are disconnected.
These time spans will give the operator the necessary data to
compile a history battery usage. By combining this data with the
other configurations of the tool (pulse width, directional only, or
directional with gamma ray detector), the operator will be able to
accurately determine
and predict the potential life span of his
battery packs and determine how to obtain the maximum amount of
battery life without jeopardizing the operation.
Compass MWD Directional Module

Troubleshooting Guide
The Directional Module contains the Compass electronics package and the
DOWNhole processor (Node 20). This module acquires all directional data and
controls and commands the entire MWD tool and peripheral modules. This
package is designed to withstand tremendous amounts of DOWNhole shock and
vibration, but it must be noted that it contains numerous sensitive electronic
devices that require care and attention when handled on the surface. If any
problems are suspected to exist with this system, the operator should follow the
prescribed procedures to assist in troubleshooting the module to determine the
extent of, if any, damage.
Directional Module Continuity Check
Lay the module in a safe and secure position, and make note of the Uphole (6pin connector) end and the DOWNhole (4-pin connector) end. Insure that all of
the switches on the Breakout Box (PN# 203140) are in the 'Break" position.
Insert the leads of the Breakout Box into the appropriate ends of the Survey
Electronics module. With the leads of the test meter in the proper sockets, (black
in COM, red in ), insert the black lead into the black sockets and the red lead
into the red sockets of the Breakout Box, and check the module for continuity (11, 2-2, ...., 10-10) as instructed by the chart below and record the results on a
copy of the blank form supplied.

-16Chapter 5 | Operations Manual


For the subsequent test, place the black meter lead into the
Bus 1 red socket of the Breakout Box and the red meter lead
into the Bus 2 red socket and continue to check the module (12, 1-3, 1-4, ...., 1-10 and then 2-3, 2-4, ...., 2-10, and so on) according to the
chart and record the results. It is best to use a test meter with an auto ranging
feature and a digital readout. This will make the comparison of the results more
accurate. Please note that different meters are calibrated differently and may
result in variations of the results listed in the example. The technician should not
be alarmed with slight differences, 5% (10% range), in the readings. Only gross
differences should be noted and then should the system be returned for further
evaluation. Refer to Inspection of the Transorbs.
Inspection of the Transorbs
The transorbs are board mounted devices placed in line with the six Bus lines
that are connected to the MPU. The board is encapsulated in a resin compound
designed to fit snugly in the up hole end of the module at the bulk head
assembly. The transorbs are voltage limiters designed to act as 'fuses' in the
case of a long duration, high voltage spike caused by static discharge or a short
in the bus lines from the battery. Should the operator measure an open line or
other drastic differences in the continuity check of the module, this would be the
next location to be checked prior to sending the system back for further
MWD Roll Test
Refer to the MWD Roll Procedure in the QDT MWD Training Manual for the
proper procedure. This routine will activate the entire Survey Electronics and
display the measured values of each individual sensor in the module. The
Gamma Module can be attached and powered by the system to display the
measured values for a simultaneous test of the Gamma module. By using this
routine the operator can visually inspect the measured values of each component
for potential problems. Perform a 25 point roll test according to the procedure
and evaluate the measurements. The results should fall into the ranges
prescribed on the printout. Should any of the results fall outside of the ranges,
go through the following flow chart and check the results. This test should be
performed before and after each job.

-17Chapter 5 | Operations Manual


1. Is the g-total = 1.0000 0.0004?
Yes - accelerometers are good.
No - go to Step 2.
2. Are any of the accelerometer readings remaining
the same regardless of the orientation?
Yes - That particular accelerometer is damaged.
No - Possible loss of calibration - go to Step 3.
3. Is the MAGF value equal to the prescribed value in
the Site Environment Settings in the range of 0.0035
Yes - Magnetometers are good.
No - go to Step 4.
4. Was the tool rolled in a non magnetic
Yes - Remove the unit from the barrel for inspection
or return the module for inspection at your shop or the
No - Reroll the unit in a cleaner environment, go to
Step 1.
If there are any problems with the system, i.e. failed roll test, failed continuity test
or failed flow simulation test, the system should be returned to TENSOR, Inc. for
inspection, evaluation and re-calibration.. Removing the system from the barrel
will nullify the calibration and cause inaccuracies in the directional
measurements. Proper calibration cannot be obtained without the complete
survey system contained in the barrel.

-18Chapter 5 | Operations Manual


Continuity Check for Interconnect Module/

Bow Spring/Fin Centralizer
The Interconnect Module/Centralizer is a simple wire-way for the bus lines
through the tool. If one of these components is suspected of having a short or
broken connection, then it should be checked for continuity, using an Ohm meter.
Lay the module in a flat and secure position, and make note of the Uphole (6-pin
connector) end and the DOWNhole (4-pin connector) end. Insure that all of the
switches on the Breakout Box (PN# 203140) are in the 'Break" position. Insert
the leads of the Breakout Box into the appropriate ends of the Interconnect
module. With the leads of the test meter in the proper sockets, (black in COM,
red in ), insert the black lead into the black sockets and the red lead into the red
sockets of the Breakout Box, and check the module for continuity (B1-R1, B2-R2,
...., B10-R10) as instructed by the chart below and record the results on a copy
of the blank form supplied. The value of the measurements should be 0.50
0.1 . It is best to use a test meter with an auto ranging feature and a digital
readout. This will make the comparison of the results more accurate. Please
note that different meters are calibrated differently and may result in variations of
the results listed in the example. The technician should not be alarmed with
slight differences, 5% (10% range), in the readings. Gross differences should
be noted and only then should the system be returned for further evaluation or
broken down for rebuild..
To check the unit for shorts, place the black meter lead into the Bus 1 black
socket of the Breakout Box and the red meter lead into the Bus 2 red socket and
continue to check the module (B1-R2, B1-R3, B1-R4, ...., B1-R10, B1-Barrel and
then B2-R3, B2-R4, ...., B2-R10, B2-Barrel and so on) according to the chart and
record the results. All of these readings should measure OL. Should any reading
other than OL. be measured, then the possibility of a short exist and the check
should be rerun and the procedure be checked before breaking down the unit. If
the test is consistent, then the unit has a short connection and requires rebuild by
a qualified technician.

-19Chapter 5 | Operations Manual


Well Information
Evaluate the job to select the best operating parameters

Formations to be drilled (Resistivity logs)

Depth of hole
Casing depth
Drilling fluids
Select Power setting
Select Pulse width

The Compass EM requires these additional components along with
the standard Compass MWD System:
Compass Transmitter Module, Isolation Sub, Extended Battery

-20Chapter 5 | Operations Manual



Power Supply Cable (ground prong removed), Antenna Cable, BOP

Cable, BNC Cable, Transducer Pigtail Cable

Frequency Interface Receiver, Transmitter Test Box, Oscilloscope,
Line Conditioner (optional), Power Bar (with the ground removed
on the plug)

Antenna Rods, Clamps

-21Chapter 5 | Operations Manual


The Directional Module accumulates data including INC and AZM, etc.
The Centralizer/Interconnect Assembly provides electrical connection between each module
and contact to the drill string. Bow springs should be tight so they make good contact to the
drill collar. Poor contact can cause weak or no signal.
The Gamma Module can be added to the tool string above the Transmitter Module and operated
using the existing gamma software.
IMPORTANT: Before starting make sure there are no shorts from any lines to the housing
of all modules except for the Compass Transmitter. This can be done by ringing out the
modules with a break out box. Since we are making a dipole antenna with the tool string
the EM signal may interfere with the operation of the tool.
Assemble the tool string with the normal MWD setup procedure. The Compass Transmitter
Module is placed on the bottom of the tool string and should be assembled first.
Do not have the programming cable plugged in the tool string when tightening the tools or tap
testing. It will turn the transmitter on and will lock up the Qbus (no communications) and if the
programming cable is shielded, voltage may travel from the barrel to the surface equipment and
may result in damage to the equipment.
Do not ground the SAI or any surface system.
Do not have the transducer cable connected to the FI Receiver when programming the tools.
Connect the transducer cable from the FI Receiver to the Surface system once all programming
is complete. Every time you change the tool programming, you are required to unplug the
transducer cable.

SASP Surface System

Program the Remote Terminal first without the tool connected. Unplug the two main cables to
program and high-side of the tool string. Reconnect the main cables to tap test the tool. When in
operation, make sure the rig floor display is electrically isolated from the rig or electrical
interference from the rig may interfere with the operation. This can be done by using a
nonconductive case to hang the rig floor display on the rig.


Antenna Cable 600 or 200m

BOP Cable 300 or 100m
Transducer cable


-22Chapter 5 | Operations Manual

The Isolation Sub is connected on top of the UBHO Sub in the BHA
assembly. An Isolation Sub ohm measurement should be performed before
picking up tools. This is done by putting the Isolation Sub on wooden
blocks for insulation from ground and measuring across the gap with a
multimeter set to ohms. This prevents any false reading from whatever the
sub is lying on. A measurement of greater than 1000 ohms should be seen. If the reading is
less, clear away any debris around the isolation area inside and out and measure again. It is
normal to see the resistance climb slowly to an open circuit. If the sub still reads under 1000
ohms, do not run it.
Visually inspect the annular washer for any cracks or pitting. If cracks are observed, do not run
the gap sub. If pitting has occurred, talk to your MWD coordinator for confirmation of running it.

Never torque the Isolation area of the sub.

Make sure the tool gap lines up within 6 inches of the Isolation (Gap) Sub. To measure the
distance of the tool alignment:

Measure the inner shoulder of the UBHO Sub, e.g. 27

Measure Muleshoe sleeve up to the wear cuff, e.g. 14
Subtract the distance (27 14 = 13)
Measure the length of the face of the Gap Sub to the gap area, e.g. 20
Add the distance of gap from top of Muleshoe sleeve (13 + 20 = 33)
The Transmitter tool gap is 30 from the wear shoulder
Subtract distance tool gap sits from Gap Sub (33 30 = 3)

-23Chapter 5 | Operations Manual



+ / - 6.0 alignment
Arc over currents through mud

Incorrect Alignment Degrades Signal & Wastes Battery


-24Chapter 5 | Operations Manual


Once on location, introduce yourself to the company representative as soon
as practical. In addition, notify the office once all of our company personnel
have arrived, or if someone is missing, and the contact phone numbers at the site should be
given to the coordinator.

The job is expected to be set up and equipment tested as soon as possible upon

Confirm hole size to be drilled and the services required (Directional, EM,
Conduct a quick inventory to determine if all of the required subs and tubulars
are present.
Confirm the non-magnetic drill collar I.D. for MWD fin selection.
Unpack and proceed to conduct an inventory of EM MWD specific equipment.
Notify the Directional Driller of the services to be run (i.e., Gamma) and the tool
mode that will be run.
Review and verify the Declination, Dip angle, Magnetic fields, with the DD and
well plots supplied.
Review drilling program to check for conductive/resistive formations and their
depth. If possible, obtain offset well log with resistivity data.

Battery life and power level transmission are the key items to consider. Maximum power setting
will allow only 2-3 days of drilling, and will consume upwards of $1,000.00 per day in battery
costs. It is imperative that the EM MWD operator selects power levels and power shifts properly
to provide good detection while minimizing battery costs. We have seen that 1 watt of power can
be detected at depths up to 1500m (5000ft).


Rotary Noise, Top Drive Noise, Environmental Noise

Permeates out from rig

Properly ground floor motors, pumps, & light plants
Move antenna stake further away from rig
Formations can cause a noisy signal-signal may clean up once drilled

-25Chapter 5 | Operations Manual

The EM Directional surface system is relatively simple and easy to set up.
The major components and their preferred locations are as follows:

Typically 2 ground stakes are utilized. One is clamped onto the
rigs BOP while a second is driven into the ground as a
reference. The deeper a ground rod, the better detection should
be. Often a noisy rig may require 2 ground rods be used and not
the Rigs BOP. Some alternative grounding (antenna)
configurations are:

Rig anchors (not connected to rig)

Metal culverts
Old well heads
Steel fence posts

One cannot say for certain which works the best. However,
operators will develop an innate understanding of what works

The main cable is run from the rig floor junction box to the
junction box located in the work shack. Each kit is supplied with
two cables (75 m long) and a short jumper that can be used to
connect them should the rig be located a significant distance
from the working shack. The EM MWD utilizes the same cable
as the standard Compass mud pulse systems. The main cable
should be clearly marked with flagging tape, which hangs at
least a meter and spaced no more than 5 meters apart on
the cable. All cables shall be run in a neat and tidy manner,
out of harms way!


The Rig Floor Display (RFD) is generally mounted in the Dog
House. The rig floor junction box, if used, is also located in the
Dog House. The RFD has a graphical and digital readout.

The computer decodes the conditioned signal, applies offset and
magnetic declination to the survey, sends calculated data to the
RFD, and records a log of detection activity.

The Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) conditions the rig power
to provide a steady output to the surface computers and
receiver. Models may vary but the standard 650 KVA should
allow the system to run 45 to 60 minutes on battery reserve.
Ensure the proper power supply cable (heavy-duty) is used as
light service cords may fail.

-26Chapter 5 | Operations Manual


Compass Directional EM Surface Configuration

Make sure all the power cords do not have a third ground prong. If the ground line is
present in the power cord, then you will not see pressure (pumps) on the software when
the transducer pigtail cable is connected to the surface equipment. Any ground prong can
cause a ground loop.
Have all cables plugged in before powering up the FI Receiver.

-27Chapter 5 | Operations Manual


The BOP cable should be connected to the BOP on the rig and run back to
the FI Receiver. The antenna rod is pounded into the ground (at least 1
foot deep) away from the rig in a moist undisturbed area. Connect the
antenna cable from the rod to the FI Receiver.

Important: Clean a BOP bolt with a wire brush and file to ensure good contact with clamp,
make sure clamp is screwed down tight. Use vice grips to clamp down wire if there is no
spot on the BOP.

An alternate place for the antenna cable is on a close by well head

-28Chapter 5 | Operations Manual



Connect the Power Supply cable, Antenna cable, BOP cable, BNC- BNC cable to the
Oscilloscope. Leave the Transducer pigtail cable unplugged until the tool is programmed.
Once the tool and SAI/BTRc/RT is programmed, connect the Transducer pigtail cable from the
SAI to the FI Receiver. At this point, a base line pressure should appear on the QMWDPC
/BENCHTREE software (approx 450 psi). The actual number will depend on what PTFS, PTO,
PTG is set to.

The gain settings are used to amplify the signal, located on the front of the FI Receiver. The gain
can be set from 0 19, a good number to start with would be 6. Adjust the numbers by pressing
the + / - buttons until you get a peak voltage of approximately 5 volts on the scope. Anything
under 0.7V will not be detected by the software. Use the Gain Adj. dial to increase or decrease
the gain by smaller increments. When gaining the signal up and down, adjust the scaling on the
scope for a better view.

SAT Led are indicators of too high of gain and will flash red when the amps begin to saturate.
When this happens, turn the gain down by pressing the gain +/- buttons until the SAT lights turn
off. Extended amplifier saturation will cause damage to the FI Receiver and will cause
unwanted noise.


Always set the switch to Auto (default). This lets the system operate normally. Use the Override
switch during surveys when there is noise causing the FI Receiver to think that the tool is turning
on. The Override switch prevents the Receiver from cycling the pumps on/off because of noise.
Once the tool is in sync, switch back to auto. The pumps will not cycle off if the Override
switch is on.

The Low/High Window is used to increase or decrease the window that the FI Receiver uses to
look for signal. Set to 1 and 6 (default). To decrease the window when there is noise, press one
at a time. Do not adjust during slides as you may lose sync.

-29Chapter 5 | Operations Manual



The Frequency Interface Receiver takes the signal transmitted from the tool, filters it, and sends
the signal to the SAI or RT for decoding. The decoded signal is viewed and monitored on the
QMWDPC/Benchtree software. The F.I. Receiver always looks for the tool to turn On/Off
(transmitting) instead of looking for flow on/off. The pressure will now no longer affect the
QMWDPC/Benchtree software because the tool will only see vibration. You will see the pressure
on in the QMWDPC/Benchtree software until the tool stops transmitting, then pumps will read
off for 8 sec and pumps on will start counting again.



-30Chapter 5 | Operations Manual


The Oscilloscope is used for monitoring and troubleshooting. It will not interfere with the
operation of the system. The signal on the Oscilloscope corresponds to the pulses on the
QMWD PC/Benchtree software. The view can be adjusted by scaling on the Oscilloscope.

Turn the Oscilloscope on (power button on top) to view the Main Menu screen. Make sure the
base line is running across the screen. If it is not, press the RUN/STOP button on the top righthand corner.

Press the CH1 button where the

BNC cable is connected on the front
of the Oscilloscope. On the screen,
set the following by pressing the
button next to the screen.

Coupling DC
BW Limit Off 60Mhz
Volts/Div Coarse
Probe 1X
Invert Off

-31Chapter 5 | Operations Manual


Where the BNC cable is connected, press the CH 1 Menu button. Vertical
scaling is adjusted using the Volts/Div knob. You can see it in the lower left
corner. Set CH1 to 1 or 2V. This represents each square on the Oscilloscope as 1 or 2 volts.
You can count the number of squares to determine the volt peak.
Set the Sec/Div knob to M500ms (found on the bottom). The baseline position can be adjusted
using the Vertical Position knob. Set to the middle of the screen for a better view. Make sure the
peak on the Oscilloscope is above 1V. Do not gain above 10V peak.

Tool working with good signal.


Open the QMWDPC/Benchtree software. Once the tool is transmitting and it is visible on the
Oscilloscope, adjust the HIPL and the LOPL to correspond with the pulse amplitude on the
software. If the pulses are above the 640psi scale, adjust the PTG to a decimal value to
attenuate the signal to greater than one to gain the signal. PTFS can also be adjusted to either
attenuate or gain the signal. FBWF like on a mud pulse tool will also help to filter out noise.
Adjust it like you would for a mud pulse tool. Start with FBWF: 0.5 and adjust accordingly.
Operator preference will determine the pulse height to run.

Make sure the Gamma computer also has the ground prong removed. If there is a ground loop
problem, the SAI pressure will read zero when the Qbus cable is plugged in. Make sure the Wits
computer also has the ground prong removed.

-32Chapter 5 | Operations Manual


1. Telemetry Transmission Options

Receive Delay Time = 10 seconds

Transmit Delay Time = 15 seconds
When you click close a screen will pop up saying
The values you have set for TxDt and RxDt may prevent sync decoding you either need to
increase TxDt by 10 Sec or decrease RxDt by 10 sec. Do you wish to make these changes
now? Click NO. For Underbalanced Wells (re-sync option mode 4), the Receive Delay
time must be 15 seconds apart from Transmit Delay time.
Downlink Commands only enable if the operator has experience with Downlinking.
To prevent the tool from downlinking accidentally, set the Command Time Period to the
maximum setting of 90 seconds. This keeps the driller from accidentally downlinking the tool
during connections.
Make sure Sync Word Type Format is set to 1111.
*Do not set to 3111 because the triple wide pulse uses a different frequency and will not
sync up.

-33Chapter 5 | Operations Manual


2. Transmission Sequences
Survey Sequences
Survey Sequence should be the same on all sequence numbers. Copy and paste the sequence.
Annular pressure abbreviation is GV1; the minimum bits should be set to 13 or higher. These
values transmitted are in pounds per square inch (PSI).
Example: GV1:13Parity
This can be added to the Survey Sequence or Toolface Sequence.

Tool face /Logging Sequences

Tool face sequences should all be the same in all the sequence numbers. Copy and Paste the
Annular pressure abbreviation is GV1, with the minimum bits set to 13 or higher. These values
are transmitted in pounds per square inch (PSI). Example: GV1:13Parity. This can be added to
the Survey Sequence or Toolface Sequence.

-34Chapter 5 | Operations Manual


3. Mode Control Settings

Each mode number represents a different power selection.

Low Volt:
Mode 1 = 8 Amp
Mode 2 = 5 Amp
Mode 3 = 3 Amp
Mode 4 = 3 Amp Re-sync Option (for underbalanced situations when the flow switch stays
on) Tool will re-sync after 16 minutes.
High Volt:
Mode 1 = 4 Amp
Mode 2 = 2.5 Amp
Mode 3 = 1 Amp
Mode 4 = mud pulse telemetry
Multi Frequency Settings are selected by the Toolface logging sequence:
T/L Sequence 1 = 0.370 Default
T/L Sequence 2 = 0.250
T/L Sequence 3 = 0.125
T/L Sequence 4 = 0.78 (Do not use - still under development.)
Select the Mode Number to match the required power. Leave the Survey Sequence #
corresponding to the mode # per example above. This helps indicate which mode you are in
when downlinking is enabled. Do not run mode 1 or 2 (8 or 5 Amp) with the standard
batteries, it will blow the fuse. Only run the 8 and 5 Amp with the EM batteries.
Pulse Width:
DO NOT USE any pulse width greater than 0.6. This will adversely affect the pulse definition and

-35Chapter 5 | Operations Manual


Magnetic Field Data and Directional Processing Controls

4. Location Specific Data
Input all required fields. This Information should be furnished by the client

5. Directional Processing Controls

High Temperature threshold should be set to the maximum expected downhole temperature
This is a switch, the tool will power down when this temperature is detected.

6. Gamma
If the rotary switch is installed, the Gamma Sensor Power Control enables or disables the RFS.
Gamma Sensor Power Control: Enabled. - Turns off the RFS and it acts like a normal vibration
Gamma Sensor Power Control: Disabled Turns on the RFS and flow will go off after 2
minutes and 15 seconds of continuous rotation.

-36Chapter 5 | Operations Manual


7. Battery: New version software where the Battery Full Scale option is
available, BFS Default is 41.7 for standard batteries. Set to 44.5 when
using the 22 V Compass Battery.
The Low Battery Voltage switchover should be set to 18.5V for the Compass extended battery
cell. Leave standard cells as per normal operation.

8.Pump Settings
Pump on Threshold set to 200 PSI
Pressure Transducer Rating set to less than 5000 PSI
Pressure Transducer Gain Set to 1

9. Flow Settings
Flow On/Off Evaluation Time Set to 5 second
These values can be adjusted during drilling.
Do not turn INVF: ON
Once the Configuration is completed Run the Tool face Offset Program and high side the tool.

10. Pulse detection: set low pulse limit to 4.

-37Chapter 5 | Operations Manual


Connect the transmitter test box to the isolation ring area on the Compass Transmitter Module.
The red clamp should be placed on the top of the transmitter body and the black clamp should be
on the bottom of the transmitter body (down hole end).
Note: The isolation ring isolates the top transmitter body from the lower transmitter body. Make
sure that there is not a tool stand under the isolation ring that can cause a short across the tool
isolation when measuring the output voltage. Connect the transmitter test box to the BOP
connector and to the Antenna connector on the back of the FI Receiver box. Power up the
Receiver, connect the transducer cable to the SAI, and set gain to 7.
Do not tap test the tool string with the programming cable connected to the tool and SAI.
Incorrect operations could possibly cause damage to the SAI.
Tap test the tool and watch the LED flash on the transmitter test box, indicating that the tool string
is transmitting. Tap test the tool for approximately 2 minutes to get a complete survey on the
computer screen. A pulse signal at approximately 4 Volts should appear on the Oscilloscope.
This indicates that the tool is functioning properly.

When carrying the tool string across the lease to the catwalk, the tool can turn on because of
vibration and transmit and receive delay time is set too low. Place the bottom area of the
transmitter in rags or blocks of wood when lying on catwalk. Do not drag the tool across the
catwalk as this can cause it to spark and blow a fuse. Use an extended J-Latch assembly to seat
the tool. Because of the Isolation Sub, the tool string sits deeper into the drill collar. Fill the helix
end key slot with chalk and run the tool string in without any o-rings or springs. Mark the J-Latch
at the top of the drill collar when the tool is properly seated. Pull the tool string back up and install
the contact springs and o-ring, run back down and make sure tool seats to the same spot. Do not
put a pipe wrench on the J-Latch and apply torque to the tool. The tool gap is an insulated
connection and failure may occur if torque is applied.


Make sure that the isolation subs are completely out of the casing before doing a shallow test.
Adjust gain to get a proper signal. Monitor the Oscilloscope to see if there is any noise over
1Volt. Anything over 1V may be registering as a pulse. Use the gain to adjust this and filter out
the noise. Increase the gain to increase the signal. You will notice the pulse Amplitude increase
with the gain increase. Pay attention to the formation being drilled through. Certain formations
may give you more noise until it is drilled through.

-38Chapter 5 | Operations Manual


The survey procedure is similar to standard mud pulse procedure. The operator must note that
the FI Receiver will not sense flow off/on. It can only sense if the transmitter is turned on/off
(transmitting). When pumps are off with no vibration, the tool will shut off. You will notice pumps
down for 8 seconds and then the pumps on clock will start up again. The Driller will watch the
pumps on time on the rig floor display for one minute, and then should turn the flow on. The
pumps on time will continue counting and the survey data should start coming up as per normal.
Because the Receiver will not sense flow (as a transducer), you will not notice pumps on/off
when the flow is turned on/off.
If the software does not cycle pumps off, turn the gain down or unplug the transducer pigtail cable
from the SAI. There is noise that the Receiver is seeing as if the tool is transmitting.
Switch the pumps to override if the tool is not synced up but you see sync pulses coming up on
the QMWDPC. Switch back to Auto once you have sync. The FI Receiver is seeing some noise
as transmitting signal and cycles on/off when the noise disappears. This will cause the Receiver
to miss the timing when the sync pulse is actually transmitting.
Pumps off survey sequence, as above when pumps are off with no vibration, the tool will shut
off. You will notice pumps down for 8 second and then the pumps on clock will start up again
and the survey will begin transmitting while the pumps are still off. When the survey is received
the transmitter will idle until the pumps come back on then will go directly to Toolface logging


Turn the gain down or unplug the power to the FI Receiver when you trip out of the hole. Too
high of gain can cause damage to the FI Receiver.

Ideal voltage on scope is 4-6 Volts maintained.

Write down Gain vs. Depths vs. Volts on scope.
Watch formation being drilled through.
Adjust gain accordingly.
Trip out of the hole.
Turn off or turn down receiver.

-39Chapter 5 | Operations Manual



Although theory says that EM should not work in casing, one typically will receive surveys to a
depth of 500 to 1200 feet, depending upon power levels, ground stake placements, etc.
The EM operator should be looking for signs of detection while running in hole and comparing
transmitted data to known parameters. (i.e. inclination).
Once in open hole, a survey should be taken while stationary to verify G Total and B Total, etc.

Tie on SurveyEdit a tie on survey to use as a starting point on the well. It is important that this survey
be the same as directional and coordinates throughout the course of the well are the

Surveying in holeWhile running in hole, surveys are frequently obtained to determined accurate
coordinates at kick off. The requirements for survey intervals vary with inclination, but
assuming the wells are vertical, the interval should be no more than 200 or 70m.

Tool would not shut offCheck to see if well has circulation, inspect pumps to determine if there is any
flow, bleed lines.
Run INC and AZM in tool logging sequence (re-sync option)

Noise While RotatingMove ground stake, check cables, clean all connections, and lubricate ground

Tool would not catch syncSwitch the Automatic/Manual switch to MANUAL

Tool flat linedRemove the bottom to determine if the Gap Sub failed

-40Chapter 5 | Operations Manual


Always start by isolating the GE/Benchtree equipment from the EM equipment by unplugging the
Transducer Pigtail cable. You should still be able to see the tool transmitting with the
Oscilloscope. If this doesnt cure the problem, change out the complete surface system.
Always keep in mind that EM is formation-dependent so when an incident occurs, see if you have
drilled through a different formation that may have caused the problem. Pull back into a formation
where you know the signal was working.


Adjust gains on the FI Receiver to amplify the signal. Use the Oscilloscope to monitor the signal.
Adjust the High/Low window to eliminate the noise out of the window area. If you are
experiencing a lot of noise, try running off UPS battery power to eliminate the rig power.
When experiencing noise or loss of signal, place the antenna rod as far away from the rig as
possible. Pour water around the antenna rod to dampen the ground for better contact. Find a
moist conductive material to plant the antenna rod in. Pound the antenna rod deeper. If there is
a well nearby, try tying the cable to the wellhead.
Check to ensure all cables and ground clamps are clean and secure. Run new cables. Notice if
there are any changes between on-bottom signal versus off-bottom signal. This may indicate
Isolation Sub failure.
Make sure the pump house and light plant are properly grounded.

Isolate Surface system from EM receiver.

Unplug scope for transducer cable.
Monitor scope for signal.
Check if you have drilled onto another formation.
Adjust Gain on Receiver to amplify signal.
Adjust High/Low Window to narrow the signal.
Run off UPS power supply to see if signal cleans up.
Inspect all cable connections (clean and secure or move if necessary)
Place antenna cable as far away from the rig as possible.
Check signal off bottom.
Check grounding around rig.
Always monitor the scope to see if there is a signal.

-41Chapter 5 | Operations Manual



Troubleshooting Picking up Tools

No communication


Check cables
Assuming battery or connection: Unplug sensor and batteries.
Check alignment of battery pins to key, and inspect alignment and condition of
pins on driver coupler.
Source another battery and harness (no barrel). Plug stave directly into the driver
ensuring contact if there is no activity, change out the transmitter.

Tool transmitting but low output

voltage across gap

Check connection of fluke leads to the 1 ohm resistor and to body of gap
sub. A shortened resistor or short will reduce output voltage.
Check to ensure the upper and lower end of Gap Sub is not shorted through the
rig. Either the top must not be touching blocks, etc., or the lower end hanging
free from the Monel is in the stump.
Disassemble tool and check resistance across gap. Change out if less than 190
ohms. Ensure sub is lying on wood, etc., so that there is no short.


No Detection


Poor Detection

Was tool transmitting on the rig floor? (See above)

Inside casing? Detection inside Casing is not reliable, but we have detected
to 600-700m, (1000-1500ft).
Signal observed on oscilloscope.
Antenna on BOP or behind shack OK? Check all surface-receiving antenna
wiring. You should be able to see a signal on the fluke meter when checking the
antennas. Run more antennas.
Gain set OK? Go back to 1x gain and try detection again.

Drilling by another casing string? This can greatly attenuate the signal, which
will improve as the Downhole transmitter gets further away from the adjacent
If signal is weak (1mV) or noise is high, try reducing the bandwidth in detect
> configure. If you do this, the frequency must be spot (set when signal is
Noise from the rig? Try unplugging the UPS to isolate shuttle and top end box
from the rigs power. Signal looks better? May need a generator. Is there noise
from adjacent pumps on wellheads? Get the company man to shut them down.

-42Chapter 5 | Operations Manual




-43Chapter 5 | Operations Manual



-44Chapter 5 | Operations Manual


C.MWD Tool Pickup And Lay Down Procedures &

Torque Guide

Tool Pickup and Lay - Down Procedures

-45Chapter 5 | Operations Manual


1. MWD Tool Pickup Procedure

a. Meet with the rig crew and explain the pickup procedure to insure that the tool is
picked up in a safe and secure manner to protect all personnel and the tool during the
pickup procedure. Use a minimum of three (3) persons to move the tool from the build
area to the rig and back.
b. The tool will be completely assembled and carried by three (3) persons to the open
side of the V-door between the rig and the pipe rack. (Refer to Figure 3) Place the top of
the tool (spear point) closest to the rig. Lay the tool on the ground or on one or two jackstands. DO NOT pickup from the catwalk through the V-Door!
c. Attach the lifting-bale to the top of the spear-point with the pin fully inserted into the
latch device, from the top of the slots, (Refer to Figure 1). Insure the lifting-bale is secure.
d. The pick-up line (air hoist or cathead) should be passed through the loop of the bale
assembly connecting to the two cable slings, and tied with a double knot with the hook
latched to the line.
e. Instruct the hoist operator to follow your instructions and begin picking up the tool in a
steady, smooth, and continuous action. Use the poppet-tip protector provided and do not
drag the tool on the ground. Insure that the tool does not contact the rig structure by
holding the lower end off the ground and pulling the tool away from the rig structure. Walk
the tool in to the rig as the top of the tool is lifted to vertical. Have someone keep the tool
away from the rig structure by keeping it pushed away with open hands.
f. Carefully guide the tool over the railing towards the NMDC. Pay attention to the pickup
cable position in the derrick to avoid tangles.
g. Remove the poppet protector from the bottom of the tool.
h. With the tool suspended away from the collar tool joint, test the Main Signal Poppet
again, by depressing it upward into the Poppet housing, several times.
I. Perform another tap test on the rig floor. (Refer to Tap Test Procedure)
j. Apply a generous amount of lubricant (DC 111 or pipe dope) to the lower helix end and
the o-ring and abrasion ring.
k. Carefully align the MWD tool above the box end of the non-Mag collar and have the
hoist operator slowly lower the tool down until the lifting bale rests gently on the top of the
NMDC. Give the tool one last visual inspection as it is lowered into the collar. Carefully
inspect the latching device to insure that it is secure.
L. Slowly rest the lifting bale arms on the top of the collar and slack off on the hoist line.
Take extreme care not to damage the shoulder of the NMDC.

-46Chapter 5 | Operations Manual


m. Release the hoist line from the sling of the lifting bale assembly and attach the hoist
line to the top shackle of J-latch assembly. If the shackle is damaged or missing the rope
socket may be used attached to the rigs slickline Insure the proper amount of spacer bars
between the J-latch and the shackle assembly, to lower the tool to the Mule Shoe.
n. Attach the J-latch onto the pins of the spear-point of the MWD tool and secure the pins
in the J-latch by pushing down and turning the J-latch counter-clockwise.
o. Direct the hoist operators to slowly lift the tool assembly connected to the J-latch and
lift the tool about one foot and remove the lifting bale assembly. Be acutely aware of
possible pinch-points and keep hands and fingers clear!
p. Contact the Directional Supervisor to witness the next operation. This is a requirement!
Instruct the hoist operator to gently lower the tool down into the collar until the tool
contacts the Muleshoe sleeve. DO NOT run the tool in hard! Severe contact of the point
of the helix to the Muleshoe Key can damage one or the other or both. CLOSELY
observe the tool for rotation as it enters the Muleshoe sleeve and seats. Have the hoist
operator gently lift the tool up approximately 3 feet and rotate the tool 180 degrees
counter-clockwise then slowly lower the MWD tool assembly back into the Muleshoe
sleeve. Again, CLOSELY observe the tool for rotation as it enters the Muleshoe sleeve.
With a pipe wrench, grip the spacer bar and attempt to rotate the tool, clockwise looking
down hole. A strong resistance to turn will indicate that the tool is seated. The MWD
operator and the Directional Supervisor MUST observe the tools rotation before
q. Disconnect the J-latch from the spear point by pushing down on the spacer bar and
lifting the assembly off the tool.
r. Pickup the lifting and seating tools and clean them completely and place them back in
the kit box. Keep them clean and free from rust by painting them.

-47Chapter 5 | Operations Manual


2. MWD Tool lay-down Procedures

a. Meet with the rig crew and carefully explain the lay-down procedure to insure that the
tool is laid down in a safe and secure manner to protect all personnel and the tool during
the lay down procedure.
b. Attach J-latch to top of tool. Slowly pick up the tool to slots on spear point for attaching
pick-up bale. Attach the bale to the MWD tool and insert the locking pin from the bottom
(Refer to Figure 2). Be acutely aware of possible pinch-points and keep hands and
fingers clear! Stay in communication with the hoist line operator. Then lower the tool to
allow bale to rest on top of NMDC. Be aware not to damage the shoulder of the NMDC.
c. Remove J-latch and transfer pick-up line to bale sling.
d. Make contact with the hoist operator and slowly pick-up tool while spraying with water
wipe down tool with rags and inspect all parts of the tool for wear. If the tool failed, do not
wash down tool only wipe with rag. Make note of any irregularities or excessive wash
on the tool string. Make a report of the condition of the tool on the run report.
e. Stop at the screen housing inlet screens. Wash out the servo-poppet area behind the
screen, thoroughly. Continue to pick-up tool, slowly.
f. Ease the tool over the edge of the collar and instruct the hoist operator to hold the tool
steady and securely. Then manually push the signal poppet up and down. Movement
should be firm but smooth. Spray water up through the opening at the bottom of the
signal poppet. Manually push the poppet/shaft up and down to force out all mud and
water. Do this until fluid is clean.
g. Attach the poppet protector to the bottom of the tool.
h. Carefully guide the tool over to the railing next to the V-door and carefully lower the
tool down. Guide the tool down and do not allow the tool to drag or bump the sidewall.
I. Grab the lower end of the pulser and quickly walk away from the rig and have the tool
slowly and steadily lowered to the ground. You will need assistance to insure that the tool
does not contact the ground with excess force or contact the rig structure. Sidewall
impacts on the tool can cause severe damage.
j. Gently lay the tool down and disconnect the bale assembly from the pickup line and the
k. Return to the rig floor and break the set screws on the Muleshoe for removal. Remove
the Muleshoe sleeve as soon as possible. It is best to do this when the UBHO is just out
of the hole
l. Three people will then carry the MWD tool to a secure place. Inspect and break down
the tool and perform maintenance on the parts.

-48Chapter 5 | Operations Manual


-49Chapter 5 | Operations Manual


Note: Position on rig to Pick-up and Laydown MWD tool. Do not pickup or laydown MWD tool
through V-door and down ramp. Always pickup and laydown MWD at position on rig as indicated
in sketch. Note: Pickup and lay-down

-50Chapter 5 | Operations Manual



Drill Collar Connections

-51Chapter 5 | Operations Manual


ALWAYS convert Torque (ft/lbs) to line pull. Convert Tong Length to decimal feet. Single Line Pull
Effective TongArm Length

50 (inches)
12 (inches)

4.2 Feet

Example 6 3/4 ID X 2 13/16 OD, 4 IF, Rec. Trq, 30,400 33,400 Ft/lbs
33,400 / 4.2 = 7,950

ft/lbs Line Pull.

-52Chapter 5 | Operations Manual


Drill Pipe Connections

-53Chapter 5 | Operations Manual


Tool Joint Specifications 1





-54Chapter 5 | Operations Manual


Approximate Weight (lbs) of Non-Magnetic Drill Collars

-55Chapter 5 | Operations Manual


Good Drill Pipe/Collar Handling Practices

All MWD operators should observe some of the practices on the rig when tripping. Not following
the practices listed below can alert operators that there may be problems down the road due to
lax handling practices.

Initial Make-up
Proper initial make-up is probably the most important factor affecting the life of the tool joint
connections. Here are some recommendations to follow:
1. Proper make-up torque is determined by the connection type, size, OD and ID and
may be found in torque tables.
2. Make-up connections slowly, preferably using chain tongs. (High speed Kelly spinners
or the spinning chain used on initial make-up can cause galling of the threads.)
3. Tong them up to the predetermined torque using a properly working calibrated torque
gauge to measure the required line-pull.
4. Breakout, clean, visually inspect, redope and (repeat 1-3). Always use the backup
tongs to make and break connections.
5. Stagger breaks on each trip so that each connection can be checked, redoped and
made up every second or third trip, depending on the length of drill pipe and size rig.
Drill pipe deserves good surface, handling equipment and tools. Check slips and master bushings
before damage occurs to the tube.
Do not stop the downward movement of the drill stem with the slips. This can cause crushing or
necking down of the drill pipe tube. The drill pipe can also be damaged by allowing the slips to
ride on the pipe during trips out of the hole.
Always use back-up tongs to make and break connections and rotate breaks when tripping.
Good rig practices will help eliminate time consuming trips in the future, looking for washouts or
fishing for drill pipe lost in the hole.

-56Chapter 5 | Operations Manual



-57Chapter 5 | Operations Manual


A: GRT Resistivity
B: Gen II Resistivity



Most MWD Resistivity tools are of the Wave Propagation type, and can
accurately measure the average rock-formation resistivity.
However, this type of tool may be difficult to use in horizontal drilling because it
requires complex interpretation of phase and attenuation logs to see an adjacent
bed-boundary. It is easy to mistake curve separations due to other effects such
as anisotropy or invasion, resulting in drilling through a bed-boundary, and then
having to backtrack.
CBG Corporation has invented and patented (US patent #6,064,210) and UK
patent 2,353,596, a method for measuring resistivity as a vector quantity.
For example, up to one meter before mistakenly drilling out of a reservoir,
advance indication of the distance and direction to a nearby shale bed is
available so that corrective action can be taken.
The addition of directional information to the resistivity reading provides a new
enabling technology for geosteering, at a price that is affordable for directionaldrilling companies.

The GRT is an advanced imaging laterolog device,

incorporating four independent receiving electrodes to
create an azimuthally-sensitive resistivity
This capability allows the GRT to detect a nearby bed,
determine whether it is conductive or resistive, and
ascertain its direction and distance.
In the diagram at left (from a computer model), the
electric current density is higher in the upper
conductive rock region (e.g. a shale), so the upper electrode receives a bigger
Unlike competing tools, it is not necessary to rotate the GRT to obtain
directionally-sensitive resistivity measurements.

-1Chapter 6 | Resistivity GRT


Directional resistivity data from the GRT can be graphically presented on a

surface display (patents pending) in an enhanced version of the familiar compass
A continuously-updated borehole image showing the distance and direction to
conductive/resistive anomalies enables the operator to intelligently direct the
drilling process, without having to study resistivity logs.


techniques were applied
in creating the GRT.
For example, FEMLAB
3D Finite-ElementAnalysis modeling was
used to optimize
mechanical and
electrical parameters.
A graph (at right) from
the model of the GRT
illustrates how the ratio
of current received by a
pair of electrodes can be
used to distinguish a
parallel conductive bed
from a resistive bed, and
determine the distance
to the boundary.
Benefiting from its innovative electronic and mechanical design, the GRT
provides accurate and reliable operation, combined with low cost and
serviceability. Sophisticated self-calibrating measurement circuitry ensures that
stability and precision are maintained across the full range of operating
conditions. Should it be necessary to service or repair the GRT, its rugged,
probe-based construction makes disassembly and reassembly quick and easy.
The GRT does not employ any third-party proprietary technology so there are no
licensing fees required.

-2Chapter 6 | Resistivity GRT



Of course, in addition to
its application in
directional drilling, the
GRT performs
exceptionally as a
conventional LWD
resistivity tool. In the
graph at left, the 4.75
inch diameter tool is
shown capable of very
accurate measurements
in a 6.5 inch diameter
hole whatever the mud
resistivity. Even in
severe washouts up to
12 inches in diameter,
the tool retains
acceptable accuracy. A
complete log is saved in the GRT internal memory and can be subsequently
downloaded through a high-speed link to a PC when the GRT is retrieved from
the well. Click to see actual log of a GTI Catoosa test well. It is not necessary to
remove the tool from the BHA to
download data. Furthermore, the GRT
can include an internal Gamma-Ray tool
(standard or directional), providing
directional capability that is unique in the
industry.The GRT can be provided as a
stand-alone tool, or part of a complete
LWD resistivity system, including a
surface display, display software, and
data communications/control electronics.
A mud Pulser can be mounted above or
below due to the full 10-wire bus passing
through the tool. The GRT is available
compatible with Tensor-type systems,
and can be readily integrated into other
industry-standard tool strings. A built-in

-3Chapter 6 | Resistivity GRT


Muleshoe helix at the top end of the tool ensures that the Directional Sensor
package is always correctly oriented with the GRT sensors.
Since the GRT is a laterolog-type tool, it will not give accurate results in oil-based
muds if there is a significant amount of emulsion breakdown. However, in high
resistivity formations operation at reduced accuracy is still possible.
Laterolog tools excel in very high-resistivity formations, where it may be
necessary to distinguish between oil and fresh water. An example is the heavy-oil
Orinoco Basin of Venezuela, where the wave-propagation tools have been found
unusable. Another example is in fresh-water injection well situations, such as in
Saudi Arabia. Wave-propagation tools are not accurate in resistivities above
about 200 ohm.meters.
The GRT has another advantage over other directional types of resistivity tools.
As the graph below indicates, the detection distance for an adjacent contrasting
rock formation is dependant only on resistivity contrast, and not on the actual
resistivities. Detection distance is constant for a wide range of resistivities,


The Gen II resistivity tool uses low frequency waves that permeate into the
formation. As they travel into the formation the amplitude of the wave is attenuated. The
amplitude of the received wave corresponds how resistive the formation is. The amount
of current required to generate this wave between the transmitter and receiver is also
measured and is used to determine the resistivity of the formation. This tool as been put
together to be fully retrievable and Tensor compatible.

Key Requirements
Key components that are required to run a job but do not include the Tensor
compatible mud pulse system.
2 Resistivity Receiver.
2 Resistivity Transmitter.
2 Pony Sub.
4 Resistivity Subs.

-4Chapter 6 | Resistivity GRT


The tool string is set up according to Resistivity BHA Diagram. Bow spring
style interconnects must run with this tool because they are the electrical
contact with the BHA. Proper measurement must also be ensured so that
the interconnects touch the BHA in the correct spot. It is also very
important that the blades on all the centralizer have adequate tension so
they make good electrical contact to the BHA. It is very important that the
second bottom centralizer makes contact once landed between the four
insulator rings as drawn in the Resistivity BHA Diagram. It is also very
important that the second from the top centralizer makes contact once
landed between the four insulator rings of the top two subs as drawn in the
Resistivity BHA Diagram. The very bottom interconnect should also never
land above the bottom insulator ring on RES SUB 1. The third interconnect
from the bottom should never go below the very top insulator ring on RES
SUB 2. The interconnect between the Gamma probe and Receiver 2
should always land bellow the insulators on RES SUB3. The interconnect
between Receiver2 and Transmitter2 should always land between the
insulators of RES SUB3 and RES SUB4. And the very top interconnect
should never land on or below the insulators of RES SUB4
If any of
these parameters are altered the resistivity tool will fail to operate normally.
To achieve these measurements selecting pony subs and a UBHO sub
with the correct length will ensure these parameters are met.

-5Chapter 6 | Resistivity GRT


Measurement Setup for Pony Collar 1

For the correct measurements please refer to Resistivity Length Diagram. This
diagram illustrates a typical set up of the BHA and the tool. For the most part the tool
lengths will be fixed and will be used as a reference. The BHA lengths will not be fixed
due to thread re-cuts so pre-job length measurements are necessary. The Most important
length of the BHA is from the UBHO set screw to the bottom insulator of resistivity sub
1. This length should be a maximum of 110.16 inches and a minimum length of 98.66
inches. Any lengths outside of this will miss align the bow spring contact points on the
BHA. Good practice is to leave the two resistivity subs torqued together to prevent
thread damage and re-cuts of the threads. This will keep the length between the insulators
constant. If the length between the bottom insulator of the bottom resistivity sub and the
top insulator of the top resistivity changes this will affect the resistivity readings and
cause interconnect contact spacing problems.
This is an example of how to determine if a BHA is the correct length.
UBHO sub (setscrew to box) = 22.0
Pony Collar = 70.00
RES SUB 1 = 15.00 (from pin thread face to bottom insulator)
Total Length = 107.00
This value falls in between the 110.16 inches and the 98.66. This would be a good BHA
to run.

-6Chapter 6 | Resistivity GRT


Testing the Tool before Putting in the Ground

There are four variables that are transmitted to the directional module. They are
resistivity, resistance, voltage and current.
Resistivity: It is a unit in ohms per meter. The resistance is multiplied with a geometric
factor of approximately 13.4 to give you resistivity.
Resistance: It is a unit in ohms. It is calculated from the current and voltage.
Voltage: It is a unit in volts. It is the voltage of the received signal.
Current: It is a unit in amps. It is a measure of the current being emitted into the
These four values are tagged to generic variables in the directional module.
GV2 = Resistivity1 (ohms/meter)
GV3 = Resistance1 (ohms)
GV4 = Resistivity2 (ohms/meter)
GV5 = Resistance2 (ohms)
If an exact representation of what the resistivity tool is sending a minimum of 13 bits
must be used. An example of this for resistivity would be: GV2:13:Parity. Depending on
the operation resistivity or resistance can be sent up. Voltage and current are merely
variables for trouble shooting and are not needed to make up a resistivity curve.
Tap Testing tool (With fluid simulator test box)
Testing with a fluid simulator box enables you to test the resistivity tool in a
dynamic state. The tool string should consist of the complete resistivity tool and a
directional module. The pulser and batteries can be left off of the string at this time.
Complete programming the tool and connect the fluid simulator to the top of the
directional module. The q-bus line must be turned off or you will get zeros for all the
resistivity values. Attach the resistivity test box as illustrated in Test Setup Diagram.
Select a resistor value on the test box and turn the flow to the on position on the fluid
simulator test box. Now observe the data coming up on the telemetry interface. If you
sent up GV2 you must divide the value by 13.4 to get the resistor value. If you sent up
GV3 then the value should match within plus or minus 1.5 ohms. You can now turn the
dial on the resistivity test box to different values and observe them on the telemetry
screen. The test box has five different settings on it. They are 1.2 ohms, 3.3 ohms, 5.1
ohms, 10.0 ohms, and 22.0 ohms. These different values can be selected by turning the
dial on the top of the test box. The actual value will be sent up as GV3 and should read
within 1.5 ohms. It is very important to have the different colored clamps of the test box
attached in the correct spot on the tool. The black hadled clamp must be connected on the
top of the reciever insulator. The Blue handled clamp must be connected anywhere
between the reciever and transmitter insulator. The red insulator must be connected on
the down hole side of the transmitter insulator. This setup is illustrated in the Test Setup

-7Chapter 6 | Resistivity GRT


Test Setup Diagram

Tap Testing tool (Without fluid simulator test box)

Once the tool is completely assembled and programmed a tap test can be
performed. When tap testing the tool you must not have the programming cable plugged
into the tool or use inverse flow (invf) to turn on the flow switch. Attach the test box and
as illustrated in Test Setup Diagram and set the switch to a corresponding resistor
value. Tap the flow switch to activate the flow switch and continue tapping the tool long
enough for it to go through the full sequence to the point the tool would have pulsed up
the resistivity value. After this point the resistivity value will be stored in the directional
modules memory. At this point you can stop tapping the tool and plug the programming
cable into the tool and query the generic value you programmed into the tool. If you sent
up GV2 you must divide the value by 13.4 to get the resistor value. If you sent up GV3
then the value should match within plus or minus 1.5 ohms. You can then repeat this
process with different resistor values to verify multiple readings

-8Chapter 6 | Resistivity GRT


Theory of Operation
The resistivity tool emits an electromagnetic signal from two poles and a voltage is
measured at the receiving end. Current is measured at the transmitting end to derive
resistance. Refer to the illustration labelled Electromagnetic Current Flow. An internal
calculation for resistivity is calculated by multiplying the resistance reading with
13.40580417. The operation of the tool is as follows. Once the flow is turned on a 30
second timer begins counting down. If the flow turns off before the timer is done
counting down it rests until flow is turned on again. Once flow has been turned on for a
continuous 30 seconds and the timer is finished an electromagnetic signal is emitted
every twelve seconds. At each of these burst 1024 samples of the received voltage are
read and 1024 samples of the transmitted current are read. These values are then
converted to numbers the directional module can understand and are broadcasted onto the
communication line. These values are then stored in the directional units memory and
ready to be pulsed to surface.

-9Chapter 6 | Resistivity GRT



Annular pressure requires the Pressure Stinger and pressure Muleshoe sleeve.
The Muleshoe sleeve is seated into the UBHO Sub and is oriented to the high
side of the mud motor. Modified set screws with a ported hole in the middle are
used to tighten up the Muleshoe sleeve to the UBHO Sub. An alternate method
is to use a UBHO Sub that is ported.

When setting the Muleshoe sleeve to the high side, use solid set screws to lock
the sleeve in place first. Pick up tool string and seat the tool string in the collar.
Pull the BHA up to the UBHO Sub and replace the solid set screws with the
ported set screws one at a time. This will prevent any flow from coming back to
surface if the ported set screws are used.

The Transducer is located inside the barrel above the helix end. The Pressure
Stinger is screwed on to the helix end with blue Loctite. Make sure all o-rings are
installed on the Pressure Stinger - outside 210 o-ring x 4, and 115 o-ring on
threads. Make sure wear shoulder is not worn down. If it is, it will not line up the
ported hole on the Pressure Stinger to the ported holes on the Muleshoe sleeve.
Slide the pressure test sleeve over the Muleshoe and use the hydraulic pump to
apply pressure.
Configuration of the annular pressure can be setup in the Survey Sequence or
Toolface Sequence. The variable used for annular pressure is GV1, the
minimum bits that should be used is 13. For example, GV1:13 Parity. Inc,
Azm, Grav, and MagF should be added to the Toolface Logging Sequence. The
Toolface should be added to the survey sequence.

Tap test the tool and watch GV1 come up with the pressure reading.

The re-sync option Mode 4 (3 Amps) should be run for underbalanced situations.
For situations when the tool will not turn off because the well is flowing, the tool
will automatically shut off after 16 minutes and look for sync again.

-1Chapter 7 | Pressure While Drilling


Annular Pressure (optional)

E.g.. GV1:13P
Mode 4 Re-Sync option
Add Inc/AZM screws prior to landing tool
Replace with ported set screws once tool is seated

Vibration Monitoring (optional)

The drilling environment can introduce severe vibration to the drill string.
Drill string vibration which can cause excessive bit wear, reduce ROP and
premature MWD failures.

Compass VIB monitoring tool can be adapted to the EM tool string. The VIB
provides real time monitoring and early warnings of excessive vibration. The VIB
has 2 axis monitoring the reads 0 to 35G. Updates are transmitted to surface
via mud pulse through generic variables; the variables can be logged with your
existing gamma software. The drillers can take the data and adapt to the drilling
environment before any costly damage can occur. The VIB indicates to the
driller when bit bounce and pipe whirl is occurring and can prevent drill string
-2Chapter 7 | Pressure While Drilling


- Temperature option up to 350F (175C)
- Simple to operate under a wide range of flow rates from 75 to
1100 gal/min
- 12.0 long by 1.875 OD module that plugs into the top of the
tool string
GV6-Z axis (bit bounce)
GV7-x, y axis (pipe whirl, lateral vibration)
13 bit mi

-3Chapter 7 | Pressure While Drilling



PEM Tool
This tool is equipped with an EM transmitter coupled with a DC brush less pulser.
The tool is equipped to run in one telemetry only but the ability to switch back
and forth. The EM telemetry is run in modes 1, 2 and 3 and mud pulse telemetry
in mode 4. The EM telemetry is equipped to survey in flow off state and when in
mud pulse mode operate like normal and transmit only when flow is turned on.
Flow off Surveys
While in modes 1-3 (EM mode) surveys are acquired and transmitted on the flow
off state. A typical survey will go as follows:
Top Drive
1) Stand is drilled down and pipe is put in slips and pumps are turned off.
2) Tool will stop pulsing and the transmit delay time later the tool will begin
transmitting the survey. It will transmit for 2 minutes (pump up time on
software) if the flow is not turned on.
3) If the flow is turned on within the two minutes it will continue to pulse and
drilling can resume.
4) If the tool turns off after the two minutes it enters a downlink mode. It will
act like a normal pulse tool (only transmit on flow on) until the flow has
been on for more than 1 minute 10 seconds. At this time it resumes
normal survey while pumps off.
5) Re-surveying while flow is off is done by turning the flow back on for 15
seconds then off. The tool will then turn back off and back on after the
transmit delay time and transmit up the new survey. At this time flow can
be turned back on and drilling can resume.
Kelly Bar Style Rig
1) Make connection and wash to bottom and continue with flow on for 1
2) Turn flow off and wait the transmit delay time for survey to transmit.
3) If the survey is good flow can be turned on and drilling can continue.
4) If survey is bad flow must be turned on for 15 seconds and then off to
make it survey and transmit again.
* In mud pulse mode (mode 4) tool acts like normal (Transmits while pumps
are on).

-1Chapter 8 | PEM Tool


Down Linking from EM to Mud Pulse

Down linking cannot happen while tool is transmitting.
1) You must pull high Kelly or at a safe place in the hole where pumps
can be turned off for up to 8 minutes.
2) The tool must complete the two minutes on time (flow off) after the
pumps have been turned off. One more minute must happen before
tool can be initiated into the downlink sequence. You will do this first
part with the EM surface equipment first.
3) Refer to the diagrams as and example.

-2Chapter 8 | PEM Tool


This is an example with the command time period set to 60 seconds

From this example after the pumps have been turned on then off then on then off
you would leave the pumps off for 240 seconds then turn the pumps on. You will
know that the tool is down linked because it will take twice your transmit delay
time to see pulses on your scope. If you set your mud pulse to a different pulse
width you will see the difference on the scope. Keep the pumps on until the EM
pulses disappear which should take about 1 minute. At this time the EM receiver
transducer cable can be unplugged and the pressure transducer from the
standpipe can be plugged into the mud pulse receiver. At this time you must
change the surface receiver from the EM mode (mode 1-3) to mode 4 (modn).
You will also have to change the pressure transducer full scale ( ptfs ) to the
correct number for your pressure transducer. At this time you should see mud
pulses on your computer screen. You can then resume normal mud pulse drilling

-3Chapter 8 | PEM Tool


Down Linking from Mud Pulse to EM

Changing from mud pulse to EM is done by first turning the pumps off for 1
minute. Then following the procedure detailed below.

You will need to plug in your EM surface equipment to see pulses. Once the tool
has down linked the tool will resume normal EM operation.

-4Chapter 8 | PEM Tool


Suggested programming setup.

Transmit delay time should be set long enough for mud Pulse.

-5Chapter 8 | PEM Tool


Modes 1 3 should have the pulse width set to the same. Mode 4 should be set
to the mud pulses pulse width. Survey Seq#s should correspond to the mode
numbers so it can be verified which mode the tool is in. The same T/L Seq #
should be used for all modes.
All survey sequences should be the same incase the tool down links accidentally.
This will prevent having to change the mode numbers in the receiver every time.

-6Chapter 8 | PEM Tool


All toolface logging sequences should be the same.

Battery hours will consist of an EM portion and a Mud pulse portion.

-7Chapter 8 | PEM Tool


If you are just running EM refer to the below charts.

100 AH Batteries (50 AH per pack)
Data Rate 0.5



Assuming TLSQ 1 (Pulse width = 0.375)

80 AH packs

Data Rate 0.375



(40 AH per pack)



Assuming TLSQ 1 (Pulse width = 0.375)

High Voltage Tool (28 V packs at 25 AH per pack for a total of 50 AH )

Data Rate 0.375

Assuming TLSQ 1 (Pulse width = 0.375)

-8Chapter 8 | PEM Tool


If you are running just mud pulse the tool will last approximately 750 hours
between two 50 AH batteries (total 100AH).
If you are running a combination of the two you will use this formula.

Below is an example of a typical calculation.

-9Chapter 8 | PEM Tool



-10Chapter 8 | PEM Tool



-11Chapter 8 | PEM Tool

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