Rule 110
Rule 110
Rule 110
Since, the type of offenses that requires preliminary investigation have been expanded
by amendment to Section 1, Rule 112 to offenses punishable by imprisonment of at
least four (4) years, two (2) months and one (1) day, Section 1 required such cases to
first be filed for preliminary investigation.
includes violations of
However, under Republic Act No. 837, the ICCs/Ps shall have the
right to use their own commonly accepted justice systems, conflict
resolution institutions, peace building processes or mechanisms and
other customary laws and practices within their respective communities
and as may be compatible with the national legal system and with
internationally recognized human rights.
SEC. 2.
The Complaint or Information
Criminal actions must be commenced in the name of the People
of the Philippines. But the defect is merely of form and curable at any
stage of the trial.
SEC. 3.
Complaint Defined
Who May File Complaint
Justice Davide, Jr., citing Section 12, Rule 110 refers to an "offended
party" in the commission of a crime, public or private, as the party to
whom the offender is civilly liable in light of Article 100 of the Revised
Penal Code that "every person criminally liable is also civilly liable.
But One who is not the offended party file a complaint for
preliminary investigation.
Unless the offense subject of the complaint is one that
cannot be prosecuted de oficio, any competent person may file a
complaint for preliminary investigation.
As a general rule, a criminal action is commenced by a
complaint or information, or both of which are filed in court.
If a complaint is filed directly in court, the same must be
filed by the offended party and in case of an information, the
same may be filed by the fiscal. However, a "complaint" filed with
the fiscal prior to judicial action may be filed by any person.
Where the charges are manifestly false and motivated by the lust
for vengeance;
When there is clearly no prima facie case against the accused and
"In case the offended party dies or becomes incapacitated before she could
file the complaint and has no known parents, grandparents or guardian, the State shall
initiate the criminal action in her behalf. This is based on the doctrine of parens
The decision appealed from was set aside and the case
remanded to the trial court for another arraignment and trial.
In the third paragraph of Section 4 of the old Rule 110, the folowing was added:
Thus, in the case of People v. Munar, the Court upheld the right
of the private prosecutor therein to conduct the examination of the
witnesses because the government prosecutors were present at the
hearing; hence, the prosecution of the case remained under their
supervision and control.
This authority ceases upon actual intervention of the fiscal or upon elevation
of the case to the Regional Trial Court. This is based on the Resolu tion of the Supreme
Court in People v. Beriales."
The Court cannot interfere with the Fiscal's discretion and control
of criminal prosecution.
This does not, however, mean that the persons mentioned therein may no
longer prosecute the case under the conditions mentioned in the old rule.
But in such a case, the proper remedy to call for such exception
is a petition for mandamus, not certiorari or prohibition.
This authority shall cease upon actual intervention of the prosecutor or upon
elevation of the case to the Regional Trial Court.
avail itself of other adequate remedies such as the filing of a motion for
such inclusion.
A case dismissed before arraignment maybe refiled.
Moreover, where the DOJ had already given due course to the
petitioner's petition for review, it was premature for respondent judge to
deny the motions to suspend proceedings and to defer arraign ment on
the ground that "since the case is already pending for trial, to follow
whatever opinion the Secretary of Justice may have on the matter would
undermine the independence and integrity of this court.
Thus, where the judge granted the motion for reinvestigation
and directed the Office of the Provincial Prosecutor to conduct the
reinvestigation, the former was deemed to have deferred to the
authority of the prosecution arm of the Government to consider the socalled new relevant and material evidence and determine whether the
information it had filed should stand.
Having done so, it behooved the judge to wait for a final
resolution of the incident.
The findings and conclusion of the Provincial Prosecutor, being
the final disposition on the reinvestigation, should be the sole and only
valid basis of the judge's final action (not that of the Assistant Provincial
Where the Provincial Prosecutor to which the judge had deferred
the matter for reinvestigation, had finally resolved to stand on the
information and to present evidence to prove the guilt of the accused
for the crime charged, the judge did not have the option to dismiss the
case on the basis of the disapproved resolution of the Assistant
Provincial Prosecutor.
The only option of the judge was to proceed with the
arraignment of the accused and, thereafter, conduct a pre-trial and trial
on the merits, should he enter a plea of not guilty.
It does not, however, necessarily follow that the court should
merely adopt the recommendation of the Prosecutor.
In Montesa, the stand of the prosecution is to maintain the
information, in which case there is nothing more for the court to do but
to proceed with the case.
The provincial fiscals are not clothed with power, without the
consent of the court, to dismiss or nolle prosequi criminal actions
actually instituted and pending further proceedings.
It merely advised the DOJ to, "as far as practicable, refrain from
entertaining a petition for review or appeal from the action of the fiscal,
when the complaint or information has already been filed in court."
The Supreme Court stressed that the real and ultimate test of
the independence and integrity of the trial court is not the filing of the
motions to suspend proceedings and defer arraignment at that stage of
the proceedings but the filing of a motion to dismiss or to withdraw the
information on the basis of a resolution of the petition for review
reversing the Joint Resolution of the investigating prosecutor.
Before that time, the pronouncement in Crespo u. Mogul, that
"once a complaint or information is filed in Court, any disposition of the
case as its dismissal or the conviction of the accused or acquittal of the
accused rests in the sound discretion of the court," did not yet become
relevant or applicable.
However, once a motion to dismiss or withdraw the information
is filed, the trial judge may grant or deny it, not out of subservience to
the Secretary of Justice, but in faithful exercise of judicial prerogative.
The trial judge must himself be convinced that there was indeed
Control by Prosecution
Suspension of Arraignment;
Prosecution by Fiscal;
Dismissal; and
Downgrading offense or dropping of accused even
before plea.
Supreme Court held that the trial court had no jurisdiction over the case.
It ruled that since the accused imputed to Fausta Bravo the
commission of adultery, a crime which cannot be prosecuted de officio,
the Information filed by the Fiscal cannot confer jurisdiction upon the
court of origin.
It must be noted, however, that this error could be corrected
without sustaining the motion to quash and dismissing the case.
Pursuant to Section 1 of paragraph (a) of P.D. No. 77, under which the
Assistant City Fiscal conducted the preliminary investigation, the
statement of the complainant was sworn to before the aforesaid
Investigating Fiscal. Assuming that the recitals in said sworn statement
contain all those required of a complaint under the rules, a copy of said
verified statement of the complainant under the rules should be filed
with respondent court in order to comply with the requirements of
Article 360 of the Revised Penal Code; otherwise, the respondent Fiscal
should file with said court, a verified complaint of the offended party.
In this case, the complaint for abduction with rape 'against Bulaong was
filed in the city court by the offended girl and her father. That complaint
was sworn to before the city judge. It was the basis of the preliminary
examination. The judge examined the witnesses under oath. The
examination was reduced to writing in the form of searching questions
and answers. On the basis of that examination, a warrant of arrest was
In his appeal, Bulaong contends through his counsel de officio that the lower
court did not acquire jurisdiction over the case because the information filed by the
city fiscal is fatally defective for not containing the verification required in Form 24 of
the Appendix to the Rules of Court.
The contention has no merit.
The forms prescribed in the Rules of Court "serve as mere illustrations."
Jurisdiction over the crime charged in this case is conferred by law, not by
the complaint or information which is merely the means by which jurisdiction is
invoked or which gives the court the occasion for exercising its jurisdiction.
Where the complaint is for attempted rape, the city court has
jurisdiction to try the case for acts of lasciviousness, the crime
allegedly committed as per inquest fiscal's findings, though the
complainant did not sign a complaint for acts of lasciviousness,
attempted rape includes acts of lasciviousness.
Where the complaint filed was for forcible abduction, while the
information filed by the Fiscal was for rape inasmuch as the crime
if rape is different from the crime of forcible abduction alleged in
the complaint, said complaint could not serve as a basis for the
court to acquire jurisdiction over the crime actually committed.
Where, however, the complaint was for rape, a change in the
manner of committing the crime of rape from that as alleged in
the complaint does not divest the court of its jurisdiction.
The power of jurisdiction of the court is not over the crime
of rape when committed on a minor and demented girl, but over
rape, irrespective of the manner in which the same may have
been committed.
The court, therefore, erred in holding that it had no
jurisdiction to try the crime charged in the information simply
because it charges the accused with having committed the crime
on a demented girl, instead of through the use offeree and
The right and power of the court to try the accused for the
crime of rape attaches upon the filing of the complaint, and a
change in the allegations thereof as the manner of committing
the crime should not operate to divest the court of the jurisdiction
it has already acquired.
The right or power to try the case should be distinguished
from the right of the accused to demand an acquittal unless it is
shown that he has committed the offense charged in the
information even if he be found guilty of another offense; in the
latter case, however, even if the court has no right to find the
accused guilty because the crime alleged is different from that
proved, it cannot be stated that the court has no jurisdiction over
the case.
The father has no preferential right over the mother to file the
Where the accused is charged with rape committed thru force and
intimidation, he cannot be convicted of rape committed under
paragraph 2 of Article 335 when the woman is deprived of reason
or is otherwise unconscious.
In robbery with rape or rape with homicide, the complaint of
offended party is not essential.
to be set out in an information is to enable the accused to suitably pre pare his defense. He is presumed to have no independent knowledge of
the facts that constitute the ofiense.
adequately responded.
Under these conditions, the accused was fully apprised of the
accusation against him.
It has been held that a complaint is under the Rules one of the
two charging instruments for the offense of which the accused was tried
and convicted here.
While the criminal action was instituted by the complaint of the
offended party, the information signed only by the fiscal ushered in the
formal trial process.
The Rule now requires aggravating circumstances must not only be proven
but it must also be alleged, otherwise, it should not be considered.
When the victim is a religious or a child below seven (7) years old.
When the offender knows that he is afflicted with Acquired
Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) disease.
Hence, the formulation of the foregoing rules that mandate not only the
qualifying but also the aggravating circumstances to be specified in the information
The former rule did not require qualifying and aggravating
circumstances to be alleged in the complaint or information.
More specifically, in qualified rape, both the fact of minority of the victim and
the actual relationship between the parties, as worded in R.A. No. 7659, must be
alleged in the Information.
Purpose of Rule
We urge the prosecuting fiscals who are charged with the responsibility of
preparing Informations to state with particularity the attendant circumstances
provided for under Section 11 of R.A. No. 7659.
Taking into account the growing number of cases where qualified rape under
Section 11 of R.A. No. 7659, although proven during trial, could still not be properly
penalized because of defects in the Information,
Otherwise, We shall continue to fail both the law and the vic tims whom the
law have sought to protect.
SEC. 7.
Name of the accused
7659 was further enunciated in People v. Dimapilis. While the Information there
alleged that the victim was the stepdaughter of the accused, it was not accepted as a
proper allegation of the qualifying circumstance that the accused was the "common
law spouse of the parent of the victim" and the death penalty imposed by the trial
court was once again reduced to reclusion perpetua.
When the victim is under eighteen (18) years of age and the
offender is a parent, ascendant, step-parent, guardian, relative by
consanguinity or affinity within the third civil degree, or the common-law spouse of the parent of the victim.
In People u. Nunez, the Court stressed: Strict application of the rule requiring
the allegation of the qualifying circumstances mentioned in Section 11 of R.A. No.
The liability of the conspirators is collective and each participant
will be equally responsible for the acts of the others.
Thus, when conspiracy is charged as a crime, the act of con spiring and all the elements of said crime must be set forth in the
complaint or information.
It is the actual facts recited in the information that determines the nature of the crime.
The real nature of offense is to be determined not by its
designation or title given by the Fiscal but the facts alleged in the
body of the Information.
uncomplicated and routine task on its part, but more importantly since
accused-appellant himself did not personally, on a person-to-person
basis, manifest to the trial court the waiver of his own right.
of the accused.
Variance, however, on date of commission of rape is irrelevant.
As things stand, both this Court and the trial court being asked
hook, line and sinker to take the word of counsel de oficio whose own
concern in that particular phase of the proceedings a quo may have
been compromised by pressures of his other commitments.
For all we know, the statutory counsel of the indigent accused at
that time of the trial, although not evident in the other aspects of his
representation, only wanted to get rid of dreary work rather than protect
the rights of his client.
Of course, it may be stretching the argument too much to
ascribe fatal incompetence upon herein accused's counsel for this
solitary instance of faux pas.
Habitual delinquency
A mere statement of habitual delinquency is a conclusion of law
and a plea of guilty to such an information does not make the accused a
habitual delinquent.
The information should specify the dates:
But, for sure, we must inquire if the waiver was validly done.
In criminal cases where life, liberty and property are all at stake,
obviously, the rule on waiver cannot be any less.
In this light, we are at a loss why counsel de oficio for accusedappellant did not touch upon this point when something more valuable
than any property that a person could ever inherit in his lifetime is in
danger of being taken away eternally.
It is elementary that the existence of waiver must be positively
demonstrated since a waiver by implication cannot be presumed.
The standard of waiver requires that it "not only must be
voluntary, but must be knowing, intelligent, and done with sufficient
awareness of the relevant circumstances and likely consequences."
There must thus be persuasive evidence of an actual intention
to relinquish the right.
"While it has been stated generally that all personal rights conferred by
statute and guaranteed by constitution may be waived, it has also been said that
constitutional provisions intended to protect property may be waived, and even some
of the constitutional rights created to secure personal liberty are subjects of waiver."
Where the law distinguishes between two cases of viola tion of its provision, an
information for violation thereof must specify under which of the two cases the
defendants stands accused of.
complainant that she was abused before the start of classes in June
1978 which may thus be considered as part of the complaint, the
discrepancies between the accusation and the complaint as to the time
of occurrence of the carnal copulations in rape do not affect the
essential rights of the accused, where the acts occurred within the
period of time alleged in both writings, and the difference noted in other
respects was of a formal, rather than a substantial, character.
"About" is a very comprehensive term which when used with
regards to time, may cover a considerable extent thereof.
BUT in U.S. v. Smith it was held that the proof need not
correspond to the allegation, unless the time and place is material and
of the essence of the offense as a necessary ingredient in its
that the crime was committed at any time within the period
of limitation and
An information for bigamy must state the time and place of the
second wedding.
In U.S. v. Kepner, the Court laid down the rule that when an
offense shall have been described in the complaint with sufficient
certainty as to identify the act, an erroneous allegation as to the person
injured shall be deemed immaterial as the same is a mere formal defect
which did not tend to prejudice any substantial right of the defendant.
Accordingly, in the aforementioned case, which had a factual
backdrop similar to the instant case, where the defendant was charged
with estafa for the misappropriation of the proceeds of a warrant which
he had cashed without authority, the erroneous allegation in the
complaint to the effect that the unlawful act was to the prejudice of the
owner of the cheque, when in reality the bank which cashed it was the
one which suffered a loss, was held to be immaterial on the ground that
the subject matter of the estafa, the warrant, was described in the
complaint with such particularity as to properly identify the particular
offense charged.
In the instant suit for estafa which is a crime against property
under the Revised Penal Code, since the check, which was the subject
matter of the offense, was described with such particularity as to
properly identify the offense charged, it becomes immaterial, for
purposes of conviction of the accused, that it was established during the
trial that the offended party was actually Mever Films, Inc., and not
Ernesto Rufino, Sr. nor Bank of America as alleged in the information.
Other Cases
Violation of Sunday Statutes (Election Law); and
The complaint must allege a specific time and place when and
where the offense was committed, but when the time so alleged is not
of the essence of the offense, it need not be proved as alleged, and the
complaint will be sufficient if the evidence shows that the offense was
committed at anytime within the period of the statute of limitation and
before the commencement of the action.
Where the complaint for rape charges accused with having
committed the crime "on or about the month of June 1978" and the affidavit shows that it was committed for "sometime prior to said period
and subsequent thereto," attaching thereto the affidavit of the
SEC. 12.
Name of the Offended Party
Name of Offended Party
The rules on criminal procedure require the complaint or
information to state the name and surname of the person against whom
or against whose property the offense was committed or any appellation
or nickname by which such person has been or is known and if there is
no better way of identifying him, he must be described under a fictitious
In crimes against property, the object taken or destroyed should
be particularly described to properly identify the crime (if the name of
the offended party is unknown).
In case of offenses against property, the designation of the
name of the offended party is not absolutely indispensable for as long
as the criminal act charged in the complaint or information can be properly identified.
In Sayson v. People (supra), the petitioner vigorously maintains
that he cannot be justifiably convicted under the information charging
him of attempting to defraud Ernesto Rufino, Sr. and/or Bank of America
because the totality of the evidence presented by the prosecution
shows very clearly that the accused allegedly attempted to defraud
Mover Films, Inc., a corporate entity entirely separate and distinct from
Ernesto Rufino, Sr.
He firmly asserts that his conviction was in gross violation of his
right to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation against
Petitioner's claim is unavailing.
The State should not heap upon the defendant two or more
charges which might confuse him in his defense.
The damage inflicted in estafa need not fall on the same person
against whom deceit was directed.
Inclusion of Different
Narration of Facts
SEC. 13.
Duplicity of the offense
Purpose of Rule
The information is defective when it charges two or more
The rule enjoining the charging of two or more offenses in an
information has for its aim to give the defendant the necessary
A person accused of an offense is not charged by the
number of counts or paragraphs, but by the specific criminal acts
regardless of their number contained in one paragraph or in one
A person accused of an offense is not considered as
having been charged by the number of counts or paragraphs into
which the acts charged may have been grouped in the
information, but by the specific criminal acts charged, even if two
or more of them are contained in one paragraph or in one count.
The defendant, a municipal treasurer, received from
different persons for personal cedulas more than the amount
allowed by law falsified the records of his office so that they
showed the receipt of the lawful amount only, and in his monthly
statements to the provincial treasurer made similar false
Robbery in Band
An information which charges the commission of "robbery
in a band or brigandage" and alleges facts showing the
Theft of 13 cows;
theft of six roosters;
illegal charging of fees by lawyer from revenue victims;
Illegal approval of the application for the legalization of stay
of 32 aliens, constitutes only one crime
In People v. Ducay several victims dying from separate
shots constitute separate offenses and if there is no
objection for duplicity, the accused should be convicted of
all offenses charged in one information.
For a criminal complaint or information to charge the commission of a complex crime, the allegations contained therein do not
necessarily have to charge a complex crime as denned by law.
Drugs Cases
In People v. Salamat, the illegal possession of 137 cans of
opium and sale of 37 cans of opium was held as two
isolated acts and not one, each of which is punishable in
The trial court, thus, correctly held that the rape charged
and proved in Criminal Case No. 44263 already absorbed the
forcible abduction with rape complained of in Criminal Case No.
In the nature of things, the giving of aid and comfort can only be
accomplished by some kind of action.
Its very nature partakes of a deed or physical activity as
opposed to a mental operation.
This deed or physical activity may be, and often is, in itself a
criminal offense under another penal statute or provision.
Even so, when the deed is charged as an element of treason it
becomes identified with the latter crime and can not be the subject of a
separate punishment, or used in combination with treason to increase
the penalty is Article 48 of the Revised Penal Code provides.
Just as one can lot be punished for possessing opium drug, in a
prosecution for smoking the identical drug, and a robber cannot be held
guilty of coercion or trespass to a dwelling in a prosecution for robbery,
because 3ossession of opium and force and trespass are inherent in
smoking and in robbery respectively, so may not a defendant be made
liable for murder as a separate crime or in conjunction with another
offense where, as in this case, it is averred as a constitutive ingredient
of reason.
The prosecution tries to distinguish by contending that
harboring or concealing a fugitive is punishable under a special law
while the rebellion case is based on the Revised Penal Code; hence,
prosecution under one law will not bar a prosecution under the other.
The political
Abandonment of Doctrine
The provisions of R.A. No. 8294 may be applied retroactively so
as to prevent conviction of the separate crime of illegal possession of
firearm because this accrues to the benefit of the appellant.
It cannot, however, be applied retroactively to aggravate the
crime of homicide or murder.
The only qualification is that the action of the Court must not
impair the substantial rights of the accused, or the right of the people to
due process of law.
The law penalizes thus the negligent or careless act, not the result thereof.
The gravity of the consequence is only taken into account to determine the
penalty, it does not qualify the substance of the offense.
The provincial fiscals are not clothed with power, without the
consent of the court, to dismiss or nolle prosequi criminal actions
actually instituted and pending further proceedings.
And, as the careless act is single, whether the injurious result should affect
one person or several persons, the offense (criminal negligence) remains one and the
same, and can not be split into different crimes and prosecution.
which does not expose the accused to a charge which could call for a
higher penalty, does not affect the essence of the offense or cause
surprise or deprive the accused of an opportunity to meet the new
averment had each been held to be one of form and not of substance
not prejudicial to the accused and, therefore, not prohibited by Section
13, Rule 110 of the Revised Rules of Court.
In U.S. v. dela Cruz, the amendment in the information for
brigandage sought to be made was to eliminate the words "led by one
Silverio" and to substitute the words "under the command of Luciano
San Miguel" after the prosecution rested but before the presentation of
the evidence of the defense.
The Supreme Court allowed the said amendment holding that it
did not prejudice in any sense the right of the accused as "it did not
affect the essence of the crime charge, but merely an accidental detail
of the same" and it did not deprive the accused of an opportunity to
produce evidence for their defense if they had desired, in relation to
said amendment "Consequently, the accused is not thereby denied any
opportunity to present evidence in his defense."
The foregoing cases should, however, be distinguished from the
case of People u. Opemia, where the difference in dates was from 1947
to 1952.
The difference in date could not be attributed to a cleri cal error
because the difference is not only in the year but also in the month and
the last two digits of the year, and the difference "is so great as to defy
approximation in the commission of one and the same offense."
Discharge to be State witness under Witness Protection Rule
The foregoing rule applies in withdrawing or discharging to be a
state witness before plea some accused under the witness protection
rule without the need of proving the requirement for the discharge of a
state witness despite a pending motion for their discharge under
Section 17, Rule 119 unless they are retained in the information in
which case section 17, Rule 119 is the applicable rule.
Before the trial could proceed, the fiscal sought to amend the
The change may also be made even if it may result in altering the nature of
the charge so long as it can be done without prejudice to the rights of the defendant."
It has been the rule that under the first paragraph of Section 14,
Rule 110, the amendment of the information may also be made even if
it may result in altering the nature of the charge so long as it can be
done without prejudice to the rights of the accused.
"The first paragraph provides the rule for amendment of the information
or complaint, while the second paragraph refers to the substitution of
the information or complaint.
Under the second paragraph, the court can order the filing of another
information to charge the proper offense, provided, the accused would not be placed
thereby in double jeopardy and that could only be true if the ofifense proved does not
necessarily include or is not necessarily included in the offense charged in the original
information in
The principle does not apply where the information for homicide
alleges "using superior strength" in which case, an amendment to
murder even if the prosecution have already presented two witnesses
maybe allowed as this is a mere formal amendment.
The body of the information already charges the crime of
In Galvez v. Court of Appeals (supra), the propriety of the
withdrawal of the original information for homicide before arraignment,
was upheld there having been no grave abuse of discretion in granting
the motion and, more importantly, in consideration of the fact that the
motion to withdraw was filed and granted before petitioners were
arraigned, hence, before they were placed in jeopardy.
Thus, even if a substitution was made at such stage, petitioners
cannot validly claim double jeopardy, which is precisely the evil sought
to be prevented under the rule on substitution, for the simple reason
that no first jeopardy had as yet attached.
Consequently, although the offenses charged under the three
new informations necessarily include those charged under the original
informations, the substitution of informations was not a fatal error.
A contrary ruling, would sacrifice substantial justice for formal
nuances on the altar of procedural technicalities.
Furthermore, petitioners' right to speedy trial was never violated
since the new informations were filed immediately after the motion to
withdraw the original information was granted.
Duty of Judge to Render Decision
Where a physical injury case has been filed before a Municipal
Judge, but, after trial, he is of the opinion that a frustrated murder was
committed, he should decide the case on the merits and not order the
filing of an information in the CFI.
It is the duty of the judge to render the decision as the evidence
warrant under the information as filed for serious physical injuries, and
not dismiss the case on his idea or belief that there was evidence of
intent to kill the intended victim.
Such order is void for having been issued with grave abuse of
discretion amounting to excess of jurisdiction.
In Teehankee v. Madayag An amendment from frustrated
murder to consummated murder due to supervening event of
death is merely formal.
amendment be justified
the second
SEC. 15.
Place Where Action is to be Instituted.
Improper Venue
Where the crime for violation of P.D. No. 532 known as the AntiPiracy and Anti-Highway Robbery Law of 1974 was committed
aboard a jeepney, the criminal action may be instituted and tried
in the court of any municipality or territory where the vehicle
passed during the trip including the place of departure and
Purpose of Rule
it was committed.
To hold with the trial court that the celebration of the first
marriage was an essential ingredient of the bigamy is to assume that
when the petitioner married his first wife, he did so with intent already
to marry his second consort; and there is nothing on record to warrant
such assumption.
Venue in Estafa
The term "continuing" must, however, be understood in the
sense similar to that of "transitory" and is only intended as a factor in
determining the proper venue or jurisdiction for that matter of the
criminal action pursuant to Section 15, Rule 110.
This means that to make the offense triable in more than one
province, the acts perpetrated in any one of them must be impelled by
the same criminal purpose or aim.
(Defendant, as an enlisted seaman in the Bureau of Navigation,
accused of desertion in violation of Sec. 9 of Act No. 1980.)
The place where the bills were written, signed, or dated does
not necessarily fix or determine the place where they were executed.
What is of decisive importance is the delivery thereof the
consummation as an obligation.
An undelivered bill or note is inoperative.
Until delivery, the contract is revocable. And the issuance as
well as the delivery of the check must be to a person who takes it as a
holder, which means "(t)he payee or indorsee of a bill or note, who is in
possession of it, or the bearer thereof."
Delivery of the check signifies transfer of possession, whether
actual or constructive from one person to another with intent to transfer
title thereto.
The venue of the offense lies at the place where the check was
executed and delivered to the payee.
Where it was in Malolos, Bulacan where the checks were uttered
and delivered to complainant at which place, her business and
residence were also located, the criminal prosecution of estafa may be
lodged therein.
The giving of the checks by the two private respondents in
Caloocan City to a messenger and part time employee cannot be
treated as valid delivery of the checks, because a mere "messenger" or
"part-time employee" is not an agent of complainant.
The Place Where Obligation Was Constituted
The place where the obligation was constituted is also a valid
basis for criminal jurisdiction to attach in a prosecution for estafa.
The various charges for violation of B.P. Big. 22, however, are on
a different plain.
There is no scintilla of evidence to show that jurisdiction over
the violation ofB.P. Big. 22 had been acquired.
On the contrary, all that the evidence shows is that complainant
is a resident of Makati; that petitioner is a resident of Caloocan City; that
the principal place of business of the alleged partnership is located in
Malabon; that the drawee bank is likewise located in Malabon and that
The gist of the offense charged is not the making of the affidavit
in Manila, but the intention to give false evidence in Iloilo, by means of
such affidavit.
The girl being taken with her consent from Manila to Pasig, Rizal
Province, both the judges of the Court of First Instance of Manila and of
Rizal have jurisdiction and are competent to take cognizance of the
crime of abduction.
It is true that the abduction was commenced in Manila, but it
may well be said that it was consummated in Pasig.
Where an information charges the offense of kidnapping for
ransom with murder, the victim was kidnapped within Lucena City and
at that very moment, the intention becomes evident that the accused
wanted to detain him for ransom, the Court thereat has jurisdiction to
try the case of murder filed against the accused, although the killing
was committed outside the city limits.
Where persons are kidnapped and detained in Bulacan, then
taken to Nueva Ecija, defendants may be tried and punished in Bulacan,
where the crime was commenced and consummated, though continued
For the guidance, of both the bench and the bar, the Court finds
it appropriate to reiterate its earlier pronouncement in the case of
Agbayani, to wit:
upon which the charge of perjury rested was subscribed and sworn to
before a notary in the city, and sustained a demurrer, dismissing the
case on ground of lack of jurisdiction.
Whenever possible, the place where the written defamation was printed and
first published should likewise be alleged.
That allegation would be a sine qua non if the circumstance as to where the
libel was printed and first published is used as the basis of the venue of the action.
The offender does not, in any way, have civil liability to a third
SEC. 16.
Intervention of the Offended Party in Criminal Action
Intervention of Offended Party
Explaining the scope of the Rule and the meaning of offended
party, the Court stated that under Section 5, Rule 110 of the Rules, all
criminal actions covered by a complaint or information shall be
prosecuted under the direct supervision and control of the public pros ecutor.
Thus, even if the felonies or delictual acts of the accused result
in damage or injury to another, the civil action for the recovery of civil
liability based on the said criminal acts is impliedly instituted and the
offended party has not waived the civil action, reserved the right to
institute it separately or instituted the civil action prior to the criminal
action, the prosecution of the action inclusive of the civil action remains
under the control and supervision of the public prosecutor.
The prosecution of offenses is a public function.
Under Section 16, Rule 110 of the Rules of Criminal Procedure,
the offended party may intervene in the criminal action personally or by
counsel, who will act as private prosecutor for the protection of his
interests and in the interest of the speedy and inexpensive
administration of justice.
A separate action for the purpose would only prove to be costly,
burdensome and time-consuming for both parties and further delay the
final disposition of the case.
The multiplicity of suits must be avoided.
With the implied institution of the civil action in the criminal
action, the two actions are merged into one composite proceeding, with
the criminal action predominating the civil.
The prime purpose of the criminal action is to punish the
offender in order to deter him and others from committing the same or
similar offense, to isolate him from society, reform and rehabilitate him
or, in general, to maintain social order.
On the other hand, the sole purpose of the civil action is for the
resolution, reparation or indemnification of the private offended party
ror the damage or injury he sustained by reason of the delictual or
felonious act of the accused.
Under Article 104 of the Revised Penal Code, the following are
the civil liabilities of the accused:
ART. 104. What is included in civil liability. The civil liability established in
Articles 100, 101, 102 and 103 of this Code includes:
Reparation of the damage caused;
Indemnification for consequential damages.
In either case, the law gives the offended party the right to
intervene, personally or by counsel, and he is deprived of such right
only when he waives the civil action or reserves his right to institute
Where the private prosecution has asserted its right to
intervene in the proceedings, it is error to consider the appearance of
counsel merely as a matter of tolerance.
The offended party is entitled to be notified and heard on
motions filed in the criminal proceedings especially when there is a
conflict in the positions between the public prosecutor and of the
offended party.
Offended Parties in Illegal Practice of Medicine
In an information for illegal practice of medicine a private
prosecutor was allowed to intervene.
All the witnesses who testified before the fiscal are offended
parties it appearing that the offense alleged in the information belongs
to the class of harmful ones.
If there are offended parties, petitioner's contention that no
damages are to be recovered in the criminal action must be untenable.
The public function of prosecuting offenses can be performed
not exclusively by fiscals or other public officers, but by private
attorneys in cases where they are allowed to intervene as private
After all, in the performance of their professional duties, lawyers
are officers of the court and assume public and official responsibilities.
Although they may ask for the filing of the case, they have no per sonality to
move for its dismissal or revival as they are not even par ties thereto nor do they
represent the parties to the action.
For violations of Section 3(e) of Rep. Act No. 3019, any party,
including the government, may be the offended party if such party
sustains undue injury caused by the delictual acts of the accused.
In such cases, the government is to be represented by the
public prosecutor for the recovery of the civil liability of the accused.
Under Section 16, Rule 110 of the Revised Rules of Criminal
Procedure, the offended party may also be a private individual whose
person, right, house, liberty or property was actually or directly injured
by the same punishable act or omission of the accused, or that
corporate entity which is damaged or injured by the delictual acts
complained of.
Such party must be one who has a legal right; a substantial
interest in the subject matter of the action as will entitle him to recourse
under the substantive law, to recourse if the evidence is sufficient or
that he has the legal right to the demand and the accused will be
protected by the satisfaction of his civil liabilities.
Such interest must not be a mere expectancy, subordinate or
It follows that a motion for revival of the cases filed by prosecution witnesses
(who never even testified) should have been summarily dismissed by the trial judge.
The mere fact that the government prosecutor was furnished a copy of the
motion and he did not interpose any objection was not enough to justify the action of
these witnesses.
The prosecutor should have initiated the motion himself if he thought it
The presumption that he approved of the motion is not enough, especially
since we are dealing here with the liberty of a person who had a right at least to be
notified of the move to prosecute him again.
The fact that he was not so informed made the irregularity even more
It was, however, held that the offended party has the right to file a motion for
reconsideration of the order considering the information against petitioner as
withdrawn even without the conformity of the public prosecutor or to file motion for
reconsideration of a decision of the Supreme Court enjoining a criminal prosecution.
Legal Personality of Offended Party
While it is the SolGen that may bring or defend actions on be half of the
Republic of the Philippines or represent the people or the state in criminal proceedings
pending before the Supreme Court or Court of Appeals, the private offended party
retains the right to bring a special civil action for certiorari in his own name in criminal
proceedings before the court of law.
The interest of the party must be personal; and not one based
on a desire to vindicate the constitutional right of some third and
unrelated party.
It follows that the offended party has legal personality to file a motion for
reconsideration of an order of dismissal.
The case was distinguished from Caes v. Intermediate Appellate Court, which
is a violation of the dangerous drugs law where there is no immediate and direct
offended party.
RULE 111
Institution of criminal and civil actions
Changes in the Rule at a Glance
Under the 1985 Rule, the action for recovery of civil liability arising
from crime including the civil liability under Articles 32, 33, 34 and 2176
of the Civil Code of the Philippines arising from the same act or omission
are deemed impliedly instituted with the criminal action unless the
offended party waives the civil action, reserves his right to institute it
separately, or institutes the civil action prior to the criminal action.
Under the present rule, only the civil liability arising from the offense
charged is deemed instituted with the criminal unless the offended
party waives the civil action reserves his right to institute it separately,
or institutes the civil action prior to the criminal action.
Under the former rule a waiver of any of three civil actions
extinguishes the others.
The institution of, or the reservation of the right to file, any of said civil
actions separately waives the others.
This is no longer provided for.
The reservation and waiver referred to refers only to the civil action for
the recovery of civil liability arising from the offense charged.
This does not include recovery of civil liability under Articles 32, 33, 34
and 2176 of the Civil Code of the Philippines arising from the same act
or omission which may be prosecuted separately even without a
The rulings in Shafer v. Judge, RTC of Olongapo City,
allowing a third-party complaint, and the ruling in Javier v.
Intermediate Appellate Court, as well as Cabaero v. Cantos allowing a
counterclaim are no longer in force.
Under the Revised Rules on Criminal Procedure, these pleadings are no
longer allowed.
Any claim which could have been the subject thereof may be litigated in
a separate civil action.
Thus, a court trying a criminal case cannot award damages in favor of
the accused.
The task of the trial court is limited to determining the guilt of the
accused and if proper, to determine his civil liability.
A criminal case is not the proper proceedings to determine the private
complainant's civil liability.
The rule also incorporated Circular 57-97 on the filing of
actions for violation of Batas Pambansa Big. 22 mandating the
inclusion of the corresponding civil action for which the filing fee shall
be paid based on the amount of the check involved.
History of Amendment
The dual concept of civil liability, ex-delicto and quasi-delicto, has thus
brought about a dual mode of enforcement.
Modes of Enforcement
The same act or omission which gives rise to two separate and distinct
sources of civil liability may be prosecuted separately and
independently of each other, subject only to the limitation that the
satisfaction of either bars recovery of the other, on the principle that
plaintiff cannot recover twice for the same act or omission.
Under Article 1157 of the Civil Code of the Philippines, obligations may
arise, inter alia, from acts or omissions punished by law (ex-delicto) and
from quasi-delict.
Otherwise stated, civil liability, although arising from the same act or
omission, may not only be prosecuted either in a criminal or civil action,
but in a criminal and civil action.
Article 100 of the Revised Penal Code provides that every person
criminally liable shall also be civilly liable (ex-delicto) while Article
2176 of the Civil Code provides that "whoever by act or omission
causes damage to another, there being fault or negligence, is obliged to
pay for the damage done.
Juridical Basis of the Principle of Implied Institu-tion of the
Civil Action with the Criminal Action
In 1949, the (new) Civil Code of the Philippines introduced the so-called
independent civil actions.
These are Articles 32, 33, and 34.
These articles allow the injured party to file a civil action for damages in
the cases mentioned therein which may also constitute criminal
offenses entirely separate and distinct from the criminal action.
Such civil action may proceed independently of the criminal action and
shall require only a preponderance of evidence.
This has raised the question of whether or not a reservation to file a
separate civil action for the cases mentioned therein is necessary for
the exercise of such right.
The Supreme Court flip-flopped from one extreme to the other.
One school of thought is of the considered view that the provisions of
the Civil Code are substantive in nature which may be exercised by the
injured party even without any reservation.
The other school of thought is of the view that the provisions of the new
Civil Code or the exercise of the right granted under the Civil Code is
merely procedural which may be regulated under the Rule-making
power of the Supreme Court.
"When a criminal action is instituted the civil action for recovery of civil
liability arising from the offense charged is impliedly instituted with the
criminal action, unless the offended party expressly waives the civil
action or reserves his right to institute it separately. Thus, what was
deemed impliedly instituted unless there is a waiver or reservation is
the civil liability arising from the crime."
This is also the civil liability that is deemed extinguished with the
extinction of the penal even with a pronouncement that the fact from
which the civil action might proceed does not exist."
The other differences pointed out between crimes and culpa aquiliana
The plain inference is that the civil liability based on delict springs out of
and is dependent upon facts which, if true, would constitute a crime.
The Rule was originally governed by Rule 107 of the 1940 Rules of Court
which then provided that:
Thus, the criminal action as well as the civil action for the recovery of
the civil liability arising from a crime may proceed simultaneously and
independently of the other, without any reservation subject only to the
limitation that, the injured party cannot recover twice for the same act
or omission as provided for in Article 2177 of the Civil Code.
That delicts are not as broad as quasi-delicts, because the
former are punished only if there is a penal law clearly covering them,
while the latter, quasi-delicts, include all acts in which any kind of fault
or negligence intervenes.
The same negligent act causing damages may produce civil liability
arising from a crime under Article 100 of the Revised Penal Code, or
create an action for quasi-delict or culpa-contractual under Articles
1902-1910 of the Civil Code."
That consequently, the Penal Code punishes or corrects the
criminal act, while the Civil Code by means of indemnification merely
repairs the damage;
That crimes affect public interest, while quasi-delicts are
only of private concern;
A distinction exists between the civil liability arising from a crime and
the responsibility for quasi-delict or culpa extra-contractual.
Early Rulings
While the criminal action may have a dual purpose, namely, the
punishment of the offender and indemnity to the offended party, its
dominant and primordial objective is the punishment of the offender.
The civil action is merely incident and consequent to the conviction of
the accused, which may even be waived or the prosecution thereof
reserved in a separate civil action.
This is because criminal actions are primarily intended to vindicate an
outrage against the sovereignty of the State, and to impose the
corresponding penalty for the vindication of the disturbance to the
social order caused by the offender; the action between the private
person and the accused is intended solely to indemnify the former.
Thus, where the accused is acquitted in the criminal case, the interest of
the State ends, and no civil liability arising from the crime charged could
The Amendments
First Amendment
Second Amendment
Accordingly, the 1985 Rules on Criminal Procedure did away with the
need for RESERVATION in cases provided for in Articles 32, 33 and 34 of
the Civil Code of the Philippines and instead recognized that "an
independent civil action entirely separate and distinct from the criminal
action, may be brought by the injured party during the pendency of the
criminal case.
This is the civil action that may be reserved in the criminal action. The
1985 amendment did not live very long.
And, in Eicano v. Hill, the court ruled that the concept of quasi-delict
includes inten-tional acts, i.e., acts or omissions punishable by law.
The Rules even prohibit the reservation of a separate civil action, which
means that one can no longer file a separate civil case after the criminal
complaint is filed in court.
The foregoing concepts would allow more than one civil action to
recover civil liability arising from the same act or ommission.
The only instance when separate proceedings are allowed is when the
civil action is filed ahead of the criminal case.
Even then, the Rules encourage the consolidation o the civil and
criminal cases.
Third Amendment
The court, however, went further by limiting the civil liability that is
deemed instituted with the criminal only to the civil liability arising from
the offense charged.
The reservation applies only to the civil liability arising from the offense
"The 1988 amendment expands the scope of the civil action which is
deemed impliedly instituted with the criminal action unless waived,
reserved or previously instituted x x x.
The employer may no longer be held civilly liable for quasi delict in the
criminal action as ruled in Maniago (supra) and San Ildefonso lines
(supra) and the pro hac vice decision in Rafael Reyes Trucking
Corporation (supra), and all other similar cases, since quasi-delict is not
deemed instituted with the criminal.
Such a civil action includes not only recovery of indemnity under the
Revised Penal Code and damages under Articles 32, 33, 34 of the Civil
Code of the Philippines, but also damages under Article 2176 of the said
code. x x x"
Objections were raised to the inclusions in this Rule of quasi-delicts
under Article 2176 of the Civil Code of the Philippines.
The rule has also done away with third party complaints and
counterclaims in criminal actions.
In any event, the offended party was not precluded from filing a civil
action to recover damages arising from quasi-delict before the
institution of the criminal ac-tion, or from reserving his right to file such
a separate civil action, just as he is not precluded from filing a civil
action for damages under Articles 32, 33 and 34 before the institution
of the criminal ac-tion, or from reserving his right to file such a separate
civil action.
Rule 107 contemplates a case where the offended party desires to press
his right to demand indemnity from the accused in the criminal case
which he may assert either in the same criminal case or in a separate
Thus, civil liability arising from crime and civil liability arising from
Articles 32, 33, 34 and 2176 quasi-delict or contract are entirely
separate and distinct from the criminal action that may be brought by
the injured party and may proceed simultaneously;
If at all, the only civil liability of the employer in the criminal action
would be his subsidiary liability under the Revised Penal Code.
However, in view of Article 2177 of the said code which provides that
the offended party may not recover twice for the same act or omission
of the accused, and in line with the policy of avoiding multiplicity of
suits, these objections were overruled.
It is only in those cases where the offended party has not previously
filed a civil action or has not reserved his right to file a separate civil
action that his action is deemed impliedly instituted with the crimi-nal
The fourth amendment is similar to the original rule in Rule 107 of the
Rules of Court and the 1985 amendment.
Under this rule, a waiver from failure to reserve does not include a
cause of action not arising from civil liability involved in the criminal
case but from culpa contractual, such as a civil case is based on alleged
culpa contractual incurred by the Philippine Air Lines, Inc. because of
its failure to carry safely the deceased passenger to his place of
Such civil actions are not limited to those which arise "from the offense
In other words, the right of the injured party to sue separately for the
recovery of the civil liability whether arising from crimes (ex delicto or
from quasi delict under Art. 2176 of the Civil Code must be reserved
otherwise they will be deemed instituted with the criminal action).
This includes the right to recover damages against the employer
pursuant to Article 2180 in relation to Article 2176 of the Civil Code.
Elsewise stated, prior reservation is a condition sine qua non before any
of these independent civil actions including the action for quasi-delict
against the employer can be instituted and thereafter have a continuous
determination apart from or simultaneous with the criminal action.
The latter is not in any way involved therein. Plaintiff is concerned with
the civil liability of the latter, regardless of the civil liability of the
accused in the criminal case.
The failure, therefore, on the part of the plaintiff to reserve her right to
institute the civil action in the criminal case cannot in any way be
deemed as a waiver on her part of the right to institute a separate civil
action against the respondent company based on its contractual
liability, or on culpa aquiliana under Articles 1902 to 1910 to of the
Civil Code.
The two actions are separate and distinct and should not be confused
one with the other.
Under Article 31 of the Civil Code: "When the civil action is based on an
obligation not arising from the act or omission com-plained of as a
felony, such civil action may proceed independently of the criminal
proceedings and regardless of the result of the latter."
Fourth Amendment
It may further be noted that Article 31 is not among the civil actions that
where the injured party is granted a right to file an
independent and distinct criminal action.
The criminal case involves the civil liability of the accused, who bear
no relation whatsoever with said entity and are complete strangers to
We have previously observed that a separate civil action for the purpose
of recovering the amount of the dishonored checks would only prove to
be costly, burdensome and time-consuming for both parties and would
further delay the final disposition of the case.
not arising from an act or emission complained of as a
felony, e.g., culpa contractual or obligations arising from law under
Article 32, of the Civil Code, intentional torts under Articles 32 and 34,
and culpa aquiliana under Article 2176 of the Civil Code; or
Instead of instituting two separate cases, one for criminal and another
for civil, only a single suit shall be filed and tried.
Clearly, there is no identity of parties for in the criminal case, the
plaintiff is the State with Ligon only as a complaining witness. In the
case at bar, Ligon himself is the plaintiff.
The Principle Allowing Separate Civil Actions noT Allowed for Violations
of BP Big. 22
The principle does not apply to violations of B.P. Big. 22 which provides
that "The criminal action for violation of Batas Pambanss Big. 22 shall be
deemed to include the corresponding civil action.
The Court explained that this rule was enacted to help declog court
dockets which are filled with B.P. Big. 22 cases as creditors actually
use the courts as collectors.
Because ordinarily no filing fee is charged in criminal cases for actual
damages, the payee uses the intimidating effect of a criminal charge
to collect his credit gratis and some times, upon being paid, the trial
court is not even informed thereof
The inclusion of the civil action in the criminal case is expected to
significantly lower the number of cases filed before the courts for
collection based on dishonored checks.
separately but judgment therein has not yet been rendered, and the
criminal case is hereafter filed with the Sandiganbayan or the
appropriate court, said civil action shall be transferred to the
Sandiganbayan or the appropriate court, as the case may be, for
consolidation and joint determination with the criminal action,
otherwise the separate civil action shall be deemed abandoned.
The fact, however, that the Rules do not allow the reservation of civil
actions in B.P. Big. 22 cases canot deprive private complainant of the
right to protect her interests in the criminal action for estafa.
The Court held that Petitioner's counterclaim in the civil case pending
with the Malabon trial court for the return of the amount DPWH paid NIC
is an action to recover civil liability ex delicto.
In promulgating the Rules, the Court did not intend to leave the
offended parties without any remedy to protect their interests in
estafa cases.
The only civil liability that may thus be imposed in a criminal action is
that arising from and consequent to the criminal liability oi the accused
on the principle that every person criminally liable is also civilly liable.
In Banal v. Tadeo, Jr., a case of violation of B.P. Big. 22, (A law making
the issuance of a bouncing check criminal) the lower court rejected the
appearance of a private prosecutor on the ground that B.P. Big. 22 does
not provide for any civil liability or indemnity and, hence it is not a crime
against property but public order.
The Supreme Court, in setting aside the order, gave a broader concept
of the civil liability that may be recovered in a criminal action. The
Supreme Court said:
Petitioner DPWH the offended party in a criminal case for estafa thru
falsification of public documents and for violation of Section 3(e) and (g)
of R.A. No. 3019 pending in the Sandiganbayan lodged its own
counterclaim to the collection case filed with the Malabon Trial Court,
praying for the return of its payment made to the Navotas Industrial
Corporation (NIC) arising from the dredging contracts subject of the
criminal action.
However, the Court held that petitioner's counterclaim is deemed
abandoned by virtue of Section 4 of P.D. No. 1606, as amended.
The last paragraph of Section 4 of P.D. No. 1606, as amended, provides
Any provision of law or Rules of Court to the contrary notwithstanding,
the criminal action and the corresponding civil action for the recovery of
civil liability shall at all times be si-multaneously instituted with, and
jointly determined in, the same proceeding by the Sandiganbayan or the
appropriate courts, the filing of the criminal action being deemed to
neces-sarily carry with it the filing of the civil action, and no right to
reserve the filing of such civil action separately from the crimi-nal action
shall be recognized:
Provided, however. That where the civil action had heretofore been filed
the society in which he lives in or the political entity called
the State whose law he had violated; and
the individual member of that society whose person, right,
honor, chastity or property was actu-ally or directly injured or damaged
by the same punishable act or omission, x x x."
Viewing things pragmatically, we can readily see that what gives rise to
the civil liability is really the obligation and the moral duty of everyone
to repair or make whole the damage caused to another by reason of his
own act or omission, done intentionally or negligently, whether or not
the same be punishable by law.
In other words, criminal liability will give rise to civil liability only if the
same felonious act or omission results in damage or injury to another
and is the direct and proximate cause thereof.
Damage or injury to another is evidently the foundation of the civil
Such is not the case in criminal actions for, to be criminally liable, it is
enough that the act or omission complained of is punishable, regardless
of whether or not it also causes material damage to another.
This amounts to a reservation of the civil action in IBAA's favor for the
Court would not have dwelt on a civil liability that it had intended to
extinguish by the same decision."
In the Bernaldes case, plaintiffs spouses Nicasio Bernaldes, Sr. and
Perpetua Besas together with their minor son, Jovito, filed a complaint
for damages against defendant Bohol Land Transportation Co. for the
death of Jovito's brother Nicasio, Jr. and for serious physical injuries
obtained by Jovito when the bus in which they were riding, fell off a
deep precipice.
Defendant bus company moved to dismiss the complaint on the ground
that in the criminal case earlier filed against its bus driver, plaintiffs
intervened through their counsel but did not reserve therein their right
to file a separate action for damages. The Court held that the
dismissal was improper and ruled thus:
Effect of Reservation
It has been held that the prescription of action does not prescribe for
the civil action that have been reserved in the criminal action.
Note: Under Section 2, Rule 111 during the pendency of the criminal
action, the running of the period of prescription of the civil action which
cannot be instituted separately or whose proceeding shall be tolled.
Waiver of Civil Liability Arising from Crime
criminal case.
The only other possibility is for the accused's civil action to fall under
Article 31 of the Civil Code which provides:
The task of the trial court is limited to determining the guilt of the
accused and if proper, to determine his civil liability.
Such civil action can proceed independently of the criminal action for
violation of the trust receipt law.
In such a case, the validity of the contract, on which the civil action is
based, is not at issue.
In contrast, where the civil action is based on a contract that can remain
valid even if its violation may constitute a crime, the civil action can
proceed independently.
Thus, in estafa thru violation of the trust receipt law, the violation of
the trust receipt consti-tutes a crime.
However, the trust receipt itself remains valid, allowing a civil action
based on the trust receipt to proceed independently of the criminal
Procedure, its
Subsidiary Liability
To be treated differently is the subsidiary liability of the employer.
Commencing with Pajarito v. Seneris68 followed by Ozoa v. Vda. de
Madula69 and Catacutan v. Heirs of Kadusale,70 it is now settled that
the subsidiary liability of the employer, including the amounts thereof,
may be determined in the same criminal proceed ings and is reviewable
either by writ of error or through a petitior for review on certiorari on
pure questions of law.
The appeal shall be governed by appeals in criminal cases, since this is
but a continuation of the civil proceedings, the period to be counted not
from the promulgation of judgment but from the notice of the order.
The principle was stressed in Yusay v. Adil,71 a case of less serious
physical injuries and damage to property thru reckless imprudence, with
the Supreme Court's statement that: "The employer is in substance and
effect, a party to the criminal case against his employee, considering
the subsidiary liability imposed upon him by law.'
Basis of Employer's Subsidiary Liability
It bears emphasis, however, that before the employer's subsidiary
liability may be proceeded against, it is imperative that then should be a
criminal action whereby the employee's criminal negligence or delict
and corresponding liability therefor are proved.
If no criminal action was instituted, the employer's liability would not be
predicated under Article 103 of the Revised Penal Code.
The judgment in the criminal action announcing the employee to be
civilly liable is conclusive on the employer not only as to the actuality of
the liability but also as to its amount, from which no appeal by the
employer lies from the judgment of conviction.
The employer must be afforded due process, by holding a hearing to
determine his liability on the basis of the conditions required by law,
the existence of an employer-employee relation ship;
that the employer is engaged in some kind of agency
that the employee is adjudged guilty of the wrongful act and
found to have committed the offense in the discharge of his duties (not
necessarily any offense he may commit); and
that said employee is insolvent.
Obligations arising from crimes are governed by Article 1161 of the Civil
Code, which provides that said obligations are governed by penal laws,
subject to the provision ofArticle 2177 and the pertinent provisions of
Chapter 2, Preliminary Title, on Human Relations, and of Title XVIII of
Book IV of the Civil Code.
Article 100 of the Revised Penal Code provides that every person
criminally liable for a felony is also civilly liable.
In default of the persons criminally liable, employers engaged in any
kind of industry shall be civilly liable for felonies committed by their
employees in the discharge of their duties.
Article 33 of the Civil Code provides specifically that in cases of
defamation, a civil action for damages, entirely separate and distinct
from the criminal action, may be brought by the injured party.
Such civil action proceeds independently of the criminal prosecution and
requires only a preponderance of evidence.
In Joaquin v. Aniceto, the Court held that Article 33 contemplates an
action against the employee in his primary civil liability.
It does not apply to an action against the employer to enforce its
subsidiary civil liability, because such liability arises only after
conviction of the employee in the criminal case or when the employee is
adjudged guilty of the wrongful act in a criminal action and found to
have committed the offense in the discharge of his duties.
Any action brought against the employer based on its subsidiary liability
before the conviction of its employee is premature.
It has been held although the incident and the actions arising therefrom
were instituted before the promulgation of the 1985 Rules on Criminal
A criminal action was likewise filed against the respondent for violation
of P.D. No. 957 regulating the sale of subdivision, etc., and providing
penalties therefor.
Petitioner moved to consolidate the two (2) cases on the basis of Rule
111, Section 3(a).
The trial court granted consolidation but the Court of Appeals reversed
the order.
The Supreme Court held that the civil actions that may be consolidated
under Section 3(a), Rule 111 is one for civil liability arising from the
criminal offense or of ex-delicto of which the civil action in this case is
not one, but which is based on the contract to sell or a civil action
arising ex-contracto, hence, Rule 111 is not applicable.
The Supreme Court, however, justified the consolidation of the action for
specific performance with the criminal action for violation of P.D. No.
957 under Section 1, Rule 31 of the Rules of Court as interpreted in
Canos v. Peralta,* where the Court sustained the order of a trial court to
consolidate a civil action (an action for the recovery of wage differential,
overtime and termination pay, plus damages) with a criminal action (for
violation of the Minimum Wage Law), it was held that:
The obvious purpose of the above rule is to avoid multiplicity of suits, to
guard against oppression and abuse, to prevent delays, to clear
congested dockets, to simplify the work of the trial court; in short, the
attainment of justice with the least expense and vexation to the parties
litigants. * * *
The consolidation of two (2) cases where petitioner's counsel may act as
counsel for the plaintiff in the civil case and private prosecutor in the
criminal case, will be conducive to the early termina-tion of the two (2)
cases, and will redound to the benefit and convenience of the parties;
as well as to the speedy administration of justice.
Under this principle, civil actions under Articles 32, 33, 34 and 2176
may be consolidated with the criminal action subject to jurisdictional
The rule on jurisdiction in criminal cases which is determinable by the
prescribed penalty regardless of other imposable accessory or other
penalties, included in the civil liability arising from such offenses or
predicated therein irrespective of kind, nature, value or amount thereof,
no longer applies since the civil
action to be consolidated does not arise from the criminal offense
The period of prescription of the civil action which cannot be instituted
separately or whose proceeding has been suspended shall not run, refer
to the civil action arising from a crime that has not been reserved or
when it is filed ahead of the criminal action.
An action for legal separation is not to recover civil liability in the main,
but is aimed at the conjugal rights of the spouses and their relations to
each other within the contemplation of Articles 97 to 108 of the Civil
The civil action that may be reserved is the civil arising from the crime.
The principle applies even with the 1988 Amendments where the Civil
action does not also fall under Articles 32, 33, 34 and 2176 of the Civil
The subsidiary liability may only be enforced after the final judgment of
In fine, a civil action may not be suspended under Rule 111 where the
action is not to enforce civil liability from the crime charged.
Consolidation of Civil with Criminal Action Even if not Arising from Crime
May consolidation of civil actions with the criminal action be allowed
where the civil action is not to enforce civil liability arising from a crime?
In Naguiat v. Intermediate Appellate Court, the petitioner filed a
complaint for specific performance with damages to compel the
respondent to deliver to him certificates of title covering their lots
The civil arising from a quasi-delict is not suspended but may proceed
the decision contains a declaration that the liability of the
accused is not criminal but only civil; or
the civil liability is not derived from or based on the criminal
act of which the accused is acquitted.
Thus, the acquittal of the accused from the criminal charge will not
necessarily extinguish the civil liability unless the Court declares in the
judgment that the fact from which the civil liability might arise did not
Similarly, "extinction of the penal action does not carry with it the
extinction of civil liability unless the extinction proceeds from a
declaration in a final judgment that the fact from which the civil liability
might arise did not exists."
Under The Revised Rules on Criminal Procedure: "In case the judgment
is of acquittal, it shall state whether the evidence of the prosecution
absolutely failed to prove the guilt of the accused or merely failed to
prove his guilt beyond reasonable doubt.
In either case, the judgment shall determine if the act or omission from
which the civil liability might arise did not exist."
There has been a change in the language of the rule.
Whereas the 1985 rule was more categorical in requiring that "the
judgment shall make a finding on the civil liability of the accused in
favor of the offended party," the present rule simply states that "the
judgment shall determine if the act or omission from which the civil
liability might arise did not exist."
It seems fairly obvious, however, that despite the acquittal of the
accused, if the act or omission from which the civil liability might arise
do exist, when the acquittal is merely because of failure to prove the
guilt of the accused beyond reasonable doubt then the court should
award the civil liability in favor of the offended party in the same
criminal action.
Duty of Court to Award Civil Liability
Even before the 1985 amendments, the settled jurisprudence is that it is
the duty of the trial judge to award civil liability in favor of the offended
party despite the acquittal of the accused unless the fact from which the
civil might arise does not exist.
In a case, the trial judge in not having included civil liability in the
decision, stated that it cannot exercise discretion alone in determining
the liability upon the mere allegations, the same being evi-dentiary.
Considering, however, the fact that the trial court's attention was
drawn to the existence of a lapsus in the decision, in the motion for
reconsideration filed by the complainant, within the reglementary
period, and taking into account the petition to supply what had been
omitted, the trial judge could have set the motion for reconsideration for
hearing, in order to receive evidence, as to the value of the properties
The second sentence of Section 3(b) before under the 1985 Rules
provides that in other cases, the person entitled to the action may
institute it in the jurisdiction and in the manner provided by law against
the person who may be liable for restitution of the thing and reparation
or indemnity for the damage suffered.
The rule clearly contemplates the filing of a separate civil action. Article
29 of the Civil Code expressly provides that when the accused in a
criminal prosecution is acquitted on the ground that his guilt has not
been proved beyond reasonable doubt, a civil action for damages for
the same act or omission may be instituted.
The dismissal of the criminal case is not res judicata even if the civil is
alleged to arise from delict, since the nature of the cause of action is
determined by the facts alleged in the complaint as constituting a cause
of action.
Kinds of Acquittal
In a criminal action, our law recognizes two kinds of acquittal, with
different effects on the civil liability of the accused.
First is an acquittal on the ground that the accused is not the author of
the act or omission complained of.
This instance closes the door to civil liability, for a person who has been
found to be not the perpetrator of any act or omission cannot and can
never be held liable for such act or omission.
There being no delict, civil liability ex delicto is out of the question, and
the civil action, if any, which may be instituted must be based on
grounds other than the delict complained of.
This was the teaching ofElcano v. Hill, where it was expressly held that
the extinction of the civil liability referred to in par. (c), Sec. 2 of Rule
111 refers exclusively to civil liability arising from crime; whereas, the
civil liability for the same act considered as a quasi-delict only and not
as a crime is not extinguished even by a declaration in the criminal
case that the criminal act charged has not happened or has not been
committed by the accused. In other words, an acquittal based on the
finding that the facts upon which civil liability did not exist, bars the
filing of an independent civil action if it is based on the crime.
Application of the rule was illustrated by Justice Relova in Marcia v.
Court of Appeals, as follows: "Otherwise stated, unless the act from
which the civil liability arises is declared to be non-existent in the final
judgment, the extinction of the criminal liability will not carry with it the
extinction of the civil liability.
Thus, if a person is charged with homicide and successfully pleaded selfdefense, his acquittal by reason thereof will extinguish his civil liability.
He has not incurred any criminal liability.
On the other hand, if his acquittal is, for instance, due to the fact that he
was not sufficiently identified to be the assailant, a civil action for
damages may be maintained. His acquittal is not due to non-existence
of the crime from which civil liability might arise, but because he was
not, in the eyes of the court, sufficiently identified as the perpetrator.
Where the court states that the evidence throws no light on the cause of
fire and that it was an unfortunate accident for which the accused
cannot be held responsible, this declaration fits well into the exception
of the rule which exempts the accused from civil liability.
Likewise, in Albornoz v. Albornoz,33 it was the ruling that "where the
judgment in a criminal action contains an express declaration that the
basis of claimant's action did not exist, the latter's action for civil
liability is barred under Section l(d), Rule 107 of the Rules of Court."
In a prosecution for estafa or swindling through falsification of a
commercial document, the civil is deemed instituted with the criminal
where the in the absence of any instances precluding the automatic
institution of the civil action together with the criminal complaint (the
offended party waives the civil action, reserves the right to institute it
separately or institutes the civil action prior to the criminal action).
A distinction exists between the civil liability arising from a crime and
the responsibility for quasi-delict or culpa contractual.
The same negligence causing damages may produce civil liability
arising from a crime under the Penal Code, or create an action for quasidelicto or culpa extra-contractual under the Civil Code.
Therefore, the acquittal or conviction in the criminal case is entirely
irrelevant in the civil case.
In other words, the extinction of the civil liability referred to in par. (e) of
Section 3, Rule 111 (1964 Rules), refers exclusively to civil liability
founded on Article 100 of the Revised Penal Code, whereas the civil
liability for the same act considered as a quasi-delict only and not as a
crime is not extinguished even by a declaration in the criminal case that
the criminal act charged has not happened or has not been committed
by the accused.
Briefly stated, culpa aquiliana includes voluntary and negligent acts
which may be punishable by law.
It results, therefore, that the acquittal of Reginal Hill in the criminal case
has not extinguished his liability for quasi-delict, hence that acquittal is
not a bar to the instant action against him.
Criminal Actions To Recover Civil Liability Arising From Delict and Civil
Actions Based on Quasi-Delict may Proceed Simultaneously
Thus, a civil action arising from the crime charged and a civil action with
the civil code provisions as the source of obligation may proceed
simultaneously and independently of each other, and a favorable and
unfavorable judgment in either case cannot be considered as a bar to
the other.
SEC. 3.
When Civil Action may Proceed Independently
In Mendoza v. Arrieta, it was held that where the acquittal was not
based upon reasonable doubt, a civil action for damages can no longer
be instituted.
The civil action which should be suspended after the institution of the
criminal action is that arising from delict and not the civil action based
on quasi-delict or culpa aquiliana.
Illustrative Case:
Respondent's right to damages was deemed prosecuted in the criminal
Thus, a separate civil action may no longer be prosecuted where the
accused was acquitted on the ground that the accused has not
committed the crime Imputed to her.
This refers to the Civil liability arising from the crime that was deemed
This provision clearly provides for a separate civil action for restitution,
reparation and indemnity for the damages suffered by the offended
party without reference to the source of the obligation but was held to
refer to Article 29 of the Civil Code which provides that when the
accused in a criminal prosecution is acquitted on the ground that his
guilt has not been proved beyond reasonable doubt, a civil action for
damages for the same act or omission may be instituted.
While both cases are based on the same facts, the quantum of proof
required for holding the parties liable therein differ.
SEC. 4.
Effect of Death on Civil Actions
Death of Accused on Appeal
The death of the accused after arraignment and during the pendency of
the criminal action shall extinguish the civil liability arising from the
In Torrijos v. Court of Appeals,' a case of estafa, where despite the death
of the accused during the pendency of his appeal, which thereby
extinguished his criminal liability, the appeal was allowed to proceed
with respect to the issue of civil liability of the accused (arising from a
contract of purchase and sale).
(The rule was not observed in People v. Satorre, where the case for
Murder was dismissed in view of the death of the appellant.)
However, in People u. Salcedo, where the accused in a murder case died
during appeal, the case was dropped with respect to his criminal liability
This was followed by People v. Sendaydiego a case of malversation thru
falsification, where it was held that despite the death of the accused,
the Supreme Court can continue to exercise appellate jurisdiction over
an accused's possible civil liability for the money claims of the claimants
arising from criminal acts complained of, as if no criminal case has been
instituted against him, thus making applicable, in determining his civil
liability, Article 30 of the Civil Code.
When a separate civil action is brought to demand civil liability arising
from a criminal offense, and no criminal proceedings are instituted
during the pendency of the civil case, preponderance of evidence shall
likewise be sufficient to prove the act complained of.)
The Supreme Court further stated that Sendaydiego's appeal will be
resolved only for the purpose of showing his criminal liability which is
the basis of the civil liability for which his estate would be liable.
Though the death of an accused-appellant during the pendency of an
appeal extinguished his criminal liability, his civil liability survives.
Extinction of criminal liability does not necessarily mean that the civil
liability is also extinguished.
Death of the accused pending appeal of his conviction
extinguishes his criminal liability as well as the civil liability based
As opined by Justice Regalado, in this regard, the death of the accused
prior to final judgment terminates his criminal liability and only the
civil liability directly arising from and based solely on the offense
committed, i.e., civil liability ex in senso strictiore.
there is no more need for the proposal since with the death to the
accused, the civil liability arising from the offense is also extinguished.
The rule was, however, retained by the Court to apply to the separate
civil actions under Section 3 of the same Rule. This would, however, only
apply if these actions are con-solidated with the criminal. Otherwise,
since these are purely civil actions, the effects of death should be
governed by the Rules on Civil procedure.16
SEC. 5.
Judgment in Civil Action not a Bar
notwithstanding the death of accused, if the same may also be
predicated on a source of obligation other than delict.
SEC. 6.
Suspension by Reason of Prejudicial Question
Quasi-contracts; xx x; and
Where the civil liability survives, as explained in Number 2
above, an action for recovery therefor may be pursued but only by filing
a separate civil action and subject to Section 1, Rule 111 of the 1985
Rules on Criminal Procedure as amended.
This separate civil action may be enforced either against the
executor/administrator or the estate of the accused depending on the
source of obligation upon which the same is based as explained above.
Finally, the private party need not fear a forfeiture of his
right to file this separate civil action by prescription, in cases where
during the prosecution of the criminal action and prior to its extinction,
the private offended party instituted together with the civil action.
In such case, the statute of limitations on the civil liability is deemed
interrupted during the pendency of the criminal case, conformably with
the provisions of Article 1155 of the Civil Code, that should thereby
avoid any apprehension on a possible deprivation of right by
Thus the Supreme Court applying this set of rules to the case at bench
held that the death of the appellant extinguished his criminal liability
and the civil liability based solely on the act complained of, i.e., rape.
Consequently, the appeal was dismissed."
SEC. 7.
Elements of Prejudicial Question
Section 7 limits a prejudicial question to a "previously instituted civil
action" in order to minimize possible abuses by the subsequent filing of
a civil action as an afterthought for the purpose of suspending the
criminal action.
The rule on precedence of the criminal action does not apply
when the civil action is a prejudicial question.1
Prejudicial question is an exception to precedence of
criminal case.
of the civil, it must appear not only that the civil case involves the
same facts upon which the criminal prosecution is based, but also that
the resolution of the issue raised in said civil action would be necessarily
determinative of the guilt or innocence of the accused.
Where the defense (as defendant) in the civil case of the nullity and
forgery of the alleged prior deed of sale in favor of plaintiff in the civil
case and complaining witness in the criminal case is based on the very
same facts which would be necessarily determinative of the guilt or
innocence as accused in the criminal case, the civil case constitutes a
prejudicial question.
If the first alleged sale is void or fictitious, then there would be no
double sale and petitioner would be innocent of the offense charged.
A conviction in the criminal case (if it were allowed to proceed ahead)
would be a gross injustice and would have to be set aside if it were
finally decided in the civil action that indeed the alleged prior deed of
sale was a forgery and spurious.
The pendency of an intestate proceeding will not constitute
a prejudicial action in a criminal case for Theft of standing crops filed by
a person claiming to have a valid contract of lease on the property
from its legal owner against a person claiming co-ownership of the land
leased whose claim is pending in an intestate proceeding."
Even if the Intestate Court should annul the project of partition and
uphold private respondent's ownership of the lots herein, that would not
be determinative of the criminal responsibility of private respondents for
theft of the standing sugar crop, which petitioner claims he has
planted in good faith by virtue of a valid contract of lease with the
Ejectment: Pendency of an ejectment case does not
constitute a prejudicial question to the charge of the theft filed by
alleged lessee against a person claiming co-ownership rights with the
lessor, for illegal harvest of sugarcane on land leased.
Pendency of action for damages based on illegal possession of property
not a prejudicial question to the charge of theft filed by the alleged
lessee against the plaintiff in the damage suit.
As the two cases are based on the same facts, and the entitlement to
damages being predicated on the unlawful taking treated of in the
Criminal Action, no necessity arises for that civil case to be determined
ahead of the Criminal Action.
It is one based on a fact distinct and separate from the crime but so
intimately connected with it that it determines the guilt or innocence of
the accused, and for it to suspend the criminal action, it must appear
not only that said case involves facts intimately related to those upon
which the criminal prosecution would be based but also that in the
resolution of the issue or issues raised in the civil case, the guilt or
innocence of the accused would necessarily be determined.
The doctrine of prejudicial question comes into play generally in a
situation where civil and criminal actions are pending and the issues
involved in both cases are similar or so closely-related that an issue
must be pre-emptively resolved in the civil case before the criminal
action can proceed.
Stated differently, the issues raised in the civil cases do not involve
the pivotal question of who planted the sugarcane and, therefore, are
not determinative juris et de jure of guilt or innocence in the Criminal
If as the Guanteros contend, they were the ones who did the planting,
that is a matter of defense that may be interposed by them in the
Criminal Action.
It is not an issue that must be preemptively resolved in the civil case
before proceedings in the Criminal Action may be undertaken.
A civil action for accounting and recovery of sum of money
are not determinative of the innocence or guilt of petitioner in the
prosecution for seventy-five (75) counts of estafa
The claim of the government for the civil liability survives but only if the
offense can be proved.
The ruling in Bayotas and its progeny which require the filing of a
separate civil action arising from the same act or omission where the
accused dies during the pendency of the action was criticized since
these civil actions are deemed impliedly instituted with the criminal
action unless reserved waived or a separate civil action was filed.
Where the civil case is not based on a fact distinct and separate from
the estafa, as both actions arose from the same fact or transaction,
the former does not constitute ,a prejudicial question, for the
determination of the criminal action.
Thus, as every crime gives rise to a penal or criminal action for the
punishment of the guilty party, and also to a civil action for the
restitution of the thing, repair of the damage and indemnification for the
losses whether the particular act or omission is done intentionally or
negligently or whether or not punishable by law, subsequent decisions
of the Supreme Court held that while the criminal liability of an
appellant is extinguished by his death, his civil liability subsists.
An Action for Nullity of a Deed of Sale Based on the Ground
that It is a Forgery and is Spurious is Prejudicial to a Criminal Action for
Estafa based on the Execution of said Sale
A civil case for Annulment of Deed of Sale not prejudicial
to Criminal Case for Estafa Arising from Issuance of Rubber Check."
The issues in the civil case for accounting and recovery of sums of
money are not determinative of the innocence or guilt of the petitioner
in the prosecution of the seventy-five (75) counts of estafa.
* * * the only question to be resolved in the criminal cases for estafa is
whether or not the petitioner's acts of receiving and collecting monies
from the customers in payment for goods purchased, and failing to
immediately account for and deliver the said collections having
deposited them in his own personal bank accounts constitute estafa
under Article 315(l-b) of the Revised Penal Code.
* * * a finding in the civil case for accounting and recovery of a sum of
money is not juris et de jure determinative of the innocence of the
petitioner in the subsequent seventy-five (75) criminal cases of estafa
filed against him.
The reason is that in said cases the procedure in a civil proceeding and
not of the criminal case is more fitted to decide, as for example, the
issue of validity or nullity of the marriage.
Donato v. Luna Leonilo was charged with bigamy in the
Court of First Instance.
But in all such cases the prejudicial civil question refers to a dispute of
purely civil character but connected in such manner to the crime on
which the criminal case is based and is determinative of the guilt or
innocence of the accused.
The information was based on the complaint of Paz. Before Leonilo could
be arraigned, Paz filed with the Domestic Relations Court a civil action
for decla-ration of nullity of her marriage with Leonilo, contracted in
She alleged that she consented to entering into the marriage, since
she had no previous knowledge that Leonilo was already married to
Donato interposed the defense that his second marriage was void since
it was solemnized without a marriage license and that force was
employed by Paz to get Leonilo's consent to the marriage.
The rule does not, however, apply where the complaint for annulment
was filed by the wife. Thus:
The filing, while the bigamy case is pending, of a civil action
by the woman in the second marriage for its annulment by reason
offeree and intimidation upon her by the man, is not a bar or defense to
the criminal action.
The civil action does not decide that he entered the marriage against his
will and consent, because the complaint therein does not allege that
he was the victim of force and intimidation in the second marriage.
It was he who used the force or intimidation and he may not use his own
malfeasance to defeat the action based on his criminal act."
The issue in the criminal case is whether her failure to account for her
collections as a teller constitutes estafa under Article 315 of the
Revised Penal Code.
A finding in the civil case for or against Godofreda is not juris et dejure
determinative of her innocence or guilt in the estafa cases.
Such civil action shall proceed independently of the criminal
prosecution and shall require only a preponderance of evidence.
c. Article 33 manifests that as between the civil and criminal cases
arising from the same fraudulent act, the doctrine of the prejudicial
question cannot be invoked as both cases may proceed independently
of each other, i.e., in the same way that the civil suit can be tried, so
must the criminal prosecution run its course.
When Action for Annulment of Marriage Prejudicial to Bigamy Case
A civil action involving the nullity of a second marriage is of
prejudicial character and should be resolved before the criminal case for
Likewise, a civil action involving title to property should first be decided
before a criminal action for damages to said property.
Before the second marriage was solemnized, Leonilo and Paz had lived
together as husband and wife, without the benefit of wedlock for at
least five years, for which reason, the requisite marriage license was
dispensed with pursuant to Article 76 of the New Civil Code.
Before the criminal case could be tried, Leonilo moved to suspend the
proceedings on the ground that the annulment case raises a prejudicial
question, which must be determined before the criminal case can
The trial court denied the motion to suspend the proceedings, citing
Landicho v. Relova.
The Supreme Court sustained the trial judge.
So also is an annulment of marriage filed by the first wife
not prejudicial to bigamy.
The issue before the Domestic Relations Court touching upon the nullity
of the sec-ond marriage is not determinative of Leonilo's guilt or
innocence in the crime of bigamy.
In Landicho v. Hon. Reloua, the first wife charged the
accused with Bigamy for contracting a second marriage without first
dissolving their marriage.
Furthermore, it was Paz, Leonilo's second wife, who filed the complaint
for annulment of the Second marriage on the ground that her consent
was obtained through deceit.
The second wife, likewise, filed an annulment of her marriage with the
accused on the ground offeree, threats, and intimidation allegedly
employed by accused and because of its allegedly bigamous character.
Leonilo cannot apply the rule on prejudicial question since a case for
annulment of marriage can be considered a prejudicial question to the
bigamy case against the accused only if it is proved that Leonilo's
consent to such marriage was obtained by means of duress in order to
establish that his act in the subsequent marriage was an involuntary
one and as such, the same cannot be the basis for conviction.
Accused filed a third party complaint against the first wife praying that
his first marriage be declared null and void on the ground that his
consent to the first marriage was obtained by means of threats, force,
and intimidation, and moved for the suspension of the bigamy case
pending decision on the validity of the two marriages.
The Court held that the mere fact that there are actions to annul the
marriage entered into by the accused in a bigamy case does not mean
that "prejudicial questions" are automatically raised in civil actions to
warrant the suspension of the criminal case.
In order that the case of annulment of marriage be considered a
prejudicial question to the bigamy case against the accused, it must be
shown that the accused's consent to such marriage must be the one
that was obtained by means of duress, force and intimidation to show
that his act in the second marriage must be involuntary and cannot be
the basis for his conviction for the crime of bigamy.
So that in a case for concubinage, the accused need not present a final
judgment declaring his marriage void for he can adduce evidence in the
criminal case of the nullity of his marriage other than proof of a final
judgment declaring his marriage void.
The Court, however, hastened to add that even if his marriage is void
from the beginning the subsequent pronouncement that his marriage is
void from the beginning is not a defense, citing Landicho u. Relova,
cited in Donate v. Luna," holding that "so long as there is no such
declaration (of nullity) the presumption is that the marriage exists.
The dismissal of the administrative case does not necessarily bar the
filing of a criminal prosecution for the same or similar acts which were
the subject of the administrative complaint.
Thus, it has been held that the question of ownership which is pending
in a civil case a prejudicial question justifying suspension of proceedings
in the criminal case for violation of the Anti-Squatting Law.
for the investigating prosecutor to determine if a crime has
been committed.
to protect the accused from the inconvenience, expense and
burden of defending himself in a formal trial unless the reasonable
probability of his guilt shall have been first ascertained in a fairly
summary proceeding by a competent officer.
to secure the innocent against hasty, malicious and
oppressive prosecution, and to protect him from an open and public
accusation of a crime, from the trouble, expenses and anxiety of a
public trial; and
to protect the state from having to conduct useless and
expensive trials.
It is not a trial of the case on the merits and has no purpose except that
of determining whether a crime has been committed and whether there
is probable cause to believe that the accused is guilty thereof, and it
does not place the person against whom it is taken in jeopardy.
Nature of Right to Preliminary Investigation
Neither the 1935 nor the 1973 (or 1987) Constitution requires the
holding of a preliminary investigation.
It is a settled doctrine that the right thereto is of statutory character and
may be invoked only when specifically created by statute.
It is not a fundamental right and is not among the rights guaranteed to
him in the Bill of Rights.
It may be waived expressly or by silence.
As stated in Marcos u. Cruz, "the preliminary investigation in criminal
cases is not a creation of the Constitution; its origin is statutory and it
exists and the right thereto can be invoked when so established and
granted by law.
It is so specifically granted by procedural law.
If not waived the absence thereof may amount to a denial of due
RULE 112
Preliminary Investigation Defined; When Required
Formerly, the right to a preliminary investigation refers only to offenses
cognizable by the Regional Trial Court.
Its denial over the objections of the accused is prejudicial error in that it
subjects the accused to the loss of life, liberty or property without due
process of law.
On appeal, the Supreme Couri held that the trial court did not err in
denying Lambino's motion for preliminary investigation because said
motion was filed after he had entered a plea of not guilty and because
he took no steps to bring the matter to a higher court to stop the trial of
the case.
The right to a preliminary investigation shall be deemed waived for
failure to invoke it during arraignment in People u. Valencia People v.
Hubilo, People v. De Asis, or by failing to go to Appellate Court on
certiorari to question denial.
The right to a preliminary investigation may not be raised for the first
time on appeal.
Consenting to be arraigned and entering a plea of not guilty without
invoking the right to preliminary investigation is a waiver.
It should be invoked prior to or at least, at the time of the plea.
It is also deemed waived by going to trial without previously claiming
that they did not have the benefit of preliminary investigation.
It may be waived expressly or by silence.
No Waiver When Properly Invoked
A waiver, whether express or implied, must be made in clear and
unequivocal manner.
Mere failure of petitioner and his counsel to appear before the City
Prosecutor cannot be construed as a waiver of his right to preliminary
investigation, where petitioner has been vigorously invoking his right to
a regular preliminary investigation since the start of the proceedings
before the City Prosecutor.
The right is not waived even if the accused had filed an application for
bail and arraigned over his objections and trial on the merits already
began with four witnesses having testified where accused had from the
beginning demanded that a preliminary investigation be conducted and
forthwith brought the case on certiorari to the Supreme Court.
Presumption of Regularity
The accused who alleges lack of preliminary investigation must prove
such allegation convincingly.
When it does not appear from the record that a preliminary investigation
was not granted, it must be presumed that the proceedings in the trial
court were in accordance with law.
Complaint Is Amended
If the crime originally charged is related to the amended
charge such that an inquiry into one would elicit substantially the same
facts that an inquiry into the other would reveal, a new pre-liminary
investigation is unnecessary.
"(a) xxx, the Court finds that since the information for alleged violation
of the Anti-Graft Law was filed without any previous notice to petitioners
and due preliminary investigation thereof, and despite the dismissal of
the original charge for falsification as being without any factual or legal
basis,' petitioners are entitled to a new preliminary investigation for the
graft charge, with all the rights to which they are entitled under section
1 of Republic Act No. 5180, approved September 8, 1967, as invoked by
them anew from respondent court, viz., the submittal of the testimonies
in affidavit form of the complainant and his witnesses duly sworn to
before the investigating fiscal, and the right of accused, through
counsel, to cross-examine them and to adduce evidence in their
If after preliminary investigation, a case is filed in the Court
of First Instance which was dismissed, the Fiscal cannot file another
information charging a different offense based on the same preliminary
The principle does not apply where the original information was not
In Bandiala u. Court of First Instance of Misamis Occidental,
where the preliminary investigation was for robbery in band (with one of
the two accused waiving the second stage), the Court held that the
provincial fiscal could not file against the accused an information for the
graver crime of robbery with kidnapping, without giving the accused
"ample opportunity at full-blown preliminary investigation to
demonstrate that what the fiscal regards as 'kidnapping* in the legal
sense was merely an incident of, and is therefore absorbed in the crime
of robbery."
The Court noted once again that "(A) preliminary investigation, it must
be borne in mind, is a practical device created by statute and by
mandate of our Rules of Court, principally for the purpose of preventing
hasty, malicious and ill-advised prosecution," and pointedly emphasized
that "(T)he Rules of Court on the matter of preliminary investigation,
construed in their intregrated entirety, direct that, in the circumstances
here obtaining, the Fiscal, if he believes that he should raise the
category of the offense, must conduct a preliminary investigation anew
as to the entire charge.
Fundamental principles of fair play dictate this course of action.
The Fiscal is not allowed by the Rules of Court to wait in ambush; the
role of a Fiscal is not mainly to prosecute, but essentially to do justice to
every man and to assist the courts in dispensing that justice."
A new preliminary investigation is not, however, necessary after the
amendment of the information, where there has been no change in the
nature of the crime charged which is rebellion, and moreover, petitioner,
who was already in custody when the amended information was filed,
should have asked, but did not, for a re-investigation of said case
within the period of five days from the time he learned of the amended
Where the amendment to an information is
substantial, there is no need of another preliminary investigation.
In Rolito Go v. Court of Appeals, despite the fact that trial on the merits
had began and the prosecution had already presented four witnesses,
the trial was ordered suspended and the accused allowed to be released
on bail pending the preliminary investigation.
In the absence of evidence to the contrary, the Court will presume that
the fiscal or officer who conducted the requisite investigation did so in
accordance with law.
It is a fundamental principle that when on its face the
information is null and void for lack of authority to file the same, it
cannot be cured nor resurrected by an amendment.
In Gaspar v. Sandiganbayan, the Supreme Court pointed out
that there is no rule or law requiring the Tanodbayan to conduct another
preliminary investigation of a case under review by it.
A new preliminary investigation is not called for where the
court orders the filing of correct information involving a cognate offense,
such as unfair competition to infringement of trademarks."
Where only a formal amendment was involved such as
frustrated murder to consummated murder where death of the victim
supervened a preliminary investigation is unnecessary and cannot be
SEC. 2.
Officers Authorized to Conduct Preliminary Investigations
The grant of this authority does not necessarily imply the exclusion from
its jurisdiction of cases involving public officers and employees
cognizable by other courts.
The Supreme Court has expanded the offenses offense where the
penalty prescribed by law is at least four (4) years, two (2) months and
one (1) day without regard to the fine even if it is cognizable by
municipal trial courts.
The COMELEC is vested with power and authority to
conduct preliminary investigations of all election offenses punishable
under the Omnibus Election Code and to prosecute offenses in court.
The COMELEC may, however, deputize other prosecuting arms of
government to conduct the investigation and prosecute the offense in
The 1987 Constitution mandates the COMELEC not only to
investigate but also to prosecute cases of violation of election laws
This means that the COMELEC is empowered to conduct preliminary
investigation in cases involving, election offenses for the purpose of
helping the Judge determine probable cause and for filing an information
in court. This power is exclusive with COMELEC, whether it involves a
private individual or public officer or employee, and in the later
instance, irrespective of whether the offense is committed in relation to
his official duties or not.
prohibition against a motion to dismiss, motion for a bill of
particulars, and second motion for reconsideration or reinvestigation;
The jurisdiction of the office of the Ombudsman should not
be equated with the limited authority of the Special prosecutor under
Section 11 of R.A. No. 6770 which was established after the creation of
the Office of the Special Prosecutor.
While the Ombudsman's investigatory and prose-cutory
power is plenary and unqualified, the authority of the Special
Prosecutor is limited. While the Ombudsdman may delegate his
investigatory function, including the power to conduct administrative
investigation, to the Special Prosecutor, the latter has no power to
preventively suspend which is only granted to the Ombudsman and the
Deputy Ombudsman.
If the Ombudsman delegates his authority to conduct administrative
investigation to the Special Prosecutor and the latter finds that
preventive suspension is warranted, the Special Prosecutor may
recommend to the ombudsman to place the said public officer or
employee under preventive suspension."
Moreover, unless authorizing by the Ombudsman the special
prosecutor is not authorized to file an information.
All that was delegated to the special prosecutor by Office Order No. 4005 was the discretional authority to review and modify the deputy
ombudsman-authorized information, but even this is subject to the
condition that such modification must be "without departing from, or
varying in any way, the contents of the basic resolution, order or
The doctrine was made operative to cases filed upon the finality of the
Deloso v. Domingo upheld the primary and concurrent
jurisdiction of Ombudsman to investigate cases cognizable by the
Sandiganbayan under section 15(i) of R.A. No. 6770 to all kinds of
malfeasance by any officer or employee during his tenure of office.
Under Republic Act No. 6770, the power to investigate and prosecute
cases which are cognizable by the Sandiganbayan is now lodged with
the Ombudsman.
This includes Ombudsman cases which are cognizable by regular courts.
The Office of the Special Prosecutor (The Tanodbayan)
The Office of the Special Prosecutor (the Tanod Bayan), was
made an organic component of the Office of the Ombudsman, who
under the supervision and control and upon authority of the
Ombudsman may conduct preliminary investigation and prosecute
criminal cases within the jurisdiction of the Sandiganbayan.
issuance of an order in lieu of subpoena for the filing of
(4) The Office of the Special Prosecutor shall, under the supervision
and control and upon authority of the Ombudsman, have the following
(a) To conduct preliminary investigation and prosecute criminal cases
within the jurisdiction of the Sandiganbayan;
The power to investigate and to prosecute granted by law to the
Ombudsman is plenary and unqualified.
It pertains to any act or omission of any public officer or employee when
such act or omission appears to be illegal, unjust, improper or
The law does not make a distinction between cases cognizable by the
Sandiganbayan and those cognizable by regular courts.
It has been held that the clause "any illegal act or omission of any
public official" is broad enough to embrace any crime committed by a
public officer or employee.
The reference made by R.A. No. 6770 to cases cognizable by the
Sandiganbayan, particularly in Section 15(1) giving the Ombudsman
primary jurisdiction over cases cognizable by the Sandiganbayan, and
Section 11(4) granting the Special Prosecutor the power to conduct
preliminary investigation and prosecute criminal cases within the
jurisdiction of the Sandiganbayan, should not be construed as confining
the scope of the investigatory and prosecutory power of the
Ombudsman to such cases.
Section 15 of R.A. No. 6770 gives the Ombudsman primary jurisdiction
over cases cognizable by the Sandiganbayan.
The law defines such primary jurisdiction as authorizing the
Ombudsman "to take over, at any stage, from any investigatory agency
of the government, the investigation of such cases."
The grant of this authority does not necessarily imply the exclusion from
its jurisdiction of cases involving public officers and employees
cognizable by other courts.
Moreover, the jurisdiction of the Office of the Ombudsman should not be
equated with the limited authority of the Special Prosecutor under
Section 11 of R.A. No. 6770 [whose] power to conduct preliminary
investigation and to prosecute is limited to criminal cases within the
jurisdiction of the Sandiganbayan.
Certainly, the lawmakers did not intend to confine the investigatory and
prosecutory power of the Ombudsman to these types of cases.
Officials of the diplomatic service occupying the position of
consul and higher;
Philippine army and air force colonels, naval captains, and
all officers of higher rank;
Officers of the Philippine National Police while occupying the
position of provincial director and those holding the rank of senior
superintendent or higher;
City and provincial prosecutors and their assistants, and
officials and prosecutors in the Office of the Ombudsman and special
Presidents, directors or trustees, or managers of
government-owned or controlled corporations, state universities or
educational institutions
The PCGG may, however, also investigate and prosecute graft and
corrupt practices cases that may be assigned by the President to the
PCGG to be filed with the Sandiganbayan.
Non-interference with Ombudsman
The Court recognizing the investigatory and prosecutory powers
granted by the Constitution to the office of the Ombudsman and for
reasons of practicality, declared in an en bane resolution dated August
30, 1993, issued in Ocampo u. Ombudsman, that the Court will not
interfere nor pass upon the findings of the Ombudsman to avoid its
being hampered by innumerable petitions assailing the dis-missal of
investigatory proceedings conducted by the Office of the Ombudsman
with regard to complaints filed before it, and that it will not review the
exercise of discretion on the part of the fiscals or prosecuting attorneys
each time they decide to file an information in court or dismiss a
complaint by a private complainant.
The court, however, stressed that while it is the Ombudsman who has
full discretion to determine whether or not a criminal case should be
filed in the Sandiganbayan, once the case has been filed with said court,
it is the Sandiganbayan, and no longer the Ombudsman, which has full
control of the case so much so that the informations may not be
dismissed without the approval of said court.
No Injunction Against Ombudsman to Delay Investigation
Any person knowing that any monetary instrument or
property represents, involves, or relates to the proceeds of any unlawful
activity, transacts or attempts to transact said monetary instrument or
Any person knowing that any monetary instrument or
property involves the proceeds of any unlawful activity, performs or fails
to perform any act as a result of which he facilitates the offense of
money laundering referred to in paragraph (a) above.
Any person knowing that any monetary instrument or
property is required under this Act to be disclosed and filed with the
Anti-Money Laundering Council (AMLC), fails to do so.
The regional trial courts shall have jurisdiction to try all cases on money
Those committed by public officers and private persons who are in
conspiracy with such public officers shall be under the jurisdiction of the
The foregoing section apparently refers to the criminal offense of antimoney laundering as defined in section 4 of the law.
The law provided that in petitions for civil forfeiture the Revised Rules of
Court shall apply.
In consequence thereof, the Supreme Court issued the RULE OF
The Rule expressly provided that
The Rule shall govern all proceedings for civil forfeiture, asset
preservation and freezing of monetary instrument, property, or
proceeds representing, involving, or relating to an unlawful activity or
a money laundering offense under Republic Act No. 9160, as amended.
The Revised Rules of Court shall apply suppletorily
inconsistent with the provisions of this special Rule.
when not
TITLE II of the Rule provided only for Civil Forfeiture in the Regional Trial
Court. Thus
SEC. 2. Party to institute proceedings. The Republic of the Philippines,
through the Anti-Money Laundering Council, represented by the Office of
the Solicitor General, may institute actions for civil forfeiture and all
other remedial proceedings in favor of the State of any monetary
instrument, property, or proceeds representing, involving, or relating
to an unlawful activity or a money laundering offense.
The Rule does not provide for civil forfeiture before the Sandiganbayan.
The law created an Anti-Money Laundering Council (AMLC). tasked
with implementing the law, was empowered:
to institute civil forfeiture proceedings and all other remedial
proceedings through the Office of the Solicitor General;
to cause the filing of complaints with the Department of
Justice or the Ombudsman for the prosecution of money laundering
In sub-par, (e), the clarificatory hearing shall only be lim-ited
to facts and issues which the investigating officer believes need to be
The clarificatory hearing shall be held within ten (10) days from
submission of the counter-affidavit and other documents, or from
expiration of the period for their submission. It shall be terminated
within five (5) days.
to initiate investigations of covered transactions, money
laundering activities and other violations of this Act.
The investigation shall then be deemed concluded and the
investigating officer shall, within ten (10) days, determine whether or
not there is sufficient ground to hold the respondent for trial upon the
evidence adduced.
A preliminary investigation is merely inquisitorial, but it is
considered as a judicial proceeding wherein the prosecutor or
investigating officer, by the nature of his functions acts as a quasijudicial officer.
SEC. 3.
Amendment in paragraph (a) requires that the complaint
should be accompanied by affidavits of the complainant and his
witnesses as well as other supporting papers relied upon by him (the
complainant) to establish probable cause.
A significant amendment is the 2nd paragraph of par. (b) regarding
respondent's right to examine all other evidence submitted by the
complainant of which he may not have been furnished and to obtain
copies thereof at his expense.
However, in order to satisfy the due process clause, it is not enough that
the preliminary investigation is conducted in the sense of making sure
that a transgressor shall not escape with impunity.
It is, therefore, imperative upon the fiscal or the judge as the case may
be, to relieve the accused from the pain of going through a trial once it
is ascertained that the evidence is insufficient to sustain a prima facie
case or that no probable cause exists to form a sufficient belief as to the
guilt of the accused.
Although there is no general formula or fixed rule for the determination
of probable cause since the same must be decided in the light of the
conditions obtaining in given situations and its existence depends to a
large degree upon the finding or opinion of the prosecutor (judge)
conducting the examination, such a finding should not disregard the
facts before the prosecutor (judge) nor run counter to the clear dictates
of reasons.
The respondent undergoing a preliminary investigation may not be
compelled to submit a counter-affidavit before the submission of
complainant's affidavit.
The general power of investigation of the PCGG as consisting of two
stages; the first stage, called the criminal investigation, is a fact-finding
inquiry conducted by law enforcement agents, whereby they gather
evidence and interview witnesses and afterwards assess the evidence
so that, if they find sufficient basis, they can file a complaint for the
purpose of preliminary investigation.
The second stage, called the preliminary investigation stage, is
conducted for the purpose of ascertaining if there is sufficient
evidence to bring a person to trial.
Having found petitioner prima facie guilty of violation of Rep. Act No.
3019 for which reason it issued a freeze order against him and filed a
civil complaint for recovery of alleged ill-gotten wealth, the PCGG could
not thereafter act as an impartial judge in conducting a preliminary
investigation of criminal complaints based on the same facts found by
it to constitute prima facie evidence against petitioner.
In our criminal justice system, the law enforcer who conducted the
criminal investigation, gathered the evidence and thereafter filed the
complaint for the purpose of preliminary investigation cannot be allowed
to conduct the preliminary investigation of his own complaint. It is to
say the least arbitrary and unjust.
One cannot be a prosecutor and judge at the same time.
Having gathered the evidence and filed the complaint as a law
enforcer, he cannot be expected to handle with impartiality the
preliminary investigation of his own complaint, this time as a public
Since a preliminary investigation is designed to screen cases for trial,
only evidence may be considered.
While reports and even raw information may justify the initiation of an
investigation, the stage of preliminary investigation can be held only
after sufficient evidence has been gathered and evaluated warranting
the eventual prosecution of the case in court.
Meaning of Probable Cause for Purpose of Filing Information
The term does not mean "actual or positive cause"; nor does it import
absolute certainty.
The Supreme Court had occasion to point this out in Salta v. Court of
Appeals, and to stress as well certain other basic propositions, namely:
that the conduct of a preliminary investi-gation is "not a
judicial function x x x (but) part of the prosecution's job, a function of
the executive,"
that wherever "there are enough fiscals or prosecutors to
conduct preliminary investigations, courts are counseled to leave this
job which is essentially executive to them," and the fact "that a certain
power is granted does not necessarily mean that it should be
indiscriminately exercised."
The 1988 Amendments to the 1985 Rules on Criminal Procedure,
declared effective on October 1, 1988, did not restore that authority to
Judges of Regional Trial Courts; said amendments did not in fact deal at
all with the officers or courts having authority to conduct preliminary
Judges' Power (Duty) to Conduct Preliminary Examination
This is not to say, however, that somewhere along the line, RTC Judges
also lost the power to make a preliminary examination for the purpose
of determining whether probable cause exists to justify the issuance of a
warrant of arrest (or search warrant).
Such a power indeed, it is as much a duty as it is a power has been
and remains vested in every judge by the provision in the Bill of Rights
in the 1935, the 1973 and the present 1987 Constitutions securing the
people against unreasonable searches and seizures, thereby placing it
beyond the competence of mere Court rule or statute to revoke.
Where the rules of the Ombudsman (R.A. No. 6770, Sec. 7, Rule II,
Administrative Order No. 7), allows a party to file a motion for
reconsideration, but the respondents were not furnished a copy of the
resolution and an opportunity to file a motion for reconsideration
before the filing of the information against them in court, the Supreme
Court held that, they were deprived of their right to a full preliminary
investigation preparatory to the filing of the informa-tion against them,
which warranted the remand of the case to the Office of the
Ombudsman to complete the preliminary investigation.
The most that should be done is to remand the case in order that such
investigation could be conducted.
No Right to Counsel During Preliminary Investigation
It has been held that there is nothing in the rules which renders a
preliminary investigation invalid because defendant was without
See, however, People v. Abano, where the confession obtained during
preliminary investigation without the assistance of counsel was held as
The Right of Accused to Discovery Procedures
In Webb u. de Leon, the court held that an accused is entitled during
preliminary investigation to discovery procedure.
While recognizing the absence of any provision in the Rules on Criminal
Procedure for discovery proceedings during preliminary investigation,
the Court held that such failure does not, however, negate its use by a
person under investigation when indispensable to protect his
constitutional right to life, liberty and property.
Preliminary investigation is not too early a stage to guard against
significant erosion of the constitutional right to due process of a
potential accused; x x x and upheld the legal basis of the right of
petitioners to demand from their prosecutor, the NBI, the original copy
of the sworn statement and the FBI report considering their exculpatory
character, and hence, unquestionable materiality to the issue of their
probable guilt.
Under the present rule, the respondent shall have the right to examine
the evidence submitted by the complainant which he may not have
been furnished and to copy them at his expense.
No Right of Cross-Examination
The fiscal need not call the witnesses for clarificatory questioning if
the evidence on hand already yields probable cause.
Absence of Counsel
The Right to Notice
Where the accused is not represented by a counsel during the
preliminary investigation, such irregularity which amounts to an
absence of preliminary investigation should be raised before the trial
When so raised, the trial court is called upon not to dismiss the
information but hold the case in abeyance and conduct its own
investigation or require the fiscal to hold a reinvestigation.
This is the proper procedure since the absence of such investigation did
not impair the validity of the information or otherwise render it
arraignment is when:
A petition for review of the prosecutor's resolution is
pending at either the department of justice or the office of the
president: Provided, That the period of suspension shall not exceed sixty
(60) days counted from the filing of the petition with the reviewing
Role of the Prosecutor
Prosecutors should not allow, and should avoid giving the impression
that their noble office is being used or prostituted, wittingly or
unwittingly, for the political ends or other purposes alien to, or
subversive of, the basic and fundamental objective of serving the
interest of justice even-handedly, without fear or favor to any and all
litigants alike, whether rich or poor, weak or strong, powerless or
Only by strict adherence to the established procedure may the public's
perception of the impartiality of the prosecutor be enhanced.
refuse to enter a plea upon arraignment and object to
further proceedings upon such ground;
insist on preliminary investigation;
file certiorari if refused;
raise lack of preliminary investigation as error on appeal;
file prohibition.
When Habeas Corpus allowed
Habeas Corpus was allowed as a remedy for irregular preliminary
investigation conducted by a municipal judge in a murder case, who
without legal authority for being disqualified as a relative within the 3rd
degree and without proper preliminary examination ordered the
issuance of a warrant of arrest as a consequence of which accused was
illegally detained.
The judge then remanded the case to the provincial prosecutor who was
then held as without authority to lift the warrant of arrest.
The judge was considered, as in construe five custody of the accused,
by virtue of an illegal warrant of arrest.
The power of supervision and control by the Minister of Justice over the
fiscals cannot be denied.
As stated in Noblejas v. Sales, "Section 79 of the Revised Administrative
Code defines the extent o a department secretary's power.
The power of control therein contemplated means (the power of the
department head) to alter, modify or nullify or set aside what a
subordinate officer had done in the performance of his duties and to
substitute the judgment of the former for that of the latter.
The power of control implies the right of the President (and, naturally, of
his alter ego) to interfere in the exercise of such discretion as may be
vested by law in the officers of the national government, as well as to
act in lieu of such officers."
For, while it is the duty of the fiscal to prosecute persons who, according
to evidence received from the complainant, are shown to be guilty of a
crime, the Minister of Justice is likewise bound by his oath of office to
protect innocent persons from groundless, false or serious prosecution.
He would be committing a serious dereliction of duty if he orders or
sanctions the filing of an information based upon a complaint where
he is not convinced that the evidence would warrant the filing of the
action in court.
As he has the power of supervision and control over prosecuting
officers, the Minister of Justice has the ultimate power to decide which
as between conflicting theories of the complainant and the respondents
should be believed.
Thus, the DOJ Order allows the filing of an Information in court after the
consummation of the preliminary investigation even if the accused can
still exercise the right to seek review of the prosecutor's
recommendation with the Secretary of Justice.
Power of Secretary to Review
The power of the Secretary of Justice to review resolutions of his
subordinates even after the information has already been filed in court
is well settled.
In Marcelo v. Court of Appeals, reiterated in Roberts v. Court of Appeals,
the Court clarified that nothing in Crespo v. Mogul, forecloses the power
or authority of the Secretary of Justice to review resolutions of his
subordinates in criminal cases despite an information already having
been filed in court.
Nature of Justice Secretary's Power of Control over prosecutors
The nature of the Justice Secretary's power of control over prosecutors
was explained in Ledesma u. Court of Appeals, in this wise:
merit or manifestly intended for delay, or when the issues raised therein
are too unsubstantial to require consideration.
If an information has been filed in court pursuant to the appealed
resolution, the petition shall not be given due course if the accused had
already been arraigned. Any arraignment made after the filing of the
petition shall not bar the Secretary of Justice from exercising his power
of review.
More importantly, the ruling in Solar Entertainment, Inc. v. Haw, that the
thirty-day period to suspend the arraignment (as provided for in Section
2 of Circular No. 38-98) is not absolute was reiterated in the 2006 case
of Lumanlaw v. Peralta, Jr.
Secretary of Justice to Refrain Only as Far as Practicable from Review
of Cases Already Filed in Court
In Dee v. Court of Appeals, the Supreme Court reiterated its
pronouncement in Crespo v. Mogul, that the Secretary of Justice as far
as practicable, should refrain from entertaining a petition for review of
appeal from the action of the fiscal, when the complaint or information
has already been filed in court.
Once a petition for review is filed with the DOJ it behooved the RTC to
suspend the proceedings until after the Secretary of Justice had resolved
the motion with finality, including the consideration of the motion of the
Provincial Fiscal for the admission of the Second Amended Information
for homicide, the dismissal of Criminal Case No. 926 and the
arraignment of the Petitioner for homicide. The court reiterated its
earlier ruling in Marcelo v. Court of Appeals (supra).
Under Section ll(c) of Rule 116 the period of suspension shall not exceed
sixty (60) days counted from the filing of the petition with the reviewing
office. (This is a new Rule under the 2000 Rules on the Revised Rules of
Criminal Procedure.)
The period of suspension shall not exceed sixty (60) days counted from
the filing of the petition with the reviewing office after the expiration of
said period, the trial court is bound to arraign the accused or to deny
the motion to defer arraignment.
Despite the foregoing provision and ruling, the Court in the 2005 case
ofSerag (supra) reiterated the 1994 ruling in the case ofMarcelo (supra)
for the Court to suspend the proceedings until after the Secretary of
Justice had resolved the motion with finality and cited Section 7 ofDOJ
Circular No. 70 which provides:
Any arraignment made after the filing of the petition shall not bar the
Secretary of Justice from exercising his power of review.
This may be interpreted to mean that while the Court may not suspend
the arraignment beyond the 60 day limitation, it may still suspend the
trial pending final resolution by the DOJ.
In Roberts, the Court went further by saying that Crespo could not have
foreclosed said power or authority of the Secretary of Justice "without
doing violence to, or repealing, the last paragraph of Section 4, Rule 112
of the Rules of Court."
Under the Speedy Trial Rule any period of delay resulting from other
proceedings concerning the accused including but not limited to those
enumerated in Section 3 of Rule 119 in computing the time within
which trial must commence shall be excluded
Any period of delay resulting from a continuance granted by any
court motu proprio, or on motion of either the accused or his counsel, or
the prosecution, if the court granted the continuance on the basis of his
findings set forth in the order that the ends of justice served by taking
such action outweigh the best interest of the public and the accused in
a speedy trial.*9
The matter should be left entirely for the determination of the Court.
The Court, however, clarified en bane in Roberts v. Court of Appeals,
that there is nothing in Crespo v. Mogul which bars the DOJ from taking
cognizance of an appeal, by way of a petition for review, by an accused
in a criminal case from an unfavorable ruling of the investigating
It merely advised the DOJ to, "as far as practicable, refrain from
entertaining a petition for review or appeal from the action of the fiscal,
when the complaint or information has already been filed in Court."
The Supreme Court stressed that the real and ultimate test of the
independence and integrity of the court is not the filing of the motion to
suspend at that stage of the proceedings but the filing of a motion to
dismiss or to withdraw the information on the basis of a resolution of the
petition for review reversing the Joint Resolution of the investigating
Before that time, the pronouncement in Crespo v. Mogul, that "once a
complaint or information is filed in court any disposition of the case as
its dismissal or the conviction of accused or acquittal of the accused
rests in the sound discretion of the court," did not yet become relevant
or applicable.
However, once a motion to dismiss or withdraw the information is filed
the trial judge may grant or deny it, not out of subservience to the
Secretary of Justice, but in faithful excercise of judicial nrerogative on
the duty of the trial judge to make an independent assessment and
finding of the evidence, it not being sufficient for the valid and proper
excercise of judicial discretion merely to accept the prosecution's word
for its supposed insufficiency.
In the absence of such a finding, the order of the court denying or
granting the motion is void.
The procedure of appeals to the Secretary of Justice were consolidated
and modified by Department of Justice Circular No. 70 dated July 3,
2000 entitled 2000 NFS RULE ON APPEAL (Appendix F) and
Department Circular No. 70-A dated July 10, 2000 DELEGATION OF
Where the prosecution is under an invalid law, ordinance or
Where the charges are manifestly false and motivated by
the lust for vengeance;
When there is clearly no prima facie case against the
accused and a motion to quash on that ground has been denied; and
When the second kind comes in, the court must, then exercise
independent judgment, personally evaluate the documents and
evidence adduced before the Fiscal, and determine for itself the
existence of probable cause for the issuance of warrants of arrest.
(N.B.: Where, however, the public prosecutor finds that probable cause
exists as regards several suspects but unaccountably files the
information only against some, but not all of them, mandamus will lie
to compel him to include in the indictment those he has excluded.)
Besides, the function that this Court is asked to perform is that of a trier
of facts which it does not generally do, and if at all, only exceptionally,
as in an appeal in a criminal action where the penalty of life
imprisonment, reclusion perpetua, or death has been imposed by a
lower court (after due trial, of course), or upon a convincing showing of
palpable error as regards a particular factual conclusion in the judgment
of such lower court.
What, in sum, is being attempted in this Court is to reverse the
established and permanent order of things for the Court to act before
trial and judgment by a lower tribunal; to require it to perform the role
of trier of facts which, to repeat, it does not generally do, the issues
properly cognizable by it being normally limited exclusively to questions
of law to make it do something that even the trial court may not do at
this stage of the proceedings itself to determine the existence of
probable cause; to usurp a duty that exclusively pertains to an exclusive
official (supra, at note 3) to conduct a preliminary investigation or
review the findings and conclusions of the public prosecutor who
conducted one.
The matter is not within the review jurisdiction of the Court as this is
clearly specified in the Constitution, a jurisdiction which even the
Congress may not increase "without * * * (the Court's) advice and
From the pragmatic aspect, it is also an undesirable thing, for the result
could well increase the already considerable work load of the Court.
This is a function that the court should not be called upon the perform.
NOTE: It was held in Yap u. IAC, that certiorari does not lie to annul the
Municipal judge's order finding probable cause that the accused
committed the crime charged and consequently ordering their arrest.
Remedies are:
posting bail;
ask provincial fiscal for reinvestigation;
petition for review;
motion to quash information;
if denied appeal, the judgment after trial.104
The judge may, on the other hand, disregard the prosecutor's report and
require the submission of additional evidence to determine the
existence of probable cause. If the judge still finds no probable cause,
he shall dismiss the case.
If the accused had already been arrested, the judge must within the
same period often (10) days determine the existence of probable cause
and issue an order of commitment.
In cases falling under the original jurisdiction of the
municipal trial court, which require a preliminary investigation, the
preliminary investigation shall be conducted by the prosecutor
If such preliminary investigation is conducted by a
prosecutor, the procedure in the preceding section (5a) on the issuance
of a warrant arrest shall be applied upon the filing ol the information.
Under this situation, probable cause may be determined by the Judge on
the basis of the evidence adduced before the prosecutor, which
conducted the preliminary investigation.
Subsection (c) is new provision. When warrant of arrest not
necessary. A warrant of arrest shall not issue if the accused is already
under detention pursuant to a warrant issued by the municipal trial
court in accordance with paragraph (b) of this section, or if the
complaint or information was filed pursuant to section 6 of this Rule or is
for an offense penalized by fine only.
personally evaluate the report and the supporting
documents submitted by the fiscal regarding the existence of probable
cause and, in the basis thereof, issue a warrant of arrest; or
if on the basis thereof he finds no probable cause, he may
disregard the fiscal's report and require the submission of supporting
affidavits of witnesses ;o aid him in arriving at a conclusion as to the
existence of probable cause.
Sound policy dictates this procedure, otherwise judges would he unduly
laden with the preliminary examination and investigation of criminal
complaints instead of concentrating on hearing and deciding cases filed
before their courts.
The doctrine was reiterated in Enrile v. Salazar, holding that
it is not the unavoidable duty of the judge to make a personal
examination, it being sufficient that he follows established procedure
by personally evaluating the report and the supporting documents
submitted by the prosecutor.
* * * the Judge does not have to personally examine the complainant
and his witnesses.
The Prosecutor can perform the same functions as a commissioner for
the taking of the evidence.
However, there should be a report and necessary documents supporting
the Fiscal's bare certification.
All of these should be before the Judge.
The court shall then proceed in the exercise of its original jurisdiction.
Under this subsection, a warrant of arrest need not be issued if the
accused is already under detention pursuant to a warrant issued by the
Municipal Trial Court in accordance with section (5b) of this rule or if the
complaint or information was filed pursuant to section 6 hereof, the
court shall then proceed in the exercise of its original jurisdiction.
The extent of the Judge's personal examination of the report and its
annexes depends on the circumstances of each case.
Explaining its ruling in Allado u. Diokno, which reversed the trial court's
finding of probable cause and ordered the outright dismissal of the
case, the Court stated that the Allado ruling is predicated on the utter
failure of the evidence to show the existence of probable cause.
The Judge has to exercise sound discretion for, after all, the personal
determination is vested in the Judge by the Constitution.
Not even the corpus delicti of the crime was established by the
evidence of the prosecution in that case.
Given the clear insufficiency of the evidence on record, the court there
stressed the necessity for the trial judge to make a further personal
examination of the complainant and his witnesses to reach a correct
assessment of the existence or non existence of probable cause before
issuing warrants of arrest against the accused.
Warrant of arrests issued against "John Doe" whom the witnesses to the
complaint could not identify are in the nature of a general warrant, one
of a class of writs long proscribed as unconstitutional and once
anathematized as "totally subversive of the liberty of the subject."
Such warrants are void because they violate the constitutional
injunction that warrants of arrest should particularly describe the
person or persons to be seized.
Judge May No Longer Rely on FiscaLs Certification
The earlier rulings of the Supreme Court which allows the Judge in the
exercise of its discretion, whether or not to determine the existence of
probable cause and issue a warrant of arrest on the basis of the Fiscal's
Certification which were capsulized in Circular No. 12, dated November
30, 1987 have in effect been abandoned by the Supreme Court in the
light of the 1987 Constitution which provides that no search warrant or
warrant of arrest shall issue except upon probable cause to be
determined personally by the judge after examination under oath or
affirmation of the complainant and the witnesses he may produce, and
particularly describing the place to be searched and the persons or
things to be seized.
The withdrawal started with the case of Soliven v. Makasiar6
decided after the effectivity of the 1987 Constitution where the
Supreme Court then held that the addition of the word "personally"
after the word "determined" underscores the exclusive and personal
responsibility of the issuing judge to satisfy himself of the existence of
probable cause.
arrest only after June 21, 1993. If he did read the Joint Resolution and, in
so reading, found probable cause, there was absolutely no reason at
all to delay for more than one month the issuance of warrants of arrest.
The most probable explanation for such delay could be that the
respondent Judge had actually wanted to wait for a little while for the
DOJ to resolve the petition for review.
The point is: he cannot rely solely and entirely on the prosecutor's
The foregoing principles refer to the findings of the prosecutor for the
purpose of filing the case in court which should be distinguished from
the determination by the judge of probable cause foi the issuance of a
warrant of arrest.
This Court has consistently held that a judge fails in his bounden duty if
he relies merely on the certification or the report of the investigating
Justice Puno further maintains that there was no need for respondent
Judge to make a finding of probable cause.
Thus, a warrant of arrest is void where the court did not per-sonally
determine the existence of probable cause but based the same merely
on: (1) the resolution of the Panel of Investigators of the Ombudsman
recommending the filing of the information, and (2) memorandum of the
office of the Special Prosecutor denying the existence of a prejudicial
Nothing in the
What is required, rather that the judge must have sufficient supporting
documents (such as the complaint, affidavits, counter-affidavits, sworn
statements of witnesses or transcripts of stenographic notes, if any)
upon which to make his independent judgment or, at the very least,
upon which to verify the findings of the prosecutor as to the existence of
probable cause.
The Court expressed its inability to agree with this disquisition, for it
merely assumes at least two things: (1) that respondent Judge Asuncion
had read and relied on the Joint Resolution; and (2) he was convinced
that probable cause exists for the issuance of warrants of arrest
against the petitioners.
In his assailed order, the respondent Judge made no mention of the Joint
Resolution, which was attached to the records of Criminal Case No. Q93-43198 on 22 April 1993. Neither did he state, he found probable
cause for the issuance of warrants of arrest.
Lastly, it is not required that the complete or entire records oi the case
during the preliminary investigation be submitted to and examined by
the judge.
Corollary to this principle, the judge should not override the public
prosecutor's determination of probable cause to hold an accused for
trial, on the ground that the evidence presented to substantiate the
issuance of an arrest warrant was insufficient, as in the present case.
The court, however clarified that: "It is not required that the issuing
judge categorically state in his resolution that he personally determined
the existence of probable cause.
It is enough that it may easily be gleaned from the resolution directing
the issuance of the warrant that he performed his duty in accordance
with the constitutional mandate on the matter.
Findings of Probable Cause as Prosecutors Entitled to Highest Respect
Thus, even il both should base their findings on one and the same
proceeding 01 evidence, there should be no confusion as to their
distinct objectives,
Second, since their objectives are different, the judge cannot rely solely
The Judge may order the production of the records and determine on
the basis thereof the existence of probable cause or return the record
and direct the Fiscal to conduct further investigation.
This is a function that the court should not be called upon to perform.
Effect of Refusal by Prosecution to Adduce Additional Evidence
As a general rule, if the information is valid on its face and there is no
showing of manifest error, grave abuse of discretion or prejudice on
the part of public prosecutor, courts should not dismiss it for want of
While recognizing that the determination by the Prosecutor of probable
cause to hold the accused for trial is an executive function as
distinguished from the determination by the judge in the issuance of a
warrant of arrest is a judicial function, which must be determined
separately, the Court, nonetheless ruled that the findings of the
prosecutor is entitled to the highest respect.
The Court held that the trial court may disregard the Fiscal's report and
require submission of supporting affidavits of witnesses.
The failure or refusal of the petitioner to present further evidence,
although a good ground for the respondent Judge not to issue a
warrant of arrest, is not a legal cause for dismissal.
The judge was directed to proceed with the case, it being understood
that, if within ten (10) days after notice by the judge, the petitioner fails
or refuses to present other evidence, the dismissal will stand for lack of
However, v. Diokno, it was held that the Judge may dismiss
the case outright for lack of probable cause.
Determination of Probable Cause for Issuance of Warrant of Arrest
No Need of Conducting Hearing For Judicial determi-nation of Probabe
Cause to Issue Warrant
Under the present rule the Rule does not require case to be set for
hearing to determine probable cause for the issuance of a warrant for
the arrest of the accused.
He may either dismiss the case outright or to aid him in determining the
existence of probable cause; require additional evidence within then
(10) days from notice should the Judge still find no probable cause, he
shall dismiss the case.
If the judge finds probable cause on the basis thereof, he shall issue a
warrant of arrest or, if the accused has already been arrested, a
commitment order otherwise.
SEC. 6.
When accused lawfully arrested without warrant
The Inquest
Inquest is an informal and summary investigation conducted by a public
prosecutor in criminal case involving persons arrested and detained
without the benefit of a warrant of arrest issued by the court for the
purpose of determining whether or not said persons should remain
under custody and correspondingly be charged in court.
To safeguard the rights of the accused who was arrested without a
warrant, Department Circular No. 61, dated September 21, 1993,
requires the arresting officer to bring the arrestee before the inquest
fiscal who shall determine whether or not said person should remain in
custody and correspondingly be charged in court or that he be released
either for lack of evidence or further investigation.
The custodial investigation report shall be reduced to writing by the
investigating officer, provided that before such report is signed, or
thumbmarked if the person arrested or detained does not know how to
read and write, it shall be read and adequately explained to him by his
counsel or by the assisting counsel provided by the investigating
officer in the language or dialect known to such arrested or detained
person, otherwise, such investigation report shall be null and void and of
no effect whatsoever.
The rule is not applicable if the person is not lawfully arrested without a
It was thus held in Go v. Court of Appeals, Larranaga v. Court of Appeals:
SEC. 7.
SEC. 8.
Cases not requiring a preliminary investigation nor covered by the Rule
on Summary Procedure
Warrant of Arrest
In cases which falls under the original jurisdiction of the municipal trial
court, which does not require a preliminary investigation nor does it
fall under the Rules on Summary Procedure, the case may either be filed
in court by a prosecutor or directly filed in court by the offended party.
The amended rule in the issuance of warrants of arrest by the Municipal
Trial Courts for actions filed in the exercise of its original Jurisdiction
provides for two distinct situations.
The case may be filed directly in the municipal trial court or by the
prosecutor in Metro Manila or other chartered cities.
If the complaint is filed with the PROSECUTOR for offenses which do not
require a preliminary investigation the procedure outlined in Section
3(a) of this Rule shall be observed.
Under Section 3(a), the complaint shall state the known address of the
respondent and be accompanied by affidavits of the complainant and
his witnesses as well as other supporting documents RELIED UPON BY
HIM TO ESTABLISH PROBABLE CAUSE, in such manner of copies as there
are respondent, plus two (2) copies for the official file.
The said affidavits shall be sworn to before any PROSECUTOR, state
prosecutor or government official authorized to administer oath, or, in
their absence or unavailability, a notary public, who must certify that he
personally examined the affiants and that he is satisfied that they
voluntarily executed and under-stood their affidavits.
The prosecutor shall take appropriate action based on the affidavits and
other supporting documents submitted by the complainant WITHIN
In other words, he may either dismiss the case or file it in court without
any further investigation since this refers to cases that are not entitled
to preliminary investigation.
The Prosecutor has no authority to issue a warrant of arrest.
It is only the court that may do so.
A case cognizable by the Municipal Trial Court may, however, be filed in
court directly by the complainant or by the prosecutor, without
preliminary investigation.
Where the respondent judge personally examined the witnesses for the
prosecution adopting as his own personal examination the questions
asked by the investigating officer as appearing in the written
statements, which he read over again to the witnesses together with the
answers given therein, asking the witnesses whether said answers were
theirs, and whether the same answers were true, to which the witnesses
answered in the affirmative, the court considered this as sufficient.
Republic Act No. 3838 does not prohibit the municipal judge from
adopting the questions asked by a previous investigator.
important; there must have been an intent an the part of one of them to
arrest the other, and an intent on the part of the other to submit, under
the belief and impression that submission was necessary.
The deceased resisted the arrest by striking the accused with a calicut
whereupon the latter shot him with his revolver causing the former's
If an officer having authority to make an arrest lays his hand upon the
person of the prisoner, however lightly, with the intention of taking him
into custody, there is an arrest, even though he has not succeeded in
stopping or holding him even for an instant.
An arrest signifies restraint on person, depriving one of his own will and
liberty, binding him to become obedient to the will of the
The term "searching questions and answers" means only, taking into
consideration the purpose of the preliminary examination which is to
determine "whether there is a reasonable ground to believe that an
offense has been committed and the accused is probably guilty
thereof so that a warrant of arrest may be issued and the accused held
for trial," such questions as have tendency to show the commission of a
crime and the perpetrator thereof.
The finding of the trial court that the complaint was "supported by
statements of the witnesses under oath" and the record also shows the
sworn statements of the witnesses to have been subscribed and sworn
to before respondent Judge, satisfies the second requirement.
The statement that the judge determines whether there is need for
placing the accused under custody in order not to frustrate the ends of
justice only applies to warrants of arrest issued by the Municipal Judge
during a preliminary investigation.
RULE 113
This Court may approve of this standard of official conduct where the
criminal offers resistance or does something which places his captors in
danger of imminent attack.
Otherwise, this court cannot see how, as in the present case, the mere
fact of notoriety can make the life of a criminal a mere trifle in the
hands of the officers of the law.
Notoriety rightly supplies a basis for redoubled official alertness and
vigilance; it never can justify precipitate action at the cost of human life.
It may, perhaps, be argued that the appellant might have used his
club, but a policeman's club is not a very effective weapon as against a
drawn knife and a police officer is not required to afford a person
attacking him the opportunity for a fair and equal struggle.
SEC. 3.
Duty of Arresting Officer
Definition of arrest
SEC. 2.
Arrest; how made
What Constitutes Arrest
The act relied upon as constituting an arrest must have been performed
with the intent to effect an arrest and must have been so understood by
the party arrested.
This, in effect, is the principle laid down, although upon different facts."
SEC. 4.
Execution of Warrant
The rule does not require a return of the warrant of arrest but only a
report to the judge who issued the warrant and, in case of the officer's
failure to execute the same, shall state the reasons therefor.
A warrant of arrest does not become stale or functus oficio unlike a
search warrant which is valid only for ten days.
When an offense has in fact just been committed, and he
has personal knowledge of facts indicating that the person to be
arrested has committed it; and
Reason For 1985 Amendment
In 1985, the rule, which was transposed to section 5 of Rule 113,
introduced a significant change.
Subsection (b) of section 5, Rule 113 inserted the word "just" before
been committed, and the phrase "he has reasonable ground to believe"
was changed to "he has personal knowledge of facts" to minimize
arrests based on mere suspicion or hearsay.
Controversy arose in the interpretation of what are those fact which
must be within the personal knowledge of the person effecting the
Otherwise stated, what are the facts indicating that the person to be
arrested has committed the crime.
The restrictive interpretation is that the facts constituting the crime
must be personally known by the person effecting the arrest, hence,
there are cases which excluded even an eyewitness identification
allegedly because of lack of personal knowledge by the arresting officer.
"It has been ruled that 'personal knowledge of facts,' in arrests without
warrant must be based upon probable cause, which means an actual
belief or reasonable grounds of suspicion.
The grounds of suspicion are reasonable when, in the absence of actual
belief of the arresting officers, the suspicion that the person to be
arrested is probably guilty of committing the offense, is based on actual
facts, i.e., supported by circumstances sufficiently strong in themselves
to create the probable cause of guilt of the person to be arrested.
A reasonable suspicion therefore must be founded on probable cause,
coupled "with good faith on the part of the peace officers making the
The foregoing standards were again adopted in warrantless "hot
pursuit" arrest in the 1999 case of People v. Doria.
As observed by an eminent author there does not exist (and never will
exist) a "bright line" marking the exact boundaries of probable cause, so
that a warrant should be upheld when the initial judgment of the
magistrate could considerably have gone either way.
General Principles; Warrantless Arrest Not Allowed
As a general rule, no peace officer or person has the power
or authority to arrest anyone without a warrant except in those cases
expressly authorized by law.
not prohibit arrests, searches and seizures without judicial warrant, but
only those that are unreasonable.
To hold that no criminal can in any case be arrested and searched for
the evidence and tokens of his crime without a warrant, would be to
leave society, to a large extent, at the mercy of the shrewdest, the most
expert, and the most depraved of criminals, facilitating their escape in
many instances.
It is the duty of a policeman to arrest those who disturb an assemblage
by words and blows constituting a breach of the peace and the
defendant who requested the arrest and the officer who made it did not
incur criminal responsibility.
Municipal councilors and lieutenants or "barrios" are charged with duty
of maintaining order, and preserving and protecting life and property in
the "barrios" specially placed under their direction in conformity with
Sec. 37 of Act No. 82, and are therefore clothed with authority to make
arrests without warrants, not inferior to those powers usually conferred
upon peace officers, more especially those of peace officers known as
"constables" in American and English law.
Thus, the Lieutenant of a "barrio" was held to be within lawful
performance of his duties when he attempted to arrest a person caught
in flagrante delicto conducting a clandestine cockpit.
Any officer charged with the preservation of the public peace may arrest
without a warrant any person who is committing, or has committed, a
breach of peace in his presence.
Source of Rule on Warrantless Arrest
A warrantless arrest in this jurisdiction as an exception to
the constitutional prohibition against unreasonable search and seizure
was originally governed by Rules 27, 28, 29 and 30 of the Provisional
Law for the Application of the Penal Code, which authorized among
others the arrest of persons when there is reasonable ground to
believe him guilty of some offense, provided:
First. That the authority or agent had reasonable cause to believe that
an unlawful act, amounting to crime had been committed.
Second. That the authority or agent had sufficient reason to believe that
the person arrested participated in the commission of such unlawful act
or crime.
The Supreme Court in the 1909 case U.S. v. Fortaleza (supra), likewise
pointed to section 37 of Act No. 183 (Charter of Manila) which
designated customs officials, including police officers or peace officers
who may pursue and arrest without warrant, any person found in
suspicious places or under suspicious circumstances reasonably tending
to show that such person has committed, or is about to com-mit any
crime or breach of the peace; or may arrest, or cause to be arrested
without warrant, any offender, when the offense is committed in the
presence of a peace officer or within his view.
The extent of a peace officers' arrest powers in the
Philippines without warrant and the limitations therein was upheld by
the Supreme Court in the 1917 case of U.S. v. Santos and as stated in
the Legislature in the Charter of the City of Manila and (2) the
Administrative Code and (3) Sec. 2258, edition of 1917 which enjoins
Municipal policemen to "exercise vigilance in the prevention of public
The decision, likewise cited the common law rule on the arrest of
suspicious night walkers.
In the 1939 case of People v. Ancheta the Supreme Court
pointed to section 848 of the Administrative Code and Article 124 of the
Revised Penal Code as allowing members of the Constabulary or
policemen to make arrests without warrant, not only when a crime is
being committed or is about to be committed in their presence, but
also when they reasonably believe or have grounds to suspect that a
crime has been committed and that it has been committed precisely
by the person arrested.
Under Commonwealth Act No. 181 (Sec. 3), an arrest
without warrant may be made by agents of the Department of Justice
(i.e., the Chief of the Division of Investigation and his subordinates) for a
crime which has been committed in their presence, or within their view,
or in cases where the person making the arrests has reasonable grounds
to strongly believe that the person so arrested is guilty of such crime
and where there is likelihood of the person escaping before a legal
warrant can be obtained for his arrest, but the person arrested shall be
the orders of his superior officer and to enforce the law, a peace officer
makes a mere mistake in good faith, he should be exculpated.
Otherwise, the courts will put a premium on crime and will terrorize
peace officers through a fear of themselves violating the law."
In People v. Kagui Malasugu a warrantless arrest for a
crime committed not in arresting officer's presence but made on the
same day was justified.
In other words, such arrest or detention does not necessarily
presume that really a crime had been committed.
It is sufficient that there was ample ground to believe honestly and
reasonably that the cause of the surrounding phenomena at the time
was a crime that has just been or was about to be committed and that
the person detained was responsible for it.
Thus, under the pre-1940 rulings, a lawful warrantless arrest does not
require the indubitable existence of a crime.
the person to be arrested must execute an overt act
indicating that he has just committed, is actually committing, or is
attempting to commit a crime; and
What he was doing was descending the gangplank of the M/V Wilcon 9
and there was no outward indication that called for his arrest.
He noted that petitioner David was not wearing the subject t-shirt and
even if he was wearing it, such fact is insufficient to charge him with
inciting to sedition.
Further, he also stated that there is insufficient evidence for the charge
of violation of B.P. Big. 880 as it was not even known whether petitioner
David was the leader of the rally.
Meaning of Personal Knowledge Based on Sensory Perceptions
People v. Claudio
Essential Requisites
Reliable information alone, absent any overt act indicative of a felonious
enterprise in the presence of and within the view of the arresting
officers, are not sufficient to constitute probable cause that would justify
an in flagrante delicto arrest.
not, at the moment of his arrest, committing a crime nor was it shown
that he was about to do so or that he had just done so.
such overt act is done in the presence or within the view of
the arresting officer
There is an attempt when the offender commences the commission of a
felony directly by overt acts, and does not perform all the acts of
execution which should produce the felony by reason of some cause or
accident other than his own spontaneous desistance.
Overt or external act has been defined as some physical activity or
deed, indicating the intention to commit a particular crime, more than a
mere planning or preparation, which if carried out to its complete
termination following its natural course, without being frustrated by
external obstacles nor by the voluntary desistance of the perpetrator,
will logically and necessarily ripen into a concrete offense.
A warrantless arrest is not justified by the mere fact that a crime is
being committed in one's presence.
Pat. Obina a member of the NARCOTICS UNIT, was on board the Victory
Liner, seated on the second seat at the back. While he was thus seated,
suspect Anita Claudio boarded the same bus and took the seat in front
of him after putting a bag which she was carrying at the back of the
seat of Obina. The bag placed by suspect behind his seat was a woven
buri bag made of plastic containing her bag behind Pat. Obina's seat
aroused his suspicion and made him felt (sick) nervous. With the feeling
that there was something unusual, he had the urge to search the woven
plastic bag. But it was only at San Fernando, Pampanga when he was
able to go to the bag. He inserted one of his fingers in a plastic bag
located at the bottom of the woven bag and smelt marijuana. The
plastic woven bag appearing to contain camote tops on the top has a
big bundle of plastic marijuana at the bottom. He could recognize the
smell of marijuana because he was assigned at that time at the ANTINARCOTICS UNIT. He did not, however, do anything after he discovered
that there was marijuana inside the plastic bag of the accused until they
reached Olongapo City and the accused alighted from the bus in front of
the Caltex Gasoline Station in Sta. Rita. Right after the accused alighted
from the bus, policeman Obina intercepted her and showed her his ID
identifying himself as a policeman and told her he will search her bag
because of the suspicion that she was carrying marijuana inside said
bag. In reply, accused told him, "Please go with me, let us settle this at
HELD: Appellant Claudio was caught transporting prohibited drugs. Pat.
Daniel Obina did not need a warrant to arrest Claudio as the latter was
caught inflagrante delicto. The warrantless search being an incident to a
lawful arrest is in itself lawful.
The arresting
The Constitution provides that "the right of the people to be secured in
their persons, houses, papers and effects against unreasonable search
and seizure of whatever nature and for any purpose shall be inviolable,
and no search warrant or warrant of arrest shall issue except upon
probable cause to be determined personally by the judge after
examination under oath or affirmation of the complainant and the
witnesses he may produce, and particularly describing the place to be
searched and the persons or things to be seized."
The plain import of the language of the Constitution is that searches,
seizures and arrests are normally unreasonable unless authorized by a
validly issued search warrant or warrant of arrest.
Thus, the fundamental protection given by this provision is that between
person and police must stand the protective authority of a magistrate
clothed with power to issue or refuse to issue search warrants or
warrants of arrest.
In the Brief Account submitted by petitioner David, certain facts ire
established: first, he was arrested without warrant; second, the PNP
operatives arrested him on the basis ofPP 1017; third, he was brought at
Camp Karingal, Quezon City where he was fingerprinted, Dhotographed
and booked like a criminal suspect; fourth, he was created brusquely by
policemen who "held his head and tried to push him inside an unmarked
car; fifth, he was charged with Violation of Satas Pambansa Bilang Big.
880 and Inciting to Sedition; sixth, he was detained for seven (7) hours;
and seventh, he was eventually released for insufficiency of evidence.
Strict Interpretation
Personal Knowledge Interpreted. The need to strictly adhere to the rule
was stressed by Justice Hugo Gutierrez, Jr., in no uncertain terms in
People v. Burgos In this case Cesar Masamlok surrendered to the PC
on May 12, 1982 stating that, he was forcibly recruited by Ruben Burgos
a member of the NPA, threatening him with the use of firearm against
his life, if he refused.
A joint team of members of the PC-INP was dispatched the following day
to arrest Ruben Burgos and they were able to locate and arrest him
while he was plowing his field. Interrogation was made in the house of
the accused. He first denied possession of the firearm but later, upon
further questioning, the team with the wife of the accused, the latter
pointed to a place below their house where a gun was buried in the
After the recovery of the firearm, the accused likewise pointed to the
subversive documents which the PC found kept in a stock pile ofcogon,
at a distance of three meters apart from his house.
Accused when confronted with the firearm readily admitted the same as
issued to him by the team leader of a sparrow unit. The lower court
justified the arrest, search and seizure without warrant under Section 6A, Rule 113 of the Rules of Court.
The Supreme Court held the arrest as unlawful.
Under Section 6(a) of Rule 113, the officer arresting a person who has
just committed, is committing, or is about to commit an offense must
have personal knowledge of that fact.
The offense must also be committed in his presence or within his view."
There is no such personal knowledge in this case.
only saw them acting suspiciously. The court held that the cardinal rule
is that no person may be subjected by the police to a search of his
house, body or personal belonging except by virtue of a search warrant
or on the occasion of a lawful arrest.
If a person is searched without a warrant, or under circum-stances other
than those justifying an arrest without warrant in accordance with law,
merely on suspicion that he is engaged in some felonious enterprise,
and in order to discover if he has indeed committed a crime, it is not
only the arrest which is illegal but also, the search on the occasion
thereof as being the fruit of the poisonous tree.
In that event, any evidence taken, even if confirmatory of the initial
suspicion, is inadmissible "for any purpose in any proceeding.
Arrest Based on Suspicion; Where there is Urgency
Where around 9:30 in the evening the police on a surveillance mission
noticed a person carrying a red travelling bag who was acting
suspiciously and they confronted himand requested him to open the red
travelling bag but the person refused. Found inside the bag were
marijuana leaves wrapped in a plastic wrapper and weighing one kilo,
more or less.
Accused was held to havev been caught in flagrante, since he was
carrying marijuana at the time of his arrest. This case therefore falls
squarely within the exception.
The warrantless search was incident to a lawful arrest and is
consequently valid.
"At the time the peace officers in this case identified themselves and
apprehended the petitioner as he attempted to flee they did not know
that he had committed, or was actually com-mitting the offense of
illegal possession of firearms and ammunitions.
Although the trial court's decision did not mention it, the transcript of
stenographic notes reveals that there was an informer who pointed to
the accused-appellant as carrying marijuana.
Faced with such on-the-spot information, the police officers had to act
They just suspected that he was hiding something in the buri bag.
They did not know what its contents were. The said circumstances did
not justify an arrest without a warrant.
Thus, to justify the arrest without warrant, under Section 6 (a), it is not
enough that a crime is actually being committed in his presence.
The person or peace officer making the arrest must be per-sonally
aware of the commission of such crime."
People v. Mengote
The police received a telephone call that there were three sus-picious
looking persons at the corner of Juan Luna and North Bay Boulevard at
Tondo. The police responded and saw two men "looking from side to
side," one of whom was holding his abdomen. The police approached
them and identified themselves as policemen whereupon the two tried
to ran away. The other lawmen surrounded them and searched them
and one of them was found with an unlicensed firearm and live
ammunition. Was the search and seizure legal?
Held: It is illegal. At the time of the arrest, the appellant was merely
looking from side to side and holding his abdomen. This is not a crime.
The police did not know then what offense if at all had been committed
and neither were they aware of the participation therein of the
appellant, x x x
Hence, the warrantless search was also illegal and the evidence
obtained thereby was inadmissible.
As for the illegal possession of firearm, the police discovered this only
after he had been searched and investigated.
The Supreme Court cited the cases of Burgos, Alih Castro and
Aminnudin holding that it would be a sad day, indeed, if any person
could be summarily arrested and searched just because he is holding his
abdomen, even if it be possibly because of a stomachache or if a
peace officer could clamp handcuffs on any person with a shifty look on
suspicion that he may have committed a criminal act or is actually
committing or attempting to commit it.
The Supreme Court explained that petitioners were not caught in the
act, does not make their arrest illegal.
Petitioners were found with young boys in their respective rooms, the
one with John Sherman being naked.
Under those circumstances, the CID agents had reasonable grounds to
believe that petitioners had committed "pedophilia" defined as psychosexual perversion involving children."
"Pedophilia for unusual sexual activity in which children are the
preferred sexual objects"
Solicitor General's Return of the Writ, on p. 101.
The recovery of the marijuana from Marquez and the P190.00 from
accused by the said police officers were not violative of their
constitutional rights since Marquez and the accused voluntarily
surrendered them to the police officers.
But even for the sake of argument that the recovery of the marijuana
and peso bills were against the consent of Marquez and accused, still,
the search on their persons were incidental to their valid warrantless
People v. Rodriguez
In People v. Saycon A warrantless arrest, search and seizure based on
information from a NARCOM agent that a suspected Shabu courier was
arriving at Dumaguete City on board a vessel and who was pointed to
The arrest, search and seizure was held illegal in view of the admission
by the police that he did not actually see the appellants transacting but
The police officers were tipped off by an informer about the illegal trade
of the accused.
The exact location where this trading in drugs was taking place was
given to them.
"From the facts as above narrated, the claim of the petitioners that they
were initially arrested illegally is, therefore, without basis in law and in
The attending circumstances taking place before their eyes led the
police officers to reasonably conclude that an offense was actually being
Personal Knowledge Under Section 5(a) Was Not Likewise
Strictly Observed in the Following Cases:
In these cases, the fact that the search yielded possession of illegal
articles was included as a justification for a warrantless
Arrest under Section 5(a) although the arresting officer at the time of
arrest has no personal knowledge of a crime being committed in their
presence as prescribed in U.S. v. Samonte (supra); Sayo v. Chief of
Police (supra); People v. Burgos (supra); and People v. Posadas
Meaning of Personal Knowledge of Facts Constituting Probable Cause
In its resolution denying the Motion for Reconsideration in the Umil v.
Ramos cases, the majority opinion explained the meaning of Personal
Knowledge of Facts, as follows:
It has been ruled that 'Personal Knowledge of Facts,' in arrests without
warrant must be based upon probable cause, which means an actual
belief or reasonable grounds of suspicion.
The grounds of suspicion are reasonable when, in the absence of actual
belief of the arresting officers, the suspicion that the person to be
arrested is probably guilty of committing the offense, is based on actual
facts, i.e., supported by circumstances sufficiently strong in themselves
to create the probable cause of guilt of the person to be arrested.
A reasonable suspicion therefore must be founded on probable cause,
"coupled with good faith on the part of the peace officers making the
The Continuing Crime Principle to Justify Warrantless Arrest
The Umil u. Ramos, and seven other petitions for habeas corpus were
all based on the ground that the arrests of the petitioners were made
without warrant and that no preliminary investigation was first
conducted so that the information filed against them are void.
The Supreme Court in a per curiam decision, however, found that the
persons in whose behalf these petitions for habeas corpus have been
filed, were freshly committed and that the accused were actually
committing an offense, when apprehended, so that their arrests without
a warrant were clearly justified.
The court then proceeded to give a brief narration of the facts and
events surrounding each of the eight petitioners.
In Umil v. Ramos, one of the petitioners, Rolando Dural who
was then confined in the hospital for a gunshot wound was positively
identified as a member of the sparrow unit who went on top of the hood
of the CAPCOM Mobile patrol car.
The Supreme Court found that he was not arrested while in the act of
shooting the two soldiers. He was charged with the crime of Double
Murder with Assault upon Agents of Persons in Authority.
Nor was he arrested just after the commission of the offense for his
arrest came a day after the shooting incident. He was arrested in the
hospital. Seemingly, his arrest without warrant is unjustified.
The Court, however, justified the arrest of Rolando Dural for being a
member of the New People's Army (NPA) an outlawed subversive
"Subversion being a continuous offense, the arrest of Rolando Dural
without warrant is justified as it can be said that he was committing an
offense when arrested.
The crimes of rebellion, subversion, conspiracy or proposal to commit
Anonuevo and Casiple claim that they were unlawfully arrested because
there was no previous warrant of arrest. The Supreme Court held the
claim as without merit.
"The record shows that Domingo Anonuevo and Ramon Casiple were
carrying unlicensed firearms and ammunition in their persons when they
were apprehended."
In Ocaya u. Aguirre, the arrest without warrant, of Vicky
Ocaya was justified under the Rules, since she had with her unlicensed
ammunition when she was arrested.
The record of this case shows that on 12 May 1988, agents of the PC
Intelligence and investigation of the Rizal PC-INP Command, armed with
a search warrant issued by Judge Eutropio Migrino of the Regional Trial
Court ofPasig, Metro Manila, conducted a search of a house located at
Block 19, Phase II, Marikina Green Heights, Marikina, Metro Manila,
believed to be occupied by Benito Tiamson, head of the CPP-NPA.
In the course of the search, Vicky Ocaya arrived in a car driven by
Danny Rivera.
Subversive documents and several rounds of ammunition for a .45 cal.
pistol were found in the car of Vicky Ocaya.
As a result, Vicky Ocaya and Danny Rivera were brought to the PC
Headquarters for investigation. When Vicky Ocaya could not produce
any permit or authorization to possess the ammunition, an information
charging her with violation of P.D. No. 1866 was filed with the Regional
Trial Court of Pasig, Metro Manila.
The case is docketed therein as Criminal Case No. 737. Danny Rivera,
on the other hand, was released from custody.
In Espiritu v. Lim, the respondents claim that the petitioner
was lawfully arrested without a judicial warrant of arrest (on November
23) since petitioner when arrested had in fact just committed an offense
in the afternoon of 22 November 1988, during a press conference of the
National Press Club.
Policemen waited for petitioner outside the National Press Club in order
to investigate him, but he gave the lawmen the slip.
Thus, the search made upon his personal effects falls squarely under
paragraph (1) of the foregoing provisions of law, which allow a
warrantless search incident to a lawful arrest."
"Bukas tuloy ang welga natin, sumagot no. ang Cebu at Bicol na kasali
sila, at hindi tayo titigil hanggang hindi binibigay ng gobyerno ni Cory
ang gusto noting pagbaba ng halaga ng spare parts, bilihin at ang
pagpapalaya sa ating pinuno na si Ka Roda hanggang sa magkagulo
While it is true that the NARCOM officers were not armed with a search
warrant when the search was made over the personal effects of
accused, however, under the circumstances of the case, there was
sufficient probable cause for said officers to believe that accused was
then and there committing a crime.
The Supreme Court held that the arrest of petitioner without a warrant is
in accordance with the provisions of Rule 113, Sec. 5(b).
In this case, an informer informed the police the day before that a drug
courier whom he could recognize would be arriving in Cavite from
Baguio City.
In Nazareno v. Station Commander, the record of this case
shows that at about 8:30 o'clock in the morning of 14 December 1988,
one Romulo Bunye II was killed by a group of men near the corner of T.
Molina and Mendiola Streets in Alabang, Muntinlupa, Metro Manila. One
of the suspects in the killing was Ramil Regala who was arrested by the
Police on 28 December 1988. Upon questioning, Regala pointed to
Narciso Nazareno as one of his companions in the killing of the said
Romulo Bunye II.
In view thereof, the police officers, without warrant, picked up Narciso
Nazareno and brought him to the police headquarters for questioning.
The Supreme Court held:
"Evidently, the arrest of Nazareno was effected by the police without
warrant pursuant to Sec. 5(b), Rule 113, Rules of Court after he was
positively implicated by his co-accused Ramil Regala in the killing of
Romulo Bunye II; and after investigation by the police authorities. As
held in People v. Ancheta:
"The obligation of an agent of authority to make an arrest by reason of a
crime, does not presuppose as a necessary requisite for the fulfillment
thereof, the indubitable existence of a crime.
For the detention to be perfectly legal, it is sufficient that the person in
authority making the arrest has reasonably sufficient grounds to believe
the existence of an act having the characteristics of a crime and that
the same grounds exist to believe that the person sought to be
detained participated therein."
In People v. Malmstedt
The receipt of information by NARCOM that a Caucasian coming from
Sagada had prohibited drugs in his possession, plus the suspicious
As soon as the appellant had alighted from the passenger jeepney the
informer at once indicated to the officers that their suspect was at hand
pointing to him from the waiting shed, the informer told them that the
marijuana was likely hidden inside the travelling bag and carton box
which appellant was carrying at the time.
The court held that the officers thus realized that he was their man even
if he was simply carrying a seemingly innocent pair of luggage for
personal effects.
The Court therein wrote: "the apprehending officer must have been
spurred by probable cause in effecting an arrest which could be
classified as one in cadence with the instances of permissible arrests set
out in Section 5(a)."
According to the court, the conventional view is that probable cause,
while a relative term the determination of which must be resolved
according to the facts of each case, is understood as having reference
to facts and circumstances which could lead a reasonable, discreet, and
prudent man to believe and conclude as to the commission of an
offense, and that the objects sought in connection with the offense are
in the place sought to be searched.
The court pointed out that under Rule 112 of the Rules of Court, the
quantum of evidence in preliminary investigation is such evidence as
suffices to "engender a well founded belief as to the fact of the
commission of the crime and the respondent's probable guilt thereof.
It has the same meaning as the related phraseology used in other parts
of the same Rule, that is, that the investigating fiscal "finds cause to
hold the respondent for trial," or where "a probable cause exist."
It should, therefore, be in that sense, wherein the right to effect a
warrantless arrest should be considered as legally authorized.
In People v. Aruta, the police was tipped off by his informant that a
certain "Aling Rosa" will be arriving from Baguio City the following day
with a large volume of Marijuana.
The police proceeded to the place at 4:00 p.m. of the following day and
deployed themselves near the PNB. A Victory Liner Bus arrived.
Two females and a male got off, and the pointed to "Aling Rosa" carrying
a traveling bag. The police approached her and inquired about the
contents of the traveling bag which she handed to the police, who, upon
inspection found dried leaves of marijuana packed inside a plastic bag.
where the accused who were riding a jeepney were stopped
and searched by policeman who had earlier received confidential
reports that the said accused would transport a large quantity of
marijuana; and
where the moving vehicle was stopped and searched on the
basis of intelligence information and clandestine reports by a deep
penetration agent or spy one who participated in the drug
smuggling activities of the syndicate to which the accused belonged
the said accused where bringing prohibited drugs into the country
Other Cases where there was no Probable Cause
There is, no probable cause where the arresting team was only armed
with knowledge of the suspect's "attire" which the witness could not
even remember.
The team did not have a physical description of the suspect nor his
They were not even given a specific place within which to target their
search of the suspect, only a vicinity of the Muslim Area in Quiapo,
near the Muslim Mosque.
Yet the arresting team directly zeroed in on the accused and his
companions who were only eating halo-halo at a small restaurant, surely
not a crime in itself.
And despite claims by CID and BADUA that CHUA attempted to flee,
ALMOITE testified that the latter was merely walking and oblivious to
any attempt at conversation when the officers approached him.
where an informer positively identified the accused who was
observed to have been acting suspiciously;
In another case, the court noted that the ETC never took the pains of
pointing to such facts, (constituting probable cause) but predicated
mainly its decision on the finding that "accused was caught red-handed
carrying the bag-full of [s]habu when apprehended."
The team returned to Antipolo at 7:00 P.M. of the same day. According to
the police, they met Cruz on their way to his house while Cruz claimed
that the police just barged into his house.
But assuming that the version of the police is the correct one, there
was no reasonable basis to place Cruz under arrest without a warrant
and then search him, also without a warrant.
Certainly, the arrest was not made in the course of a "hot pursuit" of
Cruz, because he was not in Marikina during the "buy-bust" operation. In
such a case, the police should have first secured a warrant of arrest and
a search warrant before they arrested and bodily searched Cruz.
In another case, the Solicitor General proposes that the following details
are suggestive of probable cause persistent reports of rampant
smuggling of firearm and other contraband articles, CHUA's watercraft
differing in appearance from the usual fishing boats that commonly
cruise over the Bacnotan seas, CHUA's illegal entry into the Philippines
(he lacked the necessary travel documents or visa), CHUA's suspicious
behavior, i.e., he attempted to flee when he saw the police authorities,
and the apparent ease by which CHUA can return to and navigate his
speedboat with immediate dispatch towards the high seas, beyond the
reach of Philippine laws.
The Court, however, found that these do not constitute "probable
The buy-bust operation and the search and seizure pursuant to the buybust operation must be continuous:
The court held that the arrest, search and seizure were illegal.
At the same time, however, examining the conduct of the police should
not disable courts into ignoring the accused's predisposition to commit
the crime.
None of the telltale clues, e.g., bag or package emanating the pungent
odor of marijuana or other prohibited drugs confidential report and/or
positive identification by informers of courier(s) of prohibited drug
and/or the time and place where they will transport/ deliver the same,
suspicious demeanor or behavior and suspicious bulge in the waist
accepted by this Court as sufficient to justify a warrantless arrest
exists in this case.
The manner by which the initial contact was made, whether or not
through an initial contact was made, whether or not through an
informant, the offer to purchase the drug, the payment of the "buy-bust"
money, and the delivery of the illegal drug, whether to the informant
alone or the police officer, must be the subject of strict scrutiny by
courts to insure that the law-abiding citizens are not unlawfully induced
to commit an offense.
The arrest was held legal and the consequent search which yielded 20
sticks of marijuana was lawful for being incident to a valid arrest.
He did not make the arrest right then and there because there were only
himself and the informant as against the different male and female
voices he heard from both rooms of appellant's house.
The fact that the prosecution failed to prove the sale of marijuana
beyond reasonable doubt does not undermine the legality of the
appellant's arrest.
Considering that the operation took place inside the house of appellant,
understandably Pat. Uggadan and his informant had to get out of the
house and inform their backup that the sale had been consummated.
It is not necessary that the crime should have been established as a fact
in order to regard the detention as legal.
The legality of detention does not depend upon the actual commission
of the crime, but upon the nature of the deed when such
characterization may reasonably be inferred by the officer or
functionary to whom the law at the moment leaves the decision for the
urgent purpose of suspending the liberty of the citizen.
People v. Euaristo, cited the doctrine in People v. Sucro (supra), when
crime is deemed committed in one's presence e.g., hears the
disturbances created thereby and proceeds at the scene thereof.
Consequently, under the facts, the firearms taken from Carillo can be
said to have been incidental to a lawful and valid arrest under Sec. 5(b),
Rule 113.
People v. Briones Warrantless arrest made by a police
officer based on disclosure by eyewitness who disclosed the identity of
the perpetrator was rejected.
People v. Cendana Arrest based on information from
unknown sources given a day after the commission of the crime was
People v. Tonog Arrest based on knowledge of facts
gathered from investigation was held valid.
Nazareno v. Station Commander of Muntinlupa Arrest
based on information of a suspect 14 days aftel commission of crime
held as valid. This is of doubtful validity.
Rolito Go u. Court of Appeals (supra, February 1992) Justice
Feliciano as ponente Arrest 6 days after shooting based on
information of alleged eyewitnesses was held unlawful
Neither could the arrest effected six (6) days after the shooting be
reasonably regarded as effected when [the shooting had] ii fact just
been committed within the meaning of Section 5(b).
The arrest must be made almost immediately as soon after these acts,
not at anytime after the suspicion of the arresting officer begins, no
matter how long ago the offense was committed.
The time interval between the actual commission of the crime and the
arrival of the arresting officer must be brief indeed.
The recency contemplated here, in relation to the making of the
warrantless arrest, is the time when the crime was in fact committed,
and not the time when the person making the arrest learned or was
informed of such commission.
The information upon which the police acted had been derived from
statements made by alleged eyewitness to the shooting one stated
that petitioner was the gunman; another was able to take down the
alleged gunman's car plate number which turned out to be registered in
petitioner's wife name.
That information did not, however, constitute personal knowledge.
Personal Knowledge of Facts Based on Information Allowed
Espiritu v. Lim The arrest of the accused one day after
commission of the crime of Inciting to Sedition was held to be valid.
The fact that Macabante, when intercepted by the police, was caught
throwing the marijuana sticks and when confronted, readily admitted
that he bought the same from the accused-appellant clearly indicates
that accused had just sold the marijuana sticks to Macabante, and
therefore, had just committed an illegal act of which the police officers
had personal knowledge, being members of the team which monitored
Sucre's nefarious activity.
In People u. Alvarez Arrest based on surveillance by
informant who was once a policeman was held to be valid.
Petitioner's arrest took place six (6) days after the shooting of Maguan.
The arresting officers obviously were not present, within the meaning of
Section 5(a), at the time petitioner had allegedly who Maguan.
People v. Nazareno
commission of the crime is valid.
People u. Sucro, citing People v. Bati Police officers have
personal knowledge of the actual commission of the crime when it had
earlier conducted surveillance activities of the accused.
Offense have been committed;
Offense has just been committed;
Probable cause based on personal knowledge of facts or
circumstances that persons to be arrested committed it.
In People v. Madriaga, personal knowledge based on
information of the co-accused pointing to accused as to source of
marijuana, was held as valid.
In People v. Gerente, the policemen arrested Gerente only
some three (3) hours after Gerente and his companions had killed Blace.
People v. Sucro
They saw Blace dead in the hospital and when they inspected the scene
of the crime, they found the instruments of death; a piece of wood and
a concrete hollow which the killers had used to bludgeon him to death.
The eyewitness, Edna Edwina Reyes, reported the happening to the
policemen and pinpointed her neighbor, Gerente as one of the killers.
Rolito Go v. Court of Appeals Arrest six days after
commission of the crime based on information from alleged eyewitness
held unlawful.
If they had postponed his arrest until they could obtain a warrant, he
would have fled the law as his two companions did.
In People u. Bautista, held as valid an arrest made by the
station commander, who was outside the house, based on information
of the poseur-buyer after the purchase was made. Said case cited in
U.S. v. Santos, which justified a warrantless arrest on reasonable ground
of suspicion supported by circumstances strong in themselves as to
warrant a reasonable man in believing the accused to be guilty.
Following are the doctrines under the 1985 Rule on the meaning of
Personal Knowledge of Facts Based on Information Rejected
People v. Burgos,
information by suspect rejected.
In People u. Saycon, warrantless arrest of debark-ing
passenger from vessel based on information was held valid.
The Court upheld the warrantless arrest and ruled that the blood-stained
pants, having been seized as an incident of a lawful arrest, was
admissible in evidence.
In People v. Gerente, the police arrested the accused three hours after
the victim had been killed. They went to the scene of the crime where
they found a piece of wood and a concrete hollow block used by the
killers in bludgeoning the victim to death. A neighbor of the accused
who witnessed the killing, pointed to him as one of the assailants. The
warrantless arrest was held valid under Rule 113, Sec. 5(b).
In People v. Jay son, there was a shooting. The policemen summoned
to the scene of the crime and found the victim. Accused-appellant was
pointed to them as the assailant only moments after the shooting. In
fact accused-appellant had not gone very far (only ten meters away
from the "lhaw-Ihaw"), although he was then fleeing. The arresting
officers thus acted on the basis of personal knowledge of the death of
the victim and of facts indicating that accused-appellant was the
assailant. The court upheld the warrantless arrests as valid.
In another case, the police officers were informed that accused were
repacking drugs. Accompanied by an informer. They peeped first
through the window before they saw the activities of the suspects inside
the room and entered the house and arrested the suspects.
To allow the arrest which the NBI intended to make without warrant
would in effect allow them to supplant the courts.
The criminal goes free, if he must, but it is the law that sets him free.
The court reiterated the seven (7) situations of a warrantless search and
held that the arrest, search and seizure do not fall on any of them.
In Posadas v. The Hon. Ombudsman, the NBI agents tried to effect an
arrest four days after commission of the crime and had no personal
knowledge of any fact which might indicate that the two students were
probably guilty of the crime and what they had were the supposed
positive identification of two alleged eyewitnesses, the court held this
is insufficient to justify the arrest without a warrant by the NBI.
The Court distinguished the case from that of People v. Tonog, relied
upon by the prosecution to justify the arrest.
Upon reaching the police station, the accused was asked to take off his
pants for examination at the crime laboratory.
"It is important to note that unlike in the case of crimes like, e.g.,
homicide, murder, physical injuries, robbery or rape which by their
nature involve physical, optically perceptible, overt acts, the defense of
possessing or delivering or transporting some prohibited or regulated
drug is customarily carried out without any external signs or indication
visible to police officers and the rest of the outside world.
Drug "pushers" or couriers do not customarily go about their enterprise
or trade with some external visible sign advertising the fact that they
are carrying or distributing or transporting prohibited drugs.
Thus, the application of the rules in Section 5(a) and (b), Rule 133 of the
Rules of Court needs to take that circumstances into account.
The Court has had to resolve the question of valid or invalid warrantless
arrest or warrantless search or seizure in such cases by determining the
presence or absence of a reasonable or probable cause, before that
such a felony (possessing or transporting or delivering prohibited drugs)
was then in progress.
In Barros, the Court listed the kinds of causes which have been
characterized as probable or reasonable cause supporting the legality
and validity of a warrantless search and a warrantless arrest in cases of
this type:
Second, the arresting officer found blood stains an the pants of the
accused, on the basis of which he concluded that the accused probably
committed the crime for which reason the latter was taken into custody.
Third, the arrest was made on the same day the crime was committed.
Would the facts available to the officer at the moment of the seizure or
search warrant a man of reasonable caution in the belief that the action
taken was appreciated.
In the words of Rule 113, Sec. 5(b), the crime had "just been committed"
and the arresting officer had "personal knowledge of the facts indicating
that the person to be arrested had committed it."
there had emanated from a package the distinctive smell
of marijuana;
agents of the Narcotics Command ("Narcom") of the
Philippine National Police ("PNP") had received a confidential report from
informers that a sizeable volume of marijuana would be transported
along the route where the search was conducted;204
Narcom agents were informed or "tipped off" by an
undercover "deep penetration" agent that prohibited drugs would be
brought into the country on a particular airline flight on a given date;
Narcom agents had received information that a Caucasian
coming from Sagada, Mountain Province, had in his possession
prohibited drugs and when the Narcom agents confronted the
accused Caucasian, because of a conspicuous bulge in his waistline,
he failed to present his passport and other identification papers when
requested to do so; and
Narcom agents had received confidential information that a
woman having the same physical appearance as that of the accused
would be transporting marijuana."
The government's drive against illegal drugs needs the support of every
In doing so, however, the expertise of the officer are to be taken into
The question in that case involved the admissibility of the maong pants
taken from the accused.
It is clear that Tonog does not apply to this case.
In People v. Tonog, the police found the lifeless body of a person with
several stab wounds. An informer pointed to the accused as the person
who had killed the victim. That afternoon, police officers arrested the
accused. On their way to the police station, a policeman noticed
bloodstains on the accused's pants which, when examined, was found to
be the same blood type "0" found on the fatal knife.
First, the accused in that case voluntarily went with the police upon the
latter's invitation.
Rule on Escapees
When the person to be arrested is a prisoner who has escaped from a
penal establishment or place where he is serving final judgment or
temporarily confined while his case is pending, or has escaped while
being transferred from one confinement to another.
An officer may arrest without a warrant, a prisoner who has escaped
from custody after trial and commitment, and it has been held that even
a private person may without a warrant, arrest a convicted felon who
has escaped and is at large.
An officer may arrest without a warrant, a prisoner who has escaped
from custody after trial and commitment.
The court held that the arrest, search and seizure were illegal.
If there is no showing that the person who effected the warrantless
arrest had, in his own right, knowl-edge of facts implicating the person
arrested to the perpetration of a criminal offense, the arrest is legally
Considering the heavy penalty of death and in order to ensure that the
evidence against an accused were obtained through lawful means, the
Court as guardian of the rights of the people, and in the light of the new
legal developments, laid down an updated procedure, guidelines and
duties which the arresting, detaining, inviting or investigating officer or
his companions must do and observe at the time of making arrest and
again at and during the custodial interrogation in accordance with the
Constitution, jurisprudence and Republic Act No. 7438:
The person arrested, detained, invited or under custodial
investigation must be informed in a language known to and
understood by him of the reason for the arrest and must be shown the
warrant of arrest, if any.
Every other warnings, information or com-munication must be in a
language known to and understood by said person;
b. He must be warned that he has a right to remain silent and that any
statement he makes may be used as evidence against him;
He must be informed that he has the right to be assisted at
all times and have the presence of an independent and competent
lawyer, preferably of his own choice;
He must be informed that if he has no lawyer or cannot
afford the services of a lawyer, one will be provided for him, and that a
lawyer may also be engaged by any person in his behalf or may be
appointed by the court upon petition of the person arrested or one
acting in his behalf;
That whether or not the person arrested has lawyer he must
be informed that no custodial investigation any form shall be conducted
except in the presence of his counsel or after a valid waiver has been
The person arrested must be informed that at any time, he
has the right to communicate or confer by the most expedient means
telephone, radio, letter or messenger with his lawyer (either retained
or appointed), any member of his immediate family, or any medical
doctor, priest or minister chosen by him or any one from his immediate
family or by counsel or be visited or by conferences with duly
accredited national or international non-governmental organization. It
shall be the responsibility of the officer to ensure that this is
He must be informed that he has the right to waive any of
said rights provided it is made voluntarily, knowingly and intelligently
and ensure that he understood the same;
In addition, if the person arrested waives his right to a
lawyer, he must be informed that it must be done in writing AND in the
presence of counsel, otherwise, he must be warned that the waiver is
void even if he insist on his waiver and chooses to speak;
That the person must be informed that he may indicate in
any manner at any stage of the process that he does not wish to be
questioned with warning that once he makes such indication, the police
may not interrogate him if the same had not yet commenced or the
interrogation must ceased (sic) if it has already begun;
The person arrested must be informed that his initial waiver
of his right to remain silent, the right to counsel or any of his rights does
not bar him from invoking it at any time during the proc-ess regardless
of whether he may have answered some questions or volunteered some
statement; and
He must also be informed that any statement or evidence as
the case may be obtained in violation of any of the foregoing whether
inculpatory or exculpatory, in whole or in part shall be inadmissible in
SEC. 9.
Method of Arrest by Private Person
SEC. 10.
Officer may Summon Assistance
SEC. 11.
Right of Officer to Break into Building or Enclosure
SEC. 12.
Right to Break Out from Building or Enclosure
SEC. 13.
Arrest After Escape or Rescue
SEC. 14.
Right of Attorney or Relative to Visit Person arrested
Under Republic Act No. 7438:
If such person cannot afford the services of his own counsel, he must be
provided with a competent and independent counsel by the
investigating officer.
(a) Any person arrested or detained or under custodial inves-tigation
shall be allowed visits by or conferences with any member of his
immediate family, or any medical doctor or priest or religious minister
chosen by him or by any member of his immediate family or by his
counsel, or by any national non-governmental organization duly
accredited by the Commission on Human Rights or by any international
non-governmental organization duly accredited by the Office of the
The person's "immediate family" shall include his or her spouse, fiance
or fiancee, parent or child, brother or sister, grandparent or grandchild,
uncle or aunt, nephew or niece, and guardian or ward.
arrest the other and intent on the part of the other to submit, under
the belief and impression that submission is necessary.1
He did not move for the quashal of the information before the trial court
on this ground.
Consequently, any irregularity attendant to his arrest, if any, was cured
when he voluntarily submitted himself to the jurisdiction of the trial
court by entering a plea of not guilty and by participating in the trial.
Moreover, the illegal arrest of an accused is not sufficient cause for
setting aside a valid judgment rendered upon a sufficient complaint
after the trial free from error.
Thus, the unlawfulness of an arrest does not affect the
jurisdiction of the Court.
In other words, the illegal arrest of an accused is not sufficient cause for
setting aside a valid judgment rendered upon a sufficient complaint
after trial free from error.