Comparator S
Comparator S
Comparator S
Optical comparators can provide more information than just simple dimensions.
Length and width measurements of the part shown above, for example, can be quickly
obtained from two separate measurements by using a micrometer. These superficial
measurements, however, might not reveal burrs, scratches, indentations or undesirable
chamfers. Such imperfections are best detected on a comparator. In addition, a
comparator's screen can be simultaneously viewed by more than one person and
provide a medium for discussion, just as a white board might facilitate a conference.
Another advantage of comparators is their ability to measure in 2-D space. Unlike
micrometers and calipers, which measure one dimension at a time, comparators
measure length and width simultaneously. To do this, the operator lines up the lower
left-hand corner of the image with the screen centerline to establish a zero point, as
illustrated above, and then checks the upper right-hand corner to get a simultaneous
reading of both length and width. The straight-line distance from corner to corner can
be obtained with a single keystroke.
In addition, constructed points, gage points or gage lines that appear on part drawings
can be established quickly on optical comparators, making relative measurements
from these "points in space" easy to perform. This technique is illustrated below. The
right side of the part is aligned with the vertical centerline, and a zero position is set.
The part is moved to the right by the nominal depth given on the drawing. A diameter
is then measured at this depth by moving the part vertically and measuring points on
each angled surface.
"Points in Space" Measurement
Optical comparators are among the easiest measurement instruments to use. In less
than two hours, users with only a minimal amount of gaging experience can make
accurate measurements using these devices. Because a comparator displays a part's 2D image on-screen, the image can be easily associated with the part's 2-D CAD
drawing. This simplifies the process of developing measurement procedures for parts
from drawings and minimizes the subjectivity of more complex measuring methods.
For example, using a sine plate and a height gage to measure an angle might require a
detailed procedure, whereas the same measurement on a comparator might not require
a written procedure at all.
Optical comparators are noncontact gages, another key advantage. Nothing but light
touches a part during measurement, which means that delicate parts won't change
shape from any direct forces during the process. Noncontact gages also eliminate the
"feel factor" and resulting human error of hand gages. Contact measuring methods
such as micrometers or plug gages are subject to the amount of pressure applied
during measurement, particularly a problem on more delicate parts. Also, the size and
location of certain dimensions might preclude the use of contact inspection tools. A
tiny radius of 0.010 in., for example, would be difficult to measure with a contact
gage. When magnified on a comparator with a 100X lens, however, this radius would
be 1 in. on-screen--and easily measured with a radius chart.
Cost savings
Optical comparators save time. Ease-of-use factors and ergonomic designs reduce the
inspection time, retraining costs and operator fatigue, all while increasing throughput.
And because comparators generally allow parts to be held in one orientation for each
2-D view, costs associated with parts handling and setup times are significantly
Custom hard gages are subject to wear and need frequent recertification, which takes
them out of service. Additionally, high-volume production can require multiple sets of
fixed gages, increasing costs further. The inflexibility of these fixed gages means that
minor product-design changes can render hard gages obsolete or require costly
modifications. Optical comparators, on the other hand, are general-purpose
measurement devices, easily adaptable to design changes and appropriate for either
first-article or repetitious inspections.
Dimensioning techniques designed to give more leeway to parts in relation to their
true functional purpose, such as profile tolerancing and true-position tolerancing with
bonuses, reduce the reject rate of good parts that might have passed had their
tolerances been assigned differently. For example, an arc by itself might be out of
specification, whereas that same arc combined with other features as part of a profile
tolerance might pass. The optical comparator is ideal for such dimensioning.
Types of measurements
Toolroom Chart
The simplest optical design used in comparators is appropriately called the "simple
optics" design. It incorporates a light source, a magnification lens, a main reflecting
mirror and a screen. Machines with this design display images that are both upsidedown and reversed.
A second setup is called the "corrected optics" design. This system uses two internal
mirrors to flip the image so that it's displayed right-side-up, but it's reversed on the
horizontal axis.
On systems with simple-optics and corrected-optics designs, working distance (i.e.,
the distance between the part and the machine's front receiving lens) decreases as
magnification increases. More sophisticated machines incorporate a relay-lens system,
which provides a constant working distance at all magnifications. There is no tradeoff
between part size and magnification.
A third type of optical design is the "fully corrected system," which displays images
that are both erect and unreversed. The convenience of seeing parts on-screen in the
same orientation as they are seen on the worktable makes the machine easier to use,
particularly by inspectors new to optical comparators.
A useful addition to these optical designs found in many modern comparators is
telecentric optics. A small opening, similar to a camera's shutter opening and called
the "telecentric stop," is placed inside the optical path to block light rays that aren't
parallel to the optical path. This design increases depth of field, which in turn ensures
magnification consistency across a range of focal settings. Thus, the size of the image
doesn't change, even when it is slightly out of focus. This reduces measurement
variability from one inspector to another. Telecentric systems provide a flat field and a
more accurate representation of 3-D parts in relation to their 2-D drawings.
Types of illumination
A wide range of geometric processors and software accessories is available for use
with optical comparators. Both built-in and add-on processors place measurement
functions at arm's length, enabling quick feature calculations and information storage
for easy retrieval. Point data, captured either through visual inspection or by using an
automatic edge detector, are entered into the processor via a keypad. Measurement
features include lengths, widths, diameters, radii, angles and intersections. Form
tolerances, including straightness, roundness and concentricity, can also be checked
against nominal specifications. More powerful processors are capable of recalling
previously measured features for making constructions and measurements from stored
Many motorized optical comparators can be configured with CNC software packages
to automate the inspection process and provide a graphical user interface to simplify
programming and measurement analysis. These packages can also be interfaced with
statistical process control and custom reporting software.