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Kanbay Software .: Kanbay Exam Conducted On 2nd Aug 2003

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Kanbay Exam conducted on 2nd Aug 2003.
The Selection Process will have Written Test, GD & Interview. :

GD : You are each given a role to play..u have to justify why yours is b
suited to the question and final reach a general consensus.
Tps: Be cool...... Listen carefully..... n talk..talk what u want but do s
something.. don't be too aggressive nor too submissive n yes..don't addr
any one member only.

Interview: They also ask puzzles like:

3 switches in the bottom floor, 3 bulbs on top floor..u can go upstairs on

once.find out which switch is for which bulb. then , out of a group of 1
matchboxes..each with 10 matchsticks of 10 gms. if one weighs 9 gms.
will u find it in minimum no. of weighings..
Be confidant and preapre ques like why should we take u?
what are ur assets, hobbies, the last book that read , the last film that u
saw ..name of characters in that film etc..


Few questions of KANBAY 2003,aug 1st,in KITS college Bhubanes

I am sending all those which I could remember,all were multiple
choices..they said cut-off was 12 but it was actually 15 per section.
It had two sections ,LOGIC AND MATHS,cut of in each secn 12,each h
30 questions,1 mark each
1.problems on permutation combinations like BANANA,..
2.if april 18 was Wednesday in 1998,when is april 18 in 1999?

3.if B has its shadow falling on right side early morning ,then in
which direction is he facing?

4.age problems like.

Mothers age was twice the the age of son two years ago.after how many
years will she be three times her sons age??
5.analyzing data interpretations and around 4-5 questions based on

6.a Guy has some chocolates with him he distributes them equally amo
people and remaning with him is 3.if he distributes them equlay among
people remaining is 5 with him. Which of them isn't is possible no.of
chocolates he had??
7.4-5 problems on profit And

8.in a test moti,ganesh,manali,rupali,raj, appear,according to the scores

is not the leats scorer but is lower to raj.who
occupies the 2 nd postion is the order?

9.mr a meets mrs b.mr b is has a son and daughter .son is moti and is
married and has a son .mrs moti is mr a mother .how is mr a related to m
10.ram buys some dozens of apples and peaches .their price ratio is
5:7.if the price of 1 dozen of peach is is rs 9,how many dozens of
apple did he bring?
11.problems based on relationships like those in rs aggarwal
12.in a queue A is is in 7 th positon from the left and B is 9
position from the left .if they switch positions A is in 11 th
position ,find the total people in the row??

1. S 1=={1,2,3,4}, S 2 =={A,B.C.Z},S 3=={},(S1*S

2. IF 5*4=,8*7=B,how much is
6*9== ?


3. 4 to 5 questions on simplifying complex nos. equations

4. sphere of radius 4.5 cm is divide in three spheres ,two have
radius 1.5 and 2 cm,find the other ones??

5. if COMPLEX == 81,and.how much is ANALYSE==?

questions based on similar pattern
6. two taps a and b fill up a cistern in 2 and3 hrs ,at wat time
should b be clsed if the tank cistern is filled up in 17 minutes??

7. a doctor checks 5 patients every 3 hrs with abreak of 10

minutes between each two check ups.how many he patients he checks in
10 hrs and 15 minutes??
8. no. of diagonals friends if vertices of a octagon are joined??
9. an equilateral triangle is formed by joining the centers of
sides of a equilateral triangle.wat is the ratio of area ,s of both
the triangles??
10. A can finish the work in 3 days , B can finish the work in
double efficiency,can finish with equal efficiency of both A and B.if
all work together within how many days will they complete the work?
11. A.B,C,D stand at the edges of a square.they start moving
along the square sides.after clockwise rotation where will each be??
12. if 1 is stop,2 is run,3 is go,4 is wait,5 is walk,then would
be the next stage if the following pattern
5 5 4 3 2 1 ..

13. C remembers meeting B after 14 but before 18 ,but D

remembers meeting B after 16 but before 18.when did both meet B??
14. avg age of boys in a class is 12.when the age of teacher is
included it is 13.wat could be the age of teacher?
35 , 45,53,50

the 2nd set was repeated frm NIT jamshedpur.most of the ques are
repeated ..but there are some sets that are real tough...
written test is very simple filteration will be done in GD.
written test consists of 2 sections(apptitude and logical reasoning)
of 30 quest. each and cut off is 12 each.and the total time is 1
1. which is greater (1000)pow1001 and 1001pow999
2.one container contains milk and water in the ratio 3:7 and the
other contains 8:11,in what ratio these two containers is to be mixed
so that the ratio of milk and water is 4:5.
3. there are two simple problems on time and work.
4.four points will be given and you have to frame two st. line eq.s
in such a way that their point of interesection lies in one of the
four options.
5.there are two to three problems on profit and loss which are little
bit time taking ,so i didn't attempt.
6.a series of nos will be given where the ans can be found by
observing the diff bet two consecutive nos
logical reasoning
1. air is cloud
cloud is rain
rain is water
wateris sand
so what is cloud? ans :sand
2. one quesion on relations
3. trafic: signal ans : river :dam
4. two more quesions are

5. dsoighkl now if lk-(?)-sd , find letter in 4th place

6. some mammals are donkeys
allbuffalos will have horns
based on this 3 quesions r ther
7. two more r simmilar to above
8. to decode the noise :H.................M
9.cube is of size 5*5*5 .every side has been coloured. it is divided
into 125 equal parts.
1) what is the no. of parts having only one side coloured - 54.
2) no. of parts having two sided coloured 36.
3) having no side coloured - 27.
10.find the no. of occurrence of T which is immediately preceded y P
and no
timmediately followed by S in some series for eg. (TPTSTRUST.......)

ans - 3
11.Four persons are there wearing different coloured shirts eg.
wearing blue ,green, red, yellow.
Now, 1. A cannot wear yellow.
2. B can wear blue or green.
3. C /D is wearing yellow.
You have to find who is wearing which coloured shirt.
12.Find the root of 4a2+b2+c2+4ab-2bc-4ac
Ans: 2a+b-c.Two
fill a tank in 5 hrs and 8 hrs. while a hole can empty it in 40 hrs.
will be the time taken to fill if each operate at a time.
Soln: 1\x == 1\5 + 1\8 - 1\40
13.A can beat B by 20 mts. While C can beat B by 40 mts. In a race of
mts. By how much can C beat A?
Soln: 75 mts.
14.If u start your journey 30 minutes late , u have to increase your
250kms\hr. to cover up 1500 kms. In same time. What is your usual
Ans: 750kms\hr.
15.For a circle, radius is inc. by some % , find net change
in area?

these r some of the quesion me and my frends remember

note : these r from 5 different sets
gd topics are
lov marriages r arranged marages
r tv serials helpful
Total no. of sets 0716 , 0717 , 0718 out of which
0717 was
Hard . I am sending the qus of 0717 . other section?s
qus . were not managed. Also other sections were easy
in comparison to 0717 .in my college most of the
students having 0717 set were not in the written test
. it was time taking .
I don?t remember the logic qus. For it go thru the
Go thru 1>blood relation.
3>coding ?decoding.
4> puzzles.

Qus related to these topics were asked .

I am sending you few questions.
1)complete the series 600 ,180 ,54,
ans===.2( options were given)
2) some doctors are fool john is a doctor
a> john is a fool.b>all
b> fools are doctors
from this you have to draw the conclusion given in the
options such as only a is true only b is tru both are
tru or none is tru.
3> similar question

some teacher are female.a is female.

a>she is a teacher.
b>all females are teacher.
4>river : dam :: traffic:
ans.==== signal
other qus related to analogy were there .go thru R.S.AGRAWAL.
other qus were from the lbood relations .
some qus were from puzzles .
a,b,c,d,e,f,g are 7 epople seating on a wall facing
towards north.b is not at the end.c and d can not
seat together .
qus like this were there .
mathematical qus / aptitudes.
1)a sum of money doubles in 5 years by simple interest
. how much time it will take for 300 to become 2400.
a>40 years b>25 years c>35 years d> 20 years.
2)if length of a rectangle is made 4 less and breadth
is increased by 3 then the resultant square ?s area is
equal to the rectangle. What is the perimeter of the
rectangle .( options were given)
3)what will be the no. at ? position below
51 11

35 ?
4>the L.C.M. and H.C.F. of two nos. are 84 and 21
and the nos. are in the ratio of 1:4 ,. Find the nos.
ans==== 21, 84
5)find the volume of the hemisphere having radius 2m .
6>problem based on compound interest were asked . so
see the formula of compound interest.

7)a train goes from a to b. if it travels with 50 km/s

then it is late by 10 mins. When it travels with30km/s
then it bis late by
50 mins. Fi nd the distance between a and b.
8)a river is 8 m deep and 150 m wide.river?s speed is
5 km/s.
find the volume of water passed in one min.(1 m cube =1000 c.c.)
9) fin dthe equation of the st. line passing thru the
intersection of the two lines and two other
lines.(equ. Were given)
10) a man sells 20 mangoes + 15 oranges ath the same
price as 15 mangoes+20 oranges. Ho would judge which
is costlier .
( four options were given . I didn?t remember those)
11) a graph was given representing joint venture in
the years.
An dquestion related to the graph were asked such as
A)in which year there was max. change.(ans. Was in the
last year)

Two other qus were asked.they were long so I don?t

remember them .
12)A is counting the no from 1 to 32 and b from 32 .A
is counting the odd no. only .both?s speed is same.
What will be the number which will be pronounced by A
& B together.
( ans . aws none of these )but confirm yourself .
13) in the word ?DISTURBANCE? 1st is replaced by
last 2nd is replced by 10th , 3rd is by 9th and so
on. Which will be the next to ?T?.
14)GIVEN if x/y==3/5. if 1 is added to num . and 1 is
subtracted from denominator then ratio ==5/7. find the
15)there are 5 black and 9 white balls .if one ball is
drawn then find the probability of being white.
16)Avg. age of 5 children =.a child of 5 year age
dies.after 4 years what will be the avg. age.
17)three nos. are given the product of first and
last is equal to the square of the middle. Find the
nos.(options were given)
(ans.== 10, 20,

18) a rectangle was having length 100 m breadth 60

m. there is a road of 5m wide on each side of the
rectangle . find the area of the road.
19) fir no. is the double of 2nd and of the 3rd .
other statement was also given which I don?t
20) a girl cuts a cake in two halevs. One half is
again cut into six equal parts . wt. Of the smaller
one was 20 gms. Fin the wt. Of the whole cake.(ans=240gms.)
21)other question was based on the relative speed in
the river .
i.e. a person first goes upstream then down stream .
river?s speed was given .also the diff. Of time was
given . find the speed of the man.
22) ravana speed is 5000 km/s when going towards the
The distance == 75000. ravana has traveled 2 mins.
When god?s messenger reaches the earth . Rama told him
to go back. The speed of the god?s messenger =`00
By how much he will increase or decrease his speed so
that he and Ravana reaches exactly at the same time.
23) a man sells a product by giving 10% reduction on
it .in spite of this he gets 10% profit . on a
product of 330 rs. Original price What will be the
buying price.

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