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Journal of Visual Languages and Computing 28 (2015) 2338

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Source-code comprehension tasks supported by UML design

models: Results from a controlled experiment and
a differentiated replication$
Carmine Gravino a,n, Giuseppe Scanniello b, Genoveffa Tortora a

DISTRA-MIT, University of Salerno, Italy

DiMIE - University of Basilicata, Italy

a r t i c l e i n f o


Article history:
Received 5 February 2014
Received in revised form
28 November 2014
Accepted 17 December 2014
Available online 25 December 2014

Objective: The main objective is to investigate whether the comprehension of objectoriented source-code increases when it is added with UML class and sequence diagrams
produced in the software design phase.
Methods: We conducted a controlled experiment and a differentiated replication with
young software maintainers. In particular, groups of Bachelor and Master students were
Results: The results show that more experienced participants better comprehend
source-code when added with UML design models. An average improvement (or benefit)
of circa 12% was achieved when the participants accomplished the comprehension task
with UML class and sequence diagrams. The results of an analysis on the time to
accomplish comprehension tasks showed that less experienced participants significantly
spent more time when comprehending source-code with UML design models. This kind of
participants spent on average 44.8% of the time to accomplish the same task with sourcecode alone.
Implications: It is useless to give UML design models to comprehend source-code in
case maintainers are not adequately experienced with the UML. Furthermore, the less the
experience of participants, the more the time to accomplish a comprehension task with
UML diagram is.
& 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Design models
Controlled experiment
Source-code comprehension

1. Introduction
Several issues (e.g., technical and managerial) contribute to the cost to execute comprehension tasks and might
affect the comprehension of source-code [1]. For example,
the absence of software documentation might impact on

This paper has been recommended for acceptance by Shi Kho Chang.
Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (C. Gravino),
[email protected] (G. Scanniello),
[email protected] (G. Tortora).
1045-926X/& 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

both these aspects. Even when the documentation is

present and adequate, source-code comprehension
remains a time consuming activity because very often
software maintainers have to comprehend source-code
by reading documentation that include software models
produced by other maintainers [2]. Then, a source-code
comprehension task and its related cost may be strictly
conditioned by the maintainers' experience on the notation used to build the models and on their ability to
accomplish comprehension tasks.
Nowadays the documentation of object-oriented software systems contains several models built with the UML


C. Gravino et al. / Journal of Visual Languages and Computing 28 (2015) 2338

(Unified Modeling Language) [3]. The assessment of the

benefits deriving from the use of the UML in all the phases
of the software life cycle is relevant for the software
engineering community, as shown by the number of
empirical studies in terms of controlled experiments and
case studies available in the literature [4,5]. Although a
number of studies have been conducted on the UML, only
a few of them have been carried out to assess whether the
benefits from the use of the UML (if any) are related to
maintainers' ability and experience (e.g., [6,7]).
In this paper, we present the results of a controlled
experiment and a differentiated replication1 to study the
effect of maintainers' experience on the comprehension of
source-code when UML class and sequence diagrams
produced in the software design phase are provided to
them. The original experiment was conducted with final
year Master students in Computer Science. The preliminary results of that investigation have been presented in
[10]. Second year Bachelor students in Computer Science
were involved in the differentiated replication. In the
study presented here, we first analyze whether sourcecode comprehension increases when young software
maintainers are provided with source-code and UML class
and sequence diagrams produced in the design phase. The
time to complete a source-code comprehension task is also
analyzed and the results have been presented and
Structure of the paper: In Section 2, we discuss related
work. The design of the experiments is presented in
Section 3, while we present and discuss the achieved
results in Section 4. The threats to validity are highlighted
in Section 5. Finally, we show possible future directions for
our research.
2. Related work
We first discuss the related literature concerning controlled experiments aimed at assessing the effect of using
the UML in software maintenance and program comprehension. We conclude this section presenting related work
on the influence of ability and experience on the execution
of comprehension tasks supported by the UML. To get a
deeper understanding of empirical evaluations on the
models and forms used in the UML, a systematic literature
review is available in [4].
2.1. Empirical studies on the UML
Arisholm et al. [11] observe that the availability of
documentation based on the UML may significantly improve
the functional correctness of changes as well as the design
quality when complex tasks have to be accomplished.
Although this study and the one presented here have the
same research goal (i.e., studying the impact of UML based
documentation on software maintenance), a number of
differences are present. The main difference is that we
Differentiated replications introduce variations in essential aspects
of the experimental conditions [8]. One prominent variation concerns the
executions of replications with different kinds of participants. This kind of
replication could be also named independent or conceptual replication [9].

specifically focus on source-code comprehension tasks supported by UML class and sequence diagrams, while the
authors consider UML based documentation (a use case
diagram, sequence diagrams for each use case, and a class
diagram) on modification tasks performed both on UML
diagrams and source-code. In some sense, our work fills a
gap in that work, explicitly considering those diagrams that
are ignored there. Furthermore, the authors do not focus
their study on the models produced in a given phase of the
development process: models produced in the requirement
engineering process and design phase have been considered
together. Another difference with respect to our study is that
the effect of experience and ability is not analyzed at all.
Dzidek et al. [12] investigate the costs and benefits in
using the UML to maintain and evolve software systems.
The authors conduct a controlled experiment with professional programmers. The results reveal that the use of the
UML significantly impacts the functional correctness of the
maintenance operations. Conversely, the use of the UML
does not significantly affect the time to perform maintenance operations. This result is corroborated in our
study: the effect of UML diagrams is not significant in task
completion time. Then, the use of the UML is not a cause of
distraction in case software maintainers have experience
with that notation. The main difference with respect to our
investigation is that the focus of the controlled experiment
is not the comprehension of source-code.
Staron et al. [13] show the results of a series of
controlled experiments with students and professionals
on UML stereotypes represented by ad hoc icons. The
authors assess the effectiveness of these stereotypes in
UML class diagrams on the tasks of comprehending objectoriented applications in the telecommunication domain.
The use of stereotypes significantly improves the comprehension of the considered applications. As opposed to the
present study, the effect of UML behavioral diagrams (i.e.,
sequence diagrams) is not investigated.
Genero et al. [14] present a controlled experiment with
77 undergraduate students which studies the influence of
stereotypes in the comprehension of UML sequence diagrams. The effect of stereotypes is not statistically significant. However, the results show a slight tendency in favor
of stereotypes. The effect of sequence diagrams both using
and not using stereotypes is not analyzed with respect to
source-code comprehension.
2.2. Effect of the ability and experience on UML
comprehension tasks
As far as the influence of participants' ability and experience on the execution of comprehension tasks is concerned,
a few empirical investigations have been conducted. For
example, Briand et al. [7] establish that training is required to
achieve better results when the UML is coupled with the OCL
(Object Constraint Language). The authors focus on models
produced in the requirements engineering process and
consider in their investigation three typical activities: (i)
understanding the analysis document; (ii) modifying the
analysis document; and (iii) detecting defects in the analysis
document. The authors find that the OCL has the potential to
improve an engineer's ability to understand, inspect, and

C. Gravino et al. / Journal of Visual Languages and Computing 28 (2015) 2338

modify a system modeled with the UML. The results also

show a significant interaction between participants' ability
and the use of OCL.
Ricca et al. [15] present the results of a series of
experiments to assess the effectiveness of the UML stereotypes proposed by Conallen [16]. The data analysis shows
that it is not possible to conclude that the use of stereotypes significantly improves the participants' comprehension on the models. The results also indicate that the
participants' ability significantly interacts with the use of
Conallen's stereotypes. The participants with low ability
achieve significant benefits from the use of stereotypes,
while participants with high ability obtain a comparable
comprehension level with or without stereotypes. Therefore, the authors conclude that stereotypes reduce the gap
between low and high ability participants.
Abraho et al. [6] present the results of a family of five
experiments conducted with students and professionals to
investigate whether the comprehension of functional requirements is influenced by the use of the UML sequence diagrams
exploited to abstract the behavior of use cases. The results
show that sequence diagrams significantly improve the comprehension of software requirements in the case of high
ability and more experienced participants. Therefore, sequence diagrams help us to better comprehend functional
diagrams provided that the stakeholders have an adequate
experience (with this kind of UML diagrams) and ability. In a
different experimental context, the results of that paper are
confirmed in the investigation presented here: to benefit from
the UML a given experience and ability are needed. The
results themselves are perhaps not overly surprising, but this
is acceptable, as empirical evidence needs to be reaffirmed
and abstracted through several empirical investigations. In the
same sense, there is a research contribution to software
engineering in this paper.

3. Controlled experiments
We have conducted a survey on the role of the UML in
the Italian software industry [17]. The results suggest that the
core business of the interviewed companies mostly concerns
the development and the maintenance of software systems
implemented with object-oriented programming languages.
The greater part of these companies uses UML class and
sequence diagrams produced in both the requirements
engineering process and design phase (referred to in what
follows as requirements and design models, respectively).
Another result of this survey is that maintenance operations
are performed by practitioners with a few years of experience. The companies generally employ people with a Bachelor or a Master degree in Computer Science with less than
5 years of experience. To perform maintenance operations
the companies spend from 1 to 5 person-hours for typical
corrective changes,2 while the average effort ranges from 10
to 50 person-hours for perfective changes.3
A reactive modification performed after the delivery of a software
system to correct discovered problems.
A modification performed after the delivery of a software system to
improve its performance or maintainability.


On the basis of the results of this survey, we started a

long-term investigation to understand the contribution of
UML class and sequence diagrams in source-code comprehension [10,18,19]. This investigation followed two main

 The first direction regards the maintenance and the

comprehension of object-oriented software systems

when source-code is considered together with UML
diagrams produced in the requirements engineering
process (i.e., requirements elicitation and analysis).
To this end, we conducted a controlled experiment
with Bachelor students in Computer Science at the
University of Basilicata [18]. The results show that the
use of these models does not significantly improve
the comprehension of source-code with respect to the
use of source-code alone. It could be due to the fact
that UML diagrams produced in the requirements
engineering process abstract the problem domain of
a subject system and miss design/implementation
details included later in the development process. On
this subject, we have conducted (together with other
researchers) a family of four controlled experiments
[19], with the goal of strengthening the findings discussed above. The experiments were carried out with
students and professionals from Italy and Spain. The
number of participants was 86 with different abilities
and levels of experience with the UML. The main
finding was that UML models support neither the
comprehensibility of source-code nor its modifiability.
As far as the second direction of our long-term investigation is concerned, we have conducted a controlled
experiment and a replication both presented in this
paper. The main goal of our study was to assess
potential benefits deriving from the use of UML class
and sequence diagrams (both produced in the design
phase) on the comprehension of object-oriented
source-code. These experiments are complementary
to those previously presented [18,19] since they are
focussed on source-code comprehension supported by
design models. The preliminary results of the original
experiment are presented in [10]. The original experiment and its replication were carried out by following
the recommendations provided in [2022].

In this section, we show the planning and the operation

phases of the two experiments presented in this paper. We
followed the guidelines suggested by Wohlin et al. [22].
For replication purposes, we made available on the web4
an experimental package and the raw data.

3.1. Definition
Applying the Goal Question Metric (GQM) paradigm
[23], the goal of the experiments presented in the paper
can be defined as follows:
Analyze source-code comprehension


C. Gravino et al. / Journal of Visual Languages and Computing 28 (2015) 2338

for the purpose of investigating the support provided by

UML class and sequence diagrams produced in the design
with respect to the comprehension achieved by two
categories of maintainers and the task completion time
from the point of view of the researchers, in the context
of Master and Bachelor students in Computer Science, and
from the point of view of the software maintainers, in
the context of young/novice software engineers and junior
3.2. Planning
We used two software systems based on the ModelView-Controller (MVC) architectural model and considered UML structural and behavioral diagrams developed
during the design phase. Structural diagrams focus on the
static objects that the system will manipulate, while
behavioral diagrams concern the software system behavior. In this study, the considered structural diagrams are
the UML class diagrams [3]. The UML sequence diagrams
are those among the behavioral diagrams on which the
study is focussed on.
The systems used in both the experiments are
Music Shop: It is a system for handling the sales of
a music shop.
Theater ticket It is for managing the reservation of
Reservation: theater tickets.
Both the systems are desktop applications. The documentation of these two systems and their source-code
were realized within a course on Advanced ObjectOriented Programming (AOOP). The documentation was
realized by the lecturer of that course. It was realistic
enough for small-sized development projects of the following kinds: in-house software (the system is developed
inside the software company for its own use) or subcontracting (a sub-contractor develops or delivers part of a
system to a main contractor) [24]. The systems were
developed by students of the course AOOP. The students
were grouped in teams of 4 or 5. In these experiments, we
used the source-code that the lecturer selected among the
software systems developed in the academic years 2004
2005 and 20052006. We asked the lecturer to choose the
implementations he considered the best. He opted for the
implementations, who achieved the best grade. We took
this design choice to reduce as much as possible researchers' bias and internal and external validity threats [25].
The people who realized the documentation and developed Music Shop and Theater Ticket Reservation were not
involved in the experimentation.
3.2.1. Context
We used the following two groups of participants:
Master's students: They were last year students enrolled
to a Master program in Computer
Science at the University of Salerno.
These students were hosted for

external industrial internships at the

end of their Bachelor program and/or
are or were industry professionals.
Therefore, we can consider them not
far from junior programmers [26].
Bachelor's students: They were second year students of the
Bachelor program in Computer Science
at the University of Basilicata. They can
be considered the next generation of
young professional software engineers,
developers, and maintainers [21,27].
The participants to the experiment conducted with
Master students (UniSa, from here on) were all graduate
students with basic software engineering knowledge. They
had knowledge of requirements engineering, high and low
level design of object-oriented software systems based on
the UML, software development, and software maintenance.
We asked the students to accomplish the experiment as an
optional activity of an Advanced Software Engineering
course of the Master program in Computer Science at the
University of Salerno. The experiment conducted with
Bachelor students (UniBas from here on) was a differentiated replication on UniSa. Each experiment involved 16
students, whose participation was on voluntary basis.
The UniBas participants were asked to accomplish the
experiment within a Software Engineering course. They
knew the basics of requirements engineering, high and low
level design of object-oriented software systems based on
the UML, and object-oriented programming. These students
are less experienced than those who participated in UniSa.
The participants were not graded on the results they
achieved in the experiments. We asked the participants to
perform the tasks based on the experimental objects
individually and in a professional way to get one point to
their final mark of the exams of the courses above. The
data have been collected anonymously.
We selected the two used experimental objects within the
software systems discussed above keeping in mind a trade-off
between complexity and relevance of the functionality chosen
(e.g., the reservation of a ticket for Theater Ticket Reservation).
We selected the UML diagrams and the corresponding sourcecode so that a comprehension task on them did not need
more than one hour. The two experimental objects were small
enough to fit the time constraints of the experiment though
realistic for small maintenance operations that a novice software engineer performs within a software company [17]. The
use of incomplete documentation and of a subset of the entire
software system on which a maintenance operation impacts is
quite common in software industry. The documentation could
be incomplete for several reasons. Examples are only a part of
the documentation has been realized, the whole documentation could excessively distract maintainers, and not all the
documentation is up-to-date [28]. The experimental objects
were also selected to be similar enough in terms of size and
complexity. For Music Shop, we selected a chunk of 463 LOCs
as the experimental object (S1, from here on). The class
diagram of the experimental object contained 6 classes, 27
attributes, and 45 methods. The sequence diagram depicted 1
actor, 5 objects, and 11 messages. For the second system, we
selected a chunk of 378 LOCs as the experimental object (S2,

C. Gravino et al. / Journal of Visual Languages and Computing 28 (2015) 2338

from here on). The associated class diagram contained 5

classes, 22 attributes, and 36 methods, while the sequence
diagram had 1 actor, 5 objects, and 9 messages. The effect of
the experimental objects (e.g., the problem domain of the
systems) has been analyzed in the empirical investigation
presented here (see Section 3.2.4).
3.2.2. Hypotheses formulation
We defined and tested the following null hypothesis:

 Hn0: The presence of the UML class and sequence

diagrams does not significantly improve the comprehension of source-code.
This hypothesis is one-sided because we assumed a
positive effect of the diagrams on the comprehension of
source-code [10]. In case the null hypothesis can be
rejected, the following alternative one can be accepted:

 Ha0: The presence of the UML class and sequence

diagrams significantly improves the comprehension of
In both our experiments, we also defined and tested the
following null hypothesis:

 Hn1: The presence of the UML class and sequence

diagrams does not significantly affect the time needed
to accomplish a comprehension task on source-code.
This hypothesis is two-sided because we can make any
postulation on the effect of the UML class and sequence
diagrams on source-code comprehension. The alternative
hypothesis of Hn1 (i.e., Ha1 in the following) can be easily
derived on the basis of Hn0 and Ha0.
3.2.3. Variables
The Control Group denotes the participants who performed
the comprehension task with source-code alone. The Treatment Group denotes the participants who performed the
comprehension task with source-code and UML diagrams
together. Thus, the independent variable (also named main
factor or manipulated factor) is Method. It is a nominal
variable that can assume two values: NO_Mo (source-code
alone) and Mo (source-code and UML diagrams).
Although we expected that the source-code comprehension would increase when the participants are provided
with UML diagrams, participants' ability and experience
may affect that comprehension. Therefore, we are also
interested in investigating the effect of the following factors
and their possible interaction with Method:
Ability: The participants may have different levels of
understanding regarding the UML and the
modeling of object-oriented systems. Therefore, the students were classified into High and
Low, according to the average grades5 attained
In Italy, exam grades assume integer values between 18 and 30. The
lowest grade is 18, while the highest is 30.


in their academic degrees. As suggested in

[6,15], students with an average below 24/30
are considered to be Low ability participants,
otherwise High.
Experience: It indicates the experience the participants
had on systems design, UML modeling, and
software development. The students were
classified into High and Low. The participants
to UniSa were classified as High, while those
to UniBas as Low. This classification is because
the participants to UniSa received more intensive design and development training than
those to UniBas. The participants to UniSa
studied UML and the modeling approaches in
a Software Engineering Course of the Bachelor
program first and then in an Advanced Software Engineering course of the Master program. The participants to UniBas only
attended an introductory Software Engineering course.
As a consequence of the adopted design (see Section
3.2.4), we had to also consider and analyze the effect of the
following co-factors:
System: The systems in which we selected the
experimental objects could affect the
comprehension in an undesirable way.
For example, the problem domain of the
systems Music Shop and Theater Ticket
Reservation could be confounded with
the effect of Method.
Order of method: The order in which the participants
performed the laboratory runs with
and without the UML class and sequence
diagrams may bias the results. The comprehension of the source-code may
improve and the task completion time
may diminish when passing from the
first task to the next one.
To test the null hypothesis Hn0, we considered a
measure based on the comprehension of the sourcecode. To this end, we asked the participants to fill out a
comprehension questionnaire. For each experimental
object (i.e., S1 or S2), the comprehension questionnaire is
the same independent from the treatment (i.e., Mo and
NO_Mo). The questionnaires for S1 and S2 consisted of 15
multiple choice questions, each admitting the same number of possible answers with only one correct. To avoid
biasing the results, the questions were formulated in a
similar form [25]. On the basis of the comprehension
questionnaire, we defined and used comprehension as
the dependent variable. It was measured as the number
of correct answers provided by the participants on the
comprehension questionnaire.
For Hn1, we considered the dependent variable task
completion time. It denotes the time (in minutes) a participant
spent to complete a comprehension task on source-code. It
was recorded directly by the participants noting down start


C. Gravino et al. / Journal of Visual Languages and Computing 28 (2015) 2338

Table 2
Post-experiment survey questionnaire.

Table 1
Experiment design.

Group A

Group B

Group C

Group D

Run 1
Run 2

S1, Mo
S2, NO_Mo

S1, NO_Mo
S2, Mo

S2, Mo
S1, NO_Mo

S2, NO_Mo
S1, Mo

and stop time under the supervision of the authors. This

method is widely used in the literature (e.g., [15]).

3.2.4. Experiment design

For both experiments, we adopted the withinparticipants counterbalanced experimental design shown
in Table 1. We randomly assigned the same number of
participants to each group: A, B, C, and D. Each participant
worked on S1 and S2 using either Mo or NO_Mo. For
example, the participants in the group A started to perform the first comprehension task in the first laboratory
run (or trial) on S1 using Mo and then used NO_Mo to
perform the second comprehension task on S2 in the
second laboratory run. A break of 15 min between the
two runs was given.

3.2.5. Execution of the experiments

Pilot: Some days before UniSa, a pilot experiment was
conducted to evaluate possible issues related to the
experimental material. The participants to the pilot were
2 Bachelor students in Computer Science at the University
of Basilicata. They did not take part subsequently in
UniBas. One of the students performed the comprehension
task on S1 using Mo and the second comprehension task
on S2 using NO_Mo. The other student accomplished the
tasks on S1 and S2 using NO_Mo and Mo, respectively. The
results indicated that the experiment was well suited for
Bachelor students. We also deduced that 2 h suffice for
accomplishing the comprehension tasks on S1 and S2 both
using NO_Mo and Mo. The participants to the pilot noted
minor issues in the experimental material (e.g., some
questions of the comprehension questionnaire were not
clear). We properly fixed them before conducting UniSa
and UniBas.
Experiment execution: The experiments were organized
in three steps. In the first step the participants attended an
introductory lesson on how to execute comprehension
tasks. Instructions on these tasks and the experimental
goals were also presented. The participants were also
informed of the pedagogical purpose of the experiments
(i.e., using UML models in the execution of source-code
comprehension tasks). To avoid biasing the results, the
experimental hypotheses were not presented to the
The second and third steps were sequentially performed in the same day. In the second step, we asked
the participants to accomplish the two comprehension
tasks in the two laboratory runs according to the experimental design shown in Table 1. To perform the comprehension tasks, we provided each participant with the
following material:




Q1 I had enough time to perform the tasks

Q2 The task objectives were perfectly clear to me
Q3 The tasks I performed were perfectly clear to
Q4 Judge the difficulty of the task concerning the (AE)
system Music Shop (i.e., S1)
Q5 Judge the difficulty of the task concerning the
system Theater Ticket Reservation (i.e., S2)
Q6 Using the UML class and sequence diagrams (15)
the comprehension of a software system is
1: strongly agree; 2: agree; 3: neutral; 4: disagree; 5: strongly disagree.
A: very high; B: high; C: medium; D: low; E: very low.

1. Handouts of the introductory presentation: It included (i)

a set of instructional slides introducing the UML and (ii)
examples of models not related with experimental
2. Printout of the tasks: For each object, we provided the
participants with the source-code. Depending on the
task, we also furnished the UML design models.
3. Printout of the comprehension questionnaires: One for
each experimental object.
4. Some sheets of paper and a pencil.
The material in the second run was given to each
participant only when he/she had accomplished the task
of the first run and when he/she returned back all the
experimental material (e.g., comprehension questionnaire
and source-code) to the experiment supervisors.
In the third step, we asked the participants to fill out
the post-experiment survey questionnaire shown in
Table 2. This questionnaire was used to gain enough
insight to strengthen and to qualitatively explain the
results of the experiments.
3.3. Analysis procedure
Table 3 summarizes the analyses performed on the data
collected. We used the non-parametric Wilcoxon test to
reject the null hypotheses Hn0 and Hn1. In case of
unpaired analysis, we chose the MannWhitney U exact
test. We used non-parametric tests because of the sample
size and (in some cases) the non-normality of the data.
These tests are also very robust and sensitive and largely
used for studies similar to those presented in this paper
Statistical tests check the presence of significant differences between two distributions, but they do not provide
any information about the magnitude of such a difference.
We then used the point-biserial correlation r because it is
the best way to compute the magnitude of the difference
when a non-parametric test is used [29]. In the empirical
software engineering fields [30], the magnitude of the
effect sizes measured using the point-biserial correlation is
classified as follows: small (00.193), medium (0.193
0.456), and large (0.4560.868).

C. Gravino et al. / Journal of Visual Languages and Computing 28 (2015) 2338

Further, to analyze the probability that a statistical test

will reject a null hypothesis when it is actually false, we
analyzed the statistical power of the test performed. The
statistical power is the probability that a test will reject a
null hypothesis when it is actually false. The statistical
power is computed as 1 minus the Type II error (i.e., value). The -value estimates the probability of erroneously failing to reject a hypothesis that is actually false.
A non-parametric alternative is used for the computation
of the -value. The value 0.80 is considered as the standard
for adequacy for the statistical power [31].
We used interaction plots [32] to study the presence of
a possible interaction between Ability and Method and
between Experience and Method. They are line graphs in
which the means of a dependent variable (e.g., comprehension) for each level of one factor (i.e., Method) are
plotted over all the levels of the second factor (e.g.,
Ability). If the lines are nearly parallel, then no interaction
is present, and an interaction is present otherwise. Intersecting lines are a clear evidence of an interaction between
To test the effect of Order of Method, we used a method
similar to the one suggested by Briand et al. in [7]. Let
DiffNO_Mo be the differences for the comprehension
values achieved by the participants, who (according to the
experimental design) performed the tasks with NO_Mo
first and then with Mo, and Diff(Mo) be the differences for
the comprehension values achieved by the participants,
who performed the tasks with Mo first and then with
NO_Mo. Different from [7], we applied the non-parametric
MannWhitney U exact test to verify whether DiffNO_Mo
is significantly greater than DiffMo. We expect that
DiffNO_Mo is greater than DiffMo because the participants' attitude to use the diagrams may improve when
passing from the execution of the first comprehension task

Table 3
Performed analyses.
Factor/cofactors and their interaction


Method vs. Ability
Method vs. Experience
Order of method

Wilcoxon test
Interaction plot
Interaction plot




to the second one. We then tested the null hypothesis H0d:

DiffNO_Mo o DiffMo.
In all the statistical tests, we decided to accept a
probability of 5% of committing a Type-I-Error [22]. To
investigate the effect of a factor (i.e., Ability, Experience,
and System) with multiple tests, we applied the Bonferroni
correction [32,33]. For example, when multiple comparisons are used to analyze whether the effect of a factor is
statistically significant, the p-values have to be less than
cor 0:050
2 0:025.
We adopted boxplots to show the answers of the postexperiment survey questionnaire graphically. Boxplots are
widely employed since they provide a quick visual representation to summarize data [32].
4. Analysis and results
Some descriptive statistics (i.e., median, mean, and
standard deviation) on the comprehension dependent
variable are shown in Table 4. These statistics are grouped
by experiment and by Method and System. They show that
more experienced participants achieved better comprehension values than less experienced participants with Mo
as the mean and median values show. In particular, the
mean and median values obtained in UniSa are 13.06 and
14, respectively. The mean value is 11.88 and the median
value is 12 for UniBas. As for NO_Mo, there is not a huge
difference between the mean and median values obtained
in both UniSa (11.75 and 12, respectively) and UniBas
(11.88 and 12, respectively). The descriptive statistics also
show that the participants to each experiment achieved
nearly the same results on S1 and S2 both with Mo and
NO_Mo, respectively. For example, the greater difference is
in UniSa on NO_Mo. The difference between the mean
values is 0.26, while the difference between the median
values is 0.5.
Table 5 reports the same descriptive statistics as in
Table 4 for the dependent variable task completion time.
These descriptive statistics show that more experienced
participants spent less time to accomplish a comprehension task with Mo. The mean values for accomplishing the
tasks with Mo and NO_Mo are 30.06 and 23, respectively.
As for median, we obtained 27.50 with Mo, while 20 with
NO_Mo. This trend also holds for each experimental object.
For example, the participants in UniSa spent on average
33.12 min with Mo, while 23.38 with NO_Mo. More and
less experienced participants spent almost the same time
to accomplish a source-code comprehension task with

Table 4
Descriptive statistics of the comprehension dependent variable.








Std. Dev.





Std. Dev.


























C. Gravino et al. / Journal of Visual Languages and Computing 28 (2015) 2338

Table 5
Descriptive statistics of the task completion time dependent variable.








Std. Dev.





Std. Dev.

























Table 6
Analysis on the comprehension dependent variable.


Hypothesis rejected? (p-value)

Yes ( o 0:01)
No (0.57)

E. Size


S. Power


Mo 4NO_Mo

Moo NO_Mo

Mo NO_Mo

Descriptive statistics for Mo - NO_Mo





Std. Dev.









Mo 4NO_Mo

Moo NO_Mo

Mo NO_Mo

Descriptive statistics for Mo - NO_Mo

Table 7
Analysis on the task completion time dependent variable.


Hypothesis rejected? (p-value)

No (0.12)
Yes ( o 0:01)

E. Size


S. Power



NO_Mo. In particular, the participants in UniSa spent on

average 23 min, while those in UniBas 21.19. As for Mo,
participants in UniBas spent on average more time than
those in UniSa (38.69 and 30.06, respectively).
4.1. Influence of method
Table 6 reports the results of the statistical analysis on
the data of both the experiments. The results suggested
(second column) that Hn0 can be rejected for UniSa (pvalue o0:01). The effect size is large (i.e., 0.62) and the
statistical power is 0.91. The participants that benefited
from the class and sequence diagrams (Mo 4 NO_Mo)
were 13, while 2 participants obtained worse comprehension values (Mo o NO_Mo). Only one participant achieved
the same values for the dependent variable both using Mo
and NO_Mo (MoNO_Mo). For UniBas, the null hypothesis
Hn0 cannot be rejected (p-value 0.57). The number of
participants that benefited from Mo was 5 out of 16, while
6 achieved worse comprehension value with Mo. The
number of participants that achieved the same comprehension values with Mo and NO_Mo was 5.
For each participant, we also computed the difference
between the comprehension value achieved with Mo and
that achieved with NO_Mo. This value is positive in case
the participant achieved a better comprehension with Mo,
otherwise negative. The difference is zero, when a participant achieved the same comprehension values using Mo
and NO_Mo. Table 6 also reports some descriptive







Std. Dev.






statistics (i.e., median, mean, and standard deviation) on

these differences. The average value of the differences of
the comprehension values that the participants achieved
when using Mo and NO_Mo is 1.31 for UniSa, while is 0 for
UniBas. The medians of these differences are 1 and 0 for
UniSa and UniBas, respectively. The minimum and maximum differences are, respectively,  3 and 4 for UniSa and
 3 and 3 for UniBas. The standard deviations of the
differences are 1.66 for UniSa and 1.63 for UniBas.
Table 7 summarizes the result for the dependent
variable task completion time. The results of the data
analysis showed that Hn1 can be rejected for UniBas since
the obtained p-value is less than 0.01. The effect size is
large (i.e., 0.83) and the statistical power is 1. All the
participants to UniBas spent more time to accomplish a
source-code comprehension task when provided with the
UML diagrams. As far as UniSa is concerned, the effect of
Method is not statistically significant on task completion
time. However, 10 out of 16 participants spent more time
to accomplish the comprehension task with Mo with
respect to NO_Mo. In contrast, the other 6 participants
spent less time to accomplish the task with Mo.
The average values of the differences for task completion time when using Mo and NO Mo is about 7 and
18 min for UniSa and UniBas, respectively. The median is 9
for UniSa, while it is 16.5 for UniBas. The minimum and
maximum differences, respectively, are 14 and 50 for
UniSa and 4 and 43 for UniBas. The standard deviations of
the differences are 16.61 for UniSa and 10.09 for UniBas.

C. Gravino et al. / Journal of Visual Languages and Computing 28 (2015) 2338


Table 8
Descriptive statistics on the comprehension dependent variable grouping participants by ability and experiment/experience.









Std. Dev.





Std. Dev.



























Table 9
Descriptive statistics on the task completion time dependent variable grouping participants by ability and experiment/experience.












Std. Dev.





Std. Dev.











The results of this analysis on the difference highlight with

more evidence the fact that less experienced participants
were more comfortable with source-code alone with
respect to source-code added with UML diagrams. For
more experienced participants, the average value of the
differences is less than the average value of the less
experienced participants, while the standard deviation
value is higher. This result suggests that there were
participants to UniSa, who were comfortable with UML
diagrams, while others not so much. This result gives more
strength to the need of analyzing the effect of Ability on
both comprehension and task completion time.
4.2. Influence of ability and experience








Table 8 shows some descriptive statistics on the comprehension dependent variable grouping the participants
by Ability and Experience (i.e., experiment). High ability
participants achieved better comprehension values than
low ability ones within each experiment and using both
Mo and NO_Mo. Furthermore, high and low ability participants to UniSa achieved better comprehension values
with Mo than NO_Mo. For UniBas, high ability participants
achieved nearly the same comprehension value both using
and not using the diagrams. Low ability participants
achieved slightly better values with NO_Mo on comprehension. Regarding task completion time (see Table 9),
there is not a huge difference between high and low ability
participants within each experiment on NO_Mo. The only
remarkable difference concerns UniSa and Mo: high ability
participants slightly spent more time than low ability
participants to accomplish a source-code comprehension
task. For high ability participants the median is 30 and the
mean is 32.44, while for low ability participants the value
for these descriptive statistics are 24 and 27.
The effect of Ability on the considered dependent
variables is not statistically significant within each experiment as the results of the MannWhitney test revealed.

Fig. 1. Analysis of Ability on Comprehension for UniSa, using the

interaction plot.

Then, there is not a statistically significant difference

between high and low ability participants for each treatment (i.e., Mo and NO_Mo) and each dependent variable.
The p-values range in between 0.03 and 0.51 for comprehension and in between 0.3 and 0.91 for task completion
time. Note that we cannot reject the null hypothesis: there
is not a statistically significant difference in comprehension between high and low ability participants on NO_Mo.
In fact, the p-value is 0.03 and applying the Bonferroni
correction cor is 0.025.
As for Ability, the plots in Figs. 1 and 2 show that the
lines are almost parallel (i.e., no interaction is present) in
both the experiments, when considering the dependent
variable comprehension. Further, high ability participants
achieved higher comprehension values regardless of
whether or not they used the diagrams to accomplish
the comprehension tasks on source-code.
Fig. 3 shows an interaction between Ability and Method
on task completion time within UniSa. In particular, low
ability participants spent on average the same time both


C. Gravino et al. / Journal of Visual Languages and Computing 28 (2015) 2338


















Fig. 2. Analysis of Ability on Comprehension for UniBas, using the interaction plot.

Fig. 4. Analysis of Ability on Task Completion Time for UniBas, using the
interaction plot.

















using Mo and NO_Mo to accomplish the comprehension

task. High ability participants spent more time with Mo
than NO_Mo. Regarding UniBas, Fig. 4 shows that the lines
are almost parallel and High ability participants spent
less time than Low ability participants, whatever is the
method used.
For Experience, the plots in Figs. 5 and 6 indicate an
interaction between Method and Experience on comprehension and task completion time, respectively. In particular, the participants to UniSa and UniBas achieved nearly
the same comprehension when using NO_Mo. More
experienced participants got a source-code comprehension better than that of less experienced participants on
Mo. For task completion time, the interaction plot in Fig. 5
shows an interaction between Method and Experience.
This plot also suggests that less and more experienced
participants spent mostly the same time when using
NO_Mo. Indeed, more experienced participants slightly
spent more time than low experienced ones. For Mo, more
experienced participants spent less time with respect to
less experienced participants. Summarizing, more experienced participants seem benefit more from Mo than more
experience participants.
We can then deduce that the use of the diagrams
improved the comprehension of source-code, when










Fig. 3. Analysis of Ability on Task Completion Time for UniSa, using the
interaction plot.

Fig. 5. Analysis
interaction plot.





Fig. 6. Analysis of Experience on Task Completion Time, using the interaction plot.

participants have an adequate level of experience (i.e., at

a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science). However, the
results of the Mann Whitney test showed that the differences in the comprehension of high and low experienced
participants were not statistically significant. For Mo, the
p-value was 0.06, while the p-value was 0.68 for NO_Mo.

C. Gravino et al. / Journal of Visual Languages and Computing 28 (2015) 2338


As far as task completion time is concerned, the results

suggest that less experienced participants wasted time to
read and browse the UML design models without getting
an improved comprehension of source-code. For Mo, the
p-value is 0.02, so indicating the presence of a statistically
significant difference between more and less experienced
participants on task completion time when using the
models. The effect size is large (i.e., 0.53), while the
statistical power is 0.28. No statistical significant difference was present for NO_Mo (p-value 0.67).

4.3. Effect of co-factors

We present here the results of the data analysis on the
System: For UniSa, the Mann Whitney test indicated
that there was no significant effect of System on comprehension. In particular, for Mo and NO_Mo the p-values are
1 and 0.871, respectively. Similar results were achieved in
UniBas. The p-value is 0.869 for Mo, while it is 0.956 for
As far as task completion time is concerned, the Mann
Whitney test indicated that there was no significant effect
of System in UniSa because the p-value is 0.53 for Mo and
0.79 for NO_Mo. Similarly, the Mann Whitney test indicated that there was no significant effect of System when
using Mo in UniBas. The p-value is 0.03 (Bonferroni's
correction has been applied). No significant effect of
System was also present for NO_Mo (p-value 0.14).
Order of method: For UniSa and UniBas, the Mann
Whitney test indicated that the order in which the
participants performed the comprehension tasks was not
statistically significant on comprehension and task completion time. The p-values are 0.12 and 0.39 for UniSa and
UniBas, respectively. These results suggest that the participants did not get a significantly better comprehension of
the source-code when passing from the first laboratory
run to the subsequent one. Similar results were achieved
on task completion time. The p-values are 0.96 for UniSa
and 0.74 for UniBas.

Fig. 7. Boxplots of the answers to the post-experiment survey questionnaire for UniSa.

Fig. 8. Boxplots of the answers to the post-experiment survey questionnaire for UniBas.

4.5. Discussion
4.4. The results of the post-experiment survey questionnaire
The answers to the post-experiment survey questionnaire of UniSa and UniBas are summarized by means of
boxplots in Figs. 7 and 8, respectively. Overall, we can
observe that the distributions of the answers in both the
experiments are similar. In particular, the participants to
UniSa and UniBas considered appropriate the time they
had to accomplish the tasks in the laboratory trials (the
median is 1 for both experiments). They also clearly
understood both the objectives and the comprehension
tasks they were asked to accomplish: the medians are 1 for
UniSa and 2 for UniBas. A neutral judgment on the
complexity of S1 and S2 was given (3 is the median for
Q4 and Q5 in both the experiments). All the participants
found the use of the UML effective for the comprehension
of source-code (2 is the median for Q6 in both the

The effect of Method was significant for more experienced participants. An average improvement6 (or benefit)
of circa 12% was achieved when the participants accomplished the comprehension task with UML class and
sequence diagrams. To accomplish a task with these
diagrams, less experienced participants spent on average
44.8% of the time to accomplish the same task with
source-code alone.
High ability participants achieved a better comprehension of the source-code with respect to low ability participants independent from their level of experience. The
difference between these two groups of participants was
Given two values a; b, the mean percentage improvement of a is
computed as a  b=bn100. The values a and b are the mean comprehension values achieved by the participants on the systems used in the


C. Gravino et al. / Journal of Visual Languages and Computing 28 (2015) 2338

not statistically significant. Specifically, more experienced

participants achieved a better comprehension of sourcecode than less experienced participants when the comprehension tasks were performed with the UML diagrams.
Without these diagrams, the comprehension level
achieved by the participants to UniSa and UniBas on the
source-code is close (see Table 4). These results suggest
that a certain level of experience is needed to benefit from
the use of the UML class and sequence diagrams produced
in the design phase when dealing with the comprehension
of source-code. As far as task completion time, the results
suggested that a given level of experience is needed to
avoid participants to be distracted by the diagrams: on Mo
less experienced participants spent significantly more time
than more experienced participants to accomplish a comprehension task on source-code. Summarizing, less experienced participants did not get an improved comprehension of source-code and wasted time when that code is
provided together with UML class and sequence diagrams.
On the other hand, more experienced participants got an
improved comprehension of source-code and slightly
spent more time when source-code is added with these
From the descriptive statistics reported in Table 8 and
the interaction plots in Fig. 2, we can deduce that when
participants are less experienced with the UML the ability
could make the difference. In particular, we can note that
high ability participants achieved a better comprehension
of source-code using UML design models, while low ability
did not benefit from these diagrams. A possible motivation
for this result might be related to the UML diagrams
studied in our investigation and to the kind of systems
used in the experiments. This point is subject of
future work.
Regarding task completion time, the descriptive statistics (see Table 5) suggest that the participants to UniBas
spent on average less time to complete a comprehension
task on S1 (i.e., Music Shop) with respect to S2 when using
UML class and sequence diagrams. This difference could be
due to the presence of possible differences in the familiarity levels of the participants with the application
domains of the software systems used. However, the
familiarity of less experienced participants with the application domain affected task completion time, but did not
affect the comprehension of the source-code when using
UML diagrams. Then, it seems that these diagrams reduce
the effect of the familiarity with the application domain on
source-code comprehension.

4.6. Implications
We adopted a perspective-based approach to judge the
practical implications of our investigation. In particular, we
based our discussion on the practitioner/consultant (only
practitioner in the following) and researcher perspectives

 The presence of UML design models (i.e., class and

sequence diagrams produced in the design phase)
yields an average improvement in terms of source-

code comprehension of circa 12% in case of more

experienced participants. The effect of these models is
statistically significant on source-code comprehension.
Less experienced participants achieved almost the
same source-code comprehension both using or not
UML design models. From the practitioner perspective,
this result is relevant because it is useless to give
additional information to maintainers in case they are
not adequately experienced with the UML. From the
researcher perspective, it is interesting to investigate
what is the experience threshold so that a maintainer
can benefit from the use of UML design models.
For more experienced participants, the presence of
UML design models induces no additional time burden.
That is, the time to accomplish a comprehension task is
dependent by participants' experience: the less the
experience of participants, the more the time to
accomplish a comprehension task with UML diagram
is. This result is relevant from both the practitioner and
researcher perspectives. For the practitioner, this finding is useful because in case a maintainer has a given
UML modeling experience the comprehension of
source-code improves when design models are provided, without affecting the completion time. Therefore, design models can be considered a viable means
to support the execution of small maintenance operations on a part of the entire software system. This result
does not hold for less experienced participants, who
spend more time and do not get an improved comprehension of source-code. These results are relevant from
the researcher perspective because it would be interesting to investigate how the time spent on UML
diagrams is saved to comprehend source-code and
vice versa.
UML diagrams are considered relevant for comprehending source-code independent from the experience
of the participants [17,35]. As we observed in our
investigation, the effect of using UML on source-code
comprehension is different in case of less and more
experienced participants. In addition, UniBas provides
an insight into the difference between the perceived
usefulness of design models and the effective advantage when using them. This point can be considered
relevant for the researcher.
In case of more experienced participants, 56% of the
participants achieved nearly a perfect comprehension
of the source-code when using UML diagrams. The
comprehension values these participants achieved
were 14 or 15 (the highest possible). This result
suggests that the possibility of source-code misunderstanding decreases when it is furnished together with
UML design models and maintainers are adequately
trained on class and sequence diagrams. It is a relevant
result for the practitioner.
The study is focussed on desktop applications for handling the sales of a Music Shop and for the management of
the Ticket Reservations of a Theater. The documentation
of these systems were realistic enough for small-sized inhouse software and subcontracting development projects.
From the researcher perspective, the effect of UML
diagrams on different types of systems (e.g., Web

C. Gravino et al. / Journal of Visual Languages and Computing 28 (2015) 2338

applications) represents a possible future direction. This

point is relevant for the researcher and the practitioner.
We consider models/diagrams developed within a university course by people with an adequate UML experience. The use of diagrams recovered from the sourcecode (e.g., exploiting a reverse engineering tool) or
developed by people not adequately trained on the
UML could lead to different results. This aspect is
relevant for the practitioner, interested in understanding the best way for documenting source-code, and for
the researcher, interested in investigating how the
quality of the models and their levels of details should
affect source-code comprehension.
We are not sure that the achieved results scale to real
and larger software projects. However, the results are
encouraging to hope for the best. This point is relevant
not only for the researcher, but also for the practitioner.
In fact, practitioners could be interested in understanding if a typical size of a project exists to benefit from
UML diagrams produced in the design phase. Our
investigation poses the basis for future research work
in that direction.
The UML is widely used in software industry [35,17].
The achieved results are then useful for all the companies that exploit the UML in the execution of maintenance operations.
The results presented in this paper and those previously reported [19] show that UML class and
sequence diagrams are useful in source-code comprehension only when they provide design/implementation details given that maintainers have an adequate
experience with the UML. These types of diagrams
abstract the problem domain of a subject system when
used in the requirements engineering process, while
they are concerned with the solution domain when
exploited in the design phase [36]. This finding is of
interest for the practitioner and the researcher.

5. Threats to validity
The threats that could affect the validity of the results
are presented here according to the schema proposed in
5.1. Internal validity
Internal validity concerns the degree to which conclusions can be drawn about the causal effect of the independent variable/s on the dependent variable/s considered
in the investigation:
Interaction with selection: This threat has been mitigated
because each group of participants worked on different
experimental objects with either Mo or NO_Mo. Further,
the participants within each experiment had similar experience with the UML, software system modeling, and computer programming. Additionally, both the kinds of participants
found clear the experimental material.
Maturation: Participants might have learned how to
improve source-code comprehension and how to reduce
the task completion time when passing from the first
laboratory run to the subsequent one. The data analysis


showed that the order in which the participants performed these two tasks did not significantly affect the
comprehension on the source-code the participants
achieved and the time to accomplish these tasks.
Diffusion or imitation of treatments: This threat concerns
the information exchanged among the participants, while
performing each comprehension task and when passing
from the first run to the second one. We prevented this in
several ways. The participants were monitored by the
experiment supervisors, who did not allow the participants to communicate with each other. Another issue
could be related to the communication among participants
in different experiments. The participants to UniSa did not
have any opportunity to give information to those in
UniBas because they resided in different regions. Further,
the participants to UniSa were asked to give back all the
experiment material at the end of the experiment.
5.2. External validity
The main issue of the external validity refers to the
possibility of generalizing the results.
Interaction of selection and treatment: The use of students may affect external validity [26,3739]. Threats are
related to the representativeness of the participants as
compared with professionals. However, the participants'
familiarity with the UML, the application domains of the
experimental objects, and the results of the industrial
survey presented in [17] suggest that the participants are
not far from novice software maintainers and junior
programmers. The participants to UniSa were probably
better trained in UML modeling than many senior software
professionals of small medium software companies in
Italy. However, an increasing number of graduates with
such modeling skill is being integrated into the software
industry and should therefore increase UML capability.
Interaction of setting and treatment: In our case, it
concerns with the software systems7 on which the participants were asked to perform the experimental tasks. The
authors were not involved in the realization of the documentation and in the implementation of the system used
in the two experiments. Also, the size and complexity of
the used experimental objects may affect the validity of
the obtained results. The rationale for selecting the used
experimental objects relies on the need of simulating
actual comprehension tasks related to small maintenance
operations that novice software engineers and/or junior
programmers may perform in a software company. Larger
and more complex experimental objects could excessively
overload the participants, thus biasing the results. Nevertheless, it could be also possible that with more complex
and larger objects, the help of UML diagrams may be more
effective. To analyze this issue, different users' studies in
terms of case studies with professionals are needed. The
The used software systems (and their documentation) have never
undergone maintenance operations. Therefore, the software entropy can
be considered low within these systems and within their source-code, in
particular. The low level of entropy may positively affect code comprehension [1]. Software entropy is a concern that has never been studied.
Thus, it may represent a direction for our future investigations.


C. Gravino et al. / Journal of Visual Languages and Computing 28 (2015) 2338

use of the source-code printout could have negatively

affected the comprehension achieved by the participants
on the code independent from the method the participants
used (i.e., Mo and NO_Mo).
5.3. Construct validity
Construct validity concerns generalizing the results to the
concepts behind the experiment. Some threats are related to
the design of the experiments and to social factors.
Interaction of different treatments: The adopted design
partially mitigated these threats.
Mono-method bias: We adopted a well known and widely
used measure to quantify source-code comprehension.
Confounding constructs and level of construct: More
levels than High and Low could be used in the classification of participants' ability. We are also aware that the use
of a different approach to assess participants' ability could
lead to different results.
Evaluation apprehension: We mitigated this threat
avoiding to evaluate the participants on their results.
The participants were not aware of the experimental
Experimenters' expectations: We mitigated this threat
formulating the questions of the comprehension questionnaires so conditioning their answers in favor of neither
Mo nor NO_Mo. All the questions were formulated in a
similar way. The post-experiment survey questionnaire
was designed using standard approaches and scales [40].
5.4. Conclusion validity
Conclusion validity concerns issues that may affect the
ability of drawing a correct conclusion.
Reliability of measures: The used measure allowed us to
assess in an objective and repeatable way the comprehension achieved by the participants on source-code used
within the two experimental objects.
Random heterogeneity of participants: Regarding the
selection of the population, we drew fair samples and
conducted our experiments with participants belonging to
these samples. Another threat related to random heterogeneity of participants could be the number of observations. For example, the number of participants may affect
the statistical power of the performed tests. It is worth
mentioning that the population allows for -values of less
than 9% (when rejecting Hn0) and of more than 95% (when
Hn0 is not rejected). It is very good in factorial experiment
Fishing and the error rate: For UniSa, the null hypothesis
Hn0 has been rejected with a p-value less than 0.01 and
0.91 as the statistical power value. Similarly, Hn1 has been
rejected with a p-value less than 0.01 in UniBas. In the data
analysis, we used the Bonferroni correction when needed.
6. Conclusion and future work
In this paper, we have presented the results of a
controlled experiment and of a differentiated replication

both conducted to assess whether the comprehension of

source-code increases/decreases when UML class and
sequence diagrams are present. The diagrams can be
considered those produced in the design phase of a UML
based-development process [41,42]. Therefore, our results
should not be held for self-managing and autonomic
systems (e.g., [43]).
The goal of our long-term investigation (i.e., the family
of experiments presented in [19] and the experiments
reported here) is significant for software industry. Software managers and engineers have to be convinced that
UML-based modeling is really worth the effort and under
which conditions it produces more benefits [11].
We used controlled experiments because a number of
confounding and uncontrollable factors could be present
in real project settings. In real projects, it may be impossible to control factors such as learning and/or fatigue
effects and to select specific comprehension tasks. Controlled experiments also reduce failure risks related to
long-term empirical investigations (as in our case).
Although questions about the external validity (e.g., generalization to realistic comprehension tasks on objectoriented source-code) may arise, controlled experiments
are often conducted in the early steps of empirical investigations that take place over the years (e.g., [11,44]).
The data analysis revealed that more experienced
participants (i.e., Master students in Computer Science)
benefited from the use of UML design models (class and
sequence diagrams). This arises as an interesting research
issue: in the case of more experienced participants is it
better to use class and sequence diagrams together or each
of them alone? We preliminarily study this point in [45]
and the achieved results suggested that it is better to use
class and sequence diagrams together.
The results presented in this paper also indicated that
high ability participants achieved on average better
comprehension of source-code than low ability participants, but this difference is not statistically significant.
The results support those of similar experiments (e.g.,
[7,15]). Another relevant result is that less experienced
maintainers waste time to read UML documentation
without a significant improvement of source-code
The results presented in this paper also suggest the
following future research directions:

 Readability of the UML diagrams: Less experienced

participants could get sidetracked by the large number

of details in the class and sequence diagrams. This
represents another issue for the external validity that
should be controlled in future empirical investigations.
We plan to base our future work on the outcomes
presented in [46,47].
Participants' countries and cultures: It will be interesting
to investigate whether the comprehension of sourcecode supported by UML models is affected or not by the
kind of participants. In particular, it will be worth
interesting to study whether participants from different
countries and having different cultures achieve different comprehension levels on source-code.

C. Gravino et al. / Journal of Visual Languages and Computing 28 (2015) 2338

 Industry professionals: Replications with professional

programmers are needed to confirm or contradict the
results of our empirical study. It would be interesting to
study also the effect of professionals accustomed to
using a given development process with respect to
another (e.g., RUP [42] vs. XP [48]).

We wish to thank the Ilaria Bilancia and Michela
Continanza for their precious help in conducting the
experiments. We also would like to thank all the participants in the experiments.

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