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Lect 41

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Lecture 41

Lect 41

Lecture with
Numerical Examples
Ramjet, Pulsejet and

Prof. Bhaskar Roy, Prof. A M Pradeep, Department of Aerospace, IIT Bombay

Lect 41

Problem-1 Ramjet
A ramjet is flying at Mach 1.818 at an altitude
16.750 km altitude (Pa = 9.122 kPa,
Ta= 56.50 C = 216.5 K., sonic speed, a = 295 m/s).
The flow is assumed to enter the intake of the
ramjet through a normal shock standing at the
intake face. No pre-entry loss or friction loss
inside the engine is assumed to exist.
Combustion delivery temperature is 1280 K. and
the fuel air ratio is 1:40. The area at the intake
face is A1 = 0.0929 m2 and at the Combustion
chamber , A3 = 0.1858 m2
Prof. Bhaskar Roy, Prof. A M Pradeep, Department of Aerospace, IIT Bombay

Lect 41

Calculate :
i) Mass flow rate through the engine
ii) Throat area in the nozzle, A5
iii) Combustion related pressure drop in the
combustion chamber
iv) If the nozzle expands to ambient pressure
find the thrust produced
v) If the nozzle expands only in a convergent
nozzle find the thrust produced
vi) Calculate the propulsive efficiencies for (iv)
and (v)
vii) Calculate TSFC in both the cases
viii) Complete and draw the cycles for the cases
(a) with C-D nozzle and (b) Convergent nozzle
Prof. Bhaskar Roy, Prof. A M Pradeep, Department of Aerospace, IIT Bombay

Lect 41

Solution :
Flight velocity=Intake velocity of air=M1.a=536 m/s
From isentropic relations,
Total temperature at entry, T0a = 360 K
Total Pressure at entry, P0a = 53.85 kPa
Ambient air density, 1 = Pa/R.Ta = 0.147 kg/m3
Mass flow through the Intake = 1.Va.A1 =7.3 kg/s
Normal shock : From shock tables :
At intake face, for M1 =1.82, M2=0.612, T2= 334.8K
P02 =0.803.P01= 43.25 kPa, T02=T01=360 K
Since the duct losses due to friction etc are zero,
P03=P02= 43.25 kPa, T03=T02= 360 K

Prof. Bhaskar Roy, Prof. A M Pradeep, Department of Aerospace, IIT Bombay

Lect 41

Using isentropic tables, at stn 2 behind the shock,

M2 = 0.6121 , the area may be computed from
A2/AI = 1.16565;
Then , Acc/AI = (Acc/A2).(A2/AI) = 2 x 1.16565=2.33
Inside the combustion chamber, the Mach number
may be computed from isentropic tables or relations
as : M3 = 0.26
Combustion chamber calculations :
Due to accompanying heat addition, Rayleigh flow
tables or relations need to be utilized for calculation
of parametric variations.

Prof. Bhaskar Roy, Prof. A M Pradeep, Department of Aerospace, IIT Bombay

Lect 41

Flow in the C-D nozzle may be assessed as :

Starting from Mach 0.83 (CC delivery) assuming
isentropic flow, A4/At=1.027 in the convergent duct
The exit area may be calculated from
At=A4/(A4/At)=0.1858/1.02696=0.181 m2
As no duct loss is prescribed, P0t=P04, Pt=0.25xP04
At the exit, after flow through the divergent duct,
Me=1.55 ; At/Ae=1.211, Te/T0e=0.675
Ae=1.211x0.181=0.22 m2 , Pe = Pa as prescribed
From T0t=T0e=T04, as no heat / work is transacted
Since, T0t=T0e=T04=1280 K, then Te = 864.5 K
Jet Vel is now calculated Ve = Me.R.Te=916.5 m/s
For fuel-air ratio of 1:40 thrust is calculated as :
Prof. Bhaskar Roy, Prof. A M Pradeep, Department of Aerospace, IIT Bombay

Lect 41

Flow in the C-D nozzle may be assessed as :

Starting from Mach 0.83 (CC delivery) assuming
isentropic flow, A4/At = 1.027
The exit area may be calculated from
At=A4/(A4/At)=0.1858/1.02696=0.181 m2
As no duct loss is prescribed, P0t=P04, Pt=0.25xP04
At the exit, Me=1.55 ; At/Ae=1.211, Te/T0e=0.675
Ae=1.211x0.181=0.22 m2
From T0t=T04, as no heat / work is transacted
Since, T0t=T04=1280 K, then Te = 864.5 K
Jet Vel is now calculated Ve = Me.R.Te=916.5 m/s
For a fuel-air ratio of 1:40 the thrust may now be
calculated as :
Prof. Bhaskar Roy, Prof. A M Pradeep, Department of Aerospace, IIT Bombay

Lect 41

Thrust is given by : F = [(1+f)Ve -V1]+ Ae.(Pe- Pa)

C-D nozzle Thrust is, F = 4090 N
Propulsive Efficiency,

p=F.Va /F.Va +..[(1+f)Ve2- Va2]

= 51.2 %

For fuel-air ratio prescribed as f = 1/40

Sp. Fuel Consn., TSFC = f/(F/)=0.16 kg/N-hr

If the nozzle is only a convergent nozzle:

The exit face is the throat of the nozzle.
Prof. Bhaskar Roy, Prof. A M Pradeep, Department of Aerospace, IIT Bombay

Lect 41

convergent nozzle
Pressure ratio necessary for choking : 1.893
Available pr. ratio across the nozzle= P04/Pa=3.96
The nozzle is choked, and exit pressure, Pe=19.1 kPa
Te=Tt= T04/[(+1)/2]=1280/1.2 = 1067 K
Exit jet velocity, Ve =Vt = .R.Te= 654 m/s
From isentropic tables, exit (throat) area, A4/At=1.027
Whence, exit area Ae = 0.1809 m2
Thrust F = [(1+f)Ve -V1]+ Ae.(Pe- Pa) = 3587 N
Sp. Fuel Consn., TSFC = f/(F/)= 0.1834 N
Prop Efficiency p=F.Va/F.Va+ ..[(1+f)Ve2-Va2]=54.8%
Prof. Bhaskar Roy, Prof. A M Pradeep, Department of Aerospace, IIT Bombay


Lect 41

Problem 2 Pulsejet
An aircraft powered by a pulsejet engine is flying at
12 km altitude, at Mach 2. The engine parameters
are given as : inlet area = 0.084 m2. Combustion
chamber pressure development, P03/P02= 9.0,
heating value of fuel, Q = 43,000 kJ/kg, combustion
efficiency = 0.96. Assuming ideal (no loss) flow
through the intake, find:
(i) The air mass flow rate,
(iii) fuel-air ratio, f
(v) Thrust of the engine

(ii) Maximum Temp.

(iv) Exit velocity, Ve
(vi) TSFC

Prof. Bhaskar Roy, Prof. A M Pradeep, Department of Aerospace, IIT Bombay


Lect 41

At 12 km P0a= 18.75 kPa ; T0a= 216.65 K

The flight velocity is : Va = Ma.R.Ta=590 m/s
The air mass flow rate is : = a.Va.A1 = 15 kg/s
Total temp across the intake diffuser remains
constant, T01=Toa= Ta[1+(-1)M2/2]= 390 K=T02
Total pressure, P01=Poa=Pa(T01/T0a)/(-1)=147 kPa
In the combustion chamber pressure rises from P02
to P03 by a prescribed ratio 9.0, and the temp ratio
(temp change across the CC) is same by gas laws.
The combustion delivery temp is : T03=3510 K
Prof. Bhaskar Roy, Prof. A M Pradeep, Department of Aerospace, IIT Bombay


Lect 41

The fuel air ratio may be calculated

f =f /a =(cp-gas.T03- cp-air.T02)/Q.cc= 0.0975
In the jet pipe:
The exhaust velocity is Ve= 2.cp-gas.T03.[1-1/90.25]
= 2297 m/s
Specific Thrust, F/a=(1+f)Ve-Va =1931.5 N-s/kg
The thrust. F = 28950 N = 28.95 kN
The TSFC = f/(F/a) = 50 mg/N-s = 0.180 kg/N-hr
Propulsive Efficiency p=F.Va/F.Va +..[(1+f)Ve2-Va2]

=0.418 = 41.8%
Prof. Bhaskar Roy, Prof. A M Pradeep, Department of Aerospace, IIT Bombay


Lect 41

Problem 3 Scramjet
A scramjet powered aircraft flys at Mach 5 at 16.75 km
where Ta=216.67 K and Pa=9.122 kPa. The intake has a
shock structure of two oblique shocks with both deflection
angles =100. By burning hydrogen fuel (Q=120,900
kJ/kg), the temp is raised to 2000 K. The fuel air ratio
=0.025. The nozzle expansion ratio is A5/A4 = 5.0. The
inlet and the exit areas are A1=A5= 0.2 m2. If cp= 1.51
kJ/kg.K ; cc= 0.8
Calculate :

i) Mach number at combustion chamber inlet

ii) Exhaust jet velocity
iii) Overall efficiency
Prof. Bhaskar Roy, Prof. A M Pradeep, Department of Aerospace, IIT Bombay


Lect 41

Flight velocity is : Va = Ma.R.Ta=1475 m/s

Mass flow through the engine a= a.Va.A1=43.3 kg/s
Inlet total temp T01=Toa=Ta[1+(-1)M2/2]=1300K=T02
From shock relations or tables,
Across the first shock , for M1=5 & =10o
Shock angle, =19.4o . M2=4.0 and T2/T1=1.429
Across the second shock, M1=4 & =10o
Shock angle, =22.2o . M3=3.3 and T3/T2=1.33
In the combustion chamber heat is added to air flow
with supersonic speed

Prof. Bhaskar Roy, Prof. A M Pradeep, Department of Aerospace, IIT Bombay


Lect 41

Using Rayleigh Flow relations (or tables)

M4=1.26, and P04/P0I = 1.033, T04/T0I =0.966
Combustion chamber pressure ratio, P04/P03 =0.228
Fuel-air ratio, f =f /a =(cp-gas.T03- cp-air.T02)/Q.cc
= 0.01093
Nozzle Flow
For M4=1.26, T04/T4=1.317, critical area ratio= 1.05
Whence, Ae/At = (Ae/A4).(A4/At)=5x1.05 = 5.25

Prof. Bhaskar Roy, Prof. A M Pradeep, Department of Aerospace, IIT Bombay


Lect 41

Nozzle Flow
Nozzle outlet Mach number , Me=3.23,
for which isentropic temp ratio T05/T5= 3.11

T5 .T 05.T04 .T4 .T3 .T2

.T1 = 654.5 K
T05 .T04 .T4 .T3 .T2 .T1
The exhaust velocity , Ve = M5.R.Te= 1560 m/s
Specific Thrust, F/a=(1+f)Ve-Va =102 N-s/kg
TSFC = 107.15 mg/N-s = 0.385 kg/N-hr
Thrust , F =43.3 x 102 = 4416 N
Propulsive Efficiency p=F.Va/F.Va +..[(1+f)Ve2-Va2]
=0.527 or 52.7%
Prof. Bhaskar Roy, Prof. A M Pradeep, Department of Aerospace, IIT Bombay


Lect 41

Comparison of Rotor-less Jet Engines



Kg/nm/s (kN)


1.8 16.7 916






51.2 560



41.8 1931


52.7 102

(C-D noz)

Scramjet 5



16.7 1560 4.41

Prof. Bhaskar Roy, Prof. A M Pradeep, Department of Aerospace, IIT Bombay


Lect 41

Concluding Lecture

Prof. Bhaskar Roy, Prof. A M Pradeep, Department of Aerospace, IIT Bombay


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