Receiver Theory
Receiver Theory
Receiver Theory
The Superheterodyne
Now that we understand the fundamentals of AM
and FM, it is time to look at the typical radio receiver.
Fig. 9-1 is the same crystal radio we introduced in
Chapter 7. We pointed out that it consists of just a few
An outside wire antenna, which captures the various radio signals coming our way
An antenna coil and variable capacitor, which do
two jobs. The antenna coil is wired as a transformer, coupling the antenna signal to the radio.
The secondary of the coil, along with the variable capacitor also form a tuned circuit which selects the station we want, while rejecting stations
we do not want.
A diode which rectifies the AM signal.
A 0.001 F capacitor which filters out the highfrequency carrier and sidebands, and keeps only
the envelope the audio signal.
A pair of headphones which convert the audio
signal to sound.
Variations of this radio circuit date back to the early
days of radio. The big advantage, of course, is that it is
simple, and requires no batteries. But that simplicity
carries a price the radio doesnt work too well. It has
poor sensitivity, and poor selectivity.
Sensitivity describes the ability of a radio to pick up
weak signals. Our crystal radio has low sensitivity, because it can only pick up really strong stations.
Sensitivity has to be judged in relation to noise. Just
picking up a station is not enough, if the station is so
noisy that it is not pleasant to listen to. Spec sheets and
advertising literature usually specify receiver sensitivity
by measuring how much voltage from the antenna (usually measured in microvolts) is required to make the de-
Selectivity describes the ability of a receiver to select
the station you want, and keep out other stations that
Fig. 9-1. A simple AM crystal radio
Fig. 9-8. Superhet with a 455 kHz IF, tuned to 880 kHz
just happens to be a popular one in AM broadcast receivers. FM broadcast receivers usually use 10.7 MHz
IF, and other IF frequencies are also used in other kinds
of receivers.
If we let fstation be the frequency of the station we
want, and FIF be the IF frequency, then the oscillator
frequency fosc should be
fosc = fstation + fIF
But its also possible to let
fosc = fstation fIF
Either way, the difference between fstation and fosc is
equal to the IF frequency fIF, so either will work.
The Converter
Many radios combine the mixer and the oscillator
into one circuit called the converter. This is a popular
technique for lowering the radios cost, because several
components in the circuit do multiple jobs at the same
time. Fig. 9-9 shows the converter used in many popular
AM broadcast radios; there are several useful techniques that are worth mentioning.
L1 and C1 are the RF tuned circuit, with C1 being
the tuning capacitor. But L1 does several different jobs.
The top part of the winding (above the ground connection) is the part that actually resonates with the capacitor; the bottom part (connecting to C2) acts as the
secondary of a transformer, to bring the signal from L1
to the transistor without loading down the tuned circuit
(which would reduce the Q.)
At the same time, L1 is also the antenna. As we have
seen, coils or loops of wire can act as antennas; in this
case, L1 is wound on a ferrite core (a ceramic core
which contains ferrous metal particles); the core helps to
pick up the energy from the radio signal, and concentrate it in the coil.
The transistor also does two jobs. First, it oscillates
at a frequency 455 kHz above the signal you want to
pick up. To do this, we need an amplifier with positive
feedback. The transistor is the amplifier, with its output
coming out of the collector, going through oscillator
coil T1, and back through C3 into the emitter of the transistor. Capacitor C4 resonates with the secondary of this
coil to control the oscillator frequency.
At the same time, however, the transistor amplifies
the RF signal coming from the antenna coil, and mixes
it with the oscillator signal. Because the transistor is
non-linear, it also produces the sum and difference heterodyne frequencies. The primary of IF transformer T2
and capacitor C5 resonate at 455 kHz, and send the 455
kHz difference frequency on to the IF amplifier.
Note how T1 and T2 both use taps on one winding
(the tap is a third connection part way into the winding.)
This reduces the loading on the resonant circuit, and
keeps the Q from being lowered.
Variations on a Theme
Although Fig. 9-6 showed one RF amplifier (with
two RF tuned circuits), and one IF amplifier (also with
two IF tuned circuits), there is nothing sacred about
these numbers. Many cheap radios use only one RF
tuned circuit, and no RF amplifier; the converter in Fig.
9-9 is a good example.
On the other hand, more expensive radios might
have more RF amplifiers and/or more IF amplifiers. In
fact, quite a few radios use double-conversion; in this
scheme, there are two mixers and oscillators (or two
converters), and two different IF amplifier sections.
Well see the reason for this in a moment.
The Image
Lets return to the radio in Fig. 9-8. It is tuned to 880
kHz, has a 455 kHz IF, and an oscillator frequency of
1335 kHz. Here we see that
This is particularly a problem with high-frequency receivers intended to receive narrow-band signals. For example, consider an amateur FM receiver for 146.94
MHz. Since the bandwidth of FM signals on this frequency is typically only 10 or 15 kHz, a low IF frequency (such as 455 kHz or even less) would be ideal.
But then the image would be at
146.94 MHz + (2 455 kHz) = 147.85 MHz
which is not even 1% away from the desired frequency.
There is no way that a typical RF tuned circuit could
keep the image out youd need a tremendous Q to do
Typical receivers solve the problem one of two
ways. A few use a much higher IF frequency (around 10
MHz), but with special crystal or ceramic filters which
can achieve the narrow bandwidth even at this higher IF
But a much more common alternative is to use two
separate IF sections and double conversion. Fig. 9-10
shows the block diagram of a double-conversion superhet to receive 146.94 MHz. Since 10.7 MHz and 455
kHz IF transformers are fairly inexpensive (they are
manufactured by the zillions for use in standard AM and
FM broadcast receivers), many communications radios
use them as well, and we show them here.
To receive 146.94 MHz, the first oscillator runs at
146.94 minus 10.7 MHz, or 136.24 MHz (the oscillator
could be either 10.7 MHz above the desired signal, or
10.7 MHz below; in this case, we chose to use the lower
frequency.) The second oscillator and mixer converts
the 10.7 MHz first IF signal to 455 kHz by using an oscillator at 10.7 MHz + 0.455 MHz, or 11.155 MHz.
By using two IF frequencies, the double-conversion
receiver solves our two problems. The high first IF frequency does not provide much selectivity, but it helps to
eliminate the image. Since the image frequency is at
fimage = fdesired station 2 fIF
If the superheterodyne receiver had never been invented, communications as we know it would probably
not exist. The combination of features we have described allows radio receivers to have selectivity and
sensitivity which allows millions of transmitters around
the world to coexist with each other, yet allows us to select and listen to even extremely weak signals from far
We have touched on some of the important concepts, yet have had to skip many others. In the next
chapter, we will try to cover some more concepts having to do with the transmitters and receivers which we
run into daily.