Gas Condensado Thesis
Gas Condensado Thesis
Gas Condensado Thesis
a r t i c l e i n f o
a b s t r a c t
Article history:
Received 14 April 2013
Accepted 7 May 2013
Available online 22 June 2013
This work is another step forward in our understanding of the dynamics of condensate buildup around
wellbores in gas condensate elds. For this purpose one of the unique and huge Iranian gas condensate
reservoirs is selected. The effects of condensate bank on the gas and condensate productivity and also the
reservoir performance have been investigated throughout a simulation study. The productivity of the
wells in the moderately rich gas condensate reservoir was observed to have initial rapid decrease and
then reach a relatively constant value and after that a second decrease as the reservoir was depleted.
Compositional simulation claried the reasons for this uncommon productivity change. During early
production, a ring of condensate rapidly formed around wellbore when the near-wellbore pressure
decreased below the dew point pressure of the reservoir uid. Moreover, relative permeability effects
caused the saturation of condensate in this region to be considerably higher than the maximum
condensate predicted by the PVT laboratory work. Gas productivity also decreased as the effective
permeability to gas was severely reduced due to this high condensate saturation in the ring. After
condensate formation throughout the reservoir due to pressure reduction below dew point, the gas
owing into the ring became leaner causing the condensate saturation in the ring to decrease. This
increased the effective permeability of the gas. On the other hand, the reservoir pressure drop leads to
less productivity which caused the gas productivity to reach a constant value. Changes in gas and
condensate compositions in the reservoir also impacted gas productivity. As the result of this study it
could be mentioned that the gas production rate may stabilize, decrease or possibly increase, after the
period of initial decline. This is controlled primarily by the condensate saturation near the wellbore
which would decrease in the near wellbore region because of the leaner gas entering this region and also
partial vaporization. In addition to the gas production rate, the composition change should also be
considered in the sale contracts.
2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Well productivity
Gas condensate reservoir
Condensate blockage
Reservoir simulation
1. Introduction
Liquid formation in gas-condensate reservoirs occurs when the
bottom-hole ow pressure decreases below the dew point of the
reservoir gas (Kniazeff and Nvaille, 1965). This leads to creation of
three regions with different liquid saturations and as a result, a
composite reservoir (Hashemi et al., 2006). In the rst region that is
farthest from the wellbore, the reservoir uid is located in the gas
phase and the only liquid phase in this part of reservoir is connate
water. In the second section which is located closer to the wellbore
in comparison with the rst region, the reservoir uid is still gas
phase; however its hydrocarbon liquid saturation is greater than
connate water saturation. The main characteristic of this area is that
hydrocarbon liquids drop out saturation is less than the critical
R. Mokhtari et al. / Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 14 (2013) 66e76
Table 2
Local grid renement.
Fussell, 1973). Apart from these three regions, there is another area
adjacent to the wellbore, where hydrocarbon liquid saturation is
less than the third region due to the effect of capillary number and
comingled effect. The existence of this area is proven through
several experimental studies on core samples at low surface tension and high ow rates (Henderson et al., 1996; Ali et al., 1997).
Pressure reduction below dew point pressure due to production
from rich gas-condensate reservoirs results in hydrocarbon liquids
retrograde condensation in the reservoir which leads to formation
of a zone of increased condensate saturation around the wellbore
that is called condensate bank or condensate ring (Shandrygin
and Rudenko, 2005; Calisgan et al., 2006).
Most gas condensate wells experience rapid production decline
as a result of condensate banking when the bottom-hole pressure
falls below the dew point. Several authors have studied the physical
aspects such as well productivity related to retrograde condensation in near-wellbore zones (Fussell, 1973; Clark, 1985; Hinchman
and Barree, 1985; McCain and Alexander, 1992; Barnum et al.,
1995; Boom et al., 1995; Favang and Whitson, 1995; Novosad,
1996; Ahmed et al., 1998). Well productivity in gas-condensate
reservoirs often decreases signicantly since this near wellbore
condensate drop out blocks gas inow to some extent, leads to
Table 1
Reservoir parameters.
Minimum K-coordinate
Maximum K-coordinate
Number of radial divisions
Number of angular segments
Number of vertical divisions
reduced gas relative permeability and thus to low recovery problems. Radial compositional simulation models were often used to
investigate the problem of reduction in productivity (Fussell, 1973;
Clark, 1985; Hinchman and Barree, 1985; McCain and Alexander,
1992; Novosad, 1996). These models clearly showed that the
rapid well productivity decline was due to liquid drop out around
the wellbore when pressure drops below the dew point.
Barnum et al. (1995) have noticed that the recovery factor of gas
condensate wells is only affected by condensate blocking if the
wells kh is less than 1000 md-ft. This implies that the effect of
condensate blocking is more obvious in low permeability reservoirs
as this is the case we have studied in this paper. The wells kh for the
reservoir of interest in this study is 1269 md-ft. Although the
reservoir pressure is high, the pressure drop due to low permeability of the reservoir is rapid specially near wellbore and
condensate blockage is considered as the signicant problem.
Since optimum production from gas condensate reservoirs
needs precise analysis, schematization and well management and
in addition by regarding that gas contracts are at the beginning life
of the reservoir and for a long time, therefore, the prediction of the
productivity index is so important and needs comprehensive
knowledge of the reservoir behaviors, throughout a simulation
study, this paper investigates the effects of condensate bank on the
gas and condensate productivity and totally the reservoir
2. Simulation model
Marun eld, discovered in 1963, is one of the largest oil and gas
elds in Iran, and is located near the city of Ahwaz. The mean
distance of this eld to the city of Ahwaz is about 60 km. This eld is
located between two huge oil elds of Ahwaz and Aghajari, where
Ahwaz eld is in the southwest and the Aghajari eld is located in
the northwest respect to the Marun eld. It is a Northweste
Southeast plunging anticline. Marun eld is consisting of three
distinct reservoirs. Asmari and Bangestan are oil reservoirs and
Khami is a gas condensate reservoir. In the recent decades, Asmari
Table 3
Composition at reference depth.
mole %
R. Mokhtari et al. / Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 14 (2013) 66e76
Table 4
Some uid characteristics.
Table 5
Separators conditions.
Separator temperature ( C)
1st separator
2nd separator
and Bangestan oil reservoirs were two major sources of oil production in Iran. Fig. 1 indicates the location of this eld.
Khami reservoir in Marun eld is a carbonated gas-condensate
reservoir with an initial pressure of 12,750 psia and temperature
of 285 F at a depth of 16,026 feet below sea level. Marun subsurface anticline on the Khami horizon has almost 60 km long and
5.3 km wide. The reservoir consists of Darian (limestone), Gadvan
(shale-marl) and Fahlian (limestone) formations. Several wells in
the reservoir have been completed and most of them had no
particular production problems. There is only one well with a signicant permanent wellhead owing pressure drop since 2006
(Mirzaei Payaman and Zarei Foroush, 2012).
2.1. Reservoir parameters
Table 1 indicates the characteristics of the reservoir used for this
study. Khami is a unique low permeable, deep and high pressure gas
condensate reservoir. To enhance the grid denition near the well,
especially for the gas condensate reservoir simulation studies and to
allow accurate modeling of near wellbore gas/condensate behavior,
radial local grid renement is used. Table 2 shows the local grid
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R. Mokhtari et al. / Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 14 (2013) 66e76
3. Results
After the successful history matching, several reasons for the
uncommon behavior (reduction in gas production then reaching a
constant value, and again repeating this pattern and nally a bit
increase in gas rate) of this reservoir became apparent. The gas
production rate pattern and produced CGR versus time are show in
Fig. 8 and Fig. 9 respectively. All results are discussed in three
different distances from the wellbore (cell 1 is 25 ft, cell 5 is 221 ft
and cell 10 is 466 ft away from the wellbore) in order to have a
comparison between reservoir behavior at different locations.
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R. Mokhtari et al. / Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 14 (2013) 66e76
R. Mokhtari et al. / Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 14 (2013) 66e76
Fig. 11. Condensate relative permeability in three different distances from wellbore.
the reservoir (cells 5 and 10), the surface tension is much lower
than near the wellbore. Increase in surface tension shows that the
owing gas to the near wellbore region becomes leaner during the
production time.
The compositional changes affect the viscosities of both the
condensate and the gas. Fig. 14 and Fig. 15 show the viscosity of the
condensate and the gas respectively (calculated from their compositions). Increase in condensate viscosity and decrease in gas
viscosity result in increased gas mobility.
Fig. 12. Gas relative permeability in three different distances from wellbore.
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Fig. 13. Reservoir uid surface tension in three different distances from wellbore.
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3.4. Discussion
Production plateau in this eld were rather unusual. The gas
production rate initially declined rapidly then stabilized, after that
again the gas production rate declined and then stabilized, and
nally increased a bit. The time at which the gas production rates
stabilized coincided with the start of the decline in condensate
yield (approximately 10,000e12,000 and 17,000e22,000 days in
Figs. 8 and 9). Thus, the gas productivities appeared to be related to
the dew point pressure of the reservoir gas.
Compositional simulation showed that the fairly severe gas
productivity decline early in the life of the reservoir was caused by
R. Mokhtari et al. / Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 14 (2013) 66e76
Interfacial tension
Gas relative permeability
Oil relative permeability
Water relative permeability
Million standard cubic feet
Million standard cubic feet per day
Net to gross
Absolute pound per square inch
Reservoir barrel
Gas saturation
Special core analysis
Stock tank barrel
Stock tank barrel per day
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