Vol. 3 Issue 11 Am Constantly Falling

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3 Issue 11 07 Mar 2010

am constantly falling short of the excellence of God’s glory. THE REDEEMED CHRISTIAN CHURCH OF GOD
Do I need to repent continually? You bet!
Beloved, I pray you might gain the secret of radical,
rapid repentance. Ready repentance opens the channels for RIVERS PROVINCE 4, ZONE 14, HOUSE OF BREAD AREA
intimate communion with God. When you’re in the secret Manatee Hotels, #28, Kaduna Street, D-Line, Port Harcourt.
place, be quick to confess your unbelief and hardness of
heart. Don’t make Him talk you into it. Agree quickly with
Him in the way.
Written by Bob Sorge (http://oasishouse.net/)

(The Art of Soul Calibration)

Eight times the Scriptures enjoin us, “Take heed to your
selves” (Exodus 19:12; Deuteronomy 4:23; 11:16; Jeremiah
This week I’d like to share a practical experience with you 17:21; Luke 17:3; 21:34; Acts 5:35; 20:28). Two of those
that I hope you’ll be able to learn from. times the words are spoken by Jesus Himself. This taking
Recently whilst the kids were on half term, I came back heed to oneself is a primary function of the secret place.
As Christians, it is easy to be courageous in the face of trouble,
from work at the usual time and sat down and watched TV for Prayer is the constant calibration of the soul. It is a lifestyle
if we remember who our Father is.
5 hours straight. I was watching a game of football, which took of stopping and taking candid spiritual inventory.
about 95 minutes, sat through the commentary; at the end of BLESSED WEEK WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT This is not spiritual paranoia, but rather the exercise of
the match, saw highlights of the same programme on another Mon. Isa.44:2a – You are not an accident. one who has a healthy fear of God and a sublime desire for
Tues. Isa.26:3 – Living on purpose is the path to peace.
channel and then listened to the commentary on the other glorious heights of intimacy with God. The devout is
Weds. 1 Jn.2:17 – There is more to life than just here and now.
channel. Before I knew it, 5 hours was gone. I know the Thurs. Lk.16:10a – Life is a test and trust. constantly testing himself for spiritual fervor, alertness,
scriptures in Ecclesiastes 11 that there is a time for everything Fri. Ps.39:4, 119:19 – Life is a temporary assignment. faithfulness, purity, love, obedience, growth in grace, etc.
under the sun. I know that watching TV is not of itself a bad Sat. Eccl.3:11 – You are made to last forever.
Sun. Rev.21:7 – You were not put on earth to be remembered but
It is in the secret place that I find “my spirit makes
thing and I do enjoy watching TV programmes but I knew that to prepare for eternity and inherit all things. diligent search” (Psalm 77:6). I so very much long to please
this was not a time for leisure but time wasting. What’s Him and to know His will, so my spirit diligently searches the
interesting about this experience is the fact that I Sunday Service recesses of my heart to see if there might be anything in me
intermittently told myself to get up and do something more WEEKLY ACTIVITIES Programme for which I need to repent. I want nothing of my self-life to
fruitful with my time. SUNDAY Sunday School hinder my relationship with Him or His purposes for us
I eventually got up, did a few things and headed straight Sunday Service 8—10:30 am Praise & Worship together. I feel like I’m panning for gold—the finds are few
to bed. Then something interesting happened. The following Believers Class 7. 30 am
day I found it difficult to pray. To cut a long story short, before Breakthrough Prayers and not as weighty as I would desire.
I knew it, I had to repent to God for wasting the time He had
House Fellowship 6 - 7 pm Congregational Hymn Here’s some excellent counsel: Become a good repenter.
given me. I realised that time, resources and talents have Holy Communion Monthly Bible Reading The only way to move forward in God is through repentance.
been given to us to use wisely. We are custodians of time and TUESDAY If your pride hinders you from repenting, get over it. You’re
time is one of the few things in life that once lost can never be Digging Deep 6 - 7.30 pm
a wretch. You need mercy so badly it’s scary. Wise up and
Welcoming First Timers master the art of repentance. Call your sin in its worst
regained. Of course, God can restore to us the things that
should have been done (following repentance), but time as an
THURSDAY Offering Time possible terms. Grovel. Eat dust.
entity (24 hour cycle) cannot be regained. It is not a resource Faith Clinic 6 - 7 pm Music Ministration I remember the day I awakened to the reality that I live
that you can store and use later. Therefore cherish time. SATURDAY Word Ministration far below God’s glory. I saw it in the story of Jesus’
Sensitivity to God’s timing is crucial on a daily basis. Closing Prayer multiplying the loaves and fish for the five thousand: “Then
Evangelism 4 - 6 pm
For some of us, time wasting can involve social Jesus lifted up His eyes, and seeing a great multitude coming
networking sites or just surfing the Internet for hours. For Pastor toward Him, He said to Philip, ‘Where shall we buy bread,
Pastor Peter Bawo
others it might be meaningless chatter on the telephone for Pastor E.A.Adeboye Rufus Amao that these may eat?’ But this He said to test him, for He
hours or even watching endless hours of TV, General Overseer Pastor-in-charge
Rivers Province 4 Himself knew what He would do” (John 6:5-6). Jesus was
This post is not about you thinking of how you spend Zone 14
testing Philip, to see if Philip was living in the glory zone.
every moment of your time but to identify, through the Dcn Michael Elder Peter Richard
Pastor Chizi Michael Philip would have to live in another dimension to know the
guidance and sensitivity of the Holy Spirit (and this is the Egharevba Assistant Pastor-in-
Pastor-in-charge answer to the test, which was simply, “Lord, just break open
Pastor-in-charge charge
important thing) - know when we are wasting time. House of Bread Area
08055550816 08068003653 these loaves and fish and multiply them for the multitude.”
I am praying for the grace to use my time more wisely
A Weekly Publication of The Redeemed Christian Church of God
Philip failed the test because his thoughts were a universe
and hope that this post has been a source of blessing to you to
think about how you use your time. Where we have lost time, below those of Jesus (Isaiah 55:9).
SANCTUARY OF GRACE Then I saw it so clearly: I am failing the Philip test
let’s ask God to help us redeem the time i.e. redeem what we House of Bread Area, Zone 14, Rivers Province 4
would have achieved during that time. Manatee Hotels, #28, Kaduna Street, D-Line, Port Harcourt. virtually every day! I am so earthbound in my perspectives
More articles @ www.purposeforchrist.com E-mail: [email protected] that I am almost oblivious to the dimension of glory in which
Editor: Brother Benjamin Aregbesola (08036052069, 08053357535)
Jesus lives. It’s safe to assume that apart from God’s grace I
Vol. 2, Issue 38 07 Mar 2010

Jesus lives. It’s safe to assume that apart from God’s grace I THE REDEEMED CHRISTIAN CHURCH OF GOD
am constantly falling short of the excellence of God’s glory.
Do I need to repent continually? You bet!
Beloved, I pray you might gain the secret of radical, RIVERS PROVINCE 4, ZONE 14, ABRAHAM DESCENDANTS AREA
rapid repentance. Ready repentance opens the channels for ROAD 3, OFF IWOFE ROAD, RUMUEPIRIKOM, PORT HARCOURT
intimate communion with God. When you’re in the secret
place, be quick to confess your unbelief and hardness of
heart. Don’t make Him talk you into it. Agree quickly with
Him in the way.
Written by Bob Sorge (http://oasishouse.net/)

(The Art of Soul Calibration)

Eight times the Scriptures enjoin us, “Take heed to your
selves” (Exodus 19:12; Deuteronomy 4:23; 11:16; Jeremiah
This week I’d like to share a practical experience with you 17:21; Luke 17:3; 21:34; Acts 5:35; 20:28). Two of those
that I hope you’ll be able to learn from. times the words are spoken by Jesus Himself. This taking
Recently whilst the kids were on half term, I came back heed to oneself is a primary function of the secret place.
As Christians, it is easy to be courageous in the face of trouble,
from work at the usual time and sat down and watched TV for Prayer is the constant calibration of the soul. It is a lifestyle
if we remember who our Father is.
5 hours straight. I was watching a game of football, which took of stopping and taking candid spiritual inventory.
about 95 minutes, sat through the commentary; at the end of BLESSED WEEK WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT This is not spiritual paranoia, but rather the exercise of
the match, saw highlights of the same programme on another Mon. Isa.44:2a – You are not an accident. one who has a healthy fear of God and a sublime desire for
Tues. Isa.26:3 – Living on purpose is the path to peace.
channel and then listened to the commentary on the other glorious heights of intimacy with God. The devout is
Weds. 1 Jn.2:17 – There is more to life than just here and now.
channel. Before I knew it, 5 hours was gone. I know the Thurs. Lk.16:10a – Life is a test and trust. constantly testing himself for spiritual fervor, alertness,
scriptures in Ecclesiastes 11 that there is a time for everything Fri. Ps.39:4, 119:19 – Life is a temporary assignment. faithfulness, purity, love, obedience, growth in grace, etc.
under the sun. I know that watching TV is not of itself a bad Sat. Eccl.3:11 – You are made to last forever.
Sun. Rev.21:7 – You were not put on earth to be remembered but
It is in the secret place that I find “my spirit makes
thing and I do enjoy watching TV programmes but I knew that to prepare for eternity and inherit all things. diligent search” (Psalm 77:6). I so very much long to please
this was not a time for leisure but time wasting. What’s Him and to know His will, so my spirit diligently searches the
interesting about this experience is the fact that I
WEEKLY ACTIVITIES Sunday Service recesses of my heart to see if there might be anything in me
intermittently told myself to get up and do something more Programme for which I need to repent. I want nothing of my self-life to
fruitful with my time. SUNDAY Sunday School hinder my relationship with Him or His purposes for us
I eventually got up, did a few things and headed straight Sunday Service 8—10:30 am
Praise & Worship together. I feel like I’m panning for gold—the finds are few
to bed. Then something interesting happened. The following Believers Class After service
day I found it difficult to pray. To cut a long story short, before Breakthrough Prayers and not as weighty as I would desire.
House Fellowship 6 - 7 pm Here’s some excellent counsel: Become a good repenter.
I knew it, I had to repent to God for wasting the time He had
Holy Communion Monthly Congregational Hymn
given me. I realised that time, resources and talents have The only way to move forward in God is through repentance.
Bible Reading
been given to us to use wisely. We are custodians of time and TUESDAY If your pride hinders you from repenting, get over it. You’re
Announcement a wretch. You need mercy so badly it’s scary. Wise up and
time is one of the few things in life that once lost can never be Digging Deep 6 – 8pm
Welcoming First Timers
regained. Of course, God can restore to us the things that master the art of repentance. Call your sin in its worst
THURSDAY Offering Time
should have been done (following repentance), but time as an possible terms. Grovel. Eat dust.
entity (24 hour cycle) cannot be regained. It is not a resource Faith Clinic 6 - 8 pm Music Ministration I remember the day I awakened to the reality that I live
that you can store and use later. Therefore cherish time. SATURDAY Word Ministration far below God’s glory. I saw it in the story of Jesus’
Sensitivity to God’s timing is crucial on a daily basis. Evangelism 4 - 6 pm Closing Prayer multiplying the loaves and fish for the five thousand: “Then
For some of us, time wasting can involve social Jesus lifted up His eyes, and seeing a great multitude coming
networking sites or just surfing the Internet for hours. For Pastor toward Him, He said to Philip, ‘Where shall we buy bread,
Pastor Peter Bawo
others it might be meaningless chatter on the telephone for Pastor E.A.Adeboye Rufus Amao that these may eat?’ But this He said to test him, for He
hours or even watching endless hours of TV, General Overseer Pastor-in-charge
Rivers Province 4
Zone 14
Himself knew what He would do” (John 6:5-6). Jesus was
This post is not about you thinking of how you spend testing Philip, to see if Philip was living in the glory zone.
every moment of your time but to identify, through the Deacon Minainyo
Area Pastor Deacon Ezekiel Philip would have to live in another dimension to know the
guidance and sensitivity of the Holy Spirit (and this is the Abraham Assistant Pastor-in-
Pastor-in-charge answer to the test, which was simply, “Lord, just break open
important thing) - know when we are wasting time. Descendants charge
08029263542 these loaves and fish and multiply them for the multitude.”
I am praying for the grace to use my time more wisely
A Weekly Publication of The Redeemed Christian Church of God Philip failed the test because his thoughts were a universe
and hope that this post has been a source of blessing to you to
below those of Jesus (Isaiah 55:9).
think about how you use your time. Where we have lost time, NEW WINE PARISH Then I saw it so clearly: I am failing the Philip test
let’s ask God to help us redeem the time i.e. redeem what we Abraham Descendants Area, Zone 14, Rivers Province 4
would have achieved during that time. Road 3, off Iwofe Road, Rumuepirikom, Port Harcourt. virtually every day! I am so earthbound in my perspectives
More articles @ www.purposeforchrist.com E-mail: [email protected] that I am almost oblivious to the dimension of glory in which
Editor: Brother Benjamin Aregbesola (08036052069, 08053357535)
purpose, life has no meaning. Without meaning, life has
no significance or hope – Jer.29:11; Eph.3:20.
MEMORY VERSE: “For by him were all things created, that
Praise Him! Praise Him! Jesus, our blessed Redeemer! ii. It simplifies your life. It defines what you do and what you
are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible,
Sing, O Earth, His wonderful love proclaim! do not do. Your purpose becomes the standard you use to
whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or
Hail Him! hail Him! highest archangels in glory; evaluate which activities are essential and which are not
powers: all things were created by him, and for him: ”
Strength and honor give to His holy Name! – Prov.13:7; Isa.26:3.
Colossians 1:16
Like a shepherd, Jesus will guard His children,
iii. It focuses your life. It concentrates your efforts and
In His arms He carries them all day long: BIBLE PASSAGE: Ephesians 1:3-14
energy on what is important. You become effective by
Refrain INTRODUCTION: A purpose-driven life is one that sets out to being selective. Without a clear purpose, you will keep
Praise Him! Praise Him! identify and fulfill the purpose of existence. Ignorance of your changing directions, jobs, relationships, churches or other
Tell of His excellent greatness. purpose of existence can make you waste Heaven’s allocated externals – Eph.5:17. Apostle Paul almost single-
Praise Him! Praise Him! resources. God allocates resources to individuals according to handedly spread Christianity through the Roman Empire.
Ever in joyful song! His mandate. Events, situations, circumstances, tests and His secret was a focused life – Phil.3:13; Phil.3:15.
trials come to you according to the purpose of your existence
Praise Him! Praise Him! Jesus, our blessed Redeemer! iv. It motivates your life. Purpose always produces passion
– Rom.8:28.
For our sins He suffered, and bled, and died. and passion dissipates when you lack purpose. Nothing
He our Rock, our hope of eternal salvation, OUTLINES energises like a clear purpose – Phil.3:10-12.
Hail Him! hail Him! Jesus the Crucified. 1. HOW CAN YOU LIVE A PURPOSE-DRIVEN LIFE?
v. It prepares you for eternity. What ultimately matters most
Sound His praises! Jesus who bore our sorrows, 2. WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF LIVING A PURPOSE-DRIVEN
is what God says about you. A wiser use of time is to
Love unbounded, wonderful, deep and strong. LIFE?
build an eternal legacy because you are put here on earth
Refrain HOW CAN YOU LIVE A PURPOSE-DRIVEN LIFE? to prepare for eternity – Rom.14:10b; Rom.4:12;
a.) By worshipping God. Worship is our first responsibility to Rev.22:12.
Praise Him! Praise Him! Jesus, our blessed Redeemer!
God. We worship God by enjoying Him. God wants our
Heav’nly portals loud with hosannas ring! CONCLUSION
worship to be motivated by love, thanksgiving and delight,
Jesus, Savior, reigneth forever and ever. A purpose-driven life is fulfilling your divine purpose of
not duty – Ps.66:4; Rev.4:11; Eph.1:5.
Crown Him! Crown Him! Prophet, and Priest, and King! existence and to answer two questions from your Creator.
Christ is coming! over the world victorious, b.) By loving other believers. When you were born again, you What did you do with Jesus Christ? What did you do with
Pow’r and glory unto the Lord belong. became a part of God’s family. Following Christ is not just a what He gave you?
matter of believing but also includes belonging and learning
to love the family of God. 1 Jn.3:14; Rom.15:7; Jn.13:34-
1. What is a purpose-driven life?
2. How can you live a purpose-driven life?
c.) By becoming like Christ. Once we are born into God’s 3. What are the benefits of living a purpose-driven life?
family, He wants us to grow to spiritual maturity. Spiritual
maturity is becoming like Jesus in the way we think, feel
Sometimes, and act. The more you develop Christ-like characters, the
more you live a purposeful life that brings glory to God. 2
You have to give up something to make others
Cor.3:18; Phil.1:11; Jn.15:8; 1 Jn.3:2. Canyoufindthenamesof25booksoftheBibleinthisparagraphThisi
d.) By serving others with your gifts. Each of us was uniquely samostremarkablepuzzleSomeonefounditintheseatpocketon
You have to Step Back to allow them to be ahead
designed by God with talents, gifts, skills and abilities – aflightfromLosAngelestoHonolulukeepinghimselfoccupiedforh
of you. oursOnemanfromIllinoisworkedonthiswhilefishingfromhisjohn
And at times, Matt.25:14-30. Such talents and abilities were given to
benefit others just as others were given abilities for your boatRoyClarkstudieditwhileplayinghibanjoElaineVictsmention
You have to forget about yourself editinhercolumnonceOnewomanjudgesthejobtobesoinvolvin
benefit – 1 Pt.4:10-11; Eph.2:10.
for the benefit of many. It may seem gshebrewsacupofteatohelpcalmhernervesTherewillbesomen
UNFAIR, but, in truth, e.) By telling others about Jesus. God does not want His love amesthatarereallyeasytospotthatsafactSomepeoplewillsoonfi
that’s d NOBILITY of life. and purpose kept a secret. Once we know the truth, God ndthemselvesinajamespeciallysincethebooknamesarenotnec
expects us to share it with others, which will help them to essarilycapitalizedThetruthisfromanswerswegetweareforcedt
One Year Bible Reading Plan - Week Ten discover their purpose and prepare them for their eternal oadmititusuallytakesaministerorscholartoseesomeofthematt
destiny. Matt.28:18-20; Mk.16:15-18; Acts 1:8; 2 heworstSomethinginourgenesisresponsibleforthedifficultywe
DATE OLD TESTAMENT I OLD TESTAMENT II NEW TESTAMENT haveThoseabletofindallofthemwillheargreatlamentationsfro
MAR 8 Exodus 26:31-27:19 Psalm 72 Acts 15:22—35 Cor.4:15; Jn.17:8.
MAR 9 Exodus 27:20 -28:14 Psalm 73 Acts 15:36 to 16:15 mthosewhohavetobeshownOnerevelationmayhelpbookslikeT
MAR 10 Exodus 28:15 - 43 Psalm 74, 75 Acts 16:15-40 WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF LIVING A PURPOSE- imothyandSamuelmayoccurwithouttheirnumbersAndpunct
MAR 11 Exodus 29:1 - 37 Psalm 76, 77 Acts 17:1—15 DRIVEN LIFE? uationorspacesinthemiddlearenormalAchipperattitudewillhel
MAR 12 Exodus 29:38-30:10 Psalm 78:1 - 31 Acts 17:16—34 i. It gives meaning to your life. We were made to have pyoucompeteRememberthereare25booksoftheBiblelurkings
MAR 13 Exodus 30:11 - 38 Psalm 78:32 - 72 Acts 18:1 - 22
meaning. Without God, life has no purpose and without omewhereinthisparagraph
MAR 14 Exodus 31 Psalm 79, 80 Acts 18:23 to 19:20

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