Written Communication
Written Communication
Written Communication
When you read for thee meaning you should begin by looking for the ropic. This hefps
you connect what you read to what you already know. In order to find the topic, ask yciur
self: *What
Example a:
ln the grcup of words below, one of the words is {re topic for all the other nords.
Circle thetopic.
animals Lions
b<ample b:
ln the grcup of words below, one of the rvords is tfie topicfor all the other lrords.
Circle the topic.
Wheels tires
The topic is car.
wheel seats
In these exercises, you should work with another student. By discussing your worlq you
learn more from the exercises and you may change the way you think abqut reading::'
*erci* I
of words, circle the word which is fhe best topic for all the other
words. Wo* with another student. Work as fasf as you can. Time limit: two
each gtoup
referecs scoreboard
3. air
face mask
basketball game
seat belts
air tank
car equipment
windshield wipers
dolphins barracudas
octopus skate
5. string quartet double bass viola
creatures"/ eels
7. pisachios
The Chocolate
Hawaiian Islands
9. Biochemisty
Medical Subjects
Exqs'* Z
ln this exercisg the topic is not included in each group of words. write the topic
above the words. Wo* with another studenl Time limfu threp- minutes.
l. Topic:
Clinton Ford
2. Topic:
3. Topic:
dulcimer zither
4. Topic:
5. Topic:
7. Topic:
8. Topic:
German ltalian
9. Topic:
papaya mango
pineapple kiwi
10. Topic:
Exercise 4
ln the exercise, the topic is nat included in each group of words. Write the topic
apove the words. Work with another studenL fime limit: three minuhs.
mercury tin
2. Topic:
4. Topic:
5. Topic:
6. Topic:
beater iron
7. Topic:
Topics of Paragraphs
Wot is a paragroph?
two groups of sentences that look like pralgrarphs. Read both of them
carefully. Arc they both paragraphs?
Herc arc
*amPle a:
ln the Trobriand Islands, people do not celebrate birthdays. When a boy is about 14
or 15, he moves out of his parents'house. Each canoe takes about l8 months to make.
Boys and girls may live together for periods of days, weeks, or months. Most islanders
have no idea when they were born or how old they are. That way, they have a chance
to find out if they are the right people for each other. When it is finally finished, it is
named and special cercmonies are held to grve it magic powers. This is also about the
age that he begins to work on his own garden.
thisa paragraph?
Example b:
In the Trobriand Islands, the yam is both an important food plant and an important
part of the culture. Every village has a "yam house" with a giant. four-foot yam
hanging from the ceiling. It represents wealth and well-being for the village, life and
strength for the people. Villagers take great pride in their gardens, especially their yam
plants. The yam harvest is one of the high points of the year and also the focus for
many traditions. For example, the harvest is always carried out by women. When they
are bringing the yams in from the garden all together, no man is supposed to ineet
thbm. Any man they rneet will be chased, attacked, and treated as a fool.
ls this a paragraph?
A parograp& is a group of sentences that are all about the same thing. That is. they
same topic. Example a is not a paragraph because the sentences are about
several aspects cl life in the Trobriand Islancis. Togethcr, the sentences make no sense.
Example b is a paragraph because all the sentences are about the same aspect of
life (yams) in the Trobriand Island.
Read them
Iceland is not a place for the ordinary tourist. The landscape. first of all, is bare and
strange--thought many coribider it beautiful, too. Then, too, the far northem climate is
not ideal for tourism..The winter weather is extremely severe and the summers ane
short and cool, with constant strong winds. The remote location also means that many
products have to be imported and so they are expensive. However, the few tourists
who do put up with these difficulties are warmly welcomed by the lcelanders.
Is this a paragraph?
Poragroph 2
For fewer touristsl lower prices, and more beautiful scenery, head for the Sagres
Peninsula. The rcgional museum has a rich collection of costumes, weapons, and
handicrafts. Buses will get you to most places, but for long trips, kains are cheaper and
more comfortable.'The Portuguese eronomy has expanded very rapidly in recent
years, but it still has many problems. tn l5th century, Lisbon was a worldwide center
of political power, religion, and culture.
Is this a
To an outsideq Istanbul may at first seem like a western city. The Western dress,
the many new buildings, the haffic problems all make the city sem very modern. But
there is another side to this great city--its rich past as the capital of the Ottoman
Empire. In the narow back streets, the bazaars, and the mosques, this past seems very
near and real. And the spectacular mosques are evidence of the city's important role in
history of Islam as well.
Is this a ParagraPh?
When you read a paragraph you should always ask yourself, *What is this about?,,
That question will lead you to the topic of the paragraph.
Example a:
' People have always been interested in beesl This interest may have begun with
the honey bees make. In fact, archaeologists have found evidence that people have
been eatihg honey'for many thousands of years. In the more recent past, people were
interested in the way bees made honey. They admired the way bees seemed to-work so
hard. Sor4e languages even developed expressions about people working like bees. In
English, for example, we talk about a "busy bee." Now scientists have a new reason to
be intprested in bees- They have discovered that bees are able to-communicate with
each other. Research has revealed some surprising facts about this, but'there are still
many mysteries.
check after the best topic. Write "too specific" or "too general,' after the
other topic.
Explanatioa.' The best topic is c, people's inierest in bees.lt tells best what the paragraph
is about. Choice 4 expressions about bees in the English language is too specific. This
idea ii only a part of the paragraph. Choice b, rlu story of beei is too generai. It inctudes
manlL pgssible ideas that are not in the paragraph.
- . ' "-r:."
Example b:
What is this paragraph about?
Communication is also possible among bees through their sense of smell. A group
bees, called a colony, uses smell tb protect itself from other bees. This is possible
because all the bees in a colony have a common smell. This smell acts like a chemical
signal. It warns the group of bees when a bee from a different colony is near. This way,
bees from outside cannot enter and disturb a hive (the bee colony's home). If an
outsider does try to enter, the bees of that colony will smell it and atack it.
a chek
other topics.
Erylanotion' The best topic is c, how bees communicate through smell. Choice a is too
specific. Choice b is too general.
Read eacli paragraph. Worl<ing with another student, d*ide which topic is the
bes|- llake a ch*k after that topic. Write "too sp*ific" or "too general" after.the
Elephans are the largest land animals in the world. Whales are the largest sea
animals. These nvo huge animals may, in fact, be related. Biologist now believe that the
ancestors of elephants once lived in the sea. There is plenty of evidence to support this
idea. For example, the shape of an elephant's head is similar to a whale's. Al9o, 100
miles from shore. Like the whale, the elephant, too, uses sounds to show anger or for
other kinds of communication. Finally, in certain ways, female elephants behave rnuch
like female whales. When an elephant or a whale baby is born, a female friend says
nearby to help the
The elephant's trunk is not just a large nose or upper lip. It's an essential and
unique feature that serves many purposes for this animal. For one, it is used to make
many kinds of sounds. With its trunh the elephant can communicate anger, feaq.*tr
happiness. The tnrnk is also used as if it were a kind of hand. At the end of the"trunk.Alb
fin8ers. These muscles can pick up food and water ana Cffi
them to the elephant's mouth. Elephants use their trunks to take dust baths, ttoo,
throwing the dust over their backs. If an elephant's trunk is seriously injured, the
elephant may die. Without its trunk, it has great difficulty getting enough to eat.
The elephant's trunk
The elephant's body
The elephant's dust baths
The intelligence of the elephant is widely known. We say, 'the elephant never
forgets," in honor of its excellent memory.'Elephants are also surprisingly good at
solving problems. An Indian farmer who kept elephants discovered this fact, to his
.misfornrne. He had noticd that his elephants were eating his bananas at night. No fence
could keep out the elephants, of couse, so he decided to tie bells on them. Then he
would hear them when they came to eat the bananas and he could chase them away. A
few morning later, however, the bananas were all gone, though he had heard nothing at
night. When he checked the elephans, he found that they had played a trick on him.
They had filled the bells with mud so they would not make any noise!
Ercrci* 3
Fnrl each pangraph. Working with another studeng d*ide which topic is the
besl Make a ch*k after that topic. write "ta specifrc', or ,,t@ general;' atter the
, ^
People usually build their houses out of the materials that are easily available to
them. In some areas, most people build their homes out of wood. This is true in parts of
North America and in Scandinavia. These areas have large forests, so wood is easy to
get and inexpensive. In many other areas of Europe, there are few forests left. Stone and
brick are cheaper, so most people build their houses of these materials. In tropical
regions, houses are sometimes made from plants that grow there. For example, in parts
of Africa or Asi4 houses may be made out of bamboo. Finally, in the very coldest areas
near the Arctic, people make their h.omes out of blocks of ice.
Houses in hot countries have many features that.are different from houses in cold
countries. Houses'in hot countries usually have thick walls and small windows to keep
out the heat. In colder climates and daiker regions, however, people do not have to
worry about too much sun and heat. The houses therefore have larger windows to let in
the sunlight. Another difference is that houses in hot climates usually have an outdoor
living area---a terrace. courtyard, or porch. In colder climates, of course, people spend
less time outdoors, so houses often do not have such areas.
One of the most famous houses in the United States is Monticello. It was the hiiine
of Thomas Jefferson, the third President of the United States. Located on a hill nrar
Charlottesville, Virginia, it has a beautiful view of the surrounding countryside. The
houses is famous, first of all, because it belonged to a President. It is also a fine example
of early 19fr century American architecture. Jefferson designed it himself in a style he
had admired in ltaly. Many American buildings of that time, in fact, imitated European
styles. But while most were just imitations, his Monticello is lovely in itself.
Furthermore, the design combines a graceful style with a typical American concem for
Exrrttisc 4
If you ever get a blow-out while you arc driving, you should know what to do. A
blow-out is a sudden flat tire. [t can be a very frightening experience, especially if you
are travelling at high speed. If your car gets a blow-out, the first thing to do is to hold
very tightly to the steering wheel. You can easily lose control of the car if you do not
have a good hold on the steering wheel. The next step is to get off the road. You must
not try to stop or turn too quicklyn however. After you check the traffic should move
over to the side of the road and slow down gradually. Then you should turn on your
flashing tights so other cars will see you.
Most automobile owners check the gas and oil in their cars regularly. However,
they may forget to check something else that is just as important: the tires. About 28%
of automobiles in the United States have tires that are in poor condition. Some are too
worn and others have too much or too little air. It is a good idea to check the amount of
air in your tires every week. You should also give a quick look at your tires every time
you get into your car. This way, you may avoid a flat tire or a blow-out.
Tires are one part of the car that need a lot of attention. A quick check before you
drive the car may not be enough. You should also bring your car regularly for some
special measure. First, the mechanic should rotate the tires after a certain frumber of
miles. This means removing the tires and placing them in different positions. The rear
tires are usually placed in the front. The front tires are placed on opposite sides in the
rear. Changing the tires like his will prevent them from becoming too worn on one side.
For this same re:ron, the mechanic should also balance the wheels. In balancing the
wheel, each wheel is taken offand adjusted to make sure it goes around evenly.
Finding the topic sentence
frlany pangnphs include a topic seafence that ts;tts the topic
thts rangraph and underlinettretopic.
of the pangaph.
The first guitarist to become known worldwide was Andres Segovi4 born in 1893
in Spain. Before the 20th century, the guitar was not taken very seriously as a classical
instmment. Most people thought that the guitar was suitable only for popular music or
folk music. Few classical composers wrote music for the guitar, and it was never
included in classical concerts. But Segovia changed all this. He believed in the guiar
as classical instrument, and he was a great musician. He used his genius to prove that
the guitar could produce beautiful classical music.
topic is stated in the topic sentence: The first guitarist to become known worldwide
was Andres Segovia, born in 1893 in Spain. The other sentences in the paragraph explain
and give details ahrut the topic.
Exerci e 5
Read each paragraph and underline the topic sentence. Remember, the topic
senlence is nof always the first sentence in the pangraph. Compare your choices
with another student. lf your answeni differ, decide whose Ls best and conect your
wo* if nxessary.
Effects of Weather and Climate
Violent storms cause damage and deaths all over the world. but sometimes people
make the consequences worse. For example, too many people living in dangerous areas
can turn a storm into a disaster. In Bangladesh, the flat river valley often floods. In the
past, there were few people in this area and they could escape to higher land. Now.
millions of people live there and they cannot escape when there are floods. Sometimes.
too, there is more damage than necessary because people do not build homes that are
safe or strong enough. This was the case when a terrible storm hit southern Florida.
Many people died or lost their homes because the wind blew away poorly-made
When summer brings very hot weather, many people suffer more than they need to.
There are a number of ways to make life more comfortable in the heat. First of all,-you
can try to keep your home as cool as possible. It is best to close all the windows'and
curtains during the hottest part of the day. Then, when it is cooler in the evening,,you
can open them up again. It is important also to keep yourself cool by wearing loose.
tight clothes. Cotton is the best material for clothes in hot weather. And finally, you
should try to stay calm and relaxed. You could even try a nap after lunch. like many
people who live in hot climates. This way vou are more rested and ready to enjoy the
cool evening hours.
Scientists believe that the earth's climate may be warming up. This trend probably
began thousands of years ago. Many areas of the earth used to be covered with ice that
has norv melted. Ho.xever. in recent )-ears. the warming trend has speeded up.
Scientists think that part of the reason tor this may be carbon dioxide pollution tiom
industry anci automobiles. The carbon dioxide mixes with other gases. This poilution
covers the earth like a blanket and keeps it lvarmer. Another reason tbr the warming
may be the fact that the earth is losing its forests. Forests are an important part of the
earth's system for using up carbon dioxide and keeping the air temperature cool.
Main Ideas
is o main ideo?
The main idea of a paragraph is the author's ida about the topic. It is always a complete
sentence that includes both the topic and the idea that the author wishes to express
the topic.
Example a:
Topic: Cats
Possible main idea about cats:
Compare your ideas with those of another student. You probably have some
ideas. In fact' for every topic there are many possible main ideas. The choice
of a main
idea depends on what the author wants to say about the topic.
Example b:
of these topics
and write a
My favorite food
Growing older
compare your main idea sentence with another student who wrote
about the same
Why might they be different?
Exqri* I
Read each pra,graiph and un&dine the topic serr,ence. Then compale your choice
with another student D*ide rfiose is 6est corn*ct Wur wo* if necessary
The "idea box" is a uspful con,:ept in.granagement. It was first introduced in the
early 20th" century by Kodak in the United Sates and Michelin in France: The
managers of these companies used idea boxes to collect suggestions from employees
about improving production. Today the idea box is not used much in the United States
or Europe. However, it is used a lot in Japan. Japanese managers have found it to be a
very valuable resource. Employees often know more than managers about the details
of pnrduction. [n the long run, their suggestions can make a real difference to the
company. Employees who offer useful ideas may receive extra money in'their
At present some managers spend much of their workine time at home. especiiilly
those rvho work a lot on computers. They can send their work to the company by fax
or by direct computer connectrons. There are many advantases to workinq at home,
including morc flexible hours and better procluctivity. "Home manager" also save trme
and money they would have spent on transportation. The disadvantages may. hs-the
difiiculty in organizing work and the loss of direct contact with colleagues. [n the
future, many more managers will be able to work at home, thanks to modern
technolory and telecommunication.
ToPic: EarlY
Underline the topic sentence. Then circle the letter in front of the besf sfatement
tfie author's maln ldea.
*erci* 2
Read each
The average age of the population of many countries is getting older. That means
that businesses in those countries must adjust to older customers. In fact, many
companies are working to respond to the special needs of the elderly. One example of
this is the medical industry. New medicines and technologies are being developed
especially for the heahh problems of older people. Another business that offers services
for the elderly is the tourist industry. Many travel agents offer special trips foi groups of
older people. An4 finally, there are many different kinds of products made foi the
elderly. These include everything from shoes and shampoos to magazines and furniture.
tlnderline the topic sentence. Then clrcte the letter in front of the best statement
of the author's main idea.
Many companies are developing products and services for the increasing elderly
In industrialized countries today, rnany elderly people suffer from depression. The
main cause of this is loneliness. In the past older people usually lived with other
members of the family. They usually had some responsibilities around the home. For
example, older women could help take care of the children or prepare meals. Older men
could help their sons at work or around the house. These days, married children often
prefer to live on ttieir own, sometimes far away from their parents. Thus, older people
mav be cut qfffqoqfaryrily tiesJhey may feelcutoflfrqmthe world around them. Life
has changed so much so quickty that older people sometimes feel that they do not
belong any more.
llnderline the topic sentence. Then circle'the letter in front of the best statement
of dte author's maln idea-
Older people used to live with other family members and helped take care ofthe
Some elderly people may feel the world has changed too quickly for them.
Exercise 3
Read each pangraph. Then
The ideas of a small electric car is not new. A number of dif,[erent can
manufacturers alrady sell such cars. But now a French company, Renault, has
designed a very special kind of electric car. By pushing a button, you can make it firld
up! The back of the car folds into the car body. These qlrs were designed mainly for use
in cities. They have several advantages over regular cars. Their small size makes tl&m
much easier to drive around busy, nhrrow streets. They are also much easier to pa*,in
city parking spaces. Like other electric cars, these autos do not pollute the air. This is an
important consideration these days when many cities have serious pollution problems.
Many studies have shown tha( it is better to wear your seat belt when you are
ffaveling in a car. Seat bels greatly reduce the risk of death or injury in an accidentThis fact is widely recognized and many governments have passed laws requiring seat
belt use. However. many people stiil do not wear seat belt. Researchers have fcund
several reason for this. Some people feel uncomtbrtable with the seat belt. They' are
afi'aid of being trapped in the car in an accident. Cthers do not think that the seat belt
can protcct them. They believe that people have no power oi'er their injured or cie.
They think that wearing a seat belt or not wiil make no difference.
b. All new cars must now ire equipped with seat belts.
vehicles (cars, trucks, and buses) per kitomlte|#[.;J;'il;:rilrT;.ff
:.',,'j]l _rn ree2, rhere were an averase
of l0l.l
Ercrci* 4
The toplc ls given
lnteresting lnventions
After several decades, jogging is still a very popular activity in the United States.
Many people like to go joggtng early in the morning before work or after work in the
evening. However, in the winter months especially, it may be dark during thosc hours.
To help these Joggers, a sports shoe manufacturer has invented a new kind ofjogging
shoe. These shoes have li[lg_Ed]i$gon the back of the heels. The lights are very
small and lightweight. They are run by ttny- ba!!g11es. With these new shoes, the jogger
can feel much safer running along the road in the dark. The lights make the jogger much
of motor vehicles. This may reduce i66 risk of accidents.
If you have too much noise in your life, an American company has a special
product for you! This product is a machine that can eliminate sound waves from the air.
Machines like this are already in use in some uery norsy factories. Soon there will be
models for use in larqe trucks. Yet another model, the "personal quieting machine." is
designed for use in homes or offices. It will be able to eliminate all kinds of unpleasant
background noises, inel[difrE:srrEd and airplane traffic. A quieter environment in the
home could mean reduced stress and improved mental and physical health. A quieter
oflice cculd allow $eater prouuctivity and job satisfaction.
Have you ever noticed how much of the potato is wasted when you peel it? Then
you are peeling just a few potatoes for your dinner, this does not matter. of course. But
just imagine what happens when potatoes are peeled in factories. tndustrial potato
peelers, in fact, wastean average of l5Yo of the potato. In the largest factories, billions
of pounds of potatos are Processd every yeag. This means a loss of millions of dollars
annually. Now, new technology may bring an end to that loss. A special kind of laser
new peeler is not for everyone. Only the largest manufacturers will be able to afford to
buy the new machine. Each one costs over a million dollars!
Topic: A new laser potato peeler
Main ldea:
Erqcise 5
Read each paragnPh: Then, worting with another student, write the topic and a
Panda Bears in China
The giant panda bear is a favorite of children and animal-lovers throughout lhe
world. For many people, it is also symbolic of the sad situation for many ottrei tindj of
animals. Though so well known and loved, the panda is slowly dying Lut. At presnt,
there are only about 1,230 wild pandas left in the world. They all livi in China, inthe
forests of the Sinchu,an and Shaanxi provinces. Pandas used to be common in other
arcas. However, as the human population increased and the forests shranh panda
territory gradually disappeared. And so did that pandas. Now the Chinese govemment
has created a number of "Panda rserres" to protect the pandas. Within theie reserveq
human settlement and tree cutting will be limited.
Main ldea:
A good paragraph contains several retated sentences that support one main idea,
which is limited to and focused on one sentence. This sentence helps guide your
though the related sentences in the paragraph. This vital senten@ serues as a
commitrnent for the writer to provide an explanation or iltustration of this main idea. The
term used to identiff this main idea is a topic sentence.
A topic sentence has two essential parts: the topic and the controlting idea. The topic
names the subject, or main
paragraph. The controlting ideimake a spe.ific
ide1, of the
mmment about the topic, which indicates what the rest of the paragraph will say about
the topic. It timits or controls the topic to a specific aspect of th6 topic tb be discussed in
the space of a single paragraph.
In this example, the topic is named: convenience foods. A specific comment is then
made about the topic They are easy to prepare. From this sentence, the reader
immediately knows that the supporting sentences in the remainder of the paragraph will
explain or prove how quick and easy it is to prepare convenience foods and perhaps give
sor.re examples (frozen dinners, canned soups, etc.)
are reflected in
In this example, the topic is American food. The controlling idea of this topic sentence
is that Americans eat many foods from other countries. Therefore, the reader should
expect the paragraph to give examples of popular ethnic foods such as fried rice
(chinese), tacos (Mexican), sauerbraten (German), sukiyaki (Japanese), spaghetti
(Italian), and so on.
Circle the topic and underline the controlling iCea in each of the following sentences.
th frorn a high
on clear days or in pouring rain. They count the turtles as they come
ashore. When the turtles lay their eggs, the scientists walk up and down the
beaches for many hours at a time. They count the eggs in the sand. Then,
later they count the eggs that hatch. These biologists know that they are
mllecting information that will someday be important to other scientists.
This paragraph shows the three pafts of a good paragraph - topic sentence,
support sentences, and concluding sentence (or conclusion). Now check to see if the
paragraph has the important element of unity.
To check for unity, first separate the topic sentence into its two parts.
Second, check each support sentence against the topic sentence. Each supporting idea is
a specific fact or detail that explains what the scientists actualty do to work hard to
gather information. In this case, all the sentences after the topic sentence must explain
how the scientists are working hard to gather facts about sea turtles. So that you can
judge the supporting sentences better, they are listed below.
Topic Sentence
Amerian scbntisb are working had to gather
Suppoft Sentences
The observers work, no mafter what the weather is like-on clear days or in pouring rain.
They count the turtles as they come ashore.
....... The scientists walk up and down the beaches for many hours at a time.
They count the eggs in the sand.
Then, later, they count.the eggs that hatch.
Notice that
bold words in each support sentence make reference to the main idea in
We have seen that a paragraph must have a topic and controlling idea, supporting
details or sentences. It must also have unity. Another element that a paragraph needs is
coherence. A coherent paragraph contains sentences that are logically arranged and that
flow smoothly.
Logical arrangement refers to the order of your sentences and ideas. There are
various ways to order your sentences, depending on your purpose. For example, if you
want to describe what happens in a movie - that is, the plot - your sentences would
follow the sequence or the action in the movig from beginning' to end. If, on the other
hand, you want to describe the most exciting moments in the movie, you would select- a
few moments and decide on a logical order for discussion - perhaps presenting the least
exciting moments first and the most exciting last to create suspense.
A paragraph can be incoherent even when the principle for ordering the ideas is
Iogical. Sometimes, as students are writing they remember something that they wanted
to say earlier and include it as they write. Unfortunately, this sentence often ends up out
of place. Study the following paragraph, in which one or more sentences are out of order:
Although Grants Pass, Oregon, is a fairly smatl town, it offers much to amuse
sunmer visitors. They can go ratting down the Rogue River. They can go
swimming in the Applegate River Lots of people go hunting for wild berries
that grow along the roadsides. Campers will find lovely campgrounds that ei'e
clean. There are several nice hotels. :Tourists can browse through a number of
interesting shops in town such as antique stores, One fun activity is shopping at
the open market where local folks sell vegetables grown in their gardens.
Grants Pass has a lot of places to eat, ranging from a low-calorie dessert place
to lovely restaurants. Some ofthese restaurants offer good food and gorgeotrs
views. One store to visit is the shop that sells items made from Oregon's
beautiful myrtlewood. Fishing in the area is also a popular activity. Water
sports are by far the main attraction. As you can see, Grants Fass offers a lot
to do in the summer, If you want to give your family a nice, wholesome
vacation, try visiting Grants Pass.
The paragraph seems to have a principle of organization: The first half is devoted to
activities in the areas use outside of the city itself, and the last half discusses activities
within the city. However, toward the end of the paragraph the writer seems to throw in a
few sentences as all afterthought. Three sentences-"One store, to visit is the shop that
sells items made from Oregon's beautiful myrtlewoodr" "Fishing the area is also a
popular activity," and "Water sports are by far the main attraction"- are out of place.
This. paragraph could be revised as follows:
Although Grants Pass, Oregon, is a fairly small town. it offers much to amuse
summer visitors. Water sports are by far the main attraction. Visitors can go
rafting down the Rogue River. They can go swimming in the Applegate River
Fishing in the area is a popular activity. Lots of people go hunting for wild
benies that grow along the roadsides. Campers will find lovely campgrounds
that are clean. There are several nice hotels. Tourists can browse throdgh a
6. Writing an Essay
for three short,
7 write the kind
An essay can have many purp0iel, but the basic structure is the same n0 matter whal. You
may be writing an essay to argue for a particular point of view or to explain the steps
necessary to complete a task.
Parts of an Essay
1. The lntroductory paragraph.
2. The Body ofThe Essay
3. The Conclusion
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The purpose of an introductory paragraph is to get the reader's attention and to let
the reacJer know what will be coverecj in the essay. Very often, it sets the tone for the
entire essay. While reading your introduction, your audience might think, "This paper
really sounds good," or "l can't figure oul what this person is talking about." The first
response is what you want from your reader. The introduction gives you a chance to
"hook" your audience right away.
= topic +
is the main point you express, explain, or try to prove in your paper
makes a specific, precise assertion about your topic
should be specific, pointed, and provocative, promising the reader(s) some new
information about your topic
should always be more than a vague generalization.