Pondicherry Cinemas Regulation Act 1964
Pondicherry Cinemas Regulation Act 1964
Pondicherry Cinemas Regulation Act 1964
- - - .
1. Short title, extent and commencement.
Licensing Authority.
Licensing authority to permit construction and reconstruction of buildil~gs, installation of machinery etc.
for cinematograph exhibitions.
10. Penalties.
11. Power to revoke licence.
14. Repeal.
ACT, 1964
(No.13 af 1964)
15th January, 1965.
This Act
3. Cinematograph exhibitions
to be licensed.-Save as
~therwiseprovided in this Act, no person shall give an exhibition by means of a cinematograph elsewhere than in a place
licensed under this Act, or otherwise than in compliance with
any conditions and restrictions imposed by such licence.
4. Licensing authority.-The
authority having power to
grant licences under this Act (hereinafter referred to as the
Licensing Authority) shall be the District Magistrate
(Independent) :
(a) the rules made under this Act have been substantlially
complied with, and
6. Licensing authority to permit construction and reconstruction of buildings, installation of machinery etc., for cinema-
tograph exhibitions.-(1)
building for
(d) to install any machinery in any place where cinematograph exhibitions a r e proposed to be given, shall make an
application in writing to the licensing authority for permission therefor, together with such particulars as may be prescribed.
(2) The licensing zuthority shall thereup_.n, after consulting such euthority or officer as may be prescribed, grant or
issue direction.-The
licensing authority may, from time to time, issue directions t o
any licensee or licensees generally, requiring the licensee or
licensees to exhibit in each show such slides of public interest
as may be supplied by that authority :
Provided that no direction issued under this section shall
require the licensee to exhib~tmore than three such slides at,
or for more than four rninutes in any one show.
9. Power to suspend exhibition of iiIms in certain cases.(1) The Competent Authority may, if he is of opinion that any
film which is being or is about to be publicly exhibited is likely
to cause breach of the peace, by order in writing suspend the
10. Penalties.-If
of a
the holder of a
]ice;lce has been convicted of an offence under section 7 of the
Cinematograph Act, 1952 (Central Act xXXVII of 1952), or settion 10 cjf this Act, the licence may be revoked by the licensing
autllority by an order in writing.
12. Power to make rule$.-(I)
cxhibitig~s f?r
(f) the
- to- be- taken( s into
- matters
/.- consideration
) 3 ~
licensilig authority before appravrng ihe sit& for the construction of the building, or the plans for the construction or
reconstruction of the building or the installation of
machinery ;
( g ) the terms, conditions and restrictions subject to which
the licensing authority may accord approval in respect of the
matters referred to in clause (f) ;
(i) the procedure to be followed by the licensing authority before granting or refusing permission under section D
itnd any other matter incident31 thereto.
(3) All rules made under this Act shall, as soon as may be
after it is made, be laid before the Legislative Assembly of
Pondicherry while it is in session for a total period of fourteen
days, which may be comprised in one session or in two successive sessions, and, if before the expiry of the session in which
It is so laid or the session immediately following, the Legislative
Assembly makes any modification in the rule or decide that the
rule should not be made, that rule shall thereafter have effect,
only in such modified form or be of no effect as the case may
be, so, however, that any such modification or annulment shall
be without prejudice to the validity of anything previously
done under that rule.
13. Power to exempt.-The Government may, by order in
writing. exempt, subject to such conditions and restrictions as
they may impose, any cinematograph exhibition or class of
14: Repeal.-Any
force in the