Calcite, Dolomite, Aragonite
Calcite, Dolomite, Aragonite
Calcite, Dolomite, Aragonite
Carbonate Minerals
Transparent to translucent crystals are typically colorless, white, gray or pink, but
if iron impurities are present can be red, brown or even black. In massive form,
dolomite is typically buff, gray, or white.
Specific Gravity
Effervesces (bubbles) weakly only with heated dilute acid, or with room
temperature dilute acid if dolomite is first crushed into a fine powder to increase
its surface area.
Often confused with...
hydrothermal vein deposits and in sedimentary rocks, where they fill pores in
their host rock. By volume, however, most dolomite occurs in its massive form
as dolostone or mixed dolostone/limestone sedimentary rocks. These dolostone
rocks originally formed as limestone marine deposits on ancient shallow
seafloors that were later altered to dolostone as magnesium-rich waters moved
through them. Dolostones that formed from the alteration of limestone rock can
retain much of the rocks original depositional textures, such as fossils, bedding,
and other sedimentary features, although sometimes all of this original fabric
was lost as the rock recrystallized.
3 (down to 2.5 on some surfaces) easily scratched by a metal nail, but too
hard to be scratched by a fingernail. Aragonite is slightly harder, from 3.5 to 4.
Specific Gravity
Misc. Properties
At room temperature both minerals will easily react with dilute acid to effervesce
Often confused with...
but as with the transparent crystals, the presence of even minor amounts of
impurities can create a wide range of colors.
Since calcite can have so many appearances, the simplest way to determine
whether a sample contains calcite is to test its reaction to a dilute acid like
household vinegar. Calcite will readily react with acid to effervesce, producing
small bubbles of CO2 similar to those formed when you open a bottle of soda
and pour it into a glass. Soft enough to be easily scratched by a nail, calcite
crystals can also be identified by their rhombic cleavage. Rhombic cleavage
means that calcite crystals break along parallel planes of weakness that meet at
the same angles as a rhombs sides.
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remains the same. Rocks rich in calcium carbonate are heated to high
temperatures so the CaCO3 will burn to form CaO and CO2 gas. The CaO can
then be recombined with water (which always holds some dissolved CO2) to
precipitate CaCO3 as plaster, mortar, and more recently as cement. Early
Roman and Greek frescos attest to the use of lime in art as well.
Although cement production accounts for the bulk of calcite used by our modern
society, large amounts are also used in the manufacture of steel and glass.
Rocks composed primarily of calcite, such as limestone and marble, are also
extensively quarried as decorative building stones and for sculpture.
Because of the ease with which calcite reacts with even weak acids, calcite is
used to balance soil acidity, in water treatment, and as a calcium supplement in
animal feed. Calcite even has medicinal value as both a supplemental source of
calcium and as an antacid. Calcites ready reaction with dilute acids not only
serves to identify its presence in geological samples, but can neutralize excess
stomach acids that cause discomfort!
Even the schoolroom is not devoid of calcite. In geology, chalk is the name
given to a rock that is composed almost entirely of the calcite shells of
microscopic plankton. It is a very soft rock that, when rubbed on a surface,
breaks apart to leave white streaks. Although modern schoolroom chalk is often
a mixture of anhydrite and calcite, the original chalk for chalkboards was
completely composed of the microscopic calcite shells of marine plankton.
One variety of calcite called Iceland Spar is clear and colorless with
remarkably clear optical properties. Iceland spar was particularly important
during World War II because it was used for the sighting equipment of airplane
bombardiers and gunners. Today, Iceland spar calcite is still used in some
optical instruments such as polarizing microscopes.
Onyx is a term used for both a layered variety of quartz, as well as a layered
variety of calcite, so dont be confused by the terms double use. The layered
calcite (often known as Mexican Onyx) can be distinguished because it is softer
and is easily carved into different shapes. From 1200 to 300 B.C., the Olmec
Indians of central Mexico carved figurines from calcite onyx that were widely
traded from Guatemala to Costa Rico, a tradition that has been continued by
other people to the present day.
Aragonite has almost the same uses as calcite, but with one notable addition.
Mollusks are the only family of marine organisms that tend to precipitate shells
almost entirely out of aragonite, rather than calcite or a mixture of calcite and
aragonite. The iridescent inner layer of these shells, often called mother-ofpearl, is quite beautiful and was once widely used for buttons and decorative
jewelry. Natural pearls, which form in mollusks and are widely used in jewelry,
are also composed of aragonite.
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occur in many regional rock units, but are particularly common in the basalts
and gabbros that form the North Shore of Lake Superior.
Calcite and aragonite also form most of the cave decoration found in caverns
present within the carbonate rock units across the southern part of this region.
In Upper Midwest caves, calcite is the primary mineral component of cave
formations such as stalactites and stalagmites, although many of the more
delicate cave features are composed of aragonite.
On a more domestic front, calcite is the mineral that dissolves to form the hard
water (water with high concentrations of dissolved ions) present in many Upper
Midwest communities. In homes without water softeners, calcite can precipitate
from calcium-rich groundwater to plug household plumbing or form a crust
below dripping faucets.
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