A Real-Time Implementation of Fpga Hardware For Mpeg Artifact Reduction For Video Applications
A Real-Time Implementation of Fpga Hardware For Mpeg Artifact Reduction For Video Applications
A Real-Time Implementation of Fpga Hardware For Mpeg Artifact Reduction For Video Applications
Digital Video Processing, Architecture and School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Standard Design, Philips Consumer Electronics Nanyang Technological University
620A Lorong 1, Toa Payoh, Singapore 319762 Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639798
emails: Charayaphan.Charoensak@Philips, email: [email protected]
[email protected]
boundaries could not be specified accurately. Thus, a
ABSTRACT practical post-processing deblocking algorithm should not
base on a fixed block size and locations.
This paper presents efficient hardware architecture for
the implementation of real-time MPEG artifact reduction. Methods for reducing the blocking artifacts may be
MPEG artifact reduction, or deblocking, implemented here grouped into three categories according to their means of
is based on modified Bilateral low-pass filter. Bilateral reconstruction. The first category uses low-pass filtering
filter is a type of non-iterative filter that preserve edge [5]. The second category involves statistical estimation [6].
information. When applied on images compressed with The last category involves set-theoretic reconstruction [7],
BDCT-based compressors, results in improved visual which defines constraint sets from observed data and tries
quality without over smoothing of the image [1],[2]. We to reconstruct the original image by projecting onto convex
propose a modified Bilateral filter (BF) that is sensitive to sets (POCS). Last two categories require iterations, which
the activity across the orthogonal block boundaries and thus are not practical for real-time processing because of the
suitable for the applications of deblocking. The proposed requirements for memories for storing video data.
architecture demonstrates a good compromise between
filtering performance and FPGA resource requirements. There is an increasing demand for high-definition (HD)
The architecture was prototyped in hardware using FPGA picture quality in the area of consumer-based television
(Field Programmable Gate Array). FPGA design and including full-HD television sets, HDTV, and blu-ray disc.
simulation was carried out using system-level design tool. The high-resolution display technologies make the MPEG
artifacts more visible. Increasing the bit rate in the data
stream in order to improve the picture quality is typically
1. INTRODUCTION not possible. The post processing is the most feasible
solution because it does not require any modification to the
Today, digital medium is widely used for storage and existing compression standards. The high computation
transmission of video information. Many efficient and power of hardware-based circuits such as FPGAs allows
standardized video compression formats exist for various real-time processing at a reasonable cost.
applications such as H.261, H.263, and MPEG-1/2/4. These
compression formats are based on block-based discrete This paper presents our work on hardware architecture
cosine transform (BDCT). BDCT is commonly used of FPGA-based circuit for MPEG artifact reduction suitable
because of its near-optimum energy compaction and fast for video applications. The algorithm is based on modified
algorithm for hardware implementation. Most compression Bilateral filter (BF). BF filter offers edge-preserving
standards use 8x8 block discrete cosine transform (DCT). smoothing of the image and requires no iteration. The
At high compression ratio, this BDCT method suffers some modified Bilateral filter discussed offers hardware
artifacts including blocking, ringing, and mosquito noise. simplification while at the same time sensitive to the
activity across the orthogonal boundary around the block
Several deblocking algorithms [3],[4] have been boundaries. The measurement of the activity is also used for
developed and reported in publications. In the case of adapting the BF parameters suitable for different level of
video applications such as in television sets, the digital artifacts. The result is improved visual quality without over
data stream passes through many processing stages such as smoothing the image details and sharp edges in the image.
scaling, luminance transient improvement (LTI), and After MATLAB simulations, the final verification of the
motion blur reduction. Thus, the blocking artifact may no design was carried out using system level tool called
longer appear as 8x8 block in size, and the block System Generator from Xilinx [8].
2. BILATERAL FILTER AS AN IMAGE its inverse are diagonal with constant entries. The Weiner
ESTIMATOR filter may then be implemented by the conditional average:
lx = 1
Bilateral filter was first introduced by Smith and l
∑ y P( ζ | y, k )
k (5)
Brady under the name “SUSAN” [9] and was later referred k ∈η l
in the image plane and the distance on the intensity axis. ρ xy is constant. Equation (5) may be expressed in the form
Thus, it is a form of moving average adaptive filter of Bilateral filter:
lx = 1 p( y | ζ , k )
∑ y w( k 1 yl − yk ) w2 ( l − k ) l
∑η y k
p( y | k )
P ( ζ | y , k ), (6)
lx = k ∈η l k∈ l
(1) where
∑η w ( 1 yl − yk ) w2 ( l − k )
p( y | ζ , k )
k∈ l w1 (| yl − yk |)
p( y | k ) (7)
Here, yl and x are the filter input and output values
and (12)
The threshold λ is a function of the average ∑w(
k∈η l
1 yl − yk ) w2 ( l − k )