Starb Urst Bevel
Starb Urst Bevel
Starb Urst Bevel
Case Presentation
fig. 3
fig. 1
fig. 2
fig. 4
fig. 5
An artisans approach was taken to prepare the restoration surfaces during the
finishing and polishing sequence. A system of discs, polishers, points, and cups
with decreasing coarseness (Super-Snap,
Dura-Green stone, Dura-White stone, T
& F Hybrid Points, Direct Dia Polishing
Paste, and Super-Snap Superbuff Discs,
Shofu Dental Corporation) was used to
create a unified surface free of voids,
fig. 6
fig. 7
fig. 8
fig. 9
fig. 10
fig. 11
fig. 12
fig. 13
fig. 14
(6.) Shade A2 of the Beautifil II composite was blended over the A3 layer to create abstract undulations and produce light
diffusing areas. (7.) A final enamel layer in shade A1 of the Beautifil II composite was placed on top of the A3 and A2 buildup.
(8.) An artisans approach to finishing was taken to prepare the restoration surfaces. (9.) The primary anatomy was redefined
by marking the transitional line angles. (10.) Higher luster for light reflecting zones was imparted in appropriate areas of the
restoration morphology. (11.) Transitional line angles, certain aspects of micromorphology, and the center third of tooth No.
9 were properly managed and optimized. (12.) Using water spray and very low torque, larger volumes of composite material were carefully and lightly buffed.(13.) The proper value of the adjacent teeth was achieved in the restorations. (14.) The 1:1
postoperative view demonstrates the desired value, outline form, and natural esthetics.
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