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Starb Urst Bevel

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Article Reprint Vol. 10 No.


Direct Composite and Finishing/Polishing

Systems for Esthetic Anterior Restorations
Selecting complementary materials for freehand restorative work in the esthetic zone
Frank Milnar, DDS, AAACD

lacing direct composite

restorations in the anterior region requires
build-up steps similar
to those for fabricating
a layered ceramic restoration that will replace
dentin, enamel, dentin lobes, and characteristic colors. Mastering direct composite build-up techniques enables dentists
to create lifelike restorations based on
their artistic abilities and imagination.
This is especially true when undertaking
the procedure using freehand bonding
Direct restorations require knowledge of and astute attention to the various optical and anatomic variances of
natural teeth. For clinicians to create
an accurate reproduction of a natural
tooth, they must layer composite materials of different opacities to replicate the
tooth structure that was either removed
during preparation or lost as a result of
disease or trauma.1 Realistic direct composite restorations can only be achieved
through a combination of correct anatomic form and creative color layering
Frank Milnar,
Private Practice
St. Paul, Minnesota

Creating Proper Esthetics

To build a direct restoration, a detailed

shade diagram is developed. Then teeth
are minimally prepared and etched, after
which an appropriate bonding agent is
applied, and composite is incrementally
layered, contoured, and light cured. After
all increments have been placed and
cured, the restoration is then finished
and polished.3
Imperative to this process is using and
properly handling materials that interplay
with light and recreate the hues, chromas,
and values inherent in the natural tooth
structure being replaced.4 Whether on facial, cervical, or interproximal surfaces, the
manner in which composite materials are
handled influences the ultimate appearance
of composite restorations.3,5
Precise and appropriate composite
placement facilitates esthetic recreation
of adjacent tooth characteristics, in addition to contributing to the finishing and
polishing process.3,6 After composite restorations have been anatomically layered,
the finishing and polishing sequences then
allow dentists to achieve harmony and balance in terms of facial contours, texture,
and tertiary anatomy.6 For example, line
angles, secondary anatomy, and tertiary
anatomy can be more well defined using a
logical, sequential, and predictable finishing and polishing method.3 This will ultimately enable dentists to produce restoration surfaces that accept and reflect light,
without voids, defects, stains, or pits.3
Equally significant, when dentists incorporate a finishing and polishing system

into their protocol that graduates from

coarse to fine discsas well as includes
a variety of tools that complement the
chemistry of the selected compositethe
final restorations can demonstrate the
desired luster and polish. Such systems
should include finishing discs, polishing
paste, points, cups, and wheels.3
This article demonstrates the manner
in which a freehand composite placement technique was used to restore
severely damaged anterior maxillary
central incisors. A simplified composite
system with an advanced filler technology was selected based on its bioactive
benefits, optical properties, esthetics, and
ideal handling. Additionally, the finishing and polishing protocol necessary to
complete the restorations to the desired
outcome are demonstrated.

Case Presentation

A 42-year-old woman presented with severe destruction of her maxillary central

incisors from long-time biologic damage
due to sugar and soda consumption, as
well as disease. She would not smile, and
she cried emotionally with embarrassment about how she presented herself
to the world (Figure 1).
During a comprehensive examination,
repairing the damaged teeth was correlated to restorative materials, since successful esthetic and functional outcomes
in restorative dentistry require envisioning the restorations prior to initiating
treatment.3,7 By first envisioning the direct composite restoration in the mind,

ARTICLE REPRINT | March 2014 | inside dentistry

it could then be created in the patients

In this case, an indirect restoration
was not indicated. Rather, the dentist
discussed how the patients teeth could
be restored easily with direct composite
restorations based on her expectations.
These included restorations that resembled natural teeth and would be reversible and cost-effectively repairable.
Advantages of direct composite restorations also included future options for
more durable indirect restorations should
conditions in her oral cavity worsen.
Based on an esthetic evaluation of the
patients teeth, it was determined that an

uncomplicated palette of nano-hybrid

composite (Beautifil II, Shofu Dental
Corporation, www.shofu.com) could be
used. This fluoride-releasing and recharging composite features enhanced thixotropic properties for excellent marginal
adaptation and efficient contouring without slumping or sticking. Additionally,
the composites Giomer chemistry and
surface pre-reacted glass technology (ie,
S-PRG filler particles) could be clinically
beneficial to the patient given the acidic
nature of her oral environment. These
fillers uniquely release six ions (ie, fluoride, sodium, strontium, aluminum, silicate,and borate), all of which are known

to demonstrate bioactive properties.

These fillers have been shown to inhibit
plaque formation and neutralize acid for
a stable oral pH.8
The materials high flexural strength of
130 MPa, whether placed in the anterior
or posterior region, was also ideal for this
case for long-term functional stability in
the oral environment. Long-term clinical
stability and resistance to wear of posterior teeth also were material characteristics beneficial for this case.8
The patients teeth demonstrated
some translucency and not much high
value with fairly medium chroma. The
hallmarks of the case would be light reflection zones on the mesial transition
line angles, as well as creating the incisal
and distal edges. There would be some
light transitions and depth of color in the
restorations, but not a very complicated
color scheme.
The universal shades in the selected
composite system enabled straightforward use and excellent shade reproduction with a chameleon effect by
simulating the internal structure of
the patients natural teeth. The composite provided appropriate depth
of color without being overly opaque
and also produced appropriate light
transmission and optical characteristics. The moderate translucency and
light transmission of enamel, combined with the light-diffusion of dentin, would demonstrate predictable
esthetics. Additionally, the composite
exhibits shade stability prior to and following curing.

fig. 3

Freehand Composite Placement

fig. 1

fig. 2

fig. 4

fig. 5

(1.) Close-up preoperative retracted view of the patients central incisors

demonstrating the extent of damage from sugar and oral disease. (2.) The
conservative preparation design included a starburst bevel. (3.) A total-etch
technique was performed on the dentin and enamel. (4.) After rinsing and drying, an adhesive bonding agent was applied and light cured. (5.) Using shade
A3 first, Beautifil II composite was applied using a freehand technique.

inside dentistry | March 2014 | ARTICLE REPRINT

The teeth were prepared with a very

conservative, minimally invasive design,
with only unsupported enamel removed
(Figure 2). A starburst bevel was created
and incorporated into the long bevels using a staccato approach.3 This enabled
more hydroxyapatite to be incorporated
into the restoration, helping to create the
illusion of imperceptible color blending.
The preparations were etched with
phosphoric acid using a total-etch technique (Figure 3), rinsed, and dried. A
bonding agent was then carefully applied
(Figure 4) and light cured for 10 seconds
with an LED curing light.

The first increment of deeper colored

composite (ie, shade A3) was placed to
block any unsupported enamel in the
preparation design. This facilitated an
imperceptible blend with the final contour composite layer (Figure 5). This
composite is not recommended for placement in increments thicker than 2 mm.
This layer was light cured for 10 seconds
in a fanning motion with an LED curing
light according to the manufacturers
Shade A2 composite was then placed in
a striated fashion to demonstrate abstract
undulations that would diffuse light rather
than reflect it (Figure 6). This also was
blended and light cured for 10 seconds
with an LED light source.
The third and final composite layer
placed was shade A1, which was blended
on top of the A3 and A2 composite layers and light cured for 10 seconds in a

fanning motion. This resulted in a unibody, monoblock construction of the

restorations anatomy (Figure 7).
The decision was made to open the
embrasure between teeth No. 8 and No.
9, since the patient desired a natural appearance. Further, closing the diastema
and midline would have resulted in disharmony with the adjacent teeth No. 7
and No. 10 (Figure 8).

Finishing and Polishing

An artisans approach was taken to prepare the restoration surfaces during the
finishing and polishing sequence. A system of discs, polishers, points, and cups
with decreasing coarseness (Super-Snap,
Dura-Green stone, Dura-White stone, T
& F Hybrid Points, Direct Dia Polishing
Paste, and Super-Snap Superbuff Discs,
Shofu Dental Corporation) was used to
create a unified surface free of voids,

imperfections, and signs of delamination

between layers.
The primary anatomy was redefined
by marking the mesial/distal triangular
transitional line angles with pencil lines.
Then, green discs (Fine Super-Snap) were
used to create the secondary anatomy
(Figure 9). Slight concavities were created
in the interproximal embrasures to prevent
light reflection. In particular, a green stone
(Dura-Green Stone) was used in areas of
the restorations where light-diffusing
zones were needed.
Other components of the finishing and
polishing system were employed to create higher luster for light-reflecting zones
(Figure 10). The transitional line angles,
certain aspects of micromorphology, and
the center third of tooth No. 9 (Figure 11)
were properly managed and optimized to
best mimic the characteristics of the adjacent teeth. Using water spray and very

fig. 6

fig. 7

fig. 8

fig. 9

fig. 10

fig. 11

fig. 12

fig. 13

fig. 14

(6.) Shade A2 of the Beautifil II composite was blended over the A3 layer to create abstract undulations and produce light
diffusing areas. (7.) A final enamel layer in shade A1 of the Beautifil II composite was placed on top of the A3 and A2 buildup.
(8.) An artisans approach to finishing was taken to prepare the restoration surfaces. (9.) The primary anatomy was redefined
by marking the transitional line angles. (10.) Higher luster for light reflecting zones was imparted in appropriate areas of the
restoration morphology. (11.) Transitional line angles, certain aspects of micromorphology, and the center third of tooth No.
9 were properly managed and optimized. (12.) Using water spray and very low torque, larger volumes of composite material were carefully and lightly buffed.(13.) The proper value of the adjacent teeth was achieved in the restorations. (14.) The 1:1
postoperative view demonstrates the desired value, outline form, and natural esthetics.

ARTICLE REPRINT | March 2014 | inside dentistry

low torque, larger volumes of composite

material were then carefully and lightly
buffed (Figure 12).
The proper value of the adjacent teeth
was achieved in the restorations; today,
value is the most important determinant
of the shade selection in esthetics. The
primary outline, which was very realistic,
resulted from not closing the diastema or
midline (Figure 13). The light reflection
patterns necessary to create the illusion
of natural esthetics also were achieved
(Figure 14), as demonstrated by the three
composite shades mirroring the appearance of teeth No. 7 and No. 10.


In this case, the dentist employed freehand composite placement techniques,

in which concepts of polyrhythmic abstractionist art were incorporated. This
artistic style incorporates many textures
and visual sensations without following
a model. Rather, the brain is used intuitively to guide color and form throughout
the process, helping the final composition
to come together. A simple, three-composite buildup was used based on a vision
of what the final esthetic result should
represent. Because of the uncomplicated
nature of the universal composite system selected, no pre-planning or shade

mockup was required. Additionally, due

to the dentists experienced knowledge of
and skills with the fundamentals of composite placement, the restorations could
be completed freehand, without the use
of putty stents.
The patient was very pleased with the
esthetic results and could not believe
that her smile could look that way following so many years of destruction. During
a follow-up appointment, she commented that the restorations had added value
to her personal life. She had confidence
to present herself to the world. Rather
than disguise her smile, she smiled in a
natural way.
Of paramount importance to creating a
natural-appearing smile were the finishing and polishing sequence and related
armamentarium. All of the components
necessary for establishing macro and
micro esthetics (eg, discs, stones, mini
buffers, buff discs, polishing paste) were
available and used. Selecting complementary systems of composite and finishing/polishing tools facilitated the
predictable creation of esthetic and functional anterior restorations.
Frank Milnar, DDS, AAACD, received material
support from Shofu Dental Corporation.

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