HDL Implementation of Vending Machine by KCPSM3 Processor

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International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication

Volume: 3 Issue: 3

ISSN: 2321-8169
1212 - 1215


HDL Implementation of Vending Machine by KCPSM3 Processor

M. Karuna Rani, V. Manitha, G. Krishnaveni
Electronics and Communication Engineering, Acharya Nagarjuna University
Bapatla Womens Engineering College, Bapatla
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract:- The objective here to design vending machine controller which accepts money as input in any sequence and delivers the require d
product when the required amount has deposited and it also gives back the change. Here the additional facility is provided for our users. It is
possible to withdraw the user deposited money in between if the customer wishes to pressing a specified button PUSH button.
Keywords:- verilog HDL kcpsm3,Xlinx simulator software



A vending machine is a machine that provides

different items even diamonds and platinum Jewellery to the
customers, after the vendee credits the money into the
machine. This process would get not be consume time at all.
The machine would get all the details on screen. It is
necessary to make the system as more reliable with efficient
algorithm so the microprocessor controlled vending machine
was would be replaced by the FPGA because previous one
is inefficient compared with the FPGA. For the processing
we have made an attempt to vend products of different
products with price. The machine will able to give the
change back depends on the amount of money deposited by
user. This has the feature of the cancellation of the product
and gives money back.


To design the reliable vending machine the

required features are
Sell three types of products and accept two types of
coins (Re2, Re5)
Give the change after successful trade
Return the change if the trade fails
Small in size and acceptable power consumption.

The machine can accept coins of two rupees and five rupees
in any possible sequence. There is a coin slot which is
connected to FPGA. User interface used coins dispense and
product dispense. Relay is control the product dispatch. The
programs has written on KCPSM3 processor and download
into the Spartan-3A kit by using ELBERT configuration for
selecting product and coin sum, balance and it will be
displayed on LCD.
A sequential circuit can be converted into a state machine
using state diagram. In a state machine the circuit output is
defined in a set of states. There is a state register to hold sate
of a machine and the next state logic to decode the next
state. There are two types of state machines.
In this the output state is totally depends on the present state.


In the output depends on input as well as present state.

Fig. block diagram of vending machine

IJRITCC | March 2015, Available @ http://www.ijritcc.org


International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication

Volume: 3 Issue: 3

ISSN: 2321-8169
1212 - 1215

When the coin is inserted into slot, it falls vertically and first
hits an anvil, rolling down a short ramp about few
centimeters. The sensors are located along this path, and
their signals have to be pressed to decide the coin is good or
not before it reaches the ramp, where the coin is driven to
the storage or return to the customer. The role of the sensor
is to measure the physical properties of the coin, such as
dimensions, conductivity, permeability etc., here dimension
is measured directly all others are measured indirectly.

Q1 transistor which will be conducting and shorts the

collector and emitter terminal. Then zero signal will given to
the Q2 transistor which will make relay OFF.
The low pulse is given to the transistor Q1, transistor Q1
turned OFF. Now the 12V is given to the base of transistor
Q2 so the transistor conducting and the relay turned ON.
Hence the common terminal and NO terminal of relay are
shorted. Now load gets supply voltage through relay.

COM -moving part of switch

NC com connected to this when relay is off
NC com connected to this when relay is on


Fig. circuit for coin discriminator

Relay is designed to control the load the load maybe motor
or any other type. The operation can be controlled by
OFF/ON of the relay. These OFF/ON conditions based on
Q1 & Q2 transistors in the circuit. Relay connected to the
collector terminal of Q2 transistor. Relay is am electronic
device which has 3 pins. They are COMMON,

Fig. circuit diagram for RELAY

KCPSM3 is a very 8 bit microcontroller primarily for

SPARTAN 3 devices. It is non time critical state machine
hence it is the name of (K) constant coded programmable
state machine. One most exciting feature of this KCPSM3 is
totally embedded into the device and requires no external
support. Although it could be used for processing of data. It
is most likely to be employed in applications requiring a
Xilinx - Spartan -3A FPGA
USB interface provides the easy and faster configuration
download to the on board SPI Flash. ELEBERT features a
stable clock source which is delivered from on board
configuration controller. ELEBERT incorporates LEDS
and switches for a curious user to get started. This is the
worlds lowest cost I/O optimized FPGAs. the advance
feature in this include unique device DNA serial number,
support for 26 I/O standards, enhanced multi booth
capability, dual power management modes and dynamic
input delay.
Xilinx is driving the multiple domain-optimized platforms
for highly efficient and optimal design solutions, instead of
forcing inefficient, one size fits all solutions on significantly
varying application requirements.

The relay common pin is connected to the supply. The NO

pin connected to load. When the high pulse signal given to
IJRITCC | March 2015, Available @ http://www.ijritcc.org


International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication

Volume: 3 Issue: 3

ISSN: 2321-8169
1212 - 1215



At initial state of the machine the RESET button is pressed,

then the machine will be ready for the user to select his/her
product. The machine can accept only two types of coins
(Rs 2, Rs 5). For example the user selects Rs 2 as input, the
machine will firstly check whether the product is available
or not. When the desired amount is inserted the machine will
go to the product state and will delivered at the product
output. If product is not available in the machine the
machine control unit will get reset automatically. And this
has the additional feature of withdrawing the request if the
user does not want to the product. When the cancel button is
pressed then the inserted money will be returned to the user
through the return output. The money count signal is used
for calculating the total money inserted into the machine. If
the money is inserted more than the product money the extra
change will be return to the user.



Fig. simulatation waveforms

Fig. RTL Schematic diagram



Here we can observe that FPGA based vending machine will

gives fast response, low power consumption and easy to use
an ordinary person. Our result shows the FPGA based
machine increases the efficiency and accuracy of vending
machine and having the flexible algorithm and reliable for
more number of products, and low cost compared with the
micro processor based vending machine. And also we can
monitor the vending machine by main frame computer.
Fig. Design methodology

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IJRITCC | March 2015, Available @ http://www.ijritcc.org


International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication

Volume: 3 Issue: 3

ISSN: 2321-8169
1212 - 1215






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IJRITCC | March 2015, Available @ http://www.ijritcc.org


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