EPRI Cycle Chemistry Upsets During Operation
EPRI Cycle Chemistry Upsets During Operation
EPRI Cycle Chemistry Upsets During Operation
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This report was prepared by
Portal Solutions
279 Sims Road
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Principal Investigator
L. Rubin
This report describes research sponsored by EPRI.
The report is a corporate document that should be cited in the literature in the following manner:
Cycle Chemistry Upsets During Operation: Cost and Benefit Considerations, EPRI, Palo Alto,
CA: 2005. 1008085.
Good cycle chemistry in a power plant is of fundamental importance, yet the work and expense
of maintaining good chemistry can often be neglected in favor of more immediate concerns. In
no circumstances is this tension more marked than during a real time excursion incident. The
pressure to rectify a chemistry problem during operation can be enormous; but the pressure to
stay online can be equally intense; and plant management and staff are very often caught in a
serious quandary. This report outlines a body of decision guidance designed to help reconcile
this tension.
Results & Findings
The risk of long-term equipment damage grows as chemistry excursion episodes increase in
length and severity, and this risk must be traded off against the certain impacts of a
shutdown/repair alternative at each stage of an excursion situation. The exact nature of this trade
off can never be known with precision, but some statistical inferences can be drawn from a wide
variety of incidents experienced by many power plant operators. These statistical relationships
take into account such nuances as the way such excursions are measured, i.e., which indicators
are usedlength, severity, and frequency, among other factors.
Challenges & Objectives
This report is the fourth in a series that has addressed cycle chemistry valuation issues in fossil
power plants and endeavored to provide a consistent, value-based rational for decision-making.
Previous studies (EPRI reports 1001557 and 1004641) have focused on chemistry upgrade and
improvement justifications. A preliminary report on operational decision guidance (EPRI report
1004935) was published in 2003. This study continues the development suggested in 2003 and
further extends the overall approach to real-time chemistry excursion situations. The objectives
of this study were:
To provide an overall framework for decision guidance in the face of real-time cycle
chemistry excursion situations
To better understand the underlying origins and risks of long-term damage resulting from
real-time chemistry excursions.
EPRI Perspective
The results from this series of projects have begun to help chemists and operators better
understand and value cycle chemistry practice and activity. Through the use of standard financial
valuation tools combined with risk and decision analysis, this work has been useful in providing
a framework for analysis and a better means of communication between the technical needs of
chemists and the budgetary process. Interest in these approaches is spreading as a result of this
success, and they are currently being applied in the areas of nuclear cycle chemistry, basic
materials, and power plant instrumentation.
The project team began this research with a conceptual model of values and costs expected from
a real-time chemistry excursion, developed by the research team in consultation with EPRI and
key utility advisors. As this development progressed a fundamental unknown became identified,
namely the relationship between length and severity of excursion and the degree of long-term
damage expected. The project team formulated a statistical approach to characterize this
relationship and suggested a format for data collection in the future.
Cycle chemistry
Risk assessment
Asset management
Power plants
Real-time decision support
The purity of water and steam in a power plant is a fundamental, underlying condition. It is
often difficult however, to determine just how pure the water needs to be, and how much one can
justify spending to get there. Chemistry effects are very often longer-term, uncertain as to timing
and magnitude, and subject to masking by other root causes, so quantifying the degree of purity
needed and whether it is economically justifiable can be quite difficult, and highly dependent on
professional judgement. In no circumstances is this tension between the costs and benefits of
good chemistry more acute than during a real time chemistry incident. When cycle chemistry
indicators go bad during operation there are both risks and benefits to continued operation as
well as to shutdown and repair, and sorting these out can be a challenge.
This report further explains an evolving approach to represent the impact of real-time chemistry
excursions, and the mitigation of potential responses. This methodology builds directly on the
underlying guidance embodied in the EPRI cycle chemistry guidelines and in the ChemExpert
software, and represents in essence an extension of those guidelines to incorporate cost and value
There has been enormous depth and breadth of expertise brought to bear on this effort, including
the most recent work on real-time decision guidance and previous efforts addressing capital
improvements and upgrades. For the last four years I have been guided and advised by a firstclass group of technical experts, who have educated me and critiqued my work. This cadre has
also worked very hard themselves to understand and apply these decision support methods to
their work, and the results have been overall quite impressive. This research would not have had
the success it has enjoyed without their support and advice.
First the EPRI staff has been invaluable. I owe a great debt since the beginning of this work to
project manager Barry Dooley, former project manager Dale Gray, and to Kevin Shields.
Also I have been helped throughout the real-time effort by a kitchen cabinet of advisors, who
have helped as well in data acquisition. These individuals include Brad Burns (Progress
Energy), Steve Donner (Consumers), Tom Gilchrist (Tri-State), Doug Hubbard (AEP), Richard
Micko (Entergy) and George Verib (First Energy).
In addition other utility chemists helped me to execute a wide selection of case study examples,
which have served to refine and sharpen these techniques as the work progressed. These include
Bud Herre (PP&L), Randy Veik (OPPD), Steve Shulder (Constellation), Brian Schmidt
(Ameren), Linda Riley (KCP&L), Ronnie Pate and John Banger (Southern Co.), John Moffett
and Michael Rupinen (LG&E), John Stinson (TXU) and Andy Howell (Xcel Energy).
Finally, innumerable other people have also made contributions, simply through comments,
questions and conversations they have had with me in the course of these efforts, at EPRI
advisory meetings and elsewhere. This has been in a very important sense a communityeffort.
I thank everyone involved, but I reserve for myself sole responsibility for errors and omissions.
1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................1-1
2 METHODOLOGY DESIGN.....................................................................................................2-1
Severity of Excursion Episodes and Implications..................................................................2-3
The Valuation Impacts of Excursion......................................................................................2-4
Longterm Damage.................................................................................................................2-6
3 ESTIMATING INDUSTRY EXPERIENCE ..............................................................................3-1
Cause-and-Effect Assumptions.............................................................................................3-1
Massaging the Data ..............................................................................................................3-2
Statistical Estimation .............................................................................................................3-6
4 ONGOING DATA COLLECTION AND NEXT STEPS ...........................................................4-1
Figure 2-1 Comparing Cost Impacts: Shutdown vs. Continuing Operation................................2-6
Figure 2-2 Cost Impacts Expected from a Variety of Chemistry Excursions..............................2-7
Figure 3-1 Damage Expense Related to Excursion State .........................................................3-7
Figure 4-1 Boiler Tube Failure Information Report ....................................................................4-2
Figure 4-2 Chemistry Excursion Information Report ..................................................................4-3
Table 2-1 Decision Alternatives in the Event of a Chemistry Excursion ....................................2-2
Table 2-2 EPRI Chemistry Guidelines Cation Conductivity at Economizer Inlet (allferrous baseload drum unit) ...............................................................................................2-4
Table 3-1 Examples of Field Data Heterogeneity ......................................................................3-3
Table 3-2 A Chronological Look at Field Data ...........................................................................3-4
Table 3-3 Representative Raw Data and Weighting Scheme....................................................3-5
Table 3-4 Total Days in Excursion and Total Rectification Cost ................................................3-6
The purity of water and steam in a power plant is a fundamental, underlying condition. Through
its effects on the metallurgy of piping and vessels throughout the plant, cycle chemistry has a
tremendous influence on physical integrity, on efficiency of operation, and ultimately on plant
profitability. If the cycle chemistry is not carefully controlled and monitored within pre-defined
limits, corrosion, cracking, deposition and other forms of metal damage can result throughout the
plant systems. These in turn will bring about outages, higher heat rates, higher production costs,
and potentially enormous repair bills, increasingly costly conditions as power generation
becomes more competitive.
In the abstract no one argues with the propositions above. The problem is always the same - to
determine just how pure the water needs to be, and how much one can justify spending to get
there. Quantifying the degree of purity needed and whether it is economically justifiable can be
quite difficult, and highly dependent on professional judgement. Chemistry effects are very
often longer-term, uncertain as to timing and magnitude, and subject to masking by other root
causes. This is unfortunate, because relatively precise quantification is often important to
demonstrate resource needs and compel appropriate action.
And in no circumstances is this tension between the costs and benefits of good chemistry
more acute than during a real time chemistry excursion. When cycle chemistry indicators go bad
during operation the pressure to rectify the problem can be enormous. At the same time the
pressures to stay online can be equally strong, and plant management and staff are very often
caught in a serious quandary. There are both risks and benefits to either option, and sorting these
out can be a challenge.
Such situations are made even more difficult because there is very little organized experience
base in the power generation industry on the dollar impacts of chemistry excursions. In every
real-time excursion situation there are simply too many unknowns for a precise assessment of
cost impacts, so chemists and operators have only their own experience and potentially industry
history to guide them as to the possible impacts.
Experience and history taken together form the basis of so-called expert judgement, a critical
but sometimes misunderstood skill set. It is expert judgement finally, that is in many cases the
only rationale available for good decision-making regarding real-time chemistry excursions.
Unfortunately expert judgement is also sometimes mistrusted by the resource
allocation/budgeting process due to the perception that it lacks objectivity. This is very often the
quandary facing not only cycle chemistry issues but other related power plant fundamentals as
In real-time excursion situations there are two difficulties. Chemists and operators sometimes
lack even a basic framework for evaluating costs and benefits, and for communicating among
each other. In other words, the cost-benefit model is often lacking or not well understood.
Secondly, even when the cost-benefit framework is well in hand, the process of estimating cost
and benefit impacts is difficult, subject to much second-guessing, and riddled with uncertainty.
Cost and benefit impacts include both near-term acute effects such as investigation and repair
costs and forced outage costs as well as longer-term effects such as the repair and/or
replacement of major components that may have been damaged over a very long time frame.
It is in the area of longterm chronic damage to components where there is virtually no industrywide information on cause and effect. While this is a very complex and multi-dimensional
problem, the research effort described herein has begun development of an organized experience
base to track such longterm costs and how they relate to degree and severity of chemistry
This document describes an overall approach to represent the cost and benefit impacts of realtime chemistry excursions, and the mitigation of potential responses. This methodology builds
directly on the underlying guidance embodied in the EPRI cycle chemistry guidelines and in the
ChemExpert software, and extends this body of guidance to incorporate dollar impacts to the
extent possible. As suggested above a major part of this extension is an attempt to statistically
estimate longterm cost impacts due to major component damage, an area virtually unstudied to
Following is a discussion of the underlying ideas. In the next Section the underlying design and
modeling considerations are presented, and the critical importance of longterm damage potential
is discussed. In Section 3 a discussion of the statistical estimation process for analyzing
longterm damage potential is illustrated, and first stage results are shown. Finally in a
concluding Section some recommendations for further research and ongoing data collection are
In the following discussion a comprehensive framework is formulated for valuing costs and
benefits of a real-time chemistry excursion. While none of the formulation below is surprising or
counter-intuitive, it is helpful as a first step to identify and list all the potential sources of value
and cost that may arise during a real-time excursion, for subsequent use as a checklist by
chemists and operators. In the heat and pressure of a crisis there is often neither the time nor the
inclination for thorough analysis, so having such a checklist identified beforehand can be of
potential value in many circumstances.
For either a severe acute excursion or a longterm low-level chronic situation, the basic decision
is the same. Keep running and take a chance, or stop and fix the problem. In reality these two
stark options constitute an extreme oversimplification, as there will be in most cases a variety of
gradations, nuances and interim options. This simple formulation is a starting point; it can be
made richer and more complex as required in any specific situation, but the basic tradeoff is not a
Further, there will be impacts (costs and benefits) from either decision taken, and these impacts
will be more or less uncertain, both as to magnitude and timing. In general the impacts from a
controlled shutdown will involve clear and certain cost impacts investigation costs and perhaps
repair costs once a problem is identified, as well as revenues lost during downtime.
The impacts of continuing operations are typically more difficult to pin down. There is under
continuing operation the potential for a forced shutdown, due to a tube failure or a related upset,
but just when even if - such an outage might occur (and how severe it will be) is impossible to
predict with certainty. It is likely that, should such an outage occur, it will be more severe than
under the controlled shutdown alternative above, but this is far from certain. Also it is likely that
continuing operation will increase the risk of longterm damage, but this is also highly uncertain.
Table 2-1 below summarizes some of these considerations.
Option 1
Keep operating the unit
There is a chance this will lead to
real-time failure of some kind,
forced outage, repair, etc.
There is a chance this will lead to
longterm damage, major repair,
extended outage costs, etc.
Option 2
Shut down, investigate, repair
This leads (with certainty) to
outage and repair costs
Probably the most intractable unknown in all of this is the degree of longterm damage that an
untreated excursion situation may do to equipment or components, and when such damage will
manifest. This issue will be discussed in depth below and in the next Section.
This picture is also dynamic, in that these types of incidents must be evaluated over and over
again as excursions ebb and flow over a period of time. The impacts from either decision will
evolve as time moves on, and the tradeoffs will change continually, literally hour to hour in the
case of a severe excursion. Given that an excursion occurs:
may become much more murky by hour 24 or 48 (running risks may have increased but the
market is still lucrative)
then much clearer again by hour 150 (damage potential is accumulating quickly, and the
power market has cooled considerably).
1 Other, more unit and company specific guidelines could also be used. The important point in this discussion is the
Table 2-2
EPRI Chemistry Guidelines
Cation Conductivity at Economizer Inlet (all-ferrous baseload drum unit)
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
< 0.2
< 0.4
< 0.8
> 0.8
(2 wks)
(2 days)
Instrument Reading
Cumulative Annual Hours of Safe
In essence, the longer a unit is run under excursion conditions (either continuous or intermittent),
the greater the risk of damage and cost. A unit running under a chemistry excursion could
a. experience an upset severe enough to force it offline (such as a tube failure),
b. accumulate enough permanent damage (i.e. hydrogen damage, material stress or fatigue,
turbine component cracks, etc.) to guarantee major repair/replacement of some components
in the future, or
c. both.
How much will it cost to both investigate and fix the problem? Can this be done on-line, or
must we come off-line anyway to make the excursion conditions go away?
What value will we be passing up if we come off-line? What are current market conditions,
and what is our power worth currently?
What types of cost impacts are we risking if we continue operating? How great are those
risks, and when are they likely to occur?
While every situation is unique, and in many cases the relevant cost and value impacts can never
be known with any certainty, there are nonetheless some aspects of valuation that can be
reasonably characterized in a generic way. The most important of these are discussed below.
On the investigate and fix side of this problem the dollar impacts are in many cases reasonably
straightforward. If the decision to shut down and fix the problem is taken, there will most likely
be three distinct impacts.
Investigation is cheap in comparison with other impacts, but is very often the most
intractable and open-ended part of this. It is not always so easy to determine what is causing
the excursion, nor what would be the best remedy. This initial step takes time and effort, and
does not always end with a clear conclusion. The cost impact of taking this step can
nonetheless usually be estimated, hard though the investigation itself may be to do.
Once investigation points to a particular problem and solution, a repair of some type will
need to be done. This will have a cost impact that someone knowledgeable can typically
estimate directly.
During the investigation and repair downtime opportunity costs will be incurred, meaning
there will be net revenues from generation foregone. These impacts can also be estimated
from the estimated length of the offline period and the production margin assumed.
If the excursions continue and the unit is kept online with no attempt at mitigation, there can be
three potential types of cost impact risk.
There will presumably - be an increasing risk over time that the unit will be forced offline
due to a breakdown or other radical deterioration in conditions. Such a forced outage
outcome may incur (but is not guaranteed to incur) higher repair and recovery costs than if
the shutdown had been controlled. The impacts of such an outage can be estimated directly
by someone knowledgeable, just as above. But the likelihood and timing of this type of
event is highly uncertain.
The same forced outage risk will also precipitate lost generation revenues (opportunity cost
losses) while the unit remains offline for repairs. Again these could be greater than in the
controlled shutdown situation because the offline time might be longer. These impacts are
also not certain, but they are presumably increasingly likely over time as the excursion
conditions persist. Again these impacts can be estimated as above.
Finally there is the very real and insidious, but extremely difficult to quantify, risk of
longterm damage and consequent repair. Again, the longer the excursions go on the more the
risk of this type of damage grows, but the form of such growth and the eventual repair bill
are both bound necessarily to be educated guesses. This particular aspect is discussed in
greater depth below.
The net effect of using the above characterization is the following. When an excursion situation
happens the expected value impacts of continued operation (full potential impact times the risk)
will be quite small early on, then begin to grow at an increasing rate as time passes without
mitigation. The impacts of shutdown/repair, on the other hand, will likely be more or less
constant2 regardless of when the shutdown decision is taken. This can lead to a time pattern of
impacts as represented below in Figure 2-1, indicating that there is a safe window of operation,
but that it wont last forever. The specific values for impacts, degree of curvature and the like
will still be situation-specific and subject to much expert judgement, but the structure of these
tradeoffs seems sensible.
They might, alternatively, cycle among several levels of impact depending on how the time pattern of the
production margin is represented. Given an acute excursion in summer, for example, the impact of shutdown will
likely soften considerably if you can make it to the weekend, or to September 15 say...
Figure 2-1
Comparing Cost Impacts: Shutdown vs. Continuing Operation
Longterm Damage
This aspect of the formulation is by far the hardest, but also in many ways the most critical.
When chemistry readings go out of normal during operation, a truly devastating possibility may
be that there is some underlying damage being done (under-deposit corrosion, hydrogen damage,
etc.) and that the full extent of the problem will become clear months or years down the road.
The end result of a process like this, if it indeed is going on, is a very large repair bill. This is the
type of scenario that often results in waterwall replacement (usually a millions of dollars
proposition) in a fossil unit, for example.3 The occasional forced outage due to a one-off tube
failure is certainly a problem, and to be avoided if possible, but it does not compare with the
impact of a longterm damage situation.
As stated above, this aspect of the excursion problem has not ever been studied on an industrywide basis, so at present there really is no experience or collective wisdom for chemists and
operators to draw upon. One difficulty has been that the information concerning such longterm
damage incidents is not collected and therefore not available. A second difficulty is that there
are many multiple mechanisms through which longterm damage can occur, and that it would be
very hard to draw valid cause-and-effect conclusions even if the data were collected.
Nonetheless, in the next chapter is described an experimental attempt to begin collecting such
information and analyzing it statistically. The hope is that certain conclusions can be
legitimately drawn from this analysis (and increasingly valid as more data is collected over
time), and that a set of industry-wide guidelines for longterm damage expectations might be
developed. Progress to date and preliminary conclusions are discussed in more depth below.
Incidentally, this is also the type of mechanism that can eventually lead to and has lead to the need for entire
steam generator replacements in nuclear units. This is a scenario worth hundreds of millions of dollars.
If information of the type described above can be collected over time, and relevant statistical
inferences can be drawn from this information, what would such results look like, and of what
use would they be?
As suggested above, chemistry excursions in an operating unit can be of two distinct forms,
acute or chronic. In the acute situation damage is likely being done from the outset, and severe
out-of-spec readings are usually being seen from the outset. This is typically unambiguous and
non-controversial all agree the unit must be brought offline quickly, or the damage will be
catastrophic. The length of the exposure is short.
The chronic situation is much more difficult to sort out. Here the excursion indicators are
typically much lower-level and less critical (pH for example might not appear abnormal at all),
and sometimes perhaps not picked up at all (depending on the level of instrumentation). The
diagnosis and remedy in such situations can also be much more murky, so in many situations this
type of excursion is simply left alone and tolerated, for months if not years. Sometimes these
situations lead to large repair bills down the line, other times they are essentially benign.
Figure 2-2 below illustrates the kinds of expense impacts that can arise from each of these
excursion situations. A severe excursion will necessarily be very short in duration, but might
still cause an enormous repair bill. For the chronic type of excursion, the length of the incident
as well as severity and the indicator being measured - will play a bigger role in determining the
cost, and the exact amount will tend to be far more uncertain. The goal of the statistical analysis
described in the next chapter is to fit rough values to the stylized curves illustrated in Figure 2-2.
Level 2 Chronic Excursion
90 days - ?
Acute Excursion
Level 3 severe short-term
Exceeds Level 2
Long-Term Chronic
of Excursion
Figure 2-2
Cost Impacts Expected from a Variety of Chemistry Excursions
If curves like those depicted above existed and were well calibrated (using a pool of industry
data), they could help operators and chemists enormously in making the go/no go decisions
periodically needed when a chemistry excursion happens. Curves of this type or
accompanying tables could provide a currently missing but important piece of information to
the go/no go deliberations, that of typical industry experience under similar situation in the past.
In other words, such curves could demonstrate a precedent, not necessarily for certain cost
impacts but for the increasing risk of such impacts. This information would only be one more
input into an always-difficult deliberation, but it is an input that currently is non-existent.
In order to test the assumed relationships above, a campaign is currently underway to gather,
evaluate and test collected data from a number of generating units that have experienced a period
of lowlevel excursions. This is a longer-term project, and realistically several dozen data points
will have to be secured to provide any statistical validity, so there are no answers to date.
Nonetheless some of the early profiles can be instructive. The approach and results to date are
reported below.
Cause-and-Effect Assumptions
First it is important to discuss structure. In essence, this exercise seeks to identify a relationship
between chemistry excursion conditions and ultimate repair/rectification expense. The
assumption is that there is an overall cause-and effect that is statistically valid, that longer and
more severe exposure to abnormal chemistry leads to bigger damage and repair. The
relationship is of the general nature illustrated below:
Ultimate Expense = f (Degree of Exposure to Excursion)
and can be estimated statistically as a linear4 relationship of the general form:
Ultimate Expense = Intercept Term + Coefficient * Degree of Exposure to Excursion
Statistical estimation involves the gathering of a reasonably-sized collection of incidents, each
one being characterized by an independent indicator (i.e. degree of exposure) and a dependent
indicator (i.e. ultimate expense). Then a regression analysis (a statistical curve-fitting) is
performed, to determine the intercept and coefficient that best fits the available collection of
This assumed relationship is very broad, masking a wide variety of excursion conditions and a
wide variety of damage conditions. There are many specific cause-and-effect mechanisms that
could play out, and each could manifest a very different relationship between excursion and
expense. The challenge is to find and understand the common underlying pattern if indeed there
is one.
The relationship need not be linear it could be log-linear or some other similar transformation but linear is
typically where statistical analysis begins. Often the best form of the relationship is revealed by testing how each
tramsformation fits the data.
Not all excursion situations are equal; an elevated cation conductivity reading may be of
concern, but not the same degree of concern as a severly reduced pH reading. Abnormal oxygen
readings are conditions to be avoided, but they do not pose the same type of threat as abnormal
sodium readings, for example. Some excursion conditions may lead to tube failure relatively
quickly, an annoying but hardly devastating expense burden. Others may lead to turbine
deposition and capacity loss, or to the need for periodic chemical cleaning, and still others may
lead in the longer-term to irreversible types of component damage costing many millions of
dollars. It is also true that some excursion conditions may be completely benign, depending on
other underlying mechanisms at work in any particular generating unit cycle.
The state of field information on these topics is also very imperfect today, making it even
tougher to draw cause-and-effect inferences. First of all very few instances of such cause-andeffect relationships have even been collected to date. It has been only in the last decade or so
that power plants have gathered and archived instrument readings regularly, and this practice is
still spotty even today. It is even more rare to find a situation of extensive damage and repair
documented along with excursion history, so the available data pool is still quite thin. Finally,
the degree of instrumentation coverage in power plants worldwide is very uneven. Even where
excursion history has been collected it is hit-or-miss, depending on which instruments and
collection points have been in place. All in all, it is a very mixed bag.
Table 3-1
Examples of Field Data Heterogeneity
Observation 1
Indicators &
Collection Points
pH in boiler feedwater
dissolved oxygen in
Observation 2
cation conductivity at
cation conductivity at
condensate pump
dissolved oxygen at
condensate pump
pH at drum
Observation 3
pH in boiler water
cation conductivity in
boiler water
silica in boiler water
phosphate in boiler
cation conductivity in
(economizer inlet)
pH at economizer inlet
dissolved oxygen at
economizer inlet
hydrazine at
economizer inlet
Frequency of
every 2 hours
every 2 hours
once a day
Length of Sample
1 year
5 years
4 months
Eventual Damage
boiler cleaning
Cost of Damage
~ $280,000
~ $5,400,000
~ $850,000
In addition, these data examined in detail usually reveal a sporadic pattern of excursion. Some
observations are normal, others exhibit a seemingly random pattern of excursion severity (Level
1 through Level 3), and there typically are no obvious trends. Figure 3-2 presents a detailed
excerpt showing the random nature of the excursion information.
Table 3-2
A Chronological Look at Field Data
pH at High-Pressure Heaters
Control Limit is 8.8 to 9.5
04-Oct-02 00:00:00
04-Oct-02 02:00:00
04-Oct-02 04:00:00
04-Oct-02 06:00:00
04-Oct-02 08:00:00
04-Oct-02 10:00:00
04-Oct-02 12:00:00
04-Oct-02 14:00:00
04-Oct-02 16:00:00
04-Oct-02 18:00:00
04-Oct-02 20:00:00
04-Oct-02 22:00:00
05-Oct-02 00:00:00
05-Oct-02 02:00:00
05-Oct-02 04:00:00
05-Oct-02 06:00:00
05-Oct-02 08:00:00
05-Oct-02 10:00:00
05-Oct-02 12:00:00
05-Oct-02 14:00:00
05-Oct-02 16:00:00
05-Oct-02 18:00:00
05-Oct-02 20:00:00
05-Oct-02 22:00:00
In order to consolidate diverse data of the type displayed into tractable information, an indexing
scheme was adopted. The indexing approach was based on the following premises:
In this case one heterogeneous collection is the array of indicators represented in the raw
data. As suggested above these diverse indicators are quite variable in their importance, and
in how accurately they might predict the degree of eventual expense that could be incurred.
Such variable importance (e.g. pH more important than cation conductivity) should be
reflected in the index.
Another heterogeneous collection is of course the excursion level of each of the readings. A
Level 3 reading should make a strong explanatory contribution to an eventual repair bill,
more so than a Level 1 reading. This difference in weight should be incorporated into the
At this point in time the data collection effort has made only minimal progress, so only a relative
handful of observations has been secured. This necessarily makes the entire data massaging
process preliminary as well. Undoubtedly as more observations are collected in future years and
incorporated into the growing knowledge base on this topic, the character of the indexing process
will be refined and made more robust. Nonetheless what follows can be viewed as indicative
albeit preliminary - of what the process will produce.
Within the incident information collected so far, there are at least three indicators that are
common across all data points. These are 1) feedwater cation conductivity (typically at the
economizer inlet), 2) feedwater dissolved oxygen, and 3) feedwater pH. As indicated above
there are other measurements available, in some cases many others, but these three have the one
advantage of being common across all incidents collected to date. These may not be the best
three indicators to ideally reveal what is going on in these incidents, but they do possess the key
virtue of being available. These three then become the starting point.
Additionally there is degree of severity. The data on these incidents reveal a seemingly random
pattern of excursion over weeks, months and even years in several cases, and the severity
bounces from normal to Level 3 with no obvious rhyme or reason either. Further, the total
length of the excursion may be relevant in explaining the eventual repair bill, as might the
number of excursion periods and their relative severity over the total excursion period.
The overall structure adopted to accommodate this diverse information set is illustrated in Table
3-3 below. First the common indicators must be combined, then the severity readings must be
combined using appropriate weights, into an overall indicator for each incident. The weights
illustrated in Table 3-3 are merely suggestions at this point; they will be refined over time as
more data becomes available and the statistical fit of the relationship to the data is improved.
The composite indicator represents a single value that measures in a summary way the degree of
excursion experienced over the period.
Table 3-3
Representative Raw Data and Weighting Scheme
Days in Excursion Status
Incident 1
Incident 2
Incident 3
Cation Conductivity
Dissolved Oxygen
Second the length of the excursion period itself is a potential explanatory indicator as well. The
overall excursion length might be combined with the excursion indicator to produce one
composite explanatory variable, or the analysis could employ the two separately. Finally, the
total cost of repair or rectification for each incident is needed as the dependent variable. For the
three representative incidents represented in Table 3-3 above, the total length of the excursion
and cost are shown in Table 3-4 below.
Table 3-4
Total Days in Excursion and Total Rectification Cost
Total Days in Excursion
Statistical Estimation
Finally, after the data manipulation described above, it becomes possible to specify a statistical
relationship amenable to estimation across multiple instances or data points. Each instance of
excursion i.e. three months worth of excursion data from a particular unit, combined with the
eventual repair bill constitutes an individual data point, and so far only a nominal number have
been collected. The eventual idea however, is to estimate a regression equation once sufficient
data points have been secured. The standard form of a regression equation is illustrated below:
Dependent Variable =
Damage Incurred =
The above form is known as a linear regression equation, and it is the most common approach to
estimating a statistical fit between dependent and independent data. Other forms are also
possible, most notably including a log-linear form (take the logarithm of each set of data, which
was done for this example), depending on how the data line up and which approach yields the
best statistical fit. In statistical regression analysis it is most common and most prudent to let the
data dictate the optimal form of the equation.
In this example a further simplification was performed as well. The two independent variables
were aggregated into one composite, to further simplify both estimation and explanation of the
results. The composite variable was defined to be:
Percentage of Days in Excursion
= Weighted Days in Excursion /Total Length of Excursion Episode
Damages Incurred
Fitted Value of Damage
Specific Incidents
Figure 3-1
Damage Expense Related to Excursion State
Note that the natural logarithm (Ln) and the exponential (Exp) are mirror images of each other. If A = Ln (B), then
B = Exp (A).
From this point on the main challenge to finishing this effort will be to identify and collect more
data points. As discussed above, to date only a handful of excursion experiences have been
collected, due to a variety of factors. Over time, the expectation is that there will be other
incidents that surface, and these can gradually be incorporated into the analysis. This is expected
to be a longer-term, lower-effort activity, as such incidents will become available only
sporadically as time goes on.
In order to make the process incrementally easier for chemists and other power plant staff, two
forms have been developed to facilitate this type of data collection. The first is a standard
reporting form in the event of a tube failure. As this is a relatively common occurrence, using a
form such as this should not pose an unusual burden for plant staff. As EPRI staff are regularly
in the field discussing chemistry issues with power plant staffs all over the world, they anticipate
the use of this form and the encouragement of this type of reporting. Over time, the expectation
is that stories will accumulate, and provide an ever broader and deeper pool of incidents and
information to use.
The second form is a variation on the same theme, focusing more broadly than just on boiler tube
failures. The second form accommodates any and all excursion incidents resulting eventually in
expenditure needs for rectification or repair. Admittedly this is a harder set of information for
plant staffs to even identify, much less record. It requires tracking over a longer period of time,
and in many cases can only be identified in retrospect. Gathering such information will be
difficult, but it will also be useful if it can be done.
Taken together, these two forms represent an attempt to facilitate the data gathering necessary in
future to broaden the information set and provide substance to the analysis discussed above. The
examples illustrated below are still in draft form, and over time they will be refined through field
use and feedback from plant staffs.
The expectation is that over time enough excursion information (as described above) can be
gleaned from the power generation industry world-wide to produce an analysis that is accurate,
indicative and trustworthy. As with any other work in progress, the ultimate success of this
venture is still unknown.
Source Name
Company Name
Contact Name
Boiler Type
Drum Pressure (PSI)
Date of Report
Email Address
Once thru
Steam Flow (Kpounds/hr)
Failure Location
Failure Root Cause
Brief Description
Accumulative Duration
Number of Instances
Level 1
Cost of Repair
$1 to 50 K
$51 to 250 K
$251 to 800 K
$801 to 1.5 M
GT $1.5 M
Level 2
Above Level 2
$1 to 50 K
$51 to 250 K
$251 to 800 K
$801 to 1.5 M
GT $1.5 M
Date Received
Quality of Report
Figure 4-1
Boiler Tube Failure Information Report
Date added DB
Section I. Identification
Source Name
Company Name
Contact Name
Boiler Type
Drum Pressure (PSI)
Date of Report
Email Address
Once thru
Steam Flow (Kpounds/hr)
Accumulative Duration
Number of Instances
Level 1
Level 2
Above Level 2
(Please attach a spreadsheet containing the excursion history and readings of key indicators)
Section III. Costs
Cost of Rectification
(Repair, Cleaning, Major Capital
$1 to 50 K
$51 to 250 K
$251 to 1M
$1M to 3 M
GT $3 M
$1 to 50 K
$51 to 250 K
$251 to 1M
$1M to 3 M
GT $3 M
Date added DB
Figure 4-2
Chemistry Excursion Information Report
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