Year 5 Autumn Newsletter 2015
Year 5 Autumn Newsletter 2015
Year 5 Autumn Newsletter 2015
Miss. Barrett
Class 17
Mr Rahman
Class 18
Mr Rasem
Supporting Year 5 this year are: Mrs Hossain, Mrs Timms, Mrs Londo,
Miss Evers (Teaching Assistants) and Karen Britton (Learning Mentor).
Ms Jean is Head of Year in Year 5.
School starts at 8:55 a.m. and finishes at 3:20 p.m. Please make sure your child
attends school regularly and is punctual. If your child is absent from school, please
telephone the school on 020 8556 0103 giving a reason for their absence
and provide a note on their return to school.
P.E. is on a Friday for Year 5. Children must remember to bring their P.E. kit which
NAVY BLUE OR BLACK shorts or tracksuit bottoms
Our topics for this term are:
Personal, Social, and Health Education/Enabling Enterprise
History Ancient Greece
Science Properties and Changes of Materials
R.E Islam (the Hajj), Christianity: Christians &
the World
Geography - Water
D & T Pitta Bread Design & Making
P.E. Basketball/Gymnastics
Maths Multiplication, Division, Shape and Space, Measures, Problem
Solving, Addition, Subtraction (Maths Makes Sense).
English Fiction (Significant Authors), Instructions, Recount, Poetry
Art Pottery (Containers)
Computing We Are Architects, We Are Artists
Good behaviour and work is rewarded by gaining points through the HOUSE
SYSTEM which is in place across the whole school. Every child belongs to a
particular house.
Unacceptable behaviour will not be tolerated at any time and will be recorded on
a referral slip. If your child receives three of these referrals in a week, you will
be asked to come to school to discuss the matter.
Parents will be advised of any trips which are planned throughout the term.
Reading/Library Books
Reading books are changed weekly. Please write comments in the reading record
books if you wish concerning your childs reading at home. Ensure all books are
kept in the book bag and
that they are returned to school
regularly. All library
books must be returned on time and we
would like to remind you
that damaged books will incur a fine,
usually the full cost of the
Children will be given homework on a Friday, to be
returned by the following Wednesday. All homework must
be returned on the named day. Children are also
required to learn their times tables and spellings at home
when requested to do so.
Information relating to various after school clubs will be shared with you as it
becomes available.
We thank you for your continued support.
Yours sincerely,
Ms Jean
Miss Barrett
Mr Rasem