Heidelberg General Info For Applicants
Heidelberg General Info For Applicants
Heidelberg General Info For Applicants
International Student
Studying at heidelberg university..................................................................3
Academic degrees.................................................................................3
Organisation of studies and length of programmes...............................5
Range of subjects..................................................................................6
Short-term studies.................................................................................7
Study requirements......................................................................................8
Proficiency in German...........................................................................9
Recognition of school-leaving certificates...........................................10
Student Residence Permit................................................................... 11
Study preparation at Heidelberg University................................................ 11
Language preparation.........................................................................12
Subject preparation.............................................................................13
Application for admission............................................................................15
The application procedure: general information..................................15
Application documents........................................................................19
Recognition of study periods ..............................................................24
Social issues and accommodation.............................................................25
Orientation Days..................................................................................25
Financing your studies........................................................................26
Studentenwerk Heidelberg..................................................................29
Living in Heidelberg and environs.......................................................29
University faculty offices......................................................................31
Institutions in charge of recognition of study periods..........................33
Private halls of residence (direct application necessary)....................34
Important websites..............................................................................38
Studying at Heidelberg University.......................................................38
Student advisory services and counselling.........................................40
Study preparation................................................................................40
Social issues.......................................................................................41
General information on studying in Germany......................................41
Key dates and deadlines.....................................................................42
Academic degrees
Heidelberg University awards the following degrees (depending on the subject):
Bachelors degree (Bachelor of Arts/B.A. and Bachelor of Science/B.Sc.)
Masters degree (Master of Arts/M.A., Master of Science/M.Sc. and Master of
Laws in International Law/LL.M. int.)
State Examination (Staatsexamen)
The Faculty of Theology also offers a first-degree programme earning a Magister
The Faculty of Law offers two postgraduate programmes earning a Magister
Legum (LL.M.).
The majority of study programmes offered at Heidelberg University are bachelors
programmes. These courses provide a basic factual and methodical foundation for
the respective subjects and may additionally provide practical experience. There
are one-subject bachelors courses (100%), but the majority of the programmes
are made up of a combination of two subjects (either two 50% subjects or one
major [75%] and one minor [25%] subject). Students of the arts and humanities
will graduate with a Bachelor of Arts degree (B.A.); science students will graduate
with a Bachelor of Science degree (B.Sc.).
Masters programmes are advanced courses that require the completion of a previous academic degree (e.g. a bachelors degree). In a masters programme, students take either one subject or a major subject with a subsidiary subject. There
are two different kinds of masters programmes: consecutive masters programmes
and continuing-education masters programmes. The first kind (the majority of the
programmes at Heidelberg University) builds on the foundation of a corresponding
bachelors programme. The latter requires proof of a previous academic degree
as well, but the content of these courses does not build directly on the knowledge
previously acquired. In addition, these programmes require at least one year of
professional experience. Students of the arts and humanities will graduate with
a Master of Arts degree (M.A.); science students will graduate with a Master of
Science degree (M.Sc.).
A State Examination (Staatsexamen) is a German degree with examination regulations stipulated by the German federal states, not by the university itself. A State
Examination is taken by students of Law, Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmacology
as well as by students wishing to become a teacher (at Gymnasium level). While
a two-subject combination is required for the teacher-training programmes, Law,
Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmacology are one-subject courses.
It is possible to do a doctorate in any subject offered at Heidelberg University.
Students intending to pursue a doctoral degree are required to have completed a
previous academic degree (usually a masters degree, a State Examination or an
equivalent academic qualification) with good or very good results in the relevant
Applicants wishing to obtain a doctorate must independently find a supervisor who
is willing to accept and supervise the applicants proposed topic. Professors are not
obliged to accept candidates, even if the formal criteria are met. The second step
is to apply for admission as a doctoral candidate at the appropriate faculty (see
Appendix for addresses).
Foreign degrees may be accepted as part of the admission requirements for doctoral students, but as a rule, additional requirements must also be fulfilled (e.g.
assessment of the applicants subject knowledge and/or successful completion of
additional courses lasting one semester or longer). The requirements are determined by the individual faculty (see Appendix for addresses). For further information
Das Studium an der Universitt Heidelberg
Range of subjects
There are twelve faculties at Heidelberg University:
Short-term studies
International students who would like to study at Heidelberg University but do not
wish to obtain a degree here can enrol for a limited period of time (usually no longer
than two semesters) in a so-called short-term study programme (Kurzzeitstudium).
Short-term studies are not possible in masters programmes or in study programmes
in which all subject-related semesters have admissions restrictions.
In order to apply for admission to short-term studies, the applicant must prove the
completion of at least one year of coursework in the subject in question at his or
her home university as well as very good knowledge of German. Students coming
to Heidelberg University for a limited period of time outside the framework of an
exchange programme must pass the German Language Examination for University
Studying at Heidelberg University
Entrance (Deutsche Sprachprfung fr den Hochschulzugang DSH, cf. p. 9) before enrolling, unless they already possess qualifications of an equal standard.
Study requirements
Proficiency in German
The language of instruction in most study courses at Heidelberg University is German.
Accordingly, if students are to be successful in their coursework, they must be proficient in German when they begin their studies here. The proficiency examination in
German (Deutsche Sprachprfung fr den Hochschulzugang [DSH]) is an entrance
requirement for most international students. We strongly recommend students to
start taking German lessons in their home country before taking the DSH exam.
Applicants wishing to take the DSH examination are required to have completed at
least 1,000 - 1,200 hours of German language instruction at a recognised institution
(e.g. the Goethe Institut). In order to study at Heidelberg University, applicants must
achieve a minimum score of DSH-2.
At Heidelberg University, the DSH examination is usually taken at the end of
September and at the end of March and consists of two parts a written and an oral
test. The fee of 50 must be paid in cash on the day of the exam. Further information about the DSH exam is available at the International Relations Office or online at
Please note that the DSH exam can only be taken by students who have been admitted to Heidelberg University (students must be in possession of a letter of admission).
Student applicants can be exempted from the DSH exam if one of the following
certificates considered equivalent to the DSH is submitted with the application for
Deutsches Sprachdiplom der Kultusministerkonferenz Zweite Stufe (rulings of
the KMK from 16.03.1972 and 5.10.1973)
Registered Deutsche Sprachprfung fr den Hochschulzugang (DSH-Stufe 2)
according to RO- DT of the HRK (ruling of the KMK from 25.6.2004 version of
Groes [or] Kleines Deutsches Sprachdiplom of the Goethe Institute
Zentrale Oberstufenprfung of the Goethe Institute
Goethe-Zertifikat C2: GDS of the Goethe Institute, issued from 01.01.2012
Study requirements
Study preparation at Heidelberg University
Please note: It is not possible to apply to the International Relations Office for admission to the university (cf. 1) and to the Internationales Studienzentrum (ISZ) for a
place in a German language course (cf. 2) at the same time.
International Summer School
For those interested only in learning German, the International Summer School
(Internationaler Ferienkurs) of Heidelberg University offers four-week German
courses at various levels (elementary, intermediate and advanced), special courses
designed for foreign German teachers as well as courses providing training in
Business German.
Further information about fees and acceptance requirements can be obtained via
e-mail ([email protected]) or online at www.uni-heidelberg.de/ifk.
Subject preparation
To prepare you for your study programme, the Internationales Studienzentrum (ISZ)
of Heidelberg University offers different courses.
Preparation courses for the Feststellungsprfung at the Studienkolleg
The Studienkolleg provides international applicants whose higher-education entrance qualification is not fully equivalent to the German Abitur (cf. p. 10) with a oneyear preparation course for the so-called Feststellungsprfung (assessment test to
determine the eligibility of international applicants for studies at higher-education
institutions in Germany).
In the state of Baden-Wrttemberg, to which Heidelberg belongs, prospective students cannot apply for admission directly to the Studienkolleg. Instead, they need
to apply at the university where they wish to pursue the subsequent degree course.
This means that international students must apply for admission to the Studienkolleg
and to a university study programme at the same time. In the selection process, the
university will decide whether the applicant will receive a reservation of a study place
(so-called Vormerkung).
Study Preparation at Heidelberg University
If you wish to apply to Heidelberg University, all necessary information as well as the
online application can be found online at
General information on the application procedure can also be found in this brochure
(cf. p. 15).
Exception: EU/EEA nationals who must pass the Feststellungsprfung before they
can start their study course (cf. p. 10) and whose study programme of choice is
subject to an admissions restriction (either nation-wide or by the university) must apply with the International Students Office of Heidelberg University for the respective
Studienkolleg course - without the reservation of a study place.
The necessary application form can be found online at
Information on the application deadline and the required documents can be found
online at www.uni-heidelberg.de/courses/prospective/apply_int/procedure/open_admission.html.
Students who have been admitted to the Studienkolleg must pass an entrance test
before attending classes. A sample of this test can be found at
The Feststellungsprfung (assessment test) is usually taken after one year at the
Studienkolleg. Should a student fail the test, studies at the Studienkolleg can be extended for one semester. Transfer to a different Studienkolleg is not usually possible.
The assessment test may only be repeated once, and the second test must be taken
at the same Studienkolleg.
In exceptional cases, applicants may be admitted to an external assessment test
(externe Feststellungsprfung) without attending the preparation course at the
Studienkolleg. In this case, students must apply for a degree programme with the
International Students Office of Heidelberg University in due time and form. The application must indicate that you wish to take part in the external assessment test. You
must also take part in a councelling session with the director of the Studienkolleg. We
strongly recommend you contact the International Students Office for more details
on the application deadlines and necessary documents.
More details can be found in the information leaflet Internationale Studienbewerber
mit auslndischer Hochschulzugangsberechtigung, available at
For further information on the assessment test and the Studienkolleg, please go to
Preparatory courses
Prospective international students whose higher-education entrance qualification is
found to be equivalent to the German Abitur and who would like to improve their
subject knowledge and specific language skills in the subject they are interested
in studying at Heidelberg University can apply for the relevant preparatory course
(Propdeutisches Vorsemester) at the Internationales Studienzentrum (ISZ). The
courses are offered in the summer semester only and last either one month or one
semester. More information on these courses can be found at
Application for Admission
Application periods
There are two general application periods every year: beginning of June until July
15th for the winter semester; beginning of December until January 15th for the
summer semester.
The application deadlines must be strictly adhered to. Applications received by the
university after the closing date will not be considered.
Some study programmes (especially postgraduate and masters programmes) have
Application procedure
The application procedure depends on (a) whether the study programme selected
is subject to admissions restrictions or assessment processes, (b) the applicants
nationality, and (c) his or her school-leaving certificate.
Admissions restrictions (so-called Numerus Clausus) are introduced if the number
of applications to a degree course exceeds the number of places available in that
course. In such cases, only the best-qualified applicants will be admitted. There are
two different types of admissions restrictions.
Admission to a particular degree course may either have a national restriction applying to all German universities (such as the degree courses Dentistry [Zahnmedizin],
Medicine [Medizin] and Pharmacology [Pharmazie]) or a local restriction (specific
to Heidelberg University).
In legal terms, citizens of the member states of the EU and the EEA (Iceland,
Liechtenstein, Norway) and international applicants with a German higher-education
entrance qualification (usualy Abitur) have the same status as German citizens with
regard to admission to degree courses. This group of applicants competes for the
majority of available places. All other applicants compete for the remaining places
(5% in the case of national admissions restrictions and 8-10% in the case of local
admissions restrictions). An admissions board awards these places to the best-qualified applicants.
For some degree courses the applicants suitability is determined by means of an
assessment process (Eignungsfeststellungsverfahren assessment of aptitude, or
Aufnahmeprfung entrance examination) based on criteria such as the average
mark on the higher-education entrance certificate, grades obtained in relevant school
subjects, vocational training, additional qualifications and aptitude tests/interviews
with the applicant. Aptitude tests and interviews take place before registration, usually after the publication of the results of the DSH exam (roughly two weeks before the
beginning of the semester).
Applicants who fail the assessment process for a particular course must wait until the
following semester or the following year (depending on the programme) before they
Application for Admission
Application documents
General application documents
The following documents must be included in your application dossier if you are
applying for a first-degree study programme (bachelor, state examination). Except in
the case of certificates in English, an officially certified German translation is required
in addition to a copy of the original certificate.
Please note that the regulations regarding the application documents may
be subject to change.) The current regulations can be found in the brochure
Aktuelle Informationen zu den grundstndigen Studiengngen fr internationale Studienbewerberinnen und Studienbewerber (available only in German),
which is published every semester. The currently valid version can be found in our
Downloadcenter (www.uni-heidelberg.de/studium/download/index.html) or be requested via e-mail ([email protected]).
Information on the application documents necessary for masters programmes can
be found in the rules and regulations for admissions (Zulassungssatzung) of the individual programme as well as in the FAQ Masters Programmes. Both sources can
be found in our Downloadcenter (www.uni-heidelberg.de/studium/download/index.
html) or be requested via e-mail ([email protected]).
1. An officially certified photocopy of the certificate or diploma entitling the student to embark on a university course in his/her home country (e.g. Abitur,
Baccalaureate, GCE - A & O Level, school-leaving certificate, university admission
exam, etc.), including a list of grades.
2. When applicable: Officially certified photocopies of successfully completed university admissions exams taken abroad, including a list of grades.
3. When applicable: Officially certified photocopies of all university certificates (from
colleges, academies, etc.) that the student has already obtained, plus lists of
grades per semester or year of study. Any semesters taken at German universities
must be documented by enrolment certificates (original or certified copies).
4. When applicable: An officially certified photocopy of the successfully completed
assessment test (Feststellungsprfung) if such an exam has already been taken
at a Studienkolleg in Germany, accompanied by a record of the individual grades.
5. Proof of German language proficiency (one requirement for taking the German
language examination [Deutsche Sprachprfung fr den Hochschulzugang
(DSH)] at Heidelberg University is written proof of at least 1,000-1,200 hours of
prior German language instruction at a recognised institution).
Proof of the students ability to finance his/her studies (form
Finanzierungsbescheinigung available at
7. 1 Passport photograph (no larger than 4 x 5 cm)
8. Copy of passport (page with name in Latin script)
9. Proof of completed online test required for first-degree study programmes (cf.
10. Three international reply coupons (Coupon-Rponse International)
11. When applicable: Copy of TestAS
Application for Admission
major or a minor subject (both bachelor and state examination) must undergo an
aptitude test and include the certificate of this aptitude test in their application.
The aptitude test takes place once a year at the end of May/beginning of June.
Registration for the aptitude test is required by May 15th at the Department of
Sports and Sports Science (Institut fr Sport und Sportwissenschaft). Information
and the online application are available at
7. All applicants from the Peoples Republic of China, from Mongolia and from
Vietnam must include with their application an original certificate from the respective academic examinations office (Akademische Prfstelle APS). The APS
offices are a service institution of the German embassies in Beijing, Ulan Bator
and Hanoi, who carry out an initial examination of academic certificates for applicants to German universities. This is also the case for applicants who will take a
German language course before their degree course.
a) Further information on the procedure for applicants from the Peoples
Republic of China and the according application form are available via the
German embassy in Beijing as well as online at https://www.aps.org.cn/. On
this website, you will also find a list of the necessary documents.
Contact Information APS:
Akademische Prfstelle/Academic Evaluation Center (APS)
German Embassy
Landmark Tower 2, Room 0311
8 North Dongsanhuan Road
Chaoyang District
100004 Beijing - Peoples Republic of China
Office hours: Monday Friday 8 am 12 pm
Phone: +86-10-6590 7138 (Monday Thursday 1.30 4.30 p.m.)
Fax: +86-10-6590 7140
E-mail: [email protected]
b) Further information on the procedure for applicants from Mongolia and the
according application form are available via the German embassy in Ulan
Bator as well as online at www.ulan-bator.diplo.de/aps.
Contact Information APS:
German Embassy
Strae der Vereinten Nationen
P.O. Box: 708
Application for Admission
c) Further information on the procedure for applicants from Vietnam and the
according application form are available via the German embassy in Hanoi as
well as online at www.hanoi.diplo.de.
Contact Information APS:
Akademische Prfstelle (APS)
German Embassy
29 Tran Phu
Q. Ba Dinh
Hanoi - Vietnam
Phone: +84-4-3845 38 36/7 or +84-4-3843 02 45/6
Fax: +84-4-3843 99 69
E-mail: [email protected]
Concerning certified copies
In Germany, certified copies can be made by all public offices with an official stamp
authorising them to do so (also by a notary). In general, the German embassy/consulate certifies copies according to these regulations as well. Requirements for complete certification are the official certifying stamp, a written entry and a signature. Each
individual page of a copy must carry a signature. If the name of the certificate holder
does not appear in the text on every page of the copy, the written entry for this page
must indicate both the holder and the type of document to ensure that every page
belongs to the same document. Missing entries may not be completed by yourself.
Collective certification of several pages of a document is acceptable if the pages are
fastened together with string and carry an official stamp. Stapled collective certifications are also acceptable if the page corners are folded and stamped so that each
page carries part of the stamp imprint.
Please be careful to check that the certification accords with the requirements listed
above. Pay particular attention to the stamp. Only official stamps are acceptable.
These normally include an emblem. If the certification does not accord with the re-
quirements listed above, the copy will not be recognised. This also applies in cases
where the certifying authority itself is responsible for incomplete certification.
Please note: Certified copies issued by church authorities, health insurance companies or the ASTA of a university are not officially recognised. Exception: institutions
authorised with an official certifying stamp, e.g. the Universitys Protestant Student
Community (Evangelische Studierendengemeinde Heidelberg ESG).
Social Issues and Accommodation
until they have completed their first university degree in Germany, their 14th semester or have reached their 30th birthday whichever comes first. Health insurance
premiums are currently (last update: summer semester 2013) approximately 467
per semester (six months).
EU citizens can be exempted from this obligatory health insurance if by means of an
EHIC (European Health Insurance Card) or a certificate E 128, E 106, E 109 or E 111
they can prove that they are covered by their health insurance in their home country.
Students who are older than 30 years or have completed their first university degree
in Germany or their 14th semester are not legally obliged to have health insurance. If
you have been insured through a statutory health insurance provider, you may take
out a voluntary insurance policy with this provider. If this is not possible, or if you
choose not to do that, you may take out a policy with a private provider.
Students at the Studienkolleg, in the German language courses and in the Preparatory
Courses (Propdeutisches Vorsemester) are not legally obliged to have health insurance because they are not enrolled in a degree programme but in a preparation
course. Statutory health insurance providers are not obliged to accept this group of
students. The possibility of a private health insurance policy remains. Once you enter
a degree programme, you may transfer to a statutory health insurance provider.
It is strongly recommended that all international students take out a private liability
insurance (Haftpflichtversicherung). This insurance provides liability cover in cases
of injury to other persons (e.g. in a bike accident) or damage to their property.
Students admitted to the university do not automatically receive a room in a student
residence and must therefore make their own living arrangements. At present, the
monthly rent for a room or a small flat is approximately 200-400.
Public Transportation
Your student identification card allows you to use public transportation in the
Heidelberg area free of charge every day after 7 pm as well as on Saturdays, Sundays
and public holidays all day long.
The semester rail ticket (Semesterticket) can be purchased each semester by regi-
Social Issues and Accommodation
stered students of Heidelberg University and includes the use of almost all forms of
public transportation in the Heidelberg area and within several regional transportation networks at any time of the day or night. The Semesterticket is currently available
at a price of 145 per semester (last update: summer semester 2014).
There are a few scholarships available in Germany through the German Academic
Exchange Service (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst DAAD) and other
institutions for highly-qualified candidates. Information on these scholarships can be
obtained from the German consulates and embassies, the Goethe Institut and the
regional offices of the DAAD.
Information about these scholarship opportunities is available online at
Information on scholarship opportunities can also be found at
Since scholarships are extremely limited in number, international student applicants
should also look for funding possibilities provided by organisations of their home
Studentenwerk Heidelberg
The Heidelberg Studentenwerk is a public institution that cooperates with Heidelberg
University to provide social support for students. Some of the Studentenwerks activities include running student residences and cafeterias, providing grants, social
and legal support, psychotherapeutic care, assistance in finding jobs, organising
childrens day care and pre-school centres, and providing cultural programmes for
There is also a so-called all-inclusive service package a special service for
international students, which includes a room in one of the residence halls, a
Semesterticket, a Campus Card with 95 initial balance as well as an excursions
and events package. Additional services such as health insurance or transfer from
Frankfurt International Airport to your dormitory are available on demand. A total of
50 packages per semester is available.
Further information is available at the
Studentenwerk Heidelberg
Marstallhof 1
69117 Heidelberg
[email protected]
Hompage: www.studentenwerk.uni-heidelberg.de
Social Issues and Accommodation
In addition to the residence halls run by the Studentenwerk, there are many private student residences in Heidelberg. An overview of these can be found in the
Appendix. Please contact each institution individually if you are interested in living
Private-sector accommodation
The Studentenwerk offers a private accomodations service. Unfortunately, they cannot give accommodation information by post or on the phone. You must come to
the office hours in person in order to get information. Housing offers are accessible
in the showcases in the Triplex-Mensa (Universittsplatz) as well as in the InfoCaf
International in the Zentralmensa, Im Neuenheimer Feld 304 (Neuenheimer Feld
Recommended emergency/temporary accommodation in Heidelberg for the first few
Jugendherberge Heidelberg
Tiergartenstrae 5
69120 Heidelberg
Phone: +49 (0) 6221-651190
Fax: +49 (0) 6221-6511928
online contact form at:
Tourist Information (at the main station)
Willy-Brandt-Platz 1
60115 Heidelberg
Phone: +49 (0) 6221-19433
Fax: +49 (0) 6221-1388111
[email protected]
Steffis Hostel Heidelberg
Alte Eppelheimer Strae 50
69115 Heidelberg
Phone: +49 (0) 6221-7782772
[email protected]
Husserstrae 44
69115 Heidelberg
Phone/Fax: +49 (0) 6221-160363
[email protected]
Lotte The Backpackers Hostel in Heidelberg
Burgweg 3
69117 Heidelberg
Phone: +49 (0) 6221-7350725
[email protected]
University faculty offices
Deans Office of the Faculty of Theology
Hauptstrae 231
69117 Heidelberg
Deans Office of the Faculty of Law
Friedrich-Ebert-Anlage 6-10
69117 Heidelberg
Deans Office of the Medical Faculty of Heidelberg
Im Neuenheimer Feld 346
69120 Heidelberg
Deans Office of the Medical Faculty of Mannheim
Theodor-Kutzer-Ufer 1-3
68167 Mannheim
Deans Office of the Faculty of Philosophy
Vostrae 2, Gebude 4370
69115 Heidelberg
Deans Office of the Faculty of Modern Languages
Vostrae 2, Gebude 37
69115 Heidelberg
Exception: Student applicants with their main residence in Germany and/or a study
place at a higher-education institution in Germany apply to the Landesprfungsamt
of the Bundesland where they live or where they will be studying.
Theologisches Studienhaus
Neuenheimer Landstrae 2
69120 Heidelberg
Phone: +49 (0) 6221-137870
Fax: +49 (0) 6221-1378799
Studentenwohnheim Wartburg
Untere Neckarstrae 21
69117 Heidelberg
Phone: +49 (0) 6221-26844
E-mail: [email protected]
Studentenwohnheim Bergstrae
Heidelberger Strae 32a
69198 Schriesheim
Phone: +49 (0) 6203-63192
Fax: +49 (0) 6203-65033
E-mail: [email protected]
Residence halls of other institutions
Wohnheime der SRH-Gruppe
Kranichweg 51
69123 Heidelberg
Phone: +49 (0) 6221-884368
E-mail: [email protected]
Studentenwohnheim Allianz Ring-/Lessingstrae
Ringstrae 35-41
Office: Ringstrae 37
69115 Heidelberg
Phone: +49 (0) 6221-29662
Rohrbacher Strae 91
69115 Heidelberg
Phone: +49 (0) 6221-20789
Fax +49 (0) 6203-83393
E-mail: [email protected]
Studentenwohnheim Hauhecke
Sandwingert 2
69123 Heidelberg
Administration through ADRIA Vermgensverwaltung
Contact: Ms. Simone Link
Phone: +49 (0) 6221-9860611
E-mail: [email protected]
Studentenwohnheim Hirsch
Hauptstrae 62
69151 Neckargemnd
Phone: +49 (0) 6223-921812
Fax: +49 (0) 6223-921815
E-mail: [email protected]
Studentenwohnheim Scheerle
Heinrich-Fuchs-Strae 44
69126 Heidelberg
Phone: +49 (0) 6221-332926 (facility manager)
Phone and Fax: +49 (0) 7041-819816
E-mail: [email protected]
Studentenwohnheim Schenk
Wiesenweg 3
69198 Schriesheim
Rooms in small shared apartments, unfurnished
Phone and Fax: +49 (0) 6203-61853
Studentenwohnheim Weybrecht
Turnerstrae 165
69126 Heidelberg
Application (only in writing):
Weybrecht, Karlsruher Strae 76/78, 69126 Heidelberg
Important websites
Studying at Heidelberg University
Homepage of Heidelberg University
Course catalogue:
first-degree study programmes Bachelors and State Examination programmes
Course catalogue:
postgraduate studies Masters programmes
Overview of subjects with short information
Application and registration (undergraduate programmes)
Application and registration (graduate programmes
Faculties and departments of Heidelberg University
Academic calendar
Examination rules and regulations
Study preparation
Internationales Studienzentrum (ISZ) of Heidelberg University
Preparatory Courses (Propdeutische Vorsemester)
Social issues
Studentenwerk Heidelberg
Grants / Scholarships
Beginning of /
March 31st
April 1st
End of March /
beginning of April
Beginning of April
July 15th
End of July
September 30th
October 1st
End of September /
beginning of October
Beginning of October
Dr. H. Joachim Gerke
Universitt Heidelberg
Dezernat Internationale Beziehungen
Seminarstrae 2, D-69117 Heidelberg
Mai 2014