How To Use The FDISK and FORMAT Commands
How To Use The FDISK and FORMAT Commands
How To Use The FDISK and FORMAT Commands
How to Use the Fdisk and Format Tools
Before you install your operating system, you must first create a primary partition on the hard disk (disk 1) on your
computer, and then format a file system on that partition. The Fdisk tool is an MS-DOS-based tool that you can use to
prepare (partition) a hard disk. You can use the Fdisk tool to create, change, delete, or display current partitions on the
hard disk, and then each allocated space on the hard disk (primary partition, extended partition, or logical drive) is
assigned a drive letter. Disk 1 may contain one extended partition, and a second hard disk may contain a primary or
extended partition. An extended partition may contain one or more logical MS-DOS drives.
After you use the Fdisk tool to partition your hard disk, use the Format tool to format those partitions with a file
system. The file system File Allocation Table (FAT) allows the hard disk to accept, store, and retrieve data. Windows 95
OEM Service Release 2 (OSR2), Windows 98, Windows 98 Second Edition, Windows Millennium Edition (Me), and Windows
2000 support the FAT16 and FAT32 file systems. When you run the Fdisk tool on a hard disk that is larger than 512
megabytes (MB), you are prompted to choose one of the following file systems:
FAT16 : This file system has a maximum of 2 gigabytes (GB) for each allocated space or drive letter. For
example, if you use the FAT16 file system and have a 6-GB hard disk, you can have three drive letters
(C, D, and E), each with 2 GB of allocated space.
FAT32 : This file system supports drives that are up to 2 terabytes in size and stores files on smaller sections of
the hard disk than the FAT16 file system does. This results in more free space on the hard disk. The
FAT32 file system does not support drives that are smaller than 512 MB.
When you run the fdisk and format commands, the Master Boot Record (MBR) and file allocation tables are
created. The MBR and file allocation tables store the necessary disk geometry that allows hard disk to accept, store, and
retrieve data.
Important Considerations Before You Use the Fdisk and Format Tools
Consider the following questions before you use the Fdisk and Format tools:
Is the hard disk new?
If not, view the Sixth question.
If yes, proseed to How to Partition and Format a Master Hard Disk Session.
2. Is this hard disk the only hard disk on your computer (master) or is this hard disk a second hard disk (slave) ?
3. Have you prepared the hard disk by following the manufacturer's instructions ?
It is important to set the jumpers and cabling according to the role of the hard disk (master or slave)
4. Have you checked your basic input/output system (BIOS) to verify that it supports the hard disk or the second hard
disk ?
If not, check the documentation that came with your motherboard, or contact the manufacturer. Typically, the BIOS
has an auto detect hard disk setting that configures the drive, but you should verify this before you continue.
5. What type of file system do you want to use?
You can use either the FAT16, FAT32 OR NTFS file systems.
6. Does the hard disk already contain data ?
If yes, view the ?????? question.
If no, proseed to How to Partition and Format a Master Hard Disk Session
7. Does the hard disk already contain data ?
no, proseed to How to Partition and Format a Master Hard Disk Session
8. Have you backed up all of your important data ?
If not, back up your data before you proceed. When you run the fdisk command to create, delete, or change a
partition, all of the data on that partition is permanently deleted. Note that you can view current partition
information without deleting your data.
9. Does the hard disk have a drive overlay or a disk management program ?
If your computer uses drive overlay software to enable large hard disk support, do not use the Fdisk tool until you
have checked with the software manufacturer
10. Do you have the floppy disks or the CD-ROMs that are necessary to reinstall your software ?
Make sure that you have the software so that you can reinstall your programs after you partition and format your
drive. If you purchased an upgrade for a program, make sure that you have the full version of the original program.
Many upgrades for programs require a compliance check before you can install the upgraded product. If you cannot
find the original floppy disks or CD-ROMs, contact the software manufacturer before you proceed.
11. Do you have updated device backed up on a device other than the drive that you are about to format and partition ?
If you have installed an updated device driver for your peripheral devices (for example, modems, printers, and so
on), make sure that you back up the new driver on a device other than the drive that you are about to format and
partition so that you can reinstall it after you install your operating system.
12. Do you want to combine multiple extended partitions in one extended partition ?
To test the Startup disk, insert it in the floppy disk drive, and then restart your computer. If you are
using a Windows 98-based computer, the Startup menu is displayed.
Warn !! If you use the following steps on a hard disk that is not empty, all of the data on that hard disk is
permanently deleted.
How to Partition a Master Hard Disk
Insert the Startup disk in the floppy disk drive, restart your computer, and then use one of the following methods,
depending on your operating system.
If you are using a Windows 98, Windows 98 Second Edition, or Windows Me Startup disk, the Startup
menu is displayed, select the Start computer with CD-ROM support menu option, and then press ENTER.
At a command prompt, type fdisk, and then press ENTER
If you are using a Windows 95-based computer, the Startup menu is displayed, select the Start computer
without CD-ROM support menu option, and then press ENTER.
At a command prompt, type fdisk, and then press ENTER
2. If your hard disk is larger than 512 MB, you receive the following message :
Your computer has a disk larger than 512 MB. This version of Windows
includes improved support for large disks, resulting in more efficient
use of disk space on large drives, and allowing disks over 2 GB to be
formatted as a single drive.
IMPORTANT: If you enable large disk support and create any new drives on this
disk, you will not be able to access the new drive(s) using other operating
systems, including some versions of Windows 95 and Windows NT, as well as
earlier versions of Windows and MS-DOS. In addition, disk utilities that
were not designed explicitly for the FAT32 file system will not be able
to work with this disk. If you need to access this disk with other operating
systems or older disk utilities, do not enable large drive support.
Do you wish to enable large disk support (Y/N)...........? [Y]
If you want to use the FAT32 file system, press Y and then press ENTER. If you want to use the FAT16 file system,
press N, and then press ENTER.
3. After you press ENTER, the following Fdisk Options menu is displayed :
Current fixed disk drives : 1
Choose one of the following :
1. Create DOS partition or Logical DOS Drive
2. Set active partition
3. Delete partition or Logical DOS Drive
4. Display partition information
5. Change current fixed disk drive
Enter choise [ ]
Note : Option 5 is available only if you have two physical hard disks in the computer.
1. Press 1 to select the Create DOS partition or Logical DOS Drive menu option, and then press ENTER.
2. Press 1 to select the Create Primary DOS Partition menu option, and then press ENTER.
3. After you press ENTER, you receive the following message :
Do you wish to use the maximum available size for primary DOS partition ?
* If you want all of the space on the hard disk to be assigned to drive C, press Y, and then press ENTER. Press ESC,
and then press ESC to quit the Fdisk tool and return to a command prompt and you can proseed to formatting the
hard disk
* If not press N, and then press ENTER. Press ESC to return to the Options menu, and then view step d in the
following to customize the partition size section
To customize the partition size :
a. If you want to customize the size of the partitions (drive letters) on the hard disk, press N, and then press ENTER.
Press 1 to select the Create DOS partition or Logical DOS Drive menu option, and then press ENTER.
b. A dialog box is displayed in which you can type the size that you want for the primary partition in MB or percent of
disk space. Note that for computers that are running either Windows 98 or Windows Me, Microsoft recommends
that you make the primary partition at least 500 MB in size. Type the size of the partition that you want to
create, and then press ENTER.
c. Press ESC to return to the Options menu.
d. To assign drive letters to the additional space on the hard disk, press 1, and then press ENTER.
e. Press 2 to select the Create Extended DOS Partition menu option, and then press ENTER.
f. You receive a dialog box that is displays the maximum space that is available for the extended partition. You can
adjust the size of the partition or use the default size. Note that the default maximum space is recommended,
but you can divide the space between multiple drive letters. Type the amount of space that you want, press
ENTER, and then press ESC.
g. The Create Logical DOS Drive(s) in the Extended DOS Partition menu is displayed. This is the menu that you can
use to assign the remaining hard disk space to the additional drive letters. Type the amount of space that you
want to assign to the next drive letter in the Enter logical drive size in Mbytes or percent of disk space (%) box,
and then press ENTER.
h. A table that lists the drive letter that you created and the amount of space on that drive is displayed. If there is
free space on the hard disk, it is displayed near the bottom of the table. Repeat steps e through g until you
receive the following message :
All available space in the Extended DOS Partition is assigned to local drives
i. After you receive this message, press ESC to return to the Options menu
j. To activate the partition from which you plan to boot (usually drive C), press 2 to select the Set active partition
menu option, and then press ENTER.
k. When you receive the following message, press 1, and then press ENTER :
l. Press ESC, and then press ESC to quit the Fdisk tool and return to a command prompt, and then view the following
How to Format a Hard Disk section.
After you create the partitions, you must format the partitions :
1. Restart your computer with the Startup disk in the floppy disk drive.
2. When a command prompt is displayed, type format c: /s, and then press ENTER. This command transfers the system
files and should only be used when you format drive C (or your "active" drive). For all other partitions, type
format drive: (where drive is the letter of the partition that you want to format).
Note : If you receive a "Bad command" or "Bad file name" error message, you may need to extract the
tool to your boot disk. To do this, type extract at a command prompt, and then
press ENTER. After the tool is extracted to your boot disk, type format c: /s, or
type format drive: if you want to format a partition that is not your active partition.
3. When you successfully run the tool, you receive the following message :
Proceed with Format ?
4. Press Y, and then press ENTER to format drive C
5. After the format procedure is finished, you receive the following message :
Volume label (11 characters, ENTER for none) ?
Note : This is an optional feature that you can use to type a name for the drive. You can either type an
11-character name for the drive, or you can leave it blank by pressing ENTER.
After you finish using the Fdisk tool, format the new partitions so that you can use them. After you press ESC to
quit the Fdisk tool, restart your computer to start Windows.
How to Format a Slave Hard Disk
To format your new partition or partitions, use one of the following methods, depending on your file system. For a FAT16
file system:
Double-click My Computer, right-click the partition that you just created, click Format, click Full, and then click
After the format procedure is complete, click OK to close the dialog box.
For a FAT32 file system:
Click Start, point to Programs, point to Accessories, point to System Tools, click Drive Converter (FAT32), and
then click Next.
In the Drives box, click the drive that you want to convert to the FAT32 file system.
Click Next, and then click OK.
Click Next, click Next, and then click Next again.
When the conversion procedure is finished, click Finish.
NOTE: Do not use the /s switch that you used when you set up drive C. All you need to do is to format the drive or drives
so that you can use them (for example, if you created two new drive letters, you need to format both drives).
For information about how to repartition the extended partition and logical drives, view the following "How to Repartition
and Format the Extended Partition and Logical Drives of a Hard Disk" section in this article.
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How to Repartition and Format the Extended Partition and Logical Drives of a Hard Disk
Use the steps in this section to resize or combine your extended partition and logical drives. Make sure that you have a
reliable backup of any important data that you have on your extended partition and logical drives before you proceed. If
you want to combine your entire hard disk in one partition, use the steps in the "How to Partition and Format a Master
Hard Disk" section in this article.
How to Repartition the Extended Partition and the Logical Drives
NOTE: When you use this method, two or more partitions are left on your hard disk, a primary partition (usually drive C)
and an extended partition. Even if you use the FAT32 file system, there is an 8-GB partition limitation unless you obtain a
BIOS upgrade that fully supports interrupt 13 extensions. For additional information about why there is an 8-GB limit, click
the article number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
153550 Hard Disk Limited to 8-GB Partition
If you have a hard disk that is larger than 8 GB and you are not using a disk overlay program or disk management software,
you need to partition and format the space that is remaining after you create each 8-GB partition:
Place the Startup disk in your floppy disk drive, restart your computer, and then use one of the following
methods, depending on your operating system. For a Windows 98, Windows 98 Second Edition, or Windows Me Startup
When the Microsoft Windows 98 Startup menu is displayed, select the Start computer without CDROM support menu option, and then press ENTER.
At a command prompt, type fdisk, and then press ENTER.
Go to step 2.
For a Windows 95 Startup disk:
At a command prompt, type fdisk, and then press ENTER.
Go to step 2.
If your hard disk is larger than 512 MB, you receive the following message:
Your computer has a disk larger than 512 MB. This versio This versio This versio Thisows includes improved
support for large disks, resulting in more efficient ue on large drives, and allowing disks over 2 GB to be formatted
IMPORTANT: If you enable large disk support and create any new drives on this disk, you u u u will not be able
to access the new drive(s) using other operating systems, including some versionng some versionng some versi of
Windows 95 and Windows NT, as well as earlier versions of Windows and MS-DOS. In addition, disk utilities that
were not designated explicitly for the FAT32 file system will not be able to work with this disk. If you need to
access this disk with other operating systems or older disk uti older disk uti older disk uti older disk util@older disk
Do you wish to enable large disk support (Y/N)?
If you want to use the FAT32 file system, press Y and then press ENTER. If you want to use the FAT16 file system, press
N, and then press ENTER.For additional information about the FAT32 and FAT16 file systems, cliC systems, cliC systems,
cli systems, clic systems, clic systems, clic systems, e numbersicle numbershe articles in the Microsoft Knowledge
118335 Maximum Partition Size Using FAT16 File System
1549-US;154997">154-US;154997">154-US;15497 Description of the ription of the Fription of the Friptionle
After you press ENTER,ou press ENTER,ou press ENTER,ou pressowing Fdisk Options menu is displayed:
1. Create DOS partition or Logical DOS Drive
2. Set active partition
3. Delete partition or Logical DOS Drive
4. Display partition information
5. Change current fixed disk drive
is only available if you
have two physical hard disks in the computer)
Press 3, and then press ENTER. The following menu is displayed:
1. Delete Primary DOS Partition
2. Delete Extended DOS Partition
3. Delete Logical DOS Drive(s) in the Extended DOS Partition
4. Delete Non-DOS Partition
Press 3, and then press ENTER.
The Delete Logical DOS Drive(s) in the Extended DOS Partition screen is displayed with a chart that describes
the attributes of your hard disk, as shown in the following example.
NOTE: If you want to resize the logical drive or drives by making them larger or smaller, d
Press 1 to select the Create DOS partition or Logical DOS Drive menu option from the
NOTE: When you use this step, the extended partition is not deleted, only the logical driv
make two logical drives, delete the logical drive and create two logical drives in the exten
After the drive verification procedure is finished, you receive the following message:
IMPORTANT: After you change the Fdisk options or delete partitions, the data that was on
configuration, back up everything that is important to you before you use the Fdisk tool.
If you want to use the unpartitioned space on your hard disk, you must format the drive
Proceed with Format (Y/N)?
Press Y, and then press ENTER to format the drive.
After the format procedure is finished, you receive the following message:
Volume label (11 characters, ENTER for none)?
NOTE: This is an optional feature that you can use to type a name for the hard disk. You c
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Frequently Asked Questions
Answer: If you can only partition 2 GB of space at a time, you may have pressed
NOTE: If you are running a retail version of Windows 95 you cannot upgrade to Win
158238 How to Determine the Version of Windows 95/98/Me in Use
Answer: To ensure compatibility, check with the software manufacturer before you
Answer: Yes, you can copy the Windows 95 or Windows 98 installation from your ol
Knowledge Base:
166172 Duplicating Windows 95/98 Installation to a New Hard Disk
Note that you cannot use the method described in this article to copy Windows 95
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The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Windows
Microsoft Windows
Microsoft Windows
Microsoft Windows
Microsoft Windows
Microsoft Windows
Microsoft Windows
Last Reviewed:
Millennium Edition
98 Second Edition
95 OEM Service Release 2
95 OEM Service Release 2.1
95 OEM Service Release 2.5
/MBR - Recreate Master Boot Record on disk 1
This function is handy when an virus has infected the Master Boot Record. With /MBR you can wipe-out the
FDISK does not build an MBR on any drive except the primary master. FDISK will only create an MBR on the
primary master drive if the drive does not already have a valid MBR. The 55AAh signature at the end of the
sector is checked by FDISK, if not present the MBR is written. Also if the drive is blank, an MBR is written.
displays partition information without starting FDISK and navigating thorough the menus. This
works with MS-DOS version 5.00and higher. The first sector on the hard drive, (cylinder 0, head 0,
sector 1) contains the master partition boot record. This 512-byte sector contains the partition
loader and the partition table. At bootup, the BIOS loads the partition loader, the partition loader
loads the bootstrap loader for the bootable partition and the bootstrap loader loads the operating
Create primary partition. Partition is set to active Create a primary partition on disk number <disk>
with the size of <size>. The partition is set to active. FDISK /PRI:<size> <disk>
If <size> is larger than the space on the HD all space is used for the primary partition.
Create primary partition with FAT16/FAT32 override. Partition is set to active
Works as /PRI.
Create extended partition
Create an extended partition (to hold logical drives) on disk number <disk> with the size of <size>.
FDISK /EXT:<size> <disk>
If <size> is larger than remaining free space, all free space is used. That is, you dont have to know the
exact remaining size in order to use this switch.
Create logical drive
With /LOG you create a logical drive with the size of <size>. /LOG must be used together with /EXT.
FDISK /EXT:<size> <disk> /LOG:<size>
/LOG must be used together with /EXT and <size> must be the same for both switches.
Furthermore, <size> must be smaller or equal to free space.
Create logical drive with FAT16/FAT32 override
Works as /LOG.
Prompt for FAT32/FAT16 in interactive mode
With /FPRMT you won't get the FDISK startscreen where you are asked for support for large disks. Instead,
you will be prompted for FAT16/FAT32 each time you create a partition.
Do not use LBA partitions
With /X you won't get any LBA partitions.
Recreate Master Boot Record on specified disk
Works as /MBR with the exception that you specify the disk to have it's MBR recreated.
FDISK /CMBR <disk>
Format Switches
FORMAT = places a file system on the disk for storage or a operating system.
FORMAT /c - Causes FORMAT to retest bad clusters, otherwise FORMAT will mark the clusters as
bad but will not retest them.
Cylinder: concentrical tracks on one or more disksides the harddrive's read/write head can be positioned
over. The heads are mounted on a "fork" which positions all heads in a certain cylinder position.
Head Side: this refers to the harddrive's read/write head currently active. Since most harddrive's have at
least 2 heads also the term Side is used for referring which disk and side has an "active" head over it.
Track: the combination of the cylinder all heads are over, and the selected head.
Sector: the smallest unit that can be read from/written to a disk. Without special drivers, DOS and windows
can only cope with 512-byte sectors.
BootSector: (ie:, the first sector in each partition). It stores information like the number of sectors/cluster,
the partitionsize, the number of sectors/FAT and the number of sectors in the partition. Also it has code to
load IO.SYS and MSDOS.SYS which are used by the boot process which is of course only used in the active,
primary partition that is used to boot.
Rotation speed
Number of sectors per track
Rotational latency
Cache on the HD
Transfer rates
Rotation speed
Typical harddisks have a rotation speed from 4,500 to 7,200 rpm, a 10,000 rpm drive just hit the market.
The faster the rotation, the higher the transfer rate, but also the louder and hotter the HD. You may need to
cool a 7200 rpm disk with an extra fan, or its life would be much shorter. Modern HDs read all sectors of a
track in one turn (Interleave 1:1). The rotation speed is constant.
Rotational latency
After the head is positioned over the desired track, it has to wait for the right sector. This time is called
rotational latency and is measured in ms. The faster the drives spins, the shorter the rotational latency time.
The average time is the time the disk needs to turn half way around, usually about 4ms (7200rpm) to 6ms
I guess you already know about cache. All modern HDs have their own cache varying in size and
organization. The cache is normally used for writing and reading. On SCSI HDs you may have to enable write
caching, because often it is disabled by default. This varies from drive to drive. You will have to check the
cache status with a program like ASPIID from Seagate.
You may be surprised that it is not the cache size that is important, but the organization of the cache itself
(write / read cache or look ahead cache).
With most EIDE drives, the PCs system memory is also used for storing the HDs firmware (e.g. software or
"BIOS"). When the drive powers up, it reads the firmware from special sectors. By doing this, manufacturers
save money by eliminating the need for ROM chips, but also give you the ability to easily update your drives
"BIOS" if it is necessary (Like for the WD drives which had problems with some motherboard BIOS' resulting
in head crashes!).
Transfer rates
In the pictures you can see the several ways how data can be stored physically on the Hard disk. With a
benchmark program that calculates the transfer rate or seek time of the whole Hard disk you can see if your
drive is using a 'vertical' or a 'horizontal' mapping. Depending on what kind of read/write heads and servomotors (for positioning the actuator arm) are used it is faster to switch heads or to change tracks.
Scanners for example aren't available with EIDE interface, only with SCSI. You can connect up to 7 devices to
a SCSI bus or 15 devices to a Wide SCSI. In a standard environment, the performance of single Hard disk
wont improve much from the SCSI interface. Rather, the power of SCSI is that several devices can use the
bus at the same time, not using the bus while they dont need it. So, we see the best benefit from SCSI when
several devices are all used on the same bus.
On one EIDE channel, the 2 devices have to take turns controlling the bus. If there is a Hard disk and a CDROM on the same channel, the Hard disk has to wait until a request to the CD-ROM has finished. Because
CD-ROM's are relatively slow, there is a degradation of performance. That's why everybody tells you to
connect the CD-ROM to the secondary channel and your Hard disk to the primary. The primary and secondary
channels work more or less independently of one another (it's a matter of the EIDE controller chip).
The SCSI interface comes in several types. 8-bit (50 wire data cable) or 16-bit (68 wire data cable, Wide
SCSI). The clock can be 5 MHz (SCSI 1), 10 MHz (Fast SCSI), 20 MHz (Fast-20 or Ultra SCSI) or 40 MHz
(Ultra-2 SCSI).
SCSIbus clock
5 MHz (SCSI 1)
5 Mbytes/s
10 Mbytes/s
20 Mbytes/s
20 Mbytes/s
40 Mbytes/s
40 Mbytes/s
80 Mbytes/s
The theoretical transfer rate of EIDE is up to 16.6 Mbytes/s in PIO mode 4 or multi DMA mode 2 (soon 33.3
Mbytes/s) with all the problems you may have already faced. Here you will find a table of several
interfaces and their speeds. However, today's CD-ROM's often use PIO mode 3, while older device use PIO
mode 0 to 2. Sometimes devices lie about the PIO mode they support. There are harddisks that say they are
able to use PIO mode 2 but they only work reliably in PIO mode 1! Whenever you get errors accessing your
Hard disk, try to lower the PIO mode first!
2.1 Mbytes/s
PIO mode 0
3.3 Mbytes/s
4.2 Mbytes/s
PIO mode 1
5.2 Mbytes/s
8.3 Mbytes/s
11.1 Mbytes/s
13.3 Mbytes/s
16.6 Mbytes/s
33.3 Mbytes/s
It is not only the interface transfer rate that determines how fast a Hard disk is. How fast the data can be
written or read from the media, e.g. data density and rotation speed is more important. The fastest interface
can't do anything faster than the 'inner values' of a Hard disk are capable of. Today, most harddisks are still
under 10 Mbytes/s transfer rate physically. A faster interface is advantageous on when data is read from or
written to the cache in a multitasking environment with several devices accessed simultaneously.
Multitasking environments especially benefit from SCSI, since simultaneous access occurs frequently. If you
have a server or are working with large files like audio, video or disk-intense applications, you will benefit
more from SCSI than EIDE. There are three reasons for this:
All modern operating systems now supports SCSI very well. Windows 3.x didn't!
Bus mastering really works better with a SCSI bus mastering controller.
If you need large capacities and the highest transfer rates available on the market you need SCSI. This is not
because EIDE is incapable of this, its because of the market. High-end disks with high capacities and high
performance are intended to be used in servers and aren't build with EIDE interface. At the moment, EIDE
disks are only built with up to a 5 Gigabyte capacity (there is a problem with a 4 GB barrier with some BIOS's
again and for drives bigger than 8 GB you need a new BIOS that supports the INT 13 functions AH=41h bios
49h) and transfer rates of about 9 Mbytes/s. If you need more, you'll have to use SCSI. Also, SCSI harddisks
have larger cache RAM than EIDE harddisks.
Under which operating system is the Hard disk tested and used
Interface type, such as EIDE (Enhanced Integrated Drive Electronics). The interface type goes without
saying. You wouldn't buy a SCSI (Small Computer System Interface) HD if all you have is an IDE
controller, unless you want to add the benefits of a fast SCSI drive without eliminating the existing IDE
Also, make sure to match the controller with the drive. An Ultra Fast SCSI drive will not be "Ultra Fast"
if you only use a SCSI 2 controller. The same can be said for an EIDE (Enhanced Integrated Drive
Electronics) HD and an IDE controller.
Maximum formatted storage capacity. HD manufacture's and vendors usually quote you the maximum
storage capacity, which is always more than the formatted capacity due to many factors including file
system (FAT16, FAT32, NTFS), cluster size or allocation unit, type of files being stored, and so on.
Transfer rate. The transfer rate is the rate at which the drive and controller can send data to the
system. The greater the value, the better. Ultra Fast Wide SCSI subsystems hold the current record at
Rotational speed (RPM). Rotational speed and transfer rates are closely related. The faster the RPM,
the more data passes under the read/write head in a set period of time, allowing for higher total
transfer. Faster is not always better, however. The faster the RPM, the more chance you have to drop
some data. Not a problem for digital video, as in AV drives, but not so good for your spreadsheet.
Average seek time (also known as access time). The access time is the amount of time that lapses
between a request for information and its delivery. The lower the value, the better. Most modern HDs
have an access time of 10ms or less.
Cost per megabyte. This is a good way to compare two drives of different storage capacity. For
example, the IBM 12G drive cost $349 (349/12,000M), which translates to about 3 cents per 1M. A 1G
drive costing $99 ran me 10 cents per 1M; therefore, I'm getting a better deal with the larger drive
even though it might cost me more.
Onboard cache (or just cache). Onboard cache acts as a buffer for data being transferred to and from
the HD. The larger, the better.
Once you have decided on the type of drive to buy (and you've picked out a controller, if necessary), it's time
to plan your actual installation process. Drive upgrades are usually straightforward, but proper planning is the
key to avoiding problems later on.
Data Backups
Before you attempt to perform any type of HD upgrade, you should perform a full system backup of your
current hard disk's). If you are replacing a disk outright, a backup is vital for restoring your work to the new
disk. If you are adding a second drive, a backup is not quite so critical, but will still protect you in the event
you might accidentally lose data on your original disk.
Backups can take many forms: you can use floppy disks, SyQuest cartridges, Iomega Zip or Jazz cartridges,
or any type of tape drive. Most of these drives come bundled with some form of backup software, so once the
"backup drive" is connected, you should be able to start the backup software and proceed almost
Power Considerations
Power is the first issue to consider. A typical hard disk requires about 10 watts of power for proper operation.
This may not sound like much, but you must be sure that your power supply is able to provide that much
power. Otherwise, your supply may become overloaded. Overloaded supplies often cause unpredictable PC
operation, or prevent the PC from booting at all. In extreme cases, a severely overloaded power supply can
even break down. Here are some rules to help avoid power problems:
If you're just replacing an existing hard drive with a new one, power should not be a problem.
If your system has not been upgraded before, it can usually support an extra drive without any
If your system has been significantly upgraded already, pay attention to the system's operation after
you add a new drive. If the system behaves erratically, you may need a higher voltage power supply.
You also need to have a 4-pin power connector available for the new drive. If you're just replacing an existing
hard disk outright, you can just reuse the power connector on the replacement drive. When adding a new
drive, be sure that there is an extra power connector available from the power supply.
If you don't have a power connector available, you can purchase a Y-connector that splits an existing
connector into two separate connectors. You simply remove a power connector from a drive, install the Yconnector, plug one arm of the Y-connector back into the original drive, and you've got a spare connector for
that new drive.
Drive Configuration
Configuration of your new hard disk is paramount to its proper function. Examine your new drive and locate
any jumpers . For an IDE/EIDE drive, there are typically three ways to jumper the drive:
If the hard disk is to be the only one in your system, the factory settings are usually correct. In this case, the
jumper is not being used. You can skip to the next section.
When you use the new disk as a secondary drive--that is, the second drive on the same ribbon cable--make
sure it is jumpered as the slave drive, and set the original disk so that it is the master drive. This is the least
intrusive method to adding a new disk to your system. You will still boot from the original drive with all files
intact, but you just see an additional drive letter show up in your Windows 95 Explorer window (or File
Manager if in Windows 3.x).
An EIDE controller can have two separate chains, each with its own master and slave drive for a total of four
Making the new drive the master can get a bit messy. Because the drive is new, it will not have an operating
system on it and will not boot. On an IDE/EIDE system, the master drive (the C: drive) has to be the boot
drive. Therefore, you have to reinstall your OS on the new drive in order to use the system. All files should
still be intact on the original drive; it will just be the next logical drive, usually D:. To get around this
limitation, install the new drive as the slave. Boot the system, and duplicate the entire old disk to the new
one. Shut off the system and switch master/slave status. Reboot the system to test. If all works well, you can
reformat the old drive and you are ready to rock.
Now that you've determined what type of drive configuration you have in the previous section, you can install
the new drive. This section is divided into similarly appropriate parts, with steps common to all new
installations here.
Before You Begin, You Need:
A screwdriver
Slide rails
3 1/2- to 5 1/4-inch mounting brackets (if you are putting the drive in a 5 1/4-inch bay)
2. Locate and remove the mounting screws. These are found either on the side of the drive bay or in front
Remove the drive mounting screws.
3. Carefully slide the drive out, making sure not to snag any other cables or wires in the process.
4. Remove and save any mounting brackets, slide rails, and screws that may be attached. You can reuse
them on the new drive. That's the surest way of getting a good fit.
Remove the old drive.
5. Attach any mounting brackets and/or slide rails from the last step to the new drive.
6. Check the position of the key in your 40-pin ribbon cable. This key assures the correct alignment of the
cable to the drive.
TIP: Don't panic if your ribbon cable does not have a key; not all do. There will be one colored wire at the
side of the cable to indicate the #1 pin position, and the drive will also indicate this pin on its underside
7. Slide the new drive in place of the old one, and replace all mounting screws.
CAUTION: When securing a hard disk, be extremely careful to avoid stripping or cross-threading a mounting
hole. An unevenly mounted drive will vibrate excessively. This can lead to premature drive failure.
8. Reattach the ribbon cable, noting the position of the key, or the #1 pin position.
9. Reattach the 4-pin power connector.
TROUBLESHOOTING: My system doesn't even start when I turn the power on. What happened?
You may have inadvertently replaced the ribbon cable reversed (#40 wire to the #1 pin). Turn the power off
and double-check that the #1 pin positions are lined up.
NOTE: If you have an EIDE controller and the secondary IDE connector is unused, you can attach an
additional 40-pin ribbon cable to it to control your new drive. In that case, the jumper settings on both the
new drive and the old would be set to MASTER, because these controllers function as two separate
controllers. The next device on either cable, whether hard disk or CD-ROM drive, would then be set to SLAVE.
There you have it. A new drive is born. Now you are ready to move to the next phase, "Preparing and
Formatting the Drive."
In this section, you learn how to add a new SCSI hard drive to your system. If you don't have to complete
this task, skip to the next phase "Preparing and Formatting the Drive," or refer to the earlier sections "Adding
a New EIDE Drive" or "Replacing an IDE Drive."
About the Controller Card
The actual process of installing the card is no different than any other expansion card you might add (see
Chapter 6, "Basic Device Configuration and Installation"). Very few new motherboards come with an
embedded SCSI controller, as EIDE does, and neither do most home systems you might want to upgrade.
The first thing to note is that most SCSI controllers can have both an internal chain and an external chain,
and both need to be terminated
Most internal connectors appear similar to the IDE counterpart except bigger-- 50 pins instead of 40 pins.
The exception is an Ultra Wide SCSI connector (16-bit path rather than the standard 8-bit) which is actually
visually smaller but uses 68 pins. External connections can be different, too. Some older controllers use a 50pin connector that resembles a parallel port. Most newer controllers use a 50-pin mini-connector or a 68-pin
mini-connector for Ultra Wide. There are adapters available to change from one kind of connector to another,
in the event a device you want to connect uses a different connection.
Some new SCSI devices are supporting SCAM (SCSI Configured Automatically), where the host adapter
assigns the unique IDs at boot up automatically. If your devices support this, be sure to enable this feature in
the host adapter's BIOS, as described in the next section.
Configuring the Host Adapter
The SCSI controller card (also known as the host adapter) uses its own BIOS, similar to the motherboard
BIOS, to configure the devices under its control. These settings are different for each host adapter, but in
general there are a few important features you should learn about that are common to all:
Extended BIOS translation. Enabling this feature allows MS-DOS 5.0 and above, including Windows
95, to support drives larger than 1G. This option is not necessary under OS/2 or Windows NT.
BIOS support for bootable CD-ROM. Enabling this feature allows you to boot your system from special
bootable CD-ROMs.
Plug and Play SCAM support. SCAM automatically assigns a unique SCSI ID to any device attached to
the SCSI chain that supports this feature.
Target Boot ID. This is the SCSI ID of the disk you want to boot from. With SCSI, you can choose
which disk you want to boot from, unlike with IDE.
Now that you've installed your new drive, made all the proper connections, and replaced the case cover, you
need to let the computer know the new drive is there. This is done through the BIOS Setup program.
CMOS Considerations
The CMOS (Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor) is the chip that holds the information your
motherboard's BIOS has recorded on it. Some people use these terms interchangeably.
The BIOS reads the system information contained in the CMOS, and then checks out the system and
configures it. Next, the BIOS looks for an operating system on the boot drive (drive 1 or C: drive), launches
that OS, and then turns control over.
Once the BIOS setup is activated, most new BIOS's have the IDE HDD Auto Detection option. This is a great
improvement over older BIOS programs that required you to know things like the cylinders, heads, sectors,
and so on. You need to go through this process so your computer can register the new drive and make it
"visible" to your OS.
In case you have one of these older BIOS's or the auto detect didn't correctly ID your drive, you need to
enter this information manually. Your new drive will most likely have this configuration information printed on
a label pasted to the top of the mounting chassis.
Because every BIOS works a bit different, you need to read the BIOS Setup instructions that came with your
computer, but some general instructions follow:
1. Go to User Defined Settings.
2. Enter the parameters from your drive. Usually, only the Cyls (cylinders), Heads, and S/T (number
of sectors per track) are necessary; landing zone and capacity are usually not required.
The Meg field should then reflect the drives' unformatted capacity in megabytes.
NOTE: Be sure to save your changes before exiting a CMOS Setup routine. If you forget to save, the new
disk's parameters will be lost, and the drive will not be recognized.
Translating BIOS
It is important to note that not all older BIOS's will be able to recognize disk drives larger than 504M. Those
that do are called translating BIOS's. Even if your BIOS correctly identifies the new drive's parameters, it
doesn't mean the BIOS will translate those parameters. Here's how to check:
1. While at the BIOS Setup screen, look for a setting called LBA, Large Block Access, or Translation,
and enable the option.
2. Check if the Auto configure Drive Type returns a heads value greater than 16; if so, you are
probably OK.
3. Call your computer's vendor and/or manufacturer and ask.
What do you do if you don't have a translating BIOS? You can upgrade your BIOS (see Chapter 7,
"Working with the BIOS," for help), or you can use software utilities like EZ-Drive that comes with all
Western Digital hard drives over 528M (which is all of them these days), or Ontrack Disk Manager. The
software works; I've used it. It does have some limitations, so read the instructions carefully and
weigh these limitations against the cost of an upgraded BIOS.
Next task is to format the drive and done.
2) TIRAMISU for FAT32 V3.03 Sophisticated Data Recovery Software for DOS and WINDOWS from
Ontrack Data International ****
TIRAMISU scans the drive even when there are physical damages. The found data are analyzed and
reconstructed.TIRAMISU can handle drives without readable boot sector, readable Fat or readable
directories. It can handle drives that are not recognized by DOS anymore.
TIRAMISU automatically creates a VIRTUAL DRIVE in memory. This virtual drive looks like a usual file
manager. You can see the lost directories and files of your crashed drive. Now files and directories can
be viewed and copied to a safe medium.
The extensive use of our sophisticated pattern recognition technology enables TIRAMISU to put the
right pieces of data together again. Even disks with very few administrative informations left can reach
a high recovery quality.
TIRAMISU recovers much more data than any other 'disk doctor'.
TIRAMISU is NON DESTRUCTIVE and READ ONLY. It does not put any data onto your crashed drive.
Recovered data are restored to another destination (disk, diskette, network, interlink).
Versions for DOS/WINDOWS (16-Bit Fat), NOVELL and NTFS are available too.
it displays the directory tree of the crashed disk. * (It is important. If FAT gets corrupted you need
this very much)
it requires no technical knowledge to operate.
Utilities - It is the standard and contains with others three utilties you need most
Norton Disk Doctor : It is available in two version. One for Windows and other replaces scandisk in
DOS Mode. Windows version is though quite stable. DOS version I have tested from (Norton Utilities 3
till Norton 2000) causes General Protection Faults if large files or large disk is there. Norton Disk
Doctor is just improved version of Scandisk with some bells and whistles and some feature extra.
Norton Disk doctor is suitable for some minor glitches to FAT, daily routine checks and recovering data
from floppy disks in case of bad sectors and does that job quite well. But in case of disk failure this is
not the tool you can trust with full confidence. Lost and Found and Stellar are recommended for more
Norton Speed Disk : Used to optimize Disk. One of the best and better than windows defrag.
Norton Unerase : Recovers deleted files. But still it lacks behind Lost and Found in recovering deleted
It also includes other tools like Norton Disk Edit etc. which I think are for "super novice users".
What Norton Utilities don't include from previous versions Norton Utilities 8.0 for DOS. DiskTool - It
recovered bad floppies by putting new directory information on them It was able to repair the most
floppies which NDD can't even read. (180 Kb)
2. Nuts and Bolts (Mcafee Office) - Another good Set of utilities from the creators of Mcafee Antivirus with
more or less same features as Norton Utilities. It contains all the programs what Norton offers and because of
it's simple and elegant interface and design it is recommended. But only one thing keeps it behind Norton.
Various parts of suits are not tightly and well integreated as Norton Utilities 2000.
3. FIX-IT Utilities - To be frank I have never run Fix-It. But I have read a review about it in a magazine.
According to the editor FIX-IT Utilities was good. One thing kept it ahead of Norton and Nuts & Bolts was the
speed and small foot print the program required compared to its counterparts. Norton System Doctor was a
Big System Hog and clogged about 20 to 30 % of system resources compared to 5 % of Fix-IT.
4. Anti Virus Packages
Choice is simple toss a coin and choose. But I recommend that you should use both because in these times of
internet where virus spread like a boooom you should not trust on any one package and use both for more
3. If you have any utility programs and Anti Virus packages such as Norton Utilities or Nuts &
Bolts or Mcafee which provides for
4. Keep your windows operating system CD always ready and in safe place.
1. You should always do regular backup of most critical data of your system.
4. My hard disk has been completely wiped out. !!! Best lets laugh !!! .
5. If hard disk is partitioned all or some of partitions have been wiped out. !!! Hi Hi Hi !!!