EC MEDIUM (7206) : Formula May Be Adjusted And/or Supplemented As Required To Meet Performance Specifications
EC MEDIUM (7206) : Formula May Be Adjusted And/or Supplemented As Required To Meet Performance Specifications
EC MEDIUM (7206) : Formula May Be Adjusted And/or Supplemented As Required To Meet Performance Specifications
Intended Use
EC Medium is used for the detection of coliform bacteria at 37C and Escherichia coli at elevated
temperatures (44.5 and 45.5C).
Product Summary and Explanation
EC Medium was developed by Hajna and Perry1 in an effort to improve the methods for the detection of the
coliform group and E. coli. This medium consists of a buffered lactose broth with the addition of 0.15% Bile
Salts Mixture. Growth of spore-forming bacteria and fecal streptococci are inhibited by the bile salts, while
growth of E. coli is enhanced by its presence. This medium can be used at 37C for the detection of coliform
organisms or at 44.5 or 45.5C for the isolation of E. coli.
EC Medium is employed in elevated-temperature tests for distinguishing organisms of the total coliform group
that also belong to the fecal coliform group.2 The fecal coliform test, using EC Medium, is applicable to
investigations of drinking water, stream pollution, raw water sources, wastewater treatment systems, bathing
waters, seawaters, and general water-quality monitoring. EC Medium is used in the MPN (Most Probable
Number) test for fecal coliforms. EC Medium should not be used for the direct isolation of coliforms; prior
enrichment in presumptive media is required for optimum recovery of fecal coliforms. EC Medium is used in
methods for food and water testing.2-5
Principles of the Procedure
Tryptose, a mixed enzymatic digest of protein, provides nitrogen, vitamins, and amino acids in EC Medium.
Lactose is the carbon source. Bile Salts Mixture is the selective agent against Gram-positive bacteria,
particularly bacilli and fecal streptococci. Dipotassium Phosphate and Monopotassium Phosphate are the
buffering agents. Sodium Chloride maintains the osmotic balance of the medium.
Formula / Liter
Tryptose .................................................................................. 20 g
Lactose ..................................................................................... 5 g
Bile Salts Mixture ................................................................... 1.5 g
Dipotassium Phosphate ............................................................ 4 g
Monopotassium Phosphate ................................................... 1.5 g
Sodium Chloride ....................................................................... 5 g
Final pH: 6.9 0.2 at 25C
Formula may be adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance specifications.
1. For Laboratory Use.
2. IRRITANT. Irritating to eyes, respiratory system, and skin.
1. Dissolve 37 g of the medium in one liter of purified water.
2. Mix thoroughly.
3. Distribute into tubes containing inverted fermentation Durham tubes.
4. Autoclave at 121C for 15 minutes.
Quality Control Specifications
Dehydrated Appearance: Powder is homogeneous, free flowing, and light beige.
Prepared Appearance: Prepared medium is brilliant to clear.
1X Solution:
2X Solution:
Medium to dark orange amber
None to light
PI 7206 Rev 9, June 2015
Expected Cultural Response: With reference to the FDA/BAM Chapter 4, Enumeration of Escherichia coli
and the Coliform Bacteria (update 2/2013) and APHA Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and
Wastewater 20th Edition Section 9221: Two inoculation methods can be followed:
Direct inoculation of test strains into EC Medium with incubation at 35 2C and at 44.50.2C.
Incubate cultures in an aerobic atmosphere at indicated temperature and then examine for growth
and gas at 24 2 hours; if no gas re-incubate to 48 3 hours to confirm gas.
Pre-enrich test strains in LTB (Lauryl Tryptose Broth) at 35 2C. If no growth/gas after 24 hours, reincubate up to 48 hours and transfer a loopful of LTB enriched culture to EC Medium and incubate in
a water bath at 44.5 and 45.5C aerobically. Examine for growth and gas at 24 2 hours; if no gas
re-incubate to 48 3 hours to confirm gas.
LTB pre-enrichment at
35C; EC at 44.5/45.5C
Good to
Excellent at
35C; none to
poor at 44.5C
at 35C
- at 44.5C
None to
Enterobacter aerogenes
Enterococcus faecalis
Escherichia coli
25922 or
8739 or
Fair to
Fair to
Weak + to +
The organisms listed are the minimum that should be used for quality control testing.
Test Procedure
Refer to appropriate references for specific procedures using EC Medium.2-5
Gas production with growth in EC Medium within 48 3 hours or less is considered a positive fecal coliform
reaction. Failure to produce gas with little or no growth is a negative reaction.2
Store sealed bottle containing the dehydrated medium at 2 - 30C. Once opened and recapped, place
container in a low humidity environment at the same storage temperature. Protect from moisture and light by
keeping container tightly closed.
Refer to expiration date stamped on the container. The dehydrated medium should be discarded if not free
flowing, or if the appearance has changed from the original color. Expiry applies to medium in its intact
container when stored as directed.
Code No.
500 g
2 kg
10 kg
Technical Information
Contact Acumedia Manufacturers, Inc. for Technical Service or questions involving dehydrated culture media preparation or
performance at (517)372-9200 or fax us at (517)372-2006.