Construction of Self-Regulated EFL Micro-Course Learning: Zhongwen Liu
Construction of Self-Regulated EFL Micro-Course Learning: Zhongwen Liu
Construction of Self-Regulated EFL Micro-Course Learning: Zhongwen Liu
The most influential Micro-course websites in foreign counties are Khan Academy and TED-Ed which
present lecturers instructions, flashes and electronic blackboards with subtitles and introductions. [1] The
contents are simple but elaborate for learners of different ages on various subjects. Supporting services include
map of knowledge with which learners can review their learning tracks and make study schedule, selecting
instructors, consulting the advisors to solve their problems, completing every learning task by doing exercises
and tests, interacting with others during the whole learning process. [2]
The most influential Micro-course websites in China are China Micro-course Networks which is
designed for middle and primary school students and Micro-course Resources Networks for college students.
They mainly present instructors lecturing with PPT, some are recordings of class-room lectures with
introductions and explanations, designed for students in their own institutions. The first supporting resource is
display of outstanding teaching recordings which include courseware, teaching plans and comments online, the
second service is VOD for students which covers courseware, online tests and online interaction, but each
micro-course is independent and irrelevant to other micro-courses.
Most of the micro-courses in Chine are under construction and developed for competition or research
purposes but not for teaching or designed absolutely for the sake of the students. Micro-courses developed from
the perspective of the students are rare or even none. [3] We checked micro-courses on National Universities
Micro-teaching Competition website and some micro-course videos on the Internet, the first finding is that most
of the videos are classroom teaching instruction recordings with PPT or flashes, the second is that as a result of
the well-know time range of 5 to 10 minutes, the priority of designing the micro-course is not the teaching
requirements but the time limit. Inadequate supporting service and conventional method of presenting cant be
overlooked either.
EFL is only a part of the basic courses in college, reflecting the similarities that each students total
score of the six subjects in the national entrance exam is much the same while competence in each subject, in
most cases, quite different from others, making it hard for the teachers to meet individual needs in classroom
teaching, this study is helpful in solving this problem. For one thing, it can make full use of the available
courseware and web technologies to connect students and teachers, train the students to better their vocational
skills in English after class, for another, it can help the students learn flexibly and independently.
The research is financed by the Twelfth Five-year Plan for Educational Science Project of Liaoning
Province (2015) No. JG15DB170: A Study on Self-regulated Micro-course Learning and Implicitly Layered
English Flipped Classroom, Teaching Reform and Educational Quality Evaluation Research Project of Liaoning
Education and Evaluation Association (2015) No. PJHYYB15231A Study on the Application of Tertiary
Quantitative and Process-oriented Assessment in Web-mediated EFL Scenario-based Learning, and Teaching
Reform Research Project of Liaoning Police Academy(2014): A Case Study on the Application of Micro-course,
QQi and Simulated Training in EFL Flipped Classroom through Intercollegiate Cooperation.
Yichuan Zhang, Yangyi Qian, Construction and Application Trends of Micro-course Resources in
Foreign Countries, Journal of Tele-education, 2013, (6): 26-33.
Bingjian Wu, Case Analysis on the Development and Application of Micro-course Resources in Foreign
Countries, Information Technology Education in Middle and Primary Schools, 2013, (4): 23-16.
Xianbo Zhou, A Study on the Construction Strategies of Micro-Lectures Based on the Learners
Perspective, China Educational Technology, 2015, (4): 81-84.
Zhongwen Liu, Virtual Policing in English: A Trainee-centered Pedagogy for Web-mediated Curricular
Learning and Field Training, Journal of Software, 2013, (8): 344-350.
Li Wei, A Study on College EFL Learning Community Based on QQ International, International Journal
of Applied Linguistics & English Literature, 2013, (3): 1-7.
Sheng Zhang et al, The Design of Micro-course Index, China Educational Technology, 2014, (9): 72-77.
[Online] Available:
0703917338342&thid=OIP.Mcc5804d4790e66206b62d51c8062e318o0&ajaxhist=0, Aug. 2nd, 2015.