Water Watch Information Booklet
Water Watch Information Booklet
Water Watch Information Booklet
in the box
1 x Information Booklet
1 x Electrical Kit
1 x Water Watch Unit
1 x Water Watch Equipped Sticker
1 x Warning Sticker
Bracket kits & instructions supplied separately
Location Diagram 5
Wiring Diagram 9
Log 16-17
More Products 18
Approximately 85% of the fuel in a Water Watch traps and retains free
common rail fuel system is circulated water from the fuel and provides
throughout the entire fuel system and a timely warning both visual and
is returned to the tank every hour the audible to the driver that water is
engine is operated. present in the fuel system.
This high fuel flow rate, combined Water Watch alarm sounds when only
with the high temperature and 5mls of water is trapped in the bowl,
pressure within a common rail fuel giving the driver the opportunity to
system makes it extremely vulnerable stop and remove the water before
to damage if water is present in the damage occurs.
Other water traps without an alarm,
Just fitting an extra fuel filter or water water can accumulate and be
trap will not adequately protect circulated throughout the fuel system
your common rail diesel engine fuel without the drivers knowledge. These
system from expensive damage due water traps may only be inspected
to water in the fuel. for water at vehicle servicing times or
at irregular intervals. This will be too
late and damage to expensive fuel
system components may have already
Water Watch is located in the supply line from the fuel tank
and before the original fuel filter.
Common Rail
Factory Pressure
Fitted Pump
Fuel Return
1. Mount the Water Watch assembly 5. Locate wire which has battery
after the fuel tank and before voltage when ignition is on and
the original fuel filter in your connect to a White wire at either
vehicle, be sure to mount as the relay end or alternatively the
vertical as possible. Ensure fuel opposite end (under dash end)
flow is according to the arrow on of the wiring harness. If this wire
the top of the filter housing. is not from a fused source, fit
the fuse holder and 5 amp fuse
as supplied (refer to the wiring
6. White wire at relay end of the
harness should be secured to the
rest of the harness and insulated
2. Bolt relay into suitable position or removed if not used.
near Water Watch unit using 6mm
bolt, washer and nut. 7. Connect the Black wire with
eye terminal at the relay end to
3. Mount the supplied LED Lamp to vehicle earth.
a visible place on your dashboard.
Remove nut and washer behind 8. Connect the Red wire from both
LED - slide sticker onto back of LED the LED light and buzzer to the
and mount on dash, securing with wire at the under dash end of the
washer and nut. wiring harness.
LED Light
White wire to
Red wire on
buzzer and light.
Brown wire
to Black wire
To IGN ‘ON’ on light. Brown
white wire. wire to Blue or
Select 1 only Black wire on
& Plug
Black wire to
Probe vehicle earth or
battery negative (-)
Brown wire
Pin 85 Pin 87
Light Buzzer
Pin 86
Pin 30
Red wire to
vehicle battery voltage
via ignition switch Earth
‘O’ Ring
(2) Seal
Screw Note:
If it is necessary to
remove glass bowl
assembly, then the
centre bolt (4) must
only be tightened to
a tension of approx
If this alarm activates after the initial 3. When liquid has drained, carefully
pre-check alarm or during normal retighten the sensor screw -
operation STOP THE ENGINE as soon 90 degrees after ‘O’ Ring (3)
as it is safe to do so and follow these makes contact.
simple instructions. Warning - Do Not Overtighten
Read the instructions fully Sensor - see notes on page 19
before proceeding to drain. 4. Reattach the electrical plug (1) to
Check visually for water in the glass wiring harness.
5. Prime the engine’s fuel system
It may be difficult to see the water.
(refer to owner’s manual).
We recommend as a precaution to
proceed with draining the Water 6. Check that no further water is
Watch bowl - the sensor is very entering the glass bowl and Water
accurate, the water may be dispersed Watch warning ceases to sound
within the fuel. alarm after pre-check.
Water Watch is fitted to assist in If the warning buzzer and lamp are
detecting and removing water activated after the initial start-up
in the fuel supply during normal pre-test, then you must stop the
operation of the vehicle. engine as quickly as it is safe to do
so, drain the contents of the bowl as
Water Watch is installed in the fuel detailed in the service instructions
supply line PRIOR to the factory (pages 10 & 11) before proceeding to
filter. operate the engine again.
REM2016 REM2014
REM2017 REM2015 REM2013
REM2018 REM2003
Full list available on our web site Responsive Fuel Additive – fuel
www.responsiveengineering.com.au conditioner specifically designed for
Common Rail Diesel fuel systems
Contents include: quality powder
coated steel bracket specifically
designed to fit your vehicle, additional
fuel hose, clamps or quick connect
fittings, nuts, bolts, washers and fitting
instructions specific to your vehicles