Anemia: Arranged By: Mishael Immanuel Dae Pany (2014.03.010) Firman Syalasah (2014.03.006)
Anemia: Arranged By: Mishael Immanuel Dae Pany (2014.03.010) Firman Syalasah (2014.03.006)
Anemia: Arranged By: Mishael Immanuel Dae Pany (2014.03.010) Firman Syalasah (2014.03.006)
Mishael Immanuel Dae Pany (2014.03.010)
Firman Syalasah (2014.03.006)
Definition Anaemia
is a condition in which the number of red blood cells or their oxygen-carrying
capacity is insufficient to meet physiologic needs, which vary by age, sex, altitude, smoking,
and pregnancy status.
There are several types and classifications of anaemia. This is a condition in which the body
lacks the amount of red blood cells to keep up with the body's demand for oxygen.
Symptoms of Anemia
According to John Hopkins Point-of-Care Information Technology Center, (The John
Hokins POC-IT Center), the most common causes of anemia include:
Types of Anemia
wheat bran
Causes of anemia often include genetic mutations. Thalassemia is one of the
genetically inherited types of anemia. Thalassemia occurs when the bodys genes, which are
responsible for proper hemoglobin production, become damaged or mutated. Like sickle cell
anemia, thalassemia is one of the hemolytic anemia types.
Many possible gene variations can cause thalassemia, and the disease has both mild and
severe varieties. Cooleys anemia is the most common severe thalassemia in the U.S. The
disease tends to be present at birth and its symptoms include:
A number of ethnic groups are at higher risk of developing thalassemia, including people of
African, Chinese, Filipino, Indian, Italian, Greek and Middle Eastern ethnicity.
Treatment for thalassemia depends on the severity of the disease. Mild types of thalassemia
may be treated with regular blood transfusions. Severe cases require multiple blood
transfusions, iron chelation therapy to remove excess iron from the blood and bone marrow
transplants. Without treatment, severe thalassemia often proves fatal in early childhood.
Aplastic Anemia: Aplastic anemia is one of the rarer types of anemia, occurring when the
body makes insufficient red and white blood cells. Causes of aplastic anemia include:
radiation therapy
toxic chemicals
some medications
Causes of Anemia
Except for the acute form, anemia is a result of systemic toxemia and acidosis-a
condition of poisons, toxins and accumulated waste products floating in the blood - and
lymph-streams, and of enervation or lowered nerve-tone. There is either an accumulation of
these injurious substances due to failure of eliminative organs to handle a normal amount of
such products, or they are produced in such considerable quantities that even normal organs,
eliminating a normal amount or more than a normal amount of eliminations can not remove
them rapidly enough. They have the effect of poisoning the organs that make the blood cells,
which produce a deficient amount of blood cells or altered blood cells.
Iron deficiency
Kidney disease
Poor nutrition
Aplastic anemia
Hemolytic anemia
Treatments of Anemia
Once the doctor determines the cause he or she will initiate a treatment program for
you. Here are some causes along with their treatment protocol. Blood Loss: the source of the
bleeding will be determined and stopped. For example you may be given a blood transfusion
and iron to build up your red blood cell count. Iron Deficiency: If you have inadequate iron
levels you most likely will be prescribed iron supplements.
Do not do this on your own but under the care of a physician because consuming too much
iron can be dangerous. Red blood cell destruction: Known as hemolytic anemia, there are
various causes for it. So the treatment would of course depend on the cause. Follow up care:
You need to stay under your doctor's care and have repeated blood work done to determine if
the anemia has gone away. Your response to the treatments prescribed will determine what
the next steps are to take. The hopeful outcome is that you have overcome your anemia.
If not, with continued care over time you should be able to do so. Before doing any dietary or
lifestyle changes always consult with your health care provider, particularly if you have been
diagnosed with a disease or are taking any prescription medication.
B.Physical Exam
Your doctor will do a physical exam to find out how severe your anemia is and to check
for possible causes. He or she may:
Feel your abdomen to check the size of your liver and spleen
Your doctor also may do a pelvic or rectal exam to check for common sources of blood loss.
Often, the first test used to diagnose anemia is a complete blood count (CBC). The
CBC measures many parts of your blood.
The test checks your hemoglobin and hematocrit (hee-MAT-oh-crit) levels. Hemoglobin is
the iron-rich protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen to the body. Hematocrit is a
measure of how much space red blood cells take up in your blood. A low level of hemoglobin
or hematocrit is a sign of anemia.
The normal range of these levels may be lower in certain racial and ethnic populations. Your
doctor can explain your test results to you.
The CBC also checks the number of red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets in your
blood. Abnormal results may be a sign of anemia, another blood disorder, an infection, or
another condition.
Finally, the CBC looks at mean corpuscular (kor-PUS-kyu-lar) volume (MCV). MCV is a
measure of the average size of your red blood cells and a clue as to the cause of your anemia.
In iron-deficiency anemia, for example, red blood cells usually are smaller than normal.
Many types of anemia can't be prevented. However, you can help avoid iron deficiency
anemia and vitamin deficiency anemias by choosing a diet that includes a variety of vitamins
and nutrients, including:
Iron. Iron-rich foods include beef and other meats, beans, lentils, iron-fortified
cereals, dark green leafy vegetables, and dried fruit.
Folate. This nutrient, and its synthetic form folic acid, can be found in citrus fruits
and juices, bananas, dark green leafy vegetables, legumes and fortified breads,
cereals, and pasta.
Vitamin B-12. This vitamin is found naturally in meat and dairy products. It's also
added to some cereals and soy products, such as soy milk.
Vitamin C. Foods containing vitamin C such as citrus fruits, melons and berries
help increase iron absorption.
Ineffective coping
Ineffective thermoregulation
Report an increase in
Assess patient
Influences choice of
activity tolerance,
related to
ability to perform
interventions and
needed assistance.
ADLs.Demonstrate a
between oxygen
supply or delivery
and demand
(Blood Pressure,
manifestations result
pulse, and
supply adequate
amounts of oxygen to
the tissues.
Suggest client
change position
Postural hypotension
slowly; monitor
or cerebral hypoxia
for dizziness.
Provide or
risk of injury.
assistance with
activities and
necessary, self-esteem
ambulation as
is enhanced when
allowing client to
be an active
participant as
Encourages client to
do as much as
much as possible.
possible, while
Identify and
conserving limited
implement energy-
saving techniques
Instruct client to
Cellular ischemia
decrease in
physiological signs
of intolerance pulse,
respirations, and BP
remain within
clients normal
Display laboratory
values (Hgb/Hct)
within acceptable r
stop activity if
potentiates risk of
palpitations, chest
infarction, and
pain, shortness of
breath, weakness,
or dizziness occur
decompensation and
Monitor laboratory
studies, such as
Hgb/Hct, RBC
in RBC components
affecting oxygen
blood gases
transport, treatment
oxygen as
improves ability to
Administer the
following, as
indicated: Whole
corrects deficiencies
RBCs (PRCs);
to reduce risk of
blood products as
hemorrhage in acutely
Monitor closely
for transfusion
Prepare for
Increases number of
oxygen-carrying cells;
blood, packed
Maximizing oxygen
transport to tissues
Identifies deficiencies
Surgery is useful to
control bleeding in
clients who are
anemic because of
bleeding, such as in
intervention, if
bleeding; or to remove
spleen as treatment of
hemolytic anemia.
Bone marrow and
stem cell
transplantation may
be done in presence of
bone marrow failure
aplastic anemia.