Money Banking and Finance
Money Banking and Finance
Money Banking and Finance
If a person has surplus rice and he wants to exchange it with wheat. He will have to
find a person who has surplus wheat as well as he needs rice.
2. Lack of common measure of value
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In barter system it is very difficult to measure the value of goods because there is no
standard measure for the valuation of goods
A man who has rice may assign the value to his 1kg rice as equal to 2 kg wheat. But the other
person may assign a value to his 1 kg wheat as equal to 3 kg rice.
3. Lack of subdivision
In barter system another problem arises when the goods that are exchanged cannot be
subdivided into small parts (units)
If a person has a cow and he wants to exchange it with a goat. It is clear that a cow has more
value than a goat. The problem is what a part of cow is to be given in exchange of goat. The
transaction is impossible because cow cannot be sub-divided.
4. Lack of store of value
In barter system it is very difficult to store the commodities like fruit, vegetables and animal
skins. It means that one cannot secure his future by storing commodities.
5. Difficulty in future payments (credit)
In barter system it is very difficult to lend (
time of repayment commodities may loss their value so credit transitions are impossible.
A person borrowed (
) a goat for one month but at the time of return the goat may
fall sick and lose her value, so the payments in future under barter are difficult.
6. Difficulty in transfer of wealth
Under barter system it is very difficult to transfer moveable and immovable from property
from one place to another place
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Raza (MBA, ACMA) providing quality education OF ACCOUNTING, MBF, ITB B.LAW, AUDITING AND
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If a person has to transfer 100 goats from Faisalabad to Lahore, It would be very difficult for
him to transfer them.
7. Difficulty in tax collection
Another difficulty which arises under barter is that the tax cannot be collected in form of
goods. If the tax is collected they will lose their value with the passage of time.
8. Lack of specialization
Under the barter it is very difficult to attain specialization in their fields, because the people
remain busy in meeting their own needs and they do not focus on effective (
utilization (
) of resources.
9. Difficulty in budgeting
Budgeting is an art of estimating of estimating (
Under the barter system it is very difficult to estimate future expenses and incomes
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In barter system it was very difficult to measure the value of goods because there was
no standard measure for the valuation of goods but money has provided a standard
measure. The value of goods can be measured in terms of money.
12. Lack of subdivision
Money has removed the difficulty of subdivision of goods into small parts because money
has made easy to buy goods of both high and low value without wasting. In barter system goo
often lose their value after indivisibility.
13. Lack of store of value
Money has removed the difficulty of storing wealth. Money can be stored easily and is a best
medium to store savings.
time of repayment commodities may loss their value. But in money economy debts can be
returned in monetary units so there is no possibility of lose of value
15. Difficulty in transfer of wealth
Under barter system it was very difficult to transfer moveable and immovable from property
from one place to another place but now with the help of money a person can sale his
property from one place can buy similar property at some other place
16. Difficulty in tax collection
In money economy there is no difficulty in collection of taxes because they are collected in
money form but in barter system it was very difficult to collect and store the tax collections.
17. Lack of specialization
Under the barter it is very difficult to attain specialization in their fields, because the people
remain busy in meeting their own needs and they do not focus on effective (
utilization (
Written by; Ahmed
) of resources.
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Money has made easy to estimate the future incomes and expenses in terms of money
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1. Medium of exchange
Money acts as a medium of exchange between the buyer and seller. Money is used to make
payments for goods and services. Goods can sold for money and that money can be used to
purchase goods.
2. Measure of value
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Value of different goods and services can be measured in Monterey terms, in the same as we
can measure weight in kg and distance in KM.
3. Future payments
Future payments can be easily determined with the help of money. One can borrow loans
from banks and other financial institutions in form of money and repayment can be made as
well in form of money.
4. Budgeting
Money helps government and companies in preparation of budgeting. Incomes and expenses
are estimated and recorded in terms of money
5. Economic activities
All type of economic activities such as investments, savings, credit are made in terms of
money. Money has played a vital role in economic growth of a society.
6. Transfer of wealth
With the help of money wealth can be transferred easily form one place to another place. One
can sold his property at one place against money and he can buy similar at some other place
7. Store of wealth
Wealth can be stored easily in form of money. One can save his wealth by converting it in
8. Determination of national income
With the help of money, it becomes easy to determine the income generated by a nation. It
also helps in determination of Gross Domestic Product of a country.
9. Liquidity of wealth.
Liquidity means conversion of property in form of cash. Wealth or property can be converted
in liquid from with the help of money.
10. Promote to foreign trade
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Money has played a vital role in the growth of foreign trade. Foreign investments are made in
terms of money. Payments and receipts of other countries are made in terms of money.
11. Market mechanism
Market mechanism is based on the demand, supply and price of the goods. Demand
and supply are the two major factors of market which work only because of money.
Money is the only factor which determines the price, demand and supply of goods.
12. Basis of credit creation
Banks create credit on the basis of cash deposits in banks. So it is not possible for
banks to create credit without the help of money.
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Q#4 what are the different kinds of money? Or what are the different stages in the
evolution of money? Or what is the origin and growth of money?
Different forms of money
On the basis of evolution the money is classified in five main types
1. Commodity money
2. Metallic money
3. Paper money
4. Credit money
5. Electronic money
1. Commodity money
In commodity money, different commodities have been used as money like cattle (
Goats, Horses, animal skins, arrows. Commodity money was used in barter system in which
goods were exchanged with other goods and services
Problems of commodity money
It was found that commodity money was not best to make payments due to the following
19. Lack of coincidence of wants
20. Lack of common measure of value
21. Lack of subdivision
22. Lack of store of value
23. Lack of divisibility
24. Lack of transferability
2. Metallic money
Metallic money consists of gold coins, silver coins, nickel coins. In our country coins of Rs
five, two and one are the metallic money. Metallic money cannot be eliminated from
economy. It is playing vital role in the economy. Metallic money is of three kinds.
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Raza (MBA, ACMA) providing quality education OF ACCOUNTING, MBF, ITB B.LAW, AUDITING AND
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Token money
Tender money
In full bodied money, the metallic value of coin is equal to their face value. Full bodied
money is also called standard money or natural money. The gold silver and nickel are
considered as full bodied money. Now such money is not used anywhere in the world.
Token money
In token money the face value of coin is higher than the metallic value. They are usually
made of silver, copper or nickel. In Pakistan full bodied money does not exist only token is
Tender money
Any currency which is generally acceptable in discharge of debts is called tender money it
can be made of paper or metal. If someone offers tender money against debts, nobody can
refuse to take it. Tender money has two types
a. Limited tender money
b. Unlimited tender money
3. Paper money
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Paper money consists of notes issued by the state bank of Pakistan. The paper money is of
different denominations, colors and sizes. Paper money is more convenient than any other
form of currency.
4. Bank money
Bank money includes cheques, bills of exchange, and drafts. Bank money is playing a vital
role in the economic development. Because varies transactions are settled without the use of
paper money. Bank money is safer than any other form of money. but bank money also have
some defects.
Cheque is not a legal tender; one can refuse to take it against the settlements of debts.
5. Electronic money
With the development of computers and its application, the business and business
transactions are changing very fast. Now a days most of the transactions take place through
electronic money. People prefer to use debit cards and credit cards instead of paper money or
bank money. With the passage of time electronic money may diminish the use of paper
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1. Acceptability
Good money should have the quality of general acceptability. General acceptability means
every person must accept it for the settlement of payments. It should be accepted for purchase
and sale of goods.
2. Transferability
Good money is easily transferable from one place to another for doing business and making
payments. Paper money is easy to transfer from one place to another place because it has
minimum possible weight.
3. Stability
Value of money should remain stable. If value of money is changing or fluctuating day by
day than it would not be considered reliable.
4. Storability
The money should be storable. Value of money should not depreciate with time. If money
material is perishable it will lose its value in few days. Paper money has quality of storability.
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5. Recognizable
The money should be easily recognizable so that the holder of money may not confuse about
the value of money. For example if every note has the same color it will not be easily
recognizable. Paper money is easily recognizable because notes of different value have
different color.
6. Malleability
The material which is used for making money should be malleable. The material which
cannot be melted is not fit for making coins. The gold, silver, copper and nickel coins are
7. Divisibility
Divisibly means ability to divide into small units without losing its value. Good money
should be divisible. In barter system, commodity money was not divisible into small units.
Thats why it was replaced by the paper money.
8. Durability
The material used in making money should be durable and long lasting. Coins do not wear
quickly, so the quality of money remains stable.
9. Economical
Good money should be economical. Economical means low cost of printing and more value.
If there is heavy cost on issuing money that is not good money.
10. Elasticity
Supply of money should be elastic. Elastic means whenever it is needed, supply of money
can be increased or decreased. Paper money has the quality of elasticity
11. Homogeneity
Homogeneity means the money should be identical. So that there is no ambiguity to the
holder of money
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1. Economical
Printing cost of paper money is less than the minting charges of metallic money. Paper
money is cheaper than the metallic money. A large quantity of paper money can be issued at
very low cost
2. Easy handling
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Paper money has lesser weight than metallic money. It is easy to handle paper money than
3. Easy counting
Paper money is easy to count than the metallic money. The counting of coins in larger sum in
coins takes more time. Paper money takes lesser time than the metallic money.
4. Emergency needs
Paper money is friend in peace and war. Central bank can increase the supply of paper money
for meeting the economic needs.
5. Metal saving
Metal saving is possible when paper money is used rather than metallic money. Metals like
gold and silver can be used for other productive purpose.
6. Easy transfer
Transfer of paper money is easy and cheaper than metallic money because it is light weight
and takes less space
7. Easy payment
Payments of larger sums are easy and cheaper than the metallic money because paper money
is easy to count and easy to transfer.
8. Uniform quality
Paper money has a also a uniform quality and holder of the paper money does not suffer lose
because old and new notes have the same value
9. High value in small bulk
Paper money contains high value in small quantity as compared to the metallic money.
10. Stability
Paper money is more stable in value but the value of coins do not remain stable due to wear
and tear. The value of coins changes with the passage of time.
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11. Recognizable
Paper money of every denomination is easily recognizable because of its different size, color
and design.
12. Storability
Paper money is easy to store because of more value in light weight. It takes less space so that
a large sum can be stored in small space even in pockets.
13. Advantage for banks
Banks have the great advantage of paper money they can easily count paper money buy using
counting machines.
1. Inflation
Printing of paper money is easy. In time of need government may over issue currency
notes. This over issue may cause inflation which increases the prices of goods and
decreases the value of money.
2. Limited acceptability
Paper money has limited acceptability. It is acceptable only in the domestic country
and in other countries of the world it is not acceptable.
3. Danger of cancellation
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Q #7
What are the methods of note issue?
There are the following methods of note issue
1. Fixed fiduciary system
2. Proportional reserve system
3. Modified proportional reserve system / exchange management
4. Minimum reserve system
Under this system there is no danger of over issue of notes because 100% gold reserves are
No danger of inflation
There are no chances of inflation because money can be converted into gold at any time
Large amount of gold is locked that can be used for other productive purposes.
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Under this system central bank can increase the supply of money easily whenever needed
No lock of Gold
Under this system, a large amount of gold is not locked. Gold can be used for other
productive purposes.
Emergency needs
Danger of inflation
Elastic system
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No lock of Gold
Under this system, a large amount of gold is not locked. Gold can be used for other
productive purposes.
Under this system a large amount of foreign currency is locked up in unproductive sector.
Over issue
This system is highly elastic because central bank can issue a large amount of notes by
keeping small reserve
No lock up of gold
A large amount of gold is not locked up that can be used for productive purpose
Over issue
Currency value
Under this system, central bank may fail to stable the price level.
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Q #8
What is inflation? What are the measures to control inflation?
Inflation is a process in which there is continuous increase in general price level and there is
continuous decrease in money value. Inflation is a situation where demand of goods and
services exceeds available supply of goods.
The main measures used to control the inflation are;
1. Monetary measures
2. Fiscal measures
3. Other measures
1. Monetary measures
Monetary measures are adopted by the central bank to control the supply of money.
Bank rate or discount rate is the rate at which central bank lend loans to commercial banks.
Whenever central bank wants to control the inflation it increases the bank rate which help in
reducing borrowings from commercial banks and inflation may be controlled.
In open market operation central bank sales or purchases the securities in open market. If
there is inflation in the country the central bank sells the securities which reduce the supply of
money. So that inflation may be controlled.
In order to control inflation, the central bank increases the reserve ratio due to which more
funds of commercial banks are kept with the central bank. So the borrowings from
commercial bank deceases and inflation may be decreased.
Credit rationing
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Under this policy central bank advices commercial banks to stop issuing loans for some time.
In this way inflation may be controlled.
Monetary reforms
The government can order commercial banks to exchange old notes by new one. In this way a
large amount of money can be blocked for some time. Repayment should be made after
achieving the objective.
2. Fiscal measures
Fiscal measures are based on the demand management. Central bank may raise or lower
down the demand by controlling expenditures.
In order to control inflation, central bank may decrease the tax rate. Resultantly industrialists
increase the level of production which reduces the price level.
Deficit financing
In order to control inflation the government should avoid from deficit financing
3. Other methods
If the supply of goods is equal to the demand in the market, Inflation will be automatically
Population planning
Control on population by adopting different measures of family planning. It will reduce the
demand of goods which will help in controlling price level.
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Political stability
Smuggling of goods.
Shortage of supply is normally due to the smuggling of goods. If govt take actions to control
smuggling it will help in controlling price level.
The government should adopt strict price control policy against the profiteers and hoarders.
So that inflation can be controlled
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Q #9
What is deflation? What are the measures to control deflation?
Deflation is a situation in which prices, output and employment are falling down. Inflation
and deflation both are harmful for the economy but the deflation is more harmful. It creates
hurdle on path of economic growth.
According to the Philips deflation is a period during which level of prices declines and the
value of money increases
Causes of deflation
1. Decrease in money supply
The main reason of deflation is decrease in money supply. Sufficient money supply is
necessary to meet the economic need.
2. Strict banking policy
Sometimes, restriction on lending is imposed by the central bank to decrease the money
supply. This policy may decrease the investments.
3. High taxes
Sometimes government levied high taxes due to which the purchasing power of the people is
also decreased and the result is deflation in economy
4. Excess production
If goods are produced more than the demand, then it also becomes the cause of deflation and
prices are decreased
5. No storage facility
If businessmen have no storage facility than they are bound to sell goods even at low prices,
which may cause deflation
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6. Excess saving
In case of inflation, commercial banks promote savings but unnecessary promotion of saving
May leads towards the deflation.
7. Heavy imports
Imports in large scale quantity are also the cause of deflation. Due to increase in imports the
supply is also increased which is the cause of deflation
8. Decrease in exports
If exports are decreased, the goods and services will be increased in the market, hence price
will be decreased.
9. Decrease in demand
Decrease in demand of goods and services is another cause of deflation. Demand may be
decreased due to the fall in income.
10. Decrease in government expenditures
Sometimes the government decreases expenditures due to which demand for goods is also
11. Increasing cost
Increasing cost of production also becomes the reason for deflation. People may not have
buying power to purchase costly goods.
12. Lower profits
The lower profit rate is also the cause of deflation. Businessmen cut their profits to retain in
the market a stage becomes when the profit becomes zero. Business at this stage may decide
to stop production
13. High bank rate
An increase bank rate may also cause deflation. Increase in bank rate decreases the
borrowings which decreases the money supply. Decreases in money supply cause deflation.
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7. Tax reduction
Government should reduce the taxes which will increase the incomes of people. Increase in
incomes increases the demand for goods and services which helps controlling inflation
8. Increase in exports
The excess supply of goods can be exported to control deflation. Increase in exports
encourages producers for more production which helps in decreasing deflationary pressure.
9. Increase in investments
Deflation can be controlled through new investments. The production and employment
increases due to new investments. The use of idle money decreases the deflation
10. Fixed prices
Deflation can also be controlled by fixing the price of goods and services. Government may
appoint a price commission who supervises the price level so that the producer is not
11. Public works
Government may start public works to eliminate the deflation. The amount is transferred
from government to public. The demand for the goods and services is increased and there is
increase in production.
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Q# 10
Critically examine the fishers quantity theory of
money (Or)
Explain and criticize the fishers equation of
Statement of theory
This theory was introduced by the Irving Fisher. According Irving fisher, other things
remaining the same as the quantity of money in circulation increases, the price level also
increases in direct proportion and the value of money decreases and vice versa.
P = general price level
M = Quantity of money
V= Velocity of circulation of M
M = Quantity of credit money
V= Velocity of circulation of M
T = Total value of goods bought and sold
Quantity theory of money can be explained with the help of following example
M = 100 Rs
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M = 200 Rs
T = 90 goods
) (
= 10 Rs per good
) (
= 20 Rs per good
) (
= 05 Rs per good
Thus it is clear that if the supply of money is doubled, the price level will also be doubled and
the value of money is one halved. Similarly if the supply of money is halved, the price level
of money is doubled.
Assumptions of theory
1. Full employment
Theory assumes that there is full employment in the economy. It states that all the factors of
production are fully utilized no resource are idle
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3. Volume of trade
It is also assumed that the volume of trade remains constant in the short period because
method of production and habits of consumer remain unchanged
6. Short period
This theory applied to the changes in price level only in short period
Criticism on theory
1. Other things may not remain same
The drawback of this theory is that other things are assumed to be unchanged. But in reality it
is not possible that the factors in an economy remain unchanged
3. No proportionate change
This theory assumes that if quantity of money is doubled, the prices are also doubled, this
assumption is wrong. There is no proportionate change in the money and prices
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This theory ignores the influence of rate of interest on the quantity of money. An
increase in the quantity of money is due to the decrease in interest rates.
7. Static theory
The quantity theory of money is a static theory. The world is dynamic and things are
changing at fast speed. The ups and down in an economy cannot be explained with the help
of this theory.
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Q #11
What is trade cycle? What phases of trade cycle?
Trade cycle
Fluctuations (ups and down) in economic activities of a country is called trade cycle. These
changes or ups and down may be positive or negative. The duration of trade cycle may vary
from 5 years to ten years or above.
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1. Depression
Depression is the most fearful stage of trade cycle. In the period of depression there is fall in
national income, employment, prices, and production. Cost of production is higher than the
sale price. During this phase of trade cycle factories are closed and workers become jobless.
Features of depression
o low production
o low prices
o low employment
o low profit margin
o decrease in demand
o low interest rate
o low borrowings
2. Recovery
Recovery is a stage of economy where demand of goods starts increasing. Profit margin start
rising because cost of production fall below the general price level. New investments are
made in different productive activities or businesses. At this stage unemployment level start
Features of recovery
There is increase in level of production
Increase in demand
There is decrease in cost of production
Increase in public borrowings
Improvement in level of employment
Rise in Investment opportunities
Improvement in business profit
3. Boom / peak
It is a stage of economy where business activities attain maximum best level. After some time
economy moves from recovery to boom, At this stage national income, demand of goods,
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level of production and employment level is growing rapidly. This is an ideal stage of an
Features of boom
High level of profit
Ideal level of national income
Maximum production
Low cost of production
Rapid increase in demand of goods
Growth in public borrowings
Low rate of unemployment
Ideal investment opportunities
4. Recession
This is the level of economy where economic activities starts falling down. At this stage
economy moves from boom to recession and investments, employment, production starts
reducing. There is shrinkage in profit margin because cost of production exceeds the sale
price, due to this poor firms close their business while other reduce their production.
Features of recession
Decrease in production
Fall in employment level
Shrinkage in profit margin
Decrease in public borrowings
Decrease in demand
Decrease in price of product
Cut down in national income
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A. Internal factors
1. Under consumption
There is to much saving in the boom period. This reduces the price level. The price start
increasing but wages do not increase proportionately. The income of rich start increasing at
higher rate but incomes of poor do not increase as compared to the price level; the result is
that the demand for consumption goods decreases.
2. Unsold stock
Trade cycle is the result of inventories ( closing stock). There is excess of goods and services
but people are unable to buy goods of their own choices due to their low incomes. Unsold
stock results in depression
3. Imports
Imports are also the reason for depression. When the goods are imported, it increases the
supply of goods. Increase in supply of goods decreases the price level
4. Liquid assets
Liquid assets are includes coins, paper money, bonds and shares. Increase in liquid assets
leads economy toward boom. The increase in liquid assets increases the investments, in this
way the stock exchange activities will flourish and economy leads towards prosperity
5. Unfilled orders
Unfilled orders means the demand of goods is higher and the supply is low the manufacturers
are unable to meet the demand of customers. Increase in demand encourages the
manufacturers to produce more which leads toward boom.
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7. Over capitalization
The capitalization of profits is desirable for meeting emergency needs. if all the profit of the
company is capitalized and company do not pay dividend on shares. It may discourage
investment which causes the depression.
8. Trade union
Trade union also becomes the cause of depression. They demand more wages which
increases cost and resultantly price level rise. The increase in price level decreases the
demand of product.
9. Investments
The changes in investment rates affects the trade cycle. High investment rate increase brings
boom in economy. If investment rate is low it will cause depression.
External factors
War is a major factor which affects trade cycle. The war brings damages to the country; fall
in investments and incomes, employment and price level. War becomes the reason of
Population increases the aggregate demand of products which raises the price level higher.
High price brings the inflation. Investment and income level falls. There will be depression in
the economy
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The increase and decrease in migration affects the demand. Decreases in population due to
migration, deceases the demand of products. The supply of goods exceeds the demand which
brings depression
On the other hand if there is increases in population due to migration. The demand of goods
is high and the supply is low. More demand encourage investors to produce more which
brings boom in the economy
13. Innovations
Innovations brings boom in the economy. When a new business is started or a new product is
introduced, it increases the demand for that product. This may encourage the investments in
new business which brings boom in the economy.
Invention means discovery of new methods of productions, new machinery or material.
Inventions reduce the cost of production which increases the competition and investment.
This result in boom
The weather also affects the produce of agriculture sector. In bad weather conditions there is
low yield of crops. The demand is the same but the output is low so the price level goes up.
16.Government purchases
When government purchases goods from supplier it increases the demand which leads
towards the boom and if government do not purchases goods, it reduces the demand of goods
which result in depression.
17.Export surplus
Exports surplus is then, when exports are more than the imports. Exports surplus brings the
prosperity in economy
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A. Monitory policy
1. Bank rate
Bank rate means, rate at which central bank discounts the bill of commercial bank. The
central bank can increase bank rate when there is boom and can decreases when there is
depression in economy. Increase and decreases in bank rate control the borrowings.
2. Market operation
The central bank can increase or decrease the money supply by open market operation. If
central bank wants to increase the money supply, it buys bonds, treasury bills and other
securities. If central bank wants to decrease the supply of money, it starts selling bonds,
treasury bills and other securities. The purpose of open market operation is to control the
supply of money.
3. Reserve ratio
The central bank can increase or decrease the reserve ratio. Central bank keeps reserve with
central bank. During depression this ratio can be decreased and in boom period reserve ratio
is increased.
4. Selective control
The central bank can provide credit to one sector at low rate and other sector at high rate. The
commercial can refuse to grant loans for non productive purposes. The main purpose is to
regulate the supply of money and to ensure the effective use of money.
B. Fiscal policy
5. Public work
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Government may start the public work program during depression. Government may start
construction and development of various projects. Public development projects helps to
control trade cycle.
6. Taxes
The government can increases the tax rate to control supply of money. The tax rate can be
increased to reduce the supply of money and if there is shortage of money supply. Then tax
rates can be decreased.
7. Budget
Surplus budget can be prepared in boom period and deficit budget is prepared in depression.
Government can use the budgetary measures to control trade cycle
8. Public debt
Government should borrow loans in depression to meet the various needs. In case of boom
the debt should be repaid. The government can overcome crises by public debts.
9. Imports
Government should promote imports during the boom period but when there is depression;
imports should be restricted or reduced.
10. Government purchase
Government should purchase goods during the depression. Government purchases plays an
important role to control the depression.
C. International measures
11. Production control
The production of goods can be controlled at international level because goods produced in
excess of demand can create problem. Producers can fix the quota at international level. In
this way trade cycle can be controlled
12. Buffer stock
Buffer stock can be kept in warehouses. When production is low the suppliers can met the
demand from surplus stock.
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Q #13
What are the features of trade cycle?
1. Phases
Trade cycle has four phases
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It means that all the sectors of economy moves in the same direction. If there is boom in one
sector the other would also move upward. It is no possible to have boom in one economy and
depression in other sector
Difference in intensity
Difference in intensity means that the effect of every phase is different on different sectors
7. Not of equal length
All the phases of trade cycle are not of equal length for example boom may last for ten years
and depression may last for 4 years. Length of every phase of trade cycle depends on the
economic conditions of economy.
8. Slow recovery
The recovery phase of economy is slow and the fall in economic activities is sharp.
9. Important phases
Out of four phases boom and depression are very important phases.
10. widespread
When trade cycle takes place in any economy their effect spread to all other sectors of
11. Social effects
Phases of trade cycle have their effect on society. Facilities are available in boom period and
hoarding, smuggling is found in depression period.
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Q #14 What is bank? What are the types of banks? (Or) what are the
classifications of bank?
Bank is a financial institution which borrows savings from general public at lower rate and
lends it to the other people at higher rate of interest.
Kinds of bank
Following are the types of bank;
1. Central bank
A bank which supervises the activities of banking in Pakistan is called central bank. In
Pakistan state bank of Pakistan is the central bank. Main purpose of the central bank is not to
earn profit but it work for the welfare of the society. Central bank has the right to issue notes.
Central bank is also called bank of banks.
2. Commercial bank
A bank which accepts deposits from general public and lends them to the other people to earn
profit is called commercial bank. The main aim of commercial bank is to earn profit. it also
provides the services of agency to his clients. Examples of commercial banks are; national
bank of Pakistan, Habib bank limited, Allied bank limited, united bank limited etc.
3. Industrial bank
The main purpose of industrial bank is to provide credit facility for setting up and running
industries in country. In Pakistan, Industrial development bank and other financial institutions
are providing loans to the different industries.
4. Agricultural bank
These banks provide short term and long term loans to the farmers so that they can purchase
seeds, fertilizers, tractor and other agricultural equipments.
5. Exchange bank
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A bank which buys and sells foreign currency to facilitate imports and exports is called
exchange bank. In Pakistan commercial bank deals in foreign exchange.
6. Savings bank
A bank which collects the savings of the people having low income and pay interest on it is
called saving bank. Such bank is formed to encourage saving habits of people. In Pakistan no
such bank exists but saving account can be opened in post office
7. Investment banks
Bank which buys and sells shares, debentures and bonds is called investment bank.
Investment banks also grant loan for the purchase of shares and other securities. Investment
Corporation of Pakistan are national investment trust are the examples of investment banks.
8. Consumers bank
The main purpose of these banks is to provide credit facility to the consumers to purchase
goods. City bank is performing services of consumer bank in Pakistan.
9. Mortgage bank
This provides loan against land and building for short and long period. House building
Finance Corporation is working as mortgage bank in Pakistan.
10. School banks
These banks provided the banking facility to the schools students. No bank in Pakistan is
providing facility to the students of school. However in European countries these banks are
providing banking facility to the students.
11. Co operative bank
These banks are formed to work for the welfare of society. Their aim is not to earn profit.
These banks provide credit facility to the farmers of small income.
12. Consortium bank
A bank which is formed and run by some other banks is called consortium bank. These banks
provide long term loan loans to large scale companies. In Pakistan no such bank exists.
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What is a commercial bank? What are the functions
of commercial bank?
Commercial bank
Commercial bank is the most popular form of bank. They are established for the purpose of
earning profit. Commercial bank receives deposits from the individuals, firms and companies
at lower rate and lends it to those people who have need it at higher rate of interest. The
difference of rate is the profit of bank.
A) Primary functions
Primary or main function of commercial bank is of accepting deposits and making loans to
needy people
1. Accepting deposits
This is the main function of commercial bank to collect surplus money from the people and
businessman. For this purpose commercial bank has introduced following types of accounts
Saving account
Commercial banks offer saving account for the people who have small savings. Interest is
paid on saving deposits from 6% to 11%. Account holder is not allowed to made frequent
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Current account
Current account is usually offered to the businessmen because they can withdraw and deposit
money several times a day. Inertest is not allowed by bank on this account. Traders and
businessmen maintain such type of account.
In term deposit account the amount cannot be withdrawn before the expiry of specified
(fixed) time. High rate of interest is paid on fixed deposit account. Such type of account is
usually maintained by the people who have surplus money.
This account is opened in foreign currency. Account holder cannot deposit local currency in
this account. Foreign currency account can be opened in form of saving account, current
account or fixed deposit account
Those people who do not want to earn interest on their deposit, they can deposit their money
in profit and loss account. Bank pays profit or loss on the amount of deposit that may be
different from one period to other period
2. Advancing loans
Advancing loans is the main function of the commercial bank. The amount of deposits is used
to advance loans to other people. Bank charges high rate of interest on the amount of loan.
These loans can be of short, medium and long period
Bank provide loan in the following ways
Commercial bank offer short medium and long term loans against the securities.
Cash credit
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Cash credit is an agreement between bank and its client to borrow money up to a specified
limit. The period of cash credit may consist of days and months. Interest is charged only on
the amount withdrawn
Overdraft is a very short term credit facility. Bank allows his trustworthy customers to draw
more than the deposit. Bank charges higher interest rate on the amount of overdraft.
Discounting of bill
Bank provides money to the holder of bill of exchange after deducting charges of discounting
of bill. Amount of discount is the income for bank.
B) Secondary functions
These functions can be divided in agency function and general utility function
1. Agency function
Bank works for his customer as his agent. As a agent bank provide following customers to his
This is important function of commercial bank to collect and make payment of cheques
Commercial bank also buys and sells securities (shares and debenture) on the behalf of his
customer. Bank charge his commission for providing such services.
Financial advisor
Bank gives on demand valuable advices to his customer on various financial matters
Bank also executes the instructions and settles those transactions that are of regular nature.
For example payment of rent, insurance and utility bills etc.
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Transfer of funds
Bank also transfers money from one place to another place by means of bank draft,
telephonic transfer and cheques. Bank performs this function on the orders of his customer.
Deduction of zakat
Bank deducts amounts of zakat from customers account on the behalf of government
Such amount is transferred to the general zakat fund.
2. General utility function
Bank also provide general utility function to his customers some of them are given below
Locker facility
Bank also provides locker facility to his customer for the safe custody of valuable goods like
jewelry, shares, securities etc. bank charges his services charges.
Foreign exchange
Bank also deals in foreign exchange. It converts local currency in to foreign currency and
vice versa on customer demand.
Relief fund
Bank performs the function of collecting money as a charity from general for the relief of
victims of earthquake and war effected people
In this modern money economy commercial banks provide the facility of 24 hour cash
services. Customer can withdraw money from ATM machines at any time
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Explain the role of commercial bank in economic
development of country
1. Promoting savings
Commercial bank are playing vital role in the promotion savings. They are offering different
types of deposit accounts with attractive interest rates to increase savings.
2. Promoting investments
Commercial banks do not keep the collected money idle with them; they lend it to the
businessmen for investment purpose which increases the production and employment level
3. Transfer of funds
Commercial bank also provides the facility to transfer money from one place to another place
which makes the transactions safer and leads to the growth of trade
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4. Industrial development
Commercial bank provides short and long term loans to the industrialist. Bank also gives
valuable advices to them.
5. Increase in employment
Commercial bank grants loans to different sectors of business, such as Trade, commerce,
agriculture and transport to expand the business activities which increases the level of
employment in country.
6. Construction of houses
Bank provides credit facility to their customer for the construction or purchases of house.
Bank provide short term loan for repairing and long term loans for the purchase of land and
constriction of houses.
7. Credit creation
Commercial banks are called the factories of credit. They create credit from the deposits.
Through the credit creation process commercial bank provides funds to the various sectors of
8. Capital formation
Capital formation means increase in number of production units. Capital formation depends
upon the amount of investment and savings. Commercial bank can increase the capital
formation by granting loans to the productive sectors
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Economic development is not only based on the development of industry but it also depends
on the agricultural. Commercial banks are advancing loans to the farmers on small medium
and long terms to purchase seeds, machinery, and other equipments.
11.Development of transport
The commercial bank financed the transport scheme through Punjab ministers scheme. It has
reduced the unemployment on one hand and increased the transportation facility on the other
12.Financial advices
Commercial bank also gives financial advices to their customers to promote their business,
besides credit facility
13.Construction of houses
Commercial bank provides loans for the construction projects. It grants short term loans for
repairing and long term loans for the construction of houses.
14.Assistance to government
It also grants loans to the government for the development projects. The commercial bank
share the government for the economic stability
15.Economic prosperity
Economic growth depends upon the development of banking system. A sound banking
system promotes economic status of people by providing loans on the lenient terms and
17.More production
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A good banking system increases the production capabilities of the country by growing
capital formation and proper labour division
18.Modern technology
The use of modern technology Is possible only when the banking system is developed as it is
the main source of their funds
19.Collection of zakat
Commercial deducts amount of zakat from depositor account on the behalf of government
and distribute the same among the deserving people
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on the powers of bank to create credit? (Or) Commercial banks are the
factories of credit, explain. (Or) How does the commercial bank create
credit what are its limitations? (Or) Loans are the children of deposits and
deposits are the children of loans. Discuss
Credit creation
Commercial banks are the factories of credit. It is the most important function of the
commercial bank. Commercial banks create credit by providing loans. The amount of loan is
not paid directly to the customer. The amount is deposited in the borrower account. The
borrower can withdraw amount by issuing cheque. Thus loans create deposit and deposit
create loan.
1. Many banks
It is assumed that there are many banks that are working in the country and they are
cooperating with each other for the purpose of credit creation.
2. Same cash ratio
It is assumed that the cash reserve ratio is the same for every bank that may be 20%.
3. Bank transaction
It is also assumed that the money taken as loan must be deposited in the same or other bank.
The loan given by the second bank must be deposited into the third bank and so on
4. Initial deposit
There must be initial deposit in every bank by the customer. This initial deposit is the basis of
credit creation.
5. Many borrowers
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It is assumed that there are many borrowers and the bank gives them loan against the
Amount Assets
Cash reserve
Loan to Mr. X
We now assume that the Mr. X makes Payment of Rs 800 to Mr. Y by cheque. Mr. Y
deposited his cheque in his account in Bank B. Bank B receives Rs. 800 as deposit and after
keeping 20% reserve he lends the remaining 80% as loan to Mr. Z. The balance sheet of Bank
B after giving loan is as follows.
Balance sheet of Bank B
Amount Assets
Cash reserve
Loan to Mr. z
The process is not yet completed, it will continue further. The whole process can be
explained as follows.
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Primary deposit
Reserves 20%
Credit creation
This table shows that if the bank have initial deposit of 1000 and reserve ratio is 20% then
bank create credit of Rs 4000 and the total demand deposit is Rs 5000 which is equal to the
initial deposit of Rs 1000 and credit creation of Rs 4000
= 5000
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2. Cash reserve
The commercial bank keeps a large portion of cash as reserve for making the payment of
cheque. If the reserve ratio is high the bank cannot crate much credit.
3. Proper securities
Bank grants loan against a proper security, if the proper security is not available the
commercial bank cannot create credit
4. Business conditions
People only borrow loans when there are good business conditions. In worst business
condition people hesitate to take loan, thus it becomes the hurdle in credit creation.
5. Willingness to borrow
Commercial bank can create credit only if customers are willing to borrow but if they are not
willing to borrow commercial bank cannot create credit.
6. Policy of lending
Commercial banks are not independent in connection with lending. They have to follow the
policies of central bank. The central bank impose restriction on the commercial bank to create
7. Primary deposit
Credit creation depends upon the primary deposit. If people are not in habit to deposit their
savings in bank, then the central bank cannot create credit
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Explain the relationship between banker and customer. (Or) What are the
types of relationship between banker and customer? (Or) explain the
nature of relationship between the banker and customer
J.W Gilbert says that A banker is a dealer in capital or, more properly, a dealer in money.
He is an intermediate party between the borrower and the lender. He borrows from one party
and lends to another.
In simple words banker can be defined as a person who receives money and accepts the
cheque drawn upon him by customer. A banker also collects and pays drafts, dividend and
bill of exchange.
Justice Lindley says customer is a person who has some sort of account either deposit or
current account or some sort of similar relation with a banker
The relationship of banker and customer is primarily of debtor and creditor with a superadded obligation on the part of banker to accept the customers cheque, if the account is in
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The relationship between banker and customer is of principal and agent. The customer is
principal and banker is agent at the time of collection of cheque and bill of exchange.
Moreover banker also purchases and sale shares as an agent.
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When the banker promises his customer to compensate for the loss suffered by him, the
banker becomes indemnifier and customer becomes indemnity holder.
18. Testator and executor
When a banker is asked to execute the will of his customer after his death, the banker
becomes executor and banker becomes executor.
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What are the circumstances under which the relationship
between banker and customer comes to an end?
What are the reasons of termination of relationship between
banker and customer?
1. Insanity of customer
When a customer loss his senses permanently or in other words when a person becomes of
unsound mind the banker closes his account and the relationship comes to an end
2. Insolvency of customer
When a customer is declared insolvent and he is unable to pay his debts. The relationship
comes to an end and banker stops withdrawals from account.
3. Death of customer
The relationship is atomically terminated on the death of customer. Credit in account is paid
to the heir of customer
5. Order of court
A court may order to stop withdrawals from account. Due to breach of contract, other part is
compensated by court.
6. Notice by banker
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A banker can terminate the relationship by sending a notice to customer, if he finds that his
customer is involved in illegal activities.
7. Notice by customer
A customer can send notice to the banker about the termination of relationship, when he is
not satisfied with the performance of banker
8. Unsatisfactory operation
A banker may close the account, if the customer is not obeying the rules of operating account.
9. Assignment of account
A customer may assign the whole amount in the account to the other party by giving notice to
the banker. When the amount is transferred the relationship between banker and customer
comes to an end
10.Loss of confidence
If a customer is not satisfied with the financial position of bank he may close his bank
account to avoid any type of loss
11.Low profit
If banker pays low profit or interest and charges more interest than a customer may chose to
close his account
12.Change of residence
A customer may terminate his relationship due to change of residence. Customer may shift
his account to the nearest branch of his destination
13.Insufficient balance
When a customer used to draw cheque and does not have credit in his account, banker may
close his account after giving notice
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When a customer used to present his cheque after banking hours, banker may close his
account after giving notice
15.Winding up of company
When a company is wounded up by the order of court, no payment of cheque is made. Thus
relationship between banker and company comes to an end
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What are the rights and duties of banker and customer
explain them in detail.
Rights of customer
1. Right to draw cheque
A customer has right to issue cheque for taking money if he has sufficient balance in his
account. Customer can also withdraw cheque against debit balance if agreement of overdraft
is made
2. Right to receive bank statement
Every customer has a right to receive bank statement containing details about the withdrawals
and deposits.
3. Right to receive cheque book
A customer has right to receive cheque book at the time of opening bank account so that he
can withdraw cash from account
4. Right to Claim for damages
Customer has right to claim for the damages from bank when he dishonors cheque without
any reason
5. Right to Claim for damages for not maintaining privacy
Privacy of customer account must be maintained, if banker do not maintain the privacy the
customer has right to claim for the damages.
6. Right of correction
A customer has right of rectification of errors made by the banker while debiting and
crediting his account.
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Duties of customer
1. Banking hours
A customer should present cheque during the banking hours. If he present cheque after
banking hours, banker is not responsible for making payment
2. Presentation of cheque
It is the duty of customer to submit his cheque within the time. The life of cheque is six
months from the date of issue
3. Protection of cheque book
It is the duty of customer to keep the cheque book in safe custody so that no one can misuse
4. Report about theft
It is the duty of customer to inform banker, when cheque book or a cheque is lost to avoid
5. Filling of cheque book
It is the duty of customer to fill the cheque with care. If any error or mistake is made the
banker may refuse to make the payment
Rights of banker
1. Right to claim charges
Banker has right to claim charges and commission for the services provided to the customer.
2. Right to Charge compound interest
It is the right of bank to charge compound interest on the amount of overdraft according to
the terms and conditions agreed between the parties.
3. Right to retain securities
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It is the right of bank to retain the securities until the customer pays amount of debt. If
customer fails to pay the amount of debt, the banker has right to sell the securities.
4. Right to adjust debit balance
It is the right of banker to adjust the amount of overdraft as soon as the customer deposit
some cash in his account
Duties of banker
1. Payment of cheque
It is the duty of banker to make the payment of cheque drawn on him. The cheque must be
drawn properly and presented within the time
2. Secrecy
It is the duty to banker to maintain the privacy of customers account.
3. Standing orders
It is the duty of banker to obey the standing orders in making payments. Such as rent rate and
taxes that are paid after the regular intervals
4. Safe custody
It is the duty of banker to take reasonable care of goods that are deposited for the safe custody
5. Trustee
While acting as trustee, a banker must work according to the terms and conditions of
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Define central bank. Explain the function of central
Central bank has the central position in the banking system. It controls the activities and
system of other banks. Main purpose of central bank is not to earn profit. It works for the
welfare of society. Central bank has sole authority to issue notes. It works as banker of banks
and banker to government. In Pakistan, state bank of Pakistan is acting as central bank
An institution which is charged with the responsibility of managing the expansion and
contraction of the volume of money in the interest of welfare of economy
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Keeping deposits
Central bank keeps deposits of federal and provincial government. It makes payments on the
behalf of government. Central bank does not pay interest on government deposits
Fiscal agent
As a fiscal agent the central bank grants loans to the government and makes investments in
the treasury bills and other long term securities
Foreign loans
Central bank also makes arrangement to get foreign loans on the behalf of government
Financial advisor
It advices government on all financial matters such as controlling the inflation or deflation
and valuation of currency
Transfer of capital
Central bank is also responsible for transferring the funds of government form one place to
another place.
3. Bankers bank
Central bank is the banker of commercial banks and performs the followings functions to
facilitate commercial banks.
Central bank keeps a certain percentage of deposits of commercial bank as cash reserve; the
amount is kept in safe custody
Clearing house
Central bank acts as the clearing house for commercial banks. All scheduled banks have their
accounts with central bank so the mutual obligation of banks are settled simple by passing
debit and credit entries in their accounts.
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Central bank is the supreme bank of a country if a commercial bank is suffering from crises,
central bank grants loans to the commercial banks.
New bank or branch cannot be opened without the permission of central bank.
Growth of bank
5. Controlling of credit
It is the duty of central bank to maintain and regulate the supply of money according to the
economic needs. If there is depression in economy, central bank expands the supply of
money. If there is inflation in country, central bank aims at contracting the supply of money.
7. Development role
Sometimes the central bank takes the responsibility to enhance economic growth. Central
bank develops money markets and capital markets. It introduces the export promotion
schemes to increase the volume of exports. Facilities are provided to promote investment in
various sectors of economy
8. Miscellaneous functions
Staff training
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The central bank establishes training institutes and also provides modern training of banking
to the staff.
Saving habits
Central bank makes and plans and adopts the various methods to promote the habits of
savings among the people of country.
Representative of government
Central bank acts as the representative of government for international institutions, like IMF
and World Bank.
Membership fee
If the government wants to be the member of international institutions, central banks pays
membership fee on the behalf of government.
Financial reports
Central bank publishes various reports which give the real picture of economy
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Commercial bank
1. Formation
Central bank is formed under an act of
parliament or ordinance
ordinance 1984
2. Ownership
share capital of central bank may be owned by The share capital of the commercial bank is owned
the commercial bank and central bank
by the people
3. Management
The management and employees of central
bank is appointed by the government
4. Object
The main object of the central bank is welfare The main object of commercial bank is to earn profit
of society and economic development
5. Issuance of notes
Commercial bank has sole authority to issue It can issue plastic money like debit cards, credit
6. Branches
Central bank only has inland branches it
cannot form its branches in other countries
7. Number of bank
There is only one central bank in every country
8. Account
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Raza (MBA, ACMA) providing quality education OF ACCOUNTING, MBF, ITB B.LAW, AUDITING AND
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9. Winding up
Central bank cannot closed up even if it is The commercial bank can be closed if it is
working on loss
Central opens account of government under under heads of saving, current , PLS, and fixed
the various heads of accounts
deposit account
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What are the objectives of monetary policy? Also
explain the tolls of monetary policy
Monetary policy
The primary function of central bank is to control money and credit supply. Central bank can
increase and decrease the money supply according to the economic needs of country. In
Pakistan the state bank of Pakistan is controlling the supply of money. The management of
the flow of money is called monetary policy or credit policy.
According to the prof. Spencer: monitory policy is the purposeful exercise of the monetary
authoritys power to make expansion or contraction in the money supply
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Investment level can be increased with the help of monetary policy. Central bank can aim to
promote both foreign and domestic investments.
4. Increase in production
Central bank can increase level of production by granting loans to manufacturers at low
interest rates.
5. Exchange stability
Monetary policy aims to maintain the exchange rate at stable level. Exchange rate stability
is essential for the smooth flow of international trade.
6. Control on inflation
The main objective of monetary policy is to control inflation. Excess money supply is one of
the reasons of inflation. Central bank can control inflation by controlling the supply of
7. Control on deflation
Deflation can be controlled by expanding the supply of money. Unnecessary contraction of
supply of money is one of reasons of deflation. Central bank can increase money supply with
the help of monetary policy.
8. Stability in capital market
The development of country depends upon the development of capital market. Central bank
can create stability in capital market with the help of monetary policy.
9. Foreign value of currency
Foreign value of currency can be maintained at stable level with the help of monetary policy
which leads towards growth in international trade.
10. Control on trade cycle
Trade cycle exists when there are fluctuations in the production, employment and price level.
Trade cycle can be controlled by controlling credit in economy with the help of monetary
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Raza (MBA, ACMA) providing quality education OF ACCOUNTING, MBF, ITB B.LAW, AUDITING AND
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A. Quantitative methods
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Under this scheme, central bank limits the maximum amount of landings of commercial
bank. Commercial banks are not allowed to grant loan more than the fixed limit
5. Credit rationing
The method of credit control is applied by the central bank in times of financial crises. The
central bank rations the credit of every commercial bank. It fixes the amount that each
member bank can draw by rediscounting the bills of exchange.
B. Qualitative methods
1. Margin requirement
Central bank can control credit by changing margin. if the margin requirement is increased,
then people cannot take more loans. But if margin requirement is decreased people can take
more loans.
2. Direct action
Central can take direct action if the commercial banks are not following the monetary policy.
It may refuse to grant loans or impose penalty on them.
3. Control on consumer credit
According to this technique, the central bank may apply some strict restrictions on
consumers credit. It may increase the interest rate or may shorten the period of repayment.
4. Publicity
The central bank may convince the borrowers and lenders through publication of annual
reports and weekly statements about the specific policy.
Raza (MBA, ACMA) providing quality education OF ACCOUNTING, MBF, ITB B.LAW, AUDITING AND
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What is the difference between cheque, bills of exchange
and promissory note?
of Promissory
1 Definition
writing instrument
2 parties
exchange there are three note there are two parties are
parties, drawer drawee maker and payee
and payee.
3 Acceptance
no need of acceptance, as
4 Discounting
5 Grace days
be discounted
Three grace days are Three grace days are In case of cheque no
allowed to make payment allowed to make payment grace days are allowed
for making payment
6 Area
7 stamp
generally inland
8 Nature
is paste on cheque
legally required
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9 liability
making payment
the payment
Noting Noting charges are paid Noting charges are not Noting charges are not
bills of exchange
of promissory note
of cheque
Printed A bills of exchange can A promissory note can be A cheque is always drawn
be drawn on simple or drawn
printed paper
12 Crossing
printed paper
13 Payee
be crossed
exhnage the drawer and note the drawee and the drawer and the payee may
the payee may be same payee
14 Default
of In
drawer is responsible
Stop Payment
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17 Period
of on the note
exchange is written on it
18 Use
used than cheque and used than the bills of than the bill and note
more used than the note
19 Drawer
20 drawee
always buyer
a seller
always a bank
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Describe the parties of letter of credit; also explain the
procedure for opening letter of credit.
Letter of credit
According to the Mr. Frank henius letter of credit is a written document issued by the buyers
bank authorizing the seller to draw in accordance with the certain terms and conditions.
Parties of letter of credit
1. Importer / Applicant
Applicant is the importer of goods. He requests his bank to issue letter of credit in the favour
of exporter.
2. Issuing bank
The bank which issues letter of credit in favour of exporter is called issuing bank. It is also
called importers bank.
3. Exporter
The person who exports goods to the importer is called exporter. In other words the person in
whose favour the letter of credit is opened is called exporter.
4. Paying bank
It is bank which makes the payment to the exporter after receiving the letter of credit
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2. Performa invoice
The banker may ask importer to provide the Performa invoice which contains the details
about the goods that are to be imported.
3. Import license
The banker may ask applicant to provide import license. Import license is issued by the
4. Application form
Application form is also known as application and agreement for L.C. It contains all
necessary details about the terms and conditions of sale. It is signed by the applicant.
5. Margin requirement
Margin requirement is generally fixed by the state bank of Pakistan. It is from 10% to 40% of
the total amount for which the L.C is opened. Importer will have to deposit this amount to the
issuing bank. It is refundable amount
6. Issuance of L.C
The issuing bank informs paying bank that the letter of credit has been issued. Three copies
are prepared one copy is kept buy the issuing bank for its own record. The remaining two
copies are sent to the paying bank. The paying bank keeps the second copy and sends the
third copy to the exporter.
7. Information to the seller
The paying bank informs the seller that the letter of credit has been issued. The seller than
sends goods to the importer and provide the shipping documents to the paying bank. The
bank checks the documents and sends them to the issuing bank.
8. Payment to the seller
When the paying bank is satisfied with the documents provided by the exporter he makes the
payment to the exporter.
9. Collection of documents
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The issuing bank collects shipping documents from paying bank. The issuing bank examines
the documents before giving it to the importer
10. Collection of money
The issuing bank collects money from the importer before giving him shipping documents.
11. Receipt of goods
After making the payment the importer collects documents from issuing bank. He submits
these documents to the shipping company to receive goods. Then he can receive goods from
the shipping company, in this way the transaction of import is completed.
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What are the types of letter of credit?
1. Revocable letter of credit
A letter of credit that can be cancelled by importer or bank at any time due to any reason is
called revocable letter of credit. This type of letter of credit is not usually acceptable by the
2. Irrevocable L.C
A letter of credit that cannot be cancelled before payment is called irrevocable letter of credit.
This types of letter of credit gives full protection to both the parties. Irrevocable L.C is more
popular than the revocable L.C.
3. Confirmed L.C
If the exporters bank confirms the L.C and takes the liability to make payment to the
exporter in case of nonpayment by importers bank, it is called confirmed L.C
4. Unconfirmed L.C
If the exporters bank does not takes the liability of payment in case of nonpayment by the
importers bank. It is called unconfirmed L.C. it is suitable when the financial position of
importer is poor and exporter do not know the issuing bank.
5. Documentary L.C
The L.C in which there is condition that the exporter will submit shipping documents for
receiving money, is called documentary L.C
6. Clean L.C
The L.C in which there is no condition that the exporter will submit shipping documents for
receiving money, is called clean L.C
7. Fixed L.C
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A fixed L.C is that which is issued for a particular transaction. This L.C is automatically
cancelled after the completion of transaction.
8. Revolving L.C
Revolving L.C is issued for the payment of fixed amount but after the completion of
transaction it is automatically cancelled.
9. Transferable L.C
The L.C, in which the exporter (beneficiary) has the right to transfer it to the third party, is
called transferable L.C.
10. Nontransferable L.C
The L.C which cannot be transferred by the exporter to any other person is called
nontransferable L.C
11. Red clause L.C
In this L.C, the exporters bank provide loan to the exporter for packing and transportation of
goods before the shipment of goods. The statement containing the details of order is written
with the red ink.
12. Green clause L.C
In this L.C, the exporters bank provide loan to the exporter for not only packing and
transportation but also for the storage of goods as well. The statement containing the details
of order is written with the green ink.
13. Freely negotiable L.C
Under this letter of credit the exporter can get the money by showing the concerned
documents to any bank.
14. Back to back L.C
Under this L.C there are two separate credits the first document is issued in the favour of
seller who is middleman. On the basis of first L.C the middleman requests his bank to issue
second letter of credit in favour of actual supplier.
15. Omnibus L.C
Under this L.C the exporter can get the funds just after the shipment of goods for further
dealing. The movable and immovable property of exporter is given to banker as security
against loan
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Raza (MBA, ACMA) providing quality education OF ACCOUNTING, MBF, ITB B.LAW, AUDITING AND
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Q #27
What is business finance? What are the main types of
business finance?
Business Finance
Business finance is the flow of capital and credit that makes the business possible. Finance
includes raising of funds through debt or equity finance.
Business finance is the life blood of every business. In sole proprietorship and partnership
less amount of finance is needed. Due to small scale of business, but in companies large
amount of finance is required because of large size of business activities.
According to B.O wheeler business finance is the concerned with the acquisition and
utilization of capital funds in meeting the financial needs and overall objectives of the
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a. Bank overdraft
Bank allows its customer who has current in the bank to withdraw more than the credit in the
account. This loan facility is given to meet the daily cash needs. The bank charges interest on
b. Cash credit
It is very common form of short term finance. Borrower can obtain loan against the security
of goods. The borrower is allowed to withdraw cash within the limit specified by the bank.
The interest is charged on the amount withdrawn.
c. Discounting of bills
Another form of short term loan is the discounting of bill. The bank purchases the bill of
exchange and provides finance to the customer. The bank get back the amount of loan on the
maturity of bill
d. Trade credit
Trade credit is allowed by the seller to the buyer. The goods and services are supplied on the
credit and the amount is collected as per agreement.
e. Advances from customers
Sometimes the business gets advance payments from their customers and agents. These
advances are not loan, yet they are a source of finance.
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Businessman cal obtain loan from financial institutions other than bank, IDBP, ICP, NDFC
are proving credit facility to the businessmen
3. Debentures
Joint stock companies can obtain loan by issuing debentures. Debenture is an instrument
issued by company to obtain loan from general public.
4. Life insurance policy
The insurance companies provide medium term loan to its policyholders out of premium
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5. Leasing
Leasing is now a popular form of long term finance. A business may get plant equipment,
land. The business in this way uses the asset which it does not own. Businessman has to pay
the regular installments.
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Q #28
What is business finance? What are the main types of
business finance?
Business Finance
Business finance is the flow of capital and credit that makes the business possible. Finance
includes raising of funds through debt or equity finance.
Business finance is the life blood of every business. In sole proprietorship and partnership
less amount of finance is needed. Due to small scale of business, but in companies large
amount of finance is required because of large size of business activities.
According to B.O wheeler business finance is the concerned with the acquisition and
utilization of capital funds in meeting the financial needs and overall objectives of the
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f. Bank overdraft
Bank allows its customer who has current in the bank to withdraw more than the credit in the
account. This loan facility is given to meet the daily cash needs. The bank charges interest on
g. Cash credit
It is very common form of short term finance. Borrower can obtain loan against the security
of goods. The borrower is allowed to withdraw cash within the limit specified by the bank.
The interest is charged on the amount withdrawn.
h. Discounting of bills
Another form of short term loan is the discounting of bill. The bank purchases the bill of
exchange and provides finance to the customer. The bank get back the amount of loan on the
maturity of bill
i. Trade credit
Trade credit is allowed by the seller to the buyer. The goods and services are supplied on the
credit and the amount is collected as per agreement.
j. Advances from customers
Sometimes the business gets advance payments from their customers and agents. These
advances are not loan, yet they are a source of finance.
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Businessman cal obtain loan from financial institutions other than bank, IDBP, ICP, NDFC
are proving credit facility to the businessmen
7. Debentures
Joint stock companies can obtain loan by issuing debentures. Debenture is an instrument
issued by company to obtain loan from general public.
8. Life insurance policy
The insurance companies provide medium term loan to its policyholders out of premium
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10. Leasing
Leasing is now a popular form of long term finance. A business may get plant equipment,
land. The business in this way uses the asset which it does not own. Businessman has to pay
the regular installments.
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Q #29
Define owner (equity) and debt finance. What are the advantages
and disadvantages of debt and equity finance?
What are the sources of business finance? Explain the merits and
There are two main sources of business finance
A. Equity / owner finance
B. Debt finance
A. Equity finance
Equity finance is also known as the owner finance. The finance which is provided by the
owners from their personal resources is called equity finance. It is also known as internal
equity or internal finance. This finance is generally provided for meeting the short term and
long term financial needs.
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There is no need of repayment as the finance is provided by the owner from his personal
4. High rate of profit
Equity finance provide high rate of profit as there is no fixed interest payment so the rate of
profit is high.
5. Minimum losses
There is minimum loss to owners during depression. The interest on loan increases the losses.
In case of equity finance there is no interst so losses remain low.
6. Freedom of control
The owners of business enjoy the freedom of control because one man can claim his right on
the assets of the company.
7. Full profit
In case of equity finance, the owners of business enjoy and share full profit of business they
are free from the loan payment and interest payment.
8. Low operating cost
In case of equity of finance the operating cost is low as there is no burden of interest.
9. Financial base
The equity finance provides a sound financial base to the capital structure of a business by
reducing the financial risk.
10. Liquidation of business
In case of liquidation of business, the assets of the business remain with the owners.
11. Financial worries
It is a benefit of equity finance that there are no financial worries of borrowing when the
supply of money is short and interest rate is high.
12. Attention to business
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Raza (MBA, ACMA) providing quality education OF ACCOUNTING, MBF, ITB B.LAW, AUDITING AND
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In case of equity finance, the owner of the business enjoy the freedom of control because they
are free from the tension of interest an repayment of loan, so they can pay full attention to the
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Debt Financing
Debt financing is the second main source for the fund rising. Amount of capital can be
borrowed from creditors. It is also known as credit financing. Most of the businesses are not
able to finance all of the capital from their own resources, so they can enter into an agreement
with the lenders and banks to obtain loans.
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In case of debt financing the interest charged on debt is lower than the rate of return paid to
the shareholders in form of dividend
8. Flexible finance policy
Debt financing enable the management to frame a flexible financing policy. Whenever they
want to expand the business they can raise funds by obtaining loan.
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Q #30
Explain the various types of interest free or non interest
modes of financing (or) explain the Islamic mode of
Interest free mode of financing
Interest free mode of financing means the financing free from the interest. In Islamic mode
of financing interest in all fields and all ways is prohibited. Following are the main types of
interest free mode of financing
A. Lending mode of financing
B. Trade related mode of financing
C. Investment mode of financing
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The state bank of Pakistan has approved five trade related mode of financing that are given
1. Mark up
Mark up is the purchase of goods by the bank and their sale to the client at some mark up
(profit) on differed payment basis. The bank purchases the required goods on the request of
the client and sells these goods to him on the price mutually agreed between the bank and the
client. The agreed price contains the cost plus mark up (profit margin).
2. Mark down
It is the purchase of property by bank from customer with buy back agreement. Under this
scheme, the customer sells his property to the bank with a promise to buy back the same
property from bank on future date. The difference between the purchase price and sale price
is the profit of bank.
3. Hire purchase
The bank purchases the specified goods on the request of customer and hires them to the
customer on the payment of periodical installments. The installments are calculated in such a
manner that the actual price plus bank charges are covered during the fixed period.
4. Leasing
In this mode of financing, one person (lessee) acquires an asset from the other person
(Lessor) for a fixed agreed period of time. The period of lease range from 5 to 20 years,
depending upon the useful life of asset. The lessee will have to pay fixed amount after regular
intervals. The ownership of the property remains with the Lessor.
5. Development charges
In this trade related mode of financing the bank advances money to the customer for the
development of land and property. The bank takes a share in the developed property. The
share in the developed property is named as development charges.
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2. Modaraba
Modaraba is an agreement in which one part invests his funds and the other party with his
knowledge and skills. Profits are shared between the parties in an agreed ratio. In case of loss
the bank which supplies capital bears full loss.
Features of Modaraba
Modaraba must be registered under Modaraba ordinance
Profit is shared in agreed ratio
Modaraba certificate is transferable
Modaraba may be for specific purpose or multi purpose
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4. Equity finance
The bank can participate in equity by purchase of shares of limited companies. The bankers
can become the shareholders instead of creditors.
Features of equity finance
The investors purchase the shares to participate in equity
The profits are distributed as dividend
The banks and financial institutions may become the shareholders
5. Rent sharing
Rent sharing system provides the finance for the purchase or construction of houses. The
financer becomes the joint owner of the property. The principal amount and profit in shape of
rent is received for fixed period.
The bank and customer both contribute their funds
The period of joint ownership is stated in the agreement
The rental value of house is determined on the base of locality and quality of
The gain on sale of house is shared proportionately.
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Q #31
Advantages of Nationalization
1. Distribution of credit
Nationalized helped in the fair distribution of credit. Before nationalization the credit was
concentrated in few hands. Nationalization ensured the fair distribution of wealth.
2. Banking management
The government has setup and executive board to look after the administrative work of the
banks. The business of banking has improved due to better management.
3. End of monopoly
There was complete control of few industrialists over the banking system. They used bank
assets and deposits of public for their personal interest. With the nationalization of banks
their monopoly come to an end
4. Benefit to employees
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Before the nationalization the rights of employees were not protected. Employees rights are
protected by the nationalization of banks. They are promoted on merit basis nationalization
increased the job security and job satisfaction.
5. Control over expenses
Nationalization of banks has controlled non- development expenses to a large extent. The
useless expenses on entertainment and advertisement have been reduced which improved the
rate of profit for commercial banks
6. Increase in employment
Nationalization resulted in creation of jobs opportunities for talented and educated people in
the banks. As far as new branches are opened, hundreds of people got employment.
7. Rural bank branches
The nationalized banks have opened many branches in rural areas. It is due to the rural
branches that the idle funds are being used into the productive sectors.
8. Foreign bank branches
The performance of foreign bank branches has also increased; the employees are posted on
the merit basis. Number of branches has also increased to promote banking at international
9. Increase in government income
Before nationalization the income of the bank was gone into the hands of their owners. Now
the income of the banks is transferred to the government treasury which can be used for the
common interest of the nation.
10. Increase in public confidence
Nationalization helped in increasing the public confidence. They do not feel hesitation in
depositing their savings in banks because they know that the banks are working under the
supervision of government.
11. Black money
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Before the nationalization the corrupt officers and traders were used to keep their black
money in banks. But now the protection to black money is not possible because the
government can check the amounts of bank at any time.
12. Control over credit
Commercial bank can create credit, but unnecessary expansion of credit can create inflation.
Nationalization enables the state bank of Pakistan to control the activities of commercial
13. Economic development
Nationalization increased the resources of the government. The government was in a position
to start long term projects which leads towards the economic development.
14. Development of agricultural sector
Before the nationalization, considerable attention was not given to the agricultural sector.
However after nationalization special attention was given to the agricultural credit, which
helped in development of agricultural sector.
Disadvantages of nationalization
1. Lack of competition
Healthy competition is necessary for the development and promotion. Nationalized banks
were run by the state so less attention was given to effective policies and competition.
2. Corruption and bad debts
Nationalization resulted in high level of corruption by the top management. Credit was
generally misused and in some cases the amount of loan was not returned.
3. Favoritism
Nationalization has resulted in favoritism, incompetent and unqualified staff is appointed.
The favoritism has badly affected the performance of banks
4. Political pressure
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Raza (MBA, ACMA) providing quality education OF ACCOUNTING, MBF, ITB B.LAW, AUDITING AND
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After nationalization the political interference has increased in the bank management has
increased. Loans are granted on political pressure rather than on merit basis.
5. Low efficiency of employees
Nationalization transferred the bank officials into the government officials. There jobs were
fully secured which reduces the efficiency of employees.
6. Unfair distribution of credit
It was announced at the time of nationalization that the unfair distribution of credit should be
eliminated. But in actual, the big capitalist have obtained loan by using their powerful
7. Complex procedures
After nationalization the procedure of getting loan became complicated, due to which the
needy people and business community could not get loans and the country remained
underdeveloped in many sectors.
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Q #32
What are the causes of nationalization of banks in
Causes of nationalization of banks
1. Credit control
Commercial bank can create credit, but unnecessary creation of credit can create problems.
State bank of Pakistan keeps an eye on the credit creation but it has an indirect link.
Commercial banks were creating credit for their personal benefit
2. Distribution of loan
Loans were advanced to the rich people and. The middle class and low class was greatly
ignored which created the class conflicts.
3. Discrimination of sectors
The commercial banks had been advancing most of the loan to the big importers and
exporters. It was ignoring small but important sectors of economy.
4. Loan to relatives
The high ranking bank officials used the bank reserves for their personal benefit. They issued
a large amount to their relatives and the major amount of loan was not returned.
5. Lack of uniformity in rules
There were no consistent and uniform service rules. The promotion and increments were
given on the personal liking and disliking and there was no job security
6. Misuse of credit
The commercial bank issued loans almost blindly. The loans issued were used for speculation
and black marketing.
7. Central bank control
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There was ineffective control of state bank of Pakistan for providing loans. They did not care
for the rate of margin requirement and other policies of state bank of Pakistan.
8. Banking profit
Earning of high profit was the first propriety of every bank. Banks were not focusing on the
economic growth. The savings of the people were used for the personal interests of banks not
for the national interest.
9. Overseas branches
The performance of overseas branches was poor; most of them were even working at loss.
10. Wasteful competition
Banks were busy in wasteful competition. They were spending huge amount on the
advertisement and entertainment. There was rush of braches in trading centers but no
branches in rural areas.
11. Protection of black money
The private banks protected the black money; this resulted in the contraction of funds in few
hands. It was failed to check the unfair means of income, even the government was not
allowed to check the balance of such account. Tax collection was not possible on such
Raza (MBA, ACMA) providing quality education OF ACCOUNTING, MBF, ITB B.LAW, AUDITING AND
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