Brochure IDA Tunnel
Brochure IDA Tunnel
Brochure IDA Tunnel
In 1995, the design of Sdralnken, a new and modern
Swedish road tunnel system, began. This intricate,
longitudinally ventilated tunnel network posed challenges
that called for new tools. The first version of IDA Road
Tunnel Ventilation was developed to address the ventilation
and fire design tasks of this project.
A complete re-implementation of the tunnel package in the
Modelica language commenced in 2004 and discrete train
traffic was introduced in the program. After several fullscale metro modeling projects for Stockholm Transport, the
Swedish Rail Authority and the London Underground, the
new package of IDA Tunnel was released.
tunnel. For momentum jet fans, the user specifies crosssectional area, efficiency and air velocity.
Tunnel fire scenarios can be simulated, in which case a user
specified heatflux is added in a limited section of the tunnel.
Models for smoke production depending on fire type and
combustion materials are available as well as fire size limitations according to available oxygen. Temperature profile
into the wall and smoke radiation is modeled.
Three road traffic models are available: standing, moving
and dynamic. The dynamic traffic model is able to predict
many of the phenomena associated with real traffic such as
congestion, multi-lane traffic, vehicle and slope dependent
maximum speeds.
3D tunnel editor
IDA Tunnel
EQUA Simulation AB
Rsundavgen 100
SE-169 57 Solna
and Modules