Hand Book On Treaty Law
Hand Book On Treaty Law
Hand Book On Treaty Law
United Nations
This Handbook is provided for information only and does not constitute formal legal or
other professional advice. Readers may wish to seek such advice before taking action in
relation to matters described in this Handbook or otherwise relying on the information
contained herein. The United Nations assumes no liability for actions undertaken in
reliance on the information contained in this Handbook.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval
system or transmitted in any form by any means, i.e., electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the United
Annex 1 Note verbale from the Legal Counsel (full powers), 2010 .......................... 47
Annex 2 Note verbale from the Legal Counsel (Extension of time limits to lodge
objections to late reservations), 2000........................................................... 49
Annex 3 Model instrument of full powers.................................................................. 51
Annex 4 Model instrument of ratification, acceptance or approval ........................... 52
Annex 5 Model instrument of accession .................................................................... 53
Annex 6 Model instrument of reservation/declaration ............................................... 54
Annex 7 Model instrument of modification of reservation(s) ................................... 55
Annex 8 Model instrument of withdrawal of reservation(s) ..................................... 56
Annex 9 Model certifying statement for registration or filing and recording ............ 57
Annex 10 Checklist for registration.............................................................................. 58
Annex 11 Secretary-Generals Bulletin (ST/SGB/2001/7) ......................................... 59
..................................................................................................................... 62
In its Millennium Declaration, the General Assembly of the United Nations
emphasized the need to strengthen the international rule of law, thus clearly highlighting
a key area of focus for the United Nations in the new millennium. The Secretary-General
of the United Nations has also reaffirmed his commitment to advancing the international
rule of law. Treaties are the primary source of international law, and the SecretaryGeneral is the main depositary of multilateral treaties in the world. At present, over 550
multilateral treaties are deposited with the Secretary-General. In order to encourage wider
participation in the multilateral treaties deposited with him, the Secretary-General has
been inviting States to participate in annual Treaty Events since the initiative was first
launched in 2000. In addition to the depositary functions of the Secretary-General, the
Secretariat has played a unique role in carrying out functions related to the registration
and publication of treaties in accordance with Article 102 of the Charter of the United
Nations in order to ensure that treaties in force are in the public domain.
This Handbook, prepared by the Treaty Section of the United Nations Office of Legal
Affairs, is a practical guide to the depositary practice of the Secretary-General and the
registration practice of the Secretariat. It is intended as a contribution to the United
Nations efforts to assist States in becoming party to the international treaty framework
and in registering treaties with the Secretariat as required by Article 102 of the Charter. It
is presented in a user-friendly format with diagrams and step-by-step instructions, and
touches upon many aspects of treaty law and practice. This Handbook is designed for use
by States, international organizations and other entities.
Aside from this Handbook, there are various other resources available in relation to the
depositary and registration practices applied within the United Nations. In particular,
attention is drawn to the Summary of Practice of the Secretary-General as Depositary of
Multilateral Treaties, which contains a comprehensive overview of the main features of
the depositary practice of the Secretary-General, and the Final Clauses of Multilateral
Treaties Handbook, which is a practical guide intended to assist those who are directly
involved in multilateral treaty-making. The United Nations Treaty Collection website at
http://treaties.un.org, maintained by the Treaty Section, includes, among many other
things, an electronic copy of this Handbook and other publications. The website also
includes a database containing the status of multilateral treaties deposited with the
Secretary-General, as well as a database of treaties registered or filed and recorded and
related treaty actions published in the United Nations Treaty Series.
Users of this Handbook are encouraged to make full use of the wealth of information
contained therein and to contact the Treaty Section of the Office of Legal Affairs with
any comments or questions. The Treaty Section provides advice and assistance on treaty
law, the depositary practice of the Secretary-General, the registration of treaties, and the
drafting of final clauses of multilateral treaties, either upon request or through its training
seminars. The training seminars organized by the Treaty Section at United Nations
Headquarters and at the regional level are focused not only on treaty law and practice, but
also provide an opportunity to encourage, with the assistance of the substantive offices,
greater awareness of the implementation of treaty provisions at the national level.
This Handbook uses the following abbreviations:
Repertory of
Summary of
Treaty Section
Convention 1969
Convention 1986
treaties or performing treaty actions. A glossary listing common terms and phrases of
treaty law and practice, many of which are used in this Handbook, is also included.
Treaty law and its practice are highly specialized. Nevertheless, this publication
attempts to avoid extensive legal analyses of the more complex areas of the depositary
and registration practices. Many of the complexities involving the depositary practice are
addressed in the Summary of Practice of the Secretary-General as Depositary of
Multilateral Treaties (ST/LEG/7/Rev.1). The Repertory of Practice of United Nations
Organs (volume V, New York, 1955, and Supplements 1-7) is also a valuable guide to
the two practices. This Handbook is not intended to replace the Summary of Practice or
the Repertory of Practice.
Readers are encouraged to contact the Treaty Section of the Office of Legal Affairs of
the United Nations with questions or comments about this Handbook. This publication
may need further elaboration and clarification in certain areas, and the views of readers
will be invaluable for future revisions.
Treaty Section
Office of Legal Affairs
United Nations
New York, NY 10017
Secretary-General as depositary
The Secretary-General of the United Nations, at present, is the depositary for over 550
multilateral treaties. The Secretary-General derives this authority from:
The depositary of a treaty is responsible for ensuring the proper execution of all treaty
actions relating to that treaty. The depositarys duties are international in character, and
the depositary is under an obligation to act impartially in the performance of those duties.
The Secretary-General is guided in the performance of depositary functions by:
In practice, the Treaty Section of the United Nations Office of Legal Affairs carries out
depositary functions on behalf of the Secretary-General.
Designation of depositary
(See section 6.5, which explains how to arrange with the Treaty Section for deposit of a
multilateral treaty with the Secretary-General.)
The negotiating States to a multilateral treaty designate the depositary for that treaty
either in the treaty itself or in some other manner, for example, through a separate
decision adopted by the negotiating States. When a treaty is adopted within the
framework of the United Nations or at a conference convened by the United Nations, the
treaty normally includes a provision designating the Secretary-General as the depositary
for that treaty. If a multilateral treaty has not been adopted within the framework of an
international organization or at a conference convened by such an organization, it is
customary for the treaty to be deposited with the State that hosted the negotiating
When a treaty is not adopted within the framework of the United Nations or at a
conference convened by the United Nations, it is necessary for negotiating States to seek
the concurrence of the Secretary-General to be the depositary for the treaty before
designating the Secretary-General as such. In view of the nature of the SecretaryGenerals role, the Secretary-General gives careful consideration to the request. In
general, the Secretary-Generals policy is to assume depositary functions only for:
Final clauses are critical in providing guidance to the depositary in the performance of
his depositary functions. In order to discharge those functions effectively, the depositary
should be consulted in drafting them. Unclear final clauses may create difficulties in
interpretation and implementation both for States parties and for the depositary. It is
important to note that on 28 August 2001, the Secretary-General of the United Nations
promulgated the bulletin Procedures to be followed by departments, offices and regional
commissions of the United Nations with regard to treaties and international agreements
(see ST/SGB/2001/7 of 28 August 2001 in annex 11). In section 4.2 of this bulletin, the
Secretary-General of the United Nations expressly states that, in the case of multilateral
treaties to be deposited with him, draft final clauses of such multilateral treaties shall be
submitted by the relevant department, office or regional commission to the Treaty
Section for review and comment prior to finalization.
(See section 6.2, which illustrates how to arrange with the Treaty Section to sign a
multilateral treaty.)
The first commonly used step to participate in a treaty is signing that treaty. As
explained below, unless the treaty otherwise provides, a signatory does not become a
party to a treaty through signature alone. Multilateral treaties contain signature provisions
indicating the place of signature, date of opening for signature, period of signature, etc.
For the sake of editorial convenience, the term State, as used in this Handbook, may include other
entities with the competence under international law to enter into treaties.
Definitive signature
Some treaties provide that States can express their consent to be legally bound solely
upon signature. This method is most commonly used in bilateral treaties and rarely used
for multilateral treaties. In the latter case, the entry into force provision of the treaty
expressly provides that a State can express consent to be bound by definitively signing
the treaty, i.e., signing without reservation as to ratification, acceptance or approval.
Of the treaties deposited with the Secretary-General, this method is most commonly
used in certain treaties negotiated under the auspices of the regional Economic
Commissions, for example, article 4 (3) of the Agreement concerning the Adoption of
Uniform Conditions for Periodical Technical Inspections of Wheeled Vehicles and the
Reciprocal Recognition of Such Inspections, 1997:
Countries under paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article may become Contracting Parties to the
By signing it without reservation to a ratification;
By ratifying it after signing it subject to ratification;
By acceding to it.
Also the Agreement on International Railways in the Arab Mashreq, 2003, provides
in its article 5 (2) that members under paragraph 5 (1) may become parties by:
Full powers
(See section 6.2, which details how to arrange with the Treaty Section to sign a treaty.)
The Head of State, Head of Government or Minister for Foreign Affairs may sign a
treaty on behalf of the State without an instrument of full powers.
A person other than the Head of State, Head of Government or Minister for Foreign
Affairs may sign a treaty only if that person possesses a valid instrument of full powers.
This instrument of full powers empowers the specified representative to sign a given
treaty. This is a legal requirement reflected in article 7 of the Vienna Convention 1969. It
is designed to protect the interests of all States that can participate in a treaty as well as
the integrity of the depositary. Typically, full powers are issued for the signature of a
specified treaty, but may also be issued to empower a specific representative to sign more
than one treaty.
Some countries have deposited general full powers with the Secretary-General. General
full powers do not specify the treaty to be signed, but rather authorize a specified
representative to sign all treaties deposited with the Secretary-General.
The instrument of full powers must be signed by one of the three abovementioned authorities and must unambiguously empower a specified person to
sign the treaty. Full powers may also be issued by a person exceptionally
exercising the power of one of the above-mentioned three authorities of State
ad interim. This should be stated clearly on the instrument.
Full powers are usually limited to one specific treaty and must indicate the
title of the treaty. If the title of the treaty is not yet agreed, the full powers
must indicate the subject matter and the name of the conference or the
international organization where the negotiations are taking place.
Full powers must state the full name and title of the representative
authorized to sign. They are individual and cannot be transferred to the
permanent representative . Due to the individual character of the full
powers, it is prudent to name at least two representatives, in case one is
hindered by some unforeseen circumstance from performing the designated
Date and place of signature must be indicated.
Official seal. This is optional and it cannot replace the signature of one of the
three authorities of State.
(See Note Verbale from the Legal Counsel of the United Nations of 3 February 2010,
LA41TR/221/Full Powers Guidelines/2010 (extracted in annex 1)).
The following is an example of an instrument of full powers:
I have the honour to inform you that I (name), President of the Republic of (name of State), have
given full powers to the Honourable Ms (name), Secretary of State for the Interior and Religious
Affairs, to sign on behalf of (name of State) the United Nations Convention against Transnational
Organized Crime and the following two Protocols to be opened for signature in Palermo, Italy,
from 12th to 15th December 2000:
Protocol against the smuggling of migrants by Land, Air and Sea, supplementing the
United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime.
Protocol to prevent, suppress and punish trafficking in persons, especially women and
children, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized
This note constitutes the full powers empowering the Honourable (name) to sign the above-stated
Convention and Protocols.
The Hon. (name), President of the Republic of (name
of State)
Full powers are legally distinct from credentials, which authorize representatives of a
State to participate in a conference and sign the Final Act of the conference.
(See section 6.2, which details how to arrange with the Treaty Section to sign a
multilateral treaty and to have an instrument of full powers reviewed.)
As custodian of the treaty, the depositary verifies all full powers prior to signature. If
the Secretary-General of the United Nations is the depositary for the treaty in question,
the State wishing to sign the treaty should make an appointment for signature with the
Treaty Section and submit to the Treaty Section for verification a copy of the signed
instrument of full powers well in advance of signature (facsimiles and e-mails are
acceptable for this purpose). The representative empowered to sign on behalf of his/her
Government would normally hand over the original instrument of full powers at the time
of signature. However, in accordance with the depositary practice, a signature by a
representative could be accepted on the basis of a copy of the full powers on condition
that they are in proper and due form, but this requires that the State provide the Treaty
Section with the original full powers as soon as possible (by hand or mail).
Consent to be bound
(See section 6.3, which details how to arrange with the Treaty Section to deposit an
instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession to a treaty.)
In order to become a party to a multilateral treaty, a State must demonstrate, through a
concrete act, its willingness to undertake the legal rights and obligations contained in the
treaty. In other words, it must express its consent to be bound by the treaty. A State can
express its consent to be bound in several ways, in accordance with the final clauses of
the relevant treaty. The most common ways, as discussed below, are:
The act by which a State expresses its consent to be bound by a treaty is distinct from
the treatys entry into force (see section 4.2). Consent to be bound is the act whereby a
State demonstrates its willingness to undertake the legal rights and obligations under a
treaty through definitive signature or the deposit of an instrument of ratification,
acceptance, approval or accession. Entry into force of a treaty with regard to a State is the
moment the treaty becomes legally binding for the State, that is, the moment at which
that State becomes party to the treaty. Each treaty normally contains provisions dealing
with both aspects.
Acceptance or approval
Provisional application
the States concerned. The Secretary-General accepts the reservation in deposit only if no
State informs him that it does not wish him to consider the reservation to have been
accepted for deposit. This is a situation where the Secretary-Generals practice deviates
from the strict requirements of the Vienna Convention 1969. On 4 April 2000, in a letter
addressed to the Permanent Representatives to the United Nations, the Legal Counsel
advised that the time limit for objecting to such a late reservation would be 12 months
from the date of the depositary notification. The same principle has been applied by the
Secretary-General, as depositary, where a reserving State to a treaty has withdrawn an
initial reservation but has substituted it with a new or modified reservation (LA41TR/221
(23-1) (extracted in annex 2)).
Form of reservations
For example, articles 309 and 310 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the
Sea, 1982, provide that States may not make reservations to the Convention (unless
expressly permitted elsewhere in the Convention) and that declarations or statements,
however phrased or named, may only be made if they do not purport to exclude or
modify the legal effect of the provisions of the Convention in their application to the
reserving State.
Where a treaty expressly authorizes reservations
Where a State formulates a reservation that is expressly authorized by the relevant
treaty, the Secretary-General, as depositary, informs the States concerned by depositary
notification. A reservation of this nature does not require any subsequent acceptance by
the States concerned, unless the treaty so provides (see article 20 (1) of the Vienna
Convention 1969).
Where a treaty is silent on reservations
Where a treaty is silent on reservations and a State formulates a reservation consistent
with article 19 of the Vienna Convention 1969, the Secretary-General, as depositary,
informs the States concerned of the reservation by depositary notification. Generally,
human rights treaties do not contain provisions relating to reservations.
Objections to reservations
the States concerned. The Secretary-General accepts the reservation in deposit only if no
State informs him that it does not wish him to consider the reservation to have been
accepted for deposit. This is a situation where the Secretary-Generals practice deviates
from the strict requirements of the Vienna Convention 1969. On 4 April 2000, in a letter
addressed to the Permanent Representatives to the United Nations, the Legal Counsel
advised that the time limit for objecting to such a late reservation would be 12 months
from the date of the depositary notification. The same principle has been applied by the
Secretary-General, as depositary, where a reserving State to a treaty has withdrawn an
initial reservation but has substituted it with a new or modified reservation (LA41TR/221
(23-1) (extracted in annex 2)).
Form of reservations
Declarations are usually deposited at the time of signature or at the time of deposit of
the instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession. Sometimes, a
declaration may be lodged subsequently.
Form of declarations
Since an interpretative declaration does not have a legal effect similar to that of a
reservation, it need not be signed by a formal authority as long as it clearly emanates
from the State concerned. However, since a doubt could arise about whether a declaration
in fact constitutes a reservation, a declaration should preferably be signed by the Head of
State, Head of Government or Minister for Foreign Affairs or a person having full powers
for that purpose issued by one of the above authorities.
Optional and mandatory declarations impose legal obligations on the declarant and
therefore must be signed by the Head of State, Head of Government or Minister for
Foreign Affairs or by a person having full powers for that purpose issued by one of the
above authorities.
Objections to declarations
See, for example, the objection by a State to a reservation that another State made
upon its accession to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination
against Women, 1979 (depositary notification C.N.506.2007.TREATIES-19):
The Government of (name of State) has examined the reservations made by the Government of
(name of State) upon accession to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of
Discrimination against Women regarding Article 9, paragraph 2 and those provisions of the
Convention that may be contrary to the Constitution of (name of State) The Government of
(name of State) therefore objects to the aforesaid reservations made by the Government of (name
of State) to the Convention. This objection shall not preclude the entry into force of the
Convention between (name of State) and (name of State). The Convention enters into force in its
entirety between (name of State) and (name of State), without (name of State) benefiting from its
If a State does not object to a reservation made by another State, the first State is
deemed to have tacitly accepted the reservation (article 21 (1) of the Vienna Convention
Withdrawal of reservations
Modifications to reservations
Typically, the provisions of a multilateral treaty determine the date upon which the
treaty enters into force. Where a treaty does not specify a date or provides another
method for its entry into force, the treaty is presumed to be intended to come into force as
soon as all negotiating States have consented to be bound by the treaty. All multilateral
treaties deposited with the Secretary-General that are concluded nowadays specify when
they will enter into force.
Treaties, in general, may enter into force:
See, for example, article 57 (2) of the International Cocoa Agreement, 2010:
This Agreement shall enter into force provisionally on 1 January 2011 if by such date
Governments representing at least five exporting countries accounting for at least 80 per cent of
the total exports of countries listed in annex A and Governments representing importing countries
having at least 60 per cent of total imports as set out in annex B have deposited their instruments
of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, or have notified the Depositary that they will
apply this Agreement provisionally when it enters into force. Such Governments shall be
provisional Members.
Once a treaty has entered into force provisionally, it creates obligations for the parties
that agreed to bring it into force in that manner.
Many treaties contain detailed dispute resolution provisions, but some contain only
general provisions. Where a dispute, controversy or claim arises out of a treaty (for
example, due to breach, error, fraud, performance issues, etc.) these provisions become
extremely important. If a treaty does not provide a dispute resolution mechanism,
article 66 of the Vienna Convention 1969 may apply.
Treaties may provide various dispute resolution mechanisms, such as negotiation,
consultation, conciliation, use of good offices, panel procedures, arbitration, judicial
settlement, reference to the International Court of Justice, etc. See, for example, article
119 (2) of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, 1998:
Any other dispute between two or more States Parties relating to the interpretation or
application of this Statute which is not settled through negotiations within three months
of their commencement shall be referred to the Assembly of States Parties. The Assembly
may itself seek to settle the dispute or may make recommendations on further means of
settlement of the dispute, including referral to the International Court of Justice in
conformity with the Statute of that Court.
The text of a treaty may be amended in accordance with the amendment provisions in
the treaty itself or in accordance with Part IV of the Vienna Convention 1969. If the
treaty does not specify any amendment procedures, the parties may negotiate a new treaty
or agreement amending the existing treaty.
An amendment procedure within a treaty may contain provisions governing the
Proposal of amendments
See, for example, article 15 of the Optional Protocol to the Convention on
the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, 2006:
Any State Party may propose an amendment to the present Protocol and submit it to
the Secretary-General of the United Nations. The Secretary-General shall
communicate any proposed amendments to States Parties; with a request to be
notified whether they favour a meeting of States Parties for the purpose of
considering and deciding upon the proposals.
Adoption of amendments
Amendments may be adopted by States parties at a conference or by an
executive body, such as the executive arm of the treaty. See, for example,
article 13 (4) of the Convention on Cluster Munitions, 2008:
Any amendment to this Convention shall be adopted by a majority of two-thirds of
the States Parties present and voting at the Amendment Conference. The Depositary
shall communicate any amendment so adopted to all States.
or exclude the legal effects of certain provisions of a treaty does not alone determine the status of
such statement as a reservation or declaration. The (name of State) is of the opinion that the
declaration made by the (name of State) constitutes, in fact, a reservation. The (name of State)
finds that the reservation does not make it clear to what extent the (name of State) is willing to
honour its obligations under the Convention, since it does not consider itself bound by any
provisions of the Convention which may be incompatible with its applicable rules. The (name of
State) believes that this reservation is incompatible with the object and purpose of the Convention.
According to Article 46, paragraph 1 of the Convention and customary international law codified
in the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, such reservations should not be permitted. It is
in the common interest of States that treaties to which they have chosen to become parties are
respected as to their object and purpose, by all parties, and that States are prepared to undertake
any legislative changes necessary to comply with their obligations under the treaties. The (name
of State), therefore, objects to the aforesaid reservation made by the (name of State) and considers
the reservation null and void. This objection shall not preclude the entry into force of the
Convention between the (name of State) and the (name of State), without the (name of State)
benefiting from its reservation.
An objecting State sometimes requests that the declarant clarify its intention. In such
a situation, if the declarant agrees that it has formulated a reservation, it may either
withdraw its reservation or confirm that its statement is only a declaration.
In the case of derogations from the International Covenant on Civil and Political
Rights, 1966, in time of public emergency, a State must immediately inform other States,
through the intermediary of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, of the
provisions of the Covenant from which it has derogated and of the reasons by which it
was actuated. The Secretary-General must also be informed of an extension or cessation
of a state of emergency.
Since a notification does not have a legal effect similar to a declaration or reservation,
it does not need to be signed by one of the three authorities.
(See the Repertory of Practice, Article 102, para. 2, and the annex to the General
Recognizing the need for the Secretariat to have uniform guidelines for implementing
Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations, the General Assembly adopted certain
Regulations to give effect to Article 102 (see the Abbreviations section for the source of
the Regulations). The Regulations treat the act of registration and the act of publication as
two distinct operations. Parts one and two of the Regulations (articles 1-11) deal with
registration and filing and recording. Part three of the Regulations (articles 12-14) relates
to publication.
Typically, the provisions of a multilateral treaty determine the date upon which the
treaty enters into force. Where a treaty does not specify a date or provides another
method for its entry into force, the treaty is presumed to be intended to come into force as
soon as all negotiating States have consented to be bound by the treaty. All multilateral
treaties deposited with the Secretary-General that are concluded nowadays specify when
they will enter into force.
Treaties, in general, may enter into force:
(See the Repertory of Practice, Article 102, and article 2 of the Regulations in the
annex to the General Survey.)
Subsequent actions effecting a change in the parties to, or the terms, scope or
application of, a treaty or international agreement previously registered must be
registered with the Secretariat. For example, such actions may involve ratifications,
accessions, prolongations, extensions to territories, or denunciations. In the case of
bilateral treaties, it is generally the party responsible for the subsequent action that
registers it with the Secretariat. However, any other party to such agreement may assume
this role. In the case of a multilateral treaty or agreement, the depositary usually effects
registration of such actions (see section 5.4.3 in relation to treaties or international
agreements deposited with the Secretary-General).
Where a new instrument modifies the scope or application of a parent agreement, such
new instrument must also be registered with the Secretariat. It is clear from article 2 of
the Regulations that for the subsequent treaty or international agreement to be registered,
the prior treaty or international agreement to which it relates must first be registered. In
order to maintain organizational continuity, the registration number that has been
assigned for the registration of the parent treaty or international agreement is also
assigned to the subsequent treaty or international agreement.
(See the Repertory of Practice, Article 102, article 5 of the Regulations in the annex to
the General Survey and annex 10.)
Before preparing documents for registration, the following points should be taken into
Provisions in a treaty may invoke other agreements that form a part of the
treaty and are essential for the application and implementation of the
treaty. If those agreements are not yet registered, they should also be
submitted for registration.
Treaties and international agreements that have already been registered could be
searched on the United Nations Treaty Series database (http://treaties.un.org).
See, for example, article 57 (2) of the International Cocoa Agreement, 2010:
This Agreement shall enter into force provisionally on 1 January 2011 if by such date
Governments representing at least five exporting countries accounting for at least 80 per cent of
the total exports of countries listed in annex A and Governments representing importing countries
having at least 60 per cent of total imports as set out in annex B have deposited their instruments
of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, or have notified the Depositary that they will
apply this Agreement provisionally when it enters into force. Such Governments shall be
provisional Members.
Once a treaty has entered into force provisionally, it creates obligations for the parties
that agreed to bring it into force in that manner.
Many treaties contain detailed dispute resolution provisions, but some contain only
general provisions. Where a dispute, controversy or claim arises out of a treaty (for
example, due to breach, error, fraud, performance issues, etc.) these provisions become
extremely important. If a treaty does not provide a dispute resolution mechanism,
article 66 of the Vienna Convention 1969 may apply.
Treaties may provide various dispute resolution mechanisms, such as negotiation,
consultation, conciliation, use of good offices, panel procedures, arbitration, judicial
settlement, reference to the International Court of Justice, etc. See, for example, article
119 (2) of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, 1998:
Any other dispute between two or more States Parties relating to the interpretation or
application of this Statute which is not settled through negotiations within three months
of their commencement shall be referred to the Assembly of States Parties. The Assembly
may itself seek to settle the dispute or may make recommendations on further means of
settlement of the dispute, including referral to the International Court of Justice in
conformity with the Statute of that Court.
The text of a treaty may be amended in accordance with the amendment provisions in
the treaty itself or in accordance with Part IV of the Vienna Convention 1969. If the
treaty does not specify any amendment procedures, the parties may negotiate a new treaty
or agreement amending the existing treaty.
An amendment procedure within a treaty may contain provisions governing the
Proposal of amendments
See, for example, article 15 of the Optional Protocol to the Convention on
the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, 2006:
Any State Party may propose an amendment to the present Protocol and submit it to
the Secretary-General of the United Nations. The Secretary-General shall
communicate any proposed amendments to States Parties; with a request to be
notified whether they favour a meeting of States Parties for the purpose of
considering and deciding upon the proposals.
Adoption of amendments
Amendments may be adopted by States parties at a conference or by an
executive body, such as the executive arm of the treaty. See, for example,
article 13 (4) of the Convention on Cluster Munitions, 2008:
Any amendment to this Convention shall be adopted by a majority of two-thirds of
the States Parties present and voting at the Amendment Conference. The Depositary
shall communicate any amendment so adopted to all States.
In 1997, the General Assembly extended the limited publication policy to multilateral
treaties, so that the Secretariat now has discretion not to publish in extenso bilateral and
multilateral treaties or agreements falling within one of the categories listed under article
12 (2) (a) to (c) (General Assembly resolution 52/153 of 15 December 1997):
The General Assembly
Invites the Secretary-General to apply the provisions of article 12, paragraph 2,
of the Regulations to give effect to Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations to
multilateral treaties falling within the terms of article 12, paragraph 2 (a) to (c);
Lengthy lists of products attached to bilateral or multilateral trade agreements also fall
within the limited publication policy. In addition, agreements of the European Union are
published only in English and French.
Today, approximately 25 per cent of the treaties registered are subject to the limited
publication policy. An example of a multilateral treaty or agreement falling under the
extended scope of article 12 (2) is the Agreement concerning the Adoption of Uniform
Technical Prescriptions for Wheeled Vehicles, Equipment and Parts which can be fitted
and/or be used on Wheeled Vehicles and the Conditions for Reciprocal Recognition of
Approvals Granted on the Basis of these Prescriptions, 1958. Due to the highly technical
nature of this Agreement, which contains over 100 annexed regulations, all of which are
subject to amendments on a regular basis, the Secretariat does not publish this Agreement
in full in the United Nations Treaty Series.
General information
As mentioned in the Introduction to this Handbook, the Treaty Section of the Office of
Legal Affairs of the United Nations discharges the responsibility for the depositary
functions of the Secretary-General of the United Nations and the registration and
publication of treaties submitted to the Secretariat. This section sets out some steps to
follow in contacting the Treaty Section in relation to certain treaty actions.
Most treaty actions become effective only upon deposit of the relevant instrument.
States are advised to deliver instruments for deposit directly to the Treaty Section to
ensure they are promptly processed. The date of deposit is normally recorded as that on
which the instrument is received at Headquarters, unless the instrument is subsequently
deemed unacceptable. Persons who are merely delivering instruments (rather than, for
example, signing a treaty) do not require full powers.
Is the treaty
open for
by the State
wishing to
Is the proposed
signatory the
Head of State,
Head of
Government or
Minister for
Foreign Affairs
of the State?
Is the treaty
open for
accession by
the State
The State
accede to the
1. Prepare instrument of
accession in accordance
with annex 5.
2. E-mail or fax to the Treaty
Section, preferably
including a translation into
English or French, where
3. Deliver the original
instrument by hand or mail
to the Treaty Section.
4. If the instrument is e-mailed
or faxed to the Treaty
Section for immediate
deposit, deliver the original
instrument to the Treaty
Section as soon as possible.
(See the Repertory of Practice, Article 102, paras. 43-44, 55-57 and 67-70, and article
1 of the Regulations in the annex to the General Survey.)
Under Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations (see section 5.1), treaties and
international agreements of which at least one party is a Member of the United Nations
must be registered with the Secretariat. The treaty or international agreement has to be in
force between at least two of the parties and the other requirements for registration have
to be met (article 1 of the Regulations) (see section 5.6).
As mentioned above, Member States of the United Nations are obliged to register,
under Article 102, all treaties and international agreements concluded after the coming
into force of the Charter of the United Nations. Thus, the onus to register rests with
Member States of the United Nations. Although this obligation is mandatory for Member
States of the United Nations, it does not preclude international organizations with treatymaking capacity or non-Member States from submitting for registration treaties or
international agreements entered into with a Member State.
A specialized agency is permitted to register with the Secretariat a treaty or
international agreement that is subject to registration in the following cases (article 4 (2)
of the Regulations):
(a) Where the constituent instrument of the specialized agency provides for
such registration;
(b) Where the treaty or agreement has been registered with the specialized
agency pursuant to the terms of its constituent instrument;
(c) Where the specialized agency has been authorized by the treaty or
agreement to effect registration.
In accordance with article 1 (3) of the Regulations, which provides for registration to
be effected by any party to a treaty or international agreement, the specialized agency
may also register those treaties and international agreements to which it itself is a party.
(See the Repertory of Practice, Article 102, paras. 71-81, and article 10 of the
Regulations in the annex to the General Survey.)
The Secretariat files and records treaties or international agreements voluntarily
submitted to the Secretariat and not subject to registration under Article 102 of the
Charter of the United Nations or the Regulations. The requirements for registration
outlined in section 5.6 in relation to submission of treaties and international agreements
for registration apply equally to submission of treaties and international agreements for
filing and recording.
Article 10 of the Regulations provides for the Secretariat to file and record the
following categories of treaties and international agreements where they are not subject to
registration under Article 102:
(See the Repertory of Practice, Article 102, paras. 45-54, and article 4 (1) of the
Regulations in the annex to the General Survey.)
Article 4 (a) of the Regulations provides that every treaty or international agreement
that is subject to registration and to which the United Nations is a party shall be registered
ex officio. Ex officio registration is the act whereby the United Nations unilaterally
registers all treaties or international agreements to which it is a party. Although not
expressly provided for in the Regulations, it is the practice of the Secretariat to register ex
officio subsequent actions relating to a treaty or international agreement that the United
Nations has previously registered ex officio.
Where the Secretary-General is the depositary of a multilateral treaty or agreement, the
United Nations also registers ex officio the treaty or international agreement and
subsequent actions to it after the relevant treaty or international agreement has entered
into force (see article 4 (c) of the Regulations).
Multilateral treaties
Bilateral treaties
The majority of treaties registered pursuant to Article 102 of the Charter of the United
Nations are bilateral treaties. A bilateral treaty is an international agreement concluded
between two subjects of international law, each possessing treaty-making capacity (see
section 5.3.3). In some situations, several States or organizations may join together to
form one party. There is no standard form for a bilateral treaty.
An essential element of a bilateral treaty is that both parties have reached agreement on
its content. Accordingly, reservations and declarations are generally inapplicable to
bilateral agreements. However, where the parties to a bilateral treaty have made
reservations or declarations, or agreed on some other interpretative document, such
instrument must be registered together with the treaty submitted for registration under
Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations (see article 5 of the Regulations).
Unilateral declarations
(See the Repertory of Practice, Article 102, and article 2 of the Regulations in the
annex to the General Survey.)
Subsequent actions effecting a change in the parties to, or the terms, scope or
application of, a treaty or international agreement previously registered must be
registered with the Secretariat. For example, such actions may involve ratifications,
accessions, prolongations, extensions to territories, or denunciations. In the case of
bilateral treaties, it is generally the party responsible for the subsequent action that
registers it with the Secretariat. However, any other party to such agreement may assume
this role. In the case of a multilateral treaty or agreement, the depositary usually effects
registration of such actions (see section 5.4.3 in relation to treaties or international
agreements deposited with the Secretary-General).
Where a new instrument modifies the scope or application of a parent agreement, such
new instrument must also be registered with the Secretariat. It is clear from article 2 of
the Regulations that for the subsequent treaty or international agreement to be registered,
the prior treaty or international agreement to which it relates must first be registered. In
order to maintain organizational continuity, the registration number that has been
assigned for the registration of the parent treaty or international agreement is also
assigned to the subsequent treaty or international agreement.
(See the Repertory of Practice, Article 102, article 5 of the Regulations in the annex to
the General Survey and annex 10.)
Before preparing documents for registration, the following points should be taken into
Provisions in a treaty may invoke other agreements that form a part of the
treaty and are essential for the application and implementation of the
treaty. If those agreements are not yet registered, they should also be
submitted for registration.
Treaties and international agreements that have already been registered could be
searched on the United Nations Treaty Series database (http://treaties.un.org).
An instrument submitted for registration must meet the following general requirements:
Certifying statement
(See the model certifying statement in annex 9.)
Article 5 of the Regulations requires that a party or specialized agency
registering a treaty or international agreement certify that the text is a true
and complete copy thereof and includes all reservations made by parties
thereto. The certifying statement must include:
The title of the agreement;
The place and date of conclusion;
The date and method of entry into force for each party; and
The authentic languages in which the agreement was drawn
Copy of attachments
A party must submit ONE certified true and complete copy of all
attachments in paper format and, if available, ONE electronic copy of
them. Since the text of a treaty or an international agreement submitted for
registration must be complete, a copy of all enclosures, such as
protocols, exchanges of notes, authentic texts, annexes, etc., to the treaty
or international agreement forming an integral part thereof must be
Date and method of entry into force, place and date of conclusion, names
of signatories
The documentation submitted must specify the date and method of entry
into force, as well as the date and place of conclusion of the treaty or
international agreement. The names of the signatories should be specified
unless they are in typed form as part of the signature block. All these types
of information can be provided in the certifying statement (see section
Subsequent agreements
Any treaty or international agreement concluded in relation to a previously
registered or filed and recorded treaty or international agreement (such as
a protocol amending the original treaty) must be submitted in accordance
with the requirements mentioned above.
Subsequent actions
All subsequent actions to a treaty or an international agreement must be
registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat. In case a subsequent
action is accompanied by an instrument, for example, a reservation or a
declaration, ONE certified true and complete copy thereof must also be
submitted in paper format and, if available, ONE electronic copy of the
instrument. The copy to be provided should be in the language(s) in which
it was formulated, accompanied by English and French translations, if
possible. The documentation submitted must specify the date of
notification and the date of effect of the treaty action.
I, [name and title of the Head of State, Head of Government or Minister for Foreign
HEREBY DECLARE that the Government of [name of State] makes the following
[reservation / declaration] in relation to article(s) [---] of the [title and date of adoption of
the treaty, convention, agreement, etc.]:
AND WHEREAS, upon [ratification, approval, acceptance of / accession to] the [treaty,
convention, agreement, etc.], the Government of [name of State] made (a) reservation(s)
to article(s) [----] of the [treaty, convention, agreement, etc.],
NOW THEREFORE I, [name and title of the Head of State, Head of Government or
Minister for Foreign Affairs], declare that the Government of [name of State], having
reviewed the said reservation(s), hereby modifies the same as follows:
[Substance of modification]
In 1997, the General Assembly extended the limited publication policy to multilateral
treaties, so that the Secretariat now has discretion not to publish in extenso bilateral and
multilateral treaties or agreements falling within one of the categories listed under article
12 (2) (a) to (c) (General Assembly resolution 52/153 of 15 December 1997):
The General Assembly
Invites the Secretary-General to apply the provisions of article 12, paragraph 2,
of the Regulations to give effect to Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations to
multilateral treaties falling within the terms of article 12, paragraph 2 (a) to (c);
Lengthy lists of products attached to bilateral or multilateral trade agreements also fall
within the limited publication policy. In addition, agreements of the European Union are
published only in English and French.
Today, approximately 25 per cent of the treaties registered are subject to the limited
publication policy. An example of a multilateral treaty or agreement falling under the
extended scope of article 12 (2) is the Agreement concerning the Adoption of Uniform
Technical Prescriptions for Wheeled Vehicles, Equipment and Parts which can be fitted
and/or be used on Wheeled Vehicles and the Conditions for Reciprocal Recognition of
Approvals Granted on the Basis of these Prescriptions, 1958. Due to the highly technical
nature of this Agreement, which contains over 100 annexed regulations, all of which are
subject to amendments on a regular basis, the Secretariat does not publish this Agreement
in full in the United Nations Treaty Series.
Treaty / Agreement
7. Certifying statement
General information
As mentioned in the Introduction to this Handbook, the Treaty Section of the Office of
Legal Affairs of the United Nations discharges the responsibility for the depositary
functions of the Secretary-General of the United Nations and the registration and
publication of treaties submitted to the Secretariat. This section sets out some steps to
follow in contacting the Treaty Section in relation to certain treaty actions.
Most treaty actions become effective only upon deposit of the relevant instrument.
States are advised to deliver instruments for deposit directly to the Treaty Section to
ensure they are promptly processed. The date of deposit is normally recorded as that on
which the instrument is received at Headquarters, unless the instrument is subsequently
deemed unacceptable. Persons who are merely delivering instruments (rather than, for
example, signing a treaty) do not require full powers.
This section provides a guide to terms commonly used in relation to treaties and
employed in the practice of the Secretary-General as depositary of multilateral treaties, as
well as in the Secretariats registration function. Where applicable, a reference to relevant
provisions of the Vienna Convention 1969 is included.
See ratification.
Accession is the act whereby a State that has not signed a treaty
expresses its consent to become a party to that treaty by depositing an
instrument of accession (see annex 5). Accession has the same legal
effect as ratification, acceptance or approval. The conditions under
which accession may occur and the procedure involved depend on the
provisions of the relevant treaty. Accession is generally employed by
States wishing to express their consent to be bound by a treaty where
the deadline for signature has passed. However, many modern
multilateral treaties provide for accession even during the period that
the treaty is open for signature. See articles 2 (1) (b) and 15 of the
Vienna Convention 1969.
See ratification.
bilateral treaty
See treaty.
certified true
consent to be
1. Well before the treaty is adopted, contact the Treaty Section, including on the
question of the Secretary-General acting as depositary and on the final clauses (see
ST/SGB/2001/7 of 28 August 2001 in annex 11).
2. Deliver a copy of the treaty (in particular, the draft final clauses of the treaty) to the
Treaty Section for review, in the authentic languages of the treaty.
3. Following adoption, deposit the original treaty in all authentic languages with the
Treaty Section. In order for the Treaty Section to prepare authentic texts and certified
true copies in time for signature, provide pdf and Word versions of the treaty as
adopted (hard copy and electronic format Microsoft Word).
See declaration.
See declaration.
See treaty.
See declaration.
A protocol, in the context of treaty law and practice, has the same
legal characteristics as a treaty. The term protocol is often used to
describe agreements of a less formal nature than those entitled treaty
or convention. Generally, a protocol amends, supplements or clarifies
a multilateral treaty. A protocol is normally open to participation by
the parties to the parent agreement. However, in recent times States
have negotiated a number of protocols that do not follow this
principle. The advantage of a protocol is that, while it is linked to the
parent agreement, it can focus on a specific aspect of that agreement in
greater detail.
has been formulated by another State and to decide upon what action, if any, should be
taken in respect of it.
By the same token, the Secretary-General as depositary will in future, when
circulating a reservation which a State may seek to formulate subsequently to having
established its consent to be bound by a treaty, stipulate twelve months as the period
within which other parties must inform him if they do not wish him to consider them to
have accepted that reservation.
The Legal Counsel of the United Nations avails himself of this opportunity to
renew to the Permanent Representatives to the United Nations the assurances of his
highest consideration.
4 April 2000
I, [name and title of the Head of State, Head of Government or Minister for Foreign
HEREBY AUTHORIZE [name and title] to [sign *, ratify, denounce, effect the
following declaration in respect of, etc.] the [title and date of treaty, convention,
agreement, etc.] on behalf of the Government of [name of State].
Subject to the provisions of the treaty, one of the following alternatives is to be chosen:
[subject to ratification] or [without reservation as to ratification].
Reservations made upon signature must be authorized by the full powers granted to the
WHEREAS the [title of treaty, convention, agreement, etc.] was [concluded, adopted,
opened for signature, etc.] at [place] on [date],
AND WHEREAS the said [treaty, convention, agreement, etc.] has been signed on
behalf of the Government of [name of State] on [date],
NOW THEREFORE I, [name and title of the Head of State, Head of Government or
Minister for Foreign Affairs] declare that the Government of [name of State], having
considered the above-mentioned [treaty, convention, agreement, etc.], [ratifies, accepts,
approves] the same and undertakes faithfully to perform and carry out the stipulations
therein contained.
WHEREAS the [title of treaty, convention, agreement, etc.] was [concluded, adopted,
opened for signature, etc.] at [place] on [date],
NOW THEREFORE I, [name and title of the Head of State, Head of Government or
Minister for Foreign Affairs] declare that the Government of [name of State], having
considered the above-mentioned [treaty, convention, agreement, etc.], accedes to the
same and undertakes faithfully to perform and carry out the stipulations therein
I, [name and title of the Head of State, Head of Government or Minister for Foreign
HEREBY DECLARE that the Government of [name of State] makes the following
[reservation / declaration] in relation to article(s) [---] of the [title and date of adoption of
the treaty, convention, agreement, etc.]:
AND WHEREAS, upon [ratification, approval, acceptance of / accession to] the [treaty,
convention, agreement, etc.], the Government of [name of State] made (a) reservation(s)
to article(s) [----] of the [treaty, convention, agreement, etc.],
NOW THEREFORE I, [name and title of the Head of State, Head of Government or
Minister for Foreign Affairs], declare that the Government of [name of State], having
reviewed the said reservation(s), hereby modifies the same as follows:
[Substance of modification]
AND WHEREAS, upon [ratification, approval, acceptance of / accession to] the [treaty,
convention, agreement, etc.], the Government of [name of State] made (a) reservation(s)
to article(s) [---] of the [treaty, convention, agreement, etc.],
NOW THEREFORE I, [name and title of the Head of State, Head of Government or
Minister for Foreign Affairs], declare that the Government of [name of State], having
reviewed the said reservation(s), hereby withdraws the same.
(Model for the certifying statement required under the General Assembly Regulations to
give effect to Article 102 of the Charter) 1
I, THE UNDERSIGNED [name of the authority], hereby certify that the attached text is
a true and complete copy of [title of the agreement, name of the Parties, date and place of
conclusion], that [it includes all reservations made by Signatories or Parties thereto], and
that it was concluded in the following languages: [...]. I further certify that the additional
copy of this Agreement submitted on electronic media is a true and complete copy of
[title of the agreement] . 2
I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Agreement came into force on [date] by
[method of entry into force], in accordance with [article or provision in the agreement],
and that it was signed by [...] and [...].3
[Place and date of signature of certifying statement]
[Signature and title of certifying authority]
For the text of the Regulations adopted by General Assembly resolution 97 (I) of 14 December 1946
and later amended by General Assembly resolutions 364B (IV) of 1 December 1949, 482 (V) of
12 December 1950 and 33/141 of 19 December 1978, see United Nations Treaty Series, vol. 859/860,
p. VIII, 1973. See also General Assembly resolution 52/153 of 15 December 1997; Repertory of
Practice of United Nations Organs (vol. V, New York, 1955, Articles 92-111, and Supplements
1 to 7).
The language in italics must be included when additional copies of a treaty are provided on an
electronic medium.
For multilateral agreements, a complete list of contracting States or organizations with the date of
deposit of the instruments of ratification, accession, etc., and the date of entry into force of the
agreement for each party must be provided.
Treaty / Agreement
7. Certifying statement
Part III
Treaties and international agreements to be deposited with the SecretaryGeneral
Section 4
Drafts of treaties and international agreements
4.1 All draft treaties and international agreements intended to be deposited with
the Secretary-General of the United Nations shall be submitted by the relevant
department, office or regional commission to the Office of Legal Affairs for review
and comment prior to finalization.
4.2 Draft final clauses of such treaties and international agreements shall be
submitted by the relevant department, office or regional commission to the Treaty
Section for review and comment prior to finalization.
4.3 Every endeavour shall be made to ensure that the texts of treaties and
international agreements to be deposited with the Secretary-General of the United
Nations are concluded only in the official languages of the United Nations.
Section 5
Adopted texts of treaties and international agreements
5.1 Following the formal adoption of the texts of treaties and international
agreements to be deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the
adopted texts shall be submitted by the relevant department, office or regional
commission, in both paper and electronic formats, to the Treaty Section, in all the
authentic languages, for purposes of preparing the originals of such agreements,
and for performing the requisite depositary functions. In general, a period of four
weeks should be allowed between the dates of adoption and the dates on which the
treaties or international agreements are opened for signature to enable the
preparation of the originals of the treaties or international agreements and the
distribution of the certified true copies.
5.2 Following the formal adoption of such texts, no further changes shall be made
to the texts by any department, office or regional commission, except in
consultation with the Treaty Section.
Section 6
Designation of the Secretary-General as depositary of treaties and international
6.1 When it is intended that the Secretary-General discharge the depositary
functions relating to treaties and international agreements, such treaties or
international agreements shall confer the depositary functions on the SecretaryGeneral only and not on any other official of the United Nations. The SecretaryGeneral shall not be designated as a co-depositary.
6.2 When it is intended that the Secretary-General be designated the depositary,
the relevant department, office or regional commission shall consult the Treaty
Section in advance.
6.3 All treaties and international agreements deposited with the Secretary-General
and open for signature shall remain in the custody of the Treaty Section. Any
exceptions to this rule shall be arranged in advance with the Treaty Section.
Section 7
Full powers
All instruments of full powers received by any department, office or regional
commission authorizing representatives to sign treaties and international
agreements deposited with the Secretary-General shall be forwarded to the Treaty
Section for verification prior to signature of such treaties and international
agreements. Any exceptions to this rule shall be arranged in advance with the
Treaty Section.
Section 8
Ceremony of signature
When it is arranged for States to sign a treaty or international agreement
deposited with the Secretary-General on the same occasion, the Office of Legal
Affairs shall be informed in advance by the relevant department, office or regional
commission. Arrangements for the ceremony at which the signatures are to be
affixed, including provision for the discharge of the depositary functions, shall be
made in consultation with the Treaty Section.
Section 9
Instruments and notifications to be deposited with the Secretary-General
Instruments of ratification, acceptance, approval, accession, succession or any
similar instruments and notifications relating to treaties and international
agreements deposited with the Secretary-General which are received by any
department, office or regional commission shall be forwarded to the Treaty Section.
Part IV
Final provisions
Section 10
Final provisions
10.1 The present bulletin shall enter into force on 1 October 2001.
10.2 Administrative instruction AI/52 of 25 June 1948 is hereby abolished.
(Signed) Kofi A. Annan
This section provides a guide to terms commonly used in relation to treaties and
employed in the practice of the Secretary-General as depositary of multilateral treaties, as
well as in the Secretariats registration function. Where applicable, a reference to relevant
provisions of the Vienna Convention 1969 is included.
See ratification.
Accession is the act whereby a State that has not signed a treaty
expresses its consent to become a party to that treaty by depositing an
instrument of accession (see annex 5). Accession has the same legal
effect as ratification, acceptance or approval. The conditions under
which accession may occur and the procedure involved depend on the
provisions of the relevant treaty. Accession is generally employed by
States wishing to express their consent to be bound by a treaty where
the deadline for signature has passed. However, many modern
multilateral treaties provide for accession even during the period that
the treaty is open for signature. See articles 2 (1) (b) and 15 of the
Vienna Convention 1969.
See ratification.
bilateral treaty
See treaty.
certified true
consent to be
date of effect
not yet entered into force decide to apply the treaty as if it had entered
into force. Once a treaty has entered into force provisionally, it creates
obligations for the parties that agreed to bring it into force in that
manner. See article 25 (1) of the Vienna Convention 1969.
exchange of
letters or notes
filing and
Final Act
final clauses
full powers
See declaration.
See declaration.
See treaty.
See declaration.
A protocol, in the context of treaty law and practice, has the same
legal characteristics as a treaty. The term protocol is often used to
describe agreements of a less formal nature than those entitled treaty
or convention. Generally, a protocol amends, supplements or clarifies
a multilateral treaty. A protocol is normally open to participation by
the parties to the parent agreement. However, in recent times States
have negotiated a number of protocols that do not follow this
principle. The advantage of a protocol is that, while it is linked to the
parent agreement, it can focus on a specific aspect of that agreement in
greater detail.
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ISBN-13: 978-92-1-133718-1