The Torah
The Torah
The Torah
The Proto-Hebrew-Phoenician letters (above, on the left side), are the letters with
which the Torah was first written. (The square block, Chaldean characters were
devised centuries later near the time of Ezra).
The more ancient Hebrew-Phoenician letters (above and below) were transformed
into the written language of the Greeks, and used by the Druid scribes and Hebrew
prophets of Central and Eastern Europe to embellish and interpret the Law. These
oracles were subsequently brought to Egypt in the centuries before the Christian era
and translated into the Septuagint version of the Bible (the Tanach...or what is
erroneously refered to as the Old Testament...It is very much alive)...
...with which the Gospels were written before they found their ways into Latin...and
eventually into English and the King James Version of the sacred Scriptures.
From 22 letters to 26
King James?...Behold, thou art wiser than Daniel; there is no secret they can hide
from thee...
Son of man, take up a lamentation upon the king of Tyrus, and say unto him, Thus
Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God...(Ezekiel 28:3, 12,13).
Importantly, these two groups of scrolls show two distinct text types. Those predating 70 AD have a text that agrees with both the LXX and the OT quotations used
by Christ and the Apostles in our New Testament (NT). These quotes were essentially
from the original Hebrew Vorlage. Those post-dating 100 AD have a text virtually
identical with the Masoretic Text in our present OT. The dividing line between the
two text types came somewhere between 70 and 100 AD. What happened to change
the text type? Remember, the original Hebrew (Vorlage) version existed from the
days of Ezra and Nehemiah. The Masoretic Hebrew can be traced directly to 100 AD.
.As Professor horn points out, the answer is the Council of Jamnia held around 100
AD. He states that "A unified text suddenly became the standard at the end of the first
century and [the fact] that not one copy of a divergent text survived (except the Dead
Sea scrolls that had already been hidden when Jamnia convened), indicate clearly that
the Council of Jamnia must have taken actions in this matter.
Rabbi Akiba ben Joseph was this Council's undisputed leader, though its chairman
was Yohannan ben Zakkai. (John, the son of Zachariah? No, a later Yohannan, one
who came in the name of the first). In his later years, Akiba endorsed the rebellion of
Bar Kokba against Rome, and supported him with his wealth, even endorsing him as
the Messiah. Akiba was eventually captured and taken to Rome where he was
executed in 137 AD at the age of 82.
The Council of Jamnia rejected the LXX and the original Hebrew on which it was
based (Vorlage) because, as Professor Horn points had become the Bible of the
Indeed, as textual expert Sir Frederick Kenyon writes (op. cit. p. 56): "In the second
century of our Era, this repudiation took form in the production of a rival version."
Professor Horn, Sir Frederick, and other textual scholars are unanimous that this
"rival version" was the Masoretic Text, which, with some variations, has been used as
the basis of most OT translations.
The Council of Jamnia produced this unified text of the Old Testament and ensured
that all divergent texts were destroyed. (The original texts are hidden in the Cave of
Treasures). This unified version, the MT, was written in so-called 'modern' Hebrew
with square Assyrian characters instead of the ancient or Paleo-Hebrew script of the
Vorlage. It was also written without vowels. The vowel pointings were added about
900 AD. This two-fold process (a change in Hebrew characters and vowel addition)
was, as Sir Frederick Kenyon concluded (op. cit. p. 49), " considerable source
of corruption." Sir Frederick then went on to point out that around 200 AD, Origen
produced his Hexapla or six-fold version of the Old Testament. It had the MT in
Hebrew, the MT in Greek, three other Greek versions of the MT (that of Aquila,
Theodotion, and Symmachus) and the Septuagint (LXX).
Note that, except for the LXX, all 5 other versions in Origen's Hexapla were simply
variations on the MT. Furthermore, Sir Frederick noted that "...Origen's efforts were
not directed towards the recovery of the original form of the LXX, but at bringing it
into harmony with the Masoretic Hebrew Text then current, and to do this he
introduced alterations into it with the utmost freedom." Fortunately, in the year 617
AD Bishop Paulus of Tella in Mesopotamia made a Syriac translation that detailed
Origen's alterations, so that the form of the original LXX was preserved for us and is
today still in existence.
The Vorlage Text is quoted in the scrolls from Qumran and Masada written prior to
Jamnia. After that Council, the Jews used the new MT exclusively and destroyed all
other versions. But Christ, the Apostles, and Josephus all quote from the Vorlage and
its LXX translation, as did the Church Fathers.
From the time of Ezra and Nehemiah (about 440 BC) until the council of Jamnia
(around) 100 AD) there existed a 'Vorlage' text of the scriptures. This Vorlage text in
Paleo-Hebrew gave rise to the samaritan pentateuch in paleo-hebrew (about 400 BC),
the Septuagint Greek (about 250 BC), and the Masoretic Hebrew with square
'modern' characters (about 100 AD) with vowel points added about 900 AD. The
Vorlage text is quoted in scrolls from Qumran and Masada written prior to Jamnia.
After that the Jews used the Masoretic exclusively. Christ, the apostles, and Josephus
quote from the Vorlage as did the church fathers, from their writings, it is apparent
that the Septuagint text is largely correct.
Shalom William & Susan,
I've invited Shmuel to comment on the Vorlage, but I wanted to point you back to my
comment about history changing perspective. The Bet HaShem Paleo-Hebrew Torah
discards the Masoretic vowells and hyphenizations but otherwise retains MT word
forms. Though a virtual return to the Vorlage text was within the technical
capabilities of the BHM compiler, he decided that those changes ought rather to come
by concensus. The Midrash is open to ideas. The BHM Paleo-Hebrew Torah url is Bora Finton, Administrator
We see no corruption in the work of the rabbis in the first century. Despite the
reality--the fact that they could not see fully into the hidden structure of the world
above them--they were nevertheless commanded to build a fence around the Torah,
and to get inside of that fence themselves. They were commanded to be guardians of
the Torah so that the Law would not get lost in its own universal meanings, as it
accompanied both Israel and the Gentiles to the ends of the age and the fulness of
For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should
be wise in your own conceits; that blindness IN PART is happened to Israel, until the
fulness of the Gentiles be come in...(Romans 11:25-28).
The question: From where, and when, did the Proto-Hebrew-Phoenician script
derive? Going directly to the hypothesis, of which we are more than confident, we
see that these ancient letters emerged out of Atlantean culture, and were carried to the
East by the Phoenicians who not only sailed freely from continent to continent in
those ancient times, but who also perfected these letters for their own use in the realm
of commerce and trade. The ancient Atlantean-Hebrew adepts (the Levitical Druids),
however, were also using these characters and perfecting them for a different use.
They were using them to compose those hidden texts we know as the Torah.
These texts were being composed, using those distinctly Hebrew literary methods
(the methods of Kabbalah), not in the East but in the center of Europe. Grown out of
all the oral traditions of the world that preceded it the Torah took written form after
the mind of Israel ascended back up into Europe, after the time of Moses and that
epic, and wholly mytho-historical event called the Exodus. The mysteries of Atlantis
were returning Westward.
Read the 22 letters from East to West. Read the 26 letters from West to East. The
Center of the Mystery is hidden right there between them.
The ancient Paleo-Hebrew script has a definite connection to the shape and
configuration of those Runes that have been in use throughout Europe for untold
centuries. Whether the Runes grew out of the Phoenician script, or the Phoenician
script was a perfection and alteration of the more ancient Runes, others will decide.
The point is that they both emerged out of the same ancient Atlantean tradition:
In the most mundane sense, runes are an alphabet much as our own
alphabet and others such as the Greek and Cyrillic alphabets. Each rune
represents a sound and was/is used to write words with. But that is in the
most MUNDANE of senses.
Runes were used long before the concept of writing was around. Each rune is
an archetype of a force. People had concepts for such things as Fire, Honour,
Birth, and each of these concepts were given names to make them
easier for us to comprehend. In this way, runes are very similar to the Hebrew
alphabet. Each 'letter' not only has a sound and a name, but is a complete
word with all associated concepts. This similarity with Hebrew extends even
farther. Each hebrew word is made of several Hebrew letters, therefore each
Hebrew word is made of several Hebrew words. (Such as the word Paradise,
PRDS. Psht, Rmz, Drsh, Sod). The initial letters of several words in a sentence,
or of the first letters of each sentence or paragraph may be gathered to form
a new word that is used to help explain and expand upon what is already
written. The same can be done with runes.
Runes lend themselves readily to numerology. The Runic alphabet is properly
shown as three rows of eight letters. Therefore each letter can be identified
by row:column number. Additionally, each rune has it's sequential number
identified by it's placement in the alphabet. Much like us numbering A as 1, B
as 2, ... , and Z as 26.
Each rune can be placed in position on a tree pattern much like the traditional
Qabbalah. They may represent the different worlds or paths of the tree and
can be expanded and expounded upon as much as the Qabbalah itself is. In
fact, Runic Qabbalah is quite intriguing and does contain a life of study (as do
all other facets of Runework). Runes can be used for fortunetelling. They can
be drawn and placed and read much like tarot cards. The can be cast or
strewn and the relationship of groupings, distance and angles and patterns
formed will tell the caster what he wishes to know.
Runes are also entities in and of themselves. Much like the angels, princes,
demons, sylphs, undines and watchtowers of the ceremonial magician. Each
rune can be invoked or evoked and the power harnessed to work ones will to
enlighten the intellect. They are a fantastic meditation tool and will always
increase ones knowledge. Much as the primal elements of Earth, Water, Air,
Fire and Spirit, each rune also has it's part in the manifestation of all things
manifested. Chaos, grass, people, sunlight, honour, dragons, hopes, and sex
are all replete with runes are could not ever exist without the runic force that
creates, shapes, releases, destroys and changes them. I have equated runes
to many other branches of esoteric, occult, phsycological and intellectual
pursuits. This is in the hopes that if you are already familiar or interested in
one of these, you will realize that runes are already familiar to you or that you
are already interested in them and don't yet realize it.
May you approach the Well of Wyrd and may your sip there only increase
your thirst.
Lokrien @ The Sacred Grove
"A number of extra letters were added to the runic alphabet to write Anglo-Saxon/Old
English. Runes were probably bought to Britain in the 5th century by the Angles,
Saxons, Jutes and Frisians (collectively known as the Anglo-Saxons), and were used
until about the 11th century. Runic inscriptions are mostly found on jewelry,
weapons, stones and other objects. Very few examples of runic writing on
manuscripts have survived. " [The chart that follows is incomplete. There are
additional A-S runes, which you can see here.]
The commonality of symbols of all of the following alphabets makes sense when one
considers the migration of ancient peoples from the east to the west. The people and
languages of northern Europe are considered "Indo-European" because of this
migration. It's not unreasonable that customs, languages, alphabets, mythology, etc.
share common origins. Staggering, isn't it!
"The Etruscan alphabet is thought to have been developed from the Greek alphabet
by Greek colonists in Italy. The earliest known inscription dates from the middle of
the 6th century BC.
More than 10,000 Etruscan inscriptions have been found on tombstones, vases,
statues, mirrors and jewelry. Fragments of a Etruscan book made of linen have also
been found.
Most Etruscan inscriptions are written in horizontal lines from left to right, but some
are boustrophedon (running alternately left to right then right to left).
Used to write: Etruscan, a language spoken by the Etruscans, who lived in Etruria
(Tuscany and Umbria) between about the 8th century BC and the 1st century AD.
Little is known about the Etruscans or their language."
Archaic Etruscan alphabet (7th-5th centuries BC)
"The Old Italic alphabets developed from the west Greek alphabet, which came to
Italy via the Greek colonies on Sicily and along the west coast of Italy. The Etruscans
adapted the Greek alphabet to write Etruscan sometime during the 6th century BC, or
possibly earlier. Most of the other alphabets used in Italy are thought to have derived
from the Etruscan alphabet."
"The earliest known inscriptions in the Latin alphabet date from the 6th century BC.
It was adapted from the Etruscan alphabet during the 7th century BC. The letters Y
and Z were taken from the Greek alphabet to write Greek loan words. Other letters
were added from time to time as the Latin alphabet was adapted for other languages."
"The Messapic alphabet is thought to have derived directly from the Greek alphabet,
rather than developing from the Etruscan alphabet. The only known inscriptions in
the Messapic alphabet date from the 2nd and 1st centuries BC. The Messapic
language was not related to other languages of Italy."
But what other alphabets may have influenced runes? Remember that over the
millennia there was a great migration of people, spreading from the birthplace of
mankind, in the "middle east" to what are now Europe and northern Africa. Ancient
people did travel--a lot--and long before the Vikings became known as explorers and
"Hungarian runes (Szkely Rovsrs) are descended from the Kk Turki script used
in Central Asia. They were used by the Szkler Magyars in Hungary before Istvn,
the first Christian king of Hungary, ordered all pre-Christian writings to be destroyed.
In remote parts of Transylvania however, the runes were still used up until the 1850s.
Hungarian runes were usually written on sticks in boustrophedon style (alternating
direction right to left then left to right). The runes include separate letters for all the
phonemes of Hungarian and are in this respect better suited to written Hungarian than
the Latin alphabet. "
The upper rune rows are the Elder Futhark variants. The lower rune row shows the
Turkish Runes and their phonetic equivalents.
"The Sabaean or Sabaic alphabet is one of the south Arabian alphabets. The oldest
known inscriptions in this alphabet date from about 500 BC. Its origins are not
known, though one theory is that it developed from the Byblos alphabet. The Sabaean
alphabet, like Arabic and Hebrew, includes only consonants. Unlike Arabic and
Hebrew, Sabaean has no system for vowel indication. In most inscriptions it is written
from right to left, in some it is written in boustrophedon style (alternating right to left
and left to right). It was used to write Sabaean, an extinct Semitic language spoken in
Saba, the biblical Sheba, in southwestern Arabia. The Sabaeans managed to unite
southern Arabia into a single state by the 3rd century AD, but were conquered by the
Abyssinians in 525 AD. "
The runes of the Elder Futhark are an ancient Norse or Teutonic system of writing,
and they are also oracular devices which have been in use in Europe and Iceland
since about 400 CE. During the period from 400 CE to 1600 CE they also served as a
system of communications, a way of writing and relaying information. There is a
wealth of runic inscriptions surviving from ancient times, including many inscriptions
in North America, and this lends support to historical theories that it was the Vikings
who really discovered North America, and that they traveled widely on this continent
centuries before the arrival of Columbus on our shores.
The word "rune" means variously, "tree", "secret whisper", "mystery" or "hidden",
and it can be applied to a whole group of Norse or Teutonic alphabets which were
probably developed for divination and magic - we know that the runes have been
used for arcane purposes since ancient times. Each rune has a unique pattern, an
intrinsic meaning and characteristics above and beyond its ordinary significance just
as one character in an alphabet. Singly or in groups, the runic patterns are a way of
unlocking and understanding the invisible or hidden realities of one's existence. Each
runic name is a unique term embodying philosophical concepts which were of
profound importance to the ancient people who first used the runes. The runes
represent elemental or fundamental forces of nature and of the spirit; each rune with
its own tale and its own association with a god of the Norse or Teutonic pantheon.
The mythological origin of the runes is significant, and Teutonic mythology and
folklore speak of the sacrifice of Odin, highest of the Aesir, to acquire them. All
Father Odin understood instinctively that true wisdom and second sight may only be
attained through sacrifice. For nine nine days and nine nights he hung on the world
tree (Yggdrasil), impaled on his own spear. On the ninth day, a raven sent by the three
Norns plucked out one of his eyes, and he was transformed, seeing and taking up the
runes when they were revealed to him lying at the bottom of the World Tree. In so
doing, he was gifted with true wisdom and power. The cost of acquiring the
knowledge had been enormous suffering and physical death, but through the force of
his will and the strength of his committment, Odin was reborn, returning to life with
the knowledge of the Other World which the runes conveyed. Afterward, he
transmitted his knowledge of the runes to the goddess Freyja in return for learning the
magical secrets of Seithr from her. It was Hagal or Heimdall, the "watcher" god,
eternal guardian of the Rainbow Bridge, who later gifted humanity with the secrets of
the runes.
The Elder Futhark is the oldest of the existing runic systems, and it consists of
twenty-four characters. The letters of the first six runes of the runic alphabet, (F)eu,
(U)ruz, (TH)urisaz, (A)nsu, R)aido, and (K)enaz give the system its name, Futhark. A
blank twenty-fifth rune called Wyrd is often used today along with the runes of the
Elder Futhark, but this is a fairly new development. Wyrd is a name which is
associated with the three Norse sisters known collectively as the Norns, and
individually as Urdhr (the past), Verhandi (the present) and Skul (the future) The
three sisters are responsible for tending the world tree Yggdrasil, and they are also the
weavers at the loom of destiny. Together they represent the source of all knowledge
and of all powers of divination. On their loom, the Norns see everything which
transpires in the Nine Worlds, past, present and future, and with their considerable
vision and their formidable power, they could certainly meddle in the affairs of gods
and humanity, but they allow the gods and humanity to follow their own paths and
work out their own destinies.
As the knowledge and use of the runes spread across Europe, carried by the invading
Teutonic tribes, other runic systems began to develop from them. When the Angle,
Jute and Saxon tribes invaded Britain in the fifth and sixth centuries, they brought
their rune system with them, and significant changes occurred to the runes after they
arrived in Britain. Several runes were changed to fit in with the British language,
specifically the runes for A/O, C/K, H, J, S, and Ng, and new runes were added to
represent different sounds in the British tongue. The new alphabet, which was
comprised of thirty-three characters rather than the original twenty-four characters,
was known thereafter as the Anglo-Saxon Futhark.
The Origin of the Runes
There has been much speculation about the origin of the runes, but the runic alphabet
is ancient indeed, and scholars have yet to reach an agreement about where it all
began. It has been speculated that the runes originated in the Greek alphabet of circa
600 BCE. It has also been suggested that the runes were actually derived from an
early Latin alphabet. There is a theory is that the runes originated in the ancient
Etruscan culture of Italy, and this theory was substantiated somewhat by
archaeological discoveries at Negau in the early nineteenth century - the remarkable
bronze helmets which weree unearthed at Negau bore Germanic inscriptions which
had been rendered in Etruscan script, and the inscriptions on the helmets are
invocations to the war god Harigast. There is another theory which holds that the
runes evolved from the Hallristningar rock pictographs carved during the later part of
the Stone Age or early Bronze Age in Europe. Examples of these pictographs have
been discovered in Sweden, Germany, Italy, Austria and other parts of mainland
Europe. Whatever their origin, the runes and runic folkore were an important part of
the ancestral inheritance of the northern Teutonic tribes who originated in the
Scandinavian countries and migrated southward. Like the Hebrew language, the
runes were written from right to left, and this would seem to indicate that the runic
alphabet is at least as ancient as the Hebrew language.
The expansion of the runes was one result of the decline of Imperial Rome's influence
in Europe and the ascendancy of the Teutonic tribes. By about 410 CE, the Visigoths
had conquered Rome and parts of Spain, and they had established an empire of their
own - their influence in Spain wwould endure uuntil the Moorish conquests of the
eighth century. By the end of the sixth century Britain had been invaded by not one,
but three seperate tribes, the Jutes, the Angles and the Saxons, and several kingdoms
existed in Britain, notably in Mercia, Northumbria and Wessex. As they moved
westward, the invading tribes took their runes with them, and the use of the runes
took hold wherever the tribes settled.
Early Christianity abhorred divination in general and the runes specifically. The
expansion of Christianity into mainland Europe seriously threatened the survival of
the runes in any form and for any purpose whatsoever, but they managed to survive,
even in the twelfth century when the Vatican decreed them to be dangerous and soul
destroying devices and forbade their use on pain of death. The runes also survived a
second papal decree in 1639, and in fact, they continued in use as an alphabet right up
until the nineteenth century. Some Runic characters have been integrated into modern
Nordic languages, but from the nineteenth century on, the runes (in their entirety
anyway) have been in use solely as oracular devices. The last known Rune Masters or
runic shamans of formal affiliation were probably those in Iceland during the
seventeenth century.
The real beginnings of the runes lie within the ancient heroic epics of the Aesir and
the dark and icy climes of northern Europe. Today, the seemingly random fall of the
stones onto the rune cloth represents the distilled essence of an ancient, magical and
powerful tradition.
The runes in non-scandinavian litterature In about 100 A.D. the roman
historian Tacitus wrote in his book Germania about the teutonic peoples. He
tells us that the teutons used to cut BRANCHES OFF FRUIT BEARING
TREES, cut them into pieces and carve signs on them. These pieces were
spread out on a piece of cloth AND FROM THE PATTERN THEY FORMED
ONE COULD READ THE GODS' WILL. There is no way to know, though, if
the signs that they carved were runes. According to Caesar the celts too
seem to have used a similar divination method.
Hymiskvia in the old icelandic Edda says that the gods themselves "shook
twigs" and "looked into blood" to see who would be a suitable host for a party,
but no signs are mentioned on the twigs. Elsewhere too drawing of lots are
mentioned when decisions must be made, but that can very well be done
without signs. 500 years after Tacitus the poet and bishop Fortunatus of
Poitiers (later S:t Fortunatus) wrote to a friend of his that if he wouldn't write
to him with roman letters, he could in stead use persian, hebrew, greek or
teutonic letters, which he said were painted on ash tree tablets.
In the 9th century the frankish abbott Hrabanus/Rabanus Maurus of Fulda in
Germany (later bishop of Mainz) says that the heathens in the north wrote
poems, spells and prophecies with their letters.
Several of the runes can be read with no certain previous knowledge, for
example the r-, i- and b-runes, since they look almost exactly like the
corresponding roman letters. The latin alphabet is one of the alphabets
suggested to be the ancestor of the runic alphabet, together with etrurian and
greek alphabets, and others related to them (the hebrew alphabet has also
been suggested, and some have even claimed that the other alphabets HAVE
The order of the runes is not at all like the order of the latin, etrurian or greek
alphabet. They all begin with the letters a and b, and are therefore called
alfabets (a is called alpha in greek, b is called beta), whereas the runic
alphabet begins with f, u, , a, r and k, and are therefore called the "futhark".
Eventhough the 16 runes of the younger futhark where used a long time after
the viking age the exakt order of the 24 runes of the older futhark was
forgotten, but it was rediscovered in 1903 when the Kylver-stone (G88) was
found on Gotland. It made out one of the walls in a 5th century grave. Since
then other futhark-inscriptions have been found, with (almost) the same rune
Scholars have yet to agree on a generic source of the Runic alphabet. Some advocate
that the Greek alphabet, c.600 BCE is a prototype, while others have proposed that
the Latin alphabet is the source, although neither claim has been proven. Another
theory suggests that the Runes may have originated in the ancient Etruscan cultures
of northern Italy. To support this theory, scholars point to the discovery of 26 bronze
helmets, that were found in 1812 at Negau in the Austrian Empire. these helmets,
dating from the 3rd century BCE have a Germanic inscription engraved in the
Etruscan script on them that includes the words "Harigast I Teiva". Translated, these
words are an invocation of the war-god Harigast.
Other scholars propose that the Runes developed from the Hallristningar rock
carvings. The symbols were carved in the latter part of the Stone Age or early Bronze
Age and have been discovered in parts of northern Italy, Austria, and southern
Germany. these Runes, their pictorial symbols, and associated song names and lore,
were the ancestral inheritance of the North Germanic peoples migrating south from
One historical fact is certain, that the earliest inscriptions so far found were written
from right to left, indicating an alphabet at least as old as Hebrew language. The
shape of the Runic letters, based on vertical and diagonal strokes, and avoiding
horizontals and curves, suggests that this was an alphabet designed for carving in
The shapes and sounds associated with the letters we used today stretch
back 5000 years into the past. The direct link is to the Northern Semitic
writing system that was spread throughout the Phoenician trading empire.
More than one Northern Semitic Writing system was invented around 1200
B.C. in the land between the Akkadian and Egyptian empires, the two great
empires of the late bronze age . By 1000 B.C. the maritime Canaanites or
Phoenicians were the lords of the Mediterranean sea routes and beyond.
They reached Ireland, the Atlantic coast of Africa, and perhaps Brazil.
The Phoenicians shipped lumber to Egypt and borrowed many aspects of
Egyptian culture including burial practices and the knowledge of
hieroglyphics. They wanted something simpler than the cumbersome
hieroglyphics and when they found it, they shared it with the world.
The 22 character consonant alphabet could be taught in a week to those in
every Phoenician port of call. Within a few years similar alphabets reworked
to match the phonemes of the native tongue appeared in many of the lands
where the Phoenicians traded. The Phoenician alphabet was an important
stimulus to the development of a writing system suited to the Greek language.
[see from phoenician to ancient greek to modern greek]
The Story of Mankind
by Hendrik Van Loon
THE PHOENICIANS (The Atlanteans Who Gave Us Our Alphabet)
THE Phoenicians, who were the neighbours of the Jews, were a Semitic tribe
THE MEDITERRANEAN. They had built themselves two well-fortified towns, Tyre
and Sidon, and within a short time they had gained a monopoly of the trade of the
western seas. Their ships went regularly to Greece and Italy and Spain and they even
ventured beyond the straits of Gibraltar to visit the Scilly islands where they could
buy tin. Wherever they went, they built themselves small trading stations, which they
called colonies. Many of these were the origin of modern cities, such as Cadiz and
They bought and sold whatever promised to bring them a good profit. They were not
troubled by a conscience. If we are to believe all their neighbours they did not know
what the words honesty or integrity meant. They regarded a well-filled treasure chest
the highest ideal of all good citizens. Indeed they were very unpleasant people and
did not have a single friend. Nevertheless they have rendered all coming generations
one service of the greatest possible value. They gave us our alphabet...
(Van Loon has traced the Phoenician alphabet from the East. We have turned it the
other way around. The Phoenicians brought it into the Meditteranean area with them.
In due course of time, this alphabet travelled across the AEgean Sea and entered
Greece. The Greeks added a few letters of their own and carried the improved system
to Italy. The Romans modified the figures somewhat and in turn taught them to the
wild barbarians of western Europe. Those wild barbarians were our own ancestors,
and that is the reason why this book is written in characters that are of Phoenician
origin and not in the hieroglyphics of the Egyptians or in the nail-script of the
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------May 2, 2004
Babel, a New Capital for a Wider Continent
PARIS One lesson offered by the Book of Genesis is that when "the whole earth
was of one language and of one speech," things got done. And when the Lord
disapproved of the grandiosity of the resulting Tower of Babel, his way of scattering
those engaged in the project was to "confound their language, that they may not
understand one another's speech."
Now, with 10 new members adding 9 languages to the European Union's existing 11,
Babel is back in the headlines. Would the 25-nation bloc be more effective working in
"one speech," or at least only in its three principal languages - English, French and
German? Will the need to turn millions of documents and thousands of voices into 20
languages become a Babelian impediment to getting things done?
In Brussels, these questions are not welcome. The problem of managing a cacophony
of tongues is thought far less daunting than having to silence any individual language.
After all, if Dutch, Greek and Danish are used, why not Estonian, Hungarian and
Maltese? The 191-member United Nations may tick along just fine with six
languages, but in Europe the right of officials and legislators to work in their own
languages is now enshrined as a democratic imperative.
As the union's executive commission puts it: "The citizens of Europe should not have
to be represented in Brussels by their best linguists - they can send their best experts."
Anticipating the union's enlargement this weekend, officials have scrambled to find
translators and interpreters able to work in the new languages. The number of
language combinations for interpretation - Hungarian to Latvian, for example - will
jump to 380 from 110, although in practice "relay languages" like English and French
will serve many people as a bridge between less-spoken languages.
As for the extra expense, European officials respond that the union's linguistic
services cost less than 1 percent of the total budget, or just $2.40 (2 euros) per citizen
per year - the equivalent of a cup of coffee. "It is a small price for insuring that
everyone has a right to communicate with, and hear from, those institutions in their
own language," says Neil Kinnock, the commission's vice president.
So linguistic democracy has won out. Or has it? In reality, a different - less legalistic,
more intense - battle is also taking place over what languages European officials and
politicians actually use to talk to one another and to reach a wider public. And here
the outcome is different. "In this context, the enlarged Europe will not be Babel," Le
Monde's Arnaud Leparmentier wrote recently. "It has found the gift of tongues: it is
It was not always like this. As the traditional tool of diplomacy, French long
dominated European affairs. But after Sweden, Finland and Austria joined the
European Union in 1995, the balance began to tip toward English. Now, with a fresh
enlargement, English is increasingly preferred over French.
The adoption of English as everyone's second language is of course a global
phenomenon. But a look at language teaching in Europe also explains why French
and German officials often communicate in English. While more than 90 percent of
high school students in Europe are learning English, French is studied by only 29
percent in Germany, 27 percent in Italy and 24 percent in Spain. German is studied by
only 31 percent in France, 8 percent in Italy and 1 percent in Spain (Central Europe is
the exception).
Thus, having a voice in Europe - tiny like Latvia or powerful like Germany - does not
automatically mean that a country's language will be more widely studied or spoken.
A language's use in Brussels may improve public perceptions of the European Union,
but this acceptance is more likely to influence how a country sees itself than how it is
viewed by others.
A larger question looms over Europe's minority languages, which are spoken by some
40 million people, about 8 percent of the region's population. While, say, Fresian in
the Netherlands and Sami in Finland reinforce cultural identities, many such
languages are struggling to survive. Often rooted in rural areas and spoken by older
people, they have been weakened by migration to cities and the exposure of younger
generations to national media.
Governments intent on defending national languages often deem regional tongues
costly nuisances. They probably deserve better. Even more than the European Union's
20 official languages, they offer sparkling evidence of Europe's cultural diversity.
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