Aec 2 Marks
Aec 2 Marks
Aec 2 Marks
1. What is meant by feedback?
Feedback is a part of output is sampled and feedback to the input of the amplifier.
2. Give the different types of feedbacks used in amplifier circuits.
Positive feedback.
Negative feedback.
3. Define positive feedback.
When input signal and part of output signal are in phase the feedback is called positive
4. Define negative feedback.
When input signal and part of output signal are in out of phase the feedback is called
positive feedback.
5. What type of feedback is used in oscillator?
6. Give classification of Amplifiers.
The amplifiers can be classified into four categories: voltage, current, transconductance
and transresistance amplifiers.
7. Define feedback ratio or feedback factor.
The ratio of the feedback voltage to output voltage is known as feedback factor or
feedback ratio.()
8. List the four feedback topologies.
Voltage amplifier with voltage series feedback.
Transconductance amplifier with current series feedback
Current amplifier with current shunt feedback
Transresistance amplifier with voltage shunt feedback.
9. What is voltage sampling?
When the output voltage is sampled by connecting the feedback network in shunt
with the output, the connection is referred as node or voltages sampling.
10. What is current sampling?
When the output voltage is sampled by connecting the feedback network in series
with the output, the connection is referred as node or voltages sampling.
11. What is the purpose of mixer network in feedback amplifier?
The mixer network is used to combine feedback signal and input signal at input of an
12. What is sensitivity of the transfer gain ?
The fractional change in amplification with feedback divided by the fractional change
without feedback is called the sensitivity of the transfer gain.
13. What is the effect of lower cut-off frequency with negative feedback?
Lower cut off frequency with feedback is less than lower cutoff frequency without
feedback by factor (1+Amid)
14. What is the effect of upper cut off frequency with negative feedback.
Upper cutoff frequency with feedback is greater than upper cutoff frequency without
feedback by factor (1+Amid).
15. A feedback amplifier has an open loop gain of 600 and feedback factor = 0.01. Find
the open loop gain with negative feedback.
AVF = AV/1+AV = 600/1+0.01*600 = 85.714