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Eur J Med Res (2005) 10: 204-208

May 20, 2005

I. Holzapfel Publishers 2005


B. Willershausen 1, H. Tekyatan 1, F. Krummenauer 2, B. Briseo Marroquin 1
1 Department

of Operative Dentistry, 2 Institute for Medical Statistics and Documentation,

Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, Germany

Aims and methods: The purpose of this retrospective,
non-randomised cohort study was to evaluate the success rate of 775 endodontically treated teeth depending on the restoration type.
A total of 508 patients with 775 endodontically
treated teeth were examined during at least 12 months.
The radiographic controls, time span between root
canal filling and definitive restoration, restoration material type, inserted post system type and the occurrence of possible endodontically as well as restorative
post-operative complications were recorded.
Results: 18.3% of the 775 investigated teeth were incisors and canines, 33.5% were premolars and 48.2%
molars. Pre-fabricated and casted metal post systems
were used only in 15.6% of the endodontically treated
teeth (18.4% incisors and canines, 44.8% premolars,
36.8% molars). 6.6% of the teeth had endodontically
related symptoms or severe complications, whereas in
13.2% of the teeth restored with metal posts showed
complications, such as root or crown fractures. The
Cox-Regression analysis showed that teeth restored
with a post system had a statistically significant higher
failure rate (p = 0.044) than those which had been restored without posts.
Conclusions: The results showed a high success rate for
endodontically treated teeth when the final restoration
was placed within a short period of time (two weeks).
A higher tooth loss was observed when metal post
systems were employed suggesting that precaution is
recommended when these types of posts are inserted.

10, 28], the importance of the final restoration following an endodontic treatment should be carefully
considered. At present, there is a controversial discussion concerning the type of final restoration after
the endodontic treatment and the time-span between
the root canal filling and final restoration [2, 3, 5, 6,
8, 9, 13, 17, 23, 24, 25, 27, 31]. Moreover, differing
opinions also exist with respect to the possible brittleness of the tooth structure after pulp removal [11, 26,
The success rate of endodontically treated teeth with
insertion of pre-fabricated and casted metal post insertion was of particular interest in this research. Such
systems have proven post-operative complications,
such as root fracture and post dezementation [32].
Presently the use of root canal post-systems with
adhesive techniques in the root canal appears to be a
promising alternative to the established metal post systems. The advantages of the resin based adhesive materials are its elasticity similar to dentine, the easier
handling of the post-insertion technique and the possibility of stabilisation of the remaining dentine [21,
The objective of this retrospective cohort study was
to evaluate the success of endodontically treated teeth
depending on the restoration type employed. Special
attention was given to the time-span elapsed between
the endodontic treatment and the placement of the final restoration as well as the teeth survival rate in case
of metal post insertion.


Key words: Definitive restoration, post system, success/failure, retrospective study.

In recent years an increasing demand for endodontic
treatment has been observed in many industrialized
western European countries [15, 18]. This tendency is
mainly due to improvements in both endodontic
treatment procedures and dental materials [29]. Other
factors, which might have contributed to the increase
in endodontic treatment are a growing health consciousness within the population and numerous preventive programs offered at different institutions [14,
35]. When taking into consideration the high success
rate of endodontic treatments over recent years [4, 7,

In the present retrospective study a total of 775 teeth

from 508 patients (261 male, 247 female) that were endodontically treated and received their final restorations at the dental school of the University of Mainz,
were investigated. The examined teeth included maxillary and mandibular incisors, canines, premolars and
molars (third molars were excluded). Exclusion citeria
from this study were patients with systemic and general diseases, pregnancy, advanced periodontal disease
and long term medication. The root canal treatments
and placement of the final restorations (patients age:
16-78 years) were performed by operators with at least
5 years of experience. Observation parameters comprised the time elapsed between endodontic treatment
and final restoration placement, clinical symptoms of

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endodontic origin, endodontic complications such as

the presence of apical radiolucencies or fistulae and
the occurrence of caries or fractures which lead to
tooth extraction.
The clinical and radiographic diagnosis of the teeth
were recorded. The endodontic treatment and subsequent definitive restoration with and without posts
were protocolled on questionnaire specially designed
for this purpose. In this study different conventional
pre-fabricated and casted metal post systems were inserted, only in case that the amount of remaining
tooth structure did not provide sufficient retention for
the crown abutment.
Control radiographs were taken immediately after
and approximately every 6 months after completion of
the endodontic treatment and placement of the final
restoration. The root canal treatment was rated as successful, when a radiologically normal periradicular
space and lamina dura were observed on the diagnose
and control radiographs or periradicular and apical
changes, as seen on the radiographs at the onset of
treatment, had completely healed, or when a previous
detectable periradicular radiolucency showed substantial reduction in size within six to twelve months. The
time elapsed between completion of the endodontic
treatment and placement of the final restoration, and
the type and extent of the final coronal restoration
were also documented. Complications such as post
and / or crown dislodgement, root or crown fracture
were also recorded.
Statistical Analysis. The medians and quartiles of
the recorded parameters were used to analyze the research variables by category description based on the
absolute and relative frequencies. The Cox-Regression
Analysis was used to assess the statistical significance
(p-value <0.05). The final restoration type (with or
without post-insertion), the root canal filling method,
type of teeth (incisors and canines, premolar, molar)
and the time-span between root canal treatment and
the placement of the final restoration were defined as
primary factors of influence. A summary of the CoxRegression was done with the aid of p-values of Likelihood Ratio-Tests (p-value <0.05). In order to be able
to illustrate the clinical relevance of a significant influ-


ential factor, the differences between groups as for the

treatment modalities were additionally depicted with
the aid of Kaplan-Meier graphs.

A total of 508 patients (775 teeth) between 12 and 78
years of age (mean: 52 years, SD 13years) were examined. A relative small number of patients (0.8%)
were up to 20 years, 20.8% between 20 and 40, 42.9%
between 40 and 60 years and 35.5% of the patients
were over 60 years.
From the 775 endodontically treated teeth 93.4%
showed no radiographical changes and clinical symptomatology after 12 months. 18.3% were incisors and
canines (13.6% maxillary and 4.7% mandibular),
33.5% were premolars (19% maxillary, 14.5% mandibular) and 48.2% were molars (25% maxillary and
23.2% mandibular); 57.6% were maxillary and 42.4%
mandibular. The time-span between the endodontic
treatment and final restoration was one to three weeks
in 58.2% of the cases. In 15.3% the time-span was one
month, three months in 10.3%, one year in 2.8%, and
in 6.2% more than one year.
Following completion of the endodontic treatment
48.2% of the incisors and canines were restored with
composites, and 36.7% with either gold or porcelain
crowns. 11.5% of the anterior teeth were integrated
into a bridge framework, 2.2% served as abutments
for telescopic crowns, 1.4% were restored with complete porcelain crowns and 1% with porcelain veneers.
25.9% of the premolars were restored with composites, 46.5% with gold casted crowns, 20.1% served as
bridge abutments, 2.8% were restored with gold onlays, 1.9% with full ceramic crowns, 1.2% served as
abutments for telescopic crowns abutments, while
1.6% were restored with other different materials
(amalgam, ceramic-inlays). 55.5% ot the molars were
restored with gold casted crowns, 17.2% with composites, 12.9% served as abutments for bridgeworks, 9.1%
were restored with gold onlays 4,1% with complete ceramic crowns, while other restoration methods (amalgam and ceramic-inlays) were employed in 1.5% of the
cases (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Tooth distribution and definitive restoration

type after endodontic treatment.



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Fig. 2. Complication type of endodontically treated teeth after post insertion.

A: Pain occurrence with or without radiological changes B: Radiological
changes in the periapical area C: Radiological lesion without clinical symptomatology. D: Crown and root fracture
E: Root fracture F: Crown fracture

Fig. 3. Time elapsed between endodontic treatment and definitive restoration

(month / stratification) without (conservative) and with post insertion. Horizontal lines indicate medians and quartiles, whiskers indicate the minima and
maxima, circles / asterisks indicate statistical outliers and extreme values with
deviations of more than two to three
times from the median.

Pre-fabricated metal post-systems such as Radix

Anker, Cytco, RS Root Post system or casted posts
were inserted in 15.6% of the teeth; 18.4% were incisors
and canines, 44.8% premolars and 36.8% molars. Most
post restored teeth were maxillary (60%) and 40%
mandibular. A total of 6.6% of the investigated teeth
showed clinical inflammation symptomatology and/or
radiological complications. Teeth restored with prefabricated or casted metal posts showed clinical symptoms and radiological changes in 13.2% (Fig. 2), 68%
of which were maxillary and 32% mandibular (26% incisors and canines, 24% premolars, and 50% molars).
The Cox-Regression revealed a statistically significant higher failure rate (p=0.044) for the post insertion modality when compared to teeth restored without posts (Fig. 3). The complication risk following
post insertion is by 115% higher than in the event of
teeth restored without a post. A long time-span between endodontic treatment completion and final

restoration placement also lead to a statistically significant higher failure rate (p=0.003) (Fig. 4). The complication risk increases by 3% per additional month. A
mean survival of 66 months (95% confidence, range
54 - 78 months) was observed for teeth with posts and
93 months (95% confidence, range 90 96 months)
for teeth without post insertion.

The success and survival rate of endodontically treated
teeth depends on the careful endodontic treatment
and subsequent definitive restoration. An endodontic
treatment can only be considered to be completed
when the tooth has received a final coronal restoration
and has achieved full functionality [34]. Several studies
have also shown that a short time-span between endodontic treatment and the final restoration leads to a
statistically significant favourable prognosis. It has

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Fig. 4. Time elapsed between endodontic treatment completition and restoration placement (with and without post
insertion). Kaplan-Meier estimates for
the survival rate of endodontically treated teeth without and with post insertion in dependence of the observation
time after restoration placement.

been demonstrated that possible causes of failure were

coronal leakage as well as temporary post insertions
[1, 16, 19]. There is evidence that the use of resin
based materials as a definite restoration material prevents marginal leakage; thus, possible reinfection from
coronal after root canal treatment and fracture caused
by provisional filling materials can be prevented.
When reconstructing endodontically treated teeth,
both, the amount of remaining tooth structure and the
extent of the crown defect have to be considered. Additional retention by means of a post should be considered only when extensive crown destruction is present.
The relatively high failure rate after post insertion found
in this study is in agreement with the one reported by
Stockton et al. [32] in which the success and possible
failure causes after post insertion were investigated.
While secondary caries is the most common failure
reason, post dislodgement and the restoration type
(provisional or definitive) are also considered to influence the failure rate as also shown in this study. Furthermore, root fracture, post dislodgement and coronal restoration fractures are also among the relevant
failure factors of endodontically treated teeth that have
been restored with a post [22, 20]. Vertical fractures
are classified as the most severe complication type,
since such teeth have to be extracted in its majority.
The frequency of root fracture occurrence following a
metal post insertion reported in the literature varies
between 2 and 4% [21, 33]. In this study post insertion
indication was restricted only for retention purposes in
case of an extensive tooth destruction. Thus the higher root fracture rate (7%) in this study can be explained through the teeth selection criteria. The 775
investigated teeth showed a high endodontic treatment
success rate (93.4%) similar to that of other studies [4,
7, 10, 28]. The restriction of non-randomised study
design needs to be considered. In the present retrospective cohort study, endodontically treated teeth restored with pre-fabricated or casted metal posts

showed a statistically significant higher failure prognosis. A longer time-span between the endodontic treatment and final restoration showed also a statistically
significant higher failure prognosis. Thus, the success
rate of endodontically treated teeth can be favourably
influenced through a rapid definitive restoration in order to prevent bacterial reinfection of the root canal
system. The results suggest that the prognosis of endodontically treated teeth could be favourably enhanced if the insertion of pre-fabricated and casted
metal posts is avoided.

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Received: August 9, 2004 / Accepted: February 22, 2005

Address for correspondence:

Prof. Dr. B. Willershausen
Department for Operative Dentistry
Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
Augustusplatz 2
55131 Mainz, Germany
Tel: ++49 6131 177247
Fax: ++49 6131 173406
e-mail: [email protected]

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