Lean Burn Engines
Lean Burn Engines
Lean Burn Engines
Rocker arm
drive belt
Shaped piston
In 1980 Ford introduced their CVH engine in the Escort 3, as a replacement for the old five-bearing
pushrod OHV Kent engine. The engine's designation derives from its design Compound Valve angle,
These by-products of combustion are expelled as part of the car's exhaust gases
into the atmosphere where they cause pollution.
In recent years, public concern about atmospheric pollution, and imminent EEC
pollution-control laws, has led to car manufacturers trying to find ways of
reducing the level of these gases in car exhausts.
There are two basic approaches to reducing harmful exhaust emissions - using
lean-burn engines or attaching catalytic converters to the exhaust system.
Lean-burn engines are designed to produce a lower level of harmful emissions
by better combustion control and more complete burning inside the engine
Catalytic converters clean up the exhaust gases coming from the engine.
Catalysts are the older of the two systems, and have been used in the US and
Japan for some years.
Catalytic converters are fitted by the car manufacturer downstream of the
engine in the exhaust system. It looks like a slightly swollen silencer and
contains a fine metal or ceramic honeycomb, coated with platinum or a related
metal, across which the exhaust gases flow.
The platinum initiates a chemical reaction in which the harmful exhaust
constituents are converted into harmless nitrogen, carbon dioxide and water
The problem with catalytic converters is that they sap engine power and reduce
fuel economy. They also lead to increased maintenance costs.
Another drawback is that the catalytic system needs unleaded petrol to work
properly, because any lead in the exhaust gases quickly ruins the catalyst's
efficiency. And some European countries, such as Britain, have none or very few
outlets for unleaded petrol, with little hope of establishing a comprehensive
network for distributing the new fuel in the near future.
Inlet valve
Spark plug
This type of design ensures good
to continue travelling
evenly through the
a charge of fuel and air. doing so, it mixes the fuel the combustion chamber. drive the piston down.
As the mixture enters the and air fully by squashing
cylinder, it 'swirls'.
Leaner mixtures
These problems have forced car manufacturers to look elsewhere for ways of
reducing exhaust emissions. The most obvious avenue for reducing emissions
is to burn less fuel in the first place.
This requires an improvement in thermal efficiency, which is now very difficult
to achieve because all the readily available routes have already been
One remaining possibility is to produce a 'leaner' mixture, namely to reduce the
proportion of fuel in the fuel/air mixture entering the engine.
Fuel/air ratios
Petrol burns best in a standard car engine when it is mixed with air in the
proportions 14.7:1 - nearly 15 parts of air to every one part of petrol. In practice
the mixture strength varies between about 13:1 and 16:1, depending on the
speed of an engine and its load at the time. At these mixtures, engines produce
fairly high levels of harmful exhaust gas emissions, particularly during initial
When you try to move away from the ideal fuel/air ratio, the engine's running is
affected - if the engine is fed too much fuel it produces smoke, wears out quickly
and is expensive to run. If the engine is made to run too lean, combustion
becomes extremely variable from one cycle to the next, exhaust gas
temperatures rise because of the persistence of flames from 'late-burn' cycles,
and the engine starts to misfire frequently. All of these result in high levels of
hydrocarbons in the exhaust gases.
To overcome the difficulties in making an engine run well on leaner mixtures, the
air/fuel mixture needs to be more intimately mixed and the actual spark timing
and combustion process needs to be very finely controlled.
Engine management
To this end, some car manufacturers are fitting engine management systems
where sophisticated electronics control both the ignition and the fuel delivery
systems. This makes it possible to make sure that the spark plugs fire at just the
right moment to ignite a fresh fuel/air charge, which may otherwise be reluctant
to ignite.
Also under development are engine parts made of new materials that have
greater heat resistance, such as pistons made of ceramics. But most
development is going into ensuring that the air and fuel are well mixed.
mixtures is a very difficult process. Part of the problem is trying to see what
actually goes on inside a combustion chamber when the fuel/air mixture is
burning, particularly when the throttle is rapidly opened or closed.
So researchers are now using a quartz window in the combustion chamber,
combined with a cine camera and complex computer programming, to see
exactly what is going on inside. From this they can tell how and where the flame
is spreading, which gives an indication of how fully the mixture is burning.
Fuel injector
Swirl control
The latest Toyota engine, featuring turbocharging and supercharging and used in their FXV concept car,
has the inlet ports for each cylinder separated into two one straight and one helical. At high engine
speeds, both ports are open, but at low loads, a control valve in the straight port remains closed. All the
mixture goes down the helical port, creating a swirl effect in the combustion chamber. This swirl mixes
the fuel and air more fully. The fuel content in the mixture is very finely metered by individually
controlled injectors to increase clean running still further.
The current generation of lean-burn engines run on ratios of around 17:1 or 18:1,
and the next generation should run with ratios averaging 20:1 or 22:1.
But lean-bum technology still has some way to go before it fully meets the
proposed EEC laws. Some manufacturers are proposing to use a combination of
a catalyst and a lean-burn engine to meet the demands of the new regulations.
Turbulence Grid
A British company, Epicam, is developing a turbulence grid to help control the motion of the fuel/air
mixture before it enters the engine.
The grid is mounted on the upper surface of the inlet valve, creating high-speed microturbulence in the
mixture as it enters the combustion chamber. The grid's microturbulence has advantages over the
eddies (turbulence) in current lean-burn engines. Large eddies can cause problems in initial ignition and
later in the engine's cycle, when the ignited mixture can lose heat via a 'scrubbing' effect on the cylinder
walls, or even extinguish itself.
A problem with the turbulence grid is that it can impede the airflow into the engine, which reduces the
power, but with careful design this can be kept to minimum.