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Crazy Colour Card For MS Word

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Move Around Select

1 word left or right CTRL+ï or ð One character left or right SHIFT+ï or ð

Crazy Colour™ Cards
Up or down one line ñ or ò To the end of a word CTRL+SHIFT+ð Helping you work more effectively
End of a line END To the beginning of a word CTRL+SHIFT+ï
End of a document CTRL+END End of a line SHIFT+END
Beginning of a line HOME Beginning of a line SHIFT+HOME Apply or Remove a Selection’s Formatting
Beginning of a document CTRL+HOME One line up or down SHIFT+ñ or ò Bold CTRL+b
Paragraph up or down CTRL+ñ or ò To paragraph beginning or end CTRL+SHIFT+ñ or ò Italic CTRL+i
Up or down one screen PGUP or PGDN One screen down SHIFT+PGDN Underline CTRL+u
Underline single words CTRL+SHIFT+w
Up or down one page CTRL+PGDN or PGUP One screen up SHIFT+PGUP
Double-underline text CTRL+SHIFT+d
Top of a screen ALT+CTRL+PGUP End of a document CTRL+SHIFT+ END
Hidden text CTRL+SHIFT+h
Bottom of a screen ALT+CTRL+PGDN Beginning of a document CTRL+SHIFT+HOME
Crazy Colour™ Card for Microsoft® Word

Change case SHIFT+F3

Previous position SHIFT+F5 Select the entire document CTRL+a
All capitals CTRL+SHIFT+a
Vertical block of text CTRL+SHIFT+F8
Deselect text ESC
Delete Change Font
Character to the left BKSP Change the font CTRL+SHIFT+f
Word to the left CTRL+BKSP Paragraph Alignment & Indenting Change the font size CTRL+SHIFT+p
Character to the right DEL Centre CTRL+e Increase the font size CTRL+SHIFT+>
Word to the right CTRL+DEL Justify CTRL+j Decrease the font size CTRL+SHIFT+<
Cut text to the Clipboard CTRL+x Left align CTRL+l (L) Increase font size 1 pt CTRL+]
Undo the last action CTRL+z Right align CTRL+r Decrease font size 1 pt CTRL+[
Redo the last action CTRL+y Indent from the left CTRL+m
Cut to the Spike CTRL+F3 Remove an indent from the left CTRL+SHIFT+m
Insert Breaks
Paste and clear Spike SHIFT+CTRL+F3 Create a hanging indent CTRL+t Line break SHIFT+ENTER
A ‘Spike’ clipboard stores and appends multiple items. Reduce a hanging indent CTRL+SHIFT+t Page break CTRL+ENTER
Remove alignment & indents CTRL+q Column break CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER

Copy & Move

Copy text/graphics CTRL+c Format Paragraph Key
Copy formats CTRL+SHIFT+c Single-space lines CTRL+1 (one) ï, ð, ñ or ò Left, right, up or down arrow
Move text/graphics SHIFT+F2, ENTER Double-space lines CTRL+2 E.g. CTRL+SHIFT+r, ESC Press the CTRL key together
Paste text/graphics CTRL+v Set 1.5-line spacing CTRL+5 with the SHIFT and r keys, release, then the ESC key.
Paste formats CTRL+SHIFT+v Add/remove space before text CTRL+0 (zero)

Crazy Colour™ Card for Microsoft® Word © Scott Spence 2003, published by Crazy Colour.
Word & Microsoft are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corp. In the USA and/or other countries.
Please do NOT photocopy or reproduce, bulk discounts are available. Crazy Colour is a trademark of CC Consulting Ltd.
Crazy Colour’s Top Tips Special Characters when Finding and Replacing
!Change a paragraph's formatting or style by clicking anywhere in the paragraph When finding (CTRL+f) or replacing (CTRL+h) text it is often useful to find
and adjust the format or style as required. special characters or formatting. With the codes below you can find, for example,
!To quickly select text use F8, press it once to turn the selector on, twice select a all tabs (^t) and replace these with a paragraph marks (^p).
word, 3 times for a sentence, 4 for a paragraph, 5 for the whole document. Press
Paragraph mark ^p Finding Only
ESC to turn F8 selections off.
Tab character ^t Comment mark ^a
!To copy just the text (not the formatting) when copying from a web page or
ANSI or ASCII characters ^0nnn Any character ^?
another document, choose Edit > Paste Special, and select Unformatted text.
!Open as many windows at a time as you want to. Use the CTRL+F6 to view the (where nnn is the character code) Any digit ^#
next; to move backwards through the window list use CTRL+SHIFT+F6 Caret character ^^ Any letter ^$
!To avoid repeatedly clicking Ignore or Ignore All every time the spell-checker Column break ^n Endnote mark ^e
stops on a proper noun or a term commonly used in your documents click Add Manual line break ^l Field ^d
(to dictionary). Manual page break ^m Footnote mark ^f
!To see two parts of a document at the same time choose Window > Split and Graphic ^g
Section break ^b
place the split bar where you want to divide the document window. To restore
Em dash (—) ^+ White space ^w
the panes to a single window, double-click the split bar.
En dash (–) ^= Replacing Only
!To use curly quotation marks choose Tools > AutoCorrect. (Options) Select
the AutoFormat tab and tick Replace... “Straight quotes” with “smart quotes”. Nonbreaking space ^s Clipboard contents ^c
!Increase the number of recently displayed files from 4 to 9: Visit Tools > Nonbreaking hyphen ^~ Contents of the Find what box^&
Options, select the General tab and change the Recently used file list to 9 Optional hyphen ^-
!To display the Find and Replace dialogue box double click on the status bar, White space includes any number and combination of regular and nonbreaking
(normally located at the bottom left of the screen). spaces, tab characters, and paragraph marks.
!To draw perfect circles or perfect squares hold down SHIFT when creating an
Using Foreign Characters/Accents
oval to create a perfect circle, or when using the rectangle tools to create a
perfect square. Acute accent e.g. é CTRL+' then the character e.g. e
!Double-right-click on any tab stop (on the ruler) to open the Tabs dialogue box. Grave accent e.g. à CTRL+` then a
!Double-click on the indent marker to open the Paragraph dialogue box that is Tilde e.g. ñ CTRL+SHIFT+~ then n
used to format paragraphs. Circumflex e.g. û CTRL+SHIFT+^ then u
!Double-click on either the vertical or horizontal ruler to open the Page Setup Diaeresis e.g. ö CTRL+SHIFT+: then o
dialogue box.
!To make two words stay together on the same line (e.g. when typing phone
numbers) insert a non-breaking space after the first word by pressing
9 781904 782070
Version: wd-006 (April 2004)

© Scott Spence 2003, published by Crazy Colour. ISBN: 1-904782-07-8 Visit www.crazycolour.com/cards for a range of Crazy Colour Cards.

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