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Voip Billing

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Billing with Mizu VoIP Server

The mizu voip server has a flexible built-in prepaid/postpaid billing engine, capable to handle millions of CDR records/day.
The configuration can be done with the MizuManage (MManage) client application


Prepaid end-users
Postpaid end-users
Calling Cards
Recharge cards (PINs, vouchers)
Residential VoIP
PC to Phone
Phone to Phone
IVR billing
Recharge account through IVR
Recharge account with recharge cards
Recharge account via web
Recharge account via credit card and e-payment
Authentication, authorization, accounting (AAA) and real time VOIP billing
LCR (Least cost routing based on pricing setup)
BRS (best route selection based on LCR and quality)
Multiple currencies support
Automatic online currency conversion
Credit card processing
Most of the bigger payment gateways are supported with the possibility to add new and PayPal
Highly configurable rating environment
Flexible Rate Definition (peak/off-peak/flat/custom, enduser/provider/reseller/sales, etc)
Automatic and Real Time billing (CDR records already includes the prices)
Sales and reseller accounts
Account expirity
Multiple calls on one account
Account for new phone number
Prepaid and Postpaid platforms (billing and recharge)
Prepaid card application with SIP proxy servers and B2BUAs
Directions (traffic sender,prefix,gateway,sim packet) and time based billing
Account detail
Alerting procedures on low account balance
Billing for terminators (costs control)
Profit reports
Recurring payments
PIN generator
Multiple Authentication Methods
Traffic Volume Monitoring
Load Balance & Redundancy
Provider Reconciliation
Traffic Quality Control

Local Call Detection

Caller ID Authentication
Customer management system.
Recharge/payment online
DID Support
Billing steps (Billing Increment)
Minimum amount
Free amount
Call Credit Limit Control
Peak & off-peak rates
Currency and VAT can be set for every packet. Time zone can be changed.
Expiry of rates
Rate-sheet Simulator
Multiple Provider and gateway supported
Reporting and price comparisons
Wide pricing capabilities
Unlimited reseller chain with parent/child relationships
Traffic Report
Profit & loss report
Techprefix support
Search criteria for reporting
Export reports to various file formats like csv or html
Invoices, Payments, Balance
Commercial & Technical Reports
Invoice generation in different formats, PDF generation, email scheduler and invoice printing
Report Portability
Manage hidden charges
Advanced Management of Class 4/5 services
Authorization by IP, Name, ANI
Complete call rating & accounting services for complex rating schemes
Calls rerating
Unlimited Rate Tables
Data Import/Export
Full traffic, statistic and monetary report
Multithreading and multiprocessor
Accounting database partitioning
Support millions of subscribers in high throughput and low latency
A..Z table assigned per tariff
Call split to intervals and rounding
Time of day rating
Batch management
Import Rate sheet
Defined thresholds for alerts
Email reports
Custom call history reports
Exporting CDRS to lots of other formats
Carrier Grade Reliability
Real-time monitoring and alerts

Quick setup
All billing related configuration can be done using the MizuManage remote management application. Some billing options are also
available using the web interface (especially the tariffs for the resellers)

Global settings
In the configuration wizard (Tools menu -> Server setup ->configuration wizard) you can setup some basic billing options like your
global currency setting and automatic online currency conversion (if you are using multiple currencies). These settings are also
available from the Configuration form which can be selected from the tree view on the left side of the application below the
Other item
Pricing setting
Open the price setup form. On the left group you can leave the default group. On the middle group you will have to add your
packets. Packets means the billing options and the condition when this will be applied (if you leave everything unfilled in the
Traffic direction setting then it will be applied for all traffic. On the right side you will have to add the prices per direction
manually or load from a CSV file. The simplest CSV file format must have two column. First column with prefixes and second
column with the prices (You can convert any excel sheet to this format then save it as CSV)
The most important packet types are the enduser costs. This is what your users and traffic senders will have to pay. You will
need one or more additional packet if you are using IVR with the CallLeg option set accordingly.
You can also add provider cost packets. This is useful to be able to monitorize profit and if you need LCR routing.
The other packet types are optional
User settings
From the Users and devices form below the Access section click on the Load button (eventually after a proper filtering),
select a user record, and then switch to the billing tab. The most important setting here is the user currency, prepaid/postpaid
option and the credit for prepaid users. You should avoid setting the Billing packet explicitly for each user separately. Instead of
this, you should set the proper traffic direction settings for the pricing packets.
The billed user setting should be used only for Sub-endusers. One enduser can have multiple sub-endusers, and for each calls
the parent enduser account would be billed (this is useful for company accounts with multiple extensions or for callcenters)
The price(s) for each calls are stored in the CDR records which can be viewed on the CDR Records form if you select the All
fields options. For statistics you can use the Advanced statistics form and tick the EC, PC, PF, etc checkboxes (you will see
their meaning in hints if you hold your mouse over this controls). Payment related reports can be viewed below the Billing
section using the Reports form. Direct reports from the database are also possible with custom queries.
Other options
For more billing options please read the rest of this guide and the Admin Guide.
The following topics are discussed: advanced price setup, LCR/BRS routing, e-payments, currencies, postpaid billing, reseller billing,
ivr/calling card billing and callshop billing and others.

General description
Billings on the Mizu voip server are done in background tasks. Even on high usage, the load of the billing threads will not affect the
call quality (media routing).
All billing related tasks can be done from MManage and the web interface also has billing related features especially for resellers.
MManage forms related to billing are under the Billing section in the tree view listed on the left side of the application.
Additionally there are a few billing option per user which can be set if you open the Users and devices form under the Access
section. Then select a user (usually endusers) and switch to the billing tab. The most important settings here are whether the user
is a prepaid or a postpaid user and in case of prepaid users the credit field is relevant.
Under the Billing section, the Price setup form is the most important one. Here you will have to specify you tariffs (named
packets in MManage).
The Mizu server can calculate a few price for all CDR record. These prices are calculated after each calls and are stored directly in
the CDR record.
There are two important packet type:
-end-user costs: payment from users for the operator -> costenduser field in CDR records
-provider costs: operator costs for traffic termination -> costprovider field in CDR records

The difference of these 2 cost is your brut profit, although there are some exceptions on this if you are using reseller accounts
(discussed later)
Pricing for users can be assigned by pricing rules (price setup -> traffic direction) or explicitly assigning a packet to one user. The
first method is always the preferred method offering more flexibility and easier maintenance.
The Billing module conforms to the Hungarian laws. (this is especially important if you need to create invoices for postpaid account
that conforms for local laws).

CDR records
After every call (and SMS, etc), the prices of the call is calculated and a new CDR is stored in the database tb_cdrs table (and in
tb_cdrresellers when the reseller option is used).
CDR records can be filtered, analiyzed, exported and lots of vital statistics are based on this records.
CDR records will contain the following fields:
Id: database identifier. Auto increment
Datum: the date-time when the CDR were inserted into the database (call end time)
Callstartdate: call start time (first INVITE sent or received)
Callenddate: first disconnect code or CANCEL/BYE received or sent
Connectdate: first 200 OK received or ACK for 200 OK sent
Connecttime: time elapsed until call fail or call pickup (routing+ringing time)
Workenddate: used for callcenters and represents the time when the operator have finished to work with the current client (CRM
updates, etc)
Realduration: speech length
Discparty: disconnect origination. 1=called or gsm, 2=caller or h323, 3=router (server)
Discreason: disconnect reason code. Explanations in tb_reasoncodes
Callerid: caller database id from tb_users
Callerip: the origination ip
Callernumber: caller phone number (or sip username)
Calledid: called database id from tb_users
Simid: called simid (if any)
Calledline: Engine (phone line) or the called proxy authorization id (from tb_proxyauth)
Calledip: the ip address of the called party
OrigCalledNumber: received called party number (not modified)
Callednumber: techprefix and the normalized called number. If the server will block the call too early, than you may have the origcallednumber here
and normalization)

DialedNumber (calleddialed): the forwarded called number (sometimes only the callednumber will be insterted here)
Rtpsent: rtp packets from caller to called. 0 if no rtp routing. At least 1 if routed. If remains 1, then routing has failed
In case of sip this means rtp packets received from the called and sent to caller successfully
Rtprec: rtp packets from called to caller. 0 if no rtp routing. At least 1 if routed. If remains 1, then routing has failed
In case of sip this means rtp packets received from the caller and sent to called successfully
Rtplost: lost rtp packets
Rtpcodec: voice codec name
Rtpname: used for gateways
Rtpframes: rtp payload framed in one udp packet
Signalin: audio signal strength into the playback device
Signalout: audio signal strength received from the audio recorder device
Jittertime: used when jitter time is reported by gateways or softphones
Tpercek: hungarian specific. deprecated
Costprovider: call cost to the provider (ex. Tmobile)
Costenduser: cost for the caller in global currency (ex: a sipuser or traffic sender)
Costenduseru: cost for the caller in user currency
Costsales: sales commission if any
Costcompany: price for the reseller company
Costadditional (costother): used for reseller prices (in the main cdr)

Recfileid: if we have recorded the voice, then after this field we can found the recorded file
Mark (marker): for special CDR records: EMAIL (e-mail), SMS (sms), FAX (fax calls), FAIL (failowered), RER (rerouted), FWD (forwarded)
(transferred), CONF (conference), PRED (predictive) and to signal other important call types
Opworktime: used in callcenters to store the actual operator worktime
Opwaittime: used in callcenters to specify how much time the operator have been waiting for the current cal
Billingstep: loaded from price settings (endusercost packet)
Unitprice: loaded from price settings (endusercost packet)
Billingentry: loaded from price settings (endusercost packet)
Origduration: all original duration (because the realduration field can be modified on IVR 2 leg billings or when hidden charges are ap
Resellerid: top reseller id in tb_cdrs. Actual reseller id in tb_cdrresellers.
Accessnumber: set when the call have been made trough a specified IVR access number
Origcallerid: used when the caller id have been modified during the call. For example the caller can be a traffic sender but after ANI o
authorization there is an enduser inpersonalisation
Alegduration: used for 2 leg calls (first calleg with ivr)
Blegduration: used for 2 leg calls (seconf calleg from ivr after callforward)
Comment: with details about the call setup and disconnect. Can contain a shortened message exchange log.
Dirid: direction name after the called number prefix
Isupoli: ISUP-OLI code (in some countries a billing increment should be applied on some oli codes)

Users and devices

To setup the billing related settings for users, open the Users and devices form, search and select a user record, then switch to
the billing tab. The following options are available:
Billing packet: you can assign a billing packet directly for the user however this is not recommended only in special cases. (Instead
of this, you should set the proper traffic direction settings for the pricing packets)
Billed user: used for sub-enduser accounts. One enduser can have multiple sub-endusers, and for each calls the parent enduser
account would be billed (this is useful for company accounts with multiple extensions or for callcenters). In this case you might
also set the parent user to be the same as the billed user setting.
Billing address: you can store a billing address separated by the address setting. This separate settings might have different
reasons. For example you might allow the Address field to be editable by the users itself (from a web interface for example) but
not the billing address.
Commission: used for sales to define their commission percent from the enduser price
Reduction: sales user can give to enduser some percent (subtracted from their commission)
LateFee: applicable when the user is late paying the invoice cost
PacketID: billing for users, traffic senders
BillingDay: usually 1 (the first day in every month)
PaymentMode: Check (0), Bank Transfer (1), Cash (2), Else (3)
Maxmonthlycredit: max allowed credit/month even if the user is postpaid (in ft not in filler)
Maxmonthlycreditend: max Maxmonthlycredit (because we increase Maxmonthlycredit by maxmonthlycreditinc every month if
the user was active)
Maxmonthlycreditinc: determines how much money we add to Maxmonthlycredit every month
ContractNumber: contract for end-users
Contact Status:
1-Not applicable
2-In Progress
Contract comment: any usefully comment for sales here
Qualification: the importance for the user. From 0 to 10. for example if the user has big priority, then we route its calls to better
Credit: the credit for the prepaid account. You should not modify this field directly but use the add credit or modify button.
Otherwise the transaction will not be logged in the payments/invoices tables.

Postpaid: if the user will prepaid or postpaid

Currency: each user can have its own (different) currency. Rate conversions are applied automatically based on currency
conversion rules. If this field is not set, the global currency will be used.
Include VAT: specify VAT values if this is required for the user in your country.
Invoice operations: these are useful for postpaid accounts

Sales commissions
The sales cost will be calculated to the CDR record costsales field. So you can build any statistics based on this value.
Every user can have the Added By field filled, which will point to the sales person where the user belongs.
You can define the sales commission explicitly in the Price setup form (Type must be set to Sales cost)
If no such price is defined, than the sales commission will be loaded from the actual sales user setting.
The defined commission percent will be calculated for the profit or for the enduserprice. This behavior can be set by the
salescomissionfromprofit global config.
Sales can give up for the users some reduction which will be subtracted from their cost. This can be configured with the
reduction value for the individual endusers.

Automatic prepaid credit expirity

You can set prepaid credit by the Add with elapse button to elapse automatically.
The following configurations are defined:
Creditunit: How much credit means 1 day
Maxcreditelapsedays: max number of days when the credit will elapse
Accelapsedays: the number of days from creditelapsedt when the account will expire
Tb_users. Creditelapsedt: date-time when the credit will be expired
Tb_users.Accelapsedt: date-time when the account will be expired

Price setup
You can setup your tariffs in the MManage application using the Price setup form under the Billing section. These are the most
important settings regarding your billing.
Billing Groups
On the left side column you can split your packets to several category (groups). This is not recommended if you will have less than
10 packets because the packet prioritization will not be seen as clearly in this way. This means that if you dont have too much
packets, then you can left only one category on the left side. By default you will have a billing group named default. If you need
to add lots of billing packets, then you can group them based on their type for example. (One group with enduser costs, another
group with provider costs). Any other grouping is also possible after your business logic. This grouping has only display purposes. It
is not used anywhere in the billing process. The packet priorities are not separated per group!
The Billing button is a shortcut to the billing form (does not make the billing automatically)
Billing packets
On the middle column you will define the packet properties and the circumstances when the packet is applied.
Packet properties:
Name: you can add any name that is logical for you. For example billing for customers from Dallas
Type: the type of the packet
-end-user costs: this is the most important packet , because this is what your customers have to pay. Will map to the costenduser
field in CDR records.
-provider costs: operator costs for traffic termination -> costprovider field in CDR records. This field is optional, but there are two
big advantage if you will it properly: you can have profit statistics, and you can use LCR/BRS routing based on these prices.
-sales costs: (optional) maps to costsales in cdr record. if you have sales persons than you can add their revenue here. This can be
a fix cost or a percent from the enduser prices. (see the percent field on the right column)
-company profit: (optional) the profit of your company can be calculated automatically based on provider and enduser pricing
and also taking account on reseller margins and sales discounts. However if this calculation is not suitable for you, you can setup a
company profit packet explicitly using this type

-other costs: (optional) this type can be used for anything other of your needs.
Is Public:
Price lists market public is published (favorized) on the website as top reseller price and as the tariffs for the endusers. These
tariffs can also be showed on third party application, websites and in client applications (tariff link from the softphone)
Service type:
Whether the pricelist is applied for voice, sms, or all services.
Each reseller can create its own tariff list(s) from a web interface. For each reseller this field will be set accordingly. Usually
assigned automatically when reseller creates their own pricing on the webportal.
Billing step:
Billing increment (rounding) in seconds. Common values are 1, 30 or 60 (1 minute)
Min amount:
Minimum amount to be billed.
Free amount:
First X second is free (rarely used)
A leg grace:
used for IVR billing. If the user will spend too much time using the IVR you might apply some charges
Free after:
If the conversation should be free after X seconds. (rarely used)
The currency of the price list. The system will convert automatically to user currency when needed based on currency
conversion rules.
Convert to CURRENCY:
Where CURRENCY is your global currency setting. This means that the billing report will be shown using your global currency. This
is useful for example if you receive a pricelist in HUF from a Hungarian provider, but you dont wish to see HUF pricing in your
system. In this case the price values will be converted to your currency in all reports.
VAT included:
If the price list is brut values (not net)
Convert to NET values:
If the pricelist is in brut values, you can choose to leave it as is in the pricing, or always convert to net values. if you have defined
the pricelist with included VAT, you should check this option, otherwise you overcomplicate the billing process. Thus the VAT value
will be subtracted from the price, and you will have NET values in CDR records (try to use net values whenever possible). If you
need to generate invoice, make sure that all your prices are set without VAT (net) or you have checked the Convert to NET value
VAT values:
VAT tax percent
Applied for:
Here you will define in what circumstances (call routing direction) this packet will be applied.
If you leave all values unchanged (null or empty) here, then it will be applied to all traffic.
Otherwise you can assign different pricing to different directions. Take care of the packet priority order. This is the order in which
the packets are checked for a match. The server will load the first matching packets.
For example you might have two packet.
One for calls coming from group xxx ( packet A). And another packet for all other case (packet B)
In this case, set the caller group option for packet A to xxx and for packet B leave everything empty.
You will need to increase the priority for packet A in this case.
When a call arrives, then the server first will check the packet with the first priority. In this case this will be packet A. If the caller users belong to
group xxx, then this packet will match and the server will bill the call according to this pricelist. Otherwise will check the next packet after
priority order which will be packet B in this case. Packet B doesnt have any direction restriction so it will match for all calls.
There is another method to assign pricing for a user explicitly. This can be done from users and devices -> billing tab if you set the Billing
packet fields. This method should be used only for exceptions.

The following fields are defined for traffic direction:

Caller group:
if the caller user belongs to the group selected
Will check the caller user
Caller prefix:
Caller number prefix (A number filtering)
Access number:
If the call is made trough this specified access number
Via IVR:
Deprecated (use the CallLeg option)
-all calls: packet applied for all calls
-ivr calls: packet is applied only for ivr calls
-non ivr calls: packet is applied only for non ivr calls
-a-leg only: packet applied for IVR a-leg calls only
-b-leg only: packet applied for IVR b-leg calls only
Called group:
if the called user belongs to the group selected
Will check the called user
SIM packet:
Used only with GSM gateway to select the SIM packet
Tech prefix:
Called number (B number) technical prefix
Valid since Valid until:
The validity date time interval of this packet
You can easily create new price lists based on existing one, cloning them as is or applying a price increase (value or percent)
For example when you receive your pricelist from a carrier, then the enduser prices can be created by applying a profit margin for
the provider prices. Then you might fine-tune some directions manually.
In the left column you will have the price list that belongs to a packet. This can be a long list of prices to all worldwide direction (by
country-provider prefix).
Show top:
By default will show only the first 10 record. Select all to see all record.
Import from file:
Used to import price lists from CSV (comma separated) file.
The CSV file must contain the following fields (separated by comma):
-prefix: E164 phone number prefix including country code without international escape code (IEC: +,00,011 depending on your
-price: flat price in the currency selected for the packet
-peak price: optional field if you have separate peak and off-peak prices
-off-peak price: optional field if you have separate peak and off-peak prices
You might receive pricing from your peer in Excel sheet. Open it in excel, delete the unneeded columns and rearrange to this
format (first column with prefixes, second column with prices) then save as CSV.
Importing price files may take some time, depending from your database and network connection speed.
Will display your price lists

Instead of using an explicit value, you can define the pricing expressed in percent. This can be useful for sales commissions (sales
Called prefix:
The called number prefix.
The billing engine will always load the best match (longest)
The prefix should be or should begin with the country code and NOT with IEC (escape code like +,00,011)
Set to * to be applied to all directions.
Minute price
Price for the current direction in the selected currency (not cents)
Native price:
If the selected currency is not the same as your global currency setting, then a conversion will be done to your global currency to
speed up later pricing calculations (assuming that most of the pricing calculations will be done in currency set as global
currency). This conversion is refreshed nightly. If the billing engine will have to use a third currency (not the packet currency and
not the global currency), then it will convert it in real time. For example you might have your global currency in EUR, you might use
pricelists in USD but the user might have pricing in GBP.
Time definitions:
Used to select the date-time interval when this price is applied. (For example you might have different peak and off-peak pricing to
the same direction)
Diff between enduserprice and providerprice means that price will be calculated by extracting the provider cost from the enduser
cost for an already existing cdr record. Cannot be used for real-time (prepaid) price calculations. Usually used when calculating
profit values.
To setup a special holiday billing use the Time Definitions select the Holiday entry. Set the priority higher in the Directions
settings. Holidays can be entered using the Holidays form under the Others section
To treat weekend as weekdays (in case if you are doing peak/off-peak weekday/weekend billing) set up a new entry in the holidays
form and dont set as holiday (uncheck the checkbox)

Price lists form

On the List tab you can list all prices for a packet (by using the Packet list box) or to a direction (by entering a direction name or a
prefix to the filter box)
On the Least Cost tab you can compare the prices from different service providers.
The Reference Packet usually is the price for your end-users.
Only peak (max) prices are compared for every direction.
On the Directory Check tab, lookups from the directory table are possible ( directory name prefix match).

Billing form
Used mostly for postpaid billing.
The server automatically calculates the price field for every incoming CDR record, based on price settings.
The following prices are calculated:
-enduser cost: used for invoicing for costumers
-provider cost: cost that needs to be payed for service operators
-sales cost: sales commission. If not defined in price setup, then will be loaded from users settings (comission) if any
-company cost: usually used for profit calculations
-other cost: for any other purpose
Billing can be done from
1. the Users and Devices form, Billing tab, by clicking on the Generate &Invoice or Report button (billing for the actual user)
2. set up required directions and click on the Billing form (in this manner, billing reports can be generated for more users)
The billing process will always take in consideration the selected date interval.

Billing form:
1. On the Customized Billing tab after selecting the required date-time interval and direction, the prices are calculated after
predefined parameters (price/minute, billingstep). So you can do simple calculations using this form.
2. The CDR Prices tab will load the enduser cost and provider cost directly from cdr records (already calculated after real-time
price settings)
3. Generating Reports and Invoices tab
Used for billing and reporting.
Fields explanations:
Provider: you must select the invoice emmitent here. By clicking on the button, you can customize the company invoicing
Delete old invoices: if checked, than will clear the invoice files directory before saving the new ones.
Include inactive users: uncheck this checkbox, if you dont want to generate reports (invoices) for inactive users (inactive for the
selected period)
Include child users: for example you can select a Reseller as direction source, and all child users will be included in billing (where
the parent id will point to that reseller)
Include CDR records: include call detail records in appendix
Language: language of the invoice
Grouping: you can select any grouping options to be generated as appendix for the report
Price values: select the price field from the CDR record after which the billing are done.
Reporting: you can automatically save the generated reports or invoices to file, or open it one by one (you can decide what to do
for every report -save, print or just preview)
Format: file format (text, pdf) or printing
Real Invoice: if you would like only a quick report for the selected user(s), you can do it by setting this option to Don't generate real
invoices. If you choose to generate real invoices, than it will take special processing for it (required for bookkeeping)
If you have selected a reseller, you should choose the For Resellers option. In this manner a real invoice only for the reseller
company is generated. (A report will be generated for all child endusers, but those report are skipped from the bookkeeping)
Invoice Comment: any comment here. This will not be shown on the report
Money Precision: how many floating point digit would you like in money fields.
Completion date: defaults to the end of filling period if not modified
Method of payment: can be specified here, or loaded from user setting.
By clicking on the &Generate report for the selected directions button, you can generate the actual invoice(s)
4. Invoices and Payments
The invoice records for the selected user(s) are in this form. You can watch the debt for every user by checking the topmost record
debt value.
By right clicking on a invoice record a menu will appear. From
5. You can change the price settings whenever you want, but dont forget to Rebill your CDR records after the new settings. All
CDR prices will be recalculated for the selected time interval and direction. Users and simcards credits will NOT be modified by
6. Individual invoice
On this tab you can create invoices manually (not automatically generated from cdr records)
Note: prior to generate pdf report you should configure the installed print to pdf driver to save automatically in the specified
directory. The default pdf printer can be configured in the MManage menu on the Settings-> Options from. The pdfcreator driver
is included in the MManage install package.
For printing jobs, the default configured printer will be used.
The automatic prepaid credit expirity can be configured with the following settings:
Creditunit: how many credit means 1 day
Creditelapseunit: prepaid credits will be elapsed automatically after this period is elapsed. Creditelapseunit means the
credit amount for 1 day. For example if you set it to 40 and the user will buy 5000 ft credit, than it will elapse after 4

Maxcreditelapsedays: max number of days when the credit will elapse

Accelapsedays: the number of days from creditelapsedt when the account will expire (account number will be suffixed with _elps
ans set to temporarydisabled)

tb_users. Creditelapsedt: date-time when the credit will be expired

tb_users.Accelapsedt: date-time when the account will be expired
*You can set prepaid credit by the Add with elapse button to elapse automatically.
Monthly payments can be set for users by completing the tb_fees table. Can be accessed from the Users Form -> Billing tab.
The following fields are defined:
Userid: the user where the payment belongs
Datum: record insertion date
Name: the title of the payment
Value: net price
Usable: can be calculated in minute price (1 if yes, default is 0)
-1: one time
0: monthly as soon as possible
Other: interval in days
Lastbilled: last time when the it was invoiced
Description: any comment here

Using multiple currency

You can set currency in 3 places:
1. -native currency in the global configuration currency
This will be the default currency for all internal operations
2. -currency for pricelist packet
When you receive pricelist in other currency, with this setting you can easily convert it to your native currency
3. -currency for the individual users
Useful when you need to send invoices in different currency format.
The price in the cdr record will be set based on the currencyconversion global configuration value which has the following
possibilities: 1=native currency, 2=pricelist currency, 3=user currency if match, 4=user currency
The most easy and simply way is to set the same currency in all places.
Otherwise you must refresh time to time your currency converter table.
Currency converter
Defines the conversion between your native currency and other currencies used in price settings. You should update this
conversion prices as many times as possible.
Currency precizion
You can control the money precizion display by the tb_currency_precizion table accessibile from Billing -> Money Precizion
Id: database auto increment primary key
Currency: name of the actual currency (for example: HUF, USD, EUR)
Precizion: number of fractional digits on the invoices
Final Precizion: the precizion of the Total Payment display
Final Rounding: rounding in the Total Payment (example: 1 or 5 ft)
Separator: usually . or ,

How the different currencies are handled?

Real-time price calculation in CDR records and the credit calculations for prepaid users are always done in the global currency (can
be set up in configuration->currency)

However, you are able to set up your price settings in any currency. Automatic conversion is done when the given currency is not
the same as the global currency. The conversion is done by predefined rates. You can set these rates in the Currency convert
form in the MManage.
Currency conversions: if the pricelist is not in the native currency format (set by the currency global config option), than the
server can convert to it automatically based on tb_currencies. You can change the conversion rates from MManage -> Billing ->
Currency converter or the prices can be updated automatically from online services (configurable by the
onlinecurrencyconversion global config option)
In the global configuration, a global currency can be defined by the currency setting. For example EUR, and there is the
possibility to convert other currencies (used for pricelists, simpackets, users) to this native currency. For prices defined in Price
List form, there is a possibility to convert all input prices in native currency by checking the Convert to XXX checkbox. In this
manner for example you can import a pricelist in other currency and that will be converted automatically in native currency when
calculating CDR prices.
The conversions are done based on the settings in the Currency Converter form. You should update the conversion rates here as
frequently as possible.
If you wish, you can leave the original value intact, so you can make your billing in other currencies than the native.
For every simpacket you can also define the currency, which will affect the simcard credit calculation (automatic simcredit
requests and recharges for prepaid simcards). Simcredits can be converted in the native currency format if the
convertsimcreditcurrency configuration option is set to true. So you can have simcards in different countries, but all simcredits
will be shown in the native currency.
For endusers and traffic senders you can also define different currency format in the Users and Devices form, Billing tab. The
currency format defined here will be taken in consideration by the billing process.

How is VAT handled?

You should try to use prices without VAT included all owner in the system (for pricelist and for simcards)
VAT included pricelists can be easily converted to net values by checking the Convert to NET value checkbox in the Price List.
You should enter the VAT percent in the VAT Value editbox for proper calculations.
For simcards you can setup the VAT value in the Packet options (VAT editbox). If you set the convertsimcredittonovat global
configuration options to true, than sim credits will be automatically converted to net values. For example after an automatic credit
request, the credit value in the received messages (SMS) will be automatically converted to net values.
You should set up the appropriate VAT values for users too, which will be taken in consideration during the billing process.

Pin codes
Recharge codes used if you have prepaid cards printed.
You can generate random prepaid codes here.
Prepaid account can be charged over the website or by ivr:
Website operation:
-user authentication (tb_users.username and password)
-check if pincard is valid (tb_prepaidcodes)
-increase credit for the user (tb_users.credit)
IVR operation:
-automatic user authentication based on sip registration or require entering the phone number to be charged
-require pin code
-check if pincard is valid (tb_prepaidcodes)
-increase credit for the user (tb_users.credit)
-goodbye message

Payment report statistics available under the Billing section. This reports are mostly based on the tb_invoices database table
which is used to track all payments and credit modifications.

Advanced statistics
The Advanced statistics form available under the Monitoring section can be used to build cost based statistics:
The billing related values are the followings:
-EC: enduser costs
-PC: provider costs
-SC: sales costs
-CC: company costs
-EP: estimated enduser price/minute
-PP: estimated provider price/minute
-PF: profit value (This require your billing module to be properly configured including provider prices)
-PR: profit margin in percent
-PFE: profit from enduser (useful if you are using reseller or sales accounts)
-PFR: profit from top reseller (useful if you are using reseller accounts)
-HM: hidden minutes

IVR billing
IVR billing can be more complicated than the billing for usual calls because here we have 2 leg calls.
-a-leg: means the call to the ivr access number
-b-leg: means the call forwarded from IVR
Even multiple b-leg calls are possible (depending on your IVR scrip if you allow a new call after the current one is finished)
These call legs can be billed using separate pricing although usually the a-leg calls is free for the users (except some special
numbers like toll free access, when you have to set some costs also for IVR access)
CDR records:
These calls can be merged to one single CDR, or the a-leg call and the b-leg call(s) can be stored in separate CDR records. This
decision can also affect your billing in some circumstances.
The following options are available:
CDRs generated based on ivrbilling global and user setting: 0: one CDR including the forwarded call, 1: load duration only from
forwarded call, 2: generate 2 CDR records (A leg + B leg), 3=both merged,4=merged with short a-leg,5=only b-leg billing if call is
ivrbilling is 0: (server side) 1 CDR will be generated with total client call duration. The billing will be done after the final
called user (the IVR access number when the call was not forwarded. Otherwise the final destination number)
ivrbilling is 1: (client side) 1 cdr will be generated. The call duration will be set after B-leg call duration and billed
ivrbilling is 2: (both) 2 cdr will be generated (when there was call forwarding action). The 2 cdr record can be billed
separately after different billing tables
ivrbilling is 3: (both merged) 1 cdr will be generated, but the enduserprice can be loaded from different billing tables (2-leg
ivrbilling is 4: (both merged with short a-leg) 1 cdr will be generated, but the enduserprice can be loaded from different
billing tables (2-leg merged). The A leg duration is shortened (only the time spent with IVR until the call forward action)
ivrbilling is 5: (server side if connected mostly the same like ivrbilling 0) 1 CDR will be generated. If the call was not
connected then all duration will be billed (you can setup different billing for these calls by marking the entry as is ivr call
and set the called to the access number. If the call is connected, then the B-leg will be billed (possibly after a different
billing packet)

Avoid using one CDR record if you allow multiple b-leg calls from your IVR scripts.
Pricing setup:
For IVR calls you might apply the same pricing packet as for usual calls or set the CallLeg property accordingly.
To specify a different pricing for one access number, set the Access number properly for the billing packet. Otherwise the pricing
will be applied for all access number.
Common scenarios:
Calls connected to the IVR without or with failed b-leg call
For this you might have to create a packet and set the Call-leg property to a-leg calls only. Add one price entry with prefix set
to * and price set to 0 (or other price if users have to pay also for IVR access)
Calls with successful b-leg call(s)
In this case one or more CDR can be generated depending on the ivrbilling global configuration option.
Usually 2 pricing packet should be applied. One for a-leg call where you usually set the price to 0, and another one for b-leg call
(which can be your default end-user cost pricing)
Residential users
For residential users you might or might not charge the ivr access. For this purpose you might use the ivrbilling option set to 0 or
5 (only 1 CDR record will be generated in this case!)
Toll-free numbers
For toll-free access usually you have to increase your prices with a fixed amount. In these cases you need to bill also the a-leg calls.
To bill the a-leg call, setup a separate packet and set the call leg option to a-leg calls then set the toll free access number as the
called user.
For the b-leg call, you can clone one of your existing packet with a fixed amount increase and set its call leg property to all ivr
calls or b-leg calls
For other ivr options use the campaign settings or the global configuration options (open the Configuration form under the
Other section and search for ivr)

Call shops
Callshop are represented by normal enduser accounts and the assigned cabins are treated as sub-users.
Since the parent user is billed for all sub-user calls, this will make it ideal for callshop usage.
Callshop owners can login to the web interface to add new cabins (if allowed) and to monitor the usage of the cabins.

Resellers can be added in the server by selecting the user type as reseller and assign a unique username and password.
This username and password combinations can then be used from the web interface to access the reseller account functionalities.
Reseller can create their own tariffs, endusers and sub-resellers (unlimited level)
If the resellerbilling global config option is set, than reseller cdr records are stored in the tb_cdrresellers and billed accordingly.
To define a base tariff for the reseller the Is Public option is used from the Price Settings form (usually applied to an
enduser cost packet.)
This will be the prices that will have to be paid by resellers to the service owner.
Reseller can create their base tariff (by setting the resellerid in tb_billentries) usually from a webportal. Multiple packets are
allowed and packets can be assigned to other users or resellers directly from web (in the same way like on the Users and Devices
form -> Billing tab -> Billing packet setting.
Resellers usually will create their own price lists by cloning an existing list or their base tariff list.
Top reseller statistics can be viewed on the Advanced statistics form by checking the OC and the PR/PFR fields.

Key points:
-set the resellerbilling global config option to true!
-unlimited reseller child/parent relationship can be created (limited by the maxresellers global config options)
-this relationship can be analyzed using the Ownerships form,
-make sure that you have a public reseller price listing
-reseller will be able to create their own prices on the website
-reseller can create a base tariff and other tariffs assigned to individual users
-individual reseller prices are stored in tb_billsources with their resellerid
-if reseller has not tariffs, than the billing will be done after usual enduserprices
-top reseller id is stored in tb_cdrs.resellerid and the othercost field will contain the payment from the reseller (loaded from
public reseller price)
-individual reseller cdr records are stored in the tb_cdrresellers
-check reseller statistics on the Advanced Statistics form
The following reseller related fields are stored in the first cdr (in tb_cdrs. This can be queried using the MizuManage):
-the caller enduser name
-reseller field set to topreseller
-pricing after parent reseller
Then each reseller will have its own CDR record stored in tb_cdrresellers (each reseller will have access rights only for their CDR
records from the web interface)
if reseller has no credit, the billing will be done after the provider prices (usually generating profit loss for the reseller)
set parent for top reseller accounts to an owner account
Usually the reseller prices are assigned on the web interface by the parent resellers, however this can be done also using the
MizuManage client.

For the top reseller prices there are no special things to do. Just create an endusercost entry and set it to be public
(this will be shown as provider pricing when the top resellers will login on the web interface)

To setup a pricing cost for a reseller using the MizuManage client, follow these steps:
-open the price setup form
-create a new packet with any name
-set this packet with lower priority than the others
-add the prices on the right side (or import from a file)
-open the users and devices form, and select the reseller
-select the newly created packet on the billing tab as the billing packet.

To setup a pricing for a reseller that will be applied for its users (child) using the MizuManage client, follow these steps:
-open the price setup form
-create a new packet and set its resellerid to the reseller you wish.
-set this packet with lower priority than the others
-add the prices on the right side (or import from a file)
-you might assign this packet for some child from the users and devices form, billing tab, using the billing packet entry. (make
sure that all users are direct child of this reseller)
-if the packet is not assigned to any child, than it will act as a base tariff (all child without a price list set directly will be billed
with this pricelist)

There are various built-in prepaid and postpaid payment method implemented:
payment by credit cards or PayPal via payment gateways (epayment)

payment using recharge codes (PIN/voucher)

payment from third party applications (that can use the http and the database interface to upgrade the credit and
Payments are tracked in the tb_invoices table and can be queried later for statistics and reports (Billing -> Reports form)
All credit changes for prepaid users should be logged in this user. Never modify the credit directly. Use the Modify button from
Users and device -> Billing page if direct modification is required.
Invoices for postpaid user can be generated from the Billing -> Invoices
Chargecards can be generated from Billing -> Pincodes
There is a special user type called callingcards but any usual user can act as a calling card.
Users can access the system via Web or IVR typing a pin code. The pin code will represent the pincode column from the user
table or the username+password combination for enduser or only the username field for calling cards.
PayPal: direct or indirect handling of PayPal payments are supported on request.
Your users are allowed to use e-payment and to pay directly with their credit card. Most of the available merchant gateways are
Credit Card and eCheck processing support for every major Internet Payment Gateway using secure data communications
using up to 128-bit SSL encryption and Digital Certificates.
The Credit Card validity checks decrease expenses that result from attempting to authorize invalid credit cards.
The current list of supported payment gateways include:
3DSI EC-Linx
ACH Payments
Bank Of America
Chase Merchant Services
Concord EFSNET
Cyber Source
DPI Link
ECX QuickCommerce
Fast Transact
FirstData / Cardservice Int.
GoRealTime (Full-pass)
Innovative Gateway
Intellipay ExpertLink
iTransact RediCharge HTML www.itransact.com
Merchant Anywhere
Merchant Partners
MPCS Weblink

Network Merchants
NOVA's My Virtual Merchant
NOVA's Viaklix
Optimal Payments
PayFlow Link
PayFlow Pro
PayFuse - First National MS
PayJunction Trinity
Paymentech - Orbital
Payment Express
Payments Gateway
Payready Link
Planet Payment
Plug 'n Pay
RTWare WebLink
SurePay / YourPay
TransFirst eLink
USA ePay
Verisign PayFlow Pro
WorldPay Select Junior
and more ...


Search for epayment in the global settings for the configuration details.
To enable the E-Payment module follow these steps:
-1. Install the epayment module: EPaymentIntegrator (request from support if you havent received)
-2. Register the e-payment module
-3. Set the epayment_xxxx settings properly in the global configuration
E-Payments can be initiated from softphone, web portal or the module can be accessed by any external application using the
console or the database API.

Global configuration
These options can be set from the Configuration form below the Other section and will affect all users:
Creditelapseunit: prepaid credits will be elapsed automatically after this period is elapsed. Creditelapseunit means the credit
amount for 1 day. For example if you set it to 40 and the user will buy 5000 ft credit, than it will elapse after 4 month
Currency: the currency type is loaded from the currency global configuration or from the billed user currency setting.
The price setup currency settings also can affect the currency settings.
currencyconversion: 1=native currency, 2=pricelist currency, 3=user currency if match, 4=user currency
onlinecurrencyconversion: 0=no,1=daily,2=weelly,3=monthly, 4=yearly
updatecurrency: whether to automatically set the user currency based on country, language or ip address. 0=no,1=when
missing,2=always when missing,3=overwrite,4=always overwrite
Language: the invoice language can be controlled from the invoice form.
PDF Printer and delay: set this on MManage -> Menu-> Options
Time format: if to separe duration values to day/hour/min/sec or display only in seconds. (MManage -> Menu-> Options)
Money precision, rounding and separator are stored in the tb_currency_precizion table, accessible from the Billing form.
creditcurrencyprecision: currency precision (floating point digits) for enduser prices and credit decrease. Default is 14 (max). Can
be overwritten by billing package creditcurrencyprecision setting
currencyprecision: used when converting numbers to currency for the IVR
playcreditprecision: currency precision for IVR balance playback. -1 by default which means it will be set automatically based on
your currency
playcostprecision: currency precision for IVR call cost playback (this is usually equal or less then playcreditprecision)
currencyprecision: (on webportal section) means the money precision to be display on the web interface
MINSPEACHLENONROUTE: the minimum calculated max speech length when the call will be routed
Hasbilling/can_billing: set to false if billing is not needed for your server (this might save some cpu time)
Freenumlen: free number (shorter number than this value). Default is 4. Set to 0 to disable
Billshortnumlength: max number length to be treated as special short number. Default is 8. Set to 0 to disable.
shortnumbill_type: how to bill shortnumbers (more details below)
Blocknotbilledcalls: there might be some directions where you dont have a valid pricing set. In this case you can choose to block
all these calls if you set this option to true. Otherwise these can be billed using the defaultenduserprice and
defaultproviderprice global config options.
Notbilledcallerr: whether to generate errors for calls without proper enduser pricing: 0=default (error with 2
Peaktimebegin-peaktimeend: set the hour intervals if peak/off-peak time based billing are used (this might simplify your billing
entries instead to use exact date-time interval values)
Weekendispeak: whether to treat weekends as peak time
Autoholiday: holiday routing and billing treated as Sunday (default is true)
Resellerbilling: must be set to 1 if you use resellers. Otherwise reseller billing will not work. Set to 0 if reseller accounts are not
used to save cpu time. (this can be set by config wizard with the resellers checkbox)
Ivrbilling: used for IVR billing (one or multiple cdr. Read more in the IVR billing section)
internal_endusercost- internal_providercost: whether to bill internal calls between local users (default values are 0)
maxpriceperminute: will alarm if providerprice is bigger
smsprice: a fixed price for SMS messages (otherwise use price setup)
creditcheckforpostp: if to check credit for postpaid accounts (can be used to enforce max limitations)
creditcheckforts: if to check credit for traffic senders
creditelapseunit: prepaid credits will be elapsed automatically after this period is elapsed. Creditelapseunit means the credit
amount for 1 day. For example if you set it to 40 and the user will buy 5000 ft credit, than it will elapse after 4 month
Maxcreditelapsedays: max number of days when the credit will elapse
Accelapsedays: the number of days from creditelapsedt when the account will expire (account number will be suffixed with _elps ans set to

Mincreditonroute: minimum user credit (if less, than calls are rejected)

Maxusercreditonroute: max user credit to check (if user has more credit, max call length limitation are not checked which will
save cpu)
ivrtimeout: max IVR session length without b-leg call
ivrtimeout2: max IVR session length if there was a bleg call
freeivraccess: whether to allow ivr access for unauthorized peers: 0=no (default),1=callback,2=ivr,3=ivr+callback
freeaccessnumber: free access number (default is empty)
freeaccessuserid: free access number impersonalization
MINUSERCREDITONROUTE: deprecated. Use the Mincreditonroute setting.
MINSPEACHLENONROUTE: minimum speech length to allow the calls (default is 60 sec)
Sendusercredit: if to send the credit, balance and rating in sip messages (can be used by client applications to display the balance):
0=no,1=credit,2=credit + rating,3=always
Sendusercreditto: send credit info to user agents: 0=no,1=mizu clients only,2=mizu only,3=all devices
Short number and internal billing
You can set the short number billing mode by the shortnumbill_type config value. When set to 0, all short numbers are billed
with the price set in internal_providercost and internal_endusercost. When set to 1 (default),, then the 999 prefix is
inserted before the called numbers, and you have to create billing entries for these numbers.
Numbers are treated as short if its length doesnt exceed the value set by the billshortnumlength global config option.
Calls between endusers are billed with the internal_providercost and internal_endusercost values (defaults to 0).
All called numbers are considered short numbers where the length is lower than the value set for Billshortnumlength global
config option (default is 8). Called numbers with length less than Freenumlen will be allowed always (treated as free numbers).

Technical background
This section will describe some key technical aspects.
The billing process
When a call arrives to the system, the server first will lookup the caller user and will normalize the called number (remove garbage
characters, remove IEC code (+,00,011,etc) and/or after your custom rules. Then if the caller is a prepaid user a maximum call
duration will be calculated and applied for the session.
After each call one ore more CDR record is generated.
Every cdr record are handled by the billing module. Prices are determined by the v_getprice stored parameter and other system
v_getprice parameters:
@type tinyint: type of the billing. 1=enduser cost, 2= provider cost, 3=sales cost, 4 = company profit, 5 = other cost
@callednorm varchar(26): normalized callednumber. example: 36301111111 (B number)
@callerid int: database id of the caller user
@callernum varchar(26): caller number (A number)
@techprefix varchar(4): 3 digit tech prefix if exists
@calledid int: database id of the called user
@calledpacket int: simpacket if exists
@timetype1 tinyint: time period
@timetype2 tinyint: time period
@timetype3 tinyint: time period
@timetype4 tinyint: time period
@currday smallint: weekday number (Monday is 1)
@currhour smallint: call midtime hour
@currmin smallint: call midtime minute
@parentid int = 1: database id for the parent of the caller user

timetypes are considered when you doesnt set a concrete start-end period in the price list, and you choose from a predefined
pattern (peak, off-peak, weekend, weekday, holiday, evening, night). the following timetypes are defined:
0: Disabled
1: Start-End Time
2: Peak
3: Off-peak
4: Weekday
5: Weekend
6: Off-peak and weekend
7: Evening
8: Night
9: Holiday
10: All times
11: Other Times (Rest)
example: v_getprice '1','36301234567',6555,'003615555555','150',666,-1,4,2,99,99,4,11,41,500
The v_getprice stored procedure will return the following fields:
tb_billentries.currency,tb_billingtimes.isdiff,tb_billingtimes.origprice,tb_billingtimes.price, tb_billentries.billingstep,
tb_billentries.minammount,tb_billentries.freeammount,tb_billentries.freeafter,tb_billentries.vatincluded, tb_billentries.vatvalue,
According to returned billing settings, the price is calculated accordingly.
If there are no price defined, than default price are loaded. (if set)
If there are no sales price defined, than will be loaded from user setting (commission)
For enduser prices, the discounts and user reductions are applied if set so. Then the user credit is updated.
If there are any error with the billing process, than the default prices are applied if exists.
Billing verification:
List the required CDR records with Show minute price option
You can find the billing logs if you search for the called number in the server logs.
Copy the required v_getprice log in the direct query form.
Check if the returned values are as expected.
Invoice and payment storage
Invoices and payments are stored in tb_invoices in the database. So the invoices can be searched, recreated and storno invoice can
be built based on existing invoices (conforming to Hungarian laws).
The last invoice number are loaded from database before every new invoice and incremented. Thus the invoice number increment
is guaranteed the by database engine transactional behavior.
The following fields are defined:
ID: auto increment database primary key
0=All or Recreate (technical)
5= CreditNote
8=Payment (technical: payment received)

Copynum: printed copies

CompanyID: emmitent company ID (tb_billsources)

UserID: costumer ID from tb_users (if any)

User_name: costumer name or company name
User_address: costumer address
User_regnum: costumer registration number
User_euregnum: costumer eu registration number
User_bank: consumer bankdetails (cont and address)
Payment_type: mode of the payment (Ex: bank-transfer)
Datum: record date-time
Invoicenum: the number of the invoice
Invoiceid: deprecated
Invoicefrom: billing period begin time
Invoiceuntill: billing period endtime
Invoicegenerated: invoice print time (optional)
Invoicesent: invoice sent time (optional)
Completitiondate: completition date
Duedate: payment due date
Language: invoice language
Vat: VAT percent
VatValue: sum of VAT
InvoicePrice_Net: final net price
InvoicePrice: final price
PaymentReceived: date-time of the payment
Debt: sum of all debt
Pending: all sum before due date
Comment: invoice comment
InvoiceImage: saved ivoice file
Id: auto increment database primary key
Invoiceid: foreign key to tb_invoices
datum: record insert date
description: product description with code
fromdate: billing period if applied
todate: billing period if applied
Ammount: amount
AmmountName: name of the amount (minute)
AmmountPrice: unit price (net)

The emmitent (company) settings are stored in the tb_providers table. Only one company entry can be stored (conform to
Hungarian laws). Once the company details are inserted to the database, the company name annot be changed anymore.

Call forward billing: 2 cdr record will be generated. A->B and B->C
Call forward from IVR: one cdr will be generated. Wither we charge the call to the IVR or only bill the forwarded call can be
controlled by resetdurationonfwd
Call transfer by SIP signaling: the second call is completely different from the first call. Billing goes normally (2 calls)
Call transfer with dtmf (*5*): only one call leg is billed
Conference with dtmf (*1*): separate cdr will be generated for all call legs
Conference by sip: technically separate calls. Will be billed normally (2 cdr)
IVR billing are done after the ivrbilling global config option.


Make sure that your global currency setting is set correctly.

If you have users using different currency, then set the currency per user from users and devices form -> billing tab
You must have at least one enduser cost type packet that can be applied for all calls
Make sure you cover all destinations (prefixes) in your pricelist(s). Otherwise use the * for all other or the
defaultenduserprice global config value will be applied.
If you provide web interface for your endusers or reseller, then make sure to mark the appropriate packet as public. This
price listing will be displayed for the users.
Set the resellerbilling global config option to true if you are using reseller accounts or leave it false if not. This can also
be set using the configuration wizard
If you are using the IVR make sure to select your preferred billing method (ivrbilling config option)
If you are using the IVR, make sure that you have separate enduser cost pricing for calls trough the IVR (use the CallLeg

For more details use the Admin Guide or contact our support.
Copyright 2014 Mizutech SRL

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