Wading River Baptist Church: Fruit-Bearing

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March 2010

Volume 5 #3
Wading River Baptist Church
P.O. Box 438, 1635 Wading River-Manorville Road, Wading River, NY 11792
(631) 929-3512; 929-6022
www.wrbc.us [email protected]

The Lord Jesus once told a parable that indicated by His final words in this para- Dependence upon the Lord, there-
went like this: “A man had a fig tree graph: “You did not choose Me but I fore, is a daily discipline. We must call
which had been planted in his vineyard; chose you, and appointed you that you upon Him for guidance, wisdom, and
and he came looking for fruit on it and would go and bear fruit, and that your strength to accomplish the tasks He has
did not find any. And he said to the fruit would remain, so that whatever you ordained. A life lived according to our
vineyard-keeper, ‘Behold, for three years ask of the Father in My name He may own ingenuity and energy, and apart
I have come looking for fruit on this fig give to you” (v. 16). from the Lord Jesus Christ, is bound to
tree without finding any. Cut it down! Thus, our discipleship is a matter of fail. Our Lord says “If anyone does not
Why does it even use up the ground?’ divine sovereignty. We did not choose abide in Me, he is thrown away as a
And he answered and said to him, ‘Let it the Lord Jesus, but He has chosen us, branch and dries up; and they gather
alone, sir, for this year too, until I dig not merely to hang on until heaven, but them, and cast them into the fire and
around it and put in fertilizer; and if it to bear fruit that remains—permanent they are burned” (v. 6). We need to be
bears fruit next year, fine; but if not, cut fruit. Have you taken a produce inven- more concerned about whether or not we
it down’” (Lk 13:6-9). This parable im- tory of your life lately? How are your are useful fruit-bearers. What a sad ex-
mediately addresses the unbelief of Is- fruit trees thriving? How much fruit is perience it will be to look back upon our
rael concerning their Messiah, but by there on your shelves? And what if you lives and see that we have wasted them
way of personal application, it points out can’t identify much fruit? Let’s think by failing to abide in Christ.
that the Lord expects the plants in His about what the Lord Jesus says here. But this raises an important ques-
vineyard to produce fruit. tion: what exactly does it mean to abide
First of all, fruit-bearing is directly
In the Upper Room, the night of His dependent upon abiding in Christ. in Christ? The word “abide” means to
betrayal and arrest, the Lord Jesus spoke Here’s how He puts it: “Abide in Me, remain—to stay or dwell—in Christ. The
of this matter using a similar analogy. and I in you. As the branch cannot bear word speaks of permanence and perse-
Calling himself the true vine, and His fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, verance. There must be no wavering, no
Father the vinedresser, He said: “Every so neither can you unless you abide in turning back. But how do we go about
branch in Me that does not bear fruit, He Me” (v. 4). On the other hand, “he who this? Here’s a second principle: abiding
takes away; and every branch that bears abides in Me and I in him, he bears in Christ is directly dependent upon
fruit, He prunes it so that it may bear much fruit, for apart from Me you can do feeding on His Word. Jesus says “If you
more fruit” (Jn nothing” (v. 5). Here is the first place we abide in Me, and My words abide in you,
15:1-2). These find our vineyard overgrown by weeds. . . .” (v. 7).
words should The majority of the time most of us seek Every vine, every fig tree—every
give us pause. to order our lives by ourselves. We con- plant the Lord has sown—must be nour-
Our Lord duct our lives according to our own ished. The servant in Luke 13 offered to
clearly is look- knowledge and wisdom, our own experi- spend another year fertilizing the barren
ing beyond His ence and resources, and our own energy tree. A healthy plant must be fertilized
eleven disciples and diligence. Moreover, we tend to and watered. In the Christian life, that
at this point. In serve the Lord in the same way. We feeding requires the assimilation of
fact, every fol- think we know best, rather than humbly God’s Word. The Scriptures must be a
lower of the resigning ourselves to the Lord’s supe- regular part of our daily devotional
Lord Jesus is to rior wisdom and allowing Him to use us lives—“constantly nourished on the
bear fruit, as is in any way He sees fit. words of faith,” as Paul instructs Timo-
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thy (1 Tim 4:6). If you find little or no Word which comes from abiding in things I have spoken to you so that My
spiritual fruit in your life, then consider Christ. joy may be in you, and that your joy may
your intake of God’s Word. Yet another principle concerning be made full” (v. 11). Thus, fruit-
But there’s something else here, fruit-bearing emerges here, however: bearing is the secret of abundant joy.
namely that fruit-bearing is directly abiding in Christ is directly related to Christ’s joy penetrates into the life of an
dependent upon prayer. Abiding in abiding in His love. “Just as the Father obedient, fruit-bearing Christian, and
Christ requires abiding in the Word of has loved Me, I have also loved you; that joy is in turn expressed outwardly in
God, but that abiding furnishes us with abide in My love” (v. 9). Well and good, his life.
the wisdom to seek our fruit from God: you say, but does that mean I must live It’s only natural that this love we
“If you abide in Me, and My words abide constantly with warm fuzzy feelings have toward Christ will be expressed
in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will about God, or with my head in some hy- toward other believers. “This is My
be done for you” (v. 7). When it comes to per-spiritual cloud? I don’t always feel commandment, that you love one an-
fruit, our barrenness is often a function very loving or spiritual! Your Lord other, just as I have loved you” (v. 12).
of our prayerlessness. You say, for ex- knows that. Listen to how He explains To love the Lord Jesus is to obey Him,
ample, “I could never lead a Bible study!” this: “If you keep My commandments, and to obey Him is to love everyone else
Have you ever prayed about it? Or, “I you will abide in My love; just as I have who loves Him with a self-sacrificial
just don’t feel comfortable witnessing to kept My Father’s commandments and love. And so finally, effective fruit-
my co-worker (or neighbor, or relative, abide in His love” (v. 10). bearing is directly related to loving our
etc.)!” Have you ever asked the Lord to Loving Christ, therefore, is not pri- brethren. In fact, our Lord actually
give you the opportunity, the courage, marily a matter of emotions; it is a mat- speaks more about this in His discourse
and even the very words to say in order ter of obedience. As an obedient Chris- on the vine and the branches than on any
to share the Gospel with that person? Or tian, you will find that you are both abid- other subject (verses 12-17).
again, “I just can’t control my anger!” ing in the Lord Jesus and bearing much The Lord Jesus leaves us with a
Maybe the problem here is that you have fruit. That fruit may take different great deal to ponder in these verses.
never sought relief in prayer. Or per- forms: your life will produce the fruit of What He says, however, provides an ef-
haps, “I just can’t give any more to the the Spirit (Gal 5:22-23). You will offer fective antidote to our spiritual barren-
Lord’s work!” Really? Have you made sincere, heartfelt worship (“the fruit of ness. The last thing you or I want to hear
your giving a matter of intercession? lips that give thanks to His name,” Heb are those awful words said about us:
Our Lord’s promise here is astounding . . 13:15; cf. Isa 57:19). Your life will pro- “Cut it down! Why does it even use up
. “ask whatever you wish [amazing!] and duce the “fruit of the light,” which is the ground?” Granted, sometimes our
it will be done for you [even more amaz- goodness, righteousness, and truth (Eph Lord prunes us back, and that pruning is
ing!].” 5:9; cf. Phil 1:11; Heb 12:11), or as Paul painful, but it is for the purpose of pro-
When it comes to fruit-bearing, describes it to the Colossians, “the fruit ducing more fruit (v. 2). So remain in
then, we have virtually a blank check. of every good work” (Col 1:10). In addi- Christ, saturating yourself with His
Why? Because the Lord Jesus says that tion, you may well be used to lead others Word, praying, obeying and loving your
“My Father is glorified by this, that you to Christ (Rom 1:13), or perhaps to lead Lord, and displaying the joy that comes
bear much fruit, and so prove to be My or assist others in carrying out their min- from a life whose produce shelves are
disciples” (v. 8). Thus, fruit-bearing istries (Rom 15:28). Thus, fruit-bearing piled high with succulent fruit, all for the
directly contributes to glorifying God. directly depends upon personal obedi- glory of God!
And that is one of our principal purposes ence to Christ. − Pastor Ron Glass
in the Christian life: “to glorify God and There is more, however, for the Lord
enjoy Him forever.” How do we glorify Jesus says that the fruit-bearing which
Him? By bearing fruit, which in turn comes from abiding in, obeying, and lov-
comes in answer to prayer generated ing Him according to His Word and in
through our understanding of God’s response to prayer yields joy. “These

Missionaries of the Month – Ralph and Sandra Thompson

With an ap- one that Ralph and Sandra Thompson There were many times of hardship,
proximately 70% did not shy away from. Now approach- cultural adjustments, and illnesses
Muslim popula- ing their five-year anniversary of their within the family, but outstanding were
tion, the African arrival in Mombasa, the Thompsons the blessings of the birth of their third
coastal city of reminisce over just how far they have child (daughter Alana), a beautiful home,
Mombasa, Kenya come to evangelize and witness in a and God’s provision for an amazing
is a challenging country that forces them to trust and school for the children. They have a
field for a Chris- depend on the Lord daily. wonderful church family at the Fellow-
tian ministry but ship Baptist Church (FBC) which shares
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their evangelistic vision, an assisting ship training as well. They are grateful In praying for Ralph and Sandra
colleague who loves the Lord, and a for these blessings. Thompson this month, expand your
number of outreaches including Sunday Sadly, there is a need for the Thomp- prayer list to include all of our mission-
School, an Asian Bible Study, Christian sons to return to the United States this aries who are significantly under-
Religion at the kid’s school, and prayer summer to raise needed funds because of supported. Most affected are the
walks through the Old Town. Ralph a shortage of support. They are also ask- Monahans, the Verkaiks, the Likhtmans,
completed his master’s degree, which ing for more workers and are reaching and Carol Elliot.
will enable him to enhance the ministry. out to anyone who might want to join − Joan Tyska
Ralph was also appointed an elder at them in their service in Kenya.
FBC and has started to provide leader-

Getting Acquainted with Jackie Hallstrom

This March of 2010, the Hallstrom fam- three children−Kaitlyn (now 15), Kristen
ily will have been at the WRBC for 6 (13) and Kara (10)−brought Jackie out of
years. You are already acquainted with the workforce and into the home as a full
Chris Hallstrom as the church treasurer, time mother, homeschooling her girls.
a deacon, a member of the choir and as a In 2000 they moved back to Dallas to be
participant in the worship service each close to the family only to move away to
Sunday. We quite often see the three Long Island by 2004.
Hallstrom daughters involved with the
To insert a bit of spiritual history, we
church choir and other presentations as
go back to her college days, when at that
well as being involved with VBS and a
time she was a Catholic, reared in the
variety of commitments. But the name
faith attending church every Sunday.
of Jackie Hallstrom remains a bit
Jackie’s best friend in college was a Bap-
anonymous at times only because she is
tist and shared the Gospel with her. It
truly a “behind the scenes” type of a
Being in the middle of the school year was a message she had never heard be-
worker. Very rarely will you see her in
provided a setback for making new fore bringing to her a spiritual battle and
the front lines but always serving quietly
friends and it sort of forced her out of a dark time in her life. It was on the way
supporting her family as well as the
her shy ways in order to get back into the to school one day, the realization came to
church family.
swing of a young teenager’s social life her what salvation was all about and she
To begin at the beginning, Jackie and to become active in FHA and a pro- surrendered to Jesus Christ. Soon after
was born in Dallas, Texas on January 4, gram called Restaurant & Hotel Man- she began attending a Bible study with
1966. Her father, James Kean, worked agement, that would cater and host high her friend and began her walk with Jesus
for the Federal Government specifically school events. Christ.
the IRS. Her mother, Ramona Kean, was
After graduating from high school in When the time came to move to
a homemaker until her husband retired
1984, she continued her education at a Long Island, Chris first came alone in
from the IRS at which time they both
junior college for a year. The following search of the ideal area for a home and a
went into real estate. Jackie is the
year, Jackie worked as a receptionist for place to worship. One visit to WRBC,
youngest of 9 with 3 brothers and 5 sis-
a small telecommunications company hearing Pastor Glass preach and finding
ters–a brother being the oldest at 59
and it was at this time she met her hus- a well-established Awana program gave
(and might we add that Jackie has 22
band, Chris, who also had taken off a him reason enough to establish a con-
nieces and nephews).
semester from college. Together they nection to Wading River.
Jackie considered herself shy when returned to college at the University of It was not long before the family in-
she was young and when in ninth grade, North Texas and obtained their degrees; tegrated into the WRBC’s family and was
it had a great effect on her when her Jackie earning a bachelors degree in ele- actively involved in the service of the
family moved a short distance away mentary education in 1990; Chris with church. Jackie has never held an office
bringing her into a new school district. his masters in accounting in the summer within the church but works alongside of
of 1991. They married the following No- many of those that do. Jackie unoffi-
vember in 1991. cially is an assistant to the treasurer of
After graduating from college, Jackie WRBC, her husband; unofficially an
began to teach kindergarten but then honorary deaconess; is behind the scenes
moved on to teaching first grade in the at the senior saints’ luncheons; coordi-
same district of Plano, TX. After getting nates the custodial duties of the church;
married and moving to Houston, TX, she assists with the Awana program; volun-
taught both first and second grade in the teers for VBS; works in the mission field
suburbs of Houston. The arrival of the as she did with the car wash; and can be
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found in the kitchen helping with church is the last to leave the church after a fel- doing a bit of home decorating. But one
dinners, coffee hours or whatever is on lowshipping event as if she were in her of her favorite things to do to relax is to
the schedule. Not only does she have a home chatting as she tends to tidying spend some fun time with their family
full schedule of serving but she has a and closing down the church. dog, a Border Collie named “Shep.”
knack for doing it with such ease and joy. Jackie throughout the years has en- Shep has a way of making her feel young
Jackie is truly a beautiful lady whose joyed doing crafts and has brought these allowing the kid in her to emerge.
beauty does not remain on the surface skills to the church at Awana and VBS. If you have not met this Texan lady,
but goes deep within the soul. She is She likes to work in the garden although you can find her Sunday mornings in the
easy to be around with a great easy going she finds gardening quite challenging! front pew of the church, doing what she
personality and has a heart that is wide She accepts this challenge bringing to knows how to do best: supporting, en-
open, giving out Christian love to those her a lesson in patience and persever- couraging and serving the Lord.
in need of it. She is supportive as a wife, ance. It also gives her a chance to work − Joan Tyska
as a mother, as a friend and as a fellow outside which she enjoys. At times she
worker within the church. Typically, she likes to go antique shopping along with

Getting Personal
In recent months, both in The Beacon a psychic. This experience was the be- prosperity, however, her spiritual empti-
and in the pulpit of Wading River Baptist ginning of a long journey into the world ness drove her to serious promiscuity,
Church, we have been informing the of the metaphysical that brought him alcoholism, and drug use, as well as to a
congregation of the dangers of New Age under the influence of Bhagwan Shree fascination with the Hare Krishna
mysticism, particularly in light of its per- Rajneesh, Buddhism, the holistic health movement and the practice of Yoga. She
vasive, yet often subtle, influence in the movement, channeling, and the Course rapidly became entangled in Hindu in-
contemplative prayer and emerging in Miracles. His was the world of auras, fluences, until she met the Lord Jesus
church movements. The infiltration of dreams, and spirit “readings.” Christ in the back room of a Christian
New Age thinking into the evangelical Then, through an encounter with a bookstore in Chicago.
mainstream today poses the greatest misplaced book by evangelical Johanna Caryl, who like Smith has an itiner-
threat to biblically sound theology since Michaelsen in a New Age bookstore, the ant and media ministry exposing the
the advent of Neo-orthodoxy in the Lord began to intervene in Smith’s life. errors and dangers of the new mysticism,
1920s. By a strange twist of providence, the re- devotes the second half of her book to an
To address this threat, I have previ- marks of the woman who was co- explanation of the threat of New Age
ously recommended Ray Yungen’s fine teaching a small group study of the spirituality. She is not comprehensive,
book, A Time of Departing (Lighthouse Course in Miracles led Smith and his but gives helpful insights into its insidi-
Trails Publishing, revised edition, 2006). girlfriend to begin seriously thinking ous influences, leaving the reader want-
This is still one of the best introductions about the claims of the Bible. Ulti- ing to explore these developments in
to the dangers of the new mysticism, and mately, through a series of fascinating greater detail. Her explanation of Yoga
I suggest reading this book first. How- experiences, they were delivered from is especially informative. Most Ameri-
ever, I have recently read two books the darkness of the occult into the light cans have no idea of what Yoga is all
which address this subject from two very of Christ. about (she tells us on page 139—check it
different, but personal, perspectives, and Caryl Matrisci- out!), and Caryl shows why there can be
I am convinced that anyone who is inter- ana belonged to the no such thing as “Christian Yoga.” She
ested in the dangers posed by this same early Baby also does a good job of showing how New
movement will be fascinated by these Boomer generation Age thinking has impacted a number of
books. as Smith, but her authors who are widely read among
In The Light experience began evangelicals.
That Was Dark quite differently. In short, The Light That Was Dark
(second edition, She tells the story and Out of India are very powerful per-
Mountain Stream in her Out of India sonal exposés of what it is like to live in
Press, 2005), War- (Light House Trails the world of New Age spirituality. The
ren Smith, a social Publishing, 2008). impact of Eastern mysticism is not just
worker from Con- Raised in India, the daughter of parents theoretical and theological. It is very
necticut now living belonging to the British diplomatic real and very dangerous. We do well to
in California, tells corps, Caryl enjoyed wealth and privilege pay attention to these two faithful be-
his story. As a in a land of abject poverty. As a young lievers who have lived the lie, and have
young man, Smith adult, everything she did succeeded. She been delivered by the sovereign grace of
sensed the emptiness of his life and attended university in England, traveled God through Jesus Christ to tell their
sought to find relief through tedious self- the world, and eventually ended up in dramatic stories.
examination, only to end up resorting to America. In spite of her success and − Pastor Ron Glass

Against the Will of the People
I hope the following is not a cause It did not take long for further contro- Toombs’s statement proved to be pro-
for offense but rather an opportunity to versy to develop. Some Federalists were phetic and it probably cost them their
ponder things in a way you may not have alarmed because of the Louisiana pur- freedom since the people in the Northern
previously. In this article, I will attempt chase and talks of secession commenced States subsequently united against the
to show that any benefits of disregarding in New England. The question of how Confederate States. After Lincoln's order
portions of constitutions and laws are the new territory was to be settled of 75,000 troops to squash the “rebel-
usually temporary and that such caused more problems between the lion,” four more states seceded to join
breeches make matters worse in the long slaveholders and the abolitionists. Com- the Confederate States because they
run. I will treat the United States as an promises had to be drawn up to avert maintained that Lincoln did not have the
example. war in the years that followed. authority to order troops against sover-
Last month, I wrote that we ought to After Abraham Lincoln was elected eign states or to force them to remain in
treat our constitutional laws “as though president, southern states feared the loss the union against their will. The war
they are walls made from a composite of of their right to own slaves because the lasted four years and over 600,000 peo-
titanium and diamond which are unable Republican Party was formed mainly as ple were killed.
to be penetrated.” So what if one con- an abolitionist party. Seven states se- Many southerners believed that
siders a particular constitution or a por- ceded before the new president was slavery would have ended within a gen-
tion of it to be "a covenant with death" sworn in. Lincoln tried to assure the eration or so apart from the vehement
or "an agreement with Hell"? I'm glad southerners in his first inaugural address opposition that caused the war. I sup-
you asked. In turn, I offer something for that he had no desire to end slavery and pose most people believe it was right to
you to ponder. After King Darius had his stated that he did not believe he had the go through the “walls” of the constitution
little ego problem exploited, would it authority to do so. He considered the to end slavery sooner because it is so
have been right for him not to have had union to be perpetual, in that there was evil. I think the benefit was not worth
Daniel thrown into the lions' den? no legal way for any state to secede the cost. What about the big picture of
(Daniel 6) unless the rest of the states agreed. the constitution being breeched? If a
A major bone of contention within Since the terms for dissolution were not cause is deemed to be good enough and
the 1787 Constitutional Convention was specified, there was no right to secession. has enough support, it now trumps the
the institution of slavery. The thirteen Instead, the people have a right to either constitution. The country degenerated
states eventually assented to a constitu- amend the constitution or overthrow the into democracy and is ruled by the
tion that protected slavery—otherwise, government. This view seems strange to whims of men with little thought as to
the southern states (South Carolina and me given how our country was founded. why the things written in the constitu-
Georgia, in particular) would not have It seems that many northerners did tion were placed there. All this so-called
agreed to it. It seems that the inclusion not agree with Lincoln because the sen- “good” given to us by our rulers has
of the far south in the union weighed timent in newspaper editorials was driven us into bankruptcy. When people
more heavily than the problems some “wayward sisters, part in peace.” In are governed by the whims of men, there
had with slavery. other words, secession was the appropri- is little they can count on!
Benjamin Franklin wrote a petition ate course of action for the southern Ruling against the express will of the
to end slavery in the United States as the states. I wonder if delegates to the Con- people can be considered the height of
President of the Pennsylvania Society for stitutional Convention would have arrogance even if those in authority seek
Promoting the Abolition of Slavery in agreed on behalf of their particular states to comply with the constitution and be-
February of 1790. If a party for any rea- to join the union if they had known that lieve the populace to be wrong in its
son cannot fulfill its obligation to an it meant their state would not be allowed opinion. Consider the time when God
agreement, should it be able to force the to leave it under any circumstances. tried to persuade Israel that it was a bad
other party(s) to amend the contract to I will not delve into the battle of Fort idea for them to have a king like the
compensate for its own shortcomings? Sumter except to say that I think it was other nations because he would take the
Had Congress outlawed slavery at this tragic that Confederate President outrageous amount of 10 percent of their
time, would not the southern states have Jefferson Davis did not heed his Secre- seed, their vineyards, and their flocks
rightly understood that to be an act of tary of State's plea to not fire on the fort. along with the other things he would
betrayal and deceit? Would not the Robert Toombs, the only cabinet mem- require of the people (1 Sam 8:15, 17).
southern states have been justified in ber opposed to the action declared “at Since God Himself acquiesced after the
withdrawing from the union and de- this time it is suicide, murder, and will people of Israel reiterated their demand
manding compensation for the violation lose us every friend at the North. You for a king (1 Sam 8:22), how can a mag-
of the agreement? This petition did not will wantonly strike a hornet’s nest istrate justify governing against the will
go unnoticed by the people of southern which extends from mountains to ocean, of the people?
states and as we all well know, the slav- and legions now quiet will swarm out A just principle is that the refusal to
ery problem did not go away. and sting us to death. It is unnecessary; honor agreements is theft. I believe that
it puts us in the wrong; it is fatal.” the honorable position for the Aboli-
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tionists would have been for them to an example of proper living in Christ. (Note: to follow the links contained
secede because they could not fulfill their After all, what value is our faith if our in this article, refer to the electronic ver-
obligation to the constitution. We ought claims of salvation are not honored (1 sion of The Beacon at www.wrbc.us)
to strive to honor our agreements to set Cor 15:16-19)? − Carl Chapman

Quiverfull: Welcoming Children as God’s Blessings

“Behold, children are a gift of the LORD, the fruit of the womb is a reward.
Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, so are the children of one’s youth.
How blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them.” (Psalm 127:3-5a)

Quiverfull is a movement within conser- tion, God said, “Be fruitful and multiply, begging bread” (Ps 37:25). John Calvin,
vative evangelical Christianity in which and fill the earth, and subdue it; and rule commenting on Psalm 127, wrote, “He
married couples shun all forms of birth over the fish of the sea and over the birds who thus reflects upon the goodness of
control and trust in God to give as many of the sky and over every living thing God in giving him children, will readily
children as would be His sovereign good that moves on the earth” (Gen 1:28). and with a settled mind look for the con-
pleasure. The movement derives its The propagation of the human race tinuance of God’s grace.” Commentator
name from Psalm 127, in which Solomon would be required to exercise full domin- Matthew Henry made this succinct state-
declares that a man possessing a quiver ion over the earth. God reaffirmed this ment: “He who sends mouths, will send
full of arrows (children) is blessed. command with Noah after the Flood: “Be meat, if we trust in Him.”
Wendy Jeub, mother of 15, sums up the fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth” With biblical training (Eph 6:4),
quiverfull mindset: “Being quiverfull (Gen 9:1). God emphatically repeated Rick and Jan Hess envision their chil-
means giving family planning to God.” Himself six verses later: “As for you, be dren maturing into God’s arrows in the
fruitful and multiply; populate the earth ongoing spiritual battle (Eph 6:12). The
abundantly and multiply in it” (Gen 9:7). Hesses also convey a dispensational un-
Quiverfull parents also believe that derstanding of the Kingdom: “We are not
God controls conception. After Leah had trying to usher in Christ’s kingdom in
borne Jacob four sons, Rachel pleaded our country; that will not occur until He
with him, “Give me children, or else I accomplishes it Himself.”
die” (Gen 30:1). Jacob’s response (v. 2) Craig Houghton,
identified God as the One who sover- father of nine and
eignly opens and closes the womb: “Am I author of Family
in the place of God, who has withheld UNplanning, notes
Chris and Wendy Jeub with 13 of their 15 from you the fruit of the womb?” In that the quiverfull
children. Visit http://jeubfamily.com to
Genesis 20:18, we find that “the LORD perspective on children stands in stark
learn more about their family.
had closed fast all the wombs of the contrast to our culture’s view: “We have
The publication of A Full Quiver by household of Abimelech because of succeeded in twisting our thinking of
Rick and Jan Hess in 1990 helped to Sarah, Abraham’s wife,” whom the king children [from] being a blessing, a re-
launch the quiverfull movement. The had taken not realizing she was married. ward and gift from our Heavenly Father
Hesses introduce themselves as “your Upon Ruth’s marriage to Boaz, “the to instead viewing them as a curse and a
average Midwestern couple…with eight LORD enabled her to conceive, and she stumbling block to our own fulfillment.”
children” and present their convictions gave birth to a son” (Ruth 4:13). He- Amidst the disapproving glares and
regarding children in a biblical, down-to- brews 11:11a reads “by faith even Sarah thoughtless remarks of strangers, quiver-
earth way. The “bottom-line question” herself received ability to conceive.” full parents are mindful of the Apostle
that they pose is: “Can I trust God to do Moreover, quiverfull parents trust in Paul’s exhortation: “Do not be con-
the best for me in controlling my family God’s provision for their growing family. formed to this world, but be transformed
size and spacing?” David and Suzanne Voddie Baucham, Jr., in What He Must by the renewing of your mind, so that
Bortel of San Antonio, TX were a catalyst
Be…If He Wants to Marry My Daugh- you may prove what the will of God is,
in the movement’s growth via their that which is good and acceptable and
ter, explains on the basis of 1 Timothy
online forum (www.QuiverFull.com). perfect” (Rom 12:2).
5:8 that God will usually work through
The number of subscribers to the Bor-
the father to supply the needs of the fam- In closing, the words of the 19th cen-
tel’s free digest has increased from 12 in
ily, such that the mother can focus upon tury British preacher C. H. Spurgeon
1995 to nearly 3,000 today.
her domestic calling (Titus 2:5). David’s deserve our consideration: “When sons
Quiverfull parents believe that the words in Psalm 37 offer encouragement and daughters are arrows, it is well to
command God first gave to Adam and to godly parents questioning whether have a quiver full of them; but if they are
Eve to be fruitful and multiply has not they have the financial means to support only sticks, knotty and useless, the fewer
been rescinded; it remains operative a large family: “I have been young and of them the better.”
during the church age. Addressing now I am old, yet I have not seen the
Adam and Eve shortly after their crea- − Peter Albrecht
righteous forsaken or his descendants

March Bible Quiz Questions February Bible Quiz Answers
1) To whom was the name Belteshazzar assigned? 1) Samaria and Jerusalem (Ezekiel 23:4).

2) Who anointed Solomon, David’s son, king? 2) Seven–six sons and a daughter (Gen 29:32-35; 30:17-21).

3) Jesus told the Jews that they would be accused to the 3) Sea of Galilee (John 6:1).
Father for their unbelief by whom?
4) Michael, the archangel (Daniel 12:1).
4) Name the five principal cities of the Philistines.
5) Mt. Horeb (Exodus 17:5-6).
5) Name two Egyptian magicians who opposed the
Bonus: Hagiographa (also know as Holy Writings and The
miracles of Moses. (Hint: names are not mentioned
Writings). The books included are: 1 Chronicles through
in the Old Testament.)
Song of Solomon plus Ruth, Lamentations, and Daniel.
Bonus: Visible appearances of God, generally in human (Note: the books are ordered differently in the Jewish Bible.)
form, during Old Testament times are called .
― Felix Acerra Submit the answers and Bible reference to: [email protected].
The answers for this month’s quiz will be announced in the
next newsletter!

March 2010
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1 2 3 8:00 AM Ladies Prayer 4 7:00 PM 5 6
– Joan Tyska (727-5998) Basic Bible
6:30 PM AWANA Interpretation
7:00 PM Prayer Meeting
and Exposition of Psalms

7 9:45 AM 8 9 7:00 PM 10 8:00 AM 11 7:00 PM 12 13

Sunday School Board of Ladies Prayer Basic Bible
11:00 AM Morning Deacons 6:30 PM AWANA Interpretation
Worship Service Meeting
7:00 PM Prayer Meeting
and Exposition of Psalms

14 9:45 AM DST 15 16 NYFRF 17 8:00 AM 18 7:00 PM 19 20

Sunday School begins Legislative Ladies Prayer Basic Bible
11:00 AM Morning Day 2010 – 6:30 PM AWANA Interpretation
Worship Service “Counter
Punch” – 7:00 PM Prayer Meeting
4:30 PM Supper Albany, NY and Exposition of Psalms
6:00 PM 3rd Winter
Family Film Night

21 9:45 AM 22 23 24 8:00 AM 25 7:00 PM 26 27

Sunday School Ladies Prayer Basic Bible
11:00 AM Morning 6:30 PM AWANA Interpretation
Worship Service 7:00 PM Prayer Meeting
and Exposition of Psalms

28 9:45 AM 29 30 31 8:00 AM
Sunday School Ladies Prayer
11:00 AM Morning 6:30 PM AWANA
Worship Service 7:00 PM Prayer Meeting
and Exposition of Psalms

PO Box 438
Wading River, NY 11792

Our Purpose
Wading River Baptist Church 1. To glorify God through sharing
the good news of salvation by God’s
sovereign grace through faith in His
Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.

2. To nurture believers through a

strong program of Christian educa-
tion, youth ministries, and expository
Biblical preaching.

3. To provide an opportunity for

Biblical worship, service, and fellow-

4. To extend our ministry through-

out America and around the world
through participation in home and
• For the Exaltation of God in All Things
foreign missions.
• For the Proclamation of Faith in Christ
• For the Transformation of God’s People WRBC is affiliated with the Conserva-
tive Baptist Association of America
and the Conservative Baptist Mission
to the Northeast.

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