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Obstacles in the Path of Knowledge: Part 1


Obstacles in the Path of Knowledge: Introduction

An explanation of some points from Obstacles in the Path of Knowledge (of Shaikh A
bdusSalaam Burjis) by Abu Hakeem Bilaal Davies. Transcribed by Hisham Abu Maryam and Umm
Maryam for SalafiPublications.Com, edited and amended by Abu Iyaad Amjad Rafiq, checked by
Abu Talhah Dawud Burbank.

All Praise is due to Allaah, we praise Him, seek His aid and His Forgiveness. We seek
refuge in Allaah from the evils of our souls and the evils of our actions. Whomsoever
Allaah guides there is none to misguide and whomsoever Allaah misguides there is none
to guide. I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, alone, without
any partners and I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and messenger.
Introductory Notes by Abu Hakeem:
There is no doubt that Ilm(knowledge) is a means to all forms of good, good in the dunya
this life and good in the akhira the hereafter. The deen(religion) is something that is only
truly obtained through gaining correct knowledge of it.
The Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said: One will gain Ilm when one attempts to
seek that Ilm (i.e. teaching oneself) Collected by Imaam Daraqutni in al-Afraad and alKhateeb al Baghdaadi in Taareekh al Baghdaad and is declared hasan by Sheikh Naasir
in Saheeh al Jaami no. 2328.
Ibn Abbas (radiallahu anhuma) mentioned: Allah (subhana wataala) has taken charge of
the one who reads the Quraan and acts upon that which is in it. That he will not go astray
in this life and he will not be sad and grieved in the hereafter.
And then Ibn Abbas (radiallahu anhuma) recited the statement of Allah:
If there comes to you from Me, guidance, then whosoever follows My guidance, then he
will not go astray neither will he be grieved. And as for the one who turns away from My
guidance, then verily to him is an unpleasant life and We will raise him on the Day of
Judgment blind. He will say: O my Lord! Why have you raised me blind when verily I
was a seeing person in the dunya? He will be answered: Indeed there came to you my
signs and you forgot them, so today you will be forgotten. (Collected by Ibn Abi Shaiba in
al-Musannaf(13/371) and Abul Fadl Abdur Rahmaan ar-Raazi in Fadaail al-Quraan /84
and Imaam Haakim in his Mustadrak 2/381, see at- Tafseer as Saheeh 3/382)
From that what is apparent from the ayah is that it refers to the individual who received
the guidance and then let the guidance go.
And Allah, (subhaana wataala) has said:

Obstacles in the Path of Knowledge: Part 1

And whosoever turns away blindly from the remembrance of Ar-Rahman [i.e. this Quran
and worship of Allah] We appoint for him shaitan [devil] to be a Qarin [companion] to
him. And verily they [satans] hinder them from the path [of Allah], but they think they are
guided aright! Till, when [such a one] comes to Us, he says [to his Qarin] would that
between me and you were the distance of the two easts [or the east and the west] a
worst [type of]companion[indeed]! (az-Zukhruf 43:36 38).
Allah (subhaana wataala) guides with His Light, Islam and the Messenger (sallallahu
alaihi wasallam) as Light. As for his referring to His Book as light then it is that which
occurs in His statement, Therefore believe in Allah and His Messenger and in the light
that we have sent down, (Taghaabun 64:8). As for his reference to Islaam as light then it
is in His saying Is he whose breast allah has opened to islaam, such that he is upon light
from his Lord (as he who is non-Muslim)? (Az-Zumar 39:22).
As for him referring to his Messenger as light then Allah says, O People of the Book (Jews
and Christians), now has there come to you Our Messenger, explaining to you much of
that which you used to hide from the scripture and passing over (i.e. leaving out without
explaining) much. Indeed there has come to you from Allah a light (the Prophet
Muhammad) and a clear book, wherewith Allah guides all those who seek his good
pleasure to the ways of peace, and he brings them out of the darkness by His will unto
light and guides them to a straight way. (al-Maidah 5:15-16).
Reported by Ibn Abbas (radiallahu anhuma) that the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam)
used to make dua as he used to walk to salat-ul-fajr and he used to say: O Allah! Place in
my heart Light and in my eyes Light and in my hearing Light. And place on my right Light
and on my left Light and below me light and above me light, Let me be in absolute Light.
(Bukhaaree and Muslim). Thus it is by gaining knowledge of this light and acting upon it
that Allah will remove from them the humiliation that they face and raise their ranks.
Reported from Ibn Umar (radiallahu anhuma) that the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu
alaihi wasallam) said: If you trade using the Eena (a type of usury) and you hold onto the
tails of the cows and you leave Jihaad, then Allah will place upon you humiliation and he
will not remove it from you until you return to your deen.(Collected by Abu Dawood 3462
and al Baihaqi in as- Sunan al Kubra(5/316) and ad Dulaabi in in al Kunaa and declared
authentic by Shaykh Naasir in as Silsilah as Saheehah no.11)
The ayah: And that was our Proof which We gave to Ibrahim against his people. We raise
whom We will in degrees.Al-Anaam (6:83)
And the ayah concerning Yusuf (alaihi salaam): We raise to degrees whom We will...
(Yusuf 12:76). Imam Malik (rahimullah) mentioned about these ayaat that they are raised
in levels with knowledge.
Shaykh-ul-Islam, Ibn Taimiyyah (rahimahullah) mentioned regarding these ayahs:


Obstacles in the Path of Knowledge: Part 1

With regards to Yusuf (alaihis salaam), Allah (subhaana wataala) raised him in levels by
giving him Ilm of the land and how to rule and cultivate it. And with regards to Ibrahim
(alaihis salaam), he was raised with levels of Ilm, as with this Ilm he defended Tawheed
and repelled Shirk. He says: So the story of Ibraheem was concerning knowledge of
proofs and debating used to repel the harm of the one who opposes (Islaam) away from
the religion, and the story of Yusuf was in relation to the knowledge of politics and ruling
the land in order to obtain desired benefits. So the first was related to knowledge of that
which repels harm from the religion and the second concerning knowledge of that which
brings benefit. (14/493)
And he also mentioned that: Sin is the product of jahl (ignorance). He says: As for evil
deeds then they stem from ignorance and oppression for indeed no-one commits an ugly
evil deed or due to desires and his souls inclination toward that, nor will a person leave a
compulsory good deed except due to his ignorance of it being compulsory or due to his
disliking that deed. So in reality, all evil dees return back to ignorance, otherwise if he was
upon true knowledge that this action will cause him conclusive harm he wouldnt commit,
and indeed this is from the characteristics of those who possess intellects (from al
Hasanatu was Saiyiah p.70)
Thus some of the Salaf mentioned that Ilm is the way to every type of good virtue. One of
the Salaf, when admonishing said: O my brother! Verily, the offspring of sin is
heedlessness. And verily, this, heedlessness brings about the hardness of the heart. And
verily, this hardness of the heart makes a person distant from Allah and verily being
distant from Allah brings about the Fire.
The speaker says that they are working through a book by Shaykh Abdus-Salaam Burjis
(from Riyadh in Saudi Arabia), called: The Obstacles in the Path of Knowledge. It
contains ten very important obstacles to be remembered.


Obstacles in the Path of Knowledge: Part 1

Benefits From The First Lesson


The religion is acquired through correct knowledge of it.

Knowledge is by learning it.
Whoever learns the Quran and acts upon it will have the protection of Allaah.
Receiving guidance (i.e. knowledge) and then letting it go makes one inherits
unhappiness and blindness (i.e. in knowledge and insight, not vision) and makes ones
company the company of devils.
5. The light of guidance is actually Allaahs Book, Islaam and the Messenger. All of them
are light, from the point of view of guidance.
6. Acquiring and acting upon this light is what removes humiliation and raises the
7. Raising in ranks actually means raising in knowledge.
8. Knowledge can be that which repels harm and also that which brings about benefit.
9. All sins have their origin in ignorance.
10. Therefore, all virtues lie in knowledge and acting upon it.


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