Use of Rice Husk Ash As Partial Replacement With Cement in Concrete - A Review

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International Journal of Engineering Research

Volume No.4, Issue No.9, pp : 506-509

01 Sept. 2015

Use of Rice Husk Ash as Partial Replacement with Cement In Concrete- A Review
Sourav Ghosal, S.C.Moulik
Department of Civil Engineering, KIIT University, Bhubaneswar-751024
Corresponding E mail: [email protected]
Abstract:Rapid increase in construction activities has resulted
in shortage of conventional construction materials.In the
present scenario, the high cost of conventional building
materials is a major factor affecting housing delivery in the
world.This has necessitated research into alternative materials
of construction.The effective housing techniques deal with
reduction in cost of construction as well as providing strength
to buildings.Mainly gravel,sand and cement are used in the
preparation of conventional concrete.While the use of
agricultural by-product i.e. rice husk as a partial replacement
with the conventional fine aggregates is expected to serve the
purpose of encouraging housing developers in building
construction.Rice husk is produced in about 100 million tons
per annum in India. Twenty kg of rice husk are obtained from
100 kg of rice.It contains organic substances and 20%
inorganic material.Ash from rice is obtained as a result of
combustion of rice husk at suitable temperature. Proper
utilization of it aims to save the environment,encourages the
Government to find solutions regarding disposal to land fills of
waste materials,and provides new knowledge to the contractors
and developers on how to improve the construction industry by
using rice husk, to sustain good product performance and to
meet recycling goals.The rice husk ash concrete aims to
prepare light weight structural concrete which may reduce
considerably the self load of structures and permits large
precast units to be handled.The main objective is therefore to
encourage the use of these seemingly waste products as
construction materials in low cost housing.The various basic
properties of rice husk concrete are reviewed in this paper.
Keywords:Rice Husk Ash, Agricultural Residues Utilization,
Light Weight Structural Concrete, Cost Effective Housing
The construction industry relies heavily on conventional
materials such as cement,sand and granite for production of
concrete.Concrete is the basic civil engineering composite.The
quality of concrete is determined by the quality of paste/mix.It is
the worlds most consumed man made material.Its great
versatility and relative economy in filling wide range of needs
has made it a competitive building material.The demand for
concrete for todays infrastructural development is rising day-by
-day.In light of this, the non-availability of natural resources to
future generation has also been realized.Concrete production is
not only a valuable source of societal development but also a
significant source of employment.Following a natural growth in
population, the amount and type of waste materials have
problems.Historically agricultural and industrial wastes have
created waste management and pollution problems.Different

alternative waste materials and industrial by-products such as fly

ash,bottom ash,recycled aggregates,crumb rubber,saw dust,brick
bats etc. were replaced with natural aggregates.Although these
materials are traditionally considered as primitive and
therefore inferior to more highly processes in terms of
safety,durability,performance,occupants health and comfort
with respect to environmental issue,consumption of
environmental products and energy within the construction
industry has created a significant demand for raw materials and
for production thereby contributing to the many environmental
problems associated with diverse ecosystem.
The wastes have generally no commercial value and are locally
available at a minimal transportation cost.The use of these
wastes has complemented other traditional materials in
construction and hence provides practical and economic
advantages.Also proper utilization of these wastes conserves the
natural resources and protects the environment.Apart from the
above mentioned waste materials, the rice husk can also be used
in concrete due to the following points:(i)Large scale production of rice in the coastal states of India
and in the other countries of Asia.
(ii)It is the staple food in majority of the countries of the world
and thus generates the husk in Mega-tonnes per year.
(iii)After the rice grain is collected, the husk or the ash is thrown
away here and there causing environmental pollution
(iv)Some percentage of husk serves as eatables for the domestic
animals,while majority are being wasted.
(v)Little part of it when mixed with cow dung and other organic
wastes serves as good manure to the plants
(vi)Helpful in cost effective housing and low rise buildings.
(vii)Serves as an environment-friendly construction material.
With the quest for affordable housing system for both the rural
and urban population of India and other developing
downconventional building material costs have been put
forward.Finding a substitute for the aggregate used today is a
task that is worth studying because it helps in preserving
conventional materials for future.
Review of Literatures
The literatures regarding the potential uses of rice husk as one of
the suitable aggregates for concrete have been reviewed and are
presented below.
Mehta and Pirth (2000) investigated the use of RHA (Rice Husk
Ash) to reduce temperature in high strength mass concrete and
concluded that RHA is very effective in reducing temperature of
mass concrete compared to OPC concrete.RHA which is an
agricultural by-product has been reported to be a good
pozzolanic material by numerous researchers.RHA is obtained
after burning of rice husk at a very high temperature.
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International Journal of Engineering Research

Volume No.4, Issue No.9, pp : 506-509

01 Sept. 2015

Malhotra and Mehta (2004) reported that ground RHA with fine
particle size than OPC improves concrete properties,including
higher substitution amounts in lower water absorption values
and the addition of RHA caused an increment in the
compressive strength.
Adewuyi and Ola (2005) have carried out research on the binary
blends of OPC with different pozzolanic material in making
cement composites.Supplementary cementious materials have
been proven to be effective in meeting most of the requirements
of durable concrete.
Habeeb and Fayyadh (2009) have investigated the influence of
RHA average particle size on properties of concrete and found
out that at early ages the strength was comparable,while at the
age of 28 days,the finer RHA exhibited higher strength than the
sample with coarser RHA.
Lee et al (2005) in their study concluded that some of the waste
products like Rice husk which possess pozzoalanic properties
and used in the blended cements include fly ash,silica
fume,volcanic ash,corn cob ashhence providing good strength
properties to concrete.
Gunduz and Ugur (2004) in their study concluded that the
greatest advantages of light weight concrete are its low
density,allowing for construction on the ground with only
moderate bearing capacity,the use of less reinforcement, the
ability to construct taller structures,greater economy in lifting
and use of more thermally efficient material.The unit weight of
rice husk concrete can be lowered by either using porous
materials,therefore lightweight aggregates instead of ordinary
ones,introducing air into mortar or removing the fine fraction of
aggregate and then by partially compacting the concrete.In all
cases,the main goal is to introduce voids into aggregates and
mortar or between mortar or aggregate.
Khedari et al (2001) have studied the characteristic properties of
various light weight aggregates like pumice,coal slag,flying
ash,rice husk,straw,saw dust,cork granules,wheat husk,coconut
fiber and coconut shell used in partial replacement for concrete
production.The organic waste used in light weight concrete is
mainly of plant origin.They concluded that by using plant waste
that is abundantly found in rural areas, it may be possible to
construct cheaper and good quality agricultural constructions.
Sari and Pasamehmetoglu (2004) have concluded that rice husk
as an organic waste,is a significant problem in rice cultivating
areas because it is not used profitably and is generally burned
after harvest,which causes environmental problems.Generally
concrete with a unit weight of less than 2000 kg/cum is
classified in the light concrete class.According to ACI
(American Concrete Institute) Committee, light weight concrete
is divided into three categories on the basis of its strength and

Strength (MPa)

Lightweight Concrete Category








Obilade and I.O.(2014) in their experimental study on rice husk

as fine aggregates in concrete concluded that,there exists a high
potential for the use of rice husk as fine aggregate in the
production of lightly reinforced concrete.Weight-Batched Rice
Husk Concrete and Volume-Batched Rice Husk Concrete
showed similar trends in the variation of bulk
density,workability and compressive strength.Loss of bulk
density,workability and compressive strength is slightly higher
for Weight-Batched Rice Husk Concrete than VolumeBatched.They made the following recommendations:
-The long term behaviour of rice husk concrete should be
-Volume batching should be used in works involving rice husk.
-Similar studies are recommended for concrete beams and slab
sections to ascertain the flexural behaviour of light weight
concrete made with rice husk.
Sisman et al (2011) have analysed the effects of rice husk on
concrete properties for farm buildings and arrived at the
following conclusions,
-The unit weight of the produced concrete samples varied
between 1797-2268 kg/m3.When the RH amount in the mixture
was greater than 15%,concrete should be classified as
lightweight concrete with respect to their unit weights.
-The compressive strength of the samples at 7 and 28 days
ranged from 15.2-31.3 MPa and 18.1-37.5 MPa respectively.The
concrete produced in their study were defined as structural
lightweight concrete when considering their unit weight and
compressive strength.
-The water absorption of the samples on the 28 th day varied
between 3.03-5.48% and the use of RH as an aggregate
replacement increased water absorption.
-The thermal conductivity decreased with increase in rice husk
content.The thermal conductivity varied between 0.79-1.53
W/mK.Their research showed that the thermal conductivity of
the RH aggregate concrete was approximately two times lower
than that of an equivalent normal weight concrete.
Tomas U. Ganiron Jr (2013) experimented on the effects of rice
husk as substitute for fine aggregate in concrete mixture and
made the following inferences:-The results revealed that higher substitution amounts results
into lower water absorption values due to more fineness
property of RHA than cement.Adding 15% of RHA to the
concrete,a reduction of 32.4% in water absorption value is
-The addition of RHA causes an increment in the compressive
strength due to the capacity of the pozzolana towards fixingCa
(OH)2 generated during the reactions of hydration of cement.All
the replacements degrees of RHA increased the compressive
strength.For a 7% of RHA,15% of increment in compressive
strength is observed.
-According to the results of the splitting tensile test,all the
replacement degrees of RHA research,achieved similar
results.This may be realized that there is no interference of
adding RHA in the splitting tensile strength.
-The rice husk is applicable to concrete for interior concrete
-The wet weather conditions cause deterioration of husks that
affect the stability of concrete.Based on their studies about Rice
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Volume No.4, Issue No.9, pp : 506-509
Husk, K.S. Low and C.K.(1997) and W.T. Tsai et al(2007) have
concluded that RHA as pozzolona is an effective admixture for
cement and used as additives to reduce corrosion and increase
durability of concrete structures.
M.Fang(2004) in his study concluded that the use of RHA
contributed not only to the production of concrete of higher
quality and lower cost but also reduced carbon-dioxide (CO2)
emissions from the production of cement.The partial
replacement of cement by RHA would result in lower energy
consumption associated with the production of cement.
Premalal(2002) et al have made comparison of the mechanical
properties of rice husk powder and hence concluded that
chemical compositions of RHA are affected due to burning
process.Silica content in the ash increases with higher
temperature.RHA produced by burning rice husk between
6000C-7000C for 2 hours contains 90-95% SiO2,1-3% K2O and
<5% unburnt carbon.RHA contains silica in amorphous form
and are cellular in nature with 50-1000 m2/g surface area.So use
of RHA with cements improves workability and
stability,reduces heat evolution,thermal cracking and plastic
shrinkage.This increases strength development,impermeability
and durability by strengthening transition zone,modifying the
pore structure,blocking the large voids in the hydrated cement
paste through pozzolanic reaction.RHA minimizes alkaliaggregate reaction,reduces expansion,refines pore structure and
hinders diffusion of alkali ions to the surface of aggregate by
micro porous structure.
V.M. Srivastava et al (2006) and A.H. Mahvi et al (2004) in
their studies concluded that the use of RHA in the production of
high performance and high durable concrete has been analysed
in several works undertaken by the researchers.The significant
findings were as follows:-Substantial reduction in mass loss on exposure to hydrochloric
-Considerable reduction in alkali-silica and sulphate solutions.
-Higher frost resistance of non-air entrained RHA concrete
compared to similar mixtures of silica.
Also studies have shown that RHA resulting from the burning of
rice husk at control temperatures have physical and chemical
properties that meet ASTM (American Society for Testing and
Materials) Standard C 618-94a.At burning temperatures of
550oC-800oC,amorphous silica is formed,but at higher
temperatures crystalline silica is produced.The silica content is
in between 90-96%.Some particular chemical and physical
properties shows diffraction analysis,which indicates that the
RHA mainly consists of amorphous materials.
T.G. Chuah (2005) in his study of rice husk analysis found that,
-Portland cement contains 60-65% CaO and upon hydration,a
considerable portion of lime is released as free Ca(OH) 2,which
is primarily responsible for the poor performance of Portland
cement concrete in acidic environments.Silica present in the
RHA combines withCa(OH)2 and results in excellent resistance
to the material at acidic environment.
-RHA replacing 10% Portland cement resists chloride
penetration,improves capillary suction and accelerates chloride


01 Sept. 2015
R Sathish Kumar (2012) in his experimental study on the
properties of concrete made with alternative construction
materials concluded that,
-Compressive strength of Rice Husk Concrete was found to be
70-80% more than that of conventional concrete for
areplacement of cement upto 20%
-Early strength of Rice Husk Ash Concrete was found to be less
and the strength increased with age.
-Due to lower density of RHA concrete,the self weight of
structure gets reduced which results in overall savings.
-The RHA concrete occupies more volume than cement for
same weight.So total volume of RHA concrete increased for a
particular weight as compared to conventional concrete which
results in economy.
-From the cost analysis it was found that cost of RHA concrete
was less than conventional Concrete.
Smita Singh and Dilip Kumar (2014) in their studies regarding
use of rice husk concluded that,
-At all the cement replacement levels of RHA,there is a gradual
increase in compressive strengthfrom 0-7 days.However there is
a significant increase in compressive strength from 7-14 days.
-At the initial ages with the increase in percentage replacement
of RHA, compressive strength increases.
-By using RHA in concrete as replacement,the emission of
green house gases can be decreased to a greater extent.As a
result there is greater possibility to gain more number of carbon
-The technical and economic advantages of incorporating RHA
in concrete should be exploited by the construction and rice
industries,more so for growing nations of Asia.
-Moreover with the use of RHA,weight of concrete reduces,thus
making concrete lighter which can be used as light weight
construction material.
Khassaf et al (2014) have established the following facts about
RHA replacement concrete in lining canals.
-There is a significant reduction in workability in fresh lining
concrete with increase in RHA content in concrete.
-The partial replacement of cement by RHA indicated that at
long term ages the RHA concrete showed higher compressive
strength in comparison with that of concrete without RHA.
-It is convenient to state that there is a substantial increase in
tensile strength due to addition of RHA.
-As the percentage of RHA increased,there is decrease in drying
Sheth et al (2014) in their investigation with RHA and
Styrofoam(Polymer Materials) in concrete preparation arrived at
the following conclusions,
-With the addition of RHA to concrete,there is a significant
decrease in water absorption.
-The concrete mixes under consideration produced strength in
the range of 17-26 MPa at 7 days which is beyond the minimum
requirement for structural lightweight concrete applications.
-The replacement degrees of RHA trials showed an increase in
compressive strength to a particularlevel of replacement,but
decreased if replaced to a higher degree.
-The use of smaller size aggregates of styrofoam showed strong
compressive strength at the corner of the concrete cubes and
remained soft at the faces.
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Volume No.4, Issue No.9, pp : 506-509
-The highest compressive strength was obtained using minimum
RHA content with minimum Styrofoam content of size roughly
10 cubic mm.
Rice husk ash is one of the most active research areas that
encompass a number of disciplines including civil engineering
and construction materials.Rice husk ash is an agricultural waste
product which is produced in large quantities globally every
year and due to the difficulty involved in its disposal,RHA is
becoming an environmental hazard in rice producing
countries.India alone produces around 120 million tons of paddy
per year,giving around 24 million tons rice husk per year and 6
million tons of rice husk ash per year.As rice husk is piling up
everyday,there is a pressure on rice industries to find asolution
for its disposal.It is most essential to develop eco-friendly
concrete from RHA.RHA can be used in concrete to improve its
strength and other durability factors.From the review of above
literatures from the various researchers,it can be well concluded
that RHA can be used as cement in lightweight structural
concrete preparation. Sustainable utilization would preserve
conventional materials for future.To opt for green construction,
RHA is a right choice,as it doesnt produce environmental
pollution and accelerates speed of construction.
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