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This article is about the sport. For other uses, see Bowling worldwide. It is one of the major forms of throwing
Bowling refers to a series of sports or leisure activities

1 History

A ten-pin bowler releases his bowling ball

Peasants bowling in front of a tavern in the 17th century

The earliest forms of bowling date to Ancient Egypt[3]

and the Roman Empire. Remnants of balls used at the
time were found among artifacts in ancient Egypt, going back 30005000 years.[4] Balls were made using the
husks of grains, covered in material such as leather, and
bound with string. Other balls, made of porcelain or even
plastic, have also been found, indicating that these were
rolled along the ground, rather than thrown, due to their
size and weight.[4] Some of these resemble the modern
day jack used in target bowl games. Bowling games of
dierent forms are also noted by Herodotus as an invention of the Lydians in Asia Minor.[5] About 2,000 years
ago a similar game evolved between Roman legionaries:
it entailed tossing stone objects as close as possible to
Playing bowls at West End Bowling Club, UK.
other stone objects (this game became popular with Roin which a player rolls or throws a bowling ball towards a man soldiers, and eventually evolved into Italian Bocce,
target. In pin bowling variations, the target is usually to or outdoor bowling).[6]
knock over pins at the end of a lane. In target variations,
the aim is usually to get the ball as close to a mark as The rst standardized rules for pin bowling were estabRules
possible. The pin version of bowling is often played on a lished in New York City, on September 9, 1895.
oldat wooden or other synthetic surface (which can be oiled
in dierent patterns for dierent techniques), while in
target bowling, the surface may be grass, gravel or a syn- of the summer estate of Henry C. Bowen in Woodstock,
thetic surface.[2] The most common types of pin bowling Connecticut, at Roseland Cottage. The lanes, now part
include ten-pin, nine-pin, candlepin, duckpin and ve-pin of Historic New Englands Roseland Cottage house mubowling, while in target bowling, bowls, bocce, carpet seum, date to the construction of the old cottage in 1846.
elements, in
bowls, ptanque and boules, both indoor and outdoor va- They contain Gothic Revival architectural
rieties, are popular. Today, the sport of bowling is enjoyed by 100 million people in more than 90 countries Rules for target bowls evolved in each of the countries


who had adopted the predominantly British based game. have as much of a ght for the roll.
In 1905, the International Bowling Board was formed,
and it subsequent constitution adopted the Laws of the
Scottish Bowling Association. These variations allowed 2.1 Pin bowling
for various regulations at individual country level.[9] The
oldest known bowls green for target style bowling is that
which is now part of the Southhampton Bowling Club,
in southern England. The use of the land as an area for
recreational bowling dates back to 1299, and was then
known as the Masters Close.[10]
Today, bowling is enjoyed by ninety-ve million people in
more than ninety countries worldwide[11] and continues to
grow through entertainment media such as: video games
for home consoles and handheld devices.[12]


(video) A man bowling in Japan.

Five main variations are found in North America, varying

There are two main things that a professional bowler looks especially in New England and parts of Canada:
at in order to determine the kind of ball or rotation that
he or she will use.
Ten-pin bowling: largest and heaviest pins, and
bowled with a large ball with three nger holes, and
Lane Pattern- The lane pattern can be short, medium,
the most popular size in North America
long. The lane is 60 feet (18 m) long, from the foul line
to the headpin,but the pins take up 4 feet (1.2 m) more.
Nine-pin bowling: pins usually attached to strings at
The approach (part of the lane that a bowler walks on)
the tops, uses a ball without nger holes.
has no set limit (usually 15 feet (4.6 m)). Short- A short
pattern will be anywhere from 0 feet until about 15 feet
Candlepin bowling: tallest pins, thin with matching
(4.6 m). Medium- A medium pattern will be from about
ends, and bowled with the smallest and lightest (at
1540 feet (4.612.2 m). Long- A long pattern is any1.1 kilograms (2.4 lb)) handheld ball of any bowling
thing above the 40 feet (12 m). The length of the pattern
aects the bowler because if there is less or more oil the
ball will react dierently to the lanes all together. React Duckpin bowling: short, squat, and bowled with a
ing, in this sense, is referring to the break point of the
handheld ball.
ball. The break point is when the ball goes from rolling
straight to hooking inward towards the pocket (which is
Five-pin bowling: tall, between duckpins and canthe one and three pin) or a Brooklyn pocket (which is one
dlepins in diameter with a rubber girdle, bowled
and two pin). The ball reacts dierently because if there
with a handheld ball, mostly found in Canada.
is oil it is providing more friction which keeps it from being able to use its own rotation. For shorter patterns the
ball will start to hook towards the pocket exponentially 2.2 Target bowling
faster than if there is a long pattern.
Lane Material- The lane can be either wood or synthetic.
The dierence between the two is very similar to importance of lane pattern. The dierent materials can cause
more or less friction which would cause the ball to again,
hook earlier or later.
Synthetic- The synthetic lanes are generally softer than
the wood surfaces. The bowling ball being the weight that
it is and the way that it is used, is able to manipulate the
lanes all together, and without the strength of wood the
lane would wear down much faster. The ball hooks a lot
later, because it has so much more friction acting on it.
Wood- The wood lanes are a lot harder and last much
longer than the synthetic. Wood lanes have been used
since the origination of bowling competition. The ball
does not have as much material around it, so it does not A bowls tournament in Berrigan, New South Wales, Australia

Another form of bowling is usually played outdoors on a
lawn. At outdoor bowling, the players throw a ball, which
is sometimes eccentrically weighted, in an attempt to put
it closest to a designated point or slot in the bowling arena.
Included in the outdoor category:

Wheelchair and green manufacturers have

produced modied wheel tyres and ramps to
enable wheelchair athletes to access bowls
Modied conditions of play as outlined in
Disability classication in lawn bowls

Bowls (Lawn bowls)

5 In popular culture

Carpet Bowls
Cherokee marbles

5.1 Paintings

Irish road bowling

Lane/alley bowling

Health benets

Bowling is an anaerobic type of physical exercise, similar

to walking with free weights. Bowling helps in burning
calories and works muscle groups not usually exercised.
The exing and stretching in bowling works tendons,
joints, ligaments, and muscles in the arms and promotes The bowling game, by Dutch painter Jan Steen, c. 1655
weight loss. While most sports are not suitable for elderly
people, it is possible to practice bowling very well at ad- Many Dutch Golden Age paintings depicted bowling.
vanced ages.
Apart from the physical benets, it also has psychosocial 5.2 Onscreen
benets, strengthening friendships or creating new ones
Bowling is often depicted as a group date, teen outing,
in groups.[13]
and blue-collar activity.


5.2.1 In lms

Technological innovation has made bowling accessible to The sport has been the subject of a number of "bowling
lms", which prominently feature the sport of bowling.
members of the disabled community.
Examples include:
The IKAN Bowler, a device designed by a
quadriplegic engineer named Bill Miller, attaches
to a wheelchair and allows the user to control the
speed, direction, and timing of the ten pin bowling balls release. The name comes from the Greek
work ikano, which means enable.[14]
For Bowls the sport has introduced a number of innovations to enable people with a disability to participate at all levels of the sport, from social through
to Olympic Standards:
The use of bowling arms and lifters enables
bowlers to deliver a bowl minimising the
amount of movement required

7-10 Split (lm) (2007), renamed STRIKE for its

USA DVD release in 2009
Alley Cats Strike, a 2000 Disney Channel Original
The Big Lebowski (1998), bowling played a pivotal
role in the lm and gured prominently in the lms
promotional advertisements.
Blackball a 2003 comedy lm about a young bowls
player, based upon Gri Sanders.[15]
Crackerjack a 2002 Australian comedy lm about
a wisecracking layabout who joins a lawn bowls club

in order to be allowed to use a free parking spot but
is forced to play bowls with the much older crowd
when the club enters nancial diculty.
Dreamer (1979 lm), a direct-to-video lm
The Golden Years (lm), a 1960 sponsored lm that
promoted bowling as a family sport
Kingpin (lm), a 1996 slapstick comedy lm
The Flintstones (1994 lm) The main character participates in a bowling tournament
Spare Me (lm), a 1992 bowling noir lm
A League of Ordinary Gentlemen, a documentary
lm about 10-pin bowling that was released on DVD
on March 21, 2006 and stars four PBA Tour players
Strikes and Spares (1934), a sports shorts lm that
was nominated for a 1934 Academy Award for Best
Short Subject (novelty)
Jackass 2

Bowling is an important theme in other lms, as well.

Bowling for Columbine (2002), Michael Moore's
documentary addressing the 1999 Columbine High
School massacre, features multiple bowling themes.
There Will Be Blood (2007), in which anti-hero
Daniel Plainviews private bowling alley serves as
the setting for the lms last scene.
The Next Karate Kid (1994), in which Mr. Miyagi
referred to a variant of bowling called Zen Bowling where players would bowl with their eyes

In shorts

The Bowling Alley Cat is a 1942 one-reel animated

cartoon and is the 7th Tom and Jerry short. It was
produced in Technicolor and released to theatres on
July 18, 1942 by Metro-Goldwyn Mayer and reissued for re-release in 1948.

On television

Several game shows have centered around bowling:

Many local television stations produced
Bowling for Dollars as part of a franchise,
mainly in the 1970s.
Nick at Nite had a one-time special entitled
King Pins, which featured contestants bowling
in unusual ways. Its bonus round featured the
winning couple attempting to knock down six
giant pins with a likewise oversized ball.

Comedy Central produced a televised version

of a radio show, Lets Bowl, which featured two
contestants (usually family members) settling
some sort of dispute between each other and
competing for nearly worthless prizes, with the
hosting and modeling abilities of the cast likewise played for laughs.
On The Hub's game show Family Game Night
with Todd Newton, there is a game called
Yahtzee Bowling where families play Yahtzee
with a bowling twist.
"King of Queens" Season 2 Episode 11, Sparing
Carrie, Doug has to decide whether winning bowling games is more important than hurting his wife,
Carries feelings.[16]
In The Honeymooners and Jackie Gleason Show, bus
driver Ralph Kramden (Jackie Gleason) and sewer
worker Ed Lillywhite Norton (Art Carney) belonged to a fraternal organization called the Raccoon
Lodge and regularly bowled on its team, The Hurricanes, at the Acme Bowling Alley.
In The Flintstones (which imitated and spoofed The
Honeymooners and The Jackie Gleason Show),[17][18]
"bronto" crane operator Fred Flintstone and his
next-door neighbor and sidekick, Barney Rubble,
often bowl. Fred is an avid bowler who has
won championships based on his incredible bowling skills. A number of episodes address Fred and
Barneys bowling adventures, such as:
In "Wilmas Vanishing Money" (1962-01-26),
Fred steals Wilmas money to buy a bowling
ball, while Wilma thinks its a burglar who
stole it. She, meanwhile, was planning to use
the money to buy Fred that ball he wanted for
his birthday.
In "Bowling Ballet (aka Rush-in Ballet)"
(1962-10-05), Fred goes so far as to take ballet lessons in order to improve his game, which
leads to his nickname Twinkletoes. The
nickname of Twinkletoes stuck with him
when Fred attended a local college and became
eligible to play on their football team, and it
became his call sign.
In "Seeing Doubles" (1965-12-17), Fred and
Barney have a bowling game on Friday night,
the night that they are to take Wilma and
Betty out to dinner. After failing to convince
the wives to let them go bowling, The Great
Gazoo makes two robots that look like Fred
and Barney. The robots can only say yes and
no and they take the wives to dinner while
Fred and Barney go bowling. The robotic impersonators, however, take Wilma and Betty
to the most expensive restaurant in town and
cause havoc the entire night. Its up to Fred


In video games

and Barney to round them up and bring them 5.3 In video games
back to Gazoo in order for them to be snapped
10 Pin Bowling
In episode 86-4.14 of Roseanne, titled The Bowling Show, Dan Conner (John Goodman) and Arnie
Thomas (Tom Arnold) try to bring their bowling
team out of last place in their league.
Bowling featured prominently in Laverne & Shirley;
Laverne (Penny Marshall)'s Italian-born father,
Frank De Fazio (Phil Foster), runs the Pizza Bowl,
a local hang out featuring pizza, beer, and bowling.
In episode 221 of The Andy Grith Show, titled
Howard the Bowler (originally aired September
18, 1967), Howard Sprague (Jack Dodson) lls in
on the bowling team and rolls a perfect game.[19]
Bowling is the main theme in the JDrama The
Golden Bowl.[20]
In episode 29 of Smile PreCure!, titled The PreCures Are Sucked Into a Game!?", Cure Peace challenged Red Oni to a bowling game. She eventually
won because of her lightning skills.
Bowling is featured in episode 19 of Dokidoki!
PreCure called Betting the Crystals! Jikochus
Game!". In the episode, the Cures challenged
Jikochu for the crystals with bowling as the second
game. The Selsh Trio also played bowling during
the series run. Ai also played bowling in episode 38
of the series called Beels Scheme! Ai Becomes a
The Simpsons episode 89-1.9 episode, "Life on the
Fast Lane, has Marge Simpson taking up the sport
in a t of pique when her husband, Homer, thoughtlessly gave her a bowling ball engraved in his own
name for a birthday present. In doing so, she nds
herself attracted to an amorous player and nds her
marriage in jeopardy.
One episode of Mister Rogers Neighborhood features Fred Rogers and Mr. McFeely playing the

101-in-1 Sports Megamix

101-in-1 Sports Party Megamix
4-Player Bowling Alley is a 4-player, monochrome,
ten-pin bowling arcade game released by Midway
Games in 1979. This featured the Flash.
Alley Master is a ten-pin bowling arcade game released by Cinematronics in 1986.
Bowling is an Atari 2600 video game released in

Crazy Taxi
Dynamite Bowl is a 5-player bowling game released
for the Nintendo Family Computer, the MSX computer system, and for the NEC PC-8801 in 1987.
Elf Bowling
Game & Wario
Grand Theft Auto IV
Gutterball 2
Hasbro Family Game Night 4: The Game Show
High Velocity Bowling
Kinect Sports
Kinect Sports Rivals
League Bowling
Mario Party
Mario Party 2
Mario Party 8
Mario Party 9
Mario Party Advance

In episode 1.7 of The Golden Girls, (The Competition), Dorothy (Bea Arthur) and Blanche (Rue McClanahan) bowl a game against Rose (Betty White)
and Sophia (Estelle Getty). If Sophia and Rose win,
Dorothy will allow Sophia to go back to Sicily for a
visit with an old beau; if Dorothy and Blanche win,
Sophia will give Dorothy a pair of antique earrings.

Paper Mario: Sticker Star

In Japan, Bowling Revolution P-League is an 18player tournament, played in rounds of three bowlers
and aired on a weekly basis.

Silver Strike Bowling

PlayStation Home
Polar Bowler
Saints & Sinners Bowling

Sonic Adventure

Sports Champions 2

8 References

Super Mario Galaxy 2

[1] United States Bowling Conference

Super Monkey Ball

[2] Crystal-Mark (2010). Laws of the Sport of Bowls. World

Bowls Ltd. p. 9.

Super Monkey Ball 2

Tekken Tag Tournament

[3] Help with Bowling: The History and Origins of Bowling

[4] Pretsell, James M. (1908). The Game of Bowls Past and
Present. Oliver & Boyd. p. 1.
[5] Pretsell 1908, p. 2.

Ten Pin Alley

[6] Bowling in ancient Rome

Virtua Tennis

[7] Springdale USBC Site

Wii Sports

[8] Roseland Cottage Historic New England. Historicnewengland.org. Retrieved 2014-01-12.

Wii Sports Club

[9] Munro, J.P. (1951). Bowls Encyclopedia. Melbourne

Australia: Wilke & Co. p. 167.

Wii Sports Resort

Yakuza 3
Yakuza 4


See also
Open bowling
Glossary of bowling
Automatic scorer

[10] Linney, E.J. (1933). A History of the Game of Bowls. Edingburgh Press. p. 22.
[11] Fit4FunKids site
[12] AMF Bowling Pinbusters! for Nokia N-Gage
[13] Calorie-counter.net - How to Lose Weight by Bowling
[14] "Ability Magazine: IKAN Bowler". Retrieved 2012-0406.
[15] From bowling green to silver screen. BBC News. 200308-28. Retrieved 2008-05-04.
[16] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VwFToAqZIZM
[17] Stinnett, Chuck. "Rango is latest reminder that animated
lms are thriving. Evansville Courier & Press, March 8,

Battle of the Bowling Alley, so named for the narrow valley north of Taegu, South Korea (dubbed the
Bowling Alley), where United Nations forces de- [18] The Flintstones Frequently Asked Questions List. Refeated North Korean forces early in the Korean War
trieved 2010-07-20.
Fdration Internationale des Quilleurs (FIQ), the [19] Howard, the Bowler at the Internet Movie Database
top international bowling organization

[20] Golden Bowl. jdorama.com. Retrieved 2013-07-16.

New Zealand Indoor Bowls

Skee ball a game that plays similar to bowling
Skittles, the sport from which alley-based bowling
Bowls, Lawn Bowling

External links
Bowling at www.encyclopedia.com

Text and image sources, contributors, and licenses



Bowling Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bowling?oldid=679109316 Contributors: The Anome, Amillar, Eclecticology, SimonP,

Zoe, Edward, Ubiquity, Kchishol1970, The T, Ixfd64, GTBacchus, Bagpuss, Minesweeper, Ahoerstemeier, DavidWBrooks, Jimfbleak,
Julesd, Jtzg, Andres, Evercat, Conti, Adam Bishop, Trontonian, CTSWyneken, DJ Clayworth, JohnCastle, Morwen, K1Bond007, Elwoz,
CyberMaus, Gakrivas, Bcorr, Owen, PuzzletChung, LUNDAVRA, Robbot, Dale Arnett, Moriori, Moondyne, Baldhur, ZimZalaBim, Altenmann, Babbage, Nach0king, AaronS, Meelar, Auric, LGagnon, Rebrane, Hadal, Dina, BenFrantzDale, Netoholic, 0x6D667061, Gus
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EliasAlucard, Notinasnaid, Ascnder, KevinBot, Narcisse, Shanes, Linkoman, Art LaPella, RoyBoy, EurekaLott, Triona, Bookofjude,
Bobo192, Deathawk, Smalljim, Nesnad, SpeedyGonsales, VBGFscJUn3, Haham hanuka, Ral315, Jonathunder, Hooperbloob, Ommnomnomgulp, Alansohn, Mo0, Polarscribe, Free Bear, Arthena, WTGDMan1986, Rtan, ScooterSES, Zyqqh, Bart133, Snowolf, SidP,
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Feezo, Peacemaker, Woohookitty, Before My Ken, WadeSimMiser, Hbdragon88, SCEhardt, Macaddct1984, Jon Harald Sby, Lazynitwit,
Mandarax, Graham87, BD2412, Xorkl000, BorgHunter, Hnandrew, Sjakkalle, Tangotango, Wahkeenah, Makaristos, Boccobrock, Durin,
Brighterorange, The wub, MarnetteD, Matt Deres, Sango123, Yamamoto Ichiro, Windchaser, Old Moonraker, El Cid, GeeZee, RexNL,
Gurch, IlGreven, KFP, King of Hearts, Chobot, DVdm, RandR, Igordebraga, Bgwhite, Gwernol, The Rambling Man, Barrettmagic, TexasAndroid, Quentin X, MattWright, Phantomsteve, MMuzammils, RussBot, DMahalko, Hack, Hede2000, SpuriousQ, Aaron Walden,
Stephenb, CambridgeBayWeather, Rsrikanth05, Ugur Basak, NawlinWiki, Jaxl, Andland, Brian Crawford, SM, Misza13, Alex43223,
Zwobot, Nate1481, Kassie, DRosenbach, Caspian, Black Falcon, Dv82matt, Wknight94, Analoguedragon, Jcrook1987, Arthur Rubin,
Fang Aili, Pb30, Josh3580, Th1rt3en, Atlasgames, BorgQueen, JuJube, GraemeL, Vicarious, David Biddulph, Allens, Bradleyjx, Kingboyk,
Segv11, Roke, SkerHawx, Quadpus, Luk, ChemGardener, Attilios, SmackBot, Brammers, Thierry Caro, Tigerghost, Moeron, Prodego,
KnowledgeOfSelf, C.Fred, Lawrencekhoo, Davewild, Nickst, Veesicle, Frymaster, Kintetsubualo, Wile E2005, Edgar181, HalfShadow,
Mauls, MMan710, IstvanWolf, Apers0n, Philiprogers, Gilliam, Ohnoitsjamie, Skizzik, Persian Poet Gal, Movementarian, Jprg1966,
Mike1, Moshe Constantine Hassan Al-Silverburg, Oni Ookami Alfador, Victoria h, DHN-bot~enwiki, Nmacpherson, Colonies Chris, Darth
Panda, Can't sleep, clown will eat me, Egsan Bacon, JoeOnSunset, Shalom Yechiel, MinuteHand, GVnayR, GWWalters, BWD, JThree,
PrometheusX303, Jcgarcow, V1011ski, Nakon, Valenciano, Cy Guy, Sljaxon, The PIPE, DMacks, DavidJ710, ChaChaFut, LBJtheking,
RossF18, Kukini, Sarfa, Mearnhardtfan, The undertow, Coasttocoast, Mouse Nightshirt, Soap, John, Euchiasmus, Rigadoun, Bando26,
Heimstern, NewTestLeper79, Timclare, Goodnightmush, Tlesher, Majorclanger, IronGargoyle, Ckatz, 16@r, Paradoxsociety, Bytwerk,
Boomshadow, Xiaphias, Larrymcp, Dhp1080, Back2buk, Goldrushcavi, Flea650, H, KJS77, Levineps, Iridescent, Kencf0618, Theone00,
IvanLanin, Wiki279~enwiki, Supertigerman, Courcelles, Dpeters11, Billy Hathorn, Tawkerbot2, Dlohcierekim, Daniel5127, Hammer
Raccoon, Phillip J, CmdrObot, NorwegianMarcus, Unionhawk, Victoriagirl, Ibadibam, ShelfSkewed, MarsRover, WeggeBot, Drclicker,
Fordmadoxfraud, Gregbard, Pewwer42, Rustygod, HalJor, Cydebot, OSU80, Gogo Dodo, RabidWolf, Vezhlys, Memmem, Tawkerbot4,
Christian75, DumbBOT, Chrislk02, AJ817, Omicronpersei8, Satori Son, SummonerMarc, Thijs!bot, Epbr123, Mojo Hand, Marek69,
John254, Frank, Wildthing61476, JustAGal, E. Ripley, Dcouprie, CharlotteWebb, Viller, Escarbot, Mentisto, David Unit, SC979, Rees11,
AntiVandalBot, Luna Santin, Seaphoto, Prolog, Jj137, Fayenatic london, Chill doubt, Jhsounds, Gdo01, D.Wardle, Res2216restar,
JAnDbot, Leuko, Husond, Barek, MER-C, Nthep, J25nadroj2042, Albany NY, Struthious Bandersnatch, Royhandy, Bobj7, Hut 8.5,
Niele~enwiki, Gavia immer, SiobhanHansa, Acroterion, Doshindude, Magioladitis, Frankyboy5, Bongwarrior, VoABot II, Nyq, Websterwebfoot, Davidjk, CattleGirl, Think outside the box, Ling.Nut, Doug Coldwell, Sodabottle, Nyttend, Pwbapro, Froid, Catgut, Thomaspaulcarroll, Cyktsui, Just H, PsychoYoshi, Zepheriah, LorenzoB, P.B. Pilhet, Alewcock, DerHexer, Philg88, Arnesh, Pbadave, Hdt83, MartinBot, Incendia, Rosborn, Arjun01, UnfriendlyFire, Jim.henderson, Rettetast, Keith D, Nips, Sleepyjuly, Kostisl, ArcAngel, Leyo, Tgeairn,
AlphaEta, J.delanoy, Jsaurman, Sasajid, Trusilver, Severnjc, Whaatt, Dwcarless, KeepItClean, Becker09, AVX, SkipperRipper, Icseaturtles, Thisischris, Meman140, GreyCav, AntiSpamBot, NewEnglandYankee, Kogentariku, MKoltnow, Mufka, UCONNBALLER008,
Cmichael, KylieTastic, Yourfoot, Tiggerjay, Greatestrowerever, Phatbowler, DorganBot, Ja 62, Useight, Wikipeterproject, SoCalSuperEagle, Idioma-bot, Spellcast, Mastrchf91, Xnuala, LimitZer0, Sam Blacketer, UnicornTapestry, Deor, VolkovBot, CWii, Treu62, Station1,
Philip Trueman, DoorsAjar, TXiKiBoT, Jomasecu, Taren Nauxen, Anonymous Dissident, AGD777, Someguy1221, Bowlnow, Warrush,
GHCAJO, Melsaran, Demanufacture, Leafyplant, LeaveSleaves, Sjsharktank, Bob f it, Wikiisawesome, Madhero88, Cubsmac, Wenli, Augustovdias, Superjustinbros., Ncopier, Dreary101, Smarty0820, AgentCDE, Fleela, Ninjalardass, Insanity Incarnate, Brianga, HiDrNick,
Shortyundergorund92, Quantpole, Logan, HArbijAN, Traillingthrottle, Qaz957, Donnie1967, T.Nguyen092, SieBot, Coee, ATinySliver, Scarian, Ellbeecee, Lemonsade, Triwbe, Yintan, GlassCobra, Keilana, Acet0ne, Flyer22, Radon210, Oysterguitarist, The Evil Spartan, Rustavizauri~enwiki, JSpung, Thorman8, Oxymoron83, Faradayplank, Liswati, Techman224, Ks0stm, The-G-Unit-Boss, Mist4242,
Qqqqppppuuuummmm, Tonylenz123456789, Cyfal, Maralia, Kwd357, Nn123645, Arendedwinter, Escape Orbit, Kingofpain14, Faithlessthewonderboy, BottledWaters, Sudastelaro, Martarius, ClueBot, Tigreye007, Avenged Eightfold, GorillaWarfare, The Thing That Should
Not Be, Rjd0060, Dpmuk, Leebeeguy, Arakunem, Drmies, CenterofGravity, Mild Bill Hiccup, Kathleen.wright5, MyMii, Trice07, Harland1, Briarclimanor, El barto9, Amirreza, Spneb, Excirial, Jusdafax, Elthw8s, Eeekster, The Founders Intent, Arjayay, Gmalna85,
BSKBGM7172495, Kidjbg, The Red, Mikaey, Coachharrisyl, Lentoyip, Rui Gabriel Correia, Thingg, Sxbrown, 9Nak, Friend14, Versus22, Anb745, DumZiBoT, Blckadder8, Against the current, XLinkBot, Samrobots, 10stuece, Stickee, Jopparn, Bradv, Dakota Blue
Richards~enwiki, Kasper2006, TFOWR, XChampion, Jacknthebox08, Ejosse1, SecondDominant, Da Wenis, Njdev759, Addbot, Drumming monkey, TheKingOfBassGuitar, Willking1979, Some jerk on the Internet, TCACS, Darth roni, Football45, TutterMouse, Fielddaysunday, Vishnava, Bowlnosport123, Cst17, Download, Protonk, SoSaysChappy, Sillyfolkboy, Glane23, Neapolitan Sixth, AnnaFrance,
Favonian, Kyle1278, James19891989, Doniago, 5 albert square, Donn2, BamMcGee, Tassedethe, Smokingunholdingape, Tide rolls, Zorrobot, Bogus.Koszalka, Dwikiv, Luckas-bot, Yobot, Senator Palpatine, Fraggle81, II MusLiM HyBRiD II, Jai th, Doss Dog, Sarrus,
Ca.atwood, AnomieBOT, Kristen Eriksen, Canadiandude547, Jim1138, Pyrrhus16, Piano non troppo, Roushracing602, 90, AdjustShift,
Luke224, Kingpin13, Ulric1313, Flewis, Materialscientist, Rtyq2, Chadwickschool, Chocun, IAMAHACKER, Cureden, Capricorn42,
4twenty42o, Amg37, Somethingcreative37, Mlpearc, Oddityoverseer13, Armbrust, Abce2, Trentdo133313, RibotBOT, Amaury, MyaTya, Editorgirl21, Sophus Bie, Jjjohnjr24, Orrelly Man, Reporter333, SchnitzelMannGreek, Erik9, SD5, Nojhog1, BoomerAB, GT5162,
FrescoBot, Jan Polk, MicBJproductions, Nazguel3536, Tobby72, KenRobertson, Elvisdang1, Recognizance, Squire of the Infernal KnightLord of Penguins, College.kids, Tubesactor111, DivineAlpha, Wireless Keyboard, Orion 8, Jackmelody95, DigbyDalton, Pinethicket,
I dream of horses, A8UDI, MastiBot, John Elson, Wikiain, Jujutacular, Luckyshasho, White Shadows, Elo242, Pjdude40, Jann, Yunshui, Sumone10154, Wwonka1971, Dinamik-bot, Reaper Eternal, ALT2870, Canuckian89, Richardlwitt, Tbhotch, TheMesquito, Minimac, Gocubs9998, Ernestogon, Onel5969, Realizen, ZachRougha, Bsano, J36miles, EmausBot, Davejohnsan, RenamedUser01302013,


Djlollyb, Grebztap67, Tommy2010, Winner 42, Wikipelli, K6ka, OliObstract4, Djg95, Dalton88, Raynel83, Leigh Lundin, Prayerfortheworld, Josve05a, Spyhard28, Jonw46, Joewbb, Iheartbunnies, Ifedthisup, Medeis, Wayne Slam, Ocaasi, Mcmatter, Thine Antique Pen,
Staszek Lem, GeorgeBarnick, Navy2004, Donner60, Jokerstar17, Nefore, EdoBot, Wakebrdkid, Pbl1998, Petrb, ClueBot NG, Gareth
Grith-Jones, This lousy T-shirt, Satellizer, Joefromrandb, CherryX, Vacation9, EricGodfrey, Widr, Antiqueight, FailPrime, Renee91,
Knightman99, XTrollX, Rvooo91, Caryonfree, Josh Gruitt, Devinalex1998, Aw34, Kinaro, BG19bot, Sidv57, M0rphzone, PTJoshua,
Northamerica1000, Rowinator, Domblade, Benefac, Chander, AdventurousSquirrel, Editor619, Mesconsing, WP Editor 2011, 2012veritas,
El090, Dodo297, Aerodoc, Beaner8675309d, Kool100794, Lookouts15, Kushared, BattyBot, Mmc8829, Jeremy112233, RichardMills65,
Pratyya Ghosh, Appledon, Fraulein451, Zmmp Peckham VI, Jimw338, Triboren, BloodyMilk16, ChrisGualtieri, Codeh, 22dragon22burn,
Leftcoast44, Dobie80, MadGuy7023, Dexbot, Sminthopsis84, Reggiepennell, Mogism, Lugia2453, Frosty, Smohammed2, Corn cheese,
Elizabeth.heider, Spencer.mccormick, Howicus, NJIT HUM shooterrk, Jcbeast40, Etshambeau, Brianfellows92, Killabeestoyolo, Dsports1,
Amlaera, Ginsuloft, CharlieTheCabbie, Ganevalikesmyd, Celine.lebel, FliverUK, IPadPerson, Edits1235, BernadineAng, Nixondidnothingwrong, MasterTTFV, Whodatmarymina, Hdjdjxd, CV99, Happy Attack Dog, Fireball24re, AlexMadill, YourF8, Switch intl, Aliciajean, MAXTHUNDER99, Theruderat, Movie Fanatic 955, Bruhchill, Madman233212, Kethrus, Joseph2302, Mariettexxxx, Agroppe21,
RoadTripWarrior, Niko113kkk, Calvin Roston, DivermanAU, Cnscott1995, Swag420blazemaster, Lololollolollol, Kar Time, CyberWarfare, JingleBoxer and Anonymous: 1098



File:BerriganBowls.jpg Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/72/BerriganBowls.jpg License: CC-BY-SA-3.0

Contributors: Self-photographed Original artist: Mattinbgn/talk
File:Bowlerbowling.JPG Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/4b/Bowlerbowling.JPG License: CC BY-SA 3.0
Contributors: Transferred from en.wikipedia to Commons. Original artist: Created & uploaded by Xiaphias at en.wikipedia.
File:Bowling-japan-jan2013.ogv Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/6d/Bowling-japan-jan2013.ogv License:
CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Nesnad
File:JanSteen05.JPG Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/ae/JanSteen05.JPG License: Public domain Contributors: 2./3. Bilddatenbank KHM
Original artist: Jan Steen (1625/16261679)
File:Style_of_David_Teniers_the_Younger_Peasants_bowling.jpg Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/01/
Style_of_David_Teniers_the_Younger_Peasants_bowling.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: Nagel Auktionen http://www.auction.
de Original artist: in the Style of David Teniers the Younger (1610-1690)
File:Tiverton_,_West_End_Bowling_Club_-_geograph.org.uk_-_1216266.jpg Source:
commons/2/2b/Tiverton_%2C_West_End_Bowling_Club_-_geograph.org.uk_-_1216266.jpg License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Contributors:
From geograph.org.uk Original artist: Lewis Clarke
File:Wikisource-logo.svg Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/4c/Wikisource-logo.svg License: CC BY-SA 3.0
Contributors: Rei-artur Original artist: Nicholas Moreau


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