Nothing But The Truth... : Double Crossings

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April 25, 2008 - Volume 2

nothing but the truth...

Carol Jim J. Michael Nancy Rick

Simpson Martin Flanagan Keebler Casselbury

Double Crossings
Seeking Justice
Double Crossings 2
Side by Side: Home 3

Protecting Your Rights and Legal Interests County Entertainment Guide..................pgs 10 & 11
Barnstormers’ Rick Wise Talks 19
(866) 507 - 6247 ... and much, much more!

April 25, 2008 Visit every day! Page 1

Page 2

Dale High moves behind the scenes to get taxpayers to help pay for his shopping mall.
It’s good to be Dale.

Double Crossings
“We are working in close partnership
with High Real Estate Group to
advance this project.”
by Ron Harper, Jr. - Carol Simpson, February 2008
Lancaster Post
Imagine you are Dale High flying over Lancaster. and Vice President of the board, Mike Flanagan,
before the 3-2 vote in favor of moving High’s
improvements, and then described how it would
be paid: “Construction of the new interchange
Look down. To the east you see your Greenfield
Industrial Park, which draws businesses from the project forward last week. would depend on Congress approving funding,”
city. It prospers. In the center of town, taxpayers The comment drew laughs from the small crowd the spokesman said.
are building you a $76 million hotel beside an who came to witness The Crossings at Conestoga Enter Carol Simpson. A little more than three
equally expensive publicly-funded convention Creek’s predictable vote at the Manheim Township weeks before the public found out about the proposed
center, which you get to use exclusively. Now, on Commissioners’ meeting last Monday night. shopping center, then-board President Simpson
the west end of town, you have a couple of friendly The Crossings is a behemoth of a development, signed a letter on behalf of the commissioners,
township commissions which are shepherding your a 646,000 square foot shopping center and parking asking Senator Arlen Spector to give funds toward
$100 million shopping center, while pushing $25 lot across from Long’s Park and Park City mall. the Harrisburg/Route 30 exchange. The February
million in taxpayer funds for road improvements Flanagan, together with Carol Simpson, had joined 28, 2006 letter said in part, “We are working in
so your customers can get there. The chorus of with ailing Larry Downing, who phoned-in his close partnership with High Real Estate Group to
citizens protesting below? The sounds can’t reach “yes” vote, to give key approval to the project. advance the project.”
you from where you sit. Downing’s unprecedented phone-in vote strongly There are no township resolutions or any meeting
“Nobody here knows how anyone else is going suggested that his vote, contrary to Flanagan’s minutes that indicate when the decision to enter this
to vote,” said Manheim Township Commissioner statement, was known prior to the meeting. The “close partnership” with High began. Zero.
vote was taken after 15 hearings, which included In addition to signing a letter asking for funds,
over 50 witnesses and Simpson also traveled to Washington, D.C., and
lasted over 50 hours. lobbied for the money.
The vote was
orchestrated and
choreographed by one “Just how big is High’s
of the two Penn Square project? Combine
Partners, Dale High,
and was the second step all three of Lancaster
for “The Crossings at County’s Wal-Marts.
Conestoga” to becoming
a reality. Add the Home Depot
Just how big is High’s and the Circuit City;
project? Combine that’s almost how big
all three of Lancaster
County’s Wal-Marts, add the proposed shopping
the Home Depot and the center will be.”
Circuit City; that’s almost
how big the proposed
shopping center will be. Did Simpson travel with High to Washington? It
The project was is unconfirmed, but widely rumored, that Simpson
introduced with blaring was indeed accompanied by High himself, and
trumpets on March 23, that the trip included some socializing, where High
2006 by business partner, enjoyed his favorite mixed drink (Manhattans).
Lancaster Newspapers, When contacted by the Post a week after her “yes”
Inc., which is the other vote about this trip, Simpson said, “I don’t want to
half of Penn Square talk about it. We made our decision and that’s it. I
Partners. That day, the don’t want to talk about it.”
Lancaster New Era ran Township manager, Jim Martin, said that just he
a beautiful, full-color and Simpson made the trip together.
illustration of what the “… Throughout the entire public process, when the
pedestrian-friendly, open- Lancaster Newspaper has covered the hearings,
air,‘lifestyle’ shopping the stories are almost always supplemented
center” would look with gorgeous developer-provided full-color
like. The intrepid LNP “artistic representations” of the bucolic shopping
reporters cut and pasted “experience” to come. When William Cluck,
High’s public relations a lawyer for neighbors fighting the project,
department’s description suggested corrections and a story idea to an
of the project. A High Intelligencer Journal reporter, she responded with
spokesman was quoted, a profanity-laced email dismissing it. Eventually
saying that the project the newspaper’s “coverage” of the hearings was
was conditional on road reduced to almost nothing.
Continued on page 17...
Side by Side
Side by Side is a regular feature of the Lancaster Post where Page 3
our editors ask the same question of two or more parties on
different sides of the same issue. In this edition, we gave two
members of the Government Study Commission the opportunity
to present their positions on Home Rule.

Carol Y. Philips Greg Sahd

On November 6, 2006, 11 people were elected from a non-partisan Those who favor home rule will use any arguments, no matter how
ballot, to become the first Government Study Commission (GSC). The specious, to convince the rest of us that it ought to be implemented here
task of the GSC is to “study all available forms” of county government, in Lancaster county.
to see whether any of the available alternatives would make county The main aspects of their home rule charter are:
government stronger, more accountable, more responsible, more efficient, 1. The functions of our current three county commissioners, who
or more economical. For all practical purposes, there are only two forms serve as the top executive and legislative officers of our county--as they
available—the traditional one we have now, and Home Rule. do in 60 out of 67 counties in Pennsylvania--are to be stripped from the
Lancaster County itself began in 1729 as a home rule movement by county commissioners and divvied up between a county administrator/
breaking away from Chester County. Since 1790, we are only allowed executive--who would be appointed by the home rule Board of 5 new
to do what the PA County Code expressly allows us to do. Under Home Commissioners. This appointed county administrator/executive would
Rule, we can have greater representation, more flexibility, and more local be vested with absolute executive authority, while the 5 commissioners
control. One size does not fit all, particularly in view of the diversity, the would function solely as the county legislature. Further, 1 of the 5
richness, and the heritage of Lancaster County. commissioners must be given office, i.e., be a member the Democratic or
That 1874 Pennsylvania Constitution established our 3 County other minority party. Home rule commissioners appointing their county
Commissioner system. This system also MANDATES the current executive is analogous to congress appointing the president; to our state
arrangement of 11 elected “row officers” such as the Recorder of Deeds, legislature appointing the governor: A bizarre aspect of the proposed
Prothonotary, Register of Wills, and Clerk of Courts Lancaster county home rule charter.
(Criminal). These positions, each of which carries a 2. Another feature of the proposed charter involves
“You can have a new home the abolishment of the following elected offices: 2 Jury
salary and benefit package of $100,000 annually, involve
the administration of clocking, filing, and organizing
without changing Commissioners, the Clerk of Courts, the Register of Wills/
papers and other records. Even the two part-time Jury your address!” Clerk of Orphans’ Court and the Prothonotary. To take up
Commissioner positions, which almost no one believes the duties of these 5 abolished offices would be one elected
are necessary any more, and which cost the County a total Clerk of Judicial Records.
of about $35,000 per year, cannot be eliminated without 3. Also, home rulers would provide for a newly
having a Home Rule Charter. The majority of these constituted board of elections,
positions in the recommended Charter would remain comprised of 5 members: 2 Republicans, 2 Democrats
elective, particularly the Controller, who is supposed to and 1 Independent. The 2 Republicans and 2 Democrats
be the financial watchdog of our county government. are to be appointed by the home rule commissioners and
One very important feature of the draft charter is the fifth member is to be appointed by the 4 other appointed
initiative and referendum. Under initiative, any person members of the elections board.
may submit a petition with 1000 signatures to the 4. Finally, under the so-called executive branch, the
Commissioners. If the Commissioners fail to act on the home rule charter provides for a new Office of Management
petition, it becomes an ordinance. We are developing
a referendum provision that would allow citizens to put CARDINAL
Home Improvement
and Budget, whose function would be similar to that of
our county controller with respect to budget preparation,
issues on the ballot. Currently, there are NO opportunities budget execution, fiscal analyses, revenue and expense
for citizen initiative and referendum. 717-892-6820 projections, etc.
The draft Home Rule Charter suggests we have an This home rule charter also provides for, among other
Side by Side continues on page 6...
Page 4
The Strange Departure of Mark Esterbrook
Recently, the Lancaster County Commissioners announced that County Administrator, Mark
Esterbrook, was leaving his position and that he would receive a $40,000, full-benefits severance
package. The county has no severance policy, so this was unusual. Also, Esterbrook was known as a
particularly able and ethical professional.
So why is he gone?
Mr. Esterbrook was selected as administrator -- the person in charge of the day-to-day operations
of the county -- a year ago after a lengthy review by an independent search committee. The committee
consisted of the county clerk, the county solicitor, and a few department heads. This group was not
appointed by the county commissioners, and the commissioners had no role in selecting the applicants,
culling the pool, nor in recommending the finalists.
This independent committee then recommended three finalists to the commissioners and Mark B.
Esterbrook was selected.
It seemed the committee and the commissioners nailed the selection with Esterbrook. He holds three
business-related degrees, including an MBA, and maintained a 4.0 GPA with every one of his degrees.
He has experience as a tax and financial manager. He was a business manager for a company with $65,000,000 in gross revenue. He worked in
large scale public-private partnerships. He has skills.
He was also a Lt. Colonel in the U.S. Air Force. He is an accomplished musician.
By all accounts, Mr. Esterbrook has performed his job as County Administrator brilliantly. According to the staff, he was always prepared and
extremely productive.
So, again, why was he let go?
The Commissioners won’t say, citing personnel regulations. Something smells, and it smells like cronyism.
When a man as capable as Mark Esterbrook is effectively fired, the public deserves an explanation. And if one is not forthcoming, at the least,
the public can expect a similarly thorough search for his replacement. We are paying the salary, after all. We’ll be watching.

Sound off! Send your Letters to the Editor to:

[email protected]

© Copyright Lancaster Post 2008

The Lancaster Post Dale High’s Perfect Public-Private Partnership
Ronald P. Harper, Jr.
Christiaan A. Hart Nibbrig

Chris Hart Nibbrig

News Editor
Ron Harper, Jr.

Laurie Fuller

Robert Fuller
NO ings
Staff Artist ss
NO C o
Gail Hines ! NO !
Melody Harper
Steve Johnson
Artie See
Page 5

by an auto isn’t one of way to increase pedestrian safety. But

them. slowing down already slow traffic
Lancaster City only serves to drive motorists away
officials claim that traffic from downtown Lancaster. And all of
calming measures do not Lancaster City’s current “revitalization”
reduce a street’s capacity. efforts are focused on bringing more and
However, the capacity of more people into downtown Lancaster. If
a road is defined in the enough people encounter enough traffic
Mayor Gray: parking spaces. And the median which
F&M built on Harrisburg Ave. has
number of vehicles that
can pass through all available lanes in
jams, they will become frustrated and
spend their time and money elsewhere.
‘Calm Down’ already blocked ambulances from going a given period of time. If vehicles must This is exactly what contributed to the
around stopped traffic. slow down because of an obstacle, like downfall of downtown Lancaster a half-
By Artie See On streets which are already a traffic calming measure, it will take century ago; people got tired of fighting
Lancaster Post Contributor congested, traffic calming is clearly more time for each vehicle to travel traffic, and started spending their time
counterproductive. Signals in downtown the same distance. This means fewer and money in suburban shopping centers
L ancaster mayor Rick Gray is now Lancaster are timed to limit traffic to 25 vehicles can travel the same distance which had easy access and plenty of
promoting a controversial initiative miles an hour. But during much of the in the same amount of time, which can free parking.
called “traffic calming.” It doesn’t do day, traffic on some of the main arteries result in a traffic jam. Traffic calming in the wrong places
a mayor any good to have his citizens through downtown Lancaster is so A good example of a problem created will hurt, not help, the economic
buzzed by speeding cars as they try to congested that it is nearly impossible to by a traffic calming measure is at the revitalization of downtown Lancaster.
cross the street. make it through one signal to the next intersection of Prince and Chestnut
Traffic calming can include a without stopping. For example, Prince Streets. As a part of the police station You can email Artie See at:
number of ways to slow down vehicles, Street is often backed up from Vine project, a large curb extension was [email protected]
including lane narrowing, curb Street to Clipper Stadium, sometimes built, which intrudes into the northeast
extensions or “bulb-outs,” and “speed beyond. corner of Chestnut Street. This forces
humps” (raised sections of roadway). Yet Mayor Gray and other Lancaster cars to turn the corner from Prince onto
This should be your ad!
Two-way traffic is another practical City officials insist that traffic calming Chestnut much more slowly than before
measures must be installed along the the curb extension was installed. A large You’re reading it,
major arteries through truck must slow to a crawl when making aren’t you?
downtown Lancaster. The that turn, even at the hands of the most
“A ll of Lancaster City’s current Gray administration has skilled driver. This “bulb-out” helps to Call 717.431.8145
‘revitalization’ efforts are already narrowed traffic contribute to the traffic jams that can to advertise in the
focused on bringing more and lanes in the first and second extend for nearly a mile along Prince
blocks of both N. Queen Street.
more people into downtown ancaster ost
Street and E. King Street Another concern is the roundabout
Lancaster. If enough people by adding parking spaces way that traffic calming is being financed
encounter enough traffic jams, on both sides of the street. and implemented in Lancaster City. For
they will become frustrated and Mayor Gray has even example, the multi-million taxpayer
recommended that Orange, dollar “streetscape
spend their time and money Chestnut, and Walnut improvement” project
elsewhere.” Streets be made two-way. includes several curb
But vehicle accidents extensions; their
way to slow vehicles down, because involving pedestrians in location and design
even synchronized signals can only downtown Lancaster are extremely have never been
allow traffic to move smoothly in one rare. There is no evidence the heart of released to the public.
direction. Lancaster City poses an unsafe risk of Traffic calming
Traffic calming has already proven injury by a speeding car. That area poses measures have been fast, easy, flexible.
to be effective on streets like College other risks and dangers, but getting hit proven to be a good
Avenue and Hershey Avenue. Other
wide, but less traveled streets, like Wake up to
Charlotte and Mulberry, would benefit
from basic traffic calming measures.
Why controversial? Because traffic
calming can inconvenience people – every day!
or worse. For example, Race Avenue
residents strongly object to Franklin
& Marshall College’s proposed traffic News, comment, and culture
calming measures on their street, which
will reduce the number of available for Lancaster County. Member FDIC
Side by Side...
Page 6
Continued from
page 3

Carol Y. Philips Greg Sahd

appointed County Executive. For this highly skilled job, we should be things, a law department and assistants and other personnel for each of
able (but not required) to hire someone from outside of Lancaster County. the 5 home rule commissioners, but these 4 components are the main
Once hired, the Executive would be required to take up residence here. ones of the proposed Lancaster county home rule charter.
The County Executive position will be very similar to the current Home rulers argue that these principle elements of a new government
County Administrator position, with former County Administrator, for Lancaster county will provide for better government.
Mark Esterbrook, stating that it would be 90 to 95% the same. The Don’t be fooled, it won’t.
Executive would constitute a check and balance for the Commissioners Let’s look at their arguments, one at a time.
who appointed him or her. First, they say their home rule charter will “...provide County services
We spent 9 months studying thousands of pages of data and research and facilities with the highest degree of efficiency and economy.”
papers, reviewing other counties’ charters, and interviewing dozens of The reality is Lancaster county already has the most efficient, most
witnesses before taking the vote to go forward with the Charter. Just the economical government among our Pennsylvania 3rd class county peers.
facts regarding the 2006 Lancaster County petition drive and the general The cost to deliver government services is $575 per person in Lancaster
election vote demonstrate that Countians are ready for a change. About county. Lackawanna is the next least expensive at $853 per person. The
10,000 voters signed their names on petitions to put the Home Rule highest per capita cost of all Pennsylvania 3rd class counties is Erie--a
study on the ballot. More than 65,000 people voted “yes” on the ballot home rule county--at a cost of $1,397 per person to fund their home rule
question, and only 38,000 Democrats voted in the election, so this is not county government.
a partisan effort. Second, they say home rule will, “...increase representation and
In 1972, 68% of Lancaster Countians voted overwhelmingly to elect a accountability in the County’s decision-making process.”
Government Study Commission, which worked for about 7 months and The reality is just the opposite. They offer a home rule charter that
actually drafted a proposed Home Rule Charter. That Charter never was provides for less representation and less accountability because there are
voted upon by the general public, because the Commonwealth Court in fewer elected officials to represent our citizens and to hold accountable.
Harrisburg ruled that the original ballot question had been improperly For example, 5 county-wide elected officials are targeted to be
worded. Lancastrians thought that a change in county government abolished with one elected Clerk of Judicial Records to be added, for
structure was a good thing in 1972 when there were 320,000 people living a net loss of 4 county elected officials who would no longer be directly
here, and the annual budget was about $16 million. Now that we have a accountable to the people.
population of nearly 500,000, and an annual county budget of $300 million, The home-ruler contention that abolishing county wide elected offices
how have actually increases
we changed representation
and adapted
the county
Lancaster Propane Gas, Inc. and accountability
to our citizens
government is disingenuous.
2860 Yellow Goose Rd.
since 1972? It defies
Lancaster, Pennsylvania 17601
The answer common sense,
and Lancaster
is: not at all.
Many of
717-898-0800 countians are too
our large smart to fall for
sister counties Wholesale Propane National Service their propaganda.
with the 3 Propane Delivery Turnkey Propane Systems Third, they say
commissioner Tank Sales this home rule
Community Gas Systems
form (Bucks charter will, “...
Side by Side continues on page 7...
Side by Side...
Page 7
Continued from
page 6

Carol Y. Philips Greg Sahd

in particular) have higher taxes than we do. There is no way for any encourage the involvement of citizens in their County government...”
county to have more than 3 county commissioners, UNLESS THERE The reality is our county government is completely open and
IS A HOME RULE CHARTER. The vast majority of people who available to the public. There are many ways our current structure of
testified before the current GSC were convinced that a change from 3 county government promotes input from our citizens: Weekly county
to 5 County Commissioners would be more representative, and likely to commissioner work sessions and meetings, advertised and open to
bring government more out in the open, so as not to repeat, for example, the public; citizens can offer their input and expertise by serving on
the debacle surrounding the secretive plan to sell Conestoga View. committees, authorities, boards and commissions.
For greater efficiency, the draft Charter allows for the consolidation Fourth, they say we need a new home rule county government structure,
of 3 non-policy making row offices: Prothonotary, Clerk of Courts, and “to provide for the health, safety and well-being of all County citizens
Register of Wills, into one office. This move alone will save the County and residents,” as if we are not now providing these for our citizens.
about $200,000 per year, and would offset the cost of the 2 additional The reality is our current, historic structure of county government
County Commissioners. Currently, all elected row offices in Lancaster already provides for the health, safety and well-being of our citizens.
County carry a salary and benefit package of nearly $100,000 annually. Home rule may, however, pave the way for a new county Health
According to testimony the GSC has received, much of the day to day Department:
work is already being handled by the row officers’ deputies, who are 5 of the 6 Pennsylvania home rule counties either have, or will have, a
paid much less than their bosses. These deputies even train the new row separate Health Department. Allegheny, Delaware and Erie counties all
officers after they are elected. have county Health Departments, while Lehigh and Northampton are in
What about the cost of a Home Rule government? At least 6 of the the process of establishing a joint Health Department.
other Class 3 counties (Lancaster is one of 11 of these) have higher taxes Finally, they say we need a new home rule county government, “to
than we do, and they do NOT have Home Rule. Bucks County, also with improve fiscal stewardship of County resources.”
the traditional 3 Commissioners, has a county tax millage rate about five The reality is Lancaster county taxes its citizens the least (at a
times larger than ours. There is absolutely no relationship between higher Millage Rate of 3.42 in 2008) when compared with every one of the 6
taxes and Home Rule. In fact, the new Administrative Code would allow Pennsylvania home rule counties as shown below:
for significant savings by enabling the County Purchasing Director to Allegheny: 4.69, 37% Higher | Delaware: 4.83, 41% Higher
make more economical decisions to buy in bulk, or in cooperation with Erie: 5.20, 44% Higher | Lackawanna: 39.00, 1,040% Higher
other counties. Lehigh: 5.125*, 50% Higher | Northampton: 5.40*, 58% Higher
Our goal is to make county government more open, accountable, and Thus, we have the lowest per capita cost of all 3rd class counties in
responsible to the people of Lancaster County. Please join us at our two Pennsylvania and we have the lowest tax millage rate when compared to
remaining public hearings: April 29, 7 pm, at Mount Joy Boro office all 6 home rule counties.
and May 3rd, 9 am, at Garden Spot Village in New Holland. We greatly The home rulers want to not only “fix something that ain’t broke,”
value the public input and discussion and encourage your participation. they want to “fix it ‘til it is,” until we here in Lancaster county look like
the 6 home rule counties: In government structure, in expenses and in
Home rule is a liberal, progressive, elitist system of government
Want to know more about the characterized in every county in which it exists with higher taxes
Government Study Commission and Home Rule? and bigger government; with the abolishment of elected offices and
The County provides a website: substituting appointed county employees instead.
That’s not home rule, that’s government rule. Don’t be fooled by home rule. Vote NO to home rule in November.
*Actual rate for Lehigh is 10.25 Mills and for Northampton is 10.80 Mills assessed at 50%
and adjusted here for comparison purposes.
Page 8

By Robert Fuller & Laurie Fuller

Limehat & Company -
by Tim Harper
Lancaster Post Google This
Have you noticed? “Google” has become a verb.
As in “to Google.” As in “I’ll have to Google that when I get home.” Any question
that eludes our memory or education, any piece of trivia, any fact we must have, it’s
all there. Doctor just prescribe something new? Google it. Wondering which movie
won Best Picture in 1945? Google it. It’s all there, just a few clicks away.
Speaking of which, there are some tricks for making those “few clicks” more
effective. Different ways to phrase your questions posed to the great oracle, Google.
Here are a few to get you started:
Use quotes. This is really helpful when you’re looking for an exact phrase or
someone’s name. If you use quotation marks, you’re telling Google “find this exact
phrase or name and list those pages first.” You’ll get other pages that have parts of
the phrase or name, but the first hits will be those where it appears exactly as you’ve
typed it.
Use a plus sign (+). For example, to find the soundtrack for The Sound of Music,
you’d type:
“Sound of Music” +soundtrack. Put a space before the plus sign, but not after it.
Use a minus sign (-). If you’re looking for information about The Sound of Music
but you don’t want to know anything about the movie, type:
“Sound of Music” –movie.
Summer 2005 Skip little words. For example, if you want information on travel to England, type:
travel England. There’s no need for the word “to”, as in “travel to England”. There’s
also no need for quotes here – in fact they might be a problem, as they’d force Google
to give you only sites with that exact phrase in them. The capital “E” in England is
also unnecessary (but not a problem), because Google is NOT case-sensitive. If you
want sites that also pertain just to England and not just to travel there, type England
travel – the first word in any series is considered the most important.
Ask questions. If you want to know who your senator is, type: who is my senator?
You don’t have to use the question mark.
Feel lucky. Yes, that “I’m Feeling Lucky” button does do something. If you type in
your search terms, clicking that button (as opposed to “Google Search”) will take
you to the site that Google feels is the absolute best match for what you typed. For
example, if you type “Penn State” (with or without the quotes) and click the “I’m
Feeling Lucky” button, you go right to the
Penn State University website – not to a list of Advanced
likely pages, but right to the site. Pretty cool.
You can email Robert & Laurie Fuller at: and
[email protected] Rehab
[email protected]

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Page 9

Match these Convention Center

Consultants to the taxpayers’ money
each one was paid:
Horse Chases Cart criminals and poor people and all that? I mean, won’t _____ $7,000,000
the conventioneers, like, notice it?”
Part 2 And heads turn. Eyebrows raise. Rusty gears attempt _____ $2,000,000
to turn. Briefly.
by Steve Johnson, Lancaster Post _____ $ 800,000
Then the Kool Aid attendant notices that the cask
Last week, we learned it has recently dawned on our has gotten low and quickly refills it. _____ $1,500,000
city elders that when the Convention Center opens next Returned to their previous state of infallibility, our
leaders and their minions huddle briefly and come _____ $3,000,000
year, there is a possibility that people might not only
come to the Center, but they might actually leave the up with a brilliant solution to their alleged lack of
building and go for a walk around the neighborhood. foresight. They will say they had a plan all along, for
You know, see the quaint shops, spend some money, four years in fact, and they just forgot to mention it
take in the flavorful delightfulness of the place. until now because they were so busy “tweaking” it to
And so now, our brave leaders have gotten around work in (their) everyone’s interests.
to the question of how these visitors might judge The “plan” is a series of “recommendations”
the landscape, or “streetscape,” as they roam our authored during the Smithgall administration and then
downtown. tabled. Nothing shocking there. Plans have been
Ah, details. People in unfamiliar territory have this written, scrapped and then resurrected before.
It’s the “tweaking” that may bother you, if you OG
annoying tendency to notice things -- streets, sidewalks,
lighting, signage, traffic, passers-by, overall state of pay taxes or own property downtown. Tweak #1: A. D
upkeep; all the little things we locals overlook because Taxpayers and property owners will largely pay for this
we’ve already seen it, heard it, smelled it, tripped over “plan”, in many cases directly and with responsibility B. J
it, broken our shocks on it, and crossed the street to for implementation. Tweak #2: It will be THE LAW. OH
avoid it a thousand times. And so we have our plan: SPE
Our leaders have been so focused on their “cart” “Administration Bill No. 4-2008: .... An Ordinance ADE
(the Convention Center) that they were unable to of the City Council of the City of Lancaster ... creating a
see that the “horse” that literally pulls it is the city Streetscape District, authorizing the implementation of
surrounding it. The city should be the attraction, and the streetscape standards for items such as sidewalks, curbs,
convention center should be something that enhances ramps, traffic calming measures, street furnishings,
that attraction. lighting and planting within the Streetscape District, HAM
If the first part isn’t in place (already having an providing for the enforcement of the ordinance,
attraction) then the second part (adding value and establishing penalties for violations of the ordinance;” NF
usefulness to it) can’t do much good. It’s kind of Yes, folks, they built (with our money) their “cart”, C.
like saying that if you build a Friendly’s at a landfill, but WE, under force of law, will be required to pay
then the landfill will become more attractive and for the “horse” that pulls it; that is, IF we can make
inviting, and people will flock to it just because of the the horse catch up with the cart. In other words, IF
Friendly’s. There are Convention Centers everywhere, we (the people) can make all our sidewalks, benches,
in wonderful places and not-so-wonderful places. lights, planters look kind of the same everywhere, our
Guess which ones people flock to? wise leaders now tell us, then the Convention Center
A sturdy horse pulling a lovely cart is likely to will succeed. E WA
attract passengers. A lovely cart with no horse sits still And if it doesn’t succeed, that will be our fault,
and empty. You’d think that simple logic would occur you see. It was our “nay-saying.” It doesn’t matter
to those who manage our world, even if only on a local that we never asked for a Convention Center, a Hotel
level. Tax, a contentious and endless round of taxpayer-
But it hasn’t. funded lawsuits and appeal, a board of insider dealers ITH
Ignoring the rational objections of both insiders or this last-ditch-half-baked-make-it-our-fault- TOM
and outsiders, ordinary folks and experts, our leaders STREETSCAPE-LAW that burdens US with birthing D.
always insisted it was the other way around. “Just shut the horse that drags the (frankly) broken cart into the
up and let us build our cart!” they cried, “The horse ground either way
will surely come.” When the project flops it will be recorded as being Dan Logan (marketing consultant) = $800,000

And now, with the “cart” well under construction, OUR fault. They tried their best to give us what we
consultant) = $1, 500,000
Tom Smithgall -High Industries (construction
at considerable cost and financial risk to the public, needed most, but in the end it was WE who just weren’t Maurice Walker (business consultant): $2,000,000
some rocket scientist working for our leaders wakes streetscapey enough. Tough luck, folks. John Fenningham (law consultant): $3,000,000
up, sticks his hand up and says “Um...hey, what about You can email Steve Johnson at: John Espenshade (law consultant): $7,000,000
all the crappy infrastructure and broken stuff and [email protected] THE ANSWERS:
Page 10

This should be your ad!

You’re reading it,
aren’t you?
Call 717.431.8145
to advertise in the

ancaster ost

Friday April 25
North Museum of Natural History & Science - “Snakes, Rattles & Holes” offers a serpent’s-eye view of the world where kids can
feel a snake’s skin, see how snakes slither and even use a video game to help a snake catch its dinner! 400 College Avenue. Tues.-
Sat., 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; Sun., 12-5 p.m. 291-3941 or (through 5/30)
Hole in the Wall Puppet Theatre - A marionette version of Robert Louis Stevenson’s classic tale “Treasure Island” will be staged
Saturdays at 11 a.m. 126 North Water Street. 394-8398 or (through 5/24)
Sowing the Wind - This interactive production (suitable for grades 4-12 and adults) presents the struggles of an American farm
Opening Game:
family and the choices they face regarding safety and health in a dangerous occupation. Fulton Theatre, 12 North Prince Street
April 25th (fourth floor). Fri., 7 p.m.; Sat., 1 & 7 p.m. 397-7425 or (through 4/26)
7:05 pm Animal Grossology - Whitaker Center for Science and the Arts, Harrisburg, PA. Discover some of the slimiest, stinkiest and
Fireworks downright yuckiest creatures on earth. Welcome to Animal Grossology, the interactive experience that takes a slightly different view
after the game!
of Fluffy, Fido and the rest of the animal kingdom! Twice as big and twice as much fun as the overwhelming popular “Grossology:
The Impolite Science of the Human Body,” Animal Grossology is oozing with disgusting science and interactive learning games.
Saturday April 26
U Angelina Ballerina Party. There will be an Angelina Ballerina Party held at Cricket’s Performing Arts, Manheim, PA. children who
YO 0 8
20 ON love Angelina Ballerina. Dress as one of the storybook characters, dance and play games, light refreshments, prize drawings. Cost
SE KETS $5.00
T I OW !
N Cherry Blossom Festival - 1-3pm Enjoy Japanese-style spring celebrations throughout greater Reading, including dragon flotillas
on the Schuylkill River, a sushi and sake ceremony, a Japanese tea ceremony, taiko drums and more. For more information, call 610-
375-4085 or visit
Animal Grossology - (see Friday 4/25)
Ruffin’ It...A Day in the Park. Long’s Park, 10am-2pm. Enjoy the day with your dog! Collect pledges for the event to earn
fun incentive prizes! D.J. T-Minus will be playing your dog’s favorite songs all day! Enjoy contests, demonstrations, and other
entertainment! Visit the many merchandise and food vendors!
Sunday April 27
“Bug Scavenger Hunt;” Lancaster Central Park. Registration required. 295-2055 or
Family Spring Walk. Lancaster County Central Park. 295-2055 or Registration required.
Animal Grossology - (See Friday 4/25)
CALL Monday April 28
Spanning Centuries: Railroad Bridges of Pennsylvania Exhibit - Railroad Museum of PA, Rt. 741 East, Box 15, Strasburg, PA
17579 717-687-8628. (through 5/4)
Tuesday April 29
Bird walk. Lancaster County Central Park. 295-2055 or
Got Events? Wednesday April 30
Community Days Buchanan Park - Buchanan Park, Buchanan and Race Streets, Lancaster, PA, 717-392-4683. Carnival rides,
Send them to the games, music and food for all to enjoy. Wed & Thurs, 5 - 10 pm, Fri, 5 - 11 pm, and Sat, Noon - 11 pm. (through 5/3)
Lancaster Post
for inclusion in our
Guide! Furniture That Fits
3515 Columbia Avenue - Lancaster, PA
Call :
717-431-8145 717-285-2547
or email:
Page 11

Keep them
Tell our advertisers
you saw them in the

ancaster ost

Friday - April 25 Annie Bailey’s - Copper Sky (Acoustic) Sunday - April 27

Paris Is Out! - Rainbow Dinner Theatre, Beanie’s - Eric Germer Guys and Dolls, Dutch Apple Dinner
800-292-4301. Belvedere - Dave Wilson Quartet (Jazz) Theatre, 898-1900
Les Misérables – Lancaster Mennonite Black Gryphon - Joe Mixon & Sal Ritz Bube’s Brewery - Roman Feast
High School, 7:30 PM, Tickets - 717-299- Black Knights - Plan B Caribbean Inn - Talladega Party
0436, ext. 340 Brasserie - Burnie Smucker Chameleon - Divine Heresy; Sworn
Guys and Dolls, Dutch Apple Dinner Bube’s Brewery - Mount Joy Thaw Enemy; From A Second Story Window;
Theatre 898-1900 6 PM & 8 PM Crawl; The Green Onions; John Peifer With Blood Comes Cleansing; Dance
Annie Bailey’s - Nua (Irish) Jazz Trio; Central Hotel Premier Murder Club Massacre
Belvedere - Amaryllis Santiago (Jazz) Mystery Dinner Rock Hill Tavern - Chesapeake Bay
Brasserie - Steven Davis Duo Caribbean Inn - Frozen Chicken Benefit
Bube’s Brewery - Ripe; Ghost Tour; Bowling Stitches Comedy Club - Earl David RESTAURANT
Fourth Friday Chameleon - Negative Space; Sugarcoat; Reed; Dennis Ross; Michael Weiss &
Caribbean Inn - Phipps & Friends Crimson Diamond Chameleon - The Audition; Hit The SPORTS PUB
Chameleon – Thursday Chancey’s - Duane Slaymaker (Acoustic) Lights; Every Avenue; The Morning
Cheers Bar - Trivia with Jim Marlin Coffee Company - G2V Light; Kiros
Coffee Company - Tom Herr El Serrano - Dante Tuesday – April 29 415 N Prince Street
El Serrano - Copper Sky (Acoustic) Emmaus Road Cafe - Raught N Shane Guys and Dolls, Dutch Apple Dinner Lancaster PA
Frogtown Cafe - No Apology Hill Top Inn - Tim Desmond Theatre, 898-1900
J&B Hotel - Plywood Jungle (Rock) J&B Hotel - Odd Thomas Wednesday - April 30 (717) 509-6090
Juke Box - DJ Ray Juke Box - DJ Kevin Guys and Dolls, Dutch Apple Dinner
McCleary’s - Tom Reese Project Lancaster. Dispensing Co. - Josh Theatre, 898-1900
All Day, Every Day
Molly’s Pub - Sal Anthony Albright Carlos & Charlie’s – Mount Joy - Rob & $2 Pints
Ritz on Main - Sofa King Mazzi - The Jazz Trio Todd Lager
Stitches Comedy Club - Earl David Molly’s Pub - Amaryllis Santiago Chameleon - Mayday Parade; My Bud Lite
Reed; Dennis Ross; Michael Weiss Paris Pub - DJ Carmel American Heart; The Graduate Coors Lite
(Comedy) Quips - Tub-o-beer Night McCleary’s - Corty & Scott
Stoudts Brewery - Big Mike Henry & Ritz on Main - Trauma Six Olde Greenfield - Jim Trostle Trio (Jazz)
Kenny Gehret Stitches Comedy Club - Earl David Pressroom - Troy Isaak Trio (Jazz) Watch NHL & NBA
Summy House - Chestnuts Reed; Dennis Ross; Michael Weiss Thursday May 1 Playoffs
Symposium - Full Tilt Symposium - Bob Noble Guys and Dolls, Dutch Apple Dinner All Major League
Saturday - April 26 Taj Mahal - John Protopapas (Sitar) Theatre, 898-1900 Baseball
Paris Is Out! - Rainbow Dinner Theatre, Underground - Sight Unseen “DOUBT” by John Patrick Shanley.
800-292-4301. Union Station Grill - Stu Huggens Fulton Theatre. 717-397-7425
Les Misérables – Lancaster Mennonite (Acoustic) “No Way to Treat a Lady” Ephrata
High School, 717-299-0436, ext. 340 Village - Kaos; Underground Hotel; Performance Arts Center. (717) 733-
Guys and Dolls, Dutch Apple Dinner Hazmatz 7966 (through 5/10)
Theatre, 898-1900 6 PM & 8 PM

66 N Queen St
Lancaster, PA 17603

Serving Hours:
Breakfast, 7 days
Bed & Breakfast Lunch, 7:30 am to
& Dinner 2:00 am
Romantic Getaways • Discounts for Military Personnel • Gift Certificates Great Wine List
American Eclectic Cuisine
1566 Lime Valley Rd • Strasburg, PA 17579 • 717-687-0705 with Greek Favorites
Page 12

For the entrée, Finicky went with the Lad
Nar beef. She, again, was most pleased. (I Grilled 3-Cheese Potatoes
secretly hated her again for ordering better by Shari Drury-Di Domenico
With admitted reluctance, your talented than me. This was difficult, as Finicky is
Lancaster Post Guest Contributor
scribe must grudge credit to his coarse editors charming.) The flat rice noodles were cooked
who, alas, have confessed utter ignorance
with respect to cuisine, and realize that your
just right, she said, and the beef was well-
flavored and sliced very thinly. “Yummy,”
O ur family is well known
for our love of backyard
humble food taster has more sensitivity said the finicky one. Please shut up, Finicky, cookouts! We invite a
in a single bud than is in the entire genetic I thought to myself. lot of friends and family
history’s of their respective family’s tongues “Oh,” said Finicky, “and it’s so pretty.” over, and Stephen will fire
... combined. She was right, but was entirely too happy up the grill, usually for
Fine. Dispensed. Now can we get on to about it. I wanted Finicky to leave now, and I steaks. The kids (Michael,
evaluating food? Thank you. Our stop this wanted to eat her food. Tara, Patrick, Hanna, and
week is Sukhothai, a Thai restaurant off My dish, Pad Phet Chicken, is served in a Paige) shuck the corn
Columbia Avenue in Mountville. light, curry coconut sauce and, like Finicky’s, and prepare the salad.
Fussy, my regular dining companion, was was served along with a painting of colorful, And I make the pièce de
unable to join me on this day, so her friend, fresh vegetables. At Sukhothai, you order résistance... “3-Cheese
Finicky, was my tablemate. Just like my own your food on a hot-o-meter 1-10, 10 being Potatoes”!
hellacious jalapeño, Finicky didn’t get her the hottest. Mine was a 2. I’d go for at least a These are so easy to
name by accident. I am saying the gal has ‘4’ next time. prepare; I guarantee your
taste, and if I say that, she does. (She also “I have customers that order at 10 1/2,” family and friends will beg you to make these over and over
has a Ph.D. and knows more about politics say Mr. Chanthongthip. “I only go to a ‘3’ again; mine does! YUMMO! Here’s the recipe:
than 99% of university professors in the state. myself.’
So we had other things to talk about besides Finicky was happy; I was satisfied. But I Ingredients:
food. That was nice.) had to sample a dessert. My companion was 6 large potatoes, sliced ¼ thick
On this late weekday afternoon, the not helpful, “I don’t have any room,” she 2 medium onions, chopped
restaurant was sparsely crowded, so Finicky said. Thanks, helpful friend. I’m on my own. 1/3 cup grated Parmesan
and I got to choose our table. We were seated, “I think I’ll have the ‘Banana cake,’” I cheese
and charmed, by the owner, Khamphong said. ¼ cup (4 ounces) sharp
Chanthongthip. Whoops. cheddar cheese
Sukhothai (Sukhothai is a city between The problem was my preconception. I 1 cup (4 ounces) shredded
Chiang Mai and Bangkok in the Eastern imagined a piece of western-style cake with mozzarella cheese
part of country) usually bustles on weekend a slathering of frosting. Silly me. What I got 1 pound of sliced bacon,
nights, so reservations are recommended was a steaming pyramid wrapped in a banana cooked and crumbled
during the dinner hours. But for lunch or an leaf. Opening the leaf I found a purple gummy ¼ cup butter or margarine,
early dinner, like ours, the restaurant feels pyramid-shaped glob of rice. This was purple cubed
spacious and private. rice, sugar and bananas. This isn’t cake to 1 tablespoon minced fresh
It is also very pretty, with a interior design my buds. I didn’t like this much and can’t chives (dried OK)
by Tom DePaul. The DePaul touches are seen recommend this dish. 1 teaspoon seasoned salt
with the cool lighting and subtle indigenous- But the rest of Sukothai, Finicky and I both ½ teaspoon pepper
influenced artwork. recommend. It’s tasty, the service is great, Divide the potatoes and onions equally between two pieces
The Food: Let’s talk. Finicky started with and the ambience a Thai daydream. of heavy-duty aluminum foil (each piece about 18” square) that
the shrimp rolls ($8.95) and she was most have been coated with non-stick cooking spray.
pleased. “Very light and crispy, but also very Sukhothai Thai Food Restaurant Mix the Parmesan cheese and ¾ of the cheddar and
meaty,” she said, clearly too pleased. 147 Oakridge Dr. mozzarella cheese and sprinkle over the potatoes and onions.
Now, I am unhappy because she is so happy Mountville, PA 17554 Top this with the bacon, butter, chives, and seasonings.
with her appetizer. I ordered two starters: the 717.285.0074 Bring up the opposite ends of the foil over the filling and
Tom Yum soup; and the chicken skewers. I Mon-Thu: 11am - 9:30pm fold down several times. Fold the unsealed ends toward the
am the reviewer; I can do that. Fri: 11am - 10pm filling and crimp tightly.
The soup, Tom Yum, was Yum-Yum, a Sat & Sun: 4pm - 10pm Grill, covered, over medium heat for 35-40 minutes, or until
hot and sour spicy broth, with fresh, crispy the potatoes are tender.
veggies -- peppers, asparagus, onions. I Email Hard to Please at: Remove from the grill, and carefully open the foil. Sprinkle
sweated from the spice, but it was Great. [email protected] with the remaining cheeses and serve.
The chicken skewers were perfectly Serves 6 – 8 hungry people.
cooked, seared on the outside, and served
with a unique, but delicious, peanut oil, chili If you know a Culinary Wizard who’d like to share a
pepper, vinegar dip. I don’t question cooks recipe or other kitchen-related advice, email Melody
when they get it right, and the dip was just Harper at: [email protected]. We’ll feature a
right. I wanted more. I had forgiven Finicky. different cook and their recipe each week!
By Melody Harper, Lancaster Post Page 13

Couple: Tim & Angie Trostle, West Hempfield Angie (a Cowboys fan): “They’re gonna think
Married: Almost 7 years we’re rednecks.”
Anniversary: June 23rd
Tim: “Hey, that’s what we did! And I line Tim: “By choice!”
You’d think a guy with a cherried out, cherry danced and you did, too.”
red Toyota Tacoma Truck -- with a license These two are funny.
plate that reads “ON EDGE” -- would have a Angie: “I have two left feet, let me tell you.”
red hot, cherried out wife, and if you’re Tim So why does your marriage work?
Trostle (pronounced: Trō-sul), that would pretty Tim: “Actually, she has eight left feet.”
much be your life. The Post caught up with the Tim: “Freedom. ... She can do
couple on a lovely spring afternoon among the Angie: “I didn’t whatever she wants. She can do
Hempfield cherry blossoms. want to dance.” her own thing. I don’t tell her
what do do. She goes out with
“We met at Rookies in 1999,” says Tim, 41, Tim: “But you her friends. That’s cool. Plus,
a salesman who works in Harrisburg. “I was did. And you we’re really good friends.”
part of an organization -- Lancaster Young know why?
Professionals -- and we used to go there for Because you Angie: “It works because, to me,
social hour.” liked me. You love is trust. And we both really
liked me!” enjoy each other’s company.”

Angie: “My After just a few minutes with

friends and the Trostles, we enjoy their
family made fun company, too.
of me because he
was bald.”

“So I went there with a friend, and Angie was

brought by someone in the group,” says the die-
hard Steeler fan.

Both at the same time: “Bonnie Anderson!”

Angie, 33, who works in a bank, picks it up
from here. “So Bonnie was telling me about
this guy that was really cute, and so I went on
this night,” she says. “I thought he was really
sarcastic, but he was cute.”
Detailed, realistic, custom portraits.
Tim: “And she... she had legs that you wouldn’t
Prices start at $300.
believe, honestly, and a really unique face
Satisfaction guaranteed.
that was framed by the most beautiful red hair
you’ve ever seen. Anyway... We stayed there for
awhile then we went out to ‘Low Places.’” (717) 314-0051 [email protected]
Page 14

Lancaster County Trivia Crossword

1 2 3 4 The solutions to this
5 6 week’s puzzles can be
found at our website: Simple - you can do it!



11 12 13


15 16

17 18


20 21 22

4. Name of most successful
Lancaster golfer on PGA tour Tough one... use a pencil!
5. Golf and Country Club in
Manor Township
6. Former ice company across the street from WGAL
9. County park on South Duke Street
ACROSS 12. PA’s winningest high school
1. Lancaster Post mascot coach from Hempfield
7. Golf course in southern Lancaster County 13. _____________ Forge Lake
8. Former Lancaster school superintendent who was jailed 15. Former gas station at the Golden
10. Nickname of F&M’s sports teams Triangle at Lititz and Oregon Pike
11 _______________ Glen nature preserve 19. Well-known rock by the
14. Initials representing largest county church Susquehanna River
16. Name of former County NBA player and executive 21. Former movie theater on Manor
17. Nickname of County high school that won a state football Street in Lancaster
championship Historic
18. Name of Lancastrian held as POW during
Vietnam war True Espresso Revere Tavern
20. Nickname for Garden Spot sports teams Coffee Roaster
22. Editor of the Intelligencer Journal LINCOLN
23. Former state champion in the mile and Mayor Wholesale Coffee HIGHWAY EAST
of Lancaster ...for restaurants,
24. Lancaster Mayor jailed after leaving office coffee shops & businesses PARADISE, PA
Catering 17562-9651
DOWN ...for any special occasion
2. Convention Center partner feeding at the prepared by an expert Italian barista PHONE
taxpayers’ trough (717) 687-8601
3. Former name of the highway from Lancaster 717-278-2546
to Columbia
Page 15

Scott Bauman Marion Pinckney

Ephrata Quarryville
“I don’t think we need “Do we need it?”

Christine Kaufman Earl Pinckney

Lancaster Quarryville
“Regardless of the “What about the small
size, we don’t need businesses?”
another Park City.”
Page 16

Bobbi Carmitchell:
Soul Singer
Bobbi Carmitchell on the guitar:
“For me, the thing about playing a guitar that is so different from many
other instruments is that you are so physically connected to it. My first
instrument was piano and I love playing it, but you are only connected
to it by your finger tips and the bottoms of your feet! With a guitar,
you literally wrap yourself around the instrument and embrace it. The
vibrations that come from playing a guitar go right into your very soul
and there’s nothing really quite it.
My Dad bought me my first guitar when I was 12. I remember that summer so you will find out if you listen to her
well, because it was the first time I could be mobile with an instrument. Try carrying recording, “County Wide,” she always
a baby grand piano into the woods! With my new bright orange plastic guitar, I ends up back in Lancaster County,
was able to sit by the creek, or lean against a tree, or walk back into the woods and
play what I was hearing all around me. It was and still is one of my biggest treats
Pennsylvania, because she loves the land
for myself to play music in the woods. So much of my playing is through a sound and the unique rural culture.
system and you sometimes have to sacrifice the quiet nuance of the instrument for
sheer volume. Don’t get me’s a blast to hear “big sound” when you’re
playing some outside festival and there’s like 15,000 people out there. It’s an important
balance to make the time for both.
So, whenever I get a chance, I head out in my woods and sit still and play all the quiet
A great
parts of the instrument that don’t get heard from the stage. The harmonics, the overtones space for
and just the sound of your fingernails on the strings.” your
For more information on Bobbi Carmitchell go to:
21 North Mulberry Street
Lancaster, PA 17603

138 North Prince Street

Lancaster PA 17603
See Our Featured Artists
Gallery Hours:
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday,
& Saturday - 10 - 5 pm
Continued from page 2 Page 17

Double Crossings
So just how wired is this project? Martin signed “…requires a local governing body in the Keep them
a letter on behalf of the township’s Municipal performance of its quasi-judicial functions to
Authority asking the Pennsylvania Department
of Community & Economic Development
avoid even the appearance of bias or impropriety.
A showing of actual bias is unnecessary in posted!
(DCED) for state tax dollars to pay for the road order to assert a cognizable due process claim; Tell our advertisers
improvements. The letter talked up the shopping the mere potential for bias or the appearance of
mall, saying that it was a “unique development non-objectivity may be sufficient to constitute a you saw them in the
opportunity” and that paving over the old Deisley violation of that right.”
farm would “preserve farmland in the township.” But the apparent conflict of interest doesn’t end
When Flanagan, chairman of the Authority, with Simpson and Flanagan. Township engineer, ancaster ost
was questioned by the Post on Monday night at Rettew and Associates, also serves as High’s
his home about the farmland claims, he pointed engineer! So township residents are paying their
out that he voted against the text amendment (the public engineer to review something prepared by
first step in the approval process) because it didn’t the engineer’s private employer! And
require developers to purchase enough Transferable what about the grant from the DCED?
Development Rights (TDR). Flanagan, who When contacted Monday, DCED
helped develop the township’s TDR program in spokesperson Janel Miller said that the
the 90’s was adamant about preserving farmland, application is not approved, but refused
but resigned to some development. to provide a copy of the application to
Before voting ‘yes’ on the conditional use, Post.
Flanagan said, “It is likely that this particular According to Cluck, the application
shopping center will be built somewhere in says in part, “”High Real Estate Group
Lancaster County in the coming years. That and Manheim Township have formed a
being the case, the question becomes - should it public-private partnership to advance the
be here and under the conditions contained in this significant improvements to US Route
motion?.” He went on to talk about the benefit of 30 and SR 230 to support economic
the regional road improvements that were coming development initiatives in the region”
along with the project, albeit, he acknowledged, at That can’t be good news for taxpayers,
taxpayer expense. because when High is involved in these
So, how could Simpson and Flanagan sit in “public-private partnerships,” it is
judgement of High’s “conditional use” application, usually the “public” who gets stuck with
given the cheerleading roles they both played? the bill.
State case law in Min. Inc. v. Zoning Hearing Board
of Wharton Township answers the question:

Adopt a Pet... Save a Life!

by Lancaster Post Staff
The Humane League of
Lancaster County...
The Best Place to Find a Best Friend!

Abigail and Clyde are just two of the many

animals at the Humane League, waiting for a
home. There are millions of homeless pets in
the United States -- and more are born and
abandoned every day.

Don’t buy a pet - ADOPT one and save a life!

For more information on the animals awaiting

ABIGAIL adoption at the Humane League, to find out
Abigail was abandoned on a farm. She is the CLYDE
about volunteering and/or donating your time to
sweetest little lady and would love a new
the League, or other ways to help, please call: Clyde is a black lab mix who is about 9 years old.
home, one where she is loved and wanted.
(717) 393- 6551 or visit them at 2195 Lincoln This wise dog knows “sit” and is well mannered.
She is already spayed and about 2 years
Highway East, Lancaster, PA. He enjoys time spent outside and has an easy
old. For the fastest response, please call the
going personality.
shelter at 393-6551 for additional information
on this cat.
Page 18

Athlete of the Week

Sydney Clark is the Post ‘Athlete of the Week. Sydney, a
senior at Hempfield High School, was named the “Runner
of the Year” as a junior. She has competed in cross country
from her 9th through 12th grade years. Sidney also played FRIDAY, April 25th
varsity girls tennis during those years. This year as a member Opening Day
of the tennis team, she was a state finalist in team tennis. Bridgeport Bluefish
Sydney is a multi-faceted young woman and is also Game Starts: 7:05 pm
President of the Student Council. She has a 3.84 GPA and Fireworks!
will bring her brain and fast feet to Columbia University
next fall where she plans to run cross country and track. SATURDAY, April 26th
The Post salutes this impressive scholar/athlete. Bridgeport Bluefish
Game Starts: 7:05 pm
Send nominations for Post Athlete of the Week to Fireworks!
[email protected]
SUNDAY, April 27th
Bridgeport Bluefish
Game starts: 1:35 pm

Tuesday, April 29th
Long Island Ducks
Game starts: 6:35 pm

Wed., April 29th

Long Island Ducks
Game starts: 6:35 pm

Post 5 Random
Zack Parker
1 Where did you grow up?
“Austin, Texas”

2 What was the best thing about growing Zack Parker

up there? Position: Starting Pitcher
“The endless diversity of people you see there.” Throws: Left
3 Most embarrassing moment on the
Bats: Right
baseball field? Height: 6’2”
“Yikes! There’ve been a few (laughs)...I was playing ‘A’ Weight: 195
This should be your ad!
ball and went to cover first and tripped over my own feet
and fell face first into the dirt. Didn’t trip over anything, You’re reading it,
just got my own feet tangled up. By the way, it was a aren’t you?
foul ball.”
5 Favorite thing to do in Lancaster? Call 717.431.8145
4 Rock or Country?
“I like to go to Buchanan Park and play my guitar.” to advertise in the
“I’d say country.”
ancaster ost
Wise Words: Barnstormers’ Page 19

Pitching Coach Rick Wise Talks

By Chris Hart Nibbrig
Lancaster Post
If you want to stump someone who Willie Mays, Henry Aaron, Ernie
Banks, and Frank Robinson.
Don’t ask.
“I wouldn’t have played in any other
thinks he knows a lot about baseball,
ask him who was the winning pitcher OK, so you’re Rick Wise, you’re era, I can tell you that,” Wise says. “Of
for game 6 of the 1975 World Series. 18, and Willie Mays is on deck, what’s course, the money notwithstanding,”
Everyone knows the game, one of going through your mind? he laughs. “But to play with and
the most famous in baseball history. “I can tell you I knew he was there,” against those great players, I mean,
That’s the one where the Red Sox Hall Wise laughs. “But, you know what, it was an honor. I wouldn’t trade that was, Wise doesn’t consider it his
of Famer Carlton Fisk hit his famous you think ‘I’m in the Big Leagues. experience for anything.” greatest pitching effort. He once
9th inning home run, I’ve got to go after him.’ You can’t be Who was the toughest batter you pitched 10 and 2/3rds consecutive
the one where he was overwhelmed.” faced? perfect innings. Rick Wise got out 32
waving his arms to What happened “Rod Carew. He was amazing. Major League hitters in a row. Swish
keep the ball fair. with Mays and Aaron? You could not get him out. His hand- that around your mouth for a minute.
The winning “I remember those eye coordination was so great. You Thirty-two straight. No hits, no walks,
pitcher of record that guys kept fouling them couldn’t strike the man out. And no errors. 32.
day was Rick Wise, off,” Wise says. “I he could lay a bunt down, with two “Control was my game,” Wise
who along with the could throw anything strikes, which would just die half-way says. “I could locate up, down, in, out
rest of his Red Sox past the hitters in highbetween the plate and the pitcher’s of the strike zone.”
teammates, was also school, but these guys mound.” Wise played for five
waving his arms. were so fast through the On June 23, Major League clubs:
Today, Wise, the 18- zone. Mays and Aaron 1971, Wise threw the Phillies, Cardinals,
year Major League are the best of the verythe no-hitter against Red Sox, Indians, and
veteran, is the pitching best who every played one of the most Padres. He played seven
coach of the Lancaster this game. They got feared lineups in the years with the Phils,
Barnstormers. me when I was young, history of baseball: and feels close to the
“Yeah, everyone but, later, when they the Cincinnati Reds, Keystone state.
remembers that home run,” says lost a little something, and I was in aka, “The Big Red “I feel at home in
Wise on a sunny April afternoon at my prime, I got ‘em back. But these Machine.” Pennsylvania,” he says.
Clipper Magazine Stadium, “but the guys were the greatest. Defense, none That lineup – “I consider myself
three-run home run Bernie Carbo hit better. And hitting, of course. And Pete Rose, Johnny a Philly. I played in
in the eighth was just as big, just as they were great base runners. They Bench, Joe Morgan, Philadelphia longer than
dramatic. He tied the game with that, stole a base when it meant something Tony Perez – was with any other team.
and without it, Fisk wouldn’t have had to winning the ballgame, not just to in its prime when a And Lancaster is my ‘home away
the opportunity to hit his.” pad statistics. There was nothing they feverish Wise took the mound on a from home.’ I love it here.“
Rick Wise played his first Major couldn’t do well.” sweltering afternoon. “I had the flu, Today, Wise, 62, improbably slim
League baseball game during but you had to pry the ball out and youthful, enjoys his role with the
the 1964 season. He was “Professional baseball is not easy. of our hands in those days,” says Barnstormers and is excited about this
18 years old, a year out of And these young men [Barnstormers Wise. year’s team and his chance to help
James Madison High School players] give me everything they have, “It was hot, about 105 on the young players. “These players work
in Portland, Oregon, where every day. I can’t ask for more than carpet at Riverfront Stadium, hard, I can tell you that,” he says with
he was a 3-sport (baseball, and by the third or fourth inning obvious affection and respect for his
basketball, football) all-city
that. And I respect them for it.” I’d sweated the flu out of my players. “Take [starting pitcher] Zack
athlete. By the time he retired - Rick Wise Lancaster Barnstormers Pitching body.” Wise continued. “I got Parker. You won’t outwork this guy.
in 1982, the right-hander’s coach, and former Major League All-Star into a rhythm, and was locating His work ethic is fantastic. He’s a
distinguished career included my pitches well that day.” bulldog. He gives no excuses.”
a no-hitter, two All-Star game When did he start thinking “You know,” he continues, “at
selections, 138 complete games, and a To give an idea of Wise’s current about the no-hitter? any level, professional baseball is
win-loss record of 188-181 with 1647 market value, in 2007, Barry Zito “You start thinking about a no- not easy. And these young men give
strikeouts and a 3.69 ERA in 3127.00 of the San Francisco Giants, in his hitter in the seventh inning,” Wise me everything they have, every day.
innings pitched. seventh season in the Majors, had says. “Before that you’re not thinking I can’t ask for more than that. And I
In his rookie year, Wise compiled a record of 11-13, struck out 131, about anything except the hitter in respect them for it.”
a 5-3 record with a 4.04 earned run and pitched 196 innings. His salary: front of you. But after the seventh, After learning of their accomplished
average. Baseball fans know that $10,000,00.00. you start thinking about it.” pitching coach and his knowledge of
pitching in 1964 in the National In his seventh season, Rick Wise Oh, and Wise also hit two home the game, one imagines Barnstormers
League meant facing some of the had a record of 17-14, struck out 155, runs that same game. players will have a lot of respect for
greatest players ever to play the game: and pitched 272 innings. His salary: As impressive as that performance Rick Wise, too. We do.
April 25, 2008 - Volume 1

nothing but the truth...

Play Ball!
Season begins
April 25th
Looking forward
to this season, Home games all
Pitching Coach
weekend at Clipper
Rick Wise Stadium!
shares some See page 18 for
great memories.
- Wise Words: Barnstormers’ Pitching Coach Rick Wise (pg 19)
- Post 5 Random Questions: Zack Parker (pg 18)

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Page 20 Visit every day! April 24, 2008

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