Nothing But The Truth... : Double Crossings
Nothing But The Truth... : Double Crossings
Nothing But The Truth... : Double Crossings
Simpson Martin Flanagan Keebler Casselbury
Double Crossings
Seeking Justice
Double Crossings 2
Side by Side: Home 3
Protecting Your Rights and Legal Interests County Entertainment Guide..................pgs 10 & 11
Barnstormers’ Rick Wise Talks 19
(866) 507 - 6247 ... and much, much more!
Dale High moves behind the scenes to get taxpayers to help pay for his shopping mall.
It’s good to be Dale.
Double Crossings
“We are working in close partnership
with High Real Estate Group to
advance this project.”
by Ron Harper, Jr. - Carol Simpson, February 2008
Lancaster Post
Imagine you are Dale High flying over Lancaster. and Vice President of the board, Mike Flanagan,
before the 3-2 vote in favor of moving High’s
improvements, and then described how it would
be paid: “Construction of the new interchange
Look down. To the east you see your Greenfield
Industrial Park, which draws businesses from the project forward last week. would depend on Congress approving funding,”
city. It prospers. In the center of town, taxpayers The comment drew laughs from the small crowd the spokesman said.
are building you a $76 million hotel beside an who came to witness The Crossings at Conestoga Enter Carol Simpson. A little more than three
equally expensive publicly-funded convention Creek’s predictable vote at the Manheim Township weeks before the public found out about the proposed
center, which you get to use exclusively. Now, on Commissioners’ meeting last Monday night. shopping center, then-board President Simpson
the west end of town, you have a couple of friendly The Crossings is a behemoth of a development, signed a letter on behalf of the commissioners,
township commissions which are shepherding your a 646,000 square foot shopping center and parking asking Senator Arlen Spector to give funds toward
$100 million shopping center, while pushing $25 lot across from Long’s Park and Park City mall. the Harrisburg/Route 30 exchange. The February
million in taxpayer funds for road improvements Flanagan, together with Carol Simpson, had joined 28, 2006 letter said in part, “We are working in
so your customers can get there. The chorus of with ailing Larry Downing, who phoned-in his close partnership with High Real Estate Group to
citizens protesting below? The sounds can’t reach “yes” vote, to give key approval to the project. advance the project.”
you from where you sit. Downing’s unprecedented phone-in vote strongly There are no township resolutions or any meeting
“Nobody here knows how anyone else is going suggested that his vote, contrary to Flanagan’s minutes that indicate when the decision to enter this
to vote,” said Manheim Township Commissioner statement, was known prior to the meeting. The “close partnership” with High began. Zero.
vote was taken after 15 hearings, which included In addition to signing a letter asking for funds,
over 50 witnesses and Simpson also traveled to Washington, D.C., and
lasted over 50 hours. lobbied for the money.
The vote was
orchestrated and
choreographed by one “Just how big is High’s
of the two Penn Square project? Combine
Partners, Dale High,
and was the second step all three of Lancaster
for “The Crossings at County’s Wal-Marts.
Conestoga” to becoming
a reality. Add the Home Depot
Just how big is High’s and the Circuit City;
project? Combine that’s almost how big
all three of Lancaster
County’s Wal-Marts, add the proposed shopping
the Home Depot and the center will be.”
Circuit City; that’s almost
how big the proposed
shopping center will be. Did Simpson travel with High to Washington? It
The project was is unconfirmed, but widely rumored, that Simpson
introduced with blaring was indeed accompanied by High himself, and
trumpets on March 23, that the trip included some socializing, where High
2006 by business partner, enjoyed his favorite mixed drink (Manhattans).
Lancaster Newspapers, When contacted by the Post a week after her “yes”
Inc., which is the other vote about this trip, Simpson said, “I don’t want to
half of Penn Square talk about it. We made our decision and that’s it. I
Partners. That day, the don’t want to talk about it.”
Lancaster New Era ran Township manager, Jim Martin, said that just he
a beautiful, full-color and Simpson made the trip together.
illustration of what the “… Throughout the entire public process, when the
pedestrian-friendly, open- Lancaster Newspaper has covered the hearings,
air,‘lifestyle’ shopping the stories are almost always supplemented
center” would look with gorgeous developer-provided full-color
like. The intrepid LNP “artistic representations” of the bucolic shopping
reporters cut and pasted “experience” to come. When William Cluck,
High’s public relations a lawyer for neighbors fighting the project,
department’s description suggested corrections and a story idea to an
of the project. A High Intelligencer Journal reporter, she responded with
spokesman was quoted, a profanity-laced email dismissing it. Eventually
saying that the project the newspaper’s “coverage” of the hearings was
was conditional on road reduced to almost nothing.
Continued on page 17...
Side by Side
Side by Side is a regular feature of the Lancaster Post where Page 3
our editors ask the same question of two or more parties on
different sides of the same issue. In this edition, we gave two
members of the Government Study Commission the opportunity
to present their positions on Home Rule.
Chris Hart Nibbrig
News Editor
Ron Harper, Jr.
Laurie Fuller
Robert Fuller
NO ings
Staff Artist ss
NO C o
Gail Hines ! NO !
Melody Harper
Steve Johnson
Artie See
Page 5
And now, with the “cart” well under construction, OUR fault. They tried their best to give us what we
consultant) = $1, 500,000
Tom Smithgall -High Industries (construction
at considerable cost and financial risk to the public, needed most, but in the end it was WE who just weren’t Maurice Walker (business consultant): $2,000,000
some rocket scientist working for our leaders wakes streetscapey enough. Tough luck, folks. John Fenningham (law consultant): $3,000,000
up, sticks his hand up and says “Um...hey, what about You can email Steve Johnson at: John Espenshade (law consultant): $7,000,000
all the crappy infrastructure and broken stuff and [email protected] THE ANSWERS:
Page 10
ancaster ost
Friday April 25
North Museum of Natural History & Science - “Snakes, Rattles & Holes” offers a serpent’s-eye view of the world where kids can
feel a snake’s skin, see how snakes slither and even use a video game to help a snake catch its dinner! 400 College Avenue. Tues.-
Sat., 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; Sun., 12-5 p.m. 291-3941 or (through 5/30)
Hole in the Wall Puppet Theatre - A marionette version of Robert Louis Stevenson’s classic tale “Treasure Island” will be staged
Saturdays at 11 a.m. 126 North Water Street. 394-8398 or (through 5/24)
Sowing the Wind - This interactive production (suitable for grades 4-12 and adults) presents the struggles of an American farm
Opening Game:
family and the choices they face regarding safety and health in a dangerous occupation. Fulton Theatre, 12 North Prince Street
April 25th (fourth floor). Fri., 7 p.m.; Sat., 1 & 7 p.m. 397-7425 or (through 4/26)
7:05 pm Animal Grossology - Whitaker Center for Science and the Arts, Harrisburg, PA. Discover some of the slimiest, stinkiest and
Fireworks downright yuckiest creatures on earth. Welcome to Animal Grossology, the interactive experience that takes a slightly different view
after the game!
of Fluffy, Fido and the rest of the animal kingdom! Twice as big and twice as much fun as the overwhelming popular “Grossology:
The Impolite Science of the Human Body,” Animal Grossology is oozing with disgusting science and interactive learning games.
Saturday April 26
U Angelina Ballerina Party. There will be an Angelina Ballerina Party held at Cricket’s Performing Arts, Manheim, PA. children who
YO 0 8
20 ON love Angelina Ballerina. Dress as one of the storybook characters, dance and play games, light refreshments, prize drawings. Cost
SE KETS $5.00
T I OW !
N Cherry Blossom Festival - 1-3pm Enjoy Japanese-style spring celebrations throughout greater Reading, including dragon flotillas
on the Schuylkill River, a sushi and sake ceremony, a Japanese tea ceremony, taiko drums and more. For more information, call 610-
375-4085 or visit
Animal Grossology - (see Friday 4/25)
Ruffin’ It...A Day in the Park. Long’s Park, 10am-2pm. Enjoy the day with your dog! Collect pledges for the event to earn
fun incentive prizes! D.J. T-Minus will be playing your dog’s favorite songs all day! Enjoy contests, demonstrations, and other
entertainment! Visit the many merchandise and food vendors!
Sunday April 27
“Bug Scavenger Hunt;” Lancaster Central Park. Registration required. 295-2055 or
Family Spring Walk. Lancaster County Central Park. 295-2055 or Registration required.
Animal Grossology - (See Friday 4/25)
CALL Monday April 28
Spanning Centuries: Railroad Bridges of Pennsylvania Exhibit - Railroad Museum of PA, Rt. 741 East, Box 15, Strasburg, PA
17579 717-687-8628. (through 5/4)
Tuesday April 29
Bird walk. Lancaster County Central Park. 295-2055 or
Got Events? Wednesday April 30
Community Days Buchanan Park - Buchanan Park, Buchanan and Race Streets, Lancaster, PA, 717-392-4683. Carnival rides,
Send them to the games, music and food for all to enjoy. Wed & Thurs, 5 - 10 pm, Fri, 5 - 11 pm, and Sat, Noon - 11 pm. (through 5/3)
Lancaster Post
for inclusion in our
Guide! Furniture That Fits
3515 Columbia Avenue - Lancaster, PA
Call :
717-431-8145 717-285-2547
or email:
Page 11
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Page 12
For the entrée, Finicky went with the Lad
Nar beef. She, again, was most pleased. (I Grilled 3-Cheese Potatoes
secretly hated her again for ordering better by Shari Drury-Di Domenico
With admitted reluctance, your talented than me. This was difficult, as Finicky is
Lancaster Post Guest Contributor
scribe must grudge credit to his coarse editors charming.) The flat rice noodles were cooked
who, alas, have confessed utter ignorance
with respect to cuisine, and realize that your
just right, she said, and the beef was well-
flavored and sliced very thinly. “Yummy,”
O ur family is well known
for our love of backyard
humble food taster has more sensitivity said the finicky one. Please shut up, Finicky, cookouts! We invite a
in a single bud than is in the entire genetic I thought to myself. lot of friends and family
history’s of their respective family’s tongues “Oh,” said Finicky, “and it’s so pretty.” over, and Stephen will fire
... combined. She was right, but was entirely too happy up the grill, usually for
Fine. Dispensed. Now can we get on to about it. I wanted Finicky to leave now, and I steaks. The kids (Michael,
evaluating food? Thank you. Our stop this wanted to eat her food. Tara, Patrick, Hanna, and
week is Sukhothai, a Thai restaurant off My dish, Pad Phet Chicken, is served in a Paige) shuck the corn
Columbia Avenue in Mountville. light, curry coconut sauce and, like Finicky’s, and prepare the salad.
Fussy, my regular dining companion, was was served along with a painting of colorful, And I make the pièce de
unable to join me on this day, so her friend, fresh vegetables. At Sukhothai, you order résistance... “3-Cheese
Finicky, was my tablemate. Just like my own your food on a hot-o-meter 1-10, 10 being Potatoes”!
hellacious jalapeño, Finicky didn’t get her the hottest. Mine was a 2. I’d go for at least a These are so easy to
name by accident. I am saying the gal has ‘4’ next time. prepare; I guarantee your
taste, and if I say that, she does. (She also “I have customers that order at 10 1/2,” family and friends will beg you to make these over and over
has a Ph.D. and knows more about politics say Mr. Chanthongthip. “I only go to a ‘3’ again; mine does! YUMMO! Here’s the recipe:
than 99% of university professors in the state. myself.’
So we had other things to talk about besides Finicky was happy; I was satisfied. But I Ingredients:
food. That was nice.) had to sample a dessert. My companion was 6 large potatoes, sliced ¼ thick
On this late weekday afternoon, the not helpful, “I don’t have any room,” she 2 medium onions, chopped
restaurant was sparsely crowded, so Finicky said. Thanks, helpful friend. I’m on my own. 1/3 cup grated Parmesan
and I got to choose our table. We were seated, “I think I’ll have the ‘Banana cake,’” I cheese
and charmed, by the owner, Khamphong said. ¼ cup (4 ounces) sharp
Chanthongthip. Whoops. cheddar cheese
Sukhothai (Sukhothai is a city between The problem was my preconception. I 1 cup (4 ounces) shredded
Chiang Mai and Bangkok in the Eastern imagined a piece of western-style cake with mozzarella cheese
part of country) usually bustles on weekend a slathering of frosting. Silly me. What I got 1 pound of sliced bacon,
nights, so reservations are recommended was a steaming pyramid wrapped in a banana cooked and crumbled
during the dinner hours. But for lunch or an leaf. Opening the leaf I found a purple gummy ¼ cup butter or margarine,
early dinner, like ours, the restaurant feels pyramid-shaped glob of rice. This was purple cubed
spacious and private. rice, sugar and bananas. This isn’t cake to 1 tablespoon minced fresh
It is also very pretty, with a interior design my buds. I didn’t like this much and can’t chives (dried OK)
by Tom DePaul. The DePaul touches are seen recommend this dish. 1 teaspoon seasoned salt
with the cool lighting and subtle indigenous- But the rest of Sukothai, Finicky and I both ½ teaspoon pepper
influenced artwork. recommend. It’s tasty, the service is great, Divide the potatoes and onions equally between two pieces
The Food: Let’s talk. Finicky started with and the ambience a Thai daydream. of heavy-duty aluminum foil (each piece about 18” square) that
the shrimp rolls ($8.95) and she was most have been coated with non-stick cooking spray.
pleased. “Very light and crispy, but also very Sukhothai Thai Food Restaurant Mix the Parmesan cheese and ¾ of the cheddar and
meaty,” she said, clearly too pleased. 147 Oakridge Dr. mozzarella cheese and sprinkle over the potatoes and onions.
Now, I am unhappy because she is so happy Mountville, PA 17554 Top this with the bacon, butter, chives, and seasonings.
with her appetizer. I ordered two starters: the 717.285.0074 Bring up the opposite ends of the foil over the filling and
Tom Yum soup; and the chicken skewers. I Mon-Thu: 11am - 9:30pm fold down several times. Fold the unsealed ends toward the
am the reviewer; I can do that. Fri: 11am - 10pm filling and crimp tightly.
The soup, Tom Yum, was Yum-Yum, a Sat & Sun: 4pm - 10pm Grill, covered, over medium heat for 35-40 minutes, or until
hot and sour spicy broth, with fresh, crispy the potatoes are tender.
veggies -- peppers, asparagus, onions. I Email Hard to Please at: Remove from the grill, and carefully open the foil. Sprinkle
sweated from the spice, but it was Great. [email protected] with the remaining cheeses and serve.
The chicken skewers were perfectly Serves 6 – 8 hungry people.
cooked, seared on the outside, and served
with a unique, but delicious, peanut oil, chili If you know a Culinary Wizard who’d like to share a
pepper, vinegar dip. I don’t question cooks recipe or other kitchen-related advice, email Melody
when they get it right, and the dip was just Harper at: [email protected]. We’ll feature a
right. I wanted more. I had forgiven Finicky. different cook and their recipe each week!
By Melody Harper, Lancaster Post Page 13
Couple: Tim & Angie Trostle, West Hempfield Angie (a Cowboys fan): “They’re gonna think
Married: Almost 7 years we’re rednecks.”
Anniversary: June 23rd
Tim: “Hey, that’s what we did! And I line Tim: “By choice!”
You’d think a guy with a cherried out, cherry danced and you did, too.”
red Toyota Tacoma Truck -- with a license These two are funny.
plate that reads “ON EDGE” -- would have a Angie: “I have two left feet, let me tell you.”
red hot, cherried out wife, and if you’re Tim So why does your marriage work?
Trostle (pronounced: Trō-sul), that would pretty Tim: “Actually, she has eight left feet.”
much be your life. The Post caught up with the Tim: “Freedom. ... She can do
couple on a lovely spring afternoon among the Angie: “I didn’t whatever she wants. She can do
Hempfield cherry blossoms. want to dance.” her own thing. I don’t tell her
what do do. She goes out with
“We met at Rookies in 1999,” says Tim, 41, Tim: “But you her friends. That’s cool. Plus,
a salesman who works in Harrisburg. “I was did. And you we’re really good friends.”
part of an organization -- Lancaster Young know why?
Professionals -- and we used to go there for Because you Angie: “It works because, to me,
social hour.” liked me. You love is trust. And we both really
liked me!” enjoy each other’s company.”
Angie, 33, who works in a bank, picks it up
from here. “So Bonnie was telling me about
this guy that was really cute, and so I went on
this night,” she says. “I thought he was really
sarcastic, but he was cute.”
Detailed, realistic, custom portraits.
Tim: “And she... she had legs that you wouldn’t
Prices start at $300.
believe, honestly, and a really unique face
Satisfaction guaranteed.
that was framed by the most beautiful red hair
you’ve ever seen. Anyway... We stayed there for
awhile then we went out to ‘Low Places.’” (717) 314-0051 [email protected]
Page 14
11 12 13
15 16
17 18
20 21 22
4. Name of most successful
Lancaster golfer on PGA tour Tough one... use a pencil!
5. Golf and Country Club in
Manor Township
6. Former ice company across the street from WGAL
9. County park on South Duke Street
ACROSS 12. PA’s winningest high school
1. Lancaster Post mascot coach from Hempfield
7. Golf course in southern Lancaster County 13. _____________ Forge Lake
8. Former Lancaster school superintendent who was jailed 15. Former gas station at the Golden
10. Nickname of F&M’s sports teams Triangle at Lititz and Oregon Pike
11 _______________ Glen nature preserve 19. Well-known rock by the
14. Initials representing largest county church Susquehanna River
16. Name of former County NBA player and executive 21. Former movie theater on Manor
17. Nickname of County high school that won a state football Street in Lancaster
championship Historic
18. Name of Lancastrian held as POW during
Vietnam war True Espresso Revere Tavern
20. Nickname for Garden Spot sports teams Coffee Roaster
22. Editor of the Intelligencer Journal LINCOLN
23. Former state champion in the mile and Mayor Wholesale Coffee HIGHWAY EAST
of Lancaster ...for restaurants,
24. Lancaster Mayor jailed after leaving office coffee shops & businesses PARADISE, PA
Catering 17562-9651
DOWN ...for any special occasion
2. Convention Center partner feeding at the prepared by an expert Italian barista PHONE
taxpayers’ trough (717) 687-8601
3. Former name of the highway from Lancaster 717-278-2546
to Columbia
Page 15
Bobbi Carmitchell:
Soul Singer
Bobbi Carmitchell on the guitar:
“For me, the thing about playing a guitar that is so different from many
other instruments is that you are so physically connected to it. My first
instrument was piano and I love playing it, but you are only connected
to it by your finger tips and the bottoms of your feet! With a guitar,
you literally wrap yourself around the instrument and embrace it. The
vibrations that come from playing a guitar go right into your very soul
and there’s nothing really quite it.
My Dad bought me my first guitar when I was 12. I remember that summer so you will find out if you listen to her
well, because it was the first time I could be mobile with an instrument. Try carrying recording, “County Wide,” she always
a baby grand piano into the woods! With my new bright orange plastic guitar, I ends up back in Lancaster County,
was able to sit by the creek, or lean against a tree, or walk back into the woods and
play what I was hearing all around me. It was and still is one of my biggest treats
Pennsylvania, because she loves the land
for myself to play music in the woods. So much of my playing is through a sound and the unique rural culture.
system and you sometimes have to sacrifice the quiet nuance of the instrument for
sheer volume. Don’t get me’s a blast to hear “big sound” when you’re
playing some outside festival and there’s like 15,000 people out there. It’s an important
balance to make the time for both.
So, whenever I get a chance, I head out in my woods and sit still and play all the quiet
A great
parts of the instrument that don’t get heard from the stage. The harmonics, the overtones space for
and just the sound of your fingernails on the strings.” your
For more information on Bobbi Carmitchell go to:
21 North Mulberry Street
Lancaster, PA 17603
Double Crossings
So just how wired is this project? Martin signed “…requires a local governing body in the Keep them
a letter on behalf of the township’s Municipal performance of its quasi-judicial functions to
Authority asking the Pennsylvania Department
of Community & Economic Development
avoid even the appearance of bias or impropriety.
A showing of actual bias is unnecessary in posted!
(DCED) for state tax dollars to pay for the road order to assert a cognizable due process claim; Tell our advertisers
improvements. The letter talked up the shopping the mere potential for bias or the appearance of
mall, saying that it was a “unique development non-objectivity may be sufficient to constitute a you saw them in the
opportunity” and that paving over the old Deisley violation of that right.”
farm would “preserve farmland in the township.” But the apparent conflict of interest doesn’t end
When Flanagan, chairman of the Authority, with Simpson and Flanagan. Township engineer, ancaster ost
was questioned by the Post on Monday night at Rettew and Associates, also serves as High’s
his home about the farmland claims, he pointed engineer! So township residents are paying their
out that he voted against the text amendment (the public engineer to review something prepared by
first step in the approval process) because it didn’t the engineer’s private employer! And
require developers to purchase enough Transferable what about the grant from the DCED?
Development Rights (TDR). Flanagan, who When contacted Monday, DCED
helped develop the township’s TDR program in spokesperson Janel Miller said that the
the 90’s was adamant about preserving farmland, application is not approved, but refused
but resigned to some development. to provide a copy of the application to
Before voting ‘yes’ on the conditional use, Post.
Flanagan said, “It is likely that this particular According to Cluck, the application
shopping center will be built somewhere in says in part, “”High Real Estate Group
Lancaster County in the coming years. That and Manheim Township have formed a
being the case, the question becomes - should it public-private partnership to advance the
be here and under the conditions contained in this significant improvements to US Route
motion?.” He went on to talk about the benefit of 30 and SR 230 to support economic
the regional road improvements that were coming development initiatives in the region”
along with the project, albeit, he acknowledged, at That can’t be good news for taxpayers,
taxpayer expense. because when High is involved in these
So, how could Simpson and Flanagan sit in “public-private partnerships,” it is
judgement of High’s “conditional use” application, usually the “public” who gets stuck with
given the cheerleading roles they both played? the bill.
State case law in Min. Inc. v. Zoning Hearing Board
of Wharton Township answers the question:
Tuesday, April 29th
Long Island Ducks
Game starts: 6:35 pm
Post 5 Random
Zack Parker
1 Where did you grow up?
“Austin, Texas”
Play Ball!
Season begins
April 25th
Looking forward
to this season, Home games all
Pitching Coach
weekend at Clipper
Rick Wise Stadium!
shares some See page 18 for
great memories.
- Wise Words: Barnstormers’ Pitching Coach Rick Wise (pg 19)
- Post 5 Random Questions: Zack Parker (pg 18)
-Two challenging courses, over 13 tranquil acres
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Golf, Inc. -Recognized as one of Sports Illustrated’s
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