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CAP National Commanders History

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oodle skirts and rock-n-roll! Castle said he found success in ethics and a code of conduct as

The 1950s were a classic and each endeavor by implementing our core values, and our leader-
fun time in American history. the same set of core values. ship set the example,” he said in a
World War II had come to an “We paid attention to morals, recent interview. ▲
end and the Civil Air Patrol
had shifted its focus from
war-time efforts to emergency services,
aerospace education and cadet programs.
During this era, a young lawyer from Ohio
decided to join CAP, and his programs and
initiatives still resonate today.
Brig. Gen. Lyle Castle, 84, served as
chairman of the CAP National Board from
1965-’68. Castle, along with Gens. Samual
DuPont and William Patterson, are credit-
ed with introducing a modified cadet pro-
gram, which is essentially the same pro-
gram that exists today.
“They largely shepherded the new cadet Brig. Gen. Lyle Castle
program into being and nurtured it into served as national
the program it is today,” says former CAP commander from
National Commander (1993-’96) Brig. 1965-’68. Photo
Gen. Richard L. Anderson. is circa 1965.
In addition to his contributions to cadet
programs, Castle, who is now retired and
living in Florida, is also particularly proud
of another program he helped institute
while serving as chairman — a new aircraft
purchase program. Previously, CAP flew
leftover Air Force planes or member-owned

Castle’s Core
aircraft to carry out their missions. Under
the new program, the wings were responsi-
ble for fundraising to purchase a better fleet
of planes — Piper Cherokees.
Castle, a decorated war veteran and for-
mer POW, served under Gen. Douglas
MacArthur during World War II. Castle
also reached the pinnacle of success in his
personal career while serving as a judge in
the state of Ohio for more than 20 years.
The Legacy of CAP’s Commander
Prior to becoming national commander,
Castle served as the Ohio Wing’s director
with the Oldest Term of Service
of operations. By Kimberly Barnhart
Civil Air Patrol Volunteer 34 November-December 2006
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CAP’s National Commanders

CAP National Board Chairmen/ 1969 – 1972 Brig. Gen. Richard N. Ellis, USAF
National Commanders 1972 – 1975 Brig. Gen. Leslie J. Westberg, USAF
1975 – 1977 Brig. Gen. Carl S. Miller, USAF
1948 – 1959 Gen. Carl A. Spaatz, USAF (Ret.) 1977 – 1980 Brig. Gen. Paul E. Gardner, USAF
1959 – 1960 Brig. Gen. D. Harold Byrd, CAP 1980 – 1981 Brig. Gen. H. W. Miller, USAF
1960 – 1962 Brig. Gen. William C. Whelen, CAP 1981 – 1984 Brig. Gen. David L. Patton, USAF
1962 – 1965 Brig. Gen. Paul W. Turner, CAP 1984 – 1989 Col. John T. Massingale Jr., USAF
1965 – 1968 Brig. Gen. Lyle W. Castle, CAP 1989 – 1990 Col. Clyde O. Westbrook Jr., USAF
1968 – 1970 Brig. Gen. F. Ward Reilly, CAP 1990 – 1992 Col. Joseph M. Nall, USAF
1970 – 1973 Brig. Gen. S. H. DuPont Jr., CAP 1992 – 1995 Col. Ronald T. Sampson, USAF
1973 – 1976 Brig. Gen. William M. Patterson, CAP 1995 – 1998 Col. Garland W. Padgett Jr., USAF
1976 – 1979 Brig. Gen. Thomas C. Casaday, CAP 1998 – 2001 Col. Dennis B. Parkhurst, USAF
1979 – 1982 Brig. Gen. Johnnie Boyd, CAP 2001 – 2002 Col. Albert A. Allenback, USAF
1982 – 1984 Brig. Gen. Howard L. Brookfield, CAP 2002 – 2005 Col. George C. Vogt, USAF
1984 – 1986 Brig. Gen. William B. Cass, CAP 2005 – present Col. Russell Hodgkins, USA
1986 – 1990 Maj. Gen. Eugene E. Harwell, CAP
1990 – 1993 Brig. Gen. Warren J. Barry, CAP
1993 – 1996 Brig. Gen. Richard L. Anderson, CAP
1996 – 1998 Brig. Gen. Paul M. Bergman, CAP This artwork illustrates highlights from the life of Brig. Gen.
1998 – 2001 Brig. Gen. James C. Bobick, CAP Lyle Castle, who served as chairman of the CAP National
2001 – 2004 Maj. Gen. Richard L. Bowling, CAP Board from 1965-’68.
2004 – 2005 Maj. Gen. Dwight H. Wheless, CAP
2005 – present Maj. Gen. Antonio J. Pineda, CAP

CAP-U.S. Air Force Commanders

1941 – 1942 Maj. Gen. John F. Curry, USAF
1942 – 1947 Brig. Gen. Earle L. Johnson, USAF
1947 Brig. Gen. Frederick H. Smith Jr., USAF
1947 – 1955 Maj. Gen. Lucas V. Beau, USAF
1956 – 1959 Maj. Gen. Walter R. Agee, USAF
1959 – 1961 Brig. Gen. Stephen D. McElroy, USAF
1961 – 1964 Col. Paul C. Ashworth, USAF
1964 – 1967 Col. Joe L. Mason, USAF
1967 – 1968 Brig. Gen. William W. Wilcox, USAF
1968 – 1969 Maj. Gen. Walter B. Putnam, USAF

Civil Air Patrol Volunteer 35 November-December 2006

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