Standard Legend Hydro Maps

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International Association of Hydrogeologists

Wilhdm F. Struckmeier

A Guide and
a Standard Legend

International Contributims to Hydrogeology

Ewnded by
G.Catany, E.Groba, E. Romijn

Volume 17

International Association of Hydrogeologists

Wilhelm F. Struckmeier
Jean Margat

Hydrogeological Maps

A Guide and
a Standard Legend

Volume 17 / 1995
International Contributions to Hydrogeology
Founded by
G. Castany, E. Groba, E. Romijn
Series Editorial Board
E. Groba, M. R. Llamas, J. Margat, J. E. Moore, I. Simmers

Verlag Heinz Heise

Die Deutsche Bibliothek - CIP-Einheitsaufnahme

Struckmeier, Wilhelm F.:

Hydrogeological maps : a guide and a standard legend /
Wilhelm F. Struckmeier ; Jean Margat. International
Association of Hydrogeologists. - Hannover : Heise, 1995
(International contributions to hydrogeology ; Vol. 17)
ISBN 3-922705-98-7
NE: Margat, Jean:; GT

Financially supported by UNESCO as a contribution to the International Hydrological

Programme IHP-IV, Projects M-1.2 (a) and M-1.3 and by the Federal Republic of Germany
in the Framework of its contribution to IHP/OHP
Series Editorial Board:

E. Groba, Germany
M.R. Llamas, Spain
J. Margat, France
J.E. Moore, USA
I. Simmers, The Netherlands

This book was prepared by members of the IAH/IAHS/IHP Joint Working Group as part of
IHP-IV Project M-1.3
W.F. Sturckmeier, Germany, Chairman
J. Margat, France
J.B .W. Day, United Kingdom
G.B. Engelen, The Netherlands
W.H. Gilbrich, Unesco, France
J. Khouri, Syria
K.D.W. Krampe, Gelmany
J. KrBsny, Czech Republic
E. Romijn, The Netherlands
M. Safar-Zitoun, Algeria
A. hrin, Croatia
Soetrisno S., Indonesia
G.S. Vartanyan, Russia
P. Winter, Germany

Volume 17, 1995

International Contributions to Hydrogeology
Founded by G. Castany, E. Groba, E, Romijn
ISSN 0936-3912
ISBN 3-922705-98-7
Printed by R. van Acken GmbH, JosefstraBe 35, D-49809 Lingen
Copyright by Verlag Heinz Heise GmbH & COKG
P.O.B. 610407, D-30604 Hannover

Hydrogeological Maps
A Guide and a Standard Legend

by Wilhelm F. Struckmeier and Jean Margat

with contributions
by Wilfried H. Gilbrich, Klaus D. W. Krampe, Mohamed Safar-Zitoun,
Ante Sarin and Peter Winter
edited by John B.W. Day
prepared and published with the assistance of
the Commission for the Geological Map of the World (CGMW) I
Sub-Commission for Hydrogeological Maps
the International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH) I
Commission for Hydrogeological Maps
the International Association for Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) I
Commission on Ground Water
the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation
(UNESCO) I Division of Water Sciences
the National Committee of the Federal Republic of Germany for the
International Hydrological Programme (IHP) and the
Operational Hydrological Programme (OHP)


Bundesanstalt fiir Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR)
Stilleweg 2, D-30655 Hannover

Bureau de Recherches Gkologiques et Minikres (B.R.G.M.)
BP 6009, F-45060 Orlkans-Cedex

Wilfried H. GILBRICH
UNESCO, Division of Water Sciences
7, Place de Fontenoy, F-75352 Paris 07-SP
now: 2, Avenue du Vert Bois, F-92410 Ville d'Avray


Bundesanstalt fiir Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR)
AuBenstelle Berlin
Invalidenstr. 44, D-l01 15 Berlin

Palais des expositions, Pins maritimes

Institute of Geology
Sachsova 2, CR-41000 Zagreb

Bundesanstalt fiir Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR)
AuBenstelle Berlin
Invalidenstr. 44, D-10115 Berlin



Chapter 1.

Chapter 2.

Chapter 3.

Purpose of the guidebook
Defining the scope of hydrogeological maps
- Position in geoscience and water science
- Position in the field of graphical representation
- Role in the treatment and display of hydrogeological data
Justification for hydrogeological maps
The overall evolution of hydrogeological maps




Basic requirements for hydrogeological maps

Topographic base map
Topographic base maps as a source of information for the
Auxiliary information
Remote sensing
Geological maps and reports
Interpretation of lithological data
Interpretation of structural information
Meteorological and hydrological information
Hydrogeological data
Hydrogeological field inventory



Cartographic principles
Rules for representation
Decision on scale

Chapter 4.


Features and content
Particular characteristics
Degree of interpretation
Reliability of data and information


Chapter 5.


General, comprehensive hydrogeological and groundwater
resources potential maps
Hydrogeological parameter maps
Groundwater systems maps
Special purpose or aspect hydrogeological maps
Explanatory notes for hydrogeological maps

Chapter 6.


General remarks
Major stages of hydrogeological map preparation and
The author's stage
Outline of explanatory notes
The role of an editorleditorial board for a hydrogeological map
The technical preparation of a hydrogeological map
Essentials for systematic, general hydrogeological mapping

Chapter 7.

CAD versus GIS
CAD in hydrogeology
Geographic information systems
GIS in hydrogeology


Selected list of important methodic papers


A: Selected list of hydrogeological maps

B: Documentation form for hydrogeological maps
C: Criteria for classification of hydrogeological maps




Background topographical information (A)
Thematic areal information (B)
Additional areal information, e.g. lithology (C)
Representation of detailed hydrogeological data and
information (D)
Stratigraphy (chrono- and biostratigraphy)
Vertical sections and perspective diagrams
Inset maps and explanatory notes


Section I


General and special hydrogeological maps


Section I1

Background information
Groundwater and rocks
Representation of detailed data

Special legend for aquifer and groundwater systems maps

I1 B
I1 C
I1 D

Background information
Areal colours for aquifer or groundwater systems maps
Type of system and conditions of groundwater flow
Special signs and symbols

Section 111 Special legend for groundwater vulnerability maps

IIIA Background information

I11 B Area1 colours for groundwater vulnerability
111C Nature of aquifer and ornament (see Vrba and Zaporozec
1994, Table A2)
111D Man-made activity
I11 E Current quality state of groundwater bodies and areal
pollution hazards
Section I

Cartes hydrogeologiques genkrales et speciales


Eau souterraine et roches
Representation de donnees sp6cialisees


Section I1

Lkgende spiciale pour cartes des systkmes aquifkres

I1 B
I1 C
I1 D

Couleurs pour les systkmes aquifkres
Type de systkme aquifkre et caractkristiques du flux
Signes et symboles spkciaux

Section I11 Ligende spkciale pour les cartes de vulnkrabiliti

I11 A Fond
I11 B Couleurs pour la vuln6rabiliti (voir tableau 11-1)
I11 C Nature de l'aquifkre et ornement (voir Vrba and
Zaporozec 1994, tableau A2)
I11 D Artefacts et objets anthropiques
I11 E Composition chimique de l'eau souterraine et pollutions
potentielles itendues
Teil I

Hydrogeologische ~bersichts-und Spezialkarten

Teil 11

Speziallegende fur Karten der Grundwasser-Fliefisysteme

I1 A
I1 B
I1 C
Teil I11

Grundwasser und Gesteinseinheiten
Spezielle Darstellungen

Topographie und Hintergrund

Flachenfarben fiir Karten der Grundwasser-Fliefisysteme
Typ des Systems und Charakteristika des
Spezielle Symbole

Speziallegende fur Karten der Grundwasserverschmutzungsempfindlickkeit

111A Hintergrundinformation
I11 B Flachenfarben fur die Grundwasserverschmutzungsempfindlichkeit (S. Tabelle 11-1)
I11 C Grundwasserleiter und Sichtraster (s,Vrba und Zaporozec
1994, Tabelle A2)
I11 D MaBnahmen des Menschen
I11 E Chemische Beschaffenheit der Grundwasservorkornmen
und flachenhafte Verschmutzungsgefahrdungen



(Part I)

Fig. 1

Hydrogeological maps in the system of earth sciences maps

Fig. 2

The complex system "Water e rocks", its input and output

Fig. 3

The system of graphical representation for use in the field of earth


Fig. 4

The most characteristic graphical representations in geoscience

Fig. 5

Elements of a thematic (hydrogeological) map

Fig. 6

Relations between elements and ways of treatment and expression of

hydrogeological information

Fig. 7

Evolution of hydrogeological maps

Fig. 8

Types of runoff regimes on hydrographic and hydrologic maps

Fig. 9

Stream network controlled by geology (lithology and structure)

Fig. 10

Hydrogeological map and block diagram of a typical geological setting

in flat platform areas

Fig. 11

Scheme for the treatment of hydrogeological data

Fig. 12

The cartographic preparation of a hydrogeological map

Fig. 13

Variations of graphical elements

Fig. 14

Relation between map scale and area covered, for different map

Fig. 15

A system of specialized hydrogeological maps for planning and


Fig. 16

A classification system for hydrogeological maps

Fig. 17

Flow diagram for the preparation of hydrogeological maps

Fig. 18

Specialists co-operating in map preparation and publication

Fig. 19

Stages of preparation and responsibilities during the publication of the

Hydrogeological Map of Indonesia (example, expanding on the lower
part of Fig. 17)

Fig. 20

Correlation of borehole logs on a cross-section

Fig. 21

Example of an author's organisational plan for hydrogeological


Fig. 22

Example of the compilation and technical preparation of a

hydrogeological map series (Hydrogeological Map of Indonesia)

Fig. 23

Transformation of real world data by GIS in view of user's needs

Fig. 24

The structure of the geo-information system

Fig. 25

Format of a hydro-geo-information system (HYGIS)

Fig. 26

Example using the HYGIS for the determination of recharge

Fig. 27

Use of a HYGIS system to tailor outputs to a user's request


(Part 11)

Fig. 1

Scheme of areal colours to represent hydrogeological characteristics

and occurrence of groundwater

Fig. 2

Scheme of areal colours for maps of aquifer and groundwater systems


(Part I)

Table 1

Pros and Cons of (hydrogeological) maps

Table 2

Ranges of permeability of different lithological rock types

Table 3

Advantages of black and white versus coloured thematic maps

Table 4

Ratio between area covered by the map and scale, for different sizes of

Table 5

Features represented on hydrogeological maps and degree of their


Table 1

(Part 11)
Vulnerability of the aquifers system according to the overlying strata
(after Vrba and Zaporozec 1994)

Plate I:

International Hydrogeological Map of Europe l : 1 500 000 (Section)

Plate 11:

Groundwater resources map of the Republic of Botswana

l : 1 000 000 (Section)

Plate 111:

Carte des systkmes aquifkres de la France 1 : 1 500 000 (Section)

Plate IV:

Groundwater systems map of the Miinsterland Basin 1 : 500 000



Before the middle of this century the increasing demand for water, particularly in the
industrialized countries, called for a rational planning of water resources to serve for
agriculture, industry and public supply. Hydrogeological maps were considered useful basic
documents in this development and, consequently, compilation of hydrogeological maps at
various scales and for various purposes commenced by 1940. Since then, more and more areas
in more and more countries were covered by hydrogeological maps, but still large land surfaces
of the Earth have not yet undergone detailed and systematic hydrogeological mapping.
A striking feature of hydrogeological maps prepared up to 1960 is their great variety of content
and representation, as revealed from an exhibition held in Helsinki in 1961 during the General
Assembly of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS), where
approximately 200 hydrological and hydrogeological maps were displayed. Owing to the
complexity of hydrogeology at the interface between geology and hydrology, the variety of
features presented on the maps is justified. However, the differences in representation which
made it difficult to compare the hydrogeological conditions of different, even neighbouring,
areas was criticized. Already in 1960 and 1961, the International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH) attempted a survey of the techniques used in the preparation of such maps by
circulating a questionnaire to hydrogeologists in many countries. The replies revealed that there
was a complete lack of uniformity, whereby a symbol, an ornament or a colour would not have
the same hydrogeological significanceon whatever map it might appear. There were few maps
with a regional rather than a parochial outlook, and there was no consensus of opinion as to
what hydrogeological features should be portrayed on maps, Moreover most of the concepts
reflected rather theoretical considerations which altogether ignored the practical difficulties of
expressing such matters on a two-dimensional map.
Two basic requirements had become clear, the necessity for co-ordination on an international
basis on the methods of presenting hydrogeological information in map form, and agreement,
again on an international basis, on which hydrogeological features were of sufficient
importance to require depiction upon a map wherever and whenever they occurred within the
area covered.
Two international scientific bodies in particular, IAH and IAHS, concerned themselves with
these problems. After many discussions, IAH had established in 1959 the Commission for
Hydrogeological Maps with a remit first to prepare a Legend of recommended symbols,
ornaments and colours, and secondly to plan the production of a series of small scale maps to
cover the whole of Europe as a practical model. Contacts were established with UNESCO,
FAO, the Commission for the Geological Map of the World (CGMW), and interested parties of
many nationalities; agreement was reached on a draft legend for hydrogeological maps which
was published by UNESCO (Anon, 1963).
The European international small-scale hydrogeological map project was mainly designed to
harmonise hydrogeological representations for test purposes but also to promote mapping
activities worldwide. Not only for cost reasons, but also to permit easy comparison, the map in
question was to be compiled at the same scale (1 : 1,500,000) as the Geological Map of
Europe, with the same grid of map sheets, topographic detail and projection.
To work out the new concept and the new legend, an area characterised by a high degree of
hydrogeological complexity was selected and the decision was made to elaborate models of
Sheet C5 (Bern) in order to test the legend and guidelines for representation. Hydrogeologists
from Austria, Czechoslovakia, the Federal Republic of Germany, France, Italy, Switzerland
and Yugoslavia were involved in the compilation of this map from 1962 to 1964.



Four versions of the map sheet were prepared, printed and discussed, reflecting with their
legend and representational concepts the development from largely geological to hydrogeological thinking, where the hydrogeological character of rock bodies is expressed by colour
on the map. On Model 4 of the sheet, which was accepted as the prototype of the European
series, aquifers are shown by two tones of blue (intergranular aquifers) and green (fissured
aquifers), and brown'colour is used for rocks with local groundwater resources (light brown)
or little or no usable groundwater (dark brown). Meanwhile the series of 30 sheets and
explanatory notes of the International Hydrogeological Map of Europe is nearing completion. It
is published jointly by the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR),
Hannover, Germany, and UNESCO, Paris.
The practical work on the four versions of Sheet C5 resulted in numerous additions and
modifications to the draft legend of 1963, so that a new legend for hydrogeological maps was
published, in 1970, by the Institute of Geological Sciences (London), IAHS, IAH and
UNESCO (Anon, 1970). The publication was in colour, and the text was printed in English,
French, Spanish and Russian.
Work upon the European hydrogeological map series and developnients in hydrogeological
mapping elsewhere in the world have shown up a number of inadequacies in the 1970 legend,
which was out of print by the late seventies.
To satisfy the demand for a modern international legend for hydrogeological maps, the IAH
Commission on Hydrogeological Maps (COHYM), in co-operation with IAHS and UNESCO
therefore prepared a low cost revised edition of the legend, published as a UNESCO Technical
Paper in Hydrology (ANON, 1983). It was intended as an interim publication, which was to be
replaced, after several years of practical use, by a fully revised international legend, to be
published in colour and with a multi-lingual text. There is no doubt that the European map has
become an enormous incentive for mapping activities elsewhere in the world and the legends of
1970 and 1983 have greatly contributed to a more uniform approach. Knowledge of the
philosophy and technology of hydrogeological mapping, however, appeared restricted to a
limited group of scientists working on programmes of UNESCO, the IAHS and the IAH. The
need was evident to spread this knowledge to more hydrologists, hydrogeologists, geologists
and engineers. UNESCO's International Hydrological Decade (IHD, 1965 - 1974) turned out
to be the appropriate vehicle and several working groups and expert panels worked on
methodological guidance material. In 1974, UNESCO published a specialized, quadrilingual
supplement to the 1970 legend, entitled "Legends for geohydrochemical maps" which
contained not only the recommended ornaments but also explained their uses and relevance
(Anon, 1975).
A further important step was an IHD-publication entitled "HydrologicalMaps" compiled by a
working group and published jointly by UNESCO and the World Meteorological Organisation
(WMO) in 1977 (Anon, 1977). This guidebook "Hydrological Maps" contained descriptive,
narrative material on all fields of hydrological mapping and one chapter of 55 pages was
devoted to groundwater maps. It introduced the philosophy of hydrogeological mapping to
general-purpose and special-purpose maps and related them to the already existing international
legend. Thus the seventies saw a broad thematic coverage of hydrogeological mapping.
Finally, the spreading of knowledge on hydrogeological maps to students, graduate and
university teachers led to the inclusion of an explanatory chapter and a model map in the
UNESCO publication "Teachingaids in hydrology" (Anon, 1985).
The European map, the above mentioned guidebook and legends greatly helped to meet a
pronounced demand for small-scale maps in other continents. Mapping activities were reported
from a number of the larger countries and an appreciable number of regional or even continental


maps were initiated. Remarkable examples are the hydrogeological maps of Africa, a number of
South American countries, the Caribbean, Arab Countries, Australia, North America, South
East Asia and, with other aims than the above European map, the countries of the European
Economic Community and the (former) Socialist Countries. These regional maps, in turn,
awoke national mapping activities (mostly at larger scales) in countries within these regions.
Most of the maps are based on the principles developed within the framework of the
IAWUNESCO European map and on the legend developed within this context.
While these small-scale maps basically can be considered general hydrogeological maps or
maps of occurrence or flow of groundwater, many medium- and large-scale special purpose
maps have been developed# national level or, for selected areas, within countries. It would go
beyond the scope of this foreword to describe all variations known to the authors. Hence, a list
of maps brought to the attention of COHYM is included as Annex A, to show the broad variety
of hydrogeological maps existing. A striking feature, however, is the universal applicability of
the UNESCO legend which with some extensions could be used even for very difficult and
specialized cases (Grimmelmann et al., 1986).
The mid-eighties brought a new momentum. An international symposium "Hydrogeological
Maps as tools for economic and social development" was held at Hannover (Fed. Rep. of
Germany) in May 1989 and the proceedings revealed a broad spectrum for compiling and
applying hydrogeological maps. The symposium provided the impetus for new initiatives for
preparing adequate, modern and updated guidance material, and this for two reasons. Firstly,
stocks of the 1977 publication "Hydrological maps" were exhausted, and secondly, the
progress in hydrogeological mapping was so evident that new guidance material was needed.
Already in the preparatory phase of the symposium an expert group had started work on a new
guidebook, meeting in Hannover in January 1986. Work however slowed down and was
resumed only much later during the fourth phase of the International Hydrological Programme
(IHP, 1990 - 1995).
Already prior to the Hannover symposium work had started on a revised version of
"HydrologicalMaps" restricted however to groundwater mapping. Preparations were initiated
during meetings in Cambridge 1985, Karlovy Vary 1986 and Duisburg 1988.
The fourth IHP phase was marked by a desire to contribute to the rational management of water
resources and to their protection. One project therefore was the compilation of a "Guidebook on
mapping the vulnerability of aquifers". A joint IHPIIAH working group in two meetings
(TampaIUSA, 1991; TorinoIItaly, 1992) elaborated the text while a special group in
Oegstgeest/The Netherlands, 1993, worked on a special legend for vulnerability maps. This
work was carried out under the responsibilitiy of the IAH Commission on Groundwater
Protection simultaneously and in close coordination with another group of IAHJIHP concerned
with a new look at hydrogeological mapping, From the start, the two publications were planned
as twin, fully complementary volumes; moreover compatibility was ensured by partial common
authorship. The vulnerability guidebook was published as a special IAH publication with the
support of UNESCO, in 1994, thus slightly preceeding the present guidebook on hydrogeological mapping.
As mentioned above, work on the successor book of "Hydrological Maps" was conducted
within the framework of preparing, holding and evaluating the Hannover Symposium of 1989.
With the financial assistance of UNESCO, a meeting took place in Hannover in January 1988
with Day, Engelen, Gilbrich, Margat, Romijn, Sarin and Struckmeier participating. The
meeting reached a preliminary concept and assigned authors for chapters. A subgroup
(Engelen, Khouri, Krhsny, Romjjn, Sarin, Struckmeier) subsequently met in Duisburg,
Germany, in April 1988. The Hannover symposium in 1989 enabled a first exchange of drafts

but it also provided new ideas and doubtless fertilized the further compilation of the draft text.
Work slowed during the following years for reasons beyond the control of the authors but
thanks to initiatives from the IAH and,from UNESCO was resumed in 1993. A draft was
circulated in winter 1993194 to a larger number of hydrogeologists and map makers and the
draft was subsequently reviewed during a meeting of editors (RintelnIGermany, 15 - 17 June
1994) involving Messrs. Gilbrich, Margat, Romijn and Struckmeier. Mr. Day undertook
scientific and linguistic revision during the second half of 1994 and publication became
possible in 1995, thanks to financial aid from the German National Committee for the
IHPIOHP, the IAH and UNESCO. As stated above, this volume is intended to be a guide for
hydrogeologists involved in mapping or using maps and the publication should also be
considered a twin of the guide on mapping the vulnerability of aquifers.
The authors, the sponsors and the publisher would appreciate wide diffusion of the guidebook
so as to enable a worldwide up-swing of hydrogeological mapping,
The purpose of this book is not only to promote hydrogeological mapping but also to introduce
this 'art' to a broad spectrum of users, ranging from practising hydrogeologists, water
engineers and resource managers, to land and town planners, decision-makers and politicians,
but not forgetting the general public, This can best be achieved by encouraging and assisting
map makers to apply clearly understandable, logical approaches which make full use of agreed
symbols and cartographic techniques and which illustrate hydrogeological systems with the
utmost clarity. This book is intended to contribute towards better understanding of
hydrogeological phenomena through visual presentation in the most appropriate way as
required by differing circumstances: in other words, investigation and understanding,
throughout the world, of hydrogeological systems when shown in thematic form.
Finally, the authors wish to gratefully acknowledge the efforts of past generations of
hydrogeologists who paved the way towards today's understanding and knowledge.

W .F. Struckmeier

W.H. Gilbrich


J.B.W. Day

Part I
Chapter 1.

Hydrogeology as a modem science has strongly expanded over the past three decades and
growing emphasis is put on all aspects of the quantity and quality of water resources, surface
water and groundwater, including the protection of the natural environment.
As a consequence, hydrogeological maps as synoptic representations of all kinds of earth- and
water-related data have attained the utmost importance, since maps are particularly useful tools
in describing static situations and dynamic processes in the subsurface as related to water. With
the boom of computer assisted techniques (CAD = computer aided design and GIS = geoinformation system) their significance is ever increasing.
In developing the present guidebook, the authors are aware of the long historical evolution
from geology-oriented map types to the modern concept of visualisation of groundwater related
features on maps. To achieve this goal the book will briefly discuss salient pecularities of
groundwater, basic requirements for maps, types and classifications of maps and then
introduce the techniques of map compilation.
This guidebook aims at a systematic presentation of the concepts and graphical representations
valid for hydrogeological maps. Thus it provides information on a wide range of
hydrogeological maps in the broad sense (see Annex A), assists the hydrogeologist to choose
the most appropriate type of map for his purposes and thus leads to desired results in the most
efficient way. It should assist the hydrogeological map maker to identify the type of
hydrogeological map and the kind of representation that best corresponds to the purpose the
map is intended to serve, as well as to point out constraints. Owing to the considerable
variation of information depicted on a hydrogeological map, depending upon e.g. purpose
(type), scale, reliability of information, cost or other factors, it would be unrealistic to believe
that only one map type could satisfy all requirements.
The guidebook conceptualises the preparation of hydrogeological maps, whereby step by step
different levels of information are compiled, superimposed and finally integrated. The ultimate
aim is to develop a profound grasp of the complex hydrogeological situation and to portray it in
a clear and easily readable manner on a map, eventually supported by section or diagram. For
practical implementation, a standard legend is also included (see Part 11).
Whilst the predecessors of this guidebook merely presented a list of symbols, ornaments and
colours, the presefit guidebook is orientated towards systematic descriptions of the concepts
and types of hydrogeologica1,maps in the broad sense. A knowledge of these concepts is
considered essential for every map author, to optimize map preparation. Moreover, useful hints
on the practical aspects of hydrogeological map preparation are also provided.
The methodology here proposed requires a phase of careful evaluation of the hydrogeological
problem, the definition of the task to be carried out and the preparation of an appropriate map
concept. The methodology then leads to preparing a suitable base map and studying auxiliary
information, eventually followed by additional hydrogeological field work, interpreting the
collected data and information, redefining and adjusting the map concept, including the
representational system, and, finally, drawing the map manuscripts which are then further
processed by a cartographic draughtsman for printing a publication. The ultimate aim is to
translate the hydrogeological setting into an optical language which can be understood without

error and bias by the map user. Hence, the map making hydrogeologist will choose his means
so as to best satisfy the intended readership which may range from specialists over the general
public to politicians and decision makers.
The recommendations proposed here, in particular the standard legend (Part 11), have been
successfully applied worldwide for several decades. However, they are neither binding, nor
can they substitute for the scientific initiative of the map maker who has to decide upon the
appropriate representation as a function of the purpose of the map, the possible user, the levels
of information, funds and personnel allocated, the time framework, etc.
It should be mentioned here that hydrogeological maps may be designed at two markedly
different levels, i.e.
- as a product of a hydrogeological mapping project (optical result of data capture) or
- as a thematic synthesis of already existing data, maps and reports.
The main difference lies in the different objectives. Whilst the maps comprising a mapping
programme are self-sufficient, general, basic public information, the thematic synthesis maps
are usually tailored to serve a particular purpose or to answer a specific question or problem.


Position in geoscience and water science

Within the family of earth sciences hydrogeology is the link between geoscience and water
science. Hydrogeological maps reflect this transitional character, as they encompass a huge
variety of earth- and water-related parameters which they may portray, With their ambivalent
nature they can be regarded as a subgroup of both hydrological or geological maps, (Figure 1)
neither classification covering their full range (Anon, 1977).



,--------------m-l GEOSCIENCE







+ water information

topographical maps

Figure 1.

Hydrogeological maps in the system of earth sciences maps.

Hydrogeological maps in the broad sense deal with the complex system "Water o rocks", their
properties and interrelations (Figure 2). This system is three-dimensional, since it covers part
of the earth's crust, and, in addition, it changes in time (particularly the water component).
Hydrogeological maps, therefore, have to include the vertical dimension and they should have
reference to a date. They may show mere parameters of a component of the system, a
combination of parameters or comprehensiveinterpretationsof hydrogeological data.


groundwater o rocks

Figure 2.

The complex system "Water a rocks", its input and output.

Hydrogeological mapping comprises all programmes and techniques that are suitable to collect,
document, retrieve, plot, interpret and represent hydrogeological information in graphical form.
Hydrogeological maps thus are the final product of the whole hydrogeological mapping
procedure. The guidebook by virtue of its title will emphasize the compilation and drawing of
Position in the field of graphical representation
Hydrogeologicalmaps are part of the overall system of graphical representation used in earth
sciences (Figure 3).
This publication chiefly deals with hydrogeological maps and vertical cross-sections, however,
some notes on the usefulness of perspective diagrams are included. The most common
graphical representations applied in geoscientific work, hydrogeological work included, are
shown on Figure 4.
Maps and vertical sections are "representations, normally to scale and on a flat medium, of a
selection of material or abstract features on, or in relation to, the surface (or subsurface) of the
Earth" (Anon, 1973). On hydrogeological maps in the broad sense, these features represent
data and information about groundwater and rocks, or derived information. In any case, on
coloured hydrogeological maps colour must be attributed to true hydrogeological information,
rather than to stratigraphy or rock type units.

- topographical
- hydrographical
- geological
- hydrogeological

- other thematic

Figure 3.

- geological cross-sections

- fence

- borehole profiles
- hydrogeologicalcross-

- computer

- flow-system

- block
(screen or plotted)

- other thematic

The system of graphical representation for use in the field of earth sciences.

This handbook chiefly deals with maps as planar representations of hydrogeological data. The
map sheet itself, however, is usually not only composed of the map face (the area represented
on a thematic map) but it also contains a set of typical insets and explanations, to furnish clear
and complete information to the map reader. The following main elements of a map are
considered essential (see Figure 5):

- title expressing the theme and scale of a map - authorship

map face providing thematic information in relation to a suitable and up-to-date topographic
legend explaining the graphical elements portrayed on the map
cross-section to allow a pseudo-three-dimensional understanding of the hydrogeological
inset maps to show additional information not contained on the map face, e.g. reliability of
map information, climatologic information, index map to define the sheet location in the case
of systematic map series
date of the publication of the map
date of map information (if differing from the publication date)
place of issue
short citation (preferably at the right lower corner) to allow proper bibliographic citation and
also for identification of the map when in storage.

Further cartographic principles are outlined in Chapter 3.

Role in the treatment and display of hydrogeological data

Graphic representations (maps in the broad sense including cross-sections and diagrams) in
hydrogeology must be considered together with tables, data bases and mathematical models.
These elements and their interrelations as well as the important role of data bases are shown in
Figure 6.

Planar representations (2D)




Figure 4.


The most characteristic graphical representations in geoscience.

(topography + thematic information)


Figure 5.

Elements of a thematic (hydrogeological)map.

Maps, data bases, tables and models are to be considered complementary modules in the
systematic hydrogeological reconnaissance and mapping process, usually carried out e.g. by
governmental and other public bodies. Data bases containing point and areal data are of prime
importance to any service responsible for groundwater issues, whereby maps have a dual
function both at the output and input side of the data bases. Sophisticated and true computerbased data bases able to handle both point and areal data are burgeoning (see Chapter 7).
However, traditional data bases such as archives, lists, reports and especially maps on which
particular data is registered are and are likely to remain very useful and must be considered
extremely valuable elements in the hydrogeological knowledge building process.
In contrast to topographic and geographic maps which are generally well appreciated, the value
of thematic maps (hydrogeological maps included) is often disputed. Even technicians,
planners and administrators sometimes argue against maps, so that they are ignored, hampered
or misused. On the other hand it is increasingly evident that even the general public will accept
thematic maps in journals or newspapers, such as those related to population density,
distribution of crirninality, etc. Hydrogeological maps should make use of this trend, The chief
problem seems to be that the map users do not find fast enough the particular information they
expected or they are unable to grasp it due to poor design; in other words, the content and
representation of the map do not meet the expectations of the map user. This problem may not
necessarily be the fault of the map user but can result from poor rnap-making.techniques.


Figure 6.

Relations between elements and ways of treatment and expression of

hydrogeological information.

This continuous source of profound misunderstanding between natural scientists like

geologists or hydrologists on the one hand and technical and administrative staff on the other
must be overcome by education as well as better map design.
Therefore, a standard legend providing a common graphic language to both map makers and
map users, facilitating mutual understanding is included in this volume (Part 11). This legend
has been inspired by other legends broadly related to water and earth sciences, and it stresses
the symbolic value of colours and ornaments. Thus users should not have to guess or develop
by analogy what is indicated by the colours andtor symbols used.
Hydrog ological maps using this sound representational concept can be very powerful tools for
conveyif, g information, particularly for planning and management as well as for education and
public information.
The advantages as well as disadvantages and limitations of hydrogeological maps are
summarized on Table 1.

Table 1. Pros and Cons of (hydrogeological) maps.

long production process

quick grasp of situation
representation limited by two-dimensional
paper display (either two-dimensional to
scale or perspective with scale distortion)

can serve a multitude of users (many

legend too complicated

information desired not found

nice, decorative picture

not available at required scale

(specialists and laymen)

information outdated or unreadable

avoids misunderstandings

in many cases additional expertise of

specialized hydrogeologists required

Their usefulness has been proved in many countries where precious drinking water resources
have been discovered and protected within the framework of mapping programmes. Failures of
drilled wells have decreased considerably, and public awareness for groundwater created, to
name but a few outstanding positive results. Hydrogeological maps have become an
indispensible tool for environmental planning and protection policies. They can also help to
reduce the costs of management of water resources and thus constitute an important element in
the overall economy of a country. Maps also form the base for legal and administrative issues,
as they define the spatial, temporal and gradual utilisation of water resources.

In conclusion, time and money are never wasted by a properly designed hydrogeological
mapping project; the costs of map preparation and printing are low, related to those of
geophysical soundings, drilling or even to the commonplace leakage of water in our
distribution systems (Collin in Struckmeier et al., 1989).

Hydrogeological maps serve various purposes and are used by professionals and others
interested in hydrogeology. Clearly, the purpose of the map and the target group of map users
decisively determine the content and format of a map. Therefore representation and format of
hydrogeological maps may vary widely, e.g. from simplified to complex, rough to detailed, or
hand drawn black and white to cartographically drafted and colour printed. Hence, the aim of a
map must not necessarily to be cartographically perfect, but to be perfectly adapted to its
However, considering the wealth of existing hydrogeological maps, one may trace an evolution
of maps, as shown in Figure 7 (Struckmeier et al., 1989).
This scheme, comprising a main stem of systematic, general maps and various derived maps
designed at different stages for various purposes, can serve as an indication for
hydrogeological map makers to structure their work in a logical and efficient way.
The cornerstones of any hydrogeological mapping programme are information on topography,
geology, climate, hydrology and, of course, basic and more advanced data on groundwater and
rocks, particularly aquifers.
Two distinct groups of hydrogeological maps can be distinguished, which correspond with the
two main roles of the maps and their uses:

- general hydrogeological maps and groundwater systems maps associated with

reconnaissance or scientific levels are suitable tools to introduce the importance of water
(including groundwater) resources in the political and social development process;

- parameter maps and special purpose maps corresponding to economic thinking are part of
the basis of economic development for planning, engineering and management; they differ
greatly in content and representation according to whether they are designed for specialists
or non-specialists in hydrogeology. Special purpose maps are also those which e.g. for
waste disposal reasons show areas with no or highly protected groundwater resources.
Both groups .are closely interrelated and complementary, as e.g. a general hydrogeological map
cannot be compiled without information on the hydraulic parameters of rock bodies, or specific
hydrogeological knowledge will not be considered in development projects if politicians,
planners and scientists are not aware of the crucial importance of groundwater, both in
qualitative and quantitative terms, for development.

+ hydrogeologicalsystems

+ hydrogeological information
represented on parameter maps
(e.g. depth to g.w., single ions,

Figure 7.

Evolution of hydrogeological maps.

Chapter 2.


Hydrogeological maps portray information on groundwater and the relevant rock bodies in
relation to the earth's surface, i.e. topography. Therefore, some basic requirements must be
fulfilled, otherwise the map would be incomplete and useless.
First and foremost, the map must answer, as precisely as possible, the following basic
- What are the conditions in a certain place or area?
- Where can I find what I am interested in?

And, at a more detailed level,

what quantitative and qualitative information is there, and where do I find it?

From these basic questions, it is clear that there are three fundamental requirements for the
preparation of a hydrogeological map,

- an adequate topographic base map

- reliable hydrogeological and associated data
- a suitable representational scheme and map legend.

It must be remembered, that owing to the three-dimensional nature of hydrogeological and

groundwater systems and the intended use of the map, the full range of graphical
representations (maps, cross-sections and diagrams) should be considered and used to
complement each other. In any case, a plain hydrogeological map should also contain at least
one representative cross-section, to reveal the structure in the vertical plane. If this crosssection cannot be accommodated on the map itself, or data is too abundant to be plotted on a
single sheet, a second sheet or an explanatory booklet, to accompany the principal map, should
be envisaged. To a certain degree and within limits, sets of isolines can show the threedimensionality of a groundwater system. However, isolines will fail if the system is complex.
In the following paragraphs, the interdependence between topography and relief, drainage
network, climate, soils, geology and structure of the underlying strata will be stressed. For the
hydrogeological map author it is crucial to collect and exploit this information attentively,
particularly when available in map form. A good hydrogeological map therefore includes a
careful analysis and interpretation of existing data and a careful "reading" of respective area1
information, e.g.

- topographical maps
- oro-hydrographicalmaps

- meteorological and hydrological maps

- geological maps

- satellite images
- air photographs.

The topographic a basic element for any hydrogeological mapping programme. Its
importance is twofold, first as a guide for orientation on the surface and secondly as a source
of useful hydrological information, e.g. river network, watersheds and surface properties.
Nowadays, most countries have a national public cartographic or geographic institution
responsible for the establishment of topographic maps at various scales. Hydrogeological map
makers, therefore, should contact this body to obtain a suitable base map for their work.
The topographic base map must be up-to-date and contain all information essential to foster the
understanding of the hydrogeological situation of the area mapped. An obsolete base map
devalues a new hydrogeological map considerably, as it may lead the map user to the
conclusion that merely careless and superficial work has been produced by the map maker. If a
good topographic base does not exist or the map is outdated, input from the hydrogeologist
himself or other helpful persons from cartographic and remote sensing units can help to update
the topographic base map.
Usually it is well worthwhile to use air photographs and satellite images to update the
topographic base map, or to produce one if not available. In special cases, e.g. when
topographic maps at a given scale are not readily available, new maps have to be produced at
the beginning of the map project, using photographic processes. Sometimes it may be
politically desirable to represent units such as countries, counties or communities, as a whole,
so that new base maps must be prepared.
In heavily populated areas where hydrogeological maps are particularly useful for groundwater
protection purposes, it may be necessary to simplify the existing topographic map
considerably, to be able to show essential hydrogeological information. This is a cartographic
art, as the generalized and simplified topography must reflect the setting of the area and all
essential topographic information such as springs, rivers, roads, landmarks, etc. must be kept
on the map.
Thus the existence of a suitable and modern base map can be considered an essential
cornerstone for any hydrogeological mapping exercise.




Topographic base maps, chiefly at larger scales (> 1 : 100 000) present a valuable source of
information for the hydrogeologist, Therefore they must be studied in detail, and useful
information has to be grasped directly or derived from interpretation. Features that may be
grasped directly are springs, bogs, sinkholes, rivers and creeks, which are often classified as
perennial or intermittent. However, since these maps are generally designed only by
cartographers this classification has to be critically checked by the hydrogeologist on the basis
of runoff records. Other information can be inferred, e.g. from surface contours, river density
or vegetation. In some countries oro-hydrographic maps exist that show only the natural
conditions without the situation and land use information. These special maps are particularly
useful for hydrogeological interpretation.
A study of the river network on a topographical or oro-hydrographicalmap, particularly when
coupled with the interpretation of aerial and satellite imagery, provides useful hints on the
geological substratum, morphology and the climatic setting of the area. It is, therefore,
desirable to define the main descriptive characteristics possibly with quantitative estimates.

A study of a hydrographic system consists of:

Delimitation of the watershed and description of different runoff regimes


The "watershed" or drainage basin of a stream is the surface within which water flows towards
a stream or tributary pigure 8). In most areas, the watershed boundaries roughly coincide with
groundwater divides. In arid zones, however, the drainage network and watershed boundaries
may be independent fjrom the groundwater flow setting.
Two different runoff regimes may be distinguished in general:
- The "exoreic" regime, where water falling on the basin is drained by a main stream towards

the external part of the basin (Figure 8, upper part). This is a normal case in humid and
semi-arid areas, where streams carry water continuously or at least over long periods.

- The "endoreic" regime, where the water falling on the basin is drained towards the inner part
of the basin and forms a lake, chott or sabkha (Figure 8, lower part). These closed basins
occur chiefly under arid conditions, where flow in rivers is occasional and surface water
evaporates quickly,

Study of the aspect of a stream network, its density as well as its relationship with the
slope, lithology and structure of the geological substratum

The density and shape of a stream network inherently contains a lot of useful information for
hydrogeological mapping. In areas having a very dense and finely ornamented network (Figure
9, upper part), one may conclude a priori that they are underlain by impervious strata and that
the groundwater table is generally close to surface. Moreover, the area receives relatively high
rainfall forming a dense stream pattern.
By contrast, in areas having a sparse stream network (Figure 9, lower part), water flows
chiefly underground. Such networks point to very pervious strata like karstified limestone,
dolomite or gypsum. In such areas evidence of karst features like sinkholes may also be found
on topographic maps. Of course, the stream network is very sparse or even absent in arid
areas, too. However, the hydrogeologist will at least know roughly the climatic conditions of
his working area and draw the right conclusions.
A sudden change of the stream network can be due to the presence of faults or changes in
lithology (Figure 9). These structural features may largely influence the runoff and
consequently the shape of the network and its density.
For comparison, it is sometimes necessary to measure the density of a river network
quantitatively, i.e. the ratio between the cumulative length of the rivers in a defined surface area
[km/krn2]. However, comparison of densities is only valid for values derived from maps at
equal or similar scales having the same degree of generalization.

Study of the orientation and control of the hydrographic system

The shape of the river courses, whether straight or undulating and meandering, is interrelated
with the slope, the lithology and the geological and tectonic development. In most cases
meandering rivers indicate a low slope gradient, high groundwater table and possibilities of
bank storage.


h Outlet: meeting point of the main stream (drain) and limit of the basin


limits of the watershed linking the highest points (crest lines) and cutting
the main stream at the outlet
principal high points

Figure 8.

Types of runoff regimes on hydrographic and hydrologic maps.

Valleys with braided streams suggest irregular flash floods when large quantities of water run
down a broad river bed, reducing to small undulating, interconnected channels.
In some areas, the stream network is markedly controlled by the regional structural pattern, in
particular by faults and fractures Pigure 9). The rivers have a clear orientation expressed by
parallel to subparallel, rather linear sections which extend along certain directions. These
directions, however, do not necessarily form planes of preferential groundwater flow, as many
examples from basement regions all over the world show (Proceedings of the IAH Congress
on Hydrogeology of hard rocks, Oslo, 1993).
More detailed geomorphological investigations examining the close interrelationship between
geology (chiefly lithology), structure and tectonics as well as climate, slope, soil and vegetation
can be obtained from textbooks on geomorphology, soil science and remote sensing.

Figure 9.

Stream network controlled by geology (lithology and structure).

Finally, it should be mentioned that the place names on topographic maps may provide very
helpful information to the hydrogeologist who studies the topographic map attentively.
Particularly in the industrialized countries the landscape may have been transformed
considerably, e.g. by building canals, dewatering'bogs, exploiting raw materials by deep and
open pit mining or just by building houses, roads and railroads. Here, historical topographical
names may present hints, e.g. on former discharge areas or occurrence of salt water close to
In conclusion, both historical and present-day topographical maps should be analysed carefully
since they may yield valuable indications and information for the hydrogeologist embarking on
hydrogeological mapping.

In the initial phase of compiling a hydrogeological map, the author should collect information
from all sources available, the most important being

- remote sensing
- geological maps and reports

- meteorological and hydrological information.

In addition, geomorphological, geophysical and soil science investigations may contain

information that may be of interest.
Remote sensing techniques may contribute effectively to the preparation of a hydrogeological
map, though they must not be overestimated. Besides updating and refining the topographic
base map, they may yield information on the structural setting, lithology, soils and land use.

The first two features are very important in hard rock areas, particularly when no suitable
geological base maps are available.
Indications about groundwater are generally secondary on air photos and satellite images, since
they have to be deduced from vegetation, soil moisture and temperature. Therefore, remote
sensing can optimize but never replace hydrogeological field work. In some countries, where
satellite images are not available and air photos kept secret, one has to renounce the remote
sensing techniques and prepare hydrogeological maps without using remote sensing. There are
numerous examples where this has been done, with quite satisfying results.


As geology is a cornerstone for any hydrogeological work, a careful examination of geological

maps and reports, whether published or not is an indispensable step for the preparation of a
hydrogeological map.
The information provided by interpreting a geological map for hydrogeological mapping
purposes generally comprises the following two aspects, i.e.
- the conversion of litho-stratigraphical units into hydro-lithological units and

- the identification and selection of structural information ,necessary to describe and

understand the aquifer and groundwater flow systems, as well as the types and conditions
of their boundaries as controlled by geology and structure.
The classification of underlying rocks after their hydrogeological character, i.e. their capacity to
transmit andlor store water, is usually the essential step in the conversion of a geological into a
hydrogeological map. It is a function of the description of lithological facies on a geological
map, which sometimes is not available in detail especially if the map units are only classified
after their stratigraphical age. Geological maps showing rockltime units are more appropriate
for hydro-lithological interpretation.
A plain lithological/petrographicalmap may be most valuable for the hydrogeologist, however
it only presents partial information.
The hydro-lithological conversion of a geological map may be done at different levels:
(1) The distinction between unconsolidated and consolidated, permeable and impermeable rock
bodies is made on a rather crude and qualitative basis. The rock bodies considered
permeable are then classified

- continuous or discontinuous after the nature of the groundwater bodies contained

- porous/intergranular or fissured according to the dominant flow characteristics.
This leads to a classification into three different categories (porous, fissured, karstified),
possibly complemented by intermediate classes. Prominent examples of such aquifers are:

- gravel, sand and volcanic scoria beds (porous)

- sandstone, marlstone, basalt (frequently fissured)
- limestone, dolomite, gypsum (frequently karstified).

Mixed flow characteristics (porous and fissured) often occur in sedimentary (sandstone) and
volcanic (alternation of thin scoria and lava beds), but may also be characteristic of basement
areas with a relatively thick cover of alteration products (regolith).
Most of the rock bodies can be differentiated easily after this classification, even by less
experienced hydrogeologists. As this classification is based on very limited hydrogeological
field data, it is often used to prepare basic hydrogeological maps of hitherto "unknown" areas.
Most of the maps based on the international UNESCO legend simply apply this classification
(2) The classification of rock units can be refined on the basis of permeability considerations
often derived from pure analogy between geology (lithological rock type) and
hydrogeology (K-values). However, it has to be remembered that K-values may vary
widely, even in lithologically relatively uniform areas. Frequent mean values and their
variation are summarized on Table 2.
This semi-quantitative classification system usually groups the hydrogeological units into

permeable formations (K > 1 . 10-6d s ) forming important aquifers of relatively high

permeability and productivity,

semi-permeableformations (K between 1 . 106 and 1 . 10-9 mls) forming less productive

aquifers, subdivided into
-- relatively thick aquitards

-- resistant layers in multi-aquifer systems


impermeable formations (aquicludes) (K < 1 . 10-9 d s ) .

(3) In areas of unconsolidated porous sedirnents, even more quantitative information about
transmissivity (T) can be drawn from a geological map, by considering the K-value
assessed together with the saturated thickness. However, this requires good knowledge of
the depth dimension, and transmissivity values derived from this guess may be unreliable.
Structural information drawn from geological maps may be twofold, concerning

- the geometry of the aquifers ("anatomy")

- the boundary conditions of aquifer systems which are often determined by the geological
A geological map shows the location of outcropping boundaries of rock units. Aquifer
outcrops generally form recharge areas characterised by water table conditions. However, the
limit of extension of the rock unit may not necessarily coincide with the extent of the aquifer,
particularly in platform areas or in areas of deep lying water tables, where the unsaturated part
of the aquifer attains a considerable thickness (Figure 10). On small scale overview maps,
these boundaries generally do not differ substantially from each other.
Geologists and hydrogeologists are accustomed to reading geological maps with a threedimensional perception. This is based on the stratigraphic concept of superimposed strata as
well as on structural information providing a characteristic pattern at the earth surface and thus
on a plane map. Non-geologists often lack this three-dimensional view, and will rarely be able

to recognize features such as synclines, anticlines, monoclinal folds, tilted blocks, cuestas,
troughs, horsts and grabens from a geological map (Butler & Bell, 1988). However, volcanic
flows and cones may be much easier to recognize, as well as faults, fractures and other

Table 2. Ranges of perrneability values of different lithological rock types (after various
hydrogeological textbooks and documentation).

The macro-fracturing represented by faults on geological maps is also often highly relevant to
hydrogeological maps. Faults may act as barriers or drains for the flow of groundwater, or
even may not affect it, while fracture zones in hard rock areas usually are highly transmissive.
These linear features are often reflected in the drainage network (see above) and can easily be
traced on satellite images in areas lacking geological maps.

Legend (units on the hydrogeological map)

Basement rocks (non-aquifers) in part overlain by unsaturated
sand deposits

:.~..;.~~~;..~;.:;;. Sand aquifer

Figure 10. Hydrogwlogical map and block diagram of a typical geological setting in
flat platform areas.
The structural analysis of a geological map, together with borehole data and cross-sections
always permits an initial interpretation of the type of aquifer system and its hydrodynamic
conditions, i.e.
- mono- or multilayered aquifer systems, and

- phreatic (water table) or confined aquifers.

However, this first interpretation has to be verified on the basis of hydrogeological field checks
and measurements.
From the previous paragraphs it may be deduced that geological maps may be a great help to a
hydrogeologist producing a hydrogeological map. However, the geological maps have to be
interpreted wisely, and only information relevant to hydrogeology should be retained on the
hydrogeological map. This implies that geological boundaries delineating stratigraphical units
must be omitted if they do not coincide with hydro-lithological boundaries, and new
boundaries within stratigraphic units must be added if hydrogeologically relevant.
The interpretation of geological maps, together with the information on watersheds, springs
and the stream network obtained from the topographic map may already enable the
hydrogeologist to develop a fust conceptual understanding of the groundwater flow systems in

the area to be mapped. This conceptual model, of course, has to be proved or rejected, refined
and quantitatively defined with the aid of true hydrogeological data.


Meteorological services exist in all countries of the world. In addition to the weather forecast,
they issue reports on the climatic setting which may provide very valuable information to the
hydrogeologist. Within the continuing international programmes M P (International Hydrological Programme) and OHP (Operational Hydrological Programme) sponsored by UNESCO
and the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO), numerous meteorological and hydrological data have been published in yearbooks, reports and maps.
The hydrogeologist needs information about the rainfall pattern, the long run of temperatures,
particularly freezing periods, as well as evaporation and aridity. In addition he should use
hydrological data, know the gauging stations with long term records, and consider particularly
the runoff in dry periods. Again, this information forms the background for the understanding
of groundwater conditions in the map area and the interpretation of groundwater flow systems,
chiefly their recharge and discharge.

Abundant literature on hydrological data is available almost everywhere, and the hydrogeologist should make use of it.
However, appropriate maps of the water balance are less abundant, as the components of the
water balance are measured in different ways and are not always well suited to portrayal areally
on maps. Moreover, special care has to be paid to their consistency and time reference.
Qualified data for evapotranspiration are usually not available.
In the Eastern European countries, an interesting project to map the regional groundwater
runoff on the basis of hydrological data was carried out. The groundwater part of the water
balance, often neglected in hydrological calculations, has been quantified on the basis of
hydrograph separation and river runoff analysis. This information is very useful for
hydrogeological mapping, as it provides an approximate quantitative assessment of the
groundwater component of the water cycle.
In this context it is essential to bear in mind the principal differences between humid and arid
conditions. The climatic conditions largely influence the components of the water balance as
well as the flow of groundwater systems. In humid areas, rainfall chiefly determines the
recharge, and the storage conditions of phreatic aquifers are of secondary importance. Surface
and underground runoff are determined by rainfall intensity, slope, soils, vegetation and land
In arid areas, where rainfall is random, surface runoff is only local, flashy and negligible on a
regional scale. However, significant groundwater runoff from depleting flow systems may
occur, e.g. in springs or deep lying flats (sabkhas). Here, the storage of the aquifer, the
volume and the depletion of the regional groundwater systems are decisive factors that must
also be considered on hydrogeological maps.
Finally, the filling of the groundwater systems differs profoundly from humid to arid areas:
whilst under humid conditions the flow systems are filled, as may be deduced from water
levels close to surface, even in recharge areas and extended discharge areas in river beds,
wetlands and close to the sea; arid areas are generally characterized by great depth to the
groundwater levels, i.e. very thick unsaturated zones, and few and small discharge areas.

However, since most of the world's population and 'therefore most of the demand for
groundwater is found in humid and semi-arid rather than in purely arid regions,
hydrogeological maps of these regions usually have to cope with most of the components of
the water balance.
A study of the other auxiliary sources of information, e.g. soil maps which contain indications
on soil physical parameters controlling percolation, the depth of water or certain groundwater
controlled soil types, may be most useful. Moreover, geophysical, geomorphological and other
relevant data should be collected and interpreted whenever possible.
Although in many countries a wealth of hydrogeological data is obtainable from various,
commonly scattered, sources, it is rarely considered sufficient to prepare a reliable
hydrogeological map. Reasons for this insufficiency are incomplete data sets, lack of data in
particular areas, contradictory data in places, data measured by different, incompatible
methods, etc. It is, therefore, necessary to foresee additional data collection as an essential step
in hydrogeological map preparation. However, any field work for producing new
hydrogeological data should be carefully planned and priorities set for data collection before
going to the field. A thorough pre-treatment and reinterpretation of the data available in
archives, data banks and on maps is generally the best way to render the additional data
collection most efficient.
The purpose and proposed content of the hydrogeological map exert, of course, influence on
the decision as to which data should be considered important. Anyway, one should aim at
complete and homogeneous data sets rather than focussing on just single parameters and
variables. Since the hydrogeological and hydrochemical parameters are interrelated, a study of
a set of parameters often reveals errors or lack of ta.

In the following, emphasis is placed on the relev nce of data as well as on the need for proper
documentation and pre-treatment of the data provided from field or laboratory measurements or
from existing literature and reports.
As regards the frequency of a single parameter or variable registered from the same observation
point one also may distinguish "individualdata" (such as altitude of land surface) and "periodical data" dependent upon time (such as groundwater abstraction or hydrochemical analyses).
Figure 11 provides an overview of the types of data to be considered and their treatment.
Independent of the scope of the maps, a minimum amount of data, comprising a basic set is
indispensable for the preparation of all types of maps. There are hydrogeological key points
such as springs and wells which have to be surveyed in any case. Their exact location is of
prime importance, to allow their correct siting on the hydrogeological map.
Certain hydrogeological data can be considered essential since without them even basic hydrogeological maps (e.g. showing groundwater contours, salinity and depth-to-groundwater)
could not be prepared properly.

- Observation point number or well number necessary for an orderly identification, storage,
retrieval and plotting of the data. This identification number must be systematic and



Periodical data

Figure 11. Scheme for the treatment of hydrogeological data.

- Location (by coordinates, preferably UTM grid) necessary for exact plotting and orientation
of points for repeated observation.
- Map sheet referenced to the regular coverage of topographic base maps at rather large scale

(1 : 10 000to 1 : 50 OOO), necessary to facilitate the numbering of observation points.

- Altitude of land surface necessary e.g. for computing the elevation of the groundwater table.
The reliability must be qualified, e.g. by mentioning the method of determination.
- Discharge of springs or baseflow of streams, necessary to estimate the natural discharge

conditions of groundwater flow regimes.

- Depth to groundwater (sometimes called "static water level") necessary for computing the
water table elevation in order to obtain indications of processes acting from land surface and
vegetation on the groundwater (e.g. evapotranspiration),
- Elevation of groundwater table, essential for the construction of groundwater table maps,

which enable the hydrogeologist to recognize the direction of groundwater flow, its
gradient, and, together with topographical data, (surface water) recharge and discharge
areas. A groundwater table map is one basic requirement, together with values for
transmissivity, to assess the quantity of groundwater flow. Note that in areas of perennial
river runoff the river bed is the intersection of the groundwater table and the land surface.

- Type of well giving a first indication of the number of aquifers.

- Total depth of well indicating the relative position of anaquifer, and, in connection with

depth to groundwater, the level head characteristic (e.g. whether confined).

- Salinity (deduced from field measurements of electrical conductivity) is a basic datum which

indicates groundwater suitability.

- Date informing about the time of observations of either own field investigations or previous
observers (this date does not necessarily correspond with the date of filling in the survey
- Source of data roughly describing the reliability of the data.

Essential also are those data which enable the hydrogeologist both to prepare further basic
maps and to include more details on the hydrogeological maps based on essential data. Further
basic maps which may be prepared are those which show aquifer thickness, aquifer lithology,
depth to aquifer, areas of highly confined (e.g. outflowing) groundwater, subdivisions into
aquifer (hydraulic) systems, transmissivity, groundwater vulnerability (hazard), and others.

- Top of aquifer or aquifers, obtained by subtraction of depth to aquifer from altitude of land

- Base of aquifer or aquifers, obtained by a similar subtraction as in top of aquifer. In cases of

superposition of a fresh water lens on top of saline water, the depth of the freshlsalt water
interface should be known.
- Number of aquifers, referring to amount of aquifers either encountered (described) or


- Relative position of aquifer@),numbered from the top (e.g. labelled A) to bottom.

- Lithology of aquifer@) and also type of overlying strata with hydraulic characteristics of

correlating strata (permeability).

- Yield of well together with location and frequency of wells (well number), gives a rough
picture of present productivity.

- Drawdown necessary to describe more exactly the aquifer productivity; yield and drawdown
(dynamic water level) are basic data for computing specific capacity.

- Specific capacity, computed value from yield and drawdown, both obtained from pumping
tests, which suggests groundwater productivity.

- Transmissivity, obtained from (preferably) long-term pumping or aquifer tests. In addition

to aquifer thickness, width of groundwater flow section and hydraulic gradient, it is
essential for estimating the regional quantity of groundwater flow, which is one factor,
together with figures on groundwater suitability, useful in assessing the groundwater

- Level head characteristic, indicating the existence of free, confined or highly confined
(artesian outflow) groundwater.
Additional data that may be collected and documented during the field inventory provide useful
additional information. They facilitate map preparation and indicate the reliability of the data
collected. Their importance may be judged variously due to differing conditions of environment
and of groundwater development status. A list of such data may comprise:
- Period of observation or period for which the information is valid; it is very important to

register information which is related to the dimension of time (e.g. to be used for depth to
groundwater, electrical conductivity, discharge figures of springs or streams). The data may
be derived from archives, oral information or own investigations. This set might be designed in two different ways: (i) more comprehensively, indicating the dates (altogether 8 to
10 observations are needed), or (ii) more simply, indicating units of time (either hours or
days or weeks) and their number.

- Recording sequence for the same observation point is required, if more than one recording
sequence occurs, or if several field visits were undertaken, if data from different periods
were available or if the content of a series taken at the same time varied. This latter may be
valid in the case of varying depths (e.g. several aquifers, lithological descriptions) or ranges
of quantity (e.g. step drawdown tests), or quality (e.g. electrical conductivity or temperature
by depth), or diameter (e.g. due to reductions of casing and screen).

- Fluctuation of water level, yielddischarge, salinity.

- Various data obtained through hydrochemical or physical field observations, such as pH

value, groundwater temperature, odour, colour and others.

- Data on the ionic content; the content of specific ion(s) describes the suitability of
groundwater resources for specific uses; a hazard value for a certain use must not
necessarily exclude other uses.
- Name of well (owner andor location); it a up ports the above-mentioned data which describe

the well location by coordinates; further additional remarks on local well numbering are very
important sometimes for both easy orientation in the field and comparison with archive data.

- Province andor other administrativeunit or subdivision, for grouping and also to recognize
or to prove the density or existence of data in various areas.

- Date of termination of well, for assistirig orientation in the field and proper location of wells.
The date of termination is very often the only means of distinguishing one well from another
(by oral information).

- Well use to classify the use of the groundwater abstracted, e.g. for drinking, industrial or
irrigation purposes.
- Drilling method assists in problems related to reliability of lithological descriptions,

condition of filter screen, water samples extracted during drilling andor well construction,

- Data on further technical details of well, such as type, size and diameter of screen, gravel
pack, position and size of pump are an aid to appraising information about pumping test
equilibrium achieved or to plan water level or flow-meter measurements.
- Diameter of well, desirable for planning and interpreting pumping tests, as well as planning

geophysical well measurements.

- Highest perforations of filter screen; it is desirable to obtain rough information about the

approximate position of the (top) of the aquifer, especially if no data on lithology are

- Duration of pumping; to be associated with yield and drawdown; gives an idea of the
reliability of data on specific capacity and transmissivity.

- Pumping test equilibrium achieved?; this is an additional value related to the latter-mentioned
subjects. An indication can be obtained whether the "dynamic water level" during pumping
was still decreasing or apparently constant or the well exhausted; "unknown" conditions
should also be stated.

- Yield of well or discharge of spring (or stream) measured by means of

... (bucket?, tank?,

weir?, etc.).

- Mode of abstraction or groundwater withdrawal; a regional overview contributes to an

assessment of the state of groundwater development.

... 1 at ..., this indicates the manner in which a groundwater sample

was extracted or obtained and is a desirable datum from which to assess the value of
hydrochemical information; an indication of duration of pumping before sampling is also

- Sample by means of

- Topographic setting, whether on slope, terrace, river bed, hill top, etc. It helps, together

with data on depth to groundwater, to interpret problems related to checking estimates of

altitude, salinity, recharge.
- Record by (code for surveying staff); this contributes to the responsibility of the personnel

and their participation in the work.

The field data collected and documented on suitable forms are a valuable basis for any further
hydrogeological mapping. They have to be checked and verified, complemented, interpreted
and selected for depiction on hydrogeological maps, as outlined in Chapters 4,6 and 7.

Chapter 3.


The author of a hydrogeological map must be familiar with at least some important cartographic
principles. This will avoid painful misunderstandings between the hydrogeologist and the
cartographic draughtsman and ensure that the map be readable and follow cartographic
The general sequence of cartographic preparation of a hydrogeological map is outlined in
Figure 12. The author should contact the cartographic drawing unit in the initial phase of
preparation, to seek advice and assistance both for the topographic base map as well as for the
drafting of the thematic sheets. For more comprehensive, systematic mapping programmes
involving many map authors, managers should provide, in addition to a general legend and a
model map, instructions for the preparation of map manuscripts by authors. This will guarantee
that map drafts meet an agreed standard and that the cartographic processing may be optimized,
shortened and possibly automated.
Cartography is part science, part art, part technology, and its aesthetic value should not be
neglected. It comprises the projection of a curved surface on a plane and a reduction to a given
scale using standardized symbols (legend) to make the map understandable to its future users.
The principal aim of thematic cartography is to convey even complex thematic, e.g.
hydrogeological information, to the map user in an exact, clear and easily readable manner.
This chiefly implies that the map must not be overloaded with information and that the colours
and symbols used on the map follow a logical system, explained in the legend.
All thematic maps have in common that three-dimensionalmodels are transferred onto a twodimensional, plane surface, usually paper. This transfer is made by projecting the idealized
spherical earth's surface and the hydrogeological features beneath onto a plane, whereby
inevitable projection distortions should be minimal and the projection should follow a
mathematic algorithm. All points on the map must be recognizable through their coordinates
(latitude related to the equator and meridian related to the Greenwich meridian) and their altitude
(related to datum sea level). Various projections and grids have been developed, each having
particular advantages and disadvantages, but all aiming at fulfilling and optimising the
theoretical requirements that distances and surfaces should be exact in relative size and
azimuths, and angles correct. As none of them really can fulfill these theoretical requirements,
maps based on selected, suitable projection systems are used preferentially by geodesists and
cartographers differing from one country or area to another. Therefore, hydrogeologists
planning hydrogeological maps should contact, in time, the relevant geodetic, cartographic and
ordnance services in their country.
Decisions on the system of representation, mainly the legend to be applied and on the scale,
projection and suitable topographic base map must be made in the preparatory phase of a
hydrogeological map project.
Whilst the projection covers chiefly the mathematical framework, the cartographic work
consists of portraying topographic and thematic information on the map by using a semantic
system of cartographic elements. These are grouped points, lines and areas. Variations of these
graphic elements are made by varying densityltone, ornament, colour, orientation, size and
form (Figure 13).

for boundaries

map legend
and marginal

sheet assembly
(mounting and

printing plates

colour proof
(photomechanicalor paper)


Figure 12. The cartographic preparation of a hydrogeological map.

The graphic variables form, size, orientation and colour are principally used for point and line
information, e;g. springs, wells, contours, flow directions.
In the hierarchy of optical perception on a map, areal colour provides by far the most
outstanding information, while line and point symbols are subdued and must rather be 'read'
by the map user. All three elements, but particularly lines and points must not be overcrowded
on the map, to ensure its readability and to avoid an areal perception when line or point
symbols are applied too densely.

Figure 13. Variations of graphic elements.

Mathematically speaking, points have no dimensions. In cartography however, a point will

cover a small area. Thus, the point symbol fulfills a double function; it locates the feature and it
expresses, e.g. by size or filling, its magnitude or importance. More sophisticated point
symbols are able to show additional properties of the hydrogeological feature. For example, the
point symbol illustrates the location of a well, its size, the yield and the infill, the water quality,
whilst additional ornaments may refer to temperature, etc. Point symbols always should relate
to a figure with a centre, histograms therefore are not suited to the indication of localities.
Tabulated information, e.g. histograms and tables, do not belong on the map but to the margin.
Line symbols are used for linear features such as water courses, delineations and boundaries.
The thickness of the line refers to magnitude or importance; a double line, often called band,
permits an infill indicating an additional property. For example, the line allows the location of
the water course, the thickness of the band indicates the discharge, and the infill may explain
the water quality. Although not always adhered to, broken lines should be reserved for
expressing uncertainties or lack of knowledge. Isolines constitute a special case. They connect
pints of equal value but the space in between two isolines already indicates an areal character.

Atlasses, for example, used to fill the space between isolines of altitude by colour
conceptualising the relief of the surface by colour. Isolines always occur in multiples. Visual
aids should be exmployed to facilitate reading, e.g. by reinforcing each fifth line. If more than
one system of isolines occurs, different colours or patterns must be employed since crossing
isolines of the same colour cannot be identified. Each isoline must be accompanied by a figure
indicating its value; the bases of these figures should always face the lower values.
Colours will be used to depict areal properties. Full colour will be used for the predominant
feature, whilst hatching will be reserved for the secondary feature. For example, on a
hydrogeological map full colour will be used for the yieldJavailability of groundwater and
hatching or ornaments will indicate the properties of the rocks. By contrast, on a lithological
map full colour will be used for the rock and hatching for the groundwater. This method
permits depiction of two areal properties without creating confusion; added isolines would
increase areal information. The map maker should follow the hierarchical use of full colour,
areal ornament and isolines as functions of the importance of the parameters to be mapped;
such parameters are largely defined by the theme and purpose of the map. It may happen that
readability decreases with the number of colours used, however costs will increase.
The graphical elements are usually attributed logically and by analogy to different features, so
as to achieve optimal clarity on the map. The variables density, colour and ornament are chiefly
used for quantitative and qualitative areal features, following the general principle "the darker,
the greater". In general, up to six different tones on a map can be subdivided optically by man
(Bertin 1973). Therefore, cartographers recommend the use of not more than four tones of
each different colour, if clarity and legibility are to be preserved. An excellent means to present
different areas in an unambiguous way are ornaments (patterns having a particular structure
e.g. as used for lithology in the general legend, see Part 11). They are sometimes applied
subsequently, to improve clarity. However, the superposition of ornament may sometimes
create undesired "MoirB" effects. These can be excluded with the help of cartographers or
Colours, ornaments and symbols should be based on recommended international standards, as
far as possible. For hydrogeological maps, the international legend included in Part II of this
guidebook is recommended for use. It has been applied successfully throughout the world.
With the proposed list of symbols, ornaments and colours this multilingual hydrogeological
map legend provides a common graphic language to both map makers and map users, thereby
facilitating mutual understanding, adding to the existing multilingual glossaries in hydrology
and hydrogeology. Provided a map user is acquainted with the legend, he will be able to read a
map issued in any country.
The use of colour is always recommended for more complex maps which aim at a wider
readership. Colour makes maps much easier to read (which might be crucial for the nonhydrogeologist). Full colour must be subdued to preserve legibility. Full use should be made
of the symbolic power of a colour in order to permit the reader to develop a sense of analogy.
For example, water surfaces and streams are commonly shown in blue, glaciers in white, and
most of the maps designed for the public follow the 'traffic lights' principle (green-orangered). Yellow has turned out to be the least resistant colour, white implies "unknown" or "not
applicable". Black as an areal colour should be employed only on sketch maps. The possible
alteration of colours owing to the exposure of the map to sunlight (which usually makes the
yellow component disappear in the first instance) has to be considered technically, but is
generally of low relevance to hydrogeological maps based on the standard legend. However,
superposition of certain colours used for points, lines or hachures may considerably alter the
tone or even fade the symbols. Cartographers are well trained in colour composition and
should always be asked for advice, to avoid negative results.

As simple handdrawn maps may under certain circumstances be more appropriate than printed
coloured maps, the advantages of black and white, as opposed to multicoloured graphical
representations, are summarized on Table 3:
Table 3. Advantages of black and white versus coloured thematic maps.

quick and economic production

low cost print and reproduction
pre-fabricated aids available (ornament
foils, adhesive symbols)

corrections and updating easy to achieve

no troubles with colour-blind users
map manuscripts easy to draw
maps have a more pleasing appearance and
are instructive at the same time

Ultimately, the sophistication and complexity of a map will depend on the intended audience
and thus the format of a map is the full responsibility of the map maker. The proposed legend
(Part 11), however, has been designed to assist even less skilled readers, since all colours,
symbols and ornaments have been chosen by virtue of their symbolic nature.
In thematic cartography, the following definitions of scales are commonly used:
large scale
medium scale
small scale

1 : l0000

to 1 : l00000

- 1 : 200 000 to 1 : 500 000

- l : l million to 1 : l 0 million.

However, this scale range may differ, depending on the size of the country considered. For
example, "small scale" overview maps in Luxemburg, Hongkong and Singapore are at scales
1 : 50 000 or 1 : 100 000, while in Algeria, Australia or Russia overview maps range from 1 :
2 million to 1 : 10 million.
The expression small, medium, large scale, is thus arbitrary. However, the sequence of what is
small, medium and large is clearly defined in cartography. Attention is drawn to the fact (and
much confusion has been derived from it) that modellers apply these expressions in the
opposite sense. What may be depicted on a small scale map, could constitute a large scale

The question of scale is crucial to any hydrogeological mapping project. Here again, technical
boundary conditions may considerably influence a decision, in addition to the purpose, use and
potential users of the map. For example, in some countries the size of paper available or the
maximum size offset colour print machines are able to accomodate must be regarded as real
limits for published maps. Hence, sets of maps are needed when maps must be at a given
scale, for a given area and a given purpose, e.g. at l : 25 000 or 1 : 50 000 for the planning of
a county or province.
If required as a wall map, large paper formats are even desirable. If intended for a book or for
inclusion into a hard cover box, it is generally more appropriate to cut the map into several
sheets or reduce it in scale which usually requires additional generalisation.
To facilitate a technical decision on the scale and to estimate the map size needed, a table
relating different scales with area covered and nomograms at bilogarithrnic scale of the same
relations are provided below (Table 4, Figure 14).
Table 4. Ratio between area covered by the map and scale, for different sizes of paper.

Although the aforementioned technical boundary conditions are decisive factors for the
consideration of scale, the chief criterion for a decision on scale should be the purpose a map is
intended to serve. This decision is to be taken by the hydrogeological map author together with
the institution supporting and financing the map project. However, several other criteria are
practically important, too, which often reduce the range of possible decisions considerably,

- whether a suitable topographic base map exists,

- whether the map is a separate edition or whether it belongs to an atlas or a systematic
thematic map series,

- whether sufficient data is available,

- which technical boundary conditions for cartographic work and print are to be considered.
As hydrogeological maps are designed for both practical planning as well as overview
purposes, maps at various scales should be prepared even for the same areas. Hydrogeological

maps for practical purposes must be handy, accurate and permit unambiguous siting in relation
to topography. Therefore maps for local planning purposes should be larger than 1 : 100 000,
However, a large scale should not imply a false impression of position, and therefore the
accuracy of data should correspond with the scale chosen.

area [km2]

Figure 14. Relation between map scale and area covered, for different map formats.

A wealth of information can be accommodated on maps at smaller scales, without affecting

their legibility or losing accuracy, provided that modern cartographic techniques are applied.
Generally, the map scales for different purposes, as well as different generalization and
accuracy levels, should at least differ by a factor of 4 or 5, e.g. 1 : 1 million as a national
overview, 1 : 200 000 for regional planning and 1 : 50 000 for local planning purposes.
Hydrogeological mapping of larger areas is often considered an important information service
for the development of the country. The choice of the scale may result from the need to
compare the respective map with other thematic maps of the same region; e.g. in an atlas, one
will find a set of maps of the same scale relating to precipitation, soils, land use, etc., as it is
understood that the projection and topography should also be the same.

For good practical reasons, the existence of an up-to-date topographic base map may also be a
decisive factor in the selection of the map scale (see Chapter 2).
Less frequently, a decision on scale is made on the basis of the availability of data for the map.
It should be borne in mind, that doubling the scale means quadrupling the space and thus
quadrupling the need for data. On the other hand, reducing the scale generally requires
generalisation for the new map.
Within the mapping procedure one should always start with a draft at a larger scale and then
reduce for publication at smaller scale. Thus, field and draft maps should always be larger in
scale than the map to be published. The draft map should show all details (number or name of a
well, etc.), all auxiliary construction and all information necessary for understanding the
hydrogeology. The final product will largely abandon this information in favour of a clear
description of the hydrogeological situation, thereby making full use of all cartographic tools
described in Part I1 of this publication. In other words, the field observations will be
transformed and translated into cartographic language and thus become understandable for the
reader, even if he is completely unaware of the local situation.
Three additonal principles are mentioned here, though they are not purely cartographical:
- Legend and map should be regarded as a single unit, printed on the same paper sheet.

- Each map must have a clear name, date, publisher, scale, copyright to allow correct citation
(see Annex B).
- Where legends have been prepared in a national language which is not widespread it is
advisable to include the terms in one or several international languages.
Obeying the fundamental recommendations provided in this chapter will ensure high quality
and economic map publications.

Chapter 4.



Hydrogeological maps generally contain three basic kinds of information, in relation to the
topographic background:

- depth, altitude, quality, distribution of groundwater and aquifers,

- the geological framework (type, structure and extent of aquifers and hydrogeological units),
- the hydrographic network related to groundwater discharge or recharge.
Before recommending a general legend for hydrogeological maps - i.e. a cartographic language
or .the cartographic symbols and their meaning and significance (Part 11) - it is worthwhile to
summarize, as completely as possible, the features and concepts to be displayed on the map. At
the same time we can present a complete list of features which may be shown on a map,
together with their semantic explanation, their spatial extent and the constraints of representation. A programme for hydrogeological map preparation thus requires a selection of
features to be represented, depending on the intended use of the map and the cartographic
restraints imposed by scale.
The features on a map may be classified according to their

- physical or phenomenological nature;

- natural or artificial nature;
- relative importance;

- duration or time dependence (permanent, unstable, variable);

- degree of conceptualisation (observed, calculated or interpreted features);
- usefulness and readiness for direct or indirect usage, i.e. according to the purpose of the


- form and dimensions (determining the possibility of their representation);

- scale or degree at which these features assume significance.
These features have in common that they can be shown in space, whether they are stable, or
variable, in which case an average or actual state (referred to a specified date) may be
Any of the above classifications should be considered in order to optimize cartographic
representation and to avoid overloading the map with symbols. An overcrowded map simply
becomes unusable, and therefore a proper selection of features to be shown and their graphical
compatibility is of paramount importance.

The field of hydrology covers both the hydrosphere and the liesphere. Therefore two
subdivisions of hydrogeological features may be distinguished:
- water, particularly groundwater features (the content),

- rock bodies or hydrogeological structures classified according to their relationship to water

(the container).
Clearly the full range of features must not be portrayed on one single map, but a useful
selection should be made in respect of the purpose and type of the map.
In the following, some salient features of these subdivisions are listed, which partly
correspond with the list of measurable field data (Chapter 2), and are derived partly (deduced
or calculated) from these data and additional information:
Groundwater features (hydrological, hydrochemical)

Presence, extension and continuity (groundwater reservoir).

- Depth to water table, relative to surface level.

- Height of potentiometric surface (water table or confined), relative to datum level;
piezometric or water table contours; delineation of areas with (at a certain date) water table
(phreatic), confined, or artesian conditions.

- Flow directions and hydraulic gradients derived from potentiometric surfaces (of a
continuous single aquifer); flow lines and slopes of potentiometric surface; relatively stable
hydrodynamic boundaries (groundwater divides, no-flux boundaries) defined after the
potentiometric pattern.

- Inferred or known macroscopic flow connections in discontinuous aquifers (e.g. connections between sink holes and karst springs).

- Difference of potentiometric levels (e.g. between high and low levels at different dates,
water level fluctuation, or drawdown resulting from pumping compared to the initial natural
condition) and delineation of drawdown areas.
- Volume of groundwater in a groundwater reservoir or per unit area.
- Volume of groundwater at different saturation levels.

- Flux at interfaces of aquifer, ground surface and surface water, with direction of flux:
-- entering flux = recharge to groundwater
-- exit flux
= discharge from groundwater.
- Distinction between recharge and discharge areas.
- Recharge flux due to infiltration of meteoric water (regionally variable):
mean values per unit area,

- Discharge flux: spring or draining river discharge.

- Type of spring discharge regime: permanent, intermittent or temporary; variability; mean
discharge values or coefficients, eventually spring hydrographs.

- Quantity of water withdrawn at locations (pumping stations, artesian wells) or in an area,

within a certain time (mean i'lux).

- Characteristics, either physical (thermal, isotopic, etc.) or chemical, of groundwater at

certain points (e.g. springs) or zones, at a certain date; spatial distribution of these
characteristics, especially chemical composition of water; diagrams may be used to show the
chemical composition of the groundwater at certain sampling points.
- Water quality defined on hydrochemical classification or water usage criteria; in many arid

and semi-arid regions, salinity of groundwater is a major issue portrayed on thematic maps.
Note: These features are related to a single groundwater reservoir or aquifer. In the case of
several superimposed aquifers each individual aquifer has its own set of characteristics.
Hydrogeological (physiographical) features

- Lithological type of geological formations (outcropping or deeper beneath covering

deposits) classified according to their capacity to transmit, store and yield water: type and
order of magnitude of both permeability and porosity, in continuous or discontinuous media
(porous intergranular, fissured or fractured, karstified).
- Extension, structure and geometry of rock bodies, particularly aquifers:

-- position (projected on a two-dimensional sheet) and type of boundaries limiting areas of

different permeability

-- height of base and top of an aquifer

-- thickness of the saturated rock mass
-- location of internal heterogeneities relevant to groundwater flow
(fracture zones, barriers, faults).
- Values of parameters quantifying the hydraulic properties of rocks, e.g. permeability,

transmissivity, storage, and their spatial distribution.

- Estimated values for the unsaturated zone, e.g. the water bearing capacity of soils which are
required for water balance modelling (indicated in mm).
- Position of hydrographic network elements (permanent or temporary) which may suggest

the delineation of aquifer boundary conditions (potential or flux).

- Relationship between rivers and adjacent aquifers: close relationship, continuous and
permanent or discontinuous and temporary, decreased by river bed sealing, no relation
between river and aquifer ("perched" river).

- Position of individual points and sites with a discharge or recharge function, e.g. springs,
seepage areas or lines, evaporation pans; sinkholes and water losses in rivers.
- Genetic and or morphologic type of spring or sinkholes.

- Classification of zones according to their hydrogeological complexity and structure (degree

of homogeneity, one aquifer, phreatic or confined, or multilayered aquifers, continuous or
discontinuous aquifers, etc.).
- Finally all anthropogenic features, e.g. position of wells, pumping stations, injection wells,

artificial recharge, irrigated areas, mined areas, soil drainage, tunnels, dams and canals,
The features mentioned under both sections are often interdependent, e.g. the thickness of an
aquifer depends both on its geometry and on the potentiometric head, or the transmissivity
depends both on this head and on the permeability.
The correlation between hydraulic data and structural information allows a precise description
of aquifer systems which can be distinguished by different hydrogeological conditions, e.g.
- delineation and definition of boundaries and their condition, chiefly by combining structural

geological and hydrographical features,

- description of transmissivities, storage and the flow field (equipotential lines, heads),

- order of magnitude of entering and leaving fluxes (recharge and discharge) and their
- changes in the natural groundwater regime induced by man.

This correlation also provides useful practical information, e.g. on the accessibility of aquifers,
the expected yield of wells, pumping levels, quality or suitability of groundwater for a
particular use, sustainability of groundwater resources, etc. From this, a system of varied
derived hydrogeological maps can be produced, as outlined in Figure 15, which are extremely
valuable for planning and development purposes.
Hydrogeological maps differ from most of the other thematic geoscientific maps because of the
time dependency of the various features they deal with. These maps refer to a particular time
and portray information of a quasi-stationary,but transient situation, whereby the groundwater
features are much more subjected to change in time than the more static hydrogeological
features. In addition, man is increasingly developing groundwater in all parts of the world,
thereby changing the original conditions considerably.
Both natural and anthropogenic features have to be portrayed together on a hydrogeological
map to indicate the state of exploitation of groundwater resources and possible changes of the
natural regime. This may produce lowering or rising water tables, migration of groundwater
divides, changes in head distribution and the flow field, disappearance of artesian conditions
and considerable changes of groundwater quality parameters; not to mention resulting changes
at surface, e.g. land subsidence, drainage regime, or drying up of springs, lakes and rivers.
Hydrogeological maps of the same area showing a set' of highly time dependent parameters
(such as spring discharge, groundwater table or chemical ion contents) at different dates may
look very different. Therefore hydrogeological maps should always make reference to a date or
time period, and they have to be updated and re-issued from time to time.

- lithology

C L:


- hydrography

aquifer system and groundwater system








Figure 15. A system of specialized hydrogeological maps for planning and


To cope with the time factor on a hydrogeological map, three options may be considered by the
map maker:

- Repesenting a momentary situation referred to a particular reference date, when the variables
have been determined (which is, however, hard to fulfil1 in practice).

- Representing an average situation referred to a common period of observation, generally a

long, multiannual period of records.

- Representing the frequence of occurrence of particular situations, e.g. minimum and

maximum stages of water levels, maximum depth of water table, minimum discharge of
spring, chiefly to provide information on the "safety" of water resources.
Modern, computer assisted graphic representation tools particularly suit the requirements of
fre-quent updating and re-issuing of maps displaying rapidly changing parameters (see Chapter
In conclusion, particular types of hydrogeological maps are less subject to changes and,
therefore, less vulnerable to outdating. As, for example, the "hydro-lithological" conditions
tend to be relatively stable in time, so that their knowledge is crucial for the understanding of
the complex setting of groundwater flow systems including their quantitiative and qualitative
assessment. Such a map may be considered fundamental and long-lasting; thus it should be
prepared early in a programme.

The data and information presented on hydrogeological maps may correspond with different
degrees of treatment and interpretation. In general, the following five levels are distinguished:

Basic data, i.e. results of direct observations or measurements that should be as objective
as possible and depend only on the site and date, if varying in space or time (see also
Chapter 2).


Primary derived data based on simple treatment and interpretation, e,g. isolines derived
from point data on water level or chemical parameters.


Secondary data derived from (b) or more complex treatment and investigation methods,
e.g. statistics, computing, well tests, geophysics, including results of modelling,
estimates of spatial variables deduced from numerical simulation methods, e.g. recharge,
transrnissivity and fluxes.


Results of tertiary interpretation and classification, e.g. transformation of lithology into

hydrogeological units, classification of productivities of aquifers, accessibility,
exploitation cost, suitability of groundwater for special uses, etc. (cf. Figure 15).

Table 5 summarizes these features whether relatively constant (hydrogeological) or more

transient (groundwater and man made).
The general conceptual development of hydrogeological maps (see Chapter 5) corresponds
with this development in the intevretation of data, i.e. from raw simple descriptive and analytic
data towards derived synthetic, complex and interpreted information.

Table 5. Features represented on hydrogeological maps and degree of their


and river; fluxes of

This leads directly to the dualism of data versus information, which is also relevant for
hydrogeological mapping:

- data (facts) analytical as well as synthetic, usually describe the situation as precisely, completely and objectively as possible, generally against a scientific ("cognitive") background;
- information includes selection, transposition, interpretation andlor combination of data in

view of the real or expected user, particularly for decision or regulation purposes.
Information always requires first the availability of reliable data and, second, a particular
demand as well as skilful personnel to tailor the information both in content and in graphical
expression for the user,
Planners and executives are generally not interested in scientific hydrogeological details, nor do
they know the hydrogeologist's terminology. Therefore scientific data must be translated into a
language, both graphical and verbal to enable the non-hydrogeologist to grasp the information
he needs.
Here again, computer based interactive interpretation, transformation and visualization methods
are very powerful tools to meet the demand of special users or user groups.


Data and information, whether plotted in reports, tables or maps, inherently are related to a
certain degree of reliability. This is, however, not always stated, so that on maps in.particular
the customer may draw the conclusion that proved, reliable information is provided throughout
the map.
Usually a distinction is made e.g. between observed and inferred contours on geological and
hydrogeological maps. However, this does not generally apply to area1 information which may
imply a relatively homogeneous reliability. Therefore additional information on reliability
should be provided on insets or in the explanatory notes to the map, where appropriate. This
can be demonstrated by statistical methods, provided that the number of measurement points or
boreholes is sufficient.
Of course, such indications on the reliability of map information cannot prevent misuse, such
as naive drillers assessing their prospects for boreholes from generalized overview maps
without more detailed local studies. To tackle this problem, a relevant disclaimer on the map
margin should explain the possible uses and limitations of the map.
The hydrogeologist should never withdraw from producing hydrogeological maps simply
because of insufficient, incomplete and unreliable data (in fact, this is the normal case). Note
that even a rough guess of a hydrogeological professional is much more valuable than the
dowser's advice! And realize that even simple hydrogeological reconnaissance maps are as
valuable in the initial phase of development as more advanced and specific maps in the later
management and protection phases.

Chapter 5 ,


Hydrogeological maps and other graphic representations reflect the state of the art in
hydrogeological knowledge and reflect the specific requirements of their users. A wealth of
such material exists worldwide, which corresponds to the evolution in water science at various
stages throughout the world (see selected list, Annex A). This wealth of existing maps, the
level of data and information available and the possible use of the maps enables a number of
types of hydrogeological maps to be distinguished. These are outlined in Figure 16, in relation
to the other parameters shown (Struckmeier et al., 1989).
The aforementioned classification is considered most useful and practical, though other
classifications according to various criteria are possible, as outlined in Annex C.

(map sets, atlasses)

resource potential

cost per unit area

Figure 16. A classification system for hydrogeological maps,

( conceptual model

The commonest types of hydrogeological maps in the broad sense are


general comprehensive hydrogeological and groundwater resource potential maps


parameter maps (this type includes both parameters and variables, as well as other basic
data portrayed on single value maps)


groundwater systems maps


special aspect or purpose groundwater maps, including derived maps, such as

vulnerability, suitability and protection maps.

The growing widely-varying range of computer-derived graphical representations is an

additional type which is developing rapidly in certain countries with access to good data bases
and advanced geo-information system (GIS) technology. This group is dealt with in Chapter 7.


General, comprehensive hydrogeological maps and maps of groundwater resource potential are
grouped together, for two reasons. Firstly, they correspond to earlier stages of hydrogeological
investigation and knowledge and secondly they present comprehensive data and information as
a synthesis, varying from mere superposition to integration of different layers of data and
information. They differ, as comprehensive hydrogeological maps chiefly lay emphasis on
hydrogeological features such as the type of aquifers, while maps of groundwater resources
potential primarily present information on the availability and suitability of the groundwater.
However, there is a gradual transition from one type to the other.
The prototype of the general, comprehensive hydrogeological map is the International
Hydrogeological Map of Europe, a series of map sheets at scale 1 : 1 500 000. It is also the
model for the International Legend for Hydrogeological Maps (see Part 11) and many other
maps and legends. A colour plate showing part of this map is included in this volume (Plate I).
It is a true synoptic data base providing, together with the corresponding explanatory notes, a
full range of useful interrelated data and information at a supra-regional scale. The degree of
interpretation is, however, less advanced, compared to resource potential maps. Therefore
additional interpretation and translation is required, if non-hydrogeologists are to make full use
of it. For hydrogeologists, it is in any case an easily usable and powerful tool. Hence this type
of map is considered basic at professional level, and therefore is used for systematic map
coverage in many countries of the world (see Annex A).
Maps of groundwater resource potential can be prepared in two ways and at different stages:
(a) by integrating various kinds of specific information layers at a fairly advanced stage of
hydrogeological investigation, as outlined in Figure 15 or (b) by using the relevant experience
and skill of the regional hydrogeologist at a relatively early stage of groundwater investigation.
Such 'reconnaissance' investigation map implies a rather subjective but fairly reliable and
extremely quick estimation, whereas large amounts of data have to be collected and stored
before (a) can be implemented. An example of this map type from a semi-arid area in Africa
(Botswana) is shown on Plate 11. This map at scale 1 : 1 million shows an integrated interpretation of the hydrogeologically relevant data of the country and is largely based on the
existing hydrogeological reconnaissance map series at scale 1 : 500 000.

Both general and groundwater resource potential maps utilise small and medium scales, but
also can be produced at large scales.
The parameter map shows with maximum accuracy a specific set of data (parameter or variable)
relevant to groundwater and aquifers, its occurrence, extent, magnitude and hydro-geochernical
characteristics. Parameters and variables displayed on such maps are

- physical, showing groundwater contours, depth-to-groundwater,groundwater temperature,

depth of structural surfaces (isobaths) and thickness of aquifers, and

- chemical, e.g. groundwater salinity, specific ion contents (e.g. chloride, fluoride, iron,
The representation of a single groundwater-related parameter or variable should take into
account at least one other parameter; e,g. a groundwater contour map has to be logically linked
with the river network and regime (whether losing, gaining or independent), the topographic
setting and locations.
A base map showing observation points and (simplified) topography is generally indispensable
for all single-parameter maps. This also is true for the representation of further values, such as
transmissivity, coefficient of permeability, storage coefficient, field capacity, infiltration rates,
fluctuation of groundwater table, hydraulic head characteristics and so forth.
Single-parameter maps often serve for the precise presentation of many individual details and
therefore require the use of larger scales. If appropriate, values or data may be stated on the
map, in numbers, to be extended or revised, but also because of the need to update these maps
frequently. These maps, therefore, are very suitable for preparation by CAD (computer aided
design) techniques.
Such maps requFe interpretation by hydrogeologists.
Usually, parameter maps are prepared as simple black and white maps, mainly for practical and
cost reasons.
Groundwater systems maps are prepared to highlight the hydrodynamic setting and the
boundary conditions in a given area. They may encompass a whole country or region or focus
on individual hydrological or groundwater flow systems thereby laying the base for further
hydrodynamic modelling. They greatly facilitate understanding of groundwater flow systems
and define the boundary conditions of models.
These maps are particularly useful in the conceptual phase of modelling and are, of course,
based on many parameter maps, together with an integration of auxiliary information .such as
morphological, geological, structural, pedological, hydrological and other relevant information.
They require a relatively advanced stage of data acquisition and are usually coupled with
conceptual model thinking. As they originate from a very comprehensive, integrated view of
the relevant features, they may advance the understanding of the hydrogeological setting
considerably and even lead to new conclusions. A by-product of the combination of data,
information and models is the clear identification of gaps and a hierarchical classification of

data. Therefore such maps are most efficient to outline monitoring networks, preferably at key
positions in the groundwater systems.
At present there are few maps of this type, although their great value is recognized by
hydrogeologists and modellers. Their cartographic elements have been included in the standard
legend (Part 11) to facilitate preparation of such maps, which are particularly useful for
groundwater protection and environmental management purposes. Plate I11 shows a section of
the holotype of the map of aquifer systems of France at scale 1 : 1 500 000. Another example
of a groundwater systems map at scale l : 500 000 is shown on Plate IV.


As this family of maps is destined to specifically serve a particular purpose and the range of
users and user groups may vary widely, a broad spectrum of such maps exists. In general,
they can be grouped according to their use into planning, exploitation and management:
- maps providing direct information on groundwater and its availability, accessibility and cost

of abstraction,
- planning and management maps providing information on groundwater quality,

- groundwater vulnerability maps indicating the vulnerability of groundwater to pollution,

- groundwater protection maps indicating .the state of exploitation of groundwater resources,

protected areas and future reserves which may require protection.

Moreover, more generalized maps for educational purposes could be added to this group. The
value of these maps, often underestimated, lies in the instruction of the public, particularly at
school level. Such maps inform about the occurrence, vulnerability and necessity for proper
management and protection of water resources, so vital to the health of mankind's
Most of these special purpose or aspect maps are designed to aid the efficient planning and
management of groundwater resources, and thus make significant contributions to a nation's
economy. The cost of producing such maps will generally be more than offset by their potential
to generate economic gain. All hydrogeological organisations should therefore make every
effort to make their accumulations of data and professional expertise publicly available, through
the medium of hydrogeological maps, to all those - politicians, administrators, engineers,
managers etc. - responsible for the social and economic development of a country or region.


Explanatory notes complementing and completing hydrogeological maps have proved to be
most useful to both map author and map user, since they
- contain detailed information that could not be accommodated on the map itself for reasons of

- offer possibilities to give further explanations on interesting items on the map, thereby

expanding the map legend,

- explain how to read the map and fully grasp the information presented.

Explanatory notes are particularly valuable for systematic, general purpose maps designed as
optical data bases with different kinds of data and information, and generally presenting a low
level of interpretation.
Such maps together with the corresponding explanatory notes thus constitute real regional
hydrogeological monographs suggesting many ways for further application.
Maps and explanatory notes must be closely interrelated, and they should be prepared
simultaneously. Whilst systematic geological base maps exist in many countries, similar
hydrogeological maps series are less abundant. Where they do exist, they are usually issued as
books with a map (or maps) in a pocket,
General purpose specific aspect maps, by contrast, are rarely complemented by explanatory
notes, Their aim is to quickly inform the map user on a particular question. They may comprise
concise and short explanations, e.g. a general hydrogeological summary, an appraisal of the
reliability of map information and hints for using the map. Such maps are largely selfexplanatory. However, the authors of these maps should always prepare a corresponding publication
in a regionally relevant scientific or practical journal, to introduce the map to the public and to
provide additional information on the preparation, representational concept, legend and use of
the map. The maps should also be registered in map catalogues (see Annex B).

Chapter 6.


This chapter refers to the technical procedures for hydrogeological map preparation, a
knowledge of which may greatly contribute to the smooth and efficient planning and
implementation of hydrogeological mapping programmes. This implies that careful discussions
have taken place between the map makers and potential users leading to a suitable concept. The
possible users, promoting or financing bodies for systematic mapping programmes or single
maps may be international organisations, government agencies, universities or private
companies, such as geological surveys, river authorities, water supply companies, planning
and environmental protection agencies, etc.
The hydrogeologist elaborates the appropriate map concept on the basis of the requirements of
data and resources on the one hand, and the user's needs and destination of the map on the
other. He may be greatly helped by the previous chapters of this guidebook. However, both
the development of a final concept of a map as well as the procedure for map preparation
should not be schematized. Sufficient flexibility must be kept, to adapt the map as much as
s this chapter as
possible to the particular situation. Therefore the technical r e c o ~ e n d a t i o n in
well as the standard legend presented in Part I1 of this guidebook are neither obligatory nor
binding; but they have proved to be useful for numerous map projects at various scales and in
various environments worldwide.
This chapter focusses on published coloured maps which require somewhat costly, time and
manpower-consumingpreparation that should be carefully conducted, in order to optimize the
costlbenefit ratio. Therefore, the bulk of parameter maps, being part of most specialized
investigation reports, are not described in this chapter, since they are chiefly prepared in black
and white and in many formats. At the end'of this chapter, recommendations are given for the
preparation of explanatory notes, to complement the map sheets.
The general concept of hydrogeological mapping programmes is often disputed, even by
hydrogeologists themselves. A crucial point is whether preference is given to top > down or
bottom > up methods, i.e. starting with large or small scales. Although nothing is wrong with
a concept based on a large number of detailed maps which are generalized and plotted onto
maps of larger areas at smaller scales, it is usually preferable and more practical to apply a
telescoping system. It starts from rather crude and general, small overview scales to more
detailed, larger scales, particularly in areas where more precise and quantitative information is
needed, e.g. in population centres or areas of conflicting land use. This latter strategy is
advantageous for three reasons: firstly, general information on groundwater is provided at an
early stage of the nation's development, when it is badly needed; secondly, hydrogeological
capacity building and public awareness about groundwater matters are fostered by good
overview maps; and thirdly, the more detailed mapping programmes can be planned more
efficiently. The first, rough reconnaissance maps can be updated, corrected and refined later.
The wise statement of an old, experienced teacher in cartography also applies to hydrogeological maps; it should be remembered by all concerned: "the most important thing about a
map is, that it is prepared, if possible, in time and that it is completed".
The preparative synopsis for a hydrogeological map is given in Figure 17.

hydrographic map


Figure 17. Flow diagram for the preparation of hydrogeological maps.

In general, there are .threeor four specialists (or groups of specialists) that have to co-operate to
ensure the preparation and publication of a map in the most economic way, i.e. the author, the
draughtsman and the printer, and - optionally - a map editor (see Figure 18).

(preparing the map

checking the manuscripts,

(drawing the map fair draft)

(printing the map)

Figure 18. Specialists co-operating in map preparation and publication.

Topographical and simple thematic maps for which standards and rules of representation are
available usually require only map authors, cartographers and printers.
However, the assignment of a map editor is frequently warranted, since generally agreed
technical standards of representation are still not available for all individual types of maps (too
much standardisation would seem undesirable when one realizes the huge variety of themes
that can be presented on hydrogeologicalmaps). The editor should serve as a link between the
scientific (the author of a hydrogeological map) and technical (cartographer) levels; on the one
hand he has to advise and discuss scientifically with the map author, and to supply the author
with material facilitating the map drafting (e.g. legends, examples, technical instructions); on
the other hand he has to supervise the cartographic work and he should hold discussions with
the cartographer who transfers the author's manuscripts into final cartographic drafts.
In many countries, short of manpower and skilled professionals, it may not be possible to
employ an expert for map editing only. However, it is recommended that every agency
concerned with hydrogeological mapping should assign an expert who will be trained and
upgraded in hydrogeological map production techniques, so as to ensure the good standard of
any published maps. Official maps should be published only after authorization by this expert
and by the head of the hydrogeological survey.
If systematic hydrogeological mapping is carried out (e.g. a series of maps), a map editor or an
editorial board is absolutely necessary, since the interpretation and representation of the data
must be uniform throughout the map series,


The input of authors, editors, draughtsmen and printers for the compilation and scientific and
technical preparation of a hydrogeological map varies widely, generally depending on the
purpose of the map and on the given constraints, such as availability of manpower, time, or
There are, however, several typical and distinct stages in the preparation and publication of a
hydrogeological map; they usually follow a chronological order (from the map compilation and
drafting to the printing), as outlined on Figure 19. It shows an example from Indonesia which,
however, is universally applicable.

The author's stage

It should be said at the outset that in view of the complex nature of hydrogeology any author of
a hydrogeological map should have comprehensive knowledge about all components
influencing the groundwater regime (e.g. climate, surface hydrology, orography, land use,
geology). This knowledge will allow him to find an explanation for the features observed in
nature. In other words, he should be a qualified hydrogeologist.
Next, the map author has to define the objective of the map and the possible map users, since
they largely control the extent of work and cost for the map production. Every author of a map,
however, should bear in mind that 'his' map will be used by different map users, all of them
expecting complete and reliable information. Thus the author should document all data from
which the map interpretation is derived; and he should provide an explanatory note which
contains information about reliability, period of data collection and additional data not shown
on the map.
In general, the preparation of a hydrogeological map by the author consists of the following

initial (office)
(fact finding, orienting, preparing, checking, planning)


field work
(data collecting, questioning, clearing)


interpretation (office)
(interpreting, explaining, completing, representing).

The initial phase of map prepation largely comprises preparatory work in the office both with
respect to scientific content and to the careful scheduling of the subsequent phase of field work.
At this stage the feasibility of the map project (personal, financial and technical resources) has
been mostly ascertained so ,thatthe basis for a successful project is laid. It is essential in this
phase to:

- define the map concept (purpose, content, scale and representation)

-- talk with potential users
-- work out the legend

-- select a suitable topographic base map

-- contact cartographers and (eventually) p*ters

agreement of Director

Figure 19. Stages of preparation and responsibilities during the publication of the
HydrogeologicalMap of Indonesia (example, expanding on the lower part
of Figure 17).

- prepare the topographic base map

-- update the topographic base map
-- interpret (morphology, drainage pattern)
-- select the elements to be retained on the thematic hydrogeological map as well as their
- exploit existing reports

-- abstract hydrogeological information

-- check information on climate, hydrology, geology, land use, water management

- check geological maps

-- study geological (lithological) units

-- understand structure and tectonics

-- discuss with geological map authors

- interpret air photos and satellite images

-- regarding topography, hydrogeological features, including karst vegetation, land use,
geology, tectonics

- discuss with colleagues

-- concept for field work

-- field infrastructure

- check equipment for the field survey.

At the end of this phase a reliable schedule for field work (time, manpower and equipment)
must be available and priorities for data collection (essential - very important - useful - optional)
should be set.
Since Chapters 2 and 4 largely focussed on field data and data requirements for hydrogeological maps, only a rough summary is given here.
Necessary field work should be carefully planned and carried out, since it is usually costly and
limited in time, e.g. a field campaign during the dry season. Therefore, priority must be given
to the quality of data, i.e. the collected data has to be correct, complete and reliable, rather than
to the quantity of data (many measurements) (see also Chapter 2).
During field work, the map authors should

- visit, assess, measure and plot 'water points'

-- 1. springs, 2. boreholes, 3. water works, 4. wells,
5. stream flow, particularly base flow, 6 , additional
-- fill in well schedules

-- plot location on field map, make notes

- correct base maps (topographical and geological)
-- new canals, reservoirs, irrigation schemes

-- geological units

- collect information from all water-related and other relevant authorities

-- project consultants and drillers

- subdivide the map area according to hydrogeology
-- delineate areas of similar hydrogeological character (hydro-lithologicalunits)

-- define recharge and discharge areas

-- interpret all field observations
-- return to areas where data are contradictory or incomplete
- outline additional investigations, e.g.
-- drilling

-- aquifer testing
-- geochemistry

-- geophysics

At the end of the field work, ,the author should check that essential hydrogeological data for
map preparation are complete and that no contradictions or important gaps in knowledge are
likely to occur on the map.
At this stage, it is important to critically review, compare and correlate the data collected and
retrieved elsewhere. This applies to all data and information derived from different sources,
particularly data from boreholes and analyses, which are very valuable to the hydrogeologist
since they allow a look at the vertical component and development of a semi three-dimensional
understanding of the regional hydrogeological setting.
Lithological data at depth are usually derived from sampling during or after drilling or digging
wells. Indirect, deduced lithological information can be derived from geophysical measurements. Lithological descriptions of cuttings or cores are made out not only by geologists but
also by drillers or auxiliary technical staff. These descriptions are subject to a number of factors
such as:
- method of sampling and sample storage;

- experience and knowledge of the staff who describe the samples, e.g. misunderstanding
technical terms such as fine sand for silt or silt for clay, etc.

- daylight conditions to distinguish colours;

- whether the sample has been washed;

- moisture content of sample.

There are many possibilities for wrong descriptions and lithological records may vary greatly.
Thus, this information has to be handled with care. However, as lithology and structure largely
govern the groundwater flow setting, this information is particularly valuable for hydrogeological mapping purposes.
For registering lithological data, abbreviations for grain sizes of major and minor constituents
are used including remarks on colours, specific minerals and other relevant features. All
information should be reported on special borehole documentation forms. These can either be
adapted for the use of electronic data processing or transcribed on diagrams (lithological or well
logs). As lithology often varies greatly with increasing depth, the wealth of lithological
information should be pre-treated by correlation and compared with existing geological maps.

The visual correlation of well logs by the hydrogeologist has proved to be most useful, using
the following methods:

Plotting of primary data from each log at the respective location on the map. These data
are not adjusted to or correlated with neighbouring logs before being plotted.
It is important to look for consistent data, that is to say, values over the same depth or the
same thickness, etc. The data may be grouped and the classes marked by colours or
symbols. The observation points can then be reviewed visually and possibly combined in


Plotting of data derived from a correlation of logs, after making any necessary visual

Both methods, which are largely complementary, should be used.

The preparation of well logs at a standard scale is also necessary for the construction of vertical
The main lithological constituent must always be emphasized; for example, "sandy clay" means
that primarily clay is involved; "clayey sand" should clearly show that it is primarily a sand.
The symbols can be mixed, approximating to the percentage value of the constituents.
The distinction between "good", "fair" and "poor" aquifers or the use of similar statements
should generally not be made at this stage of the investigation. A generalization will be more
meaningful if many complete logs can be correlated.
The correlation of lithological logs results in a regional overview of the geological structure. By
this means, the hydrogeologist will be able to deduce information about the possible depth,
thickness and extent of aquifers and to apply it to the hydrogeological map.
A correlation should not be made by combining primarily all layers with the same description,
but to develop it step by step. As the lithological description is only one criterion, it is more
reasonable to look for similar sediment associations, similar values of thickness or depth,
similar tendencies of grain-size changes (but independent of absolute grain-size values), etc..
The initial step comprises a discussion of certainty subdivided as follows:

Correlation is sure. All logs indicate the same or very similar material. The position
(depth) and thickness of the layer are the same or very similar in all logs.


Correlation is probable. The boundaries indicated by this letter correspond to divisions

between thick series which are characterized by different predominant grain sues in the
various logs. Less attention is paid to the direct correlation of descriptive terms (such as
"coarse sand" with "coarse sand" or "fine sand" with "fine sand").
Firstly, characteristic changes or sequences are studied within each log separately.
Secondly, similar sequences (e.g. fine to coarse) are recognized in neighbouring logs.
The certainty is supported by the fact that no material described had to be omrnitted from
the correlation.


Correlation is possible. By jumping one log and generalizing, good (regional) correlation
has been obtained, e.g. between "coarse and wjth medium sand" below and "fine with
coarse sand and medium sand".


Correlation is problematic, when only fragmentary data or very crude descriptions are


Correlation is impossible due to lack of imformation.

Figure 20 shows a generalized transverse section in which two main types of hydrogeologically relevant formations are distinguished by using diagonal hatching (for main aquitatds)
and dots (for main aquifers A, B and C).

Figure 20. Correlation of borehole logs on a cross-section.

In addition, the respective symbols for coarse and fine material are added to each main aquifer
andtor aquitard in accordance with the logs where such material was recorded. Such
finalization is important in order to indicate possible hydraulic connections between the main
aquifer series.
The correlation of lithological borehole information together with geological and structural
information of a given area enable the hydrogeologist to develop a first coherent concept of the
hydrogeological setting of the map area. This has to be verified, however, step by step by
integrating other data on groundwater quantity and quality.

Hydrochemical field or laboratory data are registered either on special forms by analyses
individually or on comprehensive data sheets, both types being useful for the hydrogeologist.
Comparable with the handling of lithological data, the hydrochemical data should also be pretreated in a systematic and consistent way before being plotted on a map. Particular attention
should be paid to the vertical zoning, which may be disturbed by pumping wells. This may
lead to an undesired mixture of water entering at different screen levels having different
chemical composition. This problem can be overcome by multilevel wells permitting depth
related chemical water analyses.
After this phase of field work, correlation and pre-interpretation of the field data and additional
data and information drawn from archives and data bases, the map author proceeds to the
interpretation phase for drafting the map. It should follow the field work immediately, even if
additional investigations are to be carried out.
During the phase of interpretation and map drafting the map author should

- correct and update the topographic base map

-- drainage pattern, reservoirs, canals, irrigation areas
-- cities, important roads

- transform the geological base map into a lithological base map

-- subdivide significant lithological units

-- group adjacent, similar rocks into one unit
- plot point data exactly on the base map
-- amount and kind of data depending on type of map

- make an areal evaluation of data

-- define map legend

-- generalize and regionalize the data

- draw representative cross-sections

-- to cross important hydrogeological units

-- include drillings and profiles in section line

- write an explanatory text

-- define map compilation procedure

-- present a synthesis of hydrogeology of mapped area

-- describe additional features not represented on map.

An example of an author's work plan, as used in hydrogeological mapping programmes in

Indonesia, is presented in Figure 2 1.
The phase of interpretation and map drafting is crucial and requires the full attention and skill of
the hydrogeologist. It comprises mainly the interpretation of point and line data into areal
information, whereby all data, information and observations are correlated and arranged with
the aid of hydrogeological methods and models. The phase of map drawing is concluded by
delivering the complete map manuscript to the cartographer.





be familiar wit

deliver final manuscripts to editor for checking before passing to cartographic draughtsman

PHASE OF INTERPRETATION,in the office (interpreting, completing, representing)


1. drilling
2. pumping tests
3. geophysics
4. geochemistry


I document all available data on field maps, well schedules and field book

survey AREAS
1. recharge and
discharge areas
2. productivity

PHASE OF FIELD WORK (collection, questioning, clearing)

I elaborate a concept and schedule for field work I




1. top0 base map


collect POINT DATA

1. springs
2. boreholes
3. water works
4. other relevant data

collect and
colour TOP0
MAPS (different

PHASE OF PREPARATION, in the office (fact finding, orientating, preparing, planning)

This material, which should meet minimum technical standards, e.g. points, lines and other
geographically referenced symbols, must be drawn on dimensionally stable sheets (plastic
drawing foil), while area1 colo,urs,types of areas, type of symbols and the sheet layout should
be unambiguously defined on additional paper sheets (preferably photo prints (heliocopies) of
the transparent plastic sheets which are coloured by hand).
In the case of a simple hydrogeological map the author will try to explain his wishes for the
format of the map to the draughtsman and will check from time to time that his desires are
being met.
For complex hydrogeological maps, particularly a series of systematic maps, an editor or
editorial board should oversee the work of both map author and draughtsman.
The drawing of instructive cross-sections is essential, to provide information on the vertical
extension of structures or features on the map. It must always be composed together with the
map draft, since map and cross-sections must form a homogeneous unit. Moreover, the map
author has to transfer his three-dimensional grasp of the hydrogeological systems on two
planes (horizontal and vertical) which must'be coherent. Any changes in the map thus have to
be considered on the cross-sections, too. The corresponding explanatory notes should be
written simultaneously or immediately after the preparation of the map.
Outline of explanatory notes

Explanatory notes contain both information which could not be placed on the main map face in
order to cope with cartographic requirements and preserve legibility, and information usually
not mappable such as cross-sections, hydrographs, tables and other graphics.

A typical outline of an explanatory note to a general hydrogeological map may comprise the
following table of contents:
1. Introduction
2. Geographical overview
3. Climate and hydrology
4. Summary of geology
5. Detailed hydrogeological descriptions
6. Explanation of the main map and map inserts
7, Bibliography
The introduction comprises definition and limitations of the map as well as a review of steps
towards the completion of the map including cooperation and references.
In the geographical overview, a succinct outline of the relief, landuse, population, etc. is
provided. In addition, regulations for land management, such as nature protection areas,
should be mentioned.
The climate and hydrology chapter highlights the climatic factors, particularly precipitation, and
presents useful hydrological information, e.g. on the water cycle, components of the water
balance, hydrological regimes of rivers, drainage network, drainage basins, karst features, etc.

The summary of geology contains information on the full sequence of rocks occurring on the
map sheet, their lithology, facies, thickness and stratigraphy. The structural setting must also
be described, together with tectonic explanations. Information on borehole logs, soils and
superficial formations should also be included in this chapter.
The detailed hydrogeology chapter is of course the central part of the explanatory notes. It
should contain a coherent regional appraisal of hydrogeological units, the aquifer and
groundwater systems as well as detailed information related to the hydraulic properties of
individual aquifers and other rock bodies. Any interesting information on drilling and well
construction, recharge or discharge, vulnerability and protection of groundwater, tables and
statistics about groundwater abstraction, use, pumping tests, chemical analyses, temperatures,
isotopic datings, as well as water levels and flow directions, underground karst features and
water balance calculations should be presented here, or as annexes. The text should largely be
complemented by cross-sections, sketch maps and other figures. Finally, particular problems,
uncertainties and need for further investigations and research should be mentioned.
In the chapter explaining the main map and the map insets a brief summary of the elements
shown on the map face and the special inset maps should be given. It should summarise the
legends of the maps and explain, by the aid of examples or models, what can be seen on the
map and how it can be interpreted, Reference should be made to cross-sections, to lead the map
user to a pseudo three-dimensional grasp of the hydrogeological setting. The inset maps should
be explained briefly, and their relation to the main map established.
A bibliography should conclude the text part of the explanatory notes. It must comprise the
most appropriate geographical, geological and climatic publications and should include all
relevant hydrological and hydrogeological reports, even if unpublished.
Summary tables, e.g. on stratigraphy, lithology, climate, hydrology, springs, groundwater
abstraction, chemical characteristics, etc. could be listed as annexes, allowing the reader a
quick and systematic comparison and overview.
The role of an editorleditorial board for a hydrogeological map
The main tasks of an editor or an editorial board for a hydrogeological map are
- to supply the map author with all base material suitable to facilitate the author's job (e.g.

base maps, general legends, guidelines for the drawing of map manuscripts, drawing

- to check and discuss the map drafts with the map author (e.g. representation, generalization,

- to ensure the proper and timely technical execution of the map;

- to advise, discuss and oversee the cartographic work and printing of the map.
The responsibilities of an editor for a hydrogeological map thus extend in part from the very
beginning of map preparation to the printing of the map (cf. Figure 19).
The editor of a hydrogeological map should always be a professional hydrogeologist, but he
should know about cartographic working methods and equipment.

By ensuring proper co-operation between author and draughtsmen losses of efficiency, time
and money will be minimized.
The technical preparation of a hydrogeological map
Technical preparation comprises all cartographic work and the printing of the map.
The manuscript map provided by the map author (and editor) is transformed into fair drafts
(plates) suitable for printing, by cartographic draughtsmen.
The cartographic work falls into three stages, i.e. design, scribing and mounting, and
reproduction (see Chapter 3).
It goes without saying that the draughtsman depends on the drafts of the authorleditor and has
to be sure that their information is correct and complete. Therefore, he will request correct and
accurate map drafts on stable material, where e.g. all point and line information is plotted in the
correct location on the topographical base map. The same holds for the text and any additional
information to be presented on the map.
As the cartographic techniques for modern, sophisticated map preparation are rather costly and
time consuming, alterations to the map manuscript should be avoided. As evidenced by
experience, however, desire for corrections and modifications of the map authorleditor will
always arise, even in the advanced stage of map preparation. This should be minimized by
speedy cartographic processing immediately after the completion of the author's manuscript as
well as by continuous contacts with the cartographer.
Provided that all parties involved in preparation and publication fulfil1 their tasks properly, a
hydrogeological map will usually be published up to six months after the completion of the
map drafts by the authorleditor. In view of the complexity of the map preparation procedure,
(an example is outlined in Figure 22), good co-operation and mutual understanding between all
parties concerned is indispensable,


Authors, editors, draughtsmen and printers must collaborate closely to achieve a hydrogeological map at least possible cost.
The assignment of an editorleditorial board usually boosts the efficiency of map preparation;
for a series of maps uniformity throughout the series must be sought.
For systematic, general hydrogeological maps, which should be prepared by the responsible
groundwater authorities so as to contribute to the development and proper planning of a
country's natural resources, the following essentials must be considered:
Boundary conditions:

- no general hydrogeological map available

- availability of manpower and funds

-geodetic survey

top0 base

- field check

-geological maps
published and unpublished



areal colour


+ productivity
- field check
- reports
- records of wells

- air photos
- field check

- reports and literature

+ lithology
- field check
- geological data

- air photos
- reports

+ hydrogeological
- hydrogeological reports

printed hydrogeological map sheet

water chemistry


springs, aquifer

- colleagues
- air photos
- public works (basin projects)
- vulcanology (geothermal projects)
- field reconnaissancetrip
- data base manager

-air photos
satellite images
- large scale top0 maps
project reports and maps
data of public works

+ geological

generallied top0 map

+ geographical
- air photos
- recent large scale maps
- reports

base material of
the editorial office







- administrationand population data

- rainfall atlas of Indonesia

+ additional information

general layout of

model map

E l

Relevant steps in map preparation:



Appoint editor or editorial board responsible for a systematic mapping project

Elaborate general legend
Use updated topographic base map
Schedule mapping work, of the
-- authors (office and field)
-- draughtsmen
-- printers
Ensure proper facilities for cartography and printing
Produce model sheet and discuss with authors and map users
Adjust general legend from time to time
Keep contact with map producers and map users.

If authors, editors, draughtsmen and printers co-operate effectively according to their tasks and
responsibilities, hydrogeological maps are very economical tools for planning and development
in every country or region. For example, drilling failures reduced considerably after
hydrogeological reconnaissance mapping and improved borehole siting techniques in
Botswana; in many European countries, natural resources planning has been optimized
considerably, since conflicting strategies for exploitation, e.g. between gravel excavation,
agricultural land use and groundwater development are recognized in advance.
This guidebook gives merely a brief indication of the principal points to consider for practical
hydrogeological mapping. The list is neither complete nor definitive, and modifications and
additions will eventually be needed, depending on the type, use and format of future
hydrogeological maps, as well as on their actual location in the particular region or country.
However, a systematic strategy should always be followed and worked out properly in flow
charts, time tables and a network plan, to run the programme efficiently. The hydrogeological
mapping programme thus serves not only for producing a map but, sometimes even niore
importantly, to set up a systematic data base. This should then be completed and refined, step
by step.
Thus, systematic hydrogeological mapping must also be regarded as an essential step in
hydrogeological capacity building, particularly important for hydrogeological surveys.

Chapter 7.


To complete the information on traditional map preparation provided in the previous chapters, a
quick glance is given in this chapter to computer-based or computer-assisted methods of
representation which are in common use today. This is not intended to replace textbooks
already available or in compilation, but merely to make the hydrogeological map maker
acquainted with the most relevant concepts and elements of these techniques.
Hydrogeological mapping, i.e. the whole process from data collection, treatment and interpretation to their visualisation and representation, is being optimized by the application of
developed computer techniques (Vinken, 1988). The development of powerful hardware with
large memory capacity and fast processors, even on personal computers has entailed a proliferation of sophisticated software both for CAD (computer aided design) and GIS (geographic
information systems and database management systems). Many software products are currently
in use and are continuously refined and adapted to geological and hydrogeological applications.
Applications of computer-based techniques in hydrogeology are manifold, however, the most
important advances include the fields of

- data storage, retrieval and management

- data processing and treatment
- visualization and representation.

Among the applications for hydrogeological purposes, numerical calculations, statistical

treatment as well as construction of isolines are the most common, in addition to relatively
simple drawing programmes.
Powerful storage, retrieval, management, processing and treatment facilities are chiefly needed
to handle the continuously growing wealth of hydrogeological data, both site specific (point) as
well as areal, and information. These require adequate data bases together with suitable
software to organize and manage them, in addition to appropriate tools for interpretation and
visualization. They depend on the type of data, whether point or related to a surface area
(usually a polygon or a pixel). They may be characterized by a particular set of data and may
also have a depth component.
The following chapters will not dwell on the wealth of software existing for the handling of
well data (lithological logs, well construction, pump tests, hydraulic parameters). Hence,
mainly the concepts and models applying to areal, graphical data, highly important for
hydrogeological mapping purposes will be dealt with.
Two main branches of computer related techniques connected with graphical representation can
be distinguished, i.e.
- CAD = Computer-aided-design and
- GIS = geo(graphic)-information-system techniques.

They differ fundamentally from each other, since CAD techniques simply are advanced
drawing techniques while GIS encompasses the storage, treatment and visualisation of
alphanumeric and graphical information usually referred to the earth's surface, hence the
coupling of data banks and tools for data treatment and graphic presentation.

Numerous software packages of the CAD family (AutoCAD, ISM etc.) are available today.
Most of them are running on personal computers equipped with a digitizing tablet and a plotter
or printer.
Initially they were developed to show numerical records and calculations graphically, e.g.
water level or pumping test records and calculations of transmissivity, storage or leakage from
measured data. These relatively mathematical graphic representations are widely used in
hydrogeological reports.
Another important and most useful application of CAD facilities is the drawing of borehole
sections, e.g. as geological columns or cross-sections of wells. The graphic representation is
usually derived from data captured or calculated and generated by a specialised drawing
programme using defined standard symbols.
These techniques are also used for the drawing of plans and simple single value maps such as
isolines of ion contents, salinity, electrical conductivity and so forth. However, the graphical
result of the mathematical calculation usually kriging, has to be critically checked, since the
computer considers all point data equal, consistent and homogenous, and no geological
background information causing inconsistencies is usually included. The first automatic
interpretation may thus lead to a false picture which has to be interactively edited by the hydrogeologist on the basis of his regional expert knowledge.



Geographic information systems are currently, sometimes concurrently, built up by a wealth of

organisatio~isand institutions, on local, regional, national and international levels. Although
dedicated to serve a wide variety of uses, such as geodetic-cartographical, land use,
administrative, geological, pedological, hydrological, etc., and although based on various
hardware platforms and using various software packages, they are all based on the same
concept: to store real world spatial data in layer-oriented data banks which can be manipulated
by software tools to interpret and to model the real world as well as possible. This setup allows
interrogating the system, selecting the data available, comparing various interpretation methods
and tailoring the output to the user's needs. Therefore, they are excellent tools to support
planning and decisions, e.g. on land use. However, they require adequate data bases, i.e. a
wealth of consistent data of good quality usually available in industrial countries; and an
efficient data management as well as advanced hardware and software installations.
In countries already using such GIS for various applications it is generally planned to connect
the branch systems, so as to allow full grasp of all relevant data. The general structure of this
overall geo-information system comprising numerous thematic branch information systems is
outlined on Figure 24 (Vinken, 1988). It is characterized on the one hand by a steering system
comprising registers and catalogues on databases, both data and methods, thesauri and
vocabularies and may regulate the access to the data bases. On the other hand are the special
branch information systems, e.g. geology, hydrogeology, ecology, vegetation, cartography,
composed of data and method areas.

application tool box

e.g. plotted maps


Figure 23. Transformation of real world data by GIS in view of user's needs.
Each information system possesses a data base in which the relevant data (graphical data and
attributes) are stored. The data are geographically referenced to allow their overlay and
interaction. Geographically referenced data include point data defined by coordinates, straight
lines running Erom one defined point to another, curved lines stored in vector format, as well as
area1 information based on a regular rectangular raster cutting the whole area into picture
elements (= pixel), each pixel having defined characteristics or, finally, sets of polygons or
curved lines delimiting defined areas, each of these areas being characterized by an inpoint to
couple the attributes of the area.
The toolbox containing the software to manipulate the data is generally built up of

- a branch specific method area (collection of methods, i.e. algorithms permitting adequate
mathematical treatment of the thematic data, closely coupled with -thespecific data base) and
- a general area containing the tools required for data capture, storage management, editing,

and graphical or alphanumeric display of data and results.

Part of these software tools is independent of the specific data base and belongs to the
commercial standard packages. However, another part may be highly specialized and data base
specific, such as standards for graphical representation and specific map legends.


Figure 24. The structure of the geo-information system.

Hydro-geo-information systems (HYGIS) are computer based systems to capture, store, edit,
manipulate and display geographically referenced hydrological data and information. Hydrogeological data comprise spatial data, measurement (often time dependent) data and descriptive
data (attributes) (Figure 25).

data collection
- field survey
- well schedules
- reports


data capture
- digitizing
- scanning
- areal photographs
- satellite images

tool box

- calculation

- editing
- interference

- representation

Figure 25. Format of a hydro-geo-information system (HYGIS).

Owing to the complex response of groundwater systems to the prevailing earth systems
(geological system, soil system, geomorphological system, landuse system) as well as the
cllrnatic and hydrological systems (rainfall, surface water, soil water) and the degree and mode
of groundwater withdrawal (man-made systems), hydro-geo-information systems have to deal
with the large number of thematic layers which comprise the geosphere, hydrosphere,
atmosphere and biosphere.
The HYGIS itself comprises a hydro-data base in which all sorts of hydrogeologically relevant
data are stored, as well as a toolbox to manipulate the data and to represent the results; it
includes a legend of conventional symbols and colours for aerial map representation. The
toolbox usually contains a collection of methods, models and procedures which allow the data
to be analysed and processed according to user-specified needs. In current software packages,
the most useful components are usually included, such as statistical calculations, overlay and
interference, and the most up-to-date two- or semi-three-dimensionalrepresentations.

topographical data

drainage network
digital terrain model (DGM)
- height interval
- exposition
- slope

hydrogeological data

piezometric contours

pedological and land use data

land use (aerial photos)

+ climate



methodslmodels to calculateldetermine recharge

recharge to groundwater

Figure 26. Example using the HYGIS for the determination of recharge.

The data base contains both alpha-numerical and graphical data. The alpha-numerical data
usually comprised
- borehole or well data
- chemical analyses

- time series (for water levels, precipitation, chemical analyses, etc.).

Spatial, geographically referenced data in hydro-data bases comprise primarily lithological and
soil data as well as the whole range of quantitative (permeability, transmissivity) data and data
about the physical and chemical properties of groundwater (temperature, age, pH-value,
chemical composition). In addition, topographic data as well as other specific data, e,g. on
vegetation, landuse, climate, and administration can be drawn from other branch information
systems or must be stored in the hydro-data base, if not available elsewhere.
The layer-oriented structure of a HYGIS is outlined on Figure 26. It shows an example of the
procedure to calculate and determine recharge which requires, in addition to the topographic
data, areal data on hydrogeology, soils, land use and climate. These thematic data, stored in
layers, are linked with the aid of models describing the interdependence of the thematic areal
values and leading to the desired result, The resulting recharge layer, after verification, is
stored in the HYGIS data base. Hence, it can be used for other calculation and modelling
purposes, e.g. water level response to groundwater withdrawal or underground migration of
Up to the present, existing HYGIS constitute advanced professional tools paving the way for
more up-to-date consultancy to the customer requiring hydrogeological advice. It is generally
not yet possible for hydrogeological laymen to make proper interactive use of the systems.
However, the hydrogeologist in close association with the user is able to make full use of the
power of the system, as outlined on Figure 27. In this process, the professional
hydrogeologist,.knowing about the data stored in the hydro-data base, the tools to use and in
particular the appropriate graphical output holds a key position comparable to that formerly held
by a cartographer. His advice, however, will be more sophisticated and generally more
appreciated, since he can use the powerful modelling and visualization possibilities of the
HYGIS, to tailor the graphical outputs exactly to the user's needs.
The proliferation of visualization techniques is certainly to be considered among the most
useful outcomes of the GIS-techniques. It offers a wide range of complex graphical
representations, particularly perspective diagrams, which hitherto required enormous
mathematical and technical skills. Within the advanced GIS toolbox it is now readily available
to the specialist working with the system. In some systems, the 3D-diagrams can be rotated, to
allow perspective views from different angles. In sequence, this produces a movie-like picture.
Properly applied, these new techniques could greatly foster badly needed better comprehension
of the various aspects of groundwater issues. The importance of such issues is often
underestimated since man does not care about what he cannot see ('out of sight, out of mind').
Thus clear and easily understood graphics are particularly valuable tools, not just for planners,
administrators and engineers, but for the creation of better public awareness of the vital need
for the protection of such a precious natural resource.



Figure 27. Use of a HYGIS system to tailor outputs to a user's request.

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Annex A
Selected list of hydrogeological maps

Preliminary remark
This list of selected hydrogeological maps contains both continentwide and international as well
as national maps at various scales.
The list is not complete but gives an indication of the variety of hydrogeological maps worldwide.
These maps have been brought to the attention of the authors (further information on additional
maps to COHYM is appreciated).

A. International and Continental or Regional Hydrogeological Maps

Carte des Ressources en eau souterraine, 1:20000000, UNITCD, 1987.
Groundwater in Afi.ica, 1:17000000, New York, 1973.
Carte HydrogCologique Internationale de I' Afrique, 1:5000000,5 sheets, Alger, 1988-1992.
1:500000 - scale mapping of the groundwater resource potential of West and Central Africa,
Orleans, 1986.
Hydrogeological Map of the Arab region and adjacent areas, 1:5000000, Damascus, 1988,
Water resources map of the Arab Countries, 1:1000000, Damascus, map series, 1982 -.
Carte hydrogCologique des terrains Cruptifs et mktamorphiques d'Afrique occidentale,
1:2000000, Ouagadougou, OrlCans, 1969.
Carte de planification pour 1' exploitation des eaux souterraines de 1'Afrique sahblieme,
1:1500000, Orleiins, 1975.
Carte de planification des ressources en eau: CGte d' Ivoire, Ghana, Togo, Benin, 1:1000000,
Ouagadougou, 1979.
Carte de planification des ressources en eau souterraine, Afrique Soudano-Sahklieme,
1:1500000, Ouagadougou, 1976.
Hydrogeological map of South America, 1:5000000, Rio de Janeiro, 1988.
HydrogeologicalAtlas of the Caribbean Islands, UNESCO, 1990.
Hydrogeological map of North America, 1:13333333,2 sheets, Boulder, 1988/89.

International hydrogeological map of South and East Asia, 1:5000000, 1987.
Hydrogeological Map of Western Australia, 1:2500000, Perth, 1989.
Groundwater resource map, South Australia, 1:2000000, Adelaide, 1982.
Groundwater resources of South Australia, 1:1000000,Adelaide, 1980.
Groundwater resources of Australia, 1:5000000,4 maps, Canberra, 1975.
Australia. Underground water, 1:5000000, Canberra, 1963.
Hydrogeological Map of 1:5000000,Canberra, 1987.
International hydrogeological map of Europe, 1:1500000, Hannoverl Paris, map series,
1970 -.
Groundwater resources of the European Community, 1:500000,4 different maps:
(1) Aquifers; (2) Groundwater hydrology; (3) Groundwater abstraction;
(4) Balance of resources, Bruxelles-Luxembourg, 1982-1986.
Groundwater flow map of Central and Eastern Europe, 1:1500000, Moscow, 1983.

B. National Hydrogeological Maps


Cartes hydrogCologjques, 1:100000, 1:200000 and 1:1000000, several sheets, Alger, 1973 -.
Carte hydrogCologique du Hoggar et des Tassilis, 1:1000000,Alger, 1990.
Carte hydrogCologique, rkgion de BCchar, 1:500000, Alger 1994.

Carte des ressources en eau, 1:500000/1:1000000, Ouagadougou, 1978179.
Carte hydrogCologique du Bknin, 1:500000, Paris, 1985.
Carte hydrogkologique du bassin skdimentaire c6tier du BCnin, 1:200000, Paris, 1985.

Groundwater Resources of the Republic of Botswana, 1:1000000, Lobatse, 1987.

Hydrogeological reconnaissance map, 1:500000, 11 sheets, Lobatse, 1979-1988.

Groundwater resources map, 1:1000000, Gaborone, 1987.

(United Republic oj3 Cameroon

Cartes hydrogkologiques, 1:S00000 et 1:1000000, 1975.
Carte de planification des ressources en eau, 1:1000000, 1980.

Carte de planification des ressources en eau, 1:1500000, 1987.

Carte hydrogkologique de la RBpubljque du Tchad, 1:1500000,1969.
Carte hydrogkologique de reconnaissance de la Rkpublique du Tchad, 1:500000,7 sheets,

Carte de reconnaissance des eaux souterraines de 1a RBpublique de Djibouti, 1:300000,
Hannover, 1983.

Hydrogeological Map of Egypt, 1:2000000, Giza, 1988.

Hydrogeological map, 1:2000000,Addis Ababa, 1988.

Hydrogeological map, 1:1000000, 1972.

Groundwater quality map of Kenya, Nairobi, 1973.

Hydrogeological Map of Lesotho, 1:300000, Maseru, 1994.

Hydrogeological Map, 1:500000, 1972.

Carte hydrogkologique du bassin skdimentaire Sud-Ouest Mauritanien, 1:500000, Nouakchott,

Carte hydrogkologique de la rkgion d'Ournrn Dferat-Fort-Gouraud, 1:200000, 1965.
Cartes hydrogkologiques de Faraoun, de Chingetti et d' Atar, 1:200000, 3 sheets, 1966.

Cartes hydrogkologiques, 1:200000, 1:500000 and 1:1000000, Rabat, 1960 -.
Carte des Systkmes Aquifhres du Maroc, 1:1000000,2 sheets, Rabat, 1976.
Carte hydrogkologique du bassin de Meknks-Fhs, 1:100000, Rabat, 1960.
Carte hydrogkologique de la plaine des Triffa, 1:50000, 1966.

Hydrogeological map, 1:1000000, 1987.
Carte hydrogkologique, 1:250000, 1971.

Hydrogeochemical maps, 1:1000000,4 sets, Windhoek, 1978 -.

Carte de reconnaissance hydrogkologique du Niger sud-oriental, 1:1000000, 1964.
Atlas des eaux souterraines du Niger, 1:500000 B 1:5000000, Niamey, 1979.
Hydrogeologische Karte des Adar Doutchi (Dkpartement Tahoua, Republik Niger), l : 200000,
Hannover, 1991.
Atlas hydrogkologique de 1' Adar Doutchi, 1:200000,6 sheets, Paris, 1967.

Carte hydrogkologique de la Rkpublique du Senegal, 1:500000,4 sheets, Paris, 1980.
Carte hydrogkologique de la presqu'ile du Cap Vert, 1:50000, 3 sheets, 1968.

Carte hydrogkologique, 1:1000000,

Hydrogeological map of Sudan, 1:2000000, Delft, 1989.

Hydrogeological map of Zanzibar, 1:125000, UNDPINew-York, 1987.

Carte des ressources en eau de la Tunisie, 1:500000,3 sheets, Tunis, 1991.
Carte hydrogCologique de la Tunisie, Sud 1:500000, Tunis 1964.
Cartes des ressources en eau souterraines, 1:200000, several sheets, Tunis, 1965-1972.
Carte hydrog6ologique de la Tunisie, 1:50000, different sheets, Tunis, 1951- 1960.

Zimbabwe regional hydrogeological map, 1:500000,4 sheets, 1990.
Map showing ground-water provinces of Southern Rhodesia, 1:2000000, Washington, 1964.

Mapa hidrogeol6gico de la RCpublica Argentina, 1:5000000, Buenos Aires, 1963.
Mapa hidrogeol6gico de la RCpublica Argentina, 1:2500000,2 sheets, Buenos Aires, 1989.
Mapa hidrogeol6gico de la Rkpublica Argentina, 1:500000, 12 sheets, Buenos Aires.

Mapa hidrogeol6gico do Brazil NA, 1:5000000, Rio de Janeiro, 1983.

Major hydrogeological maps of provinces and regions, often at the scale of 1:7603000, Ottawa,
1967 -.
Hydrogeological maps, 1:500000, for different regions of Alberta, Edmonton, 1978 -.
Groundwater map of the Calgary district, 1:50000, Alberta, 1961.
The hydrogeological reconnaissance maps of Alberta, Edmonton, 1977.

Hydrogeological map of Chile, 1:250000, Santiago de Chile, 1990.

Mapa hidrogeol6gico de Colombia, 1:2500000, Bogota, 1989.

Costa Rica
Mapa hidrogeol6gico del valle central de Costa Rica, 1:50000, Wallingford (BGS), 1985.
Hydrogeological map of Ecuador, 1:1000000, Quito, 1983.

Carte hydrogkologique, Rkpublique dlHai'ti, 1:250000, WNDPlNew York, 1990.

Mapa hydrogeol6gico de la R6publica de Nicaragua, 1:250000.

United States of America

National atlas of the USA. Productive aquifers and withdrawals from wells, 1:7500000,
Washington, 1970,
Many hydrogeological maps at different scales (1:62500 to 1:3168000), of states or regions,
Washington, 1960 -.
Hydrologic investigation atlas HA, 1:750 000 and 1:1000000, several sheets, Reston, 1990.

Mapa de posibilidades de abastecirniento de aguas subterrhneas en Venezuela, 1.200000,
Caracas, 1969.
Mapa hidrogeol6gico de Venezuela, 1:500000, atlas of 13 sheets, Caracas, 1972.

Hydrogeological map of Afghanistan, 1:2000000, Kabul, 1977.

Carte d' orientation des recherches &eau souterraine du Cambodge, 1:500000, 1967.

Hydrogeologic Atlas of the Peoples Republic of China, Peking.
Hydrogeologic Map of China, 1:4000000, Beijing, 1987.
Hydrogeological Map of Jiangsu Province, 1:500000, 1980.
1:500000, Beijing, 1977.
Hydrogeologische Karte der Provinz. Anhui,

Hydrogeological map of India, 1:5000000,Calcutta, 1976,
Hydrogeological map of India, 1:2000000,Madras, 1969.

Hydrogeologicalmap of Indonesia, 1:2500000,two sheets, Bandung, 1983.
Peta hidrogeologi Indonesia, 1:250000, several sheets, Bandung, 1981 -.
Tentative hydrogeologic map of the Island of Lombok, 1:400000, Hannover, 1972.
Reconnaissance hydrogeological map of Bali, 1:250000, Jakarta, 1972.

Water resources atlas of~ran,1:1000000, Teheran, 1988.

Groundwater Atlas of Israel, 1:500000, Jerusalem, 1979.

Hydrogeological map of Japan, 1:2000000, Kawasaki-Shi, 1964.

Hydrogeologicalmap of the southern Yonezawa Basin, Yamagata prefecture, 1:25000, 1993.

Map of ground water provinces, surface extent of aquifer systems and aquitards, and
distribution of available ground water, 1:1000000, Amman, 1988.

(Republic oJ) Korea

Hydrogeological map of the Anseong River Basin, 1:40000, 1969.

Carte hydrogkologique du Liban, 1:200000, UNDPINew-York, 1967.

Peta hidrogeologi semenanjung Malaysia, 1:500000, Ipoh, 1975.

Hydrogeological map of Mongolia, 1:1500000, Moscow, 1971.
Hydrogeologicalmap of Mongolia, 1:1000000 Khlan-Bator (in compilation).

Hydrogeological map of Pakistan, 1:2000000, Lahore & Islamabad, 1989.
Hydrogeological map of Pakistan, 1:500000, Islamabad, 1991.

Hydrogeologic map of Central Luzon, Philippines, 1:600000, Manila, 1970.

Sri Lanka
Groundwater data and geological characteristics, 1:2000000, Colombo, 1970.

Schematic map of the first below the surface water bearing formation of Syria, 1:1000000,
Moscow-Damascus, 1964.

Hydrogeological map of Taiwan, 1:250000, Tai-peh, 1968.

Hydrogeological map of Thailand, 1:1000000, 2 sheets, Bangkok, 1983.
Hydrogeological map of Southern Thailand, 1:500000,2 sheets, Bangkok, 1983.
Hydrogeological map of Northern Thailand, 1:500000,2 sheets, Bangkok, 1982.
Hydrogeologicalmap of western lower Central and eastern Thailand, 2 sheets, Bangkok,
Hydrogeological map of northeastern Thailand, 1:500000,2 sheets, Bangkok, 1975.

(Republic of) Yemen

Hydrogeological map, 1: 100000, Sana, 1992.

Groundwater resources of Queensland, 1:2500000, Brisbane, 1971.
Preliminary shallow groundwater salinity map of the Murray Basin, 1:1000000, Canberra,
Groundwater resources of Victoria, 1:1000000, Melbourne, 1982.

Hydrogeology of the Lake Arnadeus-Ayers Rock region, Northern Territory, 1:500000,

Canberra, 1988.
Hydrogeological map of Bendigo and part of Deniljquin, 1:250000,Melbourne, 1985.
Hydrogeological map of Ballarat, 1:250000, Canberra, 1986.
Northern Territory 1:250000 hydrogeological series, Danvin, 1979.
Perenjori Hydrogeology, 1:250000, Perth, 1988.
Hydrogeology of the Australian Capital territory and environs, 1:100000, Canberra, 1984.
Hydrogeological map of Western Port Basin, 1:100000, Melbourne, 1980.

Hydrogeological map of Viti Levu, 1:250000, New York, 1974.

Grundwasser-Karte der Insel Tongapu, 1:300000, Hannover, 1972.

Hydrogeological map of PSR of Albania, 1:200000,3 sheets, 1985,

Hydrogeologische Karte der Republik ~sterreich,1:1000000, Wien, 1969.
iibersichtskarte der Mineral- und Heilquellen in ~stereich,1:500000, Wien, 1966.
Hydrogeologische Karte von Oberosterreich, 1:25000, Linz, 1973.
Grundwasserkarte von Kirnten, 1:200000, Klagenfurt, 1987.
Grundwasserkarte von Tirol, 1:200000, Innsbruck, 1977.

Hydrogeologie I und 11, 1:500000, in: Atlas de Belgique, Bruxelles, 1964.
Carte hydrogkologique du Tournaisis (calcaire carbonifkre), 1:50000, Bruxelles, 1970.

Atlas Narodna Republika Bulgaria. Chidrogeolozka Harta, 1:1500000, Sofija, 1973.
Map of mineral waters of Bulgaria, 1:800000, Sofia, 1967.

Hydrogeological map of Cyprus, 1:250000, Nicosia, 1970.
Groundwater quality map of the Nicosia-Lanarca-Limassol region (Cyprus), 1:100000, 3
maps, Nicosia, 1985.

former Czechoslovakia
Mapa odtoku podzemni vodu CSSR, 1:1000000, Praha, 1981.
Hydrogeological map of Czechoslovakia, 1:1000000, Praha, 1964.
Preskiimanost' hydrogeologickych raj6nov CSSR, 1:500000, Bratislava, 1986.
Map of mineral waters in Czechoslovakia, 1:500000, Praha, 1985.
Karte des natiirlichen Grundwasserschutzes in Bohmen und Mahren, 1:500000, 1968.
Mapa vyuzitelnych zisob podzemnych vod Slovenska SR, Bratislava, 1988.
Hydrogeologischer Atlas fiir Bohrnen und Mahren, 1:200000,2 Karten, 1975.
Hydrogeological map of the Czech Republic, 1:50000, several sheets, Praha, 1990 -.

National maps and map series
Carte hydrogkologique de la France. Systkmes aquifhres, 1:1500000, Orlkans, 1980.
Utilisation de pompes h chaleur sur eaux de surface ou aquifhres superficiels, 1:1000000,
Orlkans, 1979.
Carte de la qualitk chirnique des eaux souterraines de la France, 1:1000000, Paris-Orleans,
Carte des eaux minkrales et thermales de la France, 1:1000000, Orlkans, 1973.
Carte du coat moyen du captage et de l'exploitation de l'eau souterraine en France, 1:1000000,
Paris, 1971.
Atlas des eaux souterraines de la France, 1:1000000, Paris-Orlkans, 1970.
Carte de vulnkrabilitk h la pollution des nappes d'eau souterraine de la France, 1:1000000,
Orlkans, 1970.
Carte et catalogue des principaux systkmes aquifkres du territoire frangais, 1:1000000, Orlhns,
Carte de dkbit moyen des nappes &eau souterraine de la France, 1:1000000, Orlkans, 1970.
Carte des nappes d'eau souterraine de la France, 1:1000000, Orlkans-Paris, 1965.

Atlas des bassins de la Seine et les cours d'eau Normands, 1:500000,6 maps, Paris, 1972.
Zonage des productivitks probables des ouvrages d'exploitation des eaux souterraines,
aquifkres superficiels, aquifkres captifs, 1:500000,2 maps, Orlkans, 1977.
Atlas hydrogkologique de la Beauce, 1:250000, Orlkans, 1975.
Carte hydrogkologique du Languedoc-Roussillon, 1:200000, several sheets,
Montpellier/Orlkans, 1972-1979.
Carte hydrogkologiques dkpartementales, 1: 100000 B 1:200000, several sheets, 1976-1987,
Carte de la nature chirnique des eaux souterraines, 1:100000, 18 sheets, Lyon, 1967.
Carte hydrogkologique de la France, 1:50000, Orlkans, 27 sheets, 1964-1980.
Atlas hydrogkologique du Languedoc-Roussillon, 1:50000,6 sheets, Montpellier, 1969-1973.

Maps of speciJic areas

Atlas des ressources du sous-sol par dkpartement (planches "eaux souterraines"), 1:500000,
Orlkans, 1974. Cotit d'exploitation de I'eau souterraine dans la rkgion Languedoc-Roussillon,
1:500000, Montpellier-Orlkans, 1978.
Carte hydrogkologique du bassin Rhin-Meuse, l :500000, Moulin-lks-Metz, 1975.
Carte hydrogkologique du bassin de Paris, 1:500000,2 sheets, Orlkans, 1967,
Carte des systkmes aquifkres de la rkgion Languedoc-Roussillon, 1:250000, Montpellier,
Carte de vulnkrabilitk des eaux souterraines B la pollution de la rkgion Franche-Comtk,
1:250000, Orlehns, 1987.
Atlas des nappes aquifkres de la rkgion parisienne, 1:200000, Paris, 1970.
Carte d'aptitude B l'irnplantation de pompes B chaleur, carte de synthkse Ile-de-France,
l : 150000, Paris, 1986.
Carte hydrogkologique de la France. Rkgion karstique nordmontpellikraine, 1:80000, Paris,
Carte de vulnkrabilitk des eaux souterraines h la pollution, 1:50000, feuille Charnbkry (Savoie),
Orlkans, 1984.
Utilisation des nappes d'eau souterraine cornrne source froide des pompes B chaleur dans les
rkgions bastiaise et ajacienne, l :50000, Bastia, 1986.
Exploitation thermique des aquifkres superficiels sur le territoire de la Cornrnunautk urbaine de
Bordeaux, 1:25000, Bordeaux, 1986,
Utilisation therrnique de la nappe phrkatique d'Alsace au niveau de Strasbourg, 1: 10000,
Strasbourg, 1982.

Germany, Federal Republic of (inclusiveformer GDR)

National maps and map series
Grundwasservorkornmen von Deutschland, 1 : 1000000,3 maps (Ergiebigkeit, Qualitat,
Verschmutzungsempfindlichkeit),Berlin, 1993.
Grundwasservorkommenin der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, 1:1000000,3 maps
(Ergiebigkeit, Qualitit, Verschmutzungsempfindlichkeit), Bonn, 1980.
Hydrogeologischer Atlas der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, 1:1000000, Bonn-Bad Godesberg,
Hydrogeologische ijbersichtskarte, 1:500000, 14 sheets, Remagen, 1952-1957.
Hydrogeologische ubersichtskarte von Sachsen, 1:400000,Freiberg, 1992.
Hydrogeologisches Kartenwerk Hessen, 1:300000,5 Karten, Wiesbaden, 1991,
Geowissenschaftliche Karte des Naturraurnpotentials von Niedersachsen und Bremen,
1:200000, 12 sheets, Hannover, 1981.
Hydrogeologische ubersichtskarte der DDR, 1:200000,4 maps, Berlin, 1963-1971.
Hydrogeologische Karte von Nordrhein-Westfalen, 1:100000, several sheets, Krefeld.
Hydrogeologisches Kartenwerk Hessisches Ried und Unterrnain, 1:100000, Wiesbaden,
Umweltatlas Berlin, 1:50000, Berlin, 1987.
Hydrogeologisches Kartenwerk der DDR, 1:50000, 190 sheets, 4 maps each, Berlin, 1979 1984.
Hydrogeologische Karte von Bayern, 1:50000, several sheets.
Hydrogeologische Karte von Nordrhein-Westfalen, 1:50000, several sheets, Krefeld, 1984 -.
Hydrogeologische Karte von Nordrhein-Westfalen, 1:25000, 3 maps.
Grundwasserkarte von Bayern, 1:25000/1:50000,7 maps, 1965.

Maps of specIJicareas
Karte der Verschmutzungsgefahrdung der Grundwasservorkornrnenin Nordrhein-Westfalen,
1:500000, Krefeld, 1973.
Karte der Grundwasserlandschaftenin Nordrhein-Westfalen, 1:500000, Krefeld, 1973.
Hydrogeologische ubersichtskarte des Munsterlander Beckens, 1:500000, Dusseldorf, 1990.
Hydrogeologie Schleswig-Holstein, 1:500000, Hannover, 1973.

Thersichtskarteder Grundwasserergiebigkeit, der Grundwasserbeschaffenheit und der

Verschmutzungsempfindlichkeitdes Grundwassers in Hessen, 1:300000, Wiesbaden, 1985.
iibersichtskarte der hydrogeologischen Einheiten grundwasserleitender Gesteine in Hessen,
1:300000, Wiesbaden, 1991.
Karte der Grundwasserbeschaffenheitin Hessen, 1:300000, Wiesbaden, 1966.
Stadtkarte Hannover, 1:200000, Baugrundkarte, Ausgabe C: Grundwasser, Hannover, 1980.
HydrogeologischeKarte von Baden-Wiirttemberg, 1:50000, Stuttgart, Wiesbaden, Mainz,
Hydrogeologische ~bersichtskartedes Raumes Hamburg (Tertiar), 1:50000, 1976.
Hydrogeologische~bersichtskartedes Elbtales von Hamburg, 1:50000.
Hydrogeologische Karte von Schleswig-Holstein, 1:50000.
Hydrogeologische Karte des Kreises Paderborn und angrenzender Gebiete, 1:50000, 1972.
Hydrogeologische Karte des Warsteiner Massenkalk-Gebietes, 1:50000, 1974.
Karten der Gefahrdung der Grundwasser in Bayern durch Nitrat, Miinchen, 1987.
Hydrogeologische Karte des Rheinisch-Westfalischen Steinkohlenbezirkes,1:10000, Bochurn.
Hydrogeological map of Greece, 1:1000000, Athens, 1970.
Geotectonic-hydrogeological map Megalopolis-Dimitsana area, 150000, Athens, 1988.

Hydrogeological map of Greece, 1:50000, several sheets, 1971- 1987.

Groundwater map of the Great Hungarian Plain, 1:200000, Budapest, 1961.
Magydrorszhg Vizfoldtani Atlasza, 71 sheets, 1:1000000 to 1:100000, (Atlas hydrogkologique
de Hongrie), Budapest, 1939.
Borsod es Kornyekenek vizfoldtani atlasza, 1:150000 and 1:300000, Budapest, 1978.

Schema idrogeologico delltItaliacentrale, 1:500000,2 sheets, Roma, 1987.
Schema idrogeologico delltAppenninoCarbonatico Centro-Meridionale, 1:400000, Napoli,
Schema idrogeologico della Campania, 1:500000, Napoli, 1974.

Carte idrogeologica della Sicilia occidentale, 1:200000, Roma, 1972.

Carta idrogeologica del vallo di Diano, l: 100000, Napoli, 1969.
Carta idrogeologica del' alto bacino del Liri, 1:80000, Roma, 1969.
Carta idrogeologica della Campania nord-occidentale, 1:100000,2 maps, Palerme, 1973.
HydrogeologischeKarte Italiens, 1:50000, sheet Mistretta, Catania.
Carta idrogeologica del massicio del Terrninio-Tuoro (Campania), 1:50000, Napoli, 1969.
Carta idrogeologica dell' alta pianura dell' Adige, 1:30000, Padova, 1989.

Carte hydrogkologique Beaufort, 1:200000, Luxembourg, 1980-1981.

The Netherlands
Provisional map of the (ground) water flow systems in the Netherlands, 1:600000, 1988.
Hydrological map of the Netherlands, 1:1500000, Delft, 1972.
Grondwaterkaart van Nederland, 1:50000, Delft, 1970.

Mapa hydrogeologiczna Polski, 1:1000000, Warszawa, 1970.
Atlas of the geothermal water of Polish lowland: Early Jurassic and Early Cretaceous
reservoirs, 1:500000/1:1000000, Krakow, 1990.
Karte iiber den Schutz der wichtigsten Grundwasservorkomrnen von Polen, 1:500000,
Krakow, 1988.
Map of mineral waters of Poland, 1:500000, Warszawa, 1974.
Hydrogeological Map of Poland, 1:200000,1967 -.
Hydrogeological Map of Wojewodschaft Olsztyn, 1:100000, 1967.


Carta hidroge6logica de Portugal, 1:1000000, Lisboa, 1970.

Carta hidrogeol6gica do Sul de Portugal, 1:200000, Lisboa, 1989.
Carta hidrogeol6gica de Portugal, 1:200000, Lisboa, 1986.

Apele Subterane (Atlasul Republicii Socialiste Romanis), 1:1500000, Bucuresti, 1975.
Carte Hydroghlogique, 1:1000000, in: Atlas Ghlogique de la Rkpublique Socialiste de
Roumanie, Bucarest, 1969.
The hydrogeological map of Romania, 1:1000000, 1975.
Karte der hydrogeologischen Rayonierung, 1:100000, Blatt Birlad, 1965.
Harta hidrogeologica, 1:100000, several sheets, 1968 -.

Mapa de Sintesis de Sistemas Acuiferos de Espafia Peninsular, Baleares y Canarias,
1:1660000, Madrid, 1971.
Unidades hidrogeol6gicas de la Espafia peninsular e islas Baleares, 1:1000000,Madrid, 1990.
Mapa hidrogeol6gico de Espafia, 1:1000000, Madrid, 1985.
Mapa hidrogeol6gico nacional, l :1000000, Madrid, 1972.
Mapa de vulnerabilidad a la contamination de la Espafia Peninsular, Baleares y Canarias,
1:1000000, Madrid, 1972.
Carte hydrogCologique de reconnaissance de I'Espagne, des BalCares et des Canaries,
1:1000000, Madrid, 1971.
Mapa hidrogeol6gico de Espafia, 1:500000, Madrid.
Mapa hidrogeol6gico de Espaiia, 1:200000, Madrid.

Hydrogeological maps, 1:250000, Uppsala, 1981 -.
Hydrogeological map of Sweden, 1:50000, several sheets, Stockholm, 1974 -.

Hydrogeologie, 1:500000, in: Atlas der Schweiz, Wabern-Bern, 1965-1978.
Carte hydrogkologique de la Suisse, 1:200000, 1965.
Hydrogeologische Karte der Schweiz, 1:100000, several sheets, 1972 -.
Carte hydrog6ologique du Canton de Neuchitel,l:50 000, Neuchitel, 1973.
Carta idrogeologica del Cantone Ticino, 1:25000, 1974 -.
Hydrogeologische Karte Emrnental, 1:25000, 3 Blatter, Bern, 1980.

Hydrogeological map of Turkey, 1:1500000,2 sheets, Ankara, 1971.
Hydrogeological map of Turkey, 1:500000, 18 sheets, Ankara, 1967 -.
Map of mineral and thermal waters of Turkey. Aegean region, Ankara, 1983.
Hydrogeological map of Turkey, 1:200000, several sheets, 1967-1974.
Hydrogeological map of Acigijl basin, 1:100000, 1967.

former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

Atlas of Hydrogeological Maps, 1970.
Karta gidrogeologiceskich struktur USSR, 1:10000000, Leningrad, 1974.
Hydrochemical map of the USSR, 1:10000000,Moscow, 1982.
Map of mineral groundwaters of the USSR, 1:7500000, 1960.
Hydrogeological map of the USSR, 1:5000000, 18 sheets, Leningrad, 1963.
Map of the USSR groundwater discharge in percentage of total river flow and ground
discharge coefficient in percentage of precipitation, 1:5000000, Moscow, 1964.
Hydrochemical map of the USSR, 1:5000000,Moscow, 1966.
Map of groundwater flow of the USSR (zone of active exchange between different waters),
1:5000000, Moscow, 1965.
Map of predicted resources and safe-yield of basic types of mineral waters of the USSR,
1:5000000, Moscow, 1984.
Map of mineral medicinal waters of the USSR, 1:4000000, Moscow, 1968.
Map of mineral groundwaters of the USSR, 1:4000000, Moscow, 1969.
Hydrogeological map of the USSR, 1:2500000,Moscow, 1969.
Hydrochemical map of the USSR, 1:2500000, Leningrad, 1976.
Map of the mineral groundwater of the USSR, 1:2000000, Moscow, 1967.
Map of the groundwater in the European part of the USSR, 1:1500000, Moscow-Leningrad,
Gidrogeologiceskaja karta Kemerovskoj oblasti U Altajskogo kraja, 1:1000000, Moskva, 1972.
National hydrogeological map of the USSR, 1:200000, several sheets, Moscow, 1985.

United Kingdom
Hydrogeological map of England and Wales, 1:625000, London, 1977.
Hydrogeological map of Scotland, 1:625000, London, 1988.
Hydrogeological map of North and East Lincolnshire, 1:126720, London, 1967.
Hydrogeological map of the Chalk and Lower Greensand of Kent, l : 126720,2 sheets,
London, 1970.
Hydrogeological map of of Northern East Anglia, 1:125000,2 sheets, London, 1976.
Hydrogeological map of Southern East Anglia, 1:125000, London, 1981.
Hydrogeological map of the area between Cambridge and Maidenhead, 1:100000, London,
Hydrogeological map of the Dartford (Kent) district, 1:63360, London, 1968.
Hydrogeological map of the Carnmenellis Granite, 1:50000, London, 1989.
Hydrogeological map of Jersey, 1:25000, London, 1992.
former Yugoslavia
The Basis of the Hydrogeological Map of the Dinaric Karst, 1:500000, Zagreb, 1974.
Hidrogeoloska karta slivnog podrucja gornje Tare uzvodno od Mojkovca, 1:500000,
Titograd, 1974.
Hidrogeoloska karta Jugoslavije, 1:500000,Beograd, 1976.
Hydrogeological map of Yugoslavia, 1:500000, Belgrade, 1980.
Carte hydrogdologique de la Serbie, 1:500000, Belgrade, 1957.
Osnovna hidrogeoloska karta lista Vrsac, 1.100000, Beograd, 1965.
Hidrogeoloska karta sliva rijeke Save, 1:200000, atlas of several sheets, Zagreb, 1969.
Hidrogeoloska karta Hrvatske, 1:200000, 12 sheets, Zagreb, 1976-1994.
Hidrogeoloska karta (of a general type and mostly accompanied a hydrochemical map)
1:100000 or 1:200000, at least one sheet for each of 53 regional hydrogeological studies,
Hidrogeoloska karta vodnog podrucja slivova Drave i Dunava U Hrvatskoj, 1:200000,Zagreb,
Hidrogeoloska karta, 1:100000 (Dalmatian drainage areas within Croatia), 7 sheets, Zagreb,

Osnovna hidrogeoloska karta Jugoslavije, 1:100000, several sheets, 1985-1991.

Osnovna hidrogeoloska karta Hrvatske, 1:100000,5 sheets, Zagreb, 1994.
Osnovna hidrogeoloska karta, List Tuzla 1, 1:50000, Zagreb, 1961.

Annex B
Documentation form for hydrogeological maps
A. Regular map coverage (Systematic hydrogeologieal maps)
1. Continent / country

2. Title of the map series

3 . Scaleofmap

4 , Part of national earth science map system or atlas

5. Format of map sheet

6. Average area covered by one map sheet (km2)
7 . Date of publication of first sheet

8. Date of publication of last sheet

9. Number of published sheets

10, Total number of sheets of the series

11. Description of inset maps (theme, scale) or other representations on the sheet margin
12. Explanatory Notes to map sheets: number of published notes
13. ~ e n e r alegend
for the map series (if available), with citation
14. General explanatory note for the whole map series, with citation

15. Author(s), Institution(s) and Editor(s) of map sheet, with addresses

16. Sales agency, with address
17. Sheet index showing the recent state of preparation of map sheets (published, edited, in
18. Price (at stated date)

19. Coordinates of the map cornerpoints

B. Single hydrogeological maps

1. Continent 1 country

2 . Title (heading and sub-headings)

3 . Author(s)

4. Date reference (contents of map)

5 . Date of publication
6. Scale

7. Format, size
8. Representation: one or several sheets
9. Area covered by map sheet (km2)

10. Co-ordinates of map sheet cornerpoints

11, Type of map (General, specialized ...)

12. if the map forms part of an atlas: citation of the atlas

13. Description of inset maps (theme, scale) and other representations on the sheet margin
(cross-sections, graphics, etc.)
14. Explanatory Notes: - Authors - Publication year - Number of pages - Complete citation

15. Author and institution, with address

16. Editor, with address

17. Sales agency, with address

18. Outline map showing the map area
19. Citation of publication
20. Price

Annex C
Criteria for classification of hydrogeological maps
I. after content:

- water data (water parameters, physical properties, chemistry)

- hydrogeological data (hydro-lithology, rock parameters, recharge)

- quantitative data
- qualitative data
- field data
- treated field data (interpolated, grouped)
- derived data
- modelled data
- interpretations, assessments

- facts, data, numerical values

- information (interpretations, selections)
- synthetic
- analytic

11. after purpose:

- general or multi-purpose:
- part of earth science mapping concept

- special purpose:

- scientific

- education
- planning
- administration
- construction

- management
- conservation

- protection
111. after target group:

- professional in hydrogeology:
- experienced hydrogeologists
- young hydrogeologists
- consultant (project)
- land survey (government)
- non-professional in hydrogeology:
- earth scientists (geologists, hydrologists, geographers)

- technicians
- engineers

- planners

- administrators

- teachers

- public (farmers, customers)

IV, after reliability:

- certain, reliable
- assessed, inferred, relatively reliable

- estimated, inferred, relatively unreliable

- unreliable
V. after amount of data or information:

- abundant
- numerous
- sufficient
- small, scarce
- no

VI. after area covered:

- town, community
- district, subregion
- country
- region
- part of continent

- continent

VII. after scale:

- large (l: 5 000 to l : l00 000)
- medium (l: 100 000 to 1: 500 000)

- small (l: 500 000 to l : 5 000 000)

- very small ( l : 5 000 000 and smaller)
VIII. after representation:

- graphics:
- point symbols
- linear symbols
- area symbols (patterns, ornaments)
- complexity:
- one element
- two elements
- three elements

- more than three elements

- degree of abstraction:

- detailed, realistic
- schematic
- overview

IX.after technical format:

- black and white

- coloured
- hand-drawn (manuscript, heliographed)
- drawn by draughtsman
- computer-plotted
- printed

X. after cost:
- cheap
- expensive

XI. after accessibility:

- published
- available in reports
- unpublished, but open file
- restricted for internal use
- secret

XII. after form:

- part of a map series
- part of an atlas

- single sheet
- annex of a report
- rectangular cutting
- "island" map

Part I1

From the first part of this volume it is clear that a single standard legend cannot serve all types of
hydrogeological maps and map users. However, a legend proposing certain recommended
standards for representation is considered useful, since it contains both a catalogue of signs,
symbols, ornaments and colours as well as an explanation of their meanings, significance and
definitions. This Standard Legend, therefore, should be regarded as a toolbox, rather than an
exhaustive and complete list of colours and symbols binding hydrogeological map authors. It is
by no means recommended to use all elements of this Legend on a single map. However, a skillful selection has to be made, to find the right balance between the content and the format of the
map. Thus the Legend constitutes a common graphic 'alphabet', but not a unique cartographic
The Legend adds to a number of specialized legends for various purposes which are recommended internationally, e.g.

- Legend for geohydrochernical maps (UNESCO, 1975)

- Speleological conventional signs (ISU, 1978)
- Legend for groundwater vulnerability maps (IAH, 1994).

The above does not take into account the wealth of existing instructions and legends for regional
or national use only.
The present Standard Legend is based upon its forerunners (1970, 1983) which have been
applied successfully in all parts of the world, chiefly at small and medium scales (from
1:5000000 to 1:200000) but also at large scales. For some maps it has been amended and
The overall setting of this Standard Legend includes three modular sections which are as much
as possible interchangeable and complementary to each other, depending upon the type of map

- Section I: General and special purpose hydrogeological maps

- Section 11: Maps of groundwater flow systems
- Section 111: Groundwater vulnerability maps.

In its structure and semantics this Legend is generally consistent, and its principles are known to
many hydrogeologists and map users worldwide. In its many applications it has shown great
flexibility and usefulness in various climatic and hydrogeological environments. Moreover, it
can be used for s i q l e special maps as well as for comprehensive general purpose maps.
As the Legend is both a reasonably complete catalogue of graphical elements and a cartographic
language, it forms a basis for communication with the cartographer as well as with the map user.
Therefore some technical cartographic details as well as three languages for explanation
(English, French, German) have been used. The colour definition refers to the ITC Colour
standard (ITC, 1983).

A suitable topographic base forms the background of any hydrogeological map. However, it is
not explained in detail in this Legend, except for the drainage pattern which is expanded under
Section I D l.
Certain terms are used rather loosely in both hydrogeology and cartography, and it is easy for
misunderstandings to arise. A short list of definitions is here included which refers to the usage
for this Legend.

a sign may consist of a symbol, a line, or an ornament, or a combination of any or

all of these.


a single graphical representation to denote the presence of a particular feature at a

point location on the map, e.g. a small circle to show the location of a well. This
includes also letters or figures to indicate hydrogeological or geological information.


a solid or broken line may be used either to delimit an area (such as an aquifer
outcrop), or to join points of equal altitude (contour), equal thickness (isopachyte),
or similar parameters or variables.

Ornament: a pattern of marks, lines or other symbols denoting the occurrence of a particular
feature within an area of ground as represented upon the map; e.g. a stipple to represent sandy strata.

a colour refers to an even "wash" of constant tone; it may be used for lines, symbols
or ornaments as well as for emphasising areas of importance.


screens may be used in order to reduce the density of a colour. The value of the tone
is usually expressed as a percentage of the original or full (100 %) colour.

The format of the three sections always includes modules for background, mostly topographical
information (A), the main areal theme represented by colour (B), and/or ornament (C), and
finally the symbols representing detailed information and data (D),
Within these groups, colours, ornaments and symbols are used logically and consistently, to
optimise clarity and facilitate expansion, amendment and modification of the Legend. Such
representational methodology produces excellent results, by displaying a wealth of
hydrogeological information. From a few meters, one can quickly and easily grasp the areal
information on the type and characteristics of hydrogeological units, while much interesting
detail becomes apparent only when studying the map closely.
A couple of general remarks and explanations are made here, to explain the coherent philosophy
of these thematic maps and to properly introduce the following sections.

Background topographical information (A)

The background information should lead to easy interpretation of the map. It goes without
saying that all background information should be represented in the most up-to-date form. A
hydrogeological map printed on an antiquated topographical base map will be obsolete
immediately as no map user will find it acceptable.

In cartography, particular emphasis is placed on the geographic names (typonomy), such as

rivers, mountains, cities, which are carefully drawn in different letter fonts and printed in
different colours.
On thematic hydrogeological maps, a precise drainage network must be shown. It should be
supplemented by important surface hydrology features further specified below. This information
should be printed in blue. The same holds for the names of rivers, lakes and reservoirs.
Topographical information on roads, railroads, towns and settlements, a d all geographical
names are shown in dark grey or black. On very small scale maps it may be justifiable to omit
altitude contours, but generally they are of great value to the map user. They should be printed in
a grey tone.
The grid, preferably referring to international rather than national coordinates, should always be
in black.
The rules outlined above principally apply to all of the three following sections.

Thematic areal information (B)

The main theme of the map is always represented by colour wash outlining the areal characteristics. This implies that different colours are recommended for use on the different types of
maps. However, the colours are selected on the basis of hydrogeologically and cartographically
defined concepts.

- General and special purpose hydrogeological maps (representation of occurrence of

groundwater) Since general hydrogeological maps should be produced at a relatively early
phase of hydrogeological reconnaissance, sufficient emphasis should be placed on geological
information. However, the colours blue, green and brown, as used on the map, do not refer
to the age of rock units (as was proposed and applied by many map authors in the 1960s),
but rather to the hydrogeological character of the formations.
The general principle followed is to represent aquifers, their hydrogeological characteristics and
the contained groundwater in much more detail than strata containing little or no groundwater.
Therefore the scheme outlined on Figure 1 offers many more colours in the upper part. On the
International Hydrogeological Map of Europe and in this Legend, only the extremes of flow
regimes within the aquifers are shown with blue or green colour, based on an arbitrary
"eitherlor" decision. The spectrum from blue to green may be expanded, where appropriate, e.g.
to unambiguously outline karst aquifers, aquifers having a typically mixed regime such as
several sandstones or volcanic sequences or productive alteration zones in basement areas. The
introduction of mixed colours between blue and green must, however, not be overdone, since
mixtures of blue and yellow (producing green wash colour) should be clearly distinguishable on
the map, even when altered by sunlight.
All strata at outcrop appear in colour on the map, whether aquifers or non-aquifers. Aquifers in .
which flow is mainly intergranular (mostly unconsolidated material) are coloured blue; fissured
aquifers, including karst aquifers, are coloured green. In each case a dark tone of the colour
indicates large and extensive groundwater resources and a high productivity of the aquifer, while
a lighter tone indicates local and smaller resources and a lower productivity. Formations
containing only limited or local groundwater resources are coloured light brown, while strata
with essentially no groundwater are coloured dark brown. The colours, therefore, combine
information on the occurrence of groundwater with information on groundwater flow regimes.
This information is essential for the recognition of the hydrogeological units occurring in the
mapped area.





Figure 11-11. Scheme of area1 colours to represent hydrogeological characteristics and
occurrence of groundwater.
Depending on the purpose and scale of the map it may be useful to omit relatively thin covering
layers (e.g. 10 - 20 m), to be allow clear map information on the underlying aquifers.
Hatching with fine, vertical, brown stripes is used where thin covering layers of low
permeability overlie major aquifers or groundwater systems. Reference to this type of representation should be made in the Legend.

Aquifer or groundwater systems maps (representation of groundwaterflow systems)

This map type, particularly useful for hydrogeological modelling, puts emphasis on the hydrodynamic characteristics and is based on a hydrological systems analysis. It defines input
(recharge), through-flow (transit) and output (discharge) areas of groundwater flow systems and
characterises the value of flow systems on the basis of their extension and fluxes.
Two main principles have been followed, to define the colours (see Figure 2):

the transition from red or pink (in recharge areas)via purple or violet (in transit areas) to blue
or green (in discharge areas)

the transition from bright colours (red, purple, blue) indicating important regional systems to
subdued colours (brown, olive, grey) indicating local or insignificant systems.





/ large, regional system

intermediate system

small, local system
no mappable system

Figure 11-2. Scheme of areal colours for maps of aquifer and groundwater systems.
In some cases, where shallow local systems overlie the transit areas of regional or subregional
intermediate systems, vertical bands of colour may be used to identify the particular situation.

Groundwater vulnerability maps (vulnerabilityof groundwater to contamination)

Groundwater vulnerability maps are useful tools for land utilization planning and for the protection of valuable groundwater resources. They provide areal information on the protection
from or the vulnerability of groundwater to contamination and pollution, whereby the geological
and hydrogeological situation is principally taken into account. They also depict the major
sources of contamination whether areal, linear or point.
The background, concept and justification for groundwater vulnerability maps have been
described in detail (Vrba and Zaporozec 1994). Therefore, only the legend elements are included
The system of areal colours generally follows the 'traffic light' concept: green and olive for very
low and low vulnerability risk, yellow for medium, rose and red orange for areas having highly
or extremely highly vulnerable groundwaters (see Table 11- 1).

Table 11-1. Vulnerability of the aquifers system according to the overlying strata (after Vrba
and Zaporozec 1994)

Additional areal information, e.g. lithology (C)

The lithology of strata at outcrop is generally decisive for the type of groundwater characteristics, flow systems and vulnerability assessment. It may be represented, in addition to the
theme shown by colour wash, by grey screen patterns (ornament). These symbolize in a general
way the main components of the strata. Screens representing sedimentary strata are recognizably
larninar and are arranged horizontally where strata are gently inclined or horizontal, while steeply
inclined or folded areas are represented by vertical screen patterns.
Aquifer systems composed of a number of superimposed layers of different lithology which are
too small to be split up into different units are usually represented by a mixed screen pattern.
Other areal information, e.g. on groundwater chemistry or salinity, may also be provided by
ornament, in addition to the areal colour wash.

Representation of detailed hydrogeological data and information (D)

Information on specific hydrogeological data is illustrated by the use of symbols or lines printed
in various colours on general and special purpose maps, each colour symbolizing a particular
group of hydrogeological features (Section I):


violet for information on groundwater and springs,


orange for information on physical and chemical characteristics of groundwater,


blue for information on surface water and karst hydrology,


red for all man-made (anthropogenic) features and alterations to the natural groundwater


dark green for horizon contours and permafrost,


black for geological information.

The map author may decide how much detailed information is to be shown on the main map or
on insert maps. However, even a general small scale hydrogeological map should contain the
most important features which reduce groundwater development prospects, such as poor quality
of the water or insignificant recharge.
Numerical figures, in the same colour, may be added for clarification in appropriate places e.g.
values on contours.
On maps of groundwater systems (Section 11) and groundwater vulnerability (Section 111)
colours used for the representation of specific point and line information are modified or
changed according to the concepts of these map types,
In Section I1 this applies chiefly to the hydrodynamic relationship between aquifers and the'
surface hydrological network, as well as to the hydraulic significance of boundaries (see
Sections I1 D 2 and 3),
In the legend of Section 111, colours for point and line features are used to indicate the potential
for contamination of the features shown on the map. As vulnerability maps are particularly
useful at larger scales, the variety of point and linear contamination sources is great, e.g. ranging
from silage to cemeteries. However, the sections grouping groundwater and surface water
features (I11 D 1 and 2) are nearly identical to Section I (I D 1 and 3).
Stratigraphy (chrono- and biostratigraphy)
While stratigraphic information is not of primary importance on hydrogeological maps, it is
generally convenient to indicate at least the approximate age of the strata depicted on general
hydrogeological maps.

For informational hydrog,eologicalmaps, however, stratigraphic information should be omitted,

to assist the non-geological user.
The stratigraphic symbols a? printed in black; they help to identify the unit which is represented
on the map, whenever it is not characterized unequivocally by a combination of areal colour and
screen. With a knowledge of the stratigraphy, the geological map reader can more easily
recognize the geological structures.
For areas underlain by sedimentary strata, the use of stratigraphic symbols is recommended
according to the general legend used in the country or continent; alternatively, refer to the
"International Geological Map of Europe and the Mediterranean Region 1 : 1 500 000, Hannover
1962". In magmatic and metamorphic areas the age determination is often problematical. It is,
therefore, up to the author to decide whether or not to show stratigraphic symbols in those areas,
since the combination of areal colour and screen is often sufficient.
Note: Stratigraphic symbols are to be used sparingly on hydrogeological maps. The
representation of hydrogeological features should in any case be predominant.

It is rarely possible to include meteorological information on a hydrogeological map without
obscuring more pertinent data. Therefore, it is recommended that climatological information,
e.g. precipitation, evaporation, temperature or other climatological features, be shown either on
insert maps on the margins of the hydrogeological map, or as figures in any accompanying
explanatory text.

Vertical sections and perspective diagrams

Vertical cross-sections are commonly used to illustrate the relationships between aquifers and
non-aquifers in relation to depth. Other hydrogeological features are also amenable to such
treatment. The use of vertical cross-sections to accompany hydrogeological maps is strongly
These sections may be printed on the margin of the map, or alternatively within an
accompanying explanatory text. The colours, lines, symbols and ornament used on the vertical
cross-section should be the same as those used on the map.
The lines along which the sections are drawn should be clearly indicated by lines printed in black
on the map. The significance of these lines should be clearly explained in the sheet legend and
labelled, also in black, with the number identifying the particular section.
The horizontal scale of the cross-section should generally be the same as that of the map. The
vertical scale is often exaggerated to permit detail to be shown; however, the vertical
exaggeration should be limited to that necessary to illustrate the required detail since overexaggeration, especially at large scales, may present a grossly misleading picture.
The end-points of each section, together with any point of importance along the section, should
have their locations specified, preferably by the use of grid references. A bar-scale of altitude
(vertical scale) at each end of the section is essential.

Particularly on special purpose hydrogeological maps dedicated towards more public use,
perspective diagrams should be shown on the map, to give the map reader a three-dimensional
perception of the hydrogeological setting. The same applies to groundwater flow systems which
can conveniently be shown as perspective diagrams.
Inset maps and explanatory notes
Features which have not been represented on the map face for .the sake of clarity, should be
portrayed as insets if space permits, or explained in notes accompanying the map. The themes of
inset maps should be relevant to the main map, e.g. rainfall, land use, actual groundwater
abstraction or reliability of map information. The information should be relatively simple to
match the smaller scale of the inset. If more than one inset map is shown, consistency of scale
and format should be preserved.
Explanatory text on the map face in addition to the legend should generally be avoided; it can be
included with the accompanying (separate) notes, However, under certain circumstances it might
be advisable to provide hints how to use the map or to print a disclaimer to avoid misuse on the
main map sheet.
Explanatory notes prepared together with maps must be entirely consistent, i.e. using the same
terminology and similar graphical elements on both map and figures.

LEGEND (English)
Section I General and special
hydrogeological maps

I A Background infornretiion

All background information is printed

in sneened black with the exception
of the simplif~edtopographic base
map which is printed in dark grey (60
7% black). It shows mainly the location
andnames of important localities and
geographic names, international and
adminisbt.ive boundades.

The drainage (stream or river)

network is printed in blue.

Grids or lines of longitude and latitude

are printed in black

Additional background information to

topography and omgraphy where
required is given on insert maps or in
the explanatory notes.

I B Groundwtzter and rocks


Aquifem in which flow is mainly



extensive and highly productive



local or discontinuousproductive
aquifers or extensive but only
moderately productive aquifers

Fissured aquifers, includingkarst



extensiveandhighly productive

MODELE (Frangais)


Section I Cartes hydrogCologiques

gCnCrales et spCciales

Teil I Hydrogeologische ~bersichtsund Spezialkarten

I A Fond

I A Hintergrundinformation

Die Hintergrundinformation wird in

gebrochen schwarz dargestellt; die
vereinfachte topographische Karte
wird in dunkelgrau (60 % schwarz)
hinterlegt. Sie enthalt vor allem die
Situation, Ortsnamen und andere
geographische Namen sowie
internationale und

Le rbseau hydrographique (fleuves ou 2

rivihres) est repr6sentC en bleu.

Das Gewassernetz (Fliisse) wird in

blau gedruckt.

Tout le fond planimktrique est

reprCsent6 en noir attknu6 B
l'exception de I'hypsomCtrie
simplifi6e qui est'reprCsentCe en gris
fonc6 (60 % de noir), I1 comporte
principalement la position et le nom
des localit6s importantes, les
toponymes et les frontihres
internationales ou administratives.

Les quadrillages gCographiques, ou

mCridiens et parallkles sont
reprCsentCs en noir,

Netz bzw. Liingen- und Breitenkreise

werden in schwarz gedruckt.

Si nkcessaire, des informations

topographique et orographique de
base complbmentaires sont B donner
dans les cartons annexes ou dans la
notice explicative.

Weitere topographische und

Hintergrundinformation wird
notigenfalls in den Erlauterungen
bzw, in Beikarten gegeben.

I B Eau souterraine et roches

I B Grundwasser und

Aquifkres poreux



aquifkres Ctendus et B productivitC



ausgedehnte und sehr ergiebige



aquifkres locaux ou B productivitd

irr&gulikre,ou Ctendus mais B
productivitk mMiocre


lokale oder unzusarnrnenhangende

Grundwasservorkommen hoherer
Produktivitat bzw, ausgedehnte, aber
nur durchschnittlich ergiebige

Aquif6res fissurks, comprenant les

aquifhres karstiques

Kluftgrundwasserleiter, einschlieBlich


aquifhres 6tendus et B productivitb



ausgedehnte und sehr ergiebige



local or discontinuousproductive
aquifers, or
extensive but only moderately
productive aquifers
Strata (granular or fissured rocks)
forming insignificant aquifers with
local and limited groundwater
resources or strata with essentially no
groundwater resources


minor aquifers with local and limited

groundwater resources


strata with essentially no groundwater



where there is an extensive aquifer

immediately underlying a thin cover
the appropriate aquifer colour should
be used crossed by brown stripes (one
mm wide and three mm separation)

Note: Certain aauifers combine intereranular

and fissure ch&cteristics. In such cises the
relevant colours described in sections 1and 2
should be used depending on which
characteristic is dominant, or another tone of
colour (e.g. a bluish green) may be added.

I C Lithology
Ornament indicating lithology is printed in
The orientation of the ornament indicates the
type of bedding:
horizontal = unfolded, horizontal or gently
inclined strata
vertical = folded strata
The following list contains ornaments which
indicate general lithological types as well as
some combinations to symbolize strata of
varying lithology.


aquifkres locaux ou B productivitk

irrkgulibre, ou
ktendus mais B productivit6 mdiocre


lokale oder unzusammenhangende

Produktivitiit bzw, ausgedehnte, aber
nur durchschnittlich ergiebige

Formations poreuses ou fissur6es

offrant des ressources en eau
souterraines locales ou limiths, ou
formations st6riles n'offrant aucune

Formationen (poros oder kliiftig)

rnit lokalen oder begrenzten
Grundwasservorkommen bzw.
Gebiete ohne nennenswerte


formation n'offrant que des

ressources en eau souterraine locales
et limit&


untergeordnete Grundwasserleiter nit

lokalen und begrenzten


formation essentiellement stkrile


Gesteine ohne nennenswerte



sous une couverture semi-permhble

un aquifhre brunes ktendu peut &re
reprksentk par des bandes de couleur
approprih alternant avec des
bandesbrunes (bandes Iarges d'l mm
et intervalles de 3 mm)


iiberdeckung von ausgedehnten

Grundwasserleitern durch geringdurchlassige Deckschichten kann mit
einer Signatur brauner Streifen
angegeben werden (1 mm,breit,3
mm Abstand)

N.B.: Certains aquifkres prksentent en meme

temps des caract6ristiquesporeuses et
fissur6es. Dans ce cas, il est recommand6 de
choisir la couleur reprhentant les caractkristiques prkdominantes (1 ou 2) ou d'ajouter
une couleur mixte, par exemple vert bleu ou

Beachte: Bestimrnte Grundwasserleiter

vereinigen Poren- und Kluftdurchlissigkeit. In
diesen Fallen sollte die Farbe (1 oder 2)
entsprechend der dominanten Form der
Durchlassigkeit gewihlt werden oder eine
Mischfarbe, z.B. Blaugriin, Tiirkis,
hinzugefiigt werden.

I C Lithologie

I C Lithologie

Les figur6s exprimant la nature lithologique

sont irnprim6s en gris.

Sichtraster fir Lithologie werden in grau


L'orientation du figur6 exprime l'ordre du

horizontale = couches horizontales ou peu
verticale = couches redresskes

Die Ausrichtung der Sichtraster verdeutlicht die

horizontal = ungefaltete oder flach geneigte
vertical = gefaltete Schichten.

La liste suivante comprend les figurks qui

reprksentent les types lithologiques gknkraux
aussi bien que quelques combinaisons
correspondant B des formations de nature
lithologique varik.

Die folgende Aufstellung enthalt lithologische

Haupttypen sowie einige Kombinationen fiir
Schichten unterschiedlicherlithologischer

Note: The ornament represents the lithology of

the strata which is shown on the map. The
exact lithological composition may be
explained in detail in the map legend. Where
combinations of ornaments are required,
examples are shown in section C 3.
Combination of more than two ornaments is
not recommended. The identification numbers
given below are purely for convenienceand do
not refer to any commercial listings, Additional
ornaments other than those listed here can be
used for special purposes.

Recommended ornaments
Lithology of sedimentary rocks

clay, clayey loam, mud, silt, mar1

clayey-loamy alteration products


sands (units can be distinguished by

variation of thickness of points)

gravels (distinction by varying the

arrangement of circles)





made ground

11- 19 additional ornaments

N.B.: Les figurks reprksentent la lithologie des

formations cartographikes. La composition
lithologique exacte peut etre prkciske dans la
lkgende de la carte. Des exemples de
combinaison de figurks, lorsqu'elles sont
nkcessaires, sont donnks ci-dessous.

Beachte: Die Sichtraster geben die Lithologie

der dargestellten Gesteinseinheiten wieder. Die
genaue lithologische Zusammensetzung kann
in der Legende angegeben werden. Beispiele
fiir Kombinationen von Sichtrastern sind im
Abschnitt C 3 angegeben.

La combinaison de plus de deux figurks est

dkconseill&. Les indices donnks ci-aprks par
pure commoditk ne se rkfkrent aucun
rkpertoire commercial. Des figur6s
additionnels, en sus de ceux indiquks ici,
peuvent etre utilisks des fins spkcifiques.

Ratsam ist, nicht mehr als zwei Sichtraster zu

kombinieren. Zur einfacheren Handhabung
sind die Sichtraster numeriert. Die
Nurneriemng gibt keine Firmenbezeichnungen
wieder. Bei Bedarf konnen zusatzliche
Sichtraster benutzt und n i t den freigelassenen
Nurnrnern gekennzeichnet werden.

Figurds prdconisds


Lithologie des roches skdimentaires

Lithologie der Sedimentgesteine

argile, limon argileux, boue, silt,


Ton, toniger Lehm, Schlick, Schluff,


altkrite argileuse

tonig-lehmige Verwittemngsbildungen



sables (diffkrenciation possible par

variation de grosseur des points)

Sand (Einheiten konnen durch

unterschiedlich dicke Punkte
unterschieden werden)

graviers (diffkrenciation possible par

variation de disposition des cercles)

Kies (Unterscheidung durch

unterschiedliche Anordnung der







formations pyroclastiques, projections 9




terrain artificiel



11- 19

autres figurks possibles

11- 19 Zusatzliche Signaturen


mudstone, siltstone, shale


sandstone (distinction by varying the

size of dots)




limestones (distinction by varying the

rectangle size)


dolomites (distinction by varying the

parallelogram size)






complex alternation of different



radiolarite, lydite, siliceous shale


rock salt



32-39 additional ornaments

Lithologies of igneous and metamorphic rocks


acid to intermediate extrusives

(distinction by varying the triangle


basic extrusives (distinction by

varying the triangle size)


ultrabasite, serpentinite


argilite, pklite, schiste


Tonstein, Schluffstein, Tonschiefer


grks (diffkrenciationpar variation de

grosseur des points)


Sandstein (Unterscheidung nach

unterschiedlicher Punktstiirke)






calcaires (diffbrenciation par variation

de taille des rectangles)


Kalkstein (Unterscheidung nach

Griil3e der Rechtecke)


dolornie (diffkrenciation par variation

de taille des parallelogrammes)


Dolomitstein (Unterscheidung nach

GroBe der Parallelogramme)






calcaire argileux








alternance complexe de roches varihs 28


radiolarite, lydienne, schiste siliceux


Radiolarit, Lydit, Quarzschiefer


sel gernme








autres figurbs possibles

32-39 Zusatzliche Signaturen

komplexe Wechsellagerung

Lithologie des roches cristallines et


Lithologie der kristallinen und metamorphen



roches extrusives acides h

intermddiaires (diffbrenciation par
variation de taille des triangles)


saue bis intermediiire Extrusiva

(Unterscheidung durch GroSe der


roches extrusives basiques

(diffkrenciation par variation de taille
des triangles)


basische Extrusiva
(Unterscheidung durch GroBe der


roches ultrabasiques, serpentine


Ultrabasit, Serpentinit

acid to intermediate intrusives

(distinction by varying the
arrangement of crosses)
basic intrusives
slate, phyllite, mica schist, etc.
gneiss and granite, undifferentiated
metamorphic rocks, undifferentiated

Examples of combined types

Distinction between different geological

formations may be made by varying the size of
the ornament.


roches intrusives acides $

intermaiaires (diffbrenciation par
variation de disposition des croix)


same bis intermedike Intrusiva

(Unterscheidung durch Anordnung
der Kreuze)


roches intrusives basiques


basische Intrusiva


ardoise, phyllade, rnicaschiste


Schiefer, Phyllit, Glimmerschiefer





gneiss et granite indiffCrenciCs


Gneis und undifferenzierte Granite










roches mCtamorphiques


undifferenzierte Metamorphite

Exemples de combinaisons de figurCs (facies


20 +21


Beispiele von Kombinationen der Sichtraster



Unterscheidungen zwischen geologisch

La variation de la taille des figurbs perrnet de
distinguer diffkrentes formations gCologiques, unterschiedlichen Schichten konnen durch
unterschiedliche GroBe der Sichtraster
(Ornamente) getroffen werden.

I D .Represetttation of detailed data

Signs are printed in several colours grouped as
shown below:
violet: groundwater and springs
orange: physical and chemical
characteristics of groundwater quality
and temperature
blue: surface water and karst
red: man-made features and alterations
to the natural groundwater regime
dark green: horizon contours
(isopachytes) and limits of certain
features, such as permafrost
black: geological information
Detailed examples of internationally used
colour charts (ITC Colour Chart [1982], ITC
Journal 1982-2, Enschede) are given in
brackets to standardize the colours.

Groundwater and springs

colour: violet (ITC No. 062)
contours of the potentiometric surface
(solid or broken lines with height
relative to reference level)
direction of groundwater flow
connection between karstic loss and
a) proven,
b) inferred
groundwater divide
a) stationary,
b) periodically changing

I D Representation de donne'es

I D Spezielle Darstellungen

Les symboles se groupent par couleur (voir ci- Die Symbole sind in Farbgruppen geordnet

violet: eau souterraine et sources


Violett: Grundwasser und Quellen


orange: qualith et tempkrature de

l'eau souterraine


Orange: Chemische Beschaffenheit

und Temperatur des Grundwassers


bleu: eau de surface et hydrographie



Blau: Oberflachenwasser und



rouge: artefacts et modifications du

rkgime nature1 des eaux souterraines


Rot: Bauwerke und ~ n d e r u n ~ der

natiirlichen Grundwasserverhaltnisse


vert fonck: lignes structurales

(isohypses, isopaches) et limites
d'extension de certains caracthres, tels
que le permafrost

Dunkelgriin: Struktwlinien
(Isohypsen, Isopachen) und Grenzen
von Ausdehnungsgebieten, z.B.


noir: donnkes gblogiques

Schwarz: Geologie


Des exemples dktaillks des couleurs selon la

planche de couleur de l'ITC (ITC Colour Chart
[1982], ITC Journal 1982-2, Enschede) ont ktk
ajoutQ entre parenthhses.

In Klammern die Referenzfarben nach der

international verbreiteten ITC-Farbtafel (ITC
Colour Chart [1982], ITC Journal 1982-2,

Eau souterraine et sources

Grundwasser und Quellen

Farbe: Violett (ITC No. 062)

couleur: violet (ITC No. 062)


ligne kquipotentielle (lignes continues

ou discontinues avec mention de
hauteur relative i un niveau de


Grundwassergleichen (durchgezogene
oder unterbrochene Linien mit
Hohenangabe, bezogen auf eine


ligne de courant et sens d'koulement

d'eau souterraine




liaison entre une perte karstique

et une rksurgence
a) prouvke
b) supposke


Verbindung zwischen Versickerungsund Austrittsstelle

a) nachgewiesen
b) vermutet


ligne de partage des eaux soutenaines 1.4

a) instable
b) h migrations pkriodiques

a) station2
b) periodisch wechselnd

limit of area with confined

limit of area of artesian flow
lens of fresh water surrounded by salt
limit of area with insignificant natural
replenishment from rainfall to
groundwater (50 % screen colour)
spring, classified after average
discharge, e.g.
a) less than 100 ]/S,
b) l00 - 1000 ]/S,
c) more than 1000 11s
perennial karst spring
submarine spring
group of springs (relevant symbols
are enclosed by circles)
temporary karst spring
line of springs
groundwater seepage area

Groundwater quality and temperature

colour: orange (ITC No. 650)
boundary of saline groundwater in an
aquifer (the definition of fresh,
brackish and saline water may differ
from one area to another, but should
be defined on the basis of TDS or
chloride content)
isolines of equal groundwater salinity


limite de zone B nappe captive


Grenze gespannter Verhaltnisse


limite de zone de jaillissement possible 1.6

Grenze artesischer Verhaltnisse

l .7

lentille d'eau douce entourke par des

eaux salhs


Su.Rwasserlinseumgeben von


limite de zone sans alimentation

significative des aquifbres par les
prkipitations (couleur tramke de
50 %)


Grenze des Gebietes mit

unbedeutender Grundwasserneubildung (50 % gerastert)


source, classee d'aprbs le dkbit

moyen, par exemple:
a) moins de 100 11s
b) 100 B 1000 11s
c) plus de 1000 11s


Quelle, nach Schiittung,in Gruppen

zusamrnengefallt, z.B. :
a) weniger als 100 Its,
b) 100 bis 1000 I/s,
c) mehr als 1000 11s


source karstique permanente


perennierende Karstquelle


kmergence subaquatique ou sousmarine


submarine Quelle


groupe de sources (symboles

correspondants entourks d'un cercle)


Quellengruppe (entsprechende
Symbole mit Aullenkreis)

l 13

source karstique temporaire


temporare Kaxstquelle


ligne de source



zone d'kmergence diffuse d'eau



Quellgebiet rnit diffusen


Qualitks et temperature de l'eau


Chemische Beschaffenheit und

Temperatur des Grundwassers



couleur: orangk (ITC No. 650)

Farbe: Orange (ITC No. 6501


lirnite d'extension &eau salke dans un 2.1

aquif&re(les dkfinitions des eaux
douce, saumiitre et salke peuvent
diffhrer d'une rkgion B l'autre, mais
elles doivent 6tre baskes sur la teneur
en chlorure)

Grenze der Salzwasserausdehnung im

Grundwasserleiter(Definition der
Begriffe Salz-, Brack- und SiiBwasser
unterschiedlich nach Region, aber
festgelegt aufgrund des
Losungsinhaltes bzw. des


lignes d'kgale salinitk de l'eau

souterraine (isochlores)

Isochloren (Linien gleicher




contours of the interface between

fresh and saline groundwater, in m
below reference level


area of sea water intrusion


area of mineralized groundwater



area with mineralized water overlying

fresh groundwater


limit of mineralization of shallow

groundwater inland


stream with mineralized water

(blue stream with orange band)


lagoon or lake with saline or brackish

water (blue shoreline with orange
band inside)


periodical salt-water lake (broken blue

shore line with orange band inside)

2.1 1

shott (plays) with episodical water

(dotted blue shore line with orange
band inside)


salt marsh


limit of formations containing

minerals with potential for affecting
groundwater quality (grey line with
orange band)


spring of cold mineral or brackish



thermal spring


thermomineral spring


area of increased geothemal heat





Isohypsen der Salz-/SuRwassergrenzflache, in m unter Bezugshohe


isohypses d'interface entre eaux

soutemines douces et salkes, en m
sous le niveau de rCfCrence


zone d'invasion d'eau marine dans un 2.4


Gebiet der Meerwasserintrusion


zone h eau souterraine continentale


Gebiet inlandischer Versalzung


zone h eau minCralis6e swmontant une 2.6

nappe souterraine d'eau douce

Gebiet mit versalztem Grundwasser

iiber SuBwasser


limite d'extension d'eau minCralish

continentale dans un aquifkre de
faible profondeur


Grenze der Ausdehnung der

oberflachennahen Inlandversalzung


cours d'eau h eau salCe (ligne bleue .

avec une frange orangke)


SalzwasserfluR (blaue Linie n i t

orangem Saum)


lagune ou lac ii eau sal& ou saumiitre

(rive bleue avec une frange orangCe)


Lagune oder See mit Salz- oder

Brackwasser (blaue Kustenlinie mit
orangem Saum im Innern)


lac d'eau salCe temporaire (ligne de

rivage bleue discontinue avec une
frange orang6e)

2. l 0

periodischer Salzwassersee
(unterbrochene blaue Kustenlinie mit
orangem Saum)


chott (sebkhas) h eau episodique

(ligne pointillh de rivage bleue avec
une frange orangCe)

2.1 1

Schott (Sebkha) mit episodischer

Wasserfiihrung (gepunktete blaue
Linie mit orangem Saum)



limite d'extension de formation

comportant des rninkraux pouvant
influencer les qualitCs de l'eau
souterraine (ligne grise avec une
frange orang6e)


Grenze salzhaltiger Formationen, die

das Grundwasser versalzen konnen
(graue Linie mit orangem Saum)


source min6rale ou d'eau saumiitre



Mineralquelle oder kalte



source thermale




source thermominCrale




zone h flux ghthermique Clev6


Gebiet erhohter E r d w h e

2.1 8

meltwater chamber beneath glacier


glacier burst fiom meltwater chamber

beneath glacier

Surface water and karst hydrography

(For mapping karst areas on large scale maps,
more symbols are available in special literature,
and the map maker is referred to special
legends, e.g. Burger & ~ubertretil97.5);ISU
colour: blue (ITC No. 006)
stream with
a) perennial,
b) intermittent runoff
hydraulic character of streams
a) gaining (fed by groundwater)
b) losing (feeding .the aquifer),
including bank infiltration
c) alternating (gaining or losing)
d) independent (no communication
with the aquifer)
e) no information

dry valley, possibly with episodical

runoff (ephemeral stream)

braided stream (sandur)

stream ending in inland depression
cf.2.8 stream with mineralized water (blue
stream with orange band)
karstic loss in river valley
a) perennial flow downstream
b) seasonal flow downstream
c) no flow downstream


poche d'eau sous-glaciaire


Schmelzwasserkammerunter dem


"lahar" de fonte glaciaire du A une

poche d'eau sous-glaciaire


Gletscherlauf aus einer


Eaux de surface et hydrographie


Oberflachenwasser und

(Pour les cartes A plus grande khelle en

domaine karstique il existe, d'autres symboles
plus spdciaux, par exemple Burger & Dubertret
(1975)) ISU (1978).)

(In der Spezialliteratur,z.B. Burger &

Dubertret (1975), ISU (1978), existiert ,eine
Vielzahl von speziellen Symbolen fiir
Spezialkarten in Karstgebieten.)

couleur: bleu (ITC No. 006)

Farbe: Blau (ITC No. 006)


cours d'eau
a) pCrenne
b) temporaire


a) stiindig flieBend
b) zeitweilig flieBend


type de liaison entre cours d'eau et

a) drainant (aliment6 par l'eau
b) perdant (alimentant l'aquifkre,
incluant les infiltrations dans les
c) alternativement drainant ou perdant
d) inddpendant (sans liaison
hydraulique avec l'aquifkre)
e) inconnu


hydrodynamischer Charakter des

a) Vorfluter (vom Grundwasser
b) Grundwasser anreichernd
(einschlieBlich Uferversickerung)
c) alternierend (a oder b)
d) unabhangig (keine Verbindung rnit
e) unbekannt


vallCe skche, avec koulement

6pisodique possible (cours d'eau


Trockental mit gelegentlichem







aboutissement d'un cours d'eau dans

une dbpression fermbe


FluB, in Inlandsenke versiegend


cours d'eau i eau min6ralisCe (ligne

bleue avec une frange orange)

cf,2,8 SalzwasserfluR (blaue Linie mit

orangem Saum)


perte karstique de cours d'eau

a) permanent en aval
b) saisonnier en aval
c) sans koulement en aval


a) rnit dauerhaftem AbfluB unterstrom
b) rnit jahreszeitlichem AbfluB
C) ohne OberflachenabfluB unterstrom

cf. 1.3 connection between karstic loss and

a) proven
b) inferred


aven, karstic shaft or cave


limit of karst area


main surface water divide


secondary surface water divide

3.1 1

flow gauging station,

mean annual runoff [m31s]




glacier burst from ice dammed lake




fresh water lake


lagoon or lake with saline or brackish

water (blue shore line with orange
band inside)

cf.2.10 periodical salt-water lake (broken blue

shore line with orange band inside)
cf.2.11 shott (playa) with episodical water
(dotted blue shore line with orange
band inside)
periodical fresh water lake

dry lake with only episodical water

river marsh

cf. 1.3 liaison entre une perte karstique et une cf. 1.3
a) prouvCe
b) supposCe

Verbindung zwischen Versickerungsund Austrittsstelle

a) nachgewiesen
b) vermutet


aven, gouffre ou cavitC karstique


Schlot, Kamin oder Karsthohle


limite d'extension de zone karstique


Grenze des.Karstgebietes


ligne de partage des eaux de surface





ligne de partage des eaux de surface





station hydromktrique,
aire du bassin versant [l000 km21






"lahar" de fonte glaciaire B partir d'un

lac glaciaire


Gletscherlauf von einem Gletschersee


chute d'eau, cascade




lac d'eau douce




lagune ou lac d'eau minCralisCe (rive

bleue avec une frange orangCe)


Lagune oder See mit Salz- oder

Brackwasser (blaue Kustenlinie mit
orangem Saum im Innern)

cf.2.10 lac sal6 tempor*e (ligne de rivage

bleue discontinue avec une frange

cf.2.10 periodischer Salzwassersee

(unterbrocheneblaue Kustenlinie mit
orangem Saum)

cf.2.11 chotts (sebkhas) B eau Cpisodique

(ligne pointill& de rivage bleue avec
une frange orangCe)

cf.2.11 Schott (Sebkha) mit episodischer

Wasserfiihrung (gepunktete blaue
Linie mit orangem Saum)


lac d'eau douce temporaire


periodischer SuBwassersee


lac desskchb B eau seulement



ausgetrockneter See rnit gelegentlicher



cours d'eau marCcageux





Man-made features and alterations to

the natural groundwater regime
(More detailed graphical elements frequently
used on vulnerability maps, depictions of
human influence on groundwater systems and
pollution are provided in the IAH guidebook
on vulnerability mapping, see Section I11 of
this Legend.)
colour: red (ITC No. 660)
well, shaft or borehole, for
monitoring or with little output, with
phreatic or confined groundwater
group of wells or boreholes, with
phreatic or confined groundwater
well or borehole, artesian flowing
group of wells or boreholes, artesian
mineral water well
thermornineral water well
thermal water well
injection well
pumping station, pumped well field,
average quantity of discharge or
pumping (categories at the discretion
of the author), e.g.
a) 3 - 30 million rn'lyear
b) 30 - 300 million m3/year
c) more than 300 million m3Iyear

pumping station from spring (red

square with violet dot inside)

4.1 1

underground drainage gallery (e.g.



river intake

Artefacts et modifications
anthropiques du r6gime nature1 des
eaux souterraines

(D'autres 616ments graphiques, frkquemment

utilis6s sur les cartes de vulnCrabilit6, des
symboles indiquantes ]'influence humaine sur
les systkmes d'eau souterraine et la pollution
sont inclus dans 1e guide AIH sur la cartographic de la vuln6rabilit6, voir Section I11 de
cette ICgende.)

Bauwerke und ~ n d e r u n ~ der
natiirlichen Grundwasserverhaltnisse

(Weitere, haufig auf Karten der

Verschmutzungsempfindlichkeit verwendete,
graphische Elemente, Zeichen fiir menschliche
Einfliisse auf Grundwasser-Systemeund
Verunreinigungen sind im IAH Guidebook on
vulnerability mapping enthalten; S. Abschnitt
111dieser Legende.)

couleur: rouge (ITC No. 660)

Farbe: Rot (ITC No. 660)


puits ou forage d'observation ou

faiblement exploitC, en aquifkre libre
ou captif


Brunnen, Schacht oder Bohrloch, als

MaBstelle oder mit geringer
Fordermenge, mit freiem oder
gespanntem Grundwasser


groupe de puits ou forages, en

aquifkre libre ou captif


Gruppe von Brunnen oder

Bohrlochern, n i t freiem oder
gespanntem Grundwasser


puits ou forage artCsien jaillissant


Brunnen oder Bohrloch n i t

artesischem AusfluB


groupe de puits ou forages arthiens

j aillissants


Gruppe von Brunnen oder Bohrloch

mit artesischem AusfluB


forage de captage d'eau minCrale




forage thermominkral




forage thermal




puits d'injection




station de pompage, champ captant

(par pompage), dCbit moyen CcoulC ou
pomp6 (classes au choix de l'auteur)
par exemple:
a) 3 h 30 hm3Ian
b) 30 A 300 hm3/an
c) plus de 300 hm3Ian

Pumpstation, Brunnenfeld mit

Forderung, mittlere Schiittungs- oder
Fordermenge, z.B .
a) 3 h 30 Mio m31Jahr
b) 30 h 300 Mio m3IJahr
c) mehr als 300 Mio m31Jahr


station de pompage sur une source
(carrk rouge autour d'un point violet)

gepumpte Quellfassung (rotes Quadrat

mit violettem Innenpunkt)

4.1 1

galerie captante bar exemple: kanat,



prise en rivikre


Wasserfassungsgalerie (z.B. Khanat,


4.1 3





storage reservoir or pond,

a) perennial,
b) temporary


dam or weir, with capacity of the

reservoir in million m3


levee or coastal dyke


flood-tide barrage or tidal power plant


groundwater recharge site


installation for desalination




limit of area of intensive groundwater



area of underground mining affecting

the natural groundwater regime


area of open cast mining affecting

the natural groundwater regime


irrigation area

Horizon contours (isopachytes) and

limits of certain features, such as
colour: dark green (ITC No. 606)
horizon contours or isopachytes (solid
or broken lines with depth in m
relative to reference level)

conduite d'eau






a) permanent
b) tempraire

a) dauernd wasserfiihrend
b) zeitweise wasserfiihrend

barrage ou digue, et capacitC du

rCservoir en million de m3


Staudarnm oder Wehr, mit Inhalt des

Stausees in Mio m3

levCe ou digue cotibre


Flu& oder Kiistendeich

barrage de crue de make ou usine



Hochwasserabwehrbauwerk oder

site d'alimentation artificielle d'eau



Anlage zur kiinstlichen GrundwasserAnreicherung

usine de dessalement






limite de zone d'exploitation intensive 4.22

d'eau souterraine

Grenze des Gebiets starker


aire d'influence de travaux miniers sur 4.23

le rCgirne naturel des eaux

Bergbaugebiet mit Beeinflussung des

natiirlichen Grundwasser-Regimes


Tagebaugebiet rnit Beeintlussung des

natiirlichen Grundwasser-Regimes

aire d'influence de mine 2i ciel ouvert

sur le rCgime naturel des eaux


Lignes structurales (isohypses,

isopaches) et limites d'extension de
certains caractbres, tels que le

Farbe: Dunkelgriin (ITC No, 606)

couleur: vert foncC (ITC No. 606)


isohypses de toit ou isopaches de

formation (lignes continues ou
discontinues avec mention de
profondeur relative B un niveau de

Strukturlinien (Isohypsen, Isopachen)

und Grenzen von
Ausdehnungsgebieten, z.B.


Isohypse oder Isopache bestirnmter

Formationen (durchgezogene oder
unterbrochene Linien mit
Tiefenangaben in m, bezogen auf NN)

thickness of aquifer in m
limit of permafrost area (variation of
broken lines for continuous,
discontinous and isolated
talik (unfrozen zone) under a river,
lake or reservoir (river or lake in blue,
green dots surrounding)

Geological information
colour: black


geological or hydrogeological
boundary (a more detailed
classification of boundaries based on
their hydrodynamic character is given
in Section I1 of this Legend)


fault, certain (solid line) or inferred

(broken line)

6 .J

overthrust, certain or inferred


hydraulic character of boundaries

(combined with no. 6.1 to 6.3)
a) acting as barrier
b) acting as conduit
c) without significance to groundwater
d) no information


fractured belt of hydrogeological


cf.2.13 limit of formations containing

minerals with potential for affecting
groundwater quality (grey line with
orange band)


profondeur d'un aquifi5re (toit)

en m


Machtigkeit des Grundwasserleiters

in m


limite d'extension du permafrost

(lignes discontinues diffkrentes
indiquant une extension ktendue,
rkduite ou locale)


Grenze der Permafrostverbreitung

(verschiedene gestrichelte Linien fiir
ausgedehnte, kleinflachige und
stellenweise Verbreiterung)


"talik" (zone non gelke) sous un cours 5.4

d'eau, lac ou rkservoir (cours d'eau
ou lac en bleu, points verts en

Talik (ungefrorene Zone) unter

Fliissen, Seen oder Stauseen) (FluB
oder See in Blau, Umrandung mit
griinen Punkten)

couleur: noir

Farbe: Schwarz


contour gkologique ou
hydrogkologique (une classification
plus dktaillke des contours, selon leur
caractkre hydrodynamique se trouve
en Section I1 de cette lkgende)


Geologische oder hydrogeologische

Grenze (irn Abschnitt I1 dieser
Legende findet sich eine genauere
Untergliederung der Grenzen gema8
hydrodynamischem Charakter)


faille reconnue (ligne continue) ou

supposke (ligne discontinue)


Storung, nachgewiesen
(durchgezogeneLinie) oder vermutet


contact anormal (chevauchement),

reconnu ou supposk


nachgewiesen oder


caracthe hydrodynamique des

contours et lignes (en combinaison
avec les symboles 6.1 h 6.3)
a) permkable
b) semi-permkable
c) ktanche (barrikre)
d) non spkcifik


Hydrodynamische Charakterisierung
der Grenzen (fiir Signaturen 6.1 bis
a) durchlassig
b) halb-durchlassig
c) undurchlassig (Barrierewirkung)
d) keine Information


champ de fracture &importance



Kluftzone mit hydrogeologischer


cf 2 . 13 lirnite d'extension de formation

comportant des minkraux pouvant
influencer les qualitks de l'eau
souterraine (ligne grise avec une
frange orangk)

cf.2.13 Grenze mineralfiender

Formationen, die das Grundwasser
beeintrachtigenkonnten (graue Linie
mit orangem Band)


salt plug (Diapir)

a) near surface
b) at depth (dotted line)


area and edge of solution chambers

formed in saline formations


boundary of infilled erosional channel


volcanic cone


volcanic crater

6.1 1

line of cross-section

Section I1 Special legend for aquifer

and groundwater systems maps

II A Background information
The principles outlined in section I A generally
apply also to this section. However, the
drainage network is classified after its
hydrodynamic character and its relation with
groundwater, and may be represented by
colour on the map. In addition, the runoff is
classified in quantitative categories which are
symbolized on the map by different widths of
lines. The special representation generally
requires full redrawing of the drainage
Topographic information (situation, typonomy)
should be dark grey.
The grid should be printed in black.


d6me de sel (diapir)

a) subsuperficiel
b) en profondeur (ligne en pointill6)


Salzdom (Diapir)
a) oberflachennah
b) tiefliegend (Punktlinie)


extension et limites d'une cavit6 de

dissolution dans une formation
salifkre (subrosion)


Ausdehnung und Grenze von

Salinarfomationen (Subrosion)


limite de chenal d'6rosion comb16


Grenze eines gefiillten







crathre volcanique



6. l l

trace de coupe

6.1 1


Section 11 LCgende spCciale pour cartes Teil 11 Speziallegende fur Karten der
des syst6mes aquif6res

II A Fond

II A Topographic und Hintevgvund

Les principes pr6sent6s dans la section I A

s'appliquent 6galement pour cette section.
Cependant, le r6seau hydrographique doit 6tre
repr6sent6 par des couleurs selon le caractkre
hydrodynamique des cours d'eau. En plus,
l'koulement superficiel moyen est regroup6 en
cat6gories symbolis6es par des largeurs
diffkrentes des traits des cours d'eau. Cette
reprksentation particulikre n6cessite donc de
redessiner la carte du r6seau hydrographique.

Die Grundsatze des Abschnitts I A gelten auch

fiir diesen Teil. Allerdings wird das
Gewassernetz gemall der hydrodynamischen
Verhaltnisse untergliedert und gegebenenfalls
mit unterschiedlichenFarben dargestellt.
Dariiber hinaus wird der Oberflachenabflull in
Mengenklassen eingrqpiert und mit
unterschiedlichen Strichstiirkendargestellt. Die
besondere Darstellung erfordert daher seine
kartographische Neubearbeitung der

Les informations topographiques (situation,

typonymie) sont reprksent6es en gris fonc6.

Topographische Angaben (Situation, Namen)

werden dunkelgrau wiedergegeben.

Les quadrillages ghgraphiques sont

repr6sentCs en noir.

Das Netz wird in schwarz gedruckt.

41 B Area1 colours for aquifer or

groundwater systems maps

Recharge area

of a large, regional groundwater

system (the entering f l u classified
after volume by tone)
of an intermediate groundwater
of a small, local groundwater system
Transit area
of a large, regional groundwater
of an intermediate groundwater
Discharge area
of a large, regional groundwater
of an intermediate groundwater
of a small, local groundwater system
No groundwater system developed

Note: Recharge areas are generally

characterized by a significant unsaturated zone
above the aquifer, mainly downward flow
gradients, whilst discharge areas have water
tables close to surface and upward flow.
Transit areas are characterized by chlefly lateral
groundwater flow and may be overlain by local
or intermediate systems.

I1 B Couleurs pour les systkmes


11 B Flaehenfarben fdr Karten der


Zone d'alimentation (B flux entrant)


Aire d'alimentation d'un grand

systkme r6gional (diverses classes de
flux entrant, diverses valeurs de la
couleur rouge)

l. l

GroRe, regionale
Grundwassersysteme (Eintrag
gruppiert gemal3 jihrlicher Menge, m
verschiedenen Farbwerten dargestellt

Aire d'alimentation d'un systkme

moyen sous-rkgional


Mittlere, subregionale

Aire d'alimentation d'un petit systkme 1.3


Kleine, lokale Grundwassersysterne

Zone de transit
d'un grand systkme rkgional


GroBe, regionale

d'un systkme moyen sous-rkgional


Mittlere, subregionale

zone d'kmergence (B flux sortant)



Aire d'kmergence d'un grand systkme 3.1


Austragsgebiet eines grollen,

regionalen Grundwassersystems


Aire d'kmeqence d'un systkme

moyen sous-r6gional


Austragsgebiet eines mittleren,

subregionalen Grundwassersystems


Aire d'kmergence d'un petit systkme



Austragsgebiet eines kleinen, lokaler


Rkgion sans systkme aquifkre

Gebiet ohne nennenswerte


N.B. : Les zones B flux entrant (aires

d'alirnentation des systkmes aquifkres) sont
caractkriskes par des couches non-saturkes
kpaisses et un gradient de flux descendant. Par
contre, dans les zones ii flux sortant (aires
dt6mergence),les niveaux pikzomktriques se
trouvent proches de la surface et le gradient est
dirig6 vers le haut. Les zones de transit se
caractkrisent par un flux lat6ral prkdorninant;
elles peuvent etre recouvertes par de systkmes
aquifkres moins profonds (moyens et locaux).

Beachte: Eintragsgebiete (Grundwasserneubildungsgebiete) sind in der Regel durch eine

machtige ungesattigte Zone iiber dem Grundwasserleiter und abwikts gerichtete Gradiente
gekennzeichnet; in Austragsgebieten liegt die
Grundwasseroberflache meist nahe der
Gelandeoberflache und die Gradienten sind
aufwas gerichtet. DurchfluBgebiete sind
durch einen im wesentlichen lateralen GrundwasserfluR gekennzeichnet; oberflachennah
konnen sie durch rnittlere oder lokale Grundwassersysteme iiberlagert werden.

As the recharge areas are usually much larger

in extent than the discharge areas, the recharge
can be quantified in categories represented by
different tones of the areal colour. However,
clear distinction on the map must be
maintained, hence, 4 - 5 subdivisions are
recommended at maximum.

II C Type of system and conditions of

groundwater flow
Particularly large and intermediate aquifers and
groundwater systems may be further
subdivided according to lithology or type of
groundwater flow, using visible, widely
spaced regular ornaments. As these ornaments
are added to the areal colours, they should be
optically subdued and should not alter the
colour wash adversely.
The ornament should be printed in grey or red,

Relatively homogeneous, continuous,

intergranular flow in (mostly
sedimentary or volcanic) single
aquifer systems

Complex, continuous flow in multiaquifer systems

Chiefly heterogeneous, fissured flow

in massive hard rock (sedimentary,
volcanic or igneous) aquifer systems

Heterogeneous, wide fissure and

channel flow in karstified or volcanic
aquifer complexes

Complex, heterogeneous flow in

folded and faulted hard rock

Combinded intergranular and fissure

flow in the alteration zones of hard
rock areas

Les zones d'alimentation &ant gkn6ralement

trks ktendues, 11 est conseillk de quantifier le
flux entrant moyen et de 1e reprksenter, group6
en classes, par diffkrentes valeurs de la couleur
rouge. Le nombre de classes reprhentk sur la
carte doit Ctre infkrieur ii 6, pour des raisons

Da Eintragsgebiete im allgemeinen erheblich

groBer als Austragsgebiete sind, wird innerhalb
der Eintragsgebiete die Grundwasserneubildung, in Mengenklassen gruppiert, rnit
verschiedenen Farbintensitiiten wi6dergegeben.
Allerdings sind maximal 4 bis 5 Farbabstufungen zu verwenden, darnit die Abstufungen auf
der Karte klar unterschieden werden konnen.

I1 C Type de systtme aquifere et

caractbristiques du flux

II C Typ des Systems und

Charakteristika des

Les systkmes grands et moyens peuvent etre

distinguks, selon leur lithologie et les
conditions de flux, par des figurks (trames).
Ces figurks doivent Ctre simples et lkgers, car
ils sont appliquks en combinaison avec les
couleurs sur la carte et ne doivent pas alt6rer

GroBe und rnittlere Grundwasserleiter und

GrundwasserflieBsysteme sollten gemal3 ihrer
Lithologie oder der Charakteristika des
Grundwasserflusses mit groben Sichtrastern
weiter gegliedert werden. Da diese Sichtraster
mit den Flachenfarben kombiniert werden,
sollten sie optisch nicht zu stark hervortreten
oder den Farbeindruck verfalschen.

Les figurks sont reprksentks en gris ou rouge.

Die Sichtraster sollten in grau oder rot gedruckt

werden, z.B.

Flux ktendu et continu, principalement 1

en domaine poreux sddimentaireou

Raumlich und zeitlich recht

gleichmaoiger Flu0 in (meist
sedirnentiren oder wlkanischen)

Flux complexe mais continu dans des 2

systkmes aquifkres multicouches

Komplexer, gleichrnaoiger
GrundwasserfluB in MehrschichtGrundwasserleiter-Systemen

Flux discontinu en domaine fissurk

(roches dures skdimentaires,
volcaniques ou plutoniques)

Meist unregelmaljiger
GrundwasserfluB in machtigen
(Sedimentgesteine, vulkanische und

Flux discontinu et hktkrogene dans

des rkseaux karstiques ou

UnregelmaBiger GrundwasserfluB in
Spalten und Rinnen in Karst- oder
vulkanischen Grundwasserleitern

Flux complexe discontinu en r6gion h

couches redressks et tectoniskes

Komplexer, unregelmaBiger
GrundwasserfluB in gefalteten oder
gestorten Festgesteinsbereichen

Flux mixte des zones altkrks et

fracturks du socle

Vermischter GrundwasserfluB in
Poren- und Kluftgrundwasserleitern
in der Verwitterungszone von

Note: As this information is considered

secondary on the map, it must not overload the
visual impression of the map picture. Hence it
should be used only for large and intermediate
rather than for small systems but it should be
clearly recognizable on the map. This implies
reduction of ornament to about 6 typical
patterns, as indicated above.

N D Special signs and symbols

Most of the signs and symbols of section 1D
of the Legend can also be used in section I1 D.
However, several items relevant to
hydrodynamics are detailed in this latter
section, to fully meet the requirements of the
particular map type. This chiefly applies to
groundwater flow, surface water features and
to the hydraulic significance of boundaries.

Groundwater flow
colour: purple (ITC No. 082).


Upward seepage (inflow from the



Downward seepage (system losing

groundwater to system below)


Alternating seepage (depending on

changing hydraulic gradient)


Deep lateral groundwater flow (the

flux may be classified by additional
Relation between surface and


Stream draining the groundwater

system (blue)


Stream feeding the groundwater

system (red)

N.B.: Les informations sur les caractkristiques

du flux ne doivent pas surcharger la
reprksentation cartographique. I1 est donc
conseillk de les appliquer pour les systkmes
grands et moyens seulement, pour conserver la
lisibilitk de la carte. L'application de plus de six
figurks est dkconseillke.

Beachte: Die 0.g. Angaben diirfen das

Kartenbild nicht iiberladen, zumal sie weniger
wichtig einzustufen sind. Sie sollten daher nur
in groBen und mittleren, nicht aber kleinen,
lokalen Systemen verwendet werden, um
eindeutig erkennbar zu bleiben. Die Zahl der
0.a. 6 Sichtraster sollte daher nicht
uberschritten werden.

I1 D Signes et symboles spkciaux

11 D Spezielle Symbole

La plupart des symboles prksentks en Section I

D de cette Ikgende peuvent Ctre utilish
kgalement dans cette Section I1 D. Ou y ajoute
quelques symboles particuliers reprksentant les
conditions hydrodynamiques. I1 s'agit
principalement de d o m k s relatives au flux
d'eau souterraine, aux eaux de surface et aux
caractbres hydrodynamiques des contours et

Die Mehrheit der Symbole im Abschnitt I D

dieser Legende konnen auch in diesern
Abschnitt I1 D venvendet werden. Einige
Angaben zur Hydrodynamik wurden jedoch in
diesem Abschnitt weiter verfeinert, urn das f i r
den Kartentyp notwendige Inventar an
Signaturen bereitzustellen. Dies betrifft im
wesentlichen die Angaben zurn
GrundwasserfluR, zum Oberflachenwasser und
zur hydrodynarnischen Charakterisierung von

Flux d'eau souterraine

Couleur: pourpre (ITC No. 082)

Farbe: Purpur (ITC No. 082)


flux entrant ascendant (de la base)


Aufwiirts gerichteter GrundwasserfluB

(ZufluO an der Basis)


flux sortant descendant (vers le

systkme sousjacent)


AbwZrts gerichteter GrundwasserfluB

(Abstrom zum unterlagernden


flux alternatif (dkpendant du gradient



Wechselnder GrundwasserfluB
(abhangig von wechselnden
hydraulischen Gradienten)


flux latkral profond (unitks de flux

diffkrentes selon largeur des flkhes)


Tiefer, horizontaler GrundwasserfluB

(die FlieBstiirke kann mit
unterschiedlichen Pfeilen
unterschieden werden)

Relation entre eau de surface et eau


Beziehung zwischen
Oberflachenwasser und Grundwasser


cours d'eau drainant (aliment6 par

l'eau souterraine) (bleu)


Vorfluter (vom Grundwasser

gespeist) (Blau)


cours d'eau perdant (alimentant un

aquifbre) (rouge)


Infiltrierender (Grundwasser
anreichernder) FluB (Rot)


Stream without connection to the

groundwater system (violet)


Stream closely related to the adjacent

shallow groundwater system
(alternating feeding or draining,
depending on the height of the river
and the phreatic water table) (dark


Reservoir feeding the groundwater

system (red)


Reservoir without connection to the

groundwater system (violet)


Canal draining the groundwater

system (blue)


Canal feeding the groundwater system

Hydraulic significance of boundaries
(outcrop or subcrop boundaries of
aquifers (geological boundaries,
faults) or hydrodynamic boundaries of
groundwater flow systems)


Boundary receiving inflow to the

groundwater system (red)
a) outcropping
b) buried


Boundary of outflow from the

groundwater system (blue)
a) outcropping
b) buried overflow from one system
to an adjacent system


Impermeable boundary (brown).

a) outcropping
b) buried


Significance of the boundary

unknown (grey)


Groundwater divide
a) stationary
b) periodical


cows d'eau indbpendant (sans liaison 2.3

hydraulique avec l'aquifkre) (violet)

Hydraulisch unabhangiger HUB(ohne

Beziehung zum Grundwasser)


cours d'eau d6pendant de la nappe

alluviale (alternativement drainant ou
perdant selon les niveaux
pi6zom6triques du fleuve et de 1a
nappe) (vert fonc6)


Flu0 mit enger Beziehung zum

Grundwassersystem (alternierend,je
nach Hohe des Wasserstandes im
Flul3 und benachbarten Grundwasser)


rkservoir infiltrant (rouge)


Infiltrierender Stausee (Rot)


reservoir sans liaison hydraulique

avec l'aquifkre (voilet)


Stausee ohne Beziehung zum

Grundwasser (Violett)


canal drainant (bleu)


Kanal mit Drainagewirkung (Blau)


canal perdant (rouge)


Infiltrierender Kanal (Rot)

Caract6ristiques hydrauliques des

contours et limites (Contours
superficiels ou couverts, mais prbs de
la surface, des aquifhres (contours
litho-stratigraphiques, failles) ou
limites hydrodynami.ques des
systbmes dtCcoulement)

Hydraulische Charakterisierung der

Grenzen (Grenzen an der Oberflache
und oberflachennahe,verdeckte
Grenzen von Grundwasserleitern
(geologische Grenzen, Storungen)
sowie hydrodynamische Grenzen von


limite A flux entrant (rouge)

a) affleurante
b) couverte

Grenze n i t ZufluB m m
Grundwassersystem (Rot)
a) ausstreichend
b) verdeckt


limite B flux sortant (bleu)

a) affleurante
b) flux-couvert d'un systkme B l'autre


limite ktanche (brun)

a) affleurante
b) couverte


Undurchlassige Grenze (Braun)

a) ausstreichend
b) verdeckt


inconnu (gris)


Charakterisierung unbekannt (Grau)


ligne de partage des eaux souterraines cf.ID

a) permanente
b) pCriodique


Grenze rnit AbfluB aus d e n

Grundwassersystem (Blau)
a) ausstreichend
b) verdeckter Ubertritt von einem
System m m benachbarten System

b) periodisch wechselnd


Limit of area with confined



Limit of area of artesian flow

Section 111 Special legend for

groundwater vulnerability maps
111 A Background information (see
Section I A)
The principles outlined in Section I A generally
apply also to this section. However, it may be
necessary to redraw part of the topographical
background information, since particular
features are represented in red, to show their
groundwater contamination potential. As
groundwater vulnerability maps frequently
apply to medium and large scale maps, full
representation of man-made objects potentially
polluting or threatening groundwater quality is

111 B Area1 colours for groundwater

vulnerability (see Table 11-1)
Extremely high vulnerability
(Red orange)
High vulnerability
Medium vulnerability
Low vulnerability
(Light olive green)
Very low vulnerability
(Dark olive green)
Note: The vulnerability expressed by colour is
generally assessed by considering the
natureltype and thickness of the unsaturated
zone overlying the aquifer (see Vrba &
Zaporozec 1994). The colour wash may be
combined with screens indicating lithology or
area1information on groundwater quality, if


limite de zone captive


Grenze gespannter Verhaltnisse


lirnite de zone de jaillissement possible cf.ID


Grenze artesischer Verhaltnisse

Section I11 LCgende spCciale pour les

cartes de vulnCrabilitC

Teil 111 Speziallegende fiir Karten der


111 A Fond

111 A Hintergrundinformation
(S. Abschnitt I A)

Les principes prksentks dans la section I A

s'appliquent kgalement pour cette section.
Cependant, il faut en partie retracer
cartographiquement le fond topographique,
pour bien reprksenter le potentiel de pollution
de certains Clkments du fond topographique.
Pour le cartes B Cchelles moyenne ou grande,
une reprksentation exacte et complete des
artefacts est souhaitable.

Die Grundsatze des Abschnitts I A gelten auch

fiir diesen Abschnitt. Teilweise wird eine
Neubearbeitung der topographischen Angaben
notwendig, wenn das Verschrnutzungspotential
bestirnrnter, in der Topographie enthaltener
Signaturen in rot dargestellt werden soll. In
Karten mittlerer und groberer Mabstiibe ist eine
moglichst vollstiindige Darstellung
grundwassergefiihrdender Bauwerke

111 B Couleurs pour la vuln&rabilit&

(voir tableau 11-l)

111 B FIiichenfarben fiir die

Grundwasserverschmutzungsempfindlichkeit (S. Tabelle 11-1)


tres grande
(olive-vert pale)
t r h faible



Besonders hoch
Sehr gering

Beachte: Die durch Farbe dargestellte

N.N.: La vulnCrabilitCreprksentke par une
couleur est dkfinie gknkalement selon le type et Verschmutzungsempfindlichkeitwird irn
l'kpaisseur de la zone non-saturCe au-dessus ~duallgemeinen aufgrund der Ausbildung und
Machtigkeit der ungesattigten Grundwassersysteme aquifkre (Vrba & Zaprozec 1994).
On peut combiner ces couleurs avec des figurks iiberdeckung bestimt (S.Vrba & Zaporozec
(trames), p.ex. pour indiquer la lithologie ou la 1994). Die Flachenfarben konnen mit
Sichtrastern,z.B. zur Lithologie oder zu
qualitk de l'eau soutemine.
Angaben iiber die Grundwasserqualitat,
kombiniert werden.

ZZI C Nature of aquifer and ornament

(see Vrba and Zaporozec 1994, Table


Coarse gravel sediments

High fracture index

Low karst index

Medium gravel sediments

Medium fracture index

Fine grained sediments

Low fracture index

Note: Further subdivision based on soil

classification for use in determining aquifer
vulnerability is possible (see Vrba and
Zaporozec 1994, Table Ala)

III D Man-made activity

This special legend is based largely on the
symbols recommended in Section I of this
Standard Legend. In addition to a particular
colour scheme of area1 colours (wash), the
legend expands the variety of symbols
representing man-made activities (Section I D
4) for the particular purposes of vulnerability
maps. Further symbols and colours should
follow as much as possible the
recommendations provided in Section I.

ZZZ C Nature de l'aqui're et ornement

(voir Vrba and Zaporozec 1994, Table

ZZZ C Grundwasserleiter und

Sichtraster (S.Vrba und Zaporozec
1994, Tab. A2)



SCdiments graveleux grossiers

Grobkornige, kiesige Sedimente

Indice 61ev6 de fracturation

Hoher Kluftungsgrad

Indice klevk du karst

Erhohter Verkarstungsgrad

Skdiments graveleux moyens

Kiesig-sandige Sedimente

Indice de fracturation moyen

Mittlerer Wiiftungsgrad

Skdiments a grains fins

Feinkornige Sedirnente

Indice de fracturation faible

Geringer Kluftungsgrad



N.B.: Une subdivision plus detaillCe est

possible selon la classification des sols pour
dkterminer la vulnerabilitk (voir Vrba and
Zaporozec 1994, Tableau A l a)

Beachte: Aufgrund der Bodenklassifikation ist

eine weitere Unterscheidung der
(s.Vrba und Zaporozec 1994, Tab. Ala)

ZIZ D Artefacts et objets anthropiques

ZZZ D MaJnahmen des Menschen

Cette lkgende sp6ciale se base principalement

sur les donnCes prCsentCes dans la section I de
cette lkgende modhle. Le schkma des couleurs
dur les cartes de vuln6rabilitC ainsi que la
finalit6 de ces cartes demandent des symboles
supplkmentaires surtout pour les objets
anthropiques. Les symboles supplkmentaires et
leurs couleurs suivent les recommandations
donnkes en section I.

Diese spezielle Legende griindet sich

weitgehend auf die Symbolik des Teils I der
Standardlegende. Aufgrund des fiir
karten verwendeten Farbschemas der
machenfarben und der speziellen Zielstellung
dieser Karten werden iiber den Abschnitt I D 4
hinausgehende, zusatzliche Symbole fiir
MaBnahrnen des Menschen eingefiihrt. Weitere
Symbole sollten mit ihrer Symbolik und
Farbgebung den Empfehlungen im Teil I

Objects of protection
Important undeveloped spring
Important spring developed for
potable water supply
Thermal (T) andor mineral (M) spring
(or group of springs)
Source protection zone (the
delineation of source protection zones
will depend upon local practice andlor
Site of ecological importance, e.g.
Well (L = multi-layered aquifer
a) industrial andlor agricultural water
b) potable water supply
Well field (L = multi-layered aquifer
a) industrial andor agricultural water
b) potable water supply
Groundwater recharge site


Fenced perimeter of groundwater

development works


Drainage tunne1/trench for water


1.1 1


1. l 2

Underground storage for potable



Water tower for potable water

Potentially polluting activities
colour: red (ITC No. 660)

Objets ii prot6ger

Zu schiitzende Objekte

source importante, non-capt6e


Bedeutende, nicht genutzte Quelle

source importante, cap& pour

l'approvisionnement en eau

l .2

Bedeutende, fiir die Trinkwasserversorgung gefaRte Quelle

source themale (T) et/ou min6rale

(M), groupe de sources


Thermalquelle (T) undoder Mineralquelle (M)bzw. -Quellengruppe .

zone de protection de source (selon les 1.4

rkglements locaux et/ou 1a 16gislation)

Quellenschutzgebiet (Ausweisung des

Quellenschutzgebietes aufgrund
ortlicher Vorgaben undoder

aire d'importance 6cologique, p.ex.

zone hurnide

Gebiet mit okologischer Bedeutung,

z.B. Feuchtgebiet


puits (L = aquifkre multicouche)

l .6
a) pour l'approvisionnementindustriel
et/ou agricole
b) pour l'approvisionnement en eau

Brunnen (L = MehrschichtGrundwasserleiter)
a) industrielleundoder
b) Trinkwasserversorgung

champs de puits (L = aquifbre
a) pour l'approvisionnementindustriel
et/ou agricole
b) pour l'approvisionnement en eau

Brunnenfeld (L = MehrschichtGrundwasserleiter)
a) industrielleundoder
b) Trinkwasserversorgung

site d'alimentation artificielle d'eau


1. 8

Anlage zur Grundwasseranreicherung

p6rimktre clotur6 de captage de l'eau


Eingeziiunter Bereich von


foss6 ou tunnel de captage de l'eau



Dranagegraben bzw . -tunnel zur


conduite d'eau, aqueduc


Wasserleitung, Aquadukt

r6servoir souterrain d'eau potable


Untergrundspeicher fiir Trinkwasser

chiteau d'eau, rbservoir d'eau potable 1.13

Artefacts et activitks anthropiques
potentiellement polluants
couleur: rouge (ITC No, 660)

Wasserturm, Hochspeicher fiir

Potentiell verschmutzende Anlagen
und MaBnahmen
Farbe: Rot (ITC No. 660)


Highway, motorway, railway


Urban area or similar, no sewerage



Urban area or similar, with sewerage



Main sewer trunk line


Collection point for non-treated urban

andor industrial sewage


Treatment plant for urban wastewater

(figure indicates primary, secondary,
tertiary treatment)


Poisonous andor noxious liquid

waste spill point, accidental or illegal


Treatment plant for poisonous and

noxious wastes ( P m ) and similar


Treatment plant for urban solid wastes

(USW) and similar


Waste disposal (figure or letter

indicates class of site - they will be
classified according to national

2.1 1

Animal husbandry with indication of

number of units of manure


Manure andor livestock waste storage


Chemical storage or stockpile


Chemical factorylrefinery


Oil or fuel storage, garage, service

station andor mechanical workshop


Pipeline (letter indicates nature of

fluid, e.g. G = gas, P = petroleum,
C = chemicals, etc.)

autoroute, route, voie ferrke

Autobahn, StraBe, Gleisanlage

zone habitke ou urbaine sans rkseau


Stadt- oder Siedlungsgebiet ohne


zone habitke ou urbaine avec rkseau


Stadt- oder Siedlungsgebiet mit


kgout principal


point de collecte d'eaux uskes urbaine

et/ou industrielle

Sarnrnelpunkt fiir ungeklarte

stiidtische undloder industrielle

site de traitement d'eaux uskes

urbaines et/ou industrielles (nombres
indiquant le degrk de traitement
primaire, secondaire ou tertiaire)

Kliiranlage f i r stiidtische undhder

industrielle Abwasser (Ziffern
symbolisieren primare, sekundiire,
tertiike K l h n g )

point de dCcllarge de fluides toxiques

et/ou dangereux, accidentel ou illkgal

Austrittspunkt giftiger undoder

gefhlicher, fliissiger Abfalle, infolge
Unfalls oder illegal

installation de traitement de polluants

toxiques et/ou dangereux (PNW)

Aufbereitungsanlage fiir giftige

undoder gef&liche Abfallstoffe

installation de traitement de dkhets

solides urbains (USW)

Aufbereitungsanlage f i r feste,
stadtische Abfallstoffe (USW)

dkcharge (nombre ou lettre indiquant

le type selon la legislation nationale)

Deponie (Ziffer bzw. Buchstabe

symbolisiert Art der Deponie,
aufgrund nationaler gesetzlicher

klevage de bktail

Tierzucht mit Angabe der Dung- oder


fosse h purin

Dung- bzw. Jauchebehalter

stockage de produits chimiques

Lagerung von Chernikalien

usine chirnique, raffinerie

Chemiefabrik, Raffinerie

rkservoir de pktrole ou carburant,

station etlou atelier mkcanique

01- oder Treibstoffbehalter, Werkstatt,

Tankstelle undoder mechanischer

conduite (lettre indiquant le liquide

contenu, p.ex. G = gaz, P = pktrole,
C = produits chimiques)

Fernleitung, Pipeline (Buchstabe

symbolisiert Leitungsinhalt, z.B .
G = Gas, P = Treibstoff,
C = Chernicalien)


Disposal well, cesspool, septic tank


Thermoelectricpower plant


Nuclear power plant


Military installations








Industry with organic biological

effluents andor wastes (S = linked to
urban sewerage)


Industry with marginally

biodegradable biological effluents
andor wastes (S = linked to urban


Industry with inorganic effluent

andfor wastes (S = linked to urban


Active quarry (P = excavation to

piezometric surface)


Abandoned quarry (P = excavation

to piezometric surface)


Filled quarry (P = excavation to

piezometric surface)

2.3 1

Uncontrolled andor unauthorised

landfill (M = solid waste, I = mining
and industrial waste)


Abandoned landfill (uncontrolled),

with nature of fill material (e.g.
M = mixed solid, I = industrial,
P = poisonous or noxious wastes)

puits perdu, fosse septique


Schluckbrunnen, Klargrube, Kloake

centrale klectrique thermique

centrale nuclhire
zone rnilitaire

Militih-isches Gelande





industrie avec dkchets liquides et/ou

solides, bio-organiques (S = relike au
rkseau d'kgouts urbain)

Industrie mit flussigen undoder

festen, biologisch-organischen
Abfallen (S = mit AnschluB an
staditsches Abwassernetz)

industrie avec dkchets liquides et/ou

solides, biodkgradables (S = relike au
rkseau d'kgouts urbain)

Industrie mit flussigen undoder

festen, z.T. abbaubaren biologischen
Abfallen (S = n i t AnschluB an
stadtisches Abwassernetz)

industrie avec dkchets liquides et/ou

solides, organiques (S = relike au
rkseau d'kgouts urbain)

Industrie mit flussigen undoder

festen, anorganischen Abfallen (S =
mit AnschluB an stidtisches

carrikre en activitk (P = excavation

atteignant le niveau pikzomitrique)

Steinbruch, in Betrieb (P = Abbau bis

zur Grundwasseroberflache)

carrikre abandonnke (P = excavation,

atteignant le niveau pikzomktrique)

Aufgelassener Steinbruch (P = Abbau

bis zur Grundwasseroberflache)

carrikre comblk (P = excavation

atteignant le niveau pi6zom6trique)

Verfiillter Steinbruch (P = Abbau bis

zur Grundwasseroberflache)

comblement non-control6 etlou

sauvage (M = produits solides,
I = terre ou dkchets industriels)

Unkontrollierte und/oder nicht

bewilligte Verfiillung (M = fester
Abfall, I = Abraum oder

comblement abandonnk (noncontrolk), lettre indiquant le produit de

comblement (p.ex. M = rnixte, I =
industriel, P = toxiques ou dangereux)

Altablagerung (nicht kontrolliert), mit

Kennzeichnung des Fullmaterials
(z.B. M = gemischte, I = industrielle,
P = giftige oder gefahrliche


Mine, pit (arrow indicates presence of

pumping plant)


Abandoned andtor improperly

constructed well, potential conduit of
surface pollution to aquifer(s)

III E Current quality state of

groundwater bodies and areal pollution
Area with salty groundwater (e.g.
seawater intrusion, inland salinization)
Area with naturally poor groundwater
quality (requiring treatment for potable
Area with groundwater pollution .
beyond nationaYintemationa1potable
Area with groundwater pollution due
to non-biodegradableorganic
Area with groundwater pollution due
to organic/'biologicalmatter
Area with groundwater pollution due
to inorganic compounds
Area of intensive horticultural activity

Area of agriculturaluse
a) limited use of pesticides, fertilizers
b) frequent and abundant use of
pesticides, fertilizers etc.
Flood irrigation area (e.g. rice field,
water meadow)


mine, excavation B ciel ouvert (la

flkhe indique une station de


Bergwerk, Tagebau (Pfeil

Symbolisiert Pumpwerk)


puits abandonnk etlou mal construit

(pollution potentielle d'aquifkre par la


Verwilderter undloder unsauber

ausgebauter Brunnen (potentieller
Weg fiir Oberflachenverschrnutzung
im Grundwasserleiter)

111 E Composition chimique de E'eau

souterraine et pollutions potenlielles

III E Chemische Beschaffenheit der

Grundwasservorkommen und

zone d'eau souterraine salke (p.ex.

invasion d'eau marine, eau
min6ralis6e continentale)

Gebiet mit salzigem Grundwasser

(z.B. Meerwasserintrusion,

zone d'eau souterraine de qualitk

naturellement mkdiocre (nkessitant

Gebiet mit von Natur aus qualitativ

schlechtem Grundwasser
(Aufbereitung fiir Trinkwasserzwecke

zone de pollution de l'eau souterraine 3

(au-dessus des valeurs permises
nationales ou internationales)

Gebiet mit
Grundwasserverschmutzung oberhalb
nationaler bzw. internationaler

zone de pollution par des produits

organiques non-biodkgradables

Gebiet der Grundwasserverschmutzung durch organische,

biologisch nicht abbaubare Stoffe

zone de pollution par des produits

organiques et biologiques

Gebiet der Grundwasserverschmutzung durch organischbiologische Stoffe

zone de pollution par des produits


Gebiet der Grundwasserverschmutzung durch anorganische


zone &horticultureintensive

Gebiet mit intensivem Obstbau

zone agricole
a) application restreinte de pesticides,
d'engrais, etc.
b) application ErQuente et intensive de
pesticides, d'engrais, etc.

zone d'irrigation par submersion

@.ex. rizikre, prairie innondke)

Gebiet landwirtschaftlicher Nutzung

a) eingeschrankteAnwendung von
Pestiziden, Diingemitteln usw.
b) haufige und starke Anwendung von
Pestiziden, Diingemitteln usw.
Reisfeld, Hutungsgriinland)


Isoline defining contamination, with

related value (units must be specified
in the Legend, e.g. pgll or mgll)


ligne d'isovaleurs de la pollution

(unit& h expliquer dans la lkgende,
p:ex. ygll, mgll)


Isolinie der Verschmutzung, mit

entsprechenden Werten (Einheiten
miissen in der Legende angegeben
werden, z.B. pgll or mg/l)

Plate I.

Part of the International Hydrogeological Map of Europe at scale 1:1500000,

Sheet C4 Berlin (Legend)

Groundwater and rocks

Aquifers in which flow is mainly intergranular
extensive and highly productive aquifers
local or discontinuousproductive aquifers or extensive but only
moderately productive aquifers
Fissured aquifers, including karst aquifers
extensive and highly productive aquifers
local or discontinuousproductive aquifers, or extensive but only
moderately productive aquifers
Strata (granular or fissured rocks) forming insignificantaquifers with local and limited
groundwater resources or strata with essentially no groundwater resources
minor aquifers with local and limited groundwater resources
strata with essentially no groundwater resources

Lithologv (selected ornaments)




Alluvial sand and gravel


Signs and symbols (selected)

Sand and gravel with

boulder clay and silt
Chalk and limestone


--- -I
- -............

--------- - - .


Sandstone and claystone

Mar1 and claystone

Area of sea water intrusion

Artificial recharge plant

C S 3

Area of deep mining

Salt diapir
Quarternary subglacial

Stratigraphic symbol
(Upper Cretaceous)

PIate IL

Part of the Map of Gmundwater m of the Republic of Bot~wamat s d a

1:1000000 wend)

l . Grosrnrhuater resources potendid

2. J;r4tkolo~
(mmbatione of ornaments W b l e )



c. Geology and topography




Part ofthe Hydrogeological hdap &Prance at d e 1:1500000 (carteda sys-



a. &duqp arem qfaqui*







Coatimoua aquifer

~ w r w l a q u i f e rm


folded aquifer

S e m i - w b b f o m a h s reChafgingmuItilqdqUih
D ~ ~ u n u m 6 u e d
water table

a v e r above conbeddeep

Plate IV. Part of the Map of groundwater f lDW

~ systems of the Miinsterland Basin at scale
1:500000 (Legend)
Regional and sub-regional systems
I. Recharge areas
1.1 Area with high recharge
a. high, regular and continuous flux in porous aquifers


Boundaries of groundwater flow

Fixed boundary
a) outcropping
---b) buried
..- - - -

------b. high, irregular and

discontinuous flux in fissured
and karst aquifers
c, fair and irregular but
continuous flux in multilayered
aquifer systems

1.2 Area with low recharge


2. Transit areas ofjow systems

2.1Transit area (only lateral

2.2 Transit area with overlying

shallow local flow systems
3. Discharge areas
3.1 Discharge at surface
a) fresh groundwater
b) mineralized water
3.2 Deep, buried discharge to
an ovalying a q d e r


Local, shallow groundwater systems

4. Areas with numerous shallow and minor
groundwater systems
4.1 Area with shallow groundwater flow in hydraulic continuity with surface water bodies

4.2 Area with very low

groundwater flow

Hydrodynamic boundary
a) natural
b) artificial

Springs and withdrawal

Large spring
a) fresh water
b) mineralized water

h i a n well
a) i k h water
b) mineralizedwater
Direction of groundwater flow
a) uppermost system
b) deep flow system

Surface water bodies

& Perennial stream

&-Periodical stream


. Surface water divide

Types of flow systems in the

perspective diagram


Fresh groundwater system

Saltwater and brine systems

Area with very low

permeability (natural
boundaries of flow systems)

Chairman, M H Commission

kaa Margat
Senior Hydrogeologist

m WydrogeobgicaI Maps (COHYM)

BGR, Peded InStimte
for Oeosciences and Natural Rezovr@es
Stilkweg 2, D-31655 H~I~ROYW
F & d Republic of Germmy

Scientific Advisw
Direclion de I'Ew
B.B. 61 19, F45061 OrMms C e h x 2

Mydrogwbgicpl maps m x y w =presentations d the feahwes related to geology, groundwater a

d date water. They are useful itrob for planning, m they s b w the situation of
g m d w a t e r features and characteristics in relation to topography.

This book is ccmpod of two parts: Plart I contains a rnehoddogicdguide on the preparation
of h y ~ e o l o ~ cv;
a l Part I1 is m internatha1 standard Ie@ with a catdqgue of colours,
signs & S~IYIWS
explained in English, French and German. The vdume is, therefm, boEh a
textbook and a todbox.

~ e ~ a n d h ~ l e g e n d & s m ~ & k p p ~ h y d r o ~ M ~ d t
harmonizeh e format d wpsatation of h y d q p l q k a l maps. They J w heIp map users to
umkstrmd rrnd fully grasp W information prwided on hydrqgedoglcrtl maps.

The book is a pint publication of IAH, IAHS, CGMW und Unesco. It is hsed on experience
in hydrogeological mapping all over the wwld, a d p m e m a c
~ foIbw-up
v ofetRe
i n t m t i d legends published in 1970 road 1983, now m of pint. Numerous mapping
experts of h IAH and CGMW commissions on hydrogedugicil mapping have contributed
to h e book in t
hfram of projects M-1.2(a) and M-1.3 of Umco's International My-ological Programme, Phase IV.
The guide a d stzudad legend cmnphent the 'Gukkbodc m Mapping GTOUfidwaier Vulnerability', recently published as Wume 16 of this series 'Munational Chtmibutims to Hydro-

It is hoped that this guidance material will be helpful to map d e i and users at reghal,

ndonal and internatid levels.

ISSN 0936-3912
ISBN 3-922705-98-7
Verlag Heinz Heise GmbH & COKG,P.O.B. 610407, D-30604 Hannover

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