8086 Questions
8086 Questions
8086 Questions
31) What is the difference between min mode and max mode of 8086?
32) What is the difference between near and far procedure?
33) What is the difference between Macro and procedure?
34) What is the difference between instructions RET & IRET?
35) What is the difference between instructions MUL & IMUL?
36) What is the difference between instructions DIV & IDIV?
37) What is difference between shifts and rotate instructions?
38) Which are strings related instructions?
39) Which are addressing modes and their examples in 8086?
40) What does u mean by directives?
1) What do you mean by interrupt?
2) Which are the hardware and software interrupts in 8086?
3) Mention the priority of interrupts in8086.
4) What is int1, int2, int3?
5) What do you mean by NMI interrupt?
6) What do you mean by IVT in 8086?
7) What is the size of IVT?
8) Where IVT is located?
9) Which steps 8086 follows to handle any interrupt?
1) What are the types of interfacing?
2) Compare memory interfacing and IO interfacing.
3) What are the types of IO interfacing?
4) What is the difference between direct and indirect IO interfacing?
5) What is the difference between memory mapped IO and IO mapped IO
8255 (programmable peripheral interface) :
1) What IC 8255 is?
2) How many pin IC 8255 is?
3) Explain control word format of 82