March 3, 2010 SportsReporter

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The East's Most Read Bowling Weekly

Sports Reporter
The Nation's Leading Bowling Tournament Newspaper Since 1940

Vol. 70 No. 52 March 3 - 9, 2010 50 cents

2010 USBC OPEN CHAMPIONSHIPS UNDERWAY Brian Voss and Diandra Asbaty
RENO, Nev. - For a record ninth WHEAT RIDGE, Colo. - Coming PBA Tour title ranking him 10th
time, the United States Bowling from the No. 5 qualifying posi- on the all-time list and his first in
Congress Open Championships is tion, Hall of Famers Brian Voss of four years. It was the second PBA
underway in Reno. Alpharetta, Ga., and Diandra Women’s Series title for Asbaty.
The 2010 event marks the sixth time Asbaty of Chicago, won the “Diandra bowled so well it took
the tournament has been held at the Professional Bowlers Association a lot of pressure off of me,” said
78-lane National Bowling Stadium, Bayer Don and the 51-year-
and 265 bowlers and their friends and Paula Carter old Voss.
families helped usher in the 107th Mixed Doubles “Once we got
USBC Open Championships. at Brunswick to match play
Reno mayor Bob Cashell, Sparks Zone Wheat our strategy
mayor Geno Martini, USBC Hall of Ridge. was that she
Famers Jim Schroeder and Bob Hart, Voss, a member would start
dignitaries and sponsors took part in of the PBA Hall and I would
the opening festivities, which also of Fame, and finish and we
Asbaty, a mem- stuck with that
included the traditional Mass Ball
ber of the World the whole
Shot, ribbon cutting and the crowning
Bowling Writers tournament.
of Joe Bowler.
Hall of Fame, “This was
Ted Thomas, 53, of Lafayette, "I actually enjoyed it a lot," said of fame bowlers like Photo Bob Hart
courtesy and
of USBC defeated No. 1 Photo courtesy of PBA LLC special not
Colo., earned the distinction of Joe USBC Hall
Thomas, whoofbowls
FameratBob Hart
Coal (far left),
Creek ‘Joe Schroeder
Jimmy Bowler’ Theodore
walk outThomas
with me. I qualifiers Jason Brian Voss and Diandra Asbaty are just for myself
Bowler, a tradition that began in 1951, of Lafayette,
Sports CenterColo.,
and USBC
made Hall
his of Famerwill
third Jimmy Schroeder.
be here every year. I like the com- Belmonte of PBA Doubles champions. but also
and rolled the ceremonial first ball (a appearance at the Open petitiveness, camaraderie and having Australia and Michelle Feldman of because you have an opportunity
nine count), signifying the official Championships. "I was a little nerv- a fun time away with the guys." Auburn, N.Y., in the Baker format to share it with someone.”
start of the 2010 event. The tourna- ous, but I felt very privileged. My championship match 234-212.
ment will run from 7 a.m. until 2 a.m. mother was an officer in the national
SeeUSBC page 2
For Voss it was his 25th career See PBA page 2
daily until July 5. tournaments, so it was good to see hall
Albensi, Jr., Albensi III 300
Bryan Guelph Blasted 300 Kevin Harrity At Rockaway Lanes
At Holiday Bowl 801 at Carolier
ROCKAWAY, NJ - Rockaway
Lanes history was made when
peting in the Lake Hiawatha
League when it happened. It was a
OAKLAND, NJ – Bryan Geulph series of 721.
NO. BRUNSWICK, NJ – Kevin father and son, Joe Albensi, Jr. and great week and a wedding present
topped the scoring in the Pops Chuck Coslet shot 256-684,
Harrity topped all competition in Joe “JW” Albensi III, both bowled for JW because he also got mar-
Coslet Memorial League at Butch Mathews 256-684, Chuck
the Middlesex County Major at 300s games on the same team in ried that Saturday.
Holiday Bowl blasting a twelve Wasssmer 251-660, and Joe
Zone Carolier firing games of the same game. The pair was com-
bangger 300 game for a high Gerace, Sr. 613.
269-244-289 for a high 801 set.

Mike Veneziano 300-867 at Sean Riccardi shot 237-277-248- Brian Creeley 300 at Lodi Lanes
762, Don Richard 245-257-257- LODI, NJ - Brian Creeley was Early League. Creeley bowled a
759, Frank Bertucci 247-258-245-
Brunswick Zone Belleville 750, Ross Winiarz 278-279-749,
able to put it together and toss one
pin better than his competition in
300 in the 3rd game and beat his
man in that game 300-299 scratch
BELLEVILLE, NJ - Mike starting the day with a perfect Jason Pintus 257-253-228-738, the Lodi Lanes Monday Night and finished with a 701 series.
Veneziano broke the house record game of 300, then adding a 278 Bill Paley 247-252-238-737, Scott
for highest series with an 867 game before finishing with a 289 Irwin 259-214-256-729, Armand
while rolling at Brunswick Zone to tally the record 867 series Federici 205-247-277-729, Nikki Tim Fitzgerald Hit 300
Belleville. while bowling in the New Jersey Bucci 267-299-727, and Russ
It was a stellar performance, 200 Club. Wiltsey 248-232-232-712. At Holiday Bowl
OAKLAND, NJ- Tim Fitzgerald Jim Ketterer rolled a 731 set fol-
Jennifer McCaffrey’s Fantastic February blasted a 300 game for a high
series of 761 in the Monday Nite
lowed by Stacey Bade tossing
258-246-237-741 and Ron
Jennifer McCaffrey, with a 2008-2009 book aver- peting in the Guys and Dolls tournament she found Early Mix League at Holiday Krzesinski with 256-717.
age of 214 in one league and 196 in another, was on perfection in a 300 game. Bowl.
fire bowling in four Bergen/Hudson County Centers On Saturday, February 13th at Lodi Lanes in the
last month for a fantastic February! Continental League she tossed a 289 game, then on
The month started with a 299 game on Wednesday, Thursday, February 18th at Wallington Lanes in the Steve Natoli 299 at Bowler City
February 3rd at Bowler City, in the Wednesday 6:40 Bud Light Town League hit 261 before rolling perfect HACKENSACK, NJ –Sixteen Tournament at Bowler City.
league and then two days later on Friday, February again on Sunday, February 21st at Lodi Lanes in the year-old, Steve Natoli came up one Natoli, after rolling the event’s high
5th at Hudson Lanes in the Friday Classic Mixed Women's County Tournament where she tallied pin short of perfection when he game, went on to finish the compe-
League she posted a 290 game. The next night, another 300 game. posted a 299 game while contesting tition with a 683 series.
Saturday February 6th at Parkway Lanes, while com- in the Bergen County Coaches
2 SPORTS REPORTER March 3 - 9, 2010

J o a n Ta y l o r ’s USBC
Te n P i n R a p . . . . Continued from page 1
This year, more than 14,000 five-
Joe Albensi, Jr., and Joe “JW” Albensi III rolled father-son 300s at player teams (70,000 bowlers) will
Rockaway Lanes in the Lake Hiawatha men’s league. This was in the test their skills on the championship
first game that night. According to the Dad, “JW had his first 300 lanes. The Open Championships has
game last year and I had my second, against the same team but in dif- been held at the Stadium every third
ferent weeks.” Teammate John Podgurski said, “JW is going to get a year since 1995, and previously was
300” after the first two frames. It was a precursor to a big weekend held at the Reno-Sparks Convention Idle bowling thoughts. every action on and off the lanes
when JW got married. Center in 1977, '84 and '90. ...Bowling's efforts to gain showed a man in charge who
In fact, he almost didn’t bowl that night (Thursday) because of last- On the lanes Saturday, Pandorum medal recognition in the knew how to charge his men.
minute preparations. But his father said, “Are you crazy? We can’t of Buford, Ga., moved into the top Olympics have been frustrating- ...When the one and only Dick
have a sub that night.” Jr. was up first and finished his game, but felt a spot in Regular Team with a 3,063 ly thwarted for not only what Weber passed there was men-
little guilty. “Did I put pressure on (my son)? Holy cow! All 24 lanes three-game effort. The group put seems like more than half a cen- tion of a movement to have him
stopped, but JW ripped the cover off the ball on his first shot in the together games of 1,028, 1,042 and tury, but in reality is longer than honored on a U.S. postage
tenth (frame). On the final shot I told him to just throw it hard. I think 993 to pace the 53-team Opening- that. Take heart though, we may stamp. Enough time has passed
I saw sparks coming off that ball. He buried it and the place went Day squad. Although all five bowlers have a presence without know- to start the usually long road to
berserk.” We won that game by 192 pins. We needed to win four bowl league at Brunswick Zone ing it. Some expert claims that stampdom and it should be near
points to win the first half of the season, and we did.” Lilburn (Ga.), Saturday marked the curling, featured in the winter the top of the list for the bowling
“I was more nervous for him,” Jr. said. “I put the pressure on him. first time they bowled on a team games, is an offshoot, of bowl- good things to do.
He was more nervous than when he had his first 300. Ken
together. ing, bocce and shuffleboard---- ...I used to wonder how Mark
(Yokobosky) and Chip (Vincent) didn’t think this had ever been done
Mark McClung led the way for on ice. Well, the curler hurler Roth did it, bring such magic to
by a father and son team before at Rockaway Lanes. The wedding
Pandorum with a 682 set and was moves to a foul line similar to the rolling of a bowling ball. I
gods were good to us.”
followed by Justin Gibbons (666), that of bowling, it is tossing one still do. And I must add Jason
Leigh Trostel (609), Settee Johnson object at another, and it looks Belmonte as the current rave
PBA (582) and Darin Belsito (524).
"We started off slowly, but talked to
like it can really get on your
nerves, so maybe there is some-
because of how he does it with
his own version of a two hands,
Continued from page 1 each other about the adjustments we thing in the evolution process--- no fingers delivery. Watching
Voss and Asbaty shared in a could make, and it worked out pretty if you like to stretch stretches. him makes you want to watch
The Baker format requires each
$50,000 first prize and Belmonte ...Speaking of the Olympics him even more, and if you
member of the team to bowl alter- well," said McClung, who made his
and Feldman split $26,000 for sec- reminds me of some of my fond- haven't seen him do his thing, it
nate frames in a game to combine fourth Open Championships appear-
ond. est moments at dinners where is well worth making a reason-
for one score. ance. "We could've finished a little
“I thought after bowling really
“Believe me, I couldn’t have done bit stronger, but it still feels good to the guest speaker was the hero able trip to see him in action, he
well at the start it would eventually
it without Brian,” Asbaty said. “We be in the lead. It was also nice to be a of the 1936 games, legendary is that awesome.
end for them but it didn’t,” said
had good chemistry right from the part of the opening and see how track star Jesse Owens. Icon ...Walter Ray Williams Jr., the
Belmonte. “That’s the cruel part of
start. Even though we qualified everything comes together." Owens was on the Brunswick all time title holder of the PBA
bowling one game for the title, but
fifth for the finals, we had a lot of In the Classified Division, 3 Jokers staff for a time and was as classy has done a lot of winning in his
if it’s your day it can be the beauty
confidence and the fact that we and 2 Queens, also of Buford, Ga., on the mike as he was in the time but the scope of his per-
of it as well.”
jumped out to big leads in the first grabbed the early lead with a 2,536 runs for gold. formances can't be appreciated
Voss and Asbaty began the finals
two matches helped make us feel total. The team, which includes three ...As far as is known, Steve Nagy fully. Peruse any bowling record
by defeating 2009 PBA World
we were in control.” USBC Board members- Mitch is the only bowler ever to fully book, any pro bowling program
Championship winner Tom
The Voss and Asbaty team had a Mitchell, Kayla Chick and Tommy grace the cover of Sports or recap, and you will discover
Smallwood and Jodi Woessner 276-
scare in the championship match Gann- posted games of 809, 788 and Illustrated. Who can deny that that he is mentioned on a great
224. In the second match they
when Voss missed a 10 pin spare in 939. Kelly Kulick has more than percentage of all the pages and
defeated Rhino Page and Shannon
the eighth frame. Jason Reynolds led the way for 3 earned that honor with her win the ones that don't carry his
Pluhowsky 276-227, and in the
“I hadn’t thrown any shots on the Jokers and 2 Queens with a 580 in the PBA's Tournament of name are those that were
semi-final beat reigning PBA
right hand part of the lane all day series and was followed by Gann, Champions. recorded before his time.
Player of the Year Wes Malott and
and just threw a bad shot,” Voss USBC's second vice-president, ...Some people teach bowling ...One of every five has some
Shannon O’Keefe 224-202 to get to
said. “Fortunately it didn’t cost us.” (538), Mitchell (532), Susan because they can but too many mental problems. Look at your
the championship match.
Pickford (453) and Chick (433). teach that can't. team closely. If they look okay,

Sports Reporter "I'm happy and excited, since it's ...If you ever wanted to make a look in the mirror. And don't
the first time I've ever been a part of model of a model team captain worry about talking to yourself,
the lead in 31 years here," Mitchell you can't go wrong by studying most bowlers do. When you
Editor/Publisher - Dan McDonough said. "We'll cherish the moment the life and times of Tony start answering and arguing,
Pat McDonough - 1967-1996 while it lasts. Hopefully, it shows that Lindemann, the Detroit Hall of then you can start worrying.
our leadership team is not only made Famer who died recently. His
Circulation Manager Editorial Assistant
up of good businessmen and women,
Henry Allen Immaculatta D'Elia
but some good bowlers as well."
Contributing Writers
To be eligible for the Classified
Chuck Pezzano George Faytok Joan Taylor
Division, a team must have a com-
Dick Evans John Jowdy
bined average of 900 or less.
Martin Michel Vince Albrech Joe Rizzi
It's not too late to enter the 2010
For information regarding advertising,
Open Championships. There are still
subscriptions, or editorial content call:
some prime bowling times available.
(201)865-5363 The final entry deadline is April 1.

Fax: (201) 865-6246

E-mail - [email protected]
Sports Reporter
P.O. Box 1491, Secaucus, NJ 07094
March 3 - 9, 2010 SPORTS REPORTER 3

300 GAME
290 GAME
299 GAME
299 GAME
288 GAME
296 GAME

300 GAME
300 Game
Friends and Family Mixed 299 GAME


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4 SPORTS REPORTER March 3 - 9, 2010

Cody Smith, at 16, Rolls First 300 AT STELTON Bowler Wins $10 Million in Reno
Nate Holiday 716 RENO, Nev. - Most bowlers at the Championships appearances have
PISCATAWAY, NJ- Nate Holiday United States Bowling Congress come at Reno's National Bowling
led the scoring in the Fri. Leftovers Open Championships are excited Stadium, and while in town for the
League firing games of 2-54-253- when they bowl well enough to 2007 event, he and his wife,
209 for a high series of 716. claim a share of the tournament's Stephanie were married.
Eric Batchelor hit 246-233-701. prize fund, but John Johnson of "Three years ago, I married my
In the Major Minor Katarina Nier Golden, Colo., managed to become wife, Stephanie, here in Reno,"
rolled 212-226, Glenn Nier 223. a multimillionaire before he even Johnson said. "All of us use the
Vinnie Milazzo 279 stepped on the tournament lanes this Open as a vacation every year, and
week. we just come out to have a good
Vinnie Milazzo rolled 279 in the
Shortly after exiting his flight to time. Plus, bowling is a big part of
Tue. AT&T League.
Reno, Johnson put $20 into an air- my life. It's really the best of every-
Jay Frangione, on right, New Jersey State Youth Association Bob Sanzone 710 port slot machine, and minutes later, thing."
Manager presenting 15 y/o Cody Smith of Edison, N.J., with his PISCATAWAY, NJ- Bob Sanzone he was the winner of the Johnson tried not to let his big win
first 300 ring. Cody shot his first 300 in the Saturday Morning topped the Thu. Men’s firing g $10,422,754.08 Megabucks distract him from helping Kamikaze
Juniors at Woodbridge Bowling Center on September 19, 2009 257-243-210 for a high 710. MegaJackpot. Keglers on the tournament lanes.
DJ Cramer, Jr. rolled 297, Tom "When it hit, we all kind of looked The right-hander posted games of

Sheehan 269, Rob Lawless 266- at each other and wondered what 222, 138 and 192 for a 552 series
257, and Rob Giles 267. happened," Johnson said. "I kept and helped his team to a 2,566 total.
Don Jackson 252 telling my wife that something was Pandorum of Buford, Ga., leads
PISCATAWAY, NJ – Don Jackson going to go well this week, whether Regular Team with 3,063.
rolled 242 in the He’s and She’s . it was bowling well or winning Johnson was joined on the lanes
ROUTE 22, UNION, NJ Bill Giaretta hti 247 in the Wed. something, but I never could have
imagined winning $10 million."
by Aaron Franks (534), Scott
Maakestad (509), Clint Cator IV

AT&T League.
Jeff Bolton 264 "The Biggest Little City in the (492) and Jon Hanson (479).
World" has become a special desti-
PISCATAWAY, NJ – Jeff Bolton
nation for the 36-year-old Johnson
DANNY WILLIAMS, PROPRIETOR rolled 264, Brian Vicodomini 256,
and his teammates. Three of
Vic Rotonda 252, and Shawn
Tucker 246 in the Classic League. Johnson's six USBC Open B OW L
March 3 - 9, 2010 SPORTS REPORTER 5


Wyn Mintz 781 Neal Galletta 799 Cary Kilvan 279
LEVITTOWN, NY – Wyn Mintz topped the scoring in the Monday OAKLAND, NJ – Neal Galletta LEVITTOWN, NY – Cary Kilvan rolled 279, Joe Mele 728, Tony
Tavern League firing a 289 game for a high series of 781. topped the scoring in the CBS Falzone 266, Jeffrey Schneider and Buzz Snyder 258, and Jim
Glen Pruett shot 280, Owen Mintz 279, James Paro 268, Mike Tear Men’s League firing near perfect Fenimore 257 in the Thursday Night Foursome League.
296-278-268-728, Bill Fietz, Jr. 277-739, Bryan Herold 267, Justin games of 297 and 289 for the ses- Ralph Causarano 736
Sullivan 267-760, Michael Landini and Rich Arkow 265. sion high series of 799. Ralph Causarano led the scoring in the Friday Prime Time Mixed
Ken Grzelaczyk 780 Dennis Hanowitz hit 277-706, PJ League firing games of 279-256 for a high series of 736.
Ken Grzelaczyk topped the scoring in the Thursday Expressway Traino 266-705, Vito Oliva 277- Kenny Sanders shot 278, Frank Vitale, Tom Whitmore, and Aris
Glass Trio League firing games of 279-276 for a high series of 780. 662, Tim Dunkerly 640, and Brian Sarantakos 248, Steve Kerkenides 247, and Anne Will 224.
Charlie Brown rolled 290, Al Spano 280, Charlei Neidorff 278, Mark Gordon 633. Ray Munoz 735
Kaminski 277, Jackie Carver 269, Laura Cestra 258, Kathy Cavicchi Joey Jones 753 Ray Munoz topped the Sunday AM Trios League with 258-266-735.
257-702, Christina Schulze 257, and Philip Lambert 775. Joey Jones led the scoring in the Keith Hengel shot 276-247-725, Tony Pepe 278-258-729, Eddie
Tom Moseman 735 Sal Marino Budweiser Classic Norton 259, and John Chalupa 247.
In the Friday St. Frances de Chantal K of C League Tom Moseman League firing a 279 game for a Dave Brussenski 278
shot 258-258-735, Russ Merendino 268, and Rich Shenocker 245. high series of 753. Dave Brussenski fired 278, Peter Schimmel 254, Joey Cordario 246,
Jerry Dubuke 698 Josh Bindhammer rolled 269- Jeff Miller 243, Bill Hammond 236, and Nina Senff 215.
Jerry Dubuke rolled 269-698, and Louise Bernhart 210 in the 753, Joseph Gazzillo 749, Nelson
Debow 733, Brian Denhartog 290- Dave Micca 702
Saturday Omega League. Dave Micca led the scoring in the Wednesday Grumman League fir-
726, Brian Stackhouse 713, Tom
Michael Sala 656 Maloney 706, Mark Steindler and ing a 268 game for a high series of 702.
Michael Sala paced the scoring in the Monday Seniors League firing Ray Malone 704. Al Sequiera hit 264, Artie Brown 257, Joe DiGiacomo 256, Doug
a 248 game for a high series of 656. John Ellicott 709 DeSousa 253, Jeremy Bush 246, Al Greengold 245, Jerald Ferraro 244,
Howie Herman rolled 223-221-232-636, Bob Haskin 223-264-610, Ahmend Brown 243, and Anna Bell 218.
Joe Marsiello 225, and Ben Pilossoph 212. John Ellicott paced the scoring in Lellisue Taggart shot 223-216 and Karen Bernardo 201 in the
the Sunday Gutterdusters League
Cathy Wheat 655 firing games of 255-251 for a high
Thursday Morning Strikers League.
Cathy Wheat led the scoring in the Monday Ladies Trios League fir- series of 709. Ed Barnett 259
ing games of 245-238 for a high series of 655. J.D. Dideigo hit 244-676, Chris LEVITTOWN, NY – Ed Barnett led the scoring in the Saturday Bi
Lisa Alvino shot 252-644, Maria Padovano 248, and Christien Regina Amiaga 257-670, Dan Barker 652, Monthly League firing a high game of 259.
210. and Joe Donnarumma 642. Frank Morena hit 256, Tony Micalizzi 252, Jeff Schneider 241, and
Mary Sloman 202.



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6 SPORTS REPORTER March 3 - 9, 2010

Mun Hong Lee 300 at Wallington

WALLINGTON, NJ - Mun Hong Lee blasted games of 238 and 232 before finding per-
fection with a 300 game and finishing the session with high series of 770 in the Tuesday
Late 4-Man League at Wallington Lanes.
Gary Vincente rolled 276-713, Nick Desaro 268-691, John Jawor 668, Ed Biggy, and
Paul Stamos 665.

Will Blanco is Youth Bowler of the Week

By Vince Albrecht
01/08/10 NORTH ARLINGTON, NJ - Will Blanco sprang from the gate with strong
games of 236 and 235 to earn this session’s Youth Bowler of the Week in North
Arlington’s Adult/Junior Doubles action. Finishing with a 643 threesome, Will lifted his
average to 199 as he led the pace-setting Cardinals to a 5-2 triumph over Team
Awesome. Second-place S.A.S. lost two of three to Juicy as soon-to-be twelve year old
Chris McBride had two above average scores for the victors. Nick Gavron rolled 190,
193 for S.A.S. which fell seven points back of the Redbirds.
Twelve-year-old Nicolette Arrigo’s 173-494 helped the A Team gain five points and
strengthen its hold on third place. Café Tra-Ell captured two of three from the Mighty
Chipmunks behind nine-year-old Nicole Fonseca who tallied an over average threesome.
Bantams besting their averages included Sam Passaro +24, Nicole Fonseca +21, Nikki
Arrigo +17, Chris McBride +10 and Margaret Ziobro +2. Deuces scored by their adult
partners included Tim Bray 236-226, Kevin Gavron 233-210 and Vin Albrecht 231.

John Soares 768 at Parkway

ELMWOOD PARK, NJ – In the Friday 1050 Major League at Parkway Lanes John Soares
shot 768, Joe Bonser 718, Paul Stuart 716, Paul Chiarello 711, Rob Byrd 704, Ralph
Dipasquale 702, Bill Manghisi 698, and Ray Sisco 693.

Gotta Have It
Bowling Club
Proudly Presents the
Entry Fee $100.00
Re-entry $85.00 allowed any squad
Optional: Scratch Singles $20.00 Ist Place
Based on 150 entries (combined 2 weekends)

April 17 & 18, 2010 Lodi Lanes 58 Terhune Avenue, Lodi, NJ 07644
Squad Time 1:00 PM
April 24 & 25, 2010 Howell Lanes 1002 Route 9 S Howell, NJ 07731
Squad Time: 1:00 PM
Finals: May 2, 2010 Majestic Lanes 525 Route 9 N Hopelawn, NJ
Squad Time: 2:00 PM

Format: Qualification rounds will consist of two 4 game blocks with a 45 minute
break in between sets. Qualify in either the North house (Lodi) or the South house
(Howell) to make it to the finals. Top ten qualifiers from each house go to finals on
May 2, 2010 at Majestic Lanes.
Average: Individuals must use their highest 2008-2009 USBC book average for 21
games. If no 2008-2009 book average, use highest current average for at least 21
games as of April 1, 2010. (Bring league sheet for verifi-
All prize monies returned 100%
Handicap 90% of 230 Fee Breakdown
Walk-ins welcome Lineage $32.00
10 PIN rule not in affect Brackets &
Expense $15.00
Side Pots
Prize Fund $53.00

Make checks payable to Gotta Have It and mail entry to 52 Reservoir Avenue New Brunswick, NJ 08901
Name: ____________________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________________
Phone: _______________________ E-mail: ______________________
USBC ID: ____________________ AVG 08-09 ___________________
Squad Choice House _____________Saturday or Sunday ____________
For more information, please call James Joyner at 732-991-0604
March 3 - 9, 2010 SPORTS REPORTER 7

Carlos Javier 298 at Wallington ROCKAWAY ROLLERS

WALLINGTON, NJ - Carlos Javier tossed the evenings high game Robert Scott 780 244-725, Mike Margolit 246-225- Jim Westergaard hit 237-206-
rolling 298 and also the high series at 720 while bowling in the Tuesday ROCKAWAY, NJ – Robert Scott 239-710, Mike Tomasetti 247- 211-654, Hyman Sharp 652, Nick
Late 4-Man League at AMF Wallington Lanes. topped the scoring in the County 206-234-687, Randy Edwards Gorszew 234, Trish Iaconetti 230,
Albert Choi also shot a 700 series rolling a 716 highlighted by a 287 Tuesday Night Mixed League fir- 269, Connor Griffin 256, Tom and Marlene Egan 217.
game. ing games of 279-245-256 for a Griffin, Jr. 255, and Joyce Hulbert D. Nykyforuk 702
Pat Maturo rolled a 698 followed by Tony Lore with 687, Patrick high series of 780. 224. Danny Nykyforuk led scoring in
Eriksson 681, Paul Tortorici 677, Kevin Lingle 677 and Mun Hong Lee Danny Nykyforuki hit 268-241- Joe Karas 729 the Thursday Nite Mixed League
673. 251-766, Bill Ratliff 265-234- Joe Karas led the Classic Trios firing games of 236-234-232 for a
243-742, Jesus Cruz 267, Gene League rolling 288-258 for a high high series of 702.
Pukas 267, Dot Newsome 236- series of 729. Lupe Zaragoza hit 242-222-242-
610, and Donna Secula 203. Scott Van Syckle 239-227-236- 665, Dezso Benyo 239, Crabby
Jim Testa 769 702, Ken Yokobosky 234-224- Brown 238, and Nidia Haneveld
Jim Testa led the scoring in the 234-742, Joe Caputo 278, Joe 235-602.
Mixed League firing games of Bourlier 266, Allen APgar 259, Heriberto Matias 700
278-245-246 for a high series of Noel Veg, Gene Pukas and Heriberto Matias took the spot-
769. Mustafa Abdallatif 258, Chip light in the Spanish American
Dennis Nielsen shot 245-205- Vincent 252, Lies’l Apgar 265- Mixed League posting 254-233-
205-655, Keri May 269-248-248- 227-237-720, and Dori Tingoli 213 to tally the high series of 700.
765, and Nidia Haneveld 234-225- 244. Benny Nieves hit 254-249-692,
221-680. Ken George 724 and Lupe Zaragoza 212-223-241-
Joe Karas 751 Ken George topped the Monday 676.
Joe Karas led the scoring in the Nite Mixed League pitching 268- Jason Maulbeck 696
Friday Nite Men’s League firing 225-231 for a 724 high set. Jason Maulbeck took the spot-
games of 279-278 for a high series Ricky Exner shot 279-225-697, light rolling in the NJAC Varsity
of 751. Chris Lyerly 241-235-660, and League pitching games of 237-
William Landrum rolled 276- Susan Exner 208. 226-233 for the session high series
247-210-733, Brien Pennella 255- Joe Miller 712 of 696.
224-219-698, Ken George 266- Joe Miller led the scoring in the Vinnie Conca rolled 268-235-
225-205-696, John Rotella 268, Monday Early Birds League firing 663, Matt Wood 218-203-201-
and Bill Ratliff 254. games of 265-200-247 for a high 622, Matt Barone 234-202-621,
Fred Driver rolled 211, and Joe series of 712. Rich Thompson 249, Lenny
Blahovec 201. Peter Saladino shot 237-224-237- Bangug 235, Evan Harris 231, and
Chip Vincent 750 698, John Zielinsky 235-204-234- Heather Van Dyk 203.
Chip Vincent led the scoring in 673, and Michelle Clouse 204. In another session Jason
the Lake Hiawatha A.C. League Ed Pico 708 Maulbeck rolled 268-208-212-
firing games of 266-227-257 for a Ed Pico led the Tuesday Night 688, Brian Ball 267-217-204-688,
high series of 750. Mixed League firing 237-236-235 Chris Sandham 232-205-203-640,
Joe Albensi, Jr. rolled 258-223- for a high series of 708. Rich Thompson 267-212-636, and
Samantha Hessler 208.
In the Junior Varsity League Matt
Ortigas shot 216, Stephanie
Churchman 189, Matt Ortigas
221, and Ryan Kearns 200.
Shawn Casey 691
Shawn Casey led the scoring in
the Foursome League firing games
of 238-191 for a high series of
George Dakak, Jr. rolled 268-
225-690, Ray Skovonsky 234-
228-211-673, Jack Safkan 266,
Ricky Exner 256, and Kathi
Dickerson 216.
John Neral 251
John Neral rolled 251, Leroy
Hopkins 231, Ken Yokobosky
223, Curet Frazier II and Scott
Struble 222 in the PBA
Experience League.
Bill Karpack 662
Bill Karpack led the scoring in
the NorBu Lodge League tossing
256-218 for a high 662 series.
John Jenkins hit 256-220-660,
Charles Wright 236-209-200-645,
and Stacey Titus 210.
Tammy Baldwin rolled 224-223-
616, Lois Kehmna 237, and Susan
Chillemi 212 in the Women’s
8 SPORTS REPORTER March 3 - 9, 2010


John Baginsky 719 Jack Gale 693 Wayne Bebert 644 Walter Malecki 698 Lauro Perez 661
HOPELAWN, NJ – John Baginsky Jack Gale led the Friday Night In the Avenel Youth League, Walter Malecki topped the His & Lauro Perez led the Vacation
led the scoring in the Knights of Late Night Mixed League rolling Wayne Bebert shot 248-242-644, Hers with 259-242 for a 698. League pitching games of 205-
Columbus League firing 246-215- 225-241-227 for a 693. Ryan Ardiente 210-247-624, Michael Holoka shot 218-233- 244-212 for a high series of 661.
258 for a high series of 719. Eric Weinstein shot 232-235-629, Kristy Bebert 206, Jordan Rey 226-677, Mary Ellen Oehler 234- Sean Williams shot 206-238-
Jeff Nemeth rolled 249-222-233- Dennis Lawrence 227, Thomas 207, and Mario Delpaz 201. 246-662, John Strassner 236-628, 206-650, Mike Garcia 223-245-
704, Al D’Alessandro 248-225- Tobias 222-221, and Tim Fink 209. Bill Bailey 676 Bill Smith 238-201-626, Shelly 642, and Raul Morales 224-204-
666, Don Versace 236-201-200- Michael Benevenuto 687 Bill Bailey topped the Saturday Jacques 233-623, and John 605.
637, and Paul Yahnig 204-224-620. Michael Benevenuto topped the Nite Mixed League rolling 212- Borkowski 226-209-623. Andrew Smith 672
Steve Venito 717 scoring in the Friday Late Night 248-216 for a high 676 set. John Syslo 691 Andrew Smith paced the
Steve Venito topped the scoring in Mixed League wiht 254-238 for a Rich Nicholls rolled 202-256- John Syslo led the Thursday Thursday Nite Mixed League
the Family League rolling 248- high series of 687. 652 followed by Mike Newman Mixed Nuts posting scores of 203- tossing 256-226 for a 672 set.
234-235 for a 717 set. Dennis Lawrence shot 226-210- 223-233-639, Rose Lada 230-255- 231-257 for a high series of 691. Kyle Januzzi shot 214-236-214-
Bryan Applegate shot 204-250- 237-673, Jack Gale 298-670, 632, Melissa Huntley 233-213- Pat Moreno shot 219-244-225- 664, Matt Cestone 247-200-213-
259-713, Al Patrick 277-658, Kenneth Cameron, Jr. 230-226- 626, Steve Kertesz 214, Frank 688, Don M. Hellhake 275-658, 660, Scott Akalewicz 224-246-
Kevin Kopko 213-204-237-654, 617, Matt Kowal 235, John Kertesz 249, and Killer Briggs Joe Herber 268-641, Mike P. 656, Mike Piomelli 235-223-650,
Bob Nebus 212-225-207-644, Joe McGraw 206-202, and Rick 236. Kennelly 215-227-629, and and Judy MacBride and Leila
Bloodgood 216-232-642, and Eric Wemple 225. Ed Pawlowski 678 Sharon Medoro 213. Nelson 201.
Applegate 235-226-624. Bill Venezia 665 Ed Pawlowski topped the scoring JohnHalliday 650 Mark Wiget 671
D. DeBenedetto 695 Bill Venezia topped the Atlantic in the Garden State Mixed League John Halliday led the scoring in Mark Wiget topped the Iselin
Dan DeBenedetto led the scoring City Trios firing 202-278 for a 665. firing 259-223 for a high 678. the Merck League tossing 213- AA League with 268-225-671.
in the Monday Madness firing 252- Peter Marinello shot 213-208- Sean Williams shot 289-666, 200-237 for a high series of 650. Bob Wayda shot 247-225-651,
257 for a high 695. 244-665, Dennis Birmingham 201- Warren Taureck 254-221-665, Bill Tom Vickery rolled 258-204- Pat Goldate 210-212-608,
Frank Viverito shot 242-235-676, 246-639, William Mezier III 202- Slattery 207-246-643, Michael 646, Gerry Penna 234-206-203- Deserie Martin 224, Emil
Nick Viverito 246-211-636, Bill 211-212-625, Chris Freedley 20- Ramer 226-200-623, John Stasi 643, Tommy Walden 235-210- Woitowicz 231, John Mayer 227,
Leary 224-212-622, and Suzan 212-618 and Joseph Krupinski 226-618, Jeanne Lange 232, 625, Eric Haltli 240-622, and Tu and Wayne Pasko 223.
McG 266-601. 223-200-617. Kathy Pranio 210-228, and Karen Trinh 205-206-208-619.
Bertuzzi 212.

BERGEN COUNTY USBC Tournament within

Saturday & Tournament
April 24 & 25, 2010 6th ANNUAL – HANDICAP DOUBLES A Single Tournament
For an additional $20.00
May 1 & 2, 2010 TOURNAMENT Use same three games
cash (1 in 10 )
Certified by the United States Bowling Congress

Divisions 29 Spruce Street
Based on Team Average OAKLAND, NJ 07436
Div A: 375 & Under Phone: 201-337-6516
Div B: 376 and Over


May 2, 2010, 1:00 P.M. Bergen County Bowling Association
PRIZE FEE RETURNED – 100% Prize Fund .............................. $ 30.00
Tournament Director
Lineage....................................... 16.50
AT LEAST 1 PRIZE FOR EACH 614 Kinderkamack Road
Expenses .................................... 13.50
!!!EIGHT TEAMS!!! River Edge, NJ 07661
Team Total............................. $ 60.00 Phone: 201-265-3365
Fax: 201-265-2606
Make Checks Payable to: BCBA DOUBLES

(Please print or type)


Name (ID Number) Name (ID Number)

Address Address

City, State Zip City, State Zip

Phone (Cell Phone) Phone (Cell Phone)

Association (League Name) Association (League Name)

HIGHEST BCBA 08-09 Average HIGHEST 08-09 BOOK Avg. HIGHEST BCBA 08-09 Average HIGHEST 08-09 BOOK Avg.

Please indicate your 1st and 2nd choice of date and time below.
Saturday Saturday
April 24 10:00 AM_____ NOON_____ 3:00 PM_____ May 1 10:00 AM_____ NOON_____ 3:00 PM_____
Sunday Sunday
April 25 10:00 AM_____ 1:00 PM_____ May 2 10:00 AM_____ 1:00 PM_____

Entry Closing Date – May 2, 2010 – 1:00 PM

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