Faculty of Engineering Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department EE521

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Faculty of Engineering

Electrical and Electronic

Engineering Department

(Antenna and Propagation )

Group VIII

This Report is divided to two Parts :

Part one : Theory

Including Antenna definition , principle
of operation ,Characteristics , types, and
horn antenna as an example .
Part two: Experiment
Including Objectives, equipments ,
Procedures of the measurements with
comments ,then finally a conclusion.

Part one : Theory

The aim of this experiment is to investigate the basics of

an antenna system , it is very clear how the antenna
systems are very important in this era and we can say that
. they are one of the biggest evolutions in the 20 th century

? What is an Antenna
The antenna is a directional device that convert the
electrical energy to a radiated electromagnetic energy ,
what we mean by a directional is that it will radiate the
. power to the desired direction according to its design
The antenna may also be used in the reverse operation to
get the original electrical signal from the electromagnetic
. radiated power

: Principle of Operation
It simply states that to create radiation, there must be a
time-varying current or an acceleration (or deceleration) of
. charge
: Thus , we have in general those conditions
1. If a charge is not moving, current is not created and
there is no radiation.
2. If charge is moving with a uniform velocity:
a. There is no radiation if the wire is straight, and infinite
in extent.
b. There is radiation if the wire is curved, bent,
discontinuous, terminated, or truncated .
If charge is oscillating in a time-motion, it radiates even .3
.if the wire is straight

: Antenna characteristics
They are the properties that we can express the antenna
performance in term of them , some of them are radiation
characteristics such as the directivity , the gain and the
radiation pattern while the others are impedance
characteristics such as the input impendence and
. efficiency

In this experiment we measured the gain and the radiation

.pattern of a horn antenna
: Here are some of the basic Antenna properties

: Radiation pattern-1
An antenna radiation pattern is defined as a mathematical
function or a graphical representation of the radiation
properties of the antenna as a function of space
. coordinates
. This property is defined in the far field region
2-Beamwidth :
The beamwidth of a pattern is defined as the angular
separation between two identical points on opposite side
of the pattern maximum. In an antenna pattern, there are
a number of beamwidths. One of the most widely used
beamwidths is the Half-Power
Beamwidth (HPBW ), which is the angle between the two
points in which the radiation intensity is one-half value of
the beam.
3-Directivity :
Is the ratio of the radiation intensity in a given direction
from the antenna to the radiation intensity averaged over
all directions .
4-effeciency :
The total antenna efficiency eo is used to take into
account losses at
the input terminals and within the structure of the
antenna. Such losses may be due to the reflection or the
ohmic loss .
5-The gain :
the ratio of the intensity, in a given direction, to the
radiation intensity that would be obtained if the power
accepted by the antenna were radiated isotropically.

This property account the efficiency of the antenna as well

as its directional capabilities .
6-The Bandwidth :
the range of frequencies within which the performance of
the antenna, with respect to some characteristic, conforms
to a specified standard .

: Antenna types
According to the Antenna dimensions we can get a
different a various characteristics , therefore according to
shape that the antenna take , antennas are classified to
different types here are some of them with a figures that
: show examples of each type
: Wire Antenna-1

2-Apreture Antenna :

: Microstrip Antenna-3

: Reflector Antenna-4

: Lens Antennas-5

: Horn Antenna
: In this experiment we are dealing with the Horn antenna
is an aperture antenna .
a very simple antenna and it is therefore widely used
used as a feed element for large radio astronomy,
satellite tracking, and communication dishes .
Its widespread applicability stems from its simplicity
in construction, ease of excitation, versatility, large
gain, and preferred overall performance

The horn is nothing more than a hollow pipe of

different cross sections, which has been tapered
(flared) to a larger opening.
The type, direction, and amount of taper (flare) can
have a profound effect on the overall performance of
the element as a radiator .
: Some of horn Antenna forms are shown

Part two : the Experiment

1. Find the antenna gain.
2. Find the relation between received power and
distance between two antennas.
3. Draw the polar radiation patterns for horn antenna.
4. Find the beam width.
5. Find the directivity of the antenna.

:Equipment list
1. Gunn oscillator operating frequency 10.5GHz.
2. Power meter.
3. Two identical horn antennas.
4. Crystal detector.

Procedure :

Free-space loss analysis

1) Make sure that all power switches are in the O (off)
2) Set up the components of the experiment as shown.

Gunn Oscillator

3) Make the following adjustments:

On the Gunn Oscillator Supply
Voltage ..................................Min.
Mode .....................................1 kHz.
Meter Range .......................... 10 V.
On the SWR Meter

Range .................................... 30dB.

Gain ................................. 10 dB (fully cw).
Scale ...................................... Normal
Bandwidth ............................. 20 Hz.

Move the antennas to an appropriate apart. Adjust the horns so that

.they are at the same height and directly facing each other
For our measurements we need to separate the antennas at least
.by r > 2D2/ which is the far field diameter (Fresnel range )


D : is the antenna largest dimension which is for our Horn antenna

6.6 cm , the frequency of operation is 10.5GHz , and by substituting
: we get

Power the Gunn Oscillator power supply and the SWR Meter, Wait 12 minutes to allow the power supply to warm up. Adjust the Gunn
.Oscillators supply voltage to 8.5V


6) For different values of r > 2D2/, we record the values

of received signal power.

r (cm)


7) Plot signal level against r and see if equation (1) is

satisfied .











Power in dB versus the distance in cm

: Comment
We note that the signal level decreases as the
distance grows , this due to the free space loss that
: described in equation 1
PL =20 log

( 4r )

We did observe experimentally the effect of the distance

on the free space loss and assure the theoretical
. equation

Gain measurement :
8) Using same previous setup, record the values of Pr
and r.
They are shown in the Table .
9) Connect the same setup bypassing the two antennas
(Remove both antennas), connect directly input of
transmitting antenna to the output of the receiving
antenna as shown below, record Pt. use the power

meter to calculate the left hand side of the following

equation. Note that its negative in sign.


. Pt = -9 dB

( 4 r )+ 2G ( dB )

Equation 3 is : Pr(dB) Pt(dB) = 20

: Now by calculating the left hand side

r (cm)


Pr-Pt (dB)

Knowing that frequency is 10.5 GHz, use
equation (3) to calculate the gain of each horn
antenna in dB, ie, G(dB).
r (cm)


Pr-Pt (dB)


Comment : theoretically the gain of an antenna is

constant since it is a function of the radiation which a
function of the antenna dimensions , and in our case we
didn't change the antenna dimension
the variation in the gain value is therefore an error and
is due to many factors such as errors in the instruments
, error from the observer and also the reflection from
. the nearby bodies as will as travelling fields in the area

Radiation pattern plotting :

Make sure that the antennas are aligned
correctly. Adjust the Antenna Azimuth indicator to
read 00 with the antennas correctly aligned. Record
different values of azimuth angles and the
corresponding values of received signal level Pr.
At =0 P= -22dB

P (dB)






Comment : as written above the maximum power

received is
-22dB at the center of the
radiation pattern , however the power received for
other angles (cw & ccw) from the maximum are in
the table .
ideally the data should be even (e.g. both 5 & -5
degree angels should have the same power
received ), practically that is not the case since the
environment is not symmetrical which means the
reflection and the travelling fields in the area are not
symmetrical with respect to the antenna , all those
factors affect the power measurements .
Plot the radiation of the antenna and evaluate
the beamwidth .
As shown in the Theory part we are going to compute
the H.P.B.W and for this we will compute the angles

at which the power fall bb 3dB from the maximum (22-3=-25dB) .

Using this concept I did adjust the Antenna until I get
the record of the power meter equals -25dB .
This will result in a H.P.B.W 44
We can also compute it from the curve as :
H.P.B.W = 47
Now to plot the data let us convert it to watt :

P (watt)







Using Matlab we plot the data :


Turn the voltage control knob on the Gunn
Oscillator power supply to its MIN position, place all
power switches in the O (off) position, disassemble
the setup, and return all components to their storage

1- We did see experimentally that the antenna is a
directional device where in this device the
positions of the transmitter and the receiver and
their orientation are the basic factors in the
transmission process .
2- We also investigate the effect of free space loss
and prove that it is a function of the distance .
3- We computed the gain of an antenna using the
transmission equation .

4- We also observe that the electromagnetic

propagation is highly affected by the environment ,
that was free clear as we get a non-symmetrical
radiation pattern .
5- It is important to do all the measurements in the
far field region .

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