University of Madras Master of Social Work (MSW) : Field Work Practicum Manual

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(w. e. f. 2010 2011 onwards)

Field Work Practicum Manual


Core Paper No.

Field Work Practicum

Semester - I
Semester II
Semester III
Block Placement
/ Internship



The nucleus of Social Work Education is the Field Work Programme which is a
fundamental component of the curriculum. The field work practicum is the central
mechanism for transmitting theoretical knowledge into the practical level of work.
Practice learning in social work training plays a pivotal role in providing the students
with an opportunity to explore, learn and develop professional skills necessary for
working with people, the essence of the profession. It has several components that help
the students to develop a holistic understanding of the problems, situations, their
causative factors and the possible strategies of intervention.
Objectives of Field Work:
The fieldwork programme has been designed to achieve the following objectives:
1. To help students understand the socio-economic, cultural and political milieu and
develop capacity for critical examination of causative and maintenance factors of
social problems and their consequences
2. To provide students with an opportunity to apply theories in practical situations
for problem solving with individuals, groups and communities
3. To help students identify, plan and implement social work interventions through
the application of the methods of social work and to assess their impact on
different client systems in various specialisations

Field Work Manual - Master of Social Work (MSW) - University of Madras

4. To help students appreciate the role of social work profession empowering

individuals, groups and communities and in facilitating social change, ensuring
human rights and social justice
5. To help students develop skills and appropriate personality qualities required for
professional social work practice
6. To provide opportunities to accept challenges and respond to them
7. To understand the nature of social work practice in different specializations

Field Work Grid


Type of Field Work


No. of

























Orientation (2)


Practice Skill Laboratory

Observation Visits (8)
Rural Camp(8)
Concurrent Field Work
Concurrent Field Work
Study Tour (8)
Concurrent Field Work
Block Placement (Course

For MSW Social Work course

2 days of Field Work = 2 x 7 1/2 = 14hours

For Work Load of the Teachers

14 hrs of Field Work = 1/3 of teaching hours

Field Work Manual - Master of Social Work (MSW) - University of Madras

Semester I
Core Paper No. IV - Field Work Practicum I
General Objectives:
1. To get exposed to wider area of social realities at the micro level
2. To develop analytical and assessment skills of social problems at the level of
individual, group and community and local, regional, national and international
3. To acquire documentation skills to ensure professional competence
4. To develop the right values and attitudes required for a professional social worker

Practice Skill Laboratory
Observation Visits
Rural Camp

The Orientation Programme is aimed at providing appropriate direction to
professional learning. It involves familiarizing students with the problems of society,
especially marginalized and weaker sections. They are made aware of the existing
resource base available for their development and ways of mobilizing them and
motivating them to initiate work in the field. The knowledge and skill base of the students
is supplemented by supportive field instructions given by academicians and field
practitioners throughout the year. The contents of the Orientation Programme are:
1. Introduction to Social Work Profession
2. Fieldwork in Social Work Education
a. Rules and Regulation
b. Supervision
c. Recording
d. Evaluation
3. Methods of working with people
a. Social Case Work
b. Social Group Work
c. Community Organisation
d. Social Action
e. Research in Social Work
f. Social Work Administration
4. Areas/Settings of Social Work Practice
5. Understanding of the Departments Projects
6. Interactive Sessions for the purpose of
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a. Introduction to the faculty

b. Getting to know each other
c. Interaction with seniors and alumni (Sharing of field experiences)
d. Adapting to the new environment
Duration: 2 Days
Practice Skills Laboratory:
The Lab provides structured experiences which gives an opportunity of learning
by doing in a supervised environment. Learning about social realities, others and self is
essentially through inputs, group experiences and simulation games. The lab sessions
equip students with knowledge, attitudes and practice skills in keeping with social work
values, beliefs and ethics. The students get exposed to rural realities existing in society, a
critical analysis of such situations and the need to work towards human development. The
lab consists of sessions on:

Communication skills and Interpersonal Relations

Analysis of Indian Society and Social Problems
Leadership and Personality Development
Values and Ethics in Social Work
Reality walk meeting Social Work Professionals

Duration: 6 Days
Observation Visits:
The Observation Visits aim to make the students get oriented to the objectives,
administrative structure and process and the client system of various organisations in the
field of social work, such as non-governmental organisations involved in welfare and
development activities, government bodies involved in development work, hospitals and
health care organisations, organisations in the care of aged, women and children and
Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives of corporate organizations.
Duration: 8 Days
Rural Camp:
1. To develop an understanding of the rural social structures and cultural processes
with special reference to specific groups experiencing poverty and deprivation
2. To develop an understanding of the level of government intervention in relation to
below the poverty line groups in the area and the related structure of decision
making and intervention
3. To develop the capacity to make a critique of the intervention of both the
voluntary organisations and the Government Agencies in relation to the specific
Below the poverty line group

Field Work Manual - Master of Social Work (MSW) - University of Madras

4. Through experience in group living, appreciate its value in terms of selfdevelopment, interpersonal relationships sense of organisation, management and
mutual responsibility
5. To acquire skills in planning, organizing, implementing and evaluating the camp
Duration: 8 Days

Semester II
Core Paper No. VIII Field Work Practicum II
General Objectives:
1. To understand the agency as a system governance, philosophy, objectives,
structures and management of services/ programmes
2. To develop the ability to involve the client system in the problem solving process,
utilizing skills of social work interventions, including research
3. To enable to acquire knowledge and practice skills related to social work methods
at the individual, group and community level in different fields
4. To develop documentation skills
5. To develop skills in identifying and utilizing community resources, both at
Government and private levels
6. To develop the ability to work as a team
7. To reinforce the belief in the inherent strength of the people to meet their needs
and resolve their problems
8. To enable to make conscious application of professional values, ethics and
9. To develop an understanding and skills in working with the professionals
(Medicine, Law, accountancy etc.)

Concurrent Field Work:

The broad aim of concurrent field work is to provide opportunities for students to
apply the knowledge learnt in the classroom situations and to plan, implement and
Field Work Manual - Master of Social Work (MSW) - University of Madras

evaluate these experiences while working with individuals, groups and communities.
These will be in keeping with the placement agencys philosophy, policy and goals and
use of guided supervision. During the concurrent field work, students are expected to
fulfill certain requirements namely,

Skills in Organizational Involvement:

While working with the agency of placement, the students should
1. Develop beginning perceptions about agency functioning and identify congruence or
gaps between organizational stances or programs and client's service needs (e.g.
restrictive intake policies, inadequate office hours, poor referral system for resources).
2. Initiate learning about how outside regulations, organizations and funding effect
delivery of services.
3. Show beginning ability to identify problems/issues in organizational terms.
4. Demonstrate beginning initiative and involvement in efforts to influence agency
processes on behalf of client's needs (e.g. at least, bringing situation to attention of
someone who may be receptive and able to be influential).
5. Develop beginning confidence to participate and contribute to team effort, e.g.
represent own discipline, develop some credibility, present own thinking, receptive to
others' ideas.
Working with Individuals:
Each student should get exposed to the practice of Social Case Work with the guidance of
the supervisors and submit the record of each session.
Working with Groups:
Each student should get exposed to the practice of Social Group Work with guidance of
the supervisors and submit the case records.
Community Organisation:
Each student should organise a community organisation in his/her field work agency.
Duration: 24 Days

Field Work Manual - Master of Social Work (MSW) - University of Madras

Semester III
Core Paper No. XIII Field Work Practicum III
1. Concurrent Field Work based on Specialisations
2. Study Tour

Objectives of Field Work based on Specializations:

Community Development
Rural Community Development
1. To study the rural and semi rural life in all its ramifications including group
dynamics and power structure in rural community
2. To develop an understanding of the process of programme formulation and
programme management of the rural local bodies, government and non
government agencies
3. To develop positive attitude to work in a rural community setting and to acquire
the skills such as public relations, fact findings, leadership, networking, fund
raising, budgeting, report writing, lobbying and advocacy required for a
development worker
4. To enable to work with disadvantaged groups in rural areas
5. To enable to plan and implement methods, tools and techniques for intervention
based on the needs of the community
1. Administrative set up of Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs)
2. Panchayat Raj members, their socio-economic and caste status
3. Coordination of block level administrative personnel with elected person at
different levels
4. Decision making process: type of problems that come before Panchayat Union
and Village Panchayat, who initiates various development projects and process of
Field Work Manual - Master of Social Work (MSW) - University of Madras


assessing them. How decisions are made- manipulations, lobbying, pressure

tactics used
Current Major Programmes, budget allocations for the programmes, methods of
implementation, participation of people, impact of development and social justice
Application of the principles of Rural Community Development
Application of methods of professional social work in rural setting
Identify/ study/ explore the rural problems covering the following aspects:
a) The physical, ecological, socio-economic and political structure, living pattern,
social roles, community power structure, occupation, housing, available social
b) The general nature of the problem, the pre-existing condition, the existing
situation, and the major units of the client system concerned with the problem
concerned with health, education and welfare (Social Audit)
c) The problem as perceived by the i) rural community/ village / client system ii)
rural local body iii) field work agency and iv) professional social work trainee

Medical and Psychiatric Social Work*

Medical Social Work
1. To equip the students with the necessary assessment skills to understand the
psycho-social problems of the patient and family with respect to the consequences
of the disease and disability
2. To enable the students to practice the methods of Social Work, particularly, Social
Case work and Social Group Work
3. To enable the students to function as a member of the Multidisciplinary team with
respect to the Medical, Physical and Psycho-social Treatments
4. To enable the students to develop a Rehabilitation Plan with respect to long-term
illness & Disability
5. To enable the students to understand the national health programmes and its
implementation at community level
1. Involve in the preparation of psycho-social assessment of the patient in relation to
the consequence of disease and disability.
2. Develop and implement intervention strategies with family and community as
social support systems
3. Apply Social Case Work (includes identification, assessment, intervention,
rehabilitation and follow-up)
4. Identify & undertake Group therapeutic sessions
5. Organise a need based/ setting based Community Health Programme
6. Function as a member of the Multidisciplinary team
7. Network with other organizations and advocate when necessary
Field Work Manual - Master of Social Work (MSW) - University of Madras

8. Document and maintain records

Human Resource Management
Manufacturing/ Service/ IT Sectors
1. To practically understand the concept of Industrial Relations and to acquire the
related competencies
2. To familiarize with the Labour Legislations
3. To learn to apply the various methods of Social Work in various Industrial
4. To observe the application of various Labour Welfare measures
5. To observe the practice of current trends in HR
6. To provide opportunity for the integration of class room learning and field
7. To acquire human resource management skills
8. To observe the CSR activities
9. To develop skills to organize people to meet their needs and solve their problems
10. To make innovative contributions to the organization functioning
11. To represent HR profession in inter disciplinary terms
12. To carry out application oriented mini research projects
13. To utilize field instructions for enhancing and integrating professional growth in
Human Resource
I Organisational Profile
History of the Agency, Organisation Chart, The Products/ Services, Branches/ Units,
Workforce, Line and staff management, Structure and functions of the Human
Resource Department
II Areas of Personnel Functions

Manpower Planning (Need Analysis)

Recruitment (Advertisement/ Consultancies /Campus /Other Bureaus/ Sources)
Types of Employees (Contract/ Temporary/ Permanent/ Part-Time)
Selection (Interview/ Written Test /Group Discussion / Physical examination
Induction and Placement, Promotion and Transfer
Training and Development (Need Analysis/ Types/Outsourcing)
Disengagement - Retention, Resignation/ Termination and Retirement (Exit
Interviews )
Time Office(Daily Attendance/ Swiping Cards/ Attendance Register)
Field Work Manual - Master of Social Work (MSW) - University of Madras

Hours of Work (Time In/Break/ Movement Register/Period of Rest/ Time Out)

Leave and Holidays (Casual Leave/ Medical Leave/ National and Festival Holidays etc.)
Wage and Salary Administration (Daily/ Monthly/ Hourly/ Time- Rate/ Piece- Rate)
Social Security Benefits (Social Insurance/ Social Assistance)
Employee Service Register, Communication
Employee Appraisal (Ranking/ Free Essay/ 360 degree Appraisal), Balance Score Card,
Succession Planning
III Industrial Relations Functions
IR at Shop Floor & Plant Level (Works Committee/ Joint Production Committee/ Joint
Management Councils
Grievance Handling - Grievance Settlement Procedure
Works Standing Orders (Employee Discipline/ Domestic Enquiry/Absenteeism/
Alcoholism/ Punishment)
Employers Association, Trade Unions, Collective Bargaining - The Agreements, Strikes,
Lock- Outs and Retrenchment
IV Labour Welfare Measures
Intra Mural and Extra Mural - Statutory and Non Statutory Measures (Housing/ Crche/
Canteen/ Credit and Consumer Co-operatives)
Safety and Accident Prevention, Industrial Health and Hygiene (Occupational
Diseases/Hazards), Industrial Mental Health (Screening and Detection/ Stress/ Fatigue/
Burn Out), Employee Counselling
Workers Education, Recreation, Other Welfare Measures
V Labour Legislations
Legislations applicable to the Organisation
VI Others
TQM, ISO, Use of OD Techniques, CSR Activities
Family and Child Welfare*
1. To enable the students to acquire the necessary assessment skills to understand
family life and intervention
2. To enable the students to practice the methods of Social Work in Family and Child
Welfare setting
3. To equip the students with necessary skills for the therapeutic and service
oriented intervention

Field Work Manual - Master of Social Work (MSW) - University of Madras


4. To enable the students to develop a Plan for Assessment and Goal setting for
Family and Child Rights intervention
Assessment of families through Ecomap, Genogram and Family Dynamics
Applying interventions with families - Crisis Intervention, Family System Intervention,
Family Counselling for Self Help groups
Practicing Family Life Education
Working with Families in difficult circumstances (HIV/ disaster, displacement)
Planning and Organising Training Programmes
Duration: 16 Days

Study Tour:
The aim of study tour is to provide an exposure for the students to other Schools of Social
Work and well known organizations (common and specialization based) involved in the
practice of social work outside the jurisdiction of University of Madras. The Place and
the days shall be decided by the department in consultation with the students. The
students are expected to observe the differences and nuances in such organizations with
respect to their concurrent field work agencies in terms of service delivery. A detailed
report of the study tour has to be submitted to the department immediately after the study
Duration: 8 Days

Field Work Manual - Master of Social Work (MSW) - University of Madras


Semester IV
Core Paper No. XVIII Field Work Practicum IV
Field Work Based on Specialisations
Block Placement
Community Development
Urban Community Development
1. To focus on urban community life pattern its social, economic, political and
cultural aspects with specific focus to informal settlements, their needs and
2. To develop skills in identifying and utilizing urban community resources both
governmental and non governmental agencies
3. To sharpen the urban community development skills such as influencing grass
root urban leaders, rapport building, organising, resource mobilization, recording,
advocacy and lobbying
4. To develop skills in communicating, fact finding, fund raising, budgeting, report
writing, urban community project formulation, management, appraisal and
5. To help the trainee gain insight into the components of Urban Community
Field Work Manual - Master of Social Work (MSW) - University of Madras


6. To enhance competencies to assess and analyse urban problems, needs and service
7. To enhance the capacity to recognise the linkage between urban community
development and the practices in the field in terms of policy and programmes.

Observation visit to urban community / slums (informal settlements)

Analysis of their socio-economic conditions
Application of the principles of Urban community development
Application of professional social work methods in urban setting
Organizing and mobilizing urban community/ slums in participatory mechanisms/
6. Identify/ study/ explore the urban problems covering the following aspects:
a) The physical, ecological, socio-economic and political structure, living pattern,
social roles, community power structure, grass root urban leadership, occupation,
housing, available social services etc.
b) The general nature of the problem, the pre-existing condition, the existing
situation, and the major units of the client system concerned with the problem
c) The problem as perceived by the i) urban community/ slum / client system ii) urban
local body iii) field work agency and iv) professional social work trainee
Medical and Psychiatric Social Work*
Psychiatric Social Work
1. To equip the students with the necessary skills for the Psychosocial assessment of
persons with mental disorders and disabilities
2. To apply the methods of Social Work in the management of persons with mental
3. To enable the students to apply the theoretical approaches in practice and develop
necessary skills for practice
4. To enable the students to develop and implement a programme for Community
Mental Health
5. To acquire skills of networking and advocacy
Analyzing the person in the mental health environment
Practice Psychiatric Case History Taking and psycho social assessment
Assess the health/ welfare needs of various groups and the agencys response to meet
these needs
Study the disease profile and critically analyse the impact of the disease/ problem/
disability on the individual, family and society

Field Work Manual - Master of Social Work (MSW) - University of Madras


Applications of the methods of social work in the agency and integrate theory and
practice in intervention
Human Resource Management
Manufacturing/ Service/ IT Sectors
1. To practically understand the concept of Industrial Relations and to acquire the
related competencies
2. To familiarize with the Labour Legislations
3. To learn to apply the various methods of Social Work in various Industrial
4. To observe the application of various Labour Welfare measures
5. To observe the practice of current trends in HR
6. To provide opportunity for the integration of class room learning and field
7. To acquire human resource management skills
8. To observe the CSR activities
9. To develop skills to organize people to meet their needs and solve their
10. To make innovative contributions to the organization functioning
11. To represent HR profession in inter disciplinary terms
12. To carry out application oriented mini research projects
13. To utilize field instructions for enhancing and integrating professional growth in
Human Resource
I Organisational Profile
History of the Agency, Organisation Chart, The Products/ Services, Branches/ Units,
Workforce, Line and staff management, Structure and functions of the Human
Resource Department
II Areas of Personnel Functions

Manpower Planning (Need Analysis)

Recruitment (Advertisement/ Consultancies /Campus /Other Bureaus/ Sources)
Types of Employees (Contract/ Temporary/ Permanent/ Part-Time)
Selection (Interview/ Written Test /Group Discussion / Physical examination
Induction and Placement, Promotion and Transfer
Training and Development (Need Analysis/ Types/Outsourcing)

Field Work Manual - Master of Social Work (MSW) - University of Madras


Disengagement - Retention, Resignation/ Termination and Retirement (Exit

Interviews )
Time Office(Daily Attendance/ Swiping Cards/ Attendance Register)
Hours of Work (Time In/Break/ Movement Register/Period of Rest/ Time Out)

Leave and Holidays (Casual Leave/ Medical Leave/ National and Festival Holidays etc.)
Wage and Salary Administration (Daily/ Monthly/ Hourly/ Time- Rate/ Piece- Rate)
Social Security Benefits (Social Insurance/ Social Assistance)
Employee Service Register, Communication
Employee Appraisal (Ranking/ Free Essay/ 360 degree Appraisal), Balance Score Card,
Succession Planning
III Industrial Relations Functions
IR at Shop Floor & Plant Level (Works Committee/ Joint Production Committee/ Joint
Management Councils
Grievance Handling - Grievance Settlement Procedure
Works Standing Orders (Employee Discipline/ Domestic Enquiry/Absenteeism/
Alcoholism/ Punishment)
Employers Association, Trade Unions, Collective Bargaining - The Agreements, Strikes,
Lock- Outs and Retrenchment

IV Labour Welfare Measures

Intra Mural and Extra Mural - Statutory and Non Statutory Measures (Housing/ Crche/
Canteen/ Credit and Consumer Co-operatives)
Safety and Accident Prevention, Industrial Health and Hygiene (Occupational
Diseases/Hazards), Industrial Mental Health (Screening and Detection/ Stress/ Fatigue/
Burn Out), Employee Counselling
Workers Education, Recreation, Other Welfare Measures
V Labour Legislations
Legislations applicable to the Organisation
VI Others
TQM, ISO, Use of OD Techniques, CSR Activities
Family and Child Welfare:

Field Work Manual - Master of Social Work (MSW) - University of Madras


1. To enable the students to understand socio-economic dynamics with special

reference to the Family setting
2. To help the students to identify specific issues that require immediate attention
and intervention with reference to ensuring the Child Rights
3. To enable the students to understand Social Work interventions in Family and
Child Welfare Setting
Application of Social Work methods in Child Rights setting
Application of Social Work methods with Children in difficult circumstances
Practice Multi-disciplinary approaches in Family and Child Welfare settings
Enhance skills in Rights Based Approach for Child Rights
Duration: 24 Days

Block Placement / Internship: (After IV Semester Examination)

After satisfactory completion of concurrent field work during the two academic years
and after the Final University Examination, every student of the MSW (Second year) is
placed for Block Field Work for a period of
30 days for a full- time work in an
approved agency or project in or outside Tamil Nadu. The Department approves agencies
/ projects from amongst a large number of them, keeping in mind the availability of
learning opportunities for the students. The purpose of Block Field work is to broaden
the students perspectives of development and welfare concerns, offer pre-employment
work experiences and enable him/her to assume professional responsibilities after
graduation. A student is not eligible for the degree unless he/she has completed Block
Field Work to the satisfaction of the Department. At the conclusion of Block Field
Practicum, Agency Supervisor sends a Report about the performance of the student to the
Department. The student on his /her part also submits a comprehensive report of the
Block Field practicum. It carries two credits.
1. Develop enhanced practice skill and integrate learning

Field Work Manual - Master of Social Work (MSW) - University of Madras


2. Develop greater understanding of reality situations through involvement in day to

day work
3. Develop appreciation of others efforts and develop sensitivity to gaps in the
4. Enhance awareness of self in the role of a Professional Social Worker
Duration: 1 month

Field work Supervision:

Supervision is the basis of practice learning. The objective of supervision is to guide a
student to acquire social work skills and attitudes required for the profession and to relate
field practice to knowledge acquired in the classroom. This objective is achieved by
placing the students under the supervision of a teacher in the Department as well as a
trained social worker in the agency. The guided supervision through individual and group
conferences on specified days and timings helps a student grow as a better professional.
The supervisors primary task in the beginning is to make the student feel comfortable
and apprise him/her briefly of the social work values and skills. At the onset of the
supervisor-supervisee relations, the supervisor must make some assessment of the
students ability for social work intervention and his/her individual assets, which create
suitable learning opportunities and environment. The Supervisor must strive to:
Help create a non-intimidating and non-authoritarian ambience of learning
which help the student raise his/her queries and participate in the discussion

Field Work Manual - Master of Social Work (MSW) - University of Madras


Help the student develop the capability to critically examine issues and
instances from the field
Assist the student develops maturity in dealing with difficult situations and
circumstances and learn to appreciate and respect multiplicity and diversity of
communities and culture
Help him/her grow as professional social worker, conscious of the requirements
of the profession and develop capability to manage situations independently
Help the student to present and discuss his/her views, feelings and proposed
action in a democratic manner and setting
Provide feedback to the students about their performance
Encourage debates on the alternative courses of action and help the student to
take appropriate decisions
Enable the student to develop an agenda of self directed life long learning for
personal and professional development for a career in the profession of social
work including continuing social Work Education
Arrange periodic meetings with agency supervisor wherein the proposed course
of action by the student is discussed and an affirmative response is obtained
from the agency.
Provide guidelines to the student on his/her records. It should be seen that the
records should not reflect merely the diary or chronological recording of the
time spent in the field. While commenting upon the gaps in recording, insight
on the nature of improvement to be made by the student may be discussed.

Relationship between Department and Field Work Agency:

The Relationship between department and field work agency is one of equal partnership
where both department and agency supervisor take the responsibility for students learning
and acquisition of Social Work Skills.
Distribution of Responsibility between Department and Agency Supervisors:
A. Department Supervisor:
Department Supervisor concentrates on helping the students to understand the
basics including rules and regulations of field work programme. In addition, the
supervisor helps the students to:
a.Grasp the field
Prepare him/her for a accepting the agencys policies and
c.Develop insight into the processes of Social work intervention using social
work philosophy, principles, methods and skills.
Field Work Manual - Master of Social Work (MSW) - University of Madras



Provide instructions for report writing including maintaining case

records, group session records, preparing papers and minutes for group

In order to be effective in performing the above mentioned responsibilities the

Department Supervisor provides regular, timely and systematic inputs. This will entail
regular submission of students weekly reports, discussing the same with students during
scheduled individual conferences, and regular evaluation of students work though
monthly evaluation of students performance.
B. Agency Supervisor:
1. Agency Supervisor should preferably be trained social worker. He/She should;
a. Provide an overview of the agency, its aims, objectives, policies and programmes
and limitations to the students placed under his/her supervision.
b. Plan out students work programme along with Department Supervisor so as to
maximize students learning.
c. Provide on the spot guidance to facilitate learning of the student.
d. Provide appropriate intervention in the event of the students facing problem/s viz
agencys procedural routines, relationship with other staff members etc.
3. Agency Supervisor provides student/s with adequate and scheduled time (on a
weekly basis) to discuss students problem and progress.
4. Agency Supervisor provides the students with a place to sit and keep his/her field
work files/records.
5. Agency Supervisor insists on submission of weekly fieldwork reports by students.
They should be advised to go through them and give their comments.
6. The agency Supervisor should ensure that log sheets reflect the actual work and
fieldwork hours being put in by the student. Only log sheets which have been duly
filled in by the students should be signed by the agency supervisor on regular
7. Agency Supervisor should keep a check on the students regularity and
punctuality. Some system of ensuring this (attendance register) could be worked
out by the agency supervisor and should feel free to contact the Department
Nature of Relationships between the Field Work Department and the Agency:
a.Department should maintain regular contact with all the agencies. Mechanisms to do so
could include
Regular visits by Department Supervisors to agencies.
Agency Supervisor will be invited as resource person for the Supportive
Field Instruction Programme of the Department.
At least one Agency Supervisor Meet is organised at the Department
annually. This can comprise of a general meeting followed by working groups
Field Work Manual - Master of Social Work (MSW) - University of Madras


based on different areas of field work practice. It is mandatory for all Department
Supervisors to attend the meet. It is a formal meeting with well defined agenda
proposed by the Head of the Department.
Agency should be provided with contact numbers of Department
Supervisors and the Field Work Office to facilitate interaction.
2. There should be a clear policy for selection of appropriate agencies. In case an agency
is discontinued (either temporarily or permanently) for the concurrent field work the
agency will be intimated about the same by the Social Work Department.
Frequency and minimum contact with the Agency:
i. Department Supervisors should make a minimum of one visit per month to the
agencies where their students are placed.
ii. The first visit by the Supervisor should be devoted to helping the agency
supervisor get an understanding of the Field Work programme and policies.
Department supervisor, in turn, should learn about agencys objectives, programmes
and procedural routines. Department and Agency Supervisor should also discuss the
broad scope for students learning within the agencys structure and policy frame
iii. The subsequent visit should focus on the development of a term plan for the
student, keeping in mind the agencys requirements and students learning needs.
iv. The last visit of the first and third terms should aim at assessing students
progress and discussion on the thrust of learning for the next term.
v. The first visit in the second and the fourth term should focus on discussing the
plan of the work for the team. Care should be taken to ensure that the student
derives a comprehensive exposure to all aspects by the agency.

vi. The last visit of the each Semester should be focussed on the evaluation of the
students work during the course of the semester. Additionally, the Department
Supervisors can also take note of any special requirements of the agency regarding
future placement.
A Proforma will be sent to the agency Supervisor at the end of each semester to help
them to evaluate the students work. The broad categories in the Proforma are:
Nature of work assigned to the students in both the terms (separately)
Expectations of the agency from the student in both the terms
Activities / programmes taken up by the student during the course of the
Social Work techniques / methods / skills applied by the student while

Field Work Manual - Master of Social Work (MSW) - University of Madras


in the field e.g. interactional skills, reporting skills, service delivery skills and
evaluatory skills and emotional skills in working with client systems
Brief comments on student self-discipline (regularity, punctuality)
General comments on students strengths and areas to be strengthened
Note on Agencys expectation from the Department whether they were
met/not met and any suggestions for future placements.
Agencies are also suggested to organise a sharing session between agency staff, student
and Department Supervisor at the end of each Semester. In this session students could
make a presentation of work done and nature of learning he/she has had. This could be
followed by comments of agency staff (including agency supervisor) about students work
performance and scope for improvement in future. Department Supervisor could be a non
participant observer or may intervene if requested to. This would give a chance to the
students to know the general reaction of agencys staff towards his/her work, his/her
general behaviour and scope for improvement.
The process of evaluation is an important aspect of training. It helps the students in
developing awareness necessary for the development of a professional social worker. It is
continuous in nature and is an on going teaching-learning process. It is a shared process
throughout the placement involving the analysis of the students performance and
progress with a view to help students enhance their learning and competence as social
Evaluation is not only limited to the written and formal monthly, mid-term and final
evaluation, but also is implicit in every weekly individual conference. Therefore, the
Department supervisor must explain the evaluation process to the student in the
beginning of the academic session. Evaluation mark allocation: Field Work: External 60:
Internal 40. Field Work: External 60 marks (20 viva; 40 marks for Agency Supervisor)
Process of Evaluation:
The process of evaluation is continuous in nature. At the end of every week the
department supervisor writes the comments indicating the work done by the student visa-vis the learning requirements. It is shared with the students in the individual conference
and is signed by both i.e. the supervisor as well as the supervisee.
Before appearing before the viva voce evaluation the student is asked to prepare a
summary of the work done by him/her throughout the Semester.
Field work carries 100 marks in each Semester. The work of student is subjected to
evaluation by both internal as well as external examiners. This is treated as final marks
secured by the student. It must be noted that revaluation of field work programme is not
Field Work Manual - Master of Social Work (MSW) - University of Madras


permitted in University of Madras under any condition. Those students who fail in field
work have to repeat the entire semester Field Work. However, if a student has passed
theory papers, but has failed to get minimum marks in field work, he/ she is required to
repeat only field work. But he/she has to enrol as a regular student. Minimum pass marks
in field work is 50%
Field Work Evaluation
(For Agency Supervisors and Department Supervisors - Total Marks - 40)



1. Attendance ( Including Regularity and Punctuality)

2. Regularity in submission of Report / individual conference

3. Relationship with agency

4. Application of theory and social work methods in field work


5. Content of the record




Weightage for Field Work Norms:

1. Attendance:



75 %

















However, students are encouraged to put in 100% attendance

Field Work Manual - Master of Social Work (MSW) - University of Madras


2. Regularity in submission of report/ Conference:

Beyond 10 days

7 days to 10 days

5 days to 7 days

3 days to 5 days

1 day to 3 days

Exact date

No late submission of reports shall be entertained.

3. Relationship with Agency:
Very good






4. Application of theory and methods of social work:

Very good






5. Content of the Record:

Very good






Viva Voce Examination:

Field Work Manual - Master of Social Work (MSW) - University of Madras


The Viva Voce Examination in Field work will be conducted by an Examiner would be a
Field based Senior Professional Social Worker at the end of each semester. Norms for
Viva Voce examination will be prepared by the external examiner.
For Instance
Proper maintenance of Field Work Records

- 5

Communication Skills

- 5

Knowledge and Skills regarding Application of theory into Practice

- 10


- 20

Administrative Policies and Procedures:

Field Work Schedule - Time Schedule:
The student should follow the agency timings and they should be involved in 14 hrs of
field work per week. During the concurrent fieldwork, a student is required to spend
atleast 14 hours per week in an agency/community setting throughout the period of study
at the department. These 14 hours are spent by working for two full days in a week. It is
to be noted that the time spent by the students in writing of field work report and carrying
out the specified field tasks are also included. However, the time spent in travelling
between students home/department and the field work agencies is not counted towards
field work hours.
1. The Department expects students to be regular and punctual in field work and
takes a serious note of unauthorised absence from the field work. It is to be noted
that dishonest practices will adversely affect students field work evaluation.
Unauthorised absence from field work cannot be compensated. Only in special
cases, there is a provision of authorised leave of absence from field work on
grounds of sickness or important personal reasons. Leave from fieldwork should
generally be applied in advance. All leave applications should be addressed to the
department supervisors. In case a student is unable to attend field work due to
illness she/he must arrange to send a message as soon as possible to the agency as
well as the department. The authorised day of absence shall be compensated to
ensure 100% attendance.
2. Record of students attendance in field work in maintained.

Field Work Manual - Master of Social Work (MSW) - University of Madras



A student is not required to attend fieldwork on Agency holidays. However on

days when agency observes holiday, it will be utilized as per the instructions of
the Department Supervisor.
4. Attendance in supportive fieldwork programme, rural camp, individual and group
conferences is compulsory.
5. Compensation of fieldwork hours is permissible only on the ground of prolonged /
disabling illness. The fieldwork hours lost in each Semester may be compensated
with the permission of the department.
Field Work Reports:

A Student is expected to keep a daily record of his / her field work. Students
may maintain Field Work Records in electronic form and may send the reports
through e- mail also. This record/report along with a log-sheet on the
prescribed form should be handed over to the department supervisor. The date
and time for the submission Records is decided by the Department.

The copies of the fieldwork reports (e- file) must be submitted to the agency.
This will give an opportunity to the agency supervisor to know the nature of
work done by the student in the agency.

The log-sheets are to be filled in by the student every week indicating (i) the
dates and days on which field work was done: (ii) the time spent in the field
work agency on each field work day: (iii) the work done (in brief) on each day:
(iv) the date and time of the individual conferences attended at the department:
and (v) the total time spent on field work in each week. The log-sheets are to be
signed by the student and the Agency Supervisor / In-charge before submitting
them to the Department Supervisor, who will in turn countersign them.

Record of irregularities in attendance at the agency, late or non-submission of

reports and log-sheets and absence from individual conferences are maintained
by the Department Supervisor.

The fieldwork reports (E-files) should be submitted once in a week on the day
and time specified by the Department. In case of inability of the student to
submit the reports on time for valid reasons, it is necessary to obtain permission
of the supervisor to submit the reports late by stating the reasons. The
supervisor is authorized to accept the reports, if submitted late, for a week. If
the student attends field work, but does not submit reports on time and / or does
not attend individual conferences as required, the field work for this period will
be treated as unsupervised field work.

As part of a students field work assignment, he/she may have to correspond

with client or members of their families and other social welfare agencies. All
such correspondences should be sent with the knowledge and approval of the

Field Work Manual - Master of Social Work (MSW) - University of Madras


Department and/or agency supervisor. A student is advised not to enter into any
private correspondence with individuals who she/he is trying to help in a
professional capacity and to meet at his/her residence or at the Department
during the training period or afterwards.

Any special Correspondence with organizations other than the field work
agency in any aspect of field work will be done by the Department on the basis
of an application addressed to the Head of the Department, which should be
signed by the supervisor, along with his/her recommendations.

*Note: For the specializations of Medical and Psychiatric Social Work and Family and
Child Welfare, the placement in the field work agencies (i.e. the type of setting) is
interchangeable between the III and the IV semesters.

Field Work Manual - Master of Social Work (MSW) - University of Madras


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