Tarrow Democracy and Disorder Excerpts
Tarrow Democracy and Disorder Excerpts
Tarrow Democracy and Disorder Excerpts
Three main ways of dealing with the movement of the 1960s:
1) repulsion by the disorder, aberration from capitalism's progress towards abundance
2) focus on social actors involved in the conflict: focus on individual attitudes (Inglehart 1971,
3) 'new social movements': new paradigm growing out of late capitalist society (Offe 1985).
Overestimated the novelty of the movements, underestimated the symbiosis with old
All lack empirical evidence!
Guiding assumption: The movement was significant, because it signalled deeper changes in Western
societies and their repertoires of action.
I. The sixties: A cycle of protest
What happened in Western Europe and the United States in the 1960s and 1970s was, I shall
argue, but the latest in a sequence of cycles of protest that grow periodically out of the basic
conflicts of capitalist society. Though the content of the cycle was new as were, to some extent, its
actors and forms of action it followed a parabola simliar to that of past waves of mobilization.
Conservatives might find it full of dangers, but if it followed the logic of past cycles from rupture
to institutionalization, from struggle to reform then it would have a positive effect on the
democracy that it claimed to defend.
[Schon einige Punkte:
1) Fokus auf die Gesamtheit von Bewegung
2) Bewegungserfolg wird am (liberalen?) Kriterium der Verbesserung der Demokratie
These observations make clear that it is futile to study movements apart from their political context
or detached from the cycle of protest of which they are a part. For although a particular group's
grievance might stem from its structural position, its political actions and the reactions to them are
conditioned by political factors: by which other groups were protesting at the same time, by the
repressive capacities or facilitative strategies of elites, by the potential allies that are available in the
political system, and, most important, by the general level of mobilization of the population. []
The movements have to be seen as part of the general cycle of protest in which the arise. (4)
combination of new and old elements, of movement and institution is responsible for success (or
lack thereof).
II. Why study Italy and why analyse protest?
France/Paris is remembered as center of the 1960s protest, but in Italy, the cycle started earlier, was
more prolonged and affected society more profoundly.
Students of democracy have been obsessed by the apparent lack of stability in Italian politics. But
while the effects of disorder on democracy can be lethal, we should not make the mistake of
concluding that stability is either the most important aspect of democracy or that as some students
of democratic theory maintain it is democracy tout court. A democracy in which disorder was
impossible would be no democracy at all. (6f.)
The protests left the country with a broadened repertoire of participation and a new political
culture: It was beneficial to the country.
Fewer scholars have looked systematically at the forms of political action and at how these have
evolved over time. Yet unless we trace the forms of activity people use, how these reflect their
demands, and their interaction with opponents and elites, we cannot understand either the
magnitude or the dynamics of change in politics and society. (7f)
[Dieser Punkt ist fr die Arbeit wichtig! Siehe Entwurf]
Pattern of conflict cycle: (8)
conventional patterns of conflict within existing organizations and institutions [DAS PASST
new actors use expressive and confrontational forms of action [SPRINGENDER PUNKT:
Demonstrating that the system is vulnerable to disruption, common grievances
expanding range of contention to new sectors and institutions, but without the confrontation
or the excitement of early risers. [GROSSDEMONSTRATIONEN,
Deliberate violence, as mobilization declines.
Definition: I shall define protest as the use of disruptive collective action aimed at institutions,
elites, authorities, or other groups, on behalf of the collective goals of the actors or of those they
claim to represent. In other words, I regard protest, not as a category of action distinct from more
institutionalized forms of political expression, but as an extreme form of such expression that, like
the others, is the outcome of a calculus of risk, cost, and incentive. (8)
[The definition focuses on the rationality of protest behavior against attempts to paint them as
merely irrational and chaotic. However, this tends to overestimate the strategic capacity of social
movement actors: We can introduce elements of contingency without delegitimizing them.]
A protest cycle occurs, not when a few people are willing to take extraordinary risks for extreme
goals, but when the costs of collective action are so low and the incentives so great that even
individuals or groups that would normally not engage in protest feel encouraged to do so. This
focuses our attention not on macrostructural causes, but on the political conditions in which the
cycle begins: on splits among elites, on the growing resources of marginal people, on the diffusion
of new frames of meaning within the society
[While the first part is still plausible, the second part seems to be outdated. Marginalization, elite
splits and new frames are all clearly relevant for the old NSMs, this new cycle of protest might have
new incentives (perceived deprivation, blurred political arena (Ireland/EU), de-democratization, ]
III. The plan of the study
Chapter 1: Schematic summary
(likens protest cycles to business cycles)
over and channel it. But what of movements that are the product of mobilization campaigns led by
organizations? (220)
Three different ways of organization presence:
1) in the institutional context ('host' organizations)
2) through external groups
3) through the form that action takes.
Organizations are crucial to movement diffusion.
competition between social movement organizations:
ideological, for media coverage, for supporters:
The process of competitive tactical innovation by social movement organizations, I shall argue, is
a major force in the diffusion of protest. (221)
I. Diffusion
Processes of spontaneous diffusion:
comparison (learning of victories of similar groups)
transfer of tactics from one sector to another
direct reaction of one group to actions of another adversarial group
Purposive diffusion:
The forms of protest that have been described above sometimes arose spontaneously, but they did
not leap automatically crom sector to sector or from region to region. They were most often diffused
by organizers using the experiences and organizational skills they had acquired in the course of
earlier campaigns to give force and consistency to protest in others. (225)
diffusion by interest group
diffusion within host institutions
(often against said institution's will)
diffusion by movement organizations
most dramatic means
II. Diffusion by communication
The bourgeois media
The movement press
III. The extraparliamentary left
Organization was the outcome of crisis and opportunity: The movement's spontaneous tactics
were in crisis, mobilization declined, while at the same time, many in the movement sensed an
opportunity to organize radicalized workers.
IV. Organization as process
But the movement organizations could not simply shift from one social group to the other without
some cost, and those which attempted to do so without organizing for it either disappeared or
degenerated into ideological sects. Groups that wanted to make serious assaults against the unions
needed to combine the student movement's enthusiasm with the workers' discipline. This realization
had a powerful impact on the forms of organization they chose. (235)
The most successful organizations were decentralized and provisional, leaving great scope for
factions and uncontrolled violence to develop. (236)