Dela Llana v. Alba, 112 SCRA 294
Dela Llana v. Alba, 112 SCRA 294
Dela Llana v. Alba, 112 SCRA 294
of Budget, FRANCISCO
This Court, pursuant to its grave responsibility of passing upon the validity of any
executive or legislative act in an appropriate cases, has to resolve the crucial issue of
the constitutionality of Batas Pambansa Blg. 129, entitled An act reorganizing the
Judiciary, Appropriating Funds Therefor and for Other Purposes. The task of judicial
review, aptly characterized as exacting and delicate, is never more so than when a
conceded legislative power, that of judicial reorganization, 1 may possibly collide with
the time-honored principle of the independence of the judiciary 2as protected and
safeguarded by this constitutional provision: The Members of the Supreme Court and
judges of inferior courts shall hold office during good behavior until they reach the age
of seventy years or become incapacitated to discharge the duties of their office. The
Supreme Court shall have the power to discipline judges of inferior courts and, by a vote
of at least eight Members, order their dismissal. 3 For the assailed legislation mandates
that Justices and judges of inferior courts from the Court of Appeals to municipal circuit
courts, except the occupants of the Sandiganbayan and the Court of Tax Appeals,
unless appointed to the inferior courts established by such Act, would be considered
separated from the judiciary. It is the termination of their incumbency that for petitioners
justifies a suit of this character, it being alleged that thereby the security of tenure
provision of the Constitution has been ignored and disregarded,
That is the fundamental issue raised in this proceeding, erroneously entitled Petition for
Declaratory Relief and/or for Prohibition 4 considered by this Court as an action for
prohibited petition, seeking to enjoin respondent Minister of the Budget, respondent
Chairman of the Commission on Audit, and respondent Minister of Justice from taking
any action implementing Batas Pambansa Blg. 129. Petitioners 5 sought to bolster their
claim by imputing lack of good faith in its enactment and characterizing as an undue
delegation of legislative power to the President his authority to fix the compensation and
allowances of the Justices and judges thereafter appointed and the determination of the
date when the reorganization shall be deemed completed. In the very comprehensive
and scholarly Answer of Solicitor General Estelito P. Mendoza, 6 it was pointed out that
there is no valid justification for the attack on the constitutionality of this statute, it being
a legitimate exercise of the power vested in the Batasang Pambansa to reorganize the
judiciary, the allegations of absence of good faith as well as the attack on the
independence of the judiciary being unwarranted and devoid of any support in law. A
Supplemental Answer was likewise filed on October 8, 1981, followed by a Reply of
petitioners on October 13. After the hearing in the morning and afternoon of October 15,
in which not only petitioners and respondents were heard through counsel but also
the amici curiae, 7 and thereafter submission of the minutes of the proceeding on the
debate on Batas Pambansa Blg. 129, this petition was deemed submitted for decision.
The importance of the crucial question raised called for intensive and rigorous study of
all the legal aspects of the case. After such exhaustive deliberation in several sessions,
the exchange of views being supplemented by memoranda from the members of the
Court, it is our opinion and so hold that Batas Pambansa Blg. 129 is not
Private and public interests are, both in substantive and procedural sense, aspects of
the totality of the legal order. Moreover, petitioners have convincingly shown that in their
capacity as taxpayers, their standing to sue has been amply demonstrated. There would
be a retreat from the liberal approach followed in Pascual v. Secretary of Public
Works, foreshadowed by the very decision of People v. Vera where the doctrine was
first fully discussed, if we act differently now. I do not think we are prepared to take that
step. Respondents, however, would hark back to the American Supreme Court doctrine
in Mellon v. Frothingham with their claim that what petitioners possess is an interest
which is shared in common by other people and is comparatively so minute and
indeterminate as to afford any basis and assurance that the judicial process can act on
it. That is to speak in the language of a bygone era even in the United States. For as
Chief Justice Warren clearly pointed out in the later case of Flast v. Cohen, the barrier
thus set up if not breached has definitely been lowered.
dated September 5 of that year. It clearly specified the task assigned to it: 1. The
Committee shall formulate plans on the reorganization of the Judiciary which shall be
submitted within seventy (70) days from August 7, 1980 to provide the President
sufficient options for the reorganization of the entire Judiciary which shall embrace all
lower courts, including the Court of Appeals, the Courts of First Instance, the City and
Municipal Courts, and all Special Courts, but excluding the Sandigan Bayan.
Reorganization has the honor to submit the following Report. It expresses at the outset
its appreciation for the opportunity accorded it to study ways and means for what today
is a basic and urgent need, nothing less than the restructuring of the judicial system.
There are problems, both grave and pressing, that call for remedial measures. The felt
necessities of the time, to borrow a phrase from Holmes, admit of no delay, for if no step
be taken and at the earliest opportunity, it is not too much to say that the peoples faith
in the administration of justice could be shaken. It is imperative that there be a greater
efficiency in the disposition of cases and that litigants, especially those of modest
means much more so, the poorest and the humblest can vindicate their rights in
an expeditious and inexpensive manner. The rectitude and the fairness in the way the
courts operate must be manifest to all members of the community and particularly to
those whose interests are affected by the exercise of their functions. It is to that task
that the Committee addresses itself and hopes that the plans submitted could be a
starting point for an institutional reform in the Philippine judiciary. The experience of the
Supreme Court, which since 1973 has been empowered to supervise inferior courts,
from the Court of Appeals to the municipal courts, has proven that reliance on improved
court management as well as training of judges for more efficient administration does
not suffice. I hence, to repeat, there is need for a major reform in the judicial so stem it
is worth noting that it will be the first of its kind since the Judiciary Act became effective
on June 16, 1901.
I t went to say: I t does not admit of doubt that the last two
decades of this century are likely to be attended with problems of even greater
complexity and delicacy. New social interests are pressing for recognition in the courts.
Groups long inarticulate, primarily those economically underprivileged, have found legal
spokesmen and are asserting grievances previously ignored. Fortunately, the judicially
has not proved inattentive. Its task has thus become even more formidable. For so
much grist is added to the mills of justice. Moreover, they are likewise to be quite novel.
The need for an innovative approach is thus apparent. The national leadership, as is
well-known, has been constantly on the search for solutions that will prove to be both
progress. 15 After which comes: To be less abstract, the thrust is on development. That
has been repeatedly stressed and rightly so. All efforts are geared to its realization.
Nor, unlike in the past, was it to b considered as simply the movement towards
economic progress and growth measured in terms of sustained increases in per capita
income and Gross National Product (GNP).
further than economic advance, extending to the sharing, or more appropriately, the
democratization of social and economic opportunities, the substantiation of the true
meaning of social justice. 17 This process of modernization and change compels the
government to extend its field of activity and its scope of operations. The efforts towards
reducing the gap between the wealthy and the poor elements in the nation call for more
regulatory legislation. That way the social justice and protection to labor mandates of
the Constitution could be effectively implemented.
Notwithstanding the most determined efforts exerted by the Supreme Court, through the
leadership of both retired Chief Justice Querube Makalintal and the late Chief Justice
Fred Ruiz Castro, from the time supervision of the courts was vested in it under the
1973 Constitution, the trend towards more and more cases has continued.
It is
pointed out, that a major reorganization of such scope, if it were to take place, would be
the most thorough after four generations.
previous to the Commonwealth. There was, of course, the creation of the Court of
Appeals in 1935, originally composed of a Presiding Judge and ten appellate Judges,
who shall be appointed by the President of the Philippines, with the consent of the
passed. It continued the existing system of regular inferior courts, namely, the Court of
Appeals, Courts of First Instance,
and the Justice of the Peace Courts, now the Municipal Circuit Courts and Municipal
Courts. The
of Appeals
creation of two other such courts for Iloilo and Quezon City in 1966. 33 In 1967, Circuit
Criminal Courts were established, with the Judges having the same qualifications, rank,
compensation, and privileges as judges of Courts of First Instance.
4. After the submission of such Report, Cabinet Bill No. 42, which later became the
basis of Batas Pambansa Blg. 129, was introduced. After setting forth the background
as above narrated, its Explanatory Note continues: Pursuant to the Presidents
instructions, this proposed legislation has been drafted in accordance with the
guidelines of that report with particular attention to certain objectives of the
reorganization, to wit, the attainment of more efficiency in disposal of cases, a
reallocation of jurisdiction, and a revision of procedures which do not tend to the proper
meeting out of justice. In consultation with, and upon a consensus of, the governmental
and parliamentary leadership, however, it was felt that some options set forth in the
Report be not availed of. Instead of the proposal to confine the jurisdiction of the
intermediate appellate court merely to appellate adjudication, the preference has been
opted to increase rather than diminish its jurisdiction in order to enable it to effectively
assist the Supreme Court. This preference has been translated into one of the
innovations in the proposed Bill.
Bill was sponsored by the Chairman of the Committee on Justice, Human Rights and
Good Government to which it was referred. Thereafter, Committee Report No. 225 was
submitted by such Committee to the Batasang Pambansa recommending the approval
with some amendments. In the sponsorship speech of Minister Ricardo C. Puno, there
was reference to the Presidential Committee on Judicial Reorganization. Thus: On
October 17, 1980, the Presidential Committee on Judicial Reorganization submitted its
report to the President which contained the Proposed Guidelines for Judicial
Reorganization. Cabinet Bill No. 42 was drafted substantially in accordance with the
options presented by these guidelines. Some options set forth in the aforesaid report
were not availed of upon consultation with and upon consensus of the government and
parliamentary leadership. Moreover, some amendments to the bill were adopted by the
Committee on Justice, Human Rights and Good Government, to which The bill was
referred, following the public hearings on the bill held in December of 1980. The
hearings consisted of dialogues with the distinguished members of the bench and the
bar who had submitted written proposals, suggestions, and position papers on the bill
upon the invitation of the Committee on Justice, Human Rights and Good
Government. 36 Stress was laid by the sponsor that the enactment of such Cabinet Bill
would, firstly, result in the attainment of more efficiency in the disposal of cases.
Secondly, the improvement in the quality of justice dispensed by the courts is expected
as a necessary consequence of the easing of the courts dockets. Thirdly, the structural
changes introduced in the bill, together with the reallocation of jurisdiction and the
revision of the rules of procedure, are designated to suit the court system to the
exigencies of the present day Philippine society, and hopefully, of the foreseeable
future. 37 it may be observed that the volume containing the minutes of the proceedings
of the Batasang Pambansa show that 590 pages were devoted to its discussion. It is
quite obvious that it took considerable time and effort as well as exhaustive study before
the act was signed by the President on August 14, 1981. With such a background, it
becomes quite manifest how lacking in factual basis is the allegation that its enactment
is tainted by the vice of arbitrariness. What appears undoubted and undeniable is the
good faith that characterized its enactment from its inception to the affixing of the
Presidential signature.
5. Nothing is better settled in our law than that the abolition of an office within the
competence of a legitimate body if done in good faith suffers from no infirmity.
The ponencia of Justice J.B.L. Reyes in Cruz v. Primicias, Jr. 38reiterated such a
doctrine: We find this point urged by respondents, to be without merit. No removal or
separation of petitioners from the service is here involved, but the validity of the
abolition of their offices. This is a legal issue that is for the Courts to decide. It is wellknown rule also that valid abolition of offices is neither removal nor separation of the
incumbents. And, of course, if the abolition is void, the incumbent is deemed never to
have ceased to hold office. The preliminary question laid at rest, we pass to the merits
of the case. As well-settled as the rule that the abolition of an office does not amount to
an illegal removal of its incumbent is the principle that, in order to be valid, the abolition
must be made in good faith.
This is a quo warranto proceeding filed by petitioner, claiming that he, and not
respondent, was entitled to the office of judge of the Fifth Branch of the Court of First
Instance of Manila. There was a Judicial Reorganization Act in 1936,
establishes an entirely new district comprising Manila and the provinces of Rizal and
Palawan, is valid and constitutional. This conclusion flows from the fundamental
proposition that the legislature may abolish courts inferior to the Supreme Court and
therefore may reorganize them territorially or otherwise thereby necessitating new
appointments and commissions. Section 2, Article VIII of the Constitution vests in the
National Assembly the power to define, prescribe and apportion the jurisdiction of the
various courts, subject to certain limitations in the case of the Supreme Court. It is
admitted that section 9 of the same article of the Constitution provides for the security of
tenure of all the judges. The principles embodied in these two sections of the same
article of the Constitution must be coordinated and harmonized. A mere enunciation of a
principle will not decide actual cases and controversies of every sort. (Justice Holmes
in Lochner vs. New York, 198 U.S., 45; 49 Law. ed; 937)
am not insensible to the argument that the National Assembly may abuse its power and
move deliberately to defeat the constitutional provision guaranteeing security of tenure
to all judges, But, is this the case? One need not share the view of Story, Miller and
Tucker on the one hand, or the opinion of Cooley, Watson and Baldwin on the other, to
realize that the application of a legal or constitutional principle is necessarily factual and
circumstantial and that fixity of principle is the rigidity of the dead and the unprogressive.
I do say, and emphatically, however, that cases may arise where the violation of the
constitutional provision regarding security of tenure is palpable and plain, and that
legislative power of reorganization may be sought to cloak an unconstitutional and evil
purpose. When a case of that kind arises, it will be the time to make the hammer fall
and heavily. But not until then. I am satisfied that, as to the particular point here
discussed, the purpose was the fulfillment of what was considered a great public need
by the legislative department and that Commonwealth Act No. 145 was not enacted
purposely to affect adversely the tenure of judges or of any particular judge. Under
these circumstances, I am for sustaining the power of the legislative department under
the Constitution. To be sure, there was greater necessity for reorganization consequent
upon the establishment of the new government than at the time Acts Nos. 2347 and
4007 were approved by the defunct Philippine Legislature, and although in the case of
these two Acts there was an express provision providing for the vacation by the judges
of their offices whereas in the case of Commonwealth Act No. 145 doubt is engendered
by its silence, this doubt should be resolved in favor of the valid exercise of the
legislative power. 45
6. A few more words on the question of abolition. In the above-cited opinion of Justice
Laurel in Zandueta, reference was made to Act No. 2347
Courts of First Instance and to Act No. 4007
the government, including the courts of first instance. In both of them, the then Courts of
First Instance were replaced by new courts with the same appellation. As Justice Laurel
pointed out, there was no question as to the fact of abolition. He was equally categorical
as to Commonwealth Act No. 145, where also the system of the courts of first instance
was provided for expressly. It was pointed out by Justice Laurel that the mere creation
of an entirely new district of the same court is valid and constitutional. such conclusion
flowing from the fundamental proposition that the legislature may abolish courts inferior
to the Supreme Court and therefore may reorganize them territorially or otherwise
thereby necessitating new appointments and commissions.
creates an intermediate appellate court,
courts of the national capital region,
courts. 55 There is even less reason then to doubt the fact that existing inferior courts
were abolished. For the Batasang Pambansa, the establishment of such new inferior
courts was the appropriate response to the grave and urgent problems that pressed for
solution. Certainly, there could be differences of opinion as to the appropriate remedy.
The choice, however, was for the Batasan to make, not for this Court, which deals only
with the question of power. It bears mentioning that in Brillo v. Eage 56 this Court, in an
unanimous opinion penned by the late Justice Diokno, citing Zandueta v. De la Costa,
ruled: La segunda question que el recurrrido plantea es que la Carta de Tacloban ha
principle was not held applicable to the situation there obtaining, the Charter of
Tacloban City creating a city court in place of the former justice of the peace court.
Thus: Pero en el caso de autos el Juzgado de Tacloban no ha sido abolido. Solo se le
ha cambiado el nombre con el cambio de forma del gobierno local.
is anything but that. Petitioners did not and could not prove that the challenged statute
was not within the bounds of legislative authority.
7. This opinion then could very well stop at this point. The implementation of Batas
Pambansa Blg. 129, concededly a task incumbent on the Executive, may give rise,
however, to questions affecting a judiciary that should be kept independent. The allembracing scope of the assailed legislation as far as all inferior courts from the Courts
of Appeals to municipal courts are concerned, with the exception solely of the
Sandiganbayan and the Court of Tax Appeals
misgivings as to its effect on such cherished Ideal. The first paragraph of the section on
the transitory provision reads: The provisions of this Act shall be immediately carried
out in accordance with an Executive Order to be issued by the President. The Court of
Appeals, the Courts of First Instance, the Circuit Criminal Courts, the Juvenile and
Domestic Relations Courts, the Courts of Agrarian Relations, the City Courts, the
Municipal Courts, and the Municipal Circuit Courts shall continue to function as
presently constituted and organized, until the completion of the reorganization provided
in this Act as declared by the President. Upon such declaration, the said courts shall be
deemed automatically abolished and the incumbents thereof shall cease to hold the
office. 60 There is all the more reason then why this Court has no choice but to inquire
further into the allegation by petitioners that the security of tenure provision, an
assurance of a judiciary free from extraneous influences, is thereby reduced to a barren
form of words. The amended Constitution adheres even more clearly to the longestablished tradition of a strong executive that antedated the 1935 Charter. As noted in
the work of former Vice-Governor Hayden, a noted political scientist, President Claro M.
Recto of the 1934 Convention, in his closing address, in stressing such a concept,
categorically spoke of providing an executive power which, subject to the fiscalization
of the Assembly, and of public opinion, will not only know how to govern, but will actually
govern, with a firm and steady hand, unembarrassed by vexatious interferences by
other departments, or by unholy alliances with this and that social group.
The above
excerpt was cited with approval by Justice Laurel in Planas v. Gil. 62Moreover, under the
1981 Amendments, it may be affirmed that once again the principle of separation of
as ponente in Angara
provided that all the powers he possessed under the 1935 Constitution are once again
vested in him unless the Batasang Pambansa provides otherwise.
provision for a Prime Minister as the head of government exercising the executive
power with the assistance of the Cabinet 69 Clearly, a modified parliamentary system was
established. In the light of the 1981 amendments though, this Court in Free Telephone
Workers Union v. Minister of Labor 70 could state: The adoption of certain aspects of a
parliamentary system in the amended Constitution does not alter its essentially
presidential character.
with the Cabinet, a majority of the members of which shall come from the regional
representatives of the Batasang Pambansa and the creation of an Executive Committee
composed of the Prime Minister as Chairman and not more than fourteen other
members at least half of whom shall be members of the Batasang Pambansa, clearly
indicate the evolving nature of the system of government that is now operative.
is equally apparent is that the strongest ties bind the executive and legislative
departments. It is likewise undeniable that the Batasang Pambansa retains its full
authority to enact whatever legislation may be necessary to carry out national policy as
usually formulated in a caucus of the majority party. It is understandable then why
in Fortun v. Labang 73 it was stressed that with the provision transferring to the Supreme
Court administrative supervision over the Judiciary, there is a greater need to preserve
unimpaired the independence of the judiciary, especially so at present, where to all
intents and purposes, there is a fusion between the executive and the legislative
branches. 74
8. To be more specific, petitioners contend that the abolition of the existing inferior
courts collides with the security of tenure enjoyed by incumbent Justices and judges
under Article X, Section 7 of the Constitution. There was a similar provision in the 1935
Constitution. It did not, however, go as far as conferring on this Tribunal the power to
supervise administratively inferior courts.
discipline judges of inferior courts and, by a vote of at least eight members, order their
dismissal. 76 Thus it possesses the competence to remove judges. Under the Judiciary
Act, it was the President who was vested with such power. 77 Removal is, of course, to
be distinguished from termination by virtue of the abolition of the office. There can be no
tenure to a non-existent office. After the abolition, there is in law no occupant. In case of
removal, there is an office with an occupant who would thereby lose his position. It is in
that sense that from the standpoint of strict law, the question of any impairment of
security of tenure does not arise. Nonetheless, for the incumbents of inferior courts
abolished, the effect is one of separation. As to its effect, no distinction exists between
removal and the abolition of the office. Realistically, it is devoid of significance. He
ceases to be a member of the judiciary. In the implementation of the assailed legislation,
therefore, it would be in accordance with accepted principles of constitutional
construction that as far as incumbent justices and judges are concerned, this Court be
consulted and that its view be accorded the fullest consideration. No fear need be
entertained that there is a failure to accord respect to the basic principle that this Court
does not render advisory opinions. No question of law is involved. If such were the
case, certainly this Court could not have its say prior to the action taken by either of the
two departments. Even then, it could do so but only by way of deciding a case where
the matter has been put in issue. Neither is there any intrusion into who shall be
appointed to the vacant positions created by the reorganization. That remains in the
hands of the Executive to whom it properly belongs. There is no departure therefore
from the tried and tested ways of judicial power, Rather what is sought to be achieved
by this liberal interpretation is to preclude any plausibility to the charge that in the
exercise of the conceded power of reorganizing tulle inferior courts, the power of
removal of the present incumbents vested in this Tribunal is ignored or disregarded. The
challenged Act would thus be free from any unconstitutional taint, even one not readily
discernible except to those predisposed to view it with distrust. Moreover, such a
construction would be in accordance with the basic principle that in the choice of
alternatives between one which would save and another which would invalidate a
statute, the former is to be preferred. 78 There is an obvious way to do so. The principle
that the Constitution enters into and forms part of every act to avoid any constitutional
taint must be applied Nuez v. Sandiganbayan, 79 promulgated last January, has this
relevant excerpt: It is true that other Sections of the Decree could have been so worded
as to avoid any constitutional objection. As of now, however, no ruling is called for. The
view is given expression in the concurring and dissenting opinion of Justice Makasiar
that in such a case to save the Decree from the direct fate of invalidity, they must be
construed in such a way as to preclude any possible erosion on the powers vested in
this Court by the Constitution. That is a proposition too plain to be committed. It
commends itself for approval.
9. Nor is there anything novel in the concept that this Court is called upon to reconcile or
harmonize constitutional provisions. To be specific, the Batasang Pambansa is
expressly vested with the authority to reorganize inferior courts and in the process to
abolish existing ones. As noted in the preceding paragraph, the termination of office of
their occupants, as a necessary consequence of such abolition, is hardly distinguishable
from the practical standpoint from removal, a power that is now vested in this Tribunal. It
is of the essence of constitutionalism to assure that neither agency is precluded from
acting within the boundaries of its conceded competence. That is why it has long been
well-settled under the constitutional system we have adopted that this Court cannot,
whenever appropriate, avoid the task of reconciliation. As Justice Laurel put it so well in
the previously cited Angara decision, while in the main, the Constitution has blocked
out with deft strokes and in bold lines, allotment of power to the executive, the
legislative and the judicial departments of the government, the overlapping and
interlacing of functions and duties between the several departments, however,
sometimes makes it hard to say just where the one leaves off and the other begins.
is well to recall another classic utterance from the same jurist, even more emphatic in its
affirmation of such a view, moreover buttressed by one of those insights for which
Holmes was so famous The classical separation of government powers, whether
viewed in the light of the political philosophy of Aristotle, Locke, or Motesquieu or of the
postulations of Mabini, Madison, or Jefferson, is a relative theory of government. There
is more truism and actuality in interdependence than in independence and separation of
powers, for as observed by Justice Holmes in a case of Philippine origin, we cannot lay
down with mathematical precision and divide the branches into water-tight
compartments not only because the great ordinances of the Constitution do not
establish and divide fields of black and white but also because even the more specific
of them are found to terminate in a penumbra shading gradually from one extreme to
the other.' 85 This too from Justice Tuazon, likewise expressing with force and clarity
why the need for reconciliation or balancing is well-nigh unavodiable under the
fundamental principle of separation of powers: The constitutional structure is a
complicated system, and overlappings of governmental functions are recognized,
unavoidable, and inherent necessities of governmental coordination.
In the same
way that the academe has noted the existence in constitutional litigation of right versus
right, there are instances, and this is one of them, where, without this attempt at
harmonizing the provisions in question, there could be a case of power against power.
That we should avoid.
10. There are other objections raised but they pose no difficulty. Petitioners would
characterize as an undue delegation of legislative power to the President the grant of
authority to fix the compensation and the allowances of the Justices and judges
thereafter appointed. A more careful reading of the challenged Batas Pambansa Blg.
129 ought to have cautioned them against raising such an issue. The language of the
statute is quite clear. The questioned provisions reads as follows: Intermediate
Appellate Justices, Regional Trial Judges, Metropolitan Trial Judges, municipal Trial
Judges, and Municipal Circuit Trial Judges shall receive such receive such
compensation and allowances as may be authorized by the President along the
guidelines set forth in Letter of Implementation No. 93 pursuant to Presidential Decree
No. 985, as amended by Presidential Decree No. 1597. 87 The existence of a standard
is thus clear. The basic postulate that underlies the doctrine of non-delegation is that it
is the legislative body which is entrusted with the competence to make laws and to alter
and repeal them, the test being the completeness of the statue in all its terms and
provisions when enacted. As pointed out in Edu v. Ericta: 88 To avoid the taint of
unlawful delegation, there must be a standard, which implies at the very least that the
legislature itself determines matters of principle and lays down fundamental policy.
Otherwise, the charge of complete abdication may be hard to repel. A standard thus
defines legislative policy, marks its limits, maps out its boundaries and specifies the
public agency to apply it. It indicates the circumstances under which the legislative
command is to be effected. It is the criterion by which legislative purpose may be carried
out. Thereafter, the executive or administrative office designated may in pursuance of
the above guidelines promulgate supplemental rules and regulations. The standard may
be either express or implied. If the former, the non-delegation objection is easily met.
The standard though does not have to be spelled out specifically. It could be implied
from the policy and purpose of the act considered as a whole.
links that bind the executive and legislative departments under the amended
Constitution assure that the framing of policies as well as their implementation can be
accomplished with unity, promptitude, and efficiency. There is accuracy, therefore, to
this observation in the Free Telephone Workers Union decision: There is accordingly
more receptivity to laws leaving to administrative and executive agencies the adoption
of such means as may be necessary to effectuate a valid legislative purpose. It is worth
noting that a highly-respected legal scholar, Professor Jaffe, as early as 1947, could
speak of delegation as the dynamo of modern government.'
He warned against a
legislation.91 Further on this point from the same opinion The spectre of the non-
delegation concept need not haunt, therefore, party caucuses, cabinet sessions or
legislative chambers. 92 Another objection based on the absence in the statue of what
petitioners refer to as a definite time frame limitation is equally bereft of merit. They
ignore the categorical language of this provision: The Supreme Court shall submit to
the President, within thirty (30) days from the date of the effectivity of this act, a staffing
pattern for all courts constituted pursuant to this Act which shall be the basis of the
implementing order to be issued by the President in accordance with the immediately
succeeding section. 93 The first sentence of the next section is even more categorical:
The provisions of this Act shall be immediately carried out in accordance with an
Executive Order to be issued by the President.
to argue that the President is insensible to his constitutional duty to take care that the
laws be faithfully executed.
service. 98 It is equally reasonable to assume that from the ranks of lawyers, either in the
government service, private practice, or law professors will come the new appointees. In
the event that in certain cases a little more time is necessary in the appraisal of whether
or not certain incumbents deserve reappointment, it is not from their standpoint
undesirable. Rather, it would be a reaffirmation of the good faith that will characterize its
implementation by the Executive. There is pertinence to this observation of Justice
Holmes that even acceptance of the generalization that courts ordinarily should not
supply omissions in a law, a generalization qualified as earlier shown by the principle
that to save a statute that could be done, there is no canon against using common
sense in construing laws as saying what they obviously mean.
unconstitutional flaw
11. On the morning of the hearing of this petition on September 8, 1981, petitioners
sought to have the writer of this opinion and Justices Ramon C. Aquino and Ameurfina
Melencio-Herrera disqualified because the first-named was the chairman and the other
two, members of the Committee on Judicial Reorganization. At the hearing, the motion
was denied. It was made clear then and there that not one of the three members of the
Court had any hand in the framing or in the discussion of Batas Pambansa Blg. 129.
They were not consulted. They did not testify. The challenged legislation is entirely the
product of the efforts of the legislative body. 100 Their work was limited, as set forth in the
Executive Order, to submitting alternative plan for reorganization. That is more in the
nature of scholarly studies. That the undertook. There could be no possible objection to
such activity. Ever since 1973, this Tribunal has had administrative supervision over
interior courts. It has had the opportunity to inform itself as to the way judicial business
is conducted and how it may be improved. Even prior to the 1973 Constitution, it is the
recollection of the writer of this opinion that either the then Chairman or members of the
Committee on Justice of the then Senate of the Philippines
Court in drafting proposed legislation affecting the judiciary. It is not inappropriate to cite
this excerpt from an article in the 1975 Supreme Court Review: In the twentieth century
the Chief Justice of the United States has played a leading part in judicial reform. A
variety of conditions have been responsible for the development of this role, and
foremost among them has been the creation of explicit institutional structures designed
to facilitate reform. 102 Also: Thus the Chief Justice cannot avoid exposure to and direct
involvement in judicial reform at the federal level and, to the extent issues of judicial
federalism arise, at the state level as well.
12. It is a cardinal article of faith of our constitutional regime that it is the people who are
endowed with rights, to secure which a government is instituted. Acting as it does
through public officials, it has to grant them either expressly or impliedly certain powers.
Those they exercise not for their own benefit but for the body politic. The Constitution
does not speak in the language of ambiguity: A public office is a public trust.
That is
more than a moral adjuration It is a legal imperative. The law may vest in a public official
certain rights. It does so to enable them to perform his functions and fulfill his
responsibilities more efficiently. It is from that standpoint that the security of tenure
provision to assure judicial independence is to be viewed. It is an added guarantee that
justices and judges can administer justice undeterred by any fear of reprisal or untoward
consequence. Their judgments then are even more likely to be inspired solely by their
knowledge of the law and the dictates of their conscience, free from the corrupting
influence of base or unworthy motives. The independence of which they are assured is
impressed with a significance transcending that of a purely personal right. As thus
viewed, it is not solely for their welfare. The challenged legislation thus subject to the
most rigorous scrutiny by this Tribunal, lest by lack of due care and circumspection, it
allow the erosion of that Ideal so firmly embedded in the national consciousness. There
is this farther thought to consider. Independence in thought and action necessarily is
rooted in ones mind and heart. As emphasized by former Chief Justice Paras
in Ocampo v. Secretary of Justice,
independence than the God-given character and fitness of those appointed to the
Bench. The judges may be guaranteed a fixed tenure of office during good behavior, but
if they are of such stuff as allows them to be subservient to one administration after
another, or to cater to the wishes of one litigant after another, the independence of the
judiciary will be nothing more than a myth or an empty Ideal. Our judges, we are
confident, can be of the type of Lord Coke, regardless or in spite of the power of
Congress we do not say unlimited but as herein exercised to reorganize inferior
courts. 106 That is to recall one of the greatest Common Law jurists, who at the cost of
his office made clear that he would not just blindly obey the Kings order but will do
what becomes [him] as a judge. So it was pointed out in the first leading case stressing
the independence of the judiciary, Borromeo v. Mariano, 107 The ponencia of Justice
Malcolm Identified good judges with men who have a mastery of the principles of law,
who discharge their duties in accordance with law, who are permitted to perform the
duties of the office undeterred by outside influence, and who are independent and selfrespecting human units in a judicial system equal and coordinate to the other two
departments of government.
to annul Batas Pambansa Blg. 129 would be attended with deleterious consequences to
the administration of justice. It does not follow that the abolition in good faith of the
existing inferior courts except the Sandiganbayan and the Court of Tax Appeals and the
creation of new ones will result in a judiciary unable or unwilling to discharge with
independence its solemn duty or one recreant to the trust reposed in it. Nor should there
be any fear that less than good faith will attend the exercise be of the appointing power
vested in the Executive. It cannot be denied that an independent and efficient judiciary
is something to the credit of any administration. Well and truly has it been said that the
fundamental principle of separation of powers assumes, and justifiably so, that the three
departments are as one in their determination to pursue the Ideals and aspirations and
to fulfilling the hopes of the sovereign people as expressed in the Constitution. There is
wisdom as well as validity to this pronouncement of Justice Malcolm in Manila Electric
Co. v. Pasay Transportation Company, 109 a decision promulgated almost half a century
ago: Just as the Supreme Court, as the guardian of constitutional rights, should not
sanction usurpations by any other department or the government, so should it as strictly
confine its own sphere of influence to the powers expressly or by implication conferred
on it by the Organic Act. 110 To that basic postulate underlying our constitutional system,
this Court remains committed.
WHEREFORE, the unconstitutionality of Batas Pambansa Blg. 129 not having been
shown, this petition isDISMISSED. No costs.
1 Article X, Section 1, first sentence of the Constitution reads: The judicial power shall
be vested in one Supreme Court and in such inferior courts as may be established by
2 Cf. Borromeo v. Mariano, 41 Phil. 322 (1921) and People v. Vera 65 Phil. 56 (1937).
4 It may be mentioned in passing that petitioners ignored the fact that an action for
declaration relief should be filed in a Court of First Instance and apparently are
unaware, that there is no such proceeding known in constitutional law to declare an act
unconstitutional. So it has been authoritatively ruled even prior to the 1935 Constitution
and much more so after its effectivity and Chat of the present Constitution. That is The
concept of judicial review as known in The Philippines, a principle that goes back to the
epochal decision of Chief Justice Marshall in Marbury v. Madison, 1 Cranch 137 (1803).
This Court, then, as do lower court has the duty arid The power to declare an act
unconstitutional but only as in incident to its function of deciding cases. Cf. Angara v.
Electoral Commission, 63 Phil. 139 (1936); People v. Vera 67 Phil. 56 (1937).
7 The amici curiae who argued were Senator Lorenzo Sumulong, President, Philippine
Constitution Association; Dean Irene Cortes, former Dean, U.P. College of Law; Atty.
Bellaflor Angara Castillo, President, U.P. Women Lawyers Circle; Atty. Paz Veto Planas,
President, Women Lawyers Association; Atty. Raul Roco, Executive Vice-President,
Integrated Bar of the Philippines; Atty. Enrique Syquia, President, Philippine Bar
Association; Atty; Rafael G. Suntay, for the Trial Lawyers Association; and Senator Jose
W. Diokno submitted memoranda. Atty. Raul Gonzales entered his appearance for
petitioner and argued by way of rebuttal. Atty. Ambroiso Padilla likewise submitted a
memorandum, which the Court allowed to stay in the records.
8 65 Phil. 56 (1937).
9 Ibid, 89.
11 Ibid, 308.
12 Executive Order No. 611. The writer of this opinion was designated as Chairman,
and Minister Ricardo C. Puno as Co-Chairman. Two members of the Court, Justices
Ramon C. Aquino and Ameurfina A. Melencio-Herrera, as well as a former member,
retired Justice Felix Q. Antonio, were named to such body. Deputy Minister of Justice
Jesus Borromeo completed the membership.
15 Ibid, 7.
17 Ibid.
18 Ibid, 8. The last sentence of this portion of the Report reads: That is to achieve the
democratization and humanization of justice in what has been felicitously referred to by
the First Lady as a compassionate society.
19 Ibid, 8-9.
20 Ibid, 9-10.
21 Ibid, 10.
22 Ibid.
25 Ibid, Sec. 3, Under Commonwealth Act No. 259, the membership of the Court of
Appeals was increased to fifteen, with one Presiding Justice and fourteen Associate
Justices. Three divisions were created, five members in each division. The Act was
approved on April 7, 1938. In 1945 after the liberation of the Philippines, it was
abolished by Executive Order No. 37 of President Sergio Osmea exercising his
emergency powers under Commonwealth Act No. 671. It was established anew under
Republic Act No. 52, which took effect on October 4, 1946.
designated by the Department Head. This Section was repealed by Republic Act No.
1186 (1954).
28 Cf. Republic Act no. 520 (1968) and Presidential Decree No. 289 (1973).
31 Republic Act No. 1267. It was amended by Presidential Decree No. 946 (1976).
32 Republic Act No. 1404. Subsequently, two more branches were added under
Presidential Decree No. 1439 (1978).
33 Republic Act Nos. 4834 and 4836. in 1978, there was a Presidential Decree
providing for Juvenile and Domestic Relations Courts in thirteen provinces and twentyseven other cities.
36 Sponsorship Speech of Minister Puno, Volume Four, Third Regular Session, 198081, 2013.
37 Ibid.
39 Ibid, 1003. Prior to such decision, the following cases had reaffirmed such a
principle: Manalang v. Quitoriano, 94 Phil. 903 (1954); Rodriguez v. Montinola, 94 Phil.
964 (1954); Gacho v. Osmea Jr., 103 Phil. 837 (1958): Briones v. Osmea Jr., 105
Phil. 588 (1958); Cuneta v. Court of Appeals, 111 Phil. 249 (1961); Facundo v. Hon.
Pabalan, 114 Phil. 307 (1962); Alipio v. Rodriguez, 119 Phil. 59 (1963) Llanto v.
Dimaporo, 123 Phil. 413 (1966); Ocampo v. Duque, 123 Phil, 842 (1966); Guillergan v.
Ganzon, 123 Phil. 1102 (1966); Abanilla v. Ticao L-22271, July 26, 1966, 17 SCRA
652; Cario v. ACCFA, L-19808, Sept. 29, 1966, 18 SCRA 183; De la Maza v. Ochave,
L-22336, May 23, 1967, 20 SCRA 142; Arao v. Luspo, L-23982, July 21, 1967, 20 SCRA
41 Enciso v. Remo, L-23670, September 30, 1969, 29 SCRA 580; Roque v. Ericta, L30244, September 28, 1973, 53 SCRA 156. Cf. City of Basilan v. Hechanova, L-23841,
August 30, 1974, 58 SCRA 711.
44 Ibid, 626.
45 Ibid, 626-627.
47 1932.
49 Batas Pambansa Blg. 129, Sections 3-12. It may be stated that the writer of this
opinion as the Chairman of tile Committee on Reorganization, was for the establishment
either of (1) a court of general jurisdiction with an appellate as well as a trial division
patterned after that of the system of judicature found in the United Kingdom and in
many Commonwealth countries or, in the alternative, (2) of a circuit court of appeals.
The Committee accepted such proposals and incorporated them in the guidelines.
Candor compels the admission that he entertained doubts as to whether the
intermediate court of appeals provided for is a new tribunal, It could be considered
though as part of an integrated scheme for the judicial reorganization as contemplated
by the Batasang Pambansa.
57 Ibid, 734-735.
58 Ibid, 735.
59 According to Batas Pambansa Blg. 129, Section 2: The organization herein provided
shall include the Court of Appeals, the courts of First Instance, the Circuit Criminal
Courts, the Juvenile and Domestic Relations Courts, the Courts of Agrarian Relations,
the City Courts, the Municipal Courts, and the Municipal Circuit Courts.
60 Ibid, Section 44. It last sentence reads: The cases pending in the old Courts shall be
transferred to the appropriate Courts constituted pursuant to this Act, together with the
pertinent functions, records, equipment, property and the necessary personnel.
62 67 Phil. 62 (1939).
63 63 Phil. 139.
64 Ibid, 156.
66 Section 16 of Article VII of the 1973 Constitution reads as follows: All powers vested
in the President of the Philippines under the 1935 Constitution and the laws of the land
which are not herein provided for or conferred upon any official shall be deemed and
are hereby vested in the President unless the Batasang Pambansa provides otherwise.
69 According to Article IX, Section 1 of the 1973 Constitution prior to its being amended
last year: The Executive power shall be exercised by the Prime Minister with the
assistance of the Cabinet. The Cabinet, headed by the Prime Minister, shall consist of
the heads of ministries as provided by law. The Prime Minister shall be the head of the
position. Crown Prince Fahd Bin Abdul Aziz of Saudi Arabia does not fall under either
72 Article IX, Section 1 and 3 of the amended Constitution. Section 3 reads in full:
There shall be an Executive Committee to be designated by the President, composed
of the Prime Minister as Chairman, and not more than fourteen other members, at least
half of whom shall be Members of the Batasang Pambansa. The Executive Committee
shall assist the President in the exercise of his powers and functions and in the
performance of his duties as he may prescribe.
74 Ibid, 615.
76 Article X, Section 7.
78 Cf. Ginsburg, Judicial Repair of Legislation, 28 Cleveland State Law Review, 301304 (1979)
80 Ibid, 12.
82 Taada v. Cuenco, 103 Phil. 1051 (1957) lends itself to the view that in the
interpretation of the fundamental law, the literal language is not necessarily controlling, if
thereby a constitutional objection could be plausibly raised.
83 The memoranda submitted by the Integrated Bar of the Philippines, the Philippine
Bar Association, the Women Lawyers Circle, the Philippine Women Lawyers
Association, and the Philippine Trial Lawyers Association of the Philippines were for
dismissing the petition. Amicus curiae Lorenzo Sumulong, President of the Philippine
Constitution Association, speaking on his own behalf , was on a similar mind. Amicus
curiae Dean Irene Cortes, former Dean of the U.P. College of Law, was for dismissing
the petition, while amicus curiae Jose W. Diokno was for granting it. A memorandum
allowed to stay in the records by former Senator Ambrosio Padilla was for granting it.
The court acknowledges the aid it received from the memoranda submitted.
85 Planas v. Gil, 67 Phil 62, 73-74 (1939). The quotation from Justice Holmes came
from Springer v. Government of the Philippine Islands, 277 US 189, 211 (1928). He and
Justice Brandeis dissented, upholding the contention of the Filipino leaders that the
President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives of the then
Philippine Legislature could sit in a Board of Control with power to vote government
shares in corporations owned or controlled by it. The majority sustained the opposite
view, thus giving the then American Governor-general such prerogative.
88 L-32096, October 24, 1970, 35 SCRA 431. Cf. Agustin v. Edu, L049112, February 2,
1979, 88 SCRA 195.
89 Ibid, 497.
91 Ibid, 11.
92 Ibid.
95 Article VII, Section 16 of the Amended Constitution pro- provides AN powers vested
in the President of the Philippines under the 1935 Constitution and the laws of the land
which are not herein provided for or conferred upon any official shall be deemed and
are hereby vested in the President unless the Batasang Pambansa provides otherwise.
Article VII, Section 10, par. (1) of the Constitution reads: The President shall have
control of all the executive departments, bureaus, or offices, exercise general
supervision over all local governments as may be provided by law, and take care that
the laws be faithfully executed.
100 From the standpoint of the writer of this opinion, as earlier noted, the assailed
legislation did not go far enough. It is certainly much more, to use the Lasswellian
phrase of being a relevant modification of small particulars For some it could be
characterized as a close of conservation and a dash or innovation. That is, however, no
argument against its validity which, to repeat, is solely a question of power as far as this
Court is concerned.
102 Fish, William Howard Taft and Charles Evan Hughes, 1975 Supreme Court Review
103 Ibid. Cf. Bickel, Mr. Taft Rehabilitates the Court, 79 Yale Law Journal 1 (1969).
104 Article XIII, Section 1, first sentence of the Constitution reads: Public office is a
public trust.
106 Ibid. 153. The per curiam minute resolution of the Court reads as follows:
In Ocampo et al. vs. The Secretary of Justice et al., G.R. No. L-7910, the petition was
denied, without costs, due to insufficient votes to invalidate section 3 of Republic Act
No. 1186. Chief Justice Paras, and Justices Padilla, Reyes (A) and Labrador voted to
uphold that particular section; Justices Pablo, Bengzon, Montemayor, Jugo, Bautista,
Concepcion and Reyes, J.B.L., believe it is unconstitutional. At 147. Republic Act No.
1186, which took effect on June 19, 1954, abolished the positions of Judges-at-Large
and Cadastral Judges. There was a vigorous dissent from Justice Bengzon relying on
certain American State Supreme Court decisions notably from Indiana and
Pennsylvania, but as noted in the opinion of Justice Labrador, they could not be
considered as applicable in view of the difference in constitutional provisions. From
Justices Montemayor and Bautista also came separate opinions as to its
110 Ibid, 605. The reference should now be to the Constitution, rather than an Organic
Act of an unincorporated American territory as the Philippines then was.