Fish Urinary Tract Tumors
Fish Urinary Tract Tumors
Fish Urinary Tract Tumors
Veterinary Pathology
2014, Vol. 51(5) 1000-1012
The Author(s) 2013
Reprints and permission:
DOI: 10.1177/0300985813511122
The veterinary literature contains scattered reports of primary tumors of the urinary tract of fish, dating back to 1906. Many of the
more recent reports have been described in association with the Registry of Tumors in Lower Animals, and most of the spontaneous
neoplasms of the kidney and urinary bladder are single case reports. In rare instances, such as described in nephroblastomas of
Japanese eels and tubular adenomas/adenocarcinomas of Oscars, there is suggestion of a genetic predisposition of certain populations to specific renal neoplasms, environmental carcinogenesis, or potentially an unknown infectious etiology acting as a promoter.
Hematopoeitic neoplasms have been infrequently described as primary to the kidney of a variety of fish species, and therefore those
case reports of renal lymphoma and plasmacytic leukemia are addressed within the context of this review.
fish and marine animals, wildlife, urinary tract, oncology
Between 30 000 and 40 000 species of fish have been reported
in the literature and included in a variety of taxonomic classes
falling under the infraphylum Gnathostomata or jawed vertebrates, which further consists of the extant class Chondrichthyes or cartilaginous fish and superclass Osteichthyes
or the bony fish.37 Within that enormous number of species,
there is an extraordinary variety of structure and physiology,
with species ranging in size from the smallest recorded fish
(Paedocypris progenetica), measuring a mere 7.9 mm,48 to the
whale shark (Rhincodon typus), measuring up to 20 m in
length.15 It is therefore reasonable to expect that the pathology
of fish encompasses an immense domain of entities and pathogeneses, representing a boundless field of potential discovery
in veterinary pathology, particularly concerning spontaneous
neoplastic disorders. The current paucity of information is due
in large part to the environment in which the subjects live, the
lack of our ability to track individuals throughout their range,
and the fact that autolysis and predation affect the vast majority
of samples, leaving the pathologist with a limited caseload of
spontaneous neoplasms within wild populations. On the other
hand, zoo and aquarium populations, private tropical and
marine aquaria, and farmed fish are providing veterinary
pathologists with a steady flow of novel entities and new interactions between host species and disease.
The following review of neoplastic disease in the urinary
system of bony and cartilaginous fishes relies heavily on the
body of knowledge accumulated by the National Cancer
Institutes Registry of Tumors in Lower Animals (RTLA)
(Experimental Pathology Laboratories, Inc, Sterling, VA),
which were donated from myriad sources as well as from the
diligence of those researchers who have published their findings in the international literature. In addition, other sources
were consulted as part of this review to include the Armed
Corresponding Author:
E. D. Lombardini, Armed Forces Research Institute of Medical Sciences,
Email: [email protected]
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Renal Neoplasms
Nephroblasma is traditionally described as a tumor composed
of neoplastic cells originating from the embryonic kidney,
specifically in higher vertebrates such as humans, from the
metanephric blastema. In these cases, the tumors develop from
shared stem cells during embryogenesis or from embryonic
nephrogenic rests and undergo transformation into neoplastic
blastema and stromal cells. The tumor is a relatively common
disease in humans, in whom it is termed Wilms tumor, but has
been described also in most domesticated veterinary species,29
laboratory animals,30 and some exotic species.30,80 In pigs and
chickens, it is considered the most common primary renal
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Figure 1. Kidney; Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). Markedly replacing and effacing the kidney and obscuring the coelomic cavity is a
densely cellular neoplasm (asterisk). Hematoxylin and eosin (HE). Figure 2. Kidney; Chinook salmon (O. tshawytscha). Piscine nephroblastomas
are composed of the same 3 neoplastic cell populations described in higher vertebrates. This photomicrograph demonstrates the epithelial cells
forming disorganized tubules and rare primitive glomeruli surrounded by swaths of blastema characterized by dense swaths of small polygonal
cells. HE. Figure 3. Nephroblastoma; Siamese fighting fish (Betta splendens). In addition to the epithelial and blastemal component, fish nephroblastomas are also composed of populations of primitive mesenchyme, which frequently surrounds the disorganized tubules. HE. Figure 4.
Nephroblastoma; Siamese fighting fish (B. splendens). Occasionally, within certain species, fish nephroblastomas have been described with
prominent coalescing islands of cartilage. HE. Figure 5. Kidney; Oscar (Astronotus ocellatus). Replacing the renal parenchyma is a renal adenoma
composed of epithelial cells forming papillary projections into cystic regions. HE. Figure 6. Coelom cross section; yellow seahorse (Hippocampus kuda). Obscuring and effacing the coelomic cavity and replacing the viscera is a multinodular, expansile neoplasm diagnosed as a renal adenoma. HE. Figure 7. Kidney; polka dot sting ray (Potamotrygon leopoldi). Replacing and mildly compressing the renal parenchyma is a highly
vascular renal adenoma (arrows). HE. Figure 8. Kidney; Polka dot sting ray (P. leopoldi). Replacing the renal parenchyma is a neoplasm composed
of densely packed polygonal cells with abundant eosinophilic, finely granular cytoplasm. At high magnification, there is approximately 1 mitotic
figure per field (arrow). Occasionally, the neoplastic cells recapitulate vague tubules. HE. Figure 9. Kidney; banded cichlid (Heros severus).
Replacing the kidney is a neoplasm composed of polygonal cells arranged in distinct tubules. This particular tumor was diagnosed as an adenocarcinoma due to regions of desmoplasia and regional anaplasia of neoplastic cells. HE.
rainbow troutnamely, brown trout (Salmo trutta), Coho salmon, Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha), and chum
salmon. In the former 3 species, the tumors histologically fell
within the range expressed by the rainbow trout nephroblastomas, with primitive glomerulus formation in the brown trout
specimen, loose sheets of blastema with minimal epithelial
differentiation in the Chinook salmon, and squamoid differentiation within blastemal islands in the Coho salmon. The latter
tumor had invaded skeletal muscle of the dorsal body wall.
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Recent necropsy of a polka dot sting ray (Potamotrygon leopoldi) in Thailand revealed a firm, pale, well-circumscribed,
expansile renal mass measuring 4 3.5 cm. Microscopic
examination of the mass noted a densely cellular polygonal cell
neoplasm (Fig. 7). Occasionally, the neoplastic cells formed
vague tubules. The neoplastic cells had abundant eosinophilic,
finely granular cytoplasm and oval nuclei with stippled
chromatin (Fig. 8). There was approximately 1 mitotic figure
per high-powered field and mild anisokaryosis. This neoplasm
was diagnosed as a renal cell adenoma and represents the first
report of a renal tumor in an elasmobranch and only the second
in a condrichthyan.
Experimentally Induced Renal Adenomas. Renal cystadenomas
have been reported in rainbow trout subsequent to exposure
to MNNG. These tumors occurred with a 40% incidence rate
32 months after experimental intoxication and occasionally
occurred simultaneously with nephroblastomas.50
A renal tubular adenoma was also described in a zebrafish as
an extrahepatic tumor resulting from a MAM-ac exposure in a
carcinogenesis study. While the authors directly correlate the
tumor to the experimental intoxication, the tumor represents
a single incidence.86
Adenocarcinomas/Renal Cell Carcinoma. Adenocarcinomas arising
from well-differentiated (but not postmitotic) tubule cells have
occurred spontaneously in an elasmobranch as well as in several
teleost species. They were single tumors in each case. Like
nephroblastomas, adenocarcinomas also have been induced
experimentally by chemicals in small aquarium species.
The RTLA archives contain few examples of spontaneous
renal adenocarcinoma, including individual descriptions in the
spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias), banded cichlid, Mozambique tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus), winter flounder, and
Chinook salmon. Each of these 5 tumors consisted of a population of epithelial cells forming tubules, without the aggregates
of blastemal cells that characterize nephroblastoma.
The example in a spiny dogfish is the only renal neoplasm
that has been found to date in the order of Squaliformes. The
tumor was attached to the dorsal body wall in the location of
the kidney. It consisted of well-formed tubules, often irregular
in shape, lined by a single layer of cuboidal to columnar epithelium usually having eosinophilic cytoplasm. The cells were
polarized, with basally disposed vesicular nuclei, each containing a single prominent nucleolus. In some neoplastic tubules,
there was papillary proliferation of the lining cells. Tubules
were surrounded by a desmoplastic stromal reaction that was
scirrhous in parts of the tumor where epithelial structures were
limited to islands and cords. Some epithelial cells in scirrhous
areas were more anaplastic, having increased cytoplasmic
basophilia and larger nuclei. Necrosis of epithelial lobules or
of intraluminal cells was prominent. The tumor was partially
enclosed by a fibrous envelope, and invasion of normal parenchyma was evident. Mitotic figures were found particularly
at the invasive periphery of the tumor.
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Figure 10. Kidney; Mosambique tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus). The renal parenchyma is effaced by an expansile neoplasm composed of
polygonal cells arranged in disorganized tubules supported by a fine fibrovascular stroma. Hematoxylin and eosin (HE). Figure 11. Kidney; Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). Invading the interstitium, separating and replacing renal elements is an adenocarcinoma composed of
tubules and papillary projections lined by multiple layers of neoplastic polygonal cells. HE. Figure 12. Kidney; winter flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus). The adenocarcinoma was composed of variably sized cystic areas lined by piled polygonal cells that displayed moderate atypia.
HE. Figure 13. Heart; silver dollar (Metynnis hypsauchen). Throughout this section, the cardiomyocytes are separated, surrounded, and infiltrated by neoplastic lymphocytes. HE. Figure 14. Kidney; brown bullhead catfish (Ameiurus nebulosus). Multifocally, the neoplastic cells of the
transitional cell papilloma undergo maturation to a goblet cell phenotype characterized by a large apical vacuole. HE.
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Hematopoietic tumors of the kidneys of fish are described with
some frequency in comparison with other types of neoplasm,
and as opposed to mammals and birds, there is an anatomical
basis for a lymphoma to be primary to the kidney. Lymphomas
have been described in up to 22 species of fish, with the thymus
and kidney being statistically the most common primary sites
for neoplastic transformation.8,9,16,17,68 Historically, the species variation and histological anatomy of the fish kidney may
have resulted in inaccurate diagnoses of lymphoma in the
kidney. The normal presence of hematopoietic tissue within the
anterior kidney of many fish species may have resulted in exaggerated descriptions of both mononuclear cell nephritis and
lymphoma being maintained within the earlier published literature. In reviewing reports from a century ago, cases have been
evaluated based on both gross findings of a mass effect as well
as the histopathological appearance of the kidney. An example
of this is illustrated in the description of a lymphoma in the kidney of a conger eel (Conger oceanicus) published in 1931. In
this case, the neoplastic cells are characterized as lymphocytes
widely separating entrapped uriniferous tubules and compressing the preexisting renal tissue. Combined with a macroscopic
description of a 16 9 7 cm mass expanding the anterior
kidney, causing a bulging of ventral body wall, there is little
doubt of the mass effect and the presence of the described
tumor; however, the author himself cautions the reader of the
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carcinoma of the bladder involving the urogenital sinus, urinary bladder, and vas deferens.11 The description demonstrates
an invasive, papillary tumor with both squamous and transitional cell components, a feature that is encountered in urinary
bladder neoplasms in humans and other mammals. Because
both the bladder and the urogenital sinus were occupied by the
tumor, the exact site of origin could not be ascertained. In view
of the very close developmental origins of the urinary bladder
and the urogenital sinus (both being lined by endodermal
urothelium), there is little reason to suppose that epithelial neoplasms at these sites should differ from each other. In humans
and other mammals, the neoplasms originating from urothelium of the urinary outflow tract generally include the same
rather narrow range of histological variants, regardless of
whether they are located in renal pelvis, ureter, bladder, or
urethra. This particular case may very well typify urothelial
cancers of the lower urinary tract in fish, but significantly more
specimens would be required before this can be considered as
The RTLA archive contains a single case of a transitional cell
papilloma from a brown bullhead catfish, which is theorized to
have arisen from the renal collecting duct epithelium. The neoplasm is composed of thick arborizing papillary projections lined
by tall columnar cells with indistinct cell borders, supported by a
fine fibrovascular stroma. The neoplastic cells have abundant
eosinophilic cytoplasm, basilar oval nuclei, finely stippled chromatin, and 1 to 2 distinct nucleoli. Frequently, these cells appear
to undergo maturation to form goblet cells and contain a large
clear apical vacuole (Fig. 14).
Review of fish renal lesions underscores the need to accurately
discriminate between infectious processes, hyperplasia, and
neoplasia. Tumors of the urinary tract of fish are uncommon,
and those reported in the literature, be they spontaneous or
experimental examples, are predominantly individual case
reports. Of the many neoplasms and variants described in the
kidneys of higher vertebrates, only a select few have been
reviewed in fish. This is likely due to the greater ease of seeing
disease in terrestrial species as well as the greater scrutiny that
domestic species have received. Considering the significant
superiority in numbers and variety of fish species, there is a
vast body of knowledge waiting to be discovered. The pathobiology of renal tumors of fishes has not been extensively studied. There are only few reports addressing the ultrastructure of
fish neoplasms and equally few cell culture studies.
With the exception of nephroblastomas in Japanese eels and
proximal tubular epithelial neoplasms in Oscars, there does not
appear to be specificity or predilection for any particular tumor
type. Nephroblastomas and kidney primary lymphomas dominate the field, although as each year passes, additional reports
of adenocarcinomas and adenomas appear in the literature,
augmenting the robustness of our understanding and increasing
the depth of our knowledge base. Publication of new findings is
critical to this endeavor.
We offer our sincere gratitude to Dr Jeff Wolf for his support in
accessing the RTLA archives; Dr Veronique LePage and her colleagues
at the Fish Pathology Laboratory, Department of Pathobiology, University of Guelph for allowing access to the materials from cases in syngnathids; Dr Wes Baumgartner for examples of disease in catfish and
Gulf killifish; Dr Tabitha Viner and Dr Timothy Walsh for access to the
Smithsonian Zoos pathology archives; and to the myriad dedicated fish
pathologists and clinicians who have donated their material to the
RTLA for the advancement of knowledge and science.
The author(s) received no financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.
Supplemental Material
Supplementary material for this article is available on the Veterinary
Pathology website at
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