Standard and Interchange
Standard and Interchange
Standard and Interchange
Assistant Professor
Mechanical Engineering
SRM University
ME2201-CAD in Manufacturing
UNIT-V-Computer Integrated
For easy identification of materials, further improvement of machine
elements, and easy replacement of worn-out parts and for quick and easy
weights and measures were standardized standardize evaluate by comparing with a standard
objective of standardization
To make the mass production of components easier.
Not just within a particular product but across the whole manufacturing activity
within a company
Biggest categories are: Separate fasteners; screws, nuts, bolts, washers, rivets,
First level the item is still a proprietary one and the actual direct cost of the item is
hardly affected but the assembly costs often are
Direct costs refer to materials, labor and expenses related to the production of a
At the second level, the item becomes a special
for which the increases in direct cost are
significant as well as the increased assembly cost
Increasing number of companies are now
identifying and minimizing the number of stock
items that they use; if a design calls for items not
approved , appropriate authority is ended for
these items.
Benefits of Standardization
Factors independent of assembly include;
Smaller stocks
Less administration of stock
Less storage for stock
Lower cost stock because of increased quantities of specific items
Interchangeable parts
Most people take interchangeable parts for granted. When a
car breaks down, for example, drivers know that they can
order parts and have them installed by a mechanic. These parts
are made in a centralized manufacturing facility and stored
until they are needed, and they fit in all cars of the same make,
model, and year. Often, manufacturers even standardize parts
across several models and years to make replacement parts
even easier to access.
Interchangeable parts
Prior to the late 1700s, such a thing would have been unthinkable.
Every manufactured item, from clocks to carriages, was made by
hand, with parts uniquely crafted for that particular item. If the item
broke, it needed to be brought to a skilled craftsman for repair, and
Interchangeable parts
In the late 1700s, several manufacturers of guns came up with the
scrambled the parts, and then put the guns back together. His
demonstration proved that interchangeable parts were a possibility,
and demonstrated their clear benefits: when a gun failed in the field,
Interchangeable parts
Interchangeable parts are parts that are, for practical
purposes, identical. They are made to specifications that
ensure that they are so nearly identical that they will fit into
any device of the same type. One such part can freely replace
Interchangeable parts
The concept of interchangeability was crucial to the introduction of the assembly line at the
beginning of the 20th century, and has become a ubiquitous element of modern
invention of new machine tools, jigs for guiding the machine tools, fixtures for holding the
work piece in the proper position, and blocks and gauges to check the accuracy of the finished
parts. Electrification allowed individual machine tools to be powered by electric motors,
eliminating line shaft drives from steam engines or water power and allowing higher speeds,
making modern large scale manufacturing possible. Modern machines tools often have
numerical control (NC) which evolved into CNC (computerized numeric control) when
microprocessors became available.
Interchangeable parts
Harder steels for cutting edges were developed which allowed steel
rather than iron to be used for parts, eliminating the problem of
warping and dimensional changes associated with heat treatment
hardening of iron parts after machining. Modern cutting edges use
materials such as tungsten carbide. Other innovations were drop
forging and stamped steel parts, which reduced or eliminated the
amount of machining.
The system for producing interchangeable parts is alternately called
The American system of manufacturing because it was first most
fully developed in the US, although contributions were made by
other nations who soon implemented it.
Interchangeable assembly
Interchangeable Manufacture
Compared with making to suit or selective assembly the advantages
of such a system, especially with respect to quality is enormous.
It is not even necessary to measure the parts. Limit gauges can be
used to ensure that the parts are within the size limits fixed by the
Skilled workers is not required, semi skilled operators can do the job.
Part can be assembled instead of fitted, i.e they will not need final
adjustments of a skilled worker in order to produce satisfactory
Interchangeable Manufacture
Assemblies so made can be serviced by a simple system of
replacement parts drawn from stock. This is convenient for the user
and is cheaper than reconditioning involving the manufacture of
new parts to special sizes.
Interchangeable manufacturing also means, parts can be made in
widely separated localities and then be brought together for
assembly, where the parts will fit together properly. This is an
Interchangeable Manufacture
Before a system of interchangeable assembly can be operated ,
certain fundamental conditions must be met
The permissible variation (tolerance) of each dimension must
be fixed.
The mating condition (clearance, transition, interference) of
each pair of parts assembled must be decided.
Interchangeable Manufacture
In the case of big assemblies, several units to manufacture
individual parts can be located in different parts of country
depending on availability of specialised labour, raw material,
power, water and other facilities.
Interchangeable Manufacture
When all parts to be assembled are made in the same manufacturing
unit, local standards may be followed (condition being known as
local interchangeability) but for reasons of obtaining spares from
any other sources it is again desirable that these local standards be
Interchangeable Manufacture
Interchangeability is possible only when certain standards are
strictly followed
Universal interchangeability (the parts drawn from any two
Interchangeable Manufacture
Ideally a method of production is required in which
The most economic methods of manufacturing the part can
be used.
All parts are completely interchangeable, i.e. if one bin
contains 1000 shafts and another 1000 holes, any pair of
parts selected at random will go together to make a satisfactory
All assemblies produced will be uniformly acceptable. There
will be some variation in the fits produced but the amount
of variation will have been predetermined by the designer
so that the assembly will function correctly throughout its
design life.
Full Interchangeability
It means that any component will mat with any other mating