What Is The Web Service Protocol Stack
What Is The Web Service Protocol Stack
What Is The Web Service Protocol Stack
The Web service protocol stack is an evolving set of protocols used to define, discover, and implement
Web services. The core protocol stack consists of four layers:
Service Transport: This layer is responsible for transporting messages between applications. Currently,
this includes HTTP, SMTP, FTP, and newer protocols, such as Blocks Extensible Exchange Protocol
XML Messaging: This layer is responsible for encoding messages in a common XML format so that
messages can be understood at either end. Currently, this includes XML-RPC and SOAP.
Service Description: This layer is responsible for describing the public interface to a specific Web
service. Currently, service description is handled via the WSDL.
Service Discovery: This layer is responsible for centralizing services into a common registry, and
providing easy publish/find functionality. Currently, service discovery is handled via the UDDI.
Beyond the essentials of XML-RPC, SOAP, WSDL, and UDDI, the Web service protocol stack includes
a whole zoo of newer, evolving protocols. These include WSFL (Web Services Flow Language), SOAP-
DSIG (SOAP Security Extensions: Digital Signature), and USML (UDDI Search Markup Language).
For an overview of these protocols, check out Pavel Kulchenko's article, Web Services Acronyms,
Demystified, on XML.com.
Fortunately, you do not need to understand the full protocol stack to get started with Web services.
Assuming you already know the basics of HTTP, it is best to start at the XML Messaging layer and
work your way up.
Service Description: used for describing the public interface to a specific web service. The
WSDL interface format is typically used for this purpose.
Attaching the WebMethod attribute to a Public method indicates that you want the method
exposed as part of the XML Web service. The WebMethod attribute tells .NET that a particular
public method should be exposed as a web-callable method. The WebMethod attribute has six
associated properties to document and change the behavior of your web method. They are:
The first two properties are used to document a web method, while the others affect its behavior.
What is a WSDL?
The Web Services Description Language (WSDL) currently represents the service description
layer within the Web service protocol stack.
In a nutshell, WSDL is an XML grammar for specifying a public interface for a Web service.
This public interface can include the following:
WSDL is used to describe how to access a webservice and what operation it can perform.WSDL
helps the client to determine what functions are available in the webservices.
What is SOAP?
To get a quick sense of SOAP, here is a sample SOAP request to a weather service (with the
HTTP Headers omitted):
XML-RPC is a protocol that uses XML messages to perform Remote Procedure Calls. Requests
are encoded in XML and sent via HTTP POST; XML responses are embedded in the body of the
HTTP response.
More succinctly, XML-RPC = HTTP + XML + Remote Procedure Calls.
Because XML-RPC is platform independent, diverse applications can communicate with one
another. For example, a Java client can speak XML-RPC to a Perl server.
To get a quick sense of XML-RPC, here is a sample XML-RPC request to a weather service
(with the HTTP Headers omitted):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
The request consists of a simple element, which specifies the method name (getWeather) and any
method parameters (zip code).
The Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) is a platform-independent protocol that uses XML
to make remote procedure calls.
Each request and response is packaged in a SOAP message containing the information that a
Web service requires to process the message.
SOAP supports an extensive set of types like the primitive types, DataSet, DateTime, XmlNode
and others. SOAP can also transmit arrays of these types and objects of user-defined types.
It is possible to process user-defined types (also known as custom types) in a Web service. These
types can be passed to or returned from Web methods. Web service clients also can use these
user-defined types, because the proxy class created for the client contains these type definitions.
Custom types that are sent to or from a Web service are serialized, enabling them to be passed in
XML format. This process is referred to as XML serialization.